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Making Dreams Come True (Sea Swirlx(You))
By natekiggersCreated: 2024-11-28 06:56:48
Updated: 2025-02-15 04:51:10
Expiry: Never
>Sea Swirl is a rather simple mare
>But being a marine biologist, she has her own dreams
>That she'd move to a coastal city like Vanhoover, closer to her passion, the marine animals
>Being born in Canterlot, educated at the School for Gifted Unicorns
>The advanced knowledge of the unicorn magic helps her a lot when with the marine life
>After graduating, she moved to Ponyville, a small town some couple hundred kilometres away from the Equestrian capital
>The rent is cheap here, but it's in the middle of Equestria, far away from any oceans
>She has to decide between travelling to coastal towns to see and interact with all the dolphins and whales
>Her fascination
>But all the travelling costed money, and that means she couldn't afford some things if she travelled
>Like all the fancy dress she wanted to buy to impress her colt
>She often ran low on money
>She hoped that one day, she will find a stallion that shares her liking for marine life
>And to move with her to Vanhoover, where they could have a lot of foals together
>Starting a dynasty of marine biologists
>One day, she does find somepony (or rather somehuman?), that was also into sea life
>The tall, monkey-like alien stallion named Anonymous
>Be Anonymous
>Still fresh from your isekaition into cartoon horse land
>Only a mere month have passed, and you're already treated as a friend that everyone in this small town called Ponyville knows
>Aside from a bunch of exceptions, those ponies were really friendly to you
>And helpful
>The mares kinda treated you like you were dumber than them by a couple of dozen IQ points
>But at least they're cute and warm
>Always glad to help you with something
>There's only one of thing you're not really satisfied with
>You were big into marine animals
>All those dolphins and whales, the fascinating sea mammals, still needing to take a whiff of fresh air while living most of their life underwater
>All the sharks and the colourful, diverse world of fish
>The peculiar lifeforms of the deep sea, that evolved in the environment of the pressure under all the water and the lack of any natural light
>And the prospects of seeing sea animals in an another world is exciting
>But since Ponyville is in the middle of the continent, all of that isn't really available
>Unless you're willing to pay some money for travelling around
>The Princesses offered you neetbux
>You didn't want to parasite on the pony society, so you rejected it
>Choosing to work as a freelancer in the town instead
>Like being a courier for Pinkie and the Cakes, delivering pastries to anypony who've ordered them
>Or doing menial stuff in Rarity's boutique
>Rarara was nice enough to dress you nicely
>Couldn't ever wish in your life back on Earth to dress like that
>Really because she disliked your clothing and as she put it, it was "uncouth for a colt" to dress like that
>You've bumped into a unicorn mare at the grocery store
>She was really cute and pretty
>She had a lilac coat, rose eyes and two-toned blue mane
>She begged for pardon adorably
>You notice her cutie mark
>A couple of dolphins
>Something related to ocean life, it seems
>Perhaps she could share your autism
>And give you some insights into Equus' marine life
>You tell her that she doesn't need to apologize
>Initiating small talk with her
>And when you leave the store, you now have a new friend, named Sea Swirl
>You talked a lot about marine life
>She truly did share your enthusiasm about it
>Turns out that she's a marine biologist, but since she lives far away the oceans, she doesn't get to see it live as much as she wanted to
>She had a financial dilemma between choosing to travel and other stuff she wishes to have
>After that day, you started to have a mutually beneficial relationship with each other
>She would take you to ocean cities, where you would meet the marine life of Equus
>Honestly, not so different from one on Earth
>But still satisfied your enthusiasm for it
>You would give her bits that you have earned, and then she could afford everything she wanted to
>Like all the fancy clothing
>She was reluctant at first
>A stallion shouldn't help the mare out when it comes to monetary decisions
>But you've convinced her to take your bits
>Eventually you started dating each other
>You haven't even noticed that relationship took a romantic turn
>You've convinced to her that you love her
>Who wouldn't love this mare
>She's really kind and beautiful
>Her rosy eyes stare into your soul, filling it with more love
>And her hugs are great
>Later that night, she took you to an another date, where she wore the fancy, expensive dress she bought with your help
>Later on, you were cuddling with her
>Running your hands through her soft, lilac coat
>Hearing her soft sighs, as she enjoyed your affection
>Sniffing her gentle fragrance
>Running your digits through her long, lush mane
>She kissed you, showering you with her affection
>She told you how much you mean for her
>That she always wanted to have someone like you
>To marry you
>She told you her dream of moving into Vanhoover, a city on Equestria's west coast
>Starting a family here with you
>Seeing her passion, and her specialization every day
>Getting a lot of "pets" as a marine scientist, seeing them everyday
>Introducing her children into her job and hobby
>This would definitely become a reality with your efforts, you thought
>Everything for this pretty mare, and your beloved
>She kisses you some more
>You sink your face into her mane
"Lay down."
