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Mining for Moms and Aunts (Pie Sisters) 2

By OniiChansFables
Created: 2020-10-29 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-02-28 20:23:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >You try very just leaving while she's asleep
  2. >Just moving out from under her slowly enough to get out without her noticing
  3. >Though she notices and wraps herself around you in her sleep
  4. >Being in Photo Finish's bed with her wrapped around you half naked was definitely not what you expected
  5. >It might have been a bit more predictable if you'd known before now she drank at all
  6. >Thinking about it however, a high life socialite staying sober all the time just sounds silly
  7. >Fortunately it doesn't feel like long before she sobers up a little
  8. >Maybe because the water and eating her pizza dinner helped
  9. >She starts to wake back up though leaning into you, and kissing you as she did
  10. >Before saying half-awake, "Hey hot stuff... You come here often?..."
  11. >Photo Finish then blinks as she 'notices' who you were
  12. >Yet not letting go even as she seemed somewhat confused
  13. >Apparently not remembering what happened earlier asking, "Anon?... We didn't do it did we?"
  14. >It wasn't surprising why she'd think that
  15. Answering her with a sigh before saying, "No, we didn't, and you've been 'dressed' like that since you greeted me. I think you definitely had too much wine."
  16. >She seemed rather embarrassed and disappointed with herself
  17. >Though she didn't seem to entirely regret her situation right now
  18. >Asking you now apologetically, "I hope you can forgive my rather unprofessional conduct here."
  19. >Seeming worried now about how you might respond
  20. >Possibly worried about being in a lot of trouble if you were seriously mad, and couldn't forgive her for this
  21. Telling her now reassuringly, "Sure it was unexpected, and I wasn't really 'prepared' for it. It's fine though, really... It's nice to know you've come to your senses a little."
  22. >You mostly just didn't want her to beat herself up about acting inappropriately while drunk in her 'home'
  23. >Though she now seemed to see your response as an 'opportunity'
  25. >Placing a hand on your cheek and turning your head to face her more directly
  26. >Asking you now in a teasing and husky tone, "Is it really 'fine' to be like zis with me? You should express how you 'feel' clearly."
  27. >Pulling you in a little closer with her legs after saying that
  28. >Then telling you, "I didn't plan on just dragging you to my bed ze first time you 'visit'. Zough you have been 'free' to come visit me ze whole time."
  29. >You had just kind of assumed she didn't want to be disturbed, and you guess you were wrong about that
  30. >Seeing you blush without resisting she decided to push 'a little' further
  31. >Taking the hand not on your cheek, and reaching down your pants to feel your erection
  32. >Asking you even more teasingly and sounding needy now, "How about zis? Is zis 'fine'?"
  33. >An even deeper blush on your face as you got very flustered
  34. Answering her now while reminding her why you'd actually come, "I mean... It's definitely not 'appropriate'... I'd just rather you not beat yourself up about what you did while drunk... Even if I'd actually come here to ask when you wanted to do the 'dinner meeting'..."
  35. >She then seemed stunned remembering she'd planned to have that 'dinner meeting' with you
  36. >Though she regained her composure quickly
  37. >Stroking you now a little while saying seductively, "Ze point of it was to 'get to know you better', and I'd say I'm 'getting to know you' very well right now~."
  38. >Kissing your cheek before perhaps jokingly saying, "Zough perhaps we do need to 'reschedule'. Try zis again tomorrow night."
  39. >As she pumped your shaft more vigorously she got an 'idea'
  40. >Grinning deviously as she now said, "I zink ze most 'inappropriate' zing here is zat You're ze only one fully clothed. Let's fix zat shall we?"
  41. >She then pulled off your pants with practically as much 'efficiency' as Maud
  42. >Leaving your bottom half bare as she said appreciatively, "Zere, zat's more like it."
  44. >She then moved her panties to the side before grabbing one of your hands
  45. >Bringing your hand to her crotch before 'directing' you, "Now zat we're 'here', I'd like you to do me a 'favor'."
  46. >Having you start to finger her with your index and middle fingers
  47. >'Guiding' you through every moment of it
  48. >Especially pacing you like your hand was a sex toy
  49. >Stopping when she shuddered very strongly in what was no doubt an orgasm
  50. >Before she moved to straddle you
  51. >Asking you rhetorically, "Now for ze main event now zat we've come zis far. You wouldn't leave a fine sophisticated lady like myself hanging would you?"
  52. >She definitely didn't wait for a response before sinking herself down on your shaft
  53. >Moaning out as her tunnel gripped you tightly, "It's been so long since I've gotten zis..."
  54. >Then bouncing on you only a bit before flipping you both over
  55. >Placing you on top as she all but commanded you, "Why don't you show me what you can do?"
  56. >You had been made rather pent up by Maud earlier...
  57. >Even if you'd intended to 'save it' for Mom...
  58. >Before you knew it you were humping away at her
  59. >Photo Finish encouraging you as the bed creaked under you
  60. >Hoping you weren't making too much noise, but you couldn't stop or slow down
  61. >Her moans driving you forward
  62. >Though the thought entered your head that this was the first time you were having sex with a woman who WASN'T related to you...
  63. >As you started to throb in her Pinkie's 'advice' came to mind
  64. >However Photo Finish removed the choice to not follow that 'advice' by wrapping her legs around you
  65. >Telling you almost sternly, "Don't you dare pull out! I need zis!"
  66. >Using her legs to lock you in as you approached your peak
  67. >Then came inside your 'boss' as she moaned out in satisfaction
  68. >Her nails digging into your back a little as she held you was tighter than you thought she could
  70. >Not letting go as she said with pleasure in her voice, "Zat's exactly what I needed..."
  71. >Still locking you in as she kissed you
  72. >Alcohol still on her breath as she then said, "Zanks for 'sctatching zis itch' for me like a good boy."
  73. >Then letting go with her legs as your cock slid out with a lewd popping sound
  74. >Though still holding you with her arms as she rolled to be on top again
  75. >More laying on your side than fully on top of you
  76. >Cuddling into you in the afterglow saying, "Zis is what we call a 'one night stand'."
  77. >Before chuckling a little as she joked, "Zough without ze part where I don't call you ze next day."
  78. >Getting comfortable nuzzling into you now
  79. >Photo Finish telling you now, "Zough stay with me for about an hour or so longer. Before you get going."
  80. >She then practically slept on you like she did earlier
  81. >Except now she was making a conscious decision to do it, and not fully asleep either
  82. >Once she's had enough rest while using you like a hug pillow, she helped you get dressed
  83. >Finding some cologne in her dresser before giving you a few sprays with it
  84. >Then giving you a few sniffs while embracing you
  85. >Perhaps trying to check that you didn't smell like sex or alcohol anymore
  86. >Once she was sure you didn't she started to push you to the door
  87. >Saying teasingly as she did, "I wish I could just 'keep you' overnight, but I really couldn't. Sorry to make you take ze 'late night walk of shame' home, but zat's how it is. I'll make it up to you later, and let's just be 'friends with benefits'. Don't forget to come here for dinner tomorrow as well."
  88. >With that she opened the door to her trailer, and you were shoved out
  89. >Though she changed her mind and pulled you back in
  90. >Finding a tissue, and using it to wipe marks and stuff off your face
  91. >Then 'tidying' you up more as she got into making sure you looked alright
  92. >Before finally deciding she was satisfied with how you looked, and sending you out again
  94. >Outside her trailer in the night air you almost forgot what you were supposed to be doing
  95. >Then remembering Mom's honeymoon as you went into the house
  96. >It seemed quiet as everyone was probably settled down for the night
  97. >Though you're soon ambushed by Pinkie
  98. >Who grabbed you before dragging you into her room
  99. >Once in her room seeming rather excited to 'interrogate' you
  100. >Asking you unable to hide how excited she was, "That took awfully for a dinner! Was I right about her?! Don't spare any details Nonners~! Tell me everything~!"
  101. >Your blush about being asked that told her everything
  102. >She still wanted a verbal answer though
  103. Explaining to her, "Well... She'd had more than a bit too much wine, and... You were right... She'd been feeling lonely out here, and well... Pent up... She didn't even remember the planned 'dinner meeting' at first, and thought I was visiting for fun till I reminded her..."
  104. >Pinkie got even more excited like she'd gotten a juicy scoop from a gossip rag
  105. >Then commenting out loud, "So Photo Finish is a horny drunk, eh?! What'd she say you were now, and what'd she call it when she fucked you?!"
  106. >She beamed at you waiting for the response
  107. Telling her now, "She called it a 'one night stand', and that we should be 'friends with benefits'..."
  108. >Pinkie laughed about it now while squeezing you
  109. >Before saying amused while rocking you in her arms, "She's just fooling herself if she thinks that. People don't 'stay' friends with benefits. Either she'll want to get serious, or call it off entirely."
  110. >Her laughing slowing down to a chuckle as she continued, "Let's just humor her, and let her think what she wants~."
  111. >Though she then had a different thought
  112. >Asking now to nobody in particular, "Though I wonder what Vignette will do~? Since she probably spied on it enough to know plenty about what happened~."
  113. >Now that you think of it, you seriously don't know
  114. You ask her now however, "Shouldn't I be going to Mom though about now?"
  116. >Pinkie shrugged it off
  117. >Telling you casually in response, "Pssshhhh, you have all night for that."
  118. >Before changing her mind
  119. >Saying now, "Actually... I think I've asked you everything I wanted to know, and I shouldn't 'drain' you before you big night with your 'wifey'~."
  120. >Giggling about it before letting you out of her room
  121. >Teasingly 'encouraging' you as she said, "Go get her, 'hubby'~."
  122. >Then you were free to head to Mom's room
  123. >Where she'd definitely be if she were anywhere
  124. >You knock on the door and hear a quick response
  125. >Mom asking, "Is that you, Anon?..."
  126. You of course tell her, "Yes, it's me. Can I come in?"
  127. >She sounds nervous no doubt trying to prepare something
  128. >Before telling you in response, "Yes, you can come in..."
  129. >Opening the door the sight absolutely floors you
  130. >Mom's in a mostly transparent and crotchless outfit made to look like a cross between a night gown and a wedding dress
  131. >Leaving nothing to the imagination, and looking like an extremely lewd 'wife'
  132. >There were also mood lighting candles everywhere, and heart decorations all around too
  133. >Like a real honeymoon suite
  134. >This probably took her all day to prepare
  135. >You quickly shut and lock the door behind you so she wouldn't get worried about anyone else sees this
  136. >Even blocking the door with a chair like Maud had practically shown you how to do
  137. >Seeing you take that extra step to prevent interruption Mom seemed like she'd go crazy with anticipation
  138. >She then told you nervously, "I would have worn this during my honeymoon with your father, but we never had a honeymoon... So you're the first person to see me in it..."
  139. >The idea that not even your father was the first person to see it as her 'husband'...
  140. >It made you feel so hot and bothered, it was like your blood was on fire, and your face so red and hot you could melt steel with it
  141. >It even became obvious she'd been a 'smaller' woman when she'd gotten it
  143. >The outfit seemed too small for her, and her breasts and hips in particular strained how much it could 'stretch'
  144. >Remembering what Maud had said Mom wanted your body moved on its own
  145. >Going right up to her and embracing her
  146. >She moaned and shook just from that
  147. >So she must be as hot and bothered as you are
  148. >As you leaned forward already next to her bed she leaned back in response
  149. >Practically helping you pin her down onto her bed
  150. >Now with your mother pinned under you, she moaned out, "Oh, Anon!... Are you sure about this?... We can't go back if you go any further..."
  151. >You felt bolder than you'd ever felt before in your life
  152. Like your heart was about to explode in your chest as you said, "I came here to take you for myself, Mom! It's like from the start you were always the one who was meant to be mine! No matter who comes for you thinking you're just some sexy model, I won't let any of them try to take you! Because you're mine, my wife!"
  153. >You hadn't thought about what you'd say, but it's like the words were just 'in you'
  154. >Though you knew they were the right words when Mom looked happier than you'd ever seen her
  155. >Even crying with joy as she held and kissed you passionately
  156. >Then as you ended up grinding against her she frantically tried to help you undo your pants
  157. >Bringing out your erection that could shatter diamonds
  158. >Which then plunged into her depths before you'd even know you did it
  159. >Your Mom moaning out so loudly about it, you worried about the whole house hearing it despite how insanely thick the walls are
  160. >Her motherly pussy clamping down on you so hard it was like you'd cum instantly
  161. >You cut off the moan by locking lips with her
  162. >In fact you basically did cum instantly
  163. >Before you'd even thrust once you felt your balls empty into her with such force like you'd never known before
  164. >Mom holding you even tighter feeling you fill her womb with her own son's seed
  166. >Then shuddering like crazy when you actually started moving
  167. >Clinging to you with a strength you only thought Maud could muster as you felt like you could get almost get crushed
  168. >Though her shuddering made her grip erratic and kept it from being too hard on you
  169. >There was no way she was doing that on purpose, but she no doubt just can't help herself
  170. >Every time you had to break the kiss for air she resumed moaning very loudly
  171. >Which only encouraged you to fuck her harder
  172. >Until she started to strain her voice, and only then quieted down any
  173. >It was then she moaned out, "Make sure you're the only one who sees my honeymoon gown... Make sure I can only be yours... Get me pregnant Anon, and never let go of me..."
  174. >A jolt of electricity surging through your body hearing those words
  175. >Her pussy then clamped down on you like a vice grip again
  176. >Practically forcing you to cum again
  177. >As you poured seed you didn't even know you had into her
  178. >It was like Mom was a succubus draining you of everything you had
  179. Then you tried to ask her while out of breath, "G-get you pregnant?! D-didn't Maud give you birth control?..."
  180. >Mom then looked around nervously while keeping her legs locked around you
  181. >Before telling you like she was ashamed to admit it, "I received them from her, but never took them..."
  182. >The realization of what that meant starting to sink into you
  183. >You'd just came inside your mother's womb, twice, and without any form of protection
  184. >She then said defensively, "I-it's not absolutely certain I'd get pregnant from this... Even if I'd be very happy if I did..."
  185. >The blushing deeper before trying to explain herself further
  186. >Saying even more defensively, "Even if it does happen it'd take a long time for us to know, and I'm sure we'd come up with how to tell everyone by then!"
  187. >It was certainly 'too late' to do anything about it now
  189. Saying now about it, "I don't know how we'd ever get away with it if that happened, but it's too late to stop it now if it does..."
  190. >Mom blushing furiously as she fidgeted about to ask something
  191. >Then asking you nervously, "Well... If it's 'too late' already... Want to keep going, maybe?... If that's okay with you, of course..."
  192. >You felt all but hallowed out, but you answered her by starting to thrust again anyway
  193. >Ending up doing it even if you fired blanks after that until you both fell asleep like that
  194. -
  195. End of day
  196. -
  197. >You were woken up by her alarm still on top of her
  198. >She was still in her 'honeymoon gown', and slack with a look of pure bliss on her face
  199. >Helping her wake up as you got off of her
  200. >However Mom stopped you from getting off her
  201. >Pulling you back up against her as your re-hardened dick slid back in her
  202. >As she moaned out saying, "Just one more time, please honey... I don't care if we're late for breakfast..."
  203. >You couldn't possibly refuse her
  204. >Slamming into her, and kissing her to prevent her from moaning out as loud as she could in the morning
  205. >You cock felt sensitive, and Mom's quivering greedy pussy coaxed you to cum in no time flat
  206. >Filling your own mother's womb a third time
  207. >You didn't even stop thrusting though
  208. >Seeming to cum inside her a fourth time before you even realized it was happening
  209. >However that one actually hurt as you were practically forced to stop
  210. >Mom was okay with stopping after seeing your face twist in pain after over exerting yourself
  211. >After that she allowed you to get off, and go get ready for breakfast
  212. >Practically limping as you left the room
  213. Telling her as you left in a hurry, "I know you said you don't care if we're late, but we should still hurry..."
  214. >Moving the chair and unlocking the door as fast as you could
  215. >Then opening the door, and shutting it behind you in one fast fluid motion
  216. >At least nobody was waiting on the other side to confront you about what'd happened in there
  218. >So you get ready for breakfast as soon as you can
  219. >Getting in and out of the shower quick as a flash especially
  220. >You don't see Mom as you head towards the dinning room
  221. >So she must be taking a bit longer to get ready
  222. >Hopefully you can cover for her if anyone asks about it
  223. >When you get in everyone except you and Mom are already sitting
  224. >Though they aren't eating yet so you weren't as late as you feared
  225. >It appeared to be a chicken, cheese, and mushroom omelet
  226. >Grandpa still wanted to know why you weren't here to help set up breakfast
  227. >Seeming even less lenient than normal about it because this is after time off
  228. Coming up with something for both of you at the same time you say, "I was just checking on Mom when I noticed she wasn't coming out of her room. She wasn't feeling very well, so it could take her a bit to get here."
  229. >Grandpa looked into your eyes for a few moments
  230. >Then seemed to accept this as a reasonable answer
  231. >Though he commented aloud, "I hope she's not too sick to work today."
  232. >She probably will be able to work when she gets here
  233. >Especially considering she's not actually sick
  234. >After you'd started eating Mom does come in looking rather nervous about it
  235. >She apologizes for it saying, "I'm sorry I'm late everyone..."
  236. >Then Grandpa reassures her saying, "It's okay, Anonymous already explained you weren't feeling well. Though do you think you'll be able to work today?"
