WARNING: This is a collection of a couple fat fetish posts written by an anon on /trash/ about Trixie. It contains fat, weight gain, slob, more fat, and extreme slob containing watersports and scat. Continue reading if you're into that sorta stuff. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Trixie chewed. She chewed and chewed, oozing rivulets of chocolate icing dribbling down her heavy, bloated cheeks. She chewed and chewed, mashing the bites of cake in her mouth, icing and cake residue smeared around her lips. She chewed, and she swallowed. She belched loudly: "BOOORRPP!!". She smacked her lips, sending flecks of chocolatey spit dribbling down her three bulging chins. "Mmm," she hummed. "Cake." "Just keep eating, Trixie," said one of the friendly ponies, picking up another massive slice of chocolate cake. She pressed it up against Trixie's fattened, piglike face. Trixie obediently started chewing. Her body oozed and bloated, vast and immense. Trixie was so fat that walking was quickly becoming a thing of the past. Her belly was a puddling, rippling ocean of blue blubber, obscenely huge, rippling and churning as it stretched back to meet her giant, saggy butt cheeks. Trixie's buttocks were each bigger than her old, thin self had used to be. A gurgle came from deep inside her. Gas hissed out from between her butt cheeks. Trixie paused her chewing. "Gonna..." she mumbled, dribbling cake down her front fat folds, "gonna..." "Just keep eating." Trixie kept chewing. As she did she cocked her tail back. There was a nauseating sound, a gurgling SPRLUUURTT, and huge amounts of horse manure began to issue from Trixie's backside. Her anus parted and flexed as she shat, making way for the gallons of sludgy feces. Trixie's eyes rolled back as she pooped, partly from strain and partly from the pleasure of release. Trixie smacked her lips in between bites of cake. Almost at the same time, a loud, wet fart sputtered out of her anus, dribbling oozy poop down the crack between her huge butt cheeks. "I'm..." she mumbled, dribbling cake down her front, "I'm done." "Just keep eating," said the friendly pony, offering her another piece of chocolate cake. At first Trixie could say no to the offering of more cake, but as time went on, and her waistline neared quadruple digits, she found her fat-caked little heart galloped into overdrive at just the sight of a slice of chocolate gateau. There were not enough chefs in Canterlot to sate her sweet tooth, and on the hour, without fail, their very best efforts would be wheeled to the great stretched blob of quivering churning fat so she could feast. And when the hoof of that friendly pony shoved entire cakes into her greedy maw, she wolfed them down with ease, licking chocolate-smudged lips and letting off belches between bites that carried the force to rattle birds from their boughs. Even with her stomach roaring in protest, she just couldn’t turn down the offer of more cake. “Like some more?” The pony asked Trixie. “Let me clear some space.” The living heap of adipose replied. She then forced all ten seconds of a wet, grumbling fart through the rippling mounds of ass fat she called cheeks, sighed at the satisfaction of hot, ripe air stretching her hole, and just kept pushing as hard as she could with staggered grunts until this thick growl of gas gave way to lashings of fresh shitty slop. Splurts of runny mud that splattered into flowerbeds and drizzled across tree trunks. The diarrheal slop laid in steamy puddles, thick as oatmeal, and clearing a few more torrent of moist gas and thick, slurping shit, she would struggle forward with her useless little fat-sleeved hooves to get at another portion of rich cake. Cake and drool oozed down Trixie's cheeks as she chewed. Her eyes were glazed and half-lidded. She wasn't really looking at anything, just eating, just chewing, focused on the delicious cake in her mouth. "Muh..." she mumbled, dribbling cake crumbs out her mouth. Her huge cheeks oozed and sagged down into the fattest, porkiest jowls you could imagine. Trixie's face was so incredibly fat and doughy. "Just keep eating," said the friendly pony, pushing yet more cake into Trixie's maw. "Mooore..." mumbled Trixie, obediently continuing to eat. A pony beside the friendly pony arched an eyebrow. "Why are we doing this?" "You're new here, right?" said the friendly pony. "Yeah, I was just assigned today. So, why?" "I don't know," said the friendly pony, who