[00:06] Searing Skies: Quote this is less of a question and more of a [00:06] Quote Unquote: conceptualize the sleep [00:06] Searing Skies: 'redpill' I guess [00:06] Searing Skies: How familiar are you with hate? [00:07] Quote Unquote: in terms of the emotion, its a pretty alien feeling to me [00:07] Searing Skies: ill paste the idea of the conversation [00:07] Searing Skies: Foster hate like a flame that keeps the dark away when it's low and fuels the boilers of my blood when it's hot. I fear the idea of that flame going out, because I've known the cold without it and it scares me to feel so little again. Hate grants me strength, and I keep my hate strong. Like with all fires, though, one must know how to be careful, else they, too, will immolate. Advanced hate. Hate as a philosophy. "hate is an expression of love. It's impossible to conjure the emotional strength to hate something unless it is antithetical to something else that you covet. Know what you love; know what you hate." [00:07] Quote Unquote: in many cases i cant find the ability to hate anyone [00:07] Quote Unquote: regardless of if they wronged me [00:07] Searing Skies: The philosophy of hate [00:08] Searing Skies: However it seems most don't know how to hate these days [00:08] Quote Unquote: oh actually in a sense i do feel hate, but in a very specific way [00:08] Quote Unquote: i see negative traits in many people [00:09] Quote Unquote: i dont like those traits because they ruin the interactions i have with these people [00:09] Quote Unquote: i do my best to never embody those traits myself [00:10] Searing Skies: Might be the right idea in some sense [00:10] Searing Skies: but its wider than that [00:10] Searing Skies: the example I brought up being [00:11] Searing Skies: puts a claim on your DNA puts a claim on a chemical in your brain but you probably dont mean that Anon- Oh, no, absolutely like that, too. Do you feel it, friend? VinylSS — Today at 2:48 AM Its a powerless thing but yes Anon- >powerless You're feeling the wrong thing. Aim for indignant rage. Think about Monsanto's board of whatever getting crucified or something, I'unno. "How dare they?" you should demand! [00:12] Searing Skies: sorry carry on [00:14] Quote Unquote: as an example, i hate the idea of anything living in my head rent free [00:14] Quote Unquote: nothing lives in my mind unless i want it to [00:14] Quote Unquote: its my mind [00:15] Searing Skies: I think its more directed towards things or people in the world, ideas and vague distaste [00:15] Searing Skies: isn't there [00:16] Searing Skies: anyway I better get off before I go blow something up and get banned, night [00:16] Quote Unquote: cya /) [00:16] Searing Skies: /) [00:16] Second Life: Searing Skies is offline.