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Creamy Cuddling (CHx(You), mommydom)

By natekiggers
Created: 2024-11-15 12:34:14
Updated: 2024-11-16 09:33:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anonymous, Ponyville's local autistic ape
  2. >You just found a job that sticked with you since you got there
  3. >A foal's caregiver
  4. >Ponies are absolutely adorable
  5. >And their kids are little angels
  6. >You weren't exactly fond of human children, but foals were a different story
  7. >You would gladly accept spending quality time with a foal for just about any pay
  8. >And so, you were hired to look after a foal
  9. >A colt named Button Mash, one year younger than the CMCs, the most prominent underaged trouble makers in the town
  10. >He was really fun to be around with, sharing your passion for video games
  11. >Playing vidya together with him and eating quality food made you gladly come to your job every day
  12. >Button's mother, Cream Heart, creamy earth mare with light brown, braided mane, was a simply marvelous cook and mother
  13. >Her cutie mark implies so, and so does just about any of her interactions with Button
  14. >She was also really attractive, even for a mare
  15. >Whomever would tell Button a sexual "your mom" joke, there definitely would be tons of people wanting to sleep with her, including you
  16. >Not because the world is full of weirdos wanting to fuck some asshole's opponent's ugly, insufferable mother
  17. >On the contrary, because she has sexy looks, wonderful personality and unmatched skills in taking care of her household
  18. >Apparently she got divorced recently
  19. >You don't know the specifics, only that Button had a big bro who left with their father
  20. >She tried to look happy
  21. >Something was telling that it was merely a mask
  22. >She always looked kinda sad when you had to go home after dinner
  23. >She probably didn't take the divorce as easy as she pretends to
  24. >Your gut says so
  25. >Yet another day, like the previous ones
  26. >You're playing some vidya with Button after helping him with his homework while Cream is preparing dinner in the kitchen
  27. >Brings you memories of your own school days
  28. >You played games of various genres together, whenever taking turns at his shiny new Sega Boku, his foal's gaming oriented laptop and a successor of an older model, Sega Pico
  29. >Or playing coop on his Nintrotdo Twitchstation
  30. >You're now playing some game with him, and he's absolutely kicking your ass at it
  31. >He's really good
  32. >Damn children's reflexes
  33. >You're getting old
  34. >Your ten year old self would give him a run for his money
  35. >It's been like fifth round already, and you lost them all to him
  36. >"Darn it Anon, you really need to get good at this game."
  37. "Shut it, Button."
  38. >You jokingly ruffle brown colt's mane, trying to not knock the propeller beanie off his head
  39. >Hopefully Cream didn't hear the "darn"
  40. >You deliberately tried hard to not accidentally teach the kid new cusses
  41. >It was hard sometimes to not to speak your favourite ones, especially the ones about male homosexuals and basketball players that are really into watermelons
  42. >"Dinner is ready."
  43. >Cream calls for dinner, less enthusiatically than usual
  44. >Her gaze has more sadness and longing in it
  45. >One could think that's she's just really tired
  46. >Dealing with an active colt alone and all
  47. >But you, being well versed in the art of feeling a mare's mood by the ways her snowpity flows, just know there's something more to her
  48. >She doesn't even announce what dishes she have made
  49. >Including Button's favourite one, which makes him excitedly bounce in one place, knowing that it's there
  50. >You take your time to eat Cream's cooking, enjoying it
  51. >Honestly, it was pretty nutritious that even if you'd devoured it in less than ten minutes, you'd still feel full until morning
  52. >Button's favourite pudding is here too, and he gobbles it all up after thanking his mom, eliciting a gentle, longing smile from her
  53. >But Cream herself only melancholically dawdles the spoon in her own raspberry porridge, slowly and lackadaisically eating it
  54. >After all was said and done, you wash the dishes yourself
  55. >Normally it's Cream that would do that, and you would go home
  56. >But the creamy mare's obvious melancholic mood made you take the responsibility yourself, even if she was reluctant at first
  57. >Because otherwise you'd feel like a prick
  58. >She slowly trots out of the kitchen
  59. "What's wrong with her?" you ask Button
  60. >"Mom's been like this since Dad and bro left. I can't remember the last time we played together. Honestly, I'm worried for her." Button answers, before heading to his bedroom
  61. >Seems like your suspicions about her not taking the separation really that well were correct
  62. >You saw them in the photos
  63. >Button's father, and Cream's now ex-husband looked like grown up copy of his younger son, only with a fake 'stache and his mane was plain dirt blonde, one of tones in Button's mane
  64. >The older sibling inherited his mother's creamy coat and cyan eyes, his mane patterned the exactly same way as Button's
  65. >You exit the kitchen, heading to Cream's bedroom
  66. >You gingerly open the door, hearing the quiet sobbing
  67. >Cream is sitting on her bed, covering her muzzle with her forehoof
  68. >"Please... *sniff* j-just go away."
