Originally Posted June 1st, 2018 ---- AUTHOR's NOTE This is a very very slight rework of an update I posted years ago. Read it AFTER Fracture:Episode II, but BEFORE Fracture: Interlude in Pink. I changed some parts of it to help it flow just a slight bit better, and in retrospect the whole "writer's table" thing was just plain cringy self-inserting bullshit which I needed to nyx entirely. The original will still be around here: https://pastebin.com/6BjYpRyz , just unlisted. __________________________________________________________ >You are now Anon. >Dreaming about the cheeseburgers in France. >Despite having more or less adapted to the vegetarian lifestyle in Ponyville, there were still times where you craved something from Earth. >Granted, Fluttershy brought you fish every now and- >Wait. Fluttershy…aren’t you sleeping on her couch or something? >The dream begins to collapse around you with the mention of her name. >The ground becomes slick with some red liquid on the floor, and a yellow object is racing towards you. >You are knocked to the ground by Fluttershy, her irises shifting between turquoise and light-green. >”You WILL love me, Anon.” >It sounds as if she is speaking with two voices at the same time. >The main one sounds like the new Fluttershy, and the second is raspy and cracked. >You can feel her begin to press on your arms, and you begin to struggle under the weight. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! >You throw yourself awake and find minty eyes staring at you. >Fluttershy is floating a few feet in front of you, carrying a tray of food. >There is cereal, a banana, a tilted glass, and pancakes that appear to be drenched in orange juice. >”Are you okay Anon?” Her voice is tinged with concern. >Angel is laughing his ass off in the kitchen. No…I mean; I’m fine N- Fluttershy. Just had a bad dream. >”You almost made me call her ‘New Fluttershy’. What the hell Brain?” >Well, it is true…kinda. >After hearing that it was all a dream, Fluttershy brightened up a bit and set the tray onto the nearby table. >”I’m just glad you’re okay. Now, I have to go help Twilight with her studies on cloning. Angel will be here to keep you company until I get back.” >Angel makes a squeaky noise in the background. >”Once I get back, we can start our search for Pinkie.” >That voice…it’s a pleasant change from the old one. >Distracted by her voice, you can barely understand her goodbye, but the sound of the door closing manages to sound off alarms in your mind. >”SHE’S GONNA LOCK ME IN.” >”I’M TRAPPED.” >”I DON’T WANNA BE USED AS A DILDO.” >You run towards the door and try to throw it open. >Fluttershy stares at you as you practically fly out of the front doorway. >”I’m not locked in?” >You meet her gaze with an awkward smile and yell BYE! >”Bye Anon!” She responds while laughing, and continues down the road to Twilight’s. >There’s a *whish* sound as something collides with the back of your head and bounces towards your toes. A carrot? >You turn around to find that Angel “Nick Fury” Bunny is glaring at you. >”Anon, would you mind telling me what the hell is going on?” >You try to calmly explain the situation to Angel. Well you see- >*smack!* >You can hear the sound, but you can’t feel the pain as Angel’s paw lands hard on your face. >”Thank Celestia for Pinkie’s pain powder...” >You begin to think about where Pinkie might have ran off to, but Angel derails that train with another loud punch. >”Do NOT talk to me like I’m a kitten! Fluttershy’s voice and eyes have changed and you’re jumpier than usual.” >Wow. Baby rabbits are called kittens? >”I may like you, but I’ve known her longer and I can make your life a living hell if you do not answer my question.” >Thinking back, you recall Angel’s ‘hotel’ in Ponyville’s Red Light District. >He has enough money to pull off any threat he makes. >You sigh and look at Angel. My life already is hell. You might wanna sit down…it’s a long story. >You and Angel head into the cottage, and once the door closed, you started to tell your story. >You began with the night that you found the old Fluttershy’s list and added every detail that you were able to remember: >The army that the old Fluttershy had brought down upon your house. >Her laugh as she and her clones were destroyed. >How Pinkie had run away covered in blood and Rainbow’s flight to the tavern at the sight of Flutter’s eyes. >How you had convinced Twilight and the other Elements to keep quiet about the whole fiasco. >Angel stayed quiet for the most part, but a few tears leaked out when you described her death. >”Is she… is she still the same? You know…up here?” he says, pointing at his head. I don’t know man. Twilight is using her as a behavioral lab rat, so…. >Wait a second. >Why does he even care? Hey Angel? What’s your stake in this whole thing? >”What do you mean?” He looks confused and slightly angry. >You have to be delicate about this, Anon. Well, you’re a successful business owner, you have money that pretty much flows out of you in streams, and yet you choose to live with Fluttershy as a “normal” bunny. >He doesn’t look as angry now, his face bears the lines of sadness as opposed to confusion. >He sits quietly for a few seconds, probably to condense whatever he wants to tell you. >”Fluttershy’s father was a combat buddy of mine, best combat medic I had ever seen. We fought together in Yakyakistan, helping them drive out changeling insurgents." >The shine seems to die out from his eyes as he looks to the floor. >"His wife, Rosey Shy, went into labor as we were coming home from our tour. She...didn't make it through the delivery." >"Trembler, Shy's father, I found him hanging with his cloud collection a few months later. His note only said that she would be safe in my care now." >”So, I moved from Baltimare to Ponyville, and set her up in a Cloudsdale orphanage; I didn’t know much about raising pegasi fillies.” >“From there on, I had to take a background role in her life…making sure she got a monthly stipend from her ‘distant Aunt Twinkle.’” >”She was safe there, like Trembler wanted, but she had to suffer through a horrible and lonely childhood because of me." >His eyes never looked up from the ground as he talked, but now that the story was done, he stared you dead in the eyes. >You could almost see the tinges of fire behind the stare. >Angel grabs you by the neck of your shirt and pulls you down towards him. >”So I’m warning you, boy…If I have to bury another Shy, then you and I will be taking a nice trip to Tartarus together." >You nod grimly. "U-understood." >Angel lets go of you and runs out the back door. >You fall back onto the couch, and hope for the best as Fluttershy walks in the door. >Within ten minutes, you and Fluttershy are back outside the cottage and heading into Everfree Forest. >You searched the woods until the sun went down, and then continued until the moon rose high into the night. >Aside from the occasional tuft of pink mane gripping tightly onto a branch, or small piles of confetti sparkling in the mud, there was no sign of Pinkie Pie. >Rainbow showed up to help Fluttershy with the aerial scouting, leaving you alone on the ground. >There was silence as you walked, broken only by the scattered howls of timberwolves in the depths of the forest. >Up ahead, the trees thinned out into a clearing. >You lie down in the soft grass and looked up to the stars. >Phantom raindrops trail down your face from the cloudless sky. WHERE ARE YOU, PINKIE!? >The stars seem to swirl slowly around you, leaving heavy trails behind them as they go. >A light weight presses down on your chest, and the tails race back to their stars as you are snapped out of your daze. >Looking down, Fluttershy’s head is resting on you, and her hoof gripping your hand slightly…somehow. >Rape alarms are sounding off at full strength, and your arms instinctively ready themselves to throw her out any nearby window or doors. >”I’m sorry Anon.” Huh? >Your arms retract to your sides, and your rapey-sense dies down a little. >”Why are you betraying me, Brain?” >Shut up. Let’s hear what Flutters has to say. >”All of this: you leaving my house, the clones, Pinkie’s breakdown and her going missing…it’s all been my fault, and I’m sorry.” >Small tears roll down from her eyes. “I know you probably won’t forgive me, but I’m going to make this right.” >You reach your hand out and wipe the tears away from her face. >”I’m only doing this to be nice…right Brain?” >Maybe. >”He’s lying.” >Shut up, Penis. Oh, fuck you Brain. >”Anon, who is ‘Brain’?” No one important. >The two of you lay silently in the grass for a while, fighting the urge to fall asleep. >Overhead, a rainbow arcs across the sky, rousing you to resume searching for Pinkie. :Time Travel back to Earlier Today: >CLACK. >The glass rings against the wooden counter as you slam it down. >The smell of whisky hangs heavy in the air. >You are now Rainbow Dash, and you are at The Splintered Hoof, Ponyville’s local tavern. >You came here after Twilight’s “magic tree bubble” disappeared, to put distance between you and the clone of your deceased friend. >Normally, you would be here to work on your novel, seeking the counsel of Mr. Walker and Mr. Daniels for inspiration. >But today, staring into the bottom of your fifth appletini, you couldn’t understand why you chose to come here… >…or why you were drinking appletinis. Shome Element of Layalty I am...", you slur as another appletini appears in front of you. >Damn tasty appletinis. >CLACK. >The appletini burns a bit as it races down your throat. >You take the coaster and set it atop the small stack to your right. Ugh... >At least you can stay loyal to a bottle. >"Shut up, Brainbow. Who asked you?" >I assumed that your tenth appletini was an open invitation to give a critique. Ten appletinis?, you quiely mutter. >You motion towards the tired blue unicorn behind the bar. Gimme one last appletini, Morning. >"Right away, Ms. Dash." >Clack >Morning sets your appletini down in front of you, then goes back to mopping the far end of the counter. >As you bring it up towards your face, the smell of mint hits your nose. >Old bastard gave you a grasshopper. >[Isn't it neat how the color looks almost like Flu- Don't. >[Don't what? Don't think about her. >[About Fluttershy? DON'T think about her. >[About how you bolted away to a bar because of something so trivial as your friend's eye color? She's not my friend. >[Are you sure? Yes. >[Why? >The grasshopper leaps down your throat. >tap >The glass gently sounds off as you set it down. I..I don't know. Something felt missing from them. >[She needs your help, Rainbow. I know, but- >[But nothing. You are Loyalty, and right now Shy could use a hoof to steady her. And I guess that's more important than what her eyes look like? >[Damn right. Inside, she's still the same pony you know and love. Ugh. Why do you have to be so smart? >[Because I'm you, duh. Now pony up and show how Loyal you are to your friends. Yes ma'am. >Putting the money for your new favorite drink on the counter, you take off into the night, zipping past Fluttershy's cottage. >Loyalty is fine and good, but right now you need to sleep. >And maybe throw up. That grasshopper tasted like soot.