  237. >Mom nodded while smiling with relief
  238. >Then she sat at the table to eat with everyone else
  239. >Though not before giving you a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek as thanks
  240. >You then noticed Vignette was looking rather nervous and unsure about something
  241. >Grandma noticed you looking at her and tried to explain
  242. >Telling you, "Poor thing does seem rather gloomy this morning, but she doesn't really want to talk about why. I'm sure she'll talk with me about what her problem is when she's ready."
  243. >Something tells you she won't though
  245. >Especially since you're pretty sure you do know what's bothering her
  246. >Even she probably knows Grandma would just rage like a bull in a china shop if she knew what happened with Photo Finish last night
  247. >So she'd probably prefer to talk with someone 'closer' to what's happening
  248. >Who she's sure would be able to take a more discrete and nuanced approach to helping her
  249. >Probably someone like one of your aunts
  250. >Either way you definitely wouldn't be directly involved here
  251. >After breakfast it was time to get back to work for Monday
  252. >Vignette was with Mom and Grandma again
  253. >With Grandma still intending to get Vignette's stamina up
  254. >You of course are with Maud like basically always
  255. >Though outside the house you see Photo Finish
  256. >Looking like she's there to report on something
  257. >She actually doesn't look hung over
  258. >Photo Finish starts explaining, "It's uncertain if ze 'second part' of ze contest will actually happen. Zat's for several reasons."
  259. >It seems her 'report' definitely wasn't about last night
  260. >She continues with, "First, is zat the try-outs zemselves performed rather poorly. As I'm sure you'd know already if you watched it."
  261. >Everyone understood that one because you all had watched it
  262. >Giving the second reasons with, "Second, is zat zey're having a hard time figuring out how zey'd 'air' ze 'second part'."
  263. >There was some confusion with that one
  264. >Especially among your grandparents
  265. >Who definitely don't know any of the logistics for how show business works
  266. >Now explaining the third reason as, "Lastly, it turns out zat ze sponsor's product 'powerthirst'... Is actually crystal meth. How zey ever sold so much of it until now without anyone noticing, I'll never know. Zough we don't need zeir money anymore after being done using ze stadium, it's still quite a scandal, and not in a good way."
  267. >Wait, what?
  268. >You'd never heard of that brand before, but hard drugs were just being sold out in the open?...
  269. >At least it's over now
  271. >Grandma was practically devastated by the news that the contest might be over before any of the eligible bachelors get here
  272. >You're not sure she even noticed or cared about the drugs part
  273. >Though to be fair, it's shocking, but it doesn't really affect you in any way
  274. >Photo Finish said next, "Zough even if ze 'second part' doesn't happen. Zat doesn't mean you can't personally invite any of ze men you actually liked in ze contest. It just wouldn't be regulated under ze contest's rules."
  275. >Grandma seemed more relieved about that
  276. >Though her reactions were basically mirrored by opposite reactions from Mom in particular
  277. >Then Photo Finish lastly said, "I'll keep you all updated about it, and now I'll just let you head out to ze mine without further interruption."
  278. >She then headed off to set up for tonight's photo shoot
  279. >Leaving you to head into the mines like planned
  280. >Like always things were work centric at least until lunch
  281. >When Maud wanted to know about what happened last night
  282. >Both with Photo Finish, and with Mom
  283. >Apparently she hadn't heard about the Photo Finish part from Pinkie already
  284. So you first told her about Photo Finish last night, "Well, Photo Finish drank a bit too much wine, and was a little 'touchy-feely'... We kind of... Did it a little..."
  285. >Maude looked concerned, but not about what you really expected at first
  286. >Asking you, "Did she become sober before you had intercourse? Because inebriated intercourse is a very unwise course of action."
  287. >You hadn't thought about that in particular, but in retrospect it was one of the reasons you'd hesitated
  288. Reassuring her, "Yeah, she'd sobered up before that. Well, maybe not completely. Though she'd at least sobered up enough to come to her senses."
  289. >Maud seemed less concerned now, but she had more questions about it
  290. >Asking you now, "Did you ejaculate inside her, and do you know if she used any form of birth control?"
  291. >You had, and you didn't respectively
  293. >Which was a very concerning thing to think about now
  294. >She's an adult who's no doubt not new to sex, but that didn't stop Mom from not being on top of preventing pregnancy last night...
  295. >The look of worry on your face gave Maud a grim look
  296. Though you gave the answer anyway, "I had, and I don't know if she was... I figured she was since she always seems to on top of everything, but I think now I'm realizing that was a stupid thing to assume..."
  297. >Maud then nodded before getting to the next part of it
  298. >Asking you now, "So, what happened with the 'honeymoon'?
  299. So you regaled her with, "Mom had decorated her room to be like a honeymoon suite. She also had the most beautiful and sexy gown on for it..."
  300. >Maud then interrupted you to comment
  301. >Saying now with a hint of nostalgia, "All of us sisters had helped her pick it out, and Pinkie even had one of her friends modify it to make it perfect. Limestone didn't approve saying it was too lewd, but it was for a honeymoon. So that was kind of the point. Shame Marble and your father were holding out to have money to afford a nice honeymoon, but never went on it before... Well, you know."
  302. >You'd pretty much lost your place with what you were saying
  303. >Well, there was at least one last thing to say...
  304. Saying it even though you didn't want to, "Then... We kind of had a 'moment of passion'... Where I kind of found out 'too late' that Mom... Hadn't taken the birth control you gave her..."
  305. >Maud then seemed very frustrated about it
  306. >Bringing a hand to her forehead while hanging her head low
  307. >Venting now about it, "I told her when to take each pill. I knew she was nervous about taking them because she'd fallen for our mom demonizing birth control. I really should have shoved those pills down her throat myself if I had to."
  308. >Then she sighs deeply knowing it's too late for that now
  310. >She almost sounded like a lawyer telling you now, "Okay, okay... We still don't know if she's pregnant, and even if she starts showing signs just do everything in your power to deny it. Absolutely never admit to anything even remotely related to it in order to at least delay Cloudy and Igneous finding out. Every moment longer it takes them will help us come up with a real solution."
  311. >She then pauses for a moment
  312. >Before 'clarifying', "If it turns out she is pregnant of course, which she might not be."
  313. >It would be for the best if she wasn't pregnant...
  314. >Though you have a hunch that wasn't likely
  315. >That would just be too 'lucky' of an outcome, wouldn't it?
  316. >At least it'd definitely be a mistake to just assume she's not pregnant, and everything will be fine without you doing anything about it
  317. >After that Maud was lost in thought about what could be done about it
  318. >So she definitely wasn't in the mood to do anything sexual this time
  319. >In fact after lunch she seemed distracted during the second half of work
  320. >Definitely thinking very heavily about what the 'plan' should be
  321. >It feels reassuring knowing Maud was on it
  322. >She's always been one of the smartest people in the family
  323. >If anyone could come up with something it was Maud
  324. >Though it doesn't mean you shouldn't try to come up with something yourself
  325. >Yet if she shows signs of pregnancy you'd literally be the only possible 'suspect'
  326. >There's no getting around that is there?
  327. >So coming up with a 'plan' yourself wasn't off to a great start
  328. >Okay, maybe it's impossible to keep people like your Grandparents from finding out forever...
  329. >Maybe there's a way to try to make sure they're 'okay' with it?
  330. >It could be your only hope
  331. >Having something to use a 'leverage' probably wouldn't hurt either
  332. >Though you weren't sure what could possibly be used that way
  333. >At least you'd have some time
  334. >Even if you have no idea how long
  335. >How long would it take for the first signs of pregnancy to show up anyway?
  337. >You are Vignette
  338. >Last night you saw Photo Finish pull Anon into her trailer
  339. >While she had next to nothing on, and seemed drunk
  340. >You didn't peer into her windows, or wait around outside it suspiciously to 'find out' what happened in there
  341. >It doesn't take much 'imagination' to be sure of what did happen
  342. >She's such a bitch
  343. >Did she do it just to spite you?
  344. >You had no idea what you'd do about it
  345. >It'd be a lot 'simpler' what you'd do about it if you were sure you wanted to 'be with' Anon
  346. >Except you really aren't
  347. >If it was just about him you'd want to, but there are a lot of 'strings attached' here
  348. >Like living out here so far away from everything
  349. >The 'solution' would also be a lot simpler if you didn't feel like you need Photo Finish's money
  350. >So, basically you need a 'solution' that'd keep Photo Finish away from Anon
  351. >Without needing to fully commit to being a couple with him, and without losing Photo Finish as a modeling agent
  352. >You definitely need help to come up with something that'd satisfy you here
  353. >This whole thing is stressing you out too
  354. >Cloudy is a sweetheart, and you've come to be besties with her
  355. >She's just too headstrong and 'white and black' about things to do this the way you'd want though
  356. >Pinkie and definitely Maud would want to help you, but would they take this seriously enough?
  357. >Something tells you 'no'
  358. >Limestone is basically like Cloudy when it comes to this too
  359. >So it just leaves one person who could be your 'best option' to help you
  360. >Anon's mom, Marble
  361. >You're not sure she'd want to help you with this, but if she knows you don't want being pushed to commit to Anon as a goal maybe she would?
  362. >She probably wouldn't want Photo Finish trying to be with Anon either
  363. >So maybe she'd help you for that reason too?
  364. >You were doing your best to mine while thinking about it
  365. >Before any of that you'd need to find a moment alone with Marble
  366. >To talk with her about with without Cloudy also hearing it
  368. >Actually, even if you do get Marble to help you, you don't know how much 'help' she'd actually be
  369. >You hadn't seen her to be especially good at making plans for things, but maybe moral support is all you need?
  370. >Just having at least one person who has your back on it
  371. >Even if they aren't 'perfect' at helping you with it
  372. >Though a different thought haunts you
  373. >How long can you really stay indecisive about Anon?
  374. >Definitely not forever
  375. >What if it'd be better to let someone like Photo Finish have him if you're never going to decide?
  376. >Would you expect Anon to just sit around forever waiting for you to decide if you're going to be his girlfriend or not?
  377. >At least the 'girlfriend' who's not related to him
  378. >Then you realized that gave you an 'advantage' over Photo Finish
  379. >The fact that you know they're incestuous, and are basically cool with it
  380. >Marble is sure to side with you over Photo Finish for that reason
  381. >Since you are okay with her 'relationship' with her son, but Photo Finish might not be
  382. >Actually, if you think about it, she probably would be cool with it
  383. >How could she possibly not 'suspect' something by now, and if she really was totally against incest, why would she do any of this in the first place?
  384. >If she was so against incest she probably would have called the whole thing off the first time Anon got a boner while posing with them
  385. >So maybe it's not as much of an 'advantage' as you might hope
  386. >All the more reason you'd actually want help from someone like Marble
  387. >Especially since the last few times you 'argued' with Photo Finish about anything it was super one sided
  388. >Against you, and you lost all of them super hard
  389. >It really made you feel like a kid trying to argue with her, and with her being an especially intimidating adult who isn't even your parent
  390. >If you tried to go head to head against Photo Finish, you don't need anyone to tell you that you'd just plain lose
  391. >During lunch you tried to get Marble's attention
  393. >Before trying to get her to come with you to talk in private
  394. >However Cloudy stopped you from doing it
  395. >As sweet and cool as she's been about most things, she doesn't mess around about work
  396. >Not letting either of you leave her sight
  397. >Making it clear non-verbally that if she lost track of you she thought you'd slack off
  398. >Either that or you'd get lost
  399. >You'd probably need to try getting to talk to just Marble at the house
  400. >Which would probably be the easiest way to do it, now that you think of it
  401. >You don't really need the 'solution' right this second
  402. >At least you don't think so
  403. >Your thinking starts to get muddled as the mining takes it out of you
  404. >The lunch break helped, but not as much as you'd like
  405. >You definitely weren't going to be able to come up with a plan till you could rest first
  406. >Working yourself basically to your limits to please Cloudy
  407. >Especially after it seemed like you wanted to slack off earlier
  408. >She does really like you now, but it'd be best to not risk getting on her bad side
  409. >By the end of it you were sore all over, but Cloudy seemed happy
  410. >So it was definitely worth it
  411. >Who knows, maybe you even would be healthier for it later like they keep saying
  412. >It definitely does jibe with how basically everyone says exercise is good for you
  413. >Even if exercising sucks, like eating healthy food often does
  414. >Why does basically everything that's good for you have to suck so much?
  415. >You're stuck on a tangent now
  416. >Gotta get back to your big problem if you can
  417. >The whole thing with Photo Finish and Anon
  418. >Yet maybe you've already thought about this as 'productively' as you can for now
  419. >You just feel so unsure about everything
  421. >You are Anon
  422. >The work day is almost over, and you'd mostly spent it 'planning' with Maud
  423. >Well, more like planning next to Maud
  424. >It's been rather silent, and you haven't really been sharing ideas out loud
  425. >You feel like you'd made some progress coming up with stuff you could do
  426. >Though you definitely hope Maud came up with better stuff than you
  427. >Because the best you had was 'convince grandparents it's fine', or 'gain leverage towards damage control'
  428. >Hopefully both even
  429. >You aren't entirely sure how the last two who might not know would react to the 'situation'
  430. >Then it dawns on you
  431. >There may be reason to be very afraid of how Limestone would react
  432. >Especially since it'd definitely be impossible to 'hide' from her what happened
  433. >You'd definitely have to brace yourself to swallow that particular pill
  434. >However it turns out she does react
  435. >After the work day ends, you start heading back to the house
  436. >You felt on edge not knowing when things would happen
  437. >Especially Limestone finding out about what happened with Mom
  438. >In fact for all you know she could know already
  439. >Soon Mom was clinging to you like normal
  440. >Actually, maybe a bit more 'affectionate' with it than before
  441. >When Limestone didn't immediately try to tear Mom apart after arriving...
  442. >You felt confident she didn't know yet
  443. >Though that still left how she'd be alerted
  444. >Something you felt extremely nervous about
  445. >As you got close to the house Vignette made her presence known
  446. >Asking Mom, "Say... Can I talk to you in private as something?"
  447. >Mom didn't seem to want to leave your side, but was intrigued about what she'd want to talk about
  448. >Responding half-begrudgingly, "I guess..."
  449. >There was even time for it before the photo shoot
  450. >Vignette pulling Mom off of you, and dragging her off for just that
  451. >Limestone taking the opportunity quickly to cling to you more
  452. >Though Maud stepped in to help get things rolling towards 'everyone being caught up'
  454. >Asking Limestone, "Could you and Anon come with me to talk about something? I guarantee you it's extremely important."
  455. >Limestone seems to notice Maud is completely serious
  456. >Soon nodding in agreement
  457. >Then when Maud notices Pinkie is here inviting her too
  458. >Telling Pinkie, "You should be here for the discussion too."
  459. >Pinkie skipped over energetically
  460. >Before asking, "Ooooh~? What are we going to be talking about~?"
  461. >Maud then pulled you all to a secluded side area
  462. >The 'suspense' was only making Pinkie more anxious to find out
  463. >Maud finally starting with, "This discussion will pertain to what happened last night."
  464. >Limestone was already getting mad, having a bad feeling about it
  465. >Then Maud continued, "Specifically what happened with Photo Finish, and most importantly what happened with Marble."
  466. >Pinkie chimed in already knowing what happened with Photo Finish
  467. >Saying cheerfully and teasingly, "Ooh, ooh, I already know what happened with Photo Finish~! You mean how she was white girl wasted on wine, and how they totally did it~?"
  468. >She then giggled about it while waiting for Maud's response
  469. >Though Maud responded more seriously, "Did you also know that it's unclear if she'd been using birth control of any kind?"
  470. >With that Pinkie's giggling immediately stopped
  471. >A look on her face like she was confident someone who got drunk for fun that day most likely hadn't
  472. >While Limestone looked to be on the verge of foaming at the mouth with rage
  473. >Then Pinkie asked definitely scared to hear the answer, "So with that being the situation with Photo Finish... Why is Marble's situation 'most important'?"
  474. >Even Maud seemed nervous to answer that one
  475. >You were so nervous you could hardly breathe, and it was like you could choke on the nervous knot in your throat
  477. >Maud went through with saying it, "I'm sure you all know they had intercourse at the 'honeymoon' since it was obvious that would happen. The bad news is that we know for certain she hadn't used the birth control I gave her."
  478. >It was total silence after that
  479. >Pinkie was stunned with shock, and Limestone looked like she might faint
  480. >Then Pinkie blurted out, "We basically knew it'd happen eventually... Isn't this too soon though?!"
  481. >Maud then grabbed Pinkie by the shoulder and shook her to calm her down
  482. >Telling Pinkie, "You should know that panicking won't solve anything. We've got to have clear heads, and think about what we're going to do."
  483. >Pinkie then slowly took in deep breaths, and slowly let them out
  484. >Limestone however grabbed you before pulling you into an embrace suddenly
  485. >Saying with a mess of strong emotions, "I know what I'm going to do! If Marble is going to drag us all down by being careless... Then I don't want to go down denying myself! I want to get pregnant too! Don't try to stop me!"
  486. >Maud and Pinkie just kind of gave Limestone a 'are you for real?' look
  487. >Maud then 'pointed out', "Why would we try to stop you at this point? You're basically right. If Marble's going to be pregnant regardless, then how much worse is two of us being pregnant really?"
  488. >You basically were in the most trouble you could possibly be in with Mom most likely impregnated by you
  489. >Pinkie then asked Limestone, "Do you really want to do it here though?"
  490. >Limestone then blushed furiously while squeezing you
  491. >Before nervously saying in a defensive tone, "No!... Maybe tonight though... When I could possibly be alone with him..."
