Original link: https://poneb.in/Ex9bNu25 This ponepaste includes the remaining posted parts of the story that wasn't included in the pastebin version. >"You think it's dead?" A voice rang out >"No. No. This- -thing- is still breathing as by the chest cavity moving in and out" another chimed >"It J-just might be hurt..." One whispered >"Well whatever it is, it looks hideous!" >"'Ere! Let's see if this"ll wake it up!" >A sudden rush of liquid, hopefully water, came over, spring you back to life >A sudden gasp of air was all you could muster >Your eyes spread open, your head shaking the water around, splashing it on the other people around you. >"Eek! It's awake! Run!" Yelled one of the voices >Your head jerked to the source and found that it wasn't a someone, but a somepony. >A bright white pony, with a purple mane. >She let out another loud shriek as you let out a scream as well >You scrambled on all fours and backed away, pushing into another pony, a purple one this time. >"Fascinating. It seems to walk around on all fours like us" it said, eyeing you from head to toe >You fell back onto your ass, mouth agape "Who ar- Why are you ab- Where the fuck am I?" >The group gasped as you talked >"It can talk? Well I'll be" said one orange pony. >"I-I might be a bit smarter th-than we thought..." said the yellow pony, hiding behind it >You grabbed your head as you tried to make sense of the situation >Nothing about this made sense, but even so, why were there talking animals, and why were they speaking as though you're the strange one? >Everything went by in a blur >One moment you had a crowd of animals, ponies to be exact, around you, staring in awe and fear >Then, a group of what you thought had to have been pegasi, come and throw you into a cage >Now what's worse is that you don't even know why, but you are now in front of their ruler, a giant white Pegasus with a horn. >"What business do you have in my kingdom?" She asked >You scanned the room wondering who would answer. >Her hoof slammed on the ground >Creature! I'm addressing you! What do you want from us?" >You shook your head and chuckled a bit at this "I just want to know why I'm here." >"You're here because you appeared out of nowhere and disrupted our peaceful town of ponyville." "Exactly! I came here just randomly thrown. I don't know how, I just was. I didn't mean to distur-" >Her hoof slammed once more >"Silence!" >You pursed your lips as you stared up at her, hoping she doesn't kill you then and there. >"You don't seem to be a threat, but you don't seem to be friendly either. As by the language you exude around others." "I can't help the way I speak. That's just how I was fuc-" >"if you value your tongue, you won't say that in my presence." "Are you gonna kill me? Because if you are, please make it quick." >"No no." She said shaking her head "I'd rather have you here to study you." "Study?" >"Yes, study. You are quite unlike any creature I've seen in my years. We could learn much from you, but I do not trust you to be left alone. So, I'll assign you an owner." "Owner? You mean I'm gonna be someone's pet?! Oh hell no! I am not an animal!" >"So you say, but you're sure acting like one." "You fat hors-" >You mouth were soon shut, as if by magic. >"now then, are you done? All right. As I said, you'll have an owner, someone who isn't afraid to have you around and who will make sure to keep you in line." >You glared at her as she looked across the hall at the door. >"Rainbow Dash, please come in." She said, as the door opened >You turn your head to find a small cyan Pegasus peek it's head in the doorway >"He's in a cage, you're safe." >The Pegasus hurriedly flew down the hall and in front of you >"So this is the weird monkey they found huh? Not so scary" she said, circling the cage >You glared daggers into her >"Not a real happy one is he? Well I'll train him to be a good monkey and behave with all the other ponies!" She said with a smile >"That's what I wanted to hear. Hopefully you and the others can teach him what it means to be friends with everyone. Now then" The princess said, her horn glowing >You lips came undo as something clicked around your neck "What the fuck is this?" >You point to the collar around your neck, and begin to tug at it >"Well, just in case you think about running away, that will teleport you back to Rainbow Dash's house. So play nice, or else I might just make sure you work in the crystal mines for the rest of your life span." She said with a smile before unlocking the cage >For once, you finally felt as though you can actually get some humanity back >Well as much as any human can feel being threatened by mystical creatures and treated like an animal >"Well, here's where you're staying from now on." Dash said as she pointed to a corner of the living room. >A pillow for a bed, a bowl, and a piece of string >Living like a King all right "You can't be serious." >"Well I've never had a pet before, so I just did what the experts said to do. I even got you the string to play with." "I'm a god damn human, not some cat!" >"Don't yell at me! I'm the one who's in charge of taking care of you. I'm saving you from dying in the crystal mines! Don't be ungrateful." She said, crossing her arms and huffing her hair out of her face >As much as you didn't want to admit it, she was right >You