  69. >You hesitate, instead to choosing to sit beside her on the bed
  70. "Cream, it's okay..."
  71. >You try to reassure her, brushing your hand through her brown mane gently
  72. >"N-nopony needs me... I am a failure, I am a bad mother..."
  73. >Cream sobs through her words, tears streaming her cheeks
  74. "It's okay, just let it all out."
  75. >You say, gently wiping the tears off her fuzzy, wet cheek
  76. >Cream sighs
  77. >"That.. th-that... jerk... left me. H-he said he got tired of me, that I only bore him and let him down. H-he said that he needs a real mare. S-so he filed for divorce."
  78. >She sniffs
  79. >"Y-you really d-didn't need to h-hear it. I don't w-want to be pitied."
  80. >You scratch her ear and undo her braid, putting the scrunchy on the table, petting her some more
  81. >Her luscious mane feels delightfully soft, it feels so good to sink your fingers through it
  82. >She smells like a mix of honey and vanilla
  83. >"A-and m-my older son... h-he said it was m-my fault that my husband ceased to love me and was leaving. S-so he left with him. M-my sweet, precious Button is all I have for n-now. H-he supported me, but h-he will c-come to hate me t-too..."
  84. >The mare sighed and sobbed, taking a pause from her monologue
  85. >"I-I shouldn't allowed it to happen. He was right, I-I am a terrible mother."
  86. >She leans onto your chest, hugging you
  87. >"I-I just want them t-to come back! I've always loved my Curd and I miss my Joy Sticks so much... h-how could that j-jerk leave me..."
  88. >The creamy mare weeped and cried out loud into your chest, your shirt getting wet from all the tears pouring from her big eyes
  89. "Creamy, Cream, shhh... it's okay, everything is going to be alright. You're a good mare. I will always be here to support you, no matter what."
  90. >You try your hardest to comfort the crying mare
  91. >Wiping her tears off her face
  92. >Kissing her on her on the top of her head
  93. >Petting her head, massaging her furry back
  94. >Feeling her pristine coat with your hand
  95. >Cream sobbed and bawled, crying her heart out on you
  96. >Until she had no more tears
  97. >She sat still, sobbing quietly as you held each other in an embrace
  98. >Feeling sleepy, you lay on the queen sized bed with Cream, her head on the other side of the pillow
  99. >She closes her beautiful cyan eyes and soon enough, you feel her breathing steadily in your embrace, before you succumb to your own sleep as well
  101. >You wake from your slumber, yawning and stretching your arms and legs
  102. >You roll back on the side
  103. >The cyan eyes of the warm creamy mare you've spent cuddling for the entire night greet you
  104. >She's smiling gently, her half-lidded gaze hypnotizing you
  105. >She's so beautiful
  106. >"Good morning, Anon."
  107. >Cream greets you from your slumber, leaning to peck you on the nose
  108. "Morning, Cream. How did you sleep last night?"
  109. >You ask, embracing the mare again
  110. >The last evening's sadness left without a trace from her muzzle
  111. >The confindence and contentedness on her face, that you saw only on their old photos have returned
  112. >"Very well, especially knowing that my little caregiver gave me more than just mere pity."
  113. >She kissed you on the lips
  114. >Her prehensile lips dominating yours with ease
  115. >She gently and teasingly nibbles on them, eliciting a quiet grunt from you
  116. >She locks her lips with you, putting her forehooves behind your head
  117. >You close your eyes as her broad and smooth mare tongue enters your soft mouth
  118. >Exploring it
  119. >Caressing it
  120. >Engaging with your tongue in a wrestling much
  121. >Dominating it easily, making it succumb to her own
  122. >Your tongues eagerly danced with each other
  123. >Your pliable tongue follows the lead of her own
  124. >She's moaning into your mouth
  125. >She slowly pulls her tongue out of you
  126. >You open your eyes
  127. >The sight of the drool string connecting your tongues greets you
  128. >She closes her mouth, gazing sultrily upon you
  129. >"My my, my little caregiver must have really wanted to show me more than mere pity."
  130. >She nuzzles you, slightly nibbling on your neck
  131. >"That's why you slept with me last night."
  132. >Her wonderful, soft, fuzzy cheek brushes against yours
  133. >She faces you, looking at you with her gorgeous cyan eyes again
  134. >"Am I right, sweetie?"
  135. >Beautiful mare
  136. >An angel, sultry yet kind
  137. >How could anyone ever hurt her
  138. >Her desires should be catered to, no matter what
  139. >You've just cured her emotional wounds, that caused her severe pain
  140. >And she shows massive interest in you, her healer
  141. "Creamy... I-I love you. It's true."
