>(Desu link for the beginning: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/35163084/#35165917) This is the year the three pony tribes have united in one nation, and it’s time your family realised their destiny. Your clan of unicorns is not about wealth or power, but something way more important. Big mares. You are to bring bigger mares to the world because big mares are just the best thing and this is your sacred mission. Scarcity soon being a thing of the past thanks to the unification, it is time you took action. Binding your family with spells of bloodlines and fertility, the first son of every five generation will have the power to magnify the big genes of mares he procreates with and keep the bigness for mares alone. With the support of the whole clan to take care of the offspring, the magic of fertility will allow you to have a numerous and healthy enough descendance to affect the whole mare population. You’re Primus Biggus, the first chosen son of the Biggus family. The year is 1200 B.T. (before Twilight). Average mare height is 4’. Average stallion height is 4’6’’. The population is 1/3 earth pony, 1/3 pegasus, 1/3 unicorns. Mares and Stallions are of equal standing in society. Stallion are more inclined for physical work. Mares are more inclined for works that involves caring of other ponies. With the help of your clan, you have found three single mares of unusual size. You have to choose one of them to seduce. If you succeed, your offspring with carry their traits into the future and affect the whole mare population and society by extension. >A: Illumina (was picked) >Librarian, unicorn, 6’1’’, 19 y-o. >A rather quiet and lonely mare who works in a library and prefers the company of books rather than other ponies. Self-conscious about her height after being mocked at school for sticking her horn in the door frames several times. Loves all kinds of books and has an impressive amount of knowledge in science, math and literature. Seems to remember almost perfectly everything she ever read. Has an interest in growing potted plants of all kinds. >Expected trait to be carried: size, shyness, intelligence, unicorn. >B: Copper Collar >Blacksmith, earth pony, 5’2’’, 21 y-o >Loud and cheerful. Proud of her craft. Prouder to have beaten every adversary ever in drinking contests. Likes teasing smaller stallions when drunk. Drunk 70% of the time when not working or sleeping. Loves a hearty meal, but couldn’t cook to save her life. Very unladylike. Her mother asking her when will she finally get a coltfriend has started getting to her lately. Lots of male friends that double as drinking buddies but has no lady friend. >Expected traits to be carried: size, thickness, brashness, earth pony. >C: Wet Rain >Performer, pegasus, 5’5’’, 20 y-o >A beautiful mare well aware of her charms and profiting of them. Deceivingly shallow, but genuinely hedonistic. Very talented dancer and flyer. To be taken both literally and figuratively when offering to ‘bring you to cloud 9’. Expects to be spoiled and pampered. Has been known to publicly humiliate suitors who didn’t meet her high standards. Genuinely loves all kind of animals and pets, even unconventional ones. >Expected traits to be carried: size, leanness, haughtiness, pegasus You carefully appraise the pros and cons of going after each mare, try to estimate your chances with them, and after an intense reflection you choose the bigger one. Illumina it is! You’re gonna have to woo this rather timid mare. The question now is: how do you approach her? Normally, inviting her to a date would be your to-go strategy, but maybe this girl needs something different. To help you, you clan will use a special divination spell which will prospect the kind of relationship you may end in as you perform actions. That will allow you to see what works what doesn’t during the date >(Desu link for next part: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/35163084/#35195866) Illumina gradually opened up to you as time went on but never became a very expressive mare, no matter how much her love for you would grow. After you organized yourself to work in the library full time, your relationship consisted mostly of reading together and sneaking a few quiet kisses between chapters when no pony was looking. In the evening you would cook for her and talk a little before going to sleep in each other’s arms. Three months later, you were able to ask Illumina’s hoof in marriage. About everypony in her family cried during the ceremony, and Illumina pronounced her vows so quietly only you ever heard the actual words. The wedding night, you told her you wanted a really, really big family with her. In the dark, she brough your hooves around her head so you could feel her nod, her and in the intimacy of this night, the two of you conceived for the first time. Illumina’s voice sang louder than it ever had this day. After that, there was rarely more than a month when Illumina was not pregnant with at least two foals. Thanks to the spell of fertility of your clan, she never gave birth to less than two healthy fillies at a time. Sometimes it was three foals, and Illumina delivered four at once twice in her life. When time took its toll on your virility, you were the father of 141 daughters, each or them at least as tall as their mother, and a dozen would grow to have a whole foot of height over her. The clan helped you raise them all, and later it would help them find a match to have many children in turn, although not in such an extreme number as you did with Illumina. These mares would now give birth to mares and stallions normally, but the extra size and all the associated perks would remain only for mares. Luckily, all your daughters didn’t end up as self-conscious as their mother, but introverted personalities were near ubiquitous among them. You spend your last years in the comfort of a loving family, aging along Illumina, and you spend up to your very last days hurdled together in that library she loved so much. Five generations later, the clan sees the arrival of a new heir with the power to spread bigness in the world. You’re Duos Biggus, the second chosen son of the Biggus family. The year is 1050 B.T. (before Twilight). Celestia and Luna have taken the direction of Equestria at his time and recently defeated Discord. This an exciting yet dangerous age when new cities are growing all around the young equestrian nation under the protection of the sisters. The daughters of your ancestor were many, and their blood and size now run among the whole population. Average mare height is now 4’9’’. Average stallion height is 4’6’’. The population is 3/10 earth pony, 3/10 pegasus, 4/10 unicorns. Mares and stallions are of equal standing in society. Stallion are more inclined toward work involving people skills. Mares are more inclined toward positions that demand high academic intelligence. Physical work is not considered more of a stallion’s thing anymore. Now that the magic of your clan is affecting the mares of the world, mares with extreme height are more common and are even further beyond the average. Furthermore, mares with the big genes have been found to sometimes have unusual size-related magical particularities. These will not be carried over to the next generation in nature, but the intensity of it will. With the help of your clan, you have found four single mares of unusual size. You have to choose one of them to seduce. If you succeed, your offspring will carry their traits into the future and affect the whole mare population and society by extension. >A: Sunny Spark >Wizard student, unicorn, 8’3’’, 18 y-o. >A very lively unicorn gifted with grand magic powers. Her spells are unmatched in strength, but she struggles a little with her studies because of a lack of patience. Loves sports and plays in the buckball team of Canterlot. Wishes there was a sport where she could go all out with her magic power. Likes singing. Is horrible at singing. Doesn’t care and sings anyway. Doesn’t plan on getting better at singing. Carefree and slightly obnoxious. Tries not to hurt other people, but knows she can go too far and then feels bad about it. Hasn’t decided between waiting for a charming prince to ravish her or becoming a monster-slaying legendary hero. Or maybe slaying monster alongside a charming prince? >Expected trait to be carried: size, magic prowess, no more shyness, glasses, unicorn. >B: Paper Stack >Businessmare, unicorn, 7’11’’, 22 y-o. >A very ambitious mare with a mind sharp enough to realize said ambitions. Made a fortune in the growing city of Manehattan with smart investments in various activities. Now owns about a fifth of the city and has her hoof in almost all of the growing businesses. Rightfully considered a prodigy. Can learn new trades or languages in