Nicknames for spanking tools by Anon (18/05/2019) --- “Oh you won’t believe how happy I am you’re babysitting my little boy.” His mom said as she let the neighbor in. He was a recent graduate who was taking on side jobs until he started full time in a month. Babysitting was pretty easy too, except this kid was a growing colt not a foal. “It’s no problem ms. Sonar, I know you and your studies on the ocean are really time consuming” he smiled as he took out a pad and quill. “Now are there any allergies I should be aware of? Or anything out of the ordinary. “ She thought “not really, he’s a pretty standard colt for his age. Speaking of which... RADAR your babysitter is here, come say hi!!” She yelled up stairs, to which she got. “No! Introductions are a waste of time!!!” Yelled the colt. The babysitter laughed, “it’s alright, foals are... foals. And I have my babysitting kit.” He said lifting it up from his saddle bag. And she smiled. “Oh yes I saw that; quite lovely? Please tell me what inside.” “Just the basics.” He opens his bag, to which a roll of Fabio was unwinded, extending it in length as he showed her the vast implements he had. “This is mr. brushy; madame stir, paddy paddle; mr sparerod, slippy, and straight edge.” He said as he carefully rolled them back up. “Oh wow, you definitely have it covered, hopefully he won’t need them.” She smiled but she had a small feeling he would by the time she returned. She waved him off as she left. He went to the kitchen to prepare the two of them some lunch. “I don’t need a babysitter..:” mumbled a voice from the hall.” He looked up. “You’re radar. Nice to meet you.” Sadly, all he got was a grunt in reply. “Hey now, that’s not nice, you should introduce yourself. Then we can become friends.” “I don’t want to be your friend.” He pouted as he went to the cookie jar. “Hey, no cookies until after lunch, which will be in around 10 minutes.” He said, but when he looked back the kid had grabbed a cookie; and quickly put it in his mouth and smirked. “Oops,” He laughed but eeped when he got a firm hoof pulling him close. “Woah woah okay okay I’m sorry.” He shook his head “I just said not to eat the cookie and you did.” He squirmed. “I-Okay Okay, I’m sorry. But can... can we at least do it after I eat? Tell me what you’ll use in your implement list, please, at least then I can sit and eat in peace. “I would that’s a fine idea, oh wait. Introductions are a waste of time.” He shrugged as he pulled out madame stir. “Wait! Please okay okay I was wrong! My name is radar.” “Good boy. I’m joh.” He smiled and put the toys away and the two of them ate lunch peacefully. No discipline was needed over the course of that weekend.