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Fiery Passion (ABx(You), mommydom)
By natekiggersCreated: 2024-12-05 23:54:23
Updated: 2025-03-07 07:38:03
Expiry: Never
Yes, this one is about the other AB. The only place Appul's lil sis gets mentioned is right here.//
>You're wandering through this damn forest for God knows how many hours now
>You just went into it during the morning and have completely lost track since then
>You feel like you're going in circles, trying to find the exit
>You look up, seeing some mountains above it
>No matter where you went, you believe that there weren't mountains that close to the forest
>Maybe you went way too far away somewhere
>You check the time
>3:30 PM
>About five hours since you went there
>You haven't met a dangerous animal on the way... yet
>There's still a chance you're not getting out of here alive
>You've given up on going back at this point
>You hear something rustling behind the leaves
>Your instincts tell you to hide
>There's a beast coming out of the lush vegetation
>It looks a large tiger-ox hybrid with horns of a ram, covered in dense, gray fur
>It was standing on two tiger forepaws and two ox hindhooves
>Its ox muzzle had many sharp teeth like a shark, ready to tear you apart
>You don't think you've ever read about this creature
>But it doesn't look a docile one at all
>You can't keep yourself from screaming and running as fast as you can through the forest path
>Your heart is pumping like crazy
>It's about the only thing you can hear as the dangerous beast chases you
>You don't even care where you're going at this point, the andrenaline-powered rush for survival being the only thing occupying your mind
>Suddenly, there's an another creature in your eyesight
>It's smaller, shorter than you even
>It appears to be almost entirely charcoal black, it's big eyes being a white void
>But it seems like it's on fire
>The air feels hotter as it nears you
>It looks like it's burning in blue flames
>It has well-defined, long sharp fangs
>It makes a distorted scream as it charges towards you, producing clippy-cloppy noises on the ground
>You have no choice but to jump aside from the path
>You roll on the ground
>You're beholden to sight of the smaller, likely ungulate beast charge at the ox-tiger
>Maybe it doesn't understand that their prey took a turn away
>You breathe hard, sweating bullets as your heartbeat echoes in your ears
>"Bié pèng tā!" [Don't touch him!"]
>The smaller quadruped lets out an another sound that sounds like comprehensible human speech in its creepy, distorted voice
>Did it really just spoke?
>Even if it could be their alien language?
>Okay, that's enough surprises for you today
>You pinch yourself with your barely controllable, trembling hands
>It does hurt
>Somehow, all of this is real
>The burning creature turns tables on the ox-tiger, chasing it
>Forcing it to run back
>You can't believe your sight and your hearing
>You thought this thing was coordinating with the larger beast, both wanting to use you body for a quick meal
>But then the larger one ran even faster from it than when it chased you
>Somehow, you have stepped in some kind of a fairy tale, and your ass just got bailed out by a burning horse spirit
>Unless it was just chasing the competitor away to have you for itself
>You shudder from the thought
>What if...
>As you prepare to swiftly get up, you jolt from the sounds of rustling on the vegetation near you
>You don't feel any heat though
>Startled and wide-eyed, you face an another being, looking similar in build and shape to the burning spirit
>Although despite the lack of the heat, you can still sniff the smell of burned wood coming from it
>It, or rather she, if those eyelashes are anything to give it away, approaches you in a gentle, non-threatening manner
>"Shhh, shhh. It's okay, it's okay..." the creamy white quadruped said in a distinctly feminine voice, an another indication of its sex
>However, it's a yet another fucking surprise for you
>She speaks English
>She sits beside of you, placing her cloven hooves on your chest
>"It's all gone now. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you."
>She speaks in reassuring tone, leaning to embrace you
>It feels nice
>Actually calming you
>She looks like a horse or a deer
>She has a single antleresque horn, scales on her muzzle and her back
>Both her auburn mane and tail are leonine
>Her long ears were darker on on the tips
>A weird creature that had features of horses, deers, lions and reptiles
>Not to mention her large, golden eyes
>You've never saw something like this
>Those eyes gazed at you, taking your stress away
>Putting you at ease
>She hugs you like this until your hands stop trembling
>"Oh, I feel so glad that I've got my own humie today!"