  142. >She blushes, her smile growing wider
  143. >She presses her muzzle on your nose
  144. >"Mommy loves you too."
  145. >She kisses you passionately on the lips, but her tongue doesn't enter this time
  146. >You moan, her prehensile lips taking the lead
  147. >She is a mature mare, clearly well versed in pleasing her partner
  148. >You've never kissed anyone romantically, and then you drop in a such mare's hooves
  149. >You sink your fingers into her brown, plush mane
  150. >Intoxicating yourself in her honey and vanilla fragrance
  151. >Fondling the creamy mare in your arms as she kisses you
  152. >She reciprocates, her hooves brushing your torso under the shirt
  153. >She breaks the kiss
  154. >Gazing sultrily upon you
  155. >"Why don't you braid me and brush my mane?"
  156. >An offer you couldn't resist
  157. >You love making Cream happy
  158. >She repositions herself, allowing you to sit behind her
  159. >You pick up one of the scrunchies, braiding her tail
  160. >You pick the other one and the comb, brushing her soft mane
  161. >Braiding it
  162. >She has her usual looks now
  163. >But you can feel the contentedness, with her gentle, loving smile on her face
  164. >And... the horniness
  165. >She's been pressing her wide posterior into your crotch
  166. >Making your body respond, via your penis growing hard through your pants
  167. >Poking at her flanks, causing her to giggle
  168. >She raises her head, looking at you with her big pony eyes
  169. >Her smile changed into a playful, mischievous one
  170. >She spins around, facing you
  171. >"Shall I return the favour, sweet boy~?"
  172. >She shifts herself behind you, pulling you into an embrace
  173. >Her muzzle brushing through your hair
  174. >She kisses you over your head
  175. >Sporadically leaving a peck here and there
  176. >Her forehooves shift underneath your shirt, fondling you again
  177. >Massaging your upper body, before moving down
  178. >And down
  179. >Her hooves touch your hips, caressing them
  180. >Making you moan in pleasure
  181. >Touching your tented cock, making you gasp
  182. >Her hooves slip under your pants
  183. >She starts to slowly take them off
  184. >Her hooves brushing against your hips, her silky fur caressing them
  185. >You oblige to her actions, bending your legs so she could take your pants off
  186. >Leaving your underwear, just for her to take off as well
  187. >She teases your tented erection, rubbing it
  188. >Slipping her hooves under them, taking them off as well
  189. >Revealing your member to the mare's gaze
  190. >She touches your hard cock, exploring it
  191. >She moves around, choosing to lay in front of your member, her breath caressing it
  192. >"It's not anything like a stallion's... it's smooth, and not very big, it looks actually perfect for my size."
  193. >She kisses your length, making you groan in pleasure
  194. >She suckles on it, and you could feel your climax approaching way too fast
  195. "C-Creamy! Please..."
  196. >She licks the precum from your head, pulling her head away from your cock
  197. >She knows that you would cum way too soon
  198. >She's facing you, biting her lips in a seductive manner
  199. >"If you liked it, then it's your turn now."
  200. >She lays on her back, resting her head on the pillow
  201. >She spreads her legs, presenting her lactating crotchboobs and her winking, drooling pussy
  202. >"Mommy's teats are so nice and full for you, baby. Look, they're already leaking." Cream says with a noticeably lustful, yet loving and caring inflection
  203. >You immediately lie on your stomach, your face just in front of her teats
  204. >"Drink me." the earth mare says quietly
  205. >You don't hesistate one bit
  206. >Your mouth locks around one of her erect nipples, sucking the warm, delicious milk out of it
  207. >Her milk tastes incredible
  208. >Sweet, like it has a bit of honey in it
  209. >You couldn't get enough of this ambrosia
  210. >Cream moans in delight, petting your head, feeling your soft lips around her hard nipple, drinking her milk
  211. >"Oh yes, baby boy~ k-keep drinking Mommy's milk."
  212. >Her sexy moaning only encourages you to drink more of her delectable mare milk
  213. >"M-my other teat needs love too~" Cream coos
  214. >You oblige, shifting to serve the other teat
  215. >Sucking the nutritious fluid out of her erect nipple
  216. >Listening to her adorable moaning and encouraging
  217. >Any time she calls you a good boy, you feel an ecstatic pulse in your brain
  218. >And in your chest
  219. >Your erect dick throbs as you listen to her moaning, drinking her delicious milkies
  220. >"Mmmhhh, lower..."