were powerless. >All you could do is bend over and take what they're shoving in >You let out a low grunt before walking over to the corner >Sitting down on the pillow, you are given a blanket by the Pegasus >"That's a good monkey" she said >You snatch the blanket out of her hooves "The names Anon. Anon Y Mous, and I'm not a monkey. I'm a human." >She nodded >"Well Anon, it's been a long day. We need to rest up for tomorrow. You have a long time before Celestia even considers letting you go free. So good night." She said before flicking off the lights and hurried off to her room >You sat in the dark for a bit and sighed >You are Anon. >You are stuck in this strange world and have no idea what is going to happen >One thing that is certain is that you'll find one way to leave. >Hopefully alive >"Rise and Shine!" Said a very awake Rainbow Dash as she opened the curtains to let the sun shine what little light it gave as it began to rise >Yeah, this wasn't just a horrible dream. >You were sent here by some unknown force >You were imprisoned by some princess in a strange land of talking animals >And now you are the pet of some cyan flying four legged fucker >"Anon, get up! We have to go and learn about friendship!" She whined as she hovered over you >You turn onto your side and ignore her >She can't force you to do anything right? >"Anon! Hurry up!" "Let's start it later. Y'know, when normal people get up, not at the fucking rooster call." >She furrowed her brow and bit on the collar of your suit >"Git upf" she said as pulled you >You were barely moved by small Pegasus as you swat her away "Why do you wanna get me to learn the meaning of friendshit? It's not like it benefits you in anyway. Besides, aren't you like, terrified of me? Everyone else is. Fuck, they nearly threw me in the fucking mines down there." >"Well Celestia told me to. I don't know why she chose me, but she did and I'm loyal to the princess. Second off, I'm not afraid of you. Why would I? You're nothing but a huge monkey. Monkeys aren't that scary." "I'm a human, not a monkey. I told ya this last night." >"Same difference, point is, you don't seem hostile. You talk with a lot of bad words, but you aren't hurting anypony. I might not know who you are, but I'll try to find out. I'm sure the others will get used to you." >You looked at the Pegasus as she gave a bright smile >You just roll your eyes and give a scowl >She's saying things that might be nice to hear >Nothing changes that you're still her slave "All right, let's do this stupid friendship thing" >She happily flew behind you and pushed you out the door >You looked dow- >Is that a fucking cloud? "Are we on a fucking cloud?" >"Yup! Now first thing about friendship is trust." >Oh no >"Trust me Anon!" She yelled before sending you over the edge "SONUVABI-" >That was all you could manage before your scream took over >You always thought skydiving would be fun >If you had a parachute that is! >Clouds rushed past you left and right and you hurdled down >You knew that they were gonna kill you >Just, ya know, not as quick >"Anon!" A voice yelled out >You turn your head towards it and see Rainbow zooming around, well as best you could >You couldn't really make here out, but there was a rainbow streak doing something out there >As the ground appeared to close in, you had flashbacks of back home >Life on Earth sucked >You closed your eyes and awaited your inevitable fate >Any moment now >.... >Was it really tha- >"Told ya!" >You opened your eyes to a white fluffy cotton ball underneath you >"Do you trust me now?" Rainbow asked with a grin "Trust you? TRUST YOU?! I NEARLY DIED BACK THERE!" >"But you didn't, because I saved you. Don't know why you're able to keep your body on clouds, but since you can, I decided to test it out. Maybe Celestia is being kind on you." She said before trotting away >"Come on slowpoke!" She said, walking further >You let loose whatever it was that was in your stomach and follow her >If this was a test, you hope there aren't much more. >As you followed the winged beast, you can't help but notice how much more colorful this world is. >The air is much more cleaner is well >You're surprised it doesn't smell more like horse shit >"Okay Anon. First things first." Dash said, stopping abruptly "What?" >You say, stopping dead >"If you want to be friends with people, you're gonna have to be a bit more cheerful." She said in a matter-of-factly way "You're joking right?" >"No, of course. I didn't even start it with a 'knock-knock'" >You stare at her and let out a disgruntled chuckle >"What?" "You see this?" >You point to the thing basically choking you "How can I be happy? How can I even bring a smile when I know I don't even have a say to do anything without being right next to you? It's inhuman." >Now you know how a Nigger feels. >Maybe you'll stop using that term >Nah >"Well that um.." She began, trying to think of a justified reason >"It's for your own protection." "What?" >"Yeah, we may not really be scary or the cause pain, but there are other things in this place that can hurt you. Even kill you." >You couldn't help but scoff "Oh. Are there pixies that will kill me by sugar overdose?" >"No, that would be my friend Pinkie, but I'm being serious. If you aren't careful, you could get really hurt." >You shake you head "Whatever. Let's