>Be Eri >Today classes were as aggravating as always, but no homework >That's just your teacher trying her new pills. It always happens when she changes her medication >Whatever, more time to "enjoy" >"EEEERRRRIIIIII!!!!" >Yeah, THAT "joy" "Kit Kat" >"You remember meeeeeiiiiiihhhh!!!!" >She hugs you quickly "Personal space, ms. Kat" >"OMC, I'm so sorry! it's just I'm so happy! You remember me!" "I remember you. We go to the same class" >"But you always are like: Uggghhhh... why don't you better die random guy?" >You won't respond to that "Yeah, well, I hate classes, so? I'd rather leave all of you at school. Go away" >"But Eri..." "And don't call me Eri. It's Ms. Brokenheart for to" >"Yes... Ms. Brokenheart" >Now she looks a little drag. Great, maybe she leave you alone now >"... But" >Crap >"What if we hang out for today? I mean, we don't have homework" "I can't! I have to... meet other ponies, and..." >Here comes Connie >>"Hi Eri" "Thanks Celestia. let's go Connie" >>"Whatever you want to do, I can't do it today" "What?!" >>"The director called me. The play has been passed to today" >She looks over your shoulder >>"Ah! You made a new friend! *passes you* Hello, I'm Connie Amore" >"Hi! I'm Kit Kat. I go to the same college as Eri" >>"Oh! A classmate! *looks at you* Why you never talked about her Eri?" "I like to keep my friends as far away as I can" >>*To Kit Kat* "Meh, don't listen to her. She is grouchy" >"I know, always moping or sleeping in classes" >>"Hehe, yeah. Sorry Eri, but I have to go. Can you make her some company Kit Kat?" >"Sure!" >>"Thanks. Goodbye Eri" "Die in a fire, you traitor" >>"Classic Eri. See you around" >She leaves, and you are stuck with ms. posser >"A day with my friend! Yay!" >She hugs you. Again "Personal space" >You are stuck with miss edgy, not like you can't talk for yourself >"So, now that I get to cheer you up, what do you want to do?" "Go home and be alone for the rest of the day" >"Booooring! Let's go shopping!" "Yeah, sure. I think I need to re-stock some blades today" >"Oh Eri, you are really funny" >You show her some of your scars "I wasn't joking" >"...." "You are free to leave" >She pouts >"No! Maybe you have issues, but I said I will cheer you up, and I will!" >She bites your tail, and drags you to the mall "You don't have to do this" >"I'm doing it" "I'll buy razors. The ones with the best edges" >"That's on you" "Let me be a drag alone" >"You are a drag now, happy?" "If you leave me" >"No" "Then you know the answer" >"Whatever. Here we are: Coral Mall Center" "This is going to be horrible" >"Nah, you'll like it" >"Ok Eri, you must have a list. What do you want to buy?" "Razors" >"Besides" "Fine! Maybe some muffins or cupcakes" >"You'll love this place then, they serve the best pastries" "Better than Pinkie's?" >"Well... not that good, but good. You'll see" >She takes you to a stand in the foud court >A stallion is working on the counter >>"Welcome to Sweet Cake: can I take your order?" >"Yeah: I would like a chocolate muffin" >>"And the-" "Mellow?" >>"Eri! What are you doing here?" "She dragged me here" >"OMC! You are Eri's friend too?" >>"Too? You met someone before?" >"Yes! This pink mare called... eh, Bonnie?" "Connie" >"Right! Connie. We met her on the streets" >>"Eri, why didn't you told me about your new friend?" "She is not my friend, she is a classmate" >>"Okay, if you say so. You know, since you are friend of Eri's, I'll give you two something special" >He goes to the backplace of the store, and comes back with two cupcakes >>"These are the sugary volcano cupcakes. I made them myself, and they will be on sale next week, but since you are Eri's friend, you get to taste them first" >"Kiiaaaa!!!! This is so neat!" "Earth, please swallow me" >"Come 'ere Eri! let's taste these sweets!" >She takes you to a table and leaves you with the tray >"Now wait, I need to talk with Mellow for a little bit. Just some questions" "He has a marefriend" >"That removes one. See you soon!" >She goes back with Mellow, and starts talking to him >Well, at least you get to eat your cupcake in peace >After a while, she comes back >"Hehe, that Mellow is cute" "He won't dump his pony for you" >"What? no, that's horrible. I would never do that" "Then why did you went and asked him some questions?" >"Nothing, nothing. Say cheese" >"What?" >A flash blinds you "Hey! What gives?" >"And posted. Your friends are going to like this" "Wha- why?" >"They