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Coming out of her Shell (FSx(You), smut)

By natekiggers
Created: 2024-11-17 11:04:16
Updated: 2025-02-21 05:09:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >You have been recently married to Fluttershy
  2. >When you dropped in the cute magical horse land, she was the one to approach you without being scared
  3. >To befriend you
  4. >As a sign of gratitude, you've been helping her around with animals
  5. >Falling in love with each other
  6. >Until you've confessed your feelings
  7. >She invited you to a nice, romantic date
  8. >After that, you went back to her cottage together with her, where you've proceeded to pop each other's cherries
  9. >She fucked you nice and rough that night
  10. >She's definitely a natural at it, and you've never thought that sex with her would be that good
  11. >Kissing you, marking you, draining you completely dry
  12. >Making you cum your brains out into her velvety, orgasming mare pussy as she held you in her embrace
  13. >God, it's incredible how naturally good she is at sex
  14. >You couldn't get enough of her tight cave ever in your lifetime
  15. >She grew addicted to that feeling and since then, she constantly tried to recreate it
  16. >You didn't mind, besides having a highly attractive female lust for you felt really flattering
  17. >Everything about her is really beautiful
  18. >Her looks, her personality, her voice
  19. >You wish you could indefintely listen to her moaning and telling you that you belong solely to her
  20. >And after every sex session, cuddling to her heavenly soft, warm body comes next
  21. >Smelling her comfy pine forest fragrance
  22. >Being marked by it
  23. >Marked as her man, her property
  24. >She's truly an embodiment of feminity itself
  25. >A magical pony, standing on fours, making the prettiest women look like some whores
  26. >And mogging just about any female there is
  27. >Sure, ponies have a lot of sex appeal with all those well-toned plot in a good position, but nothing can compare to your marefriend
  28. >Since your first time she nearly constantly have tried to recreate the blissful feelings she got addicted to
  29. >She fucks you every day, anytime, anywhere she wants to
  30. >Sometimes you would wake up already being taken care of by her, with your morning wood being inside of her tight, winking marehood
  31. >Other times, you would do your chores around the cottage like doing a clean-up or preparing food
  32. >Ending up being pinned down to the floor by the yellow mare
  33. >Or having her jerk you off under the apron with her wing, driving you to the table where she would have her way with you
  34. >You've married her soon enough, and during the wedding night she took you to the bedroom and have mindlessly fucked you hard
  35. >Without even taking her bridal gown off
  36. >You enjoy having your shy wife being so pushy and un-shy with you
  37. >It's a sign of trust she has in you, and how comfortable she is with you around
  38. >Being her husband is simply Heaven
  39. >Waking up every morning, cuddling her
  40. >Or already having sex with her
  41. >Her silky little pussy is nothing but the most powerful drug there is, and you've got hopelessly addicted to it since your first time with her
  42. >Apparently it wasn't typical for a male to be THAT eager for his mate out there
  43. >Her friends and the local stallions thought you were weird for being so obedient to her urges
  44. >A mare taking her stallion whenever she wanted to was one thing, but him being so accepting of her lust towards him is on an another level
  45. >Like all the bite marks she left on your body, the ones on your neck being visible to everyone
  46. >Or keeping her pheromones imprinted on you
  47. >The pine wood smell imprinted by your wife which you've never have decided to wash away after she has been done riding your face and your member have caused some strange reactions from the stallions
  48. >Leading to some awkward interactions during the relaxing weekend walks through the town (after she banged you of course)
  49. >Not like you care about their validation
  50. >The only validation you need anyway is that of Fluttershy's, your gorgeous mare wife
  51. >Of her love and lust towards you
  52. >There is a non-zero chance that you've already knocked her up
  53. >She wouldn't tell you to impregnate her so many times otherwise
  54. >The thought of her having her belly full of new life kicking inside, and you having to take care of her, to worship her pregnant belly fills your mind with bliss and happiness
  55. >That your union isn't just satifying your mare's urges, but also leaving your own genetical imprint onto this new world
  56. >That gave you the love of your life
  57. >She loves you like nobody could do
  58. >Even considering that your relationship with her is kinky and highly sexual
  59. >She genuinely does love you and care about you
  60. >When she's not busy bouncing on you, she's still devoting her life to you
  61. >Taking responsibility of your well-being, splitting the chores with the animals and around the house with you
  62. >You have a good relationship with her parents, they liked you since the moment she introduced you to them
  63. >Probably because they're just happy their beloved daughter found a "colt", as they said
  64. >And they are really supportive of her as well
  65. >Fluttershy really is a great partner and lover
  66. >Having such a female love and desire you that much would have cause wars back on Earth
  67. >Even if Fluttershy herself wouldn't approve mass murder because of her
  68. >Sometimes you would ask her why does she wants to fuck you so much
  69. >You didn't consider yourself a particularly attractive man
  70. >And the stallions had bigger dicks anyway
  71. >But the only response she has is pinning you down and riding you again
  72. >Draining you with her alluring marepussy
  73. >The last time you've asked her that, locking right into her big, beautiful cyan eyes
  74. >Pleading her for a real answer
  75. >But soon you were pleading her to fuck you harder instead
  76. >She pins you down and took your clothing off
  77. >Then she grabs your legs with her wings, raising your own ass over the mattress, raising her drooling cooch over your member, resting her forehooves on your chest
  78. >Slowly lowering herself onto you, her tight pussy clenching on your cock
  79. >Until you're balls deep inside of her, the pristine fur on her butt caressing them
  80. >She's riding you hard into the mattress
  81. >Standing on her hindhooves as she takes you, your hips locked between her own
  82. >Making you crazy with submissive lust
  83. >She knows that this position turns you on really hard
  84. >It's her own way to make you shut up
  85. >She knows what buttons she should press to make you obey instantly
  86. >The yellow pegasus is moaning adorably, enjoying the control she has over you
  87. >Her crotchtits bounce as she uses you, her erect, suckable nipples luring your gaze
  88. >Her winking clitoris greets your head with nearly each thrust she makes
  89. >Her ass produces obscene sounds, slapping herself onto you as she fucks you
  90. >Her quivering marehood clenching around your cock, intending on draining you again
  91. >"Do you like it, sweetie? Do you like it when I take you like this?"
  92. >Fluttershy asks through her sensual moaning
  93. "Y-yeeesss~" you managed to answer through the lustful mist of pleasure
  94. >You guess this is the answer to the question you gave yourself
  95. >You enjoy having sex with her a lot
  96. >And so does she enjoy having sex with you
  97. >She holds your legs with her throbbing wings firmer, increasing her pace whilst you plead for more
  98. >Her twitching marecunt seals around you, milking you to the last drop
  99. >She wails your name in pleasure, cumming at the same time as you do
  100. >Covering your length in her warm, delicious cum
  101. >You shoot hot, sticky loads inside of your mare
  102. >Filling her orgasming, violently twitching pussy up completely, her rapidly winking clit flinging some of your semen into the bedsheets
  103. >You scream her name through the insane bliss
  104. >Until it all falters
  105. >She gets off of you, raising herself from your member, releasing your legs from her hold
  106. >Laying beside of you, nibbling your neck gently
  107. >Sharing the warm euphoria of the afterglow together with you
  109. >Most ponies would avoid you because of your visible love bites on your neck, as well as your wife's signature pine wood fragrance
  110. >But some started to actually show even more interest in you, just to name a few
  111. >Like the local strawberry farmer, who's trying hard to get more intimate with you while shilling her products to you
  112. >Couldn't ever fool you even if she was a yellow pegasus was well, even sharing rather similar colours of her mane and eyes to your wife
  113. >Or Spoiled Milk, a middle-aged mare who recently divorced a local mogul who inhereted his wealth from his family, becoming one of Equestria's most influential stallions
  114. >But your mare was always here to puff her chest in front of them to enforce her position as your spouse
  115. >And you were more than happy to sink your face in her fluff, sniffing her intoxicating, enthralling pheromones in front of all these mares
  116. >It makes you feel really satisfied when your normally shy, quiet mare is so confident and assertive around you
  117. >Coming out of her shell, showing all these mares trying to take you away from her who's the boss
  118. >They didn't gave up, however
  119. >Maybe she should try something more convincing than just puffing her fluff
  120. >Would she be comfortable enough to claim you as hers in public, though
  121. >You were all about making the shy pegasus more assertive
  122. >It would be a natural conclusion considering all the "bad" mares trying to make advances to you
  123. >You just need to encourage her to take you right in front of them
  124. >Even if you would be flustered yourself about such a prospect
  125. >And soon enough, when one of those mares tries to flirt with you, Fluttershy floats up, her hips on your eye level
  126. >She holds your head, placing her hoof on the side of it, close to her butterfly-marked flanks
  127. >You kiss her hips, flustering her
  128. >But she regains control of the situation soon, leading you to a bench
  129. >She takes your clothing off, revealing your bare body
  130. >You feel embarrassed, exposing yourself to public like that
  131. >But your mare sits on your lap, her well-toned butt hovering above of your hips
  132. >Making your penis grow
  133. >You pull your foreskin back, preparing yourself for your mare
  134. >Without hesistance, she impales herself on you
  135. >The ponies gaze at the act, but you stop caring
  136. >Fluttershy and her fantastic, velvety cave is the only thing that matters at this point
  137. >She kisses you passionately, moaning into your mouth as she rides you, holding you in a tight embrace
  138. >Her prehensile horse lips taking lead, her broad tongue slipping into your soft mouth
  139. >She pulls out of the kiss
  140. >Her expression exhibiting love, lust and confidence, her cheeks blushing slightly
  141. >You beg her for more
  142. >She increases her pace, bouncing on you nice and rough
  143. >The public ogles the lewd act, with a mix of agitation, flusteredness and arousal
  144. >Eyeing you being fucked by the unexpectedly un-shy animal caretaker
  145. >Rubbing herself all over you, marking you as her property
  146. >Sharing your breath as you moan
  147. >You squeeze Fluttershy's flanks, your fingers sinking down her luscious fur
  148. >She seals herself on you as she publically mauls you
  149. >Soon enough, the ex-supermodel ejaculates on your dick, squirting hot marecum onto your hips
  150. >You erupt inside her, painting her walls white
  151. >Your cock feels like it's melting, while you scream your pony lover's name in pleasure, publically proclaiming your love towards her
  152. >She wails your own name as she turns your balls into raisins
  153. >As your primal ecstasy settles down, she raises herself from you, releasing your penis
  154. >Presenting her gaping pussy for everyone to see, full of your cum leaking out of her
  155. >The public's faces are various shades of red
  156. >They're biting their lips hard as they eagerly ogled Fluttershy claiming you
  157. >You don't feel embarrassed, knowing that it's only a way of expressing your love for her
  158. >Ponies thought you're a slut, and they're right
  159. >But there's a nuance
  160. >You're a slut for your mare, and her only
  162. Epilogue
  163. >"Dad, please tell me how you and Mom found each other."
  164. >You lovingly gaze upon your filly's cyan eyes, which she have inhereted from her mother
  165. >She looked like a nearly complete copy of the animal caretaker, aside from inheriting your hair colour
  166. >God, she's so adorable
  167. >You love your children with every fiber of your being, just like you love their mother, Fluttershy
  168. >It's a bit late for your five year old filly, the oldest one to stay awake, listening to your story how you've met their mother
  169. >But you'll try anyway, albeit it's going to be a heavily censored version
  170. >She's still too young for that
  171. "Well, sweetheart, that's a long story..."
  173. 終。

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