>The creature says excitedly
>If "humie" is a nickname for humans, then you're not the first one in this place
>Unless she decided to devour you
>Which seems unlikely
>"Oh, don't be scared. I always will protect you. I will never hurt you."
>She said, her tone being more comforting and gentle, feeling the moment of your tension again
>You've read about horses and deers having more acute smell senses
>"I know I looked scary when I saved you from the totetsu. You know, that big toothy furry thing. You don't know that but we, the kirin have that thing called nirik. When we get angry, we burst into fire. We developed to have it when we needed to fend predah... preday... bad guys off, but it can be pretty nasty when we get mad at each other, like that one time we've never talked after burning the village because we got scared. Thankfully, we got over it. I was so bored because they've given up on laughter because of little pain! It was never that much of a bad thing anyway because it helped us survive as a species, we just need to control it. And hi, I'm Autumn Blaze."
>It took a while for you to process the kirin's rant that ended in a casual introduction
>So, the burning "spirit" is one and the same as Autumn Blaze who calls herself a kirin
"Anonymous. Anon." you introduce yourself
>The kirin presses her snout against your nose, having kind of a crazy grin on her face
>"Oh! I KNEW there was life on the distant stars! I called it since the first humie colt like you dropped in! It happened when my friend Cinder Glow went to the forest for herbs and then she saw a humie running away from a kyuki and saved him. Then her older sister Spring got one for herself too. And I just wanted to get one as well. And then you're here, just for me! You know, you're really cute."
>The last part hurts your sense of masculinity
>Maybe you screamed like a bitch when running away from the totetsu, at least that one was justified
>Unlike being told by an equinoid that you're "cute"
"Stop calling me that." you say with a clear annoyance
>"But that's true, though! Don't hide that. You're a real cutie. Handsome, too."
>Autumn hugs you, pressing her snout against your nose again
>Well, at least being called handsome is better
>You're not sure how you should feel about this magical horse-deer viewing you as attractive
>And you keep yourself from a reciprocal compliment to the talkative and easily overexcitable kirin
>Well, who knows how could she react over being called a cutie herself
>She has a fiery temper, fitting to whatever the fuck she turns when she's angry
>"Oh, OH! Do you have a flying saucer there somewhere? Can I see it? Can we fly to distant stars together to explore and tiptoe through them?"
>Autumn bounces around, sometimes landing on her forehooves
"Uhhh, no. I just walked into this forest and had lost track from where I was going from."
>The kirin's excitement falters
>"Awww... that's a shame. The other two guys said the same thing."
>The kirin faces you again
>"How long are you there? Are you tired? Maybe hungry?"
>She's beaming again, having her excitement back
>"Oh! We can make so many different dishes together! I've picked up lots of various herbs and berries and spices in this forest! I always have something that you can eat too! Just in case, don't try to eat me, unless you want me to eat you!"
>Autumn giggled at her own joke
>"Follow me to the village! We'll make something and then you can rest and journal!"
>The kirin bounced on the place, heading to the village
"I'd love all that but journaling? I don't do it. Diaries are for faggots and women."
>You've expressed your distaste at journaling
>You've never saw having a diary in positive light
>Autumn stops trotting, looking at you
>"Faggots? You have bundles of sticks keeping diaries in your world? I mean, I used to have a stick puppet in my toes as my imaginary friend along with my own shadow and other things during that Vow of Silence thing. You know, when I told you about the nirik and the kirin being scared of it so they swam in the stream called Stream of Silence. I was there too, being silent until I've discovered a bed of foal's breath which brought me the abile... the abi-li-ty to talk again and then I got exiled because they didn't like that I was talkative again so our leader presented me with a choice, to be silent or to leave. Oh, sorry for getting carried off."
>Autumn asked for pardon after dropping a yet another info dump on you
>Honestly, you didn't really mind
>Typically, when being faced with such an overly enthusiastic extrovert you'd run away from them and wished to never talk with them again
>But Autumn?
>She's really charismatic, it feels really good to be with her, despite her quirks
"No need for pardon, I don't mind. Anyways, faggots are how we call... er... effeminate men."
>"Oh! And women are... hmmm..."
