>"Well Anonymous, I am... surprised that you managed to achieve straight A's this semester..."
>You smile from across her desk as she looks at your report card
"This means our deal is still on?"
>She looks at you, then the card, then you again
>"Why yes Anonymous, it does. You held up on your end, so it's only fair that I meet our end as well..."
>"You may have one request"
"I want to have dinner at your house"
>Her eyes go wide
>She adjust her glasses and coughs before answering
>"Now Anonymous, that's widely inappropriate, I'm your Principal..."
"And we had a deal"
>You cross your arms, and lean back in your chair
"I thought you were a lady of your word, I guess not..."
>She tries to bargain
>"I'm sure there is something more reasonable that you'd like, perhaps an extra day of Christmas break?"
>You shake your head
"I've already made my request Ms. Cinch, I want a dinner date at your house"
>She glares at you for a few moments, thinking over the request
>Then, she straightens herself in her chair, and clears her throat
>"Very well Anonymous, we shall have dinner at my house this evening at 6:30 PM; but I expect you to behave like a proper gentleman"

>You are Anonymous
>And, after approving all the tests this semester, managed to score a date with the principal
>6:30 PM, ready for action
>You are wearing your black suit with a red tie, and a matching black fedora
>The rose bouquet was something you had for courtesy
>Let's do this
>"Wait a moment please"
>You wait 5 minutes
>*Click* "Welcome"
"Nice to see you again Ms. Cinch"
>"Step inside. I don't want no one to see us"
>You go inside
>Classic residence: white walls, the dining room is to the right, the living is left, and stairs takes you to the second floor
>You remove your hat and give her the bouquet
"Is a comfortable place"
>She looks at the flowers, and then you
>"Stop. Let's just have dinner, and pretend this never happened"
"Very well. What's for dinner?"
>Why always spaghetti in each definitive moment in your life?
>Birthday: spaghetti
>Elementary graduation: spaghetti
>First date: spaghetti
>Now is not the time to think about this stuff. now you got a woman in hands, don't screw up
"Perfect. I'll wait"
>"It's done actually"
"Better. Let's eat then"
>Both go to the dining room
>She goes to the kitchen, and you take a seat. Moments later, she comes back with two dishes of pasta
>You give thanks for the meal, and both start eating
>Most of the dinner went silent, but you tried
>You did everything to make her talk: daily events, money, climate, books
>She only eats quietly
>You can't fail now
>You start to look around

>A picture catches your eye
>A young girl smiling
"The girl is some acquantice?"
>"... It's me"
"Really? You were really pretty"
>"What does that means?"
>"I WAS pretty. Now I'm old and ugly, isn't it?"
>Change! Change!
"N-No! You are still pretty"
>"You didn't said yesterday, and I quote: I did it, you squared-faced old cumrag?"
>You choke
"Uh! well... that was..."
>"Don't try to lie me. All the students hate me"
"No! That's not true!"
>"Then why did you tried so hard to succeed?"
"Well, you said that if I failed, I was going to be expelled from CP"
"But I was just making C or D's. Why I had to be like the others?"
>"What are you saying?"
"Well, everyone in the school are smart and everthing, but it feels... forced? It's like if everyone is scared of failing"
>"As it should be. Failure is not an option"
"But failure can teach as much as success"
"We lost in the FG a few weeks ago, but after that, you were more... motivated in compensating the defeat. Why? I mean, we do pretty great, why the need of being perfect?"
>She keeps quiet for a while, then she stands and takes the picture
>"I suppose do you have nothing interesting to do tonight?"
>If posting on the internet to make someone mad was important now
>"Well then, I'll explain: 30 years ago, I was one of the most prized students in Crystal Preparatory. science, chess, lecture, photography, running, art. The school was my life. I did my best to-"
>She looks at the photo
>"... We better discuss this in the living"
"Fine by me. Just let me-"
>"Leave the dishes. I'll take them later"

>The living is very simple: bookshelfs, a TV, a white sofa, and a place for all of Ms. Cinch's trophies
>She wasn't lying: she had all trophies in all events, in all her years in CP
"Okay, you weren't lying about being the best"
>"I was proud each time I showed it, but now it only sadness me"
>You look back
>She didn't take her eyes away from the picture
>"I tried so hard, but in the end, it didn't matter"
>She sits, and makes space for you
>You sit down next to her
>*Sigh* "Where everything went wrong?"
"You could tell me"
>She raises an eyebrow
>"Why do you want to know? You won't gain anything from it"
"But I"ll understand why you act like this"
>Both are silent
>She stands up and goes to the kitchen. When she comes back, she brings tea
>You take a cup
>"When I was your age, I tried to get the Everton Independent Study Program"
"The thing that bookworm wanted?"
"The purple girl? I don't remember her name anyway"
>"Oh, Twilight. Well yes, I tried as her, but something happened when I was called. They said they gave the program to a group, but I was out"
"Why? I mean, all those trophies aren't fake"
>"Friends: my social skills were very unnexistent. All those merits, victories, and mentions were only but mine. I never needed help from other people. My family was enough, and we didn't talk very much either. It was just me, and my desire to be the best. But when they told me I was out, I suddenly snapped"
>She looks at her trophies
>"Any human beign would wish for my abilities: my intelligence, my strenght, my spirit. But all those were crushed only because I was alone"
>She looks at the photo again
>"Why did I gave my best, if they just said no?"
"... What happened to the group?"
>"Their lifes kept going. I don't know what are they doing now"
>"Why do you insist in asking?"
"Well, in theory, they were the "best" to make great things, and the names of the chosen are spoken in all schools"

>She starts to look up
"If they were that "great", where are they now?"
>She keeps quiet for a moment
>"... I lied, the group disbanded after a year. Most of them are just in mundane jobs. Only one was able to keep her studies"
"Her?... Wait, you don't mean...?"
>"... Principal Celestia. she became a professor in Canterlot Highschool at young age"
"Then why didn't they called you back?"
>"I was in college. I became the best as well, but this time, I was completely alone. I made big things to finish my career, and when I finished, I applied to be one of Cristal Preparatory's workers"
"And after that, you became the Principal"
>Both are silent
"So that's it; the reason because you demand to be the best is because of that?"
>"It's the only thing I have left. No friends, no family, only the school"
"... We could be friends"
>She looks at you
"I mean, I always wondered why you were so..."
>"Stop trying to not offend me. I understand"
"Well, if you said so. You are a cunt, but those guys of the program were assholes"
>She looks at you
"You did more than any of those kids back in the day. And if they would've gave you the program, you will be an astronaut, a global genius, an incredible engineer. Anything but..."
>"A simple highschool principal?"
>She giggles
>"You are expecting too much, but like I said: why even try? They didn't care before, why would they care now?"
"Because, if you see it from their angle, giving the program to a bunch of people to only one to come out, and instead of doing a great good to society, it became a teacher, in highschool even, they wasted your talent"
>"You really think that?"
"Of course! Maybe if she chose elementary it would be good. Anyone knows you only learn when you are a child. When puberty hits, the boys' hormones and girls' emotions just blur our minds"
>"Hahaha, maybe"
"Besides, we could be friends because... I don't have friends neither"

>She raises an eyebrow
>"I though I told you I don't like liars"
"But it's true. Everyday it's the same: wake up, triple S, school, straight home, PC, sleep, repeat. I don't have any friends"
>"Not even online?"
"I don't think an imaginary green, bald, with no-eyes guy can be a real friend, isn't it?"
>"Anon, you are green and bald"
"But I have eyes... Wait, how do you know about online friends?"
>"like I said, the best. you always must be informed, even when the new technology looks like crap"
>You smile as she's starting to relax
"Well, if that's the case, I guess I like you to be my principal, even if you are a cunt"
>"And I like you to be one of my students, even if the only thing you'll be able to do is working in a shoe store"
>For some reason, you picture yourself grabbing a sign saying "shoot me: $12"
>"Oh goodness, it's too late"
>You look at the clock: 10:00 PM
>You could push and hit some mature pussy
>But for now, today was enough
*Sip* "Thanks for the tea"
>"You are welcome"
"I'll be going now, I'll see you next week"
>"Take good care"
"I will"
>You stand up, and leave the house