  492. >Then it occurred to Maud you should all get going to the photo shoot
  493. >Saying after checking the time, "We should get home for the photo shoot."
  494. >When you all left Pinkie kept teasingly prodding Limestone while she held you
  496. >You are Vignette
  497. >Having taken Marble into the house
  498. >Then trying to find the best place to talk quietly
  499. >First going for Marble's room, but she didn't want to go there for some reason
  500. >Telling you like she had something to hide, "It's a bit messy right now..."
  501. >Which only made you curious, but if you want her help you'd just have to drop it
  502. >Marble then brought you to Anon's room
  503. >It seemed counter-intuitive, but maybe it was the best choice
  504. >Since in all the time you'd been here so far his room has practically been abandoned
  505. >You were nervous to do it, but you both went in his room
  506. >Locking the door behind you as you both headed to the center of the room
  507. >Then sitting next to each other it was time to tell her why you called her out
  508. Explaining to her, "I'd like to talk to you about... Photo Finish and Anon... Then I'd like your help..."
  509. >Cutting right to the chase there because you were too nervous to drag things out
  510. >His Mom seemed to know at least some of what you wanted to talk about
  511. >Asking you now angrily, "She did have sneaky motives to make a move on him, didn't she?!"
  512. >You were definitely nervous to say now
  513. Though steeling your nerves before telling her, "I don't know everything that happened in her trailer. Though she was drunk and pulled him in while not wearing much. So I don't think it takes much to 'know' what happened."
  514. >She was definitely upset about it, and maybe it's just you but she seemed more irritable than her usual self
  515. Then you tried to explain in order to calm her down, "That's what I want help with! I don't want Photo Finish trying to take him for herself! I don't know if I want him to MYSELF, but I definitely know I don't want Photo Finish to have him."
  516. >That last part was something she could agree on
  517. >Calming down only slightly though
  519. So you explain further, "Though we need a 'nuanced' solution here. Since I doubt either of us wants to lose her as a modeling agent, and the money that'd come with it. So we need to keep her away from Anon, but without just completely driving her off. I think you're the best person to help come up with something like that."
  520. >Now she was deep in thought, and seemed to at least be willing to help
  521. >Even if for her own reasons rather than really yours
  522. >She then quickly suggests something, "Probably the simplest thing we could try is to just play 'keep away'. Just use any excuse we can to prevent her from having alone time with him. Anything we can think of to keep him with us rather than her."
  523. >You aren't sure it'd work all the time
  524. >Though it probably is the least 'openly combative' way to do it
  525. >Just obstructing Photo Finish instead of outright confronting her would also give you more time
  526. >To decide just what you want to do concerning Anon
  527. >You have a nagging feeling about it
  528. >Like you'd still be 'losing', even if not being Anon's girlfriend is actually what you decide for yourself
  529. >Then there's what it might mean for Anon and Photo Finish if you decide to drop out of the race for 'girlfriend'
  530. >Almost like you're even pushing yourself to be with him
  531. >Which ironically makes you want to 'push back' against yourself as well
  532. >Your stomach is in a knot thinking about it, and as it feels like it'd all come to a head soon a sense of dread comes over you
  533. >Surprisingly Marble then starts holding you in an embrace
  534. >Softly holding you and stroking your hair with caring
  535. Telling her now feeling the urge to pour your heart out, "I... I just don't know what to do, and... I'm scared..."
  536. >You start to cry a little as Marble stroked your hair more to help you
  537. >It was making you feel better
  538. >Then she told you in an empathic tone, "There's no need to cry. As long as you hold on to hope, and have your family with you... Everything will be just fine."
  540. >Though there was something odd about the way she said it
  541. >Like she was telling herself that as well as you
  542. >It was maybe just the kind of thing you wanted to hear right now
  543. Asking her now, "By 'family'... Do you mean, you, Cloudy, and the rest of your family?..."
  544. >She then nodded with a warm smile as she kept stroking your hair
  545. >Marble then told you in a tone like she was confessing something, "You know... You actually remind me a lot of myself when I was younger..."
  546. >You're not entirely sure what she means
  547. >Since you're more of an outgoing person, and not as shy as her
  548. >Though she explained, "Like when you mined with us, and tried your best despite not really being 'suited' to mine work. I've never really felt 'suited' to it either, but always try my best."
  549. >Now you think you were starting to see it a little
  550. >She's seeing the same kind of struggles she had in the problems you are having now
  551. >You then realize that she was being a lot more supportive right now than your own parents had ever been
  552. >Especially your own mom
  553. >Who'd always tried to dictate everything about your life instead of just letting you make your own decisions
  554. >While never really being satisfied with anything you did do that she told you to
  555. >Which had a lot to do with why you left on bad terms with them
  556. >When you left home to be a full time internet celebrity
  557. >Is that really even what you want to do anymore?
  558. >Maybe it would be less stressful to have vlogging as a side gig
  559. >Rather than trying to count on it to provide your entire livelihood
  560. >Being held like this while having your hair stroked seemed to help you think so much more clearly
  561. >Like maybe something like this was all you really needed from the start
  562. >You both stay like this for a while
  563. >Until you feel like you could fall asleep
  564. >Though Marble checks the time realizing you should go to the photo shoot
  565. >So you quickly got up to head out there
  566. >You'd just have to stay calm when you see Photo Finish
  568. >You are Anon
  569. >Arriving for the photo shoot after having that 'talk' earlier
  570. >You hadn't really said anything really, and apparently you 'need' to get Limestone pregnant
  571. >Though after possibly getting two women, including your mom pregnant on accident...
  572. >Who are you to deny Limestone this?
  573. >Especially if you don't have an actual reason to
  574. >At least not any reason that should have kept you from getting Mom pregnant
  575. >When you arrived, you noticed basically everyone was there
  576. >Which meant the photo shoot could get under way
  577. >You got into your 'photo shoot outfit' first
  578. >With Mom's turn first
  579. >Photo Finish took her to the outfit trailer like normal
  580. >When Mom came out she was wearing just a sweater again
  581. >Except instead of a hole in the front, the sides were cut out
  582. >Showing side boob with fabric ONLY over the front
  583. >Her sides completely showing with the hole elongated to nearly the neck of it, and all the way down close to the bottom of it
  584. >The bottom of the sweater was barely below her crotch, and her breasts barely kept in the top
  585. >She was very worried about her breasts slipping out the sides of it
  586. >With good reason too
  587. >Especially when it turned out the theme of recording a short clip instead of a still image was continuing
  588. >She basically needed to leave it alone to keep anything from being 'exposed'
  589. >This could be impossible for her when the cameras are on her
  590. >A prediction which would very soon prove to be true
  591. >She was simply posed next to you since a still pose wouldn't work for a video
  592. >Photo Finish tried to put as little pressure on her about any 'line' she wants to say
  593. >Telling her, "I know zis will be stressful enough for you. So just say anything you want, or nothing. Just don't worry about it, and do whatever makes you less nervous."
  594. >However once she became aware the cameras were running all hell broke loose
  595. >First she unconsciously pulled the bottom of the sweater down
  597. >Which caused the top of it to be pulled in between her breasts
  598. >Completely exposing them as her face became a deep crimson
  599. >Then pulling at the top from the sides while 're-position' her breasts to get them covered again
  600. >Over doing that caused the bottom of the sweater to be pulled up
  601. >Revealing her pussy as she freaked out even more after realizing
  602. >Trying to cover both 'adequately' with absolutely no luck
  603. >Finally all but giving up doing it herself as she started clinging to you
  604. >Panicking as she cried out, "HELP ME ANON! For the love of god please help me!!"
  605. >She even knocked you over, and landed on top of you
  606. >It was then that Photo Finish stopped recording
  607. After you helped yourself and Mom back up you asked Photo Finish, "So... We're definitely scraping that one right?"
  608. >However Photo Finish didn't seem to agree with you
  609. >Saying in response, "Of course we can't release it as is. We'd have to censor it first. Unfortunate to be sure, but after some blurring it'd be good to go."
  610. >You looked around to see if anyone else was against this kind of decision
  611. >However hardly anyone was really paying attention
  612. >Grandma and Grandpa practically weren't even here
  613. >Just standing way off talking between each other about other stuff
  614. >None of your aunts seemed to be bothered either
  615. >In fact Limestone of all people seemed to be amused rather than outraged
  616. >Guess she liked seeing Mom put in a spot like this after finding out what she'd done...
  617. >Though the silver lining for Mom was that if there wasn't going to be a re-do; that means she's basically done
  618. >Quickly heading to the outfit trailer to change back
  619. >After that it was time for Maud's turn
  620. >The routine to get Maud into her outfit was quick
  621. >Then she came back out in a leopard print bikini
  622. >Also with cat ears and a tail accessory in leopard print
  623. >The tail is just attached with something like a belt just above the bikini bottom
  624. >She was then posed next to you for the short clip to start
  626. >In front of a jungle backdrop
  627. >Once the cameras started recorded she pulled you in with an arm around your neck
  628. >Then did a cat like pose with the other hand trying to imitate a cat paw
  629. >After that Maud did a small 'scratching' motion towards the camera
  630. >Saying flatly, "Meow."
  631. >Photo Finish actually commented while the camera's were still rolling, "Leopards don't make house cat sounds."
  632. >Maud was unflinching in her response
  633. >Saying without caring at all, "I don't know what sounds leopards make, and who actually cares anyway?"
  634. >Photo Finish was almost mad, but decided it was funny before deciding that was enough
  635. >The cameras stopped recording, and Photo Finish declared it good enough
  636. >Maud apparently decided to keep this one too
  637. >Only heading back to the trailer to retrieve her frock
  638. >While leaving the new outfit on for now
  639. >Lastly Vignette had a photo shoot to do
  640. >Vignette taking her turn in the outfit trailer
  641. >It actually took a while before she was back out
  642. >When she was you were definitely surprised
  643. >She only had on very lacy lingerie
  644. >Looking extremely embarrassed, and yet very determined to do this
  645. >You could only imagine some kind of 'game of chicken' having happened between them
  646. >Photo Finish suggesting the lingerie expecting her to opt out, and Vignette accepting to avoid 'backing down'
  647. >Though now the end result was Vignette being a lingerie model with you
  648. >Coming up next to you with a bedroom backdrop
  649. >Vignette glaring at Photo Finish knowing what she was trying to imply with it
  650. >Then Photo Finish goading Vignette by teasing saying, "Now zink of something to say to your 'fans'."
  651. >Vignette was getting more angry by the second, but tried to keep it under wraps despite how unsubtle her anger was
  652. >Photo Finish even got the cameras rolling before Vignette could calm herself down
  653. >The recording no doubt starting with Vignette glaring angrily into the cameras
  654. >However deciding to use that to her advantage
  656. >Yelling into the cameras, "You dummies! I-It's not like I like you or anything!"
  657. >Photo Finish then stopped the recording looking like she felt thwarted
  658. >Deciding to call the recording good
  659. >Since she didn't want to admit to why she'd want to re-do it, or what her intent was in the first place
  660. >With that Vignette could go get changed back
  661. >Also it meant tonight's photo shoot was over
  662. >After you changed back Photo Finish wanted to take you back to her trailer
  663. >Mentioning coyly, "We never did properly do ze dinner meeting."
  664. >Something Limestone in particular was very against
  665. >Coming up and grabbing your other arm Photo Finish wasn't holding
  666. >Then saying in opposition, "I need him for something tonight! Besides, we all know you 'did' have that 'meeting' last night!"
  667. >Grandma then noticed the commotion before coming over
  668. >Siding with Limestone as she added, "Last time he went out to your trailer her was out there he was back way too late. We didn't see him until morning, and you want to have another dinner meeting? Explain yourself."
  669. >Photo Finish looked cornered and hesitated to answer
  670. >At which point Grandma zeroed in on it
  671. >Saying with suspicion in her voice, "In fact..."
  672. >Then brazenly reaching out and grabbing Photo Finish's breasts
  673. >Photo Finish swatting her hands away before saying with exasperation, "Don't do zat! Ze're sensitive! Also zat's extremely inappropriate!"
  674. >Though grandma had a very specific reason to do so
  675. >Glaring at Photo Finish as she said with growing suspicion, "They're 'sensitive' are they?... You're pregnant now... Aren't you..."
  676. >Photo Finish was internally panicking now
  677. >Though saying defensively, "What?! Of course not! What would possibly make you zink zat?!"
  678. >Your Mom and aunts were like deer in headlights
  679. >Not particularly about Photo Finish you don't think
  680. >Rather because it means if Grandma is this 'perceptive' to it...
  682. >It means there's probably no chance in hell you'd be able to hide Mom's signs of pregnancy from Grandma at all
  683. >Though Grandma being convinced Photo Finish is pregnant is probably a big deal too
  684. >Photo Finish's response only having made Grandma more sure of her assessment
  685. >Grandma actually started getting giddy now
  686. >Grabbing Photo Finish into an embrace before jumping up and down excitedly
  687. >Like 'just won the lottery' excitement as she basically absolutely lost her mind
  688. >Congratulating Photo Finish repeatedly and even incoherently
  689. >While Photo Finish just looked confused about what the hell was going on
  690. >Though Grandpa responded more sternly like Photo Finish seemingly expected
  691. >Commenting on it with, "Great... Now how are we going to do?"
  692. >Grandma seemed sure of herself at first
  693. >Starting to say, "Well obviously, Anon's just going to marry..."
  694. >Then she trails off losing both her train of thought and confidence in what she was about to say
  695. >She was definitely going to say 'marry Photo Finish', but then remembered she wants you to marry Vignette
  696. >Photo Finish tried to cut in saying, "Hey now... There's no proof I'm pregnant or anything, and even if I was... Wouldn't just doing something like that on the spot be too drastic?"
  697. >However your grandparents didn't listen to that kind of talk at all
  698. >Grandpa tried suggesting a solution with, "It's been a long time, but we could try... Consulting the choosing stone..."
  699. >The 'choosing stone' was something you'd heard about, but never seen at all
  700. >Much less seeing it in use
  701. >It was apparently how Grandma and Grandpa were brought together, and how your mom and dad were picked for each other
  702. >Obviously it worked a lot better for the former than the latter
  703. >He then explained, "The ritual for it must be done during sunrise. So it shall be done in the morning."
  704. >Photo Finish definitely hadn't heard of it, and was strangely quiet about the idea of going forward with that
  706. >Then as you thought about it, it dawned on you
  707. >What would 'normally' happen as a result of a sudden 'pregnancy' like this
  708. >An attention grabbing shotgun wedding, lawyers, and nightmarish legal proceedings
  709. >The choosing stone ritual would be under the radar, not legally binding, and there'd even be a 50/50 shot of her getting off scott free if she's NOT 'chosen'
  710. >Photo Finish is possibly making a very calculated move to just 'go along with it'
  711. >She didn't dare ask now if the 'dinner meeting' was still on
  712. >Limestone jumped in sensing an 'opportunity'
  713. >Grabbing you to herself as she said, "I'll keep on eye on him! To keep him away from either of them until the proceedings with the choosing stone can conclude!"
  714. >You know exactly what 'keeping an eye on you' would actually entail
  715. >However Grandma and Grandpa didn't
  716. >Still seeing Limestone as the straight laced 'moral authority' she used to be
  717. >Grandma quickly agreeing with Limestone's proposal with, "Okay, you keep him out of trouble tonight."
  718. >Limestone actually did seem to be somewhat bothered hearing that
  719. >Given what she actually intends to do
  720. >Though she quickly regained her composure
  721. >Perhaps reminding herself her mind was made up, and it was 'too late' to actually keep you out of trouble
  722. >At that Grandpa told Photo Finish how to get to where the choosing stone is
  723. >Then sternly told her, "I expect you there at sunrise, and not a moment later."
  724. >You didn't even need to be told that you'd be there too
  725. >All he needed to do was give Vignette a quick glare before she got the message too
  726. >She then kind of clung to your Mom like she was her own mom
  727. >Grandma looked at that seeming very conflicted
  728. >You're supposed to marry a woman you get pregnant, and yet she still wanted so badly to have Vignette as a granddaughter in law
  729. >Still the most pressing thing on your mind was that at least Grandma doesn't know about what happened with Mom yet
  730. >Though you're all screwed
  732. >Because it won't take long for her to find out at all
  733. >Photo Finish took the first opportunity toe skulk back to her trailer when nobody was paying attention to her
  734. >However this wasn't something she could avoid long
  735. >Not that you really enjoyed this turn of events either
  736. >This did feel like it would have happened at some point, but this felt too sudden to be sure
  737. >At least it's not like you'd be legally married to one of them once the choosing stone has 'chosen'
  738. >There'd still be time for things to 'settle' and stuff like that
  739. >At least you certainly hope so
  740. >This would definitely need some time to really sink in
  741. >It's almost jarring remembering how little preparation your Grandparents feel this kind of thing needs
  742. >In fact you were kind of in a daze as Limestone dragged you off into the house
  743. >As you all got ready for dinner you didn't really even notice what it was this time
  744. >Definitely something with mushrooms
  745. >During dinner it was dead quiet
  746. >Of course people wanted to talk about what'd just happened no doubt
  747. >Yet couldn't actually bring themselves to
  748. >After dinner Vignette went with Mom
  749. >Pinkie and Maud headed off together
  750. >Your grandparents went off themselves like normal, and Limestone took you with her
  751. >Taking you into her room for the night after you were both ready for it
  752. >Then locking the door, and of course jamming it with a chair
  753. >Now that it was 'time' though, Limestone seemed to get cold feet
  754. >Actually unsure if she could really go through with what she'd said she wanted
  755. >Then turning to you, and with a shaky voice saying, "Are... Are you really okay with it?... Giving me a child?... If you are... Could you possibly take the lead?... I just... Don't think I can do it..."
