>Be mare >It's a late summer Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn >A couple weeks after the massacre at the market >Everypony is still a little on edge about it >Especially the black colt you live with who just announced for at least the tenth time this week: >"Blaze is dead. So is his mommy" >This is true, they were among those shot at the market >You had no love for them to begin with, but you still think what happened to them was awful >Blaze struck you as kind of a bully the few times you saw him at play group >And you suspected he wasn't a particularly good influence on the colt >But nopony deserves to be gunned down in the street >And the colt is pretty young to deal with somepony he knew dying >You didn't know anypony who died when you were his age >Nopony you knew died until... Master >That was your first experience with death, and it was your husband >But you have no time to sit around feeling sorry for yourself, as the colt is waiting for your reply "It's terrible and scary what happened," you reply, not for the first time. "You know what to do when you see a man with a gun?" >"Run away" "Unless?" >"Um... unless it's a polce officer, rght?" "Right. Then you...?" >"Do whatever he tells you to" "Yeah. But best not to attract the attention of the police in the first place. They're supposed to be the good guys, but..." >"Good ones found mommy when the bad men took her away" "Right, but you can't assume they're all good ones like that" >The colt is quiet for a few moments, then asks, "Did Blaze and his mommy get killed because they were ignorant?" >This is a new one for him >Interesting, too >In a way ignorance is what killed them, just not their own >Is that something you should try to explain to the colt? "No. They were killed because the shooter was full of hatred for ponies. And that came from his own ignorance" >"The shooter was ignorant?" "Of course. There are some people out there who hate us because they're afraid our being here is going to change their culture" >You realize that's probably right - ponies will have an effect on culture, are already having an effect >You've already seen it happening in Ponytown >What do you say next? "And while us being here will have an effect on things ignorant people believe that effect will be bad" >"That's why," Roseluck says entering the room, "You have to be your best self all the time" >Rose to the rescue - you weren't sure where to go next >"Whenever you're dealing with people," she continues, "you're not just representing yourself. Like it or not you're representing all of ponykind" >The colt nods sheepishly >"The way to combat ignorance is by showing people that ponies are good," she adds >"I'm good," the colt replies >"Yes you are," she answers, "but you have to be your best to show the world ponies are a force for good. You have to be better than they are" >That seems like a lot of pressure to put on a colt >Then again it makes a kind of sense >There are people who hate you just for being here >They think ponies are lazy, godless and stupid >And for the most part only one of those is true >There was a pony god of sorts >But she was killed in an accident caused by people >As the story goes - there are no hard facts on the matter from reliable sources, mostly speculation and conspiracy theories >But it strikes you as too much of a coincidence that ponies were forced to come here to be enslaved as a result of an accident >That was an accident? >Given what you've learned of people over the course of your life you have a tough time believing it >But you're smart enough to know you're not supposed to talk about it >Both people and ponies get upset at the suggestion the accident might not have really been an accident >"Can I play on my phone now?," the colt asks >"Sure," Roseluck replies >You can't believe she bought him a smartphone, but evidently all the colts and fillies have them now >And spend a ridiculous amount of time staring at them >You've had a few practically waly right into you on the sidewalk because they were looking at a screen instead of where they were going >As the colt leaves the room you remember something you've been meaning to ask Rose for a while now "So not to pry, but Forty Seven said it was obvious you want to have another foal. Are you really thinking about it?" >"You're not prying. I have been thinking about it - seriously. You know it's pretty much now or never" "What do you mean?" >"That's very kind of you. But the truth is the truth. I'm coming to the end of my foalbearing years" >What? >She's not THAT old, is she? >"You look surprised" "I just never thought of you as being that much older than me" >"I was about your age, maybe just a little older when I left Equestria. You weren't born yet. Do the math" >Shit, she's right >It never occured to you because she's still so pretty >But she is coming toward the end of her foalbearing years! >Wow "Kind of a shame Crystal can't help you with that" >"Of course she can" >How? >She sees the confusion on your face >"We can get the um... seeds... from a donor and she can impregnate me with them. A turkey baster works fine for that" >Ew >That sounds so... unnatural "Wouldn't it be more fun to just... you know, the natural way?" >"I don't know how that would play out in terms of our relationship. I don't want her to be resentful over this" "But she's on board with you having another foal?" >"I think she's neither here nor there with it. She hooked up with a single mother, so whether it's one or two foals it doesn't really make a difference" "Would you two move in together? And raise it together?" >"We've talked about it. We can certainly afford to, and I think our relationship is probably at that point" "Wow! Then I'm really happy for the two of you, though I'll miss you" >"We're not leaving Ponytown. This is home now" "Good. Anypony in mind for the donor?" >"I was thinking of asking Forty Two, unless you think that'd be weird" "I don't think that's a good idea" >"Why not?" >Seriously?! >She really hasn't thought this part through even though she's gotten as far as turkey basters?! >Ew >It's gonna take a while to get that vision out of your head >It's just so fucking wrong >Just like 42 being the donor "I'm not 100% sure how this works, but I'm pretty sure that would be him compromising his asset, and he's not supposed to do that" >"But it's OK if Forty Seven does it?" "Forty Seven hasn't done it" >Rose looks surprised >"I'm sorry. I um... just kind of assumed... sorry" "I'm sorry, too. Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind - like several times a week. But I'm pretty sure it would be unfair to him in the long run" >Rose taks a few moments obviously giving the matter some thought "Maybe even cruel. Which is the only reason I haven't" >"I hadn't thought of that" >Of course you haven't >But you just realized something "You're Forty Two's asset, so he's out. But you're not Forty Seven's" >"Do you think he'd be interested? He is strong and smart" "And pretty good looking" >"That never hurts" "I don't know exactly haow that would work. He probably does. The question is whether he's into being the donor when your plan is to take all the fun out of it" >"For him" "Yeah. Think like a stallion for a second. 'I want you to get me pregnant but you don't get to fuck me.' Doesn't sound like a great deal" >"When you put it that way..." "Still, you'll never know if you don't ask" >"Now you're making me feel bad for the guy" "Well you could just fuck him. Unless that's a non-starter with Crystal?" >"I don't actually know. We've been exclusive for a while now I think, but we've never really had that talk" "Maybe it's time" >"I don't know. I've never been with a mare before, I'm happy and I don't want to fuck things up" "You'll never know if you don't ask" >Rose nods >"So you've just been going without all this time? That doesn't seem like you at all" "I had one little secret fling. But yeah it's not like me at all to be without for this long" >"Was it the producer? I thought there was something going on between you two" "Yeah, but keep quiet about it. Don't being it up on the show. He's married now" >"Right, yeah. I know how showmances can be" "I'm sure half the viewership has you and Crystal figured out by now" >"Still not going to confirm or deny yet. So with the producer - that was a while ago. You've been a monk ever since?" "Unfortunately. Thankfully I've been busy enough that it hasn't driven me crazy. Well, last heat was a bitch" >"I just assumed your little soldier boy was takng are of you" "Would have been nice. But maybe that will change tonight. Got my first date" >"Really? When were you going to tell me about it?" "It's just going out for drinks. It could be really awkward. I've never done this before" >"I get that. But it's actually easier than you think. You're in control of whatever happens or doesn't" "That's what I'm not used to. Part of me is afraid I might just fuck him in the bathroom and never call him back" >"THAT sounds like you," she replies with a little giggle "That's certainly the mare I was not all that long ago. I don't know if that's the mare I want to be now" >"That's for you to decide. Nopony is going to blame you for being a bit of a whorse - look how you were raised" "I know, but they will look down on me for it. It even feels like you do a little sometimes" >"I try not to look down on anypony. All of us have been through plenty. Even the judgy-est of the free ponies still haven't had it easy" "Some of them are really judgy" >"Well they have it better than everypony else except the most pampered bedmares" "Which both of us have been" >"Yeah. So they need somepony to look down on" "Failing to realize it's not a choice any of us made" >"I know, right? You do end up brainwashed into assuming it's normal because it's just how your life is" "I'm still trying to figure out what's normal by their standards" >"Well they have a point about abolition. Being some man's sex pet is not normal. And the fact that those are the mares who tend to have it the best is..." "Not a good thing. Still wrapping my mind around that. You know part of me would much rather just have a good master than go out dating" >"I can see how it's intimidating. But you couldn't go back, could you?" "No. I've been corrupted. I'm a free mare now. That doesn't mean I have to like everything about it, though" >Rose laughs >"You say corrupted. More like uncorrupted" "It still feels wrong sometimes. Like I'm supposed to feel like sex is a big deal, and I don't. But not being a good girl - making my own decisions..." >"That feels wrong to you?" "Sometimes, yeah" >"I guess life is simpler when you have someone telling you what to do and you just do it, but life isn't better like that" "That was a tough one for me, but yeah. I can see that's right" >"So you're finally an abolitionist?" "I don't have much choice, do I? I start talking about my life and like it or not I'm making a case for abolition" >"Which is why you're so good on the show" "You, too. I hope it doesn't get us killed" >"Shhh. Don't talk like that. You know how much work it takes for me to avoid thinking like that?" "Yeah, a colt and a flower shop in addition to the show" >"I'm afraid if I slowed down I'd worry myself sick" >That explains a lot actually "So you want to have another foal anyways?" >"I know it sounds crazy, but I really feel like I need to do it, before I can't anymore" >Shit, now she's got you thinking about being a mommy >You could - you know your stuff works having been pregnant once before >But seeing how much work a foal is makes you realize you don't want to be a single mother >Just being Auntie has been a lot >And that's like one-tenth of what Rose does for him >You could blow off the date tonight and let Forty Two take you for a ride, maybe even put a foal in you >unf >But that's being lazy, and maybe taking advantage of him? >You're sure he wouldn't mind being taken advanatge of that way >But it still doesn't seem right, even if you can't figure out exactly why >Maybe because he's private property and you're free? >That's definitely got something to do with it >"So let's celebrate your first date with a glass of wine. And dish a little. Who is he?" >You have a pic on your phone's dating app >You follow her to the kitchen and bring the pic up while she opens the bottle >She looks over approvingly >"A unicorn. No surprise" "Almost all of them are. But the app's algorithm says we're highly compatible" >"That's AI stuff, right?" "As far as I know. Scary to think it might know me better than I knw myself" >"Just another thing to add to the ever growing list of scary things. He's cute though" "Yeah. I thought he looked pretty yummy" >"I can see why the thought of fucking him in the bathroom entered your mind" "I've never been with a unicorn before, so it's extra exciting" >"And the fact that he looks like THAT doesn't hurt, either. What do you know about him?" "That's what the date is for, right? All I have now is his pic, his name and our compatibility score" >She offers you a glass of wine and you put your phone down on the counter so you can accept it >"Well here's to a new chapter in your life!" "Don't make such a big deal about it" >"It is kind of a big deal, though. Your first date!" "Yeah, and it doesn't happen until after I'm a widow" >"Better late than never. In Equestria a mare your age having her first date would have been a bit of a late bloomer, but not really abnormal" "She wouldn't have grown up in a brothel though" >"No. There were no filly sex workers in the Equestria I knew. Princess Celestia would not have allowed anything like that to happen" >That's the one topic Rose can bring up that makes you a little jealous, though you try not to be >Equestria >Literally the magical place where ponies come from >Roseluck LIVED there >You will never see it >It's nothing but cold darkness now >Part of you feels like you've been cheated out of something >Something very special that you'll never get to see >Something important that you lost without ever knowing it in the first place "I wish I could have seen it" >"I wish I could take you there and show you the way it was. That's gone now" >You can see she's almost on the edge of tears "Ponies still have each other" >"Damn right!," she replies as a single tear rolls down her face, "and we've got to do what we can to make things better for all of us" >Even if it gets you shot >What does it matter? >You could just get shot anyways >The world is a dangerous place >But right now you're a lot more anxious about your first date than the possibility of getting shot >You feel horrible for thinking it, but you almost think getting shot would be easier than dating >You take another sip of wine >Maybe that will relax you a little >Be VP >Your wife Cynthia is back from the Hamptons >Thankfully she left her idiot stallion there, probably banging some executive's daughter by now >More likely some punter staying in somebody's pool house >You two started off the evening well at home with a nice dinner and some wine >But the evening just hit that tipping point where she's had a little too much to drink too early >And she's turning mean on you >This happens a couple times a year, so you're used to it >In the morning she'll apologize and everything will be fine >Now you just have to keep quiet and let her wear herself out >"You're not kidding anyone with this 'I care about ponies' shit!," she says "We got you one when you wanted one" >"Right, then you got one, too" "Fair is fair" >"Was it fair to convince her it was a romance while you took your frustration out on them with a pony death match show?" "Business and personal decisions are two different things. It was romantic, sorry..." >"No they aren't. You're a narcissist. It all comes from the same source. Always walking that tightrope so it can always be all about you" >This is going to be fun >Not >Shit, she expects a response to that >You hate it when she's like this, but it's not that often so you indulge her "They are two different things. I saw the way the wind was blowing and made Blinders as well" >"Only after your reality show concept FAILED and your Hippodrome star DIED! It's still always all about you!" >Shit, she's mean tonight >That's what too much time in the Hamptons will do to you along with too much wine >You want to say you were giving a voice to the voiceless, but she'll see right through that >Truth is that it is always all about you - you have a career to further after all >And an ecosystem of people and ponies who make a living based on your success >So you're doing right by them, too >You really do feel that responsibility "Is this about me still having feelings for Roseluck?" >"I don't give a fuck about Roseluck or the new one, for that matter" "Cloudburst" >"Pissburst would be a better name for her. Do you know how much you smell like pony piss these days?" "Still?" >"Not as much as when you first got her, but...," she sniffs the air in front of you, "Not so bad today" >You don't like her talking about Cloudy like that, but she is your wife so she does get priority >And this is kinda your fault for buying three bottles of wine for your end of summer renunion >You should have known better >"And another thing...," she begins >It's never good when a belligerent drunk starts a sentence off that way >"I think you're just doing this to impress your niece, which is kind of creepy, if you ask me" >You didn't ask her >And you don't like the implication >You do what you do for you >And your wife benefits, but that was part of what you agreed to so many years ago >You two still do feel tender towards each other >She might even give you a blowjob tomorrow morning for putting you through this >The problem is it won't be as good as the blowjobs Cloudy gives you on a daily basis >And you weren't the one who undermined your relationship a little by making small horse creatures part of it >The thought makes you feel a little dirty in a 1970's or 80's swinger kind of way >But you own your own ponies, so it's not nearly so dirty "Oh yeah, I made a successful TV show just to impress my niece. She was just part of my research into a demographic I wasn't aware of. There's nothing weird there" >"There's always something weird with you" "Gimmie a break - I'm a creative" >"You're a narcissist, you count on that break always coming" >It took you a second to hear 'coming' instead of 'cumming' >But you can usually count on both >Convince enough people you're a genius and guess what? >You're a genius >So you always get a break >Because YOU make it happen! >You pull shit out of thin air and turn it into something >Who gets to do that?! >You do! >And there's nothing weird with your niece >She's just like the daughter you never had >And thank god you never had a daughter >Definitely dodged a bullet there >How could you have walked that line between being over strict and over indulgent? >You couldn't - you'd have gone with the latter and turned her into a total bitch >Maybe a bitch who cured cancer, but still a bitch >The fear of that was a thing - it didn't fit into your plans >Not while your career was taking off >It would have been too much of a distraction >A cute little girl of your own? >That's the one thing you have no defenses against >You can handle almost everything in the world except that, you're pretty sure >Fuck! >Is that why you never had kids? >Too busy and too scared of having a daughter you'd turn into a bitch? >Maybe >God, you hate it when your wife turns into a drunk bitch >Maybe that was part of it, too "I count on the next great idea. How can you hold that against me?" >"All lives matter" "We own a couple of those lives" >"That's different. We're good owners" "If I put you saying that on TV what do you think the reaction would be? Honestly" >"Shit" "Right. It's what everyone who jerks off to ponies but has to shop at Walmart wants to believe, but..." >"You're an asshole. A narcissistic asshole" "No, I just..." >You want to say you know a lot more about this than she does >But that will just provoke her >You don't need anymore of that "I wan't to make things nice for us. Can we please go to bed now?" >"I don't know if I feel like sleeping with you" "Bed is super comfortable" >She sighs >"You promise this isn't just some weird thing between you and your niece?" "What? My fucking career? You know me better than that. It's definitely time for bed" >"Yeah" >Be Cloudburst >The mares just started taping the show, so you're catching up with Vidal in the empty make up room >Which pretty much means gossiping, which you've come to enjoy quite a bit "So Roseluck and Crystal are a couple, but they're trying to keep it on the down low?" >"Trying and failing, if you ask me," the pink pegasus responds "But she wants another foal anyways?" >"Yeah. Tick tick tick..." "What's that mean?" >"Her biological clock running out. A mare isn't like a stallion, her foalbearing years are more limited" "That's because we're a lot more invested in the process" >"True. All you need from a stallion is a fill up, then everything else is on you" "Even after it's born the mare is the feedbag for a while" >"Biology is cruel to your sex" "It's pretty savage, but it's not like we have any say in the matter" >"Some of us do. I'm certainly not going to be anypony's daddy" "I don't expect daddy, er... master will breed me. He didn't even bother to breed himself" >"Thankfully breeding is not for everypony" "I don't even know how to feel about that" >"It would be weird for him to breed you with the whole pony daughter incest thing you two have going on" "Is that weird?" >He sighs >"Reality check, honey. I'm from Equestria. NONE of this is normal. We just make the best of our situations" "Neither of us are doing that badly I think" >"We're both lucky, so it's our duty to enjoy it as much as possible" "You seem like you're managing to do that" >"Yeah, but it's such hard work," he says sarcastically. "The BF had another party last night. Woe is me" "You poor thing" >"I got a good workout - it felt like I was shooting dust by the end of the night" "I can't imagine what that's like" >Really, you can't >Sometimes it feels like daddy rides you pretty hard sexually, but not all that often >Mostly you just make him happy and it's done >One cunnie, rarely two and that part of the day is over, then it's cuddles and pets unitl he leaves >Vidal's world is another story >Parties where men bring their stallions and trade them for hours? >That's pony's stamina has got to be incredible! >But imagine the smell >You notice the smell when daddy decides to take you by the tailhole >You can't imagine what a room full of men and stallions doing that for hours would smell like >Also it just dawned on you what he meant by "shooting dust" >That's funny >"You took a little longer than usual today. Everything OK?" "Yeah, just had a nasty scab that took a good ten minutes to cover up" >"I saw an ear giving you trouble" "It looked like she got bit" >Vidal tut-tuts "What?" >"That's probably a sex injury" "What?" >"You're so naive sometimes it's adorable. Often a stallion will bite his partner's ear during the act. Kind of instinctive" "And break the skin?!" >"Only if he's a brute. Which means..." "She's seeing a brute? She did seem more quiet than usual today. Maybe she was embarrassed" >"She may need to talk about it sooner or later, so try to keep things open with her" "Should I say anything to try to encourage her to talk?" >"Oh no, don't do that. She sat there while you worked on her ear. She assumes you know. If she wants to talk about it she will" "Yet another obvious thing I failed to pick up on" >"Not your fault. You were raised in a bubble and groomed for men, not stallions" "Wasn't she as well?" >"Yeah. But she had some experience with Bronc. And he kind of hinted that she liked things a little on the rough side" "That's hardly a surprise" >"Yeah, but she could easily be out of her depth dealing with that as a free pony. I have my doubts about whether she's cut out for that" "I usually forget that she is. It's always kind of jarring when she brings it up on the show" >You've never gone there with Vidal, but now seems as good a time as any to ask "You were free in Equestria, right?" >"Of course" "Do you ever feel the desire to...?" >"Freedom here and freedom there are two very different things. Here I'm actually doing much better in terms of wealth and social status" "Is that what matters?" >"Anypony who tells you they don't matter is not doing so well in that regard" >Interesting to consider >"Say the Accident had never happened and you'd been born in Equestria. What would your life have been?" >You've never thought about that >"Probably another nopony working in a salon somewhere. Or maybe a weatherpony, a beautiful one, but still a weatherpony. But here..." >He pauses like he's waiting for you to answer "I'm an executive bedmare with my own Manhattan apartment, riding around in black cars, eating out at fancy restaurants, drinking expensive wine and..." >"And you still have a high profile situation to put your special talent to use. We're the lucky ones" "I try to always be aware of that and not just take it for granted" >"Me too. But I know everypony doesn't have it so good. I understand why ponies like Sunrise do what they do" "Do you ever feel threatened by her being on the show" >"She is a threat. If ponies like her had their way our lives would be directly effected, at least our status would" "Yet you style her mane like it's nothing" >"At the moment it's mostly talk. Talk doesn't scare me. Being a free pony would scare me right now after what happened" "You think something like that could happen again?" >"Let's just say I'm really relieved I'm not free and living in Ponytown" >That's funny, actually, because it really couldn't happen "You are a pegasus, after all, so that would be a very unlikely situation" >Which is true >Free pegasi really aren't a thing >"That's definitely part of our luck right there," he says rustling his pink wings >He's got a point >You feel your wings rustle in response "Yeah. If the biggest complaint you have is shooting dust at the end of the night..." >Shooting dust is a funny thing to say >"Kind of a quality problem. What would your biggest complaint be? I know you're not supposed to think like that, but..." >You've never thought like that >If you HAD to complain about anything - if it were even allowed! >What would it be? >And would you share it with somepony else? >Wouldn't that be like a betrayal to daddy? >Then again he did set you up with this job, and this place is sort of like it's own little sanctuary >And Vidal has impressed upon you many times the importance of discretion beyond the confines of these walls >So telling him here is almost the same as not telling anypony "Well, I don't like it so much when daddy, um... master gets, um... a little rough when..." >Are you really going to say this to him?! "Taking me up the," you whisper, "...tailhole" >He laughs >"Sorry. I didn't mean to laugh," he says still trying to stifle his laughter. "I'm just not one to throw any stones in that regard. I guess it's different for a mare" "Don't get me wrong! I LOVE that I give him pleasure and make him happy. It's just..." >"You'd prefer it another way. I got you. As long as you have the equipment why not have it put to use?" "Oh he does! He's even generous about it, if you know what I mean" >"Well who wouldn't be generous to a sweet little thing like you?" >Now he's really got you blushing even though you know he has no interest in you that way >That's actually the only reason you feel comfortable talking about stuff like this with him >You can't lie, though >All this talk about sex does make you horny, even if you're talking to a gay stallion >It doesn't matter - it still puts your mind on sex and you end up horny >Hopefully today is one of those days daddy can break away for a little lunchtime fun >He usually can when you ask him >He is the boss, after all >Who is going to tell him he can't? >"You OK?," the stallion asks "Yeah, it's just that all this talk about sex..." >He smiles >"I remember being your age," he says gently. "You can't imagine some of the shit I did back home" >You can't >But you're pretty sure a young, handsome, pink stallion on the make could easily find his share of takers there >Even with the skewed male to female ratio >Any stallion who leaned that way even a little bit would be bound to notice a pony like Vidal >You wonder if he was always a top, even back then >But right now your own needs are more pressing than idle speculation "We're done for the day, right?" >"You're done. I've got to touch up Ada Maria for the Ponytime shoot after this" "I can't believe she shoots two shows in one day" "That mare is a pro" >You grab your smartphone and text daddy: "Lunch date?" with a wings spread emoji >He knows exactly what that means >And unless something is on fire he'll be up for it >Be VP >A chime from your personal phone indicates an incoming text >Doesn't take a genius to figure out who it could be from >Since you made half the week Bring Your Pegasus to Work Day you've been getting a lot of lunchtime sex >Sure enough it's a text from her with a suggestive emoji >Just seeing the way she uses them in her texts reminds you of the age gap between the two of you >In pony years she's probably no older than your niece >A little younger actually, which is part of why she disapproves >That and her being an abolitionist to start with >She does like Cloudy though, but thinks the mare has been brainwashed >It's true she was born here and sent to finishing school, which makes her much easier to deal with than your lastt one >But you don't consider it brainwashing >She was simply trained for the position she was destined to find herself in >And as long as you hold up your part of the deal by keeping the paramaters of that position very clear she'll be happy >That and make sure she has something to keep her from going out of her mind alone all day drinking in front of the television >Which is why you started Bring Your Pegasus to Work Day in the first place >You text her to come up to your office >You buzz your secretary "Taking lunch now, I'll be back at 1:30. Need the car" >"Done. I'll hold your calls," the female voice on the other end of the speaker replies. "Remember you have a meeting at..." "Two thirty," you interrupt. "Got it, thanks" >A couple minutes later your little grey pegasus appears, greeting you with a nicker "Not in the office," you chide, "And lower that tail!" She complies, and you realize you've been a little harsh so you smile and add: "...for now" >She brightens a little at that and smiles back at you >Not like it isn't obvious what's going on here - it's obvious to everyone in the building >But it would be a mistake to seem like you're being a show off about it >Showing off your expensive pet the way some guys show off their sports cars >Walking out of the office everyone who sees you will know you're going to be fucking her over lunch >But you still can't be totally brazen about it >Can't have her walking beside you with her tail up like that - not at work! >And she knows better - she must be really horny >That suits you just fine "How was work?" >"Great, master!" >At least she's managed not to call you daddy at work so far >You would never live that down >"I love working with Vidal," she continues "He's a good guy. So should we get something delivered to your place?" >The tail starts to rise, then she catches herself >"I'd love that" >You pet her mane and she pushes into you just a little "Just keep cool until we get to the car" >She nods at you and you see the pupils of her earnest pony eyes are even larger than usual >Good thing she has no idea the power she could wield over you with that look! >That's why you have to stay in the dominant role here >Thankfully that isn't too difficult >Now you just have to make it to the car without letting your own excitement show through your pants and you'll be fine >Be Agent 47 >This is happening - you're in the assets' apartment for stud service >And you know poor 42 is jealous >It's probably a little salt in his wounds that he's stuck watching the colt while you're about to... >Bang his asset with the intent of putting a foal into her >The idea of it happening in the context of a proper threesome would have been nice >Something for your bucket list >But Chrissy says she just wants to watch >Still kinda hot being the focus of attention of two attractive mares >Who you know dyke around with each other >But even hotter than that is getting to fuck Roseluck >She might be a little older than most mares you'd check out on the street >But she's in solid MILF territory >And you can smell she's in heat >That smell is so fucking delicious >You just want to lose yourself in it >Roseluck looks a little awkward and shy standing in front of you >Like she wants it but is trying now to let it show for Chrissy's sake >That's gotta be a weird dynamic >But it's not your problem >Taking charge of the situation Chrissy says, "All right, let's see you put a foal in her. Fuck her good!" >She doesn't mince words >"Are you sure about this?," Roseluck asks her >"Yeah. Enjoy it before I change my mind," she replies, then adds, "But you're sure as fuck taking care of me the moment he finishes" >Nice >You get a little show after >Not that lesbians have ever been a particular fetish of yours >But who can argue with two pretty mares going at it? >Right under your nose? "OK. Lift that tail and show me what you got!" >Roseluck blushes and looks away from you as her tail goes up >Nice view >Your half hard cock starts to swell and your thoughts turn primal >You're gonna pound the shit out of this mare >"And action!," Chrissy says from the bed >You notice she's idly playing with herself >That's kind of hot, too >A mare getting off to you about to fuck her marefriend >But right now that marefriend is much more compelling >She just gave you a wink, dripping a little goo from her engorged puss >That only makes her smell better >You approach her and rear up to shift some of your weight onto her back, your head leaning against her neck >The size difference is a little bit of a thing - she's quite a bit shorter than you >It's taking a few thrusts to line up correctly >Fuck, and then a few more until >There! >She screams >" Ow! Not there!," she pleads, "Wrong hole!" >It takes quite a bit of effort to pull back, because wrong hole or not it felt good "Sorry" >Chrissy is laughing from the bed >"That's what you get for doing it the natural way," she says. "Need a guide in?" >You don't - you know a couple more thrusts and you can bring this home on your own >But having her touch your dick right now would make this a real threesome, wouldn't it? "Sure" >In seconds Chrissy is beside you, a hoof lining up your straining cock with her marefriend's entrance >"There," she says >Did she sound impressed? >You think she did >And you hesitate no more, sliding into a much wetter place than where you were seconds ago >If not quite as tight >But now it is as she responds to your thrust by squeezing tight around you >You let out a low moan of pleasure and gently bite the side of her neck >That gets another squeeze from her as you push yourself as far into her as possible >That's all there is, nowhere else to go >You hear her inhale sharply >"Did the big stallion smash your cervix?," Chrissy asks >"Yes," Roseluck replies breathing heavily >"Is he flaring up inside you?" "He is," you reply, because it's true >You can feel yourself swelling inside her as your orgasm builds >As you swell she squeezes back around you again and again >You're about to hit the point of no return >You feel Chrissy's breath on your balls >"Here it comes!," she says >That sends you over the edge into spasms of pleasure >As you feel your spunk pump into the mare >You feel Chrissy's hoof cradle your balls >"I can feel it, too," she says >At this point the little mare under you is shaking and clamped so tightly around you that you couldn't pull out if you wanted to >She's getting off while making sure to milk every bit of that shot out of you >"Did the big stallion get you off while unloading into you?," Chrissy asks >Roseluck is too lost in her own situation to reply beyond a grunt >Finally you ease back a bit as her grip on your cock lessens >You feel yourself starting to shrink back down a little as your cock slides out of her with a squishy noise >You take a quick look at your work dripping out of her >Looks like a job well done >Chrissy hops up on the bed and says, "My turn. Get over here" >"Give me a second," Rose replies >"That's not part of the deal," she replies, "Get over here now" >Just stand here quietly and you get a free lesbian show >Good deal for you >Chrissy's on her back with her legs in the air and Roseluck approaches her, standing at the foot of the bed with her head in her marefriend's crotch >From where you're standing you get the view of your cum still dripping out of her while she takes care of Chrissy >It turns out Chrissy is quite vocal >And really into dirty talk >Rose obviously is into it as well because you see her winking in response to her marefriend >Horny little bitch in heat >Chrissy holds Rose's head against her with a foreleg as she has her own quaking orgasm >"Fuck!," she shouts >Your cock may be spent, but you're not entirely back in your sheath >This is gonna be a year's worth of spank fuel >The mares nuzzle each other for a few seconds then turn their attention to you >Chrissy smiles and says, "Well that not nearly as weird as I thought it'd be" >She adds, "I haven't been up close to one of those things in a while. While it's not my jam yours is pretty nice" "I'm glad you approve" >"Since two loads are better than one you want to fuck her again?," she asks, then says to Rose, "Fuck my horny little marefriend again with your big stallion cock?" >Rose whimpers "My cock might need a few minutes to recover" >"No it won't," the voice of your asset says from the doorway >"You naughty thing," Chrissy chides >"Hey, it's a small apartment!," she replies "what am I supposed to do?" >She approaches you in a very businesslike manner >"I know you can't compromise your asset," she begins, "But I'd say getting fluffed for a noble cause isn't compromising anything" "Fluffed?" >"So you don't need a few minutes," she responds. "I'll show you" >She maneuvers herself under you and you feel her breath on your shrunken cock >For a second, and then >Wow! >It's not like you haven't had your cock sucked a couple times before, but this is different >Just the way she uses her tongue is amazing >Even though you're still really sensitive from having just cum you feel yourself starting to swell again in her mouth >"Mmmmm," she says, like the mix of her roommate's cum and your own is the most delicious thing she's ever tasted >And she's almost got you past half mast >At which point she pushes her head all the way down on you and you feel yourself slip down her throat >No way! >This you've never had before >A mare who could make sucking your cock feel just as good - better? - than fucking her in heat roommate?! >She continues pushing herself all the way against your sheath as you're literally fucking her throat >Maybe Rose doesn't need another load, because right now the idea of letting loose into this one's throat sounds better >Sensing this she pulls herself away from you and says, "That's for Rose, not for me. I'm just helping out" >God, you wish she'd help out just a little bit more! >"Well," Chrissy says, "You may as well stay and watch" >"Don't need to," she says heading out toward the door, "I just came in for a little taste. Do you know how many times I've seem Rose get fucked?" >"This is all old hat to you," Chrissy replies with a giggle, "It's still a thing for me" >"Enjoy!," she responds brightly "Well then, how about I pound the shit out of your marefriend again?" >"Give it to her good!," Chrissy answers >You do >You are looking at your reflection in the mirror at 42's place >Trying to see what makes you so special >But all you see is you - just a black colt looking back at you "Auntie always tells me how good looking I am like it's something important, but mommy says it's what's inside that counts" >"Why can't they both be right?," 42 responds. "What's inside counts but you still always want to look your best" >That makes sense >"Because ponies judge you on your looks, regardless of whether that's fair," he adds, "but when you get older they also judge you on your accomplishments" "Is that why auntie thinks being good looking is so important?" >"She's a mare whose looks have had a lot to do with her opportunities in life. That might not be fair either, but it's the case" "Is it true that auntie was a whorse?" >"Auntie was private property growing up. She didn't get to make her own decisions about that kind of stuff" "But she still was, wasn't she?" >"Probably better to talk to her about that - maybe when you're a little older" "Why does she always tell me I'm good looking?" >"Well, you look like your father, and auntie was in love with him. I'm sure she sees him in you" "So am I good looking?" >"I'm not the one to be the judge of that, really. Let's just say when you get older you're not going to have any trouble with the mares" "Mares are kinda gross" >He laughs >"You think that now because you're still a colt. Once you're a stallion you'll probably see things differently" "Yeah, but will I smell things differently? When mares get like mommy is now all they do is act funny and stink up the place" >"Once you're a stallion that smell will drive you crazy" "You mean make me horny?" >"If you're like most stallions, yes" "Gross! Does mommy smelling like that make YOU horny?" >"Your mother is my asset. I can't let myself look at her like that" "Oh. If mommy wasn't your asset?" >"Your mother is very attractive. We both know that" "Then why is she with Miss Chrissy instead of a stallion?" >"That's her choice. It's a choice she gets to make. For many ponies it isn't even a choice" "Like faggots?" >"Your mother doesn't want you using that word. But yeah, some stallions aren't attracted to mares, just other stallions" "That's gross" >"Says the colt who thinks all sex is gross" "Yeah, but two stallions is extra gross. Don't you think?" >"Well I'm straight, so yeah, two stallions seems gross to me. But it would seem normal to a gay stallion, and he'd find mares gross" >That's scary >You think mares are gross >Does that mean you might be gay? >You don't want to be a faggot >Blaze hated faggots >Blaze is dead, so is his mommy >They got shot at the market "Do you think there'll be another shooting, like where Blaze and his mommy died?" >He sighs >"Just one tough topic to another with you" "What do you mean?" >"I mean 47 and I are here to keep you safe. So I can tell you you're going to be safe, but..." "Bad men with guns will still do bad things to ponies?" >"I'm afraid so..." "And you can't stop bullets" >"I can, but only a few and only once" >WHAT?! >HE CAN STOP BULLETS?! >Is he some kind of super stallion? "You can stop bullets?" >"Yeah, but only once" "How?" >He sighs again >"I put myself between the shooter and the asset" >oh, that's why only once >THAT'S HORRIBLE!!! >Forty Two getting shot may not be as bad as you or mommy getting shot, but... >It's still horrible! >"It's the kind of thing we've been trained to do, but you hope the situation never arises" "I hope so, too" >He smiles at you, taking a breath like he's about to say something else >When suddenly to door opens and Forty Seven steps through >"Hey kid," he says to you "Hey Mr 47! Everything good?" >"Good enough, thanks!," he replies, "and you?" "Just hanging out with MR Forty Two, so good" >"Yeah, he a good guy," Forty Seven responds. Then he says to Forty Two, "I need a shower. You can keep an eye on things for a few minutes?" >He DOES need a shower! >He STINKS! >Kind of like the way mommy smells right now mixed with... something even worse! >"Yeah, I got it. Gotta take the kid home anyways," 42 responds running a hoof atop your head >You don't like it but you know it's meant to be an affectionate gesture >So you don't protest >This stallion pretty much just told you he'd take a bullet for you and mommy >More than one if need be, but he can only do it once >That's scary >Even if it is a little reassuring in an awful way >Forty Two can protect you in ways mommy can't >Until you're old enough to protect both you and mommy >Be Agent 47 >In the shower >It was definitely a little weird to walk past the colt stinking like fucking his mother - after twice! >Though he's still too young to realize that's what it was >Still weird >How ya doing kid? >I just fucked your mother >You rear up against the shower wall and the warm water feels good on your junk as you press your forelegs against the tiled surface >This shit was not designed for ponies >It would be so easy to slip and fuck yourself up >But you don't because you're young and strong >It's good to be young and strong, even if adulthood is starting to erode that feeling of youngness a little >Maybe it's because you just fucked an older mare >Maybe that has something to do with it >An older mare who happens to be 42's asset >He's gonna ask you about it >How can he not? >You have to play it down >Way down! >Don't want to make him jealous or seem like you're gloating >Even the truth would seem like gloating >Yeah, I fucked her twice while her marefriend watched >And I got to watch her and her marefriend dyking off in between >Oh yeah my asset took my cock down her throat to get me ready for the second time with yours >Yeah, you can't tell him any of that >Poor guy's head would explode >Bad enough you've gone maverick here agreeing to do this by your own agency >Which doesn't exist - you're just counting on the fact that as long as nopony gets injured or killed this is the sort of detail that won't be... >Followed up on, because it's not relevant to the mission >Or so you think >42 disagrees and has clearly said so, but as your partner he's not going to betray you >Which is also fair - if you get any blowback from this he can always feign ignorance and still be plausible >The mission is not compromised >And while you may not have followed the rules to the letter the spirit is on your side as far as enforcement is concerned >Even if the Service suspected you had unauthorized stud service with an asset would they act on it? >Spend thousands of dollars seeking court orders and genetic testing for what? >To MAYBE collect a small stud fee? >It's not like they'd have any rights over the foal - the foal of a free mare is automatically a free pony >That's how it works >Worst that can happen is you'll get written up >That's if it even comes up, which is really unlikely >42 isn't going to snitch on you - he's a loyal partner >And you've looked out for him as far as his needs along similar lines were concerned >You turn off the water and grab your towel >Oof - gotta do laundry soon - this towel is getting funky and you don't have a clean one >Put that on the list for tomorrow >You towel off and can't put it off any longer >You have to face your partner >As you walk into the common room he smiles at you >"So?," he asks "Let's just say it didn't live up to the fantasy," you lie, "but I'm not complaining" >"But shit, you did it!" "Yeah. It was pretty cut and dry," you lie again. "Well not dry. Anything but dry" >You laugh "I know you don't entirely approve, so I appreciate you being cool about this" >"You'd do the same for me. Getting a nice piece of tail is a lot better than getting no tail at all" "You got that right. And even if she's a little long in the tooth she's still a nice piece of tail" >"Nicer than the street meat I've been getting, you lucky bastard!" "This one just fell in my lap. What else could I do? So how was your evening?" >"That kid. I really feel for him, but every time he gets me alone it's straight into the um, sensitive subject matter" "Understandable. You're pretty much the only male role model he has" >"I know, but that's not exactly what I signed up for" "I'm sure you're doing right by him" >"I'm trying, but every conversation is just one awkward topic after another" "Look at his situation" >"I know, but I could have told him what you were doing over there and it would only have been a little more awkward" "That bad?" >"It ain't easy. All he wants to talk about are topics that are total minefields" >You laugh >"What's so funny?" "When I walked in you know what ran through my head for a second?" >"What?" "Hey kid, I just banged your mom!" >"You're awful! But to be honest you smelled exactly like you did" "That's why I ran straight for the shower" >"Well I'm sorry it wasn't the threesome you were hoping for, but you still got to tap that" >You're not going to tell him that technically it was a foursome with three hot mares "Fantasy versus reality. Still not going to complain about the reality" >The reality is you probably just sired a foal >But that's not going to be your problem >He or she will have a couple of mares raising him/her >And 42's watchful eyes as well "You know, things are going to get a lot more complicated for us if your asset and her marefriend move in together" >"Yeah. This situation has been pretty convenient" "Two stallions to do what's mostly one stallion's worth of work? It's been pretty cushy" >"Isn't yours dating somepony now?" "Yeah. I don't like it" >"Jealous?" "Not one bit" >Actually, after just having had your cock in her mouth now you are a little >If he's getting THAT on the regular you are most definitely jealous! >But you can't let that on >42 knows you kinda crossed one line, no reason for him to know you pretty casually crossed another in the process "He seems controlling. He's already told her he doesn't want her talking about him to her friends" >"Well she is on TV every week talking about a lot of personal stuff. I could see not wanting your own personal life dragged into THAT" "Agreed. And we know she'll go for a more dominant male if she has the chance" >"You're afraid he might be more than that? Like maybe an abuser?" "Tough to say. How do you tell between rough stuff by consent and abuse? I don't think SHE knows that line exists!" >"What are you going to do?" "Wait it out. But if he hurts her, like really hurts her I'll kill him" >"No you won't" "Not literally, but I'll give him a beating he won't forget" >"Do you think he knows that?" "I'm doing my best to make it as obvious as possible. We'll see" >Be Cloudburst >It's been an enlightening couple of days >Never really having been much of a dork you didn't know much about the internet >Beyond watching stuff on youtube and a couple pony style forums you've been visiting >Of course you know the show you work on has a twitter presence >But you don't really do twitter, nor do you care for many of the opinions voiced on the show >So it was kind of a revelation when you did a search for "good girls" and found the good girl forums >That was yesterday morning, and you've pretty much been hooked since >It's obvious many of the posters are not really good girls >Your best guess is that it's mostly young men RP-ing as good girls >There's no way actual good girls could produce THAT much lewd content! >But some of it rings true, and you're afraid you may have picked up a fetish >At school you were taught to indulge master's fetishes but NEVER to try to push your own on him >You can hint at something and if he bites so much the better >But if he doesn't you let it be >Because it's very uncomfortable for a man to have a mare force her will on him sexually >It can ruin your relationship! >But you read some stories about good girls having less than good moments >And master having to take action to correct that >That action involved a hairbrush and the mare's flank! >You're a little ashamed of your reaction to that >You're pretty sure good girls aren't supposed to spend an hour masturbating in the bathtub >But that's what you did - two days in a row now! >The thought of daddy tanning your flank for being bad just makes you quiver! >And with a hairbrush - the idea of using such an important tool for the wrong purpose >That's a part of it, too >Is there some way to get him to actually do that to you? >Is it a good idea to even go there? >Your mind says no, but your privates are screaming for it >Like you just discovered something you never knew you wanted, and now it's all you want >At school they warned you that too much time spent with lewd content can corrupt you >Have you been corrupted?! >Given the other stuff you've been looking at it's possible >In tandem with the hairbrush thing you picked up a girl crush >She looks like you just with an unfortunate color scheme >But she's a total nerd! >How do you have a girl crush on a total nerd? >Well you have some things in common - she loves her daddy, too >Except her daddy is a stallion, not a man >And she is a pegasus who seems to be as horny as you >Even if she is just a character played by somepony >You feel ashamed of this, too >Because for a mare who doesn't like other mares THAT way you just watched a lot of porn of her >The whole time imagining it was you in her position >After daddy gave you the hairbrush >Wait a second - you KNOW what this is! >You're going into heat! >You're IN heat, stupid! >That's where this is coming from >No wonder you're thinking fetishy thoughts and fantasizing your girl crush being split by her daddy's cock! >You're in heat and your daddy hasn't been around! >But he'll be around tonight >So if you can just figure out something bad to do - just a little bad >And you make sure there's a hair brush in plain sight while you confess to him >Maybe he'll...? >Unf >And then after he'll... >Double unf >But you're still his good girl - you can't do anything really bad >You need to figure out something just bad enough to get the brush but not bad enough to make him think you're a bad girl >That would be awful after how good he's been to you >This is the strongest heat you've had yet and you're aware you're not thinking entirely clearly >He won't be here for a few more hours >And the showerhead has a massage jet setting >Yesterday you disocvered how nice that could be >Might be time for a little rediscovery >Be VP >You're a little grumpy >You don't like having to tell people to go fuck themselves >But in so many words that's what you just did >A call came in from the private security company you've hired to protect two of your stars living in Brooklyn >Informing you of a personnel change >What the fuck - those guys were doing a fine job >Even after the massacre you still have confidence in them >When you hired them you were assured they were top graduates from their academy >Whatever low level employee who called you tried to explain something about the integrity of the missiom >You asked if they compromised the safety of your mares in any way >You really do think of them as your mares, don't you? >She said their safety was not compromised >Then it became obvious to you what was going on - Bronc's whore had probably fucked one of them >Good for whichever one it was >You can't throw any stones, since in half an hour you're going to be fucking your mare >So you told the woman of the phone not to make the personnel change because you didn't request it and don't want it >Then she had the gall to try to argue with you >At which point you made it clear that you're the one paying for the service and you're so far happy with the results >You don't want them changing things all willy nilly >She said something about the standards of the service her organization provides >And you told her you were satisfied with the standard of service being provided currently >She tried to argue further and you had to shut her down >You're paying for their safety - if there was a fuckup of some sort that has nothing to do with their safety >Then as far as you're concerned it isn't a fuckup >Besides what do you expect to happen when you put two stallions across the hall from two mares they have to keep an eye on >And one of those mares is a whore who has been something of a bad influence on the other >Sooner or later someone's bound to get their dick wet - that was obvious from the start >And not necessarily the kind of thing you see as a problem >Or a big enough problem to require a change in personnel when things are otherwise fine >At the end of the day they're providing security, you're satisfied with the service >You don't need them to waste your time over stupid shit >And you pretty much told her that >But it got you all worked up over nothing >And now you're a little resentful about that >Let it go - the workday is over >Nestor is waiting with the car >He opens the door for you, shuts it behind you and gets back behind the wheel >"Home or...?," he asks "Horse" >"Yes sir," he replies >As he pulls out into traffic he says, "If you don't mind me asking..." >Shit, nothing good starts with that "Yes?" >"I was thinking of getting one of my own..." "A mare?" >"Yes sir. Any advice?" >This guy is thinking about getting a mare?! >He sure as fuck can't afford one like yours >But you suppose he could afford a unicorn if he could find one for sale >Imagine having to deal with your mare having a horn! >Not a very marelike accessory in your opinion, but to each his own "Well you can't look at it like an investment. It's not like it's going to appreciate in value. Think of it more like a vacation home" >"I understand. It's a luxury" "They also require a lot of time and, well, bandwidth" >"Bandwidth?" "Yeah. Like with a pet you're responsible for their well being. But they're way smarter than a pet and they can talk" >"So somewhere between a pet and a girlfriend?" "More like somewhere between a pet and a mistress if you do it right" >"You mean mistress like side piece and not dominatrix, right?" >You laugh "I'm sure both flavors are available, but I meant like side piece" >"It seems like it would be worth it" "Worth it is a very subjective idea. But if you can afford it and have the time and energy it's a good experience" >"It seems pretty good for you" "I'm not gonna lie. I feel like I'm twenty again. Without actually having to BE twenty again" >"Kind of like viagra?" "But across the whole relationship, not just the intimacy. But that too" >"I don't think I'd mind that" "Well if you're serious I know a guy. He's not cheap, but he has quality merchandise" >"Thank you. I'll ask for his info when I'm closer to making a decision" >The rest of the ride continues in silence >And in fifteen minutes you're walking in the front door of the building where you rent a place for your mare >Walking down the hall to her door you already can smell her >Fuck, she must be in heat! >Her smell usually doesn't hit you until you actually open the door >You actually like it - it turns you on >But it's definitely a sex smell and definitely a mare sex smell and really strong at that >The poor thing must be a mess >Which means she going to make a mess of you in just a few seconds "Daddy's home," you say opening the door >She's in a heap on th floor >Is she drunk? >"I'm sorry, daddy," she says, eyes downcast. "I know I promised I wouldn't drink alone, but this heat..." >This isn't good >"I'm a bad girl for defying you," she says as her eyes dart to the low table in front of the couch >The hair brush that's usually on the bathroom sink is now on the table >"I know I have to be punished," she says, eyes down again. "Also I may have peed the carpet" >You're actually more sad than you are angered or outraged >You thought you'd solved this problem >Something doesn't add up though >She doesn't SOUND drunk, though the empty cider bottle on the table across from the brush suggests she should be >And she keeps stealing glances at the brush on the table "You think you should be punished?" >"I know I have to be, daddy" >Not a hint of slurred speech there >What's happening here? "And how do you think you ought to be punished?" >She steals another quick look at the hair brush >"Probably something physical?," she muses, not sounding at all drunk. "Maybe a," she drops her voice to a whisper, "spanking?" >Your little pony is many things: a beautiful mare, a talented stylist and one hell of a lover >But she's a shitty actress >A shitty actress who out of nowhere suddenly wants you to spank her, presumably with the brush she just happened to leave lying out "You're not really drunk, are you?" >Suddenly there's fear in her eyes >"Just a little daddy. I poured most of it down the sink" "And you didn't really pee the carpet, did you?" >"No. It's just water" >This is actually a huge relief to you >Because you've had legitimate concerns about her regarding depression and day drinking >She doesn't realize it, but she just gave you a scare "But you wanted me to think you did so I'd... give you a spanking?" >"I didn't want to be really a bad girl. Just bad enough that you'd..." "Well, trying to trick me like that is pretty bad" >"Bad enough for a...?" "Plenty bad enough. The question is can I spank that kind of bad out of you, or would that just encourage more of it?" >"You could try and see if it works," she suggests hopefully, her tail starting to rise "So barehanded or...?" >Her eyes dart back toward the brush "Maybe with that brush, given how much of a bad girl you've been?" >Her tail is flagging now even though there's quite a bit of fear in her eyes >That's a really sexy combination, and you feel your dick taking notice >If you're going to give her what she's asking for you're probably best to do it in a way that makes her realize the fantasy and reality are two different things >It's not just going to be a sex thing >You'rew going to have to make it an actual punishment for trying to trick you >From the look in her eyes this is just now dawning on her as well >"Daddy, I'm sorry," she says with a little desperation in her voice >Tail still flagging, though >"I didn't mean to..." "Deceive me? That's EXACTLY what you meant to do. That's what you're getting punished for. Now go get a pillow from the couch" >She looks concerned, but walks over and picks up a pillow with her mouth >Then she brings it to you and you take it from her "Now bring me the brush" >She does >You walk into the kitchen where you know there are a couple sturdy straight back chairs >She follows you >"What's the pillow for, daddy?" "You're going to be screaming long before this is over. We don't want to bother the neighbors" >"Daddy, I..." "Quiet now. You're getting what you wanted. Or thought you wanted" >Your cock is now rock hard >There's a good chance you'll lose your resolve to give her what she really deserves when the desire to fuck her outweighs the need to punish her >You pull the chair out and take a seat "Up" >She obeys with a little whimper >You feel her warmth against your cock right through your pants >The view of her ass with tail still flagged is beautiful, so is the wink her clit just gave you >You wonder how long that tail is going to stay like that >Only one way to find out >You land the brush on her backside, really not holding much back as far as your own strength is concerned >Smack! >"OW!" "Into the pillow, please" >Another wink >A couple more landed in the same spot ought to have an effect >Smack, smack, smack! >That gets a scream, thankfully into the pillow >Tail is still up, but not as high as it was a few seconds ago >Smack, smack, smack, smack! >The sounds coming from the pillow turn more pitiful >Smack, smack smack, smack! >You're really hurting her now, which your dick finds a lot less interesting than the idea of fucking her >This isn't what you bought her for >But it's what SHE wanted >Smack, smack, smack, smack! >Now the sobs are really awful - this isn't sexy for you anymore, her tail is down, tight against her "Not quite as sexy as you thought it was going to be?" >She's still catching her breath but shakes her head no "Just two more so you remember never to do anything like that again" >She draws her breath in sharply and you feel her tense up on you "Pillow" >Smack! >Smack! "Do you think I spanked the bad out of you?" >She nods >It will probably be a little while before you get to the fucking, but that's fine >You've lost your erection anyways >Of course all it'll take to bring it back is that tail going up again >But it's definitely down now >You put down the brush and gently run a hand through her mane >She's just dead weight on you now, catching her breath as the sobbing eases up "Where'd you get the idea for this anyways?" >She blushes >You can't tell if it's shame or embarrassment - probably both >In a tiny voice she says, "good girl forums" "You know that stuff is written by guys who don't even have mares of their own, right?" >"Yes, I figured that," she replies, "But reading it when you're in heat is a whole different thing. Stuff that would seem silly or stupid is suddenly..." "You poor thing. At least you know it's not your kink. It's not mine, either. I didn't buy you to hurt you. I bought you to love" >"I love you, daddy" >Be Cloudburst >Back at work in Makeup >At first you didn't know what to expect working at a place where your master is an executive >And you're in close contact with his ex-mare and other free ponies with free pony opinions >But it turns out you love your work and after a few months everything that seemed shocking at first is now just... >Normal >Though it does make you thankful for what you've got, especially knowing how some other ponies live >Like the former good girl in your chair right now >You can't imagine what it must have been like growing up as a... a... RENTAL! >The poor thing had to treat every man who came to see her like he was her master without ever getting a real master of her own? >That's horrible - it must of been so confusing for her >Then she finally gets a master who happens to be a handsome stallion and he DIES?! >You shudder at the thought and hope daddy is taking as good care of himself as he says he is >But before her master dies he gets her friend pregnant - who happened to be that bitch of a mare stabbing daddy in the back in the process >And now this poor former good girl has to live with her dead master's colt as auntie instead of mommy? >You can almost understand why she chose to be a free pony >No way anypony who has been through what she has could think clearly! >Also after spilling her life story on national TV who would want to be her master? >She's such damaged goods! >Though still very pretty - you've got to give her that >Objectively you're probably just a little prettier >But how much of that is being a little younger and having wings you can't say >You wonder if before she chose freedom any fans of the show approached the network with offers to buy her >You're sure there have to be some guys out there turned on by the notion of beautiful damaged goods >But those guys are probably all too young to have yet made the kind of money it takes to buy their own mare >Still a rich kid who was a fan of the show could have offered to buy her >Trying to buy one of the mares from the pony show you're watching - that sounds like something a rich kid would do! >Daddy would know if it actually happened - if someone had tried to buy her because of the show >Maybe you'll remember to ask him later, but it's just as likely you'll get so distracted just being with him that you won't >Not that it's your business anyways, but the pink pegasus working at the chair has rubbed off on you a little >You like to know the gossip - you were never one of the gossipy girls back in school, but at work where everypony's lives are so much more extreme? >Yeah, you like to know >It's just your opinion, but what's happening behind the scenes of the show is more interesting than the show itself >Certainly less preachy about things you don't agree with >Thankfully there's Moonglow to provide some kind of balance - she's a good girl! >And she's in the chair next to yours, Vidal giving her mane a blowout >You'd be happy to do her as well, but he's more experienced styling around a horn - something you'll have to improve on >When Vidal turns off the blow drier Moonglow turns to the mare in your chair and asks, "Is it true you're seeing a unicorn?" >She sighs in response and says, "It's true Rose has a big mouth" >"What is it, a secret?," Moonglow asks, then adds huffily, "You're not embarrassed, are you?" >Not at all!," she replies. "It's not a race thing at all. Besides, I'm aware of the status unicorns had back in Equestria" >"In the capital region, for sure," Vidal adds with a chuckle, "In Cloudsdale not so much" >You can only imagine what an entire pegasus city in the clouds must have been like! >Not that Vidal hasn't told you a few stories >But his stories always focus on the seedier side of the nightlife there >"You're always so open about everything," Moonglow continues, "So why so tight lipped about this?" >"Out of respect for him," she answers. "He's a proud stallion who likes his privacy" >"So he's dating a celebrity?," Moonglow counters. "Maybe not the best move for a guy like that" >"We're trying to make it work," she says, "And so far so good. But he made me promise not to talk about him on the show, or at all, really" "That makes sense. A proud guy wouldn't want to be known as nothing more than the stallion you're dating, and a private guy..." >"Wouldn't want to be known at all," Vidal finishes your sentence then adds, "I'm guessing he's not big on social media, either" >"The dating app we met through was the first time either of us had messed around with anything like that," she replies >"Well here's hoping the two of you are happy together," Vidal replies >As she turns to smile at him you notice her wince in pain "You OK?" >Yeah," she replies, "I, um, I fell" >That's weird >Ponies don't just fall >"I'd been drinking," she adds hastily >That makes more sense "The only way I fall when I drink is asleep. Seriously, one cider and I'm out" >"That's a pegasus thing," Vidal says. "We're all cheap dates, and we all learned never to go one for one with earth ponies" >She laughs at that and you see her wince again >You want to ask her again if she's OK, but figure it's best not to pry >Especially when you were just talking about privacy >Vidal must be thinking along the same lines because he says, "I'm surprised somepony from your generation even knows what privacy is" >"It's not something I ever cared about before, obviously," she replies, "But if it's important to him it's important to me" >"He's cute though, right?," Moonglow prods >"Oh, he's a lot more than just cute," she replies >"So you might end up doing your part to keep the magic alive someday?," Moonglow teases >"Oh, come on," she responds, blushing," It's a little soon to be talking like that. We've only been out like four or five times" >"It only takes once," Moonglow replies >"I'm well aware," she says, "Just like I'm well aware I'm the only pony in the room who has to concern herself with such things" >She's right, which is a little weird when you think about it >There are three healthy mares and a stallion in Makeup right now and she's the only one not owned by a man >No wonder she gets fall down drunk - poor thing! >What if some guy had offered to buy her and daddy turned him down because of the show? >That would be sad >Sadder than no one making an offer for her? >You can't say >One thing is for sure: if daddy tells you the answer you're not sharing it with anypony! >OK, maybe Vidal, but just him >Because the last thing you want to do is anything that would make her sad when everypony is rooting for her to be happy >But now you are really curious >Be Agent 47 >Waiting on an unusual meeting >The stylist from the show wanted to meet with you to discuss concerns about your asset >You can guess what he wants to talk about >He'd asked if you two could meet somewhere and you explained you were pretty much chained to the residence >So he offered to come here >You told him you're literally across the hall from the asset, so he'll have to be a little sneaky and lucky if he doesn't want her to know he's here >He said he'll text you when he arrives >It's a safe assumption she's in for the night, but not a given >If she suddenly leaves the meeting will be over because you'll be back on duty >Like you're ever not on duty except when she's at work, and then only because they have their own tight security due to a shooting incident >A text alert sounds on your smartphone >It's from Vidal and reads: I'm here!!!!! >You open the door, walk down the hall to the front door and let the pegasus in >God, could he be any more... pink? >You could hear the swish in his voice over the phone, but his color really puts things over the top >You motion for him to follow you and lead him back to your apartment >Once inside with the door shut you address him "Agent Forty Seven, at your service. I'd offer you a beer, but we don't keep any in since we're not allowed to drink on duty" >"That's OK," the pegasus replies, "I only drink champagne anyway" >Is this guy for real? >You gesture to 42 on the couch "That's Agent Forty Two, the other half of the team" >"You are delicious! Please tell me you play for BOTH teams" >He's HITTING on you?! "How would you know which team I play for?" >"Three of the mares I style had quite a bit to say about you a couple weeks ago" >You really shouldn't react to that, but you feel yourself straighten up a little and hold your head just a little higher >"I can see why," the pegasus continues. "So do you?" "What?" >"Play for both teams, silly" >42 is trying stifling a chuckle "Not even a little. But I'll take your interest as a compliment" >"Pity," he responds. "I'd love the chance to change your thinking on the matter" >Clearly he would - wow, you're not used to another stallion looking at you like that "Do you ever worry that being this brazen could be a threat to your personal, um... safety?" >42 finally loses it and chuckles >"Honey, this is New York City. You have to do a lot more than flame a little to get a reaction here" "True, this isn't exactly the Bible Belt" >"And all the gay kids from there come here anyways, because they wouldn't be caught dead there either" "There's still a risk of that" >"Pretty much any place where people are armed and badly dressed is best avoided, in my opinion" "I can see why you'd think that way. Why don't you have a seat and we can get down to the matter at hand - my asset's coltfriend" >"I'm the guy who is supposed to know everything, just like you. So I have a nagging suspicion I'm guessing you share as well?" "He's controlling and she's increasingly falling under his control" >"I think he's physically abusive as well. She's clearly been in pain on a few occasions while in Makeup" "I've noticed. It puts me in a bind, because I can't control who she dates, but I'm responsible for her safety" >You hate this, but have to add: "I have to honor her request when she asks to give them privacy, unless I thought her life was in danger, and consensually getting knocked around a little isn't..." >"Is it consensual? I mean really? You know her background. Does she even know what consent is?" "She keeps going back and I can't stop her. I have to take that as consent" >"What I'm afraid of is this isn't just BDSM stuff we both know she's into, but actual abuse, and she can't tell the difference" "My fears exactly. And you're right, I don't think she can tell the difference" >"So what do you know about this guy? She won't say a word at work, which is completely unlike her" "He runs a bunch of porn domains, mostly on darkweb" >"I'm guessing we're not talking vanilla stuff?" "The kind of material where if it were people instead of ponies he'd have the FBI and Interpol all over him" >"So he's a psycho - exactly what I was afraid of" "Yeah, and he's apparently got her drinking his Kool-Aid" >"She of all ponies is really not equipped to deal with that" "You're telling me. Sometimes I feel like I should take measures into my own hooves" >"How so?" "The guy's got no family nearby, no social media presence, no social life as far as I can tell" >"Sounds about right for this kind of character. Probably a pedo, too" "He has a bunch of filly sites" >"Quel surprise?" "Who would notice if he went missing? or just ran out of town?" >"I know one mare who would. She's already been through enough of that" "There's a difference between your husband dying in your hooves and your abusive coltfriend skipping town without a trace" >"Just another anonymous free unicorn gone missing. Happens every day I guess. How would we do it?" >42 coughs and mutters, "Conspiracy," under his breath "Right. This is all hypothetical of course. Though I am duty bound to protect my asset" >"I get it. The less I know about the particulars the better, right?," the pegasus asks. "But it will be taken care of?" "There could be a hypothetical plan in place, but I won't confirm or deny it. Eventually something might happen" >"Couldn't be soon enough for me" "Proper planning prevents poor performance" >"I guess I shouldn't offer to lend a hoof?" "Way out of your league, but your loyalty to her is admirable. That you're even here voicing your concern speaks volumes" >"Well I wasn't going to talk to anypony until I had my suspicions confirmed, and you were the guy to do it" "Who else would you talk to?" >"Maybe John. The VP of programming. The guy who pays your bills, and mine, for that matter" "Don't. He shouldn't suspect a thing - he's got too much to lose if things go... a certain way" >"Good point. I'll treat our conversation here like it went down in Makeup. My discretion is iron-clad, honey" >This is the biggest dose of swish you've ever had >The academy was all don't ask, don't tell >And you've never had an assignment that brought you into contact with any stallion quite this... out >Within seconds of meeting you he pretty much made it clear he wanted to fuck you >And would, given the chance >He looked at you with the same heat you're sure you've shown looking at pretty mares >He called you delicious >And it's not like he toned things down when you said that you weren't interested >He just called you honey >You can't imagine what it's like to live that promiscuously >But you can't throw any stones - you've paid for street meat so you're not on any moral high ground as far as sex goes >You're pretty sure this guy has never had to pay for it >Hell, for all you know he's been paid for it! >But he seems trustworthy enough, and his heart is clearly in the right place >And you've been ambiguous enough with regard to that asshole unicorn that no actual conspiracy went down >Just concerned stallions discussing hypotheticals regarding a mare in a shit situation >Though it was touching to hear him offer to lend a hoof "I hope this has put your mind a little more at ease, Vidal" >"I'm still concerned, but reassured someponies like you are on the case" "Good" >He starts messing with his phone >"Three minutes. If you don't mind I'm going to Uber out of here before I'm seen" "She's likely in for the night, but I'll go first to make sure the coast is clear" >"Oh, not just her. I mean seen in Brooklyn as well. I know it's got some cachet now, but to me it's still bridge and tunnel" >You see Vidal to his car and he quickly gets in and is off into the night >Made it without being seen it seems >When you walk back into the apartment 42 is laughing >"That guy really wanted to fuck you. I think he'd have done it right in front of me if you'd said yes" "That was not going to happen in this universe" >42 laughs some more and adds, "That big pink sissy SO wanted to make you his bitch!" "He certainly wasn't subtle about it, that's for sure" >"Why would he have to be? There's absolutely noting subtle about stallion on stallion" "True, but I'd appreciate you not putting the image into my head" >"It was in my head the whole time," he says, cracking himself up. "You of all guys getting your ass savaged by a pink pegasus cock!" "Can we be done with this now?" >"You're delicious," he says in Vidal's intonation "I've never been called THAT before, at least not to my face" >"Then you flat out asked him if talking like that made him fear for his safety. That was hilarious!" "I think it went right over his head, though" >"It wasn't lost on me" "I knew it wouldn't be. Still his heart was in the right place" >"Even if his cock never is?" "Not for us to judge. Look where our cocks have been" >"You're still doing better than I am" "It's not a competition" >"Sure, that's exactly what you tell the guy who is losing" "You could just play for the other team and win all day long" >"No fucking way!" "Yeah, me neither" >Be Roseluck >Very concerned about your friend who refuses to discuss the elephant in the room with you >Now you're standing in her room trying once again to get her to see reason >"I told you I'm not talking about HIM with YOU. Why can't you respect that?" "I'm worried for you. This isn't a good situation for you" >"What part of Very Highly Compatible don't you understand?" "I don't believe the algorithm has your best interests at heart, even if it makes sense to a machine" >"What do you mean?" "You grew up being sexually abused several times a day while dreaming of having a master of your own" >"I wouldn't put it THAT way, but..." "Nearly everypony else would. So the algorithm matched you with a controlling, abusive stallion" >"He's not abusive. And this conversation ends now" >You are not giving up on this "Of course that a perfect match on paper, but it's not all that good for you" >"Who are you to say it's not that good. You don't know anything about him" "I know what's happening between you is more than a little rough sex. He hits you, doesn't he?" >"I said this conversation is over" "You're a free mare now. You don't have to tolerate shit like this anymore. You deserve better" >"You're going to tell me what I deserve? That's rich" "Please don't be angry. I'm trying to help you here" >"I get that, but let's face it - you don't always show the best... judgment. So I'm telling you to back off" "You think I have bad judgment?" >"You convince me to move with you and your son to a place where you can't even keep yourself from getting foalnapped on your own block?" "That was a freak incident - the police said so" >"Now you're dating a mare on the downlow with another foal probably on the way while your son..." >She's not going there >She better not go there! >"Your son is growing up with a lot more questions than he has answers to" >OK, that wasn't so bad, but you still feel defensive about anything regarding your son >You feel a little guilty about not spending enough time with him "These are complicated times and this is a complicated place. Not like Equestria. He might never get some of those answers" >"I don't think you running off to political protests with your marefriend makes that any easier for him" "I'm working toward a better world for him to live in" >"Newsflash - he's already living in this one!" "What exactly are you accusing me of here?" >"I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just saying it's harder for him than you think. You grew up knowing exactly who you were in Equestria" "True. But Equestria was a much simpler place" >"I may have grown up being sexually abused, as you put it, but I still knew exactly where I stood and what was required of me" "I think you paint a brighter picture of it than most would, but I get what you mean" >"Look at him. Free pony son of two pony celebrities, one a father he never met. Now mom is politically active with her celebrity marefriend" "I get it. His place in the world isn't nearly as clear cut" >"He's barely wrapped his head around mom and Miss Chrissy being a thing and now you've probably got another foal inside you" >Wow, it feels like she's about to let you have it with both barrels >"You remember what it's like when you're that age. You want to fit in. You want to be just like your peers" "I remember" >"You were just like your peers I assume? Just another pretty little filly among other pretty little fillies?" "Pretty much" >"I was just like mine, too. He's not, and that's mostly because of decisions you made and continue to make" "Again, exactly what are you accusing me of doing here?" >"Nothing. I'm just saying maybe you should be helping him deal with the challenges of his life instead of butting into mine" >She may have a point there, but you don't think she realizes just how dire her situation could be "I just don't want to see you get hurt" >"Sometimes getting hurt is part of life" "Not one you should actively choose to bring upon yourself if you can help it" >"Still, it's my choice. And it feels like you're trying to make me choose between you and him. You don't want to do that" "I'm asking you to think - if he hurts you this early in the relationship what do you think will come later? It's not like these kind of guys get better over time" >"You don't know what kind of guy he is. Don't make me choose between you and him because you won't like the choice I'll make" "The choice I want you to make is one where you're not being abused. You didn't have that choice growing up, but now you do" >It looks like that may have gotten through a little >Hopefully >She sighs >"A long time ago I made peace with the fact that I was property, and my body, even my life were not my own" "But the ARE now!" >"Maybe on paper, but it still really doesn't feel like that. I feel like I'm pretending to be a free mare but that's not who I am" >Her upbringing really did a number on her >You don't even know what to say to that >She continues, "When I'm with him I don't feel like I have to pretend. I can just be who I really am" >A poor, abused little filly >That's awful "You can find that with somepony who doesn't hurt you. You had it with Perfect Pitch" >"That was an incredible bit of luck on my part. I don't expect to find anypony like him again" "He was one of a kind" >"Not exactly. Before long there'll be another stallion much like him - your son" >She giggles and adds, "And I promise to keep my hooves off of him" >You almost can't believe she said that >If she has to make a promise like that it means she's already thought about it! >Of course she has - she was probably sexually active by his age >Which is super creepy to think about >What kind of man looks at a filly and thinks about THAT? >A really creepy one >Which is pretty much all she knows as far as men go, with the one stallion exception being a massive alcoholic >So in a sense she's really just sticking to what she knows with this new guy >But you still don't like it one bit >Nor do you like knowing she's already thought about your son THAT way "He's still just a colt!" >"And he's got a lot to deal with for a colt. You should be helping him with that instead of worrying about me" "I'm still afraid you're making a big mistake here" >"Noted, but it's still my mistake to make" "Remember I'm here if you need somepony to talk to" >"Remember I promised to respect his privacy. Have enough respect for me that you don't try to make me break my promise" >That was NOT the breakthrough you were hoping to have with her >But at least it wasn't the test of your friendship it could have been >You walk back to your room where your son is lying on your bed playing a game on your smartphone >He looks up at you with concern >"You look sad, mommy" "More like worried, but sad too" >"Is it about Auntie?" "Yes, but it's nothing for you to worry about" >"She's OK, right?" "As OK as she's going to be I guess" >"Are we going to move in with Miss Chrissy?" "We're talking about it. It might happen. I can't say it will just yet" >"I like Miss Chrissy, but I like Auntie better. I like living with her" "Maybe you should go tell her how much you like her and living with her" >"Let me just pause this," he says tapping the screen >He gets up from the bed and heads off in the direction you just came from >It's a half hour later when you realize he still hasn't come back >You softly walk to your roommate's open door and peek in >They're both on her bed, him cuddled up next to her asleep >She's just looking lovingly at him >She looks up at you and whispers, "He's asleep" "Are you trapped?" >"Yeah, but I don't mind" "OK" >Be VP >You met your brother for lunch a month ago >Not something you get to do that often, as he lives in the 'burbs and rarely makes it into the city >Inevitably the conversation turned to the realities and indignities of being mature men >He used to poke fun at how much your hair was greying out >But now his is as well >He asked if you'd ever tried the blue pill >You told him no >Maybe you would have if your sex life had been just you and Cynthia >But when that started to slow down the purchase of a couple ponies turned things around >And with your current little pegasus you feel 20 again >He laughed and said if you really wanted to feel 20 again you should try it >Your doctor once told you if you had any issues in that regard he could hook you up >But you told him it wasn't necessary >Your brother laughed when you told him that >He said necessary wasn't the only way to think about it, and it's way cheaper than buying a mare >You know he thinks you're silly for having bought two plus a stallion, but they were kind of like business expenses >Not technically, but your interest in ponies proved to be very good for business >Turns out a lot of people were interested in ponies and eager to watch TV shows involving them >And you were the right man at the right time to create those shows >Then he reached into his pocket and produced a silver rectangle with a plastic blister on it containing a blue pill "You just walk around with that shit in your pocket?," you asked >"I brought it as a gift for you," he said, handing it to you over the wreckage of the Cantonese meal on the table between you >You accepted, considering it kind of a sweet gesture from younger brother to older brother >He added, "Remember when you were a teenager and even the feeling of your underwear against your dick could make you hard?" "I was constantly howling at the moon," you replied >"This will bring you right back to that," he said with a laugh "That was even before I was a teenager. I had to sit behind Michelle Calabrese. She had a full rack at twelve!" >"Wasn't she dating some older guy?," he asked "Yeah, that's why I didn't have a shot with her. He knew she liked me - threatened to beat me up if I ever made a move" >"Like any of us had game at twelve" "I sure as fuck didn't. Didn't realize it was an option! But I spent half of eighth grade trying to hide the constant precum stain on my pants" >"It's a wonder we learned anything at that age," he replied "It was cruel. Your junk wakes up years before you're likely to get any meaningful action" >"Then once you get into a situation where you can have it whenever you want you stop wanting it as much" "So much in life is like that. Cruel ironies at your expense" >"Yeah, and it only gets worse with each visit to the doctor" "Don't remind me. Still managing to stay off cholesterol meds, but it's like walking a fucking tightrope" >"You're doing better than me then" "Well, thanks. I appreciate you sharing the wealth, regardless" >Then you both agreed the snow pea greens were exceptional >Funny coming from him - the kid who refused to eat vegetables for years >Also the kid who didn't like sharing his toys is now sharing his drugs with you >Time changes people >You remembered when you were two slightly pudgy kids from a well off family playing with Star Wars action figures >For hours on end >Now you're grey haired men talking about what pills you take >Of course you two were the only non-Chinese in the place and when the bill came the damage for lunch was next to nothing >He was very pleased with your choice of restaurant - exactly the kind of place you would have eaten at as twentysomethings >"That's a problem with where I live," he said. "Crappy takeout Chinese is everywhere but there's no good REAL Chinese" "Gotta come to the city for that. You don't even know about the explosion of upscale regional Chinese in the East Village now" >"So it's not just rock and roll dive bars anymore?" "It hasn't been that for almost twenty years!" >"Fuck, we're old!" >You were quite happy to pick up the tab, give him a proper brohug and send him on his way back to the 'brubs >But afterwards the pill just sat in your desk at home >If you don't NEED it why waste it? >You may be a lot of things, but a glutton is something you try not to be >Like your Wall St buddies say, "Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered" >Last thing you want to be is a pig >But today your curiosity got the better of you >You pushed it out of its packaging and cut it in half with a chef's knife >Well not quite in half - one piece was a little bigger than the other >You decided to save the bigger piece for some night when you and Cynthia manage to connect >Still happens every now and then and it's still... nice >You made her cum five times in a row last week, so it's not like there's nothing there anymore >Or was it two weeks ago? >You popped the smaller piece of the blue pill and decided to spend the afternoon with your little pony >Men have spent centuries searching for the fountain of youth >Now it's available in pill form >May as well see what it's like >Especially now that you own a pegasus who is hotter than Michelle Calabrese ever was >You wonder whatever happened to her >Fuck, she's probably going through menopause right now, if she hasn't already >She might still be kinda hot though >Some Italian women age very well and she'd started off exceptionally attractive >But even though you could probably find out how things worked out for her with a few keystrokes you don't >No reason to let today's reality destroy the fantasies of your twelve year old self >You've got an even better "girl" to go play with anyways >You can't imagine what it must be like for guys growing up today with Equestrian mares being part of the equation >There are probably young guys out there right now ignoring women and even the idea of a social life >Just scraping together every cent they can earn so they can afford a mare of their own >You're pretty sure the guy you bought yours from started out like that, then ended up a horse trader >You're just glad you never had to choose between women and mares >It's easier - as in more socially acceptable - to be a "normal" married man with a mare sidepiece >You still get some judgment from conservatives, feminists and abolitionists >But not nearly as much as the guy who's exclusively fucking a mare he owns >THAT guy is