Just a one time green for the night
>The ashen breeze hits both you and your sister's face
>Thine armor and spear has its chance to dirty it's hooves for a thousand years hiatus
>Together, both of you face a threat unlike any other
>Anonymous, the so-called wizard of the green coast, marches through the front door of Equestria's territory
>You've matched blows with him, both in steel and magic.
>But that was because you hadn't had dear Sister with you
>Together with the Legion of the Sun and Moon, you'll finally be able to take down Equestria's new threat
>Hopefully before the Elements arrive here to steal your thunder
>You take off your helmet, a redesign from your darker half's
>A mareish hair flick after and you speak with authority
>"Anonymous! This is thoust last chance. Stand down and surrender with your army and I can guarantee thou shall only be imprisoned and sentenced to life."
>A bipedal figure emerges from the cohorts of golems and hired mercenaries
>A... creature clad in black armor with a red scarf billowing at his chest
>He too takes off his helmet and looks at you across the battlefield
>Your teeth grit in frustration at the audacity of this colt-thingy
>"Very well! I shall just guarantee a quick death upon thee!"
>Turning your head to your sister, she hasn't even spoken one word since you got here
>She steps forth next to you with grace 
>The Heir of the Sun turns to look at you, then back to him in repeat
>This continued to an uncomfortable minute until you realize something
>Her helmet is lifted off through her magic revealing an expression you haven't seen in a long time
>It was the same look she gave to Discord to Tyrant when you first met
>It was also the same when you two met that fiend Sombra
>And that same look to that one slutty stallion hooker from that one tavern
>She offered you one final nod along with those dreaded four words
>"I can fix him."
>The white alicorn charged across the battlefield leaving you, your army, Anon, and Anon's army surprised

>there's no grand army meetup, just Celestia, Luna, and some guards on the other side of a park where Anon stands with a stick that he's been using to poke mare tummies and flanks with
>the guard force just looks uncomfortable at Celestia and Luna really playing up the whole situation and acting like they're intent on harming a stallion that's just being a public nuisance at worst

>>there's no grand army meetup, just Celestia, Luna, and some guards on the other side of a park where Anon stands with a stick that he's been using to poke mare tummies and flanks with
>Luna ends up pinning Anon down to end the stallion's whimsy
>Anon use his last resort of running down the stick in between her teats
>The sensation makes her release Anon
>The princess of the night drops her role and screams at the hyooman with a bright pink face
>"A-Anonymous! Thou wast unfair!"