  756. >Though there was something you had to ask her first
  757. Asking her before you did anything, "Did you take the birth control medicine Pinkie gave you?"
  758. >She looked away with a look of shame on her face
  760. >Explaining to you, "No, but I was definitely going to when I felt more ready to 'do it'... I'm not careless like Marble... I just, wanted to feel more 'ready' first..."
  761. >You approached her slowly before embracing her gently
  762. Then asking her cautiously, "Are you sure you feel 'ready' for it? It's okay if you don't. The world isn't going to end tomorrow, or the day after that. We could wait if you want."
  763. >Although she pulled you onto her bed she seemed to want to 'wait'
  764. >Telling you now confirming it, "I... Think I would like to wait on it. We definitely will do it... Just not now. It's just... Too much all at once... I'd also be going against my word if I didn't actually keep you out of trouble tonight... So let's do it another time..."
  765. >Now she simply held and cuddled into you
  766. >Asking you now for reassurance, "You're not going anywhere, right?"
  767. Cuddling into her yourself as you replied, "Of course not. No matter what, I'm staying right here. This is my home."
  768. >Limestone gave a relieved sigh while holding you even closer
  769. >Cuddling and occasionally kissing each other softly as you winded down
  770. >Getting to sleep much earlier than most nights lately
  771. >Which would probably help considering how hectic things would be tomorrow morning
  772. >Especially since this thing with the choosing stone would happen before breakfast even
  773. >Being worried about it actually kept you up at bit
  774. >Though Limestone's embrace helped keep you calmer than you would have been otherwise
  775. >If you'd been sleeping alone you'd probably be freaking the fuck out right now
  776. >With Limestone's help you actually got to sleep at some point
  778. >You are Vignette
  779. >Back in the house waiting outside Marble's room
  780. >She wanted to do some last minute clean up before letting you in for the night
  781. >It took a while, but eventually she lets you in
  782. >The room liked fine once in it
  783. >Though there was a heavy scent of air freshener for some reason
  784. >You didn't have time to worry about that though
  785. >Not with this whole thing with the 'choosing stone' happening
  786. >You thought you'd have more time to draw things out with Photo Finish
  787. >In fact you thought you'd have more time for a lot of things
  788. >Apparently that just wasn't meant to be
  789. >Marble was already holding and consoling you
  790. >Seeming to very much know what you were going through right now
  791. >Then you remembered stuff about it, and she really does
  792. >Remembering how she'd been made to be with Anon's father, and probably with this exact same 'method' too
  793. >She then explained to you, "I know exactly how the 'choosing stone' works, but knowing that won't really help you. Since it's not really what would be bothering someone in your position here..."
  794. >Which was definitely true
  795. >The real issue here is what the results would be or not
  796. >What would you do if you're 'chosen' to marry Anon, and what would you do if you aren't?
  797. >You could probably deny the results in either case if you argued hard enough
  798. >Though even that wouldn't really 'fix' the real problem here
  799. >The fact that you don't know which outcome you'd really want
  800. >Photo Finish seeming reluctant to be 'chosen' for Anon actually made you more unsure
  801. >If she'd wanted it, then you'd feel more sure about being against her being chosen
  802. >Yet if Photo Finish is 'chosen', and worms out of it
  803. >Would that place you 'on the hook'?
  805. >Marble then reassured you saying, "Take a deep breath... It'll all be okay. Rituals like that don't have the same 'influence' they used to in my Mom's time. No mater what the 'results' are. I'll make sure you don't feel trapped, or forced to do anything. I won't let what happened to me all those years ago happen to you."
  806. >Then feeling like she needed to clarify as she backed up to say something else
  807. >Telling you now, "I don't mean Anon running off. He'd never do that to anyone, but you know what I DO mean right? About being trapped and not having a say in some of the most important decisions that could be made in your life?"
  808. >Yeah, you basically knew she meant that
  809. >You'd never think it was about bad-mouthing her son, but actually it did help a little to get that 'clarification'
  810. >Then Marble told you, "It won't just be me supporting you. I'm sure all my sisters will want to help you if they see you in any kind of trouble, or feel like you're being forced into a position you don't want to be in."
  811. >Smiling at you before stroking your hair more
  812. >Lastly commenting on it with, "Although Anon probably won't be able to directly 'intervene' with it... I'm sure he wants the best for you too, and for you to be happy with however all this actually turns out."
  813. >He definitely does seem like the type to feel that way
  814. >Even if you haven't been especially close to him
  815. >It does feel like he's at least the kind of person who just wouldn't want anything bad to happen to anyone
  816. >In fact none of his family would want anything bad to happen to you
  817. >Regardless of if you're 'chosen' to be with him or not
  818. >Thinking about that it's easier to feel calm about facing what happens tomorrow
  819. >That no matter what happens you'd be okay
  820. >Marble then asks you, "Are you feeling okay now?"
  821. You smile before responding, "I do... Thanks."
  822. >She then smiles back before giving you a hug
  823. >You both winded down to go to bed after that
  824. >You slept in a sleeping bag next to her bed
  826. -
  827. End of day
  828. -
  829. >You are Anon
  830. >Woken up especially early in the morning by Limestone
  831. >Who then got you dressed, and rushed you through your morning routines
  832. >Before getting you out of the house like it was on fire
  833. >On the way out you see Mom basically doing the same thing, but with Vignette
  834. >Pinkie and Maud were coming to
  835. >Though dragging their feet more
  836. >Since they didn't really have to be 'on time' as much
  837. >You'd never been there before, but fortunately Limestone knew the way
  838. >Taking you to where the choosing stone was
  839. >When you arrived there you saw Photo Finish was there already
  840. >Though looking to be in very bad shape, and very much hating to be here right now
  841. >The choosing stone itself was a very large and tall pillar like stone
  842. >With a hole in it around the top, and the sun shining through it
  843. >Once everyone was there Grandpa started explaining how this would work
  844. >As many people as possible would do a special 'dance' with a lot of stomping
  845. >Excluding you, Vignette, and Photo Finish
  846. >You would stand directly in front of the stone, and the two 'potential brides' were placed very carefully along a circular line in the ground
  847. >On opposite sides of where the sun beam from the hole shown on the line
  848. >The dancing would cause the choosing stone to move and turn 'according to the stone's will'
  849. >Then whoever the beam of light came to shine on first would be 'chosen'
  850. >With that explanation out of the way, the 'ritual' could now begin
  851. >Facing towards them, Vignette was on your left, and Photo Finish was to the right
  852. >It would have to happen relatively soon too
  853. >The hole was large, and would still shine 'on the line' for a good while
  854. >Yet of the beam of light left the line entirely you'd basically have to try again tomorrow
  855. >You definitely don't think anyone's nerves could handle having to do this twice, and waiting a whole day before the second try could happen
  857. >This whole thing got started as soon as possible
  858. >The rest of your family starting to do the dance
  859. >Your grandparents seemed to be disappointed with their performance dancing
  860. >Perhaps comparing themselves now to when they last did it, and confronted with the fact they're simply not as young as they used to be
  861. >Maud however was making the ground shake like crazy doing the dace
  862. >However the choosing stone didn't seem to be moving at all
  863. >None of them seemed to think anything was wrong though
  864. >So maybe it was normal for it to not move yet
  865. >As it dragged on without the choosing stone moving you became less sure of it
  866. >Especially as your family started to get worn out
  867. >The ones with less stamina starting to drop, unable to continue
  868. >Until it was just Maud who was still going
  869. >It was then that Grandpa noticed the choosing stone hasn't moved
  870. >He then shunted over while gasping for breath
  871. >Checking around the base of the stone going around it
  872. >Then he got really pissed off
  873. >Shouting angrily, "The fucking thing is stuck! GOD DAMN IT! We haven't used it in so long it practically FUSED with the rock bed below it! FUUUCK!!"
  874. >You didn't know he could swear like that, but then again maybe that's where Limestone got it
  875. >Grandpa then grabbed the stone with both hands before desperately trying to rotate it with direct force
  876. >When it seemed hopeless he started kicking it to get it unstuck
  877. >Both trying to twist it and kicking to get it moving
  878. >There was a loud 'crunch' sound, and you got hopeful he'd done it
  879. >Though when he doubled over in pain instead of moving the stone, you knew otherwise
  880. >He then shouted out at the top of his lungs, "Mother fucker! God-damn cock sucking rock! I'm done with it! This useless piece of shit can go fuck itself!"
  881. >Holding his foot as he continued, "AHHHHH, DAMN IT! I think I broke my foot! FUCK!"
  882. >Grandma was holding her face in her hands, and seemed very embarrassed with her husband's use of language
  884. >You were concerned about it he actually broke his foot or not of course
  885. >Though there's also the fact that you probably couldn't count on the choosing stone here
  886. >While everyone was sitting there in silence wondering what to do next Photo Finish spoke up
  887. >Announcing to everyone, "Ok... I'm just going to go ahead and call a paramedic."
  888. >Then using her walkie-talkie to call a paramedic who was no doubt already on her staff
  889. >Maud then helped Grandpa away from the choosing stone
  890. >Before trying herself to force it to move
  891. >Just trying to turn it rather than kicking it
  892. >Two people with possibly broken feet really wouldn't help things
  893. >After some attempts to force it to budge Maud gave up on it
  894. >So if even she couldn't do it, then the whole thing was hopeless
  895. >Grandma then sighed in resignation
  896. >Before just making the 'decision' herself, "As biased as I am here in favor of Vignette... We should really just go with the pregnant one..."
  897. >Then it was Photo Finish's turn to give a sigh of resignation
  898. >Before saying under her breath, and only hearing yourself because you were close enough
  899. >As she said, "Ugh... At least there still aren't any lawyers or rumor mills involved..."
  900. >Your mom and aunts started crowded around Vignette
  901. >Trying to console her if she was upset, and trying to see if she was okay
  902. >Grandma then went up to Vignette
  903. >Placing a hand on her shoulder before saying, "Even if you don't end up marrying Anon... I'd still like you to be an honorary member of the family. In fact, I insist on it! Even if you say 'no' I'll consider you to be like a granddaughter to me."
  904. >Vignette actually seemed relieved to hear that
  905. >Then she asks Grandma, "So... It's okay if I'm just friends with Anon, or just more like family than anything romantic?"
  906. >Grandma then nodded with a smile
  907. >Vignette smiling warmly in response
  908. >Before saying in a serene voice, "I think I'd like that."
  909. >After that your Mom especially seemed to be happy for Vignette
  911. >While your aunts practically started celebrating with Vignette
  912. >All while Photo Finish was more or less left to herself just watching all this
  913. >Despite the fact that she'd technically 'won'
  914. >Though after a bit of that sentimental bonding Photo Finish spoke up
  915. >Saying in a sarcastic tone, "Looks like I'm definitely not going anywhere anytime soon zen. Like I'd might as well just actually build a modeling studio here."
  916. >Then she became lost in thought
  917. >Like she was actually considering it as a serious idea
  918. >Grandpa actually chimed in about that while waiting for the paramedic
  919. >Replying with the assumption it was a serious idea, "Normally I'd tell anyone with an idea like that to kick rocks, but if you're going to be Anon's bride then I guess I'd be okay with it."
  920. >Maybe an odd choice of words considering what he'd just done, but whatever
  921. You decide to weigh in on it too, "Well... There is a lot of open land here we aren't actually using, that could be used for it. Then if Photo Finish actually is going to be here long term... Having an actual modeling studio here probably would make things easier for her."
  922. >If she stays long term because there is a chance she's not actually pregnant
  923. >Grandma could just be jumping the gun on a false alarm, but you're leaning more towards believing her intuition
  924. >The paramedic actually arrived, and examined Grandpa's foot
  925. >He didn't have an x-ray machine with him or anything, but still made a quick assessment
  926. >Saying Grandpa had sprained it, rather than full on breaking it
  927. >The paramedic still got Grandpa set up with a foot brace, and some crutches
  928. >While recommending Grandpa avoid putting any weight on it for a couple weeks at least
  929. >After that Photo Finish dismissed him without telling him any of what this was
  930. >Even though he was curious, he no doubt decided it wasn't worth pressing the issue if his boss didn't want to tell him
  931. >Then as stomachs started growling you realized none of you had breakfast yet
  933. >So you all decided to go back to the house
  934. >Grandma very aggressively 'inviting' Photo Finish to eat breakfast with you all
  935. >In fact it seemed like grandma was practically planning to make Photo Finish move into your room
  936. >Which wouldn't actually surprise you at all
  937. >Of course Vignette was brought along to help make breakfast
  938. >Since she was 'part of the family' now regardless of her 'relationship status' with you
  939. >Maybe this really did work out for the best
  940. >Thinking relatively positively for a moment
  941. >Before you remembered the looming cloud of Mom probably being pregnant looming overhead
  942. >As well as Limestone wanting to be pregnant too
  943. >In fact maybe Pinkie and Maud want in on it too
  944. >Even if they hadn't said so it feels like they would
  945. >Arriving at the house breakfast was started as soon as possible
  946. >A very simple batch of french toast with mushrooms being prepared
  947. >Photo Finish seeming confused about the addition of mushrooms
  948. >Though Vignette reassured her, "You'll get used to it."
  949. >Yet Photo Finish seemed to doubt that
  950. >However she at least didn't complain
  951. >She'd been eating mostly just delivered take out food
  952. >So having a home cooked meal was no doubt nice for her
  953. >Regardless of if mushrooms happen to be her favorite thing or not
  954. >As breakfast actually started it didn't take Grandma long to say what you thought she would
  955. >Asking Photo Finish rather directly, "So, how would you feel about the idea of moving into Anonymous' room?"
  956. >Practically everyone except Grandma rolled their eyes at that
  957. >Photo Finish stalled for time while trying to be polite about it, "I'd like to, but... It'd take some serious planning and moving to really go zrough with it. So, I definitely couldn't do it right now. Maybe soon zough?"
  958. >You weren't sure how much she'd really need to 'move'
  959. >Since most things in her trailer seemed to be more part of the trailer than stuff she brought into it
  960. >Though you didn't say anything about that
  962. However you did bring up, "Photo Finish also really likes to watch television, and I'm sure setting up a television in my room with properly hooked up service would be it's own gauntlet..."
  963. >Actually, you knew it wouldn't REALLY be so difficult
  964. >Yet you knew your grandparents would agree with that assessment
  965. >No doubt delaying a possible Photo Finish moving into the house even further
  966. >Then after breakfast the craziness could really stop for now
  967. >Going back to a standard routine activity of going to the mine
  968. >Even with the standard teams
  969. >Except Grandpa, who stayed home to stay off his feet
  970. >While Photo Finish went back to her modeling agent work
  971. >It would really be a chance to get your mind off of the more stressful issues
  972. >Even if you probably shouldn't, and should just still keep thinking about what you're going to do
  973. >Especially if guys wanting to be with your mom, or any of your aunts actually show up here
  974. >The fact that you hadn't heard anything made you hopeful that maybe they wouldn't
  975. >Yet even if they aren't 'officially' brought up Grandma could still personally invite them
  976. >So at least one guy coming up here may be unavoidable
  977. >Then quite frankly you'd really need to do far better job keeping eligible bachelors away from women like your mom
  978. >Than Mom had done, trying to keep eligible bachelorettes away from you
  979. >At Lunch time it seemed Maud actually was in a frisky mood somehow
  980. >Explaining it saying, "Think of it as 'stress relief'."
  981. >Making sure you were both in a secluded area of the mine before quickly undressing you
  982. >Then as she started to straddle you she felt the need to 'explain' something else
  983. >Telling you, "Before we commence there is something I must inform you of. I was inspired by Limestone's words yesterday, and stopped taking my birth control then."
  984. >Watching your reactions as you listened intrigued
  986. >As she continued, "I too have wanted to do this, and earlier when I teased you about wanting to inbreed with me. I'd actually wanted it myself, but was scared of the consequences."
  987. >Pausing for a moment as she seemingly thought through what she would say next
  988. >Before finishing with, "However, now that the feces have collided with the propeller based cooling system anyway. There is basically no reason not to. Do you agree with this statement?"
  989. >A blush on your face as you thought about all the times Maud had teased about what 'you' wanted
  990. Though you asked her, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather have a child with someone who isn't related to you?"
  991. >Maud's conviction on it wasn't swayed in the least
  992. >Explaining to you, "Genetic risk in inbreeding is actually very low in the first instance of it, and even then is based purely on the 'genetic stock' in question. For a strong and healthy family like ours, it should pose no threat."
  993. >Well, at least Maud had thought about it
  994. >Sitting naked under her straddling you, you might not be 'thinking' with your brain entirely either
  995. >As you went to say 'yes' Maud slammed down on your shaft
  996. >Only a guttural groan escaping your lips now instead of the intended word
  997. >Maud's pussy clamping down on you like never before
  998. >Very much trying to force you to cum inside her now, and not just for fun either
  999. >She rode you very aggressively, and almost felt like your dick would explode
  1000. >It definitely wasn't long before you came inside her
  1001. >Maud seeming very satisfied with herself as she felt it
  1002. >Keeping herself hilted on you as she tried to make sure it all stayed in her unprotected womb
  1003. >Commenting on it with, "Your semen is now secured in my fertile womb. However, this may not be enough. More will be required."