sure to have people talking shit behind his back >And ponies, too >Because for him it's not just a sex and status thing >It's an obsession >Not that you don't get it >It just doesn't seem like quite enough to build your life around >You've got to have more than just that >Though right now an afternoon of nothing but that is just what the doctor ordered >And you figure you have about forty minutes to get to her before this shit kicks in >Be Cloudburst >Daddy is on your bed asleep next to you >And your brain is mush from three cummies >He came twice, which he hasn't done since the first few weeks of your being together >First time was down your throat, which he REALLY likes >And you like a lot better than him taking your tailhole, which thankfully seemed to be a passing interest of his >Then he put you on your back and said he was going to return the favor >You're still a little awkward about that, because even though it FEELS good you know you're one of those mares who... >Makes a mess when she's enjoying herself >And it never seems right to make a mess all over daddy's face, even if it seems like and it turns him on >But of course you did what he asked - you could NEVER even THINK of refusing him anything! >And you were rewarded with a great big cummy! >He rested a hand on your barrel and told you to stay like that >He mounted you and you realized he was already hard again >It's always a little strange to have sex that way - missionary they call it >It makes you feel very vulnerable, even though you know you're safe with daddy on top of you >You were a little embarrassed to smell yourself on his face >Of course he smelled like you because of what he'd just been doing >But the mortifying bit was that it wasn't just the smell of your cum >You could clearly smell your pee on him as well >You came so hard you squirted on him >You do that sometimes, but you should not have let go so hard when his mouth was on you >You basically peed in your master's mouth! >Bad girl! >But he didn't give much time to feel bad about it because he started railing you really hard >And not bad hard, either! >Good hard! >You couldn't cum in that position, but it still felt great >After a while he pulled out and flipped you onto all fours, standing on the bed >When he grabbed your tail you were afraid he was going to go for your tailhole, but he went right back to your puss >In that position his balls hit your clit with each thrust >Of course you came again! >But he just kept going right through it >Then he had his second cum deep inside you, prompting your third! >Then he laid down next to you, cuddled up and dozed off >Which you found adorable >And that's about as coherent a thought as you can form at the moment >Daddy is adorable! >After about ten minutes he stirs and smiles at you >"That was fun," he says >You notice he still half hard "Daddy!" >He laughs and says, "Yeah, that's a pharmaceutical assist" >You assume getting a third out of him will take a while, and your little puss is already sore "Want me to take care of that? Down my throat again?" >"I won't stop you" >It actually takes no longer than the first time >The only difference being that you taste yourself all over him at first >You keep your mouth around him after he finishes, letting him be the one to decide when it's over >And after a few seconds he makes the decision and pulls away from you >"That's a good girl. You've gotten really good at that" >You're proud of yourself >You must be good at it because this is the second time he's cum down your throat in less than an hour >You don't even get to taste it that way, but you get plenty of satisfaction from the precum taste in your mouth >You love the taste of his cum >And knowing you're pleasing him so well "Pharmaceutical assist?" >"Yeah, I took half a Viagra" "That's a lot of cummies" >"Yeah, you just got me like I was back in college" "Except you're better looking now - lucky me" >He runs a hand through your mane and says, "Lucky both of us. Besides, I feel I owed it to you after last time" >Ouch >Well you deserved it "You couldn't owe me anything first and second I deserved it for trying to trick you" >"Both those things are true, but I still felt like daddy owed his little girl some cummies" "That's because you're a good daddy" >"I didn't feel so good when I was... you know, last time" "I ASKED for it and deserved it" >"I know. I just don't like the thought of abusing you" "I'm yours to abuse, but I don't like the thought either. I know the difference between punishment and abuse though - Vidal explained it to me" >"Dare I ask how you ended up on that topic?" "I'm supposed to be discreet about what's said in makeup" >"Of course you are. I wouldn't ask you to betray any confidences unless... someone's or somepony's life were in danger" "Vidal handled it. Or he talked to somepony who said they would - the muscle you hired, in fact" >"Muscle I hired? This has something to do with Roseluck?" >Normally his concern for her would make you jealous, but after what he just did to you there's no room for that "No. Her roommate" >"What has that little whorse gotten herself into this time?" "You don't want me to betray confidences, remember?" >"So if I'm curious about this I should what? Have a talk with the muscle?" "Probably better than talking to Vidal," you reply selfishly >"I noticed she's been a bit more subdued on the show lately - not pulling as much weight as she used to" "There's a reason, and you can find it out for yourself, unless you demand I tell you, then I will" >"No. But if Vidal was talking to one of the agents I pay for every week it has to be something serious" "He didn't give me all the details - he just said they have it handled" >"If it's handled then it's handled, but I still like to know what's going on in my house" "This isn't a work thing - it's a personal life thing" >"Her personal life is a big part of my show. But I guess technically it's hers now that she's free" >He pauses for a second then asks, "Are you hungry? Do you want to go out to eat?" "That was a quick change of topic, but yes and yes" >"I just realized I'm starving" >He's going to take you out! >You LOVE being taken out >It makes you feel so fancy! >And proud to have the world see you out with such an important, successful man >Not to mention smart and sexy >Everyone and everypony who sees you knows immediately that you belong to him "Let me just freshen up a little" >"Yeah, me too. Actually a shower is more in order on my end" "We can take one together!" >You almost hope that chemical assist has worn off >Or it's going to be a longer shower than usual and you may end up just ordering in >Be Dark Star >Once again finding it hard not to be mad about things you cant control >In a world where so much is just plain WRONG >From obvious shit like how unicorns are treated with nowhere nearly the respect you know you deserve >That's inexcusable, and a bunch of idealistic abolitionists aren't going to change it >Probably only make things worse by appealing to soft-minded liberals who never get anything done in the first place >Really, who in their right mind would support vaporizing billions of dollars worth of private property in the stroke of a pen? >No one with any skin in the game, that's for sure >Thankfully you can push things in the right direction - maybe - with the sites you host >The more public ones, at least >There are a lot of unicorn stallions who feel the same way >Some of them are among the best pony minds out there, of course >Working to control the narrative to align unicorn interests with interests of those in power >Citizenship for unicorns and earth ponies could be bought by assuring pegasi remain slaves >They're not needed to control the weather here, and they pretty much can't anyways >Let them keep doing what they are good for - being pets for wealthy people >It's just a matter of convincing those people in power that unicorn interests are the same as theirs >And unicorns should be running things alongside them >If not as part of the ruling class then as their trusted immediate subordinates >While crushing the narrative that you're somehow going to replace them >Even though that WOULD be nice - there's plenty of time for that later >And it will take some time, however, since you're just one of many players in this game >Crafting the talking points in occult places >Then broadcasting them in public in coordinated operations >And it's hit enough critical mass that you have committed believers who do that work for nothing >Simply because they believe in what is right >Stealth is on your side though, since the average person has no idea what you're up to >From the outside it just looks like a bunch of porn sites >Then again porn is a moneymaker, just not the kind hosted on sites >The kind paid for in BTC and delivered encrypted to anonymous dropboxes - now that's where the money is! >And you don't feel the least bit bad about it, though it's the kind of thing you never acknowledge >You're not creating any of it, just distributing it in a way that's nearly impossible to trace >Just a bunch of ones and zeroes is all it is, after all >And that funds the operation nicely, even if so far it's failed to make you rich >You have bigger plans than that >Power and control are what interest you >And not the easy kind like over your marefriend >Though that is a nice taste of such things >You almost feel bad about how hard you have to be on her sometimes >But she can get ideas in her head, and that's no good - especially given the company she keeps >Can't have her keeping company like that, either >Not if she's to eventually use her position as a celebrity to be your mouthpiece on national television >You have to be sure she's thinking correctly >She's also not all that disciplined >So it's your duty to give her the discipline she needs >You know she craves it - she needs it >It's the only way she can reach her full potential >Of course she's shown promise already >The moment you really believe she's there you'll put a foal in her >Hopefully a filly so that 2.0 will be ripe right around the time her mother starts losing her looks >She's still pretty young, so there's no need to rush that, either >Got to keep it in mind though - timing is everything, and the first try could be a colt >A colt who hopefully gets to grow up with the status and power his father deserved - that will be your gift to him >And to the world, even if that world is undeserving of him >Your marefriend should be here any minute >It's eight o'clock and she knows better than to keep you waiting >You told her 8PM >If she's more than five minutes late you're going to make it very clear to her not to let tha happen again >Very fucking clear >The buzzer for the front door rings >She better not have brought that mudpony with her this time >You told her that had to stop as well >You press the open button on the buzzer console without bothering to make sure it's her >Because she and delivery guys are the only ones who ever buzz you >You open your apartment door an look out >There she is walking toward you >With that fucking idiot smugly walking behind her "You! You wait outside!" >"The hallway is fine," he replies "You get outside or I'm calling the police!" >It's an idle threat >There's no way you want any interaction with law enforcement, ever >But he doesn't know that and turns back toward the front door "I told you not to bring him around here anymore!" >"He didn't give me that option," she replies meekly "You are a free mare. You could have put your hoof down, but chose not to against my wishes. You know I won't tolerate that" >"I'm sorry. I did tell him he didn't need to come today but he wouldn't listen to me" "Are you two fucking?" >What?! No, I already told you we're not. Since you said we're exclusive I've been nothing but exclusive to you" "Did you ever fuck him?" >"No. Even if I'd wanted to HE couldn't because I'm his asset" "I bet that's what he told you. He's private property - he can't be trusted" >You move into the apartment so she can enter then lock the door behind her "So there's never been anything sexual between you two?" >"No. It's not like that. I mean yeah, I sucked his cock once, but not even to completion" "YOU SUCKED HIS COCK?!" >She looks scared now >"I fluffed him for Rose when he was trying to get her pregnant. And that was Before you said we were exclusive" "But we were still seeing each other at the time?!" >Little whorse! >"Um, I guess so..." "You fucking whorse!" >You whirl around so your rear is facing her and land a blow with a hind leg >She goes down and starts to cry >That was lucky, actually >You kicked her harder than you intended >You are so lucky you didn't get her in the face! >That would attract the kind of attention you really don't need "From now on the only cock you suck is mine!" >"I know," she says through tears, "I know. I'll be good, I promise!" >She's actually pretty hot when pleading and crying like this >You can feel your cock responding to the sight of her trembling under you "And you can start with that right now" >Be Dark Star >She's sucking your dick and actually doing a great job >She really knows what she's doing, which isn't a surprise after all >For how many years had you longed to feel this even though you tried to deny it >Too many, but now you can have it whenever you want >So why the fuck are you only half hard?! >Don't think about it - the more you think about it the worse it's going to get >What the fuck is wrong? >Then you realize it's the picture on the wall >Looking right at you >Your late mother >This is not going to happen with your mother looking at you >Even if it's just a picture of her >She was the reason you never had a marefriend before now >You were too busy taking care of her >Fuck, you're not going to get hard thinking about your mother in spite of the best efforts of the pretty mare beneath you "Let's put a pin in this. How about you fix us something to eat?" >She eases her muzzle back off you >"Whatever you want. But you know I can get you off in a couple minutes, regardless" >You know she can, but your mother's eyes looking at you ruins the moment >She follows your gaze to the picture on the wall >"She's beautiful," she says "We're not going to talk about her. I have oats in the kitchen" >"A little salty, right?," she asks >That's good >She's already learning your preferences and trying to give you what you want without having to be told "Yeah, thanks" >She trots off toward the kitchen, leaving you alone contemplating the picture of mom >It was really hard on you when she died half a year ago >But it was also something of a relief >Taking care of her all those years kept a part of your life on hold >Not that you begrudged her the attention and effort >After all she's the mare who made it to safety here when her world went dark and you were still inside her >And she did whatever it took to see to it you had enough to eat when you were a hungry, skinny colt >In a world indifferent to poor, hungry unicorns >She waited until you were a stallion to give up, but then she really gave up >Hardly a surprise >Mares are weak and she'd been through more than anypony ought to go through >You can't blame her for just giving up on life once she was sure you we're going to be OK >And as long as you had a decent computer and a fast internet connection you were OK >You could grow your businesses and meet like minded ponies >And of course for other needs there was more porn than you could possibly get through in hundreds of lifetimes >You quickly learned you weren't the only stallion in such a position >Plenty of other guys out there lived their lives online >And told you how much better you were for it because real life mares just complicated everything >You believed that for a while, too >Because your own mother had become one such mare >Until cancer took her away so excruciatingly slowly >And when it was all over you realized just how alone you were >Consumed with grief and conflicted feelings you didn't do very well with >In addition to the hollowness constant masturbation left you feeling >You almost felt like you were betraying your online brothers when you got that dating app >Like suddenly you were trying to be a normie when you knew you were anything but that >But you couldn't handle the loneliness anymore >You were shocked at the first match suggested for you >You figured the app was total bullshit to pair with a celebrity best known for being "married" to a dead celebrity >And a total whorse at that! >You were really expecting a reserved, quiet mare who knew her place and was more... >Pure >You wanted purity, and she was anything but >Oh, the fantasies of a virgin! >Makes you cringe now to remember how you thought just a few months ago >You were kind of shocked at first by this match, but you decided to play along >You researched this mare and watched hours of her on television >She wasn't exactly your type, but she was very... attractive >The kind of fucked up sexy that a lesser stallion would make bad decisions over >Pandering to the poor damaged mare until she inevitably fucked him over because that's what damaged mares do >But you could see right through that >Here was a beautiful mare more than willing to let you live out whatever fantasies your porn jaded mind could come up with >And all she needed in return was a firm hoof >A very firm hoof >Honestly, all those years taking care of mom left you with the kind of... >Resentment - you hate to admit it, but that's what it is - toward mares in general >That results in extra firm hooves >And she just happens to be the kind of mare who isn't put off by that >Not in the least, if anything she expects it >Also she's trainable, which is really the most important thing >That makes her celebrity status more of a gift than a liability >Once you've got her thinking correctly, which shouldn't be that hard >She's got no strong convictions of her own, just a few bad influences that you can separate her from >Keep the Magic Alive bullshit >The right idea with 100% WRONG execution >It's like they've never read history >You don't improve your situation by making yourselves into targets! >Targets get shot at >Power chooses the targets and does so without managing to become one >These days that means manipulating information, not marching in the streets like a left-wing freakshow >"Your oats are ready!," her voice calls from the kitchen >You walk to the kitchen to find a single bowl on the table "You're not having any>" >"I'd like something else," she says with a glance toward your nethers >Really? >"If you don't mind letting me finish what I started," she says, looking away "While I'm eating?" >"Sure, why not?" >The last few months have been a long list of new sexual experiences >This is just another one >And there's no picture of mom in the kitchen to throw you off so why not? >Be Agent 47 >The Fed Ex uniform is a little tight - it wasn't made for a stallion quite as large as you >But it only has to be believable for a few seconds >Just so he doesn't immediately recognize you >The cap feels a little silly as well >The sunglasses... >You kinda like them, but then again you always thought you looked good wearing sunglasses >But looking good isn't the purpose here >The purpose is to become a generic nopony - barely seen and less remembered >Just one of countless uniformed stallions delivering boxes daily on the streets of Brooklyn >Or in your case one large box the contents of which are a very large plastic bag, a smaller plastic bag and a smaller box >In that smaller box is a burner phone and a small bottle of bleach >42 told you this was overconfidence, but you weighed it out over and over >And decided the simplest most straightforward plan was probably the best to go with >Especially given the disparity in your size versus that of your target >And your vastly superior hoof to hoof combat training >This should all go down smoothly >Even though your training focused more on defense than offense >You were always good at offense >Had things worked out differently you could have been just as effective - maybe more effective - playing for the other team >And by that you don't mean the pink stylist's homo buttsex team >No fucking way are you cut out for THAT! >You are made for breeding! >UNF! >But working in terms of targets to be taken out instead of assets to be protected? >Could have been interesting had things worked out that way for you >You suspect you would have been good at that as well >Maybe even better >Actually you're about to find out >You've never killed anypony before, and the knowledge that you're about to is... >Interesting >There's a little charge to it because this couldn't happen to a more deserving guy >And you're happy to be the one who gives him what he deserves >But there's also the challenge of keeping your cool while going off script >You were definitely trained not to go off script in all but the most extreme situations >But this guy is already hurting her and only likely to get worse - hurt her worse and worse >You also have feelings for her, though you're well aware you shouldn't >That is a line crossed >And your cock has been down her throat >Another line crossed >That qualifies as an extreme situation in your view >It wouldn't to HQ - you know that - but it does to you >This guy is going out now >You have a five hour window while she's taping the show >For what ought to be a two hour job >You've already burned a half hour getting here >But there was no way around that >The uniform you could manage to get >The truck and driver were an impossibility >So you had to walk here with a large box on your back looking purposeful >Like at any moment you were going to ring the buzzer at one of the nearby buildings >Walking quickly while looking up at the street number of every building you passed >Just like a real Fed Ex pony making a real delivery in an unfamiliar part of town would >It seemed to work >You felt invisible - you WERE invisible! >And any cameras that might have picked you up along the way aren't going to get enough to give a positive ID >Not with the hat and sunglasses >You even changed your gait to something far stiffer than your usual >So you wouldn't be recognizable that way, either >Fuck you 42! >I am not being overconfident! >I got this! >But you'll share the spoils with him anyways because he's your partner >You feel very clever that you managed to work out a way to profit from this >And from this asshole's own darkweb network, at that >There's an extra level of justice there >Which almost makes you feel like Batman >Though you're aware even Batman wouldn't go this dark >Then again he's supposed to be a rich, free man with a tragic past >His parents killed in front of him >You're a stallion who is private property >Never knew your parents >Going rogue if you're being honest with yourself >Totally fucking rogue >You're allowed to be darker than Batman >Actually you're not ALLOWED to do this at all >But here goes! >You ring the buzzer of an apartment in a building you've spent way more time standing out front of than you ever wanted to >In ten seconds the door clicks unlocked with a different buzz >Step one accomplished >You walk down the hall to see the target's door open and his head poke out "Fed Ex," you call out in an affected voice >You didn't mean to sound quite that gay, but thinking of the pink pegasus made it the first voice that came to you >Works, actually >Makes you seem like less of a threat >Thank you, subconscious! >When you get to the door he takes a look at the size of the box on your back >"I don't think I..." >Great - he doesn't recognize you yet! >You push past him into the apartment, letting the box fall off your back >Turning yourself so your hind legs are withing striking distance of him you feel... >SHIT! >It's a poke in the eye! >Just enough to disorient you for a second as you hear him run towards? >Gotta be the kitchen - you've studied his floor plan online >That was magic, and pretty strong magic at that! >Few unicorns can manage more than a nudge, and this bastard just poked your eye >Not enough to blind you, but enough to throw you off your game for a few seconds >And now that fucker is running to get... a knife? >Not happening! >You rush after him >There's no way you galloped in such a tight space >But it sure as fuck felt like you did >Noticing the lack of rugs or carpet on the floor - good! >But that leaves you slamming into the wall while making the right turn into the kitchen just seconds behind him >He's rummaging through a drawer desperately looking for something >Obviously doesn't cook much or a knife would be at hoof >Good for you, bad for him >Both eyes come into focus in time to see him with his mouth in the drawer trying to pick up a knife >With no obvious defensive strategy as you turn your hindquarters toward him and strike with a hoof >And connect! >This guy has never been in a fight before, as you figured >Sheltered little shit who thinks beating on mares makes him more of a stallion >Looking behind you it's easy to see where to land the other rear hoof after the first returns to the ground >You feel the too tight uniform tear as you do, but it's already served its purpose >And the second blow lands, taking him down >You feel like you're on Hippodrome >Backing over his head you can't resist a little gloating "Didn't your mother teach you not to hit mares?!" >"Don't you dare," he manages to gurgle out, "say anything about..." >You feel and uncomfortable pressure on your balls >Fucking magic again?! >You start stomping >The pressure stops >You tried to be conservative >It was supposed to be three or four blows to minimize the cleanup >It might have been five or six, maybe seven, maybe more >Looking now his skull is clearly fractured >His horn isn't at the right angle, his eye hanging out of the socket and the blood - more than you'd hoped for - oozing out of his mouth and nose >Doesn't matter whether or not he's still alive now because he won't be for long >Sink, stopper, water, bleach and a couple towels from his bathroom >Thankfully he had more than one >Clean up blood and hooves and everywhere bloody hooves were >Get him into big plastic bag you brought with you >Harder and messier than you expected >More cleanup >Put cleanup materials and uniform in small plastic bag then small box then drag asshole in big plastic bag into big box >Tape! >Shit, you forgot tape! >Your two hour job is turning into a three and a half hour job >Cleanup is a bitch! >And you had to run to the 99 cent store around the corner for packing tape >But you being out on the street in front of this building isn't uncommon over the last few months >In this situation the best disguise is actually no disguise at all >You push the big box with the big plastic bag with the big dead asshole inside it out the building's front door >Then you head back to the apartment and text a number you memorized on your burner phone: READY FOR PICKUP >Along with the address >As you then destroy the burner and leave with it inside the small box >There's a construction site around the corner with a dumpster where you can ditch it >Which is what you do >That would be a mistake if he were somepony who might be quickly missed >But there's only one pony who is gonna miss him beyond anonymous business contacts, and you can manage her >Be mare >At home with Roseluck >Crystal Clear is over as well, and though you really didn't want to talk about your relationship with them >Things hit a breaking point and you did >"It sure sounds like he's ghosting you," Crystal says. "Which is even shittier than breaking up with a text message" >The words "breaking up" almost send you into a panic >Rejection is not something you're used to, and the idea that you're being rejected now doesn't sit well at all >Only one male has ever rejected you before, and that was because he had other plans for you - the show >And it was hard to take that as a REAL rejection because he smelled like the piss of another mare >One who's just as cute as you are an even a little younger >Plus the little bitch has wings >You don't mean that - she's not a bitch >You're just jealous >She'll never have to go through what you're feeling now >It's really just a step short of panic >Along with a feeling in your stomach that makes you just want to lay down and not get up again for a long time >He stopped responding to your texts >He doesn't answer his phone >You are being ghosted by your allegedly very highly compatible coltfriend! >And you don't know what you did wrong >You were GOOD! >Even if he could always find something wrong with you >Something worth hitting you over when that's what you deserved >But for the most part you were GOOD! >Why would he do this to you?! >Just ignore you? >That's cruel - you'd happily let him hit you all he wants if that would make him stop ignoring you! >Because this you can't handle >It's not like you don't know where he lives >You could just go to him - maybe this is all just a big misunderstanding >Then again wouldn't that be just setting yourself for a bigger dose of rejection? "I could go to see him" >Roseluck frowns >"The kind of guy who ghosts you isn't worth that effort," she says >"I'm so sad you have to go through this," Crystal adds, "but better to find out this asshole's true colors now than further down the road" "We'd talked about maybe having foals someday. He brought it up! Does that sound like a guy who is going to ghost you?" >"I don't even try to understand how the male mind works," Crystal responds, "With mares you know where you stand" >Rose smiles at her "That's no help for me" >"I thought he was a creep from the start," Roseluck says. "He didn't treat you right and you know it" "You don't know how he treated me but you've had an opinion about it from the start" >"Trying to isolate you from your friends and being physically abusive aren't Prince Charming level attributes," she replies >"And not even enough of a gentlecolt to properly break it off," Crystal adds. "Seriously you dodged a bullet here" "You don't understand" >"Maybe I don't," she answers >Rose adds, "But we're HERE for you regardless" >That's something >Not enough to make the panic go away >But maybe it takes the very slightest bit of the edge off it "I think I should go see him. If he really wants to end this he should have tell me to my face" >"If you feel you need one last bit of punishment from him to move on," Roseluck replies, "so be it. I don't think it's a good idea" "It's not like Forty Seven is going to let me go alone anyways" >"When your bodyguard is a consideration when paying your ex a visit..." Crystal begins >"Not the best sign," Roseluck finishes "I think I have to do it anyway" >47 accompanies you on the familiar walk >Usually you'd be excited to get to your destination >Today you're hurt, numb and full of trepidation >He has to know you'd eventually show up for some answers >You don't just ignore somepony you're in a relationship with >But evidently some ponies do just that or there wouldn't be a name for it >Ghosted >It makes you feel stupid and ashamed, the latter something as unfamiliar to you as rejection >And you don't like either of those feelings, but you don't know how to make them go away >You make it to his building and hesitate for a second before pressing his buzzer >No response >You press it again, holding the button down for a longer period of time >Still no response >You look through the glass in the front door >You can see his door with a couple boxes in front of it >One from Amazon "He's not here" >"I didn't want to bring this up, Ma'am," 47 says slowly, "but there's the chance he isn't ghosting you" "What do you mean?" >"I did a deep dive on this guy. He was definitely distributing CP, so there's the chance the party van came for him" "Could you say that in English?" >"Some of his businesses were illegal, of the nature that could draw attention from the Feds" "So he's arrested?" >"It's possible. But if he found out they were coming from him the smart thing to do would be to disappear" "If that happened he would have gotten word to me, don't you think?" >This is actually giving you hope - maybe he didn't reject you after all! >Maybe this is just a misunderstanding! >Your coltfriend in federal custody or on the run from the feds isn't a good thing >But it's easier to take than being ghosted! >47 continues, "If the feds are after him they probably are monitoring your phone records as well" "Of course. That's why I haven't heard anything from him" >"This is all speculation, Ma'am. I'm just saying it's possible" "He was doing stuff that was that bad online?" >"Bad is a relative term, but definitely some of his operations were illegal. That's how he funded the rest of it" "He never went into detail about that stuff with me" >"When you're into that kind of stuff it's best not to go into detail about it with anypony" "But you were able to find out?" >"I was always strong when it came to intelligence. Not like I'm all that smart, but I'm good at digging up information" "So you think he's just gone? Like on the lam?" >"I'm saying there are reasons why a guy in his position might just disappear" "Is it weird that that makes me feel better?" >"Ma'am?" "I couldn't accept that he was ghosting me. I didn't make any sense. But I can accept this. Is that weird?" >"That's not for me to judge" "You didn't like him anyway" "My opinion is irrelevant, Ma'am. Your safety is all that matters in regard to me" >Yeah, right soldier boy >Tell yourself that, but you sure didn't seem to mind your cock down my throat >In fact you'd probably jump at the chance for that to happen again >But it really shouldn't - that was a spur of the moment thing on your part that felt like a mistake in retrospect "Well I can handle him having to disappear a lot easier than him dumping me and not even having the courtesy to tell me" >"Still it's a lot to go through, if you don't mind my saying so, Ma'am" "But this I can almost handle. If we come back in a week and he's still not around I'll accept that's what happened" >"Of course we can do that" "Good. Let's head home then. We don't need to stand out in front of his building like a couple of idiots" >Be Agent 47 >Back at your apartment >42 looks up as walk through the door >"Well we know someone isn't shooting blanks!" "Really? Rose is preggers?" >"They just found out today" >You don't know why that gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment, but it does "Awesome, though it probably means the end of our partnership is coming sooner rather than later" >"They're already talking about moving in together" "I'm surprised it's taken them this long. You know how lesbos are" >"Moving truck on the second date" "It has been a pleasure working with you" >"That's not the word I would use, but for a dull mission you sure figured ways to keep it interesting" "I guess so" >"How did she handle going to his place and him not being there?" "She went right along with the script we'd worked out" >"Of course she did. She wasn't dumped, after all" "Only ghosted in a literal sense" >"I still can't believe you did that" "You're not supposed to know I did anything" >"It's a little late for that, don't you think?" "I guess" >"So as long as I know things I shouldn't may as well answer the one question I have remaining about it" "What?" >"The body. How did you get rid of the body?" "I boxed him up and arranged for pickup" >"Pickup? By who?" "I don't even want to know. Someone I found on one of his darksites" >"Why would someone pick up a box full of dead unicorn" "People have a wide range of appetites, some of which cost a premium and have to be kept secret. Like a taste for unicorn meat" >"You're joking, right?" "Point two five of a Bitcoin says I'm not. And half of that is yours, since you're part of the conspiracy" >"That's very kind of you" >He just sits there quietly for a minute, then asks, "Do you really think he was butchered, cooked and eaten?" "That's what it seemed like was going to happen. These folks were specifically interested in 'unicorn meat'" >"Shit. That's really creepy. Well it couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy, regardless" "My thoughts exactly" >Be mare >Rose and the colt are moving out today, and in with Crystal >Rose is happy about it, the colt a little less so >You get that - change is hard, and even in relatively liberal Brooklyn being the colt with two mommies is... >Not what every colt wants, even if both of them are nice regardless of their politics >Living with mommy and auntie is a little less weird >And nopony that age wants to be weird >Your apartment has a bunch of boxes scattered around waiting for the moving stallions to come and pick up >It's not like Roseluck has all that much stuff, but between her and the colt you count ten boxes >It's been a couple weeks since DS disappeared and you're convinced either the Feds came for him or he's hiding from them >You've been back to his place twice and no trace of him >Boxes piling up in front of his door like parking tickets on a car whose owner died >You hope he's OK, but this is definitely the sort of thing that ends a relationship >You kind of have to BE THERE to be in it >And if you're not - for whatever reason - then it's not a relationship anymore >Which means as great as it was to have a stallion in your life >Like it or not you're single again >Which is hitting you pretty hard at the moment because your heat just kicked in >Leaving you lonely, horny and single >Looking in the mirror you see you're also a mess - you need to brush your mane! >Of course you didn't this morning because Roseluck borrowed your brush - she'd already packed hers >She and Crystal took a load of stuff over to Chrystal's place >So you assume your brush is in her room with Cuddleslut >Actually it's almost time to stop thinking of him like that >He's no longer a foal - not yet a full grown stallion, either >But he's nearly as tall as you and he's starting to fill out a little >Just a little - he's still kind of spindly, but looking more and more like his father every day >No silly mustache though - you hope he doesn't decide to grow one the moment he's able >Which might be before too long >Though right now video games are what he's into >Rose broke down and bought him a tablet that he spends most of his time playing on >Which is what you assume he's doing when you knock on her door and then gently push it open "Did you see where your mom left my brush?" >The moment he sees you he looks away >It takes you a second to realize why, but you do pretty quickly >The colt is hung and it's showing right now! >"I...I..," he stammers >FUCK! >This is the kind of delicate situation you really weren't expecting to find yourself in just yet! >Thoughts start rising in your heat addled brain that you can't allow to fully form >He's embarrassed - deal with that first! "THAT is nothing to be ashamed of," you begin >You mean that on a couple levels >If that's what he's got now he'll be the size of his father by the time he's, well, the size of his father >He still can't look at you "And I'm the one stinking up the place, so this is probably on me" >"I... I... think you smell... good," he sputters, looking at you but still not making eye contact >You notice what's between his legs is still at attention >FUCK! "I bet you do. You're a young, healthy soon-to-be stallion" >Sooner than you figured, apparently >But no less of a stallion! >Get yourself out of this situation before you do something you'll regret >Something Rose would make it her mission to make you regret regardless of whether you actually did "I just came in for my brush" >"It's on the bed," he says, moving toward the bed "Don't trouble yourself, I'll get it," you say, approaching the bed from the opposite as him >You quickly snatch the brush with your mouth and make it quickly toward the door "M'fank you" >And you're out! >Crisis averted, for the moment at least >You're still in heat and along in the apartment with a colt who looks like a very young version of master >And is obviously aroused >You are not equipped to handle a situation like this in a manner that your peers would approve of >You know yourself >Part of you thinks the compassionate thing to do would be to go back in there and suck him off >So only one of you is left frustrated >Because the smell of your heat is the reason he's in that position in the first place >While that seems right to you you're aware almost everypony you know would disagree with you on that call >You may have been generous enough to share his father with Rose, but you know Rose isn't generous that way about her son >The idea would horrify her! >And more than once you've promised her - half joking - you'd keep your hooves off him >Which was an easy enough promise to keep until now >With the thoughts running through your head and him RIGHT THERE this could be bad >You've got to get out of here - go for a walk or something >You give your mane a quick brushing and walk toward the door to the hallway "I'm going out for a little while. I'll be back in time to join everypony for dinner" >No response from the colt >Hopefully he'll figure out how to take care of himself, though the thought makes you a little sad >You walk out into the hallway, down the steps and to the building's door >By the time your hooves hit the sidewalk you hear 47's hoofsteps following a polite distance behind you >Such a good soldier >And pretty unf is his own right! >Stop that! >He's off limits, too! >Though no doubt he's just as aware of your state as the colt >Rounding the corner onto the next block you recognize a familiar voice calling out to you >"What's a bigtime celebrity doing walking the sidewalk without her entourage?" >The guard! >Or now the former guard "I've got him," you say, pointing a hoof toward 47 >"Good. Somebody's gotta watch out for you!" >He's about to lean down to pat your head, but you take the initiative, rearing up to hug him >"What did I do to deserve this?" "Made me miss you. How are you? How's your marefriend? I'm sorry, I forgot her name" >"Doesn't matter now. We're over" "Then I really am sorry! What happened?" >"When we first hooked up I said 'are you sure you don't want foals?' because that's something I couldn't give her" "Of course not" >"She says she doesn't want foals. So I sell my place, move to Brooklyn, a year goes by and everything is fine until..." "I can guess" >"Yeah, her sister has a foal and suddenly she wants one. Wants to do her part to keep the magic alive" "And you don't fit with that plan" >"Not one bit. So here I am freshly dumped looking for a hole in the wall to drown my sorrows in" "I'm just getting over a relationship, too" >"I'm sorry to hear that. Want to talk about it?" "Not all that much to say. He disappeared" >"What?!" "He was involved in some shady businesses and one day he just disappeared" >"And you don't know what happened... Probably don't want to know what happened, either" "Unlikely I could find out even if I wanted to" >"You do lead an interesting life" "Hey! Instead of just standing here on the sidewalk how's about I buy you a drink. There's a bar right around the corner!" >"A pony bar, or?" "A neighborhood bar both ponies and people hang out at" >"Sure, kid. Sounds good" "Then it's a date!" >"Well, um... not a DATE, right?" "Can be if you want it to be. We're both single. Nothing to stop us from going out on a date!" >"There's our history, I mean... How I took advantage of... you when... you know, back then" "Took advantage?! I seem to remember that being transactional in nature and I was a very willing participant" >"Still wrong though" "I was getting fucked all evening by walk ins. I wasn't allowed to have one friend with benefits?" >"That's how you thought of it?" "That's how I still think of it. And right now I could use a friend. One with benefits would be good, too" >"Slow down there, kid. I'm flattered, but don't you think I'm way to old for you?" "When have I ever NOT been into older guys?" >"Yeah, but wouldn't wasting your time with an older guy just keep you from finding the stallion you'll have foals with someday?" "That's still a fresh wound, huh? You're looking at a mare who is one hundred percent sure she doesn't want foals" >"How can you be so sure? You'd make a great mother. You're kind, generous and you look out for those around you" "Thank you. But I would not make a good mother at all. A mother has to prepare her children for the world they'll face one day" >"So? You can do that" "No I can't. I can't even trust my own judgment out here. You know what I was raised to be. I'm totally faking it" >"A lot of us feel like we're faking it sometime" "You know what I mean! You were there! I still think like private property trained to provide a specific service" >"In Madam's defense she did the best she could" "I'm not faulting Madam, or you or anypony for that matter. I'm just saying that's no way of thinking to pass along to a foal who will..." >You notice his eyes are shiny >Is he tearing up?! "...grow up free. It's just not right" >He wipes his eyes with the back of his hand >"Still so compassionate and smart," he says, his voice cracking a little, "You always were my favorite, and not just because you were pretty" "I always believed it when you said it. Still do. So why not let an old friend take you out on a date and see how things go" >"Like shoulders to cry on or rebounds?" "Maybe. Or go back to being friends with benefits. Or who the fuck knows? You understand me better than anypony out here does" >"You believe that?" "You know the world I came from and the world I live in. You can see how hard it is to reconcile the two" >He sighs >"That's a lot to take in" "So are we going to stand here talking or are you going to let me take you out for drinks and we'll probably fuck later?" >Some guys really need it spelled out for them >He looks sad and confused, but he's still a man >You see the promise of the evening you just described dawn on him >The sad look slowly being replaced by something more familiar as he looks you over >That's more like it! >"This is so wrong" "Trust me it's a lot less wrong that how else my day could have worked out. So are you in?" >"What about?," he asks, gesturing toward 47 "He's a pro. He'll stay out of the way" >"Lead the way then!" >That's what you've been doing! >Gonna have to text Rose and tell her you won't be meeting them for dinner >Something came up >Be mare >You were looking forward to this month's video chat with your old friends when you set it up >Which is hard enough to do with everypony's different schedules >But after what happened two nights ago when Roseluck and the colt moved out you looked forward to it less >You don't have the world's greatest pokerface, you've learned >You can get away with a lie here and there, but nothing big >Which is why you're usually very straightforward >If you try to be anything but you'll get called out on it eventually >By Snowdrop especially >Who took one look at you and asked what the news was "DS is gone," you began >"He broke up with you?!," she answered. "I thought you two were very highly compatible" "He didn't break up with me. He disappeared" >"Is that really a thing?," Durril asked "Think about your clients at the tack dance club," you replied. "Don't some of them strike you as the kind of guys who could have reason to disappear?" >"Or make somebody else disappear," Skydancer added "Or that, yeah" >"So he was...?," Durril asked "Shady? Yeah. At first I thought it was because he just liked his privacy so he was squirrely about dating a celebrity, but..." >"Totally shady!," Snowdrop said. "I knew by the way you wouldn't give us any details about him! That's not you. Had to be the guy was shady!" "Yeah well, it's not a thing anymore" >"You OK?," Skydancer asked "Dealing with it. And him disappearing is easier to take than getting dumped" >"Which has got to be worse than losing a regular," Snowdrop said "I didn't mind losing one in particular one back in the day" >The girls laughed uncomfortably, knowing who you were referring to >Now that you're older you understand what was happening back then >Your fake master wanted to be the master of a filly, but could only afford to rent, not buy one properly >So he lived out his fantasy with you >And in your filly mind you couldn't tell the difference >You assumed he was eventually going to be your master >That makes you cringe so much, but you really didn't know any better back then >And there was nopony to explain what was going on to you >Poor Madam was doing her best to make sure none of you girls killed themselves >Durril in particular >Thankfully that worked out, and you know you had a hoof in that >So seeing her on the screen relatively happy - and still cute - makes you happy >Now the girls are talking to each other while you space out a little >The thing with DS is still on your mind >You weren't dumped, but it was still a kind of abandonment that left you a little uneasy >Especially with Roseluck moving out, even though you knew that was coming >It all leaves you ALONE in a way you've never really been before, and you don't like that >Thankfully an old friend appeared to take the sting out of it >Which you're not going to be able to keep from them for much longer and you KNOW is going to make you into a punchline >The topic has come back to you >"So you're back to not getting any again?," Durril asks >Fuck, here it comes >You can't stop the little smile that you feel coming on >"SHE IS!," Snowdrop cries. "Spill!" "I did hook up with someone. Let's just say an old friend" >"Um... We're your old friends and you never swung that way," Snowdrop replies >You can't help but notice the grin on Skydancer's face "Someone from back then. He was dating a unicorn for a while, but it didn't work out" >Snowdrop's eyes go wide >"Your OLD coltfriend?! The guard! You fucked the guard again?" "It just sort of happened. He was freshly dumped and going out for a drink. I was in heat - still am. I'm seeing him again tonight" >"Can he still... you know... raise the mast?," Durril asks "For ME he could. But if further down the road things involve a little fluffing I'm fine with that" >"You can take the girl out of the brothel...," Snowdrop says >Here it comes >The girls are going to pile on you for this >But not all that harshly because they're all still pros as well >Just because they no longer expect this out of you >Which makes you fair game >"So how was it?," Snowdrop asks. "Good I'm guessing if you're seeing him again tonight?" "It was sweet. Actually kind of tender..." >"The way every mare wants it when she's in heat," Durril says sarcastically "Usually I'd think that kind of sex was creepy, but with him it was nice" >"Nice in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of way?," Skydancer asks >Come on, Sky! >You of all ponies know better than that! "Are YOU gonna throw stones? Your house is made of more glass than mine!" >"I was trying to be funny," she replies with a sly smile. "I bet he was remembering you as a filly the whole time" "You would know, wouldn't you? Oh shit, now YOU'RE thinking of me as a filly!" >Snowdrop giggles, but it seems like it went over Durril's head >"Well you're definitely the one wearing the pants in this situation," Durril says "How do you figure?" >"Come on. You're a free celebrity. You could have anypony you want and HE gets you? He knows how lucky he is" "It's not just luck. I've told you how it is on the outside. Honest talk easily leads to shock and pity, and you get tired of that" >"Oh, now I get it," Skydancer says. "It is a little Stockholmy! He was with you on the inside so he gets it" >"Still think he's lucky to be getting it in the first place," Durril quips >"Yeah, you're on the outside now," Snowdrop adds, "Can't you just say 'I'm too good for him?'" "I could, but I don't want to" >"Spoken like a free mare," Skydancer replies, that sly smile still on her face "You think this is hilarious, don't you?" >"It IS," she answers, "but I get it. It makes a weird kind of sense" "Whatever. In other news Roseluck noved in with Crystal. Oh, and she's pregnant" >"It's so crazy out there," Snowdrop says, "I don't think I could make it" >"Me neither," Durril adds, "But it IS nice to visit!" "Yeah, I should put together another field trip for all of us" >"Doesn't that cost you a lot of money?," Skydancer asks "Yeah, but I make decent money and don't really spend a lot. And the organization gives me a family discount" >"I should hope so," Sky replies >"Because you ARE family," Snowdrop adds >Does that make your relationship with the former guard incest? >If you could think of a really funny to put that you'd say it >But you can't >Be mare >Being alone in your apartment is weird >You've never really BEEN alone before and it doesn't seem to suit you well >So you were looking forward to an old friend (with benefits) coming to visit >He showed up with edible flowers and a bottle of wine >You barely had a taste of each before you jumped him >Which was very satisfying for you even if he is a bit more gentle than you're used to >He was taking a while to get off so you finished him with your mouth >He liked that, but of course he did >You know you're really good at that - have been since you were a filly >Lying in your bed cuddling with him is nice too >Which is what you're doing now >He's good at ear scratches and still calls you "kid," which you like >Makes you feel young, which you still are but you feel even younger beside him "You know I'm not a china doll. You're not going to break me if you want to be a little, um... rough once in a while" >"You're into that?," he asks >He says he watches the show, but this response suggests he's one of those guys who watches it on mute >You know that's a thing "I don't mind a firm hand every now and then" >"Ok, kid," he replies. "I was brought up to be a gentleman, so that's the last thing that would occur to me" "I actually like that about you, I'm just saying for the future" >"Treat you like you've been a naughty girl?" >Just him saying that sends a jolt to your privates "Mmmmm hmmm" >"Maybe put you over my knee and give you a spanking?" "That's certainly a good start. Really anything that puts me is a submissive position is a big turn on" >"So you're a kinky girl. Guess that's inevitable given how you grew up. Which wasn't at all right" >Ugh - way to sidetrack things just when they were getting interesting! "You can say it isn't right like all the other abolitionists do, but that doesn't mean it isn't the reality for plenty of us" >"But it shouldn't be" "It IS though. Whether you think it's wrong or right does nothing to invalidate my experiences, and those of others like me" >"Others like you don't get to be free, and that's the issue" "One issue out of many. Whether or not you're private property you still have to live your life. What you experience matters regardless" >"But ponies who are private property experience things nopony ought to experience. You know that - you were one of them" "It's still part of who I am. The good and the bad of it. And if there's anything I don't need it's pity" >"But..." "There is no but. You just spent a year with a free unicorn. They spend a lot of time talking about what's right and wrong and how things should be..." >Gather your thoughts >You've got to say this right to get through to him "When you're private property you don't have the luxury to ever think like that. You just keep your head down and try to..." >Get through your day? "Get through the day. That's your life. Right and wrong don't matter. Kindness matters, and that's pretty much it" >"I..." "Don't make this about you. But yeah, you were always kind to me. That's why you're here now. But I'm not a unicorn, so don't expect me to think like one" >Maybe that got through? >He's thinking, or doing a good impression of someone thinking "Can we please go back to the bit about you putting me over your knee and spanking me? I liked where that was going" >He looks confused for a second, then smiles >"Have you been a bad girl?" >You nuzzle into his chest and... >Bite >Not hard enough to break the skin or anything >But hard enough that he's left with zero doubt that you just bit him >"OW! Fuck! You bitch! Now you're gonna get it!" >That's the spirit! >Yay! >Be mare >Afterglow 2: electric boogaloo >He was actually more into tanning your ass than you thought he'd be >Probably some lingering resentment at his ex that got channeled toward you >Gonna have to exploit that as long as it lasts then let positive reinforcement take care of things going forward >You made him finish up your tailhole with his hands around your throat >Both of you got off at the same time! >Loudly, too - you're sure the neighbors upstairs heard you >Which you find more funny than embarrassing >Truth is he's more promising than you'd given him credit for >He still likes to cuddle after, which you can go either way on >But after the second time he just falls asleep, which you have to admit is pretty cute >You know how you want to wake him up >You take a pretty big swig of wine and hold it in your mouth >Then you brush your lips against his sleeping lips >His eyes open pretty quickly >Probably afraid of being bit again! >You press your lips tightly against his and open them a little >A drop of wine runs down his cheek before he realizes what's happening >And he happily takes the mouthful of wine from you >"You are such a sweet thing," he says after he swallows >You know he believes it, too >You're just a pony who has been through some shit >A good looking one who can suck a dick as well as she can balance the books >You try to be kind and understanding to those around you, but you're really nothing special >But to him you're special - you're a sweet thing >He still calls you kid >And now his hand is in your mane while he's kissing you >All you taste is wine >THIS is a really good way to keep from missing DS, Roseluck and... >The colt >It was exactly the right time for HIM to go >As much as you love your little Cuddleslut he's on the verge of becoming a different kind of thing >Something more potentially problematic >The man here with you now is not a problem >Beyond making you have to wash the sheets tomorrow >You understand why Cloudy sees to it VP John always smells like her >You actually felt the urge to mark him at one point, but kept yourself in check >Only because you weren't sure how he would react >"So do you keep in touch with any of the girls from your... graduating class?" >That's a funny way to put it, but you know what he means "Snowdrop, Skydancer and I video chat at least once a month. Durril manages to make it there about half the time" >"I saw Skydancer pretty often back when I still worked there. She'd come around, you know" "Yeah, she doesn't anymore. Developed some moral qualms about it that I don't entirely get" >"I do, but that means there's one brokenhearted filly there, for sure. Never gave me the time of day but lit up like a Christmas tree whenever Sky came" "I think she's holding herself to an unreasonable standard. I could see how it could be considered wrong if they were both free ponies..." >"Mmmm hm" "But neither of them are! If you're both private property free ideas about right and wrong don't apply" >"What if one is private property and the other isn't?" "Same thing. Free ideas about right and wrong only apply to those who are free. Like, you can say slavery is wrong" >"It is" "But it exists. So that wrong is on the people in charge for letting it exist" >"OK" "But if you're a slave what's right? Doing what you're told, not making trouble and trying to look out for others in the same position" >"So you see morality as completely relative" "It HAS to be when some ponies are free and others aren't" >"Yeah, you definitely don't think like a unicorn" "So yeah, Sky's at the dungeon, Snowdrop is still a working girl. The two of them still have a little thing going on" >"Sounds hot" >You knock a hoof into his head - not hard "I KNEW you were going to say that" >"And Durril is at the strip club?" "Tack dance. Technically it's the opposite of a strip club but the same thing in practice" >"They offered me the position of heading up security there when they opened it. It would have been better pay, but I didn't want to deal with a bunch of drunks" "It's their most profitable business because of alcohol sales, but they have to spend a lot on security" >"That's right, you still work for them part time, don't you?" "A few hours a week" >"I couldn't anymore" "I get that. You can vote. You have a say in things, supposedly. Your actions should line up with your beliefs" >"You have no problems with it?" "Not really. I still have friends on the inside. Wha are you going to do?" >An idea hits you "Hey, do you have a car?" >"Yeah" "We could go visit Durril at the tack dance club!" >"Drive to Staten Island on a Friday night? It'll be a bitch finding a parking spot when we get back" "Please? It would be a nice surprise for her" >"Seeing the two of us together? I bet that would be a surprise" "Oh, they know about us. We talked earlier today" >"What was the reaction?" "Snowdrop used to call you my coltfriend back on the inside, so she had a snicker... and I know Sky thought it was hilarious" >"So the girls have already had a laugh at our expense" "Not a mean spirited one. More like typical inside razzing" >"Well I don't know how I feel about being a customer to a former employer I left for ethical reasons" "Don't think of it that way. Think of it as taking your marefriend to visit an old friend of hers" >"Ummm" "A marefriend who has no problem with you watching other sexy mares pole dance" >"So you're my marefriend now?" >Oops, you were just assuming that >Of course he'd jump at the chance for you to be his marefriend "Do you like the sound of that?" >"What if this is just a rebound thing for both of us?" "It kind of is, but that doesn't make it a bad thing, does it?" >"I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you" >You laugh "Depends on HOW you hurt me. There's good hurt and bad hurt. Stick with the good and everything's fine" >"And I don't really have a say in the matter anyways, do I?" >You kiss him "Nope. Let's go to Staten Island!" >Be mare >In a car going over the Verrazano Bridge >The car is a modest sedan, much smaller than the network SUVs you sometimes get to ride around in >47 is squished into the back seat, but there was no way to keep him from accompanying you >Your coltfriend is driving >Ha ha ha! - he's your coltfriend now! >"You know we didn't really eat," he says, "and we're driving to one of two places in country where you can get a very special dish" "Which is?" >"We could go to Lee's and get a clam pie!" "A what?!" >He did not just say CLAM PIE, did he? >That sounds like slang for a woman's privates >"A clam pie. Not a pie like apple pie. Pizza" "Pizza with clams on it? That sounds awful" >"That's what everyone says until the try it" "You know ponies aren't really all that into seafood to begin with, and clam pizza sounds way too, um, advanced for me" >You're willing to indulge him to a point because he does know a lot about trashy but delicious foods >He's the only reason you know what Mortadella is, and that shit is amazing in very small amounts >But clam pie seems like the right place to put your hoof down >"Your loss, kid" "Actually I'm in the mood for ice cream. Maybe we can stop somewhere for that" >He laughs and says, "Are you serious?" "Yeah, what's so funny about that?" >"I guess you deserve it," he giggles. "Shit, I really shouldn't be laughing. Sorry" "I don't get it" >"Really?" "What?" >"What were we doing an hour ago?" >Fucking, but there's no reason to rub 47's nose in that "I remember" ?"And how did we wrap it up?" >Pretty fucking well, his hands around your throat and his cock unloading into your..." "Fuck" >Your fillyhood conditioning just got the better of you in front of the one man >The ONE man on the whole fucking planet capable of recognizing your desire for ice cream as what it really was >He laughs a little more and says, "We can totally stop for ice cream if that's what you want, kid" "No. Forget it. I don't want it anymore" >Be mare >Getting out of the car in a large parking lot that's about two thirds full >More pickup trucks and SUVs than cars >The tack dance club looks big - easily seven or eight times the size of the bars and restaurants you know in Brooklyn >As the three of you walk toward the entrance you notice strange stickers in the windows of many vehicles "What's with the black and white flag stickers?," you ask your coltfriend >You know a lot of people take the flag seriously, so seeing it in the wrong colors is a little jarring >"Thin blue line, look carefully - one line is blue," he replies "And what's that supposed to mean?" >"Supposed to mean, or actually mean?" "Both" >"It's pro law and order. That strong law enforcement is what keeps us from descending into chaos" "But it really means what?" >"That the owner of that vehicle is either a cop or from a cop family. LOTS of cops live here - some of your regulars were cops" "Of course they'd be big on law and order then, I get it. That's their job after all" >"It's moire than that. It's political. Most of the city is OK with the mayor but dislikes the president. Here it's the other way around" "I can't tell whether you think that's a good or a bad thing" >"I just wish it wasn't a thing. Having to pick one side or the other. I've got friends on both sides, and neither really represents the way I see things" "So what do you do when it comes time to vote?" >"Just pay attention to the local stuff. We live in New York. My vote doesn't count on a national level anyway" "I thought they counted every vote" >"I'll explain it some other time," he says, holding the door of the club open for you >It's actually the entrance to the entrance, not the club proper >The walls are mirrors and in front of you a large black man in a black suit is sitting at a very little desk >"Entry is twenty bucks," he says, then gives your little party a look over and adds, "We don't serve alcohol to stallions" >"I won't be drinking," 47 replies, "I'm on duty. Private security" >At that the man look at your coltfriend, then at you and says, "No weapons or cameras allowed" "I should hope not!" >"You look really familiar," he says to you "Durril and I grew up together," you begin >Recognition dawn on the man's face >"The Hippodrome wedding, and now you're on that talk show all the girls watch!" "That would be me" >"I'm pretty sure your money's no good here," he picks up a walkie talkie and says, "Bobby?" while holding a button down >"Yeah," a voice answers on the tiny speaker >"We've got VIPs. Table for three" >"On my way," the voice responds >Half a minute later the big door to the club proper opens, blasting the vestibule with bass heavy music >A large white man in a similar suit holds the door open and says, "Please come this way" >You notice he has a shamrock tattoo on his neck >The club is pretty busy, patrons overwhelmingly men >As you walk to a table in a roped off area (with great view of the stage and the two mares currently dancing on it you notice 47 getting some looks >Nasty ones from men and curious ones from mares >He's the only stallion here >You're getting looks from mares as well - you know those looks >They're fans of the show >You sit at the table and in moments see a green mare hastily approaching >"I can't believe you're HERE!," Durril squeals, and you two are hugging immediately >When she finally breaks the embrace she says, "Look at you miss big celebrity. My place is crawling with security but you still had to bring TWO bodyguards of your own!" >"I'm off duty," your coltfriend replies >"And playing way out of your league," she responds >"I must be doing something right, since she just informed me she's my marefriend" >"And you came here to celebrate!," Durril purrs. "How cute!" >You can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not, but here in her work environment she's the most confident Durril you've ever seen >"It's good to see you," your coltfriend answers. "It's been years. You look great" >"You look a lot better than I expected," she replies giving him a good look over. "You lost a lot of weight" >"Turns out diet and exercise isn't a lie," he responds "And this is Agent Forty Seven" >"Well Agent Forty Seven," she says in a coquettish manner, "you have the honor of being our first stallion customer" >He smiles and says, "I can imagine tack dancing is not popular with free ponies" >"Once!," she says excitedly, "She mentions me and this place on the show just once, and she and Crystal have an argument over whether it's degrading..." >She rolls her eyes at you over that >"And the next thing you know," she continues, "we're a TOURIST attraction! Probably one third of the guys here are going to uber back to Manhattan hotels tonight" "That sounds expensive" >"These guys have money," Durril continues. "Sometimes groups of them charter limos or buses. We go through a lot of top shelf liquor" "I know the numbers. You're the organization's biggest earner by far" >She leans over and whispers in your ear, "I don't even have to turn tricks anymore! They'd prefer I do if it's a VIP, but I don't HAVE to" "That's huge," you whisper back >"I know, right?," she whispers. "Don't tell the others - I don't want to make them jealous. But I don't miss it one bit" "You were never really cut out for that. Not like Snowdrop" >She laughs >"Oh, you guys need drinks!," she says turning back to the group. "Champagne!" >"Lily!," she commands a mare who has been hovering a few steps behind her, "Champagne, and keep it coming. MY account" "It's so good to see you in charge!" >"I love it," she confides. "I go to sleep exhausted every night, but I love it" "I can see that. I'm so happy for you!" >The champagne arrives with four glasses >"None for me, thanks," 47 says, raising a forehoof. "I know you don't serve stallions anyway" >"Who we serve or don't serve is up to me," Durril replies >Is she flirting with 47? >It looks like she's flirting with 47 >"I'm on duty, Ma'am," he counters. "Though I very much appreciate the sentiment" >"As you wish," Durril coos. "We have do offer things here beyond alcohol that you might be interested in" >"Yes you do, Ma'am" >Shit, is that happening?! >Now you really need a drink! >You go through the whole "Cheers" thing, looking Durril and your coltfriend in the eye before taking a sip >You don't know a thing about Champagne, but this stuff is nice >The name on the bottle is a word you don't know followed by the words White Star >You're drinking White Star >"I've got a few things to take care of," Durril begins, "but I'll be back. Lily will take care of you while I'm gone. Whatever you want is on the house" >As she walks away you notice your coltfriend is staring at the Champagne bottle and frowning "What's up sweetie?" >"Just trying to figure out how much of this I can have and still get us back to Brooklyn without risking a DWI," he answers >You hadn't thought about that when you asked him to drive you here >But it's obviously a consideration >He can't really drink all that much when he has to drive home >That's not an issue when you're out on foot in Brooklyn >But it's a thing when you have to drive home from Staten Island >"May I propose a solution?," 47 asks "What are you thinking?" >"Of course I don't have a license," 47 begins, "but I have been trained to operate a motor vehicle. I have thirty five hours' driving experience" >"Aren't the ergonomics of that...?," your coltfriend begins >"Horrible," 47 answers, "But I can do it. I've done it. I can safely get us back to Brooklyn. And I'd enjoy it at least as much as you'd enjoy that Champagne" "It's night, so no one could tell there's a pony driving" >"Then I guess we've got us a designated driver," your coltfriend quips >"Full disclosure," 47 says, looking embarrassed, "when we get back I can't assure you that I can parallel park the vehicle" >"Full disclosure," your coltfriend replies, "we're going to be driving around for at least an hour looking for a spot. You find one, I'll park it" >So 47 is going to drive you home?! >You've never seen a pony drive before >But your safety is his mission and he's confident - eager, even! >He's a good boy, that's what he is >You're well aware it's not really your place to tell him that, so you don't >But the way Durril was looking at him? >And flirting? >Then it hits you >Durril has never had a stallion before! >And he definitely flirted back! >It's already an interesting night, but it could get a lot more interesting! >Be mare >At tack dance club with your coltfriend and 47, drinking champagne >You and your coltfriend are halfway through a second bottle when Durril returns to your table "So you're running the place. You're basically the madam here?" >"Funny, isn't it? I got what should have been your life" "I think you've earned this. You taught every one of these girls how to dance?" >"You bet. And I take care of them, too. The dorms are just a couple blocks away, they're nice. Hell, I even give them an allowance!" "You pay them?! How?" >"Plenty of guys leave big tips. We pool the money and the girls get an allowance from that" "What do they buy?" >"Beyond smartphones? Mostly fancy coffee drinks and boba" "Boba?" >"Bubble tea. Definitely a status symbol among them. Right now tiger sugar is THE one to get. Thankfully the people who run the shop don't mind having..." "A bunch of pretty mares coming in to buy their product" >"Yeah, the coffee shop guys actually like them hanging around I think" "Who wouldn't? The guys here are paying top dollar to be around them" >"More than that is available, of course. We have a few private rooms upstairs next to the office" >She looks over at 47 and gives him a smile >"Speaking of private rooms," she says loud enough for him to hear, "Can I borrow your stallion for a few minutes?" "That's up to h-" >"Absolutely," 47 says, cutting you off >"Follow me," Durril says, getting up and giving him the full bedroom eyes look along with a nice view of her backside >He follows her toward a staircase near the corner of the room next to the bar >"Good for him," your coltfriend says "And her, too. Pretty sure she's never had a stallion before" >"Is it that different?" "Yeah. It doesn't last as long, but that's a good thing because it's more intense. The mare might not even cum, but she'll be wrecked anyway" >"So you prefer with a man?" "There are up sides to each. Men are more familiar to me. More effort, but sometimes more reward" >"You're not a mare who minds putting a little effort in" "You only know the half of it. There's still plenty more to find out" >"Something to look forward to" >You give him the same look Durril gave 47 a minute ago >"I don't think I can go a third time tonight" "I'm just teasing. Enjoy it" >"You are so fucking sexy. Even in a room full of sexy mares you stand out. Always have" >While you suspect that may be true it still feels really good to hear him it >Being attractive has always been important to you >And you've always felt especially attractive around this man >When you were a filly AND now >He may not be the best looking man you've been with >He's far from that, but nowhere near the worst looking >It's the way you feel around him - like you're something special >You get that treatment from fans because you're on TV >But that's always more about THEM than you >Meeting you is a big deal to them because they watch you on TV >This guy who just ran his fingers through your mane? >When he tells you you're special you really do feel special "So which one do you want to do?" >"What?" "You're sitting in a room full of pretty mares. Which ones do it for you?" >"The one I'm talking to" "I'm already in your harem. Who would be the next pick? She's cute," you glance at the mare currently dancing on stage >"I don't think this is a good line of talk" "I'm not the jealous type. How about not for your harem. Just for a quick fuck. Which one?" >He uncomfortably looks around the room >He actually COULD fuck any of them >If he could get over his qualms about them not being free >Which he probably can't >But if he could you would have no problems with it >"I don't think I like this game" "We don't have to play it then. I bet she'd be a lot of fun. Or our server Lily. You'd bang her, right?" >Lily is very pretty - if you were a man you think you'd probably want to do her >"Can we talk about something else?" "We're in the candy store and our money's no good. Just making it clear you understand that. And this is not some kind of a test" >"I didn't think it was" "Good, cause it isn't" >He picks the bottle out of the ice bucket and tops off your glasses >Lily rushes over to see if you need anything >"We're OK," he answers, and she backs off "See what I mean?" >"Yeah, she's totally cute" "Do you want her?" >"You know this is why I hesitated coming here in the first place. I didn't want to put myself in this situation" >He takes a sip of his drink >"And don't think I'm being ungrateful. I know plenty of guys would kill for a marefriend who wants to pick other mares for them to fuck" >You smile at him, happy to see that he understands the situation >"If you wanna do that we can. But they have to be free mares. And I'm sure any who bite on the idea are gonna want a piece of you, kid" >That doesn't sound nearly as fun, but still MAYBE worth trying "That sounds a lot more complicated and less fun" >"If it wasn't places like this wouldn't be making money" >Good point >Out of the corner of your eye you see Durril and 47 coming down the stairs, smiling >Things went well! >As soon as she's in earshot she asks, "Am I walking funny? I feel like I'm walking funny" "Not that I can tell. He is a big boy though" >47 sits and you see that dopey eyed look both men and stallions always have after they've finished "You two have a good time?" >"Mmmmmm," Durril replies >Be mare >You are drunk >A third bottle of White Star arrived at the table before you managed to make your exit from the tack dance club >But you finally made your exit >Followed by a couple minutes standing by the car pretending to be engrossed in conversation >Until there was no one in sight to witness a stallion getting behind the wheel >You climb into the back seat, your coltfriend gets into the passenger seat and 47 awkwardly manouvers behind the wheel >"You can be a help here," he says to your coltfriend >"Let me get the directions on my phone," he responds, putting his phone into the little cradle on the dashboard >A voice from the phone says, "starting route to..." >"OK," 47 says, "Do you mind taking care of the stuff hooves have trouble with? Lights, ignition, and put it in reverse?" >He fusses with the rear view mirror while your coltfriend brings the car to life >"Hoof is on the brake" >Next thing you know you're backing out of the parking apace >"Now put it in drive and I can handle the rest," 47 says >The smartphone chirps, "Turn right onto..." >The stallion accelerates pretty hard turning out of the parking lot >Your coltfriend shoots him a look and says, "That's not confidence inspiring" "Just testing the oversteer," the stallion explains. "It is a front wheel drive car, after all" >And off you go, 47 hunched over the wheel, his hooves pressed hard against it >"Twenty five is the speed limit until we get to two seventy-eight," your coltfriend advises, "Drive too slow and you'll look like a drunk" >"Got it" >Strange to have stallion driving, but this seems to be a big deal to him "You having fun?" >"Yes, though I wish this was something a little sportier" >"Hey, I park it on the street," your coltfriend replies. "I wasn't going to spring for something fancy" >"Could have at least sprung for a Mazda three," the stallion chides. "That's actually fun to drive" >"Are you a secret gearhead?," your coltfriend asks >"I watch car videos online," the stallion answers. "You know, Top Gear, Doug DeMauro..." >"I watch him too," your coltfriend slurs. "That guy is such a dork but he gets to drive a lot of cool cars" >"I know," the stallion replies excitedly. "Supercars, AMGs, Ferraris. I hope I live to see the day they make pony adapted versions of cars like that" >The boys are talking about boring shit, so you just look out the window >Lots of houses with driveways and modest yards >This is where you grew up but none of it is familiar to you >Because you almost never got to go out and see it >Beyond out the window of a van on a rare outcall, and that was mostly when you were a little older >Durril's girls are lucky, but then again none of them are fillies >She's a good madam >Then again it's easy to be a good leader when business is very good >With your mind back to Durril's girls you realize there's an important question you still don't have an answer for "Now that you're no longer in the position where the answer might compromise your morals, which girl would you have chosen?" >"My ethics, not morals," your coltfriend replies "Same thing, aren't they?" >"Morals imply god's rules. Like St Paul telling you it's better to pluck out your eye than think impure thoughts" "Is that in the magic book?" >"Yeah it is. Ethics says you may think what you think and want what you want, but all that matters is what you do" "That is what matters" >"Then ethics is what you're talking about" >You just learned something - you hope you'll remember it "OK, so now that it won't compromise your ethics tell me which girl you would have chosen" >"Why is that important?" "Come on, I used to be a working girl. Who the clients choose is a big deal! If it wasn't Lily I NEED to know who turned your head" >"You need to know? Really?" "Really. You're being mean by not telling me. You know I'm not the jealous type" >"It doesn't seem like something I should be talking about with my marefriend" "If your marefriend is me you should! One of those girls had to have caught your eye. You have to tell me who she was!" >"Why?" "Because I need to know! Now come on, spill!" >"I don't think this is a good idea" "Look, I'm not one of those mares who will get all weird if you tell me who else you'd like to fuck. I'll get all weird if you don't tell me!" >He sighs >"I'm gonna regret this, I know it" "Here we go! Who was she?" >"We didn't get to see her dance. She was just working the room. Short, yellow coat with spots that looked like freckles" "Mane color?" >"Blue and green. I'm sure you saw her. Red eyes. Bobbed tail" >Which girl was that? >Oh yeah "Pegasus?" >"Yeah" "Looked like a filly?" >"Maybe a little. Definitely on the petite side" >You laugh "She totally looked like a filly! That's so irritating!" >"I knew I was going to regret this" "No. Irritating in a hot way. Of course she's a pegasus! Between two equally attractive mares a guy will ALWAYS go for the pegasus" >"Yeah, I guess" "It's totally a thing. And then there's the fact she looks younger than me!" >"I shouldn't have said anything" "No, I wouldn't have let you get away with not telling me. So now I'm imagining you railing that tight little mare" >He turns around to look at you >"You already wore me out. No way I had another shot in me even if we were in the position for that to somehow be OK" "You would have had one for her I'm sure. I know exactly what you saw in her" >"What's that?" "Years of being the guard instead of a customer. Same thing you saw in me back in the day, hopefully still do!" >And this being one of Durril's girls she would have taken some pride in how she convinced the client he was a sex god >That's part of what they're paying for >Normal guys dropping enough money to experience what it's like to be a king "You would have held her wings, right? While you felt her responding to your thrusts? I would have loved to have seen that!" >"I don't know. Maybe. I hadn't thought that far ahead" "You totally would have. And she would have done something cute like whimper at you, I'm sure" >"Can you two cool it a little?," 47 asks. "Stallion trying to drive here with a mare in heat in the car. I don't need more distractions" >You lean your head forward over the back of the front seat >Sure enough poor 47's cock is partway out of its sheath "Sorry" >You're usually so much better in front of him >But the laughing fit that's coming on is something you're unable to stop >You roll around in the back seat in hysterics >Maybe it's because you're drunk >But they're such GUYS and that's so hilarious >"What's so funny?," your coltfriend asks >You have to stop laughing before you can answer >Finally you do "Mr Ethics still wants to fuck fillies. I get it. I was super hot as a filly and you fucked me. But after all that moralizing... um, ethicalizing?" >"That was a mistake," he replies. "I didn't know any better back then" "No harm, no foul. In terms of experiences that might have damaged me YOU were the bottom of the list, and probably not even on it at all" >"That's nice of you to say, kid" "I mean it. But it's still funny. You oughtta be hanging out with Skydancer if you feel that way" >"I feel for her a little. Nothing she could do about it, really" "Me too, and it's sad actually. I'm just saying in this particular situation it's also a little funny. BOTH of you would have gone for that filly!" >"I'm pretty sure she was a mare" "A mare who LOOKED like a filly. Actually I'm gonna have to tell Sky about her. Good eye!" >"Thanks, I guess?" "No, seriously this might be exactly what she needs. She's been kinda glum lately, when she wasn't laughing at us hooking up" >You chuckle a little "Again" >"I know. Kinda funny, isn't it?" "To them. Feels pretty good to me, though I'm disappointed things didn't work out between you and your little pegasus" >"I'm not gonna live this down, am I?" "Sure you can. Let's pretend I'm her tomorrow morning" >"STALLION DRIVING HERE!," 47 shouts in an annoyed tone >That sets you off on another giggle fit >Poor guy! >Then again he just got Durril so how can he complain? >He can't >You want to say, "Shut up and drive," but you realize that would sound way to mean >Shit, you are drunk >You keep your mouth shut >Be mare >Riding in the back seat of your coltfriend's car - you and he are both drunk >47 is driving and doing a good job of it >You're on a road called "the Belt" which your coltfriend says will take you most of the way home >It's a highway, but this is New York, so even at 2AM on a Friday night (actually Saturday morning) there's traffic >It's moving, but there's traffic >Actually riding in a car instead of a van or SUV it feels like you're moving fast even though there are lots of other vehicles around you "You GET it!," you say to your coltfriend, noticing that your voice sounds a little drunk "I may technically be a free pony, but I'll never REALLY be one of them. Never really think and act like they do" >"Sure, because you grew up very differently than they did" "You know because you were there! Not on the inside like us girls, but right there" >"Yeah. And regardless of how either of us feels about it now we still both have friends on the inside" "Do you keep in touch with Madam?" >"It's hard. She's an old mare now. All she wants to talk about is the old days, and now I have really mixed feelings about those days" "That's not her fault, though" >"Of course it isn't. She had as much choice about being in her position as you did about being in yours" "As in none" >"Right. She just tried to keep you girls safe and minimize whatever damage the situation was going to do to you" "I think she did a good job. Look at Durril - she seems happy, and so do her girls" >"Still doesn't make it right" "Right or wrong that's the way things are. If you're still on the inside of course it's better to be happy than miserable" >"Yeah. I get it" "Same goes here on the outside. You know I'm happy being with you" >"Shows by how fast you're moving with this. When are we moving in together? Next week?" "Rose's room is still empty" >"Are you serious?! Put the brakes on a little, kid. Besides your place is a pony two bedroom. I have an actual two bedroom" "So it's bigger?" >"Yes it is. Turned out a big condo in a shithole like East New York could still be had for three hundred k when I bought just over a year ago" "Why did you buy a place in Ponytown if you think it's a shithole?" >"So I could move in with my ex. She sure as fuck wasn't going to move to Staten Island, even though I had a nice house there" "Selfish bitch" >"I understood. A free pony there still turns heads. Most ponies you see are owned by a family or business" "Like I was, and Durril's girls still are" >"Right. Folks there don't know what to make of a free pony" "So what happened to the house?" >"I sold it. Turns out mom's old place was worth the greater part of a million because of the three million dollar McMaansions built neraby over the last decade" "And she paid what for it?" >"I don't know. Thirty five, forty thousand back in the day. New York real estate" "So you bought a three hundred thousand dollar big condo and..." >"Banked the rest. Just take a couple freelance gigs a month and I don't have to touch it. Might be just enough to make it until the credits roll" "Trying to get myself into a similar situation. Season one of Blinders I made peanuts because it was a risky show and I didn't have an agent" >"You just took whatever offer they made you" "Yeah. By season two I had an agent, the show was popular so I did a lot better. For season three I managed to negotiate a pretty good deal" >"Nice work, kid" "Managed to bank almost all of it. Unless something really unexpected happens there will be a season four" >"And they want to keep the band together" "Yeah. I know Rose would love to bail and just be a mommy. But if she can make it through a fourth season she probably could..." >"So you're gonna be set up?" "Halfway set up. But you and me together? That would be all the way set up!" >"Kid, you're moving WAY too fast. This is only our second date!" "You feel it though, don't you?" >You hope he does >It feels right with him >You can just be yourself and never get and pity or horror from him >You can be a demanding little brat needling him a little or totally submit to his will like you're his - both feel natural >And best of all you don't have to explain yourself to him! >He already knows you >At least the important parts that are hard to explain >"Yeah, I feel it. It feels good. But I know I'm a project and you're a handfull" "I could use a project! And if I'm too much of a handful you just use a firmer hand. Problem solved!" >"You should have been a ninteen fifties car salesman because you really go in for the hard sell" >You don't know what that means, but you know it's some kind of a joke, so you giggle a little to humor him >"Look, I'm still getting over my ex. You're still probably getting over yours. Let's take this slower so we don't fuck up a possibly good thing" >Not what you wanted to hear, but still an acceptible answer >"You haven't told me anything about your ex except that he was a free unicorn like mine. You still getting over that relationship?" "More like still trying to figure out what happened. The app said we were very highly compatible, and it seemed like we were at first" >"At first is the easy part" "It was weird. He didn't like that I had fans, or even friends for that matter" >"I'm sure dating a celebrity isn't easy. I have yet to find that out, but I'm sure it's coming" "Yeah, maybe? It was like he wanted me all to himself but when he got me like that he was always angry about it" >"Like abusive angry?" "Like rough in a way that wasn't sexy. Sometimes I could never say the right thing. He'd get set off and it was always my fault" >47 says, "He kicked her. More thn once" "He HATED Forty Seven! Wouldn't even let him in the building" >"Imagine being in charge of her security from that position," 47 adds >"I'd want to kill the bastard," your coltfriend slurrs >"let's just say," 47 replies, "I wasn't unhappy or surprised when he disappeared" "I was panicked. The girls had me convinced he was ghosting me. I mean I'd been thinking about maybe leaving him, but him dumping me?" >"Yeah," your coltfriend responds, "rejection sucks" "I don't even know how to handle that. Only one man ever rejected me, and even he acknowledged that the sex would have been great" >"That's a story I probably don't need to know. But the guy was right" >You feel 47 hit the brakes as he comes up on the taillights of a car driving way to slowly >"That guy's probably drunk," your coltfriend says, "You want to get around him" >47 starts to steer over into the left lane and there's a loud horn blast from behind you >He swerves back behind the slow car and has to hit the brakes again to keep from hitting it >This knocks you halfway onto the floor mats because you weren't wearing a seatbelt >Fully expecting to be in your first auto accident and fearing the worst >You're pretty sure you just peed a little >By the time you're back on the seat you notice an SUV driving right next to you with the window down and the driver shouting >And giving 47 the finger >The finger - so much can be communicated with so little for those with fingers! >"Just keep your eyes on the road," your coltfriend advises >But you get a good view of the driver of the SUV doing a double take, grabbing his phone and holding it toward your vehicle >"Fuck," 47 says. "If that goes viral I'm in trouble!" >"Keep cool," your coltfriend advises. "He's passing us now. Let's get around this guy, but check your blind spot first" >"I knew that!," 47 replies. "I just got fucking distracted between the smell and all the sex talk" "The smell might be about to get a little worse. I think I peed a little when I thought we were about to crash" >"Drop her off first," your coltfriend commands. "Then you and I will go find parking" >Be Agent 47 >Waiting in the car in front of your asset's building to make sure she makes it safely back inside her apartment >Behind the wheel actually with a hoof on the brake as the vehicle's drunk owner sits in the seat beside you "So what now?" >"We circle the blocks hoping a T and LC guy pulls out. This time of night is a bitch. Half past two? Maybe we'll find a night regulation spot" >You ease the vehicle down the block and turn right onto the cross street >"Did she really pee in my back seat?" "Your car is going to smell like mare in heat for a while I'm afraid" >"Yeah well so do I, so I guess it's not a big deal. She's something, isn't she?" "Keeping up with her has been.. interesting" >"Like tonight was interesting? You did pretty well" "As long as the cell phone video is too dark and shaky for anyone to repost. I knew to