>You quietly tell her, and she obliges
>Lying on her back, her belly prime for some rubbing
>You lean your face down to her stomach
>Blowing raspberries on it
>Making the lilac unicorn squirm and laugh
>You cease teasing your mare
>Opting to rub her tummy
>Running your through her soft, lilac fur
>Rubbing her abdomen in circles
>She closes her eyes, purring in pleasure
>"Mmm. Keep going, Anon."
>She coos, encouraging you
>You gently scritch her stomach
>Caressing her barrel
"Lay on your stomach." you tell your unicorn marefriend
>She obliges, rolling on it
>You massage her back, rubbing your hands through her lilac, velvety fur
>She sighs in pleasure, enjoying your affection
>While you enjoy the feeling of her warm flesh underneath the layer of soft, warm coat
>You lay on the bed
>Sea Swirl rolls to face you
>Her rosy eyes gaze longingly upon you
>She climbs atop of you, kissing you
>Her prehensile pony lips taking the lead of the action
>Pressing against yours
>You lovingly caress her soft barrel, your fingers sinking into her coat
>Her tongue slips into your mouth
>Defeating yours in a wrestling match
>Exploring your mouth
>Dancing around with your tongue
>She pulls out, sharing breath together with you
>She shifts off from you, laying her head on one side of the pillow
>You lay on your side, facing her
>She embraces you
>You drift together to sleep
>Cuddling each other in the bed
>A lot of time have passed since then
>You moved to Vanhoover together with your unicorn wife a long time ago
>It was worth the time and investment to make it possible
>You bought a home
>Single-stored, with multiple rooms
>Sea Swirl, your wife have worked as the marine life scientist since you've moved together
>And you've also made children together
>A miracle of love magic inside of a mare's body, making your union being able to produce foals
>A couple of daughters, named Wave and Tide
>Nearly complete miniature copies of their mother, except that Wave has a dark shade of her coat and single-toned blue mane
>While Tide has your eyes
>They've inherited their parents' love for marine life, and her introverted nature
>Sea Swirl has no problem raising them as marine biologists just like herself
>Wave is the older one at eight years old, while Tide is six
>You stay at home, upbringing your fillies while your wife is at her job
>Like a good husband in Equestrian society should
>Sea would often come with you to her workplace
>Showing you all sorts of ocean creatures
>She sometimes dived in, given the environment is safe and controlled enough
>It was the dream coming true, observing the marine life together with your beautiful mare
>She was passionate about her work
>Today, she invited you and the fillies to her workplace at Vanhoover's local oceanarium
>You looked together to large aquarium window
>The oceanarium had all sorts of marine life in it
>Whether local or transported from different seas
>This particular one has life from the southern coral reefs
>You and your daughters are completely awestruck, gazing at the window
>There's the motley corals themselves
>And all sorts of pastel fish, hiding among them
>There's bigger creatures floating above it, the manta rays and the sharks
>Tide gently taps at the aquarium
>Sea Swirl hugs her daughter
>As you and your family enjoy the magnificent sight behind the giant window
>Sea invites you to the next aquarium, the one with local life
>While this one isn't as colourful, it still captures the attention of the fillies
>You watch the marine animals together with your wife
>You hug each other
>She kisses you and nuzzles you
>You reciprocate, running your cheek against her own
>Enjoying the sight of what you and your mare dreamed the most of
>All the marine animals to observe and for Sea to research
>And the cute daughters to raise
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers