>It was a warm sunny day in Applelossa, free land of the Wild West Equestria >Braeburn has been called by Sheriff Silverstar to investigate some strange visages in the apple farms: the trees has been trashed, only leaving ripped roots. >When both arrive, they find Little Strongheart and Chief Thunderhooves SS: "Now this is interesting. Did you buffaloes change your route and though that you could stomp on our trees?" CT: "Our path has always been the same. Our ancestors ran through the same road my spirit will guide our future tribes. Strongheart called me when she was running on it" LS: "Yeah! I was scared I though a monster ran amok! I called the chief to know what we are going to do" SS: "Well, unless you find me some yaks, I'll hold you responsible for this reckless run!" CS: "I won't answer for actions that had nothing to do with my herd!" BB: "Whoa, everyone, calm down. Sheriff, you can't always shot first ask second all the time. Maybe if we investigate the ruins we may find something" LS: "I agree. No buffalo could trash so many trees at once" >The small team divided, trying to make some sense from all the rubble >Not many clues. The trees were ripped off clean, and the stomps were really small >What kind of beast could've made so much damage? SS: "Well, I'll be. Did anybody found something?" BB: "Nope" LS: "Nuh-uh" CT: "No" SS: "Dagnabbit! This is hopeless! What kind of monster so small can rip off the trees? They didn't even leave the trunks!" BB: "Easy sheriff, we may find something eventually" SS: "Will we? If he returns, we will lost all the trees!" CT: "My buffaloes can help. Not only for apple pie, but as friends living in the same prairie" SS: "Thanks Chief" BB: "Say, Stronheart, you have been quiet. What's happening?" LS: "Eh? Oh, sorry. Is... I think I heard something" BB: "Something?" >The group maintains silence for a moment. After a while, a squeak is heard from the distance LS: "I knew I wasn't imagining things" BB: "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" >In a small run, the team finds the source of the noice: a small pig >Well, sort of a pig: it had fur, his coat was a mash of brown and black stripes, and a pointy snout >The small animal was trapped between the ground and a tree stump. >Chief Thunderhooves pushes the stump away, and the little pig tried to run, but a moment later falls squealing in pain >Little Strongheart manages to ride him on her back LS: "Oh, poor little thing. He must be scared" SS: "Huh, never saw one of these. Know anything about it Chief?" CT: "I'm afraid not. This is the first time I see a pig with fur" BB: "We may find something in town. 'Sides, looks like little fella here had a rough night" SS: "But what about the trees?" BB: :It'll have to wait. We may find some clue with him" >The team agrees, and moves out to Applelossa >Back in town, the little piggy is treated >It was unorthodox, but the doctor always has his glass of milk at high noon, so the treatment was at the canteen BB: "Thanks for the help doc, sorry for bothering you" Doc: "Oh, not at all. In fact, I am happy I get to treat a strange specimen. Looks like most damages are just blunt hits. Some ice, this oilment, and a good nap, and he will be good as new" BB: "Thanks doctor" Doc: "No need Braeburn. I'll be going now" >The doctor leaves the canteen and our group with a small pig LS: "He sure trashed a lot coming here. He really has a fighting spirit" SS: "Still, I doubt this little guy is the one who trashed the farms. He couldn't carry a stump" CT: "He must be a little cub. It may be dangerous to keep him around" BB: "We can't just throw a baby away. He is hurt and scared" LS: "Probably lost too. This is the first time we see anything like him. He must be from somewhere far away" CT: "Possibly, but that means he is a lost child, and if his family is as fiery as him..." SS: "That'll be a lot of horsedung to clean up" BB: "Relax, we don't know nothing yet. For now, let's just let the boy recover" LS: "He looks recovered enough to me" >The little pig has been eyeing a plate with apples, and is making small jumps to reach them >A few tries later, he just checks the