check my blind spot, too. Just fucked up" >"Been a while since you've driven in traffic, huh? By the way you just drive, I'll keep my eyes peeled for a spot" "First time on public roads. At the academy we had access to a closed course. That's all of my driving experience" >"I guess that would have to be the case. Last time I checked they didn't give licenses to ponies" "Not yet, which is why most free pony settlements are in cities - places where you don't need a car" >"So your training was for emergency situations, and I'm guessing the asset and her boyfriend getting drunk at a club doesn't quite qualify" "It's a judgement call, but not one my organization would encourage. Not the first one on this assignment, either" >"Then why did you make that call?" "Because I fucking LOVE driving! I just had the most beautiful mare I've ever had in my life - she was amazing!" >"Yeah, she grew up beautiful" "And talented - not just at dancing" >"She's a pro. She was a little reluctant at first, but she got over it. I have no doubt she did you right" "Yeah, and after that, which should have been the highlight of my night, driving around looking for parking with you is almost as exciting!" >"Because you're in the driver's seat. You never get to be in the driver's seat" "That statement is true on several levels" >"That's why I put it that way. I figured" "Is that?" >"That's a hydrant" "What about?" >"Driveway. Like I said, you drive, I'll look for a spot. Try a left at the next intersection" "So what about you? Why mares instead of women?" >"I've been with plenty of women. Got my heart broken a several times. I fucking love women. They're a pain in the ass, but I love 'em" "But you're dating mares now" >"It's knowing what you're worth. I never was an Adonis, and I haven't been a young man for decades now" "Which means what, exactly?" >"On a good day maybe an attractive woman or even a cute girl will flirt with me a little, but on an average day?" "Not so much?" >"I'm slowly turning invisible to them. Would be different if I were rich and powerful, but I'm not" "Only a handful get to be that" >"True. But to a cute mare? My stock is up just because I'm a man" "So you switch things up to play from a position of strength? Even though you prefer women?" >"I like both. A couple years ago I would have told you mares were easier, but now I know that's most definitely bullshit" "I'll still stick to mares. I don't think I have the flexibility you do that way" >"Say it was the other way around and you were in my position. All things being equal the best you could get in terms of a mare would be a six or maybe a seven" "Out of ten?" >"Of course out of ten. Say your best chances with a mare were a seven, fast becoming a six. But you could get a woman who's just short of a dime" "Like the mare you're dating now?" >"More than that there... there's some serious history and probably a lot of unresolved daddy issues, but yeah" >He scans the rows of parked cars on either side of the street >"As far as looks go - all other things being equal, which I believe they are..." "Progressive of you" >"You know what I mean. All other things being equal would you take the six or seven or the almost dime?" "The almost dime who just peed in your back seat really wants to be yours, I'm pretty sure. Or you to be hers" >"You think? I mean, could she be moving any faster?" "Maybe she knows what she wants now, especially after the shitstain she was dating. Hopefully he got what was coming to him" >"From your tone of voice I'm guessing he did" "What tone of voice? Are you implying something?" >"Not at all. He mistreated her. I hope the worst for him as well. Just agreeing with you. I'm drunk" "Right" >You're sure that even if he suspects something you're safe >He cares about her well being - that shit is genuine on him >And he just lucked into an opportunity you inadvertently created for him >If anything he's the kind of guy who would be grateful you took care of things when she was in a rough situation "You know if you two move in together that'll probably mean the end of this mission for me" >"What makes you think we're moving in together?' "You pretty much just explained the reasoning. You both have feelings for each other. She wants it and you're... never going to do any better" >"So I don't even have a say in the matter?" "You should act like you do to save face. And maintain what power you have in the relationship. But you don't really have a choice" >"I bet you think that's hilarious - the man not really having a choice in a relationship with a mare" "Happens more often than you'd think. But still it would mean a new assignment for me. Roseluck was always the primary asset" >"Well yeah, 'cause she got like, kidnapped and shit" "Right, but suddenly the network had two celebrity stars living together in a vulnerable position. So 42 and I were assigned to the mission" >"And Fox pays the bills?" "I don't know who pays the bills. But I must have a guardian angel there because they tried to pull me off once and it got nixed by the client" >"Which is why you're letting your judgement be a little looser now. Someone's protecting you. Try a right turn here" "Maybe. But they'll have no incentive to keep me on if she's living with another security professional" >"Is that a bad thing for you?" "I dunno. Constantly chasing after her is a pain in the ass, though there are some major rewards, like tonight" >"Your view and my view of tonight and mine are a little different. For me it's bratty a little whorse who made me drive to SI and peed in my back seat" >He hiccups >"After she tests my ethics for her own amusement. And gets you laid. Like I said, she's a fucking handful!" >You can't help but laugh "Maybe she's better off in your hands than my hooves then. Still she's special" >"You kidding? I've known that since she was a filly! I feel like god just smiled upon me to put her back in my life" >He hiccups again >"And I don't even believe in god anymore" "If you don't mind me asking, what caused you to loose your faith?" >"Growing pubes. I was a pious kid because I wanted to believe in magic. Then my dick made me realize that shit was just a way to grab you by the short and curlies" "Meaning?" >"How do you make people compliant? Tell them they're bad and then spell out to them what they have to do to be good" "OK?" >"Then take it so far as to gain control over their appetites. Tell them what they can and can't eat and when. Control their expressions of sexuality" "I can see how those are big ones. But don't most people want certainty in an uncertain world. Just follow there rules and you're righteous?" >"That's every church lady and suicide bomber. It makes you sheep. They literally use that metaphor! You're supposed to be the Good Shepherd's sheep!" "Still better for most than uncertainty. If everybody is playing the same game together it's good to spell out the rules" >"You don't believe that, though. Or you wouldn't be driving right now" "You may choose not to follow them, but it's good to know what they are" >"OK. I'll give you that. I just prefer reason based rules over faith based. The bible is a great cultural artifact but..." "Not words you're going to live by?" >"Not when it was telling me what I could and couldn't do with my dick, or even think about doing with it. No fucking way!" "That does seem like a bit much" >"Says the guy who just nailed Durril. You were her first stallion?" "That's what she said" >"I'm glad it was you. You're a good guy" >He's drunk >Is he gonna say, "I love you, man!," next? >"There! That's a spot!" >You see what he pointing to >It looks tight "You think we can fit? >"I know we can" >You pull up closely alongside the car in front of the spot >"Not like that" >What is he talking about? >This is how you parallel park >"Get a little further out and go in closer to a forty five degree angle. Can you put in in reverse?" "it's a pain in the ass, but yeah" >"Then I'll hop out and guide out in. Open your window" >He jumps out of the car and comes around to your side >It's tight >It takes a couple tries, then a lot of going forward, twisting the wheel one way then backward twisting the other >"You've got about eight inches... keep going... keep going... STOP!" >Repeat >"OK, you're in" "Do you mind turning it off?," you ask after getting it into park with both hooves >These things are really not designed for hooves >But when you step out and look at your work you feel a sense of pride >There's really not much more than three inches between either bumper and the next vehicle >And the tires are less than six inches from the curb >You may have had help, but you just parallel parked in a tight spot and you didn't bump either of the cars around you >And you managed to find a spot in only twenty minutes when it could have taken an hour or more >"Let's go," he says shutting the door while pocketing the key. "I've got to piss like a racehorse" >You wonder what makes a racehorse special that way >You've heard the expression 'fucking like a Russian racehorse,' but never pissing like one >But you understand what he's communicating - he has been drinking after all "Good thing we're just a block and a half away from home" >"Good thing indeed. I'm way too old to be caught pissing on the street. That's not how things are done in twenty first century New York" "But that's how things used to be done?" >"When I was a kid the city always smelled like piss. Never Staten Island, but the city? Bigtime" "What changed?" >"The rents went up. A lot. The kind of animals who piss in the street can't afford to live there anymore" >He starts walking home at a pretty brisk pace and you fall in with him >"Yeah, and I'm not going to be one of those animals" >Be Roseluck >Be pregnant >The doctor called in a geriatric pregnancy, which you found insulting >But that's the medical term for when a mare your age is pregnant >You're not THAT old, but you're evidently on the old side to be having another foal >And you have a colt you have to explain this to >That before too long he's going to have a new brother or sister >On top of that you just moved into Chrissy's place >Which is an actual three bedroom, not even a pony three bedroom >Her parents bought it years ago when ponies started settling here >The walls are covered in her mother's paintings - her mother is an artist >One of the few pony artists whose work enjoyed popular appeal here >Popular enough to buy this place and let their daughter take it over when they retired to Florida >Chrissy pays them rent, which you now help pay >But it's a preferential deal - the whole payment is less than your share of the rent at your old place >The daughter who actually managed to take a few semesters in film school! >First pony in her class! >And now she's your marefriend >The two of you have the big bedroom, your son and 42 have the other two >This place is so much bigger than your old place, if a little less centrally located >It's just a 15 minute walk away from your old place, so you're not going to lose touch with your old roommate, showmate and friend >You do feel a little guilty though, because so much has been going on in your life >Then her dating that asshole put you in the position where you had to explain what was going on to her >Making you the bad guy in the relationship for trying to do the right thing >It still feels like you two have some stuff to resolve, but between motherhood, pregnancy, two jobs and a marefriend...! >There aren't enough hours in the day >You KNOW you're underslept >Vidal tut-tuts at you every time he applies makeup around your eyes >But the flower shop can't run itself >Day to day it almost could without you, except for the event orders that make up half of your business >Of course the flower shop doesn't pay like your TV gig >But if you had to choose you'd drop the TV gig and just keep the shop >Being a celebrity is nice - there are perks and TV money is great - but it's more like something that happened to you than something you actually wanted >You're not complaining, though >Of course your bookkeeper, who is also your old roommate, showmate and friend advised you stick out one more season >You don't know if you can face going through a pregnancy on national TV >Her advice to you was, "Just ask for an absurd amount of money and let them make the decision for you" >Which is probably what you're going to do, but knowing John... >He's not going to let you walk >You may not be the most popular cast member >But you and Chrissy have a dedicated following among a certain subset of viewers >Viewers who see right through your clumsy, "Aw shucks, we're just friends" routine and root for your relationship like a sports team >They're pretty active online, and while it's disconcerting to read speculation about your personal life it's... >Hard to resist reading as well >They get a lot right even though they get a lot wrong, too >Maybe season 4 will be when you and Chrissy come clean to America >The producers have hinted at that more than once in sentences that begin with, "You know what might be really cool...?" >It's just all so overwhelming >Not that you're complaining >Who would listen anyways? >But it's all good things happening, just so many happening at once! >Life was so much simpler in Ponyville >That feels like a million years ago! >Though life here has turned out better than you ever dared to dream >You're free! >You have a family! >You're successful >You could have ended up little more than a wet couple of holes for an unemployed QA guy >You shiver at the memory of being locked in a room with nothing but a bed, a TV and a bucket all day until he felt like playing with you >THAT could have been your life! >Men are so fucking creepy >At least John set you up with your own place and your own business >But he still demanded you put on an act for him - the cheerful, obedient bedmare - which you did until you couldn't do it anymore >You sigh, and it ends up being a lot louder than you intended >"You OK, Mom?," a young male voice inquires from the next room "You heard that?" >"Yeah. I have good hearing. I hear a lot of things" >Shit, like probably everything you and Chrissy do in bed?! >You hope that hasn't somehow confused or damaged him >Then again he and Chrissy get along very well >It was time spent with him that made Chrissy agree to bring up a foal with you in the first place >So that says something about their relationship "Why don't you come in here so we can have a little talk?" >"Am I in trouble?" "No, you're not in trouble" >"Then can I get a soda?" "You know I don't like you drinking soda" >"Everybody drinks soda! I don't know why you think it's so bad. I have a dollar. I just need seventy-five cents" "A soda is a dollar seventy-five?" >"The good ones are at the corner store. The crappy ghetto ass ones are a dollar, but I want a good one" "Language" >"Sorry" "OK. Come here and I'll give you a dollar. You get your soda and then we'll have a little talk" >"Thanks, mom!" >Five minutes later you're with your son in the kitchen because you don't want him spilling soda in your room "This move is not the only change in our lives happening. Soon you're going to have a new brother or sister" >"HALF brother or HALF sister," the colt corrects you, "because daddy is dead. I knew. I heard you telling Forty Two last week" >So much for your finding the right moment to explain this to him "I wasn't trying to hide it from you, sweetie. Just looking for the right time to tell you" >"I know. You're busy. But I've been wondering..." >He takes a sip from the red can >The bit about you being busy stings a little >You don't like the idea of your son growing up thinking mom is too busy for him >"Is Miss Chrissy really a mare? Or is she one of those, you know?" >Shit, he's been wondering this for a week?! "She's all mare" >"So she can't make sperms?" "No she can't. We, um... used a donor. Somepony we like and trust" >"Who?" "Forty Seven" >"Cool, but why not Forty Two? He's more like part of the family" "He is. But I'm his asset, and apparently having sex with your asset is compromising them" >"Having sex! You had SEX with Forty Seven?!" >Fuck >"Does Miss Chrissy know?" "Um... she was there. That is how foals are made" >"It seems like all the grown ups are constantly having sex and trying to hide it from all the colts and fillies" "If we didn't have sex there wouldn't be any colts or fillies" >"But that's not always true. What you and Miss Chrissy do can't make a foal, but you do it anyway" "OK, Let's put it this way..." >THINK! "You know how it happens... physically?" >"Mom, I've had the internet for a while now. I've seen how a lot of things happen physically. Some things I can't unsee" >Shit again >You should have probably have imposed some kind of parental control over his internet access, but you didn't >It didn't occur to you! >Because until recently it was something you never really participated in >You feel like Worst Mom Ever right now >"I know what you and Miss Chrissy are doing and it's just for fun, right?" >FUCK!!!!! "No. It's not just for fun. It's meaningful. It's the way you..." >HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS TO A COLT?!!! "Reinforce the bond between two ponies. Look at how ridiculous sex acts are" >"I'd use the word 'gross'" "Fine, gross then. So imagine how strong that drive has to be to make that seem not gross, but something you want to do to each other" >Was that good or are you still Worst Mother Ever? "The level of trust, the vulnerability, the intimacy... That's what an intimate relationship entails. It's part of what binds you together in a relationship" >"And it feels good, right? Not like the fake moaning in porn" "It's supposed to. Otherwise there would never be any foals. You think anypony would do anything like that if it didn't feel good?" >Then the word PORN registers in your mind "How much porn have you watched?" >"Mom, everybody watches porn. Just like everybody watches cute cat videos, even if they don't admit it" >UGH! "You shouldn't watch that stuff. I know it's about to become interesting to you, but it doesn't do anypony any good" >"I always just thought it was gross and a little funny until..." "Until what, sweetie?" >He blushes >Hard >"When we moved out?" "Yeah" >"Auntie was in heat. And I grew up with that stinky mare smell. But this time - it was the same stinky smell, but..." >SHIT AGAIN! >"It made me feel funny. Not in a good way, not in a bad way. Just funny. Is that the drive you're talking about?" "Oh, I'm sorry. That's from me. I was the first girl in my class to go into heat. I got a lot of attention from older guys" >"But guys don't go into heat, do they?" "No, but they respond to a mare who is. It's hard if you mature early that way. Not necessarily the best way to be ahead of the class" >"What do you mean?" "Did your um... peepee get big when you smelled auntie in heat?" >"It came out of my sheath. Like all the way out and it felt weird. She saw it" >Oh shit again. Nothing had better have happened! >He's the spitting image of his father who was the love of her life >And though there's a big part of you that would want to kill her if she ever... >There's also a tiny part that would understand >A VERY TINY PART! "Did she?" >"What?" "Do anything to you... or make you... do anything to her?" >He blushes, looks away from you and shifts uncomfortably on his hooves >"Sex stuff? No. But I think she knew I was thinking about, you know... that stuff" >Oh, you do know >Where the fuck have you been, Rose?! >It seems like yesterday he was suckling on you and now he's... >On his way to being a stallion >What happened in between? >To be fair you became TV famous, got foalnapped, realized you liked mares and got a marefriend AND lived through a mass shooting two blocks from you >All while running your own business >But now you feel like you missed something important >You're supposed to be his MOTHER, not his foalsitter! >Waves of guilt and regret wash over you >He almost grew up and you didn't even notice! >And you left your budding young stallion alone with a mare in heat >A mare who may be one of your best friends and sees herself as his auntie >But she was also literally raised to be a whorse since she was younger than he is now >It's a fucking miracle nothing happened! >No thanks to you "It's OK, sweetie. This is normal. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's hitting you a little early like it hit me, but it's normal" >"I don't like it. It makes everything weird" "It sure can," you reply, giving him a little nuzzle "It can really screw things up if for you if you act on it the wrong way. It can push you into bad decisions if you're not careful" >"Like what?" "You're probably making, um... sperm now. You know what that means?" >"I could be a daddy?" "Yeah, and we wouldn't want that to happen anytime soon, would we?" >"No! I just want to play video games!" "Then you know what NOT to do with a mare... or a filly in heat" >"None of the fillies I know are like that, mom" "Maybe not yet. But they will be before long. And you're a handsome stallion. You will get that kind of attention soon" >He shifts uncomfortably on his hooves "And you can't always count on the mare to be the responsible one. There may be times when it has to be you" >Are you doing a good job with this? >You feel like you're just flailing around hoping for the best >And once again probably letting your son down somehow "But remember the mare always has the final say about what does and doesn't happen. If she says stop - even ion the middle of things - you stop" >He gives you a horrified look >"I'm not going to rape anypony, mom! I know better than that!" "Of course you do. But things can seem different in the heat of the moment. So you always have to remember that" >You don't like even having to point out to your son that what he's got between his legs can be used as a weapon >But the truth is it can be >And he has to be aware of that >"So there's a foal inside you right now? Where I used to be?" "Yes. And in a little while we'll both get to meet him or her" >Be mare >This is it! >This is gonna be your new home if you play your cards right >"Yeah, so this is my place," your coltfriend says >It really is his - he OWNS it >The building is a typical 1960's brick six storey with a little lawn in front with a couple trees >A step up from the old tenement you live in, but nowhere near the luxury of the penthouse you lived in in the city >There is an elevator, which you think is really cool, even if the apartment is only on the third floor >Some of the apartments have balconies >HIS does! "You have a balcony?! I love that! We can eat out there when the weather warms up" >"Sure we can, kid. Most people who have them don't use them, but I like having my coffee out there when the weather's nice" >That sounds wonderful! >You do the math, not for the first time >He may be mature while you're still a young mare, but given the different rates at which you age >You'll be old together at the same time! >That will be so cute! >You're 90% sure this is what you want >You don't want to date another free pony - they don't understand you >You've already had a master/husband stallion, and trying to recreate that with somepony else would never work >You want to be done with all the uncertainty and settle down to enjoy life a little >You could do that with him, you're pretty sure of it >He can give you whatever you want and you don't feel like you're missing out on anything by being his >And he has a car! >Think of all the places you could go together and the things you could see! >He's giving you the tour, so you keep your eyes open for details >The bedroom is not as messy as you expect, but it's obvious he's not big on dusting >Remember a mare lived here until recently, so his batchelor habits haven't yet totally taken over the place >The kitchen is big, and there are no dirty dishes in the sink, just a couple glasses - good sign >There's a cute little table with two chairs to sit at >Currently there's a cutting board with a big rectangular knife on top of it >He cooks, but doesn't bother cleaning the stove after >No big deal - you can do that >This is so exciting! >This could be your new life! >You nuzzle into his hip and his hand comes down to pet you >"Not to bad, huh? I think I did OK" "It's a great place. You did great" >"Let me show you the other room, though I'll warn you it's become sorta like my man cave recently" >He opens the door to the second bedroom and there's a TV, a stereo, a computer on a desk with a chair, a couch and... >An electric guitar on a stand next to a big speaker box "You play guitar?!" >"I used to be really into it. Played in a few bands back in the day. Been getting back into it" "Could you play me something?" >"Now? Sure. Gimmie a sec" >You ignore the awful rug on the floor while he fiddles with some wires and little boxes with knobs on them >Then he fiddles with the guitar itself and you hear the pitch of the strings going up and down >But it's really quiet and doesn't sound like much of anything >Maybe this was a mistake >Finally he reaches over to the speaker box and flicks a switch >THERE'S the sound >And he starts playing >It's actual music! >Like he's an actual musician! >You don't know much about music, so all you can tell is that it sounds a little old and hillbilly >Like what's his name? >Elvis! >Like Elvis should be singing over it >But it's real music - he can actually play! "Shit, you're GOOD!" >He smiles at you >"You're kind. Never quite got my ten thousand hours in, but I probably came close a lifetime ago" "That sounds like what you sometimes hear on those radio stations with numbers in the eighties and low ninties. All you need is a singer and drums and..." >"A bass player. Yeah. I've been thinking of putting a band together again. It's a pain in the ass, but I've been thinking about it" "You should! I would totally listen to that, even if it sounds a little old fashioned" >"Yeah, I've always been pretty retro, and now that I'm older that makes me really retro" "Can you play me something else?" >"Sure, how about a little jazz?" >You nod >He taps his foot on one of the little boxes and flicks a switch on the guitar >The sound is a little different now and what he plays... >Transports you - you close your eyes and in your mind it's very late at night and you're in a small, candlelit room >You're drinking something fancy, even though the place isn't particularly upscale >Just sophisticated, and suddenly you feel that way as well >He stops playing and the spell is broken >You're back in his so called man cave "The band you put together should play stuff like that" >"Really? I never thought of myself as a real jazz player. I'm pretty crude" "That didn't sound crude to me at all" >"That's sweet of you to say. My ex wasn't really into my playing" >Do you say it? >Yeah you say it! "Your ex was a moron" >He laughs >"Well she sure as fuck wasn't you!" >He flicks the switch on the speaker box and puts the guitar back on its stand, then reaches out to scratch one of your ears >You lean into him wishing there was something you could give him >Like you wish there was some way to make the past disappear and be his first lover right now >But both of you have been around the block several times over >And that was true years ago before anything happened between the two of you >You MAY have been his first mare, but you don't know >You want to give him something from you that he's never had before >Is that even possible? >A guy his age has probably tried everything sexually that he ever wanted to try by now >But there's got to be something you can give him that would be a first for him >No way he's done everything, right? >But he's probably done all of the obvious things >"One more thing that's nice about this place," he says getting up >You follow him toward a closed door you assume is the bathroom >"When this place was built the units just had showers, but the previous owner remodeled the bathroom and..." >He opens the door to reveal a medium sized bathroom with a large bathtub taking up most of it >"Big enough for two, if you're into that sort of thing" "I am definitely into that sort of thing" >That gives you an idea! >Something he's never done before >Something really simple, but it could blow his mind "How do you feel about hoofjobs?" >"Meh. Never saw the point if a blowjob or actual fucking was an option. I knew guys who would go to tug joints, but it never struck me as something to seek out" >YAY! >He has no fucking idea! "Done right they can be really... intense. Want me to show you?" >"More intense than your blowjobs? I don't believe that!" >He really has no idea - he's never done this before >You can be his first! "Ummmm, let me show you. Take off your pants and stand in the tub" >He raises an eyebrow, but complies >He may be doubtful, but from the size and angle of his cock you clearly have his attention >You climb into the tub with him and sit on your haunches, so that cock is right in front of your face "You don't think a hoofjob can be more intense than this?" >You take him into your mouth >He moans >You never understood mares complaining about guys - men or stallions - not doing what they want them to do >All you have to do is this and they get very suggestible >Maybe those mares are just lousy at sucking cock >That's the only explanation you can come up with >You wrap a hoof around the back of his leg to pull him into you >Not that he needs any prompting, but it's always good to let it show that you're enjoying it, too >Your mind drifts back to mares' complaints about guys >You've actually hears free mares complaining that they don't like the taste or smell of cum >Probably the same ones who can't suck a dick worth a damn >You notice the taste of his precum in your mouth >It's neither good nor bad >But it's not supposed to be >It's the taste of his excitement, his lust >For YOU! >And if you can't appreciate that when you actually make him cum, well... >You should probably just switch over to mares like Roseluck >He's actually got the perfect blowjob dick as far as you're concerned >Not some monster cock that goes all the way down your throat and makes anal an endurance contest >Just perfectly average, giving you plenty of angles to work it >Really big dicks are exciting, but they can also be exhausting >And leave you sore >Once in a while that's great, but this is more of an everyday dick >You are going to make this your everyday dick >Or maybe every other day when you get old - you'll have to see how that works out >Having coffee on that balcony together every morning when it's warm >His moans are coming a little more frequently, and a look up reveals his eyes are shut >He's not one of those eye contact blowjob guys, that's for sure >He's pretty close, so you pull him into you to pick up some natural lubrication from your throat, then ease off "OK, here comes the intense part" >Shit, you're almost giddy! "Eyes open, please" >He moans in a way that sounds like a complaint - a complaint that you stopped blowing him >But he opens his eyes to look down at you >He doesn't know what he's in for! >This is gonna be awesome! >Your left fore hoof steadies his cock while you begin a circular motion on the head with your right >It's wet enough with precum and your own lubrication that you do not have to be slow nor gentle >"Ungh!" >Good >This will get him off and he'll wonder what the big deal is until... >You continue the circular motion on his cockhead, pausing to add a little spit since you don't have any proper lube >"OH FUCK" >That's usually the sign right there >And now you don't need any more lube to keep going because his cum will do the job >You keep going >"Ahhhhh! Oh my god! You can stop!" "No I can't. We're not done yet" >"Ahhhhh! I just came. Stop! Please!" "There's still more. Trust me. I'm a professional" >He tries to pull back a little, but you stay on him >He's not getting away! >You increase the speed of the motion on his cockhead and... >Here it comes >"Ahhhhhh. Oh my god!" >One squirt "Let it go" >Another squirt and another panicked sounding moan "Let it go, it's OK" >There he goes >And this is always the point where you can't stop yourself from giggling >Because it's just funny to reduce a man to this >Usually you like being the one reduced to incoherence >But this is something special for him "It's OK. I've got you," you say between giggles >After what seems like a decent stream against your hoof gets spattered all over you, him and the tub you relent "There go" >He looks like he's trying to focus his eyes >Good. You did a good job then >Not that this was that hard a job to pull off >Skydancer told you about her extra back when you were a filly and explained how it was done >Couldn't be more simple, really >In retrospect it's no surprise she ended up a dominatrix if this is what guys were paying extra to have her do to them >"You just wrecked my dick," he finally manages to say after a couple false starts "You'll be fine. But was I right? More intense than a blowjob?" >"Fuck!" "I'll take that as a yes?" >"Sorry I peed all over you" "I didn't give you a choice. And besides it's only piss. It rinses right off. And we are in a bathtub" >"I don't want you to think that's my thing though. It isn't" "If it were you'd have tried to get some in my mouth. You didn't, so I know" >"Is it your thing?" "Not really. Marking you when I'm in heat sounds kinda hot, but I know a mare who marks her man all the time" >"What's that like?" "Well, he's supposed to be the boss. And I don't think people notice, but ponies? It kind of undercuts him that he smells like a mare's piss" >"I can see that" "I'm pretty submissive, and she's less dominant than I am. The only right she has to be boss mare is that she's the only mare he has!" >"If you're the only mare I have does that make you boss mare?" "Can I maybe pee on your foot in the bathtub when I'm in heat?" >"I just peed all over you. Fair's fair" "Then that's all the boss mare I'll ever need to be!" >"We should wash up. Shower or...?" "Shower now. Baths definitely later" >Be mare >Back on Staten Island, this time during the day >Your coltfriend insisted you have lunch at the clam pizza place >You relented because you knew he really wasn't into this trip >Turns out clam pizza was not nearly as horrible as you were expecting >You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing you thought it was actually good - weird, but good >Eapecially after the first bite proved to be so hot that it burned your mouth >But you know he was pleased that you finished a slice and most of another >47 refused to try it, saying he wasn't hungry >It wasn't a very big pizza - they called it a "bar pie", but the leftover slice made the car smell like garlic >You wonder if you're going to pay for that later - garlic and onions don't usually sit all that well with you >Nor do you like the idea of smelling like either of them >But with the man beside you as your coltfriend it's going to happen sometimes >He's smelled like garlic and onions to some degree as long as you've known him >He smells more like it now because he's carrying the little cardboard box with that last slice in it with him >And it is weird to be walking down the hallway of the place where you met >No longer as a filly whorse and the guard, but as a couple of free lovers >He's your lover! >47 deemed this a very low risk scenario and elected to wait outside, saying something about not needing to see things in action here >You know he's fucked whorses, so that's not the issue >It's probably seeing working girls this young >You wonder if it's because he doesn't approve of it or secretly desires them >Or both? It could be both, like you're pretty sure it is for the man beside you >Of course saying anything about that would start him off on the whole 'it's your actions, not your thoughts that matter' thing >And there's no reason to start that up since you agree with him anyway >So it's just he two of you walking down the familiar hallway >Some of the fillies you pass along the way giggle >The older ones recognize him but all of them recognize you as well >You are a celebrity, and this is where you came from >You guess they see you as kind of a Cinderella, or more like a Pretty Woman >You have told some stories about growing up on the air, but you kept the details blurry >Because an operation like this runs on discretion >Unlike the tack dance club >That doesn't matter to the girls here, though >Their knowledge of the world outside may be incredibkly filtered, but... >Every filly here knows exactly who you are - somepony who grew up on the inside like them but somehow made it out >And became a celebrity on the outside! >A blue pegasus looks you right in the eye and asks, "So it's true? You two are a thing? Again?" >You know anypony else would blush in this situation, but you're not ashamed "Word travels quickly I see" >"I heard some of the girls at the tack dance club were posting about it while you were still there. Are you going to talk about it on the show?" >You look to your coltfriend >"Fine by me," he says "Probably then. Seems like everypony is interested in details of our personal lives" >"Yours, Rose's and Crystal's, at least." the pegasus replies. "I wish they'd stop pretending not to be aa couple. They're not doing a good job" >You laugh "Not at all. It's going to have to come out next season" >"It's already out," she replies, "they're just going to have to acknowledge it next season" >HOLY SHIT! >You know who she is! >This HAS to be her - Skydancer's fillyfriend >Or ex-fillyfriend "Speaking of personal lives, um... were you... did you used to be with, um... Sky?" >FUCK! >That was WAY more insensitive than you meant to be >You didn't even mean to say it! >She scowls >"You still keep in touch with her?" "Yes I do" >"Then tell that bitch I'm never forgiving her! Never ever!" >This is sad, but you undertand - rejection is something you can't even bear the thought of "I know she hurt you, but you have to understand she believes she was doing the right thing" >She smiles - not a happy smile at all - the most rueful smile you've ever seen >"I have to understand?! Do you believe that? That it's right to hurt somepony you claim to care about like THAT?" >You don't >You sort of unde3rstand the cycle of abuse thing Sky explained to you >You can see that being a thing among people and free ponies >But you don't believe it applies in this situation, given the specifics of the lives involved >You can't try to avoid breaking an egg that somebody else has already broken >And breaking up with somepony doesn't make it like the relationship never happened in the first place >The pegasus is looking at you intently >"I thought not," she says. "It's just plain fucked up! I have a fillyfriend of my own now anyways, so fuck Sky!" >Turning away from you she shouts down the hall, "HEY VIOLET! LOOK WHO'S BACK!" >A unicorn filly comes running, and you see her eyes go wide with recognition, first of the guard, then you >She smiles slyly and asks, "You two came back for a romantic walk down Memory Lane?" >Does everypony on the inside have to cut on you two for being together? >She adds: "Maybe Moneesha will let you use her bathroom if you ask nicely" >You get it - you have so much that none of them will ever have >And you're choosing one of the few people they could actually pass on >It's got to seem ridiculous to them >"More like catching up with an old friend," your coltfriend answers >"I wouldn't know anything about that," the unicorn quips, "not being old myself" >Her pegasus fillyfriend gives her an admiring look >It's more than that, actually >It's the thrill of getting away with something that you probably shouldn't be doing >Eyes wide, pupils huge, guilty little smile >Snowdrop and Skydancer looked at each other like that all the time when they were fillies >Though you're pretty sure none of you had this much attitude back then >Or maybe you've just forgotten how smug a filly can get when everyone tells her how pretty she is all day long >Then again this is an unusual interaction for them - you're not one of the girls, a client or an authority figure >Yet you're somepony whose personal life they know a lot about from both the show and the gossip among them >You expect some of the girls to be a little starstruck like they were at the tack dance club >But you can also see how jealousy over you having so much they never will could give some of them chips on their shoulders >Looking for any reason to mock you >Being too old is reason enough - how can mares even compare to fillies? >You remember thinking like that when you were their age >But dating their former guard is the cherry on top of it all! >And because he no longer works here they can taunt both of you with impunity >As long as Madam doesn't hear it >They're also probably the oldest girls here - both about to age out any second >That's got to be where some of that attitude is coming from >"Well nice seeing you girls again," your coltfriend says starting to walk past them, "but we've got a meeting with the boss" >You follow him >When they're out of earshot you say: "That was a lot of attitude for a couple little fillies!" >"You kinda started it, bringing up Skydancer point blank like that" "I know. It was so insensitive of me. You know when you're watching yourself make a mistake but it's too late to stop?" >"That's a situation I try to avoid finding myself into, but yeah" "That's what just happened to me. I was thinking it, but I heard myself saying it and then it was too late" >"I'll tell you Violet's really come out of her shell, though. She didn't used to be anything like that!" "I'm sure having your fillyfriend be top filly does wonders for your self-confidence" >"Lightning? She was very popular with the clients" "Of course she is. People are so racist" >"You really think it's because she's the only pegasus?" "Men always go for wings when that's an option. Even you. A roomful of pretty mares and who turns your head? One of only three pegasi there" >Really shouldn't have let on that you keep track of stuff like that >He doesn't need to know that >"You asked which one struck me and I told you. Now you're calling me racist over it?" "It's not your fault. All men are like that" >"Justifying racism with sexism? Interesting strategy. You should start a cult or a fringe political movement" >He's got you on that, so just move past it "So I gotta know: was it the wings or the fact she looked like a filly? Or both? Was it both?" >"I don't know. It's sort of the same thing you have - being both cute and sexy at the same time" "Good answer" >"I'm not half as dumb as you think I am. Most of the time you're not actually manpiulating me, I'm just letting you have your way" "Because I'm so cute when I get my way?" >"That might be part of it" "Because your dick ends up so happy when I get my way?" >"That might be part of it as well" "Because I'm best marefriend ever?" >"There, that's it! Definitely that one" "Now you're just playing with me" >"And you're not doing the same with me?" "I have no intention of stopping. I wanna just keep playing with you and never stop" >"You think I can survive that for long?" "I think both of us can for about the same length of time. Hopefully we check out together in the middle of an orgasm" >"You're such a romantic" "I'm serious," you say, but the giggle you can't surpress gives you away "Or we both end up with terminal cancer and go out in a murder-suicide!" >"That's more like it. That's exactly how I've always wanted to go out, kid. Good thinking!" >Wow >You're not usually this dark >He's humoring you - being kind to you >Because he knows this is a big deal to you >Even when you're being a total brat to him he's still kind >You suspect he actually loves it, but it's probably the kind of thing you could push too far >One of those fine line things you're going to have to figure out over time >But being back here makes you feel old and weird and... dark >It's such a tiny little world in the brothel >So familiar and so... insulated >Like you're trapped the way all the girls here are, even if they don't realize it >Standing in front of the door to Madam's office with him shoots you right back to being a filly >Except you know there's a much older Madam on the other side of that door >And you don't know how you're going to handle that >Death was never something you worried about >You've been choked out countless times >There's usually the orgasm, the few seconds of panic and then black >Not really all so bad >You could handle that >If you never woke up from the black you'd never even notice nor care >Not all that different from going to sleep and not waking up >But actually getting OLD?! >You can't help but notice and care! >Every day worse than the next? >To do that you'd have to be with someone you really trust, otherwise you're just going through it alone as you fall into the grave in slow motion >Very slow motion, all alone >All of your beauty and charm slowly replaced by frailty and neediness? >Nothing attractive about that! >Which is what you're afraid you're about to see Madam in the process of becoming >It kind of makes sense that getting old would work that way, though >Becoming less attractive and more of a pain in the ass to those around you probably takes some of the sting out of it for them when you finally... >You know? >Like it's a little bit of a relief, even if it is sad? >That's why it's so much sadder when somepony dies before then >Because they were still vital, like Master was >He should not have died when he did! >You still think you could have prevented it somehow if you'd known how dangerous his drinking actually was >But how were you supposed to know? >You had no way of knowing >And now you're regretting pushing for this visit >This was a bad idea >You knock on the door >"Come in," Madam says >Her voice still sounds the same. That's a good sign >You open the door and there she is >"Come to see the old grey mare?," she asks "You look good!" >"Thank you," she replies, "So do you" >It's not really a lie - she looks a lot better than you were fearing >Yeah, her mane is pure white now, but your coltfriend's hair is halfway there as well - no big deal >She doesn't sit as straight as ahe used to - she's a little hunched forward over her desk >She's still kind of pretty - in an old mare kind of way - but the sexiness she managed to hang on to back when you were young? >That's long gone >"Brought you something," your coltfriend says, presenting the box with a flourish >"I can smell the garlic," Madam replies with a little trepidation. "I'm guessing pizza?" >He places the box on her desk, opens it and turns it toward her >"Try it," he encourages >"What's on it that I don't recognize?," she asks suspiciously >"Just try it," he replies, "It's good" >He shoots you a quick look >He needs backup, and being fair in this case he deserves it "It is good. It shouldn't be, but it is" >"For a while there," Madam says, "he kind of made it his mission to get me to try every oddball naughty salty snack he could find" "He does the same thing to me!" >"Are you gonna try it, or what?," your coltfriend asks >Madam gingerly picks the slice up carefully and takes a tentative nibble >"Ooooh, so salty," she says. "What's the flavor I can't place?" >"Do you like it?," he asks >"It's better than Mortadella," she replies "I love Mortadella!" >"He's really gotten to you, then! So what kind of pizza am I eating?," she asks >"Take a real taste," he pleads >She takes a proper bite and chews thoughtfully >She's totally indulging him in the way intimates do! >You wonder - not for the first time - if they ever fucked >Probably not, but a little part of you hopes they did >Because you'd HAVE to hear all the details if it happened! >File that away for later >After swallowing she says, "So?" >"Clam pie," he answers >"Clams?! That's what's hiding behind the garlic?," Madam asks, wide eyed, "Who the fuck puts clams on a pizza?" >You're not sure if that's the first time you've heard her swear >If it isn't it's one of the few times you have >And you bust out laughing >"You gotta admit it's good, though," your coltfriend demands >She sighs >"It's good," she allows, "but it's a horrible idea!" "My thoughts exactly!" >"A lot of good things sound like horrible ideas," he replies. "Cheese is just the right kind of rotten milk, after all" "Still there's a reason why you can't call up Domino's and order a clam pizza" >"You shouldn't call up Domino's and order anything," he says contemptuously. "Ever!" >"True," she replies, "but I'm guessing this isn't any healthier, or if it is not by all that much" >"Pizza was never meant to be health food," he replies, "but a lot of the places it's been taken to over the last few decades are just fucking wrong" "But clam pizza is right?" >Madam laughs and you do, too >When that subsides you ask: "So how have you been?" >"Same as always," she replies, "just not able to do as much as I used to. So I do what I can and Moneesha picks up the slack" >Moneesha is the new guard >You've seen her name on the payroll >You met her when she let you two in >Younger black woman, all business >And you know she's getting paid less than he used to get >For more work, it seems >And aside from the owners you're the only one who knows >You're going to keep that to yourself, because it seems kind of unfair, and pointing out that kind of stuff usually causes problems >Discretion rules the day at the filly brothel >"So did you come back for my blessing?," Madam asks with a little chuckle >You don't really know >After visiting Durril it seemed just wrong not to visit Madam >Especially given how easy it was with a coltfriend who has a car and has fond feelings for her anyway "Maybe a little, I don't know. I guess it seemed like the right thing to do. On the outside when a relationship gets serious you meet the parents" >"I'm touched," she replies, "that you see me as a motherly figure. I did the best I could under the circumstances" >She sighs and continues, "These days I'm more of a grandmotherly figure, if I'm lucky" >"I think she just wanted you to see that she's actually happy," your coltfriend says, "even if the fact that it's with me is something of a punchline" >"I don't think so," she replies. "When you two started up here it gave me a few sleepless nights, worrying whether it was rapey or abusive" >"By modern standards out there," he replies, "it was both" >"If those standards applied here we'd be shut down," she answers. "Not that that would be a bad thing, if you want my two bits" >She looks you right in the eye >"I realized he would never do anything to hurt you, and you were willingly going along with it, so," she says, "I turned a blind eye to it" "I'm glad you did! Because you know what that was for me? The only consensual sex I'd had in my life up to that point" >"Oh you were pretty willing with that awful regular of yours. I really did all I could about that" "That was abuse and manipulation. I know that now. But what I had with this guy? We may not have been equals, but he always let it be my decision whether or not anything happened" >"Yeah, I knew him well enough to assume that was the case. But it was a tough judgment call to make" >"And looking back on it I feel like I was in the wrong," your coltfriend adds, "because we weren't equals" >"Don't kid yourself," Madam says with a bitter laugh, "You may both be free, but you're still not equals. That's not how it works" >Oh, come on! >Please don't point out ethical issues that might complicate things for him! "For what it's worth I walk all over him" >"She tries to, at least," he adds with a laugh >"I'm sure you do," Madam answers with a little twinkle in her eye, "and I bet he loves it!" "Of course he does! So you're happy for us?" >You don't know why that seems important, but it does >She looks at your coltfriend with a sly smile and says, "You're the one who doesn't have a choice here, but I know you'd never hurt her" >He opens his mouth to reply but she cuts him off by raising a hoof >Then she looks at you >"I'm more than a little jealous. Not that you're with this lug, though he is a good man for the most part..." >She sighs and speaks in a low voice, "that you get to make decisions about your own happiness. I remember what that was like and..." >You see tears forming in her eyes >"That was a lifetime ago," she says. "This is what you want?" "This is what I want" >"Well, you two have had my tacit blessing since you were a filly. Now you have my verbal blessing. I wish you health and happiness" >Shit, she's crying now! >You didn't come here to make the old mare cry! >She gets up from her desk and gives your coltfriend a hug >"Don't let her walk all over you," she says to him with a smile, "at least not all the time" >"She only thinks she does," he replies >"Good," she says firmly, "You want to spoil her, but not ruin her" >"And you," she says coming close to hug you, "Thank you for remembering me and sharing this. We all played for the same team here..." >The tears are starting up again >So are yours >"I wish you the best out there as your own team" >She releases you from the hug and says, "Now I've got work to do. You two should go" >She smiles at your coltfriend and looks down at the half eaten slice of pizza on her desk >"And thanks for yet another culinary challenge. This was one of the better ones" >Be Roseluck >Mother to a colt and pregnant with another foal >The colt worries you a little >You feel guilty for being so busy that you barely got to see him grow up >And he's growing up so fast >He went from playdates with his friends to drinking soda, eating tacos and playing video games in the blink of an eye >And now he smells like a young stallion as well >He actually gave you some pushback when you suggested he ought to shower every day now >And you had to point out it wasn't really a suggestion >You don't like the hours he spends staring st screens >Like he's doing with his phone right now as you walk by his room "What is so interesting on that phone that you never look up from it?" >"Just stuff," he replies, not looking up "What kind of stuff?" >"Just videos on Tik Tok," he says, finally looking up >The look on your face must give you away, because his demeanor changes quickly >He adds: "Memes and stuff" "So is this an interactive thing?" >"Of course it's interactive. It wouldn't be much fun if it weren't" "So do you have friends on there?" >"It's not Facebook, mom. You can make response videos, but I've never made one. Two of the girls from school have me on their private channels" >That doesn't sound good >Or maybe it does - this is out of your league! "What do the girls post on their private channels?" >"Just them singing their favorite songs or dancing. Kinda boring" "You think girls dancing is boring?" >"THESE girls dancing is. Daisy thinks she's such a bad girl because she has a bridle, but she just looks silly in it" "You know that's degrading, right? Why would a free mare would do that" >He sighs >"Because she wants attention from guys? It seems pretty obvious. And it works. I watch her videos even if they're boring" "But a mare can get that kind of attention without degrading herself" >"She's just being silly. Didn't you do silly flirty stuff when you were a filly?" >Back in Equesrtia you may have been a little bit of a flirt here and there with stallions >Who are you kidding?! You definitely had your moments! >And you had your share of experiences "Maybe back home. It's all been very different since I got here" >"I can't even imagine. I know what they did to you. If there were any way I could make them pay for it I would!" "Don't talk like that. What's important is that YOU'RE free. You have to promise me you'll never do anything that'll get that taken away from you" >He hesitates "I'm serious! It was all perfectly legal. No crime has been committed against me except the foalnapping" >"Because rape isn't a crime if you're private property? I don't believe that and I know you don't either" "Of course I don't. But that's the law here. We're not in Equestria. We can work to make this world better, but we still have to live in it the way it is" >"I saw him, you know. He came to the old place when you were foalnapped" "John?" >"The guy who used to own you, yeah" "Then you saw he's not a monster" >"He still raped you. I wanted to kill him. But I was really young and I couldn't do anything about it" "You're still really young and there's nothing you should do about it. He never really hurt me" >"On TV you said he whipped you!" >Shit! >You've said a lot of things on the show without ever thinking about the day coming when... >Your son would eventually start watching >"He made you his bedmare!" "I don't like that word" >"Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a thing" "It was more complicated than that. He could have just used me. He didn't. He set me up with a business and my own place and treated me like his..." >Mistress or marefriend? >It really was somewhere between the two "Marefriend. He nearly had me believing it, too" >"Until you...," he looks away and mutters, "cucked him with dad" "I don't like you putting it that way. But even then he set the wheels in motion for both of us to be free. He didn't have to do that" >"He owned you. Why didn't he just have me cut out of you?" "I told him I'd kill myself if he did. And it was the truth. Instead of testing that he more or less let me go" >The colt gets a pensive look on his face >"He's still a monster. Look what he made dad do! The best singer in Equestria hosting THAT show?!" >SHIT again! "You haven't watched THAT, have you?" >Your heart is breaking >"How the hell else am I supposed to see my father?!" >You're not even going to bother correcting his language now >You lean in to nuzzle him, but he backs away from you "Your father had no choice about that. And you know a lot of that was CGI" >"Not all of it was, mom. We both know that. Why do you still work for him now that you're free?" "Would you pass up the opportunity to maybe change American minds about slavery?" >Come on! >You're not doing the show because you want to be a TV celebrity "You think I wouldn't just rather run a flower shop and be a mom?" >"And not be famous?" "I never wanted to be famous. I just wanted to somehow escape from having men comtrolling my life. And I did. And if I can do anything to make things better for..." >You want to say other mares, but the scope of what's fucked up is bigger than that "...everypony else I have to do that. I got out. If I can raise awareness maybe everypony else will someday" >"Why does he let you? He owns ponies but you go on TV spreading abolitionist ideas. He pays you to do it. It doesn't make sense" "He doesn't think like we do. It's not about right and wrong to him. It's about winning. The show is a hit and his name is on it. He wins." >"And dad's life was just collateral damage?" "Our lives could have been, too. Instead I'm being rewarded for doing the right thing. That doesn't always happen in life" >You pause to let that sink in, and look the colt right in his dark eyes "When it does you have to make the most of it" >He nods "I still don't like you watching tack dance videos. Eroticising symbols of oppression is messed up" >"That's not what I see in them" "What do you see in them?" >He shifts uncomfortably on his hooves >"You know how it's always the stallions who have to prance around to get the mares' attention?" "That's usually how it works" >"It's nice to see it the other way around, even if they're not doing it all that great" >Of course it must be! >How could a stallion not feel that way? "Just keep in mind that you might not want the attention of mares like that" >"Why not?" "They're much more likely to break your heart in one way or another" Excerpt from Blinders Off S3 E28, aired 2/7/2020 Roseluck: "At the end of the day I think all parents would like to minimize screen time for their for their fillies and colts. There are a lot of legitimate reasons for this. I don't think TikTok is doing fillies any good, despite its popularity. But how much of their future work lives are going to involve screens? Very likely a lot. And then there's socialization. That's very important for them, and like it or not a lot of their social interaction happens on those screens. Try taking the screen away from them and you're making an attempt to curtail their socialization at an age where that's very important to them. I don't like it one bit, but that's how things are." Ada Maria: "Thanks, Rose. Our next topic is an under reported story. There are many reasons a story might be under reported in the media. Plenty of stories being pushed on social media are simply fake. Others may be true but not in line with the standards of a particular news organization. While we do not claim to be journalists our staff and prodiucers aim to uphold journalistic standards when reporting actual news. With that said I'll let Crystal Clear introduce our next topic." Crystal Clear: "ICE raids in Ponytown are on the rise. Not just against men and women living in this country illegally, but against free ponies as well." Ada Maria: "How can free ponies be targets of ICE raids if they have free legal status?" Crystal Clear: "The view on enforcement has changed. Free ponies born here are considered legal residents, as are those emancipated by the state - the federal government respects state's rights on both of those fronts." Ada Maria: "Then who are they going after and why?" Crystal Clear: "All pony targets of ICE raids in this recent wave have been Equestrian born. The reasoning being that they immigrated here illegally and the only legal protection they have is that of sanctuary state policies not recognized by the federal government" Ada Maria: "And all raids so far have been in Sanctuary Cities. Am I correct in saying this is the first time we've seen ponies caught in this particular political crossfire?" Crystal Clear: "It's a big change in precedent as far as enforcement is concerned. One that has many ponies on edge in places like Ponytown." Mare: "It's shocking, but hardly a surprise. This is a president who takes every opportunity to call us 'animals'. He's repeatedly called abolitionist organizations domestic terrorists. He didn't have a word of condemnation for the man behinmd the Ponyville Market Massacre. And now this is happening in an election year? If he thinks this will benefit him he'll be tweeting about it before long." Ada Maria: "Truth is reporting a story like this is a little out of our depth, so please welcome our next guest, former National Public Radio correspondent and author Sally Stringer!" (Stringer, a pink mare takes the guest seat on the stage to polite applause.) Ada Maria: "Welcome to the show." S. Stringer: "Happy to be here, though I wish it were under less disturbing circumstances." Ada Maria: "Regarding those circumstances, what do we know for sure about these raids?" S. Stringer: "At least seven Equestrian born free ponies have been arrested by ICE, four of them in New York's Ponytown." Ada Maria: "Do we know where they were taken?" S. Stringer: "Official word is to detention centers. But the federal agency has given us no details beyond that." Ada Maria: "So their families have no idea of their whereabouts? Or even if their still... alive?" S. Stringer: "None whatsoever. Free ponies have been taken away by federal agents, we don't know where they are being held, nor do we know what is in store for them." Ada Maria: "It's not like they can be quickly deported to their country of origin, as is typically the case with illegal immigrant men and women" S. Stringer: "As far as we know there's no way back to Equestria, and even if there were the last credible reports describe it as a dark wasteland." Roseluck: "That's my last memory of it. I left because the only other choice was starving to death in the darkness. I didn't want to leave. I HAD to." S. Stringer: "By definition you were refugees, though the law saw things differently." Roseluck: "Most of us had no idea when we came through. We just walked right up to men who put collars on us and told us we were now private property. I know I did. How could I possibly have known? It was so shocking! I was so dumbstruck I didn't even put up any resistance because I couldn't believe what was happening." S. Stringer: "You and hundreds of thousands of others. Now it seems like they're going after the ones they missed." Ada Maria: "There has to have been some pushback against this." S. Stringer: "There has been, though it hasn't gotten a lot of media attention. The Mayor of New York spoke out yesterday calling the arrests politically motivated and accusing the president of using federal agencies for his own political purposes. He's defiant about New York remaining a Sanctuary City. The mayor of San Fransisco, where one arrest occured made a similar statement this morning. And both New York State and California have filed suit in federal court against the administration, with more states likely to do so as well." Ada Maria: "California isn't a slave state. How does that change things for ponies there?" S. Stringer: "It could make things more difficult for them, believe it or not. Legal experts I've spoken to tell me that since New York has the power to grant emancipation on the state level they could theoreticaly pass legislation that emancipates all Equestrian born ponies not currently owned by any entity. That would protect them from the way the federal government is currently interpretating immigration law. California as a free state has no such authority in the eyes of the federal government." Ada Maria: "And San Fransisco has a pretty large Ponytown, doesn't it?" S. Stringer: "The one in Oakland is bigger, but yes. In Califoirnia it's not just about urban ponytowns, though. There are many agricultural communities where ponies have been filling the gap Latinx guest workers left, now that fewer guest worker visas are being issued. These communities are made up of working families, and often the parents or grandparents are Equestrian born. More widespread enforcement along the lines of what we're seeing recently could become a threat to American agriculture." Ada Maria: "You've written a book on the subject of pony agricultural communities in California. When we booked you to appear on the show it was to talk about that book, then this story broke. The book is called The Hooves Feeding America, Stories from California's Agricultural Pony Communities. I read it and it's a fascinating! It really shows how our Equestrian spirit can triumph under adverse conditions." S. Stringer: "There's a lot of that in the book because otherwise it would be too dark a read. These are free ponies we're talking about, but the conditions they live in and how hard they have to work for very little pay are pretty shocking. Or they were to me at least, having been raised in the city. Entire families in the fields, fillies and colts working as hard as their parents from sun up to sundown during harvest time. Yet they still have time for love, joy and friendship. They sing. And in spite of the hard work and poor living conditions they're moving toward something that resembles the American Dream, they're just not going to make it there in this generation or probably the next. But it's their overriding hopefulness that really moved me." Ada Maria: "You captured that very well in the book. Some of it is hard to read, but the hopefullness of these ponies comes shining through." S. Stringer: "It was a tremendous experience living for months alongside these ponies. Like so many they need advocacy. Hopefully those who read it will start speaking up on their behalf. There are so many worthy pony causes out there, and the welfare of these communities is as worthy as any, even in a world where slavery exists. Because while these ponies are techincally free we're seeing right now that freedom isn't assured for some of them. It could be taken away, which would be devestating to these communities of hard working families." Ada Maria: "The book is called The Hooves Feeding America, available now. Sally Stringer, everypony!" >Be Roseluck >The pregnancy is going fine the doctors say >But you're starting to feel big, sore and emotional >Everypony says the second one is easier, and that may be true >But easy really isn't the word you would use to describe it >Thankfully Chrissy is understanding and supportave >And even your son for whom emotional intelligence is hardly a big strength has gone out of his way to try to help out >Which almost seems like a miracle given how much of his attentioon is occupied by his phone >All four of you are seated around the dinner table >Chrissy's place - your place now, too - is big enough that there's a dedicated spot for one >And you like the idea of family meals together, even if you, your marefriend, your son and bodyguard constitute a pretty non-traditional family >Chrissy is a pretty good cook it turns out, and she's excited to finally have ponies to cook for >Forty Two is especially appreciative, which makes you realize with a little sadness that he's probably never had proper family meals before >He was part of an institutional system since he was younger than your son is now >And regardless of how well adjusted the stallion seems that strikes you as a monstrous way to treat young colts >Or fillies for that matter >You almost want to cry over it, but that's probably the hormones >You're on the verge of crying a lot these days, regardless of how happy yur particular situation actually is >Your son looks up from his plate and asks Chrissy, "You were born here, right?" >"Yes I was," the mare replies >"But mom? You came from Equestria. They're coming for Equestrian born ponies, aren't they?" "They won't come for me, sweetie. I've been legally emancipated by the State of New York. The government recognizes that" >"So no men are going to come and take you away?," the colt asks, then adds under his breath, "Again?" >That must have really traumatized him! >Of course it did >It took you a while to get over it as well >And it certainly didn't leave you with much positive feelings left toward men in general >Not that you ever had much of those >Except for MAYBE a short time with John >But that was fooling yourself to make the best of a bad situation >Well not exactly a bad situation, but still one where you were subservient to him >Even if he let you pretend that wasn't the case >But the "again" from your son still stings, and you notice everypony at the table is now looking at you "We have Forty Two to preoect us from anything like that happening again, and federal agenst can't target me. Nothing like that will ever happen again, sweetie" >"Did you hear what the president said about Equestrian born ponies?," the colt asks "He says a lot of horrible things. What was it this time?" >"The clip from yesterday's campaign rally," Chrissy asks. "I'd rather not ruin dinner talking about that" >"It's all over," Forty Two adds, "He proposed the idea of selling detained free ponies as private property since they're here illegally" >You haven't heard this yet, but that sounds like the president >It also sounds like something lawyers and judges are going to have a big fight over somewhere behind the scenes >And you'll probablly be talking about it on the show this week "You can show me after dinner, sweetie. Then we'll talk about it" >"A lot of the kids in school have Equestrian born parents, and some of them are really scared" "I'm not going to lie to you, it IS scary. But our family is not a target for that. You understand?" >"Yeah, mom" >"Your mom and I have to talk about this stuff for a living on TV," Chrissy says. "I'd rather not talk about it over dinner" >"I get it," your son replies "You can show me the clip after dinner" >After dinner you and your son are sitting on his bed both gazing at the little screen he spendss so much time with >On screen is the president at a podium at a campaign rally >"And these ANIMALS," he begins, "I can't even call them horses because they're not real horses" >Some laughter from the audience >"They came here illegally and live among us like people. But they're not people. Last time I checked people don't have four legs and a tail!" >Oh boy! >"The Constitution says we the people. Not we the people and some animals as well" >More laughter from the audience "So he's a fan of the Constitution now?" >"Shhh, mom," your son chides "These animals are here illegally looking for the same privileges as American citizens and it's... disgusting" >Cheers from the crowd >"So we're going after them. They're breaking the law and we're going after them!" >The cheering gets more aggressive >"And do you know how much of your money - American taxpayer's money - it costs to detain one of these beasts?" >He pauses for dramatic effect >"Five hundred dollars a day. That's your money, people. Money you're not getting back so the government can babysit these beats" >Some of the audience starts boo-ing at this >"You know what we ought to do? We ought to hold on to them until they've racked up a bill that's about half of what they're worth" >Oh shit, you can see this coming >"Then sell them on the open market! That way the American people can make a loss into a profit!" >The crowd starts chanting >It takes a few seconds to realize they're chanting "Lock them up!" "He'd probably be first in line to buy them, too. His businesses own hundreda of ponies working as maintenance, kitchen staff and servers" >"Mom, this is horrible" >You wish you had something comforting to say, but you're already both angry and on the edge of tears "Yes it is" >Be Roseluck >Today your son came home from school with his report card >He's a smart colt, but not the most dilligent student - you constantly have to push him to get his homework done >So when his grades turned out to be mostly B's, a few A's and no C's whatsoever you decided he deserved a reward >You have no problem being the mother of a B+ student, though you know he could get more A's if he'd just apply himself >Which is why you're sitting in a neighborhood pizza place with him, Chrissy and Agent 42 >His taste in pizza does not line up with yours >You like real Neapolitan pizza with a super thin crust, fresh mozzarella and baked in a wood fired oven >He thinks that's lame because there's not enough stuff on it >Which is OK, since he's a growing colt and is hungry all the time >And a meal at thwe neighborhood slice joint is much cheaper than a brick oven place >No reason to waste money on expensive things he doesn't appreciate... yet >Especially given that you'll be the one picking up the check >And while you think pepperoni is disgusting he loves the stuff, so you got it on half of one pie >You let him get a soda as well, though you don't approve of that, either >But it could be a lot worse - he's could be really into chain pizza like Domino's or Little Ceasar's >Thankfully he's too much of a real New Yorker for that >But somehow those places manage to stay in business here, in spite of even mediocre neighborhood places like where you are right now are so much better >Which isn't really that hard >You remember when you used to go out to really nice places in Manhattan with John >It didn't take very long to start appreciating that kind of dining out, then even taking it for granted >The beautiful decor, attentive service, good wine lists and dishes made from top quality ingredients >Very different from where you find yourself now - seated in a booth with a plastic table in a wood panneled room with faded Italian posters on the walls >The kind of place that has salads on the menu, but it's obvious that you'd regret ordering one unless you happened to be really fond of iceberg lettuce >And dressing that comes from a plastic bottle - you feel yourself cringe a little at the thought >You're not a snob or anything - you don't look down on a place like this, you just know there's nothing on the menu you'd really choose to eat >If it were your choice >But this isn't about you, it's about your son >This is what HE likes, and him doing well enough in school that you don't have to be concerned aboout him academically? >That's more than worth a meal of mediocre pizza in a place that looks like a time capsule >Truth is you're probably taking this for granted as well >You're in Brooklyn - even the mediocre pizza here is better than most of what the rest of the country gets >Or so you've been told >It's not like you've traveled much, so you don't really know >Beyond the City, Brooklyn and a few trips to the Hamptons you haven't seen any of the country >Being a mother who works two jobs means travel isn't an option >Living here knod of makes up for that since the whole world seems to come to you anyways >You take it for granted that you're likely to hear a bunch of different languages being spoken just walking down the street >Chrissy's a native New Yorker as well, and she seems perfectly happy with the mushroom slices you two are sharing >It certainly isn't BAD, it's just not like brick oven pizza and a glass of wine... >Of course if this place had wine it wouldn't be worth risking >Actually that might not be true - a really coarse Chianti would probably go just fine with this pizza >But it's not an option, so you put the thought out of your mind >If you want wine later you can pick up a bottle on the way home >And a coarse Chianti is probable the best you're likely to find given the selection at most places around here >"You're pretty quiet," Chrissy says "Just spacing out. You go and go and go and then when you stop you either fall asleep or..." >"Space out, I get it," she replies with a little nuzzle >You notice your son wince a little from the corner of your eye >He has no problems with you and Chrissy being a couple - he and Chrissy get along very well >But he's not comfortable with public displays of affection between you two >Or really at all - he doesn't like you nuzzling him in public, either >It's an awkward age for him >He's already worked through his half a pizza, finished his soda, wiped his greasy hooves on a pile of paper napkins crumbled in front of him >Now he's checking his phone - of course >"Holy shit!," he says "Language" >"Glitter's dad got taken away last night," he says ingoring your abmonishion. "She wasn't in school today, but I just thought she was sick" "ICE raid?" >"I don't know. Daisy didn't say" >"Daisy is the one who makes the tack dance videos, right? I don't approve of that. Do I know Glitter?" >"She's new this year, but she's part of Daisy's crew, or possee, or whatever they call themselves this week. She's part of Daisy's brand" "Daisy's brand? what's she selling?" >He sighs like you're too old to understand anything >"Daisy IS the brand, Glitter and Twinkle are like her... sidekicks" "So they're a clique. Popular girls? Mean girls?" >"Popular, but always nice to me. Daisy gets annoying because she's so into self-promotion - I get like four alerts from her a day" >"Sounds like Daisy has a crush on you," Chrissy says slyly >"It's not like that. Anyone who follows her will get those. But this group text was just a few ponies from school" >He looks back down at his phone >"Is there anything we can DO about this?," he asks. "I mean they came and took her dad away! She doesn't deserve that! He doesn't either!" "Are you and Glitter...?" >"No," he replies very quickly >Not yet and/or would like to be is probably what that means "It is breaking news and we have a soapbox" >"I'll call one of the producers tomorrow," Chrissy offers >"Remember what the president said about selling detained ponies? Do you think that's going to happen to him? Can they do that to a free pony?" "I'm pretty sure it's not legal. Just the president saying things his supporters want to hear regardless of whether they're true" >"But that can still ruin ponies' lives!," he replies. "That's not fair!" "Chrissy and I will see what we can do about it in terms of getting the story out there. In the meantime maybe you could..." >"What? What can I do?" "Maybe text or private message or whatever Glitter and tell her if she needs to talk you're there for her" >"That won't be weird? She has Daisy and Twinkle for that" "Do you like this girl?" >"Not like THAT! Though out of the three of them she is the one I like best. She's the prettiest and the nicest. She's not pushy like Daisy" "Just saying it's an opportunity to do the right thing while showing her you're thoughtful. If what she thinks of you might be something you care about someday..." >"Just keep in mind, " Chrissy says, "If you make that offer and she takes you up on it you may have to deal with her crying and upset. Be prepared for that" >"Why would she take me up on it when she has other girls to talk to about it?" >"Because she's more perceptive than you are, and probably already knows you like her," Chrissy answers >That could be true," 42 adds as your colt's mouth hangs open for a couple seconds "Who knows? Still a good move to be a thoughtful guy if she's going through something horrible and it only takes a little effort on your part" >"But what do I say?," your son asks "If she calls it won't be to hear what you have to say. You just let her talk and listen" >"That sounds horrible," he replies. "Just listen to her being all emotionally torn up? Why would I do that?" >42 laughs >When every pony head at the booth swings toward him he blanches a bit and says, "Sorry, I've got nothing. I understand the psychology, but..." "You've never had free interaction with free mares" >"Not like dating, no. Wish I could be some help beyond saying don't friendzone yourself" >"That's really...," Chrissy begins >You cut her off before she can say "sexist" "No, he's got a point. You've got to let her know you're there for her without throwing yourself at her hooves. Stallions should come across as strong" >"So a strong, quiet good listener?," your son affirms. "I can try that for Glitter. It's not really much of a stretch, I guess" "And tomorrow we'll see what we can do, if anything" >"This is a hot topic," Chrissy adds, "I'm sure we can build at least part of this week's episode around it >Your colt looks satisfied, then asks, "What do I tell Daisy?" "How about nothing just yet?" >"She probably won't like that, but OK" >You're pretty sure you're fine with Daisy not liking it >Hopefully Glitter is not as bad >And the poor thing just had her dad taken away, so she immediately has your sympathy >Be VP >In your office with Beard #2, who really likes the idea of putting the schoolgirl aged daughter of a stallion who ICE is detaining on Blinders Off >Apparently Roseluck and Crystal Clear are pushing for it as well "You can't get the mother?" >"She's afraid of the publicity getting her fired from her job," he answers "And the daughter is sympathetic?" >"Glitter is cute, well spoken, heartbroken and scared. Our audience will eat it up - the ones who watch it on mute even more so" >You laugh >That was part of the original inspiration for it - the show had to work as both stoking controversy and providing those who just wanted to look at cute mares with... >Cute mares to look at "How young is she?" >"Not a filly anymore, definitely not a mare yet. Pony equivilent of say, eighth grade or first year of high school" "She doesn't come off as loud and stupid?" >"No. Pretty smart and mature. Grew up in LA. Just a nice girl from the Valley" "That meant loud and stupid back in my day. Zappa had one of his biggest hits poking fun at it" >He gives you a blank look >Fuck, you're old - to this guy Nirvana is super retro "This is going to make her a target. Any easily found shit online that could trash her relatable factor?" >He plays with his phone for a second, then hands it to you >"This is the worst I could find" >Look at you old man - you're on TikTok! >You only know what that is because of your niece mentioning it in a not positive way a year or so ago >That and something you read in the Economist about Chinese data harvesting "This isn't your work phone, is it?" >"Personal, but you know... sometimes you have to use your personal phone for work related things" >You don't, but you get what he's saying >You tap the screen and the video starts playing >She's pretty >And YOUNG >And wearing a bridle, which for some reason is a thing with ponies >You don't get the fetish, but you can stretch your mind a bit to see why it resonates with some >She looks cute in it >Oh, and there's the clumsy double entendre monolouge >To be fair it's probably really racy for a free mare her age >But in a world where you can buy a filly younger than her as a bedmare, or even rent one? >It's not going to raise all but the most prudish eyeballs >And if those eyes are watching Blinders Off it's because they want something to feed their outrage >You chuckle and hand him back his phone "That's the worst you could find?" >"Not me personally, but yeah" "So she's been vetted to the best of our ability" >"How many skeletons in the closet is a kid that age likely to have?" "You never know. Everyone can produce and distribute video these days. Even live footage of mass shootings from the shooter himself" >"There's a pretty wide gulf between the mindset of an armed angry young man convinced his entitlement is being taken away and a filly who puts on a bridle to play at being sexy" "Granted. And she nearly pulls it off, except for the fact you can tell she has zero experience with what she's talking about" >"Which makes her more sympathetic in my view. Except to the Bible Belt crowd and maybe hardcore pony rights groups" "Are you kidding? They love that shit. Probably a quater of our viewers are hatewatchers" >"Could be more than that by now. But this would be a step further than we've gone before. Mares talking about sex, being enslaved and abolition is one thing..." "I know. This time we're going directly against the president" >"News is gonna have a shitfit" "We're in a different silo. They'll have to ignore it. But don't think I don't wear the fact that they hate me as a badge of honor" >"You don't exactly hide that. But what if he's among the hatewatchers and he tweets about it?" "The president? I think we can safely assume he's not watching. I'd wager the chances of him watching Blinders are the same as him following a telenovella on Telemundo" >That gets a laugh from your beardy producer "It's not like I'm ungrateful. My tax situation is much better with him in office, and I appreciate that. It's just having to watch the rest of the shitshow that I can't take" >"I'm not a fan. He's a dangerous con man" "I know people who knew him back in the day. He's always been Queens tacky, but they say he used to be sort of smart in a pushy, streetfighter kind of way" >"I wonder what happened" "Our industry happened to him. Give a rich narcissist a successful reality show and THIS is what you get" >"Some credit has to go to social media and autocratic racists as well." He pauses, then asks, "How the fuck did that air on NBC and not us?" "Want me to call Mark and ask him?" >"No thanks." He laughs and adds, "So we're go with Glitter this week?" "Yeah. But that name. Holy shit!" >"Pony names are a thing" "I remember when comedians used to poke fun at African-American names for sounding funny. Ponies got that beat" >"We'll keep the segment short. Just a little weepy 'bring my daddy back' bit near the end of the episode" "Sounds good. You can try the 'rich man loves fucking with poor vulnerable families' angle, but use your discretion" >"Of course. I won't seed the ground for it, but if the mares go there and it's compelling..." "Exactly. Are we done?" >"Yeah. Thanks" "Oh, and send me her TicTok video" >He stands up, taps his phone a couple times and says, "Done" >An alert goes off on your private phone >Smart guy >Then he turns and walks out of your office >Three hours and a few phone calls dealing with idiots later you're walking towards makeup to meet your little mare >As she walks out - you know better than to embarrass her by walking into makeup - she seems bright "How was your day?" >"The usual" >Vidal has been bringing her in more and more and she really seems to enjoy the work >You get to have lunch with her a few times a week usually >You didn't today because your meetings and her schedule didn't line up "Did you eat?" >"A little. I was busy" "Same here. Shoule we go out?" >"I'd like that" "Anything in particular?" >"Anything but Italian, maybe?" >Her only flaw! >Maybe not the only one, but the only one that matters right now - you were willing to take the car to Brooklyn for some old guard Italian American. You were thinking Bamonte's >Cynthia would have gone for it back in the day... So would Roseluck - she really appreciated going out to nice places" >Cloudy's taste is less refined >Or refined isn't the right word >She was trained to be compliant arm candy and night companionship >So if you had said you wanted Italian she would have agreed for your approval >But you offered her the choice, giving her the opportunity to choose wrong >Gotta watch it with that "What are you feeling?," you indulge her as the two of you walk the hallway toward the door where the car ought to be waiting outside >"Falafel," she relpies hopefully "Really?" >You need a glass of wine >Taim and Mamoun's don't have wine - they barely have seating >What's that cute little Lebanese bistro in the East Village? >Au'Zaatar - that's the place >It's actually really good >Cloudy's taste doesn't always line up with your own, but this is New York - there's always a compromise that works "We can do that" >The smile she gives you melts the last of the day's frustration away >When you step outside you're not even frustrated by the fact that the car isn't there waiting for you >As long as you're soliciting her input may as well take things further >You grab your personal phone and bring up Glitter's video "What do you think of her?" >You hold the phone as the video plays >Her reaction is immediate - tail swishes, head lowers >When the short video ends she says, "She's really cute. And really young. Are you gonna buy her?" >Shit, that was not your intent at all, but you can see how it looked like that "No. I couldn't even if I wanted to. She's a free mare" >She looks visibly relieved "I didn't mean to make you jealous. Sorry" >"I'm not jealous," she replies awkwardly, "just shocked. Not that you might want another mare, but that you were considering buying a unicorn" >You laugh "I wasn't. She's going to be on the show this week" >"Well she looks great on camera. She's not going to need much help from me. What's her deal?" "ICE took her father away" >"Her biological father? Sounds like a free pony problem" >Wow - no sympathy at all?! >"I never met my biological father," she continues, "You're the only daddy I've ever had" >She smiles at you and adds, "And I know how lucky I am. I hope I do a good enough job of showing it" "You're a good girl. Just giving you a heads up about this one. She's young and scared. She might be a bit of a mess when she gets to you" >"Psychology is part of the job, and I'm totally professional. Vidal even lets me style your ex's mane now" >The car pulls up "You know I don't still have feelings for her" >"That's not my business" "I just want her to be OK, and I have some ability to see to that" >"Not my business, daddy" "How about we get you some falafel then?" >"You're so good to me" >Be Roseluck >Today you and Crystal are taping the show >The one with Glitter as a guest >The poor thing just rang your buzzer because she's catching a ride with you to the studio >Your son said he'll get it, pushed the button and walked out to meet her in the hall >Good for him! >He's at the age where he should be interacting with girls and understanding that girls have their own sets of problems >They're not just objects to cajole into fulfilling your desires >Not that he's given any indication of thinking like that - but he is a stallion, which means sooner or later he'll end up thinking with his dick >They all do sometimes, even the good ones - and you're sure he's a good one >The network still sends a white van to pick you up >Crystal protested a little when you first moved in because she thought it was coddling and she was used to taking the subway >But the convenience (and luxury) of a free ride to work instead of dealing with crowded trains seems to have won her over >You're pretty sure she's gone from seeing it as a condescension to you after the foalnapping incident to seeing it as a perk for valuable talent >She's valuable talent, too! >You like that the show started off so freewheeling that one of the cameramares became part of the cast >Of course you like it even more that when you realized you were checking her out she was doing the same to you >Which worked out beautifully >You were intimidated a little at first because you'd never had a marefriend before and she'd had plenty >Or so you assume - you figured asking her for a number would have made you seem insecure and immature >On the other hoof she's well aware you're new to this - being with another mare in a relationship >Not just threesomes in the penthouse >Which seems like a lifetime ago now >You two are a good fit >She can be a little bossy sometimes, but she expects you to hold your own and speak your mind >Which you do for the most part >It's different with a mare than with a man or a stallion where you might hold back out of concern for bruising their ego >With a marefriend it's more concern for what she might be feeling st the moment and how what you say will effect that >It makes perfect sense, but it's a little less cut and dry >You've been insensitive a few times, but she's forgiven you >She's a busy mare - she knows what it's like >And you have more on your plate than she does >Being pregnant and emotional on top of it too >And horny, if you're being honest >Why does being pregnant make you horny?! >That doesn't make any sense >Yet here you are going through it for the second time and it's worse than the first! >Biology is a bitch >Fortunately Crystal is understanding and... accommodating >As the door to the apartment opens your son leads three (3!) young mares into the place >You feel a swell of pride in spite of your ideals >It might not be very feminist of you to appreciate the sight, but you do >Three pretty young mares following your son makes you proud in spite of yourself >Why are three of them here? >You can pretty quickly tell which one is Glitter >Like your son told you she's the prettiest of the three, but right now looks haggard, underslept and like she's been crying recently "Glitter?," you ask looking at her >"Yeah that's me. Hi Ms. Roseluck," she responds politely, if not shyly, ears turned back >She approaches you with one well-manicured hoof raised for a shake >Which you oblige her with >You turn to one of the others and ask "And you are?" >The pale pink earth pony replies first with an air confidence, stepping up in front of the two unicorns and making steady eye contact with you (unlike Glitter and the other pony whose gazed only occasionally flash your way) >"I'm Daisy, and this is Twinkle. We're Glitter's BFFs so we're here for moral support" >Her confidence flags for a moment, making her seem more like the filly she is than the mare she's be acting like >"If that's okay of course?" >She also offers an equally well-manicured hoof in greeting >Daisy >The one who posts the degrading videos that your son watches >You want to judge her so badly, but you just can't >Because the three of them are ADORABLE! >Looking at them shoots you back to being that age in Equestria when you were inseparable from your two BFF's, Lily and another Daisy >Life was so much simpler back then >The three of you made a game of trying to outdo each other with histrionic reactions to minor situations >While these three have to stay strong for each other while dealing with some really heavy stuff >You just went from horny to sad in a matter of seconds >And not for the first time you wonder if Lily and your Daisy made it through >They're not on Facebook, but a lot of Equestrian born ponies don't do social media >You only do because of the show, and a younger mare at the network takes care of your accounts for you >So you don't have to bother much with them >But still you're the most visible of the three, so if they made it through you'd think they'd have contacted you >Unless they're in the position where they don't have the freedom to do so >Which is unfortunately likely >Now you're even sadder >You shake Daisy's hoof and offer your own to Twinkle, who seems a little starstruck by being in the presence of a TV mare >"N-nice to meet you, Ms. Roseluck" >The little confidence boost is enough to make you smile warmly >"There's enough room in the van for you two to come along," Crystal says, getting ready to move things along, "And you can be part of the audience during the taping" >Daisy and Twinkle's eye grow wide and they turn to each other with matching grins, pressing their noses together in celebration >Your son shoots you a hopeful look, ears pricked >Somepony wants to get out of going to school today! >As nice as it is to see him with these three you really shouldn't let him cut school - that would be bad parenting "Sorry, but you're going to school," you say to him >He frowns, flattening his ears, but nods in acceptance >Glitter shifts on her hooves a bit and peeks around Daisy who has been taking center stage for the most part >"Can't he come with, too? For moral support?" >As soon as the words leave her lips Daisy scrunches her muzzle and flattens her ears ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly >If you hadn't once been a mare their age you might have missed it, but the intrigue has already caught your attention >Really not your business, but it is kind of adorable >And you're hit with another little jolt of pride for your son who seems to have not one, but two pretty young mares chasing after him >You turn back to your son, answering Glitter's question "I don't want you to think it's okay to cut school when you feel like it" >"But Mom, this is kind of an emergency" he responds desperately, eyes flicking over towards the purple unicorn >He's kind of right >You'll let it slide for now "Alright just this once," you say to him, then face Glitter. "Your mom definitely isn't joining us?" >She shakes her mane full of soft blue curls >"She's too scared" >"Glitter's mom is an administrative assistant at Dalton," Daisy adds. "Basically a diversity hire." >She tosses her head, already jaded as a filly on the brink of marehood >"You know how companies are - they love diversity hires until..." >"Until any kind of conflict arises," Glitter finishes, looking at her hooves. "She can't risk speaking out now that we have to live on one income" "I'm so sorry, sweetie" >"Plus her mom Equestrian born as well," Daisy butts in again, "so there's the fear of retribution for even Glitter too" >This gives you pause "You know you don't have to do this, right?" >Glitter seems surprised by your question, eyes growing wide >"Well I have to do SOMETHING!" >Her decision has clearly already been made "Well in that case we're here for you" >"Th-thank you..." >You wish you could do more >SOMETHING to make things all better for this poor filly >But this is all you CAN do >And you hope it makes things better and not worse for her >This really could go either way >Which makes you realize just how unique your own situation is >You get paid to stoke conflict >Most ponies have to keep their heads down and avoid conflict if they want to avoid problems "I think you're being very brave" >"I just want things to go back to normal... I... I hope this doesn't make things worse" >"Me too," Chrissy adds. "Let's get going." >Be Cloudburst >At work in makeup - well, getting your station set up for a day's work >Really only half listening to some mildly raunchy tales of weekend debauchery Vidal is sharing with you >Thankfully he's not all that graphic about things in front of you - most of the time, at least >But the implications are there >He has a LOT of sex with a LOT of men and it's all completely normal to him >And you've been around him for long enough you don't even find it shocking anymore >You can't imagine behaving like that, though you know that some ponies do >And unlike his situation for some it's not a matter of preference >It's one thing to be a gay stallion who loves it >But quite different to be a rental mare >Accounts of growing up like that are a pretty frequent topic on the show since one of the cast grew up that way >And she's got some really fucked up opinions >You're happy for her, though >She told you about the relationship she's managed to get herself in and the guy sounds like a good master >Technically he isn't her master because she's a free mare >But the way she talked about him - she really sounded like the good girl you know she is somewhere on the inside >She's just been corrupted, but that wasn't really her fault >Daddy arranged something very nice for her, but the stallion drank himself to death anyway >That's why stallions don't get to be masters - they can't take proper care of their good girls >In spite of some of them being pretty attractive >You're lucky YOU were attractive (and smart) enough to make it through finishing school and get bought by a good daddy >You don't know if you could have handled a life like hers >Thankfully it looks like you'll never find out! >Vidal stopping mid-sentence breaks you away from your thoughts and you look up to see a nervous young mare hovering by the open door >She's very pretty for a unicorn and definitely younger than you >You recognize her from a video daddy showed you on his phone a few days ago >She's a guest on the show today - something political about her father's immigration status as a free pony >Daddy said to be gentle with her >She looks like she's shaking, tail tucked and ears tipped back; poor thing "Welcome to Makeup," you say brightly. "I'm Cloudy! Come on in, I'll get you ready for the cameras!" >The unicorn's ears prick up in relief and her tail relaxes a bit "H-hi. Um. You wouldn't happen to have some gum or a breath mint, right?" >"I do," Vidal replies, rummaging around the drawers at his station for a pack of Tic-Tacs >He offers her a hoof-ful which she immediately pops into her mouth and crunches up >You detect the faint smell of vomit before its replaced by the fresh scent of peppermint >Vidal must have caught it, too >He gives her a sympathetic look and says, "I'm Vidal, and you must be..." >"Glitter," she replies "Glitter Blush" >"Honey," he continues, "Welcome to the show. I wish it were under better circumstances for you. Don't let the cameras make you nervous" >She straightens up and lifts her chin with a little defiance, accompanied by the flick of her tail >"I'm not scared of that!" "You shouldn't be. You look great on camera!" >She shoots you a confused look >"How do you know that? Did they dig up one of the commercials I did when I was a filly?" >You shake your head "No. It was something recent. You had a bridle on? Kind of made it look like you were for sale" >Her eyes widen and she can't help but let out a gasp >"Hey, that video is private! Where did you see it?!" "On the executive producer's phone - that's how I recognized you when you came in." >"B-but how did he...?" >You can see a deep flush spreading across her muzzle and she ducks part of her face behind her wave of hair to try and hide her embarrassment >"You know nothing online is really private," Vidal says conspiratorially "If it's out there and someone wants to find it they can" >Best to change the subject so you don't end up upsetting her any more "So if you're comfortable with the cameras what are you nervous about? The cast is all nice even if they have a variety of... um... ideas" >She lowers her head and brushes her hair out of the way with a hoof >"I didn't realize how big the live audience was" >"It's three hundred people and about a hundred and fifty ponies. It's not one of the bigger sets," Vidal says nonchalantly >"But that's like, a thousand eyes staring at me! What happens if I look up at them and just freeze?" >"Thankfully we won't get to find out because that won't happen," the pink stallion answers >"What do you mean?" >"Honey I'll walk you over to the set right now and show you. We stopped doing audience Q and A after season one" >The blank look in her eyes means that what Vidal said doesn't register anything with her >"Look, the only eyes you're going to see are those of the cast and maybe a few of the crew," he continues >"Oh, so no audience today?" she asks hopefully, ears raised >"No, there is," he replies, "But you'll be on a lit set and they're fifty feet away from you sitting in the dark. The only way you'll know they're there is when they applaud for you" >You nod and chime in "I've been on set a few times for touch ups. I can vouch for that" >This seems to relax the unicorn a bit and you notice her tail has become untucked >"Those eyes will be invisible to you. Like they're not even there," Vidal confirms. "I can show you if you want" >"No no, it's okay. I believe you" "Also the mares are all really nice, so you don't have to worry about them" >"Oh yeah, I've already met Ms. Roseluck and Ms. Chrissy. I go to school with their son and they gave me and my friends a lift here today" "Here, why don't you have a seat and I'll get to work on you" >She complies without fuss and trots over to your station, gingerly lowering herself onto the seat - she's not going to need much work "Roseluck and Crystal are the ones who will probably lead your segment, so that ought to make it easier for you" >She nods, tucking her wave of hair behind her ear so that her muzzle is clear to be worked on >"Um. Who is the other unicorn again?" "Moonglow. I doubt she'll have much to say to you. Free pony issues aren't her area of expertise" >"And she's a-," she lowers her voice while blushing, "-bedmare, right?" >Your ear flicks at the way she says 'bedmare' "She has a master, yes" >"I can't imagine having to spend my whole life as just some man's bedmare" she says quietly, unable to draw her eyes from her own reflection in the big mirror in front of her. "It's gotta be horrible to not be able to choose what you want to do with your life." "It's actually pretty great when he's good to you and you know how to behave. You do get pretty spoiled though" >Vidal laughs and adds, "Tell me about it!" >Glitter quickly realizes the social faux-pas she's made and another blush spreads across her cheeks >"You're both... private property?" >"Have you ever met a pegasus who wasn't?" Vidal snorts >The pink mare pauses, nibbling on her hoof subconsciously in thought >"Well now that I think about, you're the first pegasi I ever met. Well like, actually met and talked to... Wait. If you have masters then how are you working here?" >"Honey," Vidal answers, "My boyfriend works from home half the time. If I were around the house all day he'd never get anything done" >You giggle "We're both incredibly lucky - we have really good, successful masters who want us to be happy and put our special talents to good use" >"ALL of our talents," Vidal snickers >That cracks you up >He's so bad! >She's probably too young for a joke like that >The young mare looking back at you in the mirror has her nose wrinkled in distaste >Vidal picks up on this and adds, "I'm sure you've grown up with the narrative that having a master takes away your agency and makes you miserable" >She nods, still unconvinced >"That's true for some owned ponies," he continues. "Those are the ones abolitionists are always going on about in their propaganda" "We're not those ponies," you find yourself saying reflexively >"You were probably brought up to reject the idea that ponies in our position could also be privileged and maybe even downright spoiled, right?" >She nods again, unsure of where the conversation is going >"But you're free and I'm technically - what would you call me - a slave, right? That's the word you'd use?," he presses her >"Y-yeah" >You shoot him a look that you hope he realizes means 'don't be too hard on this poor girl' >He doesn't seem to pick up on it >"So tell me, Glitter, where do you summer?" >She blinks, her expression blank. "Summer?" >Shit, he's pulling a class thing on her "He means where do you spend your summer vacation?" >She brightens a little and says, "Oh, I don't have to go anywhere. I live right next to Coney Island!" >Vidal smiles a hard smile >This is a mean streak you're not used to from him >Is he doing this because she's a pretty young filly, a unicorn, or a free pony? >Or all three? >Regardless, you prepare to jump in and defend her if necessary >"So your summering is day trips to Coney Island? I'm sure that's fun," he says as gently as he's capable of >He didn't sound all that sarcastic - maybe he's going easy on her >She nods again, ears lifted up in excitement at the thought of talking about her summer fun >She doesn't see it coming >"Well while you're doing that I'm spending a month and a half in the Hamptons. And not some crappy East Hampton condo - a proper house in West Hampton with plenty of rooms to entertain in" >He pauses for effect >"And do you know why I get to do that while you overpay for hot dogs at Nathan's?" >"I don't eat hot dogs!" she protests, stiffening her shoulders >That's a lie >She totally eats hot dogs, she just doesn't want to admit it >He continues, "Because my boyfriend has paperwork documenting his ownership of me. THAT cements my status as the kind of pony who belongs in Westhampton" >He sighs >"Without that I'd probably be running a struggling salon in Ponytown and lining up for the Cyclone with you" >That gets a know-it-all smirk out of her >"Ponies can't ride the Cyclone," she corrects him >"Some of us are too tied up drinking D.O. all summer to even know that" >Domaine Ott?! "Is that still a thing?" >He smiles at you and says, "Honey, I'm sure as shit not drinking Whispering Angel" >Be Cloudburst >Be sleeping, or at least you were until you felt a hand on your mane >It's earlier than you usually wake up, but you know what this means >Daddy woke up with a hard on >You let his hand guide your head down toward his crotch >He's rock hard! >You take him in your mouth and start doing that stuff with your tongue that you know he likes so much >And you get a moan from him in response as a little pressure from the hand on your head encourages you to take him all the way into your throat >"That's a good girl," he says >This part of being a good girl may be pretty easy, but you know how much he loves it >You can taste his precum and feel the ever so slight numbness it always gives your mouth >More like a slight tingle >He moans again as you bob your head on him, keeping your tingue moving just how he likes it >This could be over very quickly, but if it is it's going to leave you horny all day >The desire for some release for yourself causes you to inadvertantly moan a little >He picks up on that and asks, "Would you like to hop up and take a ride?" >Daddy is so generous with you! >You ease your head off of him, planting a little kiss on the tip of his cockhead "I'd loive to... but can I go pee first?" >You do NOT want to have to wash the sheets this morning! >"Be quick about it," he answers >You're out of bed and into the bathroom in a matter of seconds, relieving the pressure in your bladder >You know he's listening to you pee >But that doesn't stop you - you've never been one of those mares with a shy bladder >Quite the opposite in fact >As you wipe yourself you realize your pussy is soaked and that's not pee! >You're excited for daddy to give you some cummies! >You're not going to keep him waiting! >You flush and hurry back to bed, climbing on top to straddle him, keeping your tail up and out of the way and... >THERE! >He slides right into you and immediately starts thrusting as you stretch around him >UNF >He's just big enough that no matter how many times you take him it always feels like you're being split apart >In a good way, of course >You feel your wings spread as if they have a mind of their own as his right hand moves toward your left teat, thumb and forefinger locking on your nipple >Almost too hard, but not quite >You respond by grinding yourself onto him and you can feel your first one starting to build >You used to be self conscious about how quickly (and frequently) you came when you were on top >Then you realized that all that does is make him feel like he's the greatest lover in the world >Of course you have no experience with others to base that on, but you're lucky to have a daddy who gets off on you getting off >You're pretty sure not all men are like that >Thankfully youre is! >He holds still and lets you controil the motion >Which quickly starts you feeling a cummie about to happen as you grind against him >He feels it too, and increases the pressure on your nipple >OUCH! >But you don't even get to react to that because the pulsing waves of pleasure start shooting through you >Which he trakes as reason to get back to controlling the motion, slamming into you as you contract around him >It's almost too intense! >"That's a good girl. You should have another one" >You would thank him, but you're still catching your breath >And he's still slamming into you, which doesn't make that any easier >Then he slowa down, giving control of movement back to you >He knows you can grind off another one just as quickly, and this is his command to do so >As you start grinding on him he starts sucking on his left middle finger >You know what's comning >Sure enough seconds later that finger is gently but firmly sliding up your ass >Not exactly your favorite thing, but nothing that's going to get in the way of your next cummie >Which is already building by the time he takes back control >Which means his is about to happen >Most of the time he likes to finish in your mouth, but it looks like this morning you're going to get him in the best way >Your favorite, at least >He's so good to you! >He's so railing you! >He slides his finger further up your ass and up the intensity of his thrusts >It feels like he's getting bigger inside you >But you're about to be there yourself >Shit, you are there >And his grunt as he hilts in you shows he's there as well >Usually you can feel him pumping into you, but this isn't one of those times >Your own contractions around him are all you feel >That and feeling like he's split you >And fifteen seconds later it's over - his finger slides out of your ass >Yay! >And you feel him pull back a little >That's him telling you that the ride is over "We came at the same time! I love that, daddy!" >"Yeah. I felt every spasm of that second one in both your pussy and your ass" >Which is what got him over the top instead of just letting you have a couple and then blowing him >Finger up the ass well worth it when you consider it that way >And much easier to take than his cock up there! >You're so happy he seems to have lost interest in that, for the moment at least >He just came in you while you were cumming! >That pretty much assures you're gonna be happy for the rest of the day >You settle your wings and roll off him onto your spot on the bed >Or your spot when he stays over - the whole bed is yours when he doesn't >Which is nice, but lonely >You feel him dripping out of you >Probably best to go wash up right away so it doesn't get all over the sheets >You get up and head back to the bathroom >You hear him get up and follow behind you >"Let me pee first" "I'm heading straight into the shower. The toilet is all yours" >"Shit, it's only five-thirty, but I guess we're both up now" "Totally worth it!" >You hear him peeing as you adjust the water in the shower and drip a little cum on the floor >"You going in today?" "Vidal says I can if I want, but I don't have to. There's really nothing for me to do the day after a shoot" >"Got it. I hear things went well with the filly?" "Glitter? I wouldn't call her a filly. She was a young mare. She's definitely younger than me, but not by a lot" >"Ok then. I hear things went well with the young mare?" "She was super nervous at first," you say, getting into the shower >Don't mention anything about her setting Vidal off a little bit >What happens in make up stays in make up >The warm water feels good >Are you gonna do your mane today? >You don't HAVE to >The only thing you have planned for the day is picking up some groceries >And you did wash it like, two days ago >A good brushing today is all you really need "But Roseluck was really good with her. The two of them cried together during the taping, which I though was a bit much, but it'll make for good television" >"Well, the poor girl's father got taken away. That is kind of a big deal" "Free pony problems" >"What?" "Free pony problems. Do you think any of us born here who aren't free have even met our sires? Or would even want to? That'd just be too weird" >"Families can be weird, I'll give you that" "Nothing I have any experience with. And never will unless you decide to have me bred" >Kinda funny to say that as you're washing his seed out of you >"Would you want to be bred?" "Do you really want me to answer that?" >"I asked" >Do you give him an honest answer? >You just realized this is probably a very touchy topic after what that bitch Roseluck did to him >But ast time you tried deception with him it didn't work out so well "No way would I want that. I was not raised to be somepony's mother. I was raised to be your bedmare" >"I get it. Cynthia and I chose not to have kids simply because we were enjoying the life we had so much we didn't want to mess it up" "You can make the same choice for me, then. Assuming you're having fun with me" >"What do you think?," he replies >You look over and he's standing there naked, smiling at you >Cocks sure look funny when they're not hard! >"I was just going to say if it were something you really wanted..." "To be BRED? Absolutely not! Also, I think you're forgetting how this works, daddy" >You can almost see how Roseluck might have been confused if he was this indulgent as her master! >"What am I missing?" "I don't spend time thinking about what I want becuse it doesn't metter" >"That might be true in a legal sense, but that doesn't change basic stuff like psychjology" "What do you mean?" >"When I left you cooped up alone for hours on end here you got depressed. That went away when I put you in a position to use your special talent" "That's because you want me to be happy. It's very kind and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. But it's what you want" >"And if I didn't want you to be happy?" "I'd have no say in the matter. I'd still be your good girl. Just not nearly as lucky a good girl as I happen to be" >"You're still not being entirely honest with yourself. I've watched you manipulate me" "I can tell when you've had to be the boss all day and don't feel like being that anymore. It's seems like you welcome a nudge here and there" >"Is that what you call it? A nudge?" "Yes, it's a little nudge" >"I'll give you a little nudge!" "You just gave me a lot more than that!" >Be Roseluck >A DAY OFF! >You could have done hundreds of things with it, but hanging around the apartment doing nothing seemed like the best idea >Or if not the best the most alluring >An entire day of doing NOTHING?! >Everything is under control at the flower shop >The show has no demands on you for the next two days >You've got nothing to do other than make dinner (it's your turn) and make sure your son does his homework >He has been slack about it lately, though his grades are still good >You know this because you got a call from one of his teachers the other day, though you haven't told him you know yet >Encouraging a young stallion to take more responsibility for himself is an uphill battle >Like when you explained to him that he had to help with the laundry because this isn't a hotel and you and Chrissy are not maids >Forty-Two does his own laundry, after all >You would have thought he'd been sent to a work farm to buck apples from his reaction >When he knows plenty of enslaved ponies buck apples and have absolutely no choice about it >He knows full well he has to fight for their rights, yet doing the bedsheets and towels once a week seemed like such an affront to his... >Privilege? >No, not that >Nopony could claim a free stallion is a privileged class >Not with a straight face, at least >He may be a borderline exception, but still... >Spoilage? >Maybe >By people standards your family is not at all wealthy >But by free pony standards? >You live in a huge apartment, pull two good salaries and have your own business, get driven to work and have a live in bodyguard paid for by the network >The bodyguard would seem like a bit much to some ponies, but you're happy he's here >It's what John would call "emerging world realities" - meaning when you're in a situation where you can't rely on Rule of Law to protect you >You have to see to it you're still protected >And you guess he was right >Even Chrissy doesn't chafe at Forty-Two's presence anymore >Though she doesn't like that he's a whorefucker - though he tries to be discreet about it and doesn't know you know >She sees that as taking advantage of vulnerable mares >You don't see it that way >Not exactly, even though it kinda is >It's something sadder to you >He's a whorefucker because he's private property and can never really date - he can never really have a social life of his own >He just comes into a little discretionary capital once and a while and spends it on... what's available to him >Poor guy >To you his situation seems a lot less like the advantaged taking advantage of the disadvantaged >And let's face it, there's plenty of that everywhere you look >But it's more like the disadvantaged preying off each other in your view >Or not even preying really - just using what crumbs of agency they have to choose from a very small number of options >None of them all that great >It's no less pretty than the strong taking advantage of the weak, but maybe a little more... what? >A little harder to condemn on principle, maybe >Even if it isn't very feminist of you to sympathize with the stallion instead of the mare in this situation >It's still a willing transaction between two ponies in shitty situations >Though you'd never let on to him that you think his situation is shitty >He's proud of his training an accomplishments >Given the mix of horror and dumb luck your life has been since you got here you don't feel fit to judge anypony >Especially not with a crooked guardian angel like John watching out for you >Though you're still a little afraid you're spoiling your son >He has almost no responsibilities, yet he makes it clear that everything expected of him constitutes a gigantic burden >It could just be an age thing >Maybe all he needs is a little more maturity and a marefriend >For all you know Daisy and Glitter are fighting over who will take that role right now! >Glitter would probably be the winner if he has anything to say about it - and that poor girl is gonna have a lot of baggage >Though he's grown up so quickly you feel guilty for missing out on so much of it >Even if your work is what's given him a better life with more opportunity than many of his peers >Like private school when he gets a little older >Which is why it's important that he keep his grades up >This isn't Equestria - your cutie mark doesn't automatically determine the course of your life >Things here can be more complicated and ambigious >And an aptitude for something doesn't always equate to a need for it in the world >Not for the first time you wish somepony could just cast a spell and you'd be raising him in Equestria >But a) that's not going to happen, and b) it would be completely foreign to him >Both of those thoughts make you sadder than they usually would >But you're aware you're a little off kilter emotionally with a nearly full-term foal inside of you >Another one that will never see home >Stop thinking like this or you're going to make yourself cry! >Homework! >Nudge the colt to get his homework done before supper >You walk over to his door and knock >No response >You knock again, louder >He often has headphones on when he's sitting in front of his computer >No response >Forty-Two's door opens and he pops his head out, phone against his ear >"Hang on for a sec," he says into the phone, then to you, "I heard him go out a couple minutes ago" "Thanks" >He didn't tell you he was going out >Do you call him? >You don't want to be a nag - he knows what time dinner is and that he's supposed to get his homework done before >But YOU know he's not doing all of his homework >So you grab your phone and call him >Knowing there's only a fifty percent chance he'll pick up even IF his ringer is on >And seconds later you hear his phone ringing on the other side of the door >He's got to be in there - he's long past the "where's my phone?" phase and into the always-have-it-within-reach phase >Like everypony else his age >Not even just his age, pretty much everypony else >Spending countless hours ignoring the world around them in favor of looking at a little screen >He probably came back and Forty-Two was so caught up in conversation that he didn't hear >And he's probably got headphones on WAY too loud wrecking his hearing over some video game >But this could be awkward >He could also be in there doing... what young stallions do a lot more of than young mares >Part of the reason he has to wash his own sheets now, but nothing you want to walk in on >You crack his door and through the crack say "Honey?" >No response - also no bleed from cranked up headphones >Maybe he did leave without his phone >You open the door a little further and peek in >The first thing that hits you is the smell - young stallion! >Young stallion sweat >Young stallion... unwashed sheets >On an unmade bed >He's not exactly winning your approval at the moment >But he's out, this is his room and he trusts you not to snoop >So don't snoop >Although a quick look over towards his computer shows just how confidently he trusts you not to snoop >A video clip is playing on a loop full screen of a young woman >Maybe late teens, strawberry blonde >Masturbating for the camera while sitting on top of a washing machine >Her dad must be so proud - the guy who paid for those braces on her teeth must love that his daughter is a camwhore >She is cute though, biting her lip as she furiously goes at it >Can't deny that, though you do not approve >And there she goes: eyes roll back, legs come together and... >You can just make out some contractions in her two visible holes held up to the camera she's looking down at >Is that the best a woman can wink?! >PATHETIC! >No wonder so many guys go for mares! >They've got nothing going on down there! >OK, now you're snooping >Get out >You pull your head back and shut the door >Of course he watches porn >Chrissy has a line about porn she says so often it's burned into your mind - you hear her voice saying it: >"Sex-positive feminist porn is theoretically possible, but no one has any incentive to make it" >That's not really a surprise to you >Porn was never a part of your world >It's not something you grew up with and you have some concerns about it >Like whether it will give him negative and/or unrealistic expectations about mares >Because it does objectify them >And spending too much time in hyper real fantasy land can dull your appreciation of whatever real >Or just make you lose interest in it altogether >That sounds crazy to you but you know it happens >It was a topic on the show a couple months ago; how there are so many young men and stallions whose dicks have been so conditionned to porn >That they don't even respond the way they should \to real life sexual situations! >Or even seek them out! >You've seen the glances your son steals at Glitter so you're somewhat confident that's not the case with him >Yet >But that sounds like a horrible thing for a stalloion to go through >Being so jaded from a steady diet of explicit fantasy that you can't get it on in real life?! >Or decide not to even bother trying to... >Not that you want him to be getting it on just yet >But when the time comes you hope it will be a good, healthy and pleasurable part of his life >Like it was supposed to have been for you >And sometimes was >Also IS now >And it would be nice if he finds an enduring relationship that could possibly result in some grandfoals someday >That would be nice >Prefably after his about to arrive sibling is grown >And grandfoals won't happen if he ends up fixating on women! >This had better just be a curiousity or a phase >Because nothing good can come of this >The handful of upper social class women interested in a relationship with a stallion just buy one >And dictate the terms themselves >The rest of the women x free stallion relationships don't line up with opinion polling >You covered this on the show >46% of self-identified progressive women said they'd consider a relationship with a stallion if they found the right one >But you saw that for what it was right away >Liberals trying to out-liberal each other >You've seen this before - the actual number of free stallion x woman relationshiops typically polls at 0.9% of the population >In major metropolitan areas it's a little higher, but the reality is it's very rare for a woman to be in a relationship with a free stallion >Interracial couples are still pretty rare, yet far more common than interspecies >With man x free mare the vast majority of them >The truth is no matter how progressive a woman thinks she is there's still the hurdle of seeing a stallion as equal to herself >And few seem able to get over that - really get over it regardless of how much lip service they give to the idea >Assuming you're better than any pony is just ingrained in people >And it shows even when they think it doesn't >They don't even realize that half the time they're talking to a pony they sound like they're talking to their dog >Same inflection, same unquestioned dominance, same dumbed down word choices >Because they can't see past four legs and a tail >Or even if they can that's still the first things they see and react accodingly >You really hope this is just a passing thing for him and not his actual inclination >It's also something you're not supposed to know about, so put it out of your mind "Yeah, right. Like you can do that" >Didn't mean to say that out loud! >The door to Forty-Two's room opens and his head pops out again, this time without his phone in his ear >"What was that?," he asks "Nothing" >"You OK?" "Yeah. The foal isn't coming yet" >"But it could any minute. I'm prepared in case the second one comes fast" "I'm the one who told you about that" >"True, but I did my research after you did. I'm ready to assist in whatever capacity" "Which will be getting me to the medical center, hopefully" >"You don't trust doctor Forty-Two to deliver your foal?" "With his medical degree from youtube university? Let's just say that's not my first choice. But if that's how things go down I trust you" >He raises his head and adjusts his posture at the compliment >"I've got you covered no matter what happens. It's my job" "I appreciate that" >"I was just talking to Forty-Seven. He asked how you were doing" "What did you tell him?" >"You're about to pop at any minute" >you laugh... stallions "What did he say? Is he excited to see the foal?" >"He's not sentimental that way. And even if he wanted to it isn't an option. His mission just came to an end" "What do you mean?" >"His asset just moved in with a retired security professional. His role is redundant. Obviously the client realized this as well" "The client?" >"Yeah. You call him John. We figured out he was the client like, a couple years ago. And that you were the primary asset, not Forty-Seven's" "So what's he going to do?" >"Go to HQ, get briefed and head out on his next assignmet" >Duh. That should have been obvious "Is he OK with that?" >Forty-Two gives you a perplexed look >"He's got no choice and he isn't sentimental. Why would he be?" >Be Agent Forty Seven >You're reasonably self-satisfied riding in the pony section of an N train subway car >The duffle bag on the floor in front of you contains all of your possetions >As far as you're concerned the laptop is all that matters >That and the small wad of hundred dollar bills that represents the total extent of your agency >Your assignment has come to an end and you're excited to find out where you're headed next >Hopefully someplace exotic >Not that Ponytown Brooklyn wasn't interesting >You learned more about free pony culture than you ever expected to >But after a while it stopped being all that interesting >Most of them are just flailing around trying to build lives in a world that's at best indifferent and more often somewhat hostile to their existance >Your asset was a perfect example >A celebrity just like Forty Two's >And what was the best she could do with her agency, fame AND a powerful man looking out for her interests? >Living in probably the WORST neighborhood in New York >Hooking up with an old man who drives a ticking time bomb >A CVT equipped Nissan with over sixty thousand miles on it that's going to catostrophically fail at any minute >And that's a great outcome for her >That's the best she's likely to do >And what about her free pony celibrity friends? >A lesbian couple raising a family in the same shitty neighborhood >That colt is gonna have some issues, that's for sure >Same goes for the foal you sired when it comes, which is going to be any time now >Thankfully you won't be around to see any of that - this mission ended at exactly the right time as far as you're concerned >Forty Two is going to have to watch the whole thing unfold, but truth be told he's got more of a stomach for it than you do >You're getting out just in time >And it's an hour's ride to the Field Office in Long Island City where you'll probably get a token debriefing before being briefed on your next assignment >You can scratch New York off your list >But where to next? >Not China, unfortunately >Your Mandarin still sucks >You were hoping Brooklyn would be a chance to practice it, but you were geographically cut short >You weren't far from the ever expanding Chinatown that runs along this very train line through the borough >But not quite close enough to get any meaningful practice in >Your Spanish is still pretty good and between youtube and the Yemeni deli on the corner you've picked up a little conservative Arabic >Of course you made sure to let HQ know about that >Maybe Saudi Arabia is a possibility! >Not that your Arabic is all that good, but they speak English there as well and some Arabic is a lot better than none at all >And there's enough wealth there that security is always needed >It COULD happen >You sigh as the train pulls out into daylight and onto the Manhattan Bridge >Later, Brooklyn! >You look out the window at the Brooklyn Bridge next to you and see the Statue of Liberty in the distance >This could be your last dramatic view of New York >It's gotta be great to be a rich man here >Or even a not so rich man with a good hustle >But for a stallion with wanderlust? >It's been a pretty confining few years >You're not the least bit sad to ship out to wherever the next assignment takes you >And you should know exactly where that is in just a couple hours >Or days if they decide to breed you in return for a job well done >You chuckle >You kind of scooped them on that this time! >And while she may have been a little older she was plenty hot >Plus you got a free lesbian show on top of it >You feel your cock respoinding to these thoughts, nearly poking out of your sheath >STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT! >You do NOT ride the New York City subway with a visible hard on! >You're pretty sure this is why men wear pants in public >It has nothing to do with prudishness and everything to do with keeping evidence of their private thoughts private >Or at least somewhat contained, which is not possible for a stallion >Not that there's anypony else in the pony section of the car to see you >Overall it was a good assignment >You even got to have a Punisher moment, which was pretty satisfying if you're being honest with yourself >And that asshole definitely deserved what he got >You wondered whether you were going to feel any remorse about that >But you should have known you wouldn't >Technically you were protecting your asset... >At Canal Street a pretty blue and white mare gets on the train and sits across from you >The blue on her coat and mane in in irregular patches >Not to everyone's taste, but you lke it >Oh shit, is she checking you out?! >She's trying to be very cool about it, but... >She definitely is! >Don't acknowledge it, just appreciate >Smile on the inside >Besides, she's got a collar on - WAY off limits anyeays >Also carrying her own shopping bags >When the train stops at Union Square she gets off >In your peripheral vision you see her stealing one last look at you >Nice! >Some pampered pet heading to the farmer's market can't help herself from checking out the forbidden fruit along the way >They may all be whores deep down, but there's nothing wrong with that >It's not like they can help it >And she was pretty >Then again you've always had a little thing for paints >And even though you're confident that you're a good looking stallion >It's always nice to have some random pretty mare affirm it for you every now and then >That was one thing about living in Ponytown that wasn't bad at all >Second looks from mares on the street on almost a daily basis >Few of them as pretty as the little paint from a few moments ago >But some were >And even if a second look doesn't count for as much coming from a free unicorn mare it still counts for something >It's still a little ego massage >Imagine if she'd been a pegasus? >That would have been some REAL ego massage! >You wonder if you would have been able to play things as cool as you just did >Maybe not, but you like to think you could >Before long the train passes into the tunnel to Queens >This is where you get off >The field office is a few block's walk from the subway station in an office building that looks to be of 1970's or early 80's vintage >Which is a polite way of saying it's ugly as shit - all concrete, steel and windows that don't open >Looking like a banal dystopian fantasy calculated to crush the dreams of men in polyester suits and the women the sexually harassed >While still seeming "modern" in the way the thought back then >Regardless the next chapter in your life begins here >You walk in and head towrd the elevator bank, passing a desk where a security worker would have been sitting years ago >Now the lobby is deserted, though maintained >Or mostly maintained - nothing happens when you push the elevator button >Fuck - you need your com device >You fish it out of your bag and gently slide it into your left ear "Agent Forty Seven to Command" >"Copy Forty Seven," a female voice replies "In the lobby of the Queens Field Office reporting for debriefing and reassignment" >"Copy. Sending elevator for you now. Suite 2C, to your right upon exiting" "I know that" >"Agent?" "Copy" >It's still going to be a minute, you KNOW it >So you're pleasantly surprised when the elevator doors open for you in just under a minute >Maybe the administrative side of things has their shit more together now? >They would almost HAVE to, given how useless they were when you started fieldwork >Stepping out of the elevator on to the second floor you turn right and buzz the buzzer on the second door >And you're buzzed in to the field office >Which amounts to three mares wearing com devices facing computers >And a door to the manager's office in the back >That door is open and you can see the wood panneling on the walls >Roseluck would describe the look of the office as grim for its lack of decor >She once referred to the apartment you shared with Forty Two as "unfurnished" >The mare nearest you loioks up from her screen and says, "She'll see you now" "Thanks" >You head through the office door >"Agent Forty Seven?," the mare behind the desk asks, then without waiting for a response says, "Please take a seat" >You do just that, choosing the larger of the mismatched chairs in front of her "I doubt there's going to be much need for a debrief, and I'm eager for my next assignment" >"You need a debrief" >For what? "Ma'am?" >You're not sure who outranks whom in this situation, but best not take any chances >"First of all the client made it very clear that the assignment had come to an end and was not terminated due to any dissatisfaction with your performance" "Good to hear" >"Yes. He even took the unusual step of leaving you a tip. So when you see a higher than usual amount in your discretionary account you'll know why" >Nice! "Happy client, happy HQ" >She scrunches her nose >"You would think that, but it's not always the case... And it isn't exactly the case now I'm afraid" >You don't like the sound of that and feel your ears go flat >"Not wearing your com device during an emergency situation is a pretty big violation of protocol" "During the massacre? We had all the birds in the nest, Forty Two was next to me with his in and I found the shooter's manifesto while you guys were still calling it an emerging situation!" >"You couldn't have done that while wearing your com device?" "Can you read with somepony talking in your ear? Besides we had the situation completely under control" >"Point taken. If that were the only protocol violation I'm sure HQ would have let it slide. But can you explain this?" >She turns her monitor around to face you and a youtube video begins playing >It's titles Look at the Asshole Who Cut Me Off On the Belt Parkway Last Nite >It's about six seconds of really shaky, dark footage >No wonder it has only a hundred and some hits >But it's prettyy clearly you behind the wheel of a shitty Nissan >"If this had gone viral or found its way to law enforcement it would have created a big problem for us. I take it this was not a life of death situation?" "It would have been if he'd insisted on driving. Both the client and her companion were soundly drunk" >"So instead of calling a car you decided to violate protocol and drive them home yourself?" "I was top of my driving class in the academy. I knew I could do it safely. Getting a drunk to leave his car in a parking lot in Staten Island was unlikely" >Makes sense... but it's still a pretty big protocol violation. You understand that, Agent?" "It was two in the morning and I have to get the drunks I'm babysitting safely back to Brooklyn. It was a judgement call" >She sighs >"A judgement call you somehow left out of that week's report" >She's got you there >How did they even find that video? >You looked for it and it didn't turn up >Probably because you were searching "pony" and not "asshole" >"Regardless, this leaves HQ with serious reservations about keeping you in the field" >You want to yell, "WHAT?!," but instead calmly ask "Ma'am?" >"A lot of resources have been invested in you, Agent. But you're judgment is too much of a liability. Which would not be the case if you were at the Academy" >Your heart sinks >Retraining? >You were at the top of your class >"It's a funny coincidence - they need a pony to head up their driving and general vehicle program" >She smiles while you process this >It's a demotion - the Academy is ALWAYS a demotion >But... >You're still processing this >Your dreams of travel have just been shot down >And your judgment shown to be lacking enough to remove you from the field >You're being sent to the Academy >You can't travel, but you get to drive?! >They've got to have some better cars than the old Neons you learned on by now >Though those things were fast >"The details of your new assignment and your contact's info are in your inbox right now" >She adds, "If I were you I'd head to Port Authority right now, then make contact once you're on a bus with an ETA" "That's what I'll do then, Ma'am" >You stand and grab your bag from the chair next to you >And walk out of the field office toward the subway >Be mare >Roseluck had her foal! >It's a filly! >She and Crystal are having an open house today (Sunday) >Your coltfriend explained to you that an open house is a low key afternoon party where nothing happens >He actually tried to get out of going >Like the almost but not quite old man he is >But you and Roseluck have a bond, so your coltfriend is part of that too, whenther he likes it or not >He went along with it just showing the slightest protest >You're OK with that >You never let him down, so him following you around is fine every now and then >And if you sense he isn't fine about it tomorrow you'll just blow him - that usually makes everything right >Guys can be pretty easy that way, depending on the guy - and you know the kind of guy you've got >Swayed by it in a big way like most guys >And you might not even need to go there because he did brighten a bit when you suggested you could turn the rest of the day into a date after >There are a lot of little hole in the wall places you talk about going to but never seem to get there >Maybe you can hit one of them for an early dinner >It's a nice day, so the two of you didn't bother taking the car >Parking would just be a pain in the ass anyways "We should pick up a bottle of wine" >He pulls out his smartphone and taps away on it >"There's a liquor store three blocks from here, hardly out of the way," your coltfriend replies "We should do it" >"Roseluck has expensive taste in wine, doesn't she? Might be a bit of a dice roll at a local liquor store" "I know what to look for" >You do actually, having lived with her for a couple years >Though the specific French word for it just flew out of your head >Words in other languages are hard >Your brain doesn't hang on to them >You hear it, say it a couple times hoping it will stick, then your brain writes it off as something French and you've forgotten it >That happens less in Spanish because you hear it everyday, but it still happens with any words you wouldn't need when grocery shopping >Those words stick a little better because you see them written out often >"Turn right here and it's two blocks on the left," your coltfriend informs you >He looks up from his phone and puts it back in his pocket >Good >You're no fan of people walking down the street with their eyes glued to their phone >They'll almost fucking walk right into you and not even realize it >Ponies do it, too >You resolved a while ago not to be one of them >Your coltfriend is about fifty fifty on the issue, but he's aware you prefer it when he's not glued to his phone >A block later the store comes into view >At least the sign says Wines and Liquors, so there's a chance you'll find something good, even if the shop looks a little ratty >As you enter the store the guy behind the counter tries, but ultimately fails to conceal a double take >You're not offended >Mixed species couples are still uncommon, and even rare when the pony isn't wearing a collar >Not that this neighborhood is anywhere near wealthy enough to have the sort of people who OWN ponies living in it >Though they probably own a bunch of the real estate >And you've discovered there is a bit of a stigma against interspecies dating among free mares >And some women, for that matter >"Can I help you?," the guy behind the counter asks "I'm looking for a white wine. It's French. I can't remember the name or the grape, but I know bad versions of it smell like cat pee, and that's NOT what I want" >The man laughs and says, "That would be Saugivnon Blanc. We have a white Bordeaux that's seventy percent Souvignon" "There's another one that isn't Bordeaux, and that's what my friend likes" >"Sancerre?," the man suggests "That's it! That's the word I couldn't remember!" >"I'd love to carry Sancerre, but I could never sell it here" "You could have today" >"Maybe not if you saw what I'd have to charge for it. Price breaks on cases only get good with large orders, and that stuff is expensive frontline" >This you understand >Places that sell a lot of expensive wine can buy it in large quantities for a better price >So they can sell it for cheaper than places that don't >If a place like this tried to stock expensive wine they would be buying in such small quantaties that with the mark up it would be crazy expensive >That's why Roseluck liked the Upper East Side >And even though she really wanted to live in Broklyn's Ponytown it was, at least at first a big adjustment for her >The street REALLY being street "Can I see the Bordeaux then?" >Roseluck taught you one trick when you were unsure about a bottle >You don't remember the words, but you'll know them if you see them >The man walks to the shelves, grabs a bottle and places it in front of you on the counter >Of course the label means nothing to you >You can READ, but you're not exactly a good reader >And it's mostly in French anyways >You turn it around to see the back label >And there in the middle of it you see the words you're looking for >It reads: Monsieur Touton Selection "Touton," you say, without really meaning to >"Yeah," the man replies. "They have the best book for French stuff. I can't move all that much, but if I'm going to stock any I may as well get it from them" >You don't know what "Touton" means exactly, but Rose told you it's a safe bet for French wine in New York when it says that >Now you know they have the best book - you guess that's their selection of wines >You know Roseluck will only have a glass or so of wine because she's nursing >And you want there to be a good chance it'll be from the bottle you bring >And this one says Touton on it, so there's a chance >Plus you wouldn't mind a nice cold glass of it yourself after walking a bunch of blocks on a hot day >Cold - right. You have to ask for that! "Do you have a bottle cold?" >"I MIGHT. Let me check" >He takes the bottle from the counter and walks around to the fridge beside you, then rummages around in the back >You feel your ears turn to the sound of the clinking glass >You really DO want a glass of wine! >"You're in luck," the man says pulling his head from the fridge, cold bottle in hand >He puts it on the floow for a second while putting the bottle you were just looking at in the fridge >"That'll be fifteen plus tax" >Less than you were planning on spending, though probably a little much for this particular bottle >You turn to your coltfriend beside you "Sweetie, can you pull a twenty out of my bag?" >Some things go a lot quicker when a man helps >He retrives the money, hands it to the shopkeeper then places the change and the bottle in your bag "Thank you, sweetie. And thank you, sir" >"Enjoy the rest of your weekend," the shopkeeper replies >As you leave the shop your coltfriend says, "That was lucky" "Yeah, even if Sancerre was too big of an ask" >You're really going to try to remember that word >Sancrre - that's the wine Roseluck likes - the wine you enjoyed with her countless times in spite of it being a little expensive >"You know me," he replies, "I'd rather save a few bucks and just have a beer" >Yuck >You still don't get beer >Cider and wine make sense to you >But beer just tastes bitter and awful >You don't let that on to your man, however, because he seems to enjoy it when you have one with him every now and then >And maybe you'll develop a taste for it someday, but you sure haven't yet "We can stop at a bodega and grab a six pack if you want" >"I think we're bringing enough. They'll probably have beers there. And if they don't I'll run out and get some" "Suit yourself" >You're actually a little excited about this open house >This will be the first time you've actually been to Crystal's place >They didn't throw any kind of party when Rose and the colt (and Forty-Two) moved in >Then again you didn't throw any party when you moved in with your coltfriend >Your coltfriend who happens to be a man >Funny how that's what the girls called him when you were a filly and now he actually IS that >Sometimes you can't really guess how life is going to work out >Not that you're a complainer, but the fact is you really have nothing to complain about >The world around you may be fucked up and filled with hate and injustice >But you? You're doing just fine >Sometimes you almost feel a little guilty about that >You're not going to let now be one of those times >You're going to meet your friend's new foal, hang out with some of your co-workers and then go on a date with your coltfriend >On a beautiful afternoon in Brooklyn >In the distance you see a grey stallion walking toward you on the sidewalk >He doesn't look good >He's dirty, and his mane and tail are ungroomed >You know what's coming as he approaches >You've lived here long enough that you're almost used to it >But there goes not feeling a little guilty about how good you have it >Once he's a few feet in front of you he stops and says, "Excuse me Ma'am, Sir, but could you see it in your hearts to help me out with a few dollars?" >He looks up at you, then back down at the sidewalk maintaining a submissive posture >"I haven't eaten in a while and I'm so hungry" >You turn to your coltfriend and say, "Sweetie, the singles in my bag..." >"Yes, dear," he answers and opens your saddlebag, pulls out three singles and hands them to the stallion >"Oh thank you," the grey stallion says, "sir, Ma'am. God bless you. Have a wonderful day" >Weird to hear a pony say "God bless you" when you haven't sneezed >You KNOW he only said that because you're with a man >The stallion continmues on his way and you continue on yours >Once he's out of earshot your coltfriend says, "He'll probably just spend it on alcohol" "So what if he does? I just spent MY money on alcohol. You spend some of your money on it. He's free to do the same" >"Fair point. Besides he didn't look like he was lying about being hungry" "He probably wasn't. There's a lot of that going around. If I've got cash on me why not help out a little?" >"You're good" "I try to be. It's only right. He's got nothing and we have it so good" >"We worked hard for it" "Yeah, but we were also lucky. I lucked into a television career and you're the son of a woman who left you a valuable piece of real estate when she died" >You quickly add "May she rest in peace" >Always be reverent when bringing up his mother >You never met the woman, but you're well aware that from his point of view she could do no wrong >And she's partially responsible for how well the two of you have it now, so just go along with that >"She left me a lot more than that. The time I spent with her... you know... at the end? That totally changed my life" >Then he adds, "In a way it's part of how I ended up with you" >You are well aware of this "Since I have no way of thanking her for it I guess I'll just have to pay it forward" >"God, I love you, kid!" >You love it when he calls you kid! >You look up to beam a smile at him which he rewards with an ear scratch >Then he pulls out his phone >"We're almost there. Next block" >This is a rough neighborhood >You guess that's how a free mare can own a large appartment here >Or how her retired parents can own it >That's another bit of luck right there >Crystal's mom being one of the few pony artists people were willing to pay decent money for her work >So she could send her daughter to film school >Ponies don't go to film school! >But Crystal went to fucking film school just like a rich kid >That must have been so weird for her >Someday you're going to have to ask her about it, even if most of her response is likely to sail right over your head >That's a feeling you've become comfortable with over the years >Just because there's a lot going on in the world beyond your knowledge and experience doesn't mean you don't have to still live your life >And try to be good to those around you >Whether they have four legs or two >Oh, look how progressive you are! >You stifle a giggle >Your coltfriend is oblivious, so you thankfully don't have to explain yourself >He'd get it, though >When you get to Crystal's building there are baloons on the front gate >It's an old building >Where you live now was built maybe 60 years ago >Where you and Roseluck were roomies was probably more like 100 years old >This is more of that vintage >Or older >Maybe it's late 1800's - you can't tell, but it seems really old even for Brooklyn >And a little desolate as far as the neighborhood goes >The edges of Ponytown are less vibrant than its Main Drag >The gate to the entrance is propped open so you don't have to use the bnuzzer, which may not work anyways >That takes you into a small courtyard surrounded by three buildings >One has more ballons tied on the door, which is also propped open >You don't think you'd leave the doors open here, but Crystal has lived here her whole life >Maybe the risk of leaving your doors open is minimal on a Sunday afternoon >The small lobby of her building is exactly what you expected - all marble and tile "All the old lobbies in Brooklyn look the same, marble and tile everywhere" >"Of course they do," your coltfriend replies, "It's a very Roman look" "Why would Brooklyn have a very Roman look?" >"Think about who did all the stone and tile work back then" "History isn't my strong point" >"Italian immigrants. They brought their old world expertise here and made a living putting it to use. And they happened to arrive at the time most of these places were being built" >That explains it >You never made that connection before >If ponies had been here back then the lobbies would all have been decoratively painted wood you guess >Though marble and tile does make sense, and seems to have stood the test of time pretty well >Heading toward the stairs you only see a few places where a tile or two have gone missing from the floor >"It's 3B," your coltfriend reminds you >By the time you reach the second floor you can hear voices from the third >When you get there the door to 3B is propped open with more ballons tied to the doorknob >This is obviously it >You enter into a large living/dining area with a good sized kitchen off to the side >This is a real three bedroom apartment, not a pony three bedroom! >"So glad you made it!," comes Roseluck's voice from the couch >There she is with a little filly sleeping next to her "She's so CUTE! Oh my god!" >The little filly looks up at you from the safety of her mother's side >She mostly got her father's coloration - a rich brown hue >Though her mane has some red highlights and she has a yellow blaze above her nose >She's not going to be as striking a beauty as her mother, but she will be very cute >Hell, she already is very cute! >There are ponies from the show plus a few you don't know in the room >About a dozen total >But it's so big that it doesn't feel crowded >Rose makes a quick round of introductions and you get out the bottle of wine you brought >Crystal relieves you of it saying, "Good timing, we were down to half a bottle. Thank you" "We'll certainly have a glass with you to toast the family's new arrival!" >"That's all we've been doing for ther past hour," she replies >"You just missed John and Cloudy," Roseluck says >You don't mind that one bit >You have absolutely nothing to say to him, and there's a little part of you that's jealous of her >If you're being perfectly honest with yourself "Did he smell like her?" >That gets some giggles from your co-workers >"He tried to cover it up with cologne," Crystal shoots back, "but yeah. She definitely marks her things" >More giggles >"Oh stop," Rose says. "To be fair he always wore Vetiver. Just maybe a little more of it nowadays. They said to say hi" >"SHE said to say hi," Crystal corrects from the kitchen while pouring a glass of wine "That's nice" >Even though you have mixed feelings toward her you wish her the best because she is a good girl >Not to mention that every time she touches your mane you look better for it >Your coltfriend heads toward the kitchen saying, "Actually, I'd prefer a beer if you have one. I can run out and get some if you don't" >"There's a few Stellas in the fridge. Help yourself," she replies. "The opener is on the counter" >He shortly returns with a beer in one hand and a glass of wine for you in the other "Thank you, sweetie" >He's the only man here >Hell, he's the only human here, also the only one drinking a beer >Everypony else seems to have gone with cider or wine >If any of that makes him feel awkward he's doing a very good job of not letting it show >He's a big boy, he can handle himself >As long as you don't stay too long and make him bored >They all start acting up when they get bored >He is indulging you by coming along in the first place, so you resolve to initiate the exit sequence as he's about to finish his second beer >That seems fair >You turn your attention to Roseluck and the foal "So what's her name?" >Roseluck blushes as your question raises a few giggles from the others >"Um... we're still working on that," she replies sheeepishly >You almost say, "Well what's in a name anyways?," but catch yourself >To the Equestrian born a name couold mean a lot >It could be an indicator of your cutie mark and thus the direction of your entire life >Because that's how magic worked in a magical land >Not so much here... but you should say something now >What's said in situations like this? >You think you know but hope it doesn't sound corny >Actually it does sound corny, you just hope not too corny >You raise your glass and say: "To her health and happiness!" >"Hear, hear," Rose responds looking for her glass as the other ponies in the room raise theirs >Good! You did things right in a situation your upbringing really hadn't prepared you to deal with at all >You've been getting better and better at that sort of thing >Even if many things that are obvious to free ponies remain minor mysteries to you >A sip of wine makes all these thoughts go away >Rooting you back to a very low key pony party in Brooklyn >With a date to follow >You'll let him choose the place but you'll pick up the tab >He'll probably choose something naughty, but that's OK >He's so good at home, keeping things largely healthy and vegetarian >Which keeps him trim (which you appreciate) >And keeps you comfortable in a way you definitely would not be on a diet of subs, pizza, burgers and tacos >So if tonight he wants fried chicken sandwiches (you practically shudder in a mixture of delight and disgust) that's what you'll do >Be mare >At open house celebration new foal with Roseluck amnd Crystal >Rose and foal are clear centers of attention so you're off to the side >You were hoping your coltfriend wouldn't end up too bored, but he's in a conversation with a unicorn stallion about music >The stallion in question is young and grew up here, but he's used the word retro a few times, so they speak a similar musical language >You'd like to think you know nothing about music, having not grown up exposed to much of it >But your adult life has changed that >First you were married to a former Equestrian music star >And while his stuff didn't exactly move you it was only because you had no prior experience with music >Both he and Rose were Equestrian born, and evidently breaking into song was a day to day thing in a magical world >Or if not a day to day thing certanly not uncommon >In this world that only happens in old movies and Broadway shows (both of which you find corny) >But that doesn't mean there isn't music everywhere here as well >Blasting from cars going by in the warm months >The DOM tic tok tic DOM tic tok tic of Reggaeton for example >Besame bebe como la primera vez... opening with a sample of Steve Miller's The Joker >Which you would never have known if your coltfriend hadn't pointed it out to you >And even in your own home since you're now living with that man who has accumulated countless milk crates full of records and racks of CD's >When you watch something on netflix it's on a computer because he has no dedicated screen in the living room >Instead there are two speakers on stands and a bunch of electronics and wires to feed them >So those precious records, CD's or even the important radio show can be heard in perfect fidelity >Your coltfriend and the stallion are talking about funk music, so he's about to bring up radio, you know it >Shit, your ears just turned to his voice saying the name Ernie Isley >You know the lecture he's about to start on >Listening to Felix Hernandez do the Rhythm Review on WBGO out of Newark is a now Saturday ritual >And every time he plays the Isley Brothers your coltfriend tells you the same story >Here we go >"He played keyboards?," the poor stallion asks naively >"That was a guitar, if your talking about the massive solo on That Lady," your coltfriend replies >"I invisioned maybe some guy in a cape, or a big afro surrounded by synths," the stallion responds >"Yeah," your coltfriend replies, "Like George Duke? But he wasn't in that band. That's Ernie Isley on guitar!" >"So just a very talented bunch of brothers?" >"The story is better than that," your coltfriend winds up. "He wasn't even in the band when they first blew up!" >You know it, so you want to turn away and engage Forty-Two, who is also on the sidelines >But you can't resist listening along for a little longer just to see how the stallion reacts >"Imagine being an aspiring young guitar player from a musical family and your older brother already leads a successful band," your coltfriend begins >"Pretty sweet start," the stallion replies >"It gets better. The band hires a shit hot guitar player from the city who has to sleep over on mom's couch because the band rehearses in Jersey City" >He pauses for dramatic effect >"And that shit hot guitar player in your house a couple nights a week when you're at your most impressionable is none other than Jimi Fucking Hendrix!" >"No way!," the stallion replies >"So your goal becomes filling Hendrix's shoes in your brother's band. And you actually manage to accomplish it!" >"That's almost like a man getting his cutie mark," the stallion says breathlessly. "Practically gives me chills" >"Fuckin' ay right! He was so good they could put out pop hits that were fifty percent extended guitar solos and people just lapped it up!" >"But it doesn't SOUND like a guitar," the stallion replies >"Like Hendrix he had pedals and shit. And he plays a Strat. The right set of hands can make that combination do anything!" >OK, enough. You've heard all this before and Forty-Two is just standing there with nopony to talk to >You approach the bodyguard "How have you been?" >"Just fine, Ma'am" "Really?" >"Yeah. It's interesting to be almost like part of a family, which is what this set up kind of makes things" "So you're emotionally involved with the assets?" >"You know I tried not to be, but that ship sailed a while ago" "I guess losing your partner was hard, too" >"Forty-Seven? We had a good time together, but he was something of a mixed blessing. You know how he is - the best intentions, but he could still drag you down if you got caught up in his shit" "Have you been in touch with him? I haven't," you say, feeling a little shame about it >Then again he didn't leave you any contact info >"Yeah" "How's he doing?" >"He didn't end up on the next assignment he would have preferred, but there's no doubt it's one that suits him" "So he has a purpose and some moments of happiness?" >"I would definitely say that" "That's really the best you can hope for. And the same goes for you still?" >"Absolutely, Ma'am. More now than ever, though how much longer this mission will last is a concern" "John still carries a torch for Rose. Crystal is one of his stars. The colt is the son of the pony who took his career from successful to big time..." >Your second glass of wine is starting to hit you "And he clearly wants to think of himself as a good guy, regardless of the consequences of his actions..." >You realize you have to pee "So paying to keep you around is probably what he's gonna do, I'd think. Especially in light of a new foal" >"I hope you're right" "I'm not saying I am, but there's a good chance I could be. Ummm... I gotta go pee" >"Down the hall, second door on the right" "Thank you" >You head down the hall going toward the second door >But the first door is open, and as you pass you see it's a bedroom with three ponies inside >The colt, Glitter and the other mare whose name you forgot >Kinda funny she's the one trying to build some kind of digital brand and you can't remember her name! >The colt sees you in the hall and shouts, "Auntie! How have you been?" "Very well, thanks. How about you? Excited to be a big brother?" >His face drops a little >"I WAS... but the reality now that she's here is a little bit of a let down" "How so?" >"Well, she doesn't DO anything. She can't even talk. Was I that useless when I was little?" "Everypony is useless when they're just a foal. But before you know it she'll be showing her personality, just like you did" >"Why does it take so long?" "It really doesn't. You went from foal to colt to young stallion in what seemed like no time" >"It didn't seem like no time to ME" "Can we continue this in a minute? I've really got to pee" >The young mares with him giggle nervously at your frankness >No such reaction from the colt, who just nods and says, "Next door down" "Thanks" >You get there, open the door, enter, close it, lift up the lid to the toilet seat, lean back and... >Ahhhh, MUCH better! >Two glasses of wine not so long after a late cup of coffee on a weekend are enough to make the relief stronger than usual for this time of day >You wonder about the language used regarding body functions, knowing the way you were brought up was different from middle class free ponies >It has to be some sort of class thing >They'll ask where the bathroom is when they mean toilet >Though you're currently in an actual bathroom >Your coltfriend is almost the same >He'll tell you he has to take a piss, but if you're out somewhere and he's asking a stranger where the toilet is he asks for the bathroom >Though you've never seen an actual bath in a public bathroom >Some ponies call it the rest room or even the little colt's/filly's room, which seems even sillier to you >So many euphamisms out there! >Even more around death - you heard a lot of them when you became a widow >Passed, your loss, departed... >Sometimes you just wanted to yell, "He DIED! He died in my fucking hooves!" >But you never did >Why are you thinking about that? >Because on the other side of that wall is a colt who looks like a younger version of him, minus the silly mustache >You miss him, but you can't complain >It hurts that he's gone but your new love is completely satisfying >You're sure the young mares on the other side of that wall wouldn't understand how you could go from living in a penthouse with the Sexiest Stallion Alive to... >Living in a modest apartment with an older man >Really, if you just slapped on a collar everyone would just assume he owned you >But it's actually close to an equal relationship >Something you never thought you wanted until you found yourself in one >Your wills align often enough of the time to make day to day pretty easy >And when they don't the dance over whose will prevails is kinda fun >Of course you have an advantage because he has a penis >So in a contest of wills all it usually takes is a couple minutes of glark glark glark on your part and you get your way >Not all the time, though >Sometimes he'll dig in his heels and you have to give in >You can accept those moments >Even if you don't like them >You've finished peeing, and feel so much better for it >Sometimes you get so involved in a situation that you don't realize just how much you have to pee >And you're pretty sure you're not the only mare that happens to >You shake your backside just a little so as to make sure the last drops land where they're supposed to >There's a roll of paper beside you but you're over that >You don't mind being a mare who smells like one, and your coltfriend doesn't mind either >And it's been a long time since you've had to see any clients >That was a lifetime ago >Wow, you're getting old! >You're not going to be like Cloudburst and make everything that's yours smell like you >Though when you're in heat you kinda want to >But you're OK with your own scent at this point in your life >It's fine if you smell like you >And there's no one to tell you otherwise >You flush and put the lid down >At home you probably wouldn't put the lid down because your coltfriend never does >But this is somepony else's place and it was down when you came in >You head back to the colt's room "So how have you been?," you ask him upon entering >"You know, chillin'. Hanging with my friends and enjoying the summer" "Same here except for working on the show as well" >"School will start up soon, so I'll get back to being a productive member of society then" >You really should ask Glitter how she's doing "And you, Glitter? Any word on your...?" >That's a hard question to ask >"My dad? They released him two nights ago. He's back with us" >You're about to say, "That's wonderful!," when she adds >"Well, most of him is..." >That doesn't sound good >"The colt whispers, "They gelded him" >You don't know what that word means, but it's obviously something terrible >You gasp >Glitter seems near tears >"I overheard him telling mom that they said there's already enough trash on the street and he wasn't going to be responsible for any more" >And now she's in tears "You poor thing" >You offer a hug which she accepts >You also now have a guess as to what gelded might mean, and it's a pretty awful guess "Can they DO that? I mean legally?" >"I guess it depends on what the courts say," the colt replies, "and they try to say as little as possible about anything resembling pony rights" "But if this is happening it ought to be exposed, because it isn't right! He's a free stallion" >"Or an illegal immigrant who human rights don't apply to," the colt replies softly, "depending on your view" >He adds, "Don't tell mom and Miss Chrissy about it. Now it's all foal all the time around here, and we don't want to kill that mood" "I understand, but still..." >"If Glitter and her family choose to go public you'll be among the first to know," he replies >Sounds like he's had this conversation before, probably with Little Miss Social Media standing on his other side >"In the meantime you can respect their privacy, right?," he concludes "Of course!" >You turn to Glitter "I'm here for you as a source of sympathy and comfort, or just somepony else to talk to" >She nods and quietly says, "Thanks" "But if your family decides to go public we're also allies and a platform for you" >"That will be mom and dad's decision. Right now as you can imagine they're still figuring out how to cope" "I'll give you my contact info anyways" >"I can get it from him if I need it," the young mare replies "I'm so sorry for your family" >"Be sorry for dad. He's really taking it hard" >Just the opposite actually, if gelded means what you think it does >You can't imagine what that would be like for a guy! >Their junk means so much to them "Well I should get back to the party. I left my coltfriend alone and he's the only man in the room" >Glitter giggles a little at that >"It's funny you call him your coltfriend," she says "It's a long story that I'm not going to get into here. But yeah, I guess it does sound kinda funny" >That long story would probably upset the young mares and would definitely embarrass the colt >You know better than to tell it to them >You give each to them a hug and head back to the living room >It is nice to see him with two mares at his side >You're sure that because they're free ponies that situation is going to get a lot more complicated that it has to be >It probably already is >But his father had two mares, why shouldn't he? >When you spot your coltfriend he's still talking to the same unicorn, with an empty beer in his hand >That means it's time to go >As you approach you hear him saying, "... was lifted straight out of black churches. There's some gospel that makes most rock sound like pussy shit" >It's definitely time to go "Sweetie?," you interrupt >He turns his attention toward you "If you wnated to go on that date we should probably leave soon" >It takes a few minutes to make with all the good byes and hugs, but soon the two of you are back on the sunny Brooklyn sidewalk "That wasn't so bad, was it?" >"No," he admits "So where are we going?" >"I have a few places in mind. Want me to run them by you?" "Sure. But first I have a question. I think I know the answer, but I need to be sure" >"Shoot" "What does 'gelded' mean?" >Be Agent 42 >The open house is over, the perimiter is secure and you finally have a few minutes to yourself >The last guests left a couple hours ago >Your asset and her marefriend have gone to bed early after an afternoon and early evening of drinking wine and socializing >You finally get to check your phone >You're not all that big on social media, but you like keeping up with the news >You've been sent a link to a video from 47 >What is that psycho up to? >Clicking on it takes you to a dashcam video of a car on a closed course you recognize from the academy >He's drifting around the turns in a moderately impressive way >That makes the video a little dizzying to watch >You text him back: Finally got your hooves on a rear wheel drive vehicle? Nice drifting! >That guy was trouble >Part of you was always concerned being partnered with him was going to tarnish your reputation >He certainly left you with at least one secret you'll be taking to your grave >But in a lot of ways he was a good partner >He looked out for you in his own way >Always seeing to it there was a twenty dollar bill available when you needed to walk to the park >Even if it meant he missed a meal every now and then >That's a good friend >Or if not exactly friend a good partner >You miss the park >Not the park itself, but who was there >More often than not one of the skanks would be there >Never both, so they must have had something worked out between the two of them >Both were young unicorn mares >Of course you didn't know them by name - to you they were purple and pink >You were always happier when purple was there because she was more likely to settle on ten dollars for a quick BJ >As opposed to the usual twenty for fifteen minutes of their time >You miss that >You haven't been back to the park since moving into Chrissy's place >Back at the Muscle House - it always cracked you up when 47 called it that - you had two things that you don't have here >A pony to cover you for half an hour here and there >And a private plaace for a discreet tryst >That's just not possible in Chrissy's place, meaning your needs along those lines have gone unmet >You can imagine Chrissy's reaction if she knew your desire >She'd hammer you for taking advantage of those poor mares in the park >Without even considering the fact that you're private property >And the money involved in that transaction is as hard (if not harder) to come by for you than it is for them >A mare like Chrissy can't see beyong her world view, which is very much shaped by a privileged upbringing >Privileged by free pony standards anyways >Nope, if you disagree with her opinions about social justice you are in the wrong by default >You know better than to go anywhere near topics like that around her >Not just because she's your asset's significant other, but also you now live at HER place >Expressing dissent would result in a complaint that could end this mission for you >Because Rose would have to take her side >And regardless of your umnet needs this mission has become very important to you >You've caught yourself wondering if this is what being part of a family feels like >Of course your old partner would berate you endlessy for that if he knew >Or he would if he could ever stop laughing about it >He must never know >Not that you'd ever talked about anything emotional - that was not the nature of your relationship >But you do feel some emotion for your asset and her offspring >That's probably natural since you've been their protector for a while now >It still stings that 47 was the one that got to fuck her >You understand WHY (and why it was just another stupid risk he took) >But it stings a little anyways >Especially now that you're the one looking out for his foal >Genetically his, not that he'd ever have any claim to her >And the truth is even if you and Rose were possible (which would require a long list of impossibilities) she wouldn't be your first choice >You feel something for her, but she's a little... >She's, well... >She's ripe, bordering on overripe >And if you're going for impossible fantasies you may as well go for just ripe instead of over >Like the mares hanging around with the colt >Lucky bastard! >Of course Chrissy would be indignant if she knew you even THOUGHT that >She'd probably call you a monster for thinking about mares that young >But you have a nose, and it doesn't lie >They may be young, but they're not TOO young >And the fact that yopu can smell that is a big part opf the reason you try to avoid being in the same room with them >Especially the taller one, Glitter >You really have to work to keep your cool around her >Because there's nothing you'd enjoy more than putting a foal in her >Making her as swollen as Rose was last month! >Fuck, now you're hard >Thankfully you're also alone in your room >So you can take care of it >With a little help from Instagram - she's got plenty of selfies on there >You have a few favorities... >Be mare >Summer and autumn passed quickly >Does that mean you're getting old? >You don't FEEL old, but time does seem to be moving more quickly >It could just be that you're content >Your routine with the show and the book keeping on the side keeps you busy enough >But still leaves you plenty of time to spend with your coltfriend >Who dotes on you >Which is something you never knew you wanted until you had it >Every sexual relationship in your life before had been a transaction - a calculation >Both parties knew what the situation was >But with him it's different >He knows exactly who you are and what the situation is, but he treats you like you're the most precious thing in the world >Because that's just how he sees you >Even though you know better when it's just the two of you together you almost let yourself believe it >It's the opposite of your most daring young fantasies of how your life might be >Then again, you've already lived a wilder ride than all of those fantasies put together! >A younger you would probably think your life now is boring >Not entirely - even young you had a soft spot for this man >Though the relationship was entirely transactional back then >Which makes sense because that was all you knew back then >And he still calls you "kid" >Stupidly you love him that much more everytime he says it >But it feels safe being stupid around him - there's no need to keep any sort of guard up >This one is yours entirely, and your happiness really seems to be his main concern >While he's extravagant with his affection he's much less so when it comes to spending money, which suits you fine >Some mares (Roseluck leaps to mind) like fancy bottles of wine and dinners out at places with professional waitstaff >Not that you don't, but it just seems like burning money >And when you have just a little more money than you need to have a comfortable life getting into the habit of burning it seems... >Stupid >But you are being taken out to lunch today because it's Valentine's Day >He's not going to spring for an edible flower arrangement >Because you both know the prices are doubled today for the rubes >You do the books for Rose's flower shop, so you know today and Mother's Day are that industry's biggest cash in moments >Which means today of all days is NOT the day to buy flowers >But going out to some Russian joint for some pelmeni and one of those fruit drinks with a name you can never remember? >That may be a little naughty, but it's hardly burning money >Are you old and boring? >If this is old and boring then it's not at all bad >You're getting taken out for Valentine's Day - that's not something you never thought of! >In fact, when you first heard that today's analog in Equestria was called Hearts and Hooves Day you thought it sounded stupid >Until you found out who Valentine was >A martyred Catholic saint! >The day erotic love is celebrated is named after a guy who was put to death over his religion! >And it gets crazier than that! >What about Cupid?! >Seriously what the fuck is up with that? >A naked little boy with wings? >Wings make perfect sense on a pegasus, but on a boy? >Doesn't that mean he's dead? >So the symbol of erotic love is a dead, naked little boy about to go on a shooting spree? >Really? >And no one seems to think that's strange? >You would say that's completely fucked up if it didn't seem to fit the world you live in so fucking well >You sigh >"You happy, kid?," comes the familiar question from the driver's seat >Which knocks you out of your thoughts and right back into the passenger seat of a car inching its way through Brooklyn "Yeah, I'm happy," you reply, giving your coltfriend a smile >"You seemed awfully quiet" "Just spacing out" >You realize he probably wants a little more out of you than that "The car is making a new noice" >"Really? I don't hear it" "It's like a buzzing sound that goes up in pitch when you accelerate" >"Hmmmm... Probably not good, but I'm not gonna worry about it today. It's driving fine" "I'm not going to worry about it at all," you reply with a little giggle >"Because it's not your problem even if it's about to die?" "A car can't die" >"No, but it can starnd you on the side of the road with a problem that costs more to fix than the car is worth" "If the noise gets louder I'll let you know" >"If it gets louder I should be able to hear it. I hope it's not the fucking transmission" "What's a transmission?" >"A complicated part between the engine and the wheels that's usually too expensive to bother fixing if it fucks up" "Why don't they make them so they don't fuck up, then?" >"Honda and Toyota manage to do just that. Unfortunately this is a Nissan" "Nissans fuck up?" >"Unfortunately" "Then why did you buy it?" >"Back when I bought it they had a pretty good reputation. Cheap cars that ran a long time with little maintenance" "That sounds good. Where did they blow it?" >"Redesigning the transmissions, then putting them in nearly all their cars without proper testing. No one noticed at first because they took a while to start failing" "And this is one of those cars, and you bought it before anyone noticed?" >"Pretty much. I'm waiting for you to tell me the noise goes away" "If it does you'll be the first to know" >"I'd appreciate that" RAW Paste Data Continued from: https://pastebin.com/zXS87wRE She Ain't What She Used to Be >Be mare >It's a late summer Saturday afternoon in Brooklyn >A couple weeks after the massacre at the market >Everypony is still a little on edge about it >Especially the black colt you live with who just announced for at least the tenth time this week: >"Blaze is dead. So is his mommy" >This is true, they were among those shot at the market >You had no love for them to begin with, but you still think what happened to them was awful >Blaze struck you as kind of a bully the few times you saw him at play group >And you suspected he wasn't a particularly good influence on the colt >But nopony deserves to be gunned down in the street >And the colt is pretty young to deal with somepony he knew dying >You didn't know anypony who died when you were his age >Nopony you knew died until... Master >That was your first experience with death, and it was your husband >But you have no time to sit around feeling sorry for yourself, as the colt is waiting for your reply "It's terrible and scary what happened," you reply, not for the first time. "You know what to do when you see a man with a gun?" >"Run away" "Unless?" >"Um... unless it's a polce officer, rght?" "Right. Then you...?" >"Do whatever he tells you to" "Yeah. But best not to attract the attention of the police in the first place. They're supposed to be the good guys, but..." >"Good ones found mommy when the bad men took her away" "Right, but you can't assume they're all good ones like that" >The colt is quiet for a few moments, then asks, "Did Blaze and his mommy get killed because they were ignorant?" >This is a new one for him >Interesting, too >In a way ignorance is what killed them, just not their own >Is that something you should try to explain to the colt? "No. They were killed because the shooter was full of hatred for ponies. And that came from his own ignorance" >"The shooter was ignorant?" "Of course. There are some people out there who hate us because they're afraid our being here is going to change their culture" >You realize that's probably right - ponies will have an effect on culture, are already having an effect >You've already seen it happening in Ponytown >What do you say next? "And while us being here will have an effect on things ignorant people believe that effect will be bad" >"That's why," Roseluck says entering the room, "You have to be your best self all the time" >Rose to the rescue - you weren't sure where to go next >"Whenever you're dealing with people," she continues, "you're not just representing yourself. Like it or not you're representing all of ponykind" >The colt nods sheepishly >"The way to combat ignorance is by showing people that ponies are good," she adds >"I'm good," the colt replies >"Yes you are," she answers, "but you have to be your best to show the world ponies are a force for good. You have to be better than they are" >That seems like a lot of pressure to put on a colt >Then again it makes a kind of sense >There are people who hate you just for being here >They think ponies are lazy, godless and stupid >And for the most part only one of those is true >There was a pony god of sorts >But she was killed in an accident caused by people >As the story goes - there are no hard facts on the matter from reliable sources, mostly speculation and conspiracy theories >But it strikes you as too much of a coincidence that ponies were forced to come here to be enslaved as a result of an accident >That was an accident? >Given what you've learned of people over the course of your life you have a tough time believing it >But you're smart enough to know you're not supposed to talk about it >Both people and ponies get upset at the suggestion the accident might not have really been an accident >"Can I play on my phone now?," the colt asks >"Sure," Roseluck replies >You can't believe she bought him a smartphone, but evidently all the colts and fillies have them now >And spend a ridiculous amount of time staring at them >You've had a few practically waly right into you on the sidewalk because they were looking at a screen instead of where they were going >As the colt leaves the room you remember something you've been meaning to ask Rose for a while now "So not to pry, but Forty Seven said it was obvious you want to have another foal. Are you really thinking about it?" >"You're not prying. I have been thinking about it - seriously. You know it's pretty much now or never" "What do you mean?" >"That's very kind of you. But the truth is the truth. I'm coming to the end of my foalbearing years" >What? >She's not THAT old, is she? >"You look surprised" "I just never thought of you as being that much older than me" >"I was about your age, maybe just a little older when I left Equestria. You weren't born yet. Do the math" >Shit, she's right >It never occured to you because she's still so pretty >But she is coming toward the end of her foalbearing years! >Wow "Kind of a shame Crystal can't help you with that" >"Of course she can" >How? >She sees the confusion on your face >"We can get the um... seeds... from a donor and she can impregnate me with them. A turkey baster works fine for that" >Ew >That sounds so... unnatural "Wouldn't it be more fun to just... you know, the natural way?" >"I don't know how that would play out in terms of our relationship. I don't want her to be resentful over this" "But she's on board with you having another foal?" >"I think she's neither here nor there with it. She hooked up with a single mother, so whether it's one or two foals it doesn't really make a difference" "Would you two move in together? And raise it together?" >"We've talked about it. We can certainly afford to, and I think our relationship is probably at that point" "Wow! Then I'm really happy for the two of you, though I'll miss you" >"We're not leaving Ponytown. This is home now" "Good. Anypony in mind for the donor?" >"I was thinking of asking Forty Two, unless you think that'd be weird" "I don't think that's a good idea" >"Why not?" >Seriously?! >She really hasn't thought this part through even though she's gotten as far as turkey basters?! >Ew >It's gonna take a while to get that vision out of your head >It's just so fucking wrong >Just like 42 being the donor "I'm not 100% sure how this works, but I'm pretty sure that would be him compromising his asset, and he's not supposed to do that" >"But it's OK if Forty Seven does it?" "Forty Seven hasn't done it" >Rose looks surprised >"I'm sorry. I um... just kind of assumed... sorry" "I'm sorry, too. Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind - like several times a week. But I'm pretty sure it would be unfair to him in the long run" >Rose taks a few moments obviously giving the matter some thought "Maybe even cruel. Which is the only reason I haven't" >"I hadn't thought of that" >Of course you haven't >But you just realized something "You're Forty Two's asset, so he's out. But you're not Forty Seven's" >"Do you think he'd be interested? He is strong and smart" "And pretty good looking" >"That never hurts" "I don't know exactly haow that would work. He probably does. The question is whether he's into being the donor when your plan is to take all the fun out of it" >"For him" "Yeah. Think like a stallion for a second. 'I want you to get me pregnant but you don't get to fuck me.' Doesn't sound like a great deal" >"When you put it that way..." "Still, you'll never know if you don't ask" >"Now you're making me feel bad for the guy" "Well you could just fuck him. Unless that's a non-starter with Crystal?" >"I don't actually know. We've been exclusive for a while now I think, but we've never really had that talk" "Maybe it's time" >"I don't know. I've never been with a mare before, I'm happy and I don't want to fuck things up" "You'll never know if you don't ask" >Rose nods >"So you've just been going without all this time? That doesn't seem like you at all" "I had one little secret fling. But yeah it's not like me at all to be without for this long" >"Was it the producer? I thought there was something going on between you two" "Yeah, but keep quiet about it. Don't being it up on the show. He's married now" >"Right, yeah. I know how showmances can be" "I'm sure half the viewership has you and Crystal figured out by now" >"Still not going to confirm or deny yet. So with the producer - that was a while ago. You've been a monk ever since?" "Unfortunately. Thankfully I've been busy enough that it hasn't driven me crazy. Well, last heat was a bitch" >"I just assumed your little soldier boy was takng are of you" "Would have been nice. But maybe that will change tonight. Got my first date" >"Really? When were you going to tell me about it?" "It's just going out for drinks. It could be really awkward. I've never done this before" >"I get that. But it's actually easier than you think. You're in control of whatever happens or doesn't" "That's what I'm not used to. Part of me is afraid I might just fuck him in the bathroom and never call him back" >"THAT sounds like you," she replies with a little giggle "That's certainly the mare I was not all that long ago. I don't know if that's the mare I want to be now" >"That's for you to decide. Nopony is going to blame you for being a bit of a whorse - look how you were raised" "I know, but they will look down on me for it. It even feels like you do a little sometimes" >"I try not to look down on anypony. All of us have been through plenty. Even the judgy-est of the free ponies still haven't had it easy" "Some of them are really judgy" >"Well they have it better than everypony else except the most pampered bedmares" "Which both of us have been" >"Yeah. So they need somepony to look down on" "Failing to realize it's not a choice any of us made" >"I know, right? You do end up brainwashed into assuming it's normal because it's just how your life is" "I'm still trying to figure out what's normal by their standards" >"Well they have a point about abolition. Being some man's sex pet is not normal. And the fact that those are the mares who tend to have it the best is..." "Not a good thing. Still wrapping my mind around that. You know part of me would much rather just have a good master than go out dating" >"I can see how it's intimidating. But you couldn't go back, could you?" "No. I've been corrupted. I'm a free mare now. That doesn't mean I have to like everything about it, though" >Rose laughs >"You say corrupted. More like uncorrupted" "It still feels wrong sometimes. Like I'm supposed to feel like sex is a big deal, and I don't. But not being a good girl - making my own decisions..." >"That feels wrong to you?" "Sometimes, yeah" >"I guess life is simpler when you have someone telling you what to do and you just do it, but life isn't better like that" "That was a tough one for me, but yeah. I can see that's right" >"So you're finally an abolitionist?" "I don't have much choice, do I? I start talking about my life and like it or not I'm making a case for abolition" >"Which is why you're so good on the show" "You, too. I hope it doesn't get us killed" >"Shhh. Don't talk like that. You know how much work it takes for me to avoid thinking like that?" "Yeah, a colt and a flower shop in addition to the show" >"I'm afraid if I slowed down I'd worry myself sick" >That explains a lot actually "So you want to have another foal anyways?" >"I know it sounds crazy, but I really feel like I need to do it, before I can't anymore" >Shit, now she's got you thinking about being a mommy >You could - you know your stuff works having been pregnant once before >But seeing how much work a foal is makes you realize you don't want to be a single mother >Just being Auntie has been a lot >And that's like one-tenth of what Rose does for him >You could blow off the date tonight and let Forty Two take you for a ride, maybe even put a foal in you >unf >But that's being lazy, and maybe taking advantage of him? >You're sure he wouldn't mind being taken advanatge of that way >But it still doesn't seem right, even if you can't figure out exactly why >Maybe because he's private property and you're free? >That's definitely got something to do with it >"So let's celebrate your first date with a glass of wine. And dish a little. Who is he?" >You have a pic on your phone's dating app >You follow her to the kitchen and bring the pic up while she opens the bottle >She looks over approvingly >"A unicorn. No surprise" "Almost all of them are. But the app's algorithm says we're highly compatible" >"That's AI stuff, right?" "As far as I know. Scary to think it might know me better than I knw myself" >"Just another thing to add to the ever growing list of scary things. He's cute though" "Yeah. I thought he looked pretty yummy" >"I can see why the thought of fucking him in the bathroom entered your mind" "I've never been with a unicorn before, so it's extra exciting" >"And the fact that he looks like THAT doesn't hurt, either. What do you know about him?" "That's what the date is for, right? All I have now is his pic, his name and our compatibility score" >She offers you a glass of wine and you put your phone down on the counter so you can accept it >"Well here's to a new chapter in your life!" "Don't make such a big deal about it" >"It is kind of a big deal, though. Your first date!" "Yeah, and it doesn't happen until after I'm a widow" >"Better late than never. In Equestria a mare your age having her first date would have been a bit of a late bloomer, but not really abnormal" "She wouldn't have grown up in a brothel though" >"No. There were no filly sex workers in the Equestria I knew. Princess Celestia would not have allowed anything like that to happen" >That's the one topic Rose can bring up that makes you a little jealous, though you try not to be >Equestria >Literally the magical place where ponies come from >Roseluck LIVED there >You will never see it >It's nothing but cold darkness now >Part of you feels like you've been cheated out of something >Something very special that you'll never get to see >Something important that you lost without ever knowing it in the first place "I wish I could have seen it" >"I wish I could take you there and show you the way it was. That's gone now" >You can see she's almost on the edge of tears "Ponies still have each other" >"Damn right!," she replies as a single tear rolls down her face, "and we've got to do what we can to make things better for all of us" >Even if it gets you shot >What does it matter? >You could just get shot anyways >The world is a dangerous place >But right now you're a lot more anxious about your first date than the possibility of getting shot >You feel horrible for thinking it, but you almost think getting shot would be easier than dating >You take another sip of wine >Maybe that will relax you a little >Be VP >Your wife Cynthia is back from the Hamptons >Thankfully she left her idiot stallion there, probably banging some executive's daughter by now >More likely some punter staying in somebody's pool house >You two started off the evening well at home with a nice dinner and some wine >But the evening just hit that tipping point where she's had a little too much to drink too early >And she's turning mean on you >This happens a couple times a year, so you're used to it >In the morning she'll apologize and everything will be fine >Now you just have to keep quiet and let her wear herself out >"You're not kidding anyone with this 'I care about ponies' shit!," she says "We got you one when you wanted one" >"Right, then you got one, too" "Fair is fair" >"Was it fair to convince her it was a romance while you took your frustration out on them with a pony death match show?" "Business and personal decisions are two different things. It was romantic, sorry..." >"No they aren't. You're a narcissist. It all comes from the same source. Always walking that tightrope so it can always be all about you" >This is going to be fun >Not >Shit, she expects a response to that >You hate it when she's like this, but it's not that often so you indulge her "They are two different things. I saw the way the wind was blowing and made Blinders as well" >"Only after your reality show concept FAILED and your Hippodrome star DIED! It's still always all about you!" >Shit, she's mean tonight >That's what too much time in the Hamptons will do to you along with too much wine >You want to say you were giving a voice to the voiceless, but she'll see right through that >Truth is that it is always all about you - you have a career to further after all >And an ecosystem of people and ponies who make a living based on your success >So you're doing right by them, too >You really do feel that responsibility "Is this about me still having feelings for Roseluck?" >"I don't give a fuck about Roseluck or the new one, for that matter" "Cloudburst" >"Pissburst would be a better name for her. Do you know how much you smell like pony piss these days?" "Still?" >"Not as much as when you first got her, but...," she sniffs the air in front of you, "Not so bad today" >You don't like her talking about Cloudy like that, but she is your wife so she does get priority >And this is kinda your fault for buying three bottles of wine for your end of summer renunion >You should have known better >"And another thing...," she begins >It's never good when a belligerent drunk starts a sentence off that way >"I think you're just doing this to impress your niece, which is kind of creepy, if you ask me" >You didn't ask her >And you don't like the implication >You do what you do for you >And your wife benefits, but that was part of what you agreed to so many years ago >You two still do feel tender towards each other >She might even give you a blowjob tomorrow morning for putting you through this >The problem is it won't be as good as the blowjobs Cloudy gives you on a daily basis >And you weren't the one who undermined your relationship a little by making small horse creatures part of it >The thought makes you feel a little dirty in a 1970's or 80's swinger kind of way >But you own your own ponies, so it's not nearly so dirty "Oh yeah, I made a successful TV show just to impress my niece. She was just part of my research into a demographic I wasn't aware of. There's nothing weird there" >"There's always something weird with you" "Gimmie a break - I'm a creative" >"You're a narcissist, you count on that break always coming" >It took you a second to hear 'coming' instead of 'cumming' >But you can usually count on both >Convince enough people you're a genius and guess what? >You're a genius >So you always get a break >Because YOU make it happen! >You pull shit out of thin air and turn it into something >Who gets to do that?! >You do! >And there's nothing weird with your niece >She's just like the daughter you never had >And thank god you never had a daughter >Definitely dodged a bullet there >How could you have walked that line between being over strict and over indulgent? >You couldn't - you'd have gone with the latter and turned her into a total bitch >Maybe a bitch who cured cancer, but still a bitch >The fear of that was a thing - it didn't fit into your plans >Not while your career was taking off >It would have been too much of a distraction >A cute little girl of your own? >That's the one thing you have no defenses against >You can handle almost everything in the world except that, you're pretty sure >Fuck! >Is that why you never had kids? >Too busy and too scared of having a daughter you'd turn into a bitch? >Maybe >God, you hate it when your wife turns into a drunk bitch >Maybe that was part of it, too "I count on the next great idea. How can you hold that against me?" >"All lives matter" "We own a couple of those lives" >"That's different. We're good owners" "If I put you saying that on TV what do you think the reaction would be? Honestly" >"Shit" "Right. It's what everyone who jerks off to ponies but has to shop at Walmart wants to believe, but..." >"You're an asshole. A narcissistic asshole" "No, I just..." >You want to say you know a lot more about this than she does >But that will just provoke her >You don't need anymore of that "I wan't to make things nice for us. Can we please go to bed now?" >"I don't know if I feel like sleeping with you" "Bed is super comfortable" >She sighs >"You promise this isn't just some weird thing between you and your niece?" "What? My fucking career? You know me better than that. It's definitely time for bed" >"Yeah" >Be Cloudburst >The mares just started taping the show, so you're catching up with Vidal in the empty make up room >Which pretty much means gossiping, which you've come to enjoy quite a bit "So Roseluck and Crystal are a couple, but they're trying to keep it on the down low?" >"Trying and failing, if you ask me," the pink pegasus responds "But she wants another foal anyways?" >"Yeah. Tick tick tick..." "What's that mean?" >"Her biological clock running out. A mare isn't like a stallion, her foalbearing years are more limited" "That's because we're a lot more invested in the process" >"True. All you need from a stallion is a fill up, then everything else is on you" "Even after it's born the mare is the feedbag for a while" >"Biology is cruel to your sex" "It's pretty savage, but it's not like we have any say in the matter" >"Some of us do. I'm certainly not going to be anypony's daddy" "I don't expect daddy, er... master will breed me. He didn't even bother to breed himself" >"Thankfully breeding is not for everypony" "I don't even know how to feel about that" >"It would be weird for him to breed you with the whole pony daughter incest thing you two have going on" "Is that weird?" >He sighs >"Reality check, honey. I'm from Equestria. NONE of this is normal. We just make the best of our situations" "Neither of us are doing that badly I think" >"We're both lucky, so it's our duty to enjoy it as much as possible" "You seem like you're managing to do that" >"Yeah, but it's such hard work," he says sarcastically. "The BF had another party last night. Woe is me" "You poor thing" >"I got a good workout - it felt like I was shooting dust by the end of the night" "I can't imagine what that's like" >Really, you can't >Sometimes it feels like daddy rides you pretty hard sexually, but not all that often >Mostly you just make him happy and it's done >One cunnie, rarely two and that part of the day is over, then it's cuddles and pets unitl he leaves >Vidal's world is another story >Parties where men bring their stallions and trade them for hours? >That's pony's stamina has got to be incredible! >But imagine the smell >You notice the smell when daddy decides to take you by the tailhole >You can't imagine what a room full of men and stallions doing that for hours would smell like >Also it just dawned on you what he meant by "shooting dust" >That's funny >"You took a little longer than usual today. Everything OK?" "Yeah, just had a nasty scab that took a good ten minutes to cover up" >"I saw an ear giving you trouble" "It looked like she got bit" >Vidal tut-tuts "What?" >"That's probably a sex injury" "What?" >"You're so naive sometimes it's adorable. Often a stallion will bite his partner's ear during the act. Kind of instinctive" "And break the skin?!" >"Only if he's a brute. Which means..." "She's seeing a brute? She did seem more quiet than usual today. Maybe she was embarrassed" >"She may need to talk about it sooner or later, so try to keep things open with her" "Should I say anything to try to encourage her to talk?" >"Oh no, don't do that. She sat there while you worked on her ear. She assumes you know. If she wants to talk about it she will" "Yet another obvious thing I failed to pick up on" >"Not your fault. You were raised in a bubble and groomed for men, not stallions" "Wasn't she as well?" >"Yeah. But she had some experience with Bronc. And he kind of hinted that she liked things a little on the rough side" "That's hardly a surprise" >"Yeah, but she could easily be out of her depth dealing with that as a free pony. I have my doubts about whether she's cut out for that" "I usually forget that she is. It's always kind of jarring when she brings it up on the show" >You've never gone there with Vidal, but now seems as good a time as any to ask "You were free in Equestria, right?" >"Of course" "Do you ever feel the desire to...?" >"Freedom here and freedom there are two very different things. Here I'm actually doing much better in terms of wealth and social status" "Is that what matters?" >"Anypony who tells you they don't matter is not doing so well in that regard" >Interesting to consider >"Say the Accident had never happened and you'd been born in Equestria. What would your life have been?" >You've never thought about that >"Probably another nopony working in a salon somewhere. Or maybe a weatherpony, a beautiful one, but still a weatherpony. But here..." >He pauses like he's waiting for you to answer "I'm an executive bedmare with my own Manhattan apartment, riding around in black cars, eating out at fancy restaurants, drinking expensive wine and..." >"And you still have a high profile situation to put your special talent to use. We're the lucky ones" "I try to always be aware of that and not just take it for granted" >"Me too. But I know everypony doesn't have it so good. I understand why ponies like Sunrise do what they do" "Do you ever feel threatened by her being on the show" >"She is a threat. If ponies like her had their way our lives would be directly effected, at least our status would" "Yet you style her mane like it's nothing" >"At the moment it's mostly talk. Talk doesn't scare me. Being a free pony would scare me right now after what happened" "You think something like that could happen again?" >"Let's just say I'm really relieved I'm not free and living in Ponytown" >That's funny, actually, because it really couldn't happen "You are a pegasus, after all, so that would be a very unlikely situation" >Which is true >Free pegasi really aren't a thing >"That's definitely part of our luck right there," he says rustling his pink wings >He's got a point >You feel your wings rustle in response "Yeah. If the biggest complaint you have is shooting dust at the end of the night..." >Shooting dust is a funny thing to say >"Kind of a quality problem. What would your biggest complaint be? I know you're not supposed to think like that, but..." >You've never thought like that >If you HAD to complain about anything - if it were even allowed! >What would it be? >And would you share it with somepony else? >Wouldn't that be like a betrayal to daddy? >Then again he did set you up with this job, and this place is sort of like it's own little sanctuary >And Vidal has impressed upon you many times the importance of discretion beyond the confines of these walls >So telling him here is almost the same as not telling anypony "Well, I don't like it so much when daddy, um... master gets, um... a little rough when..." >Are you really going to say this to him?! "Taking me up the," you whisper, "...tailhole" >He laughs >"Sorry. I didn't mean to laugh," he says still trying to stifle his laughter. "I'm just not one to throw any stones in that regard. I guess it's different for a mare" "Don't get me wrong! I LOVE that I give him pleasure and make him happy. It's just..." >"You'd prefer it another way. I got you. As long as you have the equipment why not have it put to use?" "Oh he does! He's even generous about it, if you know what I mean" >"Well who wouldn't be generous to a sweet little thing like you?" >Now he's really got you blushing even though you know he has no interest in you that way >That's actually the only reason you feel comfortable talking about stuff like this with him >You can't lie, though >All this talk about sex does make you horny, even if you're talking to a gay stallion >It doesn't matter - it still puts your mind on sex and you end up horny >Hopefully today is one of those days daddy can break away for a little lunchtime fun >He usually can when you ask him >He is the boss, after all >Who is going to tell him he can't? >"You OK?," the stallion asks "Yeah, it's just that all this talk about sex..." >He smiles >"I remember being your age," he says gently. "You can't imagine some of the shit I did back home" >You can't >But you're pretty sure a young, handsome, pink stallion on the make could easily find his share of takers there >Even with the skewed male to female ratio >Any stallion who leaned that way even a little bit would be bound to notice a pony like Vidal >You wonder if he was always a top, even back then >But right now your own needs are more pressing than idle speculation "We're done for the day, right?" >"You're done. I've got to touch up Ada Maria for the Ponytime shoot after this" "I can't believe she shoots two shows in one day" "That mare is a pro" >You grab your smartphone and text daddy: "Lunch date?" with a wings spread emoji >He knows exactly what that means >And unless something is on fire he'll be up for it >Be VP >A chime from your personal phone indicates an incoming text >Doesn't take a genius to figure out who it could be from >Since you made half the week Bring Your Pegasus to Work Day you've been getting a lot of lunchtime sex >Sure enough it's a text from her with a suggestive emoji >Just seeing the way she uses them in her texts reminds you of the age gap between the two of you >In pony years she's probably no older than your niece >A little younger actually, which is part of why she disapproves >That and her being an abolitionist to start with >She does like Cloudy though, but thinks the mare has been brainwashed >It's true she was born here and sent to finishing school, which makes her much easier to deal with than your lastt one >But you don't consider it brainwashing >She was simply trained for the position she was destined to find herself in >And as long as you hold up your part of the deal by keeping the paramaters of that position very clear she'll be happy >That and make sure she has something to keep her from going out of her mind alone all day drinking in front of the television >Which is why you started Bring Your Pegasus to Work Day in the first place >You text her to come up to your office >You buzz your secretary "Taking lunch now, I'll be back at 1:30. Need the car" >"Done. I'll hold your calls," the female voice on the other end of the speaker replies. "Remember you have a meeting at..." "Two thirty," you interrupt. "Got it, thanks" >A couple minutes later your little grey pegasus appears, greeting you with a nicker "Not in the office," you chide, "And lower that tail!" She complies, and you realize you've been a little harsh so you smile and add: "...for now" >She brightens a little at that and smiles back at you >Not like it isn't obvious what's going on here - it's obvious to everyone in the building >But it would be a mistake to seem like you're being a show off about it >Showing off your expensive pet the way some guys show off their sports cars >Walking out of the office everyone who sees you will know you're going to be fucking her over lunch >But you still can't be totally brazen about it >Can't have her walking beside you with her tail up like that - not at work! >And she knows better - she must be really horny >That suits you just fine "How was work?" >"Great, master!" >At least she's managed not to call you daddy at work so far >You would never live that down >"I love working with Vidal," she continues "He's a good guy. So should we get something delivered to your place?" >The tail starts to rise, then she catches herself >"I'd love that" >You pet her mane and she pushes into you just a little "Just keep cool until we get to the car" >She nods at you and you see the pupils of her earnest pony eyes are even larger than usual >Good thing she has no idea the power she could wield over you with that look! >That's why you have to stay in the dominant role here >Thankfully that isn't too difficult >Now you just have to make it to the car without letting your own excitement show through your pants and you'll be fine >Be Agent 47 >This is happening - you're in the assets' apartment for stud service >And you know poor 42 is jealous >It's probably a little salt in his wounds that he's stuck watching the colt while you're about to... >Bang his asset with the intent of putting a foal into her >The idea of it happening in the context of a proper threesome would have been nice >Something for your bucket list >But Chrissy says she just wants to watch >Still kinda hot being the focus of attention of two attractive mares >Who you know dyke around with each other >But even hotter than that is getting to fuck Roseluck >She might be a little older than most mares you'd check out on the street >But she's in solid MILF territory >And you can smell she's in heat >That smell is so fucking delicious >You just want to lose yourself in it >Roseluck looks a little awkward and shy standing in front of you >Like she wants it but is trying now to let it show for Chrissy's sake >That's gotta be a weird dynamic >But it's not your problem >Taking charge of the situation Chrissy says, "All right, let's see you put a foal in her. Fuck her good!" >She doesn't mince words >"Are you sure about this?," Roseluck asks her >"Yeah. Enjoy it before I change my mind," she replies, then adds, "But you're sure as fuck taking care of me the moment he finishes" >Nice >You get a little show after >Not that lesbians have ever been a particular fetish of yours >But who can argue with two pretty mares going at it? >Right under your nose? "OK. Lift that tail and show me what you got!" >Roseluck blushes and looks away from you as her tail goes up >Nice view >Your half hard cock starts to swell and your thoughts turn primal >You're gonna pound the shit out of this mare >"And action!," Chrissy says from the bed >You notice she's idly playing with herself >That's kind of hot, too >A mare getting off to you about to fuck her marefriend >But right now that marefriend is much more compelling >She just gave you a wink, dripping a little goo from her engorged puss >That only makes her smell better >You approach her and rear up to shift some of your weight onto her back, your head leaning against her neck >The size difference is a little bit of a thing - she's quite a bit shorter than you >It's taking a few thrusts to line up correctly >Fuck, and then a few more until >There! >She screams >" Ow! Not there!," she pleads, "Wrong hole!" >It takes quite a bit of effort to pull back, because wrong hole or not it felt good "Sorry" >Chrissy is laughing from the bed >"That's what you get for doing it the natural way," she says. "Need a guide in?" >You don't - you know a couple more thrusts and you can bring this home on your own >But having her touch your dick right now would make this a real threesome, wouldn't it? "Sure" >In seconds Chrissy is beside you, a hoof lining up your straining cock with her marefriend's entrance >"There," she says >Did she sound impressed? >You think she did >And you hesitate no more, sliding into a much wetter place than where you were seconds ago >If not quite as tight >But now it is as she responds to your thrust by squeezing tight around you >You let out a low moan of pleasure and gently bite the side of her neck >That gets another squeeze from her as you push yourself as far into her as possible >That's all there is, nowhere else to go >You hear her inhale sharply >"Did the big stallion smash your cervix?," Chrissy asks >"Yes," Roseluck replies breathing heavily >"Is he flaring up inside you?" "He is," you reply, because it's true >You can feel yourself swelling inside her as your orgasm builds >As you swell she squeezes back around you again and again >You're about to hit the point of no return >You feel Chrissy's breath on your balls >"Here it comes!," she says >That sends you over the edge into spasms of pleasure >As you feel your spunk pump into the mare >You feel Chrissy's hoof cradle your balls >"I can feel it, too," she says >At this point the little mare under you is shaking and clamped so tightly around you that you couldn't pull out if you wanted to >She's getting off while making sure to milk every bit of that shot out of you >"Did the big stallion get you off while unloading into you?," Chrissy asks >Roseluck is too lost in her own situation to reply beyond a grunt >Finally you ease back a bit as her grip on your cock lessens >You feel yourself starting to shrink back down a little as your cock slides out of her with a squishy noise >You take a quick look at your work dripping out of her >Looks like a job well done >Chrissy hops up on the bed and says, "My turn. Get over here" >"Give me a second," Rose replies >"That's not part of the deal," she replies, "Get over here now" >Just stand here quietly and you get a free lesbian show >Good deal for you >Chrissy's on her back with her legs in the air and Roseluck approaches her, standing at the foot of the bed with her head in her marefriend's crotch >From where you're standing you get the view of your cum still dripping out of her while she takes care of Chrissy >It turns out Chrissy is quite vocal >And really into dirty talk >Rose obviously is into it as well because you see her winking in response to her marefriend >Horny little bitch in heat >Chrissy holds Rose's head against her with a foreleg as she has her own quaking orgasm >"Fuck!," she shouts >Your cock may be spent, but you're not entirely back in your sheath >This is gonna be a year's worth of spank fuel >The mares nuzzle each other for a few seconds then turn their attention to you >Chrissy smiles and says, "Well that not nearly as weird as I thought it'd be" >She adds, "I haven't been up close to one of those things in a while. While it's not my jam yours is pretty nice" "I'm glad you approve" >"Since two loads are better than one you want to fuck her again?," she asks, then says to Rose, "Fuck my horny little marefriend again with your big stallion cock?" >Rose whimpers "My cock might need a few minutes to recover" >"No it won't," the voice of your asset says from the doorway >"You naughty thing," Chrissy chides >"Hey, it's a small apartment!," she replies "what am I supposed to do?" >She approaches you in a very businesslike manner >"I know you can't compromise your asset," she begins, "But I'd say getting fluffed for a noble cause isn't compromising anything" "Fluffed?" >"So you don't need a few minutes," she responds. "I'll show you" >She maneuvers herself under you and you feel her breath on your shrunken cock >For a second, and then >Wow! >It's not like you haven't had your cock sucked a couple times before, but this is different >Just the way she uses her tongue is amazing >Even though you're still really sensitive from having just cum you feel yourself starting to swell again in her mouth >"Mmmmm," she says, like the mix of her roommate's cum and your own is the most delicious thing she's ever tasted >And she's almost got you past half mast >At which point she pushes her head all the way down on you and you feel yourself slip down her throat >No way! >This you've never had before >A mare who could make sucking your cock feel just as good - better? - than fucking her in heat roommate?! >She continues pushing herself all the way against your sheath as you're literally fucking her throat >Maybe Rose doesn't need another load, because right now the idea of letting loose into this one's throat sounds better >Sensing this she pulls herself away from you and says, "That's for Rose, not for me. I'm just helping out" >God, you wish she'd help out just a little bit more! >"Well," Chrissy says, "You may as well stay and watch" >"Don't need to," she says heading out toward the door, "I just came in for a little taste. Do you know how many times I've seem Rose get fucked?" >"This is all old hat to you," Chrissy replies with a giggle, "It's still a thing for me" >"Enjoy!," she responds brightly "Well then, how about I pound the shit out of your marefriend again?" >"Give it to her good!," Chrissy answers >You do >You are looking at your reflection in the mirror at 42's place >Trying to see what makes you so special >But all you see is you - just a black colt looking back at you "Auntie always tells me how good looking I am like it's something important, but mommy says it's what's inside that counts" >"Why can't they both be right?," 42 responds. "What's inside counts but you still always want to look your best" >That makes sense >"Because ponies judge you on your looks, regardless of whether that's fair," he adds, "but when you get older they also judge you on your accomplishments" "Is that why auntie thinks being good looking is so important?" >"She's a mare whose looks have had a lot to do with her opportunities in life. That might not be fair either, but it's the case" "Is it true that auntie was a whorse?" >"Auntie was private property growing up. She didn't get to make her own decisions about that kind of stuff" "But she still was, wasn't she?" >"Probably better to talk to her about that - maybe when you're a little older" "Why does she always tell me I'm good looking?" >"Well, you look like your father, and auntie was in love with him. I'm sure she sees him in you" "So am I good looking?" >"I'm not the one to be the judge of that, really. Let's just say when you get older you're not going to have any trouble with the mares" "Mares are kinda gross" >He laughs >"You think that now because you're still a colt. Once you're a stallion you'll probably see things differently" "Yeah, but will I smell things differently? When mares get like mommy is now all they do is act funny and stink up the place" >"Once you're a stallion that smell will drive you crazy" "You mean make me horny?" >"If you're like most stallions, yes" "Gross! Does mommy smelling like that make YOU horny?" >"Your mother is my asset. I can't let myself look at her like that" "Oh. If mommy wasn't your asset?" >"Your mother is very attractive. We both know that" "Then why is she with Miss Chrissy instead of a stallion?" >"That's her choice. It's a choice she gets to make. For many ponies it isn't even a choice" "Like faggots?" >"Your mother doesn't want you using that word. But yeah, some stallions aren't attracted to mares, just other stallions" "That's gross" >"Says the colt who thinks all sex is gross" "Yeah, but two stallions is extra gross. Don't you think?" >"Well I'm straight, so yeah, two stallions seems gross to me. But it would seem normal to a gay stallion, and he'd find mares gross" >That's scary >You think mares are gross >Does that mean you might be gay? >You don't want to be a faggot >Blaze hated faggots >Blaze is dead, so is his mommy >They got shot at the market "Do you think there'll be another shooting, like where Blaze and his mommy died?" >He sighs >"Just one tough topic to another with you" "What do you mean?" >"I mean 47 and I are here to keep you safe. So I can tell you you're going to be safe, but..." "Bad men with guns will still do bad things to ponies?" >"I'm afraid so..." "And you can't stop bullets" >"I can, but only a few and only once" >WHAT?! >HE CAN STOP BULLETS?! >Is he some kind of super stallion? "You can stop bullets?" >"Yeah, but only once" "How?" >He sighs again >"I put myself between the shooter and the asset" >oh, that's why only once >THAT'S HORRIBLE!!! >Forty Two getting shot may not be as bad as you or mommy getting shot, but... >It's still horrible! >"It's the kind of thing we've been trained to do, but you hope the situation never arises" "I hope so, too" >He smiles at you, taking a breath like he's about to say something else >When suddenly to door opens and Forty Seven steps through >"Hey kid," he says to you "Hey Mr 47! Everything good?" >"Good enough, thanks!," he replies, "and you?" "Just hanging out with MR Forty Two, so good" >"Yeah, he a good guy," Forty Seven responds. Then he says to Forty Two, "I need a shower. You can keep an eye on things for a few minutes?" >He DOES need a shower! >He STINKS! >Kind of like the way mommy smells right now mixed with... something even worse! >"Yeah, I got it. Gotta take the kid home anyways," 42 responds running a hoof atop your head >You don't like it but you know it's meant to be an affectionate gesture >So you don't protest >This stallion pretty much just told you he'd take a bullet for you and mommy >More than one if need be, but he can only do it once >That's scary >Even if it is a little reassuring in an awful way >Forty Two can protect you in ways mommy can't >Until you're old enough to protect both you and mommy >Be Agent 47 >In the shower >It was definitely a little weird to walk past the colt stinking like fucking his mother - after twice! >Though he's still too young to realize that's what it was >Still weird >How ya doing kid? >I just fucked your mother >You rear up against the shower wall and the warm water feels good on your junk as you press your forelegs against the tiled surface >This shit was not designed for ponies >It would be so easy to slip and fuck yourself up >But you don't because you're young and strong >It's good to be young and strong, even if adulthood is starting to erode that feeling of youngness a little >Maybe it's because you just fucked an older mare >Maybe that has something to do with it >An older mare who happens to be 42's asset >He's gonna ask you about it >How can he not? >You have to play it down >Way down! >Don't want to make him jealous or seem like you're gloating >Even the truth would seem like gloating >Yeah, I fucked her twice while her marefriend watched >And I got to watch her and her marefriend dyking off in between >Oh yeah my asset took my cock down her throat to get me ready for the second time with yours >Yeah, you can't tell him any of that >Poor guy's head would explode >Bad enough you've gone maverick here agreeing to do this by your own agency >Which doesn't exist - you're just counting on the fact that as long as nopony gets injured or killed this is the sort of detail that won't be... >Followed up on, because it's not relevant to the mission >Or so you think >42 disagrees and has clearly said so, but as your partner he's not going to betray you >Which is also fair - if you get any blowback from this he can always feign ignorance and still be plausible >The mission is not compromised >And while you may not have followed the rules to the letter the spirit is on your side as far as enforcement is concerned >Even if the Service suspected you had unauthorized stud service with an asset would they act on it? >Spend thousands of dollars seeking court orders and genetic testing for what? >To MAYBE collect a small stud fee? >It's not like they'd have any rights over the foal - the foal of a free mare is automatically a free pony >That's how it works >Worst that can happen is you'll get written up >That's if it even comes up, which is really unlikely >42 isn't going to snitch on you - he's a loyal partner >And you've looked out for him as far as his needs along similar lines were concerned >You turn off the water and grab your towel >Oof - gotta do laundry soon - this towel is getting funky and you don't have a clean one >Put that on the list for tomorrow >You towel off and can't put it off any longer >You have to face your partner >As you walk into the common room he smiles at you >"So?," he asks "Let's just say it didn't live up to the fantasy," you lie, "but I'm not complaining" >"But shit, you did it!" "Yeah. It was pretty cut and dry," you lie again. "Well not dry. Anything but dry" >You laugh "I know you don't entirely approve, so I appreciate you being cool about this" >"You'd do the same for me. Getting a nice piece of tail is a lot better than getting no tail at all" "You got that right. And even if she's a little long in the tooth she's still a nice piece of tail" >"Nicer than the street meat I've been getting, you lucky bastard!" "This one just fell in my lap. What else could I do? So how was your evening?" >"That kid. I really feel for him, but every time he gets me alone it's straight into the um, sensitive subject matter" "Understandable. You're pretty much the only male role model he has" >"I know, but that's not exactly what I signed up for" "I'm sure you're doing right by him" >"I'm trying, but every conversation is just one awkward topic after another" "Look at his situation" >"I know, but I could have told him what you were doing over there and it would only have been a little more awkward" "That bad?" >"It ain't easy. All he wants to talk about are topics that are total minefields" >You laugh >"What's so funny?" "When I walked in you know what ran through my head for a second?" >"What?" "Hey kid, I just banged your mom!" >"You're awful! But to be honest you smelled exactly like you did" "That's why I ran straight for the shower" >"Well I'm sorry it wasn't the threesome you were hoping for, but you still got to tap that" >You're not going to tell him that technically it was a foursome with three hot mares "Fantasy versus reality. Still not going to complain about the reality" >The reality is you probably just sired a foal >But that's not going to be your problem >He or she will have a couple of mares raising him/her >And 42's watchful eyes as well "You know, things are going to get a lot more complicated for us if your asset and her marefriend move in together" >"Yeah. This situation has been pretty convenient" "Two stallions to do what's mostly one stallion's worth of work? It's been pretty cushy" >"Isn't yours dating somepony now?" "Yeah. I don't like it" >"Jealous?" "Not one bit" >Actually, after just having had your cock in her mouth now you are a little >If he's getting THAT on the regular you are most definitely jealous! >But you can't let that on >42 knows you kinda crossed one line, no reason for him to know you pretty casually crossed another in the process "He seems controlling. He's already told her he doesn't want her talking about him to her friends" >"Well she is on TV every week talking about a lot of personal stuff. I could see not wanting your own personal life dragged into THAT" "Agreed. And we know she'll go for a more dominant male if she has the chance" >"You're afraid he might be more than that? Like maybe an abuser?" "Tough to say. How do you tell between rough stuff by consent and abuse? I don't think SHE knows that line exists!" >"What are you going to do?" "Wait it out. But if he hurts her, like really hurts her I'll kill him" >"No you won't" "Not literally, but I'll give him a beating he won't forget" >"Do you think he knows that?" "I'm doing my best to make it as obvious as possible. We'll see" >Be Cloudburst >It's been an enlightening couple of days >Never really having been much of a dork you didn't know much about the internet >Beyond watching stuff on youtube and a couple pony style forums you've been visiting >Of course you know the show you work on has a twitter presence >But you don't really do twitter, nor do you care for many of the opinions voiced on the show >So it was kind of a revelation when you did a search for "good girls" and found the good girl forums >That was yesterday morning, and you've pretty much been hooked since >It's obvious many of the posters are not really good girls >Your best guess is that it's mostly young men RP-ing as good girls >There's no way actual good girls could produce THAT much lewd content! >But some of it rings true, and you're afraid you may have picked up a fetish >At school you were taught to indulge master's fetishes but NEVER to try to push your own on him >You can hint at something and if he bites so much the better >But if he doesn't you let it be >Because it's very uncomfortable for a man to have a mare force her will on him sexually >It can ruin your relationship! >But you read some stories about good girls having less than good moments >And master having to take action to correct that >That action involved a hairbrush and the mare's flank! >You're a little ashamed of your reaction to that >You're pretty sure good girls aren't supposed to spend an hour masturbating in the bathtub >But that's what you did - two days in a row now! >The thought of daddy tanning your flank for being bad just makes you quiver! >And with a hairbrush - the idea of using such an important tool for the wrong purpose >That's a part of it, too >Is there some way to get him to actually do that to you? >Is it a good idea to even go there? >Your mind says no, but your privates are screaming for it >Like you just discovered something you never knew you wanted, and now it's all you want >At school they warned you that too much time spent with lewd content can corrupt you >Have you been corrupted?! >Given the other stuff you've been looking at it's possible >In tandem with the hairbrush thing you picked up a girl crush >She looks like you just with an unfortunate color scheme >But she's a total nerd! >How do you have a girl crush on a total nerd? >Well you have some things in common - she loves her daddy, too >Except her daddy is a stallion, not a man >And she is a pegasus who seems to be as horny as you >Even if she is just a character played by somepony >You feel ashamed of this, too >Because for a mare who doesn't like other mares THAT way you just watched a lot of porn of her >The whole time imagining it was you in her position >After daddy gave you the hairbrush >Wait a second - you KNOW what this is! >You're going into heat! >You're IN heat, stupid! >That's where this is coming from >No wonder you're thinking fetishy thoughts and fantasizing your girl crush being split by her daddy's cock! >You're in heat and your daddy hasn't been around! >But he'll be around tonight >So if you can just figure out something bad to do - just a little bad >And you make sure there's a hair brush in plain sight while you confess to him >Maybe he'll...? >Unf >And then after he'll... >Double unf >But you're still his good girl - you can't do anything really bad >You need to figure out something just bad enough to get the brush but not bad enough to make him think you're a bad girl >That would be awful after how good he's been to you >This is the strongest heat you've had yet and you're aware you're not thinking entirely clearly >He won't be here for a few more hours >And the showerhead has a massage jet setting >Yesterday you disocvered how nice that could be >Might be time for a little rediscovery >Be VP >You're a little grumpy >You don't like having to tell people to go fuck themselves >But in so many words that's what you just did >A call came in from the private security company you've hired to protect two of your stars living in Brooklyn >Informing you of a personnel change >What the fuck - those guys were doing a fine job >Even after the massacre you still have confidence in them >When you hired them you were assured they were top graduates from their academy >Whatever low level employee who called you tried to explain something about the integrity of the missiom >You asked if they compromised the safety of your mares in any way >You really do think of them as your mares, don't you? >She said their safety was not compromised >Then it became obvious to you what was going on - Bronc's whore had probably fucked one of them >Good for whichever one it was >You can't throw any stones, since in half an hour you're going to be fucking your mare >So you told the woman of the phone not to make the personnel change because you didn't request it and don't want it >Then she had the gall to try to argue with you >At which point you made it clear that you're the one paying for the service and you're so far happy with the results >You don't want them changing things all willy nilly >She said something about the standards of the service her organization provides >And you told her you were satisfied with the standard of service being provided currently >She tried to argue further and you had to shut her down >You're paying for their safety - if there was a fuckup of some sort that has nothing to do with their safety >Then as far as you're concerned it isn't a fuckup >Besides what do you expect to happen when you put two stallions across the hall from two mares they have to keep an eye on >And one of those mares is a whore who has been something of a bad influence on the other >Sooner or later someone's bound to get their dick wet - that was obvious from the start >And not necessarily the kind of thing you see as a problem >Or a big enough problem to require a change in personnel when things are otherwise fine >At the end of the day they're providing security, you're satisfied with the service >You don't need them to waste your time over stupid shit >And you pretty much told her that >But it got you all worked up over nothing >And now you're a little resentful about that >Let it go - the workday is over >Nestor is waiting with the car >He opens the door for you, shuts it behind you and gets back behind the wheel >"Home or...?," he asks "Horse" >"Yes sir," he replies >As he pulls out into traffic he says, "If you don't mind me asking..." >Shit, nothing good starts with that "Yes?" >"I was thinking of getting one of my own..." "A mare?" >"Yes sir. Any advice?" >This guy is thinking about getting a mare?! >He sure as fuck can't afford one like yours >But you suppose he could afford a unicorn if he could find one for sale >Imagine having to deal with your mare having a horn! >Not a very marelike accessory in your opinion, but to each his own "Well you can't look at it like an investment. It's not like it's going to appreciate in value. Think of it more like a vacation home" >"I understand. It's a luxury" "They also require a lot of time and, well, bandwidth" >"Bandwidth?" "Yeah. Like with a pet you're responsible for their well being. But they're way smarter than a pet and they can talk" >"So somewhere between a pet and a girlfriend?" "More like somewhere between a pet and a mistress if you do it right" >"You mean mistress like side piece and not dominatrix, right?" >You laugh "I'm sure both flavors are available, but I meant like side piece" >"It seems like it would be worth it" "Worth it is a very subjective idea. But if you can afford it and have the time and energy it's a good experience" >"It seems pretty good for you" "I'm not gonna lie. I feel like I'm twenty again. Without actually having to BE twenty again" >"Kind of like viagra?" "But across the whole relationship, not just the intimacy. But that too" >"I don't think I'd mind that" "Well if you're serious I know a guy. He's not cheap, but he has quality merchandise" >"Thank you. I'll ask for his info when I'm closer to making a decision" >The rest of the ride continues in silence >And in fifteen minutes you're walking in the front door of the building where you rent a place for your mare >Walking down the hall to her door you already can smell her >Fuck, she must be in heat! >Her smell usually doesn't hit you until you actually open the door >You actually like it - it turns you on >But it's definitely a sex smell and definitely a mare sex smell and really strong at that >The poor thing must be a mess >Which means she going to make a mess of you in just a few seconds "Daddy's home," you say opening the door >She's in a heap on th floor >Is she drunk? >"I'm sorry, daddy," she says, eyes downcast. "I know I promised I wouldn't drink alone, but this heat..." >This isn't good >"I'm a bad girl for defying you," she says as her eyes dart to the low table in front of the couch >The hair brush that's usually on the bathroom sink is now on the table >"I know I have to be punished," she says, eyes down again. "Also I may have peed the carpet" >You're actually more sad than you are angered or outraged >You thought you'd solved this problem >Something doesn't add up though >She doesn't SOUND drunk, though the empty cider bottle on the table across from the brush suggests she should be >And she keeps stealing glances at the brush on the table "You think you should be punished?" >"I know I have to be, daddy" >Not a hint of slurred speech there >What's happening here? "And how do you think you ought to be punished?" >She steals another quick look at the hair brush >"Probably something physical?," she muses, not sounding at all drunk. "Maybe a," she drops her voice to a whisper, "spanking?" >Your little pony is many things: a beautiful mare, a talented stylist and one hell of a lover >But she's a shitty actress >A shitty actress who out of nowhere suddenly wants you to spank her, presumably with the brush she just happened to leave lying out "You're not really drunk, are you?" >Suddenly there's fear in her eyes >"Just a little daddy. I poured most of it down the sink" "And you didn't really pee the carpet, did you?" >"No. It's just water" >This is actually a huge relief to you >Because you've had legitimate concerns about her regarding depression and day drinking >She doesn't realize it, but she just gave you a scare "But you wanted me to think you did so I'd... give you a spanking?" >"I didn't want to be really a bad girl. Just bad enough that you'd..." "Well, trying to trick me like that is pretty bad" >"Bad enough for a...?" "Plenty bad enough. The question is can I spank that kind of bad out of you, or would that just encourage more of it?" >"You could try and see if it works," she suggests hopefully, her tail starting to rise "So barehanded or...?" >Her eyes dart back toward the brush "Maybe with that brush, given how much of a bad girl you've been?" >Her tail is flagging now even though there's quite a bit of fear in her eyes >That's a really sexy combination, and you feel your dick taking notice >If you're going to give her what she's asking for you're probably best to do it in a way that makes her realize the fantasy and reality are two different things >It's not just going to be a sex thing >You'rew going to have to make it an actual punishment for trying to trick you >From the look in her eyes this is just now dawning on her as well >"Daddy, I'm sorry," she says with a little desperation in her voice >Tail still flagging, though >"I didn't mean to..." "Deceive me? That's EXACTLY what you meant to do. That's what you're getting punished for. Now go get a pillow from the couch" >She looks concerned, but walks over and picks up a pillow with her mouth >Then she brings it to you and you take it from her "Now bring me the brush" >She does >You walk into the kitchen where you know there are a couple sturdy straight back chairs >She follows you >"What's the pillow for, daddy?" "You're going to be screaming long before this is over. We don't want to bother the neighbors" >"Daddy, I..." "Quiet now. You're getting what you wanted. Or thought you wanted" >Your cock is now rock hard >There's a good chance you'll lose your resolve to give her what she really deserves when the desire to fuck her outweighs the need to punish her >You pull the chair out and take a seat "Up" >She obeys with a little whimper >You feel her warmth against your cock right through your pants >The view of her ass with tail still flagged is beautiful, so is the wink her clit just gave you >You wonder how long that tail is going to stay like that >Only one way to find out >You land the brush on her backside, really not holding much back as far as your own strength is concerned >Smack! >"OW!" "Into the pillow, please" >Another wink >A couple more landed in the same spot ought to have an effect >Smack, smack, smack! >That gets a scream, thankfully into the pillow >Tail is still up, but not as high as it was a few seconds ago >Smack, smack, smack, smack! >The sounds coming from the pillow turn more pitiful >Smack, smack smack, smack! >You're really hurting her now, which your dick finds a lot less interesting than the idea of fucking her >This isn't what you bought her for >But it's what SHE wanted >Smack, smack, smack, smack! >Now the sobs are really awful - this isn't sexy for you anymore, her tail is down, tight against her "Not quite as sexy as you thought it was going to be?" >She's still catching her breath but shakes her head no "Just two more so you remember never to do anything like that again" >She draws her breath in sharply and you feel her tense up on you "Pillow" >Smack! >Smack! "Do you think I spanked the bad out of you?" >She nods >It will probably be a little while before you get to the fucking, but that's fine >You've lost your erection anyways >Of course all it'll take to bring it back is that tail going up again >But it's definitely down now >You put down the brush and gently run a hand through her mane >She's just dead weight on you now, catching her breath as the sobbing eases up "Where'd you get the idea for this anyways?" >She blushes >You can't tell if it's shame or embarrassment - probably both >In a tiny voice she says, "good girl forums" "You know that stuff is written by guys who don't even have mares of their own, right?" >"Yes, I figured that," she replies, "But reading it when you're in heat is a whole different thing. Stuff that would seem silly or stupid is suddenly..." "You poor thing. At least you know it's not your kink. It's not mine, either. I didn't buy you to hurt you. I bought you to love" >"I love you, daddy" >Be Cloudburst >Back at work in Makeup >At first you didn't know what to expect working at a place where your master is an executive >And you're in close contact with his ex-mare and other free ponies with free pony opinions >But it turns out you love your work and after a few months everything that seemed shocking at first is now just... >Normal >Though it does make you thankful for what you've got, especially knowing how some other ponies live >Like the former good girl in your chair right now >You can't imagine what it must have been like growing up as a... a... RENTAL! >The poor thing had to treat every man who came to see her like he was her master without ever getting a real master of her own? >That's horrible - it must of been so confusing for her >Then she finally gets a master who happens to be a handsome stallion and he DIES?! >You shudder at the thought and hope daddy is taking as good care of himself as he says he is >But before her master dies he gets her friend pregnant - who happened to be that bitch of a mare stabbing daddy in the back in the process >And now this poor former good girl has to live with her dead master's colt as auntie instead of mommy? >You can almost understand why she chose to be a free pony >No way anypony who has been through what she has could think clearly! >Also after spilling her life story on national TV who would want to be her master? >She's such damaged goods! >Though still very pretty - you've got to give her that >Objectively you're probably just a little prettier >But how much of that is being a little younger and having wings you can't say >You wonder if before she chose freedom any fans of the show approached the network with offers to buy her >You're sure there have to be some guys out there turned on by the notion of beautiful damaged goods >But those guys are probably all too young to have yet made the kind of money it takes to buy their own mare >Still a rich kid who was a fan of the show could have offered to buy her >Trying to buy one of the mares from the pony show you're watching - that sounds like something a rich kid would do! >Daddy would know if it actually happened - if someone had tried to buy her because of the show >Maybe you'll remember to ask him later, but it's just as likely you'll get so distracted just being with him that you won't >Not that it's your business anyways, but the pink pegasus working at the chair has rubbed off on you a little >You like to know the gossip - you were never one of the gossipy girls back in school, but at work where everypony's lives are so much more extreme? >Yeah, you like to know >It's just your opinion, but what's happening behind the scenes of the show is more interesting than the show itself >Certainly less preachy about things you don't agree with >Thankfully there's Moonglow to provide some kind of balance - she's a good girl! >And she's in the chair next to yours, Vidal giving her mane a blowout >You'd be happy to do her as well, but he's more experienced styling around a horn - something you'll have to improve on >When Vidal turns off the blow drier Moonglow turns to the mare in your chair and asks, "Is it true you're seeing a unicorn?" >She sighs in response and says, "It's true Rose has a big mouth" >"What is it, a secret?," Moonglow asks, then adds huffily, "You're not embarrassed, are you?" >Not at all!," she replies. "It's not a race thing at all. Besides, I'm aware of the status unicorns had back in Equestria" >"In the capital region, for sure," Vidal adds with a chuckle, "In Cloudsdale not so much" >You can only imagine what an entire pegasus city in the clouds must have been like! >Not that Vidal hasn't told you a few stories >But his stories always focus on the seedier side of the nightlife there >"You're always so open about everything," Moonglow continues, "So why so tight lipped about this?" >"Out of respect for him," she answers. "He's a proud stallion who likes his privacy" >"So he's dating a celebrity?," Moonglow counters. "Maybe not the best move for a guy like that" >"We're trying to make it work," she says, "And so far so good. But he made me promise not to talk about him on the show, or at all, really" "That makes sense. A proud guy wouldn't want to be known as nothing more than the stallion you're dating, and a private guy..." >"Wouldn't want to be known at all," Vidal finishes your sentence then adds, "I'm guessing he's not big on social media, either" >"The dating app we met through was the first time either of us had messed around with anything like that," she replies >"Well here's hoping the two of you are happy together," Vidal replies >As she turns to smile at him you notice her wince in pain "You OK?" >Yeah," she replies, "I, um, I fell" >That's weird >Ponies don't just fall >"I'd been drinking," she adds hastily >That makes more sense "The only way I fall when I drink is asleep. Seriously, one cider and I'm out" >"That's a pegasus thing," Vidal says. "We're all cheap dates, and we all learned never to go one for one with earth ponies" >She laughs at that and you see her wince again >You want to ask her again if she's OK, but figure it's best not to pry >Especially when you were just talking about privacy >Vidal must be thinking along the same lines because he says, "I'm surprised somepony from your generation even knows what privacy is" >"It's not something I ever cared about before, obviously," she replies, "But if it's important to him it's important to me" >"He's cute though, right?," Moonglow prods >"Oh, he's a lot more than just cute," she replies >"So you might end up doing your part to keep the magic alive someday?," Moonglow teases >"Oh, come on," she responds, blushing," It's a little soon to be talking like that. We've only been out like four or five times" >"It only takes once," Moonglow replies >"I'm well aware," she says, "Just like I'm well aware I'm the only pony in the room who has to concern herself with such things" >She's right, which is a little weird when you think about it >There are three healthy mares and a stallion in Makeup right now and she's the only one not owned by a man >No wonder she gets fall down drunk - poor thing! >What if some guy had offered to buy her and daddy turned him down because of the show? >That would be sad >Sadder than no one making an offer for her? >You can't say >One thing is for sure: if daddy tells you the answer you're not sharing it with anypony! >OK, maybe Vidal, but just him >Because the last thing you want to do is anything that would make her sad when everypony is rooting for her to be happy >But now you are really curious >Be Agent 47 >Waiting on an unusual meeting >The stylist from the show wanted to meet with you to discuss concerns about your asset >You can guess what he wants to talk about >He'd asked if you two could meet somewhere and you explained you were pretty much chained to the residence >So he offered to come here >You told him you're literally across the hall from the asset, so he'll have to be a little sneaky and lucky if he doesn't want her to know he's here >He said he'll text you when he arrives >It's a safe assumption she's in for the night, but not a given >If she suddenly leaves the meeting will be over because you'll be back on duty >Like you're ever not on duty except when she's at work, and then only because they have their own tight security due to a shooting incident >A text alert sounds on your smartphone >It's from Vidal and reads: I'm here!!!!! >You open the door, walk down the hall to the front door and let the pegasus in >God, could he be any more... pink? >You could hear the swish in his voice over the phone, but his color really puts things over the top >You motion for him to follow you and lead him back to your apartment >Once inside with the door shut you address him "Agent Forty Seven, at your service. I'd offer you a beer, but we don't keep any in since we're not allowed to drink on duty" >"That's OK," the pegasus replies, "I only drink champagne anyway" >Is this guy for real? >You gesture to 42 on the couch "That's Agent Forty Two, the other half of the team" >"You are delicious! Please tell me you play for BOTH teams" >He's HITTING on you?! "How would you know which team I play for?" >"Three of the mares I style had quite a bit to say about you a couple weeks ago" >You really shouldn't react to that, but you feel yourself straighten up a little and hold your head just a little higher >"I can see why," the pegasus continues. "So do you?" "What?" >"Play for both teams, silly" >42 is trying stifling a chuckle "Not even a little. But I'll take your interest as a compliment" >"Pity," he responds. "I'd love the chance to change your thinking on the matter" >Clearly he would - wow, you're not used to another stallion looking at you like that "Do you ever worry that being this brazen could be a threat to your personal, um... safety?" >42 finally loses it and chuckles >"Honey, this is New York City. You have to do a lot more than flame a little to get a reaction here" "True, this isn't exactly the Bible Belt" >"And all the gay kids from there come here anyways, because they wouldn't be caught dead there either" "There's still a risk of that" >"Pretty much any place where people are armed and badly dressed is best avoided, in my opinion" "I can see why you'd think that way. Why don't you have a seat and we can get down to the matter at hand - my asset's coltfriend" >"I'm the guy who is supposed to know everything, just like you. So I have a nagging suspicion I'm guessing you share as well?" "He's controlling and she's increasingly falling under his control" >"I think he's physically abusive as well. She's clearly been in pain on a few occasions while in Makeup" "I've noticed. It puts me in a bind, because I can't control who she dates, but I'm responsible for her safety" >You hate this, but have to add: "I have to honor her request when she asks to give them privacy, unless I thought her life was in danger, and consensually getting knocked around a little isn't..." >"Is it consensual? I mean really? You know her background. Does she even know what consent is?" "She keeps going back and I can't stop her. I have to take that as consent" >"What I'm afraid of is this isn't just BDSM stuff we both know she's into, but actual abuse, and she can't tell the difference" "My fears exactly. And you're right, I don't think she can tell the difference" >"So what do you know about this guy? She won't say a word at work, which is completely unlike her" "He runs a bunch of porn domains, mostly on darkweb" >"I'm guessing we're not talking vanilla stuff?" "The kind of material where if it were people instead of ponies he'd have the FBI and Interpol all over him" >"So he's a psycho - exactly what I was afraid of" "Yeah, and he's apparently got her drinking his Kool-Aid" >"She of all ponies is really not equipped to deal with that" "You're telling me. Sometimes I feel like I should take measures into my own hooves" >"How so?" "The guy's got no family nearby, no social media presence, no social life as far as I can tell" >"Sounds about right for this kind of character. Probably a pedo, too" "He has a bunch of filly sites" >"Quel surprise?" "Who would notice if he went missing? or just ran out of town?" >"I know one mare who would. She's already been through enough of that" "There's a difference between your husband dying in your hooves and your abusive coltfriend skipping town without a trace" >"Just another anonymous free unicorn gone missing. Happens every day I guess. How would we do it?" >42 coughs and mutters, "Conspiracy," under his breath "Right. This is all hypothetical of course. Though I am duty bound to protect my asset" >"I get it. The less I know about the particulars the better, right?," the pegasus asks. "But it will be taken care of?" "There could be a hypothetical plan in place, but I won't confirm or deny it. Eventually something might happen" >"Couldn't be soon enough for me" "Proper planning prevents poor performance" >"I guess I shouldn't offer to lend a hoof?" "Way out of your league, but your loyalty to her is admirable. That you're even here voicing your concern speaks volumes" >"Well I wasn't going to talk to anypony until I had my suspicions confirmed, and you were the guy to do it" "Who else would you talk to?" >"Maybe John. The VP of programming. The guy who pays your bills, and mine, for that matter" "Don't. He shouldn't suspect a thing - he's got too much to lose if things go... a certain way" >"Good point. I'll treat our conversation here like it went down in Makeup. My discretion is iron-clad, honey" >This is the biggest dose of swish you've ever had >The academy was all don't ask, don't tell >And you've never had an assignment that brought you into contact with any stallion quite this... out >Within seconds of meeting you he pretty much made it clear he wanted to fuck you >And would, given the chance >He looked at you with the same heat you're sure you've shown looking at pretty mares >He called you delicious >And it's not like he toned things down when you said that you weren't interested >He just called you honey >You can't imagine what it's like to live that promiscuously >But you can't throw any stones - you've paid for street meat so you're not on any moral high ground as far as sex goes >You're pretty sure this guy has never had to pay for it >Hell, for all you know he's been paid for it! >But he seems trustworthy enough, and his heart is clearly in the right place >And you've been ambiguous enough with regard to that asshole unicorn that no actual conspiracy went down >Just concerned stallions discussing hypotheticals regarding a mare in a shit situation >Though it was touching to hear him offer to lend a hoof "I hope this has put your mind a little more at ease, Vidal" >"I'm still concerned, but reassured someponies like you are on the case" "Good" >He starts messing with his phone >"Three minutes. If you don't mind I'm going to Uber out of here before I'm seen" "She's likely in for the night, but I'll go first to make sure the coast is clear" >"Oh, not just her. I mean seen in Brooklyn as well. I know it's got some cachet now, but to me it's still bridge and tunnel" >You see Vidal to his car and he quickly gets in and is off into the night >Made it without being seen it seems >When you walk back into the apartment 42 is laughing >"That guy really wanted to fuck you. I think he'd have done it right in front of me if you'd said yes" "That was not going to happen in this universe" >42 laughs some more and adds, "That big pink sissy SO wanted to make you his bitch!" "He certainly wasn't subtle about it, that's for sure" >"Why would he have to be? There's absolutely noting subtle about stallion on stallion" "True, but I'd appreciate you not putting the image into my head" >"It was in my head the whole time," he says, cracking himself up. "You of all guys getting your ass savaged by a pink pegasus cock!" "Can we be done with this now?" >"You're delicious," he says in Vidal's intonation "I've never been called THAT before, at least not to my face" >"Then you flat out asked him if talking like that made him fear for his safety. That was hilarious!" "I think it went right over his head, though" >"It wasn't lost on me" "I knew it wouldn't be. Still his heart was in the right place" >"Even if his cock never is?" "Not for us to judge. Look where our cocks have been" >"You're still doing better than I am" "It's not a competition" >"Sure, that's exactly what you tell the guy who is losing" "You could just play for the other team and win all day long" >"No fucking way!" "Yeah, me neither" >Be Roseluck >Very concerned about your friend who refuses to discuss the elephant in the room with you >Now you're standing in her room trying once again to get her to see reason >"I told you I'm not talking about HIM with YOU. Why can't you respect that?" "I'm worried for you. This isn't a good situation for you" >"What part of Very Highly Compatible don't you understand?" "I don't believe the algorithm has your best interests at heart, even if it makes sense to a machine" >"What do you mean?" "You grew up being sexually abused several times a day while dreaming of having a master of your own" >"I wouldn't put it THAT way, but..." "Nearly everypony else would. So the algorithm matched you with a controlling, abusive stallion" >"He's not abusive. And this conversation ends now" >You are not giving up on this "Of course that a perfect match on paper, but it's not all that good for you" >"Who are you to say it's not that good. You don't know anything about him" "I know what's happening between you is more than a little rough sex. He hits you, doesn't he?" >"I said this conversation is over" "You're a free mare now. You don't have to tolerate shit like this anymore. You deserve better" >"You're going to tell me what I deserve? That's rich" "Please don't be angry. I'm trying to help you here" >"I get that, but let's face it - you don't always show the best... judgment. So I'm telling you to back off" "You think I have bad judgment?" >"You convince me to move with you and your son to a place where you can't even keep yourself from getting foalnapped on your own block?" "That was a freak incident - the police said so" >"Now you're dating a mare on the downlow with another foal probably on the way while your son..." >She's not going there >She better not go there! >"Your son is growing up with a lot more questions than he has answers to" >OK, that wasn't so bad, but you still feel defensive about anything regarding your son >You feel a little guilty about not spending enough time with him "These are complicated times and this is a complicated place. Not like Equestria. He might never get some of those answers" >"I don't think you running off to political protests with your marefriend makes that any easier for him" "I'm working toward a better world for him to live in" >"Newsflash - he's already living in this one!" "What exactly are you accusing me of here?" >"I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just saying it's harder for him than you think. You grew up knowing exactly who you were in Equestria" "True. But Equestria was a much simpler place" >"I may have grown up being sexually abused, as you put it, but I still knew exactly where I stood and what was required of me" "I think you paint a brighter picture of it than most would, but I get what you mean" >"Look at him. Free pony son of two pony celebrities, one a father he never met. Now mom is politically active with her celebrity marefriend" "I get it. His place in the world isn't nearly as clear cut" >"He's barely wrapped his head around mom and Miss Chrissy being a thing and now you've probably got another foal inside you" >Wow, it feels like she's about to let you have it with both barrels >"You remember what it's like when you're that age. You want to fit in. You want to be just like your peers" "I remember" >"You were just like your peers I assume? Just another pretty little filly among other pretty little fillies?" "Pretty much" >"I was just like mine, too. He's not, and that's mostly because of decisions you made and continue to make" "Again, exactly what are you accusing me of doing here?" >"Nothing. I'm just saying maybe you should be helping him deal with the challenges of his life instead of butting into mine" >She may have a point there, but you don't think she realizes just how dire her situation could be "I just don't want to see you get hurt" >"Sometimes getting hurt is part of life" "Not one you should actively choose to bring upon yourself if you can help it" >"Still, it's my choice. And it feels like you're trying to make me choose between you and him. You don't want to do that" "I'm asking you to think - if he hurts you this early in the relationship what do you think will come later? It's not like these kind of guys get better over time" >"You don't know what kind of guy he is. Don't make me choose between you and him because you won't like the choice I'll make" "The choice I want you to make is one where you're not being abused. You didn't have that choice growing up, but now you do" >It looks like that may have gotten through a little >Hopefully >She sighs >"A long time ago I made peace with the fact that I was property, and my body, even my life were not my own" "But the ARE now!" >"Maybe on paper, but it still really doesn't feel like that. I feel like I'm pretending to be a free mare but that's not who I am" >Her upbringing really did a number on her >You don't even know what to say to that >She continues, "When I'm with him I don't feel like I have to pretend. I can just be who I really am" >A poor, abused little filly >That's awful "You can find that with somepony who doesn't hurt you. You had it with Perfect Pitch" >"That was an incredible bit of luck on my part. I don't expect to find anypony like him again" "He was one of a kind" >"Not exactly. Before long there'll be another stallion much like him - your son" >She giggles and adds, "And I promise to keep my hooves off of him" >You almost can't believe she said that >If she has to make a promise like that it means she's already thought about it! >Of course she has - she was probably sexually active by his age >Which is super creepy to think about >What kind of man looks at a filly and thinks about THAT? >A really creepy one >Which is pretty much all she knows as far as men go, with the one stallion exception being a massive alcoholic >So in a sense she's really just sticking to what she knows with this new guy >But you still don't like it one bit >Nor do you like knowing she's already thought about your son THAT way "He's still just a colt!" >"And he's got a lot to deal with for a colt. You should be helping him with that instead of worrying about me" "I'm still afraid you're making a big mistake here" >"Noted, but it's still my mistake to make" "Remember I'm here if you need somepony to talk to" >"Remember I promised to respect his privacy. Have enough respect for me that you don't try to make me break my promise" >That was NOT the breakthrough you were hoping to have with her >But at least it wasn't the test of your friendship it could have been >You walk back to your room where your son is lying on your bed playing a game on your smartphone >He looks up at you with concern >"You look sad, mommy" "More like worried, but sad too" >"Is it about Auntie?" "Yes, but it's nothing for you to worry about" >"She's OK, right?" "As OK as she's going to be I guess" >"Are we going to move in with Miss Chrissy?" "We're talking about it. It might happen. I can't say it will just yet" >"I like Miss Chrissy, but I like Auntie better. I like living with her" "Maybe you should go tell her how much you like her and living with her" >"Let me just pause this," he says tapping the screen >He gets up from the bed and heads off in the direction you just came from >It's a half hour later when you realize he still hasn't come back >You softly walk to your roommate's open door and peek in >They're both on her bed, him cuddled up next to her asleep >She's just looking lovingly at him >She looks up at you and whispers, "He's asleep" "Are you trapped?" >"Yeah, but I don't mind" "OK" >Be VP >You met your brother for lunch a month ago >Not something you get to do that often, as he lives in the 'burbs and rarely makes it into the city >Inevitably the conversation turned to the realities and indignities of being mature men >He used to poke fun at how much your hair was greying out >But now his is as well >He asked if you'd ever tried the blue pill >You told him no >Maybe you would have if your sex life had been just you and Cynthia >But when that started to slow down the purchase of a couple ponies turned things around >And with your current little pegasus you feel 20 again >He laughed and said if you really wanted to feel 20 again you should try it >Your doctor once told you if you had any issues in that regard he could hook you up >But you told him it wasn't necessary >Your brother laughed when you told him that >He said necessary wasn't the only way to think about it, and it's way cheaper than buying a mare >You know he thinks you're silly for having bought two plus a stallion, but they were kind of like business expenses >Not technically, but your interest in ponies proved to be very good for business >Turns out a lot of people were interested in ponies and eager to watch TV shows involving them >And you were the right man at the right time to create those shows >Then he reached into his pocket and produced a silver rectangle with a plastic blister on it containing a blue pill "You just walk around with that shit in your pocket?," you asked >"I brought it as a gift for you," he said, handing it to you over the wreckage of the Cantonese meal on the table between you >You accepted, considering it kind of a sweet gesture from younger brother to older brother >He added, "Remember when you were a teenager and even the feeling of your underwear against your dick could make you hard?" "I was constantly howling at the moon," you replied >"This will bring you right back to that," he said with a laugh "That was even before I was a teenager. I had to sit behind Michelle Calabrese. She had a full rack at twelve!" >"Wasn't she dating some older guy?," he asked "Yeah, that's why I didn't have a shot with her. He knew she liked me - threatened to beat me up if I ever made a move" >"Like any of us had game at twelve" "I sure as fuck didn't. Didn't realize it was an option! But I spent half of eighth grade trying to hide the constant precum stain on my pants" >"It's a wonder we learned anything at that age," he replied "It was cruel. Your junk wakes up years before you're likely to get any meaningful action" >"Then once you get into a situation where you can have it whenever you want you stop wanting it as much" "So much in life is like that. Cruel ironies at your expense" >"Yeah, and it only gets worse with each visit to the doctor" "Don't remind me. Still managing to stay off cholesterol meds, but it's like walking a fucking tightrope" >"You're doing better than me then" "Well, thanks. I appreciate you sharing the wealth, regardless" >Then you both agreed the snow pea greens were exceptional >Funny coming from him - the kid who refused to eat vegetables for years >Also the kid who didn't like sharing his toys is now sharing his drugs with you >Time changes people >You remembered when you were two slightly pudgy kids from a well off family playing with Star Wars action figures >For hours on end >Now you're grey haired men talking about what pills you take >Of course you two were the only non-Chinese in the place and when the bill came the damage for lunch was next to nothing >He was very pleased with your choice of restaurant - exactly the kind of place you would have eaten at as twentysomethings >"That's a problem with where I live," he said. "Crappy takeout Chinese is everywhere but there's no good REAL Chinese" "Gotta come to the city for that. You don't even know about the explosion of upscale regional Chinese in the East Village now" >"So it's not just rock and roll dive bars anymore?" "It hasn't been that for almost twenty years!" >"Fuck, we're old!" >You were quite happy to pick up the tab, give him a proper brohug and send him on his way back to the 'brubs >But afterwards the pill just sat in your desk at home >If you don't NEED it why waste it? >You may be a lot of things, but a glutton is something you try not to be >Like your Wall St buddies say, "Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered" >Last thing you want to be is a pig >But today your curiosity got the better of you >You pushed it out of its packaging and cut it in half with a chef's knife >Well not quite in half - one piece was a little bigger than the other >You decided to save the bigger piece for some night when you and Cynthia manage to connect >Still happens every now and then and it's still... nice >You made her cum five times in a row last week, so it's not like there's nothing there anymore >Or was it two weeks ago? >You popped the smaller piece of the blue pill and decided to spend the afternoon with your little pony >Men have spent centuries searching for the fountain of youth >Now it's available in pill form >May as well see what it's like >Especially now that you own a pegasus who is hotter than Michelle Calabrese ever was >You wonder whatever happened to her >Fuck, she's probably going through menopause right now, if she hasn't already >She might still be kinda hot though >Some Italian women age very well and she'd started off exceptionally attractive >But even though you could probably find out how things worked out for her with a few keystrokes you don't >No reason to let today's reality destroy the fantasies of your twelve year old self >You've got an even better "girl" to go play with anyways >You can't imagine what it must be like for guys growing up today with Equestrian mares being part of the equation >There are probably young guys out there right now ignoring women and even the idea of a social life >Just scraping together every cent they can earn so they can afford a mare of their own >You're pretty sure the guy you bought yours from started out like that, then ended up a horse trader >You're just glad you never had to choose between women and mares >It's easier - as in more socially acceptable - to be a "normal" married man with a mare sidepiece >You still get some judgment from conservatives, feminists and abolitionists >But not nearly as much as the guy who's exclusively fucking a mare he owns >THAT guy is sure to have people talking shit behind his back >And ponies, too >Because for him it's not just a sex and status thing >It's an obsession >Not that you don't get it >It just doesn't seem like quite enough to build your life around >You've got to have more than just that >Though right now an afternoon of nothing but that is just what the doctor ordered >And you figure you have about forty minutes to get to her before this shit kicks in >Be Cloudburst >Daddy is on your bed asleep next to you >And your brain is mush from three cummies >He came twice, which he hasn't done since the first few weeks of your being together >First time was down your throat, which he REALLY likes >And you like a lot better than him taking your tailhole, which thankfully seemed to be a passing interest of his >Then he put you on your back and said he was going to return the favor >You're still a little awkward about that, because even though it FEELS good you know you're one of those mares who... >Makes a mess when she's enjoying herself >And it never seems right to make a mess all over daddy's face, even if it seems like and it turns him on >But of course you did what he asked - you could NEVER even THINK of refusing him anything! >And you were rewarded with a great big cummy! >He rested a hand on your barrel and told you to stay like that >He mounted you and you realized he was already hard again >It's always a little strange to have sex that way - missionary they call it >It makes you feel very vulnerable, even though you know you're safe with daddy on top of you >You were a little embarrassed to smell yourself on his face >Of course he smelled like you because of what he'd just been doing >But the mortifying bit was that it wasn't just the smell of your cum >You could clearly smell your pee on him as well >You came so hard you squirted on him >You do that sometimes, but you should not have let go so hard when his mouth was on you >You basically peed in your master's mouth! >Bad girl! >But he didn't give much time to feel bad about it because he started railing you really hard >And not bad hard, either! >Good hard! >You couldn't cum in that position, but it still felt great >After a while he pulled out and flipped you onto all fours, standing