just go wherever we-" >"You leave her be, ya big monkey!" Yelled a voice interrupting you >Feeling something tighten around your ankles, you try to run but end up falling on your belly >"Applejack?" "Who the fuck has me tied up?" >Out of the corner of your eye, you see an orange hoof. >"'Dat would be meh. Ya big coward. How dare ya attack a helpless mare" >"He wasn't attacking me Applejack. Honest!" >"Then why was he following ya?" She asked, putting a hoof on your back "Hey, the guy you're using as an ottoman, yeah, he has a name." >"Yeah, his name is Anon. He's not harming anyone. He's my pet!" Dash said with a smile "Don't call me that">"Yer pet eh?" Applejack said, circling you >She tapped her hoof against your arms, torso,and legs >"Well he's got some muscle on 'im, but couldn't you have gotten something like a dog, or a turtle?" >"Well I didn't choose him myself, Celestia said I needed to show him the meaning of friendship." >"Him? Friendship? He looks like he wouldn't even befriend a timberwolf!" "Still here. Still tied up. Ya mind cowgirl?" >"Please untie him AJ" Dash pleaded >"Fine, but he better not do anything or else I'm gonna buck him" >You felt the ropes loosen up and managed to get back on your feet >"What do we say Anon?" Dash asked, nudging you with her hoof "Yeah no." >"Hey, crystal mines remember? " >Dammit "Yeah uh tha-" >Applejack put her hoof up in your face and huffed >"Please, ah don't need Yer apology." She said before walking up to Rainbow Dash "Fine fuck you too then bitch" >"So where are ya taking King monkey ovar there?" Applejack asked, beginning to walk? gallop? trot? >Dash followed closely >"I was gonna take him to Twilight's for some studying. Maybe we could find out what a human is exactly." >"I'll join ya then, fer protection." "Oh joy. One thing then, don't forget to take a breath mint, you'll need it from all the shit talking you're doing." >With a huff and a scowl, Applejack remained focused on the road >Dash gave you a look similar to "What the fuck dude?" >You shrugged and followed by >Time in this world can't go by fast enough >After much arguing with Rainbow Dash, you are now carrying the surprisingly light Pegasus >"Thanks again Anon!" She said as she patted your head with her hoof >*mutter mutter* >"Well I mean that's all he's good fer after all." Applejack said, a small chuckle escaping her shit covered mouth "And you're nothing but a stupid work horse. All work and no play makes you a dumb fucking animal" >"So does that make ya retarded?" She said without skipping a beat >Oh, she's sassy too? >Joy... >"Hey look!" Dash yelled as she pointed to a signpost >"Now entering Ponyville. Pop. *insert however many there are*" a sign read >Back to the place where you were first found? >Back to face beings who are fearful and hateful towards you? "This is just great..." >You take in a deep breath and exhale, hoping to not be lynched by a mad pony mob >Sounds like a cringey band name >"All right Anon. As soon as we get there, you are gonna apologize to everyone okay?" Dash said as she peered over the top of your head >"Yeah, and make sure you get on Yer knees to beg" "Fuck off sour apple." >You look up at Dash and she looks back down at you >She gives a nice smile and slight giggle >You quickly look straight ahead >Why is she being so nice? "I'm not gonna beg for forgiveness Dash. I'm not that big of a slave" >"No begging, just say sorry. Be nice to everyone, try to make friend-" "With everyone who wants to get away from me." >"Well when you out it that way-" >"It makes it all the better to get rid of ya!" >"Be nice Applejack!" >"Until that monkey boy is gone, I'll go back to being my usual self." "Back to being a xenophobic, fun sucking bitch? You're already there sweetheart." >"What did you say?!" Applejack said facing you >"Guys stop!" Dash pleaded >" Yeah, don't hurt my test subject!" Yelled out a different voice >"I'm still needing to study his species. He is.exotic afterall." Said a purple unicorn as she approached you three >"He's just a giant monkey is all. Nothin' special. You could find others if ya try hard enough" >"No, not really. He's a special type of homosapien. He's one that's only a few strands from being a chimp. I need to take a closer look." The unicorn said as she inspected your legs "Uh, I don't think I consent to this" >"Don't need consent from an animal." >"He's right Applejack. It's wrong.and inpony. Everyone need consent, especially animals" >"But he isn't like other animals Twilight. He's a nice and speaks the same language as us." Rainbow said as she rubbed her hoof on your head >Who knew hooves were soft? >"Yes that is true." Twilight nodded as she made mental notes "So what brings you three to Ponyville?" >"We need to tea-" >"Dash here needs to teach monkey man the meaning of friendship. Nows he her pet and if he misbehaves, he get sent down to the crystal mines." >"Ahh. I understand. I, too, am trying to figure out the true meaning of friendship. Hopefully we could help each other out mr..." "Anon. Anon Y Mous." >"What do you say?" Dash asked, eyebrow raised "Um...pleasure to meet you I guess.." >"Nice to meet you too Anon Y Mous. Now please, come to my house and help me conduct studies" Twilight said blunt as she used her magic to push you in her direction >"No, he's here for something