So, this modification for the 4chanX script will allow people to filter out options and sort whatever person they want to the top. Also a quick reminder that this is just a temporary thing and isn't officially within 4chanx. Steps: 1) Using the tampermonkey plugin, edit the 4chanX file, search for "ref = g.BOARD.config.board_flags;" and replace the for loop below for (value in ref) { textContent = ref[value]; addFlag(value, textContent); } with the following: if(g.BOARD.config.board == 'mlp'){ let mlpOptions = []; // loops through all the items in the map for (value in ref) { textContent = ref[value]; // only including anyone not in the blacklist if(!inMLPExclude(textContent)){ mlpOptions.push({"key":value, "text":textContent}); } } // sorting the flag options and then adding them let mlpFlags = mlpOptions.sort(sortMLP); for(value of mlpFlags){ addFlag(value.key, value.text); } } else { for (value in ref) { textContent = ref[value]; addFlag(value, textContent); } } 2) Add the following to the bottom of the file: function inMLPExclude(name){ // add the names of whoever you don't want in here // example: const excludeNames = ["Adagio Dazzle"]; const excludeNames = []; return excludeNames.includes(name); } function sortMLP(a, b){ // add or remove whoever you want to the top of the list, they'll appear in the order of the array below const m6_order = ['Applejack', 'Fluttershy', 'Pinkie Pie', 'Rainbow Dash', 'Rarity', 'Twilight Sparkle']; let aHasM6 = m6_order.includes(a.text); let bHasM6 = m6_order.includes(b.text); if(a.innerHTML == "None") { return -1; } if(b.innerHTML == "None") { return 1; } if(aHasM6 && bHasM6){ return m6_order.indexOf(a.text) - m6_order.indexOf(b.text); } if(aHasM6 && !bHasM6){ return -1; } if(!aHasM6 && bHasM6){ return 1; } return a.text.localeCompare(b.text); } 3) save file and reload page