I've had some people share their conversations with cool_dude (he still won't talk to me, however) It includes he believes I should have called him out publically for any grievances, instead of trying to work on them between us in private. I disagree with this approach in principle since I want people to save-face for any mistakes, and not have to deal with public shaming. But I take this as consent to share conversations and such regarding the issues leading up to this special operation. https://files.catbox.moe/7595fs.png Conversations about my difficulties with cool_dude. Identities removed to protect the innocent. However, I obtained each persons permission before including here https://files.catbox.moe/wp2cgo.png https://files.catbox.moe/ftew30.png https://files.catbox.moe/kk8pnt.png https://files.catbox.moe/mhmv3a.png An example of the difficulty I have in trying to teach them, despite my best efforts https://files.catbox.moe/bb4xv6.png Some messages that have been shared with me: https://files.catbox.moe/3uuyx8.png https://files.catbox.moe/6dwwcq.png https://files.catbox.moe/lfn80m.png https://files.catbox.moe/arjrix.png My recent message history with cool_dude leading up to the invasion force being sent https://files.catbox.moe/cfjyxb.png "What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some mares, you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week -- which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. And I don't like it anymore than you mares." I believe that is a good preface for the long standing difficulties I have had with cool_dude, and why I had reasonable concern their nation was likely to be lost. So I asked TNN for a saddle to invade on my behalf, using my resources exclusively. This was done because I didn't have an available saddle of my own (devets is highly inactive) In hindsight, using TNN was not the best idea. cool_dude likely still has PTSD from TNN attacks since he was originally in the trade bloc. cool_dude returned from a long absence not long before the attack was due to land. This is the point in our story where Gytha was a very naughty mare. I could have tried to call off the attack, but didn't. With my increasing frustration in dealing with him, and feeling like he had been ignoring me for days, I let it proceed as a hostile takeover. I hoped the attack would finish them off quickly without prolonging their suffering. I would then explain why I did it, and how i'll work harder to help them in the future. Maybe losing a nation would be what it took for us to finally figure out how to deal with each other effectively. They would make a new nation, we all chip in to build them up huge quickly, and all be happy horse frens together. Overly-optimistic Gytha really is the worst Gytha There was also many strategic elements to my decision. We are facing severe threats on multiple fronts. Both politically, and strategically. If you know, you know. When faced with extinction, would I sacrifice one bug to save the rest? yes. It brings me no pleasure to do so. But with a heavy heart, I gave the execution order. I would have done it myself, if travel time was not a factor. The mare who passes the sentence should swing the sword. The best I could do was use my personal stockpiles to fund the war thus far, without imposing on the rest of the alliance as a whole. Though some have volunteered to contribute, as well as friends outside the alliance offering their support. For that, I am very grateful. Perhaps this was a case of me being too Mare-chiavellian. Though 'The Prince' gets unjustifiably slandered. It's about the realities of ruling, and that difficult things must be done at times for survival. Heavy lies the crown (and the ovipositor) I swear by the girth of my ovipositor, I will do whatever it takes to ensure our security against any threats. We must secure the existince of our hives, and a future for sexy bugs. And thus concludes the tragic extent of my failings. I'm sorry I wasn't a better mentor and friend to you, and that you have to pay the price for my incompetence there. I can only hope that eventually the end justifies the means. For what little it's worth, I am sorry. I do still hope a diplomatic solution can be reached of some kind. But that is increasingly difficult while you refuse to talk to me. With Love, Queen Gytha