on the bed >When he grabbed your tail you were afraid he was going to go for your tailhole, but he went right back to your puss >In that position his balls hit your clit with each thrust >Of course you came again! >But he just kept going right through it >Then he had his second cum deep inside you, prompting your third! >Then he laid down next to you, cuddled up and dozed off >Which you found adorable >And that's about as coherent a thought as you can form at the moment >Daddy is adorable! >After about ten minutes he stirs and smiles at you >"That was fun," he says >You notice he still half hard "Daddy!" >He laughs and says, "Yeah, that's a pharmaceutical assist" >You assume getting a third out of him will take a while, and your little puss is already sore "Want me to take care of that? Down my throat again?" >"I won't stop you" >It actually takes no longer than the first time >The only difference being that you taste yourself all over him at first >You keep your mouth around him after he finishes, letting him be the one to decide when it's over >And after a few seconds he makes the decision and pulls away from you >"That's a good girl. You've gotten really good at that" >You're proud of yourself >You must be good at it because this is the second time he's cum down your throat in less than an hour >You don't even get to taste it that way, but you get plenty of satisfaction from the precum taste in your mouth >You love the taste of his cum >And knowing you're pleasing him so well "Pharmaceutical assist?" >"Yeah, I took half a Viagra" "That's a lot of cummies" >"Yeah, you just got me like I was back in college" "Except you're better looking now - lucky me" >He runs a hand through your mane and says, "Lucky both of us. Besides, I feel I owed it to you after last time" >Ouch >Well you deserved it "You couldn't owe me anything first and second I deserved it for trying to trick you" >"Both those things are true, but I still felt like daddy owed his little girl some cummies" "That's because you're a good daddy" >"I didn't feel so good when I was... you know, last time" "I ASKED for it and deserved it" >"I know. I just don't like the thought of abusing you" "I'm yours to abuse, but I don't like the thought either. I know the difference between punishment and abuse though - Vidal explained it to me" >"Dare I ask how you ended up on that topic?" "I'm supposed to be discreet about what's said in makeup" >"Of course you are. I wouldn't ask you to betray any confidences unless... someone's or somepony's life were in danger" "Vidal handled it. Or he talked to somepony who said they would - the muscle you hired, in fact" >"Muscle I hired? This has something to do with Roseluck?" >Normally his concern for her would make you jealous, but after what he just did to you there's no room for that "No. Her roommate" >"What has that little whorse gotten herself into this time?" "You don't want me to betray confidences, remember?" >"So if I'm curious about this I should what? Have a talk with the muscle?" "Probably better than talking to Vidal," you reply selfishly >"I noticed she's been a bit more subdued on the show lately - not pulling as much weight as she used to" "There's a reason, and you can find it out for yourself, unless you demand I tell you, then I will" >"No. But if Vidal was talking to one of the agents I pay for every week it has to be something serious" "He didn't give me all the details - he just said they have it handled" >"If it's handled then it's handled, but I still like to know what's going on in my house" "This isn't a work thing - it's a personal life thing" >"Her personal life is a big part of my show. But I guess technically it's hers now that she's free" >He pauses for a second then asks, "Are you hungry? Do you want to go out to eat?" "That was a quick change of topic, but yes and yes" >"I just realized I'm starving" >He's going to take you out! >You LOVE being taken out >It makes you feel so fancy! >And proud to have the world see you out with such an important, successful man >Not to mention smart and sexy >Everyone and everypony who sees you knows immediately that you belong to him "Let me just freshen up a little" >"Yeah, me too. Actually a shower is more in order on my end" "We can take one together!" >You almost hope that chemical assist has worn off >Or it's going to be a longer shower than usual and you may end up just ordering in >Be Dark Star >Once again finding it hard not to be mad about things you cant control >In a world where so much is just plain WRONG >From obvious shit like how unicorns are treated with nowhere nearly the respect you know you deserve >That's inexcusable, and a bunch of idealistic abolitionists aren't going to change it >Probably only make things worse by appealing to soft-minded liberals who never get anything done in the first place >Really, who in their right mind would support vaporizing billions of dollars worth of private property in the stroke of a pen? >No one with any skin in the game, that's for sure >Thankfully you can push things in the right direction - maybe - with the sites you host >The more public ones, at least >There are a lot of unicorn stallions who feel the same way >Some of them are among the best pony minds out there, of course >Working to control the narrative to align unicorn interests with interests of those in power >Citizenship for unicorns and earth ponies could be bought by assuring pegasi remain slaves >They're not needed to control the weather here, and they pretty much can't anyways >Let them keep doing what they are good for - being pets for wealthy people >It's just a matter of convincing those people in power that unicorn interests are the same as theirs >And unicorns should be running things alongside them >If not as part of the ruling class then as their trusted immediate subordinates >While crushing the narrative that you're somehow going to replace them >Even though that WOULD be nice - there's plenty of time for that later >And it will take some time, however, since you're just one of many players in this game >Crafting the talking points in occult places >Then broadcasting them in public in coordinated operations >And it's hit enough critical mass that you have committed believers who do that work for nothing >Simply because they believe in what is right >Stealth is on your side though, since the average person has no idea what you're up to >From the outside it just looks like a bunch of porn sites >Then again porn is a moneymaker, just not the kind hosted on sites >The kind paid for in BTC and delivered encrypted to anonymous dropboxes - now that's where the money is! >And you don't feel the least bit bad about it, though it's the kind of thing you never acknowledge >You're not creating any of it, just distributing it in a way that's nearly impossible to trace >Just a bunch of ones and zeroes is all it is, after all >And that funds the operation nicely, even if so far it's failed to make you rich >You have bigger plans than that >Power and control are what interest you >And not the easy kind like over your marefriend >Though that is a nice taste of such things >You almost feel bad about how hard you have to be on her sometimes >But she can get ideas in her head, and that's no good - especially given the company she keeps >Can't have her keeping company like that, either >Not if she's to eventually use her position as a celebrity to be your mouthpiece on national television >You have to be sure she's thinking correctly >She's also not all that disciplined >So it's your duty to give her the discipline she needs >You know she craves it - she needs it >It's the only way she can reach her full potential >Of course she's shown promise already >The moment you really believe she's there you'll put a foal in her >Hopefully a filly so that 2.0 will be ripe right around the time her mother starts losing her looks >She's still pretty young, so there's no need to rush that, either >Got to keep it in mind though - timing is everything, and the first try could be a colt >A colt who hopefully gets to grow up with the status and power his father deserved - that will be your gift to him >And to the world, even if that world is undeserving of him >Your marefriend should be here any minute >It's eight o'clock and she knows better than to keep you waiting >You told her 8PM >If she's more than five minutes late you're going to make it very clear to her not to let tha happen again >Very fucking clear >The buzzer for the front door rings >She better not have brought that mudpony with her this time >You told her that had to stop as well >You press the open button on the buzzer console without bothering to make sure it's her >Because she and delivery guys are the only ones who ever buzz you >You open your apartment door an look out >There she is walking toward you >With that fucking idiot smugly walking behind her "You! You wait outside!" >"The hallway is fine," he replies "You get outside or I'm calling the police!" >It's an idle threat >There's no way you want any interaction with law enforcement, ever >But he doesn't know that and turns back toward the front door "I told you not to bring him around here anymore!" >"He didn't give me that option," she replies meekly "You are a free mare. You could have put your hoof down, but chose not to against my wishes. You know I won't tolerate that" >"I'm sorry. I did tell him he didn't need to come today but he wouldn't listen to me" "Are you two fucking?" >What?! No, I already told you we're not. Since you said we're exclusive I've been nothing but exclusive to you" "Did you ever fuck him?" >"No. Even if I'd wanted to HE couldn't because I'm his asset" "I bet that's what he told you. He's private property - he can't be trusted" >You move into the apartment so she can enter then lock the door behind her "So there's never been anything sexual between you two?" >"No. It's not like that. I mean yeah, I sucked his cock once, but not even to completion" "YOU SUCKED HIS COCK?!" >She looks scared now >"I fluffed him for Rose when he was trying to get her pregnant. And that was Before you said we were exclusive" "But we were still seeing each other at the time?!" >Little whorse! >"Um, I guess so..." "You fucking whorse!" >You whirl around so your rear is facing her and land a blow with a hind leg >She goes down and starts to cry >That was lucky, actually >You kicked her harder than you intended >You are so lucky you didn't get her in the face! >That would attract the kind of attention you really don't need "From now on the only cock you suck is mine!" >"I know," she says through tears, "I know. I'll be good, I promise!" >She's actually pretty hot when pleading and crying like this >You can feel your cock responding to the sight of her trembling under you "And you can start with that right now" >Be Dark Star >She's sucking your dick and actually doing a great job >She really knows what she's doing, which isn't a surprise after all >For how many years had you longed to feel this even though you tried to deny it >Too many, but now you can have it whenever you want >So why the fuck are you only half hard?! >Don't think about it - the more you think about it the worse it's going to get >What the fuck is wrong? >Then you realize it's the picture on the wall >Looking right at you >Your late mother >This is not going to happen with your mother looking at you >Even if it's just a picture of her >She was the reason you never had a marefriend before now >You were too busy taking care of her >Fuck, you're not going to get hard thinking about your mother in spite of the best efforts of the pretty mare beneath you "Let's put a pin in this. How about you fix us something to eat?" >She eases her muzzle back off you >"Whatever you want. But you know I can get you off in a couple minutes, regardless" >You know she can, but your mother's eyes looking at you ruins the moment >She follows your gaze to the picture on the wall >"She's beautiful," she says "We're not going to talk about her. I have oats in the kitchen" >"A little salty, right?," she asks >That's good >She's already learning your preferences and trying to give you what you want without having to be told "Yeah, thanks" >She trots off toward the kitchen, leaving you alone contemplating the picture of mom >It was really hard on you when she died half a year ago >But it was also something of a relief >Taking care of her all those years kept a part of your life on hold >Not that you begrudged her the attention and effort >After all she's the mare who made it to safety here when her world went dark and you were still inside her >And she did whatever it took to see to it you had enough to eat when you were a hungry, skinny colt >In a world indifferent to poor, hungry unicorns >She waited until you were a stallion to give up, but then she really gave up >Hardly a surprise >Mares are weak and she'd been through more than anypony ought to go through >You can't blame her for just giving up on life once she was sure you we're going to be OK >And as long as you had a decent computer and a fast internet connection you were OK >You could grow your businesses and meet like minded ponies >And of course for other needs there was more porn than you could possibly get through in hundreds of lifetimes >You quickly learned you weren't the only stallion in such a position >Plenty of other guys out there lived their lives online >And told you how much better you were for it because real life mares just complicated everything >You believed that for a while, too >Because your own mother had become one such mare >Until cancer took her away so excruciatingly slowly >And when it was all over you realized just how alone you were >Consumed with grief and conflicted feelings you didn't do very well with >In addition to the hollowness constant masturbation left you feeling >You almost felt like you were betraying your online brothers when you got that dating app >Like suddenly you were trying to be a normie when you knew you were anything but that >But you couldn't handle the loneliness anymore >You were shocked at the first match suggested for you >You figured the app was total bullshit to pair with a celebrity best known for being "married" to a dead celebrity >And a total whorse at that! >You were really expecting a reserved, quiet mare who knew her place and was more... >Pure >You wanted purity, and she was anything but >Oh, the fantasies of a virgin! >Makes you cringe now to remember how you thought just a few months ago >You were kind of shocked at first by this match, but you decided to play along >You researched this mare and watched hours of her on television >She wasn't exactly your type, but she was very... attractive >The kind of fucked up sexy that a lesser stallion would make bad decisions over >Pandering to the poor damaged mare until she inevitably fucked him over because that's what damaged mares do >But you could see right through that >Here was a beautiful mare more than willing to let you live out whatever fantasies your porn jaded mind could come up with >And all she needed in return was a firm hoof >A very firm hoof >Honestly, all those years taking care of mom left you with the kind of... >Resentment - you hate to admit it, but that's what it is - toward mares in general >That results in extra firm hooves >And she just happens to be the kind of mare who isn't put off by that >Not in the least, if anything she expects it >Also she's trainable, which is really the most important thing >That makes her celebrity status more of a gift than a liability >Once you've got her thinking correctly, which shouldn't be that hard >She's got no strong convictions of her own, just a few bad influences that you can separate her from >Keep the Magic Alive bullshit >The right idea with 100% WRONG execution >It's like they've never read history >You don't improve your situation by making yourselves into targets! >Targets get shot at >Power chooses the targets and does so without managing to become one >These days that means manipulating information, not marching in the streets like a left-wing freakshow >"Your oats are ready!," her voice calls from the kitchen >You walk to the kitchen to find a single bowl on the table "You're not having any>" >"I'd like something else," she says with a glance toward your nethers >Really? >"If you don't mind letting me finish what I started," she says, looking away "While I'm eating?" >"Sure, why not?" >The last few months have been a long list of new sexual experiences >This is just another one >And there's no picture of mom in the kitchen to throw you off so why not? >Be Agent 47 >The Fed Ex uniform is a little tight - it wasn't made for a stallion quite as large as you >But it only has to be believable for a few seconds >Just so he doesn't immediately recognize you >The cap feels a little silly as well >The sunglasses... >You kinda like them, but then again you always thought you looked good wearing sunglasses >But looking good isn't the purpose here >The purpose is to become a generic nopony - barely seen and less remembered >Just one of countless uniformed stallions delivering boxes daily on the streets of Brooklyn >Or in your case one large box the contents of which are a very large plastic bag, a smaller plastic bag and a smaller box >In that smaller box is a burner phone and a small bottle of bleach >42 told you this was overconfidence, but you weighed it out over and over >And decided the simplest most straightforward plan was probably the best to go with >Especially given the disparity in your size versus that of your target >And your vastly superior hoof to hoof combat training >This should all go down smoothly >Even though your training focused more on defense than offense >You were always good at offense >Had things worked out differently you could have been just as effective - maybe more effective - playing for the other team >And by that you don't mean the pink stylist's homo buttsex team >No fucking way are you cut out for THAT! >You are made for breeding! >UNF! >But working in terms of targets to be taken out instead of assets to be protected? >Could have been interesting had things worked out that way for you >You suspect you would have been good at that as well >Maybe even better >Actually you're about to find out >You've never killed anypony before, and the knowledge that you're about to is... >Interesting >There's a little charge to it because this couldn't happen to a more deserving guy >And you're happy to be the one who gives him what he deserves >But there's also the challenge of keeping your cool while going off script >You were definitely trained not to go off script in all but the most extreme situations >But this guy is already hurting her and only likely to get worse - hurt her worse and worse >You also have feelings for her, though you're well aware you shouldn't >That is a line crossed >And your cock has been down her throat >Another line crossed >That qualifies as an extreme situation in your view >It wouldn't to HQ - you know that - but it does to you >This guy is going out now >You have a five hour window while she's taping the show >For what ought to be a two hour job >You've already burned a half hour getting here >But there was no way around that >The uniform you could manage to get >The truck and driver were an impossibility >So you had to walk here with a large box on your back looking purposeful >Like at any moment you were going to ring the buzzer at one of the nearby buildings >Walking quickly while looking up at the street number of every building you passed >Just like a real Fed Ex pony making a real delivery in an unfamiliar part of town would >It seemed to work >You felt invisible - you WERE invisible! >And any cameras that might have picked you up along the way aren't going to get enough to give a positive ID >Not with the hat and sunglasses >You even changed your gait to something far stiffer than your usual >So you wouldn't be recognizable that way, either >Fuck you 42! >I am not being overconfident! >I got this! >But you'll share the spoils with him anyways because he's your partner >You feel very clever that you managed to work out a way to profit from this >And from this asshole's own darkweb network, at that >There's an extra level of justice there >Which almost makes you feel like Batman >Though you're aware even Batman wouldn't go this dark >Then again he's supposed to be a rich, free man with a tragic past >His parents killed in front of him >You're a stallion who is private property >Never knew your parents >Going rogue if you're being honest with yourself >Totally fucking rogue >You're allowed to be darker than Batman >Actually you're not ALLOWED to do this at all >But here goes! >You ring the buzzer of an apartment in a building you've spent way more time standing out front of than you ever wanted to >In ten seconds the door clicks unlocked with a different buzz >Step one accomplished >You walk down the hall to see the target's door open and his head poke out "Fed Ex," you call out in an affected voice >You didn't mean to sound quite that gay, but thinking of the pink pegasus made it the first voice that came to you >Works, actually >Makes you seem like less of a threat >Thank you, subconscious! >When you get to the door he takes a look at the size of the box on your back >"I don't think I..." >Great - he doesn't recognize you yet! >You push past him into the apartment, letting the box fall off your back >Turning yourself so your hind legs are withing striking distance of him you feel... >SHIT! >It's a poke in the eye! >Just enough to disorient you for a second as you hear him run towards? >Gotta be the kitchen - you've studied his floor plan online >That was magic, and pretty strong magic at that! >Few unicorns can manage more than a nudge, and this bastard just poked your eye >Not enough to blind you, but enough to throw you off your game for a few seconds >And now that fucker is running to get... a knife? >Not happening! >You rush after him >There's no way you galloped in such a tight space >But it sure as fuck felt like you did >Noticing the lack of rugs or carpet on the floor - good! >But that leaves you slamming into the wall while making the right turn into the kitchen just seconds behind him >He's rummaging through a drawer desperately looking for something >Obviously doesn't cook much or a knife would be at hoof >Good for you, bad for him >Both eyes come into focus in time to see him with his mouth in the drawer trying to pick up a knife >With no obvious defensive strategy as you turn your hindquarters toward him and strike with a hoof >And connect! >This guy has never been in a fight before, as you figured >Sheltered little shit who thinks beating on mares makes him more of a stallion >Looking behind you it's easy to see where to land the other rear hoof after the first returns to the ground >You feel the too tight uniform tear as you do, but it's already served its purpose >And the second blow lands, taking him down >You feel like you're on Hippodrome >Backing over his head you can't resist a little gloating "Didn't your mother teach you not to hit mares?!" >"Don't you dare," he manages to gurgle out, "say anything about..." >You feel and uncomfortable pressure on your balls >Fucking magic again?! >You start stomping >The pressure stops >You tried to be conservative >It was supposed to be three or four blows to minimize the cleanup >It might have been five or six, maybe seven, maybe more >Looking now his skull is clearly fractured >His horn isn't at the right angle, his eye hanging out of the socket and the blood - more than you'd hoped for - oozing out of his mouth and nose >Doesn't matter whether or not he's still alive now because he won't be for long >Sink, stopper, water, bleach and a couple towels from his bathroom >Thankfully he had more than one >Clean up blood and hooves and everywhere bloody hooves were >Get him into big plastic bag you brought with you >Harder and messier than you expected >More cleanup >Put cleanup materials and uniform in small plastic bag then small box then drag asshole in big plastic bag into big box >Tape! >Shit, you forgot tape! >Your two hour job is turning into a three and a half hour job >Cleanup is a bitch! >And you had to run to the 99 cent store around the corner for packing tape >But you being out on the street in front of this building isn't uncommon over the last few months >In this situation the best disguise is actually no disguise at all >You push the big box with the big plastic bag with the big dead asshole inside it out the building's front door >Then you head back to the apartment and text a number you memorized on your burner phone: READY FOR PICKUP >Along with the address >As you then destroy the burner and leave with it inside the small box >There's a construction site around the corner with a dumpster where you can ditch it >Which is what you do >That would be a mistake if he were somepony who might be quickly missed >But there's only one pony who is gonna miss him beyond anonymous business contacts, and you can manage her >Be mare >At home with Roseluck >Crystal Clear is over as well, and though you really didn't want to talk about your relationship with them >Things hit a breaking point and you did >"It sure sounds like he's ghosting you," Crystal says. "Which is even shittier than breaking up with a text message" >The words "breaking up" almost send you into a panic >Rejection is not something you're used to, and the idea that you're being rejected now doesn't sit well at all >Only one male has ever rejected you before, and that was because he had other plans for you - the show >And it was hard to take that as a REAL rejection because he smelled like the piss of another mare >One who's just as cute as you are an even a little younger >Plus the little bitch has wings >You don't mean that - she's not a bitch >You're just jealous >She'll never have to go through what you're feeling now >It's really just a step short of panic >Along with a feeling in your stomach that makes you just want to lay down and not get up again for a long time >He stopped responding to your texts >He doesn't answer his phone >You are being ghosted by your allegedly very highly compatible coltfriend! >And you don't know what you did wrong >You were GOOD! >Even if he could always find something wrong with you >Something worth hitting you over when that's what you deserved >But for the most part you were GOOD! >Why would he do this to you?! >Just ignore you? >That's cruel - you'd happily let him hit you all he wants if that would make him stop ignoring you! >Because this you can't handle >It's not like you don't know where he lives >You could just go to him - maybe this is all just a big misunderstanding >Then again wouldn't that be just setting yourself for a bigger dose of rejection? "I could go to see him" >Roseluck frowns >"The kind of guy who ghosts you isn't worth that effort," she says >"I'm so sad you have to go through this," Crystal adds, "but better to find out this asshole's true colors now than further down the road" "We'd talked about maybe having foals someday. He brought it up! Does that sound like a guy who is going to ghost you?" >"I don't even try to understand how the male mind works," Crystal responds, "With mares you know where you stand" >Rose smiles at her "That's no help for me" >"I thought he was a creep from the start," Roseluck says. "He didn't treat you right and you know it" "You don't know how he treated me but you've had an opinion about it from the start" >"Trying to isolate you from your friends and being physically abusive aren't Prince Charming level attributes," she replies >"And not even enough of a gentlecolt to properly break it off," Crystal adds. "Seriously you dodged a bullet here" "You don't understand" >"Maybe I don't," she answers >Rose adds, "But we're HERE for you regardless" >That's something >Not enough to make the panic go away >But maybe it takes the very slightest bit of the edge off it "I think I should go see him. If he really wants to end this he should have tell me to my face" >"If you feel you need one last bit of punishment from him to move on," Roseluck replies, "so be it. I don't think it's a good idea" "It's not like Forty Seven is going to let me go alone anyways" >"When your bodyguard is a consideration when paying your ex a visit..." Crystal begins >"Not the best sign," Roseluck finishes "I think I have to do it anyway" >47 accompanies you on the familiar walk >Usually you'd be excited to get to your destination >Today you're hurt, numb and full of trepidation >He has to know you'd eventually show up for some answers >You don't just ignore somepony you're in a relationship with >But evidently some ponies do just that or there wouldn't be a name for it >Ghosted >It makes you feel stupid and ashamed, the latter something as unfamiliar to you as rejection >And you don't like either of those feelings, but you don't know how to make them go away >You make it to his building and hesitate for a second before pressing his buzzer >No response >You press it again, holding the button down for a longer period of time >Still no response >You look through the glass in the front door >You can see his door with a couple boxes in front of it >One from Amazon "He's not here" >"I didn't want to bring this up, Ma'am," 47 says slowly, "but there's the chance he isn't ghosting you" "What do you mean?" >"I did a deep dive on this guy. He was definitely distributing CP, so there's the chance the party van came for him" "Could you say that in English?" >"Some of his businesses were illegal, of the nature that could draw attention from the Feds" "So he's arrested?" >"It's possible. But if he found out they were coming from him the smart thing to do would be to disappear" "If that happened he would have gotten word to me, don't you think?" >This is actually giving you hope - maybe he didn't reject you after all! >Maybe this is just a misunderstanding! >Your coltfriend in federal custody or on the run from the feds isn't a good thing >But it's easier to take than being ghosted! >47 continues, "If the feds are after him they probably are monitoring your phone records as well" "Of course. That's why I haven't heard anything from him" >"This is all speculation, Ma'am. I'm just saying it's possible" "He was doing stuff that was that bad online?" >"Bad is a relative term, but definitely some of his operations were illegal. That's how he funded the rest of it" "He never went into detail about that stuff with me" >"When you're into that kind of stuff it's best not to go into detail about it with anypony" "But you were able to find out?" >"I was always strong when it came to intelligence. Not like I'm all that smart, but I'm good at digging up information" "So you think he's just gone? Like on the lam?" >"I'm saying there are reasons why a guy in his position might just disappear" "Is it weird that that makes me feel better?" >"Ma'am?" "I couldn't accept that he was ghosting me. I didn't make any sense. But I can accept this. Is that weird?" >"That's not for me to judge" "You didn't like him anyway" "My opinion is irrelevant, Ma'am. Your safety is all that matters in regard to me" >Yeah, right soldier boy >Tell yourself that, but you sure didn't seem to mind your cock down my throat >In fact you'd probably jump at the chance for that to happen again >But it really shouldn't - that was a spur of the moment thing on your part that felt like a mistake in retrospect "Well I can handle him having to disappear a lot easier than him dumping me and not even having the courtesy to tell me" >"Still it's a lot to go through, if you don't mind my saying so, Ma'am" "But this I can almost handle. If we come back in a week and he's still not around I'll accept that's what happened" >"Of course we can do that" "Good. Let's head home then. We don't need to stand out in front of his building like a couple of idiots" >Be Agent 47 >Back at your apartment >42 looks up as walk through the door >"Well we know someone isn't shooting blanks!" "Really? Rose is preggers?" >"They just found out today" >You don't know why that gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment, but it does "Awesome, though it probably means the end of our partnership is coming sooner rather than later" >"They're already talking about moving in together" "I'm surprised it's taken them this long. You know how lesbos are" >"Moving truck on the second date" "It has been a pleasure working with you" >"That's not the word I would use, but for a dull mission you sure figured ways to keep it interesting" "I guess so" >"How did she handle going to his place and him not being there?" "She went right along with the script we'd worked out" >"Of course she did. She wasn't dumped, after all" "Only ghosted in a literal sense" >"I still can't believe you did that" "You're not supposed to know I did anything" >"It's a little late for that, don't you think?" "I guess" >"So as long as I know things I shouldn't may as well answer the one question I have remaining about it" "What?" >"The body. How did you get rid of the body?" "I boxed him up and arranged for pickup" >"Pickup? By who?" "I don't even want to know. Someone I found on one of his darksites" >"Why would someone pick up a box full of dead unicorn" "People have a wide range of appetites, some of which cost a premium and have to be kept secret. Like a taste for unicorn meat" >"You're joking, right?" "Point two five of a Bitcoin says I'm not. And half of that is yours, since you're part of the conspiracy" >"That's very kind of you" >He just sits there quietly for a minute, then asks, "Do you really think he was butchered, cooked and eaten?" "That's what it seemed like was going to happen. These folks were specifically interested in 'unicorn meat'" >"Shit. That's really creepy. Well it couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy, regardless" "My thoughts exactly" >Be mare >Rose and the colt are moving out today, and in with Crystal >Rose is happy about it, the colt a little less so >You get that - change is hard, and even in relatively liberal Brooklyn being the colt with two mommies is... >Not what every colt wants, even if both of them are nice regardless of their politics >Living with mommy and auntie is a little less weird >And nopony that age wants to be weird >Your apartment has a bunch of boxes scattered around waiting for the moving stallions to come and pick up >It's not like Roseluck has all that much stuff, but between her and the colt you count ten boxes >It's been a couple weeks since DS disappeared and you're convinced either the Feds came for him or he's hiding from them >You've been back to his place twice and no trace of him >Boxes piling up in front of his door like parking tickets on a car whose owner died >You hope he's OK, but this is definitely the sort of thing that ends a relationship >You kind of have to BE THERE to be in it >And if you're not - for whatever reason - then it's not a relationship anymore >Which means as great as it was to have a stallion in your life >Like it or not you're single again >Which is hitting you pretty hard at the moment because your heat just kicked in >Leaving you lonely, horny and single >Looking in the mirror you see you're also a mess - you need to brush your mane! >Of course you didn't this morning because Roseluck borrowed your brush - she'd already packed hers >She and Crystal took a load of stuff over to Chrystal's place >So you assume your brush is in her room with Cuddleslut >Actually it's almost time to stop thinking of him like that >He's no longer a foal - not yet a full grown stallion, either >But he's nearly as tall as you and he's starting to fill out a little >Just a little - he's still kind of spindly, but looking more and more like his father every day >No silly mustache though - you hope he doesn't decide to grow one the moment he's able >Which might be before too long >Though right now video games are what he's into >Rose broke down and bought him a tablet that he spends most of his time playing on >Which is what you assume he's doing when you knock on her door and then gently push it open "Did you see where your mom left my brush?" >The moment he sees you he looks away >It takes you a second to realize why, but you do pretty quickly >The colt is hung and it's showing right now! >"I...I..," he stammers >FUCK! >This is the kind of delicate situation you really weren't expecting to find yourself in just yet! >Thoughts start rising in your heat addled brain that you can't allow to fully form >He's embarrassed - deal with that first! "THAT is nothing to be ashamed of," you begin >You mean that on a couple levels >If that's what he's got now he'll be the size of his father by the time he's, well, the size of his father >He still can't look at you "And I'm the one stinking up the place, so this is probably on me" >"I... I... think you smell... good," he sputters, looking at you but still not making eye contact >You notice what's between his legs is still at attention >FUCK! "I bet you do. You're a young, healthy soon-to-be stallion" >Sooner than you figured, apparently >But no less of a stallion! >Get yourself out of this situation before you do something you'll regret >Something Rose would make it her mission to make you regret regardless of whether you actually did "I just came in for my brush" >"It's on the bed," he says, moving toward the bed "Don't trouble yourself, I'll get it," you say, approaching the bed from the opposite as him >You quickly snatch the brush with your mouth and make it quickly toward the door "M'fank you" >And you're out! >Crisis averted, for the moment at least >You're still in heat and along in the apartment with a colt who looks like a very young version of master >And is obviously aroused >You are not equipped to handle a situation like this in a manner that your peers would approve of >You know yourself >Part of you thinks the compassionate thing to do would be to go back in there and suck him off >So only one of you is left frustrated >Because the smell of your heat is the reason he's in that position in the first place >While that seems right to you you're aware almost everypony you know would disagree with you on that call >You may have been generous enough to share his father with Rose, but you know Rose isn't generous that way about her son >The idea would horrify her! >And more than once you've promised her - half joking - you'd keep your hooves off him >Which was an easy enough promise to keep until now >With the thoughts running through your head and him RIGHT THERE this could be bad >You've got to get out of here - go for a walk or something >You give your mane a quick brushing and walk toward the door to the hallway "I'm going out for a little while. I'll be back in time to join everypony for dinner" >No response from the colt >Hopefully he'll figure out how to take care of himself, though the thought makes you a little sad >You walk out into the hallway, down the steps and to the building's door >By the time your hooves hit the sidewalk you hear 47's hoofsteps following a polite distance behind you >Such a good soldier >And pretty unf is his own right! >Stop that! >He's off limits, too! >Though no doubt he's just as aware of your state as the colt >Rounding the corner onto the next block you recognize a familiar voice calling out to you >"What's a bigtime celebrity doing walking the sidewalk without her entourage?" >The guard! >Or now the former guard "I've got him," you say, pointing a hoof toward 47 >"Good. Somebody's gotta watch out for you!" >He's about to lean down to pat your head, but you take the initiative, rearing up to hug him >"What did I do to deserve this?" "Made me miss you. How are you? How's your marefriend? I'm sorry, I forgot her name" >"Doesn't matter now. We're over" "Then I really am sorry! What happened?" >"When we first hooked up I said 'are you sure you don't want foals?' because that's something I couldn't give her" "Of course not" >"She says she doesn't want foals. So I sell my place, move to Brooklyn, a year goes by and everything is fine until..." "I can guess" >"Yeah, her sister has a foal and suddenly she wants one. Wants to do her part to keep the magic alive" "And you don't fit with that plan" >"Not one bit. So here I am freshly dumped looking for a hole in the wall to drown my sorrows in" "I'm just getting over a relationship, too" >"I'm sorry to hear that. Want to talk about it?" "Not all that much to say. He disappeared" >"What?!" "He was involved in some shady businesses and one day he just disappeared" >"And you don't know what happened... Probably don't want to know what happened, either" "Unlikely I could find out even if I wanted to" >"You do lead an interesting life" "Hey! Instead of just standing here on the sidewalk how's about I buy you a drink. There's a bar right around the corner!" >"A pony bar, or?" "A neighborhood bar both ponies and people hang out at" >"Sure, kid. Sounds good" "Then it's a date!" >"Well, um... not a DATE, right?" "Can be if you want it to be. We're both single. Nothing to stop us from going out on a date!" >"There's our history, I mean... How I took advantage of... you when... you know, back then" "Took advantage?! I seem to remember that being transactional in nature and I was a very willing participant" >"Still wrong though" "I was getting fucked all evening by walk ins. I wasn't allowed to have one friend with benefits?" >"That's how you thought of it?" "That's how I still think of it. And right now I could use a friend. One with benefits would be good, too" >"Slow down there, kid. I'm flattered, but don't you think I'm way to old for you?" "When have I ever NOT been into older guys?" >"Yeah, but wouldn't wasting your time with an older guy just keep you from finding the stallion you'll have foals with someday?" "That's still a fresh wound, huh? You're looking at a mare who is one hundred percent sure she doesn't want foals" >"How can you be so sure? You'd make a great mother. You're kind, generous and you look out for those around you" "Thank you. But I would not make a good mother at all. A mother has to prepare her children for the world they'll face one day" >"So? You can do that" "No I can't. I can't even trust my own judgment out here. You know what I was raised to be. I'm totally faking it" >"A lot of us feel like we're faking it sometime" "You know what I mean! You were there! I still think like private property trained to provide a specific service" >"In Madam's defense she did the best she could" "I'm not faulting Madam, or you or anypony for that matter. I'm just saying that's no way of thinking to pass along to a foal who will..." >You notice his eyes are shiny >Is he tearing up?! "...grow up free. It's just not right" >He wipes his eyes with the back of his hand >"Still so compassionate and smart," he says, his voice cracking a little, "You always were my favorite, and not just because you were pretty" "I always believed it when you said it. Still do. So why not let an old friend take you out on a date and see how things go" >"Like shoulders to cry on or rebounds?" "Maybe. Or go back to being friends with benefits. Or who the fuck knows? You understand me better than anypony out here does" >"You believe that?" "You know the world I came from and the world I live in. You can see how hard it is to reconcile the two" >He sighs >"That's a lot to take in" "So are we going to stand here talking or are you going to let me take you out for drinks and we'll probably fuck later?" >Some guys really need it spelled out for them >He looks sad and confused, but he's still a man >You see the promise of the evening you just described dawn on him >The sad look slowly being replaced by something more familiar as he looks you over >That's more like it! >"This is so wrong" "Trust me it's a lot less wrong that how else my day could have worked out. So are you in?" >"What about?," he asks, gesturing toward 47 "He's a pro. He'll stay out of the way" >"Lead the way then!" >That's what you've been doing! >Gonna have to text Rose and tell her you won't be meeting them for dinner >Something came up >Be mare >You were looking forward to this month's video chat with your old friends when you set it up >Which is hard enough to do with everypony's different schedules >But after what happened two nights ago when Roseluck and the colt moved out you looked forward to it less >You don't have the world's greatest pokerface, you've learned >You can get away with a lie here and there, but nothing big >Which is why you're usually very straightforward >If you try to be anything but you'll get called out on it eventually >By Snowdrop especially >Who took one look at you and asked what the news was "DS is gone," you began >"He broke up with you?!," she answered. "I thought you two were very highly compatible" "He didn't break up with me. He disappeared" >"Is that really a thing?," Durril asked "Think about your clients at the tack dance club," you replied. "Don't some of them strike you as the kind of guys who could have reason to disappear?" >"Or make somebody else disappear," Skydancer added "Or that, yeah" >"So he was...?," Durril asked "Shady? Yeah. At first I thought it was because he just liked his privacy so he was squirrely about dating a celebrity, but..." >"Totally shady!," Snowdrop said. "I knew by the way you wouldn't give us any details about him! That's not you. Had to be the guy was shady!" "Yeah well, it's not a thing anymore" >"You OK?," Skydancer asked "Dealing with it. And him disappearing is easier to take than getting dumped" >"Which has got to be worse than losing a regular," Snowdrop said "I didn't mind losing one in particular one back in the day" >The girls laughed uncomfortably, knowing who you were referring to >Now that you're older you understand what was happening back then >Your fake master wanted to be the master of a filly, but could only afford to rent, not buy one properly >So he lived out his fantasy with you >And in your filly mind you couldn't tell the difference >You assumed he was eventually going to be your master >That makes you cringe so much, but you really didn't know any better back then >And there was nopony to explain what was going on to you >Poor Madam was doing her best to make sure none of you girls killed themselves >Durril in particular >Thankfully that worked out, and you know you had a hoof in that >So seeing her on the screen relatively happy - and still cute - makes you happy >Now the girls are talking to each other while you space out a little >The thing with DS is still on your mind >You weren't dumped, but it was still a kind of abandonment that left you a little uneasy >Especially with Roseluck moving out, even though you knew that was coming >It all leaves you ALONE in a way you've never really been before, and you don't like that >Thankfully an old friend appeared to take the sting out of it >Which you're not going to be able to keep from them for much longer and you KNOW is going to make you into a punchline >The topic has come back to you >"So you're back to not getting any again?," Durril asks >Fuck, here it comes >You can't stop the little smile that you feel coming on >"SHE IS!," Snowdrop cries. "Spill!" "I did hook up with someone. Let's just say an old friend" >"Um... We're your old friends and you never swung that way," Snowdrop replies >You can't help but notice the grin on Skydancer's face "Someone from back then. He was dating a unicorn for a while, but it didn't work out" >Snowdrop's eyes go wide >"Your OLD coltfriend?! The guard! You fucked the guard again?" "It just sort of happened. He was freshly dumped and going out for a drink. I was in heat - still am. I'm seeing him again tonight" >"Can he still... you know... raise the mast?," Durril asks "For ME he could. But if further down the road things involve a little fluffing I'm fine with that" >"You can take the girl out of the brothel...," Snowdrop says >Here it comes >The girls are going to pile on you for this >But not all that harshly because they're all still pros as well >Just because they no longer expect this out of you >Which makes you fair game >"So how was it?," Snowdrop asks. "Good I'm guessing if you're seeing him again tonight?" "It was sweet. Actually kind of tender..." >"The way every mare wants it when she's in heat," Durril says sarcastically "Usually I'd think that kind of sex was creepy, but with him it was nice" >"Nice in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of way?," Skydancer asks >Come on, Sky! >You of all ponies know better than that! "Are YOU gonna throw stones? Your house is made of more glass than mine!" >"I was trying to be funny," she replies with a sly smile. "I bet he was remembering you as a filly the whole time" "You would know, wouldn't you? Oh shit, now YOU'RE thinking of me as a filly!" >Snowdrop giggles, but it seems like it went over Durril's head >"Well you're definitely the one wearing the pants in this situation," Durril says "How do you figure?" >"Come on. You're a free celebrity. You could have anypony you want and HE gets you? He knows how lucky he is" "It's not just luck. I've told you how it is on the outside. Honest talk easily leads to shock and pity, and you get tired of that" >"Oh, now I get it," Skydancer says. "It is a little Stockholmy! He was with you on the inside so he gets it" >"Still think he's lucky to be getting it in the first place," Durril quips >"Yeah, you're on the outside now," Snowdrop adds, "Can't you just say 'I'm too good for him?'" "I could, but I don't want to" >"Spoken like a free mare," Skydancer replies, that sly smile still on her face "You think this is hilarious, don't you?" >"It IS," she answers, "but I get it. It makes a weird kind of sense" "Whatever. In other news Roseluck noved in with Crystal. Oh, and she's pregnant" >"It's so crazy out there," Snowdrop says, "I don't think I could make it" >"Me neither," Durril adds, "But it IS nice to visit!" "Yeah, I should put together another field trip for all of us" >"Doesn't that cost you a lot of money?," Skydancer asks "Yeah, but I make decent money and don't really spend a lot. And the organization gives me a family discount" >"I should hope so," Sky replies >"Because you ARE family," Snowdrop adds >Does that make your relationship with the former guard incest? >If you could think of a really funny to put that you'd say it >But you can't >Be mare >Being alone in your apartment is weird >You've never really BEEN alone before and it doesn't seem to suit you well >So you were looking forward to an old friend (with benefits) coming to visit >He showed up with edible flowers and a bottle of wine >You barely had a taste of each before you jumped him >Which was very satisfying for you even if he is a bit more gentle than you're used to >He was taking a while to get off so you finished him with your mouth >He liked that, but of course he did >You know you're really good at that - have been since you were a filly >Lying in your bed cuddling with him is nice too >Which is what you're doing now >He's good at ear scratches and still calls you "kid," which you like >Makes you feel young, which you still are but you feel even younger beside him "You know I'm not a china doll. You're not going to break me if you want to be a little, um... rough once in a while" >"You're into that?," he asks >He says he watches the show, but this response suggests he's one of those guys who watches it on mute >You know that's a thing "I don't mind a firm hand every now and then" >"Ok, kid," he replies. "I was brought up to be a gentleman, so that's the last thing that would occur to me" "I actually like that about you, I'm just saying for the future" >"Treat you like you've been a naughty girl?" >Just him saying that sends a jolt to your privates "Mmmmm hmmm" >"Maybe put you over my knee and give you a spanking?" "That's certainly a good start. Really anything that puts me is a submissive position is a big turn on" >"So you're a kinky girl. Guess that's inevitable given how you grew up. Which wasn't at all right" >Ugh - way to sidetrack things just when they were getting interesting! "You can say it isn't right like all the other abolitionists do, but that doesn't mean it isn't the reality for plenty of us" >"But it shouldn't be" "It IS though. Whether you think it's wrong or right does nothing to invalidate my experiences, and those of others like me" >"Others like you don't get to be free, and that's the issue" "One issue out of many. Whether or not you're private property you still have to live your life. What you experience matters regardless" >"But ponies who are private property experience things nopony ought to experience. You know that - you were one of them" "It's still part of who I am. The good and the bad of it. And if there's anything I don't need it's pity" >"But..." "There is no but. You just spent a year with a free unicorn. They spend a lot of time talking about what's right and wrong and how things should be..." >Gather your thoughts >You've got to say this right to get through to him "When you're private property you don't have the luxury to ever think like that. You just keep your head down and try to..." >Get through your day? "Get through the day. That's your life. Right and wrong don't matter. Kindness matters, and that's pretty much it" >"I..." "Don't make this about you. But yeah, you were always kind to me. That's why you're here now. But I'm not a unicorn, so don't expect me to think like one" >Maybe that got through? >He's thinking, or doing a good impression of someone thinking "Can we please go back to the bit about you putting me over your knee and spanking me? I liked where that was going" >He looks confused for a second, then smiles >"Have you been a bad girl?" >You nuzzle into his chest and... >Bite >Not hard enough to break the skin or anything >But hard enough that he's left with zero doubt that you just bit him >"OW! Fuck! You bitch! Now you're gonna get it!" >That's the spirit! >Yay! >Be mare >Afterglow 2: electric boogaloo >He was actually more into tanning your ass than you thought he'd be >Probably some lingering resentment at his ex that got channeled toward you >Gonna have to exploit that as long as it lasts then let positive reinforcement take care of things going forward >You made him finish up your tailhole with his hands around your throat >Both of you got off at the same time! >Loudly, too - you're sure the neighbors upstairs heard you >Which you find more funny than embarrassing >Truth is he's more promising than you'd given him credit for >He still likes to cuddle after, which you can go either way on >But after the second time he just falls asleep, which you have to admit is pretty cute >You know how you want to wake him up >You take a pretty big swig of wine and hold it in your mouth >Then you brush your lips against his sleeping lips >His eyes open pretty quickly >Probably afraid of being bit again! >You press your lips tightly against his and open them a little >A drop of wine runs down his cheek before he realizes what's happening >And he happily takes the mouthful of wine from you >"You are such a sweet thing," he says after he swallows >You know he believes it, too >You're just a pony who has been through some shit >A good looking one who can suck a dick as well as she can balance the books >You try to be kind and understanding to those around you, but you're really nothing special >But to him you're special - you're a sweet thing >He still calls you kid >And now his hand is in your mane while he's kissing you >All you taste is wine >THIS is a really good way to keep from missing DS, Roseluck and... >The colt >It was exactly the right time for HIM to go >As much as you love your little Cuddleslut he's on the verge of becoming a different kind of thing >Something more potentially problematic >The man here with you now is not a problem >Beyond making you have to wash the sheets tomorrow >You understand why Cloudy sees to it VP John always smells like her >You actually felt the urge to mark him at one point, but kept yourself in check >Only because you weren't sure how he would react >"So do you keep in touch with any of the girls from your... graduating class?" >That's a funny way to put it, but you know what he means "Snowdrop, Skydancer and I video chat at least once a month. Durril manages to make it there about half the time" >"I saw Skydancer pretty often back when I still worked there. She'd come around, you know" "Yeah, she doesn't anymore. Developed some moral qualms about it that I don't entirely get" >"I do, but that means there's one brokenhearted filly there, for sure. Never gave me the time of day but lit up like a Christmas tree whenever Sky came" "I think she's holding herself to an unreasonable standard. I could see how it could be considered wrong if they were both free ponies..." >"Mmmm hm" "But neither of them are! If you're both private property free ideas about right and wrong don't apply" >"What if one is private property and the other isn't?" "Same thing. Free ideas about right and wrong only apply to those who are free. Like, you can say slavery is wrong" >"It is" "But it exists. So that wrong is on the people in charge for letting it exist" >"OK" "But if you're a slave what's right? Doing what you're told, not making trouble and trying to look out for others in the same position" >"So you see morality as completely relative" "It HAS to be when some ponies are free and others aren't" >"Yeah, you definitely don't think like a unicorn" "So yeah, Sky's at the dungeon, Snowdrop is still a working girl. The two of them still have a little thing going on" >"Sounds hot" >You knock a hoof into his head - not hard "I KNEW you were going to say that" >"And Durril is at the strip club?" "Tack dance. Technically it's the opposite of a strip club but the same thing in practice" >"They offered me the position of heading up security there when they opened it. It would have been better pay, but I didn't want to deal with a bunch of drunks" "It's their most profitable business because of alcohol sales, but they have to spend a lot on security" >"That's right, you still work for them part time, don't you?" "A few hours a week" >"I couldn't anymore" "I get that. You can vote. You have a say in things, supposedly. Your actions should line up with your beliefs" >"You have no problems with it?" "Not really. I still have friends on the inside. Wha are you going to do?" >An idea hits you "Hey, do you have a car?" >"Yeah" "We could go visit Durril at the tack dance club!" >"Drive to Staten Island on a Friday night? It'll be a bitch finding a parking spot when we get back" "Please? It would be a nice surprise for her" >"Seeing the two of us together? I bet that would be a surprise" "Oh, they know about us. We talked earlier today" >"What was the reaction?" "Snowdrop used to call you my coltfriend back on the inside, so she had a snicker... and I know Sky thought it was hilarious" >"So the girls have already had a laugh at our expense" "Not a mean spirited one. More like typical inside razzing" >"Well I don't know how I feel about being a customer to a former employer I left for ethical reasons" "Don't think of it that way. Think of it as taking your marefriend to visit an old friend of hers" >"Ummm" "A marefriend who has no problem with you watching other sexy mares pole dance" >"So you're my marefriend now?" >Oops, you were just assuming that >Of course he'd jump at the chance for you to be his marefriend "Do you like the sound of that?" >"What if this is just a rebound thing for both of us?" "It kind of is, but that doesn't make it a bad thing, does it?" >"I couldn't live with myself if I hurt you" >You laugh "Depends on HOW you hurt me. There's good hurt and bad hurt. Stick with the good and everything's fine" >"And I don't really have a say in the matter anyways, do I?" >You kiss him "Nope. Let's go to Staten Island!" >Be mare >In a car going over the Verrazano Bridge >The car is a modest sedan, much smaller than the network SUVs you sometimes get to ride around in >47 is squished into the back seat, but there was no way to keep him from accompanying you >Your coltfriend is driving >Ha ha ha! - he's your coltfriend now! >"You know we didn't really eat," he says, "and we're driving to one of two places in country where you can get a very special dish" "Which is?" >"We could go to Lee's and get a clam pie!" "A what?!" >He did not just say CLAM PIE, did he? >That sounds like slang for a woman's privates >"A clam pie. Not a pie like apple pie. Pizza" "Pizza with clams on it? That sounds awful" >"That's what everyone says until the try it" "You know ponies aren't really all that into seafood to begin with, and clam pizza sounds way too, um, advanced for me" >You're willing to indulge him to a point because he does know a lot about trashy but delicious foods >He's the only reason you know what Mortadella is, and that shit is amazing in very small amounts >But clam pie seems like the right place to put your hoof down >"Your loss, kid" "Actually I'm in the mood for ice cream. Maybe we can stop somewhere for that" >He laughs and says, "Are you serious?" "Yeah, what's so funny about that?" >"I guess you deserve it," he giggles. "Shit, I really shouldn't be laughing. Sorry" "I don't get it" >"Really?" "What?" >"What were we doing an hour ago?" >Fucking, but there's no reason to rub 47's nose in that "I remember" ?"And how did we wrap it up?" >Pretty fucking well, his hands around your throat and his cock unloading into your..." "Fuck" >Your fillyhood conditioning just got the better of you in front of the one man >The ONE man on the whole fucking planet capable of recognizing your desire for ice cream as what it really was >He laughs a little more and says, "We can totally stop for ice cream if that's what you want, kid" "No. Forget it. I don't want it anymore" >Be mare >Getting out of the car in a large parking lot that's about two thirds full >More pickup trucks and SUVs than cars >The tack dance club looks big - easily seven or eight times the size of the bars and restaurants you know in Brooklyn >As the three of you walk toward the entrance you notice strange stickers in the windows of many vehicles "What's with the black and white flag stickers?," you ask your coltfriend >You know a lot of people take the flag seriously, so seeing it in the wrong colors is a little jarring >"Thin blue line, look carefully - one line is blue," he replies "And what's that supposed to mean?" >"Supposed to mean, or actually mean?" "Both" >"It's pro law and order. That strong law enforcement is what keeps us from descending into chaos" "But it really means what?" >"That the owner of that vehicle is either a cop or from a cop family. LOTS of cops live here - some of your regulars were cops" "Of course they'd be big on law and order then, I get it. That's their job after all" >"It's moire than that. It's political. Most of the city is OK with the mayor but dislikes the president. Here it's the other way around" "I can't tell whether you think that's a good or a bad thing" >"I just wish it wasn't a thing. Having to pick one side or the other. I've got friends on both sides, and neither really represents the way I see things" "So what do you do when it comes time to vote?" >"Just pay attention to the local stuff. We live in New York. My vote doesn't count on a national level anyway" "I thought they counted every vote" >"I'll explain it some other time," he says, holding the door of the club open for you >It's actually the entrance to the entrance, not the club proper >The walls are mirrors and in front of you a large black man in a black suit is sitting at a very little desk >"Entry is twenty bucks," he says, then gives your little party a look over and adds, "We don't serve alcohol to stallions" >"I won't be drinking," 47 replies, "I'm on duty. Private security" >At that the man look at your coltfriend, then at you and says, "No weapons or cameras allowed" "I should hope not!" >"You look really familiar," he says to you "Durril and I grew up together," you begin >Recognition dawn on the man's face >"The Hippodrome wedding, and now you're on that talk show all the girls watch!" "That would be me" >"I'm pretty sure your money's no good here," he picks up a walkie talkie and says, "Bobby?" while holding a button down >"Yeah," a voice answers on the tiny speaker >"We've got VIPs. Table for three" >"On my way," the voice responds >Half a minute later the big door to the club proper opens, blasting the vestibule with bass heavy music >A large white man in a similar suit holds the door open and says, "Please come this way" >You notice he has a shamrock tattoo on his neck >The club is pretty busy, patrons overwhelmingly men >As you walk to a table in a roped off area (with great view of the stage and the two mares currently dancing on it you notice 47 getting some looks >Nasty ones from men and curious ones from mares >He's the only stallion here >You're getting looks from mares as well - you know those looks >They're fans of the show >You sit at the table and in moments see a green mare hastily approaching >"I can't believe you're HERE!," Durril squeals, and you two are hugging immediately >When she finally breaks the embrace she says, "Look at you miss big celebrity. My place is crawling with security but you still had to bring TWO bodyguards of your own!" >"I'm off duty," your coltfriend replies >"And playing way out of your league," she responds >"I must be doing something right, since she just informed me she's my marefriend" >"And you came here to celebrate!," Durril purrs. "How cute!" >You can't tell if she's being sarcastic or not, but here in her work environment she's the most confident Durril you've ever seen >"It's good to see you," your coltfriend answers. "It's been years. You look great" >"You look a lot better than I expected," she replies giving him a good look over. "You lost a lot of weight" >"Turns out diet and exercise isn't a lie," he responds "And this is Agent Forty Seven" >"Well Agent Forty Seven," she says in a coquettish manner, "you have the honor of being our first stallion customer" >He smiles and says, "I can imagine tack dancing is not popular with free ponies" >"Once!," she says excitedly, "She mentions me and this place on the show just once, and she and Crystal have an argument over whether it's degrading..." >She rolls her eyes at you over that >"And the next thing you know," she continues, "we're a TOURIST attraction! Probably one third of the guys here are going to uber back to Manhattan hotels tonight" "That sounds expensive" >"These guys have money," Durril continues. "Sometimes groups of them charter limos or buses. We go through a lot of top shelf liquor" "I know the numbers. You're the organization's biggest earner by far" >She leans over and whispers in your ear, "I don't even have to turn tricks anymore! They'd prefer I do if it's a VIP, but I don't HAVE to" "That's huge," you whisper back >"I know, right?," she whispers. "Don't tell the others - I don't want to make them jealous. But I don't miss it one bit" "You were never really cut out for that. Not like Snowdrop" >She laughs >"Oh, you guys need drinks!," she says turning back to the group. "Champagne!" >"Lily!," she commands a mare who has been hovering a few steps behind her, "Champagne, and keep it coming. MY account" "It's so good to see you in charge!" >"I love it," she confides. "I go to sleep exhausted every night, but I love it" "I can see that. I'm so happy for you!" >The champagne arrives with four glasses >"None for me, thanks," 47 says, raising a forehoof. "I know you don't serve stallions anyway" >"Who we serve or don't serve is up to me," Durril replies >Is she flirting with 47? >It looks like she's flirting with 47 >"I'm on duty, Ma'am," he counters. "Though I very much appreciate the sentiment" >"As you wish," Durril coos. "We have do offer things here beyond alcohol that you might be interested in" >"Yes you do, Ma'am" >Shit, is that happening?! >Now you really need a drink! >You go through the whole "Cheers" thing, looking Durril and your coltfriend in the eye before taking a sip >You don't know a thing about Champagne, but this stuff is nice >The name on the bottle is a word you don't know followed by the words White Star >You're drinking White Star >"I've got a few things to take care of," Durril begins, "but I'll be back. Lily will take care of you while I'm gone. Whatever you want is on the house" >As she walks away you notice your coltfriend is staring at the Champagne bottle and frowning "What's up sweetie?" >"Just trying to figure out how much of this I can have and still get us back to Brooklyn without risking a DWI," he answers >You hadn't thought about that when you asked him to drive you here >But it's obviously a consideration >He can't really drink all that much when he has to drive home >That's not an issue when you're out on foot in Brooklyn >But it's a thing when you have to drive home from Staten Island >"May I propose a solution?," 47 asks "What are you thinking?" >"Of course I don't have a license," 47 begins, "but I have been trained to operate a motor vehicle. I have thirty five hours' driving experience" >"Aren't the ergonomics of that...?," your coltfriend begins >"Horrible," 47 answers, "But I can do it. I've done it. I can safely get us back to Brooklyn. And I'd enjoy it at least as much as you'd enjoy that Champagne" "It's night, so no one could tell there's a pony driving" >"Then I guess we've got us a designated driver," your coltfriend quips >"Full disclosure," 47 says, looking embarrassed, "when we get back I can't assure you that I can parallel park the vehicle" >"Full disclosure," your coltfriend replies, "we're going to be driving around for at least an hour looking for a spot. You find one, I'll park it" >So 47 is going to drive you home?! >You've never seen a pony drive before >But your safety is his mission and he's confident - eager, even! >He's a good boy, that's what he is >You're well aware it's not really your place to tell him that, so you don't >But the way Durril was looking at him? >And flirting? >Then it hits you >Durril has never had a stallion before! >And he definitely flirted back! >It's already an interesting night, but it could get a lot more interesting! >Be mare >At tack dance club with your coltfriend and 47, drinking champagne >You and your coltfriend are halfway through a second bottle when Durril returns to your table "So you're running the place. You're basically the madam here?" >"Funny, isn't it? I got what should have been your life" "I think you've earned this. You taught every one of these girls how to dance?" >"You bet. And I take care of them, too. The dorms are just a couple blocks away, they're nice. Hell, I even give them an allowance!" "You pay them?! How?" >"Plenty of guys leave big tips. We pool the money and the girls get an allowance from that" "What do they buy?" >"Beyond smartphones? Mostly fancy coffee drinks and boba" "Boba?" >"Bubble tea. Definitely a status symbol among them. Right now tiger sugar is THE one to get. Thankfully the people who run the shop don't mind having..." "A bunch of pretty mares coming in to buy their product" >"Yeah, the coffee shop guys actually like them hanging around I think" "Who wouldn't? The guys here are paying top dollar to be around them" >"More than that is available, of course. We have a few private rooms upstairs next to the office" >She looks over at 47 and gives him a smile >"Speaking of private rooms," she says loud enough for him to hear, "Can I borrow your stallion for a few minutes?" "That's up to h-" >"Absolutely," 47 says, cutting you off >"Follow me," Durril says, getting up and giving him the full bedroom eyes look along with a nice view of her backside >He follows her toward a staircase near the corner of the room next to the bar >"Good for him," your coltfriend says "And her, too. Pretty sure she's never had a stallion before" >"Is it that different?" "Yeah. It doesn't last as long, but that's a good thing because it's more intense. The mare might not even cum, but she'll be wrecked anyway" >"So you prefer with a man?" "There are up sides to each. Men are more familiar to me. More effort, but sometimes more reward" >"You're not a mare who minds putting a little effort in" "You only know the half of it. There's still plenty more to find out" >"Something to look forward to" >You give him the same look Durril gave 47 a minute ago >"I don't think I can go a third time tonight" "I'm just teasing. Enjoy it" >"You are so fucking sexy. Even in a room full of sexy mares you stand out. Always have" >While you suspect that may be true it still feels really good to hear him it >Being attractive has always been important to you >And you've always felt especially attractive around this man >When you were a filly AND now >He may not be the best looking man you've been with >He's far from that, but nowhere near the worst looking >It's the way you feel around him - like you're something special >You get that treatment from fans because you're on TV >But that's always more about THEM than you >Meeting you is a big deal to them because they watch you on TV >This guy who just ran his fingers through your mane? >When he tells you you're special you really do feel special "So which one do you want to do?" >"What?" "You're sitting in a room full of pretty mares. Which ones do it for you?" >"The one I'm talking to" "I'm already in your harem. Who would be the next pick? She's cute," you glance at the mare currently dancing on stage >"I don't think this is a good line of talk" "I'm not the jealous type. How about not for your harem. Just for a quick fuck. Which one?" >He uncomfortably looks around the room >He actually COULD fuck any of them >If he could get over his qualms about them not being free >Which he probably can't >But if he could you would have no problems with it >"I don't think I like this game" "We don't have to play it then. I bet she'd be a lot of fun. Or our server Lily. You'd bang her, right?" >Lily is very pretty - if you were a man you think you'd probably want to do her >"Can we talk about something else?" "We're in the candy store and our money's no good. Just making it clear you understand that. And this is not some kind of a test" >"I didn't think it was" "Good, cause it isn't" >He picks the bottle out of the ice bucket and tops off your glasses >Lily rushes over to see if you need anything >"We're OK," he answers, and she backs off "See what I mean?" >"Yeah, she's totally cute" "Do you want her?" >"You know this is why I hesitated coming here in the first place. I didn't want to put myself in this situation" >He takes a sip of his drink >"And don't think I'm being ungrateful. I know plenty of guys would kill for a marefriend who wants to pick other mares for them to fuck" >You smile at him, happy to see that he understands the situation >"If you wanna do that we can. But they have to be free mares. And I'm sure any who bite on the idea are gonna want a piece of you, kid" >That doesn't sound nearly as fun, but still MAYBE worth trying "That sounds a lot more complicated and less fun" >"If it wasn't places like this wouldn't be making money" >Good point >Out of the corner of your eye you see Durril and 47 coming down the stairs, smiling >Things went well! >As soon as she's in earshot she asks, "Am I walking funny? I feel like I'm walking funny" "Not that I can tell. He is a big boy though" >47 sits and you see that dopey eyed look both men and stallions always have after they've finished "You two have a good time?" >"Mmmmmm," Durril replies >Be mare >You are drunk >A third bottle of White Star arrived at the table before you managed to make your exit from the tack dance club >But you finally made your exit >Followed by a couple minutes standing by the car pretending to be engrossed in conversation >Until there was no one in sight to witness a stallion getting behind the wheel >You climb into the back seat, your coltfriend gets into the passenger seat and 47 awkwardly manouvers behind the wheel >"You can be a help here," he says to your coltfriend >"Let me get the directions on my phone," he responds, putting his phone into the little cradle on the dashboard >A voice from the phone says, "starting route to..." >"OK," 47 says, "Do you mind taking care of the stuff hooves have trouble with? Lights, ignition, and put it in reverse?" >He fusses with the rear view mirror while your coltfriend brings the car to life >"Hoof is on the brake" >Next thing you know you're backing out of the parking apace >"Now put it in drive and I can handle the rest," 47 says >The smartphone chirps, "Turn right onto..." >The stallion accelerates pretty hard turning out of the parking lot >Your coltfriend shoots him a look and says, "That's not confidence inspiring" "Just testing the oversteer," the stallion explains. "It is a front wheel drive car, after all" >And off you go, 47 hunched over the wheel, his hooves pressed hard against it >"Twenty five is the speed limit until we get to two seventy-eight," your coltfriend advises, "Drive too slow and you'll look like a drunk" >"Got it" >Strange to have stallion driving, but this seems to be a big deal to him "You having fun?" >"Yes, though I wish this was something a little sportier" >"Hey, I park it on the street," your coltfriend replies. "I wasn't going to spring for something fancy" >"Could have at least sprung for a Mazda three," the stallion chides. "That's actually fun to drive" >"Are you a secret gearhead?," your coltfriend asks >"I watch car videos online," the stallion answers. "You know, Top Gear, Doug DeMauro..." >"I watch him too," your coltfriend slurs. "That guy is such a dork but he gets to drive a lot of cool cars" >"I know," the stallion replies excitedly. "Supercars, AMGs, Ferraris. I hope I live to see the day they make pony adapted versions of cars like that" >The boys are talking about boring shit, so you just look out the window >Lots of houses with driveways and modest yards >This is where you grew up but none of it is familiar to you >Because you almost never got to go out and see it >Beyond out the window of a van on a rare outcall, and that was mostly when you were a little older >Durril's girls are lucky, but then again none of them are fillies >She's a good madam >Then again it's easy to be a good leader when business is very good >With your mind back to Durril's girls you realize there's an important question you still don't have an answer for "Now that you're no longer in the position where the answer might compromise your morals, which girl would you have chosen?" >"My ethics, not morals," your coltfriend replies "Same thing, aren't they?" >"Morals imply god's rules. Like St Paul telling you it's better to pluck out your eye than think impure thoughts" "Is that in the magic book?" >"Yeah it is. Ethics says you may think what you think and want what you want, but all that matters is what you do" "That is what matters" >"Then ethics is what you're talking about" >You just learned something - you hope you'll remember it "OK, so now that it won't compromise your ethics tell me which girl you would have chosen" >"Why is that important?" "Come on, I used to be a working girl. Who the clients choose is a big deal! If it wasn't Lily I NEED to know who turned your head" >"You need to know? Really?" "Really. You're being mean by not telling me. You know I'm not the jealous type" >"It doesn't seem like something I should be talking about with my marefriend" "If your marefriend is me you should! One of those girls had to have caught your eye. You have to tell me who she was!" >"Why?" "Because I need to know! Now come on, spill!" >"I don't think this is a good idea" "Look, I'm not one of those mares who will get all weird if you tell me who else you'd like to fuck. I'll get all weird if you don't tell me!" >He sighs >"I'm gonna regret this, I know it" "Here we go! Who was she?" >"We didn't get to see her dance. She was just working the room. Short, yellow coat with spots that looked like freckles" "Mane color?" >"Blue and green. I'm sure you saw her. Red eyes. Bobbed tail" >Which girl was that? >Oh yeah "Pegasus?" >"Yeah" "Looked like a filly?" >"Maybe a little. Definitely on the petite side" >You laugh "She totally looked like a filly! That's so irritating!" >"I knew I was going to regret this" "No. Irritating in a hot way. Of course she's a pegasus! Between two equally attractive mares a guy will ALWAYS go for the pegasus" >"Yeah, I guess" "It's totally a thing. And then there's the fact she looks younger than me!" >"I shouldn't have said anything" "No, I wouldn't have let you get away with not telling me. So now I'm imagining you railing that tight little mare" >He turns around to look at you >"You already wore me out. No way I had another shot in me even if we were in the position for that to somehow be OK" "You would have had one for her I'm sure. I know exactly what you saw in her" >"What's that?" "Years of being the guard instead of a customer. Same thing you saw in me back in the day, hopefully still do!" >And this being one of Durril's girls she would have taken some pride in how she convinced the client he was a sex god >That's part of what they're paying for >Normal guys dropping enough money to experience what it's like to be a king "You would have held her wings, right? While you felt her responding to your thrusts? I would have loved to have seen that!" >"I don't know. Maybe. I hadn't thought that far ahead" "You totally would have. And she would have done something cute like whimper at you, I'm sure" >"Can you two cool it a little?," 47 asks. "Stallion trying to drive here with a mare in heat in the car. I don't need more distractions" >You lean your head forward over the back of the front seat >Sure enough poor 47's cock is partway out of its sheath "Sorry" >You're usually so much better in front of him >But the laughing fit that's coming on is something you're unable to stop >You roll around in the back seat in hysterics >Maybe it's because you're drunk >But they're such GUYS and that's so hilarious >"What's so funny?," your coltfriend asks >You have to stop laughing before you can answer >Finally you do "Mr Ethics still wants to fuck fillies. I get it. I was super hot as a filly and you fucked me. But after all that moralizing... um, ethicalizing?" >"That was a mistake," he replies. "I didn't know any better back then" "No harm, no foul. In terms of experiences that might have damaged me YOU were the bottom of the list, and probably not even on it at all" >"That's nice of you to say, kid" "I mean it. But it's still funny. You oughtta be hanging out with Skydancer if you feel that way" >"I feel for her a little. Nothing she could do about it, really" "Me too, and it's sad actually. I'm just saying in this particular situation it's also a little funny. BOTH of you would have gone for that filly!" >"I'm pretty sure she was a mare" "A mare who LOOKED like a filly. Actually I'm gonna have to tell Sky about her. Good eye!" >"Thanks, I guess?" "No, seriously this might be exactly what she needs. She's been kinda glum lately, when she wasn't laughing at us hooking up" >You chuckle a little "Again" >"I know. Kinda funny, isn't it?" "To them. Feels pretty good to me, though I'm disappointed things didn't work out between you and your little pegasus" >"I'm not gonna live this down, am I?" "Sure you can. Let's pretend I'm her tomorrow morning" >"STALLION DRIVING HERE!," 47 shouts in an annoyed tone >That sets you off on another giggle fit >Poor guy! >Then again he just got Durril so how can he complain? >He can't >You want to say, "Shut up and drive," but you realize that would sound way to mean >Shit, you are drunk >You keep your mouth shut >Be mare >Riding in the back seat of your coltfriend's car - you and he are both drunk >47 is driving and doing a good job of it >You're on a road called "the Belt" which your coltfriend says will take you most of the way home >It's a highway, but this is New York, so even at 2AM on a Friday night (actually Saturday morning) there's traffic >It's moving, but there's traffic >Actually riding in a car instead of a van or SUV it feels like you're moving fast even though there are lots of other vehicles around you "You GET it!," you say to your coltfriend, noticing that your voice sounds a little drunk "I may technically be a free pony, but I'll never REALLY be one of them. Never really think and act like they do" >"Sure, because you grew up very differently than they did" "You know because you were there! Not on the inside like us girls, but right there" >"Yeah. And regardless of how either of us feels about it now we still both have friends on the inside" "Do you keep in touch with Madam?" >"It's hard. She's an old mare now. All she wants to talk about is the old days, and now I have really mixed feelings about those days" "That's not her fault, though" >"Of course it isn't. She had as much choice about being in her position as you did about being in yours" "As in none" >"Right. She just tried to keep you girls safe and minimize whatever damage the situation was going to do to you" "I think she did a good job. Look at Durril - she seems happy, and so do her girls" >"Still doesn't make it right" "Right or wrong that's the way things are. If you're still on the inside of course it's better to be happy than miserable" >"Yeah. I get it" "Same goes here on the outside. You know I'm happy being with you" >"Shows by how fast you're moving with this. When are we moving in together? Next week?" "Rose's room is still empty" >"Are you serious?! Put the brakes on a little, kid. Besides your place is a pony two bedroom. I have an actual two bedroom" "So it's bigger?" >"Yes it is. Turned out a big condo in a shithole like East New York could still be had for three hundred k when I bought just over a year ago" "Why did you buy a place in Ponytown if you think it's a shithole?" >"So I could move in with my ex. She sure as fuck wasn't going to move to Staten Island, even though I had a nice house there" "Selfish bitch" >"I understood. A free pony there still turns heads. Most ponies you see are owned by a family or business" "Like I was, and Durril's girls still are" >"Right. Folks there don't know what to make of a free pony" "So what happened to the house?" >"I sold it. Turns out mom's old place was worth the greater part of a million because of the three million dollar McMaansions built neraby over the last decade" "And she paid what for it?" >"I don't know. Thirty five, forty thousand back in the day. New York real estate" "So you bought a three hundred thousand dollar big condo and..." >"Banked the rest. Just take a couple freelance gigs a month and I don't have to touch it. Might be just enough to make it until the credits roll" "Trying to get myself into a similar situation. Season one of Blinders I made peanuts because it was a risky show and I didn't have an agent" >"You just took whatever offer they made you" "Yeah. By season two I had an agent, the show was popular so I did a lot better. For season three I managed to negotiate a pretty good deal" >"Nice work, kid" "Managed to bank almost all of it. Unless something really unexpected happens there will be a season four" >"And they want to keep the band together" "Yeah. I know Rose would love to bail and just be a mommy. But if she can make it through a fourth season she probably could..." >"So you're gonna be set up?" "Halfway set up. But you and me together? That would be all the way set up!" >"Kid, you're moving WAY too fast. This is only our second date!" "You feel it though, don't you?" >You hope he does >It feels right with him >You can just be yourself and never get and pity or horror from him >You can be a demanding little brat needling him a little or totally submit to his will like you're his - both feel natural >And best of all you don't have to explain yourself to him! >He already knows you >At least the important parts that are hard to explain >"Yeah, I feel it. It feels good. But I know I'm a project and you're a handfull" "I could use a project! And if I'm too much of a handful you just use a firmer hand. Problem solved!" >"You should have been a ninteen fifties car salesman because you really go in for the hard sell" >You don't know what that means, but you know it's some kind of a joke, so you giggle a little to humor him >"Look, I'm still getting over my ex. You're still probably getting over yours. Let's take this slower so we don't fuck up a possibly good thing" >Not what you wanted to hear, but still an acceptible answer >"You haven't told me anything about your ex except that he was a free unicorn like mine. You still getting over that relationship?" "More like still trying to figure out what happened. The app said we were very highly compatible, and it seemed like we were at first" >"At first is the easy part" "It was weird. He didn't like that I had fans, or even friends for that matter" >"I'm sure dating a celebrity isn't easy. I have yet to find that out, but I'm sure it's coming" "Yeah, maybe? It was like he wanted me all to himself but when he got me like that he was always angry about it" >"Like abusive angry?" "Like rough in a way that wasn't sexy. Sometimes I could never say the right thing. He'd get set off and it was always my fault" >47 says, "He kicked her. More thn once" "He HATED Forty Seven! Wouldn't even let him in the building" >"Imagine being in charge of her security from that position," 47 adds >"I'd want to kill the bastard," your coltfriend slurrs >"let's just say," 47 replies, "I wasn't unhappy or surprised when he disappeared" "I was panicked. The girls had me convinced he was ghosting me. I mean I'd been thinking about maybe leaving him, but him dumping me?" >"Yeah," your coltfriend responds, "rejection sucks" "I don't even know how to handle that. Only one man ever rejected me, and even he acknowledged that the sex would have been great" >"That's a story I probably don't need to know. But the guy was right" >You feel 47 hit the brakes as he comes up on the taillights of a car driving way to slowly >"That guy's probably drunk," your coltfriend says, "You want to get around him" >47 starts to steer over into the left lane and there's a loud horn blast from behind you >He swerves back behind the slow car and has to hit the brakes again to keep from hitting it >This knocks you halfway onto the floor mats because you weren't wearing a seatbelt >Fully expecting to be in your first auto accident and fearing the worst >You're pretty sure you just peed a little >By the time you're back on the seat you notice an SUV driving right next to you with the window down and the driver shouting >And giving 47 the finger >The finger - so much can be communicated with so little for those with fingers! >"Just keep your eyes on the road," your coltfriend advises >But you get a good view of the driver of the SUV doing a double take, grabbing his phone and holding it toward your vehicle >"Fuck," 47 says. "If that goes viral I'm in trouble!" >"Keep cool," your coltfriend advises. "He's passing us now. Let's get around this guy, but check your blind spot first" >"I knew that!," 47 replies. "I just got fucking distracted between the smell and all the sex talk" "The smell might be about to get a little worse. I think I peed a little when I thought we were about to crash" >"Drop her off first," your coltfriend commands. "Then you and I will go find parking" >Be Agent 47 >Waiting in the car in front of your asset's building to make sure she makes it safely back inside her apartment >Behind the wheel actually with a hoof on the brake as the vehicle's drunk owner sits in the seat beside you "So what now?" >"We circle the blocks hoping a T and LC guy pulls out. This time of night is a bitch. Half past two? Maybe we'll find a night regulation spot" >You ease the vehicle down the block and turn right onto the cross street >"Did she really pee in my back seat?" "Your car is going to smell like mare in heat for a while I'm afraid" >"Yeah well so do I, so I guess it's not a big deal. She's something, isn't she?" "Keeping up with her has been.. interesting" >"Like tonight was interesting? You did pretty well" "As long as the cell phone video is too dark and shaky for anyone to repost. I knew to check my blind spot, too. Just fucked up" >"Been a while since you've driven in traffic, huh? By the way you just drive, I'll keep my eyes peeled for a spot" "First time on public roads. At the academy we had access to a closed course. That's all of my driving experience" >"I guess that would have to be the case. Last time I checked they didn't give licenses to ponies" "Not yet, which is why most free pony settlements are in cities - places where you don't need a car" >"So your training was for emergency situations, and I'm guessing the asset and her boyfriend getting drunk at a club doesn't quite qualify" "It's a judgement call, but not one my organization would encourage. Not the first one on this assignment, either" >"Then why did you make that call?" "Because I fucking LOVE driving! I just had the most beautiful mare I've ever had in my life - she was amazing!" >"Yeah, she grew up beautiful" "And talented - not just at dancing" >"She's a pro. She was a little reluctant at first, but she got over it. I have no doubt she did you right" "Yeah, and after that, which should have been the highlight of my night, driving around looking for parking with you is almost as exciting!" >"Because you're in the driver's seat. You never get to be in the driver's seat" "That statement is true on several levels" >"That's why I put it that way. I figured" "Is that?" >"That's a hydrant" "What about?" >"Driveway. Like I said, you drive, I'll look for a spot. Try a left at the next intersection" "So what about you? Why mares instead of women?" >"I've been with plenty of women. Got my heart broken a several times. I fucking love women. They're a pain in the ass, but I love 'em" "But you're dating mares now" >"It's knowing what you're worth. I never was an Adonis, and I haven't been a young man for decades now" "Which means what, exactly?" >"On a good day maybe an attractive woman or even a cute girl will flirt with me a little, but on an average day?" "Not so much?" >"I'm slowly turning invisible to them. Would be different if I were rich and powerful, but I'm not" "Only a handful get to be that" >"True. But to a cute mare? My stock is up just because I'm a man" "So you switch things up to play from a position of strength? Even though you prefer women?" >"I like both. A