>Autumn looks up, rubbing her forehoof against her chin
>"Men... women... hoomans... sorry, Cinder and Spring didn't let me talk much with their colts. Can you explain all it to me? You can add any insignifcant factoid and detail!"
>She has that crazy beaming grin again
"Alright. Women are the females of our species. Men are the males like me, but our species as a whole often get referred as just men rather than humans."
>"Oh, I get it! So women are called like that because they're womb-men. Hoomans with wombs."
>The kirin giggles
>"And it's alright for me to journal because I am a girl! Sorry for not knowing that perti... particle... THAT SPECIAL DETAIL about your culture, though."
>The mare gets up, bouncing from place to place
>"Well, stop wasting so much time there and let's go home already!"
>Autumn says, turning her head to face you
>You follow her, having to walk faster to keep pace with the trotting kirin
>You see the houses in the village in the distance from the breaks in the woods' lush vegetation
>Soon, you exit the forest, being presented with the small houses in the clearing
>The entire village appears to be surrounded by the forest, being in a sort of a meadow
>"Welcome to the village! Okay, first things first. Before we can go home, I need to introduce you to my friends and our leader, Rain Shine. She's taller than everypony else here, even you. And there she is, right there!"
>Autumn points at the really tall, light gray kirin with a dark green mane
>"Hello, Rain Shine! Meet Anonymous, but you can just call him Anon!" Autumn greets the village leader
>"Hello, Autumn Blaze."
>Rain Shine simply nods to your companion and adds
>"I see you got one of these humans. Third one in the past two weeks, all speaking Ponish, don't seem to hail from anywhere on Equus. We need to investigate that anomaly. I might need to contact the leaders of the other communities, and maybe even contact Equestria together."
>The tall mare looks at you
>"And Anonymous, it's a pleasure to meet you. We don't know if we can get you back, so make yourself at home."
>The village's leader walks past you to her own businesses
"Ponish? We call it English."
>"Oh yeah, I know that you humies have a viru... versh... BASICALLY the same language. We call it Ponish because it comes from Equestria which is a big far-away land populated by ponies which is very influential. I mean, the sun and the moon get moved around by Equestria's rulers."
>Autumn took a small pause
>"We all learn Ponish as a second language at school. It's not our native language, and my Ponish is not perfect because of my exile, so I forget how certain words are pronounced because I haven't spoke them in a while. And it was ponies that helped me convince the kirin to talk again. Maybe they will give me a visit one day again. Oh! And here's my friend Cinder Glow, she works at the opera and she found the first one of your kind in our lands!"
>Autumn beams as she points at a brown kirin mare with a green mane
>Cinder Glow turns to face Autumn
>Her expression is rather calm and featureless, the perfect example of a poker face
>There's an another human man walking beside her
>Both simply wave at Autumn
>Cinder smiles slightly while the human's face has a rather content expression
>He seems to feel at ease in the village
>Despite probably not having the Earthly commodities
>Autumn have never mentioned Internet or computers
>He looks at you
>"Walked into the forest and got teleported from the way back too, huh? Welcome to the club."
>"Yeah yeah, but we don't have time for chitchat, I need to show my Anon the rest of the village!" Autumn bursts in, walking through the street
>No chitchat with Incognito
>Whatever, but Autumn has no problem with referring to you as hers in front of everyone
>'Hers' in a what way exactly?
>Kind of suspicious
>That said, her body captures your attention
>Those weird scales on her back
>Her build is slim, but her rear stands out
>It looks nice and voluptuous, swaying while she's trotting
>The leonine tail being the only thing covering it
>You can barely shift your gaze away from the mare's posterior
>You feel wrong
>Your gaze was focused on a horse's backside for way too long
>Magical horse's, with scales on her back and muzzle
>That can talk
>Yeah, she's also very pretty and charismatic too
>And thinks you're handsome
>But still doesn't feel right
>You weren't supposed to look at a equinoid's plot like this
>She doesn't seem to notice though
>"Hi, Spring!"
>"Hello there, Autumn."
>You're pulled from your thought process by your companion greeting a fellow kirin behind a fruit stand
>"Anon, let me introduce you to Cinder's big sister, Spring Glow."
"Uh, hello."