table BB: "Okay little guy, let me-" >The pig tackles one of the legs, and the table crumbles >The plate smashes on the floor, and the apples rolls around >Next moment, the pig launches himself at one, and starts eating it quickly LS: "He sure is a fighter" >Braeburn and Little Strongheart share a laugh, but the Sheriff and the Chief are having different thoughs >Night finally comes, and everybody went to sleep >Little Strongheart stayed in Braeburn's house to keep an eye on the little pig >It wasn't the first time she stayed in town, her curiosity always taking her over many times. >Still, she came and went many times it may be a regular host >As everyone was sleeping, a rumbling started to grow louder BB: "Eh?" >*grugrugrugrugru* BB: "Oh no" >The stallion runs to a small view point on his room >Whatever it was making that noise, it didn't come alone >A small peek was enough: many fur balls coming at great speed, eyes filled with rage >While many weren't big, the leader was as big as Chief Thunderhooves, face easily recognizable. His eyes screamed hatred, and it's two sharp tusks proved it's strenght without showing BB: "This ain't good" >Braeburn runs downstairs, and finds Strongheart sleeping with the little pig BB: "Strongheart, wake up!" LS: "Nuh... not the cheeseburguers... Uh? Braeburn?" BB: "Strongheart, take the little cub and go with the buffaloes" LS: "Wha-why?" >*GRUGRUGRUGRUGRUGRU!* BB: "Come on! there's no much time!" >The uproar woke up Little Strongheart >She takes the baby and stampedes to the tribe BB: "I better handle this" >Braeburn dress up and goes outside. The strange mob seems more ferocious up close >With a gulp and a breath, he goes to the center of the town, ready for whatever storm may come >In town, the entire herd stopped, looking around like predators to prey >Sheriff Silverstar is the first one in stepping up SS: "Now what's all this? What you beasts want?" >"BEASTS?!" >The mob started to trash stuff around until a roar calmed down. Then, the biggest one comes forward Gru: "My name is Grumar, chief of the Boar settlement in the canyons. We are looking for a lost cub. Did you saw it?" SS: "So you are boars, huh? Well, you need to answer for some things first" Gru: "You don't make the questions, I do. Did you saw the cub or not?" BB: "I did!" >The boars turn view to Braeburn. He barely made it to the town square >Grumar comes closer to him Gru: "Where is the cub?" BB: ".... Were you the ones who destroyed our farms?" >Braeburn knew these beasts were bullies, and if they let themselves be pushed around, they may destroy them and the buffaloes for fun Gru: "Really, you still annoy me for those branches? Yes, we did. And unless you answer me, we will do the same to your little town" >The ponies started to mumble, and Brae knows they want to speak, but he can't throw these monsters to the buffaloes just like that BB: "You attacked our town first, so you must answer to that" >Grumar points his tusk at him Gru: "Stop wasting my time. Do you know where the cub is or not?" >Strongheart better reached safe BB: "... I won't tell you" >The last things Braeburn sees are a headbutt that launches him in the air, a massive roar, and lots of trashing before landing inside a stack of hay. After that, he passes out >Morning comes to the little town, or what's left of it >The boars really did a number on Appleloosa. Grumar wasn't lying he would do the same thing he did on the apple farms >Braeburn wakes up, and leaves his straw prison >Inside a hole, Sheriff Silverstar peeks out SS: "Braeburn, is that you?" BB: "Yup sheriff, it's me" SS: "Dangit colt, why didn't you told him where the baby is? Look at our town!" BB: "I know, but I couldn't just tell him the baby was with the buffaloes and let them be trashed like us" SS: "Wait, the buffaloes? What is the baby doing with the buffaloes? He wasn't at your house?" BB: "I told Little Strongheart to take the cub and run to her tribe. The baby is with them" SS: "And you think making those boars angry would help us?!" BB: "We needed time, and we got it. Now we must go with Strongheart before- ugh!" >Braeburn recoils from the pain BB: "... And