a matter of days. Gathered a lot of jealousy from her competitors, but is always many steps ahead because of her sheer talent. The one attempted physical aggression against her ended quite horribly for the attacker. The few ponies she really trusts are those who can take her constant criticism and serve her in silence. Makes her words harsh on purpose. Loves to see ponies trying to deny she is right out of spite. Is always right. Likes to show off all the pricy stuff she can get with her money as well as being pampered at spas by smaller ponies. >Expected trait to be carried: size, dominant, superior intelligence, unicorn >C: Cargo Wings >Delivery mare, Pegasus, 8’ 10’’, 19 y-o >Performs deliveries all across Equestria, but wishes she could make a career in art. Likes poetry, drawing and painting. Has the talent, but lacks the contacts and confidence. Uses her food job to find beautiful sceneries for inspiration. Sometimes even flies grand distances on her own to search for new sources of beauty. With her art, she tries to capture the splendour of nature both in the radiant harmony of ponies and the awe-inspiring fierceness of wilderness. Her job got a little harder when her teats recently grew embarrassedly big and that ponies started looking up whenever she flew over their head. Self-conscious about then, she could swear they swell even bigger and start meaking whenever she gets embarrassed about them. Good with animals. Flies along flocks of birds when she has the occasion. >Expected trait to be carried: size, lesser growth magic, big teats, artistic propension, pegasus. >D: Tender Hearth (was picked) >Innkeeper, Earth Pony, 7’7’’, 21 y-o >Homely owner of an inn and tavern in Vanhoover. Took the mantle from her grandparents last year, but already appreciated by the regulars since she’s been helping around since she was a foal. Not much of a talker, but a good listener. Still needs work to match the legendary cooking skills of her grandfather. Works out every morning in the mess hall. Executes her routine and provides light coaching for free to any pony. Few can keep up until the end. Witnesses says she looks even bigger and beefier at the end of a workout. Is even stronger than her size suggests and very proud of it. Regularly hosts small events to advertise the inn. Her favourite is the pumpkin crushing contest in autumn. She doesn’t participate, but the winner gets a chance to challenge her. Undefeated with 23 pumpkins crushed between her thighs in 1 minute. Plans to beat that record by crushing two pumpkins at once from now on. Grows her own pumpkins. Speciality is pumpkin mash. >Expected to be carried: size, lesser growth magic, physical prowess, earth pony You hesitate a lo between the largest and the smallest mare… or, the less large mare really. And eventually, you settle for Tender Hearth. Mares are becoming smart already, now they need to get strong. Plus, the mare itself does attract you more. The strong body and the huge poof of mane are a weakness of yours. >(Desu link for next part: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/35221213/#35222459) Tender Hearth is a simple mare with an honest heart. You help her at the inn from here on and keep inviting her to dates regularly and your relationship grows steadily. As the variety of what you do together increases, you become a part of her little world before you even realize it. The regulars soon gossip about the two of you and they’re rather supportive of your couple. Also, you follow the earth mare’s training routine with assiduity and with something on your mind. For the next pumpkin crushing competition, and after great efforts to defeat mares bigger than you, you manage to be Tender Hearth’s challenger. There, you propose to her in front of everybody after the first pumpkin she crushes reveals the ring inside. You can thank the clan for that magic trick. Tender Hearth accepts after half a minute of blushing and confused mumbling. The wedding takes place at the inn where you feast will with all you families, friends and clients. The mayor even stops to congratulate the innkeeper and you in person. After the guests help you clean up in the evening, they leave the many rooms empty so you can have some intimacy. While you start kissing and feeling each other’s body in the candlelight, you tell her you want many, many foals with her. “Then you’re gonna have to train even harder.” She whispers to you. “I don’t think you can fully take me on at your level.” And the earth mare spends the rest of the night proving her point, taking you in again and again and slamming herself on you until dawn. You’re very glad your seed successfully took root during that first night, as walking turned out to be a difficult ordeal for the next two weeks. Tender Hearth feels a bit guilty about it, but you genuinely wanted her to have as much fun as she wished, and you’re definitely gonna work on yourself until you can do that as often as Tender Hearth wishes. When time took its toll on your virility, you were the father of 137 daughters, each or them at least as tall and strong as their mother, and a dozen would grow to have nearly two feet of height over her. The inn was populated by them, and they were outnumbering the clients only a dozen years after the wedding. The clan helped you raise them all, and later it would help them find a match to have many children in turn, although not in such an extreme number as you did with Tender Hearth. You spend your last years in the inn where you made your life, having already passed the ownership of the inn to some your daughters while others went to open their own establishments all around Equestria. Somehow, you remember Tender Hearth was prouder when one of her daughters beat her absolute pumpkin crushing record than when she passed the inn on. Five generations later, the clan sees the arrival of a new heir with the power to spread bigness in the world. You’re Tris Biggus, the third chosen son of the Biggus family. The year is 900 B.T. (before Twilight). After defeating many evils that threatened the young nation of Equestria, Celestia had to banish her sister to the moon a little more than eighty years ago. While the country’s been at peace since then, the boldness of the last century has left the heart of ponies as their ruler grew more distant, the princess of the sun coping with the loss of her sister by building a face of constant calm and wisdom ever since. Cities still grow, but Equestria has stopped expanding and ponies prefer the calm and safety of their homes rather than going on adventures. The daughters of your ancestor were many, and their blood and size now run among the whole population. Average mare height is now 5’11’’. Average stallion height is 4’6’’. The population is 38% earth pony, 25% pegasus, 37% unicorns. Mares and stallions are of equal standing in society in theory only. With mares being bigger, stronger and smarter on average, only exceptionally gifted stallions can reach high positions in businesses, academy or in administration. Stallions almost disappeared from the physical workforce, or merely help mares who by their sheer size and strength are more adapted to this line of work. Stallions are seen as less capable than mares, but romantized as being able to perceive and voice out feelings accurately, as well as to be the grain of emotion that can bring purpose or a needed new perspective to a situation. However, it’s obvious for all that it’s mares that make the world go round. ‘A stallion’s problem’ is a now common expression to designate something trivial that is blow out of proportion and could be easily resolved by a proper mare. The dating game has seen some changes too these days. The tradition for stallions to be the ones to initiate contact is still present, partly because of most mare being introverted, but the power shift in favour of mares made them less afraid to engage themselves in relationships as they almost never become dependent on stallion anymore. However, since it is mares that wear the pants in a relationship now, family projects may be harder to push by the stallion. With the magic of your clan is affecting the mares of the world, mares with extreme height are always more common and are even further beyond the average. Furthermore, most mares with the big genes have been found to have unusual size-related magical particularities regardless of race. It is to note that the one effect the magic of your clan had on stallions was to make them adequately sized down there to please mares of the new average size and beyond. With the help of your clan, you have found four single mares of unusual size. You have to choose one of them to seduce. If you succeed, your offspring will carry her traits into the future and affect the whole mare population