Written by That_Happy_Guy

>Day Lies in Equestria.
>Taking a deep breath, you come out of sleep in the most pleasant way possible.
>On your own.
>Yellowquiet didn't wake you up this morning and you were able to grab an couple extra hours of sleep.
>Maybe she's finally given up?
>Oh god, that would make you soooo happy.
>”G-Good afternoon Anon.”
>Jumping out of bed, you look and see Fluttershy laying on the opposite side.
>Well there goes that fucking idea!
>She flashes you a smile and brings you blankets to cover her chest as she sits up.
>”I-Is sleeping in your fetish?”
>Groaning, you repeatedly slap yourself in the face.
>”O-oh my! I think it is!”
>Looking down, you see that you are sporting wood.
“Don't even think about it. ALL guys get like this when they wake up.”
>Turning so she can't see, you hear her giggle.
>”Are you sure?”
>You can feel your teeth slowly be ground into powder.
>Then something hits you...
>A possible way out of this endless fucking cycle of her trying to guess your fetish.
“Do you want me to just tell you what my fetish is Fluttershy?”
>She gasps, squealing a bit.
>”Yes! Yes yes yes!”
>Anon, you clever bastard you.
“Single celled organisms.”
“Yep. Single celled organisms get me off.”
>She is quiet, stepping out of your bed and next to you.
>The mare stops and looks at you.
>”Single celled organisms?”
“Single celled organisms.”
>”Single celled organisms... huh... the big book of fetishes never said that... Anon?”
>She furrows her brow, looking dumb struck.
>”What are single celled organisms?”
>... Really?
>Fucking really?
>Is this mare being fucking serious right now?
“G-Go ask Twilight.”
>Fluttershy flashes you a big smile and nods.
>As she runs out of your room, you can feel your blood pressure rising to levels no human should be able to live through.
>Maybe you'll have a heart attack and die?
>That'd be nice.
>Day Bacteria in Equestria.
>Yawning, you begin to stretch as you once again get a day to sleep in.
>Yep, your plan worked like a charm.
>Fluttershy realized that since she can never be your fetish, she has given up and now you are free to do as you wish with your life.
>And to think, yesterday you wanted to get a heart attack.
>Silly Anon.
>You chuckle as you step out of bed.
>Heading downstairs, you enjoy a nice breakfast, lovely morning ritual, and pleasant fap.
>With your body ready to face the world, you grab your door handle and push it open.
“Look out world! Anon is ready t-... dafuq?”
>There is a giant sign that says look down in front of your lawn.
>You do so and see a jar filled with some sort of yellow gelatin.
>It is shaking and appears to swirl.
>... She didn't.
>You grab the jar and look DEEEEEEEEEP into it.
>Only to see more of the same yellow gelatin.
>Yeah, like you'd be able to see anything on a microscopic level like this you dingus.
>Better take the jar somewhere with a microscope.
>... Twilight has a microscope.
>In fact, she has several!
>Welp, looks like you're heading to purplesmart's house.
>Kicking in the door, you startle Spike enough that he leaps and clings to the ceiling.
“Yo! Twilalala! I need your help!”
>You hear an annoyed yell come from the base of the tree.
>The yell is soon followed by several dozen doors opening and shutting somewhere underground.
>A hatch opens in front of you with Twilalala wearing a scientist's coat and goggles.
>”What is it Anon?! I am very busy doing important-... science... related... things... yes.”
>Dun give a fuck what she's really doing and hold the jar out.
“See this jar?”
“I think it's Fluttershy.”
>”Oh, really?”
>”That's weird.”
>Twilight coughs, looking around.
>”So, uhhh, any particular reason you brought her here?”
“Yeah, I'm not sure if it is or not. Got a microscope we could use to check this shit out?”
>The mare nods, going back down the hatch.
>She didn't SAY to follow her.
>But woman don't usually say what they really want anyway, so you follow.
>As you do, Spike lands from the ceiling with a thump and follows you following Twilight.
>Walking down the massive underground system of doors she has, you have time to wonder many things.
>Like how many trees she had to kill to make all the doors used.
>Does this tree get stronger because it is filled with the hearts and souls of its brethren trees?
>If so, is this like highlander rules?
>That'd be fucking sweet.
>Super powerful god tree, showing pity on the other trees across the land.
>Super tree don't give a fuck!
>Oh good, you finally reached the bottom.
>About time too, you were actually thinking about super trees.
>Fucking stupid idea.
>... You can't lie to yourself, it really is a bomb ass idea.
>Looking around, you see all sorts of mechanical shizz and shit.
>One of which, Twilight is looking down upon from a huge ass step ladder.
>”Put the jar under the lens!”
>Looking to the bottom of the machine, you point to the cone with a glass part at the bottom.
“Before I do, this is a machine, right? As in, with electricity and junk.”
>Maybe now they'll finally make the internet so you can get back to watching porn.
>Placing the jar under the scope.
>You step back and wait for Twilight's professional analysis.
>Rocking back and forth on your feet, Spike steps next to you.
“So, did you see the game last night?”
>He gives you a confused look.
>”What game?”
“I dunno, it's just something men from my world say to each other when they want to avoid awkward silences.”
>”Oh... that sounds stupid.”
“You're stupid.”
>Anon: 1, baby dragon who don't know shit: 0.
>Twilight looks like she is about to hurl.
“What is it Twilight?”
>”Oh-Oh sweet Celestia! It's Fluttershy all right!”
>Oh good lord, she turned herself into a single celled organism.
>”And she's having an orgy with herself!”
>Oh good lord, how you wish you hadn't heard that.
>”Yeah! Come look!”
“I don't wanna!”
>The mare growls.
>”Tough tits! You made me look, now YOU have to! I am NOT suffering this nightmare fuel by myself!”
>Grumbling, you step up the ladder and stop right before you are next to Twilight.
>She moves to the side so you can use your superior human height to look into the microscope.
>The sight before you is one you wish you could not comprehend.
>There are thousands upon millions, upon trillions of Fluttershy's all pounding each other with microscopic dildos/grown penises.
>You look away and yell.
>”I know!”
“Why are they doing that?!”
>Twilight looks away from the microscope.
>”If I had to guess, now that she is a single celled organism, she is asexual.”
“Why do I feel there is a but coming up?”
>”Buuuut since she wasn't before, and had a sex drive... turning herself into a single celled organism made her Mysexual. Meaning she only wants to have sex with herself.”
“Fascinating... So, she won't try to come on to me anymore?”
>Twilight rolls her eyes, giving you an unamused look.
>”Unless you suddenly become Fluttershy, no. Not that I think it would be physically possible for her too anymore.”
“Whoo hoo!”
>If only you were on the ground, you could do a victory dance.
>Oh happy day, oh happy day!
>You are free!
>Nothing's going to bring you down now!
>”Hey! Guys?”
>Spike is yelling at you from the bottom of the machine.
>”What would happen if the Fluttershys in the jar got out?”
>Good question.
>Twilight doesn't seem so sure.
>”I don't know! I don't want to find out either! So be SUPER careful when picking it up!”
>The dragon removes the jar and begins to walk to the stairs.
>”Oh, okay, I wi-WHOA!”
>He trips... landing on the jar.
>She... she literally just...literally just told him to be...
>You don't even care anymore.
>Sighing, you look to Spike.
>... Who is currently being covered in Fluttertin.
>He screams as the gelatin like goo covers his body and spreads across the room.
>It's climbing the stepladder!
>Oh god...
>This is how you-
>Day Fluttershy in Fluttershy.
>You are Fluttershy.
>Not that that's a big deal, everyone in the world is now Fluttershy.
>You were once Anon.
>Now you are Fluttershy.
>How is this your life?
>*Knock knock*
>Oh, someone's at the door.
>Walking down on your FOUR YELLOW LEGS, you go to see who it is.
>It's Fluttershy.
>”Fluttershy, it's me, Fluttershy.”
>Opening the door, you let Fluttershy in.
“Hey Fluttershy.”
“You remember when we WEREN'T Fluttershy?”
>”You mean before Fluttershy fucked everything up by tripping?”
“Yeah... then.”
>Fluttershy sighs, frowning.
“... So, why'd you come over?”
>Fluttershy looks at you, reluctant to ask, but since she is Fluttershy she has to.
>”Want to fuck?”
>Since you are Fluttershy, you have to agree.
“Yeah, sure, whatever...”
>Now you are Fluttershy
>Fucking Fluttershy.