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Cheating Elements Ending 2: Friends With Benefits(EqG)

By BetAnonTheSecond
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-10-10 08:57:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >Do you want to go through with this?
  3. >You sit there for a moment.
  4. >Your heart begins to do it's thing of furiously pounding on your chest.
  5. >Wanting out of this whole mess.
  6. >Twilight begins to nuzzle your cheek with her own.
  7. >You slowly and shakily wrap a single arm around her waist.
  8. >The other hand goes up to caress her head.
  9. >You bring her back sitting up.
  10. >You both lock eyes for a moment.
  11. >Her eyes look to be on the verge of tears.
  12. >She's serious about this.
  13. >You let go of her.
  14. >You look away from her.
  15. >You can't do this.
  16. >You WON'T do this.
  17. >”A-Anon?”
  18. >Twilight asks for your attention.
  19. >She reaches out for your hand.
  20. >And you move it away from hers.
  21. >”Wh-what did I do?”
  22. >She now has a worried tone in her voice.
  23. >”Did I say something wrong?”
  24. >Her voice getting a bit hectic.
  25. >You look down to the floor.
  26. >Where you should be.
  27. >You're gathering all the strength and courage to tell her the truth.
  28. >This feels like the hardest thing you have to do in your life.
  29. >Easily beats out all those bleacher drills in Wrestling.
  30. >The miles and miles of nonstop running.
  31. >The pain of getting punched.
  32. >Neck cranked.
  33. >Arm bars.
  34. >All of it.
  35. >You start to feel tears swell up in your eyes.
  36. “I can't.”
  37. >You're barely able to speak out.
  38. >You feel Twilight's hands now on your shoulders.
  39. >”What was that?”
  40. >She asks as she gets closer to you.
  41. “I can't do this.”
  42. >You feel Twilight's arms now embrace you and hold you tight.
  43. >”But I said I wanted this. There is nothing to be afraid of.”
  44. >She whispers into your ear.
  45. >Giving you a kiss on the cheek.
  46. >You then pull free of her grasp and stand up.
  47. “No, it's not that, it's...”
  48. >You pause for a moment.
  49. >You can feel every nerve in your body start to crumble under the pressure.
  50. >You bring your palms up to your eyes and vigorously rub them to prevent tears from falling.
  51. >It does the opposite affect.
  52. >You can't see with the tears covering up your iris'
  53. >You blink which allows them to roll off your cheeks.
  54. >Do it.
  55. >Just say it.
  56. >It'll hurt now.
  57. >And maybe for a while.
  58. >But you'd rather break her heart now than afterwords when you have taken something she holds dear to her.
  59. >Something that cannot be given back.
  60. >You owe her that much.
  61. “Twilight, I...”
  62. >Your throat closes up.
  63. >You're trying desperately to tell her.
  64. >You look to her.
  65. >Her eyes are swelled up as well.
  66. >You take one more deep breath.
  67. “I haven't been honest with you...”
  68. >You begin.
  69. “I..., I've been seeing Rainbow Dash behind your back.”
  70. >There it goes
  71. >It's out there.
  72. >Twilight looks frozen in time.
  73. >So you continue.
  74. “It, it started back at the beach. She played around with an offer, and I called her on her bluff.”
  75. >You pause for a moment.
  76. “One thing led to another..., It was all me.!”
  77. >Your voice cracks.
  78. “I didn't refuse, I had a weakness that I couldn't overcome.”
  79. >You hang your head down.
  80. >You can feel your tears fall from your face and lightly pat the floor.
  81. “I'm sorry! I just, I just didn't want to go through with this knowing what I've done!”
  82. >You shake your head but you still don't look up.
  83. “You deserve better. Better than this..., better than me.”
  84. >You finally look up to see what Twilight was doing during all this.
  85. >She remained in her spot.
  86. >Her face gave no expression whatsoever.
  87. >Except for a continuous stream of tears rolling down her face.
  88. >Looking off into the distance.
  89. >You take a small step towards her.
  90. “Twiliy?”
  91. >You ask in a soft tone.
  92. >She doesn't say anything still.
  93. >Before you take another step closer she finally speaks.
  94. >”Please leave.”
  95. >A low and monotone yet still soft voice.
  96. >You turn head and walk out the tent.
  97. >You don't say anything.
  98. >You don't even think of trying to say anything to her.
  99. >You just walk right out the tent without another word.
  100. >Give her some space.
  101. >Let her air it out.
  102. >At worst, she'll only hate you forever.
  103. >A pain that will sting for years to come.
  104. >But, you can't say you didn't bring this upon yourself.
  105. >You slowly grog across the campgrounds back to your tent.
  106. >Trying to avoid everyone so you don't have to answer any questions as to what just happened.
  107. >You're also doing a good job keeping your feelings and tears in check right about now too.
  108. >Seems like almost everyone has gathered around the fire, ready to sing and tell stories.
  109. >You've successfully avoided everyone and about to enter your tent when.
  110. >”Hey man!”
  111. >A familiar feminine voice calls out to you.
  112. >Rainbow Dash is heading your way.
  113. >You should have just ignored her call and walked into your tent.
  114. >But you were sure she would have just followed you in if you did.
  115. >”What's up with you? I couldn't find you or Egghead.”
  116. >You turn to her.
  117. >She takes a good look at you.
  118. >”Whoa, have you been crying dude?”
  119. >Your eyes are a bit swollen from the tears you had just shed.
  120. >You pause to think to yourself if you should warn Dash that you spilled the beans to Twilight.
  121. >On one hand, fuck her and the shit she's put you through.
  122. >On the other hand, It was still on you, and for the most part she's kept her mouth shut.
  123. “Listen, I told Twilight everything about us.”
  124. >You just say bluntly.
  125. >Her eyes widen with a look of total shock.
  126. >”You did what?”
  127. >Not quite a shout, but there was a hint of panic in her voice.
  128. “I told Twilight we've been sleeping together. I did it mostly because she was trying to throw herself at me.”
  129. >Dash then threw up her arms.
  130. >”You totally should have banged her! I told you I was never going to rat you out.”
  131. >Dash looks to her sides as if someone was eavesdropping on them.
  132. “She's not some 2-bit whore who will open their legs for anyone, She values her virginity and I wouldn't feel right.”
  133. >You cross your arms.
  134. “Besides, if I were to bone her and then she found out about us, it'd probably break her beyond repair. Don't you respect your friend enough for that?”
  135. >You threw it back on her now.
  136. >She places her hands on her hips and raises a single eyebrow.
  137. >”Yeah, I guess you're right on that one. I just didn't take you for the mushy type.”
  138. >You snort at her comment.
  139. “I adapt to the situation in front of me, clearly you're the type of chick who's all tough and strong looking on the outside, but holy fuck do you love being sexually dominated.”
  140. >She then gives you a smug smile.
  141. >”And boy do I ever? Seriously, perhaps when this all blows over we should be dating.”
  142. >You frown at her statement.
  143. “Fuck off, with that.”
  144. >She shakes her head at your response.
  145. >”Whatever, stud, at the very least thanks for the heads up. I guess I'll go see her and try to get it somewhat under control.”
  146. >She then raises one of her arms and hides her hand behind her head.
  147. >”Guess this mess will screw our friendship up a whole lot.”
  148. >You solemnly nod in agreement.
  149. “Probably best for us all to lay low and keep our distance for the rest of the trip. If anyone asks me, I'll just say we're in a rough patch or something.”
  150. >You look up to the darkening sky as if it will give you all the answers.
  151. >Dash just stands there for a moment.
  152. >”Well, I guess I better go and face the music myself.”
  153. >You nod at her and you turn to head into your tent.
  154. >”Thanks for the heads up at least.”
  155. >She tells you as you disappear into your tent.
  156. >You lay down on your bed and contemplate what you should do or say for the rest of the trip.
