Prompt: I want to ride on Vinyl's back. Green: >Be Anon >Be pretty fugged up >Some might say you were acting 'inappropriately' at this little shindig. >'Some' being specifically the parents of this kids birthday party who were trying their best to push you out of their house. >The nerve of these guys, you stop by uninvited and they have the gall to get mad when you pour yourself a few drinks. >If they didn't want anyone drinking then they shouldn't have left the booze out down in the basement and locked behind a cupboard. >Needless to say, they were being poor hosts, which you informed them of. "Yoouu guyz aree being reeeal jerkz..." >"Just get out! We don't want you here!" The lady horse says, pushing you to the door. >"Who are you?!" The penis one yells into your leg. >Typical >Not wanting to stay here any longer yourself, you make for the door when something catches your eye in the backyard. "Aww whaat? Youze got a bouncy castkle? Awesome." >Turning back around, you head to the opposite door, dragging the couple behind you as they try to stop your drunken advance. >"Oh my Celestia, Maple, he's almost to the children! Get the guards! >You feel the weight leave your legs and see the man pony brace himself against the door in front of you. >"You will NOT go out there! The guards will be here any second, you'd better leave!" "Youuu can't tell me what to do! You're not me real dad!" >"Wha-" >And with that, you grab a hold of the door and fling it open, sending the father with it smashing him into the wall. "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeers *urp* Uncle Aaanoon! Where's da birthday boy?" >A picnic table full of foals all turns to look at you, one of them answering back. >"I'm a girl!" >"Aww acourse ya are Billy!" You say, staggering over to the table. >Stopping half way, you notice there's music playing and start doing the monkey. "Aww yeah, thisz my jam!" >Looking where the music was coming from, you see a bored white unicorn looking through records. "Damn millennialsh, always lookin at their phones. Back in my day... Oh wait pony rides!" >Making your way over to the poky pony, she notices you as your shadow covers her. >She gives you an inquisitive look, which you don't answer. Instead throwing a leg over her back and grabbing a hold of her blue mane. >Being a little too tall, you have to squat down a bit, resting your weight on her back. >This makes her let out a very strained wheeze and start squirming to try and get away from you, to no avail. >Bending over, you whisper into the increasingly frantic pony's ear. "Hey baby, I'm Anon." >The mare goes rigid for a second before trying her best to buck you off of her. "Yee haw! Get a lawng little doggy!" You yell, smacking your ride on her flank a few times. >Your pony becomes more agitated, neighing fearfully and kicking out, knocking over a few speakers and chairs. >As you're taken near the main picnic table, the foals all scream and stampede out of the way before it's flipped over, sending cake and balloons everywhere. >Panting, the sweaty mare beneath you stumbles and falls over into the bouncy castle, ripping a hole in it with her horn and sending you into the air pump, smashing it. >The castle slowly deflates, covering you both in its rubbery confines. >Not long after, you are dragged out from beneath the castle and put into restraints, two guard ponies holding you up by the armpits. >"Thank you for calling us ma'am, we'll get this troublemaker out of your mane." >"No thank /you/, I'm just happy none of my babies got hurt." >You feel the ground move under you as you're dragged from the backyard and through the house, mostly out of it and a little woozy. >"Into the chariot Anon, the princess is gonna want a word with you." >Cracking your eyes open a little more, you try to focus as you are lifted and thrown into the backseat of what must be a pony version of a cruiser. >Doing your best not to vomit from the movement, you sit up, looking back at the house you came from. >Watching you was the horse family, the foals looking at you with fear, the mom smug, and the dad nursing a bloody nose. >As the chariot begins to leave, you take a last look at the music pony, covered in a blanket and staring right at you with a blush on her face. >Did she just mouth 'call me'?