are going to see this pic on Flankbook" "Hey! I didn't give you my consent!" >"But your friends did" "What?!" >"Mellow told me all about your other friends *blip* oh! and they love the pic. It has 10 hoofs up already and going up" "Ok, that's it! Leave me alone!" >"But Eri..." "No buts! so far you just has been getting in my life, and I don't want it! Go away" >She looks down >"I'm... I'm sorry. i just wanted to get to know you better" "Well, you did. you can ask my friends about it" >She drags her hoof >"But I wanted to hang out with you" "You just did. We had cupcakes. That's enough for me" >She grabs something from her saddles: razors "You told me you needed some. and I bought some yesterday. I just didn't drop them at home yet" "...." >"Well... since you said we just ate together, I guess I can leave you" >Great, now you feel bad >Not good-bad, like you like to do, but bad-bad "... Fine. I guess we can be together a little extra time" >"Yay!" >She hugs you "Personal space" >"Sorry" >Okay, you felt bad for Kit Kat, but now you wish you left her before >She took you, and now you are helping her with her clothes >Inside a Hot Topic >She comes out with a red & black sweater >"What do you think? A little too much?" >It was too much making you come in here in the first place "No" >"Really? I feel the purple one had a better fit" "Look Kit Kat: to my tastes, I don't care" >"Yeah, you are right. I'll take both!" "That wasn't what I was trying to say" >"Oh no! But if I buy both, I won't have enough for my book" "What book is it? Urban legends? Top 10 trivia?" >"You won't like it..." >True >"... It's a book about poetry" >Okay, you lied "Which book?" >"Well, it's kind of an underground writer" >You are now interested "What's her name?" >"Well, she doesn't write her name. She uses tons of pseudonyms" >Oh, a ghost writer "At least you know her last one?" >"I think it was M.E.?" >No way "What was the title of her book?" >"From golden to broken" >She wanted to buy your book?! "Where do they sell it?!" >"Woah! are you okay Eri?" "Uh? Oh! Yeah! Just a little... curious" >"Well... the book is sold here. For some reason, the editorial doesn't want to sell them in libraries" >alright, time to find a better editorial "Well, maybe I can help you. I can give you a few bits" >"Oh, thank you Eri!" "Just take the book and let's go. I want to go before they play crawlin'" >"Ok!" >Outside the mall, Kit still gives small jumps from the small favor you did "Calm down, it's only a book" >Well, if she wasn't here, you'll be jumping as a filly too >"But it's my favourite book from my favourite writer! Thanks Eri!" "Yeah, yeah. It was only a few bits anyway" >"But it really means something. I mean, now we can talk about us, right?" "....Nyeehhhh" >"Well, at least you have to know: this writer is important to me because... she saved my life" "What?" >"When I read this author for the first time, I was ready to... end my life. With razors" >You look at the razors she gave you >"I stopped cutting myself a long time ago, but to this day I can't leave home without a small bag with me yet" "You had a relapse?" >"That's why I said this author saved me. I was buying razors, sleeping pills, and when I reached the book section I saw her book: Misery" >Your first book >"I though "If I'm dying, may as well throw away my money", but in the end, it was a wise choice" "Throw away my money?" >"Well, I'm not a fan of reading. I like more to be on my laptop or listening to music, but I choosed death so I though fuck it, two tears in the bucket" >Your book is bought by suicidals. Great, but lame >"When I started reading the book, for the first time I felt understood. That someone knew my pain. That I wasn't alone" >"..." "After that, I started to look up to the future. Maybe I felt pain, but the book made me understand that they are only scars, and they will fade away" >"I'm... happy, to know someone will make you change your mind it's... good" "I know. That's why I wanted to be your friend Eri. I know how it feels to be hurt, but people and life can make you change. I own everything to that writer, and I hope someday I'll meet her" >If only you knew Kit Kat >"Well... see you tomorrow Eri" "Wait Kit, you forgot something" >"What?" >You raise your hooves "Do it before I regret it" >"IIIIIIIIHHHHH!!!!" >She gives you a big hug >"Thanks eri" "Yeah, yeah. just don't tell anyone I did this" >"Promise!"