  1004. >She then started moving her hips again in earnest
  1005. >While absolutely refusing to stop
  1006. >Making you become hard in her again
  1007. >Then working to make sure you emptied another load into her
  1009. >All for the purpose of being impregnated, and also fun
  1010. >Maud repeatedly all but commanding you to get her pregnant as she kept riding you
  1011. >Continuing long after lunch break was supposed to end
  1012. >Even going to the end of 'work' as she milked you dry
  1013. >Before simply sitting on your shaft
  1014. >Having told you it was to 'help keep the semen inside her'
  1015. >When the work day was over she got off of you
  1016. >Though only because she basically had to
  1017. >Then you both cleaned yourselves off before heading back to the house
  1018. >Meeting Mom, Limestone, and Pinkie along the way as usual
  1019. >Mom and Limestone clinging to you like they'd done before
  1020. >While Maud and Pinkie walked together
  1021. >In fact it almost seemed like they were whispering to each other
  1022. >Though you couldn't make out what they were talking about
  1023. >You couldn't help imagining it was about what Maud had just done, and if Pinkie wanted to do it too
  1024. >Back at the house you see Photo Finish's staff moving things from Photo Finish's trailer into the house
  1025. >While Photo Finish stood by looking bewildered, but helpless to stop it
  1026. >All with Grandma actually looking to be in charge
  1027. >It seems Grandma had cut through the 'delay' tactics by making Photo Finish's staff help
  1028. >With the move she 'wanted to do but couldn't'
  1029. >In fact you started to worry about how much they all know about the situation
  1030. >However since the staff members all seemed calm and professional, it seemed hopeful they knew as little as possible
  1031. >Either that or they know everything, but just don't care enough to get all 'excited' about it
  1032. >Now your room may look completely different the next time you actually go in there
  1033. >Heading up to Photo Finish she notices you all
  1034. >Pinkie asks the most burning question on her mind, "Are we still doing photo shoots?"
  1035. >Photo Finish tried to calm herself down before saying, "Yes, but not today... I just... Can't do it today..."
  1036. >Which is understandable really
  1038. >With what happened this morning, and the chaos that was happening right now...
  1039. >It'd definitely be difficult for anyone to get any kind of professional work done under those kinds of circumstances
  1040. >You're also seriously worried about what might or might not happen tonight
  1041. >If Photo Finish is forced to stay in the house instead of in her trailer
  1042. >Especially if her being in your room basically forces you to be there too
  1043. >Without your mom or aunts being able to 'do anything' while Photo Finish is with you
  1044. >In fact, without doing the photo shoot the four of them seemed ready to 'convene' about just that
  1045. >Pinkie taking charge as she stated, "Okay, all of us to my room for a meeting."
  1046. >Of course she meant just the four of them and you
  1047. >So you just kind of left Photo Finish to 'oversee' the move she didn't REALLY want to happen
  1048. >With plenty of time for it you all head to Pinkie's room to 'strategize'
  1049. >Once in Pinkie's room you all sat in a circle
  1050. >Then you remembered Vignette, and realized she wasn't here
  1051. >Mom told you all, "She's with Mom doing household chores."
  1052. >When Marble said 'Mom' to her sisters, she of course meant your Grandma
  1053. >It was decided that although you could try to get Vignette here, maybe she isn't particularly needed for this
  1054. >She could probably just be filled in on the details later
  1055. >With that out of the way Pinkie started it with, "Okay, first of all, Marble, we basically all know you're probably pregnant as a result of the 'honeymoon'."
  1056. >Mom seemed worried about that, but resigned knowing there was nothing she could do about that
  1057. >Though Pinkie continued with little delay saying, "That's not actually our most pressing concern right now. Which is actually the highly likely event of having Photo Finish in the house overnight, and we all know why too."
  1058. >Maud then speaking up to state the obvious
  1059. >Saying in her usual way, "Because how are you supposed to have intercourse with Anonymous at night with her in here with us?"
  1061. >Pinkie then did double finger guns at Maud before saying, "Exactly~!"
  1062. >Limestone seemed impatient with them messing around while talking about sex like it's no big deal
  1063. >Before trying to move things forward saying bluntly, "So, what are we going to do about it?"
  1064. >That would be the tricky part
  1065. >It'd likely be practically impossible to 'spend time together' at night without her noticing
  1066. >Which meant there may be only one way forward...
  1067. Speaking up yourself now saying, "Our only option might be to 'initiate' her into what's going on here... I'm not sure how we could do that 'safely', but it's not like we could realistically hide it from her for very long now..."
  1068. >Everyone seemed to agree with what you said, more or less
  1069. >Though it still remained to be figured out 'how' it'd be done if that was really the plan going forward
  1070. >Maud then spoke up perhaps jokingly, "If we'd been hiding it from her at all."
  1071. >You really couldn't tell right now if she was serious
  1072. You respond just in case it was serious with, "Photo Finish really didn't seem to think we were actually 'like that' when she talked to me in her trailer..."
  1073. >Mom then cleared her throat before speaking up
  1074. >Suggesting softly in an unsure tone, "Maybe we could try to 'ease her into it', or 'test the waters' before letting her in on things... Rather, than pushing her into the deep end all at once?..."
  1075. >That sounded like a good idea, but still wasn't very 'specific'
  1076. >Pinkie spoke up with a suggestion saying, "How about tonight, if we have Nonners stay in his own room, and see if Photo Finish actually stays in the room with him. Then tomorrow night, we try having Nonners with one of us giving an innocent sounding 'excuse reason'. Just to see if Photo Finish objects to it, or actually seems to be 'suspicious' like she'd actually seriously object to anything 'inappropriate' happening."
  1077. >It really sounds like we're getting somewhere
  1079. >Maud then pointed out, "Then we could just figure out where to go from there based on what happens. Also, we could probably use the fact that she probably wouldn't want it 'getting out' what happened with her and Anonymous as leverage. Even if she found out what we were doing, and was against it... She probably wouldn't want to just blab about it either. Since it'd likely be a damaging 'scandal' for her too."
  1080. >Which was certainly a good point
  1081. >Maybe it wasn't as big of an issue as you thought at first
  1082. >Grandma and Grandpa finding out about everything would still be the biggest problem
  1083. >With Mom and now possibly Maud being ticking time bombs on that
  1084. >In fact in that regards Maud spoke up, "Getting back to the thing with Marble possibly being pregnant... I may also be pregnant now after hearing what Limestone said about it."
  1085. >There wasn't a lot of shock about it
  1086. >Only mild surprise since everyone was basically 'fatigued' to being very shocked about stuff like this
  1087. >Limestone speaking up sounding defensive saying, "I haven't done it yet, but I plan to... I'm really going to do it now that Marble, and now Maud I guess have..."
  1088. >Mom looked really guilty about setting all this off
  1089. >All because she was too scared by Grandma convincing her that birth control pills are evil to take them
  1090. >Pinkie added her own perspective on it in her usual playful tone, "If everyone else is going to, I might as well join in on the fun~! Let my cute little Nonners knock me up just like my sisters~! Besides, if all of us get pregnant this way instead of just one or even two of us, then how would Mom and Dad punish all four of us very harshly~?"
  1091. >That was certainly one way to look at it
  1092. >Though if all five of you were in deep trouble with your grandparents it could 'minimize' how badly all five of you would be punished for it
  1093. >Maybe you should have known from the moment Limestone said 'screw it', that it'd inevitably lead to Maud and Pinkie also wanting to do it
  1095. >Plus it'd definitely lead to a lot of 'new children' like Grandma wanted
  1096. >Even if not exactly the way she'd have wanted it to happen
  1097. >Still, going forward with this was definitely better than any kind of 'alternative'
  1098. >Like letting Grandma hook them up with men like from the contest
  1099. >Especially your mom or Limestone in particular
  1100. >You really doubt Grandma would have been on board with adoption either instead of actual blood related descendants
  1101. >In fact it reminds you men from that whole thing might be on the way regardless
  1102. >Instead of thinking about a solution yourself you could actually bring it up now
  1103. >A meeting like this is basically the perfect time for it
  1104. So you brave through any unease you might have had about mentioning it to say, "There is also the issue of the men from the 'contest' possibly coming here, and hoping to get one of you out of it..."
  1105. >Pinkie responded first, but didn't seem to be too bothered by it
  1106. >Saying with actual anticipation, "I think it'd be great if Pound Cake was here~. He's such a cutie, and his crush on 'auntie Marble' is just adorable~"
  1107. >Mom however did have something else to say about it
  1108. >Telling Pinkie, "Well, I do have a problem with it! Anon is the only man for me, and I don't want Pound Cake trying to hit on me! It doesn't matter how nice or cute he is to you, or anyone else! I only want Anon, and nobody can convince me otherwise!"
  1109. >It was actually refreshing to be reminded how stubbornly Mom was against it
  1110. >Even if they were here, maybe you wouldn't have to worry too much about her
  1111. >Especially if it was someone like Pound Cake
  1112. >Who doesn't really seem like the type to fuck a truly unwilling woman
  1113. >Also Mom isn't weak either, so even if he tried she could probably physically resist
  1114. >Even without your help, but of course you still would help her
  1115. >Plus there is a real chance none of them actually would arrive here at all
  1117. So you say now, "Maybe the first thing to do would be to try to prevent them from coming in the first place? At least not specifically with 'winning' someone as their goal."
  1118. >Limestone was the quickest to agree with that
  1119. >Adding on to that with, "Yeah, if they don't come as part of that whole 'contest' in the first place. Then we wouldn't have to do anything more 'about it' at all."
  1120. >Though Maud had something entirely different to say about it
  1121. >Saying with just a tinge of jealousy in her tone, "I couldn't help but notice Marble was the most popular one among the men at the contest."
  1122. >Something Mom definitely wasn't actually happy about
  1123. >Though you guess you could see how someone like Maud get be at least a little jealous about not being as wanted
  1124. >The 'shy, soft, and curvy' type certainly is a popular type
  1125. >Perhaps just plain more popular than the more 'amazonian' type...
  1126. >That definitely wasn't the point however
  1127. >Pinkie all but pouted as she interjected with, "Awwww, come on... Can't we just let Pound Cake come at least? I could play with him to keep him away from Marbles~. I just haven't seen him in too long~."
  1128. >Pinkie definitely likes him even if more like 'regular family'
  1129. >At least as much as hyper sexual Pinkie can like someone that way
  1130. >Grandma liked him too, so he may be the one you'd be least able to stop from coming at all
  1131. >It wasn't long after that it was time to get dinner ready
  1132. >So your strategy session was put on hold to go eat dinner
  1133. >Of course Grandma already had Vignette helping make dinner
  1134. >Photo Finish was in there too
  1135. >Though with two cooks already, there wasn't much left Photo Finish could additionally do
  1136. >It was also rather obvious Photo Finish didn't know much about cooking either
  1137. >So she wouldn't have been able to help much even if she'd had a larger role in it
  1138. >She didn't even seem to be very willing to help much
  1139. >She may be confident she has an entirely different 'role' in being productive
  1141. >The actual thing on the menu was spaghetti with meatballs and mushrooms
  1142. >A pretty standard dinner which you couldn't wait to dig into
  1143. >Though you weren't sure how dinner conversation would turn out
  1144. >As you expected Grandma spoke up first
  1145. >Saying teasingly to you and Photo Finish, "Now that Photo Finish is going to be in your room, you'll be kept warmer at night~. Though don't be too frisky just because you're sharing the same room, you two~"
  1146. >Photo Finish merely gave a tired sigh before letting the teasing slide
  1147. >Perhaps just not really wanting to argue with her knowing it wouldn't go anywhere
  1148. >Staying in your room with her tonight was even the 'plan'
  1149. >Though who knows if it'd really get 'frisky' or not
  1150. >Guess you'd just have to wait and see
  1151. >Yet you wouldn't really have to wait long
  1152. >Since you'd be going there with her pretty much right after dinner
  1153. >Almost wanting to eat dinner slower just to delay feeling a bit nervous
  1154. >Even though there really wasn't that much to be nervous about really
  1155. >If your time in her trailer with her is anything to go by, then she's actually rather relaxed in her down time
  1156. >Though you couldn't shake at least a small feeling of anxiety
  1157. >Maybe more as a result of everything in general
  1158. >Rather than about spending the night with Photo Finish specifically
  1159. >One dinner was over it was basically time
  1160. >However for once in what feels like forever, you're asked to check on the mushrooms
  1161. >You actually end up going down to the basement alone this time
  1162. >Left to your own thoughts while making sure the mushrooms were intact in the dark
  1163. >Although you didn't really think of anything new, it did help you calm down a little
  1164. >You felt more refreshed by the time you left the basement again
  1165. >Lastly you got ready for bed before heading to your room for the night
  1167. >Opening the door, it doesn't look like your room anymore like you expected
  1168. >All your stuff was still there, but the Photo Finish's stuff brought in has completely overshadowed the stuff you had
  1169. >Not that you'd actually tried to make your room 'stand out'
  1170. >In fact you'd kind of kept it plain on purpose so there wouldn't be anything for Limestone to critique you for having
  1171. >Though now it practically just looked like it was Photo Finish's room
  1172. >You even noticed Photo Finish already in your bed, and that it was still the only bed
  1173. >She was in a rather filly and outlandish nightgown, but she wasn't half-dressed this time
  1174. >It almost made you feel 'gracious' to be allowed to join her in 'her' bed when she beckoned you to join her
  1175. >She'd set up her tv where she could see it from the bed too, and was watching it that way currently
  1176. >She then got on top of you when you slid into the bed next to you
  1177. >Not really straddling you like she wanted to do it, but rather lounging on top of you
  1178. >Then wrapping her arms around you in a slothful manner as she got comfortable
  1179. >Cuddling into you as she teased, "You really are a cuddly little bear aren't you~?"
  1180. >Chuckling as she made you blush saying that, and rubbing herself against you lightly
  1181. >Stroking your cheek playfully
  1182. >Even kissing you a few times while hugging you tightly
  1183. >Before she just settled into the most comfortable position she could get into with you
  1184. >She was certainly making the best of being 'stuck with you'
  1185. >Surely knowing all too well that all she had to do was treat you like a plaything, and you'd be all too happy to oblige her to her heart's content
  1186. >Watching her shows until she fell asleep with the television still on
  1187. >Perhaps it helps her sleep to leave it on
  1188. >It wasn't helping you though
  1189. >Though you'd all but gotten used to getting to sleep while being held this way
  1190. >So you are still able to get to sleep without a lot of trouble
  1191. -
  1192. End of day
  1193. -
  1195. >You're woken up by your alarm in the morning
  1196. >With Photo Finish sleeping on top of you still
  1197. >Though she's soon woken up by the alarm too
  1198. >She turns off the alarm before cuddling into you
  1199. >Getting some last bits of comfort with her 'plush' before resigning herself to having to get up
  1200. >Even kissing you a couple times before sighing wearily, and getting off of you
  1201. >Getting ready for breakfast she was surprisingly not bothered to get dressed in front of you
  1202. >As she got out of the nightgown even making it just a bit like a strip tease
  1203. >Mostly after she noticed you looking, and mostly doing it to tease you
  1204. >Because making you flustered this way was amusing to her
  1205. >In fact once she was fully dressed for the day, she seemed to expect you to 'return the favor'
  1206. >Teasingly telling you as you started to undress, "It's a shame I wasn't with you when you changed outfits before out of courtesy, but zere's no need for such formality now~."
  1207. >When she could see your cock she even grabbed it with one hand
  1208. >Giving it a few pumps while playfully and rhetorically asking you, "What's ze matter, Anon~? Shouldn't you still be getting dressed~? What's ze hold up~?"
  1209. >Playing with it and even kissing your tip while chuckling with pure amusement
  1210. >When she thought you might be getting close to cumming she stopped
  1211. >Even 'helping' you get your pants on herself after that
  1212. >Before teasingly telling you, "Just hold it in for now, zat's for later~."
  1213. >Chuckling some more as she held and squeezed you like you were a toy
  1214. >Then telling you even more teasingly, "One definite 'upside' of all zis, is zat I'll be having a lot of 'fun' with you from now on~. I definitely won't be bored if I've got you~."
  1215. >Holding you and squeezing you just a bit longer with a contented sigh
  1216. >Letting you go after that to do the rest of your morning routines
  1217. >After which she'd no doubt see you again at breakfast
  1218. >In the halls when you saw Mom she was very eager to cling to you
  1220. >Limestone as well when she saw you
  1221. >They definitely refused to let go even when they know Photo Finish was watching
  1222. >Perhaps especially when they knew Photo Finish was watching
  1223. >We were holding off on letting her know how real the incest was
  1224. >However Mom and Limestone weren't going to shy away from letting Photo Finish know how possessive they are of you
  1225. >Photo Finish took it in good stride though
  1226. >Saying playfully, "How's a 'wife' supposed to get some skinship with her man if you two are all over him like that~?"
  1227. >The fact she didn't try to shove herself in there making it clearly she was just playing around saying it
  1228. >When you all got to the dining room she just sat wherever as well
  1229. >Grandma and Vignette were getting so good at 'working as a team' that breakfast was already ready when you arrived
  1230. >You were on time even
  1231. >Scrambled eggs, bacon, and mushrooms were already set on plates
  1232. >Since you were able to eat right away it didn't take long at all to get through breakfast
  1233. >Though Grandma did playfully ask Photo Finish, "So, how was last night? Did my cute little grandson behave himself~?"
  1234. >Photo Finish wasn't shy at all to answer
  1235. >In fact giving her own playful answer saying, "Oh yes, he was like a big soft teddy bear, and I slept like a baby~."
