//Userscript that hides the "falgs" that matches the entry below //This is a fork of a userscript from https://github.com/MaresOnMyFace/flag-hider //Apart from EQG Flags, Ive included TFH Flags, as well G5 Flags //This is a more tame script that aims to just hide the flags // if you desire a more scorched earth approach use https://ponepaste.org/4869 (Flag Filter for 4ChanX) //Friendship is Magic // ==UserScript== // @name flag hider2 // @version 6 // @grant none // @author (You) // @match *://boards.4channel.org/mlp* // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== var bad_flag_classes = [ "bfl-eqs", "bfl-eqt", "bfl-son", "bfl-ada", "bfl-ab", "bfl-eqa", "bfl-eqf", "bfl-eqp", "bfl-eqr", "bfl-eqi", "bfl-era", "bfl-tp", "bfl-tfv", "bfl-tft", "bfl-tfs", "bfl-tfp", "bfl-tfo", "bfl-tfa", "bfl-ss", "bfl-pp", "bfl-iz", "bfl-ht", "bfl-zs", "bfl-spt", ]; function checkAndDeleteAll() { bad_flag_classes.map(evil => document.getElementsByClassName(evil)).forEach(function(els) {while (els.length>0) {els[0].remove()};}); } function checkAndDeleteSingle(n) { if (bad_flag_classes.some(function(evil) {return n.classList.contains(evil);})) { n.remove(); } } function installMutationObserver(root) { if (!("MutationObserver" in window)) { window.MutationObserver = window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; } var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(m) { m.addedNodes.forEach(function(n){ if(n.tagName == "SPAN") { checkAndDeleteSingle(n); } }); }); }); observer.observe(root, {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true}); } function installStupidObserver(dbUtilsProm,root) { if (!("MutationObserver" in window)) { window.MutationObserver = window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; } var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(m) { m.addedNodes.forEach(function(n){if(n.tagName == "DIV") { n.querySelectorAll("span").forEach(function(node) {checkAndDeleteSingle(node);}); } }); }); }); observer.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true}); } //dom parser checkAndDeleteAll(); //4chan x installMutationObserver(document); //4chan native window.setTimeout(function() { installStupidObserver(); }, 100);