>"Gather round, little ones, huddle in close. I've got another story to tell." >"I will tell you the story of where you come from." >"No, not that story, little one! Haha! You can ask your parents about that." >"It was many, many moons ago... In those days, the land we lived in was green." >"Summers were warm, winters were bright, and the ground was not hard and frozen." >"But it was not to last, for you see the ponies of the Green Age fought." >"Days were hard, for everypony, and so ponies fought." >"They turned away from one another, and let their hearts grow cold." >"And just like their hearts, the lands were soon coated in frost." >"Now, much like today little ones, ponies were foolish." >"You see, when days got harder, the ponies fought harder." >"And their hearts, frosty as they were, were soon turned to ice." >"Warmth left the land, and days became bleak." >"Some ponies were so bitter and cold hearted, they too froze." >"It was in this world, that our ancestors lived." >"They felt the coldness, shivered from the fighting and saw the winds of spite descend on ponykind." >"Can you guess what they did? That's right! They did what we do when days are dark, they huddled." >"And huddled together, they came with a plan. If fighting and coldness were growing: then they'd stick together and find peace." >"So they, as one great family, bundled warm in blankets and huddled together, left to find the peace they so desperately needed." >"It was long, it was hard. The road to peace was long frozen over, no pony walked it for a very long while." >"But, our ancestors braved its bitter blizzards, its gnawing nights, its whipping winds. Sustained by the warmth in their hearts." >"They opened their hearts to one another and the warmth they felt for their fellow tribesponies kept them, and guided them." >"And after a long, cold, sorrowful journey. They found a beautiful land lit by the million stars above." >"Their new home, their peace: It sparkled, and it stretched out for years." >"They no longer felt the cold, they no longer felt weary, they no longer felt that life was hard." >"No. Now they were warm, they were revitalised, and they had found their home." >"And over the moons, they lived, they had foals and they shared the warmth in their hearts." >"The foals grew, and moved out, found new homes and settled them under the stars of the winter day. Copying, in spirit, the journey of peace their parents walked." >"And their foals grew, and walked their way of peace, and that was passed down until it became our nomadic tradition to walk in peace and settle in the winters." >"Over the generations their coats grew long, and their families and settlements grew and grew." >"That first settlement, the peace found by our ancestors, was lost to time, buried by the snow." >"But their peace leaves on, in the warmth of our hearts."