  1236. >Pinkie and Maud were amused hearing that
  1237. >With Pinkie even giggling a little
  1238. >Vignette just seemed to be amused as well
  1239. >It seems without any pressure to 'be with you' she felt no need to be jealous about it
  1240. >Mom and Limestone however were definitely visibly jealous about it
  1241. >Photo Finish was obviously feeling very bold when she booped Mom's nose
  1242. >Mom's jealous face scrunching up adorably from it
  1243. >Before Photo Finish said teasingly, "Don't worry momma bear~. I'm not taking your momma's boy away from you~."
  1244. >Then chuckling as she grabbed you to hold you in her arms while fuming so cutely
  1245. >An 'informal' Photo Finish is fun
  1246. >Vignette joined in on teasing you as a momma's boy
  1248. >Perhaps especially because she knows how it really is with you two
  1249. >Even Grandpa laughed a little
  1250. >Before saying with a chuckle or two still in him, "Okay, that's enough playing around for now. Let's go get to work."
  1251. >Since breakfast was basically over already
  1252. >Photo Finish had one last bit of fun booping Mom's nose again
  1253. >She considered trying to boop Limestone, but a low growl from Limestone made her reconsider
  1254. >Before she put her 'professional' face on
  1255. >Then went outside to start work on this evening's photo shoot
  1256. >Though not before telling you all, "Oh, right. Almost forgot. Ze 'contestants' definitely won't be coming as part of ze 'contest'. So if you want any of zem here, You'll have to personally invite zem."
  1257. >Grandma seemed disappointed by that, but also started thinking about who to invite
  1258. >Before any of that could happen it was time to head to the mine
  1259. >With more or less the normal set up
  1260. >Grandpa wanted to see how much distance he could cover while using his crutches
  1261. >You doubted he'd get extremely far, but he does have some 'can do spirit'
  1262. >Yet your focus was on what Maud might want to do with you today once you were in the mine with her
  1263. >The wait till lunch break while working is one of the most anticipation filled times in the day
  1264. >However, the result after lunch was rather predictable
  1265. >She took you to a secluded part of the mine, and started get yourselves undressed
  1266. >Saying in an especially calm tone, "I'm not sure if I'm pregnant yet. So let's do it again today as well. In order to increase the chances that I am."
  1267. >Once you were both naked so laid back while pulling you on top of her
  1268. >Before saying perhaps jokingly, "Now for one of the kinkiest kinds of sex imaginable. Missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation."
  1269. >She then made sure your shaft was nestled deep inside her by pulling you close with both her arms and legs
  1270. >As you slid in her tunnel clamped down on you insanely tight like she'd done before
  1272. >Though with both her arms and legs wrapped around you it wasn't clear if it was still 'missionary position'
  1273. >Not that it particularly mattered
  1274. >What did matter is that her lewd aunt body was trying to drain her nephew's balls dry of their baby batter, again...
  1275. >She was encouraging you to thrust as hard as you could
  1276. >Even though you were practically pounding her pussy already
  1277. >Telling you like it was a 'reminder', "Make sure it all gets in my womb Anonymous. So you can get your aunt pregnant. Like I'm sure we've both wanted for so long."
  1278. >You're not sure if you'd actually 'wanted' that since she first brought up the idea
  1279. >Though you are sure you'd felt turned on when she mentioned it
  1280. >In fact as her pussy quivered and squeezed you, you could all but feel the cum being forced out of your balls
  1281. >You'd actually tried to hold it in a little to not cum 'too soon'
  1282. >It was no use however, and you were soon 'emptied' into her
  1283. >A small smile on her face as she felt it
  1284. >Then lovingly holding you and kissing you appreciatively
  1285. >Thanking you as she said, "Thank you Anonymous, for complying with your aunt's greedy and degenerate demands."
  1286. >Her words burning in your ears despite how much of this you'd been through already
  1287. Joking around as you replied, "Of course, mistress. What else would you expect from your degenerate and perverted boy toy nephew?"
  1288. >A response Maud obviously very much enjoyed
  1289. >Holding you close and kissing you as she enjoyed the afterglow of it
  1290. >After that it seemed that one 'round' of it was 'enough' this time
  1291. >Letting go of you as she allowed you to get off of her
  1292. >Then you both got cleaned up before getting back to work
  1293. >Since it'd probably be a bad idea to literally screw around instead of working too much
  1294. >Though it kept you hot and bothered how 'happy' she seemed to be working with a load of your seed stewing in her
  1296. >Maud may actually be the one who most wanted to do this despite being the first to have told you 'it's wrong'
  1297. >It makes you wonder if she'd ever truly considered it 'wrong', or if she'd wanted it even more because it was 'wrong'
  1298. >Either way this was the end result
  1299. >An aunt Maud who REALLY likes the idea of her nephew getting her pregnant
  1300. >Then after work it was time to head home for the photo shoot
  1301. >While regrouping with the others on the way as usual
  1302. >Nothing of note happened on the way
  1303. >At the house however Photo Finish was ready for the photo shoot earlier than normal
  1304. >So you could start right away rather than finding something else to do until then
  1305. >Though when you went in to change first Photo Finish actually went in with you this time
  1306. >Not just that, but she actually changed up the outfit for you
  1307. >Instead of 'standard' trunks she wanted you to wear a speedo
  1308. >All while having you wait naked for her to pick out the right one
  1309. >Then having you try on different sizes
  1310. >Considering it the 'right size' when the tip of your dick could just barely 'peek out' if you were rock hard
  1311. >So she could have it show on purpose, but pretend it was an accident
  1312. >Biting her lip looking at the sight when she declared you 'ready'
  1313. >However she had you 'readjust' so it would possibly show too soon
  1314. >Then it was time for you to get out, and Pinkie to come in for her outfit
  1315. >Getting out of the trailer the air felt colder than usual
  1316. >Even though this smaller 'outfit' didn't actually show that much more skin than the trunks did
  1317. >It didn't take you long to notice who 'liked the view'
  1318. >Your mom and aunts who were still out here especially
  1319. >Vignette was staring too, and Grandma was trying to look away with a blush but sometimes glanced over
  1320. >Grandpa was nowhere to be seen because apparently he'd stopped wanting to be out here to see the photo shoots after last time
  1321. >You were certainly glad he wasn't here to have to see you in this
  1323. >It wasn't long after that before Pinkie was back out in her outfit
  1324. >In a particularly skimpy 'house wife' outfit
  1325. >Where the skirt was short enough her underwear underneath was always showing, and a half open buttoned shirt that showed as much of her chest as possible without completely revealing them
  1326. >You couldn't help noticing there was definitely no bra under the shirt
  1327. >As you inspected the outfit you noticed some gasps from the women in the 'audience'
  1328. >It seems Photo Finish's little 'detail' about your own outfit has been 'revealed' to them...
  1329. >However none of them actually said anything about it
  1330. >Not even Grandma, who more seemed to be too awkwardly uncomfortable about it to even bring up the fact that she can maybe see her grandson's dick
  1331. >Pinkie however hardly reacted at all before posing next to you
  1332. >As Photo Finish started recording for a short clip like she'd started doing now
  1333. >Then Pinkie gives her 'line' saying, "A wife should always please her husband, and a husband should always please his wife~!"
  1334. >Before doing a cute and even 'innocently playful' pose despite her outfit, and what she'd just said
  1335. >Photo Finish tried not to audibly react until after she'd stopped recording
  1336. >Only after that giving a couple chuckles
  1337. >After that it was time to move on to Limestone's turn
  1338. >Who couldn't stop staring at your crotch even as she was brought into the outfit trailer
  1339. >It took a bit longer than normal
  1340. >Perhaps because they had to talk about what her next outfit would be
  1341. >Then when it was over she came out in what appeared to be a revealing 'tennis player' outfit
  1342. >With an extremely short skirt that never hid the panties underneath like Pinkie's, and more of a bikini top
  1343. >The most obvious 'tennis player' part of it was that she was holding a tennis racket
  1344. >It took some pushing to get her into position
  1345. >She seemed very self-conscious of how much her outfit showed off
  1346. >While also being distracted by how much yours did
  1348. >So it was no surprise she seemed to have no idea what she'd say when the cameras started recording
  1349. >Photo Finish tried helping her out by whispering in her ear some suggestions
  1350. >Until she settled on one, and they were ready to start recording
  1351. >At which point Limestone blurted out while holding the tennis racket up, "D-don't make me smack your tennis balls around!"
  1352. >The nervousness she said it with actually made it adorable despite that fact that it'd otherwise be very threatening
  1353. >Once the cameras stopped recording Limestone went off the change back
  1354. >While you noticed Pinkie had remained in the new outfit for now
  1355. >Because of course she did
  1356. >Then Photo Finish turned to Vignette before asking, "Do you feel up to doing a photo shoot today?"
  1357. >Vignette thought about it before sheepishly shaking her head 'no'
  1358. >Perhaps after feeling 'secure' as a part of the family without pressure she doesn't really feel she needs the money so bad anymore
  1359. >With Photo Finish as the 'wife' and Vignette just wanting to be 'friends' they also probably don't really have any need to goad each other or 'play chicken' either
  1360. >Though Photo Finish did seem disappointed she'd become less bold about wearing skimpy outfits
  1361. >Then turning to your Grandma who knew what Photo Finish was about to ask
  1362. >Photo Finish then asked her, "So how about you? Zere's an audience who'd want to see older women. Especially other older women. What do you say? It could even be more 'modest' zan what your daughters have been wearing."
  1363. >Grandma had definitely come from a more reserved and 'modest' background
  1364. >Turning it down saying, "I couldn't possibly... I mean, what would my husband think?"
  1365. >Twiddling her fingers rather cutely while saying it
  1366. >Photo Finish told Grandma now, "How about zis? If we do a photo shoot, and zen only show your husband first. Zen only publish it if he approves of ze idea."
  1367. >Grandma seemed more convinced now
  1369. >Though saying one more condition before she'd do it, "I'd also like to pose by myself if I do it... Nothing against my grandson, but I'd just rather not do anything that implies anything... Well, you know..."
  1370. >Something Photo Finish was easily willing to accommodate for her
  1371. >So then Grandma was brought to the outfit trailer
  1372. >It took a while for them to decide on an outfit together, but eventually Grandma was brought back out
  1373. >With her wearing a teacher outfit, and a rather standard one at that
  1374. >The skirt was hardly short at all, and although the top was tight-fitting it didn't show any skin really
  1375. >In fact if a real teacher wore this outfit to their actual teaching job they wouldn't look out of place, or get into any trouble
  1376. >The only thing even slightly 'risqué' about that was that she wasn't an actual teacher, and just pretending to be one
  1377. >Photo Finish then had Grandma pose leaning forward like she was 'scolding' the camera
  1378. >Even holding a ruler forward like she was wagging it at the viewer as part of the 'scolding'
  1379. >Then a still photo was taken, and just seeing it from a distance you notice Grandma getting blinded by the camera flash
  1380. >Once she regained her sight she headed back into the outfit trailer to change back
  1381. >While Photo Finish looked rather bored with how it went
  1382. >Obviously hoping she could have done something more revealing here, but knowing Grandma wouldn't have budged on it
  1383. >After that the photo shoot was definitely over
  1384. >She almost headed to the trailer she'd been in before remembering she's supposed to be in the house now
  1385. >Photo Finish then also remembered she was going to show Grandpa the picture of Grandma before anything was done with it
  1386. >Quickly printing out a copy she could physically show him since it'd be easier that way than showing him an electronic screen
  1387. >Then you all headed into the house with some time before dinner
  1389. >Very quickly Pinkie jumps to do the 'second part' of the 'plan'
  1390. >Namely coming up with an excuse to have some alone time with you, and seeing if Photo Finish fights it at all
  1391. >Grabbing you as she asked Photo Finish, "Can I borrow Nonners for just a bit~? Because-..."
  1392. >Then she stumbled trying to think up her 'excuse'
  1393. >Pinkie seeming to be frozen in place trying to come up with something
  1394. >Yet Photo Finish gives her approval anyway with, "Sure, fine, whatever."
  1395. >Photo Finish answered it in a rather disinterested tone
  1396. >Pinkie got excited about it anyway squeezing you tight as she thanked Photo Finish
  1397. >Before dragging you off to her room
  1398. >It almost seemed suspicious that Photo Finish was so quick to accept it
  1399. >Even without an actual reason being given by Pinkie
  1400. >Though one more obvious explanation for it is that Photo Finish hasn't really been taking being 'with you' very seriously at all
  1401. >Once in her room she locked and blocked the door to prevent intrusion
  1402. >Definitely meaning Pinkie has brought you here for one very specific reason
  1403. >Instead of getting right to it though she starts hugging and kissing you
  1404. >Hugging and cuddling you while standing, and making out with you briefly
  1405. >Then breaking the kiss to rock you energetically in her arms
  1406. >While calling out affectionately like you were a pet, "Nonners, Nonners, Nonners~!"
  1407. >Before resuming kissing you deeply
  1408. >Pushing you to the floor, so she could better cuddle with you while making you
  1409. >Then you heard a 'bump' against the window to her room
  1410. >You both look over, and see Photo Finish there
  1411. >With a hand on her forehead, and seeming to be in a bit of pain
  1412. >Like the 'bump' sound earlier was her accidentally bumping her head against the window leaning towards it
  1413. >It then occurs to you that you'd always assumed 'everyone' was in the house so much you hadn't even thought about the windows
  1414. >Pinkie then beckoned Photo Finish to come in through the window
  1415. >Which was no doubt unlocked
  1417. >Coming as no surprise when she was able to open it right up and slide through
  1418. >She comes in looking rather nervous and anxious about being 'caught'
  1419. >Which almost begged the question of which was more 'wrong'
  1420. >Making out on the floor with your aunt, or creeping outside the window watching it?
  1421. >Though there was really no point in thinking about it
  1422. >Pinkie asked her rather point-blank while still wrapped around you on the floor, "So, what are you going to do now?"
  1423. >Cutting right to the heart of the issue
  1424. >Photo Finish cleared her throat before trying to sound sure of herself, but still lacked confidence in her voice as she said, "R-record it of course..."
  1425. >Pinkie then wasted no energy on subtlety as she asked, "Why?"
  1426. >Photo Finish was sweating nervously now as she replied, "P-personal enjoyment..."
  1427. >Your aunt Pinkie didn't seem totally convinced that was the reason
  1428. >Asking the follow-up question, "Are you suuuure it's not to sell as porn?"
  1429. >Photo Finish was sweating bullets at this point
  1430. >Though she tried to 'explain', "I-it's not like I could get away with something like zat... Even if I tried to say it was 'fake' it'd be obvious to anyone looking at it zat it was real... I-f you even go that far..."
  1431. >Pinkie was amused now by that last bit in particular
  1432. >Grinning wide before saying teasingly, "'If we go that far', eh~? What if I told you that Nonners here is about to put a bun in my oven~?"
  1433. >Photo Finish's thighs practically slammed together before she started grinding them
  1434. >Even making a small moaning sound thinking about what Pinkie had just said
  1435. >Then Photo Finish asked out while panting, "A-are you serious?!"
  1436. >Pinkie practically grinned like a mad woman
  1437. >Before telling Photo Finish teasingly, "Just start recording, and we'll see~."
  1438. >Photo Finish then set up a portable camera she had to be stable on a tripod
  1439. >All while her hands shook like crazy setting it up
  1440. >Good thing she had a stand, or the recording would be shaky as hell
  1442. >You were a little worried about this being recored
  1443. >Yet you couldn't think of how you could convince either of them it was a 'bad idea'
  1444. >Once Photo Finish had started recording Pinkie started giving a 'performance'
  1445. >Talking to the camera like she was doing a cooking show, "Hey there~! Welcome to 'putting buns in ovens' with Pinkie~! Tonight we'll be showing you how to put an inbred bun in MY oven~!"
  1446. >Giggling at her own silly performance before continuing with 'ingredients'
  1447. >Listing them as, "First, you need a hedonistic and fertile aunt Pinkie~! Second, you need an equally horny and virile nephew Nonners with plenty of thick baby gravy in his balls~!"
  1448. >Giggling even more in a lustful tone before realizing she'd gotten ahead of herself
  1449. >Saying now, "Whoops~! I forgot an important step~! We need to be naked first~! Silly me~."
  1450. >She then started pulling at your clothes first to get them off
  1451. >Getting undressed yourself and practically 'helping her'
  1452. >Before she got undressed herself
  1453. >Straddling you now as she started lining herself up with your dick
  1454. >Pinkie then grabbed your cock before saying, "This is the all important Nonners cock~. It's gonna pump the baby batter right where it needs to go~."
  1455. >You then noticed Photo Finish was openly fingering herself to the display
  1456. >While trying to stay quiet so her voice isn't audible in the recording
  1457. >She'd have to try especially hard to stay quiet when Pinkie actually lowered herself onto your shaft
  1458. >Pinkie giving a nice and loud moan for the camera when she felt your dick slide in
  1459. >She started to bounce herself on you while moaning out, "Now we're cooking with oil~! We're also well on our way towards our goal~!"
  1460. >Though she then leaned forward before rolling to put you on top
  1461. >Wrapping herself around you as well
  1462. >Like it was natural instinct you started thrusting hard and fast into her once you were on top
  1464. >Pinkie even commented on it teasingly through her moans, "Once in the proper 'mating press' position, your Nonners' instincts will take over, and he'll start humping like crazy~!"
  1465. >You face burning red knowing she wasn't wrong, and remembering it was being recorded
  1466. >Pinkie then giggling before commenting further like it was a 'step' in her 'instructions', "About now you can start kissing your Nonners~! To help make sure the baby batter comes as soon as possible~!"