>Spring Glow nods to you
>She has an almond coat, green mane and a horn that didn't have any splits, yet was curved back just like any other kirin horn
>She seems to be running a fruit stand, full of various oranges and bananas
>There's an another human, must've been the one Spring saved, in a house nearby the stand
>"...and then I heard a scream. I saw a big and hungry totetsu running as it chased Anon. I turned into a nirik to save him. Poor thing got so scared. I had to comfort him and now we're really nice friends! We gotta go now. Treat your Redacted right!"
>Your ears catch the latter part of Autumn's yapping
>"Oh, I will." Spring says
>The almond coloured mare seems to be more talkative than Cinder
>But not even close to the same degree as Autumn, only saying a few words through the entire conversation, patiently listening to your companion
>In fact, the kirin seem to be mostly calm and collected
>Makes sense when they didn't really have much problems with the Vow of Silence unlike Autumn, who got driven away
>Here's another round of walking together with the creamy-white mare through the town
>She greets the townsfolk on the way, most of which just quietly reply with "hello, Autumn" or nod in turn
>At the first glance, it seems like it's all mare-only with no stallions in sight
>But you look closely, and owners of the deeper voices don't have the larger, expressive eyelashes
>The kirin stallions appear to be really androgynous for whatever reason
>"Oh, I forgot to tell you! This evening, the script that I wrote is going to be played at the local opera theater! You may take some rest before it after we prepare some food because we're already at my house!"
>You look at the building
>It looks like a yet another kirin house outside
>But inside, there's a lot of hand-made stuff, figurines on the shelves and stacks of papers on the other ones
>"Make yourself comfortable! There's a lot of scripts for the opera and I wrote a lot of stuff, especially when I was alone. Now, with the Vow of Silence being left in the past, I am a stand-up comic and opera play writer again, because old habits die hard and I didn't go to the other kirin communities because we are separated from them by the Stream of Silence."
>Autumn yaps as she hides the paper into the drawers containing even more of it, freeing some more space
>The patterns on her horn glow blue, enveloping an another stack on the different shelf in blue aura
>Putting it into their respective drawers
"This village has a name, right? I've never heard anyone saying it but how its called?"
>You give Autumn a question that you've began to ponder upon
>"It's called Péndì Cǎodiàn. The literal translation is "basin meadow" from Kirindarin, our native language, because it's in a meadow in the forest which is in a valley surrounded by the peaks called Wéixiǎn Zhīfēng, or the Peaks of Peril because there used to be a lot of dangerous beasts. Like the one that was chasing you. Anyways, in a basin, since it's a valley surrounded by mountains."
>Man, this mare really loves inserting stuff that isn't particularly relevant
>But she's still really helpful
"Wow, thanks."
>"You can always ask me if you need help!"
>Autumn's horn patterns glow
>"Would you like it? I'm not sure how it even is called in Ponish anymore. We call these shānyào, the mountain medita... mediati... HEALING!"
>She's levitating something resembling a potato, but more elongated
"That's called a yam."
>"Oh! It's called yam because it sounds similar to yum! Because it's tasty and yummy!"
"Yeah... right."
>She levitates a washbowl and trots to the sink, filling it with water
>Placing it on the kitchen desk, picking a knife up and peeling it
>Throwing the peel into the trash and placing the yam in the water
>She washes it over before levitating it out of the bowl into the chopping board
>The now-dirty water gets drained into the sink
>She makes a quick work out of the tubers
>Before cooking them
>"Hey, can I show you the Kirindarin writing? Like how that plant is called?"
>Autumn suggests
>Her face expression has that trademark crazy beaming grin as she gets excited
>She levitates pieces of blank paper and a pencil
>Scribbling something on it
>She turns it so you could see
>You're being presented to the vaguely familiar symbols
>"And this is how we write the hierae... hi-roe... SYMBOLS for 'mountain medicine'. I mean, 'yam'. But that's not over!"
>The kirin levitates a yet another paper, scribbling on it as well, before spinning it
>The former hieroglyph is the same, but the latter one is nearly completely different and is much more complex
>"We used to have this type of writing everywhere in the Kirin Lands, until Rain Shine and some other communities decided to sim... pli... fy them because they wanted to boost the literacy rates a long time ago, before I was even born. I took the lessons of the tra... di-tio-nal style of writing as an additional class in school, because it is required to be learned if you could read the older books and because I just wanted to know how we used to write in the past. Anyways, some symbols weren't changed, as you can see, some did just a little bit and some indeed got simplified drasti... a lot."
