>be oog >oog thin like berrypicker >no grugina want look oog >eat bright plant from ground >see spirits give many wisdoms >spirits show oog thick like hunter >spirits show oog with many coloured fourleg >spirits show fourleg and oog intimate >oog likes spirit wisdom >oog wake up from spirit wisdoms >oog grab rock, lift and drop >lift rock until thick like hunter >grugina want oog now >oog no want grugina >spirit wisdom show coloured fourleg >oog survive outside cave >oog look for coloured fourleg >many looks, fourleg nowhere >oog sad, eat more plant from ground >oog see spirit wisdom again >spirit show oog near big water >spirit show coloured fourleg drinking from big water >oog knows where big water >oog walk to big water >oog find coloured fourleg drink water >fourleg scared >oog pull berry from groundplant >offer to fourleg >fourleg near and eat berry >fourleg happy with oog >oog happy with fourleg >fourleg walk fourleg place >oog follow >oog see many coloured fourleg >fourleg colours like sky water colours >oog found happy >oog feed berry to many fourleg >fourleg love oog now >oog found true happy, no return unhappy cave >dark berry colour fourleg smell oog loincloth >dark berry fourleg lick oog >oog feel nice >oog remember spirit wisdoms >spirit know best, oog obey wisdoms >oog walk other side fourleg >oog intimate with dark berry fourleg >all fourleg feel nice, many rub and lick >oog dark berry fourleg many nice time >dark berry fourleg lick oog >other fourleg smell oog loincloth >oog intimate with other fourleg >time pass >all fourleg child >oog chief now >oog take care of fourleg and fourleg oog child >oog happy life