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Life of an average woman on MARED Earth

By natekiggers
Created: 2024-12-01 21:27:41
Updated: 2025-03-01 07:29:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Kinda of an attempt at humour inbetween the massive lore dumps. Decided to mark this one as NSFW because of a descrption to play it safe (heh). Contains no actual porn.//
  3. >Stacy used to be a successful model woman citizen of the 2040s
  4. >A materialistic individualist, knows that she lives only once so she worked on that all the opportunities she could experience in her life would become realizable
  5. >Everyone among her friend circle knew that wageslaving in hope of "builiding a career and climbing up the ladder" was only a waste of time that didn't actually guarantee a financial security, so she should live for herself
  6. >Stacy started an OnlyFans account
  7. >Shortly after, she started to live like a queen
  8. >She raked in some crazy money, being able to rent expensive, spacious, comfortable apartments in an elite neighbourhood
  9. >She had sex with the handsomest men, who eagerly fullfilled all her kinks
  10. >While an endless stream of money from her subscribers was flowing into her bank account
  11. >But all that changed one day, with an alien invasion no less
  12. >Mass media often portrayed aliens as some kind of funky humanoids, but these looked more like horses than humans
  13. >Their leaders, a couple of ancient winged unicorns, were called to the UN General Assembly soon upon contact
  14. >The horses have publically denounced the "leaders" of the humanity at the said assembly
  15. >Leading to a good part of the 1% being turned into stone
  16. >Including Stacy's home country's political elite, its allies and its geopolitical rivals
  17. >The statues of all the presidents and prime ministers are now garnishing the capitals of the countries they've used to rule
  18. >Establishing a "New Equestria" in the place of those nations, controlling most of their land aside from some outskirts
  19. >New Equestria now controls like half of the land of the Northern Hemisphere, its Eurasian and North American parts of it being linked by the Arctic Ocean
  20. >The "Old" Equestria immediately began to colonize the land and is aiming to have the entire Earth under their control
  21. >Some would think that there would the hot, hung stallions taking the women for themselves while the men watched
  22. >Those people never have been so wrong
  23. >Instead, most of the colonists are mares
  24. >And on top of all that, the New Equestrian government issued mare wives to human men in exchange of permanent housing in spacious cottages and mansions, often built by the new settlers as a part of the "Equestrianization" of the human lands
  25. >That thing have divided human society even more
  26. >There are a lot of men who have accepted the ponies
  27. >They supported the Equestrian colonization and the marriage with mares
  28. >As soon as there were pony settlers in Stacy's city, there were lots and lots of men with mares
  29. >Playing together outside
  30. >Doing the sappily romantic couple things like dating, hugging and kissing in the park
  31. >Some of the men wore "pony only" shirts
  32. >And had tattoos of their girlfriends' "cutie marks", the magical imprints on their flanks
  33. >Ponies were unescapable
  34. >Apparently there were a lot of them in the Old Equestria due to very long period of prosperty and peace, but due to a recent magical anomaly there weren't a lot of stallions
  35. >And as mares would often say, it's that they find the "humie colts" very cute anyway
  36. >Mainly, the alien ponies were the "featureless" ones, the winged ones and the single-horned ones
  37. >But there also were the rarer kinds
  38. >The ones who looked like the featureless kind but they looked like they were made out of crystal
  39. >The zebras, stripes and all, were mostly seen running the "new" kind of drug clinics were they sold potions
  40. >The leathery winged kind with protruding fangs, Stacy saw them during evening at times
  41. >She even saw the other kind of the unicorns a couple of times, but those had leonine manes, scaly backs and their horn appeared antleresque
  42. >She read that those could turn into fire
  43. >Of course, there were also a lot of men expressing their distaste at the "species traitors who betrayed the natural order created by *deity_name*"
  44. >They had a lot of support, particularly from the women whose pool of potential partners have drastically shrinked down due to the mares taking them, and scared couples
  45. >Every time since the takeover and then there were protests against the New Equestria's policies of encouraging the human-pony marriages
  46. >And they became even worse when the consequences of a such union became apparent around a year after the takeover
  47. >When a mare got impregnated by a human, she either a had a fully pony filly, or a fully human boy, but they couldn't give birth to fully human girls
  48. >While this fact have destroyed the previous take of that humans cannot interbreed with ponies, much less the alien kind, it only added fuel to the protests as it raised concerns about the future of women
  49. >Stacy, as a woman that got severly impacted by the closing of OnlyFans and who was concerned about her own future, has been protesting and donating to the organizators since the start
  50. >She saw multiple men being overpowered and dragged by the pony cops
  51. >Including one with what looked like military augmentations
  52. >There were only a couple of times that Stacy saw a live augmented person
  53. >The mechanical implants became available only like a couple of years before the invasion
  54. >Those were insanely expensive and thus were only available to the ones that really could afford them
  55. >Such as the elite military corps, anti-terrorist agencies or the expensive building projects for the 1%
  56. >Those implants gave the humans new possibilities of expanding their physical abilities, the people who had them were much stronger than an average man
  57. >But all those metallic limbs were still nothing compared to ponies
  58. >Enraged, the augmented military veteran tried to attack the cop mare, only for her to easily overpower him and drag him to the van
  59. >Those protests were not so secretly used by the New Equestrian government to convert more men
  60. >A lot of male protesters, who often wrote about the day of revenge coming soon, would often a complete 180 on their rhetoric
  61. >Encouraging men to interbreed with mares
  62. >Posting their selfies where they had collars and cutie mark tattoos on their necks
  63. >Many of those accounts have appeared to be far too organic to be Equestrian plants doing demoralization
  64. >The Internet have changed in a way since the invasion
  65. >Some websites like OnlyFans had to be closed, much to Stacy's dismay
  66. >It was her main source of revenue, and she have been burning her money to the various "protest organizators" without gaining any in turn
  67. >To the point she soon couldn't even afford to pay her rent
  68. >And there's also that asshole with his alien horse who had moved in recently
  69. >Stacy hated that couple and how awfully smug they were
  70. >Previously that house has been occupied by a nice old man named George
  71. >But in exchange of good ol' George moving into a peaceful home in mainland Equestria to live his last years in, his house have been given to a man-mare couple for starting a family in
  72. >The schmuck, who acted like just like every pony lover and his girlfriend, the green pegasus with a pink mane (she could recall that her name is Merry May, but the species traitor's name evaded Stacy) have disgusted every fiber of her being
  73. >Sometimes the horse would smugly say that the lonely Stacy doesn't need to frown, that there's still a lot of fish in the pool
  74. >That kind of a mock comfort felt like an insult to Stacy, like salt to the wound
  75. >Despite all the increasing outrage, it looked like the men were only succumbing to the mares
  76. >All those broken protestors
  77. >The entirety of X's front page was occupied by those people
  78. >As if those MARED and pony supremacy videos being spammed all over the Internet weren't revolting and demoralizing already
  79. >Stacy watched only one such video, dropping it before it ended, feeling a mix of rage and disgust
  80. >Not like sexually submissive men were Stacy's thing (unless it was yaoi of course), but it seemed almost all the pony-human content was about mares dominating men
  81. >Stacy couldn't grasp it, she thought men were supposed to be the strong ones, to be able to guarantee protection to women
  82. >But all the MARED porn made it look like every man harboured a submissive streak
  83. >The video started with the couple being obnoxiously lovey-dovey, with the mare being overly comforting and maternal to her man
  84. >Talk about mommy issues that some men have
  85. >Then it escalated into the mare wearing seductive clothing, the man dropping on his knees, begging her to take him
  86. >The mare used her man like a living dildo
  87. >Moaning sexually as she praised him and his body, occasionally dropping some teasing degradation
  88. >While he kept going on how good her pony pussy feels, begging her to fuck him harder
  89. >Stacy winced and closed that tab
  90. >Clearly the type of video appealing to both mares and men, promoted by the government and often used as a propaganda to encourage interspecies relationships
  91. >Time to check what's on X
  92. >Most of the old social media was still around
  93. >Elon Musk, the 73-year old tycoon, somehow adapted to the new norm whilst the majority of his fellow billionaires underwent severe repressions, their businesses either being nationalized or bought by the Equestrian upper class
  94. >Some say that the owner of X, or Twitter as 25+ year old accounts still called it, has his life at hornpoint, which is why it still exists as a platform where demoralization and grifting thrives
  95. >Also while being one of the most influential people at the time of the invasion, he had to concede some of his thriving businesses to the Equestrian aristocrat Fancy Pants, among many others
  96. >But really, he must thinking of something, right?
  97. >Especially with his business being taken away from him
  98. >He would strike when the horses drop their guard
  99. >With such thoughts, Stacy checked on some "Tirugb Tirugvi", someone who have been organizing some protest on a scale never seen before
  100. >She has been following them for quite awhile
  101. >They've announced the date, time and place the protests were going to start
  102. >June 3rd, at 12:00 PM EST
  103. >Rejoiced, Stacy donated some more of her money to Tirugb Tirugvi
  104. >She couldn't wait for that day
  105. >Finally, the women and the good men would break the cuffs imposed to them by ponies!
  106. >Stacy laid on the bed with good thoughts
  108. >Days and weeks have come and gone then
  109. >And the 3rd June have finally arrived
  110. >Stacy couldn't really afford to go to a protest that was supposed to be held in another city
  111. >She didn't even have money to even pay rent for her apartments anymore
  112. >She didn't want to go live in a capsule pod hotel
  113. >She remembered when she lived there, never again
  114. >Little to no space, and next to no privacy
  115. >But she had to go live there
  116. >Except that all the capsule pod hotels were abolished by the New Equestrian government for the reasons of "discouraging the further human self-destruction by limiting themselves to unlivably small living spaces"
  117. >The same government also have sent Stacy a letter
  118. >Which stated that since she doesn't have permanent housing, she will be sent to what used to be Kazakhstan to mine uranium
  119. >Stacy couldn't ever handle such an opportunity
  120. >Dangerous mining on the opposite side of Northern Hemisphere, far away from her city
  121. >And her family
  122. >The government sent such letters to many single women that didn't own their own home
  123. >Stacy already have met Jessica, her old school friend
  124. >Possibly for the last time in her life
  125. >Jessica had to go to Qaidam Basin to mine local minerals there, and was on the way to join her future "coworkers", a team of women dressed in appropriately gloomy clothing
  126. >She needed to find somewhere to live in this city
  127. >Stacy opened X (formerly Twitter) on her phone
  128. >Checking for Tirugb Tirugvi since it's the day
  129. >Weird
  130. >Their account is deleted
  131. >People are commenting that there's nothing at the site of the supposed protests
  132. >Some say that they just stole all the money, while others insist that the Equestrian intelligence agencies got Tirugb Tirugvi
  133. >Stacy put her phone on the couch, letting a heavy sigh out
  134. >How close, and yet again nothing happened
  135. >Stacy decided to go outside on this warm, sunny day
  136. >There's something that ponies brought with themselves, controllable weather
  137. >All the extreme, unpredicted weather became a thing of the past
  138. >Since then, weather has been carefully planned, and the forecasts became weather schedules
  139. >Stacy went into the park, full of mare-man couples
  140. >It seems like there's more and more ponies in the city as the time passes
  141. >And many of them have the filthy species traitors beside them
  142. >There are ponies and humans with strollers, taking their spawn for a walk as well during this sunny Saturday
  143. >There's a man with the weird, scaly lilac unicorn
  144. >Those are combustible, could wreck havoc if pissed off, right
  145. >Stacy came to the man, intending slap his butt
  146. >But within two meters of the man, she felt a force throwing her through the park
  147. >The scaly unicorn turned her head, giving Stacy a sideways glance
  148. >Stacy felt landing on something soft
  149. >She looked at the unicorn stallion, who was apparently responsible for her soft landing as his horn glowed
  150. >"Be careful, miss. Humans are pretty fragile, you know." the unicorn said
  151. >Most mares and their men laughed
  152. >The scaly unicorn also snickered, sitting on a bench with her boyfriend
  153. >He gave her a peck on the cheek, and she reciprocated kissing him on the lips
  154. >Stacy got off the pillows, which then proceeded to disappear
  155. >The unicorn nodded
  156. >Stacy felt embarrassed
  157. >All the big pony eyes kept looking at her, the mares whispering things to each other
  158. >Those eyes make her feel uncomfortable
  159. >They look like they see through one's entire being
  160. >She feels uneasy
  161. >But she knows how to keep her cool
  162. >The stallion still looked at Stacy
  163. >She focused on his square snout
  164. >She makes a gesture, intending to press her finger on his snout
  165. >Without hesistance, she quickly does so, causing the stallion to scrunch
  166. >She then went away from the park
  167. >Shortly after, she stumbles upon a meat-serving restaurant
  168. >Those became highly popular and weren't owned by ponies, but by rather different species from the same place
  169. >They looked like they were lions but with heads of eagles, their forearms being claws
  170. >This particular one looked like it needed a kitchen worker
  171. >Stacy had some knowledge with working at the kitchen
  172. >Honestly, better that than the uranium mining
  173. >As she entered the restaurant, she has been greeted by the restaurant owner
  174. >A griffon male
  175. >"Good day, mister. Do you need a worker?"
