Originally Published on November 29th, 2012 >Day yesterday night in Equestria >Exhausted from running away from Banana Hush all day, you are now asleep, >Dreaming a little Anon dream where… >You’re fighting against a giant, pink Audrey Jr. >“FEED ME!” I’ve already fed your four times today! >In the real world, a massive tent has been forming in your jammies, and you’re sleepily swatting away the flies that try and land on your junk. >”FEED MEEEE!” >Audrey swats at you with her weird, spider-plant hands > =that tickles. Shut up brain, I’m fighting Audrey! >”QUIT YELLING AND FEEEEEEEEEEEEEED MEEEEEEEEE!” >You lunge forward, landing your hands on Audrey’s stem….neck? > =Plant anatomy is weird. >Yup. I agree. >”WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TALKINGTO?” >Screw Audrey and her plantiness, it’s time to unleash your final attack… >CROCODILE ROLL! > =CROCODILE ROLL! CROCODILE ROLL! >*snap* >Audrey is still alive, but now bent at weird angle and drooping to the floor. >”Why?” > =Hey. >What? > =Isn’t Anon dreaming? >Oh yeah, he is. Why? > = WAKE UP BITCH! >You wake up with and fly out of bed. Dammit brain! I was having a trippy dream! > =Uh-huh, like I care, time for you to go pee dipshit. > [But I already went to the bathroom! > =Not you dipshit; HIM dipshit. > [Oh. >You shuffle towards the bathroom and line up in front of the toilet. >BY THE POWER OF WHITEBOWL! I HAVE TH- > Why is piss hitting my sink? >Turning to your right, you find your sink is absolutely drenched in urine > =Hey dumbass, your peeing on your towels Wha? >Turn right; Yellow towels > =Can you turn right again? >You obey, allowing your brain to control you for once. Weeeeeee >You turn too far right, and now you’re facing the shower. >A mahogany stream shoots from your body into the toilet bowl. >ohshit.exe > =lookdown.rar Well fuck… >Your dick is purple, and bent to the right at a 30 degree angle. > Over the sound of your sex life crashing down around you, you hear a flapping noise from outside the bathroom. >You turn to look…sure enough, it’s Fluttershy. >”I-is home invasion your f-fetish An-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! >”WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOUR DICK?!” GET OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU FREAK! >Ignoring you, Flutterbutt shoots you in the neck with a dart. >You throw your arm up as you fall, hoping to hit her into next Tuesday. >She sidesteps at the last moment, and you hit the floor hard. > =Fuck. >45 degrees. >The very next day… >INITIATING REBBOOT…WOULD YOU LIKE TO START IN SAFE MODE? >STARTING… >Opening your eyes, fuzzy shapes begin to come into view. >T.V., IV Stand, giant cast coming out of your crotch WHAT THE FUCK?! >”Oh look! He’s awake!” THE FUCK ARE YOU? >”I’m Doctor Stable.” >You point towards the plaster tower coming from your genitals. THE FUCK IS THAT? >”That is a cast covering your penis. Contrary to what we thought at first, it wasn’t that…hard…to fix.” >The hospital falls deathly silent from Doc’s bad pun. >Nurse Redheart started to giggle, but stopped when someone hit her in the head with a bedpan. >”Well fuck you too.” > “Anyways, Anon, we’ve done all we can, but we have to transfer you to a facility better equipped to handle your…situation.” >As if on cue, Fluttershy pops her head into the empty doorway. >”R-ready to go Anon?” >Your heart stops, and your bedpan gets heavier. NONONONONONONONO! >You leap out of bed and grab the Doctor, ripping out your IV in the process. >You don’t care, your dicks broken! ALLRIGHT! NOBODY MOVES OR THE DOCTOR GETS IT! >Wait Anon! You don’t even have a weapon! You’re right brain. >”Anon, who are t-talking to?” >You leaned forward, rage building in your eyes. SHUT UP FLUTTERAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! >The jimmies of a million birds were rustled by your girly screams. >As you just found out, broken penises are very sensitive to sudden movement. >You fall to the floor as the Doctor wiggles out of your arms. >As the world begins to fade out, you swear you see Silent Canary slipping Doctor Stable a HUGE bag of bits. Well shit.