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A day of your married life (FSx(You))
By natekiggersCreated: 2024-11-23 08:50:31
Updated: 2025-02-22 05:48:10
Expiry: Never
>You wake up, shifting groggily as your body is relaxing on the heavenly soft mattress
>Cuddling your warm, soft mare wife, her yellow fur caressing your chest as she's steadily breathing in her slumber
>Her snout is pressed against your neck, her gentle breath brushing against your skin
>Her left forehoof and wing are wrapped around your torso, mirroring your own arm being wrapped around her barrel
>You brush your palm against her back
>Carefully touching her sensitive wing
>She shifts as she wakes up, yawning adorably
>Her half-lid cyan eyes greet you
>"Good morning, my love." she says, leaving a peck on your cheek afterwards
>Her honeyed, beautiful voice makes you feel so good
>So full with love for her
>Listening to her talk is the best thing you ever had to listen
"Good morning, sweetheart." you reciprocate, pecking her own cheek, the fur brushing your lips
>She rubs her muzzle against your nose, sighing in content
>"How did you sleep last night?" Fluttershy asks, gazing groggily upon you
"I have been sleeping very well since I've started sleeping with you." you respond
>She blushes slightly
>You give her back a gentle massage, making her hum in content, encouraging you
>Good thing it's Saturday, so you have more time relaxing together with her in the bed
>She doesn't have to come to the sanctuary today unless something terrible happened
>Only the animals in and around her cottage needed to be taken care of
>"I've had really a nice dream. We were walking by a beautiful waterfall and drank some water here because we were thirsty. Then we walked together into a field full of all sorts of colourful flowers. And we laid here, right in the middle of that field. We cuddled and caressed each other a lot, enjoying our time."
>She closed her eyes, smiling wider
>"It was idyllic. I wish we would find a field like that where we would cuddle and kiss each other, undisturbed by anypony as we bask in the warm sun."
>You sink your fingers through her luscious, pink mane
>She snickers softly, pecking you on the lips
>Humming in content
>Enjoying your affection
>"Wouldn't you mind helping me feeding the chickens in the coop? I think the poor things are going to run out of food today. Then we may prepare some for ourselves together."
"Sounds nice." you cooed
>Helping your wife to take care of her animal friends always felt good
>You've always wanted to befriend animals, and nothing made you feel better than spending time together with your mare wife
>Doing your own part in taking care of them
>She slowly gets up from the bed together with you
>You take your clothes on, and then thoroughly make the bed
>Heading outside for the chicken coop, next to Fluttershy
>Taking some winter clothing on, carrying the seed bag
>It's winter, and you can't wait for the Hearth's Warming celebrations
>The slightly cold breeze brushes against your cheeks
>Fluttershy carries her own bag, hovering to the coop
>She greets the chickens, spilling the seed into one of the feeders
>You spill the seeds into the other one
>The chickens come out of their nesting boxes, eagerly pecking their food
>Fluttershy pets a chicken, cooing soft words of encouragement
>You crouch, scritching an another chicken as she consumes her food
>After all was said and done, you both head back to the cottage
>Carrying the food bags, still having plenty for the chickens
>Taking your winter clothes off, you decide who takes on preparing different dishes for the breakfast
>"I'll steam some fish for you while you make me my favourite salads. Sounds nice?"
"Of course!"
>Yeah, maybe Fluttershy is a herbivore, but she understands what others eat
>She has no problem with feeding you fish or meat from her dead animals
>And so, you took on careful cutting various veggies, while your wife took on her responsibilities with the fish
>One sort of greens go into one salad, while the other one go to the other
>And mix it all with some oil
>Your fish is also ready, and you begin eating your meals
>You watch your mare carefully eat her salad, thoroughly chewing on it, while munching on your fish
>"Mmm, you're really great with your salads, Anon." she praises your cooking skills, licking her lips
>It feels oddly satisfying watching your mare eat
>Especially when you made her meals
>You eagerly take on your fish, trying to not gobble it up, as she told you numerous times
>You slow down a bit as you reminisce it
>She quietly snickers
>"You look so cute when you eat."
>Looks like she enjoys watching you eating her meals as much as you do
>You're done with the fish, only leaving the bones
>You gaze at her finishing her last salad, emptying the bowl
"Did you realize how great you are with cooking?" you playfully ask her
>She giggles, the light blush appearing among her fur
>"Maybe.. not as much as you are."