paused to push another piece of cake at Trixie. "Just orders. We feed her until she starts to fall asleep, then we let her nap. And when she's woken up, we start feeding her again. Rinse and repeat. That's what they're paying us for." "So... no real reason?" "Does it matter?" The other pony picked up a piece of the endless chocolate cake. Trixie's glassy eyes moved stupidly towards him. "Urrlllpp," she lazily belched, dribbling drool from her mouth. "More." Her cake-stained teeth worked uselessly, as though she'd already been fed. "She sure doesn't get tired of this stuff, does she?" said the other pony, pushing the cake into Trixie's waiting mouth. "Nope. She's a real piggy! You'll be amazed at how much she can eat. At least at first. Then you kind of get used to it." "Mrnm," mumbled Trixie, oozing lines of chocolate dribbling down her huge fat cheeks. Almost simultaneously, a heavy yellow gusher of urine began to spray down onto the floor behind her. Trixie gurgled contentedly as she pissed herself, continuing to chew the cake all the while. Trixie chewed, the endless feast of cake continuing. But suddenly waves of heaviness came over her immense body, and her eyelids especially grew heavy, and began to droop. Her chewing slowed, and whole chunks of cake began to drop out of her mouth, spattering down her heavy, fat chins and tumbling down the flab that oozed in front of her. "Mm-muh..." mumbled Trixie, catching the attention of her attendants. "Tired?" said a pony, coming close to the mammoth blue unicorn. Trixie's obese face jiggled and rippled as it twisted, as her eyelids began to droop. "I'm... mmmgonna..." she mumbled, chocolatey drool dribbling out of her mouth. "Gonna... gotta nap..." she mumbled. Two ponies came with damp cloths and wiped her cheeks and jowls and chins clean. "Nighty night, big girl," said a pony, patting her rather tenderly on her her pillowy left cheek. "M' gonna... gunna...." Trixie's eyes slid closed. "ZZZZZ, ZZZZZ, ZZZZ," she was soon snoring incredibly loudly, grotesque obese body jiggling and rippling from the thunder of her snores. "Well I guess that'll give us some time to relax," said the newer pony. "Yep," said the one who'd been showing him the ropes. "Time to relax, rest, and stock up on more cake. I'd suggest going for a lunch break while she naps, she'll be asleep for at least an hour, it's good to get things done while she's out." MRRRNNNN, RRRNNNGGG, GRRMMMLLLL, came the loud gurgling and churning of Trixie's huge guts. "Wow, I can hear that from here," said the new pony, craning his head around. "Well, YOU eat cake every waking hour and see if your tummy doesn't make noises," said the other pony. "That's a lot of stuff she's got to digest." sssSSSRRRRFFFTTTT "What the--?" said the new pony. The noise came, and then the smell hit his nostrils, and he flinched. "Oh, gosh, is that her?" PRRT! PRRT! FRRT! "Yep," said the other pony. "She farts up a storm when she naps. And sometimes she--" SPLRT!, came the shart from Trixie's anus. "Zzzz, zzzz, ZzzZzz..." snored Trixie as she slept. The loud gurgling and squelching of her intestines as she endlessly digested her endless feast of cake could be heard from one end of the chamber to the other, and was certainly audible to the ponies who were on their current shift watching her. FRRRT! SPRRTT! FLRT! Her sleep-farts tended to come in threes, although there was the occasional silent stinker that was smelly even by Trixie's standards. "Big nap this time," said one of the ponies, trotting up to the enormous fat mare. "She's been out for more than an hour." "Zzz... snrr-t!, mrmr," Trixie's obscenely fat face contorted a little, the huge, heavy jowls sliding over the chins. Her sunken, beady eyes twitched a bit, though they remained closed. Her mouth worked. "Mrmr...." she mumbled. A trickle of drool oozed from the open front of her lips. "Do you think she dreams?" asked the other pony. "All these naps, you think she has dreams?" "Eh, who knows?" said the first pony. "If she does dream she probably dreams about cake." "Snnrr...." snored Trixie. "Zzzz, zzz, zzz..." Her face contorted in her sleep, and she worked her mouth with its plump, bloated lips. "Mmr, muh...." Her eyebrows, sunken in fat, rose up and down a bit. "Is she waking up?" asked the first pony. "She might be," said the other pony. "But it could be something else. Just wait." "Snrt!" snorted Trixie. Another dollop of drool oozed out of her