  1467. >With that she pulled you face in close to hers, so she could start making out with you
  1468. >All while you kept pounding her, and her pussy tried very hard to make you cum
  1469. >In fact almost to make her seem right it didn't seem like it'd be much longer before you did
  1470. >When you were throbbing in her Pinkie moaned out, "Make sure to look closely to see every detail of the baby batter 'injection'~!"
  1471. >Cuing Photo Finish to zoom in on your union just before you came inside her
  1472. >Which Photo Finish scrambled to do after stopping masturbating long enough to do it
  1473. >You couldn't help but try holding it in until you were sure Photo Finish had done it
  1474. >Before emptying your balls into her as Pinkie squealed with joy while squeezing you
  1475. >Just pouring it all into her while her greedy pussy tried to squeeze even more out of you
  1476. >Pinkie then saying with obvious pleasure in her voice in the afterglow of it, "There you have it~! Repeat as necessary~! Then 'bake' for nine or so months~!"
  1477. >After that Photo Finish stopped recording
  1478. >Then Pinkie let go of you, and you took that as your cue to get off of her
  1479. >Pinkie lamenting 'time restraints' as she said, "I'd love to just continue, but it'll probably be time to head to dinner soon..."
  1480. >Which of course she was right about that
  1481. >Though Photo Finish had many questions about what just happened
  1482. >Firing them off rapidly as she asked, "When did this start?! Who else is in on it?! How far have zey gone?! Do Cloudy and Igneous know about it?!"
  1484. >Then Pinkie geared up to try answering them all in sequence
  1485. >Giving her answers rapid order with, "Around when you first spotted us. Basically everyone except my parents. Marble and Maud are possibly already pregnant, with Marble being the first, but Limestone hasn't gone all the way with him. Also, no, my parents don't know about it. So don't go blabbing to them if you know what's good for you."
  1486. >Photo Finish sat there for a bit taking in Pinkie's responses
  1487. >Then blurting out with frustration, "You mean I missed zose two doing it?!"
  1488. >So that's what her take away is?!
  1489. >Pinkie patted Photo Finish's back while still naked and leaking your seed
  1490. >Telling her in a consoling tone, "Now, now... I'm sure we can get them do it again for you, and pretend like he's knocking them up then~!"
  1491. >Photo Finish was still upset she wasn't able to record those things when they happened
  1492. >Though saying in response, "Zat's not ze same, but I guess it's better zan nothing..."
  1493. >Pinkie then massaged Photo Finish's shoulders
  1494. >Telling her in a soothing voice, "There's also still Limestone who's yet to do it~. I'm sure it'll take some convincing for her to let you record it, but I could heeelp~."
  1495. >Photo Finish got more fired up about it knowing there was that to look forward to
  1496. You finally decided to say something as you said, "I'm almost surprised you're so on board with all this... I mean it's not THAT surprising given why you came here in the first place, but this is a lot more 'extreme' than what you came for originally..."
  1497. >Photo Finish almost seemed insulted that you'd even thought she might be against it
  1498. >Telling you in a proud tone, "You should know by now zat I'd never be turned away by such small-minded sensibilities as a true artiste! True artistic expression should never be afraid to go against ze grain or ruffle feathers!"
  1499. >Which actually did make a lot of sense as a response from her
  1501. >This is also definitely a time when high art people being 'degenerates' is actually helpful
  1502. >Pinkie then looked at the clock before saying, "We're running out of time people. I'll stay here to clean up, and Nonners can go get cleaned up too."
  1503. >Motioning for you to get going as she started getting cleaned up her and dressed first
  1504. >Then Photo Finish said what she was going to do, "I'll just go out ze same way I came in. So I can re-enter ze house through ze front door."
  1505. >Since that did sound like the least 'suspicious' way to do it
  1506. >At least it wouldn't confuse anyone if she came back in through the front door
  1507. >Rather than suddenly being back inside when they thought she was outside
  1508. >Even if they didn't immediately suspect anything bad going on
  1509. >Pinkie saw her off with, "We can talk more about this later!"
  1510. >Photo Finish waving as she went back out the window
  1511. >Despite the fact that you'd be seeing her again very soon
  1512. >You got dressed again quickly
  1513. >Then you were practically pushed out of the room by Pinkie as she urged you to hurry
  1514. >After that you went around to your room to get yourself tidied up more thoroughly
  1515. >Heading to dinner after that looking like normal
  1516. >Mom and Limestone call you over to sit between them when you entered the dining room
  1517. >Which you of course do without question
  1518. >Photo Finish was playing it cool here at dinner, but she wasn't quite looking at your mom or aunts the same way as before either
  1519. >Probably hard to get it out of her head what she knows now
  1520. >Especially not so soon after Pinkie ending up telling her about it
  1521. >You seriously hope she doesn't make your grandparents suspicious of anything going on by acting like something is off
  1522. >She's been good at playing cool before, but it was a seriously big reveal for her to keep quiet about
  1523. >It'd definitely been better if she'd have been warmed up to it more slowly
  1524. >However what's done is done
  1526. >She probably did basically know anyway if she'd actually left the house, and went around to the window just to peep through it
  1527. >There'd just be no reason to do that unless she expected to see something raunchy
  1528. >Just eating your dinner while thinking about all this
  1529. >That was something like roast breaded portobello with mushrooms
  1530. >Which you guess is mushrooms with more mushrooms of a different variety
  1531. >Since you're pretty sure portobello is a type of mushroom
  1532. >You try thinking about if there was much to talk about right now over dinner
  1533. >Grandma has something asking Pinkie, "Say, do you know how to contact that 'Pound Cake' boy? I'm thinking I'd like to invite him over, but I don't know how to call him."
  1534. >You definitely knew this was coming at some point
  1535. >Pinkie replies with some enthusiasm, "Sure thing! I'll ask Mr and Mrs.Cake if he can come over here when I can!"
  1536. >Her enthusiasm reminded you she did want to spend some time with him in general
  1537. >You still weren't sure exactly what you'd do if he arrived here, but you'd need to come up with something
  1538. >Just winging it would probably be a bad plan, but then again what could you really come up with in advance here?
  1539. >Grandpa brings up a point concerning it, "Where would the boy sleep if he comes over here? Normally I'd say with Anonymous since the two boys could share a room, but now he's got Photo Finish in there with him. So that's basically out."
  1540. >Grandma is left quiet for a bit having clearly not thought of that before
  1541. >Then coming up with something as she said, "Hey, Photo Finish. What do you think about the idea of him using the trailer you were in? It's unoccupied now, so it shouldn't be a problem to let him use it right? Otherwise, it's just sitting there without even being used at all."
  1542. >Photo Finish looked like she wanted to have a reason to say 'no', but couldn't think of any
  1543. >Finally replaying, "Zose trailers aren't cheap you know, but you're basically right. So sure, whatever."
  1545. >With that settled there wasn't much to talk about with it further
  1546. >At least not until Pinkie could call the Cakes to find out if and when Pound could come over here
  1547. >Though Photo Finish pointed something out saying, "If you have a cell phone, couldn't you call him now?"
  1548. >Pinkie had already thought about it though
  1549. >Replying courteously, "Wouldn't it be rude to call during dinner time?"
  1550. >Grandma seemed impatient to hear from them however
  1551. >Commenting on it with, "It's basically past dinner time, and we're mostly through with dinner ourselves."
  1552. >Pinkie was practically forced to call here and now
  1553. >Taking out her phone and going through her contacts until she got to Mrs.Cake's number
  1554. >Calling her instead of Pound Cake directly since her permission for any of it was needed most
  1555. >She then put it on speaker so you'd all be able to hear what Mrs.Cake said
  1556. >The phone didn't ring for long before it was picked up
  1557. >A voice you recognized as Mrs.Cake answered the phone, "Why, hello Pinkie. Good to hear from you directly. Messaging is convenient and all, but I say actually hearing a person's voice is always better."
  1558. >Pinkie smiled warmly before giving a quick 'yeah' in agreement
  1559. >Before asking Mrs.Cake, "How is Pound holding up? I'd heard recently the second half of the 'contest' was basically canceled. I hope he's not taking it too hard."
  1560. >Mrs.Cake didn't seem very concerned even before she answered
  1561. >Saying through the phone, "Oh, he's definitely moping about it some. Especially since he spent so much money to enter, and they won't even give him a refund. I'm sure he'll get over it though. To tell the truth, I didn't really want him to enter that contest anyway."
  1562. >Wow, they didn't even give out refunds after canceling it?
  1563. >You actually kind of feel bad for him now
  1564. >Not bad enough to want him to 'win' your mom though, but still feeling at least a little bad for him
  1566. >Pinkie asked why saying, "I think I can understand why you wouldn't have wanted him to, but could you tell me?"
  1567. >Mrs.Cake didn't have any reservations about answering that
  1568. >Telling Pinkie in response, "Well, first of all I didn't want him to spend all that money at once. I was also worried about him getting hurt, and let's be honest here... Isn't the age gap between them a bit much? I get that he really likes her, and he's a legal adult now, but still... You know what I mean right?"
  1569. >Which were definitely reasonable reasons to oppose it, but then again she did let him do it anyway
  1570. >Pinkie then asked her, "So why did you still let him go do it?"
  1571. >Mrs.Cake hesitated a bit before answering
  1572. >Then saying in response, "Well... As much as I hate to admit it, he's an adult now... So at some point I've got to let him make his own decisions, and even make his own mistakes..."
  1573. >She was letting him 'leave the nest' as it were
  1574. >Well, not entirely since he still lives with her, but it's a step towards that
  1575. >Not that you have much to say there living in your family home, and having no intention of leaving
  1576. >Pinkie told her next, "Well... I do have a bit of good news for him at least."
  1577. >You could practically hear Mrs.Cake perk up to hear what Pinkie would say next
  1578. >Then Pinkie continued, "We actually would like him to come visit. Even if it's not a part of that silly 'contest'. I, at the very least would like to spend a bit of time with him after so long without seeing each other."
  1579. >You then heard Mrs.Cake definitely get excited
  1580. >Before saying as she got hyped up, "Oooh! We could even all come over there! I wouldn't want him to go there by himself, but if we all went, I could at least keep on eye on him. It'd even be a bit like a vacation!"
  1581. >Photo Finish clearly didn't like that idea, but didn't openly oppose it
  1582. >Maybe if they could all fit in the one trailer...
  1584. >Grandma didn't seem to think it was ideal either, but it was likely the only way Mrs.Cake would agree to it now
  1585. >Pinkie then asked her for clarification, "Say, do you think you'd all be fine sharing a trailer for it? I'm sure there's fold out beds and such so there're places for you all to sleep. Our house is kind of full right now, so the trailer is really the only 'accommodations'. It's a very good trailer though."
  1586. >Mrs.Cake didn't really seem to be bothered by that
  1587. >Though she asked how the house was full with, "I thought you had a big house? How is it so full?"
  1588. >Your house actually wasn't that big
  1589. >Pinkie replied with, "It actually isn't. We don't really even have a guest room either."
  1590. >Grandpa then realized an addition to the house would definitely need to be made a child was on the way
  1591. >Quickly commenting on it quietly, "We definitely should expand the house if the family is expanding soon."
  1592. >Something everyone here could agree on
  1593. >Especially the ones among you who knew it was more than just one child 'on the way'
  1594. >Pinkie then started to wrap things up asking, "When do you think you could all pack for a vacation, and come over here?"
  1595. >Mrs.Cake seemed hyped about it for sure and answered, "I think we could make it over sometime tomorrow."
  1596. >Though before she ended the conversation Pinkie had something else in mind
  1597. >Asking Mrs.Cake a favor with, "Could you call Pound Cake down, and tell him about it now? I'd really like to hear his response to it~. I'm sure he'll be super excited~."
  1598. >Pinkie sounding like her usual self after getting the 'serious stuff' out of the way
  1599. >You could barely hear Mrs.Cake call him since she did that facing away from the phone
  1600. >Then you could only imagine the poor guy shuffling over, still bummed out about everything
  1601. >Though you could tell when she told him despite her talking away from the phone
  1602. >When you head what was no doubt his voice practically screaming his lungs out with excitement
  1604. >Pinkie giggled about hearing him be so extremely happy about it
  1605. >All while Mom basically cringed about him apparently being so very into her
  1606. >As well as the fact that him being here was definitely unavoidable now
  1607. >Then Pinkie ended the conversation telling Mrs.Cake, "Okay, that's all for now~! See you all tomorrow~!"
  1608. >Grandma had noticed Mom's reaction, and wasn't pleased by it
  1609. >Telling Mom in a stern tone but empathic, "Why don't you just give the poor little guy a chance? Sure he's on the young side, but he really seems to love you considering what he's done to just have a chance. He obviously feels very strongly about it too. Would you really be okay with just coldly shutting him out in the outset?"
  1610. >Grandma was definitely guilt tripping her now, and it at least worked a little
  1611. >Mom looking at least a little guilty even if you're sure she hasn't changed her mind
  1612. >Since it's not really about age, and more her having her heart set on you
  1613. >Pound Cake isn't even all that much younger than you are
  1614. >At least in terms of his age compared to Mom's, and your own age compared to Mom's
  1615. >Yet you're sure that as far as Grandma is concerned Pound and her may as well already be a couple
  1616. >Though Grandma doesn't know how many barriers are in the way of that, and with you being just one of them
  1617. >After that, and when everyone was through eating dinner was really over
  1618. >Then your grandparents went off to do their own thing like usual
  1619. >After they were out of earshot Pinkie took charge to call a 'meeting' in your room
  1620. >With basically everyone invited, you, her, your mom, the rest of the Pie sisters, Photo Finish, and lastly Vignette
  1621. >Both to make sure everyone was up to speed on what's going on, and to have you all in on planning for what comes next
  1622. >The large group of people heading into your room with some murmuring going on
  1623. >Getting into your room everyone finds places to sit
  1624. >With Mom and Limestone of course sitting closest to you at your sides
  1626. >Photo Finish is also close by, and more sitting behind you
  1627. >Vignette is off sitting by Maude as it occurs to you that she may be the most out of the loop now
  1628. >Once everyone is settled Pinkie continues to take charge
  1629. >Telling everyone the basics of everything to make sure everyone is on the same page
  1630. >You sort of zone out for it because you already knew it all, and this would take a while
  1631. >It turned out Vignette was more caught up than you thought because Maud had been telling her
  1632. >Though Pinkie having 'done it' earlier was new to most people here
  1633. >As well as the fact that Photo Finish is in on it too, and had recorded Pinkie doing it
  1634. >That last part causing quite a bit of shock around the room
  1635. >Pinkie calmed everyone down about it by telling them Photo Finish would get in trouble herself 'publishing it'
  1636. >Yet once the 'introductory' stuff was out of the way Mom brought up the issue most pressing to her
  1637. >Saying with obvious concern in her voice, "What will we actually do once Pound Cake is here?!"
  1638. >She's definitely not going to throw herself at him
  1639. >Pinkie tried to calm her down saying, "Now, now, Pound is a good kid. You really shouldn't be so worried about what he 'might do'. He wouldn't hurt anyone."
  1640. >Then Pinkie offered a suggestion for the 'plan' about that
  1641. >Saying in suggestion, "How about we just try to 'be on our feet', and respond on the fly? I'm sure it'll be fine."
  1642. >It definitely wasn't good enough for Mom who remained worried
  1643. >Maud then offered a different suggestion, "What if we got him to 'take the fall' for Marble being pregnant? It'd make Mom think she got exactly what she wanted even if it didn't really happen. Maybe we could bribe him somehow into accepting that 'role'."
  1644. >Mom didn't like the idea though for at least one reason
  1645. >Stating it sounding distressed, "If we did that Mom would make me marry him!"
  1646. >Maud already had a response for that
  1648. >Telling Mom, "Maybe on paper, but he wouldn't really have to be your husband. Besides, it's probably one of the very best options we have in general."
  1649. >Maud was certainly right about that, and you wish you could come up with something 'better'
  1650. >Though Mom turned it around on Maud asking her pointedly, "Why don't you have him 'take the fall' for YOUR pregnancy?"
  1651. >Instead of feeling insulted, that actually gave Maud an idea
  1652. >Saying now, "What if we did have him 'take the fall' for all four of us being pregnant? Then Mom would probably get confused about which one of us he should 'marry'. The choosing stone it out as well, so maybe she'd give up on forcing a marriage?"
  1653. >Which actually sounded just crazy enough to work...
  1654. >Thought the real issue would be how you'd convince him to go along with that
  1655. >Here was where Photo Finish had something
  1656. >Suggesting her own addition with, "Zere are people angry ze competition didn't produce any 'results'. Ze ones who 'won' were practically set to live like rock stars, and be famous for it. If we, or I specifically, promise him zat high life fame and glitter if he played along. Zen maybe he'd do it."
  1657. >Sounded like it'd involve pulling some strings, but would also tie up some 'loose ends' for her as well
  1658. >At the very least Mom seemed to be more on board with this idea now
  1659. >If it doesn't specifically involve her having to 'be with' Pound Cake in any way
  1660. >It really sounded like something was coming together even if it wasn't 100% thought out yet
  1661. >As well as the fact that actually 'pulling it off' would be likely easier said than done
  1662. >You'd at the very least need to keep Grandma from finding out anyone is pregnant before Pound Cake has been here a while, and after he's agreed to take credit
  1663. >In fact it sounded too good to be true
  1664. >It couldn't all just be wrapped up that 'simply' without anything complicating things, could it?
  1666. Then you thought of something as you said, "Wouldn't we somehow have to give Pound Cake 'alone time' with anyone he's going to take the credit for getting pregnant? I mean if anyone is going to actually believe it happened?"