  221. >You know what she wants from you
  222. >You pull out of her nipple, kissing her from her boobs
  223. >Down to her marehood
  224. >Feeling her warmth, radiating from her beautiful cunt
  225. >You kiss her winking clitoris, making her gasp and shudder in pleasure
  226. >You give a passionate, loving kiss to her pussy
  227. >Licking the nectar covering her entrance
  228. >Making your mare moan in ecstasy, petting you in encouragement
  229. >You kiss her ponut and her dock, before unleashing more licks and kisses on her vulva
  230. >Even diving your nose into her entrance, making her moan loudly
  231. >She tastes like vanilla
  232. >Cream's honey smelling pheronomes are highly intoxicating, making you feel even more horny than you were before
  233. >You lick her more fervently, driving her to orgasm faster
  234. >Her moans are louder and longer
  235. >She praises you through them
  236. >Squirming in wild pleasure
  237. >"M-mommy's cumming!"
  238. >Her hindhooves lock your head in
  239. >Her pussy twitches, squirting her warm cum right into your waiting, open mouth
  240. >She wails in pleasure, filling your mouth with her sticky mare ambrosia
  241. >Thrusting her hips into you
  242. >Her orgasm settles down, and she regains her senses from her primal euphoria
  243. >She scoops some more cum off your mouth
  244. >Feeding you from her forehoof
  245. >You lick the marecum off her right hoof
  246. >Kissing it, sucking on the tip
  247. >Cream giggles, enjoying the sensation of her firm hoof being worshipped
  248. >You rub the mare's body part, brushing your tongue against the underhoof
  249. >Running it all over the hoof
  250. >Leaving pecks all over it
  251. >Suckling on it as she presses it into your mouth
  252. >She pets you with the left one in the meantime
  253. >Before pulling the right one out of your face
  254. >You crawl up to her barrel, laying your head on her fluffy chest
  255. >Sinking your cheek into it
  256. >Enjoying the feeling of her soft, silky fur
  257. >Her barrel rising up and down steadily
  258. >Hearing her breathe
  259. >Feeling her run her hoof through your hair, petting you still
  260. >It feels like Heaven
  261. >"Such a cute boy." she whispers
  262. >The remark made you feel so full of love for her
  263. >There's a pleasant feeling, swelling in your chest
  264. >You kiss her chest
  265. >Listening to her steady heartbeat
  266. >As she kisses your head, showering you with love
  267. "Creamy... I love you so much..."
  268. >You blurt it out
  269. >"Awww, I love you too, sweetie." she says quietly
  270. >She's cute, and so hot
  271. >It's a weird feeling, being enveloped in motherly love, yet feeling horny at the same time
  272. >You want this beautiful mare to take you
  273. >To milk you dry
  274. >"I want to have more fun with you, baby. Please, relax for me." she coos seductively
  275. >It's like she's reading your mind
  276. >Cream shifts underneath you
  277. >You roll on other the side of the pillow, releasing her
  278. >She flashes you with an another sight of her wet, fertile marehood
  279. >"Now, close your eyes."
  280. >She gets off the bed
  281. >You could hear her rustling somewhere, searching for something
  282. >Before she climbs up the bed again
  283. >You feel something made of a familiar material being put on your neck by her forehoooves
  284. >It's pretty quick, and you hear a click
  285. >Then she sits on your legs
  286. >You feel her firm flank on them
  287. >"Open your eyes, pretty boy."
  288. >You oblige, your eyes greeted by a sight of Cream holding you on a leash
  289. >She puts her hindhooves on your throbbing erection, lying on the other side of the bed
  290. >"Do you like it? Do you like Mommy to hold you on a leash?"
  291. >The creamy mare teasingly asks you, but she already knows the answer
  292. >You feel so desirable with a leathery collar on your neck
  293. >Being Cream's sex slave sounded like a great idea, because she's so sexy and loving
  294. >Offering your body to Cream every time she desires so
  295. "Yes, M-mommy." You respond, gasping in pleasure from her hooves massaging your length
  296. >She gazes seductively at you, enjoying her time
  297. >Revelling in having complete control over you
  298. >The mature mare licks her lips, her bedroom gaze locked with yours still
  299. >She's clearly also very aroused herself
  300. >She gets up, no longer rubbing and teasing your dick with her hooves
  301. >Tugging on the leash, she positions herself above you
  302. >Presenting her enticing, drooling cunt to your gaze
  303. >"Oh my sweet Celestia, sweetie, you look so cute and fuckable with that collar on your neck." she hisses lustfully, pulling your foreskin with her forehooves, while standing on her hindlegs
  304. >She shifts her winking marehood, which drools on your length, making you shudder and moan in lust
  305. >You want her to take you so badly
  306. >"Mmm, why don't we take that pesky shirt off of you."