couple years ago I would have told you mares were easier, but now I know that's most definitely bullshit" "I'll still stick to mares. I don't think I have the flexibility you do that way" >"Say it was the other way around and you were in my position. All things being equal the best you could get in terms of a mare would be a six or maybe a seven" "Out of ten?" >"Of course out of ten. Say your best chances with a mare were a seven, fast becoming a six. But you could get a woman who's just short of a dime" "Like the mare you're dating now?" >"More than that there... there's some serious history and probably a lot of unresolved daddy issues, but yeah" >He scans the rows of parked cars on either side of the street >"As far as looks go - all other things being equal, which I believe they are..." "Progressive of you" >"You know what I mean. All other things being equal would you take the six or seven or the almost dime?" "The almost dime who just peed in your back seat really wants to be yours, I'm pretty sure. Or you to be hers" >"You think? I mean, could she be moving any faster?" "Maybe she knows what she wants now, especially after the shitstain she was dating. Hopefully he got what was coming to him" >"From your tone of voice I'm guessing he did" "What tone of voice? Are you implying something?" >"Not at all. He mistreated her. I hope the worst for him as well. Just agreeing with you. I'm drunk" "Right" >You're sure that even if he suspects something you're safe >He cares about her well being - that shit is genuine on him >And he just lucked into an opportunity you inadvertently created for him >If anything he's the kind of guy who would be grateful you took care of things when she was in a rough situation "You know if you two move in together that'll probably mean the end of this mission for me" >"What makes you think we're moving in together?' "You pretty much just explained the reasoning. You both have feelings for each other. She wants it and you're... never going to do any better" >"So I don't even have a say in the matter?" "You should act like you do to save face. And maintain what power you have in the relationship. But you don't really have a choice" >"I bet you think that's hilarious - the man not really having a choice in a relationship with a mare" "Happens more often than you'd think. But still it would mean a new assignment for me. Roseluck was always the primary asset" >"Well yeah, 'cause she got like, kidnapped and shit" "Right, but suddenly the network had two celebrity stars living together in a vulnerable position. So 42 and I were assigned to the mission" >"And Fox pays the bills?" "I don't know who pays the bills. But I must have a guardian angel there because they tried to pull me off once and it got nixed by the client" >"Which is why you're letting your judgement be a little looser now. Someone's protecting you. Try a right turn here" "Maybe. But they'll have no incentive to keep me on if she's living with another security professional" >"Is that a bad thing for you?" "I dunno. Constantly chasing after her is a pain in the ass, though there are some major rewards, like tonight" >"Your view and my view of tonight and mine are a little different. For me it's bratty a little whorse who made me drive to SI and peed in my back seat" >He hiccups >"After she tests my ethics for her own amusement. And gets you laid. Like I said, she's a fucking handful!" >You can't help but laugh "Maybe she's better off in your hands than my hooves then. Still she's special" >"You kidding? I've known that since she was a filly! I feel like god just smiled upon me to put her back in my life" >He hiccups again >"And I don't even believe in god anymore" "If you don't mind me asking, what caused you to loose your faith?" >"Growing pubes. I was a pious kid because I wanted to believe in magic. Then my dick made me realize that shit was just a way to grab you by the short and curlies" "Meaning?" >"How do you make people compliant? Tell them they're bad and then spell out to them what they have to do to be good" "OK?" >"Then take it so far as to gain control over their appetites. Tell them what they can and can't eat and when. Control their expressions of sexuality" "I can see how those are big ones. But don't most people want certainty in an uncertain world. Just follow there rules and you're righteous?" >"That's every church lady and suicide bomber. It makes you sheep. They literally use that metaphor! You're supposed to be the Good Shepherd's sheep!" "Still better for most than uncertainty. If everybody is playing the same game together it's good to spell out the rules" >"You don't believe that, though. Or you wouldn't be driving right now" "You may choose not to follow them, but it's good to know what they are" >"OK. I'll give you that. I just prefer reason based rules over faith based. The bible is a great cultural artifact but..." "Not words you're going to live by?" >"Not when it was telling me what I could and couldn't do with my dick, or even think about doing with it. No fucking way!" "That does seem like a bit much" >"Says the guy who just nailed Durril. You were her first stallion?" "That's what she said" >"I'm glad it was you. You're a good guy" >He's drunk >Is he gonna say, "I love you, man!," next? >"There! That's a spot!" >You see what he pointing to >It looks tight "You think we can fit? >"I know we can" >You pull up closely alongside the car in front of the spot >"Not like that" >What is he talking about? >This is how you parallel park >"Get a little further out and go in closer to a forty five degree angle. Can you put in in reverse?" "it's a pain in the ass, but yeah" >"Then I'll hop out and guide out in. Open your window" >He jumps out of the car and comes around to your side >It's tight >It takes a couple tries, then a lot of going forward, twisting the wheel one way then backward twisting the other >"You've got about eight inches... keep going... keep going... STOP!" >Repeat >"OK, you're in" "Do you mind turning it off?," you ask after getting it into park with both hooves >These things are really not designed for hooves >But when you step out and look at your work you feel a sense of pride >There's really not much more than three inches between either bumper and the next vehicle >And the tires are less than six inches from the curb >You may have had help, but you just parallel parked in a tight spot and you didn't bump either of the cars around you >And you managed to find a spot in only twenty minutes when it could have taken an hour or more >"Let's go," he says shutting the door while pocketing the key. "I've got to piss like a racehorse" >You wonder what makes a racehorse special that way >You've heard the expression 'fucking like a Russian racehorse,' but never pissing like one >But you understand what he's communicating - he has been drinking after all "Good thing we're just a block and a half away from home" >"Good thing indeed. I'm way too old to be caught pissing on the street. That's not how things are done in twenty first century New York" "But that's how things used to be done?" >"When I was a kid the city always smelled like piss. Never Staten Island, but the city? Bigtime" "What changed?" >"The rents went up. A lot. The kind of animals who piss in the street can't afford to live there anymore" >He starts walking home at a pretty brisk pace and you fall in with him >"Yeah, and I'm not going to be one of those animals" >Be Roseluck >Be pregnant >The doctor called in a geriatric pregnancy, which you found insulting >But that's the medical term for when a mare your age is pregnant >You're not THAT old, but you're evidently on the old side to be having another foal >And you have a colt you have to explain this to >That before too long he's going to have a new brother or sister >On top of that you just moved into Chrissy's place >Which is an actual three bedroom, not even a pony three bedroom >Her parents bought it years ago when ponies started settling here >The walls are covered in her mother's paintings - her mother is an artist >One of the few pony artists whose work enjoyed popular appeal here >Popular enough to buy this place and let their daughter take it over when they retired to Florida >Chrissy pays them rent, which you now help pay >But it's a preferential deal - the whole payment is less than your share of the rent at your old place >The daughter who actually managed to take a few semesters in film school! >First pony in her class! >And now she's your marefriend >The two of you have the big bedroom, your son and 42 have the other two >This place is so much bigger than your old place, if a little less centrally located >It's just a 15 minute walk away from your old place, so you're not going to lose touch with your old roommate, showmate and friend >You do feel a little guilty though, because so much has been going on in your life >Then her dating that asshole put you in the position where you had to explain what was going on to her >Making you the bad guy in the relationship for trying to do the right thing >It still feels like you two have some stuff to resolve, but between motherhood, pregnancy, two jobs and a marefriend...! >There aren't enough hours in the day >You KNOW you're underslept >Vidal tut-tuts at you every time he applies makeup around your eyes >But the flower shop can't run itself >Day to day it almost could without you, except for the event orders that make up half of your business >Of course the flower shop doesn't pay like your TV gig >But if you had to choose you'd drop the TV gig and just keep the shop >Being a celebrity is nice - there are perks and TV money is great - but it's more like something that happened to you than something you actually wanted >You're not complaining, though >Of course your bookkeeper, who is also your old roommate, showmate and friend advised you stick out one more season >You don't know if you can face going through a pregnancy on national TV >Her advice to you was, "Just ask for an absurd amount of money and let them make the decision for you" >Which is probably what you're going to do, but knowing John... >He's not going to let you walk >You may not be the most popular cast member >But you and Chrissy have a dedicated following among a certain subset of viewers >Viewers who see right through your clumsy, "Aw shucks, we're just friends" routine and root for your relationship like a sports team >They're pretty active online, and while it's disconcerting to read speculation about your personal life it's... >Hard to resist reading as well >They get a lot right even though they get a lot wrong, too >Maybe season 4 will be when you and Chrissy come clean to America >The producers have hinted at that more than once in sentences that begin with, "You know what might be really cool...?" >It's just all so overwhelming >Not that you're complaining >Who would listen anyways? >But it's all good things happening, just so many happening at once! >Life was so much simpler in Ponyville >That feels like a million years ago! >Though life here has turned out better than you ever dared to dream >You're free! >You have a family! >You're successful >You could have ended up little more than a wet couple of holes for an unemployed QA guy >You shiver at the memory of being locked in a room with nothing but a bed, a TV and a bucket all day until he felt like playing with you >THAT could have been your life! >Men are so fucking creepy >At least John set you up with your own place and your own business >But he still demanded you put on an act for him - the cheerful, obedient bedmare - which you did until you couldn't do it anymore >You sigh, and it ends up being a lot louder than you intended >"You OK, Mom?," a young male voice inquires from the next room "You heard that?" >"Yeah. I have good hearing. I hear a lot of things" >Shit, like probably everything you and Chrissy do in bed?! >You hope that hasn't somehow confused or damaged him >Then again he and Chrissy get along very well >It was time spent with him that made Chrissy agree to bring up a foal with you in the first place >So that says something about their relationship "Why don't you come in here so we can have a little talk?" >"Am I in trouble?" "No, you're not in trouble" >"Then can I get a soda?" "You know I don't like you drinking soda" >"Everybody drinks soda! I don't know why you think it's so bad. I have a dollar. I just need seventy-five cents" "A soda is a dollar seventy-five?" >"The good ones are at the corner store. The crappy ghetto ass ones are a dollar, but I want a good one" "Language" >"Sorry" "OK. Come here and I'll give you a dollar. You get your soda and then we'll have a little talk" >"Thanks, mom!" >Five minutes later you're with your son in the kitchen because you don't want him spilling soda in your room "This move is not the only change in our lives happening. Soon you're going to have a new brother or sister" >"HALF brother or HALF sister," the colt corrects you, "because daddy is dead. I knew. I heard you telling Forty Two last week" >So much for your finding the right moment to explain this to him "I wasn't trying to hide it from you, sweetie. Just looking for the right time to tell you" >"I know. You're busy. But I've been wondering..." >He takes a sip from the red can >The bit about you being busy stings a little >You don't like the idea of your son growing up thinking mom is too busy for him >"Is Miss Chrissy really a mare? Or is she one of those, you know?" >Shit, he's been wondering this for a week?! "She's all mare" >"So she can't make sperms?" "No she can't. We, um... used a donor. Somepony we like and trust" >"Who?" "Forty Seven" >"Cool, but why not Forty Two? He's more like part of the family" "He is. But I'm his asset, and apparently having sex with your asset is compromising them" >"Having sex! You had SEX with Forty Seven?!" >Fuck >"Does Miss Chrissy know?" "Um... she was there. That is how foals are made" >"It seems like all the grown ups are constantly having sex and trying to hide it from all the colts and fillies" "If we didn't have sex there wouldn't be any colts or fillies" >"But that's not always true. What you and Miss Chrissy do can't make a foal, but you do it anyway" "OK, Let's put it this way..." >THINK! "You know how it happens... physically?" >"Mom, I've had the internet for a while now. I've seen how a lot of things happen physically. Some things I can't unsee" >Shit again >You should have probably have imposed some kind of parental control over his internet access, but you didn't >It didn't occur to you! >Because until recently it was something you never really participated in >You feel like Worst Mom Ever right now >"I know what you and Miss Chrissy are doing and it's just for fun, right?" >FUCK!!!!! "No. It's not just for fun. It's meaningful. It's the way you..." >HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS TO A COLT?!!! "Reinforce the bond between two ponies. Look at how ridiculous sex acts are" >"I'd use the word 'gross'" "Fine, gross then. So imagine how strong that drive has to be to make that seem not gross, but something you want to do to each other" >Was that good or are you still Worst Mother Ever? "The level of trust, the vulnerability, the intimacy... That's what an intimate relationship entails. It's part of what binds you together in a relationship" >"And it feels good, right? Not like the fake moaning in porn" "It's supposed to. Otherwise there would never be any foals. You think anypony would do anything like that if it didn't feel good?" >Then the word PORN registers in your mind "How much porn have you watched?" >"Mom, everybody watches porn. Just like everybody watches cute cat videos, even if they don't admit it" >UGH! "You shouldn't watch that stuff. I know it's about to become interesting to you, but it doesn't do anypony any good" >"I always just thought it was gross and a little funny until..." "Until what, sweetie?" >He blushes >Hard >"When we moved out?" "Yeah" >"Auntie was in heat. And I grew up with that stinky mare smell. But this time - it was the same stinky smell, but..." >SHIT AGAIN! >"It made me feel funny. Not in a good way, not in a bad way. Just funny. Is that the drive you're talking about?" "Oh, I'm sorry. That's from me. I was the first girl in my class to go into heat. I got a lot of attention from older guys" >"But guys don't go into heat, do they?" "No, but they respond to a mare who is. It's hard if you mature early that way. Not necessarily the best way to be ahead of the class" >"What do you mean?" "Did your um... peepee get big when you smelled auntie in heat?" >"It came out of my sheath. Like all the way out and it felt weird. She saw it" >Oh shit again. Nothing had better have happened! >He's the spitting image of his father who was the love of her life >And though there's a big part of you that would want to kill her if she ever... >There's also a tiny part that would understand >A VERY TINY PART! "Did she?" >"What?" "Do anything to you... or make you... do anything to her?" >He blushes, looks away from you and shifts uncomfortably on his hooves >"Sex stuff? No. But I think she knew I was thinking about, you know... that stuff" >Oh, you do know >Where the fuck have you been, Rose?! >It seems like yesterday he was suckling on you and now he's... >On his way to being a stallion >What happened in between? >To be fair you became TV famous, got foalnapped, realized you liked mares and got a marefriend AND lived through a mass shooting two blocks from you >All while running your own business >But now you feel like you missed something important >You're supposed to be his MOTHER, not his foalsitter! >Waves of guilt and regret wash over you >He almost grew up and you didn't even notice! >And you left your budding young stallion alone with a mare in heat >A mare who may be one of your best friends and sees herself as his auntie >But she was also literally raised to be a whorse since she was younger than he is now >It's a fucking miracle nothing happened! >No thanks to you "It's OK, sweetie. This is normal. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's hitting you a little early like it hit me, but it's normal" >"I don't like it. It makes everything weird" "It sure can," you reply, giving him a little nuzzle "It can really screw things up if for you if you act on it the wrong way. It can push you into bad decisions if you're not careful" >"Like what?" "You're probably making, um... sperm now. You know what that means?" >"I could be a daddy?" "Yeah, and we wouldn't want that to happen anytime soon, would we?" >"No! I just want to play video games!" "Then you know what NOT to do with a mare... or a filly in heat" >"None of the fillies I know are like that, mom" "Maybe not yet. But they will be before long. And you're a handsome stallion. You will get that kind of attention soon" >He shifts uncomfortably on his hooves "And you can't always count on the mare to be the responsible one. There may be times when it has to be you" >Are you doing a good job with this? >You feel like you're just flailing around hoping for the best >And once again probably letting your son down somehow "But remember the mare always has the final say about what does and doesn't happen. If she says stop - even ion the middle of things - you stop" >He gives you a horrified look >"I'm not going to rape anypony, mom! I know better than that!" "Of course you do. But things can seem different in the heat of the moment. So you always have to remember that" >You don't like even having to point out to your son that what he's got between his legs can be used as a weapon >But the truth is it can be >And he has to be aware of that >"So there's a foal inside you right now? Where I used to be?" "Yes. And in a little while we'll both get to meet him or her" >Be mare >This is it! >This is gonna be your new home if you play your cards right >"Yeah, so this is my place," your coltfriend says >It really is his - he OWNS it >The building is a typical 1960's brick six storey with a little lawn in front with a couple trees >A step up from the old tenement you live in, but nowhere near the luxury of the penthouse you lived in in the city >There is an elevator, which you think is really cool, even if the apartment is only on the third floor >Some of the apartments have balconies >HIS does! "You have a balcony?! I love that! We can eat out there when the weather warms up" >"Sure we can, kid. Most people who have them don't use them, but I like having my coffee out there when the weather's nice" >That sounds wonderful! >You do the math, not for the first time >He may be mature while you're still a young mare, but given the different rates at which you age >You'll be old together at the same time! >That will be so cute! >You're 90% sure this is what you want >You don't want to date another free pony - they don't understand you >You've already had a master/husband stallion, and trying to recreate that with somepony else would never work >You want to be done with all the uncertainty and settle down to enjoy life a little >You could do that with him, you're pretty sure of it >He can give you whatever you want and you don't feel like you're missing out on anything by being his >And he has a car! >Think of all the places you could go together and the things you could see! >He's giving you the tour, so you keep your eyes open for details >The bedroom is not as messy as you expect, but it's obvious he's not big on dusting >Remember a mare lived here until recently, so his batchelor habits haven't yet totally taken over the place >The kitchen is big, and there are no dirty dishes in the sink, just a couple glasses - good sign >There's a cute little table with two chairs to sit at >Currently there's a cutting board with a big rectangular knife on top of it >He cooks, but doesn't bother cleaning the stove after >No big deal - you can do that >This is so exciting! >This could be your new life! >You nuzzle into his hip and his hand comes down to pet you >"Not to bad, huh? I think I did OK" "It's a great place. You did great" >"Let me show you the other room, though I'll warn you it's become sorta like my man cave recently" >He opens the door to the second bedroom and there's a TV, a stereo, a computer on a desk with a chair, a couch and... >An electric guitar on a stand next to a big speaker box "You play guitar?!" >"I used to be really into it. Played in a few bands back in the day. Been getting back into it" "Could you play me something?" >"Now? Sure. Gimmie a sec" >You ignore the awful rug on the floor while he fiddles with some wires and little boxes with knobs on them >Then he fiddles with the guitar itself and you hear the pitch of the strings going up and down >But it's really quiet and doesn't sound like much of anything >Maybe this was a mistake >Finally he reaches over to the speaker box and flicks a switch >THERE'S the sound >And he starts playing >It's actual music! >Like he's an actual musician! >You don't know much about music, so all you can tell is that it sounds a little old and hillbilly >Like what's his name? >Elvis! >Like Elvis should be singing over it >But it's real music - he can actually play! "Shit, you're GOOD!" >He smiles at you >"You're kind. Never quite got my ten thousand hours in, but I probably came close a lifetime ago" "That sounds like what you sometimes hear on those radio stations with numbers in the eighties and low ninties. All you need is a singer and drums and..." >"A bass player. Yeah. I've been thinking of putting a band together again. It's a pain in the ass, but I've been thinking about it" "You should! I would totally listen to that, even if it sounds a little old fashioned" >"Yeah, I've always been pretty retro, and now that I'm older that makes me really retro" "Can you play me something else?" >"Sure, how about a little jazz?" >You nod >He taps his foot on one of the little boxes and flicks a switch on the guitar >The sound is a little different now and what he plays... >Transports you - you close your eyes and in your mind it's very late at night and you're in a small, candlelit room >You're drinking something fancy, even though the place isn't particularly upscale >Just sophisticated, and suddenly you feel that way as well >He stops playing and the spell is broken >You're back in his so called man cave "The band you put together should play stuff like that" >"Really? I never thought of myself as a real jazz player. I'm pretty crude" "That didn't sound crude to me at all" >"That's sweet of you to say. My ex wasn't really into my playing" >Do you say it? >Yeah you say it! "Your ex was a moron" >He laughs >"Well she sure as fuck wasn't you!" >He flicks the switch on the speaker box and puts the guitar back on its stand, then reaches out to scratch one of your ears >You lean into him wishing there was something you could give him >Like you wish there was some way to make the past disappear and be his first lover right now >But both of you have been around the block several times over >And that was true years ago before anything happened between the two of you >You MAY have been his first mare, but you don't know >You want to give him something from you that he's never had before >Is that even possible? >A guy his age has probably tried everything sexually that he ever wanted to try by now >But there's got to be something you can give him that would be a first for him >No way he's done everything, right? >But he's probably done all of the obvious things >"One more thing that's nice about this place," he says getting up >You follow him toward a closed door you assume is the bathroom >"When this place was built the units just had showers, but the previous owner remodeled the bathroom and..." >He opens the door to reveal a medium sized bathroom with a large bathtub taking up most of it >"Big enough for two, if you're into that sort of thing" "I am definitely into that sort of thing" >That gives you an idea! >Something he's never done before >Something really simple, but it could blow his mind "How do you feel about hoofjobs?" >"Meh. Never saw the point if a blowjob or actual fucking was an option. I knew guys who would go to tug joints, but it never struck me as something to seek out" >YAY! >He has no fucking idea! "Done right they can be really... intense. Want me to show you?" >"More intense than your blowjobs? I don't believe that!" >He really has no idea - he's never done this before >You can be his first! "Ummmm, let me show you. Take off your pants and stand in the tub" >He raises an eyebrow, but complies >He may be doubtful, but from the size and angle of his cock you clearly have his attention >You climb into the tub with him and sit on your haunches, so that cock is right in front of your face "You don't think a hoofjob can be more intense than this?" >You take him into your mouth >He moans >You never understood mares complaining about guys - men or stallions - not doing what they want them to do >All you have to do is this and they get very suggestible >Maybe those mares are just lousy at sucking cock >That's the only explanation you can come up with >You wrap a hoof around the back of his leg to pull him into you >Not that he needs any prompting, but it's always good to let it show that you're enjoying it, too >Your mind drifts back to mares' complaints about guys >You've actually hears free mares complaining that they don't like the taste or smell of cum >Probably the same ones who can't suck a dick worth a damn >You notice the taste of his precum in your mouth >It's neither good nor bad >But it's not supposed to be >It's the taste of his excitement, his lust >For YOU! >And if you can't appreciate that when you actually make him cum, well... >You should probably just switch over to mares like Roseluck >He's actually got the perfect blowjob dick as far as you're concerned >Not some monster cock that goes all the way down your throat and makes anal an endurance contest >Just perfectly average, giving you plenty of angles to work it >Really big dicks are exciting, but they can also be exhausting >And leave you sore >Once in a while that's great, but this is more of an everyday dick >You are going to make this your everyday dick >Or maybe every other day when you get old - you'll have to see how that works out >Having coffee on that balcony together every morning when it's warm >His moans are coming a little more frequently, and a look up reveals his eyes are shut >He's not one of those eye contact blowjob guys, that's for sure >He's pretty close, so you pull him into you to pick up some natural lubrication from your throat, then ease off "OK, here comes the intense part" >Shit, you're almost giddy! "Eyes open, please" >He moans in a way that sounds like a complaint - a complaint that you stopped blowing him >But he opens his eyes to look down at you >He doesn't know what he's in for! >This is gonna be awesome! >Your left fore hoof steadies his cock while you begin a circular motion on the head with your right >It's wet enough with precum and your own lubrication that you do not have to be slow nor gentle >"Ungh!" >Good >This will get him off and he'll wonder what the big deal is until... >You continue the circular motion on his cockhead, pausing to add a little spit since you don't have any proper lube >"OH FUCK" >That's usually the sign right there >And now you don't need any more lube to keep going because his cum will do the job >You keep going >"Ahhhhh! Oh my god! You can stop!" "No I can't. We're not done yet" >"Ahhhhh! I just came. Stop! Please!" "There's still more. Trust me. I'm a professional" >He tries to pull back a little, but you stay on him >He's not getting away! >You increase the speed of the motion on his cockhead and... >Here it comes >"Ahhhhhh. Oh my god!" >One squirt "Let it go" >Another squirt and another panicked sounding moan "Let it go, it's OK" >There he goes >And this is always the point where you can't stop yourself from giggling >Because it's just funny to reduce a man to this >Usually you like being the one reduced to incoherence >But this is something special for him "It's OK. I've got you," you say between giggles >After what seems like a decent stream against your hoof gets spattered all over you, him and the tub you relent "There go" >He looks like he's trying to focus his eyes >Good. You did a good job then >Not that this was that hard a job to pull off >Skydancer told you about her extra back when you were a filly and explained how it was done >Couldn't be more simple, really >In retrospect it's no surprise she ended up a dominatrix if this is what guys were paying extra to have her do to them >"You just wrecked my dick," he finally manages to say after a couple false starts "You'll be fine. But was I right? More intense than a blowjob?" >"Fuck!" "I'll take that as a yes?" >"Sorry I peed all over you" "I didn't give you a choice. And besides it's only piss. It rinses right off. And we are in a bathtub" >"I don't want you to think that's my thing though. It isn't" "If it were you'd have tried to get some in my mouth. You didn't, so I know" >"Is it your thing?" "Not really. Marking you when I'm in heat sounds kinda hot, but I know a mare who marks her man all the time" >"What's that like?" "Well, he's supposed to be the boss. And I don't think people notice, but ponies? It kind of undercuts him that he smells like a mare's piss" >"I can see that" "I'm pretty submissive, and she's less dominant than I am. The only right she has to be boss mare is that she's the only mare he has!" >"If you're the only mare I have does that make you boss mare?" "Can I maybe pee on your foot in the bathtub when I'm in heat?" >"I just peed all over you. Fair's fair" "Then that's all the boss mare I'll ever need to be!" >"We should wash up. Shower or...?" "Shower now. Baths definitely later" >Be mare >Back on Staten Island, this time during the day >Your coltfriend insisted you have lunch at the clam pizza place >You relented because you knew he really wasn't into this trip >Turns out clam pizza was not nearly as horrible as you were expecting >You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing you thought it was actually good - weird, but good >Eapecially after the first bite proved to be so hot that it burned your mouth >But you know he was pleased that you finished a slice and most of another >47 refused to try it, saying he wasn't hungry >It wasn't a very big pizza - they called it a "bar pie", but the leftover slice made the car smell like garlic >You wonder if you're going to pay for that later - garlic and onions don't usually sit all that well with you >Nor do you like the idea of smelling like either of them >But with the man beside you as your coltfriend it's going to happen sometimes >He's smelled like garlic and onions to some degree as long as you've known him >He smells more like it now because he's carrying the little cardboard box with that last slice in it with him >And it is weird to be walking down the hallway of the place where you met >No longer as a filly whorse and the guard, but as a couple of free lovers >He's your lover! >47 deemed this a very low risk scenario and elected to wait outside, saying something about not needing to see things in action here >You know he's fucked whorses, so that's not the issue >It's probably seeing working girls this young >You wonder if it's because he doesn't approve of it or secretly desires them >Or both? It could be both, like you're pretty sure it is for the man beside you >Of course saying anything about that would start him off on the whole 'it's your actions, not your thoughts that matter' thing >And there's no reason to start that up since you agree with him anyway >So it's just he two of you walking down the familiar hallway >Some of the fillies you pass along the way giggle >The older ones recognize him but all of them recognize you as well >You are a celebrity, and this is where you came from >You guess they see you as kind of a Cinderella, or more like a Pretty Woman >You have told some stories about growing up on the air, but you kept the details blurry >Because an operation like this runs on discretion >Unlike the tack dance club >That doesn't matter to the girls here, though >Their knowledge of the world outside may be incredibkly filtered, but... >Every filly here knows exactly who you are - somepony who grew up on the inside like them but somehow made it out >And became a celebrity on the outside! >A blue pegasus looks you right in the eye and asks, "So it's true? You two are a thing? Again?" >You know anypony else would blush in this situation, but you're not ashamed "Word travels quickly I see" >"I heard some of the girls at the tack dance club were posting about it while you were still there. Are you going to talk about it on the show?" >You look to your coltfriend >"Fine by me," he says "Probably then. Seems like everypony is interested in details of our personal lives" >"Yours, Rose's and Crystal's, at least." the pegasus replies. "I wish they'd stop pretending not to be aa couple. They're not doing a good job" >You laugh "Not at all. It's going to have to come out next season" >"It's already out," she replies, "they're just going to have to acknowledge it next season" >HOLY SHIT! >You know who she is! >This HAS to be her - Skydancer's fillyfriend >Or ex-fillyfriend "Speaking of personal lives, um... were you... did you used to be with, um... Sky?" >FUCK! >That was WAY more insensitive than you meant to be >You didn't even mean to say it! >She scowls >"You still keep in touch with her?" "Yes I do" >"Then tell that bitch I'm never forgiving her! Never ever!" >This is sad, but you undertand - rejection is something you can't even bear the thought of "I know she hurt you, but you have to understand she believes she was doing the right thing" >She smiles - not a happy smile at all - the most rueful smile you've ever seen >"I have to understand?! Do you believe that? That it's right to hurt somepony you claim to care about like THAT?" >You don't >You sort of unde3rstand the cycle of abuse thing Sky explained to you >You can see that being a thing among people and free ponies >But you don't believe it applies in this situation, given the specifics of the lives involved >You can't try to avoid breaking an egg that somebody else has already broken >And breaking up with somepony doesn't make it like the relationship never happened in the first place >The pegasus is looking at you intently >"I thought not," she says. "It's just plain fucked up! I have a fillyfriend of my own now anyways, so fuck Sky!" >Turning away from you she shouts down the hall, "HEY VIOLET! LOOK WHO'S BACK!" >A unicorn filly comes running, and you see her eyes go wide with recognition, first of the guard, then you >She smiles slyly and asks, "You two came back for a romantic walk down Memory Lane?" >Does everypony on the inside have to cut on you two for being together? >She adds: "Maybe Moneesha will let you use her bathroom if you ask nicely" >You get it - you have so much that none of them will ever have >And you're choosing one of the few people they could actually pass on >It's got to seem ridiculous to them >"More like catching up with an old friend," your coltfriend answers >"I wouldn't know anything about that," the unicorn quips, "not being old myself" >Her pegasus fillyfriend gives her an admiring look >It's more than that, actually >It's the thrill of getting away with something that you probably shouldn't be doing >Eyes wide, pupils huge, guilty little smile >Snowdrop and Skydancer looked at each other like that all the time when they were fillies >Though you're pretty sure none of you had this much attitude back then >Or maybe you've just forgotten how smug a filly can get when everyone tells her how pretty she is all day long >Then again this is an unusual interaction for them - you're not one of the girls, a client or an authority figure >Yet you're somepony whose personal life they know a lot about from both the show and the gossip among them >You expect some of the girls to be a little starstruck like they were at the tack dance club >But you can also see how jealousy over you having so much they never will could give some of them chips on their shoulders >Looking for any reason to mock you >Being too old is reason enough - how can mares even compare to fillies? >You remember thinking like that when you were their age >But dating their former guard is the cherry on top of it all! >And because he no longer works here they can taunt both of you with impunity >As long as Madam doesn't hear it >They're also probably the oldest girls here - both about to age out any second >That's got to be where some of that attitude is coming from >"Well nice seeing you girls again," your coltfriend says starting to walk past them, "but we've got a meeting with the boss" >You follow him >When they're out of earshot you say: "That was a lot of attitude for a couple little fillies!" >"You kinda started it, bringing up Skydancer point blank like that" "I know. It was so insensitive of me. You know when you're watching yourself make a mistake but it's too late to stop?" >"That's a situation I try to avoid finding myself into, but yeah" "That's what just happened to me. I was thinking it, but I heard myself saying it and then it was too late" >"I'll tell you Violet's really come out of her shell, though. She didn't used to be anything like that!" "I'm sure having your fillyfriend be top filly does wonders for your self-confidence" >"Lightning? She was very popular with the clients" "Of course she is. People are so racist" >"You really think it's because she's the only pegasus?" "Men always go for wings when that's an option. Even you. A roomful of pretty mares and who turns your head? One of only three pegasi there" >Really shouldn't have let on that you keep track of stuff like that >He doesn't need to know that >"You asked which one struck me and I told you. Now you're calling me racist over it?" "It's not your fault. All men are like that" >"Justifying racism with sexism? Interesting strategy. You should start a cult or a fringe political movement" >He's got you on that, so just move past it "So I gotta know: was it the wings or the fact she looked like a filly? Or both? Was it both?" >"I don't know. It's sort of the same thing you have - being both cute and sexy at the same time" "Good answer" >"I'm not half as dumb as you think I am. Most of the time you're not actually manpiulating me, I'm just letting you have your way" "Because I'm so cute when I get my way?" >"That might be part of it" "Because your dick ends up so happy when I get my way?" >"That might be part of it as well" "Because I'm best marefriend ever?" >"There, that's it! Definitely that one" "Now you're just playing with me" >"And you're not doing the same with me?" "I have no intention of stopping. I wanna just keep playing with you and never stop" >"You think I can survive that for long?" "I think both of us can for about the same length of time. Hopefully we check out together in the middle of an orgasm" >"You're such a romantic" "I'm serious," you say, but the giggle you can't surpress gives you away "Or we both end up with terminal cancer and go out in a murder-suicide!" >"That's more like it. That's exactly how I've always wanted to go out, kid. Good thinking!" >Wow >You're not usually this dark >He's humoring you - being kind to you >Because he knows this is a big deal to you >Even when you're being a total brat to him he's still kind >You suspect he actually loves it, but it's probably the kind of thing you could push too far >One of those fine line things you're going to have to figure out over time >But being back here makes you feel old and weird and... dark >It's such a tiny little world in the brothel >So familiar and so... insulated >Like you're trapped the way all the girls here are, even if they don't realize it >Standing in front of the door to Madam's office with him shoots you right back to being a filly >Except you know there's a much older Madam on the other side of that door >And you don't know how you're going to handle that >Death was never something you worried about >You've been choked out countless times >There's usually the orgasm, the few seconds of panic and then black >Not really all so bad >You could handle that >If you never woke up from the black you'd never even notice nor care >Not all that different from going to sleep and not waking up >But actually getting OLD?! >You can't help but notice and care! >Every day worse than the next? >To do that you'd have to be with someone you really trust, otherwise you're just going through it alone as you fall into the grave in slow motion >Very slow motion, all alone >All of your beauty and charm slowly replaced by frailty and neediness? >Nothing attractive about that! >Which is what you're afraid you're about to see Madam in the process of becoming >It kind of makes sense that getting old would work that way, though >Becoming less attractive and more of a pain in the ass to those around you probably takes some of the sting out of it for them when you finally... >You know? >Like it's a little bit of a relief, even if it is sad? >That's why it's so much sadder when somepony dies before then >Because they were still vital, like Master was >He should not have died when he did! >You still think you could have prevented it somehow if you'd known how dangerous his drinking actually was >But how were you supposed to know? >You had no way of knowing >And now you're regretting pushing for this visit >This was a bad idea >You knock on the door >"Come in," Madam says >Her voice still sounds the same. That's a good sign >You open the door and there she is >"Come to see the old grey mare?," she asks "You look good!" >"Thank you," she replies, "So do you" >It's not really a lie - she looks a lot better than you were fearing >Yeah, her mane is pure white now, but your coltfriend's hair is halfway there as well - no big deal >She doesn't sit as straight as ahe used to - she's a little hunched forward over her desk >She's still kind of pretty - in an old mare kind of way - but the sexiness she managed to hang on to back when you were young? >That's long gone >"Brought you something," your coltfriend says, presenting the box with a flourish >"I can smell the garlic," Madam replies with a little trepidation. "I'm guessing pizza?" >He places the box on her desk, opens it and turns it toward her >"Try it," he encourages >"What's on it that I don't recognize?," she asks suspiciously >"Just try it," he replies, "It's good" >He shoots you a quick look >He needs backup, and being fair in this case he deserves it "It is good. It shouldn't be, but it is" >"For a while there," Madam says, "he kind of made it his mission to get me to try every oddball naughty salty snack he could find" "He does the same thing to me!" >"Are you gonna try it, or what?," your coltfriend asks >Madam gingerly picks the slice up carefully and takes a tentative nibble >"Ooooh, so salty," she says. "What's the flavor I can't place?" >"Do you like it?," he asks >"It's better than Mortadella," she replies "I love Mortadella!" >"He's really gotten to you, then! So what kind of pizza am I eating?," she asks >"Take a real taste," he pleads >She takes a proper bite and chews thoughtfully >She's totally indulging him in the way intimates do! >You wonder - not for the first time - if they ever fucked >Probably not, but a little part of you hopes they did >Because you'd HAVE to hear all the details if it happened! >File that away for later >After swallowing she says, "So?" >"Clam pie," he answers >"Clams?! That's what's hiding behind the garlic?," Madam asks, wide eyed, "Who the fuck puts clams on a pizza?" >You're not sure if that's the first time you've heard her swear >If it isn't it's one of the few times you have >And you bust out laughing >"You gotta admit it's good, though," your coltfriend demands >She sighs >"It's good," she allows, "but it's a horrible idea!" "My thoughts exactly!" >"A lot of good things sound like horrible ideas," he replies. "Cheese is just the right kind of rotten milk, after all" "Still there's a reason why you can't call up Domino's and order a clam pizza" >"You shouldn't call up Domino's and order anything," he says contemptuously. "Ever!" >"True," she replies, "but I'm guessing this isn't any healthier, or if it is not by all that much" >"Pizza was never meant to be health food," he replies, "but a lot of the places it's been taken to over the last few decades are just fucking wrong" "But clam pizza is right?" >Madam laughs and you do, too >When that subsides you ask: "So how have you been?" >"Same as always," she replies, "just not able to do as much as I used to. So I do what I can and Moneesha picks up the slack" >Moneesha is the new guard >You've seen her name on the payroll >You met her when she let you two in >Younger black woman, all business >And you know she's getting paid less than he used to get >For more work, it seems >And aside from the owners you're the only one who knows >You're going to keep that to yourself, because it seems kind of unfair, and pointing out that kind of stuff usually causes problems >Discretion rules the day at the filly brothel >"So did you come back for my blessing?," Madam asks with a little chuckle >You don't really know >After visiting Durril it seemed just wrong not to visit Madam >Especially given how easy it was with a coltfriend who has a car and has fond feelings for her anyway "Maybe a little, I don't know. I guess it seemed like the right thing to do. On the outside when a relationship gets serious you meet the parents" >"I'm touched," she replies, "that you see me as a motherly figure. I did the best I could under the circumstances" >She sighs and continues, "These days I'm more of a grandmotherly figure, if I'm lucky" >"I think she just wanted you to see that she's actually happy," your coltfriend says, "even if the fact that it's with me is something of a punchline" >"I don't think so," she replies. "When you two started up here it gave me a few sleepless nights, worrying whether it was rapey or abusive" >"By modern standards out there," he replies, "it was both" >"If those standards applied here we'd be shut down," she answers. "Not that that would be a bad thing, if you want my two bits" >She looks you right in the eye >"I realized he would never do anything to hurt you, and you were willingly going along with it, so," she says, "I turned a blind eye to it" "I'm glad you did! Because you know what that was for me? The only consensual sex I'd had in my life up to that point" >"Oh you were pretty willing with that awful regular of yours. I really did all I could about that" "That was abuse and manipulation. I know that now. But what I had with this guy? We may not have been equals, but he always let it be my decision whether or not anything happened" >"Yeah, I knew him well enough to assume that was the case. But it was a tough judgment call to make" >"And looking back on it I feel like I was in the wrong," your coltfriend adds, "because we weren't equals" >"Don't kid yourself," Madam says with a bitter laugh, "You may both be free, but you're still not equals. That's not how it works" >Oh, come on! >Please don't point out ethical issues that might complicate things for him! "For what it's worth I walk all over him" >"She tries to, at least," he adds with a laugh >"I'm sure you do," Madam answers with a little twinkle in her eye, "and I bet he loves it!" "Of course he does! So you're happy for us?" >You don't know why that seems important, but it does >She looks at your coltfriend with a sly smile and says, "You're the one who doesn't have a choice here, but I know you'd never hurt her" >He opens his mouth to reply but she cuts him off by raising a hoof >Then she looks at you >"I'm more than a little jealous. Not that you're with this lug, though he is a good man for the most part..." >She sighs and speaks in a low voice, "that you get to make decisions about your own happiness. I remember what that was like and..." >You see tears forming in her eyes >"That was a lifetime ago," she says. "This is what you want?" "This is what I want" >"Well, you two have had my tacit blessing since you were a filly. Now you have my verbal blessing. I wish you health and happiness" >Shit, she's crying now! >You didn't come here to make the old mare cry! >She gets up from her desk and gives your coltfriend a hug >"Don't let her walk all over you," she says to him with a smile, "at least not all the time" >"She only thinks she does," he replies >"Good," she says firmly, "You want to spoil her, but not ruin her" >"And you," she says coming close to hug you, "Thank you for remembering me and sharing this. We all played for the same team here..." >The tears are starting up again >So are yours >"I wish you the best out there as your own team" >She releases you from the hug and says, "Now I've got work to do. You two should go" >She smiles at your coltfriend and looks down at the half eaten slice of pizza on her desk >"And thanks for yet another culinary challenge. This was one of the better ones" >Be Roseluck >Mother to a colt and pregnant with another foal >The colt worries you a little >You feel guilty for being so busy that you barely got to see him grow up >And he's growing up so fast >He went from playdates with his friends to drinking soda, eating tacos and playing video games in the blink of an eye >And now he smells like a young stallion as well >He actually gave you some pushback when you suggested he ought to shower every day now >And you had to point out it wasn't really a suggestion >You don't like the hours he spends staring st screens >Like he's doing with his phone right now as you walk by his room "What is so interesting on that phone that you never look up from it?" >"Just stuff," he replies, not looking up "What kind of stuff?" >"Just videos on Tik Tok," he says, finally looking up >The look on your face must give you away, because his demeanor changes quickly >He adds: "Memes and stuff" "So is this an interactive thing?" >"Of course it's interactive. It wouldn't be much fun if it weren't" "So do you have friends on there?" >"It's not Facebook, mom. You can make response videos, but I've never made one. Two of the girls from school have me on their private channels" >That doesn't sound good >Or maybe it does - this is out of your league! "What do the girls post on their private channels?" >"Just them singing their favorite songs or dancing. Kinda boring" "You think girls dancing is boring?" >"THESE girls dancing is. Daisy thinks she's such a bad girl because she has a bridle, but she just looks silly in it" "You know that's degrading, right? Why would a free mare would do that" >He sighs >"Because she wants attention from guys? It seems pretty obvious. And it works. I watch her videos even if they're boring" "But a mare can get that kind of attention without degrading herself" >"She's just being silly. Didn't you do silly flirty stuff when you were a filly?" >Back in Equesrtia you may have been a little bit of a flirt here and there with stallions >Who are you kidding?! You definitely had your moments! >And you had your share of experiences "Maybe back home. It's all been very different since I got here" >"I can't even imagine. I know what they did to you. If there were any way I could make them pay for it I would!" "Don't talk like that. What's important is that YOU'RE free. You have to promise me you'll never do anything that'll get that taken away from you" >He hesitates "I'm serious! It was all perfectly legal. No crime has been committed against me except the foalnapping" >"Because rape isn't a crime if you're private property? I don't believe that and I know you don't either" "Of course I don't. But that's the law here. We're not in Equestria. We can work to make this world better, but we still have to live in it the way it is" >"I saw him, you know. He came to the old place when you were foalnapped" "John?" >"The guy who used to own you, yeah" "Then you saw he's not a monster" >"He still raped you. I wanted to kill him. But I was really young and I couldn't do anything about it" "You're still really young and there's nothing you should do about it. He never really hurt me" >"On TV you said he whipped you!" >Shit! >You've said a lot of things on the show without ever thinking about the day coming when... >Your son would eventually start watching >"He made you his bedmare!" "I don't like that word" >"Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not a thing" "It was more complicated than that. He could have just used me. He didn't. He set me up with a business and my own place and treated me like his..." >Mistress or marefriend? >It really was somewhere between the two "Marefriend. He nearly had me believing it, too" >"Until you...," he looks away and mutters, "cucked him with dad" "I don't like you putting it that way. But even then he set the wheels in motion for both of us to be free. He didn't have to do that" >"He owned you. Why didn't he just have me cut out of you?" "I told him I'd kill myself if he did. And it was the truth. Instead of testing that he more or less let me go" >The colt gets a pensive look on his face >"He's still a monster. Look what he made dad do! The best singer in Equestria hosting THAT show?!" >SHIT again! "You haven't watched THAT, have you?" >Your heart is breaking >"How the hell else am I supposed to see my father?!" >You're not even going to bother correcting his language now >You lean in to nuzzle him, but he backs away from you "Your father had no choice about that. And you know a lot of that was CGI" >"Not all of it was, mom. We both know that. Why do you still work for him now that you're free?" "Would you pass up the opportunity to maybe change American minds about slavery?" >Come on! >You're not doing the show because you want to be a TV celebrity "You think I wouldn't just rather run a flower shop and be a mom?" >"And not be famous?" "I never wanted to be famous. I just wanted to somehow escape from having men comtrolling my life. And I did. And if I can do anything to make things better for..." >You want to say other mares, but the scope of what's fucked up is bigger than that "...everypony else I have to do that. I got out. If I can raise awareness maybe everypony else will someday" >"Why does he let you? He owns ponies but you go on TV spreading abolitionist ideas. He pays you to do it. It doesn't make sense" "He doesn't think like we do. It's not about right and wrong to him. It's about winning. The show is a hit and his name is on it. He wins." >"And dad's life was just collateral damage?" "Our lives could have been, too. Instead I'm being rewarded for doing the right thing. That doesn't always happen in life" >You pause to let that sink in, and look the colt right in his dark eyes "When it does you have to make the most of it" >He nods "I still don't like you watching tack dance videos. Eroticising symbols of oppression is messed up" >"That's not what I see in them" "What do you see in them?" >He shifts uncomfortably on his hooves >"You know how it's always the stallions who have to prance around to get the mares' attention?" "That's usually how it works" >"It's nice to see it the other way around, even if they're not doing it all that great" >Of course it must be! >How could a stallion not feel that way? "Just keep in mind that you might not want the attention of mares like that" >"Why not?" "They're much more likely to break your heart in one way or another" Excerpt from Blinders Off S3 E28, aired 2/7/2020 Roseluck: "At the end of the day I think all parents would like to minimize screen time for their for their fillies and colts. There are a lot of legitimate reasons for this. I don't think TikTok is doing fillies any good, despite its popularity. But how much of their future work lives are going to involve screens? Very likely a lot. And then there's socialization. That's very important for them, and like it or not a lot of their social interaction happens on those screens. Try taking the screen away from them and you're making an attempt to curtail their socialization at an age where that's very important to them. I don't like it one bit, but that's how things are." Ada Maria: "Thanks, Rose. Our next topic is an under reported story. There are many reasons a story might be under reported in the media. Plenty of stories being pushed on social media are simply fake. Others may be true but not in line with the standards of a particular news organization. While we do not claim to be journalists our staff and prodiucers aim to uphold journalistic standards when reporting actual news. With that said I'll let Crystal Clear introduce our next topic." Crystal Clear: "ICE raids in Ponytown are on the rise. Not just against men and women living in this country illegally, but against free ponies as well." Ada Maria: "How can free ponies be targets of ICE raids if they have free legal status?" Crystal Clear: "The view on enforcement has changed. Free ponies born here are considered legal residents, as are those emancipated by the state - the federal government respects state's rights on both of those fronts." Ada Maria: "Then who are they going after and why?" Crystal Clear: "All pony targets of ICE raids in this recent wave have been Equestrian born. The reasoning being that they immigrated here illegally and the only legal protection they have is that of sanctuary state policies not recognized by the federal government" Ada Maria: "And all raids so far have been in Sanctuary Cities. Am I correct in saying this is the first time we've seen ponies caught in this particular political crossfire?" Crystal Clear: "It's a big change in precedent as far as enforcement is concerned. One that has many ponies on edge in places like Ponytown." Mare: "It's shocking, but hardly a surprise. This is a president who takes every opportunity to call us 'animals'. He's repeatedly called abolitionist organizations domestic terrorists. He didn't have a word of condemnation for the man behinmd the Ponyville Market Massacre. And now this is happening in an election year? If he thinks this will benefit him he'll be tweeting about it before long." Ada Maria: "Truth is reporting a story like this is a little out of our depth, so please welcome our next guest, former National Public Radio correspondent and author Sally Stringer!" (Stringer, a pink mare takes the guest seat on the stage to polite applause.) Ada Maria: "Welcome to the show." S. Stringer: "Happy to be here, though I wish it were under less disturbing circumstances." Ada Maria: "Regarding those circumstances, what do we know for sure about these raids?" S. Stringer: "At least seven Equestrian born free ponies have been arrested by ICE, four of them in New York's Ponytown." Ada Maria: "Do we know where they were taken?" S. Stringer: "Official word is to detention centers. But the federal agency has given us no details beyond that." Ada Maria: "So their families have no idea of their whereabouts? Or even if their still... alive?" S. Stringer: "None whatsoever. Free ponies have been taken away by federal agents, we don't know where they are being held, nor do we know what is in store for them." Ada Maria: "It's not like they can be quickly deported to their country of origin, as is typically the case with illegal immigrant men and women" S. Stringer: "As far as we know there's no way back to Equestria, and even if there were the last credible reports describe it as a dark wasteland." Roseluck: "That's my last memory of it. I left because the only other choice was starving to death in the darkness. I didn't want to leave. I HAD to." S. Stringer: "By definition you were refugees, though the law saw things differently." Roseluck: "Most of us had no idea when we came through. We just walked right up to men who put collars on us and told us we were now private property. I know I did. How could I possibly have known? It was so shocking! I was so dumbstruck I didn't even put up any resistance because I couldn't believe what was happening." S. Stringer: "You and hundreds of thousands of others. Now it seems like they're going after the ones they missed." Ada Maria: "There has to have been some pushback against this." S. Stringer: "There has been, though it hasn't gotten a lot of media attention. The Mayor of New York spoke out yesterday calling the arrests politically motivated and accusing the president of using federal agencies for his own political purposes. He's defiant about New York remaining a Sanctuary City. The mayor of San Fransisco, where one arrest occured made a similar statement this morning. And both New York State and California have filed suit in federal court against the administration, with more states likely to do so as well." Ada Maria: "California isn't a slave state. How does that change things for ponies there?" S. Stringer: "It could make things more difficult for them, believe it or not. Legal experts I've spoken to tell me that since New York has the power to grant emancipation on the state level they could theoreticaly pass legislation that emancipates all Equestrian born ponies not currently owned by any entity. That would protect them from the way the federal government is currently interpretating immigration law. California as a free state has no such authority in the eyes of the federal government." Ada Maria: "And San Fransisco has a pretty large Ponytown, doesn't it?" S. Stringer: "The one in Oakland is bigger, but yes. In Califoirnia it's not just about urban ponytowns, though. There are many agricultural communities where ponies have been filling the gap Latinx guest workers left, now that fewer guest worker visas are being issued. These communities are made up of working families, and often the parents or grandparents are Equestrian born. More widespread enforcement along the lines of what we're seeing recently could become a threat to American agriculture." Ada Maria: "You've written a book on the subject of pony agricultural communities in California. When we booked you to appear on the show it was to talk about that book, then this story broke. The book is called The Hooves Feeding America, Stories from California's Agricultural Pony Communities. I read it and it's a fascinating! It really shows how our Equestrian spirit can triumph under adverse conditions." S. Stringer: "There's a lot of that in the book because otherwise it would be too dark a read. These are free ponies we're talking about, but the conditions they live in and how hard they have to work for very little pay are pretty shocking. Or they were to me at least, having been raised in the city. Entire families in the fields, fillies and colts working as hard as their parents from sun up to sundown during harvest time. Yet they still have time for love, joy and friendship. They sing. And in spite of the hard work and poor living conditions they're moving toward something that resembles the American Dream, they're just not going to make it there in this generation or probably the next. But it's their overriding hopefulness that really moved me." Ada Maria: "You captured that very well in the book. Some of it is hard to read, but the hopefullness of these ponies comes shining through." S. Stringer: "It was a tremendous experience living for months alongside these ponies. Like so many they need advocacy. Hopefully those who read it will start speaking up on their behalf. There are so many worthy pony causes out there, and the welfare of these communities is as worthy as any, even in a world where slavery exists. Because while these ponies are techincally free we're seeing right now that freedom isn't assured for some of them. It could be taken away, which would be devestating to these communities of hard working families." Ada Maria: "The book is called The Hooves Feeding America, available now. Sally Stringer, everypony!" >Be Roseluck >The pregnancy is going fine the doctors say >But you're starting to feel big, sore and emotional >Everypony says the second one is easier, and that may be true >But easy really isn't the word you would use to describe it >Thankfully Chrissy is understanding and supportave >And even your son for whom emotional intelligence is hardly a big strength has gone out of his way to try to help out >Which almost seems like a miracle given how much of his attentioon is occupied by his phone >All four of you are seated around the dinner table >Chrissy's place - your place now, too - is big enough that there's a dedicated spot for one >And you like the idea of family meals together, even if you, your marefriend, your son and bodyguard constitute a pretty non-traditional family >Chrissy is a pretty good cook it turns out, and she's excited to finally have ponies to cook for >Forty Two is especially appreciative, which makes you realize with a little sadness that he's probably never had proper family meals before >He was part of an institutional system since he was younger than your son is now >And regardless of how well adjusted the stallion seems that strikes you as a monstrous way to treat young colts >Or fillies for that matter >You almost want to cry over it, but that's probably the hormones >You're on the verge of crying a lot these days, regardless of how happy yur particular situation actually is >Your son looks up from his plate and asks Chrissy, "You were born here, right?" >"Yes I was," the mare replies >"But mom? You came from Equestria. They're coming for Equestrian born ponies, aren't they?" "They won't come for me, sweetie. I've been legally emancipated by the State of New York. The government recognizes that" >"So no men are going to come and take you away?," the colt asks, then adds under his breath, "Again?" >That must have really traumatized him! >Of course it did >It took you a while to get over it as well >And it certainly didn't leave you with much positive feelings left toward men in general >Not that you ever had much of those >Except for MAYBE a short time with John >But that was fooling yourself to make the best of a bad situation >Well not exactly a bad situation, but still one where you were subservient to him >Even if he let you pretend that wasn't the case >But the "again" from your son still stings, and you notice everypony at the table is now looking at you "We have Forty Two to preoect us from anything like that happening again, and federal agenst can't target me. Nothing like that will ever happen again, sweetie" >"Did you hear what the president said about Equestrian born ponies?," the colt asks "He says a lot of horrible things. What was it this time?" >"The clip from yesterday's campaign rally," Chrissy asks. "I'd rather not ruin dinner talking about that" >"It's all over," Forty Two adds, "He proposed the idea of selling detained free ponies as private property since they're here illegally" >You haven't heard this yet, but that sounds like the president >It also sounds like something lawyers and judges are going to have a big fight over somewhere behind the scenes >And you'll probablly be talking about it on the show this week "You can show me after dinner, sweetie. Then we'll talk about it" >"A lot of the kids in school have Equestrian born parents, and some of them are really scared" "I'm not going to lie to you, it IS scary. But our family is not a target for that. You understand?" >"Yeah, mom" >"Your mom and I have to talk about this stuff for a living on TV," Chrissy says. "I'd rather not talk about it over dinner" >"I get it," your son replies "You can show me the clip after dinner" >After dinner you and your son are sitting on his bed both gazing at the little screen he spendss so much time with >On screen is the president at a podium at a campaign rally >"And these ANIMALS," he begins, "I can't even call them horses because they're not real horses" >Some laughter from the audience >"They came here illegally and live among us like people. But they're not people. Last time I checked people don't have four legs and a tail!" >Oh boy! >"The Constitution says we the people. Not we the people and some animals as well" >More laughter from the audience "So he's a fan of the Constitution now?" >"Shhh, mom," your son chides "These animals are here illegally looking for the same privileges as American citizens and it's... disgusting" >Cheers from the crowd >"So we're going after them. They're breaking the law and we're going after them!" >The cheering gets more aggressive >"And do you know how much of your money - American taxpayer's money - it costs to detain one of these beasts?" >He pauses for dramatic effect >"Five hundred dollars a day. That's your money, people. Money you're not getting back so the government can babysit these beats" >Some of the audience starts boo-ing at this >"You know what we ought to do? We ought to hold on to them until they've racked up a bill that's about half of what they're worth" >Oh shit, you can see this coming >"Then sell them on the open market! That way the American people can make a loss into a profit!" >The crowd starts chanting >It takes a few seconds to realize they're chanting "Lock them up!" "He'd probably be first in line to buy them, too. His businesses own hundreda of ponies working as maintenance, kitchen staff and servers" >"Mom, this is horrible" >You wish you had something comforting to say, but you're already both angry and on the edge of tears "Yes it is" >Be Roseluck >Today your son came home from school with his report card >He's a smart colt, but not the most dilligent student - you constantly have to push him to get his homework done >So when his grades turned out to be mostly B's, a few A's and no C's whatsoever you decided he deserved a reward >You have no problem being the mother of a B+ student, though you know he could get more A's if he'd just apply himself >Which is why you're sitting in a neighborhood pizza place with him, Chrissy and Agent 42 >His taste in pizza does not line up with yours >You like real Neapolitan pizza with a super thin crust, fresh mozzarella and baked in a wood fired oven >He thinks that's lame because there's not enough stuff on it >Which is OK, since he's a growing colt and is hungry all the time >And a meal at thwe neighborhood slice joint is much cheaper than a brick oven place >No reason to waste money on expensive things he doesn't appreciate... yet >Especially given that you'll be the one picking up the check >And while you think pepperoni is disgusting he loves the stuff, so you got it on half of one pie >You let him get a soda as well, though you don't approve of that, either >But it could be a lot worse - he's could be really into chain pizza like Domino's or Little Ceasar's >Thankfully he's too much of a real New Yorker for that >But somehow those places manage to stay in business here, in spite of even mediocre neighborhood places like where you are right now are so much better >Which isn't really that hard >You remember when you used to go out to really nice places in Manhattan with John >It didn't take very long to start appreciating that kind of dining out, then even taking it for granted >The beautiful decor, attentive service, good wine lists and dishes made from top quality ingredients >Very different from where you find yourself now - seated in a booth with a plastic table in a wood panneled room with faded Italian posters on the walls >The kind of place that has salads on the menu, but it's obvious that you'd regret ordering one unless you happened to be really fond of iceberg lettuce >And dressing that comes from a plastic bottle - you feel yourself cringe a little at the thought >You're not a snob or anything - you don't look down on a place like this, you just know there's nothing on the menu you'd really choose to eat >If it were your choice >But this isn't about you, it's about your son >This is what HE likes, and him doing well enough in school that you don't have to be concerned aboout him academically? >That's more than worth a meal of mediocre pizza in a place that looks like a time capsule >Truth is you're probably taking this for granted as well >You're in Brooklyn - even the mediocre pizza here is better than most of what the rest of the country gets >Or so you've been told >It's not like you've traveled much, so you don't really know >Beyond the City, Brooklyn and a few trips to the Hamptons you haven't seen any of the country >Being a mother who works two jobs means travel isn't an option >Living here knod of makes up for that since the whole world seems to come to you anyways >You take it for granted that you're likely to hear a bunch of different languages being spoken just walking down the street >Chrissy's a native New Yorker as well, and she seems perfectly happy with the mushroom slices you two are sharing >It certainly isn't BAD, it's just not like brick oven pizza and a glass of wine... >Of course if this place had wine it wouldn't be worth risking >Actually that might not be true - a really coarse Chianti would probably go just fine with this pizza >But it's not an option, so you put the thought out of your mind >If you want wine later you can pick up a bottle on the way home >And a coarse Chianti is probable the best you're likely to find given the selection at most places around here >"You're pretty quiet," Chrissy says "Just spacing out. You go and go and go and then when you stop you either fall asleep or..." >"Space out, I get it," she replies with a little nuzzle >You notice your son wince a little from the corner of your eye >He has no problems with you and Chrissy being a couple - he and Chrissy get along very well >But he's not comfortable with public displays of affection between you two >Or really at all - he doesn't like you nuzzling him in public, either >It's an awkward age for him >He's already worked through his half a pizza, finished his soda, wiped his greasy hooves on a pile of paper napkins crumbled in front of him >Now he's checking his phone - of course >"Holy shit!," he says "Language" >"Glitter's dad got taken away last night," he says ingoring your abmonishion. "She wasn't in school today, but I just thought she was sick" "ICE raid?" >"I don't know. Daisy didn't say" >"Daisy is the one who makes the tack dance videos, right? I don't approve of that. Do I know Glitter?" >"She's new this year, but she's part of Daisy's crew, or possee, or whatever they call themselves this week. She's part of Daisy's brand" "Daisy's brand? what's she selling?" >He sighs like you're too old to understand anything >"Daisy IS the brand, Glitter and Twinkle are like her... sidekicks" "So they're a clique. Popular girls? Mean girls?" >"Popular, but always nice to me. Daisy gets annoying because she's so into self-promotion - I get like four alerts from her a day" >"Sounds like Daisy has a crush on you," Chrissy says slyly >"It's not like that. Anyone who follows her will get those. But this group text was just a few ponies from school" >He looks back down at his phone >"Is there anything we can DO about this?," he asks. "I mean they came and took her dad away! She doesn't deserve that! He doesn't either!" "Are you and Glitter...?" >"No," he replies very quickly >Not yet and/or would like to be is probably what that means "It is breaking news and we have a soapbox" >"I'll call one of the producers tomorrow," Chrissy offers >"Remember what the president said about selling detained ponies? Do you think that's going to happen to him? Can they do that to a free pony?" "I'm pretty sure it's not legal. Just the president saying things his supporters want to hear regardless of whether they're true" >"But that can still ruin ponies' lives!," he replies. "That's not fair!" "Chrissy and I will see what we can do about it in terms of getting the story out there. In the meantime maybe you could..." >"What? What can I do?" "Maybe text or private message or whatever Glitter and tell her if she needs to talk you're there for her" >"That won't be weird? She has Daisy and Twinkle for that" "Do you like this girl?" >"Not like THAT! Though out of the three of them she is the one I like best. She's the prettiest and the nicest. She's not pushy like Daisy" "Just saying it's an opportunity to do the right thing while showing her you're thoughtful. If what she thinks of you might be something you care about someday..." >"Just keep in mind, " Chrissy says, "If you make that offer and she takes you up on it you may have to deal with her crying and upset. Be prepared for that" >"Why would she take me up on it when she has other girls to talk to about it?" >"Because she's more perceptive than you are, and probably already knows you like her," Chrissy answers >That could be true," 42 adds as your colt's mouth hangs open for a couple seconds "Who knows? Still a good move to be a thoughtful guy if she's going through something horrible and it only takes a little effort on your part" >"But what do I say?," your son asks "If she calls it won't be to hear what you have to say. You just let her talk and listen" >"That sounds horrible," he replies. "Just listen to her being all emotionally torn up? Why would I do that?" >42 laughs >When every pony head at the booth swings toward him he blanches a bit and says, "Sorry, I've got nothing. I understand the psychology, but..." "You've never had free interaction with free mares" >"Not like dating, no. Wish I could be some help beyond saying don't friendzone yourself" >"That's really...," Chrissy begins >You cut her off before she can say "sexist" "No, he's got a point. You've got to let her know you're there for her without throwing yourself at her hooves. Stallions should come across as strong" >"So a strong, quiet good listener?," your son affirms. "I can try that for Glitter. It's not really much of a stretch, I guess" "And tomorrow we'll see what we can do, if anything" >"This is a hot topic," Chrissy adds, "I'm sure we can build at least part of this week's episode around it >Your colt looks satisfied, then asks, "What do I tell Daisy?" "How about nothing just yet?" >"She probably won't like that, but OK" >You're pretty sure you're fine with Daisy not liking it >Hopefully Glitter is not as bad >And the poor thing just had her dad taken away, so she immediately has your sympathy >Be VP >In your office with Beard #2, who really likes the idea of putting the schoolgirl aged daughter of a stallion who ICE is detaining on Blinders Off >Apparently Roseluck and Crystal Clear are pushing for it as well "You can't get the mother?" >"She's afraid of the publicity getting her fired from her job," he answers "And the daughter is sympathetic?" >"Glitter is cute, well spoken, heartbroken and scared. Our audience will eat it up - the ones who watch it on mute even more so" >You laugh >That was part of the original inspiration for it - the show had to work as both stoking controversy and providing those who just wanted to look at cute mares with... >Cute mares to look at "How young is she?" >"Not a filly anymore, definitely not a mare yet. Pony equivilent of say, eighth grade or first year of high school" "She doesn't come off as loud and stupid?" >"No. Pretty smart and mature. Grew up in LA. Just a nice girl from the Valley" "That meant loud and stupid back in my day. Zappa had one of his biggest hits poking fun at it" >He gives you a blank look >Fuck, you're old - to this guy Nirvana is super retro "This is going to make her a target. Any easily found shit online that could trash her relatable factor?" >He plays with his phone for a second, then hands it to you >"This is the worst I could find" >Look at you old man - you're on TikTok! >You only know what that is because of your niece mentioning it in a not positive way a year or so ago >That and something you read in the Economist about Chinese data harvesting "This isn't your work phone, is it?" >"Personal, but you know... sometimes you have to use your personal phone for work related things" >You don't, but you get what he's saying >You tap the screen and the video starts playing >She's pretty >And YOUNG >And wearing a bridle, which for some reason is a thing with ponies >You don't get the fetish, but you can stretch your mind a bit to see why it resonates with some >She looks cute in it >Oh, and there's the clumsy double entendre monolouge >To be fair it's probably really racy for a free mare her age >But in a world where you can buy a filly younger than her as a bedmare, or even rent one? >It's not going to raise all but the most prudish eyeballs >And if those eyes are watching Blinders Off it's because they want something to feed their outrage >You chuckle and hand him back his phone "That's the worst you could find?" >"Not me personally, but yeah" "So she's been vetted to the best of our ability" >"How many skeletons in the closet is a kid that age likely to have?" "You never know. Everyone can produce and distribute video these days. Even live footage of mass shootings from the shooter himself" >"There's a pretty wide gulf between the mindset of an armed angry young man convinced his entitlement is being taken away and a filly who puts on a bridle to play at being sexy" "Granted. And she nearly pulls it off, except for the fact you can tell she has zero experience with what she's talking about" >"Which makes her more sympathetic in my view. Except to the Bible Belt crowd and maybe hardcore pony rights groups" "Are you kidding? They love that shit. Probably a quater of our viewers are hatewatchers" >"Could be more than that by now. But this would be a step further than we've gone before. Mares talking about sex, being enslaved and abolition is one thing..." "I know. This time we're going directly against the president" >"News is gonna have a shitfit" "We're in a different silo. They'll have to ignore it. But don't think I don't wear the fact that they hate me as a badge of honor" >"You don't exactly hide that. But what if he's among the hatewatchers and he tweets about it?" "The president? I think we can safely assume he's not watching. I'd wager the chances of him watching Blinders are the same as him following a telenovella on Telemundo" >That gets a laugh from your beardy producer "It's not like I'm ungrateful. My tax situation is much better with him in office, and I appreciate that. It's just having to watch the rest of the shitshow that I can't take" >"I'm not a fan. He's a dangerous con man" "I know people who knew him back in the day. He's always been Queens tacky, but they say he used to be sort of smart in a pushy, streetfighter kind of way" >"I wonder what happened" "Our industry happened to him. Give a rich narcissist a successful reality show and THIS is what you get" >"Some credit has to go to social media and autocratic racists as well." He pauses, then asks, "How the fuck did that air on NBC and not us?" "Want me to call Mark and ask him?" >"No thanks." He laughs and adds, "So we're go with Glitter this week?" "Yeah. But that name. Holy shit!" >"Pony names are a thing" "I remember when comedians used to poke fun at African-American names for sounding funny. Ponies got that beat" >"We'll keep the segment short. Just a little weepy 'bring my daddy back' bit near the end of the episode" "Sounds good. You can try the 'rich man loves fucking with poor vulnerable families' angle, but use your discretion" >"Of course. I won't seed the ground for it, but if the mares go there and it's compelling..." "Exactly. Are we done?" >"Yeah. Thanks" "Oh, and send me her TicTok video" >He stands up, taps his phone a couple times and says, "Done" >An alert goes off on your private phone >Smart guy >Then he turns and walks out of your office >Three hours and a few phone calls dealing with idiots later you're walking towards makeup to meet your little mare >As she walks out - you know better than to embarrass her by walking into makeup - she seems bright "How was your day?" >"The usual" >Vidal has been bringing her in more and more and she really seems to enjoy the work >You get to have lunch with her a few times a week usually >You didn't today because your meetings and her schedule didn't line up "Did you eat?" >"A little. I was busy" "Same here. Shoule we go out?" >"I'd like that" "Anything in particular?" >"Anything but Italian, maybe?" >Her only flaw! >Maybe not the only one, but the only one that matters right now - you were willing to take the car to Brooklyn for some old guard Italian American. You were thinking Bamonte's >Cynthia would have gone for it back in the day... So would Roseluck - she really appreciated going out to nice places" >Cloudy's taste is less refined >Or refined isn't the right word >She was trained to be compliant arm candy and night companionship >So if you had said you wanted Italian she would have agreed for your approval >But you offered her the choice, giving her the opportunity to choose wrong >Gotta watch it with that "What are you feeling?," you indulge her as the two of you walk the hallway toward the door where the car ought to be waiting outside >"Falafel," she relpies hopefully "Really?" >You need a glass of wine >Taim and Mamoun's don't have wine - they barely have seating >What's that cute little Lebanese bistro in the East Village? >Au'Zaatar - that's the place >It's actually really good >Cloudy's taste doesn't always line up with your own, but this is New York - there's always a compromise that works "We can do that" >The smile she gives you melts the last of the day's frustration away >When you step outside you're not even frustrated by the fact that the car isn't there waiting for you >As long as you're soliciting her input may as well take things further >You grab your personal phone and bring up Glitter's video "What do you think of her?" >You hold the phone as the video plays >Her reaction is immediate - tail swishes, head lowers >When the short video ends she says, "She's really cute. And really young. Are you gonna buy her?" >Shit, that was not your intent at all, but you can see how it looked like that "No. I couldn't even if I wanted to. She's a free mare" >She looks visibly relieved "I didn't mean to make you jealous. Sorry" >"I'm not jealous," she replies awkwardly, "just shocked. Not that you might want another mare, but that you were considering buying a unicorn" >You laugh "I wasn't. She's going to be on the show this week" >"Well she looks great on camera. She's not going to need much help from me. What's her deal?" "ICE took her father away" >"Her biological father? Sounds like a free pony problem" >Wow - no sympathy at all?! >"I never met my biological father," she continues, "You're the only daddy I've ever had" >She smiles at you and adds, "And I know how lucky I am. I hope I do a good enough job of showing it" "You're a good girl. Just giving you a heads up about this one. She's young and scared. She might be a bit of a mess when she gets to you" >"Psychology is part of the job, and I'm totally professional. Vidal even lets me style your ex's mane now" >The car pulls up "You know I don't still have feelings for her" >"That's not my business" "I just want her to be OK, and I have some ability to see to that" >"Not my business, daddy" "How about we get you some falafel then?" >"You're so good to me" >Be Roseluck >Today you and Crystal are taping the show >The one with Glitter as a guest >The poor thing just rang your buzzer because she's catching a ride with you to the studio >Your son said he'll get it, pushed the button and walked out to meet her in the hall >Good for him! >He's at the age where he should be interacting with girls and understanding that girls have their own sets of problems >They're not just objects to cajole into fulfilling your desires >Not that he's given any indication of thinking like that - but he is a stallion, which means sooner or later he'll end up thinking with his dick >They all do sometimes, even the good ones - and you're sure he's a good one >The network still sends a white van to pick you up >Crystal protested a little when you first moved in because she thought it was coddling and she was used to taking the subway >But the convenience (and luxury) of a free ride to work instead of dealing with crowded trains seems to have won her over >You're pretty sure she's gone from seeing it as a condescension to you after the foalnapping incident to seeing it as a perk for valuable talent >She's valuable talent, too! >You like that the show started off so freewheeling that one of the cameramares became part of the cast >Of course you like it even more that when you realized you were checking her out she was doing the same to you >Which worked out beautifully >You were intimidated a little at first because you'd never had a marefriend before and she'd had plenty >Or so you assume - you figured asking her for a number would have made you seem insecure and immature >On the other hoof she's well aware you're new to this - being with another mare in a relationship >Not just threesomes in the penthouse >Which seems like a lifetime ago now >You two are a good fit >She can be a little bossy sometimes, but she expects you to hold your own and speak your mind >Which you do for the most part >It's different with a mare than with a man or a stallion where you might hold back out of concern for bruising their ego >With a marefriend it's more concern for what she might be feeling st the moment and how what you say will effect that >It makes perfect sense, but it's a little less cut and dry >You've been insensitive a few times, but she's forgiven you >She's a busy mare - she knows what it's like >And you have more on your plate than she does >Being pregnant and emotional on top of it too >And horny, if you're being honest >Why does being pregnant make you horny?! >That doesn't make any sense >Yet here you are going through it for the second time and it's worse than the first! >Biology is a bitch >Fortunately Crystal is understanding and... accommodating >As the door to the apartment opens your son leads three (3!) young mares into the place >You feel a swell of pride in spite of your ideals >It might not be very feminist of you to appreciate the sight, but you do >Three pretty young mares following your son makes you proud in spite of yourself >Why are three of them here? >You can pretty quickly tell which one is Glitter >Like your son told you she's the prettiest of the three, but right now looks haggard, underslept and like she's been crying recently "Glitter?," you ask looking at her >"Yeah that's me. Hi Ms. Roseluck," she responds politely, if not shyly, ears turned back >She approaches you with one well-manicured hoof raised for a shake >Which you oblige her with >You turn to one of the others and ask "And you are?" >The pale pink earth pony replies first with an air confidence, stepping up in front of the two unicorns and making steady eye contact with you (unlike Glitter and the other pony whose gazed only occasionally flash your way) >"I'm Daisy, and this is Twinkle. We're Glitter's BFFs so we're here for moral support" >Her confidence flags for a moment, making her seem more like the filly she is than the mare she's be acting like >"If that's okay of course?" >She also offers an equally well-manicured hoof in greeting >Daisy >The one who posts the degrading videos that your son watches >You want to judge her so badly, but you just can't >Because the three of them are ADORABLE! >Looking at them shoots you back to being that age in Equestria when you were inseparable from your two BFF's, Lily and another Daisy >Life was so much simpler back then >The three of you made a game of trying to outdo each other with histrionic reactions to minor situations >While these three have to stay strong for each other while dealing with some really heavy stuff >You just went from horny to sad in a matter of seconds >And not for the first time you wonder if Lily and your Daisy made it through >They're not on Facebook, but a lot of Equestrian born ponies don't do social media >You only do because of the show, and a younger mare at the network takes care of your accounts for you >So you don't have to bother much with them >But still you're the most visible of the three, so if they made it through you'd think they'd have contacted you >Unless they're in the position where they don't have the freedom to do so >Which is unfortunately likely >Now you're even sadder >You shake Daisy's hoof and offer your own to Twinkle, who seems a little starstruck by being in the presence of a TV mare >"N-nice to meet you, Ms. Roseluck" >The little confidence boost is enough to make you smile warmly >"There's enough room in the van for you two to come along," Crystal says, getting ready to move things along, "And you can be part of