  157. >It's going to be a very tricky next two weeks.
  158. >Probably by the end you'll have alienated all of your friends over this incident as you're sure Twilight will have to address this issue with them.
  159. >Your heart sinks when you think of this.
  160. >But you know in your heart.
  161. >You did the right thing.
  163. >The next week and a half were tough to get by.
  164. >A couple of the guys asked if you were okay.
  165. >You just said yeah and left it at that.
  166. >Nobody pushed the issue.
  167. >None of Twilight's friends showed any animosity towards you.
  168. >Which sort of weirded you out because you'd figured word would have got around.
  169. >Especially with Pinkie who is terrible with private matters.
  170. >Dash kept her distance from you.
  171. >You'd say from Twilight as well but from what you could tell they were still rooming together.
  172. >Which makes you wonder what happened that night you fessed up
  173. >You didn't even see her on your morning workouts.
  174. >Twilight.
  175. >She kept her distance as well.
  176. >You both locked eyes with each other a few times.
  177. >She always had a blank look on her face.
  178. >No anger.
  179. >No sorrow.
  180. >No disgust.
  181. >She made no attempt to make contact with you and you were not also going make an effort for now.
  182. >Just give her some space.
  183. >Finally it's the last night of the camping trip.
  184. >The Camp holds a sort of semi fancy ball where people dress up and dance like it's some mini prom.
  185. >Which seems stupid.
  186. >But you guess it's used to help fundraise for the campgrounds to keep it going.
  187. >You're not sure how that works, but whatever.
  188. >Mostly everyone here are a little dressed up with at least a nice polo or a semi formal dress.
  189. >If you'd have know something like this was going to take place you probably could have brought a polo shirt as well.
  190. >There's snacks
  191. >A punch bowl
  192. >More s'mores.
  193. >And a makeshift dance floor with Vinyl Scratch and her usual DJ duties.
  194. >Everyone seems to be celebrating the end of the camping trip.
  195. >You feel you would have enjoyed it better if you didn't blow up your relationship with Twilight at the beginning.
  196. >You're just sitting by yourself watching the going's on.
  197. >A couple wave to you.
  198. >You wave back and put on a fake smile.
  199. >You get up a few times to get a cup of punch and a few snacks.
  200. >Miniature sandwiches and pigs in a blanket.
  201. >You finally notice Twilight.
  202. >Who is also sitting by herself on the other end of the large hall like tent.
  203. >A couple of her friends come by and talk with her.
  204. >She engages with them for a bit then they walk off.
  205. >The Vinyl Scratch begins to play a more somber, slow tune.
  206. [ Social Scene - Anthems for a Seventeen-Year Old Girl - You Forgot It in People)]
  207. >Not really a dance tune.
  208. >But a couple of the couples get together and slow dance.
  209. >You notice Timber Spruce walk up to Twilight and begin to talk with her.
  210. >He looks like he tries to offer his hand to her.
  211. >You're guessing word got around enough that you two aren't together anymore if he's doing this.
  212. >Or he's just an asshole.
  213. >Which you're inclined to assume the latter.
  214. >She actually refuses his hand.
  215. >And he looks disappointed.
  216. >Ha Ha.
  217. >What a Douche Canoe.
  218. >You briefly lament that you never had the opportunity to knock his ass out.
  219. >But there will be other times, you're sure.
  220. >You hope.
  221. >He finally fucks off and Twilight is alone once again.
  222. >You contemplate for a few moments if you should try and at least talk to her.
  223. >If anything, just for clarification over this mess.
  224. >Yeah, you'll use that line.
  225. >You get up from your seat and move your way to her.
  226. >She doesn't notice you.
  227. >It's like she's in a trance.
  228. >Oblivious to all and everything around her.
  229. >You end up standing right next to her.
  230. >She still doesn't budge.
  231. >You then take a seat next to her.
  232. >Still she doesn't move.
  233. “Hey.”
  234. >You say loud enough that you know she heard you.
  235. >At least you thought you did.
  236. >She's still unresponsive.
  237. >You lean forward in your seat and rest your forearms on your thighs.
  238. >After a few awkward minutes of silence.
  239. >”Hey.”
  240. >She responds.
  241. >You look back at her.
  242. >There is little emotion in her face.
  243. >More of a bored look on her face.
  244. >Which you guess is better than a blank expression.
  245. >You look back to what's in front of you and you sit up.
  246. “How're you doing.”
  247. >You ask to try and break the ice.
  248. >Like you've both just met for the first time all over again
  249. >You keep your face straight in front of you.
  250. >But you can see in your peripheral that again she is unmoved.
  251. >”I'm... I'm here.”
  252. >She simply says.
  253. >There is more awkward silence.
  254. “So, about... last-”
  255. >She cuts you off before you could continue.
  256. >”It happened.”
  257. >You lower your head for a moment.
  258. >”I've obviously had some time to think about it.”
  259. >She begins.
  260. >”Rainbow Dash came in to talk a little bit after you left and told me everything as well.”
  261. >You now turned to look at her.
  262. >”About how it all started at the beach, then Nurse Redheart's office.”
  263. >There is a hint of red creeping onto her face.
  264. >”She explained in great detail on what you two did, which was completely unnecessary.”
  265. >Her face twists into this weird mixture of disgusted curiosity.
  266. >”Needless to say Dash and I are not really talking to each other right now, but it'll heal in some time.”
  267. >You give her a confused look.
  268. “I mean, not that I'm complaining, but you're taking this really well.”
  269. >She lightly giggles at the statement.
  270. >”I thought so myself, but she did point something out to me just as you did.”
  271. >She finally moves her head to face yours.
  272. >”Even though you did all those things with Dash, and even when I tried to throw myself at you because I was being jealous, and in a moment a weakness, you at least kept your distance. You showed that you had at least some semblance of a conscience and not let my first time be with a cheater. ”
  273. >If you squint hard enough, you could probably make out a smile on her face.
  274. >”You handled it like a gentleman. That has to count for something.”
  275. >Maybe not much.
  276. >But it is something.
  277. >You kind of bob your head side by side in a sort of silly way to agree with her.
  278. “So, I assume you and I...”
  279. >She shakes her head.
  280. >”Oh, yeah, we're totally broken up.”
  281. >You look forward once again as if looking for something else.
  282. >You nod your head at her comment.
  283. ”Do the others know?”
  284. >You ask her.
  285. >”I told them we've broken up, but I didn't tell them exactly why.”
  286. >You perk your head up.
  287. >And look back at Twilight again.
  288. “What do you mean by 'exactly'?”
  289. >She shrugs.
  290. >”I just said I dumped you because you've been unreliable and it all came to a crash back at the gathering.”
  291. >You just nod and turn your face forward yet again.
  292. “Sounds fair.”
  293. >You replay.
  294. >You both sit there in silence once again.
  295. >You again lean forward and rest your forearms on your thighs.
  296. >You really can't sit still for more than a few minutes over this.
  297. “Are we still at least, you know, friends?”
  298. >You ask, not looking at her.
  299. >There is a pause.
  300. >”I'd say we've reverted to more acquaintances, could it grow to us being friends again? Sure, would we date again? Not a chance.”
  301. >You smile, nod and snort.
  302. “Good enough, I guess.”
  303. >You get up from your seat.
  304. >You turn to her.
  305. >And offer your hand out to her.
  306. “Since we're at the beginning again, My name is Anonymous, would you like to dance?”
  307. >Twilight has an unimpressed, almost annoyed look on her face.
  308. >She rolls her eyes.
  309. >Then a smile crawls onto her face.
  310. >”Nice try.”
  311. >She then leans back into her chair and relaxes.
  312. >You chuckle and retract your hand in defeat.
  313. “Worth a shot.”
  314. >You smile and you turn to walk away.
  315. “See you around.”
  316. >You begin to make your way out the tent to make sure you were ready for the trip back home.
