>You are Moon Lullaby the 3rd >You once were a minor pony noble >Not on the level of the princesses but you had a good amount of land under your control >Servants once waited at your beck and call >Those who lived on your lands used to regard you with praise >Keywords being “Once were” >You are now currently suffering a great indignity. An insult to your once great status! >You are currently adorned in a outrageously puffy pink dress with a plastic tiara on top your head >All at the behest of your… >Owner >So that they may take a photo for their benign internet fame >”Come on Moony, give me a smile!” >Their words cut you from your melancholy remembrance of your once great past >Begrudgingly, you look to them and give a smile >It quickly shifts to a scowl as the photo is taken