=BiE 13= >You stir from your sleep. >Wait, something's off. >No Celestia making her sun blind your ass to start off they day? What's the occasion? >You throw back your curtains and look outside. >The sky is grey. >The wind is howling. >It's also raining. >Sideways. >"Oh." >So that's what's up. >Wait. >You still had to walk to work in this. >"Oh dicks." No. Don't wanna. >Fuck you brain, we've been in this fucking room for two days. It's time to get out. >You ignore your brain and roll off your bed. >Literally roll off. >You land on your face. >"Ow. Fuck." >Right, okay. >Those painkillers were a bit stronger then you thought. >You push yourself off the ground and manage to stand. >You hobble your way over to your door, you get the hang of walking again by the time you make it. >Hard part's over. >Step 1: Food. >Solution: Two rolls of bread and some water. >Fucks given: None. It was cheap and filling. >You spy both Rainbow and Anon still asleep on the couch. >Anon wasn't wearing his shirt. >You don't want to know. >You finish eating and make your way to the bathroom. >You throw your shirt off and start removing the bandages covering your back. >The scars from the Manticore were noticeable, but Zecora's burning potion thing made them blend well enough. >You turn on your shower and step in. >Should you tell Anon about Rainbow? It's been obvious to you since she started showing up to watch movies so often. >It would be nice to rip this band-aid of awkwardness off fast and just get on with it. >...No. Anon had to figure this out for himself. >Anon was the smartest guy you knew, but he could be pretty damned thick at times. >Even you had to point out how close he was getting to his last girlfriend. >Uhg. That fucking 200 pound secretary. >Stupid cunt. Fuck her. >As you shower, you take a moment to notice that you are covering yourself in water to go outside and get covered in water. >The irony would be delicious if you weren't going to hate it so much. >You feel a bit more lucid after your shower. >More aware. >That's good, Aloe and Lotus would probably get mad if you came into work stoned. >A quick peek outside shows you that this rain doesn't seem intent on letting up any time soon. >You decide to wear some normal clothes while you walk and change when you get to the spa. >You grab a work outfit from your dresser. >Matching stark white shirt and pants. Rarity had made them when you started working at the spa. >You personally thought they were too white when coupled with your pasty skin. >The only different color on your entire body when you wore them was your hair, you had even started to grow out your beard just to add a little fucking variety. >But getting these soaked wasn't an option so they went in your bag. You threw on some jeans and a shirt and made for the door. >Sweatshirt on to block at least some of the rain and bag over your shoulder, you opened the door. >Yep. Still raining sideways. >Shit. >You spot a fluttering grey figure in a yellow poncho by your mailbox. >"Hey Derpy." you call out over the wind. >She spots you and gets that big smile of hers. >"Hey Mous!" she says as she flies up to you. >It must be hard for her to fly in this weather. >That was why you were friends with Derpy, she never let stupid shit like a nor'easter stop her. >"Neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor hail, huh Derpy?" you say as you return her smile. >Her eyes get a bit more skewed, she puts her hoof to her chin. >"Huh? What's that?" she asks. >"Heh. Never mind Derpy, just something we say where I come from. You headed my way?" >You gesture towards town with your thumb and Derpy beams a smile and nods. >Dude. >Fuck. This. Rain. >It was coming down in sheets, the wind making those sheets hit you square in the face. >You could swear that you were a few steps away from being thrown into Oz. >Did Equestria have an Oz? Was it weirder then Equestria? >Your thoughts are interrupted as a fresh burst of rain nails you. >Even the company of your favorite mailmare can't overcome the hurdle of the blasting wind and rain. >You had to practically yell to get conversation across. >From what you could make out; Dinky was doing well in school. Or was going to Hell for the pool, you don't know it was hard to hear. >Probably the first one though. >Derpy flew off to finish her rounds as you two entered town, leaving the last few hundred yards a solo endeavor. >You eventually made it to the spa door and stumbled inside, your cloths were heavy and you were no doubt dripping. >You flipped back your hood to see Aloe behind the front desk, trying to stifle a laugh, it seems. >"Welcome back, Rough morning?" she asks. >"I will never be dry again. I could spend a year in the Appleoosian desert and still be damp." >"I'll bet. Lotus! Mous just walked in!" she calls back. >"On my way." you hear your co-boss say. >Lotus walks in through the door. >"Mous, welcome back. We're glad tha-" >She takes a look at your new part man-part water form. >"Are you sure that you're okay to work? You look like you didn't have a particularly relaxing leave." she says, you think you spot concern in her eyes. >"I have water in places I didn't know I had, but my wounds are all closed up. Just point me to somewhere I can get changed and dry." >Lotus gets a small smile. "You can use the steam room, we haven't had many customers today so it's empty." >Great. The day you bust your ass to come to work is the day nopony shows up. >"Thanks boss." you say as you make your way back. >Lotus bumps you as you walk past. >Ha. >She hated to be called boss. >You get to the steam room and grab one of the towels nearby. >You disrobe and start drying yourself off. >You'll throw our clothes in the dryer you use for towels, if it's a slow day then Aloe and Lotus won't mind. >Good thing your boxers didn't get damp. >It makes sense that business is light today, nopony wanted to be outside in this weather. >Anon and Rainbow had the right idea, be off work, sleep late, stay indoors and watch movies. >Perfect recipe for a lazy Saturday. >Kinda like the day you first showed up here. >You pull your pants on and grab your shirt, satisfied that you were dry enou- >You collapse as a liquid magma hot pain runs along your scars. >"GAH! FUCK!" >Fucking hell. It felt like the Manticore was dragging it's claws up your back again. >Slowly. >While on fire. >You get yourself into a seated position and try to relax. >Too much relaxation, you accidentally lean back on the coal pit in the center of the room. >"Dammit!" you gasp out as you slam your fist into the coal pit. >"You must have made a lot of noise because Lotus comes galloping into the room. >"Mous! What's wrong? Is it your back?" she ask as she bursts in. >You half double over and put your head in your hand as you grimace. >"It's nothing..." you say through clenched teeth. >She wasn't having any of that it seems. "It is not nothing! You're in pain!" >"Nothing real, just phantom pains. Probably been having them *gak*" >Dammit. Not now. >"...since I got hurt, painkillers must have made me not notice them." >"And you're off the painkillers?" Lotus asked. >"Was taking a few at a time. Can't come to work stoned." you say through gasped breath. >The pain was starting to fade a bit. >"Mous...you can't work like this." she says, actual concern in her voice. >Talking to Lotus was always like a game, you had to distract her to actually get the real her out. >"I can't sit at home for another day either, I'll go mental." >You sigh. The pain seemed to have passed, all the was left was a sort of throbbing feeling. >You could handle that. >"There. See?" you ask as you rise. "Good as new." >You throw on your shirt, as proof. It hurts, but nothing major. >"Mous, you can't work if this is going to happen again. It's not safe." she says as she looks up at you. >You mull it over. >Nopony wanted a masseur who was in pain. >Your boss didn't want you to work if you were in pain. >But you wanted to work. >The solution was simple: Don't be in pain. >"Then it won't happen again." you say as you head for the door. >"Are you sure?" you hear Lotus call out behind you. >"Positive." you say. >"I'll be in my room." >Okay. >You could do this.