This one is still in progress as of Jan. 5, 2023. I intend to finish it in about a week or two. On a dark clear night lit by a crescent moon in late Fall: The baleful glow of the moon and twinkling starlight in the firmament could not equal that pouring forth from the inferno that was now consuming Anon's home. Neither could the cold light from those unearthly bodies provide any comfort to mollify the emotional pain. In the preceding hours, the flames had licked the earth clean of his orchards, barn, tool sheds, and even his bee hives before coming to devour this last standing structure. Now his house was merely a crumbling, flaming monument to what had already been destroyed. As the roof suddenly collapsed, cinders and sparks rose to the heavens seemingly in vain aspiration to become new stars, and the fire mocked Anon with its pleasant heat on this particularly chilly night. Everything Anon owned was totally lost, just as he himself was lost and cast off his land by this catastrophe. Now, from atop a berm on the other side of the dirt road that snaked its way for miles around the property, Anon and Applejack simply gazed helplessly at the ruin. >Sitting on her haunches, Applejack looked up at her tired friend and placed a comforting hoof on his leg. She said nothing, since there was really nothing to say; she knew that, at that moment, a friend's gentle touch meant more than words. Anon, who was sitting cross-legged next to Applejack with his head propped up in his hand, looked down upon feeling the weight of her hoof. Then, seeing her genuine look of concern, and pausing a moment in thought, he wrapped an arm around her. "Thanks Applejack." >"Sure thing, Anon. Sure thing." said Applejack before they both returned to silently watching the flames eat the house. They watched for the space of another hour as the flames rummaged through the rooms of the house and progressively reduced it to smoldering ash. It was now around midnight and only a few pockets of active burning remained to testify that the fire's lust was satiated. "I just can't believe it, Applejack. I just can't. How did this happen? I really don't know; it happened so fast. What'll I do now?" said an exasperated Anon, turning toward Applejack. >Applejack, being a practical sort of mare, put forward a simple and immediate course of action. "Well, I don't rightly know partner. But, 'ah reckon one thing's certain; ain't no sense sitting around in this here cold tempting the fates to get sick." She tapped her hoof on Anon's leg and gave him a warm smile. "C'mon sugarcube, I figure we oughta go home. You can stay on over at our farm, long as 'ya need. Sooner or later the sun'll come out from behind them storm clouds." Applejack stood up and motioned with her head for Anon to do the same. Anon sighed in resignation. "Yeah, you're probably right. Ok, but just let me go over and take a look first." Anon then grabbed the shovel he had saved from his tool shed, got up, and brushed off some of the soot and dirt that had accumulated while he had tried to fight the fire. >Applejack followed Anon across the road, which fortunately had served as a natural fire break, and on to the scorched land that was once Anon's farm. Drawing near the smoking rubble, it was manifestly true to them both that nothing was salvageable from his home; it was a total loss. Applejack shook her head in dismay. "Ain't gonna find much intact, 'cept some metal maybe. Wouldn't get your hopes up, 'ya know?" "Yeah, I know." said Anon with a frown. Nevertheless, they delved in, poking around here and there looking for anything that was still intact. Shoveling through what was left of his dresser, Anon picked up the few bits he had saved and stuffed them in his pockets. They were still warm from the fire. >Applejack located Anon's kitchenware. Mostly, warped out of all recognition, she gathered up what was still useful; some utensils, a pan, and a large pot. "This here's still enough to do some mighty decent cooking, at least. Not bad, all considered." said Applejack, trying to sound hopeful for Anon's sake. They found scarcely anything more; a few small tools, an old ring he had from his time back on Earth, and a locket that formerly housed a picture of what he had felt might have been a sister. The locket had survived, but like his memory of his sister and her name, the photo had been incinerated. "That's it Applejack. It's not worth any more of our time, I think." Anon collected the few items into the large pot before leaving the rubble. "Let's just have a look at the land itself." >"Sure, Anon." said Applejack as she followed behind. Walking up a nearby hill, they surveyed the land. A somber scene of blackened and charred death confronted them. In the diffuse moonlight it appeared, but for the the wisps of smoke rising from piles of embers, as the surface of a long dead world. Anon shook his head in dismay, turned, and started walking back toward the road with Applejack by his side. As they passed the remnants of the front porch something caught Anon's eye. A lone dandelion had escaped the conflagration. Anon stopped to examine it. >Applejack simply watched, curious at what Anon was thinking. At length Anon clenched his fist and a maelstrom of rage overcame him. "Infernal weed! Of all the things to survive, it had to be a weed! It's like fate is rubbing my my nose in it!" With that, Anon reached down to pluck it out of the ground, intent to fulfill the work of death left unfinished by the fire. 'Why not make the destruction complete?' thought Anon. >Before Anon could grasp it, however, Applejack chimed in. "Hold up there, Anon. Best let if be. Little fella survived hell. Don'tcha reckon he deserves a fighting chance?" Surprised at Applejack, who often unleashed tirades against the weeds constantly trying to invade her own farm, Anon stood up and gave it some thought with raised eyebrows. "Yeah, well maybe. But, it'll end up dead anyway! So, same difference I guess." He kicked some dirt at out of spite all the same. >Onward they walked back to the dirt road, side by side. Arriving at the road’s edge, Applejack noticed Anon hesitate, but thought to comfort him. "Don'tcha fret Anon. Your land ain't going nowhere. You'll just be away awhile is all. It'll be safe and sound, ’til you come back.” Anon looked back over his shoulder at his property. It was difficult, even in his exhausted state, to abandon it. It was his home, he had poured hours of work into its cultivation, he embodied the land itself. The rage returned at that moment as his gaze looked up to the smirking moon. 'Curse the moon and all the stars! Curse this land for existing and curse myself for thinking it was all worth it!' he thought. Finally he conceded. "Lead on Applejack. I'm just frustrated is all, but I sure would like a place to stay for a while. I’ve got nowhere else to go in any case.” >Applejack just smiled and sweetly said, "Just follow me, sugarcube!" She turned and started leading the way down an oak tree lined fork in the road that winded its way into the unknown darkness. Through the veil of shadows Anon walked to the side of and slightly behind Applejack, following her. Not knowing the way to her farm in the darkness, he was content to place his trust in her. As they progressed, the trees lining the road grew thicker and soon even the light of the moon and stars was occluded. The air grew substantially colder, stagnant, and heavily fog laden. No creature uttered a sound. Only the crunch of frost spoke, sounding like the snapping of small bones, beneath Anon’s feet and Applejack's hooves. It felt more like a subterranean tunnel than a road to Anon. >Applejack sought to stem the encroaching gloom and her lovely, but robust voice, rang out as a beacon in the mist. "I think 'ya know Big Mac up and moved out after marrying Sugar Belle. They set up a farm in yonder township up north. I recall it's called Hoofdale, or some-such. His room's yours for the using, partner." "Thanks." was all Anon could muster. He truly was thankful, but he was lost in his thoughts and the darkness enhanced his depression. >Applejack continued, trying to strike up conversation. " 'Course, since Granny passed last year, it's been awful lonely 'round the farm with just me and little Apple Bloom. I reckon it's a little odd, but with you visit'n it's bound to feel a might more lively. Apple Bloom ain’t home presently on account she’s visiting with cousins. But she’ll be back by and by. She’ll be happy to see you too, Anon. It’ll be cheery soon, sure as the sun rises!”