else!" Dash exclaimed as she grabbed your arm and pulled >"It's only gonna be a minute or 20!" Twilight retorted as she pulled you on the other side >Applejack just laughed as she watched >Is this day ever gonna end? >One way or another, Twilight managed to have her way >You sat on a stool in her literal tree house, in the middle of her library >God damn >Look at all these books >Has she read all of these? >"Yes, I have read them all, I could recommend some if you'd like" Twilight responded instantly >Oh great, she can read minds as well? >"No I can't, but that's the main thing anyone asks when they first see it." She said with a smile as she attached some nodes to your temple >"What's with all 'dem wires fer Twi?" Applejack asked as she eyed them running from you to some sort of machine >"Yeah, you're not gonna hurt him right? That'd be uncool, and Celestia would be a bit mad at us. Remember last time?" Dash said with a shudder >"No no, he'll be fine, it's just a machine to detect brainwaves, pulse, etcetera etcetera." Twilight said, nodding slightly in affirmation. "So. Lie detector?" >"Well yes and no. See, every animal has a different heart rate, brainwaves, stuff like that. I just wanna see how you'll react to some questions and situations." Twilight explained, moving some knobs around "Situations?" >That doesn't sound good >"Like this." Twilight said before sending a kitchen knife towards you "What the fuck?!" >You ducked as best you can but she stops it right near you >"So your heart rate increases, and so does your pace of breath; interesting!" "She's gonna kill me! Dash get me put of here!" >"She knows what she's doing Anon. No need to worry. Aheh, right Twi?" >"Right right. Besides, he looks like he could take a beatin." Applejack joked "Well can we go away from the situations? I much rather stay alive!" >"All right all right. Well let's start with the basics. You're a human right?" >You nod >"You don't have any idea why you were sent here?" "Not a clue. One minute I'm in my room watching some television and the next thing I know is I'm waking up in between you and some other talking animals." >"How are you feeling right now?" "Like a god damned slave" >"How was life back home?" Twilight asked, scanning the paper >You stay quiet >"Anon? Did you hear me?" She asked, taking her eyes away from the needles >You nod slowly but do not answer >"Aren't ya gonna answer her?" Applejack asked >You shake your head >"Anon...what's wrong? Why can't you answer her?" Dashed said, walking up to you. >You look down at her and she up at you >"Please?" She said, her eyes turning into saucers of magenta >You let out a small sigh "Fine fine. Since all of you are squeezing me information anyways, It was a tiny slice of hell for me." >"Why do you say that?" Twilight asked looking puzzled "Aren't you supposed to be happy to be in your hometown?" "Not for me. Things don't work like they do here. Where I'm from, it's either work or don't live there anymore. Houses over there cost a lot of money" >"Ah remember mah grannie said the same thing. She paid it off though." Applejack said >You nod "Yeah, but with humans, we usually don't have enough money to be buying the houses we want, so we have to borrow money from the bank." >"And then you'd pay them back?" Twilight asked "Yes, but they also add on interest." >"What's that?" "It's like a certain amount of money you owe the bank on top of what you already owe." >"That's not fair!" Dash exclaimed "How are you expected to pay all that?!" "We just do. It usually takes years to pay it off." >"That's horrible! Why can't you get your friends to help you out?" "Because not everyone can help their friends out like that. Some don't even have enough for themselves, or don't even have friends to ask" >"Not having friends? That's not possible! Everyone has at least 5 friends don't they?" Dash said, looking at twilight >"Well they should, in Ponyville at least. Anon must come from somewhere very different" "Yeah..." >"And how many friend did ya have monkey man?" Applejack asked "Um...I think." >You think to yourself for a bit "Not one I guess." >"Was it because you're stupid looking?' She pestered >You nodded and gave a small smirk "I guess so..." >Her face went from smug to regretful >"Good going Aj! He's away from a place he knows and now you have add that on top of it?" Dash said, pressing against your hand with her head >"Aw jeez...Ah didn't mean to make him upset." Applejack said rubbing the back of her head with her hoof >You shake your head "It's fine, I was really a nobody back home. I didn't ever spend any time with any people, they never asked or didn't ever want to. I'm used to it, and besides, I'm nothing but a giant monkey." >More hurt showed on her face >"Well guess what, I'll be you're very first friend, in equestria and in your life!"Dash exclaimed "Only yhe coolest ponies get to be my friends" >You look down at her and, for the first time since arriving in this world, sported a small smile >"Well, that's all I wanted to ask. Tha k you for being cooperative with me Anon." >You take off the nodes from your head and shook her extended hoof "Not a problem." >"Also, I'd be glad to be friends with you. You need anything, just ask okay?" >You nod "Thanks." >"And if ya ever need something from mah farm, or mah muscles, ask