This was originally in my snippets paste, but I figured it was long enough to have it's own >>40851205 >Be Drone SCT-17395 >And be hiding in one of the unfinished nurseries >You pray to Locust it doesn't come in here >You and some other drones found this...thing >It was just wandering around the forest, on the brink of death >You and your fellow scouts had detected a freakishly high Love potential within it, even in its emaciated state >It was higher than you'd sensed in your entire life! >The soldier accompanying your group had protested when the three of you tried to take it back to the hive >"Too dangerous" he had said >You were the one who had convinced him to bring the thing back >You were a fool >The setae on the back of your neck stood on end as you tasted the waves of fear and panic pouring in from the more populated sections of the hive >It still hasn't stopped >After dragging the pitiful thing back to your hive, it was decided that the sheer amount of Love this creature was capable of made it good for only one thing >A meal for the Queen Herself >You had watched as the hive's top amormancers gathered for the preparations >They had only just began to pour their Love into the thing when it attacked >After that was all a blur >Lings swarming in every direction >Elites being thrown like twigs >All that blood... >You repress a gag as the scenes flash before your eyes >You have to be quiet >It's still out there >Be SCT-17395 >After about a day and a half, the coast was finally clear >Trekking through the hive, you gawked at the true extent of the thing's damage >Whole chambers were thrashed, passageways littered with rubble and blood >You can make out the occasional chunk of chitin in the debris >According to a worker you'd asked, it tore through nearly half the hive before it found your Queen >And thank the Mothers it did >While everyling had either tried to detain it or flee, it was the Queen who had finally brought a stop to its rampage >She was, of course, completely unharmed >Though terribly exhausted >Turns out the thing hadn't been fighting for its life, but was instead on the hunt >His life, you guess would be more accurate >You probably wouldn't have survived if he were a female >Once he found the Queen, he had put all his energy into breeding with her >It was a truly formidable sight, from what you hear >You hadn't been there to see it, of course, but even from your hiding place you were overwhelmed by the excess Love spilling everywhere >If he hadn't taken out so many amormancers at the start, all that spare Love could have fed the hive for a solid year >Oh well, no use dwelling on the past >You had to focus on navigating what remained of these tunnels >Despite being a scout, you were still having trouble finding the amphitheater >The chamber was only ever used for great ceremonies, but never during your lifetime >Until now >The Queen had an announcement that was far too important to be distributed by pheromone >As you finally come to the right tunnel, you merge with the swarm of lings filtering into the massive chamber >As you were led by the flow of the swarm, you eyed the various tapestries adorning the wall behind the stage >Expertly-woven silk icons of the three Mothers who came before the current >Locust, Mother of Famine >Mantida, Mother of Death >Vespi, Mother of Hate >Smaller, equally beautiful tapestries hung beneath them, showing Mothers from even longer ago >Soon enough, everyling had found a spot in the amphitheater, the various clicks and buzzes from your anxious siblings melding into a deep, monotonous drone >The sound quickly tapered off into nervous silence as the Queens personal guard filed onto the stage, followed by one of the higher ranking elites >You were taken by surprise when the elite levitated a scroll that was tucked under a wing >He must be very high ranking to have enough Love for magic >You listened intently as he read from it, his voice booming across the chamber >"You have gathered here today as per the decree of Her Royal Highness, Mother of all, Daughter of Locust, Daughter of Mantida, Daughter of..." >This was going to take a while