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No Milking November 2023 Aftermath

By WapaMario63
Created: 2023-12-13 02:26:01
Expiry: Never

  1. No Milking November 2023 - Young Luna VS Young Celestia - Aftermath
  2. Written by Shroooomy and BtMess
  3. Edited by WapaMario63
  5. --- Lactation Rate since end of No Milking November ---
  6. Celestia: 235,508 mL per hour
  7. Luna: 263,425 mL per hour
  9. >Luna and Celestia sat by the riverside
  10. >Their teats engorging around the soft grass besides it
  11. >The constant leaking making the soil even more pliant to the massive weight of each orb
  12. >Ponies scooted behind them either anxious or curious for their large assets
  13. >But none daring to get close and question their young monarchs
  14. >"Well Luna. You really messed up this time." Celestia jabbed, breaking the silence
  15. >"Wha! Don't blame me for this! You not only followed me on this stupid idea, but you encouraged us to grow further!"
  16. >"That's very true." Celestia nodded "But it was still YOUR idea and desire to one up my assets."
  17. >Luna rolled her eyes and rested her head along her teats which were throbbing
  18. >"I just want to be back to normal..." She sighed
  19. >"I don't think that's gonna happen." Celestia replied "After everything, you better get used to this... New normal."
  20. >Luna massaged the side of her teat with her hoof
  21. >"Maybe, maybe Starswirl has a spell?" Luna pleaded
  22. >Celestia looked up and away, pensive
  23. >"Well, Starswirl may be smart and wise, but this is still a first for ponykind"
  24. >Celestia brushed her own teats with a hoof, even though she hardly reached halfway across
  25. >Luna meanwhile sighed, annoyed and not used to carrying such weights
  26. >"Well, at least our ponies seemed to appreciate the... Decorations?"
  27. >"Yes Luna" - Celestia smiled, their combined reasoning for what was going to be told to the overall populace coming forth - "We were just...experimenting after all"
  28. >"Princesses, would you mind if I...joined you two next year?"
  29. >The voice of a mare could be heard past their bosom, the little pony barely visible as she kneel
  30. >"Of course, we would be most thankful if you joined us in this yearly event"
  31. >"Luna..." - Celestia half whispered - "This is not the time for pranks..."
  32. >"Nay, but if she wants to try for herself she should have the incentive to do so, yeah?"
  33. >Celestia was troubled, but looking back, the mare had already left after receiving Luna's blessing
  34. >"See how she was beaming? It will be, I'm sure you remember how good it felt."
  35. >Luna waved a hoof dismissively, shuffling her teat closer to Celestia's to bump it
  36. >It mostly worked to make Celestia self conscious that she no longer was the big sister, and by quite a bit
  37. >"I only worry we make some kind of national event by accident or something. You know how our ponies have been lately."
  38. >Luna smiled brightly at that, giggling openly
  39. >"Well, perhaps thou would wish for a rematch then? Or are our milkers too powerful for thy sun?"
  40. >Luna shook her tits, hoping to enhance her taunt
  41. >"Mayhaps, we still need to see the atelier though."
  42. >"Hmm? You mean the mare who tried to make those table cloths she tried to call bra's?"
  43. >Luna squeezed a teat, trying to show how badly all that cloth managed to contain her twins before continuing
  44. >"Bah, I'll just use my magic, it's not like we're going to tear down the walls with these"
  45. >Celestia rolled her eyes, smiling at the reminder of the last days
  46. >"Truly, something to keep in history... Or not, I'm not sure how our ponies will think about it going for-"
  47. >"Have some faith, our ponies can write what they think is worth remembering."
  48. >Celestia smiled, leaning her body against Luna's, both teat sets squishing together
  49. >"Also I kinda need some milking." - Luna said, rolling her eyes - "Again"
  50. >"Of course you do." - Celestia replied with a pat on the large throbbing blue orb
  51. >Especially considering Celestia gushed her own milk openly into the river, while Luna was trying to keep them more or less contained
  52. >More or less since, after letting go of the millions of liters she held for the month, leaking was almost inevitable
  53. >"Just try and not overflow the river before my turn!"
  54. >"Only you Celestia, only you." - Luna said with a smile, stretching herself, before getting ready for another milking workout
  55. >Luna scooted closer to the river, her tits laying on the shore and partially inside
  56. >She couldn't help but sigh as the cold water hit her boulders
  57. >So much happened since last month
  58. >The anger, the idea, the challenge
  59. >She squishes a nipple in her magic, tugging to and from to get ready for the flowing milk to come
  60. >It's not like she needs to do it to stimulate lactation
  61. >But it certainly helped to not get overwhelmed by the feeling to come
  62. >Just like Celestia taught her
  63. >To think that the enormous teats Celestia had on the start of the month could fit on her nipples alone would be an understatement...
  64. >And she produced so much more too
  65. >She felt the first trickle coming, almost holding back to not pinch it shut
  66. >Massaging as much of her teat mass as she could with her legs, she pointed it towards the river
  67. >Then, adding her magic to where her hooves couldn't reach, she squished down
  68. >The force and feeling of the flowing milk was just as good as the other times, the jet piercing the river with it's load
  69. >Luna looked back at Celestia, leaking profusely while smiling at seeing Luna's powerful torrent
  70. >Luna couldn't understand why she didn't even made an effort to contain the mess she was causing
  71. >But then again, she herself knew what would happen if Celestia truly let go
  72. >Letting her own teats flow completely just like her own
  73. >After all, even if smaller, she wasn't far behind...
  74. >Taking a deep breath, she did another round of tugging and pushing, as her teat kept over producing
  75. >"Do you need any help Luna?" - Celestia called over
  76. >"No... It's fine" - Luna replied with a scrunch
  77. >At least their assets weren't house sized any longer
  78. >Barely able to contain back a flood
  79. >And all that due to 4 not so small orbs
  80. >Luna smiled, likely remembering how brittle the wall looked as Celestia blew past it like it was nothing
  81. >Although both of them were more worried as to who would win over the other back then
  82. >But finally letting go made it all more than worth it
  83. >Almost as if both of their frustrations were washed away by the raw feeling
  84. >Especially considering each of their nipples was bigger than a full grown mare
  85. >Luna almost yearned to do it again the next year, even if Celestia wouldn't join
  86. >Also the reason she told the mare to try it for herself
  87. >The lactogasm was like none other, as everything came flowing out
  88. >And then Celestia joined her in the cacophony of moans
  89. >She didn't even need to see the other side and past her boobs to imagine the flow
  90. >All in all, was quite the bounding experience too
  91. >And looking back to her current milking, she almost felt... Small
  92. >Celestia was also poking her crotch, relaxing at the feeling of her produce
  93. >And despite letting herself flow more unlike Luna, she had a pensive look to herself
  94. >Almost as if she too wanted to get back, to carry the twin suns between her thighs before letting it all out
  95. >Nah, what if they could go for more than that, how long would that take? Celestia thought
  96. >But then there's their subjects too
  97. >The mare certainly seemed curious, desiring to try it for herself...
  98. >Both sisters looked at each other, almost in synchrony
  99. >And their smile to each other said everything
  100. >Next year, they would experiment and shoot to get even bigger, rounder and more productive
  101. >Now knowing what happened to one's body, they couldn't wait to find out just how far their body could really push
  102. >But next time, they would work as one, to be the best they could be

No Milking November 2023 Day 15

by WapaMario63

No Milking November 2023 Aftermath

by WapaMario63