okay? Don't be a stupid monkey" >Huh. She can be nice too? >Three new friends in the course of a minute >Maybe things might not be so bad >You three walked out of Twilight's house as she had to take the tests and create results >"So?" Dash asked as she landed on your shoulders "So what?" >You look up at her with raise eyebrow >"What's it like to be friends with the coolest Pegasus in Ponyville?" She asks, a smug smile.on her face "Really? I thought the only Pegasus I was friends with was you." >She gently slapped you upside the head "Jerk" >Applejack and you chuckled softly as Dash puffed her cheeks out >"Hey Monk- Um, ah mean Anon, ah'm sorry about a couple moment ago. Ah was harsh on ya because you were a jerk. Well, seemed like one that is." She explained, regretful of what she did and said >You place a hand on her head, causing her hat to cover her eyes "It's fine Cowgirl. I'm sorry about that whole thing. Forgive and forget?" >She nodded with a small smile >"Yeah, of course" "Now, wha-" >You managed to let out before a pink blur tackled you >You fall with the grace of a beached whale >"Guys guys! Dijahearaboutthegiantthatcamehere?!" It spoke as it bounced on your back >You raise your arm "Yeah, the guy you're using as a trampoline is the giant you're talking about." >She cranes her head down and stared at your in the eyes >"Oh goodie! My name is Pinkie Pie and I wanted to meet you ever so much! You seem nice! Let's be friend! Now come and taste my new cookies!" She exclaimed as she got you to your feet and dragged you >The two others just stood there dumbfounded before snapping back to reality and chasing behind her >Is this another test? >You sat inside a bakery >On either side was a pony >"Just get ready to eat okay?" Dash said as she peered over the tabletop >"And a lot of it." Applejack added >You looked at both of them and then at the sound of a door >"I hope you like them!" Pinkie said, rushing to your table >She laid out tray after tray of backed goods >Where the fuck did she just get every tray? >You stare in amazement as she beamed a smile the size of Saturn's ring "Um, what am I doing again?" >"You're eating it silly!" Pinkie said with a playful nudge "And make sure to tell me what you think" >You take a nearby cookie and slowly bring it to your mouth >You look to Dash and Aj and all they do is nod >You take a small nibble >"Well well?!" >It's... "Good" >You look at the god damn flavorful treat and stuff it into your mouth >You continue onto the rest of the goods, stuffing each one until a few were left >These things were like crack, good Crack >You swear you're gonna end up asking to pay hundreds for a crumb >"I'm so happy you're loving it! Good thing I made more, I'll be right back!" >You open your eyes wide and groan >Based god please give me strength. >You were dragged out by Dash and Aj as soon as your finish >"Please come back again Mr. Giant!" Pinkie yelled, waving her hoof in the air >"Anon, are you okay? Can you understand me?" "Ehhh..." >"Ah think he'll be all right." "Why are there gates here? And why are they white?" >"Maybe not...let's get him to Fluttershy, maybe she'll fix this up" >Apparently sugar in Ponyville is crack >You wake up in an unknown room >You try to get up but are now noticing your aching stomach "Oh god...at least this is better than being hung over..." >You look in front of you and see a glass of bubbling water >"Here mister. It'll make yo-you're tummy better." Said a soft voice >In order for some quick relief, you quickly snatch the glass and down it >It burned coming down your throat but it wasn't as bad as the pain in your stomach >You lay back down and just clutch your stomach >"Is he gonna be all right?" Dash asked as she peeked in >"yeah, he seemed tah be in bad shape" AJ said as she peered over Dash >"Oh h-he'll be fine" Fluttershy said as she walked over to you "Really? I feel li- oh fuck that hurts" >You groan some more >Fluttershy placed a warm towel on your forehead >"Yeah, Pinkie Pie's good will do that." AJ said with a chuckle >"We told you to be ready Anon. It wasn't gonna be easy." Dash said, walking up to you >You glance over at her "Today's been just crazy in general hasn't it?" >She huffed "You're telling me?" >She slugged you gently on the arm >"Hey Dash, Ah'm gonna have to go. It's been fun helping you show Anon around. Ah'll see ya both tomorrow. >Dash nodded "Thanks for the company AJ." "Heh, yeah. See ya cowgirl" >With that and a wave, Applejack left >"You both are welcome to stay until Anon is feeling better. I'll be in the back in my shed. Don't bother me okay?" Fluttershy said before slipping away >All that's left is you and Dash >You both sit there in silence for a bit >"So um, are you feeling better?" She asked >You nod and say nothing more >Even ponies can be awkward >"Anon..." Dash finally spoke after a while "Hmm?" >You glance at her general direction >"Do you ever feel like you weren't suppose to be part of any group?" She asked, a bit more sorrow in her voice >You don't ever recall belonging to any group back home >Maybe a weeb or virgin but you don't like to be associated with those neckbeards "Why do you ask?" >"Because sometime I think that..." she said softly >"Sometimes I feel like I don't belong with everyone else here. I mean, not everyone is the same and that's fun, but