>After a short pause, you both laugh
>You wipe the fat from your mouth with a napkin, and take the dishes to the kitchen sink
>Washing them, while Fluttershy makes some morning coffee
>Overall, she preferred tea and hot cocoa to it, but she liked drinking some in the morning
>Coffee is done, and you both patiently wait for it to cool down
>She picks up a book from the shelf
>Another one about animals
>About rodents in particular
>She sure knows her animals, but likes re-reading books about them
>As the coffee becomes cool enough to drink, you take a sip, and your mare follows you
>Taking her own
>Such a relaxing moment, being beside your mare wife, enjoying some morning coffee
>She puts the book back the shelf
>She tenderly nuzzles you
>Her muzzle brushing against your neck, and your cheek
>You give her a loving kiss in the forehead
>You gaze at each other, letting out a happy chuckle
>She's so beautiful
>And you could disappear in her large, soul-piercing cyan eyes
>Their colour, reminiscent of the shallow waters in the ocean, near the coast
>She smells nice too, like pine woods
>It helps you fall asleep together with her, sniffing her fragrance
>She pecks you on the cheek before going on with emptying her cup
>You relax, slowly drinking your own coffee
>Eventually, you drank all of it, and went to wash your cups
>Fluttershy checks for food, and announces that you need to go buy some with her
>"We don't have much tea left, and we need sugar, flour, fruits, and cucumbers too, we're running out of them."
>You take on your winter clothing again
>She just takes on a purple sweater and earmuffs
>Being a pegasus, her winter coat was dense enough for her to allow her dress lighter during winter
>You know it yourself, she's really warm when you cuddle each other in your sleep
>Keeping you warm and comfortable during nights
>You go outside of the cottage, walking beside each other as the snow crunches under your legs
>Crossing the bridge over the creek, walking into Ponyville
>Various ponies are busily scurrying around, going from building to building, in preparations for Hearth's Warming
>Some greet you as they notice you and your mare
>First, you went to buy some tea
>Fluttershy likes tea a lot, and is pretty knowledgable about the various sorts of it
>You both enter the tea store owned by the magenta, blue eyed earth mare known as Jasmine Leaf
>Fluttershy knows her very well, being a tea enthusiast herself
>"Oh, why hello there, Fluttershy! Glad to see you today. You're really lucky to have Anon as your husband, you know." Jasmine winks
>"I do feel special in the fact my handsome human chose me." Fluttershy adorably giggles, blushing slightly
>Your mare is pretty proud in the fact that you're hers
>After a bit of small talk, she buys her favourite sorts, placing them in a bag
>The next set of groceries is sold at Ponyville's local, well, grocery store
>Not complicated
>On your way to it, you meet Rarity, outside of her boutique for her own pre-holiday businesses
>The white unicorn greets both of you, giving your mare a hug
>She contributed to the formation of your union and the subsequent marriage with Fluttershy a lot, and was responsible for the wedding clothes
>She gave a lot of suggestions on how to approach you, encouraging her shy friend to come out of her shell and confess her love to you
>And ask you out for a date
>You will never forget that day, and the night that came after
>"Well, I shall stop interrupting your business as I'm going on with my own. There's a lot of demand now before Hearth's Warming. I barely get to sleep myself. Bye, darlings!"
>The ivory mare waves goodbye to you as you go in the direction of the grocery store
>You step inside of it, taking a basket
>Placing some warmth-loving fruits in it, unavailable in Ponyville's cooler climate
>Those that that grew here, such as apples, were always in abundance in the cottage since Applejack would often give them for free as a sign of gratitude of your wife helping to heal some sick animals in her farm
>You now had a bunch of kiwis, bananas, mandarin oranges, mangoes, cucumbers and a pineapple in your basket
>Apparently there wasn't a specialized cucumber farmer in the town, so they're sold in the grocery store
>Soon, bags of sugar and flour followed them, and eventually it all went into a bag
>Outside of a grocery store, Fluttershy felt an urge for sone donuts with tea for lunch
>"Anon, you want some donuts? I feel like I can have today with tea."
"Sure, why not." you agreed
>Heading with her for Sugarcube Corner
>Pinkie Pie is really good at her craft
>Entering the rather busy bakery, the pink pony greets you
>"Hiya, Mr. and Mrs. Shy!"
>You feel your cheeks blushing
>Fluttershy giggles
>"Hello, Pinkie. I'd have five strawberry glazed donuts, and Anon..."
"Three blueberry glazed ones."
>"Your favourites, isn't it? I always have some in case you'll give a visit to old Pinkie!"
>The extraverted pink mare places containers of them on the table as you give her some bits
>"Tada! Enjoy!"
>You place them in your bags
>"Oh! You can call me to celebrate your anniversary next year! I'd like to have a quiet party like I did on your wedding." Pinkie snorted
"We'll think about it."
>Pinkie leans to whisper into Fluttershy's ear, just loud enough for you to hear
>"Can't wait when you're going to have foals. I'd love to sit with them."