>Autumn finishes her little rant with a wide smile
"I think I recognize those."
>"Yeah? Your kind has that style of writing too?"
>Autumn pounces in excitement, pressing her snout against your nose
"Yes, but just like we call Ponish English, instead, we don't call it Kirindarin, we call it Chinese. And they did simplify their writing too."
>The mare's beaming smile grows even wider and crazier
>"You have not only the pony language but our language too? We NEED to find a way to go forth and back between our worlds because I'd like to visit it together with you!"
>She hugs you so tight, you struggle to breathe
>"There must be so many things in your world to do, together with you!"
>She lets you go from her tight embrace, remembering whatever she wanted to do
>"Alright. We're going to prepare some chili peppers as well because we kirin absolutely do love spicy food. It's very healthy for us. Any kirin lunch rarely does not have anything spicy! I wonder if you'd like it."
"Sure, I don't mind."
>Autumn opens some kind of storage, full of various sorts of peppers
>The short, the long, the thin, the thick
>And all the crispy redness
>You and the kirin mare spend about the entirety of the next hour preparing various food together
>Having a dish for each other in the end
>Her food is really spicy, and you have trouble dealing with it
>But you do manage to eat it all
>She didn't have any milk and you're not asking for her own
>"Honestly, I do have something for you to take all that heat away... but I doubt it's really the right time for this."
>Autumn says the last part in a more quiet manner, smiling sheepishly
>The light blush appearing on her cheeks
>You lie on the couch, relaxing from the long-ass interdimensional trip, featuring chases by large beasts and a walk through the entirely unfamiliar village populated by weird scaly horses with huge, soul-piercing eyes
>Time seems to pass quickly until Autumn calls you to go with her to the theater
>"It's time, Anon! Wouldn't you mind to go with me to the theater? It's a fun place, they play both the Equestrian and the traditional kirin opera, and they're playing my script today."
>You get up, exiting the house
>The kirin excitedly paces around you, before you leading you to the opera threater through the evening town, the last rays of the sun illuminating the horizon
>"The play they're going to hold today is set in a reversed gender roles one kind of a universe. It's about a kirin dude in a freaky half-mask thing who lives under the opera stage. He plays organ a lot and he's in love with the singer and then he gets broody 'cause the singer is in love with an another dude, so he takes her away on the underground gondola."
>Autumn tells you the summary of the story as you stay in front of the theater's entrance
>You enter the building and then sit next to her at the front seats
>The play starts, after the actors introduce themselves to the audience
>It was pretty entertaining, in fact good
>But the actor choice is really weird
>Despite the story being about two stallions and one mare, all the actors were mares
>Really hard to take the "stallions" seriously when the actresses, the already-known Cinder Glow being one of them, have those voluptuous eyelashes
>It would feel like you're watching yuri instead, if the kirin stallions didn't have a really androgynous look
>But they didn't have eyelashes that big!
>You try hard to not to laugh
>Actually, the only thing keeping you from laughing is your conscientious telling you to not to act like an average basketball player in an alien society
"Why the actors are all mares?"
>You decide to ask Autumn instead
>"Because there isn't a lot of stallions in our village so mares have to play the male characters as well."
>She nonchalantly whispers, not trying to disturb anyone else
>That explains it
>The play ends, and the actresses bow before the clapping audience, before leaving
>You're outside of the theater, walking back home together with Autumn
>As you enter her house, she gives you a choice between the bed and couch
>Insisting on the bed
>"C'mon Anon, my bed is bigger and there's nothing bad about sharing the bed with me. I'll keep you warm at night. Are you scared of me? I will never hurt you. I will only protect you."
>Autumn says, with a bit of worrying inflection in her voice
"No, I'm not scared of you. I only want the best for you, because you're not going to like sharing your bed with me. It's just that I am a very loud snorer."
