Horsecraft 3: FAQ Edition Use CTRL+F to find sections quickly (make sure to include the *) 0: *Disclaimer 1: *Server 2: *Pack 3: *Installation 4: *Other Section 0 - *Disclaimer ===Why make a FAQ?=== Why does anyone make a FAQ? The same questions are asked time and time again and neither I nor Host have the time to give immediate answers to everything. This will serve as your hard-and-fast guide to everything Horsecraft (3) related. ===What happened to Horsecraft 2/1/other iterations?=== A: They all fucking died for one reason or another. Horsecraft has had a history of just dropping off the face of the earth after a while, but I'd like to think with each iteration that we're learning more about what makes stuff like this successful and ideally we will eventually have an iteration that at the very least lasts more than a month or two. But we'll see lmao. ===Who are you, anyway?=== A: Don't worry about it. I'm the Bug :) Until recently, I ran the last couple servers, but a few weeks into HC3 I let another faggot take over because--SURPRISE--I don't enjoy being in charge. Skyline and weeb are the ones running the show, but I can help with admin stuff if anyone needs it. ===What if we have a question that isn't addressed by the FAQ?=== A: If you have a question that is somehow not addressed by this FAQ, feel free to pop in the server or the thread and ask. I'm sure someone will have a suitable answer. ===What if I want to host a server? I could do better than you faggots.=== A: Do it. All we want is to enjoy comfy horseblocks with autism mods and fellow horsefuckers. I don't care who hosts the server as long as it just werks. If you can do better than us, let us know and we will happily cede our hold on the microscopic audience we attract and pull the server. Section 1 - *Server ===What is the Minecraft/Server version?=== A: Minecraft 1.12.2. Among the most stable of Minecraft server versions, this was ONCE AGAIN chosen because it is the last iteration that supports both Forge Mod Loader (FML) and LiteLoader together, which are requirements for the MineLittlePony mod, which is a requirement for a /mlp/ modded Minecraft server. Duh. The alternative was 1.7.10 again, but that version fucking sucks. The only reason why we'd ever go back is for Greg autism, but I doubt that'll ever happen :^) ===Why are you playing on such an old version? Why not the latest version?=== A: Most people familiar with Minecraft modding will agree that versions 1.7.10 and 1.12.2 are the most stable versions of Minecraft for modding, have the largest amount of support documentation, have the most mods, and are the most suitable for hosting servers. There's a reason why most Minecraft modpacks are built almost exclusively for these two versions. While a newer version of MineLittlePony exists for newer versions of Minecraft, it is instead supported by Fabric, which currently doesn't have any compatibility with FML. A scant few mods have been ported to Fabric, and there are virtually no modpacks (definitely no expert packs) available for Fabric. If enough people whine we might consider updating in the future and exploring our options, but for now this is where we're staying. ===What about server rules? Are there any?=== A: Horsecraft has always observed a mostly hands-off approach when it comes to rules. Traditionally, Horsecraft has been described as "comfy anarchy," which involves a lot of trust between players and encourages policing each other. This doesn't always work, though, and that's why there will be regular backup maintenance. If somehow any major grief happens, (see Wallflower_Blush kek) it will be remedied via restoring backups. MobGriefing and doFireTick have been left enabled, but can be disabled if people wish. (UPDATE: both of these were disabled after launch) It'll be easier to start with these enabled then disable them later rather than the reverse--that way we don't have people who have built their homes with unsafe fireplaces suddenly find that their home has been torched. KeepInventory has not been touched, but can be enabled by popular demand I guess? I dunno. ===Why offline mode?=== A: When Microsoft acquired Mojang, they basically forced clients to create a Microsoft account to continue playing or permanently lose access to playing Minecraft online. The sentiment shared by many people is, "fuck that," which means that we will probably be offline mode for the sake of not having anons require a Microcuck account to enjoy Horseblocks. Because of this, however, serverside authentication and offline skin mods were added to make sure that accounts aren't being impersonated and that anons can give their ponies skins that others can see without having premium (lol). For premium accountholders, skins SHOULD still work, but people have said that their skins aren't working if they have premium. I haven't figured out a solid solution to this, so standby for an eventual fix? ===What about other rules, then?=== A: Historically, the only rules were something to the effect of "don't be a dick" and "don't lag out the server." Those are still the hard and fast rules of the server, and permabans will rarely be given out unless absolutely necessary. ===But that doesn't tell me anything. What about griefing or stealing?=== A: Griefing is discouraged. If someone is griefed and requests a rollback, we will take a vote. This is because if we restore a backup, it'll affect the entire server. Prease understand. Stealing is also incredibly unnecessary--most people will just give you things if you ask nicely, so don't be afraid to do so. While it wasn't the original intention, there is chunk claiming available via FTButils. Yay... ===What about cheating? Duping? Using X-ray?=== A: All of that is on you. If you decide to cheat, keep it to yourself so you don't affect other people. If we discover any kind of exploit, though, we will patch it as soon as we're able. ===Is PVP allowed? Can we kill other players?=== A: I mean, sure? Just don't be a nigger about it. ===What is the update schedule for the server, if any?=== A: No schedule. There's some kind of modpack updated for updates, but you can also just download the updates and add them yourselves. We will try to give notice in the thread ahead of time. Section 2 - *Pack ===So, this is modded Minecraft right? What kind of pack is it?=== A: Horsecraft 3 is based on Enigmatica 2: Expert Unofficial. It can be found here: (this is a link to E2Eu, NOT Horsecraft 3. That will be posted in the thread exclusively) ===Why did you pick an expert pack? Why not a kitchen sink pack, or a normal pack?