original post: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37471711/#q37489482 *original author is Anon* -- Mommy >you shift your legs as you look up at her gentle ruby eyes >moving just far enough from her tuft to see her face which previously shielded you >a single fang poking out from her content then curious smile >"Vhat is it my little bat?" >she asks in that lilting drawn out accent before nuzzle your head Why do other ponies not like us? >her eyes go wide and her expression becomes sad >you didn't like seeing mom sad but you had to ask >"But nonny, the ponies in the castle like us." >that's true but you weren't talking about them >especially because they all looked like mommy, were see through or skeletons >you saw how ponies in the village acted when they met with her >last week a mob came with torches >why did they not like her >she was the world's best mom? >a soft velvety wings pulls you close allowing her to nuzzle your head >"Anon, I.. mommy is different from other ponies." Like how you don't show up in mirrors? Or why you don't like going out at daytime? >"Exactly... and other... more important things. Ponies as you know... they fear vhat they cannot understand.. now more than ever." >she gets up to look out the windows her hair flows like a blood waterfall >"My kind vere gods once, worshipped and feared by the masses." >her wings flare casting an impossibly large shadow over the room >"I had led empires to greatness and plunged more into ruin." >her voice is more intense as an uneven stone is crushed into a fine powder by her hoof >"Ours was the hoof that guided civilization since the dawn of time." >"But now... now ve are monsters.. hunted down and exterminated by those ve helped to create!" >"I Ningal Shapsu, Helia Philomator, Celestia invictus! Bringer of light, creator of writing and sacker of cities am forced to live on the outskirts! As a mere countess!" >her voice is bitter, almost hateful >her teeth seem longer >as much as you love her she's a bit scary like this >so scary you begin to involuntarily shiver >mom stops >she turns around with a sigh her eyes softening and a fragile smile returning to her face as she approached you >"But you know vhat? I do not wish to go back to those days." W-why? "Because, soare, even the joy of of holding the world in my hooves is nothing compared to the joy I feel getting to raise you." (She calls him Sunshine in Romanian because he reminds her of vague memories of going into it as a mortal when it warmed her instead of weakened her.)