and society by extension. >A: Hidden Hole >Erotica Writer, Unicorn, 11’5’’, 21 y-o >Writes under a pseudonym, but the clan tracked her back to Canterlot. Complete shut in. Lives alone and only leaves her apartment for shopping. No activity besides writing, reading, and communicating via letters with readers and other erotica artists. Kinks in her works include, but not limited to: stallion on stallion, mindbreak, crossdressing. Clinical nymphomaniac. Has vivid wet dreams every night during which she grows almost twice bigger in her sleep. Has a lot of trouble talking to stallions, as her activity and interest twisted the vision she has of them. Nopony she knows in person knows about her activity. Finds her aspiration in foreign comic books. >Expected trait to be carried: size, lewdness, glasses, medium size magic, unicorn >B: Achillass >Soldier, Pegasus, 11’11’’, 21 y-o. >Keeps danger away from Canterlot in the day. Is a danger to stallions at night. Prowls the pubs to find careless stallions to have painful fun with. Stallions shrink the more they’re scared of her, and it’s a game to her to see how small and how fast she can make them shrink. When confronted, is quick to get to the hooves, even against other mares. Almost lost her job several times because of all that, but is kept as her skill and strength saved other soldier more than once. Actually responsible when on duty. Loves to flaunt the physique she works on every day. Plays sport competitively. Rest of the team hates her, but she’s by far the best player so they cut her a lot of slack. Knows that. Loves it. >Expected trait to be carried: size, dominant, no more shyness, medium size magic, pegasus >C: Mud Grower >Farm hoof, Earth Pony, 14’1’’, 20 y-o. >Still live with her parents near Fillydelphia and helps at their farm. Very frequently and suddenly grows up 2 more feet of height at the worst possible times. Very often trips and knocks stuff over with her sizeable behind in result. Any actions that require balance or dexterity are a nightmare to her. With the fact her smarts are way under the average for a mare, she has horrible self-esteem despite the heartfelt support of her parents. They don’t really know how they could help her however. Is glad she can at least do the plowing and pull heavy carriages for all the farms around. Wishes she could help more, but convinced she’d do more ill that good. Is probably right about that unfortunately. Loves music. Gave up learning the guitar after breaking two of them. Always caries a kazoo she’s not too bad with. Likes seeing farm animals and animals in general, but is too scared to hurt them by mistake to take care about them. >Expected trait to be carried: size, thickness, freckles, no more intelligence advantage, earth pony >D: Calm Bed (was picked) >Midwife, Earth Pony, 10’3’’, 18 y-o >Lovely mare working at a clinic in Baltimare. Loves foals. Dreams to be a mother of many with the right stallion. Loves her job, and all her patients love her gentleness and professionalism. Every mare she’s helped gave birth to big and healthy offspring. Two stallions she’s known for around a year are already fighting for her favours however. She genuinely likes both of them and can’t decide between the two. Currently in an emotional dead end. Her morals won’t allow to have more than one coltfriend. Is the talk of all the hospital gossip, and that embarrasses her greatly. Loves foals so much she babysits in her free time in addition to her job. Loves the feeling of nursing little ponies with her own milk. Was overjoyed to find her hefty teats swelling with milk whenever near hungry little ponies since puberty. Loves all flowers. >Expected trait to be carried: size, motherly personality, big teats, minor fertility magic, earth pony Calm Bed it is! Her fertility magic as well as her personality seals the deal for you. And in fact, you’re about certain the mere prospect of the family project you have with her would seal the deal… if she was not interested in the two other stallions already. In fact, merely pushing them away from Calm Bed would be enough to reach your goal you think. >(Desu link for next part: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/35779137/#35869183) After letting some time to Calm Bed to digest what happened with both her interests, it ended up being rather easy for Tris Biggus to have her fall for him. Once you got rid of the competition, seducing Calm Bed was a piece of cake. You had her babysit some foals for the clan a couple weeks after the events at the hospital and casually mentioned your exotic family tree. The midwife was looking positively bewildered by the outrageous number of foals your ancestors had. She was also quick to realise you were supposed to be the next in line to get such a numerous descendance. When she awkwardly asked if you intended to perpetuate this tradition, you answer that yes, but that you hadn’t found the right mare yet. For a few seconds Calm Bed stared at you with the fiercest desire you had ever seen in the eyes of a mare, before recomposing herself a few seconds later. You were able to get into more informal meetings from here on. Three months later you asked her for marriage, and that very night she mercilessly plowed you, her hefty teats bouncing up and down in front of your eyes while she was exhaling in utter bliss from finally satisfying her burning desire of motherhood. You’ve had many, many foals with her. More than any of your ancestors did. Calm Bed’s womb never housed less than 4 foals to be born for as long as her body allowed her to get pregnant, and one time you filled her with as many as 11. She had trouble getting around with how wide her pouch was when that happened, but during the last months she was the most radiant mare in the world. The delivery was another happiest day of Calm Bed’s life, next to those that happiest days she experienced every eleven months. When time took its toll on your virility, you were the father of 288 daughters, each or them as lovely as their mother, and each just as eager to give a thousand grandfoals to Calm Bed. The clan helped you raise them all, and later it would help them find a match to have many children in turn, although not in such an extreme number as you did with Calm Bed. You spend your last days surrounded by your expansive family, big and soft mares of all ages already raising the next generation right before your eyes. Even after Calm Bed exhausted her capacity to have foals, the flurry of life that came from her many daughters brought her endless joy until the very last day. And you couldn’t help but to notice all those lucks husbands, now accompanied with ample and loving wives to cherish forever. Funny how the universe can make everything just right sometimes. Five generations later, the clan sees the arrival of a new heir with the power to spread bigness in the world. You’re Quatro Biggus, the fourth chosen son of the Biggus family. The year is 750 B.T. (before Twilight). The long-lasting peace in Equestria brought ponies to recenter themselves on both culture and innovation. Adventure has been almost completely relegated to the realm of legends, and most ponies desire mothing more than to thrive in a quiet and comfortable life. The daughters of your ancestor were many, and their blood and size now run among the whole population, more than ever with the fertility of the mare your ancestor chose, with larger mares bearing more foals than the others. Average mare height is now 8’6’’. Average stallion height is 4’6’’. The population is 45% earth pony, 22% pegasus, 33% unicorns. While equality still exists between mares and stallion in the law, stallions are now culturally seen are less responsible that mares with all the troubles and perks that can come with that. To sum up the current situation, stallions are not expected to get mature or to ever stand of their own hooves anymore, and society doesn’t frown at them acting like children or being treated as ones no matter how old they are. Most mares around Equestria feel more than happy to take care of their little husbands. Stallions who break this norm and make it big (figuratively) exist, but they have to do with a society that doesn’t expect much from them and doesn’t take them seriously at first. The difference in size between mares and stallions is great enough it now shows in architecture. Buildings are at a mare’s size, but most of the time it includes facilities to help the smaller stallions get around and make sure they’re not bumped into by a mare many times their weight. The dating game has changed yet again. With mares being more protective of stallions in general, it has become common for the mother of a stallion to closely look over his suitors and to have a huge role in finding him a mate. It’s not