the audience during the taping" >Daisy and Twinkle's eye grow wide and they turn to each other with matching grins, pressing their noses together in celebration >Your son shoots you a hopeful look, ears pricked >Somepony wants to get out of going to school today! >As nice as it is to see him with these three you really shouldn't let him cut school - that would be bad parenting "Sorry, but you're going to school," you say to him >He frowns, flattening his ears, but nods in acceptance >Glitter shifts on her hooves a bit and peeks around Daisy who has been taking center stage for the most part >"Can't he come with, too? For moral support?" >As soon as the words leave her lips Daisy scrunches her muzzle and flattens her ears ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly >If you hadn't once been a mare their age you might have missed it, but the intrigue has already caught your attention >Really not your business, but it is kind of adorable >And you're hit with another little jolt of pride for your son who seems to have not one, but two pretty young mares chasing after him >You turn back to your son, answering Glitter's question "I don't want you to think it's okay to cut school when you feel like it" >"But Mom, this is kind of an emergency" he responds desperately, eyes flicking over towards the purple unicorn >He's kind of right >You'll let it slide for now "Alright just this once," you say to him, then face Glitter. "Your mom definitely isn't joining us?" >She shakes her mane full of soft blue curls >"She's too scared" >"Glitter's mom is an administrative assistant at Dalton," Daisy adds. "Basically a diversity hire." >She tosses her head, already jaded as a filly on the brink of marehood >"You know how companies are - they love diversity hires until..." >"Until any kind of conflict arises," Glitter finishes, looking at her hooves. "She can't risk speaking out now that we have to live on one income" "I'm so sorry, sweetie" >"Plus her mom Equestrian born as well," Daisy butts in again, "so there's the fear of retribution for even Glitter too" >This gives you pause "You know you don't have to do this, right?" >Glitter seems surprised by your question, eyes growing wide >"Well I have to do SOMETHING!" >Her decision has clearly already been made "Well in that case we're here for you" >"Th-thank you..." >You wish you could do more >SOMETHING to make things all better for this poor filly >But this is all you CAN do >And you hope it makes things better and not worse for her >This really could go either way >Which makes you realize just how unique your own situation is >You get paid to stoke conflict >Most ponies have to keep their heads down and avoid conflict if they want to avoid problems "I think you're being very brave" >"I just want things to go back to normal... I... I hope this doesn't make things worse" >"Me too," Chrissy adds. "Let's get going." >Be Cloudburst >At work in makeup - well, getting your station set up for a day's work >Really only half listening to some mildly raunchy tales of weekend debauchery Vidal is sharing with you >Thankfully he's not all that graphic about things in front of you - most of the time, at least >But the implications are there >He has a LOT of sex with a LOT of men and it's all completely normal to him >And you've been around him for long enough you don't even find it shocking anymore >You can't imagine behaving like that, though you know that some ponies do >And unlike his situation for some it's not a matter of preference >It's one thing to be a gay stallion who loves it >But quite different to be a rental mare >Accounts of growing up like that are a pretty frequent topic on the show since one of the cast grew up that way >And she's got some really fucked up opinions >You're happy for her, though >She told you about the relationship she's managed to get herself in and the guy sounds like a good master >Technically he isn't her master because she's a free mare >But the way she talked about him - she really sounded like the good girl you know she is somewhere on the inside >She's just been corrupted, but that wasn't really her fault >Daddy arranged something very nice for her, but the stallion drank himself to death anyway >That's why stallions don't get to be masters - they can't take proper care of their good girls >In spite of some of them being pretty attractive >You're lucky YOU were attractive (and smart) enough to make it through finishing school and get bought by a good daddy >You don't know if you could have handled a life like hers >Thankfully it looks like you'll never find out! >Vidal stopping mid-sentence breaks you away from your thoughts and you look up to see a nervous young mare hovering by the open door >She's very pretty for a unicorn and definitely younger than you >You recognize her from a video daddy showed you on his phone a few days ago >She's a guest on the show today - something political about her father's immigration status as a free pony >Daddy said to be gentle with her >She looks like she's shaking, tail tucked and ears tipped back; poor thing "Welcome to Makeup," you say brightly. "I'm Cloudy! Come on in, I'll get you ready for the cameras!" >The unicorn's ears prick up in relief and her tail relaxes a bit "H-hi. Um. You wouldn't happen to have some gum or a breath mint, right?" >"I do," Vidal replies, rummaging around the drawers at his station for a pack of Tic-Tacs >He offers her a hoof-ful which she immediately pops into her mouth and crunches up >You detect the faint smell of vomit before its replaced by the fresh scent of peppermint >Vidal must have caught it, too >He gives her a sympathetic look and says, "I'm Vidal, and you must be..." >"Glitter," she replies "Glitter Blush" >"Honey," he continues, "Welcome to the show. I wish it were under better circumstances for you. Don't let the cameras make you nervous" >She straightens up and lifts her chin with a little defiance, accompanied by the flick of her tail >"I'm not scared of that!" "You shouldn't be. You look great on camera!" >She shoots you a confused look >"How do you know that? Did they dig up one of the commercials I did when I was a filly?" >You shake your head "No. It was something recent. You had a bridle on? Kind of made it look like you were for sale" >Her eyes widen and she can't help but let out a gasp >"Hey, that video is private! Where did you see it?!" "On the executive producer's phone - that's how I recognized you when you came in." >"B-but how did he...?" >You can see a deep flush spreading across her muzzle and she ducks part of her face behind her wave of hair to try and hide her embarrassment >"You know nothing online is really private," Vidal says conspiratorially "If it's out there and someone wants to find it they can" >Best to change the subject so you don't end up upsetting her any more "So if you're comfortable with the cameras what are you nervous about? The cast is all nice even if they have a variety of... um... ideas" >She lowers her head and brushes her hair out of the way with a hoof >"I didn't realize how big the live audience was" >"It's three hundred people and about a hundred and fifty ponies. It's not one of the bigger sets," Vidal says nonchalantly >"But that's like, a thousand eyes staring at me! What happens if I look up at them and just freeze?" >"Thankfully we won't get to find out because that won't happen," the pink stallion answers >"What do you mean?" >"Honey I'll walk you over to the set right now and show you. We stopped doing audience Q and A after season one" >The blank look in her eyes means that what Vidal said doesn't register anything with her >"Look, the only eyes you're going to see are those of the cast and maybe a few of the crew," he continues >"Oh, so no audience today?" she asks hopefully, ears raised >"No, there is," he replies, "But you'll be on a lit set and they're fifty feet away from you sitting in the dark. The only way you'll know they're there is when they applaud for you" >You nod and chime in "I've been on set a few times for touch ups. I can vouch for that" >This seems to relax the unicorn a bit and you notice her tail has become untucked >"Those eyes will be invisible to you. Like they're not even there," Vidal confirms. "I can show you if you want" >"No no, it's okay. I believe you" "Also the mares are all really nice, so you don't have to worry about them" >"Oh yeah, I've already met Ms. Roseluck and Ms. Chrissy. I go to school with their son and they gave me and my friends a lift here today" "Here, why don't you have a seat and I'll get to work on you" >She complies without fuss and trots over to your station, gingerly lowering herself onto the seat - she's not going to need much work "Roseluck and Crystal are the ones who will probably lead your segment, so that ought to make it easier for you" >She nods, tucking her wave of hair behind her ear so that her muzzle is clear to be worked on >"Um. Who is the other unicorn again?" "Moonglow. I doubt she'll have much to say to you. Free pony issues aren't her area of expertise" >"And she's a-," she lowers her voice while blushing, "-bedmare, right?" >Your ear flicks at the way she says 'bedmare' "She has a master, yes" >"I can't imagine having to spend my whole life as just some man's bedmare" she says quietly, unable to draw her eyes from her own reflection in the big mirror in front of her. "It's gotta be horrible to not be able to choose what you want to do with your life." "It's actually pretty great when he's good to you and you know how to behave. You do get pretty spoiled though" >Vidal laughs and adds, "Tell me about it!" >Glitter quickly realizes the social faux-pas she's made and another blush spreads across her cheeks >"You're both... private property?" >"Have you ever met a pegasus who wasn't?" Vidal snorts >The pink mare pauses, nibbling on her hoof subconsciously in thought >"Well now that I think about, you're the first pegasi I ever met. Well like, actually met and talked to... Wait. If you have masters then how are you working here?" >"Honey," Vidal answers, "My boyfriend works from home half the time. If I were around the house all day he'd never get anything done" >You giggle "We're both incredibly lucky - we have really good, successful masters who want us to be happy and put our special talents to good use" >"ALL of our talents," Vidal snickers >That cracks you up >He's so bad! >She's probably too young for a joke like that >The young mare looking back at you in the mirror has her nose wrinkled in distaste >Vidal picks up on this and adds, "I'm sure you've grown up with the narrative that having a master takes away your agency and makes you miserable" >She nods, still unconvinced >"That's true for some owned ponies," he continues. "Those are the ones abolitionists are always going on about in their propaganda" "We're not those ponies," you find yourself saying reflexively >"You were probably brought up to reject the idea that ponies in our position could also be privileged and maybe even downright spoiled, right?" >She nods again, unsure of where the conversation is going >"But you're free and I'm technically - what would you call me - a slave, right? That's the word you'd use?," he presses her >"Y-yeah" >You shoot him a look that you hope he realizes means 'don't be too hard on this poor girl' >He doesn't seem to pick up on it >"So tell me, Glitter, where do you summer?" >She blinks, her expression blank. "Summer?" >Shit, he's pulling a class thing on her "He means where do you spend your summer vacation?" >She brightens a little and says, "Oh, I don't have to go anywhere. I live right next to Coney Island!" >Vidal smiles a hard smile >This is a mean streak you're not used to from him >Is he doing this because she's a pretty young filly, a unicorn, or a free pony? >Or all three? >Regardless, you prepare to jump in and defend her if necessary >"So your summering is day trips to Coney Island? I'm sure that's fun," he says as gently as he's capable of >He didn't sound all that sarcastic - maybe he's going easy on her >She nods again, ears lifted up in excitement at the thought of talking about her summer fun >She doesn't see it coming >"Well while you're doing that I'm spending a month and a half in the Hamptons. And not some crappy East Hampton condo - a proper house in West Hampton with plenty of rooms to entertain in" >He pauses for effect >"And do you know why I get to do that while you overpay for hot dogs at Nathan's?" >"I don't eat hot dogs!" she protests, stiffening her shoulders >That's a lie >She totally eats hot dogs, she just doesn't want to admit it >He continues, "Because my boyfriend has paperwork documenting his ownership of me. THAT cements my status as the kind of pony who belongs in Westhampton" >He sighs >"Without that I'd probably be running a struggling salon in Ponytown and lining up for the Cyclone with you" >That gets a know-it-all smirk out of her >"Ponies can't ride the Cyclone," she corrects him >"Some of us are too tied up drinking D.O. all summer to even know that" >Domaine Ott?! "Is that still a thing?" >He smiles at you and says, "Honey, I'm sure as shit not drinking Whispering Angel" >Be Cloudburst >Be sleeping, or at least you were until you felt a hand on your mane >It's earlier than you usually wake up, but you know what this means >Daddy woke up with a hard on >You let his hand guide your head down toward his crotch >He's rock hard! >You take him in your mouth and start doing that stuff with your tongue that you know he likes so much >And you get a moan from him in response as a little pressure from the hand on your head encourages you to take him all the way into your throat >"That's a good girl," he says >This part of being a good girl may be pretty easy, but you know how much he loves it >You can taste his precum and feel the ever so slight numbness it always gives your mouth >More like a slight tingle >He moans again as you bob your head on him, keeping your tingue moving just how he likes it >This could be over very quickly, but if it is it's going to leave you horny all day >The desire for some release for yourself causes you to inadvertantly moan a little >He picks up on that and asks, "Would you like to hop up and take a ride?" >Daddy is so generous with you! >You ease your head off of him, planting a little kiss on the tip of his cockhead "I'd loive to... but can I go pee first?" >You do NOT want to have to wash the sheets this morning! >"Be quick about it," he answers >You're out of bed and into the bathroom in a matter of seconds, relieving the pressure in your bladder >You know he's listening to you pee >But that doesn't stop you - you've never been one of those mares with a shy bladder >Quite the opposite in fact >As you wipe yourself you realize your pussy is soaked and that's not pee! >You're excited for daddy to give you some cummies! >You're not going to keep him waiting! >You flush and hurry back to bed, climbing on top to straddle him, keeping your tail up and out of the way and... >THERE! >He slides right into you and immediately starts thrusting as you stretch around him >UNF >He's just big enough that no matter how many times you take him it always feels like you're being split apart >In a good way, of course >You feel your wings spread as if they have a mind of their own as his right hand moves toward your left teat, thumb and forefinger locking on your nipple >Almost too hard, but not quite >You respond by grinding yourself onto him and you can feel your first one starting to build >You used to be self conscious about how quickly (and frequently) you came when you were on top >Then you realized that all that does is make him feel like he's the greatest lover in the world >Of course you have no experience with others to base that on, but you're lucky to have a daddy who gets off on you getting off >You're pretty sure not all men are like that >Thankfully youre is! >He holds still and lets you controil the motion >Which quickly starts you feeling a cummie about to happen as you grind against him >He feels it too, and increases the pressure on your nipple >OUCH! >But you don't even get to react to that because the pulsing waves of pleasure start shooting through you >Which he trakes as reason to get back to controlling the motion, slamming into you as you contract around him >It's almost too intense! >"That's a good girl. You should have another one" >You would thank him, but you're still catching your breath >And he's still slamming into you, which doesn't make that any easier >Then he slowa down, giving control of movement back to you >He knows you can grind off another one just as quickly, and this is his command to do so >As you start grinding on him he starts sucking on his left middle finger >You know what's comning >Sure enough seconds later that finger is gently but firmly sliding up your ass >Not exactly your favorite thing, but nothing that's going to get in the way of your next cummie >Which is already building by the time he takes back control >Which means his is about to happen >Most of the time he likes to finish in your mouth, but it looks like this morning you're going to get him in the best way >Your favorite, at least >He's so good to you! >He's so railing you! >He slides his finger further up your ass and up the intensity of his thrusts >It feels like he's getting bigger inside you >But you're about to be there yourself >Shit, you are there >And his grunt as he hilts in you shows he's there as well >Usually you can feel him pumping into you, but this isn't one of those times >Your own contractions around him are all you feel >That and feeling like he's split you >And fifteen seconds later it's over - his finger slides out of your ass >Yay! >And you feel him pull back a little >That's him telling you that the ride is over "We came at the same time! I love that, daddy!" >"Yeah. I felt every spasm of that second one in both your pussy and your ass" >Which is what got him over the top instead of just letting you have a couple and then blowing him >Finger up the ass well worth it when you consider it that way >And much easier to take than his cock up there! >You're so happy he seems to have lost interest in that, for the moment at least >He just came in you while you were cumming! >That pretty much assures you're gonna be happy for the rest of the day >You settle your wings and roll off him onto your spot on the bed >Or your spot when he stays over - the whole bed is yours when he doesn't >Which is nice, but lonely >You feel him dripping out of you >Probably best to go wash up right away so it doesn't get all over the sheets >You get up and head back to the bathroom >You hear him get up and follow behind you >"Let me pee first" "I'm heading straight into the shower. The toilet is all yours" >"Shit, it's only five-thirty, but I guess we're both up now" "Totally worth it!" >You hear him peeing as you adjust the water in the shower and drip a little cum on the floor >"You going in today?" "Vidal says I can if I want, but I don't have to. There's really nothing for me to do the day after a shoot" >"Got it. I hear things went well with the filly?" "Glitter? I wouldn't call her a filly. She was a young mare. She's definitely younger than me, but not by a lot" >"Ok then. I hear things went well with the young mare?" "She was super nervous at first," you say, getting into the shower >Don't mention anything about her setting Vidal off a little bit >What happens in make up stays in make up >The warm water feels good >Are you gonna do your mane today? >You don't HAVE to >The only thing you have planned for the day is picking up some groceries >And you did wash it like, two days ago >A good brushing today is all you really need "But Roseluck was really good with her. The two of them cried together during the taping, which I though was a bit much, but it'll make for good television" >"Well, the poor girl's father got taken away. That is kind of a big deal" "Free pony problems" >"What?" "Free pony problems. Do you think any of us born here who aren't free have even met our sires? Or would even want to? That'd just be too weird" >"Families can be weird, I'll give you that" "Nothing I have any experience with. And never will unless you decide to have me bred" >Kinda funny to say that as you're washing his seed out of you >"Would you want to be bred?" "Do you really want me to answer that?" >"I asked" >Do you give him an honest answer? >You just realized this is probably a very touchy topic after what that bitch Roseluck did to him >But ast time you tried deception with him it didn't work out so well "No way would I want that. I was not raised to be somepony's mother. I was raised to be your bedmare" >"I get it. Cynthia and I chose not to have kids simply because we were enjoying the life we had so much we didn't want to mess it up" "You can make the same choice for me, then. Assuming you're having fun with me" >"What do you think?," he replies >You look over and he's standing there naked, smiling at you >Cocks sure look funny when they're not hard! >"I was just going to say if it were something you really wanted..." "To be BRED? Absolutely not! Also, I think you're forgetting how this works, daddy" >You can almost see how Roseluck might have been confused if he was this indulgent as her master! >"What am I missing?" "I don't spend time thinking about what I want becuse it doesn't metter" >"That might be true in a legal sense, but that doesn't change basic stuff like psychjology" "What do you mean?" >"When I left you cooped up alone for hours on end here you got depressed. That went away when I put you in a position to use your special talent" "That's because you want me to be happy. It's very kind and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. But it's what you want" >"And if I didn't want you to be happy?" "I'd have no say in the matter. I'd still be your good girl. Just not nearly as lucky a good girl as I happen to be" >"You're still not being entirely honest with yourself. I've watched you manipulate me" "I can tell when you've had to be the boss all day and don't feel like being that anymore. It's seems like you welcome a nudge here and there" >"Is that what you call it? A nudge?" "Yes, it's a little nudge" >"I'll give you a little nudge!" "You just gave me a lot more than that!" >Be Roseluck >A DAY OFF! >You could have done hundreds of things with it, but hanging around the apartment doing nothing seemed like the best idea >Or if not the best the most alluring >An entire day of doing NOTHING?! >Everything is under control at the flower shop >The show has no demands on you for the next two days >You've got nothing to do other than make dinner (it's your turn) and make sure your son does his homework >He has been slack about it lately, though his grades are still good >You know this because you got a call from one of his teachers the other day, though you haven't told him you know yet >Encouraging a young stallion to take more responsibility for himself is an uphill battle >Like when you explained to him that he had to help with the laundry because this isn't a hotel and you and Chrissy are not maids >Forty-Two does his own laundry, after all >You would have thought he'd been sent to a work farm to buck apples from his reaction >When he knows plenty of enslaved ponies buck apples and have absolutely no choice about it >He knows full well he has to fight for their rights, yet doing the bedsheets and towels once a week seemed like such an affront to his... >Privilege? >No, not that >Nopony could claim a free stallion is a privileged class >Not with a straight face, at least >He may be a borderline exception, but still... >Spoilage? >Maybe >By people standards your family is not at all wealthy >But by free pony standards? >You live in a huge apartment, pull two good salaries and have your own business, get driven to work and have a live in bodyguard paid for by the network >The bodyguard would seem like a bit much to some ponies, but you're happy he's here >It's what John would call "emerging world realities" - meaning when you're in a situation where you can't rely on Rule of Law to protect you >You have to see to it you're still protected >And you guess he was right >Even Chrissy doesn't chafe at Forty-Two's presence anymore >Though she doesn't like that he's a whorefucker - though he tries to be discreet about it and doesn't know you know >She sees that as taking advantage of vulnerable mares >You don't see it that way >Not exactly, even though it kinda is >It's something sadder to you >He's a whorefucker because he's private property and can never really date - he can never really have a social life of his own >He just comes into a little discretionary capital once and a while and spends it on... what's available to him >Poor guy >To you his situation seems a lot less like the advantaged taking advantage of the disadvantaged >And let's face it, there's plenty of that everywhere you look >But it's more like the disadvantaged preying off each other in your view >Or not even preying really - just using what crumbs of agency they have to choose from a very small number of options >None of them all that great >It's no less pretty than the strong taking advantage of the weak, but maybe a little more... what? >A little harder to condemn on principle, maybe >Even if it isn't very feminist of you to sympathize with the stallion instead of the mare in this situation >It's still a willing transaction between two ponies in shitty situations >Though you'd never let on to him that you think his situation is shitty >He's proud of his training an accomplishments >Given the mix of horror and dumb luck your life has been since you got here you don't feel fit to judge anypony >Especially not with a crooked guardian angel like John watching out for you >Though you're still a little afraid you're spoiling your son >He has almost no responsibilities, yet he makes it clear that everything expected of him constitutes a gigantic burden >It could just be an age thing >Maybe all he needs is a little more maturity and a marefriend >For all you know Daisy and Glitter are fighting over who will take that role right now! >Glitter would probably be the winner if he has anything to say about it - and that poor girl is gonna have a lot of baggage >Though he's grown up so quickly you feel guilty for missing out on so much of it >Even if your work is what's given him a better life with more opportunity than many of his peers >Like private school when he gets a little older >Which is why it's important that he keep his grades up >This isn't Equestria - your cutie mark doesn't automatically determine the course of your life >Things here can be more complicated and ambigious >And an aptitude for something doesn't always equate to a need for it in the world >Not for the first time you wish somepony could just cast a spell and you'd be raising him in Equestria >But a) that's not going to happen, and b) it would be completely foreign to him >Both of those thoughts make you sadder than they usually would >But you're aware you're a little off kilter emotionally with a nearly full-term foal inside of you >Another one that will never see home >Stop thinking like this or you're going to make yourself cry! >Homework! >Nudge the colt to get his homework done before supper >You walk over to his door and knock >No response >You knock again, louder >He often has headphones on when he's sitting in front of his computer >No response >Forty-Two's door opens and he pops his head out, phone against his ear >"Hang on for a sec," he says into the phone, then to you, "I heard him go out a couple minutes ago" "Thanks" >He didn't tell you he was going out >Do you call him? >You don't want to be a nag - he knows what time dinner is and that he's supposed to get his homework done before >But YOU know he's not doing all of his homework >So you grab your phone and call him >Knowing there's only a fifty percent chance he'll pick up even IF his ringer is on >And seconds later you hear his phone ringing on the other side of the door >He's got to be in there - he's long past the "where's my phone?" phase and into the always-have-it-within-reach phase >Like everypony else his age >Not even just his age, pretty much everypony else >Spending countless hours ignoring the world around them in favor of looking at a little screen >He probably came back and Forty-Two was so caught up in conversation that he didn't hear >And he's probably got headphones on WAY too loud wrecking his hearing over some video game >But this could be awkward >He could also be in there doing... what young stallions do a lot more of than young mares >Part of the reason he has to wash his own sheets now, but nothing you want to walk in on >You crack his door and through the crack say "Honey?" >No response - also no bleed from cranked up headphones >Maybe he did leave without his phone >You open the door a little further and peek in >The first thing that hits you is the smell - young stallion! >Young stallion sweat >Young stallion... unwashed sheets >On an unmade bed >He's not exactly winning your approval at the moment >But he's out, this is his room and he trusts you not to snoop >So don't snoop >Although a quick look over towards his computer shows just how confidently he trusts you not to snoop >A video clip is playing on a loop full screen of a young woman >Maybe late teens, strawberry blonde >Masturbating for the camera while sitting on top of a washing machine >Her dad must be so proud - the guy who paid for those braces on her teeth must love that his daughter is a camwhore >She is cute though, biting her lip as she furiously goes at it >Can't deny that, though you do not approve >And there she goes: eyes roll back, legs come together and... >You can just make out some contractions in her two visible holes held up to the camera she's looking down at >Is that the best a woman can wink?! >PATHETIC! >No wonder so many guys go for mares! >They've got nothing going on down there! >OK, now you're snooping >Get out >You pull your head back and shut the door >Of course he watches porn >Chrissy has a line about porn she says so often it's burned into your mind - you hear her voice saying it: >"Sex-positive feminist porn is theoretically possible, but no one has any incentive to make it" >That's not really a surprise to you >Porn was never a part of your world >It's not something you grew up with and you have some concerns about it >Like whether it will give him negative and/or unrealistic expectations about mares >Because it does objectify them >And spending too much time in hyper real fantasy land can dull your appreciation of whatever real >Or just make you lose interest in it altogether >That sounds crazy to you but you know it happens >It was a topic on the show a couple months ago; how there are so many young men and stallions whose dicks have been so conditionned to porn >That they don't even respond the way they should \to real life sexual situations! >Or even seek them out! >You've seen the glances your son steals at Glitter so you're somewhat confident that's not the case with him >Yet >But that sounds like a horrible thing for a stalloion to go through >Being so jaded from a steady diet of explicit fantasy that you can't get it on in real life?! >Or decide not to even bother trying to... >Not that you want him to be getting it on just yet >But when the time comes you hope it will be a good, healthy and pleasurable part of his life >Like it was supposed to have been for you >And sometimes was >Also IS now >And it would be nice if he finds an enduring relationship that could possibly result in some grandfoals someday >That would be nice >Prefably after his about to arrive sibling is grown >And grandfoals won't happen if he ends up fixating on women! >This had better just be a curiousity or a phase >Because nothing good can come of this >The handful of upper social class women interested in a relationship with a stallion just buy one >And dictate the terms themselves >The rest of the women x free stallion relationships don't line up with opinion polling >You covered this on the show >46% of self-identified progressive women said they'd consider a relationship with a stallion if they found the right one >But you saw that for what it was right away >Liberals trying to out-liberal each other >You've seen this before - the actual number of free stallion x woman relationshiops typically polls at 0.9% of the population >In major metropolitan areas it's a little higher, but the reality is it's very rare for a woman to be in a relationship with a free stallion >Interracial couples are still pretty rare, yet far more common than interspecies >With man x free mare the vast majority of them >The truth is no matter how progressive a woman thinks she is there's still the hurdle of seeing a stallion as equal to herself >And few seem able to get over that - really get over it regardless of how much lip service they give to the idea >Assuming you're better than any pony is just ingrained in people >And it shows even when they think it doesn't >They don't even realize that half the time they're talking to a pony they sound like they're talking to their dog >Same inflection, same unquestioned dominance, same dumbed down word choices >Because they can't see past four legs and a tail >Or even if they can that's still the first things they see and react accodingly >You really hope this is just a passing thing for him and not his actual inclination >It's also something you're not supposed to know about, so put it out of your mind "Yeah, right. Like you can do that" >Didn't mean to say that out loud! >The door to Forty-Two's room opens and his head pops out again, this time without his phone in his ear >"What was that?," he asks "Nothing" >"You OK?" "Yeah. The foal isn't coming yet" >"But it could any minute. I'm prepared in case the second one comes fast" "I'm the one who told you about that" >"True, but I did my research after you did. I'm ready to assist in whatever capacity" "Which will be getting me to the medical center, hopefully" >"You don't trust doctor Forty-Two to deliver your foal?" "With his medical degree from youtube university? Let's just say that's not my first choice. But if that's how things go down I trust you" >He raises his head and adjusts his posture at the compliment >"I've got you covered no matter what happens. It's my job" "I appreciate that" >"I was just talking to Forty-Seven. He asked how you were doing" "What did you tell him?" >"You're about to pop at any minute" >you laugh... stallions "What did he say? Is he excited to see the foal?" >"He's not sentimental that way. And even if he wanted to it isn't an option. His mission just came to an end" "What do you mean?" >"His asset just moved in with a retired security professional. His role is redundant. Obviously the client realized this as well" "The client?" >"Yeah. You call him John. We figured out he was the client like, a couple years ago. And that you were the primary asset, not Forty-Seven's" "So what's he going to do?" >"Go to HQ, get briefed and head out on his next assignmet" >Duh. That should have been obvious "Is he OK with that?" >Forty-Two gives you a perplexed look >"He's got no choice and he isn't sentimental. Why would he be?" >Be Agent Forty Seven >You're reasonably self-satisfied riding in the pony section of an N train subway car >The duffle bag on the floor in front of you contains all of your possetions >As far as you're concerned the laptop is all that matters >That and the small wad of hundred dollar bills that represents the total extent of your agency >Your assignment has come to an end and you're excited to find out where you're headed next >Hopefully someplace exotic >Not that Ponytown Brooklyn wasn't interesting >You learned more about free pony culture than you ever expected to >But after a while it stopped being all that interesting >Most of them are just flailing around trying to build lives in a world that's at best indifferent and more often somewhat hostile to their existance >Your asset was a perfect example >A celebrity just like Forty Two's >And what was the best she could do with her agency, fame AND a powerful man looking out for her interests? >Living in probably the WORST neighborhood in New York >Hooking up with an old man who drives a ticking time bomb >A CVT equipped Nissan with over sixty thousand miles on it that's going to catostrophically fail at any minute >And that's a great outcome for her >That's the best she's likely to do >And what about her free pony celibrity friends? >A lesbian couple raising a family in the same shitty neighborhood >That colt is gonna have some issues, that's for sure >Same goes for the foal you sired when it comes, which is going to be any time now >Thankfully you won't be around to see any of that - this mission ended at exactly the right time as far as you're concerned >Forty Two is going to have to watch the whole thing unfold, but truth be told he's got more of a stomach for it than you do >You're getting out just in time >And it's an hour's ride to the Field Office in Long Island City where you'll probably get a token debriefing before being briefed on your next assignment >You can scratch New York off your list >But where to next? >Not China, unfortunately >Your Mandarin still sucks >You were hoping Brooklyn would be a chance to practice it, but you were geographically cut short >You weren't far from the ever expanding Chinatown that runs along this very train line through the borough >But not quite close enough to get any meaningful practice in >Your Spanish is still pretty good and between youtube and the Yemeni deli on the corner you've picked up a little conservative Arabic >Of course you made sure to let HQ know about that >Maybe Saudi Arabia is a possibility! >Not that your Arabic is all that good, but they speak English there as well and some Arabic is a lot better than none at all >And there's enough wealth there that security is always needed >It COULD happen >You sigh as the train pulls out into daylight and onto the Manhattan Bridge >Later, Brooklyn! >You look out the window at the Brooklyn Bridge next to you and see the Statue of Liberty in the distance >This could be your last dramatic view of New York >It's gotta be great to be a rich man here >Or even a not so rich man with a good hustle >But for a stallion with wanderlust? >It's been a pretty confining few years >You're not the least bit sad to ship out to wherever the next assignment takes you >And you should know exactly where that is in just a couple hours >Or days if they decide to breed you in return for a job well done >You chuckle >You kind of scooped them on that this time! >And while she may have been a little older she was plenty hot >Plus you got a free lesbian show on top of it >You feel your cock respoinding to these thoughts, nearly poking out of your sheath >STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT! >You do NOT ride the New York City subway with a visible hard on! >You're pretty sure this is why men wear pants in public >It has nothing to do with prudishness and everything to do with keeping evidence of their private thoughts private >Or at least somewhat contained, which is not possible for a stallion >Not that there's anypony else in the pony section of the car to see you >Overall it was a good assignment >You even got to have a Punisher moment, which was pretty satisfying if you're being honest with yourself >And that asshole definitely deserved what he got >You wondered whether you were going to feel any remorse about that >But you should have known you wouldn't >Technically you were protecting your asset... >At Canal Street a pretty blue and white mare gets on the train and sits across from you >The blue on her coat and mane in in irregular patches >Not to everyone's taste, but you lke it >Oh shit, is she checking you out?! >She's trying to be very cool about it, but... >She definitely is! >Don't acknowledge it, just appreciate >Smile on the inside >Besides, she's got a collar on - WAY off limits anyeays >Also carrying her own shopping bags >When the train stops at Union Square she gets off >In your peripheral vision you see her stealing one last look at you >Nice! >Some pampered pet heading to the farmer's market can't help herself from checking out the forbidden fruit along the way >They may all be whores deep down, but there's nothing wrong with that >It's not like they can help it >And she was pretty >Then again you've always had a little thing for paints >And even though you're confident that you're a good looking stallion >It's always nice to have some random pretty mare affirm it for you every now and then >That was one thing about living in Ponytown that wasn't bad at all >Second looks from mares on the street on almost a daily basis >Few of them as pretty as the little paint from a few moments ago >But some were >And even if a second look doesn't count for as much coming from a free unicorn mare it still counts for something >It's still a little ego massage >Imagine if she'd been a pegasus? >That would have been some REAL ego massage! >You wonder if you would have been able to play things as cool as you just did >Maybe not, but you like to think you could >Before long the train passes into the tunnel to Queens >This is where you get off >The field office is a few block's walk from the subway station in an office building that looks to be of 1970's or early 80's vintage >Which is a polite way of saying it's ugly as shit - all concrete, steel and windows that don't open >Looking like a banal dystopian fantasy calculated to crush the dreams of men in polyester suits and the women the sexually harassed >While still seeming "modern" in the way the thought back then >Regardless the next chapter in your life begins here >You walk in and head towrd the elevator bank, passing a desk where a security worker would have been sitting years ago >Now the lobby is deserted, though maintained >Or mostly maintained - nothing happens when you push the elevator button >Fuck - you need your com device >You fish it out of your bag and gently slide it into your left ear "Agent Forty Seven to Command" >"Copy Forty Seven," a female voice replies "In the lobby of the Queens Field Office reporting for debriefing and reassignment" >"Copy. Sending elevator for you now. Suite 2C, to your right upon exiting" "I know that" >"Agent?" "Copy" >It's still going to be a minute, you KNOW it >So you're pleasantly surprised when the elevator doors open for you in just under a minute >Maybe the administrative side of things has their shit more together now? >They would almost HAVE to, given how useless they were when you started fieldwork >Stepping out of the elevator on to the second floor you turn right and buzz the buzzer on the second door >And you're buzzed in to the field office >Which amounts to three mares wearing com devices facing computers >And a door to the manager's office in the back >That door is open and you can see the wood panneling on the walls >Roseluck would describe the look of the office as grim for its lack of decor >She once referred to the apartment you shared with Forty Two as "unfurnished" >The mare nearest you loioks up from her screen and says, "She'll see you now" "Thanks" >You head through the office door >"Agent Forty Seven?," the mare behind the desk asks, then without waiting for a response says, "Please take a seat" >You do just that, choosing the larger of the mismatched chairs in front of her "I doubt there's going to be much need for a debrief, and I'm eager for my next assignment" >"You need a debrief" >For what? "Ma'am?" >You're not sure who outranks whom in this situation, but best not take any chances >"First of all the client made it very clear that the assignment had come to an end and was not terminated due to any dissatisfaction with your performance" "Good to hear" >"Yes. He even took the unusual step of leaving you a tip. So when you see a higher than usual amount in your discretionary account you'll know why" >Nice! "Happy client, happy HQ" >She scrunches her nose >"You would think that, but it's not always the case... And it isn't exactly the case now I'm afraid" >You don't like the sound of that and feel your ears go flat >"Not wearing your com device during an emergency situation is a pretty big violation of protocol" "During the massacre? We had all the birds in the nest, Forty Two was next to me with his in and I found the shooter's manifesto while you guys were still calling it an emerging situation!" >"You couldn't have done that while wearing your com device?" "Can you read with somepony talking in your ear? Besides we had the situation completely under control" >"Point taken. If that were the only protocol violation I'm sure HQ would have let it slide. But can you explain this?" >She turns her monitor around to face you and a youtube video begins playing >It's titles Look at the Asshole Who Cut Me Off On the Belt Parkway Last Nite >It's about six seconds of really shaky, dark footage >No wonder it has only a hundred and some hits >But it's prettyy clearly you behind the wheel of a shitty Nissan >"If this had gone viral or found its way to law enforcement it would have created a big problem for us. I take it this was not a life of death situation?" "It would have been if he'd insisted on driving. Both the client and her companion were soundly drunk" >"So instead of calling a car you decided to violate protocol and drive them home yourself?" "I was top of my driving class in the academy. I knew I could do it safely. Getting a drunk to leave his car in a parking lot in Staten Island was unlikely" >Makes sense... but it's still a pretty big protocol violation. You understand that, Agent?" "It was two in the morning and I have to get the drunks I'm babysitting safely back to Brooklyn. It was a judgement call" >She sighs >"A judgement call you somehow left out of that week's report" >She's got you there >How did they even find that video? >You looked for it and it didn't turn up >Probably because you were searching "pony" and not "asshole" >"Regardless, this leaves HQ with serious reservations about keeping you in the field" >You want to yell, "WHAT?!," but instead calmly ask "Ma'am?" >"A lot of resources have been invested in you, Agent. But you're judgment is too much of a liability. Which would not be the case if you were at the Academy" >Your heart sinks >Retraining? >You were at the top of your class >"It's a funny coincidence - they need a pony to head up their driving and general vehicle program" >She smiles while you process this >It's a demotion - the Academy is ALWAYS a demotion >But... >You're still processing this >Your dreams of travel have just been shot down >And your judgment shown to be lacking enough to remove you from the field >You're being sent to the Academy >You can't travel, but you get to drive?! >They've got to have some better cars than the old Neons you learned on by now >Though those things were fast >"The details of your new assignment and your contact's info are in your inbox right now" >She adds, "If I were you I'd head to Port Authority right now, then make contact once you're on a bus with an ETA" "That's what I'll do then, Ma'am" >You stand and grab your bag from the chair next to you >And walk out of the field office toward the subway >Be mare >Roseluck had her foal! >It's a filly! >She and Crystal are having an open house today (Sunday) >Your coltfriend explained to you that an open house is a low key afternoon party where nothing happens >He actually tried to get out of going >Like the almost but not quite old man he is >But you and Roseluck have a bond, so your coltfriend is part of that too, whenther he likes it or not >He went along with it just showing the slightest protest >You're OK with that >You never let him down, so him following you around is fine every now and then >And if you sense he isn't fine about it tomorrow you'll just blow him - that usually makes everything right >Guys can be pretty easy that way, depending on the guy - and you know the kind of guy you've got >Swayed by it in a big way like most guys >And you might not even need to go there because he did brighten a bit when you suggested you could turn the rest of the day into a date after >There are a lot of little hole in the wall places you talk about going to but never seem to get there >Maybe you can hit one of them for an early dinner >It's a nice day, so the two of you didn't bother taking the car >Parking would just be a pain in the ass anyways "We should pick up a bottle of wine" >He pulls out his smartphone and taps away on it >"There's a liquor store three blocks from here, hardly out of the way," your coltfriend replies "We should do it" >"Roseluck has expensive taste in wine, doesn't she? Might be a bit of a dice roll at a local liquor store" "I know what to look for" >You do actually, having lived with her for a couple years >Though the specific French word for it just flew out of your head >Words in other languages are hard >Your brain doesn't hang on to them >You hear it, say it a couple times hoping it will stick, then your brain writes it off as something French and you've forgotten it >That happens less in Spanish because you hear it everyday, but it still happens with any words you wouldn't need when grocery shopping >Those words stick a little better because you see them written out often >"Turn right here and it's two blocks on the left," your coltfriend informs you >He looks up from his phone and puts it back in his pocket >Good >You're no fan of people walking down the street with their eyes glued to their phone >They'll almost fucking walk right into you and not even realize it >Ponies do it, too >You resolved a while ago not to be one of them >Your coltfriend is about fifty fifty on the issue, but he's aware you prefer it when he's not glued to his phone >A block later the store comes into view >At least the sign says Wines and Liquors, so there's a chance you'll find something good, even if the shop looks a little ratty >As you enter the store the guy behind the counter tries, but ultimately fails to conceal a double take >You're not offended >Mixed species couples are still uncommon, and even rare when the pony isn't wearing a collar >Not that this neighborhood is anywhere near wealthy enough to have the sort of people who OWN ponies living in it >Though they probably own a bunch of the real estate >And you've discovered there is a bit of a stigma against interspecies dating among free mares >And some women, for that matter >"Can I help you?," the guy behind the counter asks "I'm looking for a white wine. It's French. I can't remember the name or the grape, but I know bad versions of it smell like cat pee, and that's NOT what I want" >The man laughs and says, "That would be Saugivnon Blanc. We have a white Bordeaux that's seventy percent Souvignon" "There's another one that isn't Bordeaux, and that's what my friend likes" >"Sancerre?," the man suggests "That's it! That's the word I couldn't remember!" >"I'd love to carry Sancerre, but I could never sell it here" "You could have today" >"Maybe not if you saw what I'd have to charge for it. Price breaks on cases only get good with large orders, and that stuff is expensive frontline" >This you understand >Places that sell a lot of expensive wine can buy it in large quantities for a better price >So they can sell it for cheaper than places that don't >If a place like this tried to stock expensive wine they would be buying in such small quantaties that with the mark up it would be crazy expensive >That's why Roseluck liked the Upper East Side >And even though she really wanted to live in Broklyn's Ponytown it was, at least at first a big adjustment for her >The street REALLY being street "Can I see the Bordeaux then?" >Roseluck taught you one trick when you were unsure about a bottle >You don't remember the words, but you'll know them if you see them >The man walks to the shelves, grabs a bottle and places it in front of you on the counter >Of course the label means nothing to you >You can READ, but you're not exactly a good reader >And it's mostly in French anyways >You turn it around to see the back label >And there in the middle of it you see the words you're looking for >It reads: Monsieur Touton Selection "Touton," you say, without really meaning to >"Yeah," the man replies. "They have the best book for French stuff. I can't move all that much, but if I'm going to stock any I may as well get it from them" >You don't know what "Touton" means exactly, but Rose told you it's a safe bet for French wine in New York when it says that >Now you know they have the best book - you guess that's their selection of wines >You know Roseluck will only have a glass or so of wine because she's nursing >And you want there to be a good chance it'll be from the bottle you bring >And this one says Touton on it, so there's a chance >Plus you wouldn't mind a nice cold glass of it yourself after walking a bunch of blocks on a hot day >Cold - right. You have to ask for that! "Do you have a bottle cold?" >"I MIGHT. Let me check" >He takes the bottle from the counter and walks around to the fridge beside you, then rummages around in the back >You feel your ears turn to the sound of the clinking glass >You really DO want a glass of wine! >"You're in luck," the man says pulling his head from the fridge, cold bottle in hand >He puts it on the floow for a second while putting the bottle you were just looking at in the fridge >"That'll be fifteen plus tax" >Less than you were planning on spending, though probably a little much for this particular bottle >You turn to your coltfriend beside you "Sweetie, can you pull a twenty out of my bag?" >Some things go a lot quicker when a man helps >He retrives the money, hands it to the shopkeeper then places the change and the bottle in your bag "Thank you, sweetie. And thank you, sir" >"Enjoy the rest of your weekend," the shopkeeper replies >As you leave the shop your coltfriend says, "That was lucky" "Yeah, even if Sancerre was too big of an ask" >You're really going to try to remember that word >Sancrre - that's the wine Roseluck likes - the wine you enjoyed with her countless times in spite of it being a little expensive >"You know me," he replies, "I'd rather save a few bucks and just have a beer" >Yuck >You still don't get beer >Cider and wine make sense to you >But beer just tastes bitter and awful >You don't let that on to your man, however, because he seems to enjoy it when you have one with him every now and then >And maybe you'll develop a taste for it someday, but you sure haven't yet "We can stop at a bodega and grab a six pack if you want" >"I think we're bringing enough. They'll probably have beers there. And if they don't I'll run out and get some" "Suit yourself" >You're actually a little excited about this open house >This will be the first time you've actually been to Crystal's place >They didn't throw any kind of party when Rose and the colt (and Forty-Two) moved in >Then again you didn't throw any party when you moved in with your coltfriend >Your coltfriend who happens to be a man >Funny how that's what the girls called him when you were a filly and now he actually IS that >Sometimes you can't really guess how life is going to work out >Not that you're a complainer, but the fact is you really have nothing to complain about >The world around you may be fucked up and filled with hate and injustice >But you? You're doing just fine >Sometimes you almost feel a little guilty about that >You're not going to let now be one of those times >You're going to meet your friend's new foal, hang out with some of your co-workers and then go on a date with your coltfriend >On a beautiful afternoon in Brooklyn >In the distance you see a grey stallion walking toward you on the sidewalk >He doesn't look good >He's dirty, and his mane and tail are ungroomed >You know what's coming as he approaches >You've lived here long enough that you're almost used to it >But there goes not feeling a little guilty about how good you have it >Once he's a few feet in front of you he stops and says, "Excuse me Ma'am, Sir, but could you see it in your hearts to help me out with a few dollars?" >He looks up at you, then back down at the sidewalk maintaining a submissive posture >"I haven't eaten in a while and I'm so hungry" >You turn to your coltfriend and say, "Sweetie, the singles in my bag..." >"Yes, dear," he answers and opens your saddlebag, pulls out three singles and hands them to the stallion >"Oh thank you," the grey stallion says, "sir, Ma'am. God bless you. Have a wonderful day" >Weird to hear a pony say "God bless you" when you haven't sneezed >You KNOW he only said that because you're with a man >The stallion continmues on his way and you continue on yours >Once he's out of earshot your coltfriend says, "He'll probably just spend it on alcohol" "So what if he does? I just spent MY money on alcohol. You spend some of your money on it. He's free to do the same" >"Fair point. Besides he didn't look like he was lying about being hungry" "He probably wasn't. There's a lot of that going around. If I've got cash on me why not help out a little?" >"You're good" "I try to be. It's only right. He's got nothing and we have it so good" >"We worked hard for it" "Yeah, but we were also lucky. I lucked into a television career and you're the son of a woman who left you a valuable piece of real estate when she died" >You quickly add "May she rest in peace" >Always be reverent when bringing up his mother >You never met the woman, but you're well aware that from his point of view she could do no wrong >And she's partially responsible for how well the two of you have it now, so just go along with that >"She left me a lot more than that. The time I spent with her... you know... at the end? That totally changed my life" >Then he adds, "In a way it's part of how I ended up with you" >You are well aware of this "Since I have no way of thanking her for it I guess I'll just have to pay it forward" >"God, I love you, kid!" >You love it when he calls you kid! >You look up to beam a smile at him which he rewards with an ear scratch >Then he pulls out his phone >"We're almost there. Next block" >This is a rough neighborhood >You guess that's how a free mare can own a large appartment here >Or how her retired parents can own it >That's another bit of luck right there >Crystal's mom being one of the few pony artists people were willing to pay decent money for her work >So she could send her daughter to film school >Ponies don't go to film school! >But Crystal went to fucking film school just like a rich kid >That must have been so weird for her >Someday you're going to have to ask her about it, even if most of her response is likely to sail right over your head >That's a feeling you've become comfortable with over the years >Just because there's a lot going on in the world beyond your knowledge and experience doesn't mean you don't have to still live your life >And try to be good to those around you >Whether they have four legs or two >Oh, look how progressive you are! >You stifle a giggle >Your coltfriend is oblivious, so you thankfully don't have to explain yourself >He'd get it, though >When you get to Crystal's building there are baloons on the front gate >It's an old building >Where you live now was built maybe 60 years ago >Where you and Roseluck were roomies was probably more like 100 years old >This is more of that vintage >Or older >Maybe it's late 1800's - you can't tell, but it seems really old even for Brooklyn >And a little desolate as far as the neighborhood goes >The edges of Ponytown are less vibrant than its Main Drag >The gate to the entrance is propped open so you don't have to use the bnuzzer, which may not work anyways >That takes you into a small courtyard surrounded by three buildings >One has more ballons tied on the door, which is also propped open >You don't think you'd leave the doors open here, but Crystal has lived here her whole life >Maybe the risk of leaving your doors open is minimal on a Sunday afternoon >The small lobby of her building is exactly what you expected - all marble and tile "All the old lobbies in Brooklyn look the same, marble and tile everywhere" >"Of course they do," your coltfriend replies, "It's a very Roman look" "Why would Brooklyn have a very Roman look?" >"Think about who did all the stone and tile work back then" "History isn't my strong point" >"Italian immigrants. They brought their old world expertise here and made a living putting it to use. And they happened to arrive at the time most of these places were being built" >That explains it >You never made that connection before >If ponies had been here back then the lobbies would all have been decoratively painted wood you guess >Though marble and tile does make sense, and seems to have stood the test of time pretty well >Heading toward the stairs you only see a few places where a tile or two have gone missing from the floor >"It's 3B," your coltfriend reminds you >By the time you reach the second floor you can hear voices from the third >When you get there the door to 3B is propped open with more ballons tied to the doorknob >This is obviously it >You enter into a large living/dining area with a good sized kitchen off to the side >This is a real three bedroom apartment, not a pony three bedroom! >"So glad you made it!," comes Roseluck's voice from the couch >There she is with a little filly sleeping next to her "She's so CUTE! Oh my god!" >The little filly looks up at you from the safety of her mother's side >She mostly got her father's coloration - a rich brown hue >Though her mane has some red highlights and she has a yellow blaze above her nose >She's not going to be as striking a beauty as her mother, but she will be very cute >Hell, she already is very cute! >There are ponies from the show plus a few you don't know in the room >About a dozen total >But it's so big that it doesn't feel crowded >Rose makes a quick round of introductions and you get out the bottle of wine you brought >Crystal relieves you of it saying, "Good timing, we were down to half a bottle. Thank you" "We'll certainly have a glass with you to toast the family's new arrival!" >"That's all we've been doing for ther past hour," she replies >"You just missed John and Cloudy," Roseluck says >You don't mind that one bit >You have absolutely nothing to say to him, and there's a little part of you that's jealous of her >If you're being perfectly honest with yourself "Did he smell like her?" >That gets some giggles from your co-workers >"He tried to cover it up with cologne," Crystal shoots back, "but yeah. She definitely marks her things" >More giggles >"Oh stop," Rose says. "To be fair he always wore Vetiver. Just maybe a little more of it nowadays. They said to say hi" >"SHE said to say hi," Crystal corrects from the kitchen while pouring a glass of wine "That's nice" >Even though you have mixed feelings toward her you wish her the best because she is a good girl >Not to mention that every time she touches your mane you look better for it >Your coltfriend heads toward the kitchen saying, "Actually, I'd prefer a beer if you have one. I can run out and get some if you don't" >"There's a few Stellas in the fridge. Help yourself," she replies. "The opener is on the counter" >He shortly returns with a beer in one hand and a glass of wine for you in the other "Thank you, sweetie" >He's the only man here >Hell, he's the only human here, also the only one drinking a beer >Everypony else seems to have gone with cider or wine >If any of that makes him feel awkward he's doing a very good job of not letting it show >He's a big boy, he can handle himself >As long as you don't stay too long and make him bored >They all start acting up when they get bored >He is indulging you by coming along in the first place, so you resolve to initiate the exit sequence as he's about to finish his second beer >That seems fair >You turn your attention to Roseluck and the foal "So what's her name?" >Roseluck blushes as your question raises a few giggles from the others >"Um... we're still working on that," she replies sheeepishly >You almost say, "Well what's in a name anyways?," but catch yourself >To the Equestrian born a name couold mean a lot >It could be an indicator of your cutie mark and thus the direction of your entire life >Because that's how magic worked in a magical land >Not so much here... but you should say something now >What's said in situations like this? >You think you know but hope it doesn't sound corny >Actually it does sound corny, you just hope not too corny >You raise your glass and say: "To her health and happiness!" >"Hear, hear," Rose responds looking for her glass as the other ponies in the room raise theirs >Good! You did things right in a situation your upbringing really hadn't prepared you to deal with at all >You've been getting better and better at that sort of thing >Even if many things that are obvious to free ponies remain minor mysteries to you >A sip of wine makes all these thoughts go away >Rooting you back to a very low key pony party in Brooklyn >With a date to follow >You'll let him choose the place but you'll pick up the tab >He'll probably choose something naughty, but that's OK >He's so good at home, keeping things largely healthy and vegetarian >Which keeps him trim (which you appreciate) >And keeps you comfortable in a way you definitely would not be on a diet of subs, pizza, burgers and tacos >So if tonight he wants fried chicken sandwiches (you practically shudder in a mixture of delight and disgust) that's what you'll do >Be mare >At open house celebration new foal with Roseluck amnd Crystal >Rose and foal are clear centers of attention so you're off to the side >You were hoping your coltfriend wouldn't end up too bored, but he's in a conversation with a unicorn stallion about music >The stallion in question is young and grew up here, but he's used the word retro a few times, so they speak a similar musical language >You'd like to think you know nothing about music, having not grown up exposed to much of it >But your adult life has changed that >First you were married to a former Equestrian music star >And while his stuff didn't exactly move you it was only because you had no prior experience with music >Both he and Rose were Equestrian born, and evidently breaking into song was a day to day thing in a magical world >Or if not a day to day thing certanly not uncommon >In this world that only happens in old movies and Broadway shows (both of which you find corny) >But that doesn't mean there isn't music everywhere here as well >Blasting from cars going by in the warm months >The DOM tic tok tic DOM tic tok tic of Reggaeton for example >Besame bebe como la primera vez... opening with a sample of Steve Miller's The Joker >Which you would never have known if your coltfriend hadn't pointed it out to you >And even in your own home since you're now living with that man who has accumulated countless milk crates full of records and racks of CD's >When you watch something on netflix it's on a computer because he has no dedicated screen in the living room >Instead there are two speakers on stands and a bunch of electronics and wires to feed them >So those precious records, CD's or even the important radio show can be heard in perfect fidelity >Your coltfriend and the stallion are talking about funk music, so he's about to bring up radio, you know it >Shit, your ears just turned to his voice saying the name Ernie Isley >You know the lecture he's about to start on >Listening to Felix Hernandez do the Rhythm Review on WBGO out of Newark is a now Saturday ritual >And every time he plays the Isley Brothers your coltfriend tells you the same story >Here we go >"He played keyboards?," the poor stallion asks naively >"That was a guitar, if your talking about the massive solo on That Lady," your coltfriend replies >"I invisioned maybe some guy in a cape, or a big afro surrounded by synths," the stallion responds >"Yeah," your coltfriend replies, "Like George Duke? But he wasn't in that band. That's Ernie Isley on guitar!" >"So just a very talented bunch of brothers?" >"The story is better than that," your coltfriend winds up. "He wasn't even in the band when they first blew up!" >You know it, so you want to turn away and engage Forty-Two, who is also on the sidelines >But you can't resist listening along for a little longer just to see how the stallion reacts >"Imagine being an aspiring young guitar player from a musical family and your older brother already leads a successful band," your coltfriend begins >"Pretty sweet start," the stallion replies >"It gets better. The band hires a shit hot guitar player from the city who has to sleep over on mom's couch because the band rehearses in Jersey City" >He pauses for dramatic effect >"And that shit hot guitar player in your house a couple nights a week when you're at your most impressionable is none other than Jimi Fucking Hendrix!" >"No way!," the stallion replies >"So your goal becomes filling Hendrix's shoes in your brother's band. And you actually manage to accomplish it!" >"That's almost like a man getting his cutie mark," the stallion says breathlessly. "Practically gives me chills" >"Fuckin' ay right! He was so good they could put out pop hits that were fifty percent extended guitar solos and people just lapped it up!" >"But it doesn't SOUND like a guitar," the stallion replies >"Like Hendrix he had pedals and shit. And he plays a Strat. The right set of hands can make that combination do anything!" >OK, enough. You've heard all this before and Forty-Two is just standing there with nopony to talk to >You approach the bodyguard "How have you been?" >"Just fine, Ma'am" "Really?" >"Yeah. It's interesting to be almost like part of a family, which is what this set up kind of makes things" "So you're emotionally involved with the assets?" >"You know I tried not to be, but that ship sailed a while ago" "I guess losing your partner was hard, too" >"Forty-Seven? We had a good time together, but he was something of a mixed blessing. You know how he is - the best intentions, but he could still drag you down if you got caught up in his shit" "Have you been in touch with him? I haven't," you say, feeling a little shame about it >Then again he didn't leave you any contact info >"Yeah" "How's he doing?" >"He didn't end up on the next assignment he would have preferred, but there's no doubt it's one that suits him" "So he has a purpose and some moments of happiness?" >"I would definitely say that" "That's really the best you can hope for. And the same goes for you still?" >"Absolutely, Ma'am. More now than ever, though how much longer this mission will last is a concern" "John still carries a torch for Rose. Crystal is one of his stars. The colt is the son of the pony who took his career from successful to big time..." >Your second glass of wine is starting to hit you "And he clearly wants to think of himself as a good guy, regardless of the consequences of his actions..." >You realize you have to pee "So paying to keep you around is probably what he's gonna do, I'd think. Especially in light of a new foal" >"I hope you're right" "I'm not saying I am, but there's a good chance I could be. Ummm... I gotta go pee" >"Down the hall, second door on the right" "Thank you" >You head down the hall going toward the second door >But the first door is open, and as you pass you see it's a bedroom with three ponies inside >The colt, Glitter and the other mare whose name you forgot >Kinda funny she's the one trying to build some kind of digital brand and you can't remember her name! >The colt sees you in the hall and shouts, "Auntie! How have you been?" "Very well, thanks. How about you? Excited to be a big brother?" >His face drops a little >"I WAS... but the reality now that she's here is a little bit of a let down" "How so?" >"Well, she doesn't DO anything. She can't even talk. Was I that useless when I was little?" "Everypony is useless when they're just a foal. But before you know it she'll be showing her personality, just like you did" >"Why does it take so long?" "It really doesn't. You went from foal to colt to young stallion in what seemed like no time" >"It didn't seem like no time to ME" "Can we continue this in a minute? I've really got to pee" >The young mares with him giggle nervously at your frankness >No such reaction from the colt, who just nods and says, "Next door down" "Thanks" >You get there, open the door, enter, close it, lift up the lid to the toilet seat, lean back and... >Ahhhh, MUCH better! >Two glasses of wine not so long after a late cup of coffee on a weekend are enough to make the relief stronger than usual for this time of day >You wonder about the language used regarding body functions, knowing the way you were brought up was different from middle class free ponies >It has to be some sort of class thing >They'll ask where the bathroom is when they mean toilet >Though you're currently in an actual bathroom >Your coltfriend is almost the same >He'll tell you he has to take a piss, but if you're out somewhere and he's asking a stranger where the toilet is he asks for the bathroom >Though you've never seen an actual bath in a public bathroom >Some ponies call it the rest room or even the little colt's/filly's room, which seems even sillier to you >So many euphamisms out there! >Even more around death - you heard a lot of them when you became a widow >Passed, your loss, departed... >Sometimes you just wanted to yell, "He DIED! He died in my fucking hooves!" >But you never did >Why are you thinking about that? >Because on the other side of that wall is a colt who looks like a younger version of him, minus the silly mustache >You miss him, but you can't complain >It hurts that he's gone but your new love is completely satisfying >You're sure the young mares on the other side of that wall wouldn't understand how you could go from living in a penthouse with the Sexiest Stallion Alive to... >Living in a modest apartment with an older man >Really, if you just slapped on a collar everyone would just assume he owned you >But it's actually close to an equal relationship >Something you never thought you wanted until you found yourself in one >Your wills align often enough of the time to make day to day pretty easy >And when they don't the dance over whose will prevails is kinda fun >Of course you have an advantage because he has a penis >So in a contest of wills all it usually takes is a couple minutes of glark glark glark on your part and you get your way >Not all the time, though >Sometimes he'll dig in his heels and you have to give in >You can accept those moments >Even if you don't like them >You've finished peeing, and feel so much better for it >Sometimes you get so involved in a situation that you don't realize just how much you have to pee >And you're pretty sure you're not the only mare that happens to >You shake your backside just a little so as to make sure the last drops land where they're supposed to >There's a roll of paper beside you but you're over that >You don't mind being a mare who smells like one, and your coltfriend doesn't mind either >And it's been a long time since you've had to see any clients >That was a lifetime ago >Wow, you're getting old! >You're not going to be like Cloudburst and make everything that's yours smell like you >Though when you're in heat you kinda want to >But you're OK with your own scent at this point in your life >It's fine if you smell like you >And there's no one to tell you otherwise >You flush and put the lid down >At home you probably wouldn't put the lid down because your coltfriend never does >But this is somepony else's place and it was down when you came in >You head back to the colt's room "So how have you been?," you ask him upon entering >"You know, chillin'. Hanging with my friends and enjoying the summer" "Same here except for working on the show as well" >"School will start up soon, so I'll get back to being a productive member of society then" >You really should ask Glitter how she's doing "And you, Glitter? Any word on your...?" >That's a hard question to ask >"My dad? They released him two nights ago. He's back with us" >You're about to say, "That's wonderful!," when she adds >"Well, most of him is..." >That doesn't sound good >"The colt whispers, "They gelded him" >You don't know what that word means, but it's obviously something terrible >You gasp >Glitter seems near tears >"I overheard him telling mom that they said there's already enough trash on the street and he wasn't going to be responsible for any more" >And now she's in tears "You poor thing" >You offer a hug which she accepts >You also now have a guess as to what gelded might mean, and it's a pretty awful guess "Can they DO that? I mean legally?" >"I guess it depends on what the courts say," the colt replies, "and they try to say as little as possible about anything resembling pony rights" "But if this is happening it ought to be exposed, because it isn't right! He's a free stallion" >"Or an illegal immigrant who human rights don't apply to," the colt replies softly, "depending on your view" >He adds, "Don't tell mom and Miss Chrissy about it. Now it's all foal all the time around here, and we don't want to kill that mood" "I understand, but still..." >"If Glitter and her family choose to go public you'll be among the first to know," he replies >Sounds like he's had this conversation before, probably with Little Miss Social Media standing on his other side >"In the meantime you can respect their privacy, right?," he concludes "Of course!" >You turn to Glitter "I'm here for you as a source of sympathy and comfort, or just somepony else to talk to" >She nods and quietly says, "Thanks" "But if your family decides to go public we're also allies and a platform for you" >"That will be mom and dad's decision. Right now as you can imagine they're still figuring out how to cope" "I'll give you my contact info anyways" >"I can get it from him if I need it," the young mare replies "I'm so sorry for your family" >"Be sorry for dad. He's really taking it hard" >Just the opposite actually, if gelded means what you think it does >You can't imagine what that would be like for a guy! >Their junk means so much to them "Well I should get back to the party. I left my coltfriend alone and he's the only man in the room" >Glitter giggles a little at that >"It's funny you call him your coltfriend," she says "It's a long story that I'm not going to get into here. But yeah, I guess it does sound kinda funny" >That long story would probably upset the young mares and would definitely embarrass the colt >You know better than to tell it to them >You give each to them a hug and head back to the living room >It is nice to see him with two mares at his side >You're sure that because they're free ponies that situation is going to get a lot more complicated that it has to be >It probably already is >But his father had two mares, why shouldn't he? >When you spot your coltfriend he's still talking to the same unicorn, with an empty beer in his hand >That means it's time to go >As you approach you hear him saying, "... was lifted straight out of black churches. There's some gospel that makes most rock sound like pussy shit" >It's definitely time to go "Sweetie?," you interrupt >He turns his attention toward you "If you wnated to go on that date we should probably leave soon" >It takes a few minutes to make with all the good byes and hugs, but soon the two of you are back on the sunny Brooklyn sidewalk "That wasn't so bad, was it?" >"No," he admits "So where are we going?" >"I have a few places in mind. Want me to run them by you?" "Sure. But first I have a question. I think I know the answer, but I need to be sure" >"Shoot" "What does 'gelded' mean?" >Be Agent 42 >The open house is over, the perimiter is secure and you finally have a few minutes to yourself >The last guests left a couple hours ago >Your asset and her marefriend have gone to bed early after an afternoon and early evening of drinking wine and socializing >You finally get to check your phone >You're not all that big on social media, but you like keeping up with the news >You've been sent a link to a video from 47 >What is that psycho up to? >Clicking on it takes you to a dashcam video of a car on a closed course you recognize from the academy >He's drifting around the turns in a moderately impressive way >That makes the video a little dizzying to watch >You text him back: Finally got your hooves on a rear wheel drive vehicle? Nice drifting! >That guy was trouble >Part of you was always concerned being partnered with him was going to tarnish your reputation >He certainly left you with at least one secret you'll be taking to your grave >But in a lot of ways he was a good partner >He looked out for you in his own way >Always seeing to it there was a twenty dollar bill available when you needed to walk to the park >Even if it meant he missed a meal every now and then >That's a good friend >Or if not exactly friend a good partner >You miss the park >Not the park itself, but who was there >More often than not one of the skanks would be there >Never both, so they must have had something worked out between the two of them >Both were young unicorn mares >Of course you didn't know them by name - to you they were purple and pink >You were always happier when purple was there because she was more likely to settle on ten dollars for a quick BJ >As opposed to the usual twenty for fifteen minutes of their time >You miss that >You haven't been back to the park since moving into Chrissy's place >Back at the Muscle House - it always cracked you up when 47 called it that - you had two things that you don't have here >A pony to cover you for half an hour here and there >And a private plaace for a discreet tryst >That's just not possible in Chrissy's place, meaning your needs along those lines have gone unmet >You can imagine Chrissy's reaction if she knew your desire >She'd hammer you for taking advantage of those poor mares in the park >Without even considering the fact that you're private property >And the money involved in that transaction is as hard (if not harder) to come by for you than it is for them >A mare like Chrissy can't see beyong her world view, which is very much shaped by a privileged upbringing >Privileged by free pony standards anyways >Nope, if you disagree with her opinions about social justice you are in the wrong by default >You know better than to go anywhere near topics like that around her >Not just because she's your asset's significant other, but also you now live at HER place >Expressing dissent would result in a complaint that could end this mission for you >Because Rose would have to take her side >And regardless of your umnet needs this mission has become very important to you >You've caught yourself wondering if this is what being part of a family feels like >Of course your old partner would berate you endlessy for that if he knew >Or he would if he could ever stop laughing about it >He must never know >Not that you'd ever talked about anything emotional - that was not the nature of your relationship >But you do feel some emotion for your asset and her offspring >That's probably natural since you've been their protector for a while now >It still stings that 47 was the one that got to fuck her >You understand WHY (and why it was just another stupid risk he took) >But it stings a little anyways >Especially now that you're the one looking out for his foal >Genetically his, not that he'd ever have any claim to her >And the truth is even if you and Rose were possible (which would require a long list of impossibilities) she wouldn't be your first choice >You feel something for her, but she's a little... >She's, well... >She's ripe, bordering on overripe >And if you're going for impossible fantasies you may as well go for just ripe instead of over >Like the mares hanging around with the colt >Lucky bastard! >Of course Chrissy would be indignant if she knew you even THOUGHT that >She'd probably call you a monster for thinking about mares that young >But you have a nose, and it doesn't lie >They may be young, but they're not TOO young >And the fact that yopu can smell that is a big part opf the reason you try to avoid being in the same room with them >Especially the taller one, Glitter >You really have to work to keep your cool around her >Because there's nothing you'd enjoy more than putting a foal in her >Making her as swollen as Rose was last month! >Fuck, now you're hard >Thankfully you're also alone in your room >So you can take care of it >With a little help from Instagram - she's got plenty of selfies on there >You have a few favorities... >Be mare >Summer and autumn passed quickly >Does that mean you're getting old? >You don't FEEL old, but time does seem to be moving more quickly >It could just be that you're content >Your routine with the show and the book keeping on the side keeps you busy enough >But still leaves you plenty of time to spend with your coltfriend >Who dotes on you >Which is something you never knew you wanted until you had it >Every sexual relationship in your life before had been a transaction - a calculation >Both parties knew what the situation was >But with him it's different >He knows exactly who you are and what the situation is, but he treats you like you're the most precious thing in the world >Because that's just how he sees you >Even though you know better when it's just the two of you together you almost let yourself believe it >It's the opposite of your most daring young fantasies of how your life might be >Then again, you've already lived a wilder ride than all of those fantasies put together! >A younger you would probably think your life now is boring >Not entirely - even young you had a soft spot for this man >Though the relationship was entirely transactional back then >Which makes sense because that was all you knew back then >And he still calls you "kid" >Stupidly you love him that much more everytime he says it >But it feels safe being stupid around him - there's no need to keep any sort of guard up >This one is yours entirely, and your happiness really seems to be his main concern >While he's extravagant with his affection he's much less so when it comes to spending money, which suits you fine >Some mares (Roseluck leaps to mind) like fancy bottles of wine and dinners out at places with professional waitstaff >Not that you don't, but it just seems like burning money >And when you have just a little more money than you need to have a comfortable life getting into the habit of burning it seems... >Stupid >But you are being taken out to lunch today because it's Valentine's Day >He's not going to spring for an edible flower arrangement >Because you both know the prices are doubled today for the rubes >You do the books for Rose's flower shop, so you know today and Mother's Day are that industry's biggest cash in moments >Which means today of all days is NOT the day to buy flowers >But going out to some Russian joint for some pelmeni and one of those fruit drinks with a name you can never remember? >That may be a little naughty, but it's hardly burning money >Are you old and boring? >If this is old and boring then it's not at all bad >You're getting taken out for Valentine's Day - that's not something you never thought of! >In fact, when you first heard that today's analog in Equestria was called Hearts and Hooves Day you thought it sounded stupid >Until you found out who Valentine was >A martyred Catholic saint! >The day erotic love is celebrated is named after a guy who was put to death over his religion! >And it gets crazier than that! >What about Cupid?! >Seriously what the fuck is up with that? >A naked little boy with wings? >Wings make perfect sense on a pegasus, but on a boy? >Doesn't that mean he's dead? >So the symbol of erotic love is a dead, naked little boy about to go on a shooting spree? >Really? >And no one seems to think that's strange? >You would say that's completely fucked up if it didn't seem to fit the world you live in so fucking well >You sigh >"You happy, kid?," comes the familiar question from the driver's seat >Which knocks you out of your thoughts and right back into the passenger seat of a car inching its way through Brooklyn "Yeah, I'm happy," you reply, giving your coltfriend a smile >"You seemed awfully quiet" "Just spacing out" >You realize he probably wants a little more out of you than that "The car is making a new noice" >"Really? I don't hear it" "It's like a buzzing sound that goes up in pitch when you accelerate" >"Hmmmm... Probably not good, but I'm not gonna worry about it today. It's driving fine" "I'm not going to worry about it at all," you reply with a little giggle >"Because it's not your problem even if it's about to die?" "A car can't die" >"No, but it can starnd you on the side of the road with a problem that costs more to fix than the car is worth" "If the noise gets louder I'll let you know" >"If it gets louder I should be able to hear it. I hope it's not the fucking transmission" "What's a transmission?" >"A complicated part between the engine and the wheels that's usually too expensive to bother fixing if it fucks up" "Why don't they make them so they don't fuck up, then?" >"Honda and Toyota manage to do just that. Unfortunately this is a Nissan" "Nissans fuck up?" >"Unfortunately" "Then why did you buy it?" >"Back when I bought it they had a pretty good reputation. Cheap cars that ran a long time with little maintenance" "That sounds good. Where did they blow it?" >"Redesigning the transmissions, then putting them in nearly all their cars without proper testing. No one noticed at first because they took a while to start failing" "And this is one of those cars, and you bought it before anyone noticed?" >"Pretty much. I'm waiting for you to tell me the noise goes away" "If it does you'll be the first to know" >"I'd appreciate that" >He adds, "We're a couple blocks away - we should start looking for parking" >He noticed a while ago your eyes were better at spotting parking spaces on the street ahead than his >So you understand the "we" in that sentence means "you" "Hmmm... That's a hydrant up on the left. Next block on the right in front of that bodega" >"Got it. Thanks" >The moment he pulls up to the spot and puts his turn signal on to show his intentions the car behind you lays on his horn >"Really?," he says as he shifts into reverse, "Fuck you, buddy" >The horn stops as you start moving backwards and you notice out of the corner of your eye that the guy behind you had to back up a little to let you park >The moment there's enough clearance for him to get around you he zooms past "Asshole" ?He laughs, "goes without saying - everyone's an asshole" >Years ago you might have tried to dispute that, but years of living in Brooklyn have changed your mind >In one way or another everyone pretty much is an asshole >The best you can do is deal with it without being to much of an asshole yourself >Live your life and try to make things better where you can >you step out of the car and fall alongside your coltfriend walking down the sidewalk >The funny letters on the shop signs you pass are Russian >You can't read them, but you can tell them from Chinese or Spanish because they're distinctive >And you've come to associate them with a particular style of food your coltfriend likes >FOOD! >You just realized the two oif you got and swfully late start on lunch and you're starving! >Fortunately you're just a block and a half from your destination >Up ahead you spot a basement door open in the sidewalk in front of a shop >One of those metal double doors the fold up from the ground to reveal the old stone steps to the basement >You always avoid walking over them because you never completely trust they won't give way beneath you >And you'd break a leg falling down the steps >A man and a woman are struggling to bring something heavy up the steps and onto the sidewqalk >Is that a pony? >A dead pony? >Fuck, it is! >A filly? >No, a petite mare with her mane and tail bobbed like yours were when you were a filly >That look is VERY unfashionable among free ponies, so you assume she is - or was - private property >Poor thing! >"You should have taken better care of your pony," your coltfriend saya to the people carrying her >The man replies in a Mexican accent, "I see her this morning she good. Now she's die! Mi chicha Canella!" >"No bueno," your coltfriend replies using just about the extent of his Spanish >Which is still more than you've got >As the manage to lift the poor little mare up to the sidewalk you get a better look at her >She was cute >The kind of girl who could have had a happy life in your former organization under Durril's care >Instead of whoever did this to her >She doesn't seem overworked or underfed, so it's not obvious what happened to her >But she obviously did not die peacefully in her sleep "Don't start something - there's nothing we can do for her now" >"No bueno," your coltfriend says again and reluctantly starts to move past the scene >You follow >You're hungry and there's nothing you can do here "What was that dust all over her hooves and coat?" >"Didn't you see the store above the basement?" "It didn't register - I couldn't take my eyes off of her" >"It was a bakery" "Oh, so Flour? You think she was a baker?" >"It would stand to reason" >So maybe she died doing something she loved >You have no idea whether or not that's true but you like the thought of it >You can go with that "Remember when Iris died?" >"The mare who overdosed? Was that her name?" "Yeah. It was months of daily lectures about Fentanyl after that. As if just knowing that could happen wasn't enough" >"First time you confronted your mortality? Did you know her?" "No, but just hearing about it was enough! I had trouble sleeping for weeks!" >"You OK now?" "I will be. That was just... kinda shocking" >"You never used, did you?" "Drugs?! Hell no! I never even drank until I was a free mare" >"Good for you. I had friends who messed around with that shit. Some turned out OK. Others turned out to be funerals I had to go to" "Been through that myself. Do you think that was drugs?' >"Looked like an overdose to me, not that I'm an expert" "What a waste of what was probably a good mare" >"Who knows? She might have been a psycho" "True. Is that the place up on the left? I'm starved!" >"Yeah, that's it. Happy Hearts and Hooves' Day, kid!" >Not as happy as it could be, but not entirely unhappy >You'll take it