  317. >You then feel a someone tap you on your shoulder.
  318. >”Hey stud.”
  319. >You look up before you turn around.
  320. >You already know who it is.
  321. “What's up Dash?”
  322. >You kind of say in a monotone voice.
  323. >”How you holding up?”
  324. >You finally turn to her.
  325. >She's wearing a rainbow striped dress.
  326. >Her hair is tied into a ponytail with a leaf looking pattern around her head.
  327. >You sigh and place your hands in your pockets.
  328. “You know, I thought I'd be a hell of a lot more bummed than I actually am. But I feel like I just cheated death.”
  329. >Dash nods.
  330. >”Yeah, things were awkward between Twilight and I. If it helped at all, I tried to tell her it was more my fault.”
  331. >You bob your head to the sides.
  332. “She did say you told her that in essence, I cared for her enough to not steal her V-card. I guess she really dug that”
  333. >Dash chuckled.
  334. >”Yeah, she does care a lot for that.”
  335. >Dash then begins to scratch the back of her neck. Like some nervous tick.
  336. >”So, I guess you guys are totally donezo?”
  337. >You nod.
  338. “She dumped me and everything.”
  339. >You say a little too enthusiastically.
  340. >Another giggle from Dash.
  341. >Then awkward silence again.
  342. >”Then, maybe over the summer, If you want to-”
  343. >You cut her off before she can finish her sentence.
  344. “Jesus Christ Dash, I just got dumped by my girlfriend essentially because of you a few seconds ago and you already want to do something?”
  345. >You shake your head with an amused look on your face.
  346. “You really are a slut.”
  347. >You playfully tell her.
  348. >She places her hands on her hips and puts a smug look on her face.
  349. >”Only for you.”
  350. >Yikes.
  351. >You have a bit of a concerned look on your face now.
  352. >”Look, I'm not asking that we should date now or anything. But since you're pretty much available now, I'm totally chill with having a sort of 'friends with benefits' thing going on once things cool off.”
  353. >You cross your arms.
  354. >”It's not like you have anything to worry about now.”
  355. “Can't say I'm thinking about that right now. But I’ll keep that in mind down the line.”
  356. >Dash then shrugs.
  357. >”Well, you have my number, and I have yours...”
  358. >She says.
  359. >Again more awkward silence.
  360. >Dash then holds out her hand.
  361. >”Since I saw you get shot down by Twilight earlier, would you at least want to dance?”
  362. >You look at her hand.
  363. >Then at her.
  364. >You shake your head.
  365. “Not really to be honest. I need to play up the post break up depression a lot more.”
  366. >She laughs.
  367. >Then retracts her hand.
  368. >”Alright Stud, see you down the line.”
  369. >She says as she turns to leave.
  370. “I'm sure you will...”
  371. >You then exit the tent into the warm night air.
  372. >You take a few steps and then you hold up your arms.
  373. >You take a very deep breath.
  374. >You feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off of you.
  375. >You haven't felt this at peace since before you even started dating Twilight.
  376. >You exhale with a big smile on your face for no real particular reason.
  377. >Perhaps things will be easier from now on...
  379. >The whole remainder of Summer was pleasant, all things considered.
  380. >You focused solely on your boxing training.
  381. >No distractions means better focus.
  382. >More things got done.
  383. >You'd get texts from the others from time to time.
  384. >Which is fine.
  385. >Most of the texts were just check ups on how you were doing.
  386. >You were obviously fine.
  387. >Training is going even better.
  388. >Your moves were sharper than before.
  389. >You knocked down a bunch of sparring partners.
  390. >You're on a roll.
  391. >And it couldn't have come at a better time.
  392. >End of the Summer commences with a large National Golden Gloves Boxing Meet.
  393. >You easily breeze through your competition and become the Golden Gloves National Champion.
  394. >A great first step for your future!
  395. >You celebrate this life changing achievement by...
  396. >Doing absolutely nothing.
  397. >You ease off the gas of your training for a week.
  398. >Fuck it, you've earned it.
  399. >A few slices of pizza here.
  400. >A soda there.
  401. >One day you get a text.
  402. >From Rainbow Dash.
  403. >'Hey stud, heard on the news of your Championship. Contratz!'
  404. >You reply a simple 'thanks' and think nothing of it.
  405. >She then replies.
  406. >'How about a little something to celebrate your victory? ;)'
  407. >You stare at the text for a while.
  408. >It's been a few months of not even thinking about it.
  409. >You've been content with not wanting to bother with her.
  410. >Then again.
  411. >She did say 'friends with benefits'.
  412. >For what it was worth, she kept her word before of not snitching.
  413. >Not that you were doing it for very long for her to break like you did.
  414. >Dash's mouth, pussy and ass does sound a lot better than celebrating with Rosey Palm and her five sisters.
  415. >Fuck it.
  416. >You're single.
  417. >You have nothing to worry about anymore so some good, casual, no-strings attached sex sounds nice.
  418. >You text back 'Fine'.
  419. >Like it would be an inconvenience.
  420. >You at least still wanna play a little hard to get.
  421. >She responds 'Nice! My folks won't be home this Friday night. Come by at around 7'.
  422. >You agree to the date and time.
  424. >Friday.
  425. >The time draws near.
  426. >You freshen yourself up for the night of what you assume will be rough unapologetic lewdness.
  427. >You get in your car and head out into Town.
  428. >She actually lives across the City.
  429. >Much further from the others.
  430. >Traffic is shit since it is a Friday night so getting around the city is a nightmare.
  431. >You finally reach Dash's place.
  432. >An unimpressive, yet cozy looking two story house.
  433. >Sort of reminds you of your own place.
  434. >You park your car and lock up.
  435. >You see many lights are on in the house.
  436. >She did say her parents weren't home though.
  437. >You head up to the door.
  438. >You hesitate for a moment.
  439. >Then you ring the doorbell.
  440. >A few minutes roll by.
  441. >Finally you hear a click from the other side of the door.
  442. >The door swings open to reveal Rainbow Dash.
  443. >She was wearing some skin tight dark pink spandex.
  444. >A rainbow crop top that seems to only cover her small breasts.
  445. >Her toned stomach and abs in full view.
  446. >She has a hint of red on her face.
  447. >She steps to the side of the door and holds the door open and welcomes you in.
  448. >”Come on in, stud.”
  449. >She says in a low tone.
  450. >You step into her place.
  451. >She closes the door and you hear it lock behind you.
  452. >You then feel a pair of hands softly place themselves on your shoulders.
  453. >They begin to rub and message them before they start to trail down your arms.
  454. “You don't waste any time, do you?”
  455. >She giggles.
  456. >”What can I say? I like to go fast.”
  457. >You snort.
  458. >You then feel one hand lift off of you and the other grabs your wrist.
  459. >She starts to pull you somewhere.
  460. >”I've got a little something for you in the living room.”
  461. >She says as she now drags you into her living room.
  462. >As Dash escorts you through her house you see just how tight her pants really were.
  463. >They tightly clung to her thighs and waist.
  464. >Even wedging up through her ass where each cheek is perfectly shaped.
  465. >Like she's wearing nothing at all.
  466. >She sways her hips from side to side with each step.
  467. >Perhaps lightly teasing you.
  468. >You try to keep your primal instincts to mount her right here and now in check.
  469. >Even though you KNOW that's what she would want.
  470. >You've actually never been in her house.
  471. >It's littered with pictures of her and trophies.
  472. >Everyone of them has her with a huge smile on her face.
  473. >Of course there are awards littered all over their walls of her athletic achievements.
  474. >She finally brings you into the spacious living room.
  475. >First thing you notice is their fireplace with more trophies displayed on top.
  476. >A couch and love seat set up like an 'L' couch and...
  477. >Twilight is sitting on the couch?
  478. >You get completely startled at her presence.
  479. “What the hell are you doing here?”
  480. >You blurt out without thinking.
  481. >You didn't even notice her when you walked in the room.
  482. >Twilight is not looking at you.
  483. >Her face is red.
  484. >You notice a coffee table in the center of the living room.
  485. >There are two empty glasses and a half full bottle of what looks like alcohol.
  486. “Have you guys been drinking?”
  487. >You ask.
  488. >”Relax stud, Twilight only had one half glass.”
  489. >She then moves to sit by her side and drapes her arm over her.
  490. >She the pulls her in close for a half embrace.
  491. >”Ol' girl can't handle her liquor, hehe.”
  492. >She giggles and Twilight's face get a bit darker.
  493. >You then point to both of them.
  494. >Still wide eyed.
  495. “Okay, but that doesn't explain why she's here!”
  496. >Dash sighs.
  497. >”So, Egghead and I started speaking to each other again about two weeks ago.”
  498. >That was fast.
  499. >”She also made the mistake of letting slip that she put a finger up your butt one time.”
  500. >She the puts on a Cheshire smile.
  501. >”Heh heh, fag.”
  502. >She makes fun of you.
  503. >You can feel blood rushing to your face in embarrassment.
  504. >Well, that got out.
  505. >Twilight then nudges Dash hard in the side with her elbow.
  506. >”Ow! Okay!”
  507. >She rubs her affected spot on her side.
  508. >”Anyways, she says she was a bit bummed that she didn't do much more with you and that monster of yours.”
  509. >She then points to your crotch area.
  510. >”Long story short. I convinced her to 'help' her in getting just one more shot at you.”
  511. >She winks at you.
  512. >You shake your head in disbelief.
  513. “Ha, yeah right, you're fucking with me.”
  514. >You tell them.
  515. ”This is some prank, isn't it?”
  516. >You look at both of them.
  517. >Dash has a semi serious look on her face.
  518. >She then turns to Twilight and lightly nudges her.
  519. >Twilight then jolts and stands up.
  520. >A bit on edge.
  521. >She finally looks at you for the first time.
  522. >She then shakes her head.
  523. >”N-no, it's no prank, I..., I did agree to this.”
  524. “Why ?”
  525. >You ask quickly.
  526. >She stumbles for a second.
  527. >”Dash's stories, I couldn't get them out of my head.”
  528. >She wipes her forehead dry with her forearm.
  529. >It is getting a little hot in here...
  530. >”I did say I was jealous before, and so Dash here...”
  531. >She trailed off.
  532. >She then picks up the empty glass of alcohol and hold it up to you.
  533. >”But, I'm using this as a relaxant. Heheheh..., it's not really working.”
  534. >She says with a nervous smile.
  535. >Like she's trying to change the subject.
  536. >Dash then stands up next to her.
  537. >She places her hand on her shoulder and rubs it for a second.
  538. >”That's why I'm here. You're gonna need me to help guide you handling this beast.”
  539. >She says as she looks into your eyes.
  540. >There is a passion there.
  541. >And maybe a little drunkenness too.
  542. >She slowly walks up to you.
  543. >Now mere inches from you.
  544. >She brings up her arms and rests them on your shoulders.
  545. >She then closes her forearms in and brings you slowly into her for a kiss.
  546. >You don't refuse this time.
  547. >You meet Dash for the first time in a long drawn out kiss.
  548. >Both of you go at it for a second.
  549. >She pulls back and you both stare into each others eyes.
  550. >She goes back in for a kiss.
  551. >Only this time, she lets her tongue break into your mouth for a sloppy tongue kiss.
  552. >You can taste the alcohol in her mouth and hints of what seems to be something spicy.
  553. >You open your eyes and look behind Dash to see Twilight watching intently.
  554. >Dash finally breaks free of the kiss.
  555. >Gasping for air.
  556. >She looks satisfied
  557. >Then she turns back to Twilight and holds her hand out to her.
  558. >Beckoning for her to join you two.
  559. >Shockingly, she doesn't hesitate.
  560. >She comes right up to you as Dash steps to the side and she guides her up to you.
  561. >You both stand there for a moment.
  562. >Neither of you really wanting to make the first move.
  563. >You'd be lying if you said you were thinking of her.
  564. >Sure, you were pining for her for a few days after camp.
  565. >Then you were easily able to throw it all out of your head for training.
  566. >Now everything is being thrown back into your head.
  567. >Dash smiles at this mini game of 'chicken' and nudges both of you.
  568. >”Now kiss and make up”
  569. >You feel a hand behind your head press you forward onto Twilight.
  570. >You both crash into each other.
  571. >For another sloppy kiss.
  572. >She was never that great of a kisser.
  573. >But if anything, that added to her charm.
  574. >One again you taste the sterile flavor of the alcohol in her breath.
  575. >Twilight is now being the aggressor and pressing into your face.
  576. >She places her hands on your shoulders for better leverage.
  577. >You don't give way and just let her do her thing.
  578. >To say you're afraid to do anything with her would be an understatement.
  579. >Then after a few minutes of making out the few worries you had were gone.
  580. >And you didn't even need a drop of liquid courage to get here either.
  581. >You feel another pair of hands begin to undo your belt and zipper.
  582. >Then one of the hands makes their way in and grabs a nice handful of your half chub.
  583. >A moan escapes your lips and into Twilight's mouth.
  584. >She returns the favor with a moan of her own.
  585. >You both finally break free of the kiss.
  586. >You see it's Dash who is hard at work getting your member.
  587. >She looks up to you.
  588. >”Why don't you have a seat and get comfortable.”
  589. >She tells you.
  590. >You make your way to her couch and sit in the middle.
  591. >As you descend to the couch, she pulls down your pants and underwear to your ankles.
  592. >You sit bare ass on her couch.
  593. >Your now rock hard prick is standing up in all it's glory.
  594. >Dash then moves the coffee table off to the side for more room.
  595. >Both girls now sit themselves on the floor in front of you and your manhood.
  596. >Dash has a look of excitement while Twilight's is more of her usual curiosity.
  597. >Dash is the first to sit up from her knees and gets right in front of you.
  598. >With one hand cupping your balls, her other grabs your length and slowly strokes it.
  599. >”Alright Egghead, pay attention, I'm gonna show you how to work this.”
  600. >She says as she now locks eyes with you.
  601. >Her dark red eyes not leaving your gaze for a second as she lowers her head to take you in.
  602. >You feel the warm and moist insides of her mouth envelop your tip.
  603. >She then further lowers her head until half of you are in her.
  604. >Her eyes still not looking away.
  605. >She wants to make sure you know how much she can fit in her mouth.
  606. >She brings her head back up but keeps your tip in her mouth.
  607. >You feel her tongue roll around your tip a few times before she pulls her lips up and to the edge of your tip.
  608. >She kisses your tip then descends down once again.
  609. >Only this time she takes all of you in.
  610. >Her eyes finally break contact as her face resting at the base of your lap.
  611. >She shakes her head and you can feel your member wiggle around in her mouth and throat.
  612. >You look over to Twilight.
  613. >She has this slack jaw look of amazement at Dash for managing to take you all in.
  614. >Dash finally pulls up free from your dick.
  615. >”Ahh!”
  616. >She has a sigh of relief.
  617. >Your cock is now covered in her saliva.
  618. >She goes back for a second round.
  619. >She can now slide up and down your shaft with ease.
  620. >Feeling her mouth.
  621. >Her throat.
  622. >She's a pro now.
  623. >She once again goes all way down your shaft.
  624. >She then swallows, which makes her throat muscles contract around your cock sending new sensations up your spine.
  625. >She pulls herself back up from you.
  626. >White trails covering most of your member and an extra long trail of spit that connected your tip to her mouth for a moment.
  627. >She wipes her mouth and looks back to Twilight.
  628. >”Alright, tutorial is over. Time for your shift.”
  629. >She tells her as she takes Twilight's hand and brings her in close to your shaft.