  307. >She sits on you, leaning to tear your shirt apart
  308. >Which she effortless does with her strong, earth pony hooves, exposing your naked torso to her
  309. >Without any hesistance, Cream raises and lowers herself on your erect pole, impaling herself
  310. >With just a single, swift thrust, she inserts all of your length inside herself, letting a loud, pleased moan, as she rests her hooves on your chest
  311. >Making your virginity to cease being a thing
  312. "Ahhh~! M-Mommy!" you moan out loud, grabbing her jiggly flanks
  313. >Her firm, fluffy rump brushes against your balls
  314. >Her velvety pussy tightens around you, twitching pleasurably
  315. "Mommy, please, be gentle. It's my first time."
  316. >She rides you, her pace slow and nice
  317. >Taking care of you
  318. >Her beautiful marecunt suckling on you
  319. >"First time, huh? It barely seems like such." she teases you
  320. >Smirking smugly, jerking the leash
  321. >Making you shift your lustful gaze from her mareteats, and her gorgeous pussy, gripping on you, winking as she tenderly fucks you
  322. >To her bedroom stare
  323. >Eyeing you lustfully
  324. >"You're really good. My husband wasn't as good as you, sweet boy. Mmm~"
  325. >Cream praises you through her breathing and moaning
  326. >"He wouldn't even let me hold him on a leash..." she confessed as you squeezed her rump, eliciting a lustful moan from your mare
  327. >A signal of your own pleasure, an encouragement to keep her going
  328. >To keep her fucking you nicely and lovingly
  329. >As her rump gently slaps against your hips, producing a noticable lewd sound
  330. >Her tail brushing against your balls, teasing you
  331. >Making you squirm under Cream
  332. >Under your "Mommy"
  333. >Filling you with friskiness, with uncontrollanle submissive lust for the voluptuous earth mare
  334. >She enjoys having you squirm under her, relishing in the dominance she has over you
  335. >The complete control
  336. >"Your moans are so cute..." she coos, her pussy gripping you tighter
  337. >But her thrusts don't increase one bit
  338. >The skilled mare still has control of her thrusts, despite driving herself closer to climax
  339. >You caress Cream's firm cheeks, going mad with pleasure she's inflicting upon you
  340. >Driving you crazy with lust
  341. "Please, fuck me, Mommy!"
  342. >You beg through your groaning
  343. >Cream lets out a long, loud moan
  344. >"Good boy~!" she praises you, her silky marehood forming a seal around your member
  345. >Her walls pulsate, twitch and quiver around you
  346. >Showing you how much in pleasure she is
  347. >How much she enjoys your pleading and wriggling
  348. >How much she enjoys topping you and fucking you raw
  349. >Having you as her sex slave, as her pet
  350. >You ardently fondle her firm, jiggly cheeks, encouraging her to keep going
  351. "Please, keep fucking me, Mommy! Fuckmefuckmefuckme..."
  352. >You chant, begging your mare goddess
  353. >Pleading her to never stop the ride
  354. >To keep torturing you with love and pleasure
  355. >You never stop your chanting to your ungulate owner, begging her to drive you closer to ecstasy
  356. >Her velvety marehood seeks to drain your balls dry, twitching and throbbing around your dick
  357. >Signifying you how much in pleasure she is
  358. >How much she enjoys you
  359. >Cream is loudly moaning non-stop
  360. >Yet keeping her pace stable
  361. >Her thrusting still being loving and gentle
  362. >Her clit winks on your erection
  363. >"C-cum inside Mommy, baby! Give me an another foal! Breed me!"
  364. >She exclaims, before her walls clasp tightly around you
  365. >You squeeze her flanks
  366. >Her pace suddenly becomes fast and rough, the mature pony riding you into the mattress
  367. >She covers your length in her cum, maregasming violently on you
  368. >You almost immediately shoot your hot, virile cum inside of her eager womb
  369. >Jolting your hips, your head booping her cervix
  370. >Making her wail in pleasure
  371. >Her eyes are rolled up, her tongue hangs out of her mouth
  372. >You howl in unison together with her
  373. >Feeling her tight orifice pulsate and throb around your fuckpole, draining your balls to the last drop
  374. >Her pussy is clenched so tightly around you, making sure not a single drop of your cum leaks out of her
  375. >Tormenting you with pleasure
  376. >This feels like it's going on forever
  377. >Until your shared orgasms settle down, and you regain your senses in the afterglow
  378. >Cream lays down on you, gently jerking the leash
  379. >"That's a good boy. You've made me feel so good." the earth mare lovingly coos
  380. >Rubbing your cheek against yours, kissing you on it
  381. >You reciprocate, rubbing your face against and pecking her own furry cheek
  382. >Her forehooves wrap around your head
  383. >She kisses you all over your face
  384. >Before locking her lips with yours again
  385. >Invading your mouth, effortlessly subjugating your tongue
  386. >Rubbing her tongue against your own
  387. >Engaging in a passionate dance with you
  388. >She pulls herself out
  389. >But she doesn't break the kiss yet
  390. >Her prehensile pony lips dominate yours easily, suckling on them
  391. >You shift your hands up to her firm barrel, sinking your hands in the pleasantly plush, warm fur
  392. >She finally breaks the passionate kiss, gazing at you with a mix of love and lust, smiling gently
  393. >Her breath caressing your face
  394. >Sharing the enjoyment of the intimate moment
  395. >God, she's so adorable
  396. >You move your hands up to her cheeks, fondling them
  397. >Sinking your fingers down her fur
  398. >She closes her eyes, enjoying the moment
  399. >She grins, gracing her beautiful face with a light and loving one
  400. >You keep fondling her
  401. >Before you move your hands back down to her barrel, sinking them in her wonderful coat again
  402. >She opens her eyes, greeting you with her cyan eyes
  403. "I love you so much, Mommy. Words can't describe much I do."
  404. >You coo quietly
  405. >Her grin widens
  406. >"And I feel the same towards you, my cute little alien."
  407. >She lefts a short, yet passionate kiss on your lips
  408. >"You've made me so happy, I really needed it." she says, gently petting your head
  409. >It feels so good to be loved by Cream
  410. >Your Cream
  411. >Your mare, your "Mommy"
  412. >Her warm honey and vanilla smell is so pleasant and soft
  413. >Just like the mature mare herself
  414. >You enjoy the comfy postcoital cuddling for a while
  415. >Sharing each other's breath
  416. >"I think it's time for breakfast. Might as well make your favourite food just for you, dear. What do you think?" Cream proposes
  417. >Such a kind mare
  418. >Her cooking is absolutely great, she knows her art
  419. "Creamy-"
  420. >She looks smugly at you, biting her lips
  421. >Gazing right through your soul
  422. "Mommy, your cooking is great, whatever you make."
  423. >She giggles
  424. >"I know that you love it a lot, my cutie pie. I should go now, or else we're going to be really hungry. But now..."
  425. >She untangles the leash, putting it away
  426. >Leaving just the collar on you
  427. >"Don't worry, you can walk in just your panties if you want to. Button isn't going back home until afternoon, and the morning is still young."
  428. >Cream gets off the bed with a spring in her steps, swaying her foal-bearing hips
  429. >You take your underwear, and then your pants on
  430. >Since your shirt has been rendered useless, you decide to walk shirtless due to the lack of shirts you've brought here with yourself
  431. >They're all in your house
  432. >Not going home for them just yet, especially when it's still too cool outside in the morning
  433. >You walk down the stairs, heading for the kitchen
  434. >Cream is already in the middle of her job here
  435. >You take a seat, patiently waiting for your meal
  436. >Engaging in small talk with Cream
  437. >Her swaying hips catch your attention
  438. >They're so nice, so mouthwatering
  439. >She's aware of what she's been doing, looking at you, playfully sticking her tongue out
  440. >But really, even just spending your time beside her felt good
  441. >The meal is ready, and the creamy mare serves it
  442. >Your favourite one is here too
  443. >She's really a considerate mare, and a great life partner
  444. >You blow on the hot food before it cools enough to eat
  445. >She made her favourite berry porridge for herself
  446. >She's a rather simple mare herself when it comes to food, with simple preferences
  447. >Having done with your meal, you decide to wash the dishes while she's going to play some video games after a long, depresssion induced break from them
  448. >She apparently was a gaming enthusiast, as Button would tell you
  449. >Sometimes letting him watch her play competitively
  450. >But she would play many sorts of them, taking time to relax from doing house chores and raising her colts
  451. >You're done with the dishes, the saucers being as crystal clean as if they were new now
  452. >You walk into the room, watching Cream play
  453. >It's really an adorable sight, watching a cute mare enjoying her time at vidya
  454. >She pecks you on the cheek as you sit beside her
  455. >Your heart gets filled with warmth, watching her play, periodically murmuring short comments during the process
  456. >Laughing, and smiling whenever she wins
  457. >It just feels so good to see your Cream happy
  458. >She switches to play an another one
  459. >It's a racing one
  460. >She suggestively smiles at you
  461. >Looking at you sultrily
  462. >She sits back, beside you
  463. >Rubbing her muzzle against your cheek
  464. >You face her, smiling gently at the earth mare's loving gesture
  465. >She gives your lips an another peck
  466. >"Wouldn't you mind to be Mommy's chair while she's playing games? Of course you wouldn't~"
  467. >She giggles teasingly
  468. >You can already feel your erection poking through your pants
  469. >She takes a whiff, and she lowers her gaze towards your crotch
  470. >"My my, cutie! Already so hard for me?"