I though cus Big Mac had a mean buck" SS: "You can't go like that, you won't make it very far" BB: "Help me then. This is serious. Just ask for a carriage, if we still have one" SS: "Okay... we heard the pony, give me a carriage!" >Moments later, a couple of stallions help Braeburn get into the carriage, and Sheriff Silverstar and Doctor Herb accompany him BB: "let's just hope we make it before them" >In the prairie, the buffalo tents were empty. No signs of the tribe BB: "Did we reached too late?" SS: "No way. This place is still intact. The boars maybe don't know this place very well" BB: "They did said they were from the canyons, but no one can live there. Nothing grows there" Doc: "We may be wrong now. There must be a big reason why they came for our trees, and they really must be angry if they stampede in a huge number for just a cub" SS: "We won't find nothing just looking at these tents. Try to find anything that can guide us to the buffaloes" >The stallions check every tent and caravan, trying to make heads or tails >Thankfully, they don't have to search for long. There was a letter in Strongheart's tent >A map that guides to a small shrine hidden deep in the desert SS: "We may travel for a while" BB: "We don't have much time then" >The team prepares for the long road, and sets forward to the shrine >The night sky was looming over the team when they managed to find the little clearing. Thankfully, the buffaloes were kind to receive them >The smiles faded after the news BB: "... and that's how things went. The town is destroyed, and they must be travelling all the desert to find the little guy" CT: "I knew having him would be trouble" LS: "Chief, you can't-" CT: "I know what I'm saying, Little Strongheart, but we must be aware of his presence now. Him being here could mean our end" LS: "He is just a little cub! He isn't responsable for all of this!" CT: "He isn't, but his kin will do anything to find him. We can't afford to fight them. First hour in the morning, he will go" >The little buffalo looks down CT: "I'm sorry Strongheart, but it must be this way. Otherwise, our tribe will perish" >She doesn't responds SS: "What's your take on this Brae?" BB: "Could we talk to them? Leaving a cub alone in the wild is very irresponsible" Doc: "After what you did with their chief, I doubt they want to talk to you" BB: "But we can't just risk it and leave the child alone!" CT: "Is for the best. Besides, he may be small, but packs good strenght: he managed to stand against my young children, and his appetite proves this. He ate 3 servings of hay and grains before gulping down two apple pies. He is strong, so he will be fine" BB: "..." CT: "Now, everybody rest. Your small expedition probably took a toll on your body" >Deep into the night, time has passed quietly >The doctor rises up for a refreshment, but meets with the sheriff Doc: "Good night Sheriff. Hard sleep?" SS: "Yeah, I don't feel so good leaving a cub just on his own" Doc: "We may have taken a hasty choice. We can change the chief's mind in the morning" SS: "Yeah, you are right like always doc. Need anything?" Doc: "I was searching my water canteen, but I can't find it" SS: "Braeburn knows. He took the bag with him before going to sleep" >Silverstar comes close to Braeburn's sleeping bag SS: "Yo, Brae, where's the bag?" >No answer, the cowboy hat must be blocking his ears SS: "Wake up buddy, I need your help" >When the sheriff removes the hat, he finds out is just a sack of feathers SS: "Oh no" Doc: "We must tell the chief before-" CT: "The boar cub and Strongheart aren't here!" >Everyone freezes seeing the hidden plan of the youths SS: "These kids are in trouble" CT: "We must find them before the boars do!" ------ >Meanwhile BB: "I can't believe you convinced me to do this" LS: "Wanted to leave the child in middle of nowhere?" BB: "No, but I didn't wanted to sneak from the clearing like a thief" LS: "Don't worry. When we reunite the baby with his kin, everything will be alright, isn't that right little fella?" *Oink!* LS: "See? He supports me" BB: "Nothing good will come out of all this" >The travel is long and hard >While the road has been quiet, Braeburn knows it will only take a couple of seconds before they hear the stampede >And like clockwork, his imagination turns reality when he hears the growing rumbling BB: "They are here, and they are still angry" LS: "Don't worry, we can handle this" >The uproar takes shape >Again, the pigs run full force against the two creatures, coming to a full stop in front of them >The chief moves forward Gru: "You again, and I see you brought a friend" LS: "I am Little Strongheart, proud Buffalo of the Appleloosan prairie. Who are you?" Gru: "I am Grumar, Chief of the Boars. I suppose you aren't here for a treaty between species" LS: "No. I came to give you this" >Little Strongheart nods with her head, and the little boar cub comes up LS: "Go home little fella" >The little boar runs towards the herd. At the same moment, a female boar runs towards the kid Mom: "Roku! Roku! You are safe! *Oink!* *Oink!* >The mother takes the child with the her Gru: "Thank you. We'll be going now" BB: "Hey! You can't just leave like that! What did you do with our trees?" Gru: "Again with that? We use them, happy now?" BB: "No! You destroyed our main food supply, You think a simple sentence will fix that?" Gru: "Why do you care about some branches? Unless..." BB: "I think I won't like where this is-" Gru: "You were planning this, isn't it?" BB: "No, I d-" Gru: "Yes you did! You and that mustached pony! I bet those weren't your trees to begin with!" >The big boar takes position LS: "Wait! Calm down! We didn't-!" Gru: "KIDNAPPERS!!" >The boar charges against the two animals >Before the impact, something stopped the inminent doom LS: "Chief Thunderhooves!" CT: "You two are in big trouble now!" Gru: "How about you focus on the big trouble you have in front of you?!" >Both chiefs were head to head, as buffaloes and boars fighted each other >The hits of the buffaloes are mighty, but were nothing compare to the boars's giant tusks >They could carry with ease the bodies of their enemies >Quickly, the numbers reduce, and the boars were close to victory Gru: "Any last word before I ram you to the afterlife?" CT: "My ancestors are proud of me. I've fallen fighting to the end" Gru: "I respect your strenght, shame we didn't met in different circunstances" >The boar went for the final ramming, but something stopped before hitting the buffalo chief >Little Roku Gru: "Wha- Roku! Move!" R: *Oink! Oink!* *Oink!* *Squeak!* Gru: "What?! But they captured you for those trees!" R: *Oink! Oink!* Gru: "Trapped?" R: *Squeak! Oink!* Gru: "A tree stump?" R: *Squeak squeak! Oink!* Gru: "Oh..." >The boar helps the buffalo stand up, then he roars to stop his herd Gru: "I apologize for my outburst. I just didn't had all the details" CT: "Wait, you are going to stop... just like that?" BB: "Just let him stop, I learned that the hard way!" >From very afar, Braeburn and Strongheart were seeing the fight, ready to retreat at any moment Gru: "Your chief is fighting and you two are hiding?! Come here cowards!" >Both animals run towards the boar Gru: *Points at Strongheart* "I guess I own you an apology" *points to Braeburn* "and you an explanation" Doc: "How about we treat everybody first? You boars did a number on these buffaloes. We didn't had these many hurt creatures since the inauguration fight" Gru: "Inauguration fight?" SS: "Ehh... long story. We can tell you on the way back" >Back at the clearing, the buffalo are having a great time with the boars >Turns out the boars are a race that lives hidden in caves around the canyons, they usually don't venture to the outside >Why would they? Food is good, home is cozy, there's water, and the tribe is fine in the canyons. Not other races annoying them >Most of them either become builders or fighters >And little Roku happened to be the Chief's little cub, learning the ropes of the boar life >Chief Grumar shares stories, and the habitants just hear them >If it wasn't that there was a giant fight moments ago, no one would believe them Gru: "... and that's how his skull now adorns the top of my house" CT: "You truly are a fighter and a leader Chief Grumar" Gru: "Grumar is fine Chief Thunderhooves" CT: "Thunder or Hooves is fine too" >Both leaders share a laugh. A while later, doctor Herb arrives DH: "Well, I healed most buffaloes here. This truly was a scary fight, a bit more and we would be crying instead of laughing" Gru: "I admit we do overdo, and I would like to apologize while we don't have nothing to lament" CT: "Apologize accepted. Still, you may want to apologize for the trees" Gru: "What's so important about those trees anyway?" CT: "You see, they aren't just trees. They are appletrees, and the main harvest of Appleloosa to survive. You destroyed their food supply" >Grumar remains quiet for a moment, thinking about the situation Gru: "Call the ponies, I shall explain what happened" CT: "You heard the Chief, Herb: call the others" >The doctor leaves the tent. Moments later, everyone is reunited inside SS: "Well, I'm listening" Gru: "We indeed took your trees, and we indeed stole them. We never bothered to know if it belong to someone" SS: "Well, they did belong to someone: to us" >Grumar fumes from his nose Gru: "As I was saying, we took them. But we have our reasons" BB: "If it is about food, chopped off trees don't grow" Gru: "We have enough food in our farms. No, we need them to block a leak" BB: "A leak?" Gru: "The canyon is crumbling, and there is a subterranean river that is leaking outside. We used the trees to block the leak" >The ponies and buffaloes are looking at each other Gru: "Why are you looking at each other?" BB: "Chief Grumar, how did you block the leak?" Gru: "We just put the trees in the hole. It will be fine" >Now everyone is worried Gru: "Hey! Don't act weird! What's the problem?" LS: "Chief Grumar, can you take us to your settlement? This can mean problems for your people" Gru: "Swapped?!" >After the discussion inside the tent, the buffaloes (and three ponies) joined the boar convoy >They were explaining that just blocking the hole won't help. It will only delay the innevitable >If the river won't come out, it will outburst somewhere else, probably swapping the entire boar village Gru: "But it's only a stream! How can a stream of water will destroy my village?!" LS: "Well, you said the hole was at the bottom of the canyon, and it has started leaking when you block it" Gru: "I still can't see it" LS: "Imagine you have a balloon" Gru: "What is a balloon?" LS: "Oh, right. Well... imagine..." BB: "See my bag pardner'?" Gru: "Yes?" BB: "Let's say I fill it with rocks, branches, and random stuff, as much as I want" Gru: "Is a small bag" BB: "But I don't care, so I keep filling it. at one moment, nothing will get in, but I want to keep filling it, so I start to shove everything anyway" Gru: "But if you do that..." >Braeburn rips the bottom of the bag BB: "Stuff will come out from this hole, because the weakest thread was here" SS: "Hey! That was a good bag!" >Grumar looks puzzled, until his eyes enlarge to the realization Gru: "Boars! Full throttle! Our village is in danger!" >And in one reaction, the stampede runs to the canyons >Reaching the canyons, it isn't a pretty sight >The place where boars live is free of the dangers of the badlands, but the crumbling rock wall is foreboding a great disaster >As told, the trees are blocking the leak. Well, more like shoved into the hole to fill it >The cracks are getting larger, and one big crack is almost reaching the top Gru: "It wasn't this big before..." BB: "We have to evacuate the boars in the village! Chief Thunderhooves!" CT: "Yes. Silverstar, Herb, I'll need your aid" SS: "That's why we are here. Let's go doc" Doc: "Yes!" >The buffaloes and the two ponies go down with the boars to evacuate the town >Meanwhile, Braeburn and Strongheart follow Grumar to the canyon's base >It's filled with logs to the brim, and trembling from all the water pressure Gru: "Alright! Let's smash this thing!" LS: "Wait! If you do that, the canyon will explode, and the village destroyed!" BB: "We also have to wait our friends to evacuate the boars out of here" Gru: "What do we do then?!" BB: "Calm down, and start thinking what we should do" >Grumar only mumbles and fumes, trying to relax. Meanwhile the little quadrupeds are investigating the clog >Many logs are shaking violently, but others are just softly vibring LS: "Hey, and what if we remove these ones? There isn't much pressure here" BB: "If we are careful, maybe we can redirect the pressure" LS: "Still, these look really fixed in place" BB: "Every small log dam has a weak branch, we must find it" >Braeburn and Strongheart search for the weak logs around >Sadly, every small taunting made the log shake up BB: "It's no use! We can't find it!" LS: "But it must be somewhere around here!" >*Oink!