sometimes it's just obvious that I'm different." >You take the towel away from your forehead and look at her >"I don't know, maybe I shouldn't even be saying this but sometimes I feel like they'd probably leave me if I get the chance so I just wanted not to feel like the only pony to feel this way" >Her muzzle donned a massive frown and a few sniffles here and there >Are those tears forming? >She used her hooves to quickly dispelled those tears and shook her head >"Don't worry about it Anon. Just forget this ever happened." She said "Hey Dash" >"Anon it's fine, don't worry. Really." She said forcing a smile >You place a hand on her head and ruffle her mane >She looks up at you "You're not unwanted. You're needed. They love you here I can tell. Applejack did almost hogtie me remember." >You sit on yhe edge of the bed "I may not know what friends usually do or how they act towards one another on the daily basis, But I do know when people are wanted. Even if I'm not wanted personally" >She just looked at you >You stand and looked down "Now, are we gonna end this day?" >She nodded and sniffled >Ponies can also be insecure >As both of exit Fluttershy's cottage, you and her stay silent >Why did it feel so awkward between you two now? "So um," >You cough into your fist "How are we supposed to get back up top. I mean me. I can walk on clouds but I can't fly." >Dash snapped out of her stare and Look up >"Huh?" "How am.i getting home?" >"Oh um, stay here" >You watched as she flew away from your side as fast as she could >What's that gonna do? >Maybe sh- >You heard the collar beep once >What? >In an instant you felt a sort of tingle in your neck >It tickles >You shield your eyes from a bright light >After a bit of sizzling, you feel ground >You uncover your eyes and Look around >A bowl with Anon on it? >Yup you're home >Dash is already asleep >You turn to your little pillow >Yup, you're still enslaved >But at least you have friends >Ponies are kind in nature, once given a chance >Meanwhile >"Princess, the Queen is on the move, are you sure this, Creature is the key to victory?" >Celestia nodded "I'm positive. He is the epitome of harmony. He just hasn't had time to show it" >"All right Princess, I go ready the guards." >With that said and done, the general stood at attention and left the room >"Anon. You need to be a bit quicker in learning friendship, please." >Its be a couple months since being thrown into this crazy technicolored world >Its been crazy >The residents still haven't really gotten used to you, but they aren't a fearful as they were >They may not speak to you, but at least they aren't running >You take it in stride, and have been learning a lot of what goes in on Rainbow Dash's life >You learned a lot of things she likes >Like how she enjoys eating sweets, much to your surprise >She also enjoys being around company, whether it was talking, goofing around, or just being near someone >You didn't know that it would be this much fun being friends with anyone else, let alone a mythical creature >She's been kinda weird lately though >She's been a bit more distant >Like, whenever you would get closer to her, she would make a reason to go somewhere else >Needless to say, you ended up at her house most of the time >She's also been staring at you for periods of time >When you mention this, she would say something along the lines of "It's a co-cool thing, yo-you wouldn't understand" >Whatever it was, it was kinda cute. >In a platonic way after all >In order to earn bits, which you learned are this world's currency, you decided to ask Applejack for work.on her farm >She more then happy gave you a job picking apples >You approached the barn where Applejack and her brother, who you found out is named Big Mac >A whistle escaped Applejack as she saw the basket >"Finally getting strong aren't ya Anon?" She joked as you placed it at her hooves >You chuckled "Yeah well I'll never be as strong as that guy right there" >You gave Mac a slug on the front.leg and he smiled >"Ye'up" He said before returning the slug >"That's all tha apples we need fer today. Thanks fer tha work Anon. Same as yestersay" she said, throwing a small sack of bits into your hand >You thanked both if them and made your trek back home >You stuck the bag into your pockets as your rubbed the back of your neck >The collar from when you first were encountered by the ruler of this world was still around >Though, as time past, she did increase the amount of distance that you could be away from Rainbow >It.made it a whole lot easier to do things >Though it does take this whole thing back to reality >You still were enslaved >You still were unable to return back home >You still couldn't do what you wanted >It seemed like just yesterday you were drinking yourself into a self induced coma >Maybe life was better this way >Maybe it wasn't >Well whatever, it happened >Can't do anything about it >Not yet at least >As you walked you couldn't shake yhe feeling as though you were being followed >Maybe it was just some stupid trick played by Twilight for her tests, or Pinkie for another surprise goodie tasting >You shrugged it >Nothing bad happens here anyways >"Gyaa!" >You felt something hit you from the back, throwing you off balance >You trip and fall down as you try to figure out what the fuck is happening >Something was on you, and it wasn't friendly >You turned onto your back and saw what attacked you >It was a pony >No. >Something that resembled a pony >Pitch black and filled with holes >Its mane a jade color >It hissed before lunging towards you once more >You had no time to think, just react >Instinct took.over as you kicked in time to meet it in air >It let out a pained yelp and backed away >You returned to your feet and began to run >Hopefully it wasn't chasing you anymore >After what seemed like an eternity, you finally reached the outskirts of Ponyville >You have to tell the girls about this >They have to know right? >Out of breath, you reach the entrance >Okay. No- "What the fuck-?" >You looked on as you watched the town engulfed in flames >You shook your head and looked inside yourself to use whatever energy to sprint inside >You began working your way towards the usual spots where they usually hung out >Not at the bakery >Well what's left of it >Over at the boutique? >Nope, dammit >Maybe Twilight's? >Mother of fuck >You decided to get out of the town >The smoke didn't agree with you and neither did the fire >No bodies were strewn about, so that was good >Or they could have burned >You shook your head and got.rid of the terrible thought >You really wish they were alright >Especially Dash >Wait, why her? >Don't te- >A flash of light engulfed you once more and teleported you back home "She's still alive. Just not nearby..." >At that instant, the door flung open as the cyan Pegasus hobbled in >You looked at her, and was shuddered >She was a wreck >Her mane was a mess >Her legs were riddled with specks of dirt, bruises and what appeared to be blood >Her muzzle was caked with visible blood, red and green >Her eyes were filled with tears, and they streamed down her face >Besides all this, she had a smile on her face >"At least...you're all..riiggh-" her voice trailed off as she collapsed in front of you >You picked her up as quickly as you could and laid her onto the sofa >You ran your hand through her fur "Who did this?" >"Now!" Yelled a soldier of Celestia's guard >A flurry of javalins flew through the air as the order came out >Thrown at the enemies on the other side of the castle grounds >The javalins didn't do anything to the forcefield around them >"Damn." Said the general in a gruff voice >"General, what are we gonna do? We've done everything. We've thrown everything we've got!" A young Pegasus exclaimed, his legs trembling in fear >"BRING.OUT THE FINAL MEASURE!" He commanded >Dozens of soldiers gasped at the mention >They had all thought it was a rumor >Sure enough, a couple of army pegasi brought a device >"Celestia please forgive us" >With a flip of the switch, yhe machine whirred to life >In the back of the pitch black army, a tall shadow smiled to itself >You quickly ran around searching for anything that could help the Pegasus >You bring back gauze, alcohol, towels, everything that could be helpful >You spend the next hours tending to Dash >You covered up most of her wounds and cleaned the blood out of her matted fur >You bandage her torn wing, and put a damp, warm towel on her forehead >You stayed by her side >Hoping, praying, she would get up soon >Time past, and your body just couldn't keep up >Slowly you drifted into slumber >You awoke in the middle of the night, laying in a bed >You don't remember ever walking over here >"Oh you're awake. Awesome" >You looked over to the source >There she was >Awake and still battered, but a smile on her face >She didn't hesitate to run and jump into bed with you >"I'm so glad you're okay. After what I saw...I just...you" She drifted her word words before burying her head in your body >You wrap your arms around her "It's fine...We're fine..." >Ponies can get scared too >Its the royal hall, army pegasi and ponies were slain, decorating it in bodies and crimson >The tall shadow walked slowly towards the giant doors >It tried to push them open but failed >With a glow of its horn, it busted them down >"What business do you have!?" Celestia yelled, her horn at the ready >"Oh...?" It said softly "Don't you remember me? After all these years?" >"That voice. No-" Celestia muttered as she slowly backed away >"Yes, and this time I'm not playing around." >You spent a good bit of time consoling the pegasus >She explained everything about what had happened, and you managed to hear snippets of it as she sobbed into your suit jacket >Apparently, these things called changelings came into their town and fucked their shit up >Started to rape people and whatnot because of their need for love of some bull crap >They had never been this aggressive before, let alone defile ponies in broad daylight >They took all the mares and sent the rest to the forest >Even children >You listened to word after word >"I don't kn-know if the re-rest are all right..."Dash said in between her sniffles >Well shit >Can't really skip town can ya? >It looks like everything really can go to shit in this somewhat peaceful town >"Anon..." Dash said quietly "What are we gonna do...?" >You've never been much to fight others >Always picked on but never defended >Just like these ponies right now >Fucking hell >You gently push her aside before standing up off the bed >You walked towards the nearest windows and looked out >Fires raged under you >Some yells of pain and agony >Others cried for mercy >All these shadows ran around.doing what they'd like >"Anon?" Dash looked up "We fight back I guess." >Her eyes grew to saucers >"Wh-what?" >You turn to face her "We fight back, we fight those little bastard until we send them back to where they came from." >"But there's only two of us! We'll never win against that army!" "Well not alone yes" >You turn to the window once more >Over in the far edge of the forest something caught your eyes >Something that could have been helpful >"What is it?" "It's where they might be hiding the residents. And with them we could head to safety in Canterlot. I'm sure they're taking care of it there." >"I don't know..." she said softly "Hey, I can't do this wi-, well I mean I could if it weren't for this damn collar, but we don't have that luxury right now. Dash-" >She scampered into your legs >"Okay. I'll do it" >You didn't really want to have Dash involved in this, especially when she's injured like this >She could barely hobble >You carried her on your shoulders and she happily accepted >Her head scanned back and forth for any signs of movement like a sort of fuzzy periscope >Cute >Uh nevermind, just focus on the mission Anon >You practically tip toed through the forest, trying to find anything or anyone that could help you >"Anon my neck hurts..." Dash said annoyed and placed her head on top of yours "It's fine, just rest up. You are still kinda hurt." >"I'm sorry for making you carry me" she said as she peered over your head "It's fine. Not your fault, better injure that killed" >You pet the young mare on her head >"Watch the mane man!" She said with a chuckle >You let out a slight laugh before letting your guard fall for too long >You listen for anything >Hissing >Good >"A-" >You gently cover her mouth and you pointed to two changelings >They hissed and screeched at each other, probably arguing >"Key...Dash...Find!" The bigger one screeched >Okay, they spoke words that time >They were after Dash obviously, and a key? >What kind of key? >The smaller one hissed one last time and flew away >You watched as the other checked around and stood guard at a nearby tree >Why there? >"HMM HMP!" muffled Dash >Oh right >You uncover her mouth as she gasped >"You idiot! Don't do that!" She exclaimed >The changeling heard that as it began to run towards you >This is gonna be fun.. >Fuck >Ponies can sometimes be airheaded >You quickly dispatched of Dash and set her down as lightly as you could before getting rammed by yhe giant figure >You let out a yelp as you roll onto the ground >Someone get the licence plates on that truck? >You try to maintain your consciousness as you stare at the changing >Was there always two? >It sniffed the air as its mouth formed a wicked smile >"Ah....Key...Dash...Finally" it said in a loud, raspy voice >"You get away from him ya big ugly monster!" the rainbow haired Pegasus yelled as it flew limply in front of you >"If you want him, you have to get through me!" >She stood as straight as best she could >The changeling let out a laugh that would have Santa's holly jolly ass to shame >"You....pretty...no kill...maybe..." it said >"Try it you stupid lug!" Dash screamed >With a nice little bit of phlegm, she hawked a loogie into the beasts eye >It didn't like that at all >With a roar, it charged you both, it's horn ready to stab and possible murder >Dash winced and closed her eyes >"At least you can stay alive huh Anon...?" She asked she looked back at you >"Do your best okay? Save them and take them to th-" >You stare at her as her mouth stopped mid-sentence >You look down at her belly region >Crimson water >Glowing green horn >Changeling right behind her >Ponies can be loyal, even to the end >Your jaw dropped as the monster let out a small chuckle before tossing Dash off its horn and onto the ground >"Bad...she...maybe...good...sex slave..." >You didn't bother hearing what it said >You couldn't take your eyes off the now lifeless cyan pegasus >The same one that took you in >The same.one who managed to treat you like a normal person >An amazing friend >Something snapped >You dont know what but everything just started pumping into you >Adrenalin, testosterone, maybe even more estrogen. >Doesn't matter >All that matters is that this stupid thing has to get what's coming to him >Your collar lets out a small hiss before falling off >Guess that's was an option huh? >You stare down the beast and it just smirks >The collar wasn't your first choice of weapon but it'll do >Its wasn't light either >One nice place shot should be enough to knock it out >You provoke the changeling with yhe same method used by her >It reacted the same way >Thank sunbutt for idiotic creatures in this world >You stood your ground >Please let those self defense videos help you out >With a simple side step, you let it run past you and slam it's horn into a tree >"Ahrgggh!" >Using the collar, you slam it once on the back of the neck >It cried out but still squirmed >You continued to crush it in with the collar, making sure it stopped moving, breathing >You used the edges of the collar to snap the horn off >It could be useful >After recovering from the whole burst of energy, you laid besides the body of Rainbow Dash >You moved the hair from her mane out of her face >She looked to peaceful >Losing friends