  630. >Rainbow Dash sets herself behind Twilight and places her hands on her shoulders.
  631. >”Alright, remember, just relax your jaw and throat”
  632. >She tells Twilight as one hand cups her cheeks and carefully caresses them with their fingers.
  633. >She nods.
  634. >She opens her mouth and slowly begins to take you in.
  635. >She wraps her lips around your tip and now makes her way downwards.
  636. >Once she gets to a certain point she pops up and begins to cough.
  637. >Dash chuckles.
  638. >”Oh right, your gag reflex.”
  639. >She says as she rubs Twilight's back.
  640. >”Here.”
  641. >Dash moves to Twilight's left side.
  642. >You notice that Dash uses her left hand to grab a hold of Twilight's left thumb.
  643. >”Let's try that again.”
  644. >Twilight looks a little nervous, but she obliges.
  645. >”Try and also keep eye contact with Anon.”
  646. >She instructs.
  647. >Twilight nods as she does what she's told.
  648. >She wraps her lips around your tip again.
  649. >She looks up to you with these puppy dog like 'Am I doing good?' look in her eyes.
  650. >God that's cute.
  651. >She slowly makes her way down again.
  652. >She actually goes down a lot further than she did before.
  653. >What the fuck did Dash do?
  654. >You're going in deeper and then you feel the resistance of her throat.
  655. >She stops.
  656. >Now she has an apologetic look on her face.
  657. >Twilight tries to move back up but then Dash places her right hand on top of her head.
  658. >Twilight now has a surprised look on her face as Dash is now forcing Twilight back down your shaft.
  659. >”Now now, let's not disappoint the Stallion.”
  660. >Twilight briefly struggles.
  661. >”Mmmph! Mm! Mmm!”
  662. >Her whines getting muffled out with her mouth full of your cock.
  663. >Dash has a continues to display a permanent smile on her face.
  664. >”You're not gonna get better unless you push yourself.”
  665. >Twilight lets out more moans as you feel your tip pass the previous resistance.
  666. >You would normally try and berate and stop Dash from doing this to twilight.
  667. >But even you have to admit this is a huge turn on.
  668. >Which means you're now entering her throat.
  669. >Dash starts to giggle.
  670. >”You should be thankful Egghead. Anon here just shoved it down my throat when we did it.”
  671. >You turn to Dash, who in turn is looking at you with bedroom eyes.
  672. >”And it was so hot.”
  673. >She finally lets Twilight go and she shoots back up.
  674. >She coughs violently as she gasps for air.
  675. >Twilight wipes her mouth as she tries to regulate her breathing.
  676. >She then takes a deep breath.
  677. >A new look of determination now on her face.
  678. >She goes for another go at it.
  679. >This time she is able to make it all the way to your base,
  680. >Fitting you all the way in her and down her throat.
  681. >You see Dash pat her head.
  682. >”Atta' girl!”
  683. >She celebrates Twilight's accomplishment.
  684. >The sensation is not much different than when Dash does it.
  685. >But the fact that it was Twilight doing it to you now gives it another layer of pleasure.
  686. >You start to let out hums of pleasure.
  687. >Twilight keeps pulling up to your tip and then taking it all back in again.
  688. >She always was a quick learner.
  689. >Dash is now cupping your balls as Twilight give your shaft attention.
  690. >Dash then relieves Twilight of her dick sucking duties.
  691. >”Time for me to have some.”
  692. >She coos as she gets back into position.
  693. >She looks back at you.
  694. >”Le me know when you're close.”
  695. >She says as she begins to deep throat you herself.
  696. >Dash then adjusts her position a bit and then uses one of her hands to Guide Twilight a little closer to you.
  697. >She takes her other hand and starts to bounce your balls on her palm for Twilight to see.
  698. >Twilight then takes the hint and positions herself down to your base.
  699. >She is on her hands and knees to where she begins to lick your balls.
  700. >Then she takes one in her mouth and suckles it.
  701. >A moan escapes your mouth as you tilt your head back on the couch.
  702. >Dash giggles with you in her mouth.
  703. >With her other free hand she plucks Twilight's glasses off of her.
  704. >Then wear them herself.
  705. >Nerd Dash.
  706. >It was weirdly hot.
  707. >You feel the pressure build up in your shaft.
  708. >You take a deep breath.
  709. “Close.”
  710. >You moan out loud for Dash.
  711. >Letting her know you were close.
  712. >She takes you out her mouth.
  713. >”Come here.”
  714. >She pulls Twilight from her task and brings her close to your shaft.
  715. >Dash then begins to vigorously jerk you off with one hand and positions Twilight with her other.
  716. >”Open wide.”
  717. >She instructs Twilight.
  718. >She complies.
  719. >There you were, waiting for your glorious cumshot.
  720. >Seemingly into Twilight's mouth.
  721. >Twilight is in front of your tip, patiently waiting for her reward.
  722. >”Come on stud, lets have it.”
  723. >Dash encourages you.
  724. >You begin to pant.
  725. >It's so close.
  726. >You let out a few more moans.
  727. “Ahh!”
  728. >You feel the sweet release drain your body of all that it's worth.
  729. >Stream after stream of white, sticky, cream shoots into Twilight's mouth.
  730. >She seems to take it like a champ as you are pretty damn sure this is the first time she is tasting jizz.
  731. >”Don't swallow it.”
  732. >You hear Dash tell Twilight.
  733. >You know you blew a load on her face once,
  734. >But can't remember if she had any to taste,
  735. >Anyways.
  736. >Dash squeezes every drop from your now shrinking member.
  737. >Dash then takes Twilight and sits her up right next to her.
  738. >Facing each other with their noses touching
  739. >Dash then lowers herself and tilts her head up to Twilight.
  740. >She then tilts Twilight's down towards hers.
  741. >And lets your cum slide from Twilight's mouth into hers.
  742. >Dash then reverses the rolls and swaps it back into Twilight's mouth.
  743. >And one last time back into her mouth.
  744. >Dash then proceeds to playfully roll it in her mouth and then swallows it.
  745. >She then looks to you.
  746. >You just have a stupid look on your face.
  747. >That just happened.
  748. >In all honesty, if that was it, you could die a happy man.
  749. >Dash has another smug smile on your face.
  750. >She then looks down to your crotch area.
  751. >”Looks like that little show there kept him alive and well”
  752. >You look to see you still have a full on erection.
  753. >You wouldn't complain about a second round.
  754. >Dash looks to Twilight and nods her head.
  755. >Twilight nods in response and stands up on her feet.
  756. >Dash beckons for twilight to move closer to her.
  757. >Dash then takes Twilight and turns her around so her backside is facing you.
  758. >She then takes the ends of her purple skirt and lifts it up to Twi's waist.
  759. >Revealing her plain white panties.
  760. >You notice there is something else in there.
  761. >”So, Twilight is still keeping her vag off limits.”
  762. >Dash says as she gabs the top of her panties..
  763. >”But,”
  764. >She then pulls them down to reveal her rump.
  765. >There seems to be something metallic sticking out of Twilight's butthole.
  766. >Dash grabs it and begins to wiggle and pull it.
  767. >You can see and hear Twilight whimper at the action.
  768. >You see her anus begin to expand with whatever that was in her come out.
  769. >Once it's fully out, it leaves her anus agape.
  770. >Is that a fucking buttplug?
  771. >”Anal is still fair game!”
  772. >Dash says triumphantly.
  773. >”I had her wear this all day to get her ready!”
  774. >Are we sure this is the same Twilight you knew when you were dating?
  775. >Where the fuck was all this kinky shit when you were dating?
  776. >You want to say something but you can't complain about a little fanny fun.
  777. >Dash then stands up with Twilight and sits over on the love seat that was to the right of the main couch.
  778. >She sets twilight in front of her and lowers her to her knees.
  779. >Dash motions for you to get behind twilight.
  780. >You follow orders and get on your knees right in front of her backside.
  781. >”Make sure you put it in her ass.”
  782. >Dash says.
  783. >”Don't be a douche and 'accidentally' slip it in her pussy.”
  784. “Alright, I get it.”
  785. >You tell her off.
  786. >Twilight is shaking a little.
  787. >You rub one of her cheeks to try and calm her down.
  788. >Dash then places her palm right in the middle of Twilight's back.
  789. >”You may want to arch your back, it'll be better for you.”
  790. >She tells Twilight.
  791. >She complies and her back sticks further in the air.
  792. >The hand you were using to rub her butt then begins to trail to her asshole.
  793. >You use your index finger to trace the outer ring and then playfully stick it in her.
  794. >She jolts a little bit.
  795. >”Ah!”
  796. >It startled her.
  797. >”T-try to be gentle!”
  798. >She whines.
  799. >Something tells you this will be uncomfortable.
  800. >But fuck it, you've come this far.
  801. >You position your dick at the entrance of her gaping hole.
  802. >And slowly push ahead.
  803. >There is a fair bit of resistance.
  804. >A lot more than Dash's pussy.
  805. >Luckily your dick was still covered in saliva from their blow jobs.
  806. >Then again, you are trying to jam an eight inch long dick into an asshole.
  807. >You can see her anus begin to expand to accommodate your large rod wanting in.
  808. >You see your tip disappear into her and she lets out a small wail.
  809. >You briefly pause and ask if she's okay.
  810. >Dash then begins to rub the top of Twilight's head.
  811. >”She's doing fine.”
  812. >Twilight nods in agreement.
  813. >If she says so.
  814. >You press further, letting more and more of you into her.
  815. >Twilight begins to pant.
  816. >Each exhale she lets a out a little moan.
  817. >The deeper you go, the quicker her moans get.
  818. >Finally, you're all the way in.
  819. >Twilight, now sensing that nothing else can fit inside her, lets out a sigh of relief.
  820. >You begin to slowly pull back out of her.
  821. >Her anus has a tight grip around your member and refuses to let you out.
  822. >You have to place your hands on her waist to keep her from moving with you.
  823. >Finally you are able to slide out.
  824. >Then you go a little more quicker back in.
  825. >Twilight begins to shake at your increased speed.
  826. >Again, she's taking it like a champ.
  827. >You maintain a tight grip on her love handles and you begin to establish a pace.
  828. >Twilight lets out some squeaks and moans every time your waist collides with her.
  829. >You look up to Rainbow Dash and see what she's up to.
  830. >She's slouched on the love seat.
  831. >Her left leg is hanging off to the side on the left arm rest of the couch.
  832. >She's rubbing her pussy through her spandex with her right hand.
  833. >And her left hand playing with an exposed nipple.
  834. >Pinching it with her finger tips.
  835. >Masturbating to you giving anal to Twilight Sparkle.
  836. >Her index and middle fingers making a circular motion and plunging into her moist sex.
  837. >Leaving a moist dark spot on her spandex.
  838. >Her face has this intense look of lust.
  839. >She's really enjoying this.
  840. >She finally slides off from her spot on the couch and in front of Twilight..
  841. >”Alright, let me get some.”
  842. >She pats Twilight on the head.
  843. >”You did good for your first time.”
  844. >You stop your pace and pull out of Twilight.
  845. >The last bit was a struggle has her ass did not want to let your tip go.
  846. >You feel both you and Twilight push and pull to get it out.
  847. >Finally it comes free with a faint popping sound.
  848. >Her hole is more agape than it was before the plug.
  849. >Twilight sluggishly then gets on her feet and makes her way to sit in Dash's previous spot.
  850. >She flops on the couch and lets out a sigh.
  851. >”That was something.”
  852. >She muses.
  853. >You look over to Dash and she that she's pulled out a wet wipe.
  854. >She uses it to clean your dick.
  855. >”Safety precautions.”
  856. >She says.
  857. “Huh, didn't think you were to cautious type.”
  858. >You sass her.
  859. >She looks at you while she discards the used wipe to the side.
  860. >”Your dick was just in an asshole. I'm not about to get a yeast infection over it”
  861. >You shake your head and smile at her.
  862. >She moves into position in front of Twilight.
  863. >She then grabs both sides of her spandex.
  864. >And proceeds to pull them down while bending down.
  865. >Of course she wasn't wearing anything underneath them.
  866. >Once her hands reach her ankles.
  867. >She extenuates her ass mere inches in front of your face and wiggles her sex.
  868. >Her scent intoxicating you more than any alcohol could ever do.
  869. >She then takes a step forward and gets on all fours.
  870. >She presents her mound to you by grabbing each side of her thighs and spreads her lips wide open.
  871. >Her mound is dripping wet in anticipation.
  872. >You take your dick and rub the tip up and down her slit.
  873. >It's already slick and ready to go thanks to her masturbation session earlier.
  874. >She lets out a few hums over your teasing.
  875. >”Come on stud, we're way past the point of foreplay.”
  876. >She comments.
  877. >Which only makes you go slower.
  878. >You then begin to make circular motions on her opening.
  879. >You can feel her body shiver from this.
  880. >She's breathing heavy.
  881. >She tries to push her hips back to have you enter her but you pull away.
  882. >She begins to whine.
  883. >”Anon~!”
  884. >She's begging for it now.
  885. >You decide she's had enough and finally give her the satisfaction of Lord Anonhammer the Third.
  886. >It goes in all the way without any pressure or resistance.
  887. >Once all the way in, her body knows you're in and contracts around your member.
  888. >”Ahh! Yesssss~”
  889. >Dash moans out in pleasure.
  890. >You then grab a hold of both of Dash's wrists that were still on her thighs.
  891. >You pull her arms back, it lifts her head and shoulders from the ground.
  892. >”Ahhh!”
  893. >Her screams are now devolving into shrieks.
  894. >Thankfully there is nobody to hear her screams of pleasure.
  895. >And since this isn't the first time you've fucked Dash's brains out, there is no need to 'take it slow'
  896. >You immediately begin to roughly thrust your hips and crash into her thighs.
  897. >Ffffffcuk yeahh~!”
  898. >Dash is losing herself in the intense pleasure of her sex getting destroyed.
  899. >You're going at it at a much faster pace.
  900. >A rhythmic slapping noise echos throughout the living room.
  901. >Twilight is just looking on with morbid curiosity.
  902. >She then looks at Dash.
  903. >You assume Dash is also looking at her since her upper half is held up by your wrist holding.
  904. >You're feeling Dash's insides once again spasm and heating up to that familiar burning heat.
  905. >Signifying she's close to climax.
  906. >You then get a thought in your head.
  907. >Because you always have one when it comes to Rainbow Dash.
  908. >You let go of her wrists.
  909. >She wasn't expecting that and she falls over to the ground.
  910. >”Oof!”
  911. >You scoot back and pull out of her.
  912. >You hear Dash gasp in shock at your exit.
  913. >She begins to pine for you to go back in and finish her off.
  914. >”What the hell Anonnnnn~!? I was soo close!”
  915. >You grab her love handles and reposition her so that you tip is now poking at her ass.
  916. >”Whoa there stud...”
  917. >She says in a shaky tone.
  918. >”Let's not get too-aaaAAHHH~~”
  919. >You didn't even let her finish her sentence before you plunged balls deep into her ass.
  920. >”You ASS!”
  921. >She screams.
  922. >You slower your pace but it's still rather easy to move about in her.
  923. “Good thing you were so horny, otherwise this would have been a lot more messy”
  924. >You tell her.
  925. >Her juices from you fucking her made great lubrication to get inside for anal.
  926. >She seems a bit upset about it.
  927. >Whatever, it's not like she's your girlfriend.
  928. >And if she wants to stop your 'Friends With Benefits' agreement.
  929. >Well, she can't UN-anally rape herself.
  930. >You still at least don't go all out and ravage her ass.
  931. >But it still feels pretty good to freely move in and out of it.
  932. >You do pick up your pace a little bit more.
  933. >Dash is now letting out shrieks but she's not telling you to stop.
  934. >Just a jumble of 'fuck's here and there between yells.
  935. “Fffcuk”
  936. >You let one out yourself.
  937. >Dash then moves forward and you follow suit.
  938. >Not letting her get away.
  939. >You were getting close.
  940. >You then hear a different gasp and moan.
  941. >You look down and now notice Dash's head is in between Twilight's legs.
  942. >Her eyes are wide with shock at Dash's boldness.
  943. >So that was why she moved.
  944. >Twilight is trying to push her away but is unsuccessful.
  945. >Dash has her hands clasped onto Twilight's thighs.
  946. >Twilight begins to look around.
  947. >Probably a defense mechanism to not pay attention that a girl is eating her out.
  948. >”Dash! Oooh, that feels good!”
  949. >Twilight moans out loud.
  950. >Maybe it wasn't a defense mechanism?
  951. >You can hear Dash slurp and suckle at Twilight's mound.
  952. >Just the picture of you fucking a chick while she eats another one out.
  953. >You have achieved the ultimate dream.
  954. >You pump yourself into Dash one last time before you feel your climax take place.
  955. “Aaah!”
  956. >You let out a loud moan as once again you shoot whatever is left in you into Dash's ass.
  957. >You begin to catch your breath but now you're exhausted.
  958. >You carefully pull out of Dash and fall back onto your legs.
  959. >You begin to see some of the jizz you deposited in her start to creep out.
  960. >You then lean to the side on the couch for better support.
  961. >Twilight also looks like she has had the wind knocked out of her as she begins to slouch down on the love seat.
  962. >In turn this pushes Dash off the couch and her to flop on the floor with her hips still propped up.
  963. >Everyone seems too tired to move.
  964. >Several minutes of idle silence does noting to energize anyone.
  965. >You're not sure how long Dash's parents were going to be out.
  966. >But boy would it be an awkward situation if they were to come home now.
  967. >Rainbow Dash is the first to start to move.
  968. >She slowly sits up and begins to rub her ass.
  969. >”Fuck, my butt is going to be sore for a week.”
  970. >She complains.
  971. >You chuckle.
  972. “What about you Twiliy?”
  973. >Twilight lazily looks over to you.
  974. >Her eyes still closed.
  975. >”I..., I think I'll manage.”
  976. >You chuckle.
  977. >You finally manage to get yourself up on the couch and begins to pull your underwear and pants back up.
  978. >Dash does the same with her spandex.
  979. >She then climbs on the couch and then snuggles onto your left side.
  980. >Resting her head on your left breast.
  981. >Twilight stares at the scene for a second.
  982. >Then gets up from her spot on the love seat and moves over to your right side and rests her head on your right peck.
  983. >She plucks the glasses Dash stole earlier and puts them back on her
  984. >You look at both girls.
  985. >An uncontrollable smile is on your face and you can't stop.
  986. “So...”
  987. >You begin.
  988. “Does this mean...,”
  989. >You try to ask.
  990. >”It means nothing.”
  991. >Twilight is quick to answer you.
  992. >To your disappointment.
  993. >Your smile finally fades over her answer.
  994. >Guess you can't be too greedy.
  995. >For this moment.
  996. >You hold both girls close to you.
  997. >You tilt your head and rest on the couch.
  998. >Feeling like a total chad.
  999. >”One thing though.”
  1000. >Twilight speaks up.
  1001. >”Why weren't you ever that aggressive with me when we were dating?”
  1002. >You eyes shoot wide open.
  1003. “Wait, you said you always wanted to wait for sex!”
  1004. >She nods at your statement.
  1005. >”I do.”
  1006. >She says.
  1007. >”That didn't mean I wouldn't have been susceptible to doing what we did here.”
  1008. >She sighs.
  1009. >”The few times we had the chance, you took my initial refusals and gave up right then and there.”
  1010. >She always was the aggressor.
  1011. >SON OF A BITCH
  1013. -END
  1016. BONUS SCENE:
  1018. >Be Anon.
  1019. >To say you've had a crazy Summer vacation would be an understatement.
  1020. >You had a girlfriend.
  1021. >Cheated on her.
  1022. >Confessed to said crime to girlfriend
  1023. >Get dumped.
  1024. >Then proceed to have a three way with your ex girlfriend and the girl you were cheating on her with.
  1025. >A pretty sweet deal if you say so yourself.
  1026. >Your ex made it abundantly clear there is nothing between you two anymore and that the three way was a one time thing.
  1027. >You no longer have a girlfriend but you do now have a fuck buddy
  1028. >So far it's been nice.
  1029. >You've both been at it for some months into the new school year.
  1030. >Ever since you've been single, the excitement of doing something you shouldn't be doing isn't quite there.
  1031. >But you both found the closest thing.
  1032. >Expeditionism.
  1033. >The excitement and rush you get when doing the 'do' out in the open or when people are nearby provides the right amount of spice that was missing when you were cheating.
  1034. >Both you and Dash like to fuck in school where there is just enough privacy, but not so much that you could never be caught.
  1035. >You've banged in the Library.
  1036. >Had a quickie in between classes.
  1037. >You went full on anal in Nurse Redheart's office.
  1038. >And of course, the school's gym showers.
  1039. >Another one of your favorite scenarios is fucking at either of your places when your parents were home.
  1040. >Tonight is one such night.
  1041. >You're at Dash's place this time.
  1042. >You and Dash are in her room fucking like rabbits
  1043. >All the while Dash's parents are downstairs.
  1044. >Dash sneaked you in.
  1045. >You actually haven't met her parents.
  1046. >It actually makes the whole thing hotter.
  1047. >The thought that her parents could catch some random stranger manhandling their daughter.
  1048. >But at the task at hand.
  1049. >You have Rainbow Dash in a mating press.
  1050. >Drilling into her harder than a Texas Tycoon drilling for oil.
  1051. >Each hard thrust into her causes her bed to rattle and ram into the wall.
  1052. >Maybe you were going at it too hard.
  1053. >For once Dash seems to think so.
  1054. >”Sop. Ah! Fucking. Uh! Me! Aah! So. Uuh! HARD!”
  1055. >Dash barely getting words in with each thrust you make into her.
  1056. “Heh. Never. Thought. I'd. Hear. You. Complain about. How. Hard. I. Fuck. You!”
  1057. >You match every sync your words with each hard push into her.
  1058. >Letting out bated breath as to not also moan too loud.
  1059. >You then halt your assault
  1060. >You had an idea.
  1061. >As you always do when fucking Dash.
  1062. >You pull out of Dash.
  1063. >She starts to whine.
  1064. >”Hey! I said don't fuck me as hard, I didn't say stop.”
  1065. >She tries to wrap her legs around your waist, but she's unsuccessful in keeping you in her grip.
  1066. >You then sit up.
  1067. >”What the hell? I was so close”
  1068. >She's trying to figure out what got into you.
  1069. >You then look down on her.
  1070. >You put on a wicked smile.
  1071. >She now has a nervous look on her face.
  1072. >”What the hell are you thinking of do-”
  1073. >You don't give her a chance to finish her sentence.
  1074. >You bend forward and wrap your arms around her waist.
  1075. >With little effort, you toss her up to your waist.
  1076. >At first she thought you were going to fuck her while standing.
  1077. >Not quite.
  1078. >You move yourself to the corner of her bed.
  1079. >You then flip her around so that her back is to your chest.
  1080. >And she is facing the door.
  1081. >You position her right above your cock and slide it back into Dash.
  1082. >She lets out a sigh of relief feeling you dive deep back into her.