  1667. >Which caused everyone to start thinking for a solution
  1668. >Mrs.Cake likely would try to make sure he didn't have 'alone time' like that to 'keep him out of trouble'
  1669. >Though nobody is able to really come up with anything specific
  1670. >Then Vignette actually spoke up after staying silent most of this meeting
  1671. >Saying now even as she sounded unsure of herself, "Wouldn't we also want him on board with our 'plan' before we give him that 'alone time'? I mean, if we don't want the 'alone time' to actually end up the way it's set up to 'look like'..."
  1672. >She had a point there
  1673. >As Maud agreed with saying, "Right, so we probably need to convince him to be the 'fall guy' as soon as possible after he gets here."
  1674. You agree with it as well saying, "Yeah, the sooner he's in on the plan, the more time we have to actually do any of the rest of the plan."
  1675. >Maybe the most worrying part is that you don't know how 'long' you have
  1676. >Since there's no telling who might show unmistakable sings of pregnancy and when
  1677. >Photo Finish spoke up saying, "I might not sound like it because I was caught unaware, but zere are things we could do to hide zings like morning sickness if we're specifically expecting it."
  1678. >You decide to zone out on the details of it because it sounded a little gross to be honest
  1679. >Also it wouldn't be you actually doing any of it anyway, so why would you need to know?
  1680. >However once she was done explaining the 'techniques' it seemed like they made sense to the others
  1681. >After that the meeting was actually suddenly called to a close
  1682. >With Mom stating the otherwise unspoken reason as she said, "I... I think I'm gonna get started on that now..."
  1684. >So with that Mom, Maud, and Pinkie left first to get started on the 'techniques' for hiding any early signs of pregnancy
  1685. >Then with just you, Limestone, Photo Finish, and Vignette left it wasn't much of a meeting anymore
  1686. >Vignette soon got up and went after Maud
  1687. >Though Limestone stayed as she hugged and cuddled you
  1688. >Something Photo Finish was just watching even as it seemed like she had something to say
  1689. >Trying to work herself up to saying it, and you started to get an idea what it was
  1690. >Finally getting over her nerves to just come out and ask, "Are you going to do it now, and can I record it if you are? You do know you're the last one who hasn't done it now, right?"
  1691. >Limestone then squeezed you so hard it hurt your ribs with a deep blush on her face
  1692. >Then she replied angrily saying, "No! Well, not right now! Don't rush me! I'm a traditional woman, and don't want to just 'do it' like it's nothing!"
  1693. >Though Photo Finish got a devious idea as she grinned
  1694. >Before saying in a teasing tone, "Zen you probably wouldn't mind leaving ze room, so I can do him. After all I'm basically his 'wife' so it's no big deal according to 'traditional values' if I did it with him now, right? Or would you rather watch that?"
  1695. >Limestone definitely didn't like that
  1696. >Playing right into Photo Finish's hand as she squeezed you more saying, "No, he's mine!"
  1697. >Photo Finish grinning wider while chuckling about how easy it is to play her
  1698. >Then telling Limestone even more teasingly, "So if he's yours, then why don't you do it?"
  1699. >Limestone fumed about it before bringing your face up to hers
  1700. >Photo Finish scrambling to start quietly recording
  1701. >As Limestone asked you, "How do you feel about it, Anon?"
  1702. >Your own face blushes as you stop to think about it
  1703. Then telling her, "Well, I don't want to rush you... Though if you're going to be pregnant with the rest of your sisters before Grandma finds out about any of them... We'd probably need to do this sooner rather than later..."
  1705. >Limestone then seems to have made up her mind to do it
  1706. >Just hearing the fact that you were really okay with doing it, and were also thinking about her feelings as well
  1707. >She then started to very nervously undress
  1708. >While you took the opportunity to get undressed as well
  1709. >Limestone's heart very obviously racing in her chest as she took off the last of her clothing, and saw your erection out in the open
  1710. >You'd already done it twice today, but they were spaced out from each other
  1711. >So you should be good to go here
  1712. >Then Limestone got on top of you to straddle you
  1713. >While Photo Finish went to check that the door was locked
  1714. >Seeming to try avoiding going where she'd appear in the recording while doing it
  1715. >She then asked you before lowering herself onto your shaft, "Are you sure about this?"
  1716. You then asked her in return, "Would you really be okay with not doing it after coming this far?"
  1717. >With that she found the resolve slide herself down onto your cock
  1718. >Moaning out as she did before trying not to be too loud
  1719. >She then grabbed your hands and held them while hilted on you
  1720. >Before very slowly started to move herself up and down
  1721. >Still seeming very nervous, and like she's practically scared to go any faster
  1722. >Then you started thrusting you into her, but not any faster than her own pacing
  1723. >Causing her to moan out more while trembling on top of you
  1724. >Moaning out your name as she started to speed up just a little
  1725. >In fact the more she sped up, the louder she seemed to get
  1726. >When she started to get entirely too loud you got worried about it
  1727. >So you did something you'd practically never done before
  1728. >You took initiative
  1729. >Pushing forward as you flipped her onto her back
  1730. >Limestone started to get mad, but when you leaned forward on top of her to kiss her she relaxed into the kiss
  1731. >Quieting down at last now that you were kissing her
  1732. >All while thrusting into her at a pace you were setting on your own consciously
  1734. >It almost seemed surreal to be doing something like that, and with Limestone of all people
  1735. >Limestone just trembled underneath you, and passively accepted your kisses
  1736. >Filling you with a kind of feeling you'd never had before
  1737. >Is this was it feels like to be 'assertive'?
  1738. >Regardless of if it was or not you were so swept away by it, you hardly even noticed as you got close to cumming inside her
  1739. >Even seeming to blow your load very suddenly as the orgasm hit you like a freight train
  1740. >Limestone moaned out extremely loudly from that, even with your lips together
  1741. >The orgasm hit you so hard you practically collapsed on top of her after that
  1742. >You both sit there in the afterglow for a while
  1743. >Practically 'seizing the opportunity' Limestone Flipped you over, and got back on top
  1744. >Saying playfully, "Time to get back at you for that~."
  1745. >Then she started riding you fast and hard
  1746. >Almost as fast as hard as Maud
  1747. >She kept going like this in more the way you'd have imagined this would go
  1748. >Until you were drained dry, and she started to get worn out
  1749. >Only then stopping for real as she started cuddling you like she'd fall asleep
  1750. >Then she actually did fall asleep
  1751. >Photo Finish then stopped recording
  1752. >Before helping you two onto the bed
  1753. >Joining both of you on the bed herself
  1754. >Then teasingly calling you a 'dirty boy' as she settled in to sleep
  1755. >After all that'd happened today, and especially this now it didn't take much for you to fall asleep
  1756. >Your eyelids feeling heavy as you fell asleep between the two women
  1757. -
  1758. End of day
  1759. -
  1761. >You wake up to find Limestone and Photo Finish down at your crotch
  1762. >Playing with and sucking your dick
  1763. >With Photo Finish teasing Limestone a lot
  1764. >Especially when Limestone got jealous about Photo Finish taking a 'turn'
  1765. >You don't know how long they've been doing this, but it's obvious they hadn't just started
  1766. >They haven't noticed you're awake yet either
  1767. >Though Photo Finish is the first to notice
  1768. >Giving you a casual 'good morning' despite what they were doing
  1769. >While Limestone took advantage of Photo Finish taking her attention away from your cock
  1770. >All but aggressively sucking you off like she was 'winning' a battle between them by doing this
  1771. >In fact when she made you cum in her mouth she seemed like she was declaring 'victory'
  1772. >Which only amused Photo Finish because she never took it 'seriously' like Limestone was
  1773. >It wasn't long after that your alarm started going off
  1774. >You quickly turn it off so it doesn't just keep blaring when you're already awake
  1775. >Limestone then looked glum as she realized it was time to get ready for breakfast
  1776. >Definitely because she didn't want to stop what she was doing now
  1777. >Though before she left you took the opportunity to hug her
  1778. Then telling her affectionately, "Limestone, I love you~."
  1779. >She hugged you in return while cuddling into you
  1780. >Then seeming a lot happier, and less reluctant to go for now
  1781. >As Limestone left for her morning routines Photo Finish looked at you smugly
  1782. >Before asking you in a teasing tone, "Do you love me too~?"
  1783. >Though she simply laughed it off before letting you respond
  1784. >Since she doesn't really expect you to be seriously in love with her
  1785. >Before starting to get dressed for the day
  1786. >You start getting dressed as well while cleaning yourself off
  1787. >After that it was just going through morning routines
  1788. >Including the part where Mom and Limestone 'accompany' you to breakfast
  1789. >Simply sitting down for it and starting eating
  1790. >At least until a knock came at the door
  1792. >A shock going through your system realizing who it must be
  1793. >Everyone got up from the table to answer the door since this was kind of a big deal
  1794. >As you expected it was the Cake family at the door
  1795. >With Pound Cake front and center as he stared at Mom
  1796. >However Mom hid behind you and tried to avoid his gaze
  1797. >Grandma speaks first as the hostess asking them, "Did you already have breakfast? We're just having breakfast now, and you're welcome to join us if you haven't yet."
  1798. >However they didn't really seem interested
  1799. >With Mrs.Cake answering politely, "It's quite alright. We ate before we left the house, and got up earlier than we normally would. Since we'd heard from Pinkie how you like to start the day early."
  1800. >In fact, now that she mentions it they do look a bit tired
  1801. >The father spoke up now sounding very apologetic and courteous, "Thank you for inviting us all over. I really hope we're not too much of a bother."
  1802. >Grandpa addressed him now speaking 'man to man', "It's fine, and I just hope your boy has some muscle on him. After we're done with breakfast he'll be coming with me to do some real honest work in the mine, and show me what he's made of."
  1803. >You really doubt he'd be able to impress Grandpa at all
  1804. >In the competition he didn't seem to be all that fit, and Grandpa's no doubt going to measure him against very high standards
  1805. >Pound Cake looked nervous about it too
  1806. >Especially when he noticed how defined Grandpa's muscles were despite his age
  1807. >After that the conversation winded down before your family went back to breakfast
  1808. >Pound Cake rather obviously wanting to psyche himself up now
  1809. >You just focused on finishing breakfast for now
  1810. >It's basically go time already
  1811. >After breakfast you get ready to head into the mine
  1812. >Grandpa went of ahead first after grabbing Pound Cake
  1813. >Everyone in your 'group' quickly agrees that 'jumping him' on the way back from the mine was the best option
  1815. >Then you all split up into your normal groups for mine work
  1816. >With Vignette staying home this time
  1817. >During your work day with Maud you were too tense to fool around
  1818. >Since everything could come crumbling down if you fuck this up
  1819. >Maud didn't really try to fool around either
  1820. >She must be tense for your 'meeting' with him too
  1821. >It feels all too seen when the work day ends
  1822. >Like you didn't have nearly enough time to think about what you'd say or do
  1823. >To get him in on that plan that was thought of earlier
  1824. >You meet up with Mom and the rest on the way back closer to the entrance
  1825. >Photo Finish arrives on the scene too since she's definitely integral to it
  1826. >Limestone alerts you all saying, "He stayed behind to rest after Dad dismissed him. So he's not back at the house already."
  1827. >Which works out perfectly, and now all you need to do is wait for him
  1828. >It takes a little while, but he comes in dragging his feet while looking exhausted
  1829. >Though he soon notices the group of people here waiting for him
  1830. >Knowing something is up as he seems to put his guard up
  1831. >Photo Finish seizes on the opportunity to use his fatigue as an angle
  1832. >Asking him to pique his interest, "What if I told you zere was another way to basically get what you want besides zis?"
  1833. >Pound Cake inquisitively raises one eyebrow
  1834. >Before asking her with some doubt, "What do you mean?"
  1835. >Photo Finish takes just a moment to prepare herself for sounding as convincing as possible
  1836. >Then telling him, "Ze executives were hoping to get ze next big celebrity out of ze contest, and you could be zat. Make tv appearances, get into movies, and all zat stuff. Even get some groupies for sure."
  1837. >Though that one fell right on it's face
  1838. >Pound Cake looked extremely doubtful before telling her, "Oh hell no, I'm not falling for that one again. I already got burned on that once. Either get me a contract proving it'll happen, or no deal."
  1840. >Photo Finish's hesitation when she realized she might not be able to get that only cemented his refusal
  1841. >Mom was hiding behind you, and ducked behind you entirely when he looked over your way
  1842. >Pinkie interjected to tell him, "Don't worry about her, Poundy~. She's just very shy~."
  1843. >He seemed to remember having been told she was shy before
  1844. >Then he worked up some confidence before saying, "Don't worry about me everyone! I can tough it out, and prove I'm the right man for her!"
  1845. >He then charged off with renewed energy like he was off to battle
  1846. >The bad news was that the original plan had failed hard, but at least this was the perfect opportunity now to brainstorm a new strategy
  1847. >The first one the comes to mind is perhaps the simplest, and maybe even the most effective
  1848. >Everyone sees you look like you have something as they waited on you to spill the beans
  1849. Telling everyone now, "I didn't want to have to resort to something like this, but maybe the only thing we can do now is just watch him crash and burn..."
  1850. >Pinkie definitely wanted to object, but after some thinking knew there wasn't really a better solution now
  1851. >At least since it comes down to picking sides with no 'win-win' scenario
  1852. >Pound Cake may have to go home empty-handed for you and Mom to 'win', but he'll find someone besides your mom to lust after
  1853. >You feel a bit bad plotting for him to fail after he seemed to trust you were worried about him
  1854. >In a way you still wish things can work out for him, but just not the way he wants
  1855. You then say feeling rather cynical, "There's no way he can do it. He'll burn out before long."
  1856. >Mom then got a surprisingly devious look on her face
  1857. >Completely different from the absolute sweetheart you know
  1859. >Before she said, "I'm sure there are ways we can 'help him along' towards it too..."
  1860. >The atmosphere turning cold now that Mom has seriously suggesting sabotaging him
  1861. >Even giving her first suggestion as she asked Photo Finish, "Could you think of a reason to cancel tonight's photo shoot? If he doesn't get to see that I'm sure it'll affect his 'morale'..."
  1862. >Photo Finish nodded knowing exactly what Mom meant, and being on board for it
  1863. >While Pinkie got increasingly uncomfortable about it
  1864. >Since Pound Cake is like family to her
  1865. >Pinkie then spoke up sounding slightly hurt, "Come on guys... Before we go any further with planning this way... Could we agree not to do anything that'd really hurt him?"
  1866. >Mom then looked like she felt guilty about it after hearing her heartfelt pleaded
  1867. You then told Pinkie, "I'm sure 'letting him down gently' won't be easy, but we'll try. We can also try to not do anything that'd make it obvious any of us tried to make him fail on purpose."
  1868. >Pinkie looked into your eyes trying to see if you meant it
  1869. >Without breaking eye contact you looked meaningfully into hers to let her know you did mean it
  1870. >After that she seemed to be less uncomfortable with how things were progressing
  1871. >Then Maud had another suggestion saying, "We could also keep Marble out of her room tonight. So that it'd be easier for her to ignore him if he tries to come to her window to woo her during the night. We could then say she didn't respond because she's a heavy sleeper if he says anything about it. Also we should close the blinds, and lock the windows."
  1872. >Right, since if he just went into her room he'd know something was 'off'
  1873. >Also you wouldn't want him seeing into your room while trying to find the window for your mom's room
  1874. >You think about asking Pinkie to tell him which room is Mom's, but wouldn't it be weird for her to tell him something like that?
  1876. >Limestone then added her own two cents saying, "When Mom and Dad start to get hard on him when he's struggling, we could act like we're supporting him. Even though we actually know contradicting them would just turn them against him more."
  1877. >Pinkie then seemed shocked with how devious that was coming from Limestone
  1878. >Then she seemed to realize Pound wouldn't know that, and see you all as defending him
  1879. >The ideas seemed to stop there for now
  1880. >It'd probably be best to wait and see if any of these things 'work' before adding anything else on
  1881. >Pinkie then goes on ahead saying, "I'm gonna go spend some time with the Cakes until dinner is ready!"
  1882. >Since there wouldn't be a photo shoot she really could just do that till dinner
  1883. >After that the rest of you headed to the house
  1884. >On the way Mom asked everyone, "W-would you be okay with me having some alone time with Anon?... I really feel like I need it right now..."
  1885. >She sounded very sincere in saying so
  1886. >Maud replied, "Sure, I could just mess around with Vignette for a bit."
  1887. >Limestone hesitated for a bit thinking about it
  1888. >Then responding herself with, "Then I could try talking with Mom and Dad. To see how they're feeling about him so far."
  1889. >Which would just leave you to be with Mom when all that is happening
  1890. >You grab hold of Mom and stroke her hair
  1891. Reassuring her in a sweet voice, "I'm sure you can't help being very worried about all this. Though I won't let anything happen to you, and I love you."
  1892. >She cuddled into you and sighed as you went into the house together
  1893. >Giving her very gentle affections to soothe her
  1894. >When you all split you for your separate things, you took Mom to her room
  1895. >Since she'd probably be able to relax the best in her own room
  1896. >Now you'd have till dinner to make sure she's rejuvenated, and show how much you care

Anonymous (Twin Sister Applebloom)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Big Sister Scootaloo)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Tipsy Turvy (Older Sister Gilda x Anon)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous (Shining Armor x Twilight Sparkle)

by OniiChansFables

Anonymous Gilda Green for /irt/

by OniiChansFables