>Fluttershy grins, snickering quietly
>"Have a nice day, Pinkie!" your mare says as both you of head outside
>"Bye!" the party pony energetically waves
>You go back outside through the snowy town, carrying bags full of goods
>The fresh, light wintery breeze blows, brushing your cheeks with coolness
>Fluttershy hums some holiday song, walking with you as the snow falls, slightly covering covering your clothes, and your mare's snout, quickly melting there
>The air smells so fresh, so good here
>Especially nearby your wife's cottage, with the forest close to it
>Before entering your home, both of you stomp on the entrance, shaking some fresh snow away from your boots and her hooves
>Going inside, you take your clothing off
>She takes her earmuffs and her favourite purple sweater off into a closet, following your own clothing
>You put the kettle on, preparing some tea
>While the yellow pegasus sorts the groceries out
>You share a mandarin orange together, waiting for the kettle to heat up
>When it's ready, your pour the hot water into the cups, filling them
>Same old stuff as in the morning, you know the drill
>As you wait for tea to cool down, you engage in small talk with your wife
>Sharing some jokes
>Hugging and kissing each other
>Taking sips of warm tea, prolonging the relaxing moment
>She nuzzles into your neck, holding you in an embrace, wrapping her angelic wings around you
>You reciprocate, putting your arms around her barrel
>Only shifting to take a sip of the recreational drink
>Relishing in the romantic and intimate moment of a married couple
>You kiss her on the cheek, shifting your hand under her wing
>Slightly massaging her barrel there
>Eliciting a satisfied hum from your mare
>You take a cup, drinking some more
>Until you empty your cups
>Taking care of them, Fluttershy decides to read some marega together with you
>It was fun read it with her, sitting on the bed
>You deliberately don't read the end for the spoilers, so sometimes you would guess with her what would come up next
>If your opinions on that differ, you would play a game of rock, paper, scissors
>Given her wings, that wasn't a problem
>Of course, the result of the game and the actual course of the comic's plot would differ drastically
>It was all just silly fun with your mare
>She also liked drawing the characters from various maregas
>Her style was to give them long, slender legs
>And she did draw you with her
>Both of you standed on characteristically long legs that you didn't actually have
>She did a lot of sketches of you, alone and with herself
>You sit on the edge of the bed, while Fluttershy takes a marega volume, starting from where you last stopped reading it
>You would spend hours just reading this stuff with her
>Even if particular series (or chunk of one) were boring, but at least boring stuff is less boring when not reading it alone
>You finish one, and then get another, and another
>Enjoying some hot chocolate you've brewed in the meantime
>Until you reach the ending of an another series
>"See? I told you he was going to tear an interdimensional hole to work at a hayburger restaurant chain in an another dimension. But you didn't think so."
>You smile and boop your mare in response, causing her to adorably scrunch
>She reciprocates, booping your nose with her hoof
"To be fair, considering all the bullshit he went through, I expected more, like a better payoff than just him running away from his problems."
>Your wife smiles gently
>"Anon, you shouldn't expect a satisfying ending from a series plagued with so much bad writing."
>You both chuckled
>She isn't wrong
>It's already dark outside, and the lamp has been turned on for quite a time
>You need to go on your duties
>Preparing dinner while Fluttershy takes care of some other animals
>"Oh yeah! I think the mice are running out of their own food. And Angel ate the last of his own food from yesterday this afternoon."
>Your mare says, taking the marega back to the shelf
>"He's been spending too much time outside too, during winter no less. He must've been hungry already."
>You head to the kitchen whilst your mare feeds mice, pouring some from the bags
>You cut some vegetables for the grumpy rabbit's favourite salad
>Mixing them, and soon it is ready for Angel
>The rabbit is already here, sensing the smell of the salad
>You didn't get along together at the first time, but eventually you grew on for the rabbit
>Especially when you were the making food for him
>He eagerly starts eating his dish
>Moving on, the next dish is going to be Fluttershy's, while she prepares your own
>She smiles, looking at you serving the salad for Angel
>Putting the water on, you cut vegetables for her favourite soup
>Alongside the fruits for the salad she's really into
>She prepares the meat from the recently dead old chicken, with some potatoes
>Seasoning them before grilling
>In about an hour and half you were eating your food
>First, you started with the soup, sharing it between you and your mare
>Carefully eating the hot dish
>You move on your chicken with home fries while she eats her fruit salad
>After all was said and done, you have evening tea
>Having a relaxing time, sharing moments of affection
>Before brushing your teeth
>You join your mare in the bed
>Her heavenly soft fur and mane brush your skin
>She passionately kisses you on the lips, before rubbing her muzzle against your nose
>Wrapping her forehoof and wing around you, as you wrap your own arm around her barrel
"Good night, my gorgeous wife."
>"Good night, my love."
>You doze on the pillow
>Sharing breath with your mare, laying on the other side of the pillow
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers