>these walks with Dash always seem to be refreshing >the idle chatter and jokes, the surroundings just being back round noise >normally Rainbow Dash would keep a hover near me, or fly low, twirling as I walk and we talk >the days she decides to walk tend to mean she's full of affection >and has something to show or tell me >I have no idea how long we walked, but by how open the field was, I'd say a good distance >"Ok. This spot should work." "Hmm?" >I glanced down at the blue mare of colors, her own eyes focused on the sky "What's on your mind, Dashie?" >a few clicks of her tongue, eyes squinting >"Just have to do something real quick. Then I'll show ya!" >a quick grin and she was off, before I even blinked she was racing into the sky >on a dime, she made her turn, both hoofs plowing forward into the blanketed sky of clouds >as she streaked through, the clouds took on a brighter hue, the sun cutting though the now open gap made by the speedy mare >coming in for a short and hard landing same grin on her face, she stretched herself, wings extending, legs as well >slowly, she began to make turns, letting me view her toned body, her beautiful and strong wings >it was like a dance in slow motion >finishing by facing forward, once more striking her landing pose and sun shining off her, she had one more thing to do >gently, she plucked one of her primary feathers, as if the feather had been worked on for awhile for an easy pull >thanks to book horse, I knew what this meant, what had just happened >no words from me >I kneeled in front of her, taking the presented feather, my other hand sliding against her cheek, stroking to under her chin >our lips meet, a soft but long kiss >pulling away, her smile lighting up my soul >"So, that's a yeah, huh?" >my own smile was shining just as bright "Damn right, yeah."