>That was bullshit, you're actually a pretty quiet sleeper
>You're not sure if kirins could burst into flames if they have a bad dream, and it's too late to ask her about that because she definitely has her own portion of bullshit stored to trick you into sleeping with her
>And the whole thing about sharing a bed with a sentient yet horse-like female that only knows you for less than twelve hours just rubs you in a wrong way
>'The sentient, slender, charismatic cutie with a nice ass' your subconsciousness adds
>You shake that thought away
>That's a really fucked up one
>Shifting back from your thoughts, she seems to believe your bullshit about your loudness
>"Well... could you preen my scales as I fall asleep, I guess? It's pretty hard for us to preen ourselves." Autumn sheepishly says
>Sounds like a nice compromise
"Sure, I guess." you accept her proposal
>She grins in excitement, trotting to her bedroom
>She sits on the bed
>You sit beside her, preening her facial scales
>Causing her to close her eyes in ecstasy
>You remove some small pieces of various things from under her scales
>You can feel her skin deep under them
>You tell the kirin to lie on her stomach
>She obliges, presenting her scaly back just for you to preen
>You insert your fingers underneath her scales
>Carefully searching for garbage
>Removing some burnt-looking material
>You insert your digits deep until you reach her flesh as you remove the dirt
>She falls asleep after a few content sighs of pleasure
>Soon she's steadily breathing in her sleep
>You keep on cleaning her scales
>Removing more and more dirt underneath them
>Cleaning all of them up, up to her neck, hidden under her auburn mane
>She doesn't react at all as you lift her mane, her slumber remaining uninterrupted
>Her scales all get cleaned there
>And then you're done, leaving her sleeping in the bed as you head to the couch
>You lay on the rather comfortable furniture
>Your tired body relaxing on it, your muscles enjoying the feeling of the couch's fabric under your shirt
>As your eyes close, the images of Autumn's rear enter your mind again
>The way it sways
>And her slender, healthy build
>No, it's wrong to think of that
>It's zoophilia
>Even if she thinks that you're handsome and cute
>Probably the only female to think of you that highly
>It still rubs you in a wrong way
>Wherever your parents are, what are you going to tell them?
>'Hello, mom, dad, let me introduce my girlfriend, she's an ungulate resembling and named after an East Asian mythological creature, and by the way she bursts into flames when she's angry'
>Your parents are probably going to call you a faggot and a disappointment anyway for being so weak and unsuccessful around women so you settled for an animal
>Talking, sentient, magical animal
>And then she's turns into a nirik anyway after your parents have insulted both her and you
>Turning your parents and their house into smoldering ashes
>What's that train of thought anyway
>What are you even thinking about
>Well yeah, you're kind of afraid of her nirik form
>Even if it saved you from death
>Even if she swore that she will protect you and never harm you
>She may appear to be a kind, charismatic, smart mare who truly meant it
>She saved you and now provides you shelter in her home
>But who said that she won't use it against you when she really needed something from you
>Something she needs from you because she saved you and now you owe her
>You owe her your life, in fact
>Christ, you're really thinking that your hostess might be plotting some stuff against you
>You ask yourself
>She's way too innocent to ever do something like that
>Yeah well, she didn't have a problem riling her village up when she got her voice back
>Your schizophrenia replies
>Or maybe she just wanted to convince her village that rejecting your voice and emotions because of fear isn't healthy
>You get back at the "voices in your head"
>You try to focus on your sleep
>It's nice here overall, but even with Autumn around, you feel like missing on the Earthly commodities
>Like the Nivkh basketweaving forums
>As shit as they are, they were still one of the most entertaining places on the whole Internet
>Probably one of the last such remaining places
>You fall into your slumber, your head relaxing at the pillow, courtesy of your hostess back during the afternoon
>One week and a half have passed since your first day at the "basin meadow"
>The anomaly didn't go anywhere since you got here
>During these past days, there's now two more human men in the village, now living together with the two other kirin mares
>Their descriptions on how did they get here differed
>One of them just went to bed at his house and then boom, he woke up in an unfamiliar forest
>The other one went into a taiga and ended up in a jungle that he couldn't find a way out of
>And then, who knows who many of the humans actually did get eaten by the forest's predatory fauna
>Though the traces of their presence, such as their pheronomes and skeletons weren't found anywhere on the forest or on the cliffs of the mountain range surrounding the village
>The townsfolk have multiplied the efforts of patrolling the forest
>Rain Shine came with the news
>The other kirin communities have been getting their own humans a few days after Incognito got here in the Peaks of Peril
>All men, weirdly enough
>The elder of some village even have been asking that the humans truly are not male-only species like they claim with the subject she spotted first herself
>Apparently, the poor sap got raped by her
>Still no way to get anyone back to Earth
>Autumn saying "I'd like to visit it together with you!" involuntarily creeps into your mind
>Speaking of Autumn, your interactions with her have slowly been getting more intimate, too
>She's been getting more stubborn on insisting that you're a "cutie"
>You tried to tell her to cut off
>But then she would grab your cheeks and tell you that there's no need to deny the truth
>You would back at her by calling her Tummy
>An absolutely saccharine and cringy nickname
>But then she would just cackle
>"Tummy? Hahaha! Why don't you rub her then?"