  176. >"Why yes! Of course I do. We feed a lot of you humans, you know. I had a human girl working for me until recently, but she's now gone. She said that she's been forced to work in the middle of nowhere now because she doesn't own a home."
  177. >The griffon grunts in disappointment
  178. >"So, we need some to look after the kitchen here. Prepare the orders and keeping the place tidy."
  179. >That's exactly what Stacy needed to hear
  180. >"I can do all of that. Hire me, please."
  181. >And he did hire her
  182. >On this very same day, just mere hours later she have been preparing the ordered food
  183. >There's a lot of humans coming to have a lunch
  184. >Sometimes, the men would come in with their mare girlfriends
  185. >Despite the stereotype, ponies didn't freak out over humans consuming meat
  186. >Aside from banning horse meat from being produced and sold, most mares were rather accepting of their humans' carnivorous nature
  187. >The day went fast
  188. >The restaurant was about to be closed, as Stacy asked her new boss about if there could be an another bed
  189. >Thankfully, there was
  190. >The griffon was flattered by that his human worker decided to sleep there
  191. >Stacy explained she also needs to go far away from the city as she's single and doesn't own a home
  192. >She said that she needed protection so the authorities wouldn't take her away
  193. >The griffon agreed to help her out and to keep her safe in his restaurant
  194. >Since then, she has been working every day there
  195. >Receiving pay that she could spend on her own necesssities
  196. >The days, then entire weeks came and went
  197. >Stacy actualy enjoyed her menial (and rather traditional for a woman) job
  198. >She felt like she finally found the place in her life
  199. >Preparing quality food for restaurant, making it more successful than its competitors
  200. >Maybe she could afford her own house soon
  201. >She knew that her previous, egoistical lifestyle didn't do her justice
  202. >When OnlyFans closed, she simply wanted to settle down, to find her perfect man that could help her carry on her old materialistic habits
  203. >She hated mares because she was simply jealous of them taking the men that she wanted to have
  204. >She have finally realized that this isn't the right path
  205. >But her actually being helpful to everyone is
  206. >She heard her boss get up in the early morning
  207. >The door closed as the griffon went outside
  208. >Stacy got up from her bed, following her boss
  209. >Through the deserted streets of the city
  210. >Feeling the cool morning breeze, before the summery heat settles in
  211. >The city have changed a lot since the invasion
  212. >There's now a lot of pony-oriented stores, such as the horn-and-wing care one replacing the local Gamestop
  213. >The highway running through the city have been replaced by high speed railway
  214. >There weren't much cars around anymore as it used to be, and the city's public transport has been largerly replaced by the carts and trains
  215. >Aside from the protests, which have became quieter since the early spring, many of them being held by the same kind of people Stacy used to be, the crime have been reduced greately
  216. >Stacy reached the bench on the waterfront, where her boss sat on
  217. >She took a seat beside him, and he enveloped her with his wing
  218. >Stacy thought her griffon boss was cute
  219. >Maybe she will ask him out one day
  220. >If there's many men who are okay with being in romantic relationships with someone of another species, why should she be any different
  221. >She leaned against her boss
  222. >Watching as the sun rises from the river
  223. >Enjoying the moment
  224. >Stacy didn't even notice as hours came by
  225. >The griffon took a look on his wrist watch on his bird arm
  226. >"Let's go, Stacy. We have a lot of work to do today."
  227. >She couldn't wait for a yet another day
  228. >Working for her purpose
  230. The End.

(You)r wife wakes you up (FSx(You), smut)

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The Light in the Void (FSgothx(You), smut, maredom)

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