mouth. "Mrmr... mmm... grnnr...." *Hssssssssssssssssss* The two ponies exchanged glances. They trotted briskly around the massive fat body. It took a bit of time. But by the time they got there, the robust stream of yellow liquid was still going, though even as they watched it weakened, and began to falter. "ZZZZZ, ZZZZ, ZZZZ," came the regular snoring, resuming once more. "Nope," said the other pony, smiling knowingly at the first one. "Nope, not ready to wake up yet. Just had to take a leak." Trixie took a moment, in between her endless bites, to lick her lips. Her wet tongue traced along her heavy lips, tasting the sticky chocolate residue of thousands, probably millions of pieces of cake that had passed between them. "Mhmm," she hummed, a dollop of drool seeping from the corner of her mouth as she did. "Hey there, Trixie," said one of the ponies attending her. "How's it going?" "I'm..." Trixie blinked her eyes slowly, one eye blinking just a hair slower than the other. Something had almost bubbled up, something other than eating and eating and sleeping and pissing and shitting. "I... uhhh...." FRRRTTTT She farted loudly. The operation of her digestion made her thought trail off. "I... more..." Her huge fat face screwed up in simplistic worry. "I want... more. Where?" "Oh, well, that's fine," said the pony. "Don't worry, folks, just a little brain trouble. She's over it now, though." With that, a piece of cake was placed in front of her, and Trixie smiled hugely, her massive jowls dimpling. Mmm. Cake. That was all. "Mrmr, mrmfm," mumbled Trixie as she resumed chewing, chewing and chewing, eating cake, and that was all there was in the world. She drifted between consciousness and unconsciousness; her mid-slumber murmurs were about as intelligible as the words she slurred out while awake, so it hardly made any difference. She couldn’t sense the many pairs of eyes glued to her gargantuan form, not unless they had cake. Falling into yet another bout of sleep, her face sunk into her doughy cheeks and the hunk of cake she was in the process of chewing on tumbled through her lips, leaving patches of chocolate brown as it fell down over the mountain of chins. “Mhh...” she began, her little limbs flapping about and disturbing the mass of lard that swelled out on every side of her. “M’gonna...” The audience of ponies weren’t sure exactly what was coming next, but it could only conceivably be one of two or three things. FRRRRSCHHT A wet misty fart came first, struggling past the overflowing split of her ass and sending ripe fumes into the atmosphere. Weather Pegasi had been required to change course simply to avoid this great big blueberry of an obstruction. Her exhaust alone would be enough to send a herd of them plummeting to the ground. FLLRRT BRRRPT FRRSSST Three more gassy expulsions followed, falling eventually into a long steamy hiss. These were the smelliest, and even from all the way in front of Trixie ponies could sense the added humidity in the air. With that cleared away, her features began to convulse again; twitch through her jostling night terrors and pinch her expression into one of visible concern. “Looks like she’s having a nightmare.” One pony noted. “Doubt it. All she does is eat cake and let out waste, what has she got to have nightmares about?” “Running out of cake?” The other returned with a chuckle. But it wasn’t a nightmare at all, just a little trapped wind. BLOOORP And the big gusty burp that parted her lips and trembled her fatty cheeks soon took care of that. Her stomach soon set to work breaking down the many pounds of cake Trixie had piled into it. The low growls and wet sloshes of her tummy rumbles sent tremors under the earth. Her gut had to work harder than a normal pony’s. Trixie’s face looked so very different from how it used to that her stretched-out cutie mark was about the only assurance of her identity. Big sagging sacks of lard fell away from her cheekbones, and below her little chocolate-covered muzzle sat a triplet of rolling chin-folds. The little wisp of silver hair was now greasy and unkempt, and her tail was slightly yellowed from all the farts it had pass under it. Quakes rolled through her form. She grunted, eyes peeling open and mouth falling agape. “I need...” “Cake? You want more?” “Need...” There came a sigh followed by the heavy rolling splashes of urine. Some ponies made the trek around her to watch as the outpouring liquid dug a little divot into the earth below. If they got too close little errant droplets would cover them like a hail. The coursing fluid reduced to a drizzle, then regained strength for one last burst and died away altogether. But the deep grumbling of her belly told everypony that was only the beginning. Her entire body started to shake around with her grunting and straining. After a few more seconds of laboring and puffing out her cheeks in tension, a long, serpent-like loaf crowned between her cheeks and stretched down towards the ground. It broke off with a snap and landed in a resounding thud. It was soon joined by two more slowly-moving turds, each one studded with nuts from some of the cakes she had eaten and smelling like burned sugar. Her asshole belched out a sputtering fart that jettisoned this lump of solid waste a few feet behind her, and with her feces deposited, she sighed and settled back to sleep. "Mmrm," mumbled Trixie, her huge bloated cheeks rippling as she worked her mouth. "More," she said. "More cake." "Here you go," said one of the helper ponies, pushing another slice into her waiting maw. "Snrk," she snorted, eagerly opening her drooling lips to accept the mouthful. She chewed, more crumbs and drippings of chocolate icing oozing and dropping down her immense front. "Mrmr, more," she mumbled. The ponies nodded to each other and brought several of the huge cakes closer to her. Trixie always ate, but sometimes she was more enthusiastic about it than others. This seemed to be one of those times. "Hrk, BOOORRRP," she belched, Mid-chew, she cocked her greasy yellow tail back and began to poop. PRLT!, came the spatter of feces from her anus. More ponies went around to watch her progress, ready to clean up when she was done. "That's the fourth time today," said one of the newer ponies, staring at his watch. "Oh, yeah, we never know when it's gonna happen," said another pony. "You guys ever think of maybe doing something about it? Something to make it more... I don't know, efficient?" "Oh, we've tried," said the more experienced pony. "There was a time when Operations tried putting a diaper on her. Didn't work out in the end." "It didn't?" "We had to change it too fast, and too often. It just wasn't worth it. You can sometimes lose perspective on this job, but she really does make a LOT of poop. Letting it collect and pile up is just asking for trouble. It's best to just deal with it as it happens, each time." "Mrmrn," mumbled Trixie, huge cheeks bulging with cake, eyes rolling back into her head as an immense turd began to exit her anus. Trixie chewed and chewed. She was still chewing. She was always chewing. On and on she chewed the chocolate cake, until, at last, she swallowed. "Have some more," said a helper pony, pushing another chunk into her blubbery, chocolate-stained lips. "Mrmrmf," mumbled Trixie. "Moooorrreee...." she mumbled, chewing again. She was fantastically fat, so huge that her stubby legs did not even touch the ground. Her face was massively bloated and piggish, her beady eyes squinting from amid huge, bloated cheeks and heavy, oozing chins. Her massive flabby front fat oozed in front of her, and bulged around her, swelling past her head into her enormous belly that was like an ocean of blue flab. Her enormous back legs stretched back into hips that were as wide as seven ponies side by side, her cutie marks bloated in size until they were bigger than a whole pony by themselves. And her ass cheeks were colossal, like boulders, swollen and bloated and dimpled with cellulite. "Nrmg," mumbled Trixie, chewing again, swallowing again. Dribbles of chocolatey drool oozed from the corners of her mouth. She was immediately fed another chunk of cake, and she chewed again. PRRRRTTT!, came the fart from her massive backside. Her tail was greasy and yellowed from dirtiness and constant flatulence. Suddenly, it cocked back, revealing Trixie's plump blue anus. "Mrmrm," she mumbled, tumbling bits of cake down her acres of front fat. "I'm gonna..." PRRFFFFTTT!!! "Gotta... 'm gonna...." A pony affectionately patted her enormous cheek. "Just keep eating. It's okay." He handed her another piece of cake. Trixie dutifully resumed chewing. As she did, an enormous flow of feces exited her anus. It was goopy and dark, sludgy wet poop that fell in a stinking heap at the base of her buttocks. Trixie blinked stupidly as she took her massive dump. "More," she mumbled, cake crumbs dribbling down her chins. "Moooorreee...." Trixie ate. Dishes, platters, pounds of food. All into her mouth. "Mrmr," she mumbled, grease and drool oozing down her bulging jowls and chins. Her dull, hazy eyes blinked stupidly below her greasy mane. "Keep feeding her," said the supervisor. "Mrmrng," mumbled Trixie as more food was placed in front of her. She gurgled greedily and ate, her stomach seemingly bottomless. It was certainly big. Trixie was gigantic, absurdly obese. Her face was unrecognizable with its huge and bloated cheeks and its drooping, jiggling chins. Her massive belly oozed like a bright blue ocean to either side of her, jiggling and gurgling in a symphony of digestion. Behind, her gigantic buttocks rose like hills over the heads of the serving ponies, massive and blobby and pockmarked with cellulite. Trixie ate. Salads. Pastries. Pastas. Pot pies. Curries. An infinity of food. Trixie would not have turned it down even if she'd had permission to. Trixie's greed knew no limits. More than once she had bitten the hoof of a pony who got a little too close to her as she was fed. Nothing mattered but eating. She would eat until she burst, if she were able to. *PRRBBTTT*, came the deep flatulence from her dark blue anus. It stank around Trixie, a miasma of stench that made some of the ponies have to wear masks. Flies buzzed around her huge butt cheeks, her greasy tail unable to ward them all off. "Hrmng," grumbled Trixie, crumbs and sauces dribbling down her front. She chewed absently for a few minutes, then gave a gurgling grunt. One by one, feces emptied themselves from her anus. She did not stop eating as she pooped, nor did the serving ponies stop feeding her. An absolute mountain of turds dropped to the ground behind her. "Mrmrn" mumbled Trixie, pushing the last of her dump out with a mouth full of food. A cleanup crew hurriedly worked to begin clearing away her pile of poop, as more ponies arrived with platters full of food. She was in paradise. Trixie continued to gorge herself, massive, heavy jowls filled to the brim with masticated food. All she thought of was stuffing her face, filling her belly. She did not see Princess Celestia trot towards her, nor did she see the pony supervising her feedings move to meet Celestia halfway. He nodded his head. "Your highness." "Hello," said Celestia. She glanced at Trixie. "How's my favorite fertilizer factory doing?" "We've got good production today, princess," said the supervisor. "Obviously all the indicators have pointed up for months, but I really think in the past week she's hit her stride. We've really started to figure out the ins and outs of getting her to pump out poop." "Well, good," said Celestia. "Every farm that's used her manure has been reporting increased production yields. I guess those ancient spells Twilight found really work, after all." The nasty smell got even nastier. Celestia's nostrils wrinkled, and she looked up. Trixie's huge body rippled, like some enormous sack of pudding. As Celestia watched, a creamy, goopy flow of poop began to issue from her anus, looking like soft serve ice cream. "Oh, good, the soft stuff!" said the supervisor. "She hasn't made any of that in the last week, it's good to see. The soft stuff's better for fruits and vegetables, we've found. The big turds work better for grains." "How's she feeling?" asked Celestia. "Oh, about as well as always. We've optimized her mental processes. She doesn't do much complex thinking any more. She mostly feels simple pleasures, these days." "Hmm," said Celestia. "Well, she did volunteer for this." She nodded. "Okay. Just keep up the good work. You might see if you can increase her production on a month-to-month basis." "Yes, your highness. We'll do what we can." /// Apple pies. Tiramisus. Red velvet cakes. Vats of pudding. Gallons of ice cream. All of it was fed to Trixie, fed without ceasing, a neverending parade of gluttony. "Mrf," mumbled Trixie, as she chewed her latest dessert. Her five chins and hoggish jowls were stained with icings, fillings, and sauces. Drool oozed from the corners of her constantly chewing mouth. "Here you go, here's more," said a pony, pushing a doughnut into her mouth. "BOORRRPP!!" belched Trixie, in between bites. She was colossally fat. Her immense face sat upon rolls of flab that oozed to the ground, hoisting her flabby, useless front legs off the floor. Her belly was immense, big enough to fit dozens of ponies inside it as it swelled out from her and behind her in acres of blue flab, vast and bloated, a colossal tick's belly, twice as tall as a pony and dozens of times as wide. *PRRTTTT* "Uhn," mumbled Trixie dully as she farted. Her buttocks rivaled her belly in size, vast, room-sized ass cheeks that puddled onto the floor and then rose upwards, like blue mountain slopes. Her cutie marks were twice the size of a pony's body, perched on her boulder-sized back legs. *FFFRRRTTTTTTT* Her ratty tail cocked back between the giant buttocks, exposing her urethra and anus. Trixie blinked her dull, glassy eyes. A stream of bright yellow urine squirted out behind her, bubbling onto the tarp positioned below the vast buttocks. "Uhh... gonna..." she mumbled stupidly. "Forget about it," said a pony, wheeling a huge chocolate cake into her face. "Just eat." "Mrn," mumbled Trixie with a satisfied burble. As she began to chew, she began to poop. A goopy flow of chunky brown feces began pouring from her anus like someone had turned on a spigot. It splattered onto the tarp, joining the urine, in no time piling up into a stinking brown mound. "Morf," moaned Trixie in a satisfied way, continuing to eat the cake, ingesting brown goop from one end as she emitted brown goop from the other. Trixie mumbled, basketball-sized cheeks bloating and oozing as her drooling mouth moved. "Murhm... buhh..." she gurgled. "Is she hungry again?" asked one of the ponies. "We just stopped feeding her five minutes ago." "She's always hungry," said one of the other ponies, who had worked on the project longer. "It never really goes away. I've seen her eat for twelve hours straight. But I don't think it's that." "Urhn," mumbled the gigantic pony. Her eyes blinked. Trixie's eyes were glassy, and milky, and dull. The first pony stared into them. They stared back at him, and there was something flat and blank about them. Trixie worked her mouth. A heavy line of drool oozed out from between her lips. "She's trying to think," said the senior pony. "This happens sometimes, though it happens less than it did a few years ago." "I'm... a..." mumbled Trixie, her voice deep and heavy. "Yeah I notice she's basically not there," said the first pony. "One of the numerous effects of the project on her is that her mental faculties have withered away," said the senior pony. "I was here at the beginning. In addition to being about a hundred times smaller, she was so chatty. She never shut up. It was actually pretty annoying." "Muh... gg.... greatt..." Trixie's massive obese face oozed to the right as she moved it, her huge rows of chins and rolls sagging under the weight of gravity. She blinked. She worked her mouth. Another line of drool oozed from her lips. "Gr... grrea..." The younger pony actually winced at Trixie's feeble attempts to speak. "Great... greatnpowerfullll..." "Should be juuust about over..." said the senior pony. And sure enough, Trixie's expression soon relaxed. She smiled in a stupid, childish way. "Guhh..." she gurgled, more drool oozing from her mouth. *FRT!* came the sharp fart from far in the back. "Ahhhh..." said Trixie, smiling even broader as more drool came from her mouth. "That's a good girl," said the senior pony. "Mrnmfn," mumbled Trixie. Her mouth was full of wedding cake, its creamy white icing slopping out of her mouth and oozing down her copious chins. Swallowing heavily, she licked her lips and pumped her useless front legs. "Mooore," she gurgled, and took another huge bite. "Ah, well, she's gonna want nothing but wedding cake for the next hour or two," said the supervisor on duty. "Alert the kitchens. In the meantime, get her some vanilla ice cream to tide her over." Trixie's huge face rippled and jiggled, becoming caked with fluffy cake bits and white icing as the entire six-layer wedding cake disappeared in ten minutes. "Here you go," said a pony, wheeling a vat of vanilla ice cream in front of her. It was raised to Trixie's lips. "Mrnf," she mumbled, guzzling the acres and acres of frozen sweet goodness. By the time she was done, the first of the new wedding cakes was being wheeled in. Trixie saw it, and her beady eyes twinkled amid their milky dullness. "Morhf," she mumbled. "Mooorree..." and she smiled stupidly, gapping her stained mouth in a pleasurable idiot's grin. *HSSSSSS* A huge stream of urine ejected from between her butt cheeks, as it sometimes did when she was excited. It splattered in bubbles against the tarp beneath her ass.