  471. >She just keeps teasing you, giggling cutely
  472. >You lay on your back, preparing yourself for a faceful of mare ass
  473. >Cream flicks her tail, presenting her wet, winking marehood to you
  474. >Slowly lowering yourself onto you
  475. >Until she sits on you, muffling the game's sound effects
  476. >Your lips greet her cooch with a kiss, making her shudder and moan, as she begins to ride your face
  477. >You serve her ponut and her dock, kissing it
  478. >And her ponut
  479. >Before going back to her entrance, drooling her delectable nectar just for you, and on you
  480. >To drink, to enjoy
  481. >She moans louder as you pepper her vulva with kisses, grabbing her plot, squeezing them gently
  482. >Licking it slowly and sultrily
  483. >Sucking her juice out of her aroused cunt
  484. >Giving a few licks to her winking clitoris
  485. >Eliciting a pleased groan from your mare
  486. >You unleash more fervent licks on her pussy
  487. >Licking the leaking ambrosia all over it
  488. >She rides your face harder, her moans growing longer
  489. >You kiss and lick her all over, moaning into her marecunt yourself
  490. >It feels so good to have your face being ridden
  491. >To get your face smeared with the mare's love juices
  492. >To worship her beautiful, fertile pussy
  493. >She slightly slams her butt on your face
  494. >Landing with her cooch right on you
  495. >Moaning loudly in pleasure as you lovingly lick and kiss her all over her ponut, and her winking cunt
  496. >Cream orgasms, screaming your name in pleasure, squrting into your eager mouth hungry for more mare juice, riding your face passionately
  497. >Her warm ambrosia fills your soft mouth as she fucks your face
  498. >Making you drink it all
  499. >Filling your stomach with her delicious vanilla flavoured cum
  500. >Her orgasm falters, and she ceases squirting into your mouth
  501. >Only drooling a bit into it
  502. >She raises her plot above you, allowing you to wipe her cum over your face
  503. >Taking your time, you slowly lick her juices
  504. >She gazes lustfully at you, watching you scoop her cum and slowly lick it, enjoying her essence
  505. >She's getting more horny, as you could smell
  506. >Coming from her aroused, mature marecunt
  507. >The enthralling fragrance of honey and vanilla
  508. >Coming from her enticing pussy
  509. >"Well? Are you going to give Mommy your another "chair" as her present for winning?"
  510. >Cream suggestively asks, swaying her big, salivating plot
  511. >Hypnotizing you
  512. >You know what she wants from you
  513. >Without any dawdling, you swiftly take your pants and underwear off, freeing your throbbing erection
  514. >Presenting yourself to her gaze
  515. >"That's a good boy~"
  516. >She picks her controller up, raising herself above you, her flanks facing you
  517. >Her alluring cunt leaking mare juice on your cock
  518. >"Gosh, you look so sexy with that collar on you, sweetie."
  519. >Cream coos, looking at you over her shoulder
  520. >Sitting on your hard dick
  521. >Her tight, winking cooch enveloping your cock
  522. >Making you whimper and moan in pleasure as you grab her flanks again, giving them a nice squeeze
  523. "Ahhh! M-Mommy, you're s-so tight~"
  524. >You moan lustfully in unison with your mare
  525. >"Ohhh yessss~! Y-you truly make a really nice chair for me to sit on~" she hisses, her voice drenched with powerful lust
  526. >She bounces on you, riding you harder than the last time
  527. >The sight of her round, enticing plot enthralls you
  528. >Of her beautiful pussy being wrapped around your cock
  529. >Of her kissable ponut
  530. >The lewd slaps and her sexy moans muffle the game
  531. >Her marehood twitches and quivers around you, milking you
  532. >The feeling of her velvety walls drive you crazy with lust
  533. >You love it when Cream takes you for herself
  534. >She grips your length harder, keeping her pace stable
  535. >Taking care of you and the gaming process at the same time
  536. >She moans louder and for longer, enjoying you
  537. >You whimper and squirm in pleasure underneath her
  538. >She's so good
  539. >She looks at over her shoulder again, smiling and riding you still
  540. >Her sexual gaze piercing your soul
  541. >"Who's Mommy's little slut?"
  542. >She asks you, growling lustfully
  543. >Her domineering words make you twitch in her silky, throbbing mare cave
  544. >Turning your mind into lustful mush
  545. >You howl, slightly thrusting into Cream
  546. "I-I am! I want your foals! Please fuck me, Mommy! Harder!"
  547. >You plead through your moans
  548. >Her vagina tightens around you
  549. >She obliges, boucing harder on you
  550. >"I-it's so ahhh~ h-hot when you beg like this, sweetie!~" she groaned
  551. >You chant for her, intending to please her
  552. >For her to never stop
  553. "M-Mommy, Mommy, please fuck me with your pony pussy, fuckmefuckmefuckmefuckme..."
