***** Operation: From The Murk ***** >Adon Adon takes notice of the dark shadow, below the water, and thinks over the possibilities. Could be the creature, unmoving for the time being, or could it be nothing? But it could still be something. "Hmm..." Looking to the ground, he picks up a fist-sized stone, aims it at the dark 'something', and gives an underhanded lob to try and invoke a reaction. [ 1d6 = 1 ] [ 1d6 = 2 ] Adon The Witcher watches the stone sink into the water, and resting on the bottom. Sure enough the shadow moved, and something arm-like reached out to grab it. It grabbed the rock. Which gives him an idea, and he drives his silver sword into the dirt of a clearing near the lake. Looking around for materials, for a few minutes, Adon collects dry grass and wood for tinder, and kindling for a small fire. Next he grabs plenty of larger pieces for hotter fuel. Creating a pyramid shape, he sparks his hands at the tinder with a meager Igni to start the fire and allows it to build and feed it until a nice bed of coals form. Stoking the fire, he goes to collect one very attractive-looking stone, and drops it into the center of the fire. He'll have to wait for it to get smoking hot. Kneeling, he closes his eyes and clears his head, only awaiting for the signs of a smoldering rock. "I assume I'm not being timed. Patience is key, sometimes." [1d6 = 2 ] Adon Awakening out of his trance, the awaited sound breaks him from his meditation. Looking down at the dying fire lay the stone, hissing from its firey bake. Standing up, he pulls his silver sword from the ground and sheathes it for now. He grabs two forked branches, he had saved, and used them to cradle the smoking rock out of the embers. Carefully carrying it to where he had tossed the first one, he realizes the creature is gone. "Shit..." Still hefting the stone in the branches, Adon scans the water for the submerged shadow. Hopefully, the stone should stay nice and hot, for a time, but he shouldn't dick around. [1d6 = 5 ] [1d6 = 3 ] Adon: Watching and hearing the stone explode on water contact, Adon smiles as the creature limbs break the water in agony. "There's some progress." He needs to draw it to him, but he can't get to deep into the water. He'll lose his movement advantage if he gets too deep. Holding his shot-glass potion bottle in his teeth, Adon grabs another rock from the bank and cautiously steps into the shallows of the lakeside; stopping at knee deep. He hurls it at the thing's center mass, trying further piss off the creature. [ 1d6 = 3 ] [ 1d6 = 6 ] Adon Nailing the creature, and stunning it for a brief moment, Adon tugs off the cork with his teeth and tips back the bluish potion in one go. He grits his teeth, muscles surging through his body as he begins to back out of the water, swinging low at the limbs attempting to grasp onto him. [1d6 = 4 ] [ 1d6 = 5 ] Adon Connecting blade with flesh, Adon resteps as he hacks off the offending limbs grabbing onto him. Making quick work of them they floated, away leaving a trail of neon green blood in their wake. Disgusting! He can't tell if the silver has an effect or not. Regardless, his strike had shocked the creature, and he takes the precious split seconds to ready himself. The Witcher gives his sword a quick re-orient before bringing it over his head and driving it straight down into the center of the creature. [ 1d6+3 = 9 ] Adon Though managing to cut into the creature's surprisingly tough hide, Adon's strike was still just a glancing blow. He decides to cut his losses in the water and heads back to the lake side as fast as he can, to hopefully regain an advantage on solid ground. He needs to get it out of the water. "Come on! Follow the tasty Witcher!" He probably wasn't really appetizing, he figures. [ 1d6 = 1 ] [ 1d6 = 6 ]