* Both: "Oink?" >Both friends look up: Roku is on top of the clog BB: "What the- Roku! Get down!" >Grumar heard the scream Gru: "Did you said.... ROKU!!!" >The big boar starts shacking Gru: "Don't move! We are going to help you!" *Oink!* Gru: "Evacuated, understood. Wait there!" *Oink!* *Oink!* Gru: "On top of the weak one?" BB: "Wait, look at him. His log isn't shaking. That must the weak one!" >Braeburn takes a lasso, and ties the log Roku is on BB: "Alright little fella, slide down, we will take it from here" >The little boar grabs the rope, and slides down. His father catches him Gru: "Oh, you are safe now. Don't do that never again!" *Oink* Gru: "I know I did crazy things, but that doesn't mean you do" *Squeak* *Oink* *Oink* Gru: "Oh, you little piggy" LS: "Hey, I hate to interrupt your dad and kid moment, but can you lend us a hoof?" >Both little quadrupeds are trying to release the log to no avail. Grumar leaves his kid on the ground Gru: "Look how daddy does it" >With one single yank, he moves both mammals and the log >The log comes out, and the trembling stops >Slowly, water pours from the small cracks between the logs >The clog will hold, but not for long BB: "We must get out fast" >Everyone leaves the dirt hole, but Roku stays behind >Suddenly, the wood dam shakes up, and a log comes out, separating the cub from the adults >The river stream breaks lose, and the little cub is trapped in the flow Gru: "ROKU!!!" >Roku manages to float, but the river is dragging him down. And with the shape of the canyon, going down rapidly to a waterfall >Little Strongheart takes Braeburn's lasso, and runs to the rescue >Luckily, she was fast enough, but there wasn't a way to catch him >She looks for anything to help, and sees at a distance a sharp rock >She looks at the lasso, and then the rock. She gulps a big drop of saliva, and lasso the rock >In one crazy move, she jumps *SQUUUEEEAAAAaaakkk...!!!* LS: "AAAAAHHHHHhhh...!!!" >In one crazy jump, Little Strongheart manages to save the little cub, and lands on a cliff at the other side of the waterfall BB: "Oh, Celestia, Strongheart, are yo-?" Gru: "ROKU!!! WHERE ARE YOU ROKU?!" LS: "We are fine! But please, get us out of here!" *OINK!!!* >With the little mammals safe, everyone reunites a bit far from the canyon >The river swapped part of the village, but thanks to the released pressure, a water spring sprouted inside it Gru: "I have my cub back, my kin is safe, and now we have water near our home. We are truly saved thanks to you" BB: "Nyeh, wasn't nothing a bit of hoof work couldn't solve" LS: "It was the least we could do. If it wasn't for this little guy, maybe he would have been the last of his kind" >Grumar meditates on these words, and looks at Sherif Silverstar Gru: "Sheriff, you said your trees were the supply of your people?" SS: "Yeah, but no big deal. We can replant and grow new trees" Gru: "Still, it would take a lot of time. Please, let me share some of my crops to your tribe" SS: "Really? Would you do that?" Gru: "I want to properly apologize. We will share our reserves until your people returns strong. Also, you explained to me your apple pies calmed down buffaloes. I wonder how they taste" CT: "When our tribe does it's traditional run, we shall bring many to share, friend" Gru: "Friend... what an interesting word. Until we meet again, friends" Doc: "The carriage and the buffaloes are ready to leave, so whenever you are ready" LS: "I promise I will visit you sometimes so we can play again Roku" *Oink!* *Oink!* >And so, the mistery of the monster of Appleloosa was solved, an heroism act was perfomed, and friendships were earned >The End