  1083. >Before you start up again you take both your arms and hook them underneath her legs.
  1084. >You hook your elbows to her knees and raise your hands to wrap around her head.
  1085. >”Huh!?”
  1086. >You are barely able to clasp your fingers together behind her head.
  1087. >You now have her in a full nelson.
  1088. >And begin to piston into her like a jet engine.
  1089. >”Fuuuuahhhhhhck!!”
  1090. >She lets out a scream.
  1091. >You're sure that one alerted her parents.
  1092. >Which makes it even hotter.
  1093. >Your pace only quickens with excitement at the thought of what might happen.
  1094. “Just think.”
  1095. >You begin to growl in her ear.
  1096. “I have you facing the door, if your parents were to walk in, they could see their sweet little girl all exposed.”
  1097. >Dash is too distracted from listening to your dirty talk.
  1098. >She continues to let her lungs get the better of her as she's still moaning out loud that
  1099. >Her moans getting a little hoarse.
  1100. >”Yes! Yes! Uh! Oh God! I'm your fuckdoll!!”
  1101. >Not exactly the reaction you were expecting, but definitely not unwelcome.
  1102. >You sigh and hum in her ear at her reaction.
  1103. “What was that again?”
  1104. >You whisper in her ear.
  1105. >Wanting her to say it again.
  1106. >Dash just continues to lose her voice over how much she's been yelling and moaning.
  1107. >Seriously, it's a miracle her parents haven't called the cops thinking their daughter is being murdered.
  1108. >And while she wasn't being murdered, her pussy certainly is.
  1109. >Zing!
  1110. >”Ah! I'm, I'm your fuckdoll! You can use me anyway you want!”
  1111. >Oh yeah, that's the good shit.
  1112. >You feel the pressure build up in your balls.
  1113. >You're ready to shoot a load into her like a shotgun.
  1114. >Though not really.
  1115. >You're wearing a condom.
  1116. >You both may be dumb, but you're not stupid.
  1117. >At least you know you're not.
  1118. >You're so close.
  1119. >You can feel the tingling sensation in your dick you get just before climax.
  1120. >Then there was a knock at the door.
  1121. >”Dash honey? Is everything okay in there?”
  1122. >You hear a feminine voice muffled from the other side of the door.
  1123. >Must be her mom.
  1124. >Then the door opens.
  1125. >Wait...
  1126. >You see an outside blinding bright light bleed into the dark room you and Dash were in.
  1127. >You stop dead with your cock balls deep into Dash.
  1128. >You lock eyes with her mom.
  1129. >She has short orange hair done in a bowl cut.
  1130. >Her skin tone matches Dash's pale blue.
  1131. >Then you begin to nut inside Rainbow Dash since you were already on the verge.
  1132. >The sensations from the ejaculation and the shock of being caught causes you to make an uncomfortable look on your face.
  1133. >You can't see Dash's face, but you'd imagine she has the same look of shock and horror that her mom currently has.
  1134. >Her eyes are as wide as can be.
  1135. >Her mouth agape.
  1136. >She brings her hand to cover it and you can hear her audibly gasp.
  1137. >How else would she react to seeing her daughter in a full nelson, fully exposed with a large cock balls deep in her.
  1138. >The first thought in this situation is how the fuck did Dash not lock her fucking door.
  1139. >Next was if you should just try and jump out the window so that they wouldn't try and kill you.
  1140. >”Uh-”
  1141. >Dash finally tries to say something.
  1142. >You're still holding her in the full nelson, by the way.
  1143. >Dash's mom's mouth then curls into a smile.
  1144. >Wait, what?
  1145. >She then sticks her head out the door way.
  1146. >”Bow, come quick! Our daughter is finally becoming a woman!”
  1147. “What!?”
  1148. >You finally let go of Dash and she slides off you.
  1149. >Taking your dick with her.
  1150. >It bends in an unnatural position causing untold amounts of pain.
  1151. >Also being post ejaculation hypersensitivity also added in the unpleasant experience.
  1152. >”Ahh!”
  1153. >You all over to the floor clutching your piece.
  1154. >”Oh my!”
  1155. >You hear Dash's mother chime.
  1156. >”What a strapping young lad you are!”
  1157. >Did she just complement you or your dick?
  1158. >You're not sure.
  1159. >You begin to feel a rumble on the floor and it gets more violent.
  1160. >Finally you see what you assume is Rainbow Dash's father.
  1161. >A rather large imposing looking figure with Dash's signature rainbow colored hair.
  1162. >He has a look of excitement and wonder.
  1163. >Seriously, what the fuck is going on?
  1164. >He begins to laugh and shout.
  1165. >He hugs his wife, who is also now embracing him and matching his enthusiasm.
  1166. >”Way to go honey! We knew you had in you!”
  1167. >Her mom exclaims.
  1168. >”Our daughter isn't a lesbian!”
  1169. >Her father now yells with a pride in his voice.
  1170. >”Oh- not that we wouldn't support you if you were, of course!”
  1171. >He says embarrassingly.
  1172. >”We were just a bit worried we would never be grandparents is all.”
  1173. >Her mother chimes in again.
  1174. >”MOM! DAD! WHAT THE HELL!?”
  1175. >Dash yells out. Clearly embarrassed at what is happening.
  1176. >She's still buck naked and covering up her modesty with her hands.
  1177. >You're still also naked but are curled up in a fettle position still nursing your hurting junk.
  1178. >You then notice her dad is now rushing to your side and he holds his hand out.
  1179. >”Bow Hothoof! At your service!”
  1180. >He introduces himself.
  1181. >”It's a pleasure to meet the stud who's man enough for our little girl!”
  1182. >Dash then shoves her dad's hand away from you.
  1183. >Then her mother pops up from behind him.
  1184. >”And I'm Windy Whistles, her mother.”
  1185. >She has a cheery smile on her face now.
  1186. >”It's so nice to meet a nice young...”
  1187. >She gazes down below your waist.
  1188. >You're pretty sure she saw your member before.
  1189. >”endowed stallion like yourself.”
  1190. >Oh yeah, she saw your dick.
  1191. >And probably wants it too.
  1193. >She gets up from her spot on the floor and begins to shove her parents out of her room.
  1194. >”Nobody takes a dick like our little Dashie!”
  1195. >Her father yells over Dash before she successfully shoves both parents out of her room and slams the door.
  1196. >He's not wrong.
  1197. >You can still vaguely her them still cheering from the other side of the door.
  1198. >"You take that cock like a pro honey!”
  1199. >You hear her mom yell.
  1200. >This whole situation would be fucking hilarious if it wasn't so traumatizing.
  1201. “Did you even lock the fucking door when we came in?”
  1202. >You scold her as you are finally able to sit up.
  1203. >”Shut up.”
  1204. >She retorts back.
  1205. >Dash just stands there.
  1206. >Her parents are now chanting her name on the other side of the door.
  1207. >Still not leaving you alone.
  1208. >She goes to her bed and sits on the end.
  1209. >Her head is now buried in her hands.
  1210. >It wasn't awkward enough that you were both caught in the middle of sex by her parents.
  1211. >Their reaction was a whole other level of embarrassment.
  1212. >Dash then kicks your shin out of nowhere.
  1213. “What the fuck was that for?”
  1214. >You shoot her a glare.
  1215. >Clearly annoyed with this whole thing.
  1216. >”Why do you still have a boner?”
  1217. >You look down to your dick.
  1218. >Sure enough it's still pretty hard.
  1219. >You then look back at Dash.
  1220. “Dude, your mom is hot.”
  1221. >Now it's her turn to put on an annoyed look on her face.
  1222. >She stands up to give you a more fierce kick to your shin.
  1223. >Worth it.

Spooning Dash[Short](EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond

Stripper Anon(EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond

Prom Night(EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond

Cooking Anon(EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond

Teenage Autist[Song Lyrics](EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond