>The blue sky glinted with a million stars as the participants of the year’s most agitated Nightmare Night made their way out of the castle
>Without the adrenaline on their bloodstream, the effects of the previous battle started to take place and many of the anons were grumbling and groaning as they made their way out of the castle, bodies aching and hurting but with big smiles on their faces

“Morning is going to suck…”
“I hope I can get home…”
“Fuck it, I’m not doing anything other than falling asleep.”

>The ponies were also smiling, helping the battered humans walk outside as best as they could
>Justice sighed as the night breeze gave him a slight relief, leaning against Sun and Pinkie as the three of them stumbled outside as well
>Out of habit, the human looked up, a final thought drifting into his tired mind
“Hey, guys, something else occurred me.”
“Yes, you and Tower are still getting egged tomorrow.”
“God damn it. But no, really. Say….When we got here, we were just dreams, weren’t we? We still are, in a way, right?”
>”That is correct,” Luna said “ dreams kept alive by those that keep us in their hearts far away. Such Is the nature of our world.”
“I was just wondering. There’s something else that I felt tonight, aside the whole nightmare stuff. Did any of you guys feel it too? Like my heart got….Fuller, I guess. You know what I mean?”
>The humans stopped to think for a moment
“I thought I just got up on the right side of bed, really” Lovers shrugged
“I did feel a little more energized today” Strength said
“Yeah, I think I know what you mean. What do you think that is?”

“I dunno, it’s just an idea, but if this is the night when we got here, and so many things got connected again already….I wonder if our dreamers are out there now, too? I mean today in particular, maybe they’re paying more attention than usual and our hearts are connected?”
“You’re getting a little too deep for me, man.”
“I think I get what you mean, maybe it is. Would they even know though?”
“Is that a thing? I thought we became our own selves after everything.”
>”It is not exactly like so. You may have cast away your previous identities, but by their very nature, dream and dreamer are always connected. Sometimes our dreams are shared by many, but the heart that originated one will always recognize their dream as something precious to them. They cast a light unique to each other, in a way” Luna looked up towards the night sky, the stars reflecting in her eyes as she shuffled her wings. “Nightmare Night is truly a most mystical night. It is not far fetched at all to believe that we had more company than we could see during the night’s events. The power of the Wild Card was almost as intense today as it was when Anonymous yielded its power.”
“I wonder what exactly happened to them during all this time.”
“Yeah, it’s been a while and they haven’t forgotten us….”
“Course not man. Our bonds are forever!”
>For a moment there is silence as the humans and ponies gaze up towards the starry sky
>Then Justice shuffled himself into an upright position and stretches out with a groan
“You know what? We all made wishes for ourselves, but if this is the night they are watching us…I wanna say something. Maybe they’ll listen.”
>”I’m sure they will,” Luna smiles knowingly. “Well, go ahead. It’s a better time than most. Just don’t take long, please. It is quite late.”

“Nah, it’ll be quick” Justice looks around to all the other humans and grins. “Alright, guys, one more?”
“You’re such a drama queen, man”
“Sure, I’m up for it.”
“Well, now that you said it I can’t just say no”
“Maybe world domination can happen in the other world!”
>All the humans gaze back towards the sky, and with a smile they start speaking one after the other in a chaotic speech
“Thanks for the help, you all!”
“It’s been a long time, and we are all doing our best”
“So you better be trucking on like we are!”
“Keep on dreaming, because if you didn’t, we wouldn’t be here!”
“And you damn well better dream well! Because we’re proof it can all become reality!”
“I was the dream that became reality! It was me! So keep it up, every reality needs someone like me!”
“It can’t all be easy, we know that. We almost screwed up a lot all this time.”
“But we stuck together, and we all made it become reality with our friends. So you should try to do the same!”
“Even if the world you’re in and we come from isn’t ideal or if there is no magic, there is no way the power of heart is worth any less!”
“So stick together and help out each other just like we did. Because just like us you’re also someone’s dreams.”
“And as we proved, all our dreams can change the universe!”
“We’re as true as you. And even if we are apart….We are you,”
“And you are us!”
“You won’t forget us and we’ll never forget you. So you guys better keep watching us whenever you can.”
“And one day…”
>The twenty two arcanons, plus ponies raise their arms, hooves, wings and horns towards the sky with a slew of triumphant grins.
“We’ll all turn our wishes into reality!”

And just like last time....