>She said, lying on the bed, presenting her stomach for you, filled with the spicy meal she just had
>Well, there's nothing else you could do but to oblige
>The other day you couldn't help yourself but to call her cute while scritching her ears
>You couldn't handle it anymore, she truly is adorable and you just let it out
>She beamed crazily and enveloped you in a tight hug
>You had trouble breathing and were afraid that she would break your bones
>She did realize that she was squeezing you hard so she loosened her embrace
>The kirin mare would also exploit the fact that you don't know Kirindarin
>She would quietly murmur various stuff, and whenever you've asked her what did she say, she would deny speaking anything
>Like that one time she asked you to pass the chilis to her when you were cooking
>She levitated the chilis from your hand and you could her hear speak as she turned away from facing you
>"Hǎo háizǐ."
>Not the first time you hear her murmur those particular words
>Among some others
>Like "tài xìnggǎnle", one of the other words you heard her mumble at times
>You mesmerized them and wondered what do they actually mean since she would deny saying anything
>Since the next day after you got into the village, she has been doing that sinister, predatory looking grin at times
>Her eyes being half-lid, her grin exposing her short fangs
>You would look at her, not understanding what she wants from you
>But as you look away from her, she would have that excited grin instead if you faced her again
>Or she would pace and bounce around you, her face not having any traces of that grin
>As days pass, she would give you the predatory grin more and more often
>Yesterday, she did it a lot
>Today, you notice a certain smell coming from Autumn
>That didn't went away even after she had her daily shower
>It's not nasty at all, but it has quite of an effect on you
>You struggle with keeping the images of Autumn's body away from your mind
>Honestly, it's driving you completely insane
>The images of Autumn's swaying flanks keep invading your mind
>The parts of your subconsciousness telling to succumb
>There's thoughts sprinkling in your mind
>About her taking you to her bed, having her way with you
>But something else screams that's all completely wrong to ever even think that way
>Your mind is clouded with this stuff
>You're barely able to keep track of reality
>You barely notice the grins Autumn makes at this point
>Especially the sinister-looking one
>And then there's fact that she's getting more and more intimate with you
>You could argue that it's still platonic for her type's standards
>But on the other hand, it feels way too much even for her
>Yesterday she's been nagging you to sleep with her again
>You've just preened her back to sleep
>As you step outside, the fresh air clears your mind for a bit
>Autumn paces cutely around you
>You head together to Spring Glow's stand for some fruits
>While she's buying them, you sniff that smell again
>And the fog clouds your mind
>Autumn giggles at your facial expression as she tells you to go back home with her
>Later, in the evening when you are preparing food, she keeps doing that creepy grin
>After dinner, you lie on the couch
>Autumn walks back from her bedroom
>"Anon, why don't you preen my back again? You didn't do that in a while."
>You didn't preen her scaly back since your first night here until yesterday
>You would just give her back a massage as she falls asleep
>And then you would go to your couch for the night
>But sure, even if you already did not too long ago why not do that again
>As you get up, the patterns on her horn suddenly glow blue
>She's levitating you, her blue aura enveloping you
"Wh-what the...?"