  554. >You never stop with your lustful chant, driving your mare into an orgasm
  555. >Feeling her marehood clench hard around you, draining your testicles again
  556. >She wails in insane ecstasy, ejaculating on your length, her thrusts becoming more erratic
  557. >Her butt slapping your hips
  558. >Making lewd music with you as you howl, cumming your brains out into her ovulating pony womb
  559. >Instinctually jolting yourself deep inside her, delivering more of your semen inside
  560. >You lustfully beg her some more, causing her to have even more orgasms
  561. >Prolonging your shared ecstasy
  562. >Tormenting you with pleasure
  563. >It feels like hours of cumming your brains out into her mindlessly twitching cunt
  564. >She's orgasming some more on you as you breed her and plead her for more
  565. >Before the shared primal euphoria settles down
  566. >You bask together in the afterglow for awhile
  567. >Sharing the intimacy
  568. >Cream raises herself from your well-fucked and drained cock
  569. >Turning to face you whilst you sit
  570. >Engaging in a yet another passionate kiss with you
  571. >Her lips mauling yours
  572. >You swear you could see amber eyes for a moment from the corner of your eye
  573. >But you shake it off from your mind, focusing on kissing your mare instead
  574. >Her tongue winning a wrestling match with yours
  575. >Taking the lead in the intimate dance
  576. >She breaks the kiss, the string of drool connecting your mouths
  577. >She's smiling gently
  578. >Her soul-piercing gaze is full of love
  579. >"It's afternoon now, dearie. Button is coming back home soon." Cream says gently, getting off from you, taking the collar off your neck and hiding it
  580. >She sways her hips as she looks at you, exiting the room
  581. >You take your pants on
  582. >Following her
  583. >Button notices you, shifting his gaze between you and his mother rapidly
  584. >He clearly noticed you having sex with Cream
  585. >But he keeps quiet about this fact
  586. >The smart one
  587. >And all the stealth games clearly taught him well since he quietly trotted himself down the stairs, keeping himself unnoticed
  588. >"Button, you need to do your homework before playing your games."
  589. >"But mom!" the brown colt protested
  590. >"Rules are rules, Button! I'll make your favourite pudding if you do your homework." Cream says, hugging her son
  591. >Button accepts the hug, but he's only smiling this time
  592. >Instead of excitedly bouncing on place like he'd usually do
  593. >"And Anonymous is going to stay with us."
  594. >Button heads for his room, and Cream winks at you, biting her lips seductively
  595. >Living together with your beloved mare is a definitely an exciting prospect
  597. Epilogue
  598. >Eight months have passed since that fateful day
  599. >Since then, you moved to Cream's house, and have married her
  600. >She's pregnant now, and is on her eighth month by now
  601. >Three more to go
  602. >Button's has changed in a certain way since then
  603. >Before that he wouldn't gave a damn about the opposite gender
  604. >But then he has been visibly showing his interest in much older mares
  605. >Leading to some funny situations
  606. >Like when Sunburst visited Ponyville with his mother, Stellar Flare, and Button tried to catch her attention since then
  607. >When the mature orange unicorn praised him and patted his head, Button looked like he was about to melt
  608. >Cream haven't missed her husband one bit since the moment she first woke up next to you
  609. >You've made her very happy, and actively tried to maintain her happiness
  610. >To protect her smile
  611. >You're laying on her bed together with her, enjoying her matermal embrace, cuddling while the snow is falling outside at night, wintery breeze blowing through the town's deserted streets
  612. >Enjoying her warm, loving embrace
  613. >Sharing breath, gazing lovingly upon each other
  614. >Her soft coat brushing against your bare skin
  615. >You shift down to hear her heartbeat, to her pregnant belly
  616. >Feeling your foal kicking
  617. >Filling your chest with that pleasurable, swelling feeling
  618. >Cream giggles, petting on the head as you nuzzle her belly
  619. >"Why don't you suck on my tits, my love? They're leaking again." the creamy mare suggests
  620. >You shift down to her lactating mare tits
  621. >Enveloping one of them with your soft lips, suckling on them
  622. >Like you've done many times before
  623. >The feeling of her warm, delectable milk filling your mouth is incredibly calming
  624. >You feel sleepy
  625. >You shift your head to take care of the other nipple
  626. >Cream closes her eyes, beginning to nap
  627. >You decide to take a nap as well, still suckling on her nipple
  629. Das Ende.

(You)r wife wakes you up (FSx(You), smut)

by natekiggers

Gentle Evening (FSx(You))

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Something Better (FSx(You), smut, gentle maredom)

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The Light in the Void (FSgothx(You), smut, maredom)

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Teacher's Pet (Cheerileex(You), maredom, underage)

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