LP: Hey, come on, get up, slowpoke! I'm not paying you to snooze around all day. Come on, up and at 'em!) TX: Five more minutes… (I even had to take a job on a rock farm just to earn a living) Come one come all, come witness the great Chipper of rocks, that's how I get my wage, you don't dally, complain Soon the sun'll be high, and it'll burn your back Grab your hoof loupe (Those stones don't roll themselves!) grab your pickaxe Damn, I always knew I'd be a star That magic act of yours got you so far So far away from home, that's me Rock soup for Trixie LP: Hey, get on your hooves. The winds have shifted, we gotta get these quartz seeds over to the west field before lunch break. TX: Trixie's hooves hurt… LP: It's your first week. You'll get used to it, long as you don't quit. Can't go to town, 'cause you don't know what the chance is My bag of bits won't hide me from wary glances How many days can a pony lay low How far away, how long 'til Miss Limestone knows And I'll be on the road again, not even with a cart That's how I live, my part's apart Damn, for now I'll have these days so long Out here to think about what I did wrong To the rhythm of the earth leylines Dreaming of basalt, garnet, rhyolite LP: Never mind, it was just a flare-up. We have to move the quartz seeds back to the east field. TX: But… but Trixie just finished- LP: Less talking, more working. Hop to it! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock farm! Rock! Though my hooves are covered in dust and silt I work 'til the horizon is dusk lit, gilt Upon these stones is where my world is built, Where one flower blooms, I guess another will wilt I wonder if they know where I got to Great and powerful who? Just say that's not you Ain't got no bed in an inn with hot food, just contemplating on a cold bowl of rock soup So drink it down, and one day you might have enough to skip town Things will come around Then we'll see, if she's still the G&PT The winds are carrying up the sand to twilight sky And for this show, it's live me or die If the granite doesn't get you, the chalcedony will Put this on the bill--by the time I get to Ponyville ( my shop. Something powerful…) (...the Alicorn Amulet is one of the most mysterious…) (...I'm afraid this is far…)