Interlude 4 “Will you two make this quick, please? I’ve got important news.” >“Is it urgent?” “No, but this is a development that could change everything.” >“Then allow me to catch up with my old friend, first.” >“It’s a pleasure to finally see you again, ma’am.” >“And you as well. You’ve grown since I saw you last.” >“Time tends to have that effect.” >“Goodness, the last time we met was during the war. It’s a relief to know that someone like you has been in good health for this long.” >“You’re not going to start calling in unscrupulous favors from me again, are you? I’m content to remain your contact among my kind, though I’m much too old for such physical politics.” “You’ve got nothing to worry about, you big softie. You were right for this one job. Me? I’ve got ‘Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap’ at the top of my iPod’s playlist and I plan to be around for a looong time yet.” >“What is an ‘eye pod?’” >“That’s exactly the sort of question that got this endeavor started, old friend. You’ll understand soon enough.” >“What I already understand is that you remembered one of the teeth I haven’t lost yet is my sweet tooth.” >“It must run in the family. Your grandson has good taste in candies.” >“I’ll say. Pfft, sugar-coated chocolate! I can see why you’ve taken an interest in this species.” >“Oh, stop it. You know I’m not nearly that shallow.” >“And dare I plumb the depths of what you truly intend?” >“I think I’ll see how well these candies go with frosting and let it develop from there.” >“Oh, you’ve lost none of your humor. Speaking of whom, how’s the pupil?” >“Taking her final exam as we speak. Her results so far are… disappointing.” >“I’m sorry to hear that.” >“She still has a chance to turn it around. I’m just hoping she takes it before more adjustments need to be made to her hosts’ behavior.” >“Is ‘that part of the job’ bothering you again?” >“It’s always a fine balance between doing what I think is best and doing what I must. I’ll never be able to do it without guilt, but it’s an essential service.” >“I ought to get back to the repairs; they need my help lifting a circuit board. I just hope we find what’s causing all the trouble this time.” >“Come see me again when you have a moment.” “Now may I tell you what I’ve found?” >“Speak.” “I’d prefer interpretive dance, but you’re not letting me choose. There’s someone who knows the humans’ world better than I do. She’s closer than you might think.” >“Give me a name.” “It’s the baker.” >“You’re certain?” “I’ve only had a few months to observe her, but I am beyond doubt. She’s got the gift.” >“What do you know about her?” “From what I’ve seen, she’s had more time to gather information about the current condition of the humans’ world than me. She seems to have a more intimate knowledge of a certain subject, as well.” >“She’s going to be indispensable if you’re right. I only wish we’d known this sooner. I can arrange a cover story to bring her here within the week.” “Excellent. Now, if you don’t mind me asking…where did you know that other guy from?” >“He helped me make an omelet, once.” “I see. You know, I’m pretty good with eggs, myself.” >“I’ve seen you cook. They always turn out scrambled.” “Well, you’re going to need my help if you want to make anything other than sunny-side-up.” >“That part of the bargain is non-negotiable. We’re closing on a point of no return.”