Written by Smudgey https://pastebin.com/JPSpDFsz >The cold breeze slams itself against you, its icy sting cutting right through your body down to its very core. >Looking down, all you see is the massive amount of snow placed before you. >This was the top of the mountain, experts only, and you were gonna shred this slope like no other! >Having enjoyed the view more than enough, you place your ski goggles back over your face. >Opening your arms wide, you close your eyes and grin smugly to your self, basking in your glory. >It's too bad all the mares were too afraid to join you, guess they'd just have to watch you in awe from the bottom of the bunny hill. >You snicker... >...Their loss. >With just the slightest bit of effort, you tip your balance of weight forward and let gravity do its thing. >In mere seconds, you find yourself speeding your way down the course with your extravagant descent. >Slicing back and forth, you carve up the hill as you desire, even kicking up powdered snow onto the unsuspecting wild life for good measure. >Skimming over bumps and hills with ease, you feel your body picking up momentum as you await a real challenge. >Eyes focused straight ahead, the trees around you are nothing more than a blur as you scope out your final destination. >And then you see it, the biggest jump on the entire mountain. >Not even breaking a sweat, you veer towards it, crouching down to cut out wind resistance. >As you speed head long forwards, you know... >...This was gonna be bitching sweet. >With a solid thump, you feel the resistance in your legs as your board collides with the solid mass of snow. >Not even missing a beat, you kick yourself off and launch into the sky. >Doing a few spins and flips for show, you balance yourself out and take in the view. >All you can see is the lush white mountainside before you. >Truly, this must be how birds feel. >If you could pat yourself on the back, you would. >Yes...this was it. >...Sick air brah- >"-ALRIGHT FILLIES, WHO'S READY FOR THEIR FIRST SNOWBOARDING LESSON!?" >Rainbow's scream and the ensuing cheer from the girls around you breaks you from your daydreams. >The harsh reality once again settling in as it comes to haunt you. >That's right... >...You are Anon, and you've never touched a snowboard in your life. >Towering over all the little fillies circled around you, you find yourself tentatively listening to Rainbow Dash as she instructs all the new recruits on how to snowboard properly. >As the only male there, you feel somewhat uncomfortable. >When Twilight and company offered you a free vacation, they gave you two choices. >Either come with all the mares to the slopes, or spend three days and two nights at an all inclusive beach resort with all the stallions in town. >The girls had all assumed you'd wanna hang out with the guys. >Clearly they'd never heard of a sausage party before. >And the chance to show your skills to all the ladies sounded like an idea you just couldn't pass up. >Or at least...it did at the time. >It wasn't until you were half way out of town that you remembered you haven't even been to a ski hill before, let alone practiced on one. >Back on earth, you had lived in a state so far south that snow could've been considered a precious commodity more valuable than gold. >So here you were, holding your board upright beside you, uncomfortably taking the beginner's course as the fillies quietly giggle and stare up at you. >"-so is everyp0ny clear on what they're supposed to do?" >Oh crap, you zoned out into your inner monologue again. >Should you ask her to repeat what she said? >The undying stares burning a hole through your body right now speak otherwise. >Keeping your trap shut, you follow them all as they make their way to the beginner's hill lift. >All you see is some kind of rope tether whizzing along at high speeds. >Calling out to the group behind her, Rainbow tries to make sure everyone's prepared. >"Ok everyp0ny, listen up! It's a simple rope pulley system, just make sure to you grab hold and keep your balance girls!" >They all smile and nod like it's just common sense, one even yawns, clearly bored and becoming impatient with getting past the basics. >You can't help but stare at the rope and gulp at how fast it's moving. >"Now everyp0ny sit back and watch, and make sure not to blink or you just might miss it!" >Giving a playful wink to the crowd she straps her hooves to her board and gets ready. >Leaning down, she slowly reaches out to the rope as it speeds along. >As soon as her teeth sink in, she's yanked straight up the hill. >You watch as she slides back and forth along the ridges like a pro surfer, until she makes it to the very top of the hill mere seconds later. >Letting out a lone cheer, she speeds her way back down where she just came from, coming to a smooth curving halt and shaving fresh powder in front of her audience. >"See? Easy-peasy, soon as you get the hang of it, you all can move up to the bigger hills when you're ready!" >As the group lets out a strong cheer, Rainbow locks her vision on you. >"Alright Anon, you were paying attention right? Why don't you show these little fillies how it's REALLY done!" >Suddenly, everyone's attention is on you. Uh s-sure, pfft like you said, easy-peasy right? >Staring at the rope as it speeds by along side you, you know you'd be sweating bullets if it wasn't freaking cold as balls right now. >Looking behind you, the rest of the crowd waits impatiently. >You bite your lip, which is luckily hidden beneath the scarf Rarity made just for you. >Fuck it, time to man up or shut up. >With a silent sigh, you step up to the plate and place your board down. >Placing your feet on it firmly, you almost immediately realize a problem. >...You don't know how to strap yourself in. >Unsure of how the buckles work, you opt to just strap the leash to your leg so it at least doesn't fly off somewhere. >After hearing the satisfying click, you nod with satisfaction and lay your eyes on the rope tether. Alright, let's do this! >Rainbow looks at you with a face of concern, but you don't even notice. >"Wait Anon you didn't str-" >Ignoring her completely, you clasp your gloved fists against the rope and launch yourself immediately. LLLLLLEROOOOY nnNNJEN- >Not even making it five meters, you hit your first bump on the track. >Feeling your board slip out from underneath you, you don't even get to watch in slow motion as you face plant into the snow drift. >It only takes an instant for you to come to a complete and utter halt. >Your board still firmly secured to your leg, you feel as its gravity begins to tug you back down to ground level. >And only now do you realize the snow on the hill is quite icy today as well... >With a groan, you simply wait as your body slowly slides its way back down to where your would-be companions still reside. >Keeping your face firmly planted to the ground, you can't bear to look up at them after that stunt. >For a moment there's nothing but silence as you notice how eerily quiet the slopes are, but as the situation slowly settles in, the air is suddenly filled with the squeaky laughs of fillies a fraction of your size. >Wiping tears from her eyes, Rainbow can't hold back her laughter as she flies over and picks you back up. >"Ahhhahaha that was a nice one Anon." >Lifting you back to your feet, she casually brushes off of the white splotches of snow and ice that's found a new home on the rest of your extremities. >"You never forget your first wipe out, but listen; I know better than anyone how much you just wanna RUSH in there, but you gotta remember safety first!" >Bending down, she starts binding your straps in for you. >You feel a little anxiety as you realize you don't know how to undo them either. >"Just give it another shot, take your time, and go FAST...when you're nice and ready." >Giving you a cheeky smile, she smacks your ass and watches over the girls as they make their attempts. >Slightly grumpy now, you stare as each one goes up on their own. >Not a single one fucks up like you did...of course. >Depressed and still confused as to how you detach your legs, you meagerly hop over to the rope again. >Giving you a playful jab, Rainbow gives you a piece of advice. >"Remember, take it nice and easy, and you don't have to go to the very top your first time alright." >Staring at the rope, you feel determined again. >To hell with before, this time you're gonna OWN this fucking rope. >Carefully reaching towards it, you get ready to Indiana Jones this bitch. >With lightning reflexes, you latch on and immediately feel yourself being yanked up the mountain. >Skimming along, you manage to use the rope for added balance on your way up as the curbs do their best to defeat you. >Finally feeling some semblance of success, you zip past other students as you make your way up. >Hell yeah you're going to the top, ladies gonna be jelly at your mad skills now! >As you bump with the edge at the end of the track, you flail your hands wildly as your crutch of a rope leaves you. >Falling down gently this time, you manage to not make yourself not look like a fool at least. >The ground crunches beneath you as your gloves rub against it, the sound makes you notice that it's just as icy up here as it was at the bottom. >...Good, you think to yourself. >More speed that way. >As you sit up and look down the hill, you see the girls doing rather well compared to you, a little shaky at worst. >You watch as one falls down in front of her friends, who all promptly share a laugh before they help her up. >Suddenly being more aware of how alone you are up here, you feel the slight sting of envy as you find yourself becoming more and more annoyed. >That's right, you don't need friends, you can be awesome on your own! >Standing upright, you wobble a bit as you prepare yourself. >Heh, this time you'll show them how it's done for sure. >Tightening your scarf to your face, you awkwardly hop towards the edge. >Well...it's now or never. >Tipping yourself forward, you take the plunge. >As you start moving, you realize all you really know how to do is go straight forward. ...Well shit. >Speeding past p0nies, you try your best to imitate how Rainbow moved. >Of course, p0ny anatomy doesn't exactly translate to human as well either. >Well it can't be that hard right? You just gotta...curve it...slightly. >Leaning back unsteadily, you try to change your course. >And surprisingly...it works! >Although you're not going in the direction you had planned to, in fact, the board just seems to go where it pleases at this point. >Slicing back and forth, you manage to look pretty slick as you zigzag your way down. >Blowing past her, you hear Rainbow shout in the distance as the fillies look at you in awe. >"WOOOOO go Anon!" >Turning around to look and wave, you grin smugly to yourself as you finally find yourself having fun. >You aren't actually controlling which way you go, honestly you're just relying on dumb luck, but to hell if you're gonna tell them that. >As you turn and focus back on the slope, you're suddenly confronted with your worst enemy. >A tiny snow jump. >Panicking, you try your best to slow down, but it's as if your legs won't listen to you. >Suddenly straightening out, you make a beeline directly for your current bane of existence. No...no...fast...TOO FAST! >Unable to control where you're going you hit the small jump and catch air for no more than a brief second. >This tiny interval is all it takes for you to completely lose what little semblance of balance you once had. >Not even getting to do anything cool like a flip or something, your legs and board fly straight in front of you, foreboding your impending doom. >With a solid *CRACK* you land on the hard icy snow pack, your wrists and tailbone taking the brunt of the impact. Gggaaghhh! >Slamming your weak arm into the ground beside you, you growl out obscenities as the pain settles in. Ggggggod DAMN IT! >Lying there in agony, you stare up at the sky blankly until your view is slowly obscured by Rainbow Dash. >"Pfft N-Nice one champ!" >Hoof outstretched, you grab it as she lifts you up once more. >As soon as you get yourself upright, you start rubbing your poor backside. >Thankfully, you didn't break anything, but that didn't stop it from hurting like a bitch. >"Look pfft...you ALMOST had it that time." >Grumbling under your breath, you look away from her. God damn hill, came outta nowhere, who puts a jump on a fucking beginner- >Cutting off your pouting, Rainbow rests a hoof on your shoulder. >"But listen, the rest of the group is picking up the pace and I think you're gonna need a little more uh..."one on one" time...just till you get the hang of it, know what I mean?" >Suddenly realizing she's ditching you, you can't help but feel a little hurt. >Through the scarf covering your face, you make sure she can at least see your scowl. >Smiling awkwardly, she takes her hoof away and kicks up her board, carrying it under her wing as she starts heading towards the rest of the fillies to move on with her lesson. >"Why don't you just head down to the bunny slope and take a break Anon." >She tries to hold back a snicker, but completely and utter fails. >"I'll try and find somep0ny more..."suited for your needs" to help you get a grasp on the basics." >As the little fillies collectively giggle at you, you feel yourself brimming with hot embarrassed rage. F-FINE, I didn't want to be taught by you anyway! >Turning around, you try to stomp away in a fit of anger, only to realize you didn't unhook yourself from your board yet. >In less than a second you feel your face collide with snow again. >The quiet giggling breaks out into full blown laughter as Rainbow starts herding the girls towards the more advanced slope. >Not bothering to get up, no one hears as your scream of frustrated rage is quietly muffled out by the snow. http://www.infinitelooper.com/?v=UB3nB5vdmcs&p=n#/0;22 >Standing at the boring bunny hill, you do your best to teach yourself on your own. >So far, the most you've been able to manage is moving a couple inches forward with light hops. >Even that manages to throw you off balance sometimes... >Sitting your ass to the ground, you stare at the others in silence as you watch them enjoy themselves with slightly tempered irritation. >Looking around you, your only company is the numerous parents and their foals having their own fun. >One filly awkwardly wobbles for a few seconds before tumbling over, her parents cheer her on and quickly pick her back up again. >You already feel yourself getting mad again. >This is awful... >You're cold, you're wet, and right now you just want to go home. >And for the love of god you can't get these boot clasps unlocked to save your life! >You should've gone to the beach house with the guys, bet they don't have to put up with this bullshit. >Resisting the urge to punch your shoes in frustration becomes more and more of a challenge. Ahhhhgggg I hate this plaaaaaaace! >Flopping down on your back, you stare up at the sky, basking in your defeat. >As you watch the clouds lazily pass by, you sigh loudly. ...The hell do I do now? >Almost like divine intervention, the sound of Fluttershy's voice immediately pierces your ears. >"Oh my, are you having fun in the snow Anon? Are you going to make a snow angel?" >Suddenly hovering over you, she leans down uncomfortably close to your face, giving a much too affectionate smile inside your personal space. >"I know! Why don't we make snow angels together, doesn't that sound fun!" >Your eyes shrink to pin pricks. Nope! Nope nope nope nope! >With a single push, you manage to remove the invader from your person, gaining some breathing room as you sit up again. >Panicking, you struggle to loosen your feet from their infernal confinement, which ends up being just as futile as your previous attempts. For the love of god just open already! >You can feel your face turning red as your efforts continue to run in vain, but you're surprised when a pair of yellow hooves gently push your hands away. >"Here dear, I'll show you, nice and slowly alright?" >Stunned and unable to process what is happening, you watch as she undoes your clamps just like she promised she would. >"See? There you go, that wasn't so bad now wuz it~" >As she pinches your cheek affectionately, for a split second you're surprised to say that you're experiencing legit feelings of thankfulness to old Flutterbutter for once. Wow Fluttershy...um...thanks? >Acknowledging you with a gentle smile, she turns her attention back to your legs. >"Oh dear, your poor legs must be so achey-wakey from all that stress, let me help you with that." >You cringe as she lifts your leg up and starts massaging your calf sensually. Aaaaand the moment is ruined... >Looking up at you like she has no idea what you're talking about, you pinch the brim of your nose in frustration. What are you doing here Fluttershy? >Her ears perk up almost immediately, a smile crossing her face as she jumps upright again. >"Well, to be your new teacher of course!" >You stare at her with palpable skepticism. ...You what mate? >Blushing at the word "mate" she nervously rubs her hoof on her leg and tries to stay on track. >"Oh, well...you see, Rainbow Dash had said that my dear old Anon needed just a weeeee bit of help..." >You hold back the urge to choke her as she proceeds to rub her face against yours, all the while still continuing to use baby talk. >"...And you know I wouldn't pass up helping my wittle Anon for the world!" >Taking a moment, you resist the thought of throwing up, lest you suffer the mess caught in your own scarf... >"Isn't that right shnookums~" >...But she sure isn't making it any easier. >Swear, this shit pisses you off to no end. >You look down as the mare snuggles herself against your chest. >Bloody hell, you're a grown man for god's sake! Enough Fluttershy, I'm done for the day. >Peeling her off your body like a used bandaid, you stand up and retrieve your board, turning around as you debate whether you should go to the lodge for some hot cocoa instead. >Suddenly feeling a light tug on your leg, you see Fluttershy clinging to it with all her strength like her life depended on it. >"Oh wait! P-P-Please don't go, I promise I can help, honest!" >Staring at the lodge, all you can see is elderly p0nies that are too tired to come outside and are instead mingling as they shakily sip on tea. >"I do say Teacup, it is rather cold out here is it not?" >The elderly mare nods. >"Indeed, perhaps I should fashion us another quilt from the basket." >Her equally aged companion waves a hoof in front of her face. >"Oh no need dear, your company is more than enough to keep an old gal like me warm." >Smiling wryly at her friend, Teacup throws a jab at her compatriot. >"Oh my, I bet you use that line on all the mares now don't you." >With a quick wink, the other mare smiles. >"Only the gorgeous ones ehahaha!" >Cackling like a banshee, the mare's false teeth fall into her drink. >The two of them stare at each other for a moment before both breaking out into fits of laughter. >For a moment, you realize you'd be just like one of them. >The thought causes you to let out a deep shudder in disgust. >Intermittent sounds of whimpering from behind you remind you of your current companion's offer. >Well, she did teach you how to disarm your shoes without laughing at you for it... >Christ you're actually going through with this aren't you. >Placing your face in the palm of your hand, you sigh out an answer. Haaaaaah...alright Fluttershy, I'll bite. >Ruminating on your thoughts, the only answer you receive from her is the sound of wings fluttering and slight muffled moaning. On one condition...no-funny-business. >Placing your board back down, you cross your arms and get ready to look down at her sternly, only to find she is no longer wrapped around your legs. >As you turn around, you come to find her hovering mere millimeters away from your crotch, eyes closed with her tongue lolled out as she takes deep breaths. >...She must have been nose deep in your ass that entire time. AHEM! >Coming to her senses, she opens her eyes only to find you staring daggers through her. >Shrinking back, she stutters out a tiny squeak. >"Oh! R-Right, n-n-no funny business." >You cringe as you feel your guts churn in protest. >This was going to be a long day. >A short while later, you find yourself listening to Fluttershy as she goes over the very...VERY basics with you. >"Well, to make moving around easier, you just have keep one of your hoov-feet unhooked, then you *gently* push yourself along like you're sliding!" >Offering a small demonstration, she calmly slides back and forth at the pace of a snail before settling back in front of you. >"S-see?" >As you look down at her, she awkwardly smiles as she timidly waits for your reply. That...actually makes a lot of sense. >Her nervousness seems to immediately fade away as it's replaced with a beaming smile. So...which foot do I use then? >Blinking a couple times, her smile quickly disappears as she looks down at your feet with mild confusion. >"Oh...um...well, do you prefer to go down with your right or your left?" >You look at her and hope your "are you fucking serious?" face manages to get through to her. How should I know, I've been at this for less than an hour! >Her ears shrink back at the tone of your voice. >"Oh I'm sorry, may-maybe we can just...figure that out later then?" >She looks at you with an expression that makes you wonder if her question was directed at you or herself. >Becoming impatient, you groan and look at the tiny bunny slope beside you. Look forget that, can we just get to the part where we go down the hill already? >You glare at the little fillies having the time of their lives as they go down on their own. >Clenching your hands, you barely resist shaking your fist at them. >With a look of slight panic, you're startled as Fluttershy flies up to your face. >"Oh nonono! It's far too soon for something dangerous like that!" >As she lands on the ground, she closes her eyes as she begins to lecture you. >"We need to take it niiiiice and slooow, speaking of which, you must be awfully tuckered out and I made us a lunch just in case so-" >Opening her eyes, she sees you already a short distance away, lying on your belly with your board still strapped to your feet as you stubbornly crawl your way up the hill with your bare hands. >"Anon NO!" >Screeching like a bird protecting its eggs, she struggles as she lifts you up and floats you back down, ultimately destroying the rather impressive progress you had made. >You glare at her as she places you back on the ground, huffing and wheezing like it took everything she had. >"Ha...ha...alright...if you *gasp*...if you want to go down the hill you can. Just...phew, just let mama come with you okay?" >Groaning with frustration, you unclasp your board and pick both it and Fluttershy underneath each of your arms. >Surprised at your sudden actions, she doesn't even seem to mind that you're carrying her like you would a dog. >"Oh...oh my!" >Ignoring the pitter-patter of her wings and tail flapping excitedly against you, you climb your way up the tiny slope. >You place her back down as you reach the top, despite her best wishes, and reattach yourself to your board. >Not waiting for her permission, you shakily try to stand up only to find the slight tilt of gravity is setting you off balance. >Falling back on your ass, you growl out in frustration. So sick of this shit! >Getting her wits about her again, Fluttershy floats over to console you. >"Oh honey it's alright if you're a loosey-goosey, if you feel yourself getting noodle legs mama will be right here to help you back up okay?" >Not wanting to look her in the eye, you grumble as you try to stand up again. >Almost immediately, you feel a set of hooves grabbing your ass as they "attempt" to pull you up. >Trying to focus on the task at hand, you ignore the fact she's copping a feel and stand upright only to sense your weight falling forward. >As soon as you start to lurch, the hooves wrap themselves around your junk as she uses the weight equivalent of a pillow to keep you from tumbling over. >The grip on your dick is almost too much, especially considering the extra layers of pants you're wearing. >Becoming slightly mad from all the fondling, you try and remove her hooves from your privates. Let go of me damn it! >Staring down at her, she glares back as she adamantly refuses to let go. >"Not until you calm down Mister!" >Shaking with rage, you decide to play her game. >You close your eyes and take a deep breath. >With a smooth release, you feel yourself relax as you breath out and suddenly find it's much easier to stand. There, I'm calm okay? >Looking almost sad at your new found progress, she reluctantly lets go of your groin. >"Oh alright, but you be careful you hear me Mister?" >Barely paying attention to her, you wave your hand and nod lethargically. >Not satisfied, Fluttershy's face scrunches up in what her best idea of a frown must be. >"Now remember Hunnybuns, if you ever need to slow down, all you have to do is-" >The sound of her nagging voice begins to fade as you let your attention wander. >Staring up at the advanced hill, you hear the sounds of cheers as a p0ny does a stunning back flip off of one of the jumps. >"Are you listening to me Mister grumpy pants?" >Running on autopilot, you pretend to be listening and just agree with whatever the creepy mare has to say. Y-Yeah, yeah... >Lifting a glove above your eyes, you strain your vision to make out who just did that trick a moment ago. >As you squint, you begin to grind your teeth as you barely make out a flash of a brightly colored mane. ...Rainbow Dash. >Sliding to a halt a few meters away from you, a gaggle of little girls surround her. >They all cheer and bombard her with questions on how she goes so fast. >"Heh heh, just a little egghead trick I was taught from a friend of mine." >She lifts her chin up and smiles smugly. >"That's right, to get maximum speed all you need to do is..." >You groan as she annoyingly pauses for dramatic effect. >"CUT OUT WIND RESISTANCE!" >They all look at her with a mixture of understanding and confusion. >"That's why I wear this skin tight snow suit, it's like I'm wearing nothing at all!" >Turning around, she wiggles her flank at the girls who all let out a giggle before following her up the hill again. >You clench your hands in frustration. >You can be just as cool as her, just watch. >"-And remember Bunnybear, be extra careful to-" >Inching forward, Fluttershy's voice quickly disappears to the wind behind you as you beeline straight down the hill. >Concerned parents manage to corral their children before you make them intimate with the underside of your own board. >Luckily the slope doesn't have much of an incline, so by the time you reach the bottom your speed comes down to a gentle halt. >Proceeding to unstrap your boots, you barely make out the sound of Fluttershy cheering from the top of the hill. >It was probably the most fainthearted cheering you could ever imagine. >"Y-You did it Anon, wuh...woohoo..." >Staring up at her as she makes her very, very slow descent, a foal and her mother cross paths with you. >"Oh that was just the bestest my little sweetie, I think you've earned the chance to go on the -big- filly hill now!" >Watching them unblinkingly as they walk past, it feels like the universe is all in on this gag to take away any last shred of your masculinity. >As you listen to the filly scream about how she's a "big filly now", Fluttershy finally arrives beside you. >"Oh boy, that was a doozy, maybe we should take a break at the lodge before we get back to more practice." >For a moment you stare at Fluttershy, her face meekly smiling up to you with the faint hope you'll agree. ...To hell with this shit. >Picking up your board, you start heading towards the lift that leads to the advanced hill. >"Um...Anon, I don't mean to be a big old sourpuss but...isn't the lodge the other way?" >Fluttering beside you, she starts looking back and forth nervously. >"I-I'm pretty sure this is the way to the..." >Pausing, she gulps loudly before whispering like she's about to say something illegal. >"...Advanced slope." >Not bothering to look at her, you continue walking to your destination, the mechanical lift now in sight. That's exactly where we're going you autistic banana bird. >Shocked by your sudden confession, she starts to hyperventilate, placing a hoof on your shoulder as she nervously tries to employ stupid things like logic and reason. >"B-B-But Shmoopykins, that one's an even BIGGER doozy! I-I-I don't think you're ready for something quite THAT scary!" >Stopping in your tracks, you turn around and grab her by the nape of her neck. >Firmly secured, you lift her up to eye level like you would a cat and glare at her. ...I'll show you who's ready to be a big filly! >Dropping her back to her hooves, you turn around and jog over to the lift as quickly as you can. >Whimpering with confusion, she stutters as she tries to flutter along and keep up with you. >"W-Wha? Anon I don't understand, c-couldn't we just take a nap instead? Doesn't that sound nice right about now?" >You ignore her as you come to a halt in front of the lift conveyor. >With a quick nod to the rather bored looking operator, a set of seats swings down towards you. >"Anon I really don't think this is a good i-eep!" >Her sentence is interrupted as the movable bench promptly bumps into her rear, forcing her to take a seat next to you. >"Oh, oh dear." >You sigh internally, seems you'll still be sharing company despite your attempts to get away from her. >It isn't long before the two of you are high above the ground though. >After a while there's an odd tugging on your sides, glancing down you notice the little mare is huddled against you and shaking in fear. Fluttershy...what the hell are you doing? >She looks up at you, but refuses to open her eyes. >"It-it's just so hiIiIgh!" >Her voice wavers as she tries to speak before stuffing her face in your side. >"I k-knew this was a bad idea!" >Knowingly, you lovingly place your hands on her shoulders. Fluttershy. >She looks up at you, wiping some tears from her eyes. >"Yes?" >Her eyes work up the courage to finally open, a faint look of hope in them. ...You can fly. >With all your might you try to pry her off of you, but it only makes her cling to you even tighter. >"EEEK! ANON STOP!" >Holding your board with one arm, you struggle to detach her from your person with your free one. Get. Off. Featherbrain! >"Stop-stop-stop, you're shaking it, YOU'RE SHAKING IT!" >Not paying attention to your actions, the lift chair begins to list back and forth. >Before you know what's happening, you both accidentally slip out. Oh fuck- >"ANO-" >A gentle *poof* is heard as you both hit the ground face first. >You hear a rustling beside you as Fluttershy gets up before you do. >"Are...are we dead?" >Lifting your head up, you wipe the snow from your eyes and look around. >A number of ponies are preparing themselves, a few even going down the hill. >Facepalming, you pick yourself back up. It's the top of the hill butter brain. >Her face flushes with embarrassment. >"Oh, right." >Patting yourself down, you pick up your things and head to where the others are. >All of them ignore you for the most part, taking no more than an odd glance at you as you set yourself down and strap your board back to your legs. >Struggling to stand upright, Fluttershy continues to chide more nagging thoughts in your ear. >"H-Honeybear, I still really REALLY think you should reconsider." >You shrug her off and get in your ready stance. >"If you change your mind right now, I promise to make sure there's -extra- marshmallows in your hot cocoa~!" >Hovering in your face, she smiles expectantly. You know what Fluttershy, you're right. I value your opinion more than anything and-omg is that a snow leopard? >Leaning to the side, you casually glance behind her, a look of odd curiosity on your face. >The yellow mare instantly panics. >"WHAT, but they're endangered! What if the poor dear gets hurt!?" >Turning around, she immediately begins searching frantically for the creature to no avail. >Hyperventilating slightly, she turns back to you. >"Anon I can't find-" >Holding two fingers to your temple in a faux salute, she sees you just as you shove off. Buh bye~! >"ANOOOooooo-" >The sound of her banshee shrieks quickly disappear as you speed down the hill like a bullet. Heh heh heh, sucker. >Gloating in your victory, you stop looking behind you and you bask in the rush of the mountain. >Deciding to put as much distance from NaggyMcNaggerson as possible, you hunch down and build up as much speed as you can. >Feels fucking awesome. >As you speed by, streams of snow kick up in the air in your wake, covering nearby skiers who were going at a much more gentle pace. >So good. >But as you keep going, each bump in the ground becomes more and more profound, to the point where your legs shake and buckle with each hit. >Starting to feel strain in your knees, you start to realize that mayyyyybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. >Trying not to panic, you decide now is probably a good time to slow down. >It's only then you realize you never learned how. A-Alright Anon, don't panic, just...just try to remember what Fluttershy taught you. >Concentrating with all your might, you think back to her lecture from earlier. >"Now remember Hunnybuns, if you ever need to slow down, all you have to do is-"CUT OUT WIND RESISTANCE!"" >You panic as your thoughts are suddenly replaced by Rainbow Dash's showboating instead. >"That's right, to get maximum speed all you need to do is cut out wind resistance!" >Turning around, she shows off her flank to you. >"That's why I wear this skin tight snow suit, it's like I'm wearing nothing at all!" >The image of her ass cheeks tucked into a blue and yellow wonderbolts suit replays in your mind. >"...Nothing at all." >She wiggles. >"Nothing at all." >Her tail flicks out of the way as she bends over. >"NOTHING AT ALL!" >Freaking out, you find yourself going even faster than before. Gahhaah! Stupid sexy Rainbow! >You clutch your head with your hands and scream at nothing as you attempt to purge the thought from your mind. >It's in this short moment that a seemingly unimportant bump on the track in front of you goes unnoticed. >But it doesn't go unnoticed for long as you board skims off it like a pebble on a pond. >Your mind elsewhere, it takes far too long before you realize something's up. >Namely you. >Sliding out of control, your course veers off and steers you towards the sidelines, where a friendly neighborhood snow pile is eagerly awaiting your arrival. >Finally cluing into the situation, you do what comes naturally. >Panic. No...nonoNONO! >Feeling your legs turn to jelly, your meager attempts to swerve to safety decide they'd rather work against you. >Accidentally hooking the front of your board in the snow, your bid to stop yourself serves only to launch you from your board instead, the safety latches breaking free like they're designed to do. >As you fly through the air, you spend this brief time ruminating on how somehow...just somehow...you know this is still all Fluttershy's fault. >Lifting your hands in front of your face in a feeble attempt to protect yourself, you let out a scream of terror. Shiiiiiiiit! >If anyone was close by, all they would've heard afterwards was a delightful *Pomf* >Buried face first, waist deep in snow, you can't help but fume in frustration. >It had already been ten minutes and all your attempts to struggle your way out proved to be in vain. >Violently, yet comically kicking the air futilely, your legs eventually get tired and have to get used to hanging in the air like limp sausage. ...This fucking sucks. >As you contemplate how long it'll take you to freeze to death, an odd muffled noise is heard in the distance. >It doesn't take long for the familiar sound of Fluttershy to reach your ears. >"Oh Honeybear, I finally found you!" >Almost immediately, you feel something nuzzling against your defenseless crotch. >"When you didn't come back down the slope, I just got so worried!" >Your growl is muffled by the snow as she continues to fondle you absentmindedly. Fluttershyyyyyy... >But your grievances go unnoticed as she starts to squeeze your butt as well. >"But I told myself, 'Fluttershy, your poor baby bear is out there in the cold all by his lonesome, now go find him Missy!'" >Trying to get her attention without wasting precious oxygen, you speak up a little louder. Fluttershy! >"Oh but it was such a big mountain, I was so scared I'd never see you again!" >Twisting your upper body in frustration, you find your patience running thin. >"But then I DID find you!" >She follows this by feathering light kisses all over your butt cheeks before resting her head against them like a pillow. >"Oh my sweet Anon I don't know what I would've done if I couldn't-" GET ME OUT OF HERE GOD DAMN IT! >Fuming with rage, your violent shaking causes a tiny clump of snow to plop on her head. >"Eeep!" >Without a moments notice, she immediately begins tugging on both of your legs. >"Sorry, sorry!" >Despite her best efforts, you still don't budge, >Panicking, she digs her hindlegs into the snow pile beneath you and uses the leverage to put all her weight into it. >"HnnnnnNnNGAH!" >With one last mighty yank, you feel yourself fly straight out of the snow, tumbling down and rolling with the mare in confusion. >Lying on your back, you open your eyes and see stars as you try to convince your eyeballs to point in the same direction again. Oh god, what the fuck. >Holding a hand to your head, you take a minute to sit up and collect yourself. >As you stare to your side, you notice a familiar set of fabric a short distance away. >Trying to figure out what it is, you hear the sounds of muffled giggling. >It doesn't take long for you to realize... >They're your pants. >Looking down at your crotch, you see Fluttershy laying between your legs, desperately covering her mouth with her hooves as she tries to hold back fits of giggles. >"Oh, pffft, OH MY!" >Right in front of her face is your dick, hanging out of the hole between your polka dot heart boxers...that just happen to say "Best ( ) Pony" on either side. >You let out a deep growl. Fluttershyyyy~ >Tears forming in her eyes, her face starts to go red and blue as she attempts to suffocate herself. >"I'm sorry, pffft, I-I can't, I cahahahaaaan't!" >Like a dam breaking, she unleashes into full blown laughter, tumbling onto her back in a fit of hysterics. >You feel the veins bulging in your forehead as you go red in the face. >Hooves flailing in the air, the torrent of weak giggles and hiccups never ends. >The embarrassment hits you like the full force of a dump truck and you feel yourself brimming to the breaking point with rage. >It's as if it's echoing in your mind, the magnitude and volume multiplying tenfold. >Clenching your hands, you begin shaking furiously until you feel something inside you finally snaps. >Like a zen monk, you become perfectly calm, ignoring the laughing horse as you stand up and turn around. >"Ha...haaaa...S-Sweetybear? Where are are you going?" >Walking over, you snatch your board that was still spiked into the ground and begin heading up towards the tall side of the hill. >Devastated at what she's done, Fluttershy anxiously follows after you. >"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh, honest!" >You had no need for pants, your unstoppable rage would keep you warm. >"It was just too adorable, I couldn't help myself!" >Climbing up onto the highest point nearby, you finally stop moving, causing the yellow mare to bump into you again. >Rubbing her sore nose, she looks up at you. >"Hu-Hunnybuns? ...Shmoopykins?" >Turning around, you stare her down as she gazes into your unblinking bloodshot eyes. >As you raise your free hand upwards, she cowers in fear. >"I-I'm sorry, p-please don't hit me..." >Letting out a quiet growl, you reach up as high as you can as you stare her into the ground. >Huddling down, she covers her eyes and whimpers. >But as she awaits your judgement, a loud *TWANG* occurs instead. >Uncovering her eyes in confusion, she sees you flying away as you onehandedly hang onto an empty conveyor lift chair in mid air like some freakish abominable snow ninja. >Jaw dropped, she simply stares at you in awe as you make your getaway. [End Song] >Flinging your board onto the seat, you pull the rest of yourself up and make yourself comfortable. >It won't be long now. >Closing your eyes, you sit back and enjoy the silence. ... >"ANON!" ! >Shaken up from your relaxation time, you find Fluttershy hanging onto the side of your chair, struggling to flap her wings and keep up with the machine. >"ANON! That was unbelievable! How could you do something so dangerous!?" >The bones in your neck crack as you turn to her in an almost inhuman fashion. >She shrinks back as you glare at her, before noticing you point toward the ground. ... >Confused, she follows your hand and looks straight down, only to realize just how high up you both are now. >"Eeeeeeeee!" >Scrambling the best she can, she crawls over you and huddles onto the chair, all four legs on board as she lays down like a small pet shivering in fear. >"Don'tlookdownohCelestiadon'tlookdown!" >Sitting in silence, you don't answer her as she continues to freak out. >Eventually, she manages to create some semblance of calm in herself. >"Ha, ha, okay, I'm okay with this, this isn't so bad right?" >Building the courage to raise her head, she looks around. >"It's just like sitting in a nice little chair or a park bench." >Looking up at you, she tries to work out a smile. >"Almost like we're together on a date right?" >She pokes you in the hopes of wringing out an ounce of consolation, but you offer nothing. >Trying to not let you get to her, she nods like she's trying to convince herself she's speaking the truth. >"Yeah, this isn't so bad, this is easy." >Moving over, she lays her head down on your lap instead, snuggling with your still exposed boxer shorts. >"But this sure is an awfully long ride, if I didn't know any better I'd almost say this was the conveyor line to the-" >Staring off to your side, her face goes pale as the sight of a sign with a skull and cross bones slowly crosses her vision, followed immediately by the loud *CLANG* of wires deviating off course. >"-EXPERT TRACK!?!" >Staring at you with her mouth aghast, she screams at you. >"ARE YOU INSANE!?" >Still not speaking to her, you lift her up in one arm, your board in the other, and hop off at the very pinnacle of the slope. >Coming to a halt, you plop her down on the ground and leave her behind as you head toward the starting point. >There's only a handful of ponies here with you, and they're all staring at your dick as it hangs free. >You ignore them, all you cared about right now was the massive mountain of snow you were about to shred. >Locking your board in place, you hear a voice you had almost forgotten about. >"Anon? What the hay are you doing up here?" >You growl out the name in your mind's eye. >Rainbow Dashhhh... >You raise your head up, but make a point of not looking directly at her. >"Shouldn't you be practicing on the filly slopes with Fluttershy? And what happened to your pants?" >Finally breaking character, you stand up and crack your neck. ...I'm not a filly. >She pulls her instructor's goggles down and gives you the stink eye. >"Uh...no offense, but you kinda are dude." >Growling, you stand up and turn to her, arms outstretched behind you as you yell in frustration. You don't know anything! >She rolls her eyes and blows a raspberry. >"I know that you only started learning this -morning- and now you already wanna do the expert course!?" Yeah well-GUH! >Before you can finish your sentence, you feel something slam into your ribcage. >You might be mistaken, but it seems like Fluttershy just sucker punched you. >Luckily her punches are as flimsy as she is squishy. >Wincing, you nurse your side, ready to yell at her. Fluttershy what the f- >But she catches you off guard, grabbing you by the collar. >"Now you listen to ME MISTER! You haven't even finished the beginner program, and now you want to do the hardest slope on the mountain?" >She gives your neck a stern shake. >"You're going to get yourself KILLED!" >You put a hand up between you in an attempt to keep your personal space. Listen Fluttersh- >"NO YOU LISTEN! What you're doing right now is down right crazy!" I know but- >She gives you another angry shake. >"NO BUTS!" ... >There's an awkward pause as her eyes start welling up with tears. >"...Do you even know how scared you're making me right now?" >Her face begins to contort as you watch her reach the brink of balling and you feel yourself start powering down. Ah...ahh geez. >Still holding you by your collar, you take off your hood and scarf. I'm sorry Shy, it's been a rough day. >She continues to stare you down as her lip quivers in sad rage. It just...hurts being laughed at you know? >Sniffing sadly, she finally brings back her smile. >"Oh Hunnybear, I know." >Oafishly scratching your head, you look at her and meekly smile. I don't know what came over me, will you forgive me? >It doesn't take more than a second before she clutches your chest in a deep embrace. >"Oh Anon, I'll forgive you as many times as you want." >Rainbow's voice tries to interject. >"Uh guys?" >Ignoring her, you wrap Fluttershy in a hug as well. I'm sorry Fluttershy. >"Guys seriously." >"No Anon, -I'm- sorry, I should have never laughed at you, that was mean of me and I know it." >Holding her tight, you whisper to her. You know, I don't think I've ever felt as close to you as I do right now. >Not saying anything, her snuggling against your chest is the only answer you need. >"GUYS!" >You both open your eyes and yell at Rainbow. "WHAT!?" >Taken back by your yells, she stares at the both of you with a deadpan expression. >"...Have a nice trip." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wMmTIhYQRs >Before you can ask what she means, you suddenly feel gravity shift as your vision tilts upwards. >As you and Fluttershy look at each other, your veins turn to ice as what just happened suddenly dawns upon the both of you. >Turning around, you find yourself speeding down the slope at a ridiculous pace. Oh fuck. >Panicking, Fluttershy wraps all her hooves around your waist, straddling you like a weird yellow koala. What the heck are you doing? >She leans her head back and yells. >"I don't know! I'm scared!" God damn it, get off of me you fool! >With both hands, you struggle to push her off, but it's like trying to remove a stubborn bandaid. I can't steer with you throwing me off. >"Nonono don't make me go!" >You try to push her down with all your might but she refuses to let go. You got wings, fly away you fucking idiot! >"I can't! I'm sca-LOOK OUT!" >Looking to where she's staring, you see yourself about collide head long into a tree. SHIT! >In the last split second, your reflexes take over and you steer out of harms way. >And yet...somehow you didn't lose balance. >Confused at what just transpired, you start heading towards another one. >"Anon, Hunnybear what are you doing!?" >Right as your about to become road kill, you deftly swerve out of danger a second time. >Normally this would be the part where you fall down and possibly break your legs. >But again, your fine. >This doesn't make sense. >Staring blankly, you continue to speed along as the gears churn in your head. Wait, no...no way. >It's not possible. >Staring down at the yellow mare who has now tucked herself underneath your jacket for safety, the pieces of the puzzle start falling into place. Ha...hahaha... >Confused and slightly disturbed, Fluttershy meekly looks up at you. >"A-Anon, are you oka-" HAHAHA! >Clutching Fluttershy to your body with one arm, you let your other one trail behind you as you begin to cackle like a mad man. >With a twist of your legs, you start slicing down the slope with more control than you've had all freaking day. >You can feel yourself cutting through the snow like a pro and for once you aren't losing your balance. >And best of all, you know why. >Somehow, Fluttershy was the perfect counter weight, always keeping you upright every time you felt like you were about to fall over. >With nothing holding you back any longer, you proceed to act like a junky that just fell off the wagon, doing any stupid shit you can think of. >Swerving past skiers, jumping for hang time, you even flair it up by going down backwards. Yes! YES! This is fucking awesome! >With no choice but to stay along for the ride, Fluttershy hunkers down and tries to hold back her complete and total abject fear. >But as she tries to tune everything out, she feels something odd bump into her rear, causing her eyes open wide in surprise. >Confused, she cranes her neck and looks down, and before long her face turns so red you'd think she'd pass out from blood loss. >"Are you kidding me?" >You absentmindedly yell back to her. What? >"WHY DO YOU HAVE AN ERECTION RIGHT NOW!?" >It's just then you realize your dick has breached its prison and is standing at full mast. >Not even looking at her, you give a manic grin from ear to ear as you stare down the hill. Don't you find this exciting!? >She screams so loud it almost pierces your eardrums. >"NO!" >Your laughing and her shrieks of terror can be heard by everyone as you zip by them. >With so much speed under your control, you can already feel yourself getting a little kooky in the head. >Looking around, you decide it's about time to get a little -crazy-. >Without a second thought, you veer off towards the sidelines, making a beeline for the half pipe walls. >Poking her head out the neck of your shirt, Fluttershy locks eyes on your destination. >"Anon...what are you doing?" >With a grin, you lock your other arm around her and squeeze even harder so she can't escape. Nothing~ >"Anon, don't you do it." Oh we're doing it. >"DON'T YOU DO IT MISTER!" WE'RE DOING IT! >Slamming into the wall, you feel the blood rush down to your feet as the g-forces try to pull you both down. >Despite gravity's best wishes, you climb your way all the way up until you reach very the top, where you launch yourself upwards. >"EEEEEEEEK!" WOOOOOOO! >Not knowing any cool tricks, you do your best to make sure you just turn around and land safely. >Finally catching you in its grasp, you feel yourself falling back to earth as gravity takes hold. >Readying yourself, you prepare to firmly plant your feet back onto the sloping wall and let out a cheer. That, was, AMAZ-Guuwahaaa!?! >Right as you hit the ground, all the built up g-forces slam down on you at once. >And in one swift powerful motion, Fluttershy is impaled on your dick. >You both let out a gasp for air from the sudden shock, and instantly you lose feeling in your legs as your knees decide they'd rather become jello. >Wobbling back and forth, you do your best to not wipe out. Flu-F-Fluttershy, get off! >Eyes rolling back in her head, she speaks out deliriously. >"Oh, oH dEAr, I-I think I am!" >Shaking her head back and forth she bites her lip and tries to correct herself. >"I mean-aAaAahhn... I can't!" >With each bump on the track, your hips gyrate together more and more. God d-d-dAMN it! >You were gonna lose control at any second, in more ways than one. >Cupping both hands under her ass, you try to force herself upwards, but it's almost like she's gripping down on purpose. Let go of me you nut! >She actually does let go, only to force herself to hilt instead. HNNNNGH!? >Scrambling, you try to remove her again but she's still locked in place. >That doesn't stop you from trying though. >Doing everything you can to stop her, you barely miss hazards by the skin of your teeth. >"Anon p-p-please this is dangerous!" >Her body shakes wildly as you hastily dodge a casual boarder going down the slope, barely avoiding destroying him from behind. >Attempting to remove yourself from her, you immediately regret it as she begins to use her muscles to try and milk you for everything you're worth. >You quickly find yourself struggling and it takes everything you have just to stay upright. For fuck sakes stop fighting it! >She pants and moans as she starts bobbing her hips on her own now. >"I can't, I-I'll oOoOh-fall!" >Grabbing her by the waist, you try to stop what she's doing. You're such a fucking liar! >Tears in her eyes, she leans back and lets out a wail of anguish. >"I know! I'm sorry!" >Before you realize what she's doing, she locks you into a tearful kiss as well. >It clouds your mind and forces you to stop paying attention to anything else. >For that brief instance, nothing else matters. >Gently placing your hands on her head, you pull her away. >She looks at you and blushes, her rampant lust replaced with a caring smile. Fluttershy...that, that was-aaaAAAAAH! >A single glance out the corner of your eye is the only warning you get. >As the track disappears from vision, you realize it's actually an almost completely vertical incline. >Dropping down, the two of you unwillingly scream in unison as you speed towards the ramp at the bottom. >Clutching the mare for dear life, you feel the power of gravity pulling you towards the goal like a toy car on a race track. >With nothing left, you accept your fate. >Launching yourselves, it feels like life itself is moving in slow motion. >The force from your departure causes you to slam into Fluttershy one last time, and in that moment you unleash inside her. >Your eyes roll back as you moan in ecstasy. >Grasping her with your entire body, you look up on the horizon and smile weakly. >Any semblance of ground was long gone, it was like you were flying. >The cool wind cutting into your skin, the snowflakes blowing past your cheeks. >And the beautiful orange sun setting in the distance. >Yes...this was it. >This was what you had been waiting for. >Closing your eyes, you hold Fluttershy tight and sigh in satisfaction. ...Sick air brah. >Day Broken Bones in Equestria. >...*Beep*...*Beep*. >The depressing sound of a heart rate monitor rouses you from your slumber. >With a weak willed moan, you manage to open your eyes. >Your vision is greeted with the pale colored sight of a boring grey, whitewashed sort of room. >It takes you a while, but eventually it clicks. >Ah shit...this is the P0nyville hospital isn't it? >You wish you could say you'd never had the luxury of being stuck here before, but that would be a lie. >Sighing, you try to sit up, only to find yourself completely incapable of moving. >The sound of metal wires grating against each other echoes out. >Looking down, you see your entire being is 100% covered in a full body cast, each of your limbs suspended in the air. Hn? Nn HM NN! >Shaking with frustration, even your jaw is closed shut tight. >It's official... >This fucking sucks the biggest of dicks. >Giving up, you lay back and wait for someone to check in on you. >Luckily, it only takes a half hour for a nurse to arrive. >Sighing with relief you try call out to her, your muffled voice feebly trying to get her attention from beyond the curtain's veil. >Hearing your tiny noises, her ears perk up immediately. >"Oh my! You're awake!" >As she wrenches the curtains back, your eyes shrink to pin pricks. >It's Fluttershy...wearing a nurse's outfit. >Good god. >Panicking, you try and scream for help, but it doesn't really matter. >Watching you flail around excitedly, she looks down at her getup and smiles. >"Oh, you must be wondering why I'm wearing this." >Walking around to the foot of your bed, she picks up your health chart. >"Well...um, the doctor said you broke your uh..." >Flipping a few pages, she looks down at the chart and grimaces. >""Everything"..." >You let out another groan. >"But everything's gonna be O.K. now, because I offered to take care of you!" >Dear god whyyyy? >Seeing tears forming in your eyes, she panics and hurriedly wipes them away. >"Oh nonono don't worry about me Shnookums, thanks to you, I came out perfectly fine!" ...? >Despite your confused stare, she leans in close and pecks the spot where your lips would be if they weren't covered. >"The way you protected me from getting hurt, nestled against you like that, I'd never felt so wonderful before." >But that wasn't... >Reaching down, she gives your aching body a full hug as she rests her cheek against yours. >"So don't you worry Honeyflake, until you get better, Nurse Fluttershy will take care of everything." >Lightly dragging her hoof across your crotch region, she leers at you insinuatingly. >"And I do mean...evvvverything~" >You can't feel it, but the grating noise her hoof makes against your "highly advanced" paper mache' skeleton is more than enough to make you whimper inside. >As she places a kiss on your cheek that you cannot do anything about, you can't help but think to yourself... >...Next time, just go to the gay beach house faggot.