=== A: I believe Horsecraft started as a sort of kitchen sink experience, but over time I've found that the concurrent Horsecraft players end up feeling aimless after a while because there's no real progression or point and they have accomplished everything they wanted in a day or two. This may not be the answer though, and it's possible it'll end up turning away more casul players, but I guess that's where we're at right now. ===Why didn't you make your own pack from scratch?=== A: Tried it. Didn't work. See previous Horsecraft threads for that shitshow. ===What kind of modifications did you make?=== A: Added some personalized menu options, slideshow images, custom TIP text, and removed mods that were incompatible with LiteLoader 1.12.2. Also threw in a fork of Better Records so you can make custom music discs, like we used to be able to. If you want clarification, just ask me specifically. Nothing else was really changed. ===Can we add X mod?=== A: Depends. There will probably be some kind of suggestion board at spawn for that kind of thing to be taken into consideration, but I'd encourage anyone who wants to add their favorite mod to discuss it with other anons. Horsecraft is here for (you), so majority rules I guess. If enough people cry about a mod being added I'll see what I can do. ===What about X config change? Can that be overturned?=== A: Maybe. Hard to say how modifying any of the configs will affect the """balance""" changes made for E2Eu since I didn't make the pack. Just ask me about it, or post about it in the thread so some other anons can give their two cents. ===I don't know anything about the mods included. Is there a guide or something?=== A: You start with a quest book that will walk you through E2Eu's progression. If you have any questions, use JEI, google it, and ask in-game/in-thread. I'm sure someone knows the answer. Section 3 - *Installation/QUICK START GUIDE ===So, I'm totally new to Minecraft modding and I don't care about any of that shit. How do I install Horsecraft and get logged in?=== A: We are going to use UltimMC and to allow offline accounts and offline skins. You'll want to go to first and make an account. Feel free to use a burner email address or whatever and pick your nickname. Keep in mind that if you choose an existing MC username it'll fuck up your skin selection so make sure it doesn't warn you about that so you don't have any issues. **If you have a premium Minecraft account, you can safely ignore this next step.** A2: After you make your account, you'll want to click the three lines in the top left and hit SKINS. From there you can upload a skin or search for one--there are already a few MineLP skins up there. Regardless of whether you upload one or search one up yourself (you can also ask me to upload it for you and search by uploader Bugguman), you'll click the check mark to apply it. If you're in game, you'll want to re-log and the skin should populate. If you have any questions, cry in the thread and I'll try to help you out. A3: Next you'll be installing UltimMC, since most instance-based MC launchers won't let you add offline accounts without a premium account added first. If you have a premium account, you can use whatever MultiMC fork you want I guess. This guide assumes at least basic computer literacy and a current install of Java 8. If you can't follow along, I dunno what to say. Here is a link: The link to the LINUX version is here: 1. Download the zip and extract it wherever. Launch using UltimMC.exe 1a. IMPORTANT NOTE: UltimMC has issues with accessing folders on your drive's root aka C:\whatever folder. Moving the install and any associated instance folders to the Desktop or somewhere similar will solve this issue. 2. Pick your language, choose your Java install (for this guide I will be using JDK 1.8.0_331), allocate RAM, disable analytics 2a. Since Oracle is kind of cucked right now and requires you to login now, you can use OpenJDK probably. 3. Click the Profiles button in the top right> manage accounts > add account. Select local and enter your nickname/chosen username in the EMAIL field and anything you want in the PASSWORD field. You can choose to enter your account information, but you will have to use ReAuth every time you start the game to change your user to your nickname instead of the email address associated with your account. Complicated, I know. 4. Click the Settings button at the top > Java. Adjust your global RAM allocation and Java version selection here. Click auto-detect to choose from available Java versions. 5. Close the Settings window. Click Add Instance in the top left > Import from zip > Browse 6. Navigate to wherever you downloaded the Horsecraft 3 pack, click on it > open > OK A4: You'll see the pack populate in the window. From here you can do a variety of things. If you didn't adjust the global RAM/Java settings earlier, you can do so locally for the instance. 1. Right click the pack icon > edit instance > settings 2. You should default to the Java settings page. Make sure you adjust your min and max memory allocation settings. A5: From here, you should be all set. Double-click the icon (the pack instance) and wait for it to boot up. If it fails to boot, try another Java 8 version or adjust your RAM settings. If you get some kind of java error, try moving your MultiMC/whatever folders to your desktop. If you can't join the server, click ReAuth at the top left of the Multiplayer screen and "choose an offline username." Make sure it's the same as the one as for your account. Login and you should be good to go. Welcome to Horsecraft! Section 4 - *Other ===How's the server population?=== A: It's never been huge. Understand that Horsecraft players are a niche within a niche--we are a subset of horsefuckers, Minecraft players, and tech autism modfags. The server never gets over 20 players and rarely averages more than 10. That's really it. ===Is there a world border?=== A: No. ===How do I create custom music discs using Better Records?=== A: You need the record etcher or wahtever its called and a dropbox link to your song in mp3 format. At the end of your shareable dropbox link there will be a "dl=0". We'll use my upload of Tropical Octav3 as an example: All you have to do is change that that 0 at the end to a 1. Then you'll paste the link into the etcher. Pop the created disc into a Better Records record player and enjoy. ===How do I make those big floating jpegs?=== A: Craft an Online Picture Frame. Upload your image to one of the approved imagehost sites (derpi, ponybooru, twibooru, ponebin, catbox) or find it already there. Then paste the image url into the url field on the frame. Easy as that. ===*Insert some other gay ass question*=== A: If you really want to know what the server is like, install the pack and play. At least then you can say you tried it.