rare for mothers or big sisters to directly find matches for their colts. Independents stallions like you are a rarity, and without a mare to look over you, you have to watch out for big mares trying to take advantage of you. Your problem will be less about getting intimate with a mare, but to put the relationship in the direction you want. With the magic of your clan affecting the mares of the world, mares with extreme height are always more common and are even further beyond the average. A hefty pair of milky teats in now the norm for adult mares too. Furthermore, most mares with the big genes have been found to have unusual size-related magical particularities regardless of race. It is to note that the one effect the magic of your clan had on stallions was to make them adequately sized down there to please mares of the new average size and beyond. With the help of your clan, you have found four mares of unusual size. You have to choose one of them to seduce. If you succeed, your offspring will carry her traits into the future and affect the whole mare population and society by extension. >A: Thunderstruck (was picked) >Inventor, Unicorn, around 14’, 22 y-o. >Genius yet reclusive mare. Single-hoofedly brought electricity and its marvels to Manehattan, and now exporting it to the rest of equestrian. Barely known by the public however. Her boss, the 8’ unicorn mare Heavy Wave, takes all the credits and does all the actual business. Heavy Wave takes about all the decisions for Thunderstruck, something Thunderstruck is fine with as long as she can spend her days working and experimenting in her lab. Heavy Wave provides her golden goose of an employee with just that, to the point of making sure she doesn’t form any deep relationships that could make her work less, and make less money for her business. >Expected trait to be carried: size, superior intelligence, glasses, humility, medium size magic, unicorn >B: Magna Veritas >Royal guard, Earth pony, 16’11’’, 19 y-o. >The towering mare follows princess Celestia like a shadow. Recently appointed as her personal guard, she’s completely invested in the security of the solar monarch. Her towering stature drives most possible threats away, even more so as wearing her uniform magnifies the size of this mare even more, making her over 25’ tall during service. She also participates in other guard duties, and is called by firemares and other guards alike when a lot of muscle is needed. Despite her impeccable record and many services to the community, the mutism of Magna makes her look intimidating to the population. Celestia herself has been enjoining her to open up more and to work on her image so she can hear how thankful the ponies of Canterlot are for her actions. To this day, this might be the order she had trouble with. >Expected trait to be carried: size, mute, medium size magic, earth pony >C: Featherless. >‘Philosopher’, Pegasus, 14’10’’, 21 y-o. >Studied philosophy and ended up assessing that suffering in life comes from unrealised desires, and decided to relinquish all material possessions and responsibilities to get as close to this ideal as possible. Lives alone in a huge jar in Canterlot. Has no possessions. Disregards decency. Sometimes masturbates in the broad daylight. Feeds from her massive teats that seemingly never dry out. Still very interested in philosophy. Participates in open seminaries and debates as often as possible. Good, witty debater. Sometimes randomly engages ponies in debates. Sometimes just randomly mocks them, temporarily robbing them of a few inches of height the more embarrassed they are. Likes to mock and humiliate other philosophers in proportion of how seriously they take themselves. Her philosophy is being written down by self-appointed disciples. Her relative popularity and innocuity as well as her sheer size discouraged the authorities to ever act against her. >Expected trait to be carried: size, massive teats, no more shyness, no more motherly, cynical, pegasus >D: Cachet >Entrepreneur, Earth Pony, 14’5’’, 23 y-o. >Operates a shady business in Las Pegasus. Was caught in a scandal when it was revealed that the ‘rental mommies’ she provided to visiting stallions often ended up having sexual intercourse with them. The fact not even one stallion from her many clients complained made all the charges drop despite the outrage of actual mothers who felt like their precious little stallions had been corrupted. Cachet now lays a little low, but still operates her business. Far from merely managing her activity, she eagerly offers herself to accompany stallions in need of a loving, bigger mare. Broke the hearts of many stallion by saying she equally considered every lone stallion of Equestria like a colt she wants to spoil rotten. Made the day of an even greater number of stallions with the same words. >Expected trait to be carried: size, thickness, increased libido, earth pony >(Desu link for next part: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/36082920/#36114728) The night after the date was spend cuddling and kissing with the 20’ giantess, which had to replenish her size more than once. In fact, from here on, Thunderstruck rarely ever remained under 18 feet tall, enjoying the added thrill at all time as long as you were around. Something that would become the norm from here on. The next day, Thunderstruck made it clear you were gonna be her assistant, and that her boss should make sure to knock before coming in as you may be taking a special ‘break’ together. Heavy Wave was reluctant, but you believe she understood the situation well enough, and was smart enough not to get in the way of Thunderstruck’s choice. In truth, the scientist mare had already insured the success of the whole company for many years to come, setting them years ahead of the competition from a technical point of view. And even at half her precedent workload, the scientist mare would still be an invaluable asset to Heavy Wave. Your days were then spent in the little bubble that was her lab, which very soon also served as your playground. You tried very hard to break Thunderstruck’s growth limit, but she would just get off every time before reaching the 21-feet mark. No amount of lovemaking, magic or supplement managed to change that. While a bit suspicious at first, the huge scientist mare ended up enjoying your efforts to pleasure her to new heights. However, seeing their mare grow even bigger before their eyes is something you’ll have to entrust to the next generations… Just like your clan intended, you had a numerous descendance with Thunderstruck. Being pregnant didn’t require her to stop her research, and she was happy relying on you and the clan to take care of her many, many daughters. You thought the mare would be disinterested in raising foals for the first couple of years, but she found a keen interest in it as soon her daughters could talk, and that they could learn. The growing number of fillies all turned out to be geniuses like their mother, except they found a teacher at their level in Thunderstruck. Apart from a few rebels, Thunderstruck’s descendance occupied the benches of universities all across Equestria, and soon quietly pushed forward research in all technical fields. When time took its toll on your virility, you were the father of 213 daughters. By that time, Thunderstruck had become a teacher. The pay was a fraction of what working for Heavy Wave was, but between the support of your clan and what she earned already, this was hardly a problem. More importantly, Thunderstruck was thrilled to talk with her many daughters, for they explored about all the fields of knowledge available to equinity. Like their mother, Thunderstruck’s daughters never revelled in public attention, and it’s unbeknown to the masses that each family reunion transformed in a symposium assembling the most brilliant minds of Equestria. This was a bit of a complex feeling. All these mares, so big, so brilliant, talking about worlds of knowledge you failed to grasp but crudely, it made you very proud, but at times it made you feel like you never got to truly understand Thunderstruck. But then she would excuse herself from the scientific talk to take you in her arms, and there you knew again you were at the right place. Five generations later, the clan sees the arrival of a new heir with the power to spread bigness in the world. The year is now 600 B.T. The daughters of your ancestor were many, and their blood and size now run among the whole population, more than ever with the fertility of the mare your ancestor chose, with larger mares bearing more foals than the others. Average mare height is now 11’6’’. Average stallion height is 4’6’’. The population is 40% earth pony, 19% pegasus, 41% unicorns. The most significant changes in society come from the technological leap in Equestria. During the past decades, the country has known a plethora of mares (plus one or two stallions) whose brilliant minds brought Equestria to a golden age of comfort. The whole country has electricity, complex goods are shipped by train very fast, and most ponies have a phone in their home while televisions are getting increasingly present. Cinema is the most hyped form of entertainment of the decade, with directors now having a sufficient grasp on the media to offer an outstanding experience to the masses. While coastal cities like Balitmare and Manehattan embrace this technological revolution in all aspects of life, inland towns and Canterlot retain their rural or classical identity respectively. Equestria as a country let the rest of the world in the dust both with its technological advance and the sheer power of each individual female citizen, but subjugating the rest of the world would be last of their actions. Instead, the country helps other better themselves with no strings attached. Why would they need strings? With mares like these, even an all-out attack of dragon and griffons combined would be thwarted in a matter of days. Equestria wields the power it holds with benevolence, offering its peaceful model of society to the world, but without imposing it by force. This motherly yet not overbearing care can be found in almost all mares of equestrian. With each passing year, the average height of mares seems to increase, and they’ve been becoming smarter on average too. But despite the gap between mares and stallions widening, males are much less infantilized than in the past. The protection from mares has become nurturing, and instead of taking all the decisions for stallions, their freedom, education and ultimately independence is subject to a special care from society. Now, in practice, of course mares are overwhelmingly more capable than stallions, but it is considered very rude to point it out, as it is admitted by all that the less this reality will be mentioned, the more stallions will feel ready to take on the world and do their best. This is a small part of an additional effort in favour of stallions that doesn’t generate an ounce of jealousy at the society’s level, as it is extremely easy for every single pony to find their place in the Equestrian society. About every good is available in abundance, and so are the jobs needed to pay for them, with said jobs letting an ample amount of free time for ponies to express themselves out of the professional world. Both poverty and crime have nearly ceased to exist, and even then, the rehabilitation structures have proven to be extremely performant. With the magic of your clan affecting the mares of the world, mares with extreme height are always more common and are even further beyond the average. A hefty pair of milky teats in now the norm for adult mares too. Furthermore, most mares with the big genes have been found to have unusual size-related magical particularities regardless of race. Strangely, a plague of near-sightedness has been affecting the mares of Equestria, making glasses by far the most worn article in the world. It is to note that the one effect the magic of your clan had on stallions was to make them adequately sized down there to please mares of the new average size and beyond. Luckily for everypony, stallions are growers and not showers. With the help of your clan, you have found four mares of unusual size. You have to choose one of them to seduce. If you succeed, your offspring will carry her traits into the future and affect the whole mare population and society by extension. Profiting from the success of Thunderstruck and her daughters, the clan is more powerful than ever, with resources equivalent to the one of a billion-bits company. >A: Mountain Marble >Construction Worker, Earth Pony, 48’5’’, 23 years-old >A giantess among giantesses. Grew far bigger than any other mare in the world, but lacks any kind of innate growth magic. Works for the state to realise heavy works like intercity roads, railways or river dams. Incredibly strong and durable even for her size. Can crack granite layers with her bare hooves without hurting herself. Dextrous enough to manipulate stuff with as much care as ponies many times smaller than her. Uses her holidays to travel around and discover the world. Swims to the other continents. Always carries a custom polaroid that’s (almost) big enough for her. Only item that’s fit for her size besides a cap and her safety glasses. Thoroughly uninterested by romance. Reliable, but not very talkative. Likes being a bit of a nomad, dwelling wherever the construction sites or her travels bring her. >Expected trait to be carried: size, superior physique, size, no more growth magic, dextrous, earth pony, size >B: Pink Heart >Jobless, Unicorn, 22’9’’, 26 years-old >A once joyful mare that went through rough times. Caring to a fault, she feels compelled to obey any suggestion given to her. Can grow to over 33’ should somepony else simply ask for it. Got abused by other stallions at work, and her husband left her after she got pregnant with no less than eight foals. These evens left her depressed and unable to work, and her mother took her back in to help her take care of the new-born foals. Slowly regaining her joy in life by finding solace in motherhood. Her mother tries to shelter her in her house in the Fillydelphian suburbs at the moment, fearing some other ponies might seek to abuse her. >Expected trait to be carried: size, submissive, medium fertility magic, unicorn >C: Rainbow Rave (was picked) >Event organizer, Pegasus, 20’3’’, 21 years-old >A mare with a very unusual appearance, for she sports a dragon-like tail. While quite shocking for those not expecting it, the condition is harmless and with about no consequences on the mare’s mind or health. It was established by doctors that the strange appearance didn’t come from any draconic source, but from an unexpected ripple of the ever-growing magic inside mares over generations, which just happened to manifest in the form of this physical oddity. This particularity was magnified by her overall size, and even more by her naturally wide behind. She was social enough that standing out never was a problem for her. Outgoing, she currently works as an event organizer in Manehattan. Does her part in the planning of music festivals which she loves in particular. Participates in the parties she organizes whenever possible. Merely decent DJ from a strictly musical point of view, but great at amping up the mood. A strong enough beat makes her slowly grow over these nights to about 30’. Sleeps and shrinks back during the day. >Expected trait to be carried: size, physical mutations, thickness, no more shyness, pegasus >D: Starfall >Former office worker, currently in jail, unicorn, 21’, 22 years-old >The unassuming office mare turned out to be the origin of a series of strange disappearances in Canterlot. Has the power to shrink ponies to a tenth of their size and to rob them of their ability to use magic and flying. She captured ponies she liked but was too shy to talk to and kept them as pets. Didn’t mistreat them physically, but brainwashed them with complex magic to change their personality into accepting their new life under her. Moreover, went of a shrinking spree when first confronted by the police. Not only did she process to add every passing pony on her path to the list of her pets, but she grew in size with every addition, reaching nearly 50 feet when she was stopped with about 150 ponies she had shrunk at that point. Her sentence is life, and for the first time in a long time, psychologists are not optimistic about ever making her drop the sociopathic tendencies that led her to crime. Under heavy surveillances as it is suspected she has the raw skill to disable the physical and magical devices used to restrain her. Frighteningly good at cooking. >Expected trait to be carried: size, evil, evil surge, magic prodigy, greater size magic, unicorn >(Desu link for next part: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/36305366/#36403777) The marriage with Rainbow Rave is the logical continuation of your relationship. You didn’t really need it to make your will to be together for life official at this point, but it felt good to go through the celebration. This also cemented both your wills to start a family. The first time was a bit of a challenge. When she learned she was expecting 5 foals as a result of your honeymoon, the huge pegasus mare freaked out pretty bad. She wanted to become a mother, but But she wasn’t exactly aware 5 little ponies were gonna arrive in her life at once, and her love of partying in the night still made her unconsciously believe she may not be the best to become mother. As a result of all this, pregnancy moodiness hit Rainbow Rave like a train. One morning you could find the giant mare going crazy about immediately needing to purchase a new, better stroller or something like that, and the very same evening she’s be beaming with pride and crying in joy while feeling her belly that was getting slightly rounder from the small foals to come. Rainbow Rave was glad to have your support in these times, and even when she went almost maniacal over the new ponies to come, you only saw that as more proof she would love her foals like no other mare could. Rainbow Rave was insanely stressed out when the big day came…. But nowadays giving birth is a formality for mares that are big enough to pass foals that are a fraction of their size holding. Rainbow Rave couldn’t stop squealing in joy as the four little ones rested on her for the first time. And as much as her first pregnancy was an emotional rollercoaster for Rainbow Rave, you manage to convince her to have more foals from you the next month. “Okay, but just one more time!” She said, and so would she after the next time she would give birth, and then the time after… When time took its toll on your virility, you were the father of 199 daughters. While she certainly slowed down, Rainbow Rave didn’t forget her passion for dancing and partying. She’s still remarkably smooth on the dancefloor for her age, and it’s some of your older children that tend to play party-poopers with her as they sometimes worry about their mother. Far from raising cohorts of party animals, you and Rainbow Rave managed to encourage you children to each pursue their dream which ever they could be, and there are as many office workers at the table of family reunions that there are artists, operators, care worker or teachers. They would all come back once in a while to visit and have some fun, those kinds of party becoming the ones Rainbow Rave enjoyed organizing the most. Five generations later, the clan sees the arrival of a new heir with the power to spread bigness in the world. The year is now 450 B.T. The daughters of your ancestor were many, and their blood and size now run among the whole population, more than ever with the fertility of the mare your ancestor chose, with larger mares bearing more foals than the others. Average mare height is now 15’10’’. Average stallion height is 4’6’’. The population is 35% earth pony, 30% pegasus, 35% unicorns. Equestria’s golden age seems like it will never stop at this point, its peace undisturbed for centuries. The rest of the world can only lag behind as the ponies, led by their exceptional mares, continue to ensure a bright future for all. A mere glance at the ever-increasingly powerful and wise equines has since long silenced any question about their global leadership. Without losing their pretension to help and care for others, the giantesses of equestrian became more comfortable with being at the top. They revel in the admiration they get, but only to surpass themselves in kindness and exemplarity, embracing the role model of a perfection that all may always strive to get closer to. The world has been shrinking recently. Thanks to ponykind, teleportation is available for all to explore the world as easily as one could go to the store. Creatures of the world are eager to humbly learn from Equestria, and its mares are both willing and capable to take the challenge of making the whole world a better place for all. With technology going forward, ways to easily share all kinds of information at the speed of light are also projected to be available for everybody in a few years. Culture is at its peak, works of art of all kind flourishing from each and every individual seeking to express themself. Voices have risen among the stallions of Equestria to criticize the later developments of society. The relative shyness of mares of the past, despite their greatness, usually brought them to put the elevation of the familiar stallions before the one of the rest of the world. However, the lines have become more blurred in this age, and many pony males fear they will soon be lumped with the other creatures of the world instead of getting a privileged place next to the mighty giantesses that are pony mares. These voices are a fringe minority however, first because there’s more than enough mares for a hundred planets like this one, but more importantly because this is ultimately a choice for the mares to make that stallions may not force in any way. For a more visible change, the relation between mares and stallions and courting in society shifted again. As the nurturing of colts is less perceived as specific to them, a stallion’s pride has become how good of a romantic partner he could be. Mares make the world go round, and a loving stallion is the greatest joy they should have to illuminate their lives. Stallions making it to the level of a mare is seen as an exception rather than a goal again. This is not something undesirable, but no longer the model of stallionhood. Stallions strive to be romantic and thoughtful partners, which brings them to mostly pursue careers in art. Singers and movie stars are most commonly marketed as examples of desirable stallions for the public. Mares actively pursue such types, no longer letting the stallions come to them, and in turn stallions try their earnest to meet the expectations of mares. Love has never been more of a battlefield than in this age. With the magic of your clan affecting the mares of the world, mares with extreme height are always more common and are even further beyond the average. A hefty pair of milky teats and wide hips are now the norm for adult mares. Furthermore, most mares with the big genes have been found to have unusual size-related magical particularities regardless of race. Unusual physical characteristics have also started to appear among mares. These physical particularities are never detrimental, and only make each mare a little more unique. Strangely, a plague of near-sightedness has been affecting the mares of Equestria, making glasses by far the most worn article in the world. It is to note that the one effect the magic of your clan had on stallions was to make them adequately sized down there to please mares of the new average size and beyond. Luckily for everypony, stallions are growers and not showers. The clan is still a very strong organizations composed of various businesses and associations that can provide you with any purchasable resource you may need for your quest of love and bigness. With the help of your clan, you have found four mares of unusual size. You have to choose one of them to seduce. If you succeed, your offspring will carry her traits into the future and affect the whole mare population and society by extension. A: Sunset Dunes >Shepherd, pegasus, 32’ 1’’, 23 years old >A mare that prefers the company of books and sheep rather than the one of ponies. Almost self-sufficient, she lives alone on a small island near Baltimare where her sheep graze and that she cultivates her own food. Only comes back on the continent about twice a month to sell her vegetables, wool and artwork, as drawing and painting are among the hobbies of her life as a hermit. Buys tools, art supplies and books as reading is another favourite pastime of her. Onlookers can steal a glance up her boobs which are each as huge as her head whenever she makes such a visit to civilization. One other physical particularity of her is that she has only one big eye on her face, akin to a famous monster of an antique pegasus epic. While not as violent as said monster, Sunset Dune dislikes people visiting her island at impromptu times. The grumpy mare would swell to over 48 feet tall if bothered in such a manner, and politely but firmly ask intrusive tourists to leave her alone. Ironically, this mare’s single eye turned out to be among the few in Equestria to have a perfect vision. >Expected trait to be carried: size, massive teats, freckles, no more glasses, introverted, pegasus >B: Twinkle Star >Security inspector, unicorn, 4’7’’, 24 years old >The tinniest mare in the word, and yet close to being the tallest. While definitely an abnormality with her size being akin to the one of a mare of many centuries ago, Twinkle Star compensates by having the potential to temporarily outgrow most ponies of Equestria. The little mare gains mass by simply eating, up to nearly 46’ tall. The row of shark-like teeth she sports are a lot more intimidating when she’s at that size. Furthermore, there’s nearly nothing Twinkle Star can’t eat. Chomping concrete is something she can do without trouble and even grow from, but the taste is terrible according to her. Twinkle Star loves herself a good meal, but lives it as a tragedy since getting a satisfying course is a headache with her size changing at every bite. And even at her maximum size, it takes an immense amount of food to satisfy her, and even then the most filling course will be digested in a about hour by her, at which point she’ll have shrunk back completely and feeling peckish again. The little mare is hungry most of the day as a result, and quite grumpy to any pony that doesn’t bring her some snack to relieve her constant craving for an instant. At least, in her job, her unusual size allows her to experience both a mare and a stallion’s point of view, and her harsh recommendations are never unjustified. Participates in philosophical debates and write essays as a hobby. Made 3 ponies cry so far during heated debates at her philosophy club. >Expected trait to be carried: !size, superior growth magic, eat anything, no more motherly, grumpy, unicorn >C: Fairy Tail (was picked) >Actress, earth pony, 31’11’’, 21 years old >A mare that quickly became known for her roles in the booming Applewood movie industry, and yet without showing her face. Indeed, Fairy Tail cultivated several particularities of her to get where she stands. First, her mane is prehensile and she let it grow for many years to the point it is now about as long as her body. Then, the mare has shown an innate precision in her movements. May it be with her hooves or mane, she can manipulate even the smallest stuff even better than a stallion many times smaller could. And finally, Fairy Tail controls her size instead of growing from a trigger like the other mares of this world, which means she can simply will herself up to become 48’ tall without limit. With this unusual yet versatile set of skills, Fairy Tail can work with costumes that no other ponies could, and many of the iconic monsters that ponies recently saw in popular action moves are in fact Fairy Tail using her mane and size to move around an elaborate puppet. Upbeat and enthusiastic, Fairy Tail greatly enjoys her work, and wishes for nothing more than to appear in more pictures. Also a talented dancer and athletic, her voice and expressions are what she needs to work on the most to progress as an actor at the moment, but her contribution to the 7th art is already recognized by her peers, even if the mainstream public is only marginally aware of her work since her face is rarely on display. Her bubbly personality is visible during interviews with her, and she has a genuine enthusiasm for the medium she works in. >Expected trait to be carried: size, dexterous, growth control, earth pony >D: Amarylis >Retail worker, earth pony, 40’ 11’’, 19 years old > Amarylis seems like the perfect candidate. Not only is the Canterlot mare by far the biggest in the world, but she also holds powerful fertility and growth magic. Her body grows in sync with her menstrual cycle, and it was established by doctors she peaks at double her normal size when her body is ready to procreate. It is expected she’ll surpass that should she get pregnant. Amarylis revels in her size and wishes for nothing more than to become a mother of many. The only reason she hasn’t already is how upfront she’s been with colts, none of which took up the challenge of satisfying the giant, growing mare. They’ve all run away after meeting her lust-filled gaze so far. Uninterested in her job, she goes out clubbing as often as possible and takes part in blind dates in the search of a stallion capable of handling her and satisfying her immense needs. Started wearing contacts to conceal the particularity of her eyes that intimidates some stallions. >However, the existence of this mare seems too good to be true to the point it ended up worrying the informants of the clan. They believe the power of growth that has be spread by many Biggus stallions through the ages has reached a critical amount in Amarylis. They aren’t sure what to expect, but if the magic imbuing you met hers, the results could cause a singularity of some sort, and grow exponentially out of control even by Biggus standards. Dare you tempt fate and go after her still? >Expected trait to be carried: size, greater fertility magic, greater growth magic, high libido, no more humble, earth pony >WARNING: CHANCE OF GAME OVER With the place of mares getting increasingly prominent in society, it’s not so surprising Fairy Tail made the decisive move. You had that second date with the giant mare, and it became increasingly clear that you were gonna be Fairy Tail’s coltfriend, and not the other way around. One date after the other eventually became a shared apartment. There, you managed to finally take your revenge by asking her hoof in marriage first, and after the vibrant ceremony, she accepted to start a family with you. With how big they are, and given that mares grow to their final size during puberty, Fairy Tail has no problem carrying her foals while advancing her career. She once joked that she was actually her foals in a costume piloting another costume through her when questioned about that new balance in her life during an interview. Another thing she said there was she’d rely on you a lot with the foals, and that thanks to you she would be able to continue pursuing her other dreams. And ironically, you think it’s giving birth that gave Fairy Tail the push she needed to move forward. Suddenly having the responsibility of a number of small little lives, and loving them unconditionally inspired emotions in Fairy Tail she hadn’t conceived before. It could be argued that she grew more mature altogether that day, but what is sure is that Fairy Tail now knew she could display the deepest and most dramatic emotions, for she had felt them herself. Still, the easy-going giantess never completely turned in a paragon of traditional motherhood. Some day she would just wake up screaming, asking if the 4 foals in the house were really hers. These silly outbursts never disappeared. Sure, 7 foals are a lot more than the usual, but taking take of 14 little fillies was manageable with you and the help of the clan. And yet Fairy Tail still feigned insanity as she looked over the 30 kids she had with you sometimes, even years later. You kept telling her that 58 ponies are nothing for a loving couple like you, but still she sometimes laughed maniacally at the thought of having given birth to 110 ponies. 110? No, she meant 222. 222 is a good number. Nature stopped you there. Five generations later, the clan sees the arrival of a new heir with the power to spread bigness in the world. The year is now 300 B.T. The daughters of your ancestor were many, and their blood and size now run among the whole population, more than ever with the fertility of the mare your ancestor chose, with larger mares bearing more foals than the others. Average mare height is now 23’11’’. Average stallion height is 4’6’’. The population is 50% earth pony, 23% pegasus, 27% unicorns. Equestria keeps leading the world in all aspects, may it be technological, political or cultural. Some other countries in the world have willingly submitted to the ever-growing greatness of the nation of giant mares, and are ruled under the benevolent guardianship of Equestria. The world has seemed to be at its peak for several generations now. And kind of scarcity is a distant memory of the past, and the closest things to conflicts are artistic dissentions or friendly sports competitions. The skills displayed by equestrian mares are of course unrivalled in all fields. Just like the rest of world, the stallions of Equestria seem to have forgotten any will to climb the ladder and rise to the level of mares. Of course, fringe attempts from gifted stallions still exist, but it is automatically considered an exception. The world, stallions included, now prefer to submit to the gentle and caring domination of the giantesses. The bittersweet tragedy of today’s mares, is that even though they still encourage the stallions to do their best and to aspire to greatness, the accomplishments of centuries of superior mares speaks many times louder than they do. The greatness of mares has become an unchallenged hegemony on the planet. The freedom of choice that remains is the hooves of the heir of the Biggus family is an absolute abnormality in that aspect. You do not put that fact on display for the world however. Numeric technology is at its peak. Video games are now the most popular cultural product in Equestria. Social medias are soaring in popularity, and sharing information between ponies all around the world has never been easier. And while they’re not as popular as the state-of-the-art entertainment and technology, traditional craftsmanship, hobbies and techniques from the past are still practiced by enthusiasts that were allowed to meet each other thanks to modern telecommunication, and to pass on their passion to the next generation. With the magic of your clan affecting the mares of the world, mares with extreme height are always more common and are even further beyond the average. A hefty pair of milky teats and wide hips are now the norm for adult mares. Furthermore, most mares with the big genes have been found to have unusual size-related magical particularities regardless of race. Their growth over generation no longer puts mares at a distance from the rest of the world, as not only they have control over their size in some way, but they’re also dexterous enough to interact with a planet that seems many times too small for mares at times. Unusual physical characteristics have also started to appear among mares. These physical particularities are never detrimental, and only make each mare a little more unique. Strangely, a plague of near-sightedness has been affecting the mares of Equestria, making glasses by far the most worn article in the world. It is to note that the one effect the magic of your clan had on stallions was to make them adequately sized down there to please mares of the new average size and beyond. Luckily for everypony, stallions are growers and not showers. The clan is still a very strong organizations composed of various businesses and associations that can provide you with any purchasable resource you may need for your quest of love and bigness. With the help of your clan, you have found four mares of unusual size. You have to choose one of them to seduce. If you succeed, your offspring will carry her traits into the future and affect the whole mare population and society by extension. >A: Glory Horn >Polemist, unicorn, 41’ 11’’-62’ 10’’[spoiler]without the 12’ horn[/spoiler], 23 years old >Known by the public for a wealth of racist statements about the supposed superiority of unicorn among ponykind. Had a short career as a politician running for the Canterlot mayorship, which she didn’t win and got unofficially blacklisted from the circle of public affairs. Almost physically uncapable of holding her thoughts to herself and will present them in the most inflammatory way possible. Genuinely views even honest advice to moderate herself as hostile attempts to censor her. Still followed by a small yet fanatic group of Canterlot unicorns. Writes books and articles about political theories and history for a living, mostly about the great stuff done by unicorns and how they are more qualified to take care of everything in a society. For the first time in the history of the Biggus family, your eugenic goals may actually fit the agenda of the mare you’d be targeting. Glory Horn has publicly stated that she plans to give birth to a wealth of unicorn foals with Mr. Right, and that they’d grow big and strong drinking from her massive teats. Being a unicorn from a rich family of unicorns, you also seem like the type of stallions she’d want to be seen with. Loves stand-up comedy. Any joke at the expanse of stupid pegasi or dull earth ponies is sure to make her laugh. Merely uttering inappropriate slang about them suffices to make her chuckle. Her attitude and ideas have the potency to enrage about any other debater in a mindless fit of rage. Even physically, she’s a little unicornier than your average horned mare. >Expected traits to be carried TO UNICORNS ONLY: size, greater fertility magic, magic prowess, no more humble, very big teats, lactation, unicorn >B: Flora >Gardener, earth pony, 38’ 4’’-57’ 6’’, 21 years old >Travels around the world to make it greener. Her potent magic allows her to make a full-grown oak out of an acorn in a single day. She uses that ability to sprout forests, fields of crop or luxurious gardens wherever they are wanted or needed. The task is made easier by her impossibly durable constitution. She can sculpt rock with her bare hooves without hurting herself, dip herself in lava like a dragon, and even remain hours underwater without feeling the need to breathe. She’s among the gentlest giantesses of this world, and aspires to become a friend of all that lives, but it wasn’t always the case. She was a notorious bully all the way up to high school, but fortunately for the world her attitude ended up making a U-turn as her height and innate durability manifested. The greens of Equestria being already taken care of by many other earth ponies, she works abroad most of the time. At the moment, she’s prowling around the griffin lands to push away the endemic wastelands. Devoted to her work. Loves meeting new people, ponies or not. One particularity of her is that her mane and coat sprout vines, leaves and flowers no matter how hard she washes herself. Has come to accept it and only prunes herself a couple times each month. These are about the only parts of her along her fur and mane that can be cut without needing any excessive force. A pleasant smell of lush vegetation accompanies her everywhere. Very active and supported on social media. While mainly motivated by her own ideals, she can’t deny she likes being the centre of attention of supporters online too. >Expected traits to be carried: size, freckles, extreme durability, earth pony >C: Mesa >Diplomat, zebra, 42’ 8’’ - 85’ 4‘’, 22 years old >While Zebras are compatible with ponies genetically speaking, it’s rather rare for a zebra mare to display a size similar to an equestrian one. Even rarer it is for them to surpass it, yet this is the case for Mesa. From model daughter of a zebra mare and pony father in the lands of the zebras, she was a valedictorian in all classes through her school years. Mesa has always strived to be an example for others to follow. She now works to help her country make the best of what Equestria has to offer the world. Is admired by the vast majority of her country, and a known and appreciated public face in Equestria. Caring and wise despite her young age, and is genuinely interested in the well-being of her fellow zebras and of ponies. To her dismay, developed a quite cumbersome sexual appetite upon reaching adulthood. Discovered rather soon that she may grows her teats, butt, genitalia and lips in a similar way than all mares can affect their size, and she has a greater range of ability than most even in that. These abilities provide some variety when Mesa plays with herself. Mesa hides these abilities and appetites of hers to preserve an image of morally perfect daughter of the zebra nation. While annoying, this state of affair is altogether only a minor inconvenience to Mesa who places her ideals and duties in priority. >Expected traits to be carried: size, high libido, asset control, greater growth magic, zebra >D: Warm winds >Weather factory executive, Pegasus, 23’8’’- 35’ and growing, 44 year old >This one was a real surprise, as your clan usually targets younger mares to maximize the possible number of offspring. Formerly at an unimpressive 20-feet-tall, Warm Winds experienced an unprecedented growth spurt of several feet a few days ago. Medical records acquired by the agents of your family revealed a sudden and dramatic change in the mare’s metabolism. The mare’s inner body started rejuvenating, and suddenly aged in reverse. From her hormonal levels, it’s like a stronger, second puberty is rocking her body, and this one will happen in the course of the coming weeks instead of a few years. She’s expected to experience more of these sudden growth spurts, and the hormones in her body will make eve hornier and more fertile than a mare in her prime. She’s also as healthy as a 18-years-old mare, even if she doesn’t look like one, and it can be extrapolated that she could live up to 30 more years than other ponies as a result. Divorced and childless, Warm Winds hasn’t changed her routine in any way in reaction. Her husband left her years ago because she devoted too much time to her work and no to him. Indeed, Warm Winds spends most of her days at work. Climbed the ladder through hard work, today she both oversees employee training in Cloudsdale and water management for the North Equestrian region. Seems perfectly content to live alone. Hobbies she practices on week-ends include cloud gardening, golfing and aviating with friends (Pegasus equivalent of hiking, where they fly long routes at a moderate pace mostly to enjoy the scenery). Has a pet raven named Chips. Has feathers that grow in unusual places, like those that sprouted on her chest. >Expected traits to be carried: size, 2nd puberty, sudden & late growth spurts (in practice, mare of the next generation will all be more mature), longevity, Pegasus Mesa was picked >(Desu link for next part: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41287362/#41322851) >(Then : https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41603561/#q41603602 ) >(Then : https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41744510/#q41755856 )