>You're completely dumbfounded as she moves you to her bedroom
>You still try to comprehend what she's going to do with you now
>But you don't like it
>She drops you on her bed
>You try to get up and run
>She places her forehooves on your chest
>Firmly pressing them on you, preventing you from running
>"I'm not going hurt you."
>Autumn growls, getting off of you
>Her tail then gets engulfed in nirik fire
>She walks through the bedroom, carefully building a wall of fire with her tail, trying to not set everything on fire
>Specifically avoiding the lamp with its own flame burning inside of it, illuminating the room remarkably well
>But it still feels hotter than before
>Her tail becomes normal, the flame of nirik fire turning back into auburn hair
>She's physically restraining you again
>"I saved your life. I will always protect you. Are you really going to run away from me, just to burn alive in that flame? Just to die anyway and make it so my effort of saving you was vainless?"
>Autumn says quietly, pressing her snout against your nose
>Welp, you can't run now
>You're completely at your hostess' mercy
>She saved you, and now has your own life under her control
>You don't want to die even just to spite her
>"I swore to protect you, to never hurt you. But are you really going to deny your saviour and protector her own pleasure?"
>The mare gets on top of you
>There's a sticky liquid leaking out of her rear onto your crotch, staining your pants
>"Well? Do you really want to die instead of getting pleasured?"
>Autumn says, pressing her snout harder onto you
>"Hǎo háizǐ."
>The flames disappear, and it gets noticably cooler
>Except the kirin's fur still makes you feel warm
>"It means "good boy" in Kirindarin. Bilinguality is hot, isn't it?"
>She kisses you immediately
>Her prehensile lips locking on yours
>Taking lead of the sensual, intimate action
>Suckling on them
>Pulling out with a loud smooch
>And then she kisses you again
>Inserting her tongue into your mouth
>This feels wrong and fucked up on so many levels
>Yet so right at the same time
>It feels wrong to have an equinoid to violate you, smearing her horny juices on your pants, on you crotch area
>But it feels so right to be taken by a stronger, superior female for herself and her own pleasure
>It awakes something long dormant in you
>Her tongue explores your soft mouth, causing you to moan
>She effortlessly defeats your tongue in a wrestling match
>Dancing with it
>You feel your length tingling and getting harder
>Autumn shifts her hips around, smearing more her juices on you
>Your member grows
>So, you're now enjoying it
>Is it really as wrong as you thought of it, though?
>She's sentient, attractive and she likes you
>There really isn't anything wrong with that
>To be honest, the only reason you've felt bad about thinking of her rump is your upbringing on Earth telling you that feeling that type of attraction to ungulates is wrong
>But she isn't even like anything on Earth
>In fact, she's even prettier than any woman
>As for getting in a relationship with Autumn...
>Who cares, it's your life, which she saved
>Nobody has the right to command you over your choices
>Except Autumn herself
>You moan into her warm mouth, her tongue still playing with yours
>She reciprocates by moaning back into yours
>The auburn-maned kirin breaks the lewd kiss, pulling out of your mouth
>She sultrily gazes at you, the string of drool connecting your tongues
>The patterns on her horn glow
>Tearing your clothes apart
>Throwing the patches away from the bed
>The kirin rubs her wet marehood on your erect cock
>"Mmm, so helpless."
>You gasp, feeling the wetness cover your stick
>Her hard clit winks against you
>You put your hands on her flanks
>Her mane caresses your bare skin
>You sniff her fragrance
>Smelling like a mix of candles and maple woods
>Her chest mane fluff looks alluring
>You want to sink your face, get drunk on your kirin lover's pheromones
>"Tài xìnggǎnle. That means 'so sexy'. Because you really are sexy, you cutie."
>That word doesn't even cause anger now
>It makes you even more aroused
>Being desired by this beautiful mare feels so good
>She teases you with her short fangs, brushing them on your neck
>Before she pulls off of your face, changing her position
>She hovers her aroused backside over your member
>God, you want her to take you so badly
>You know what she wants, and what you want too
>You pull your foreskin back
>Preparing yourself for your mare
>Your Mistress
>She moans, lowering herself on your horny length
>You gasp, feeling her plesantly warm, winking tightness envelop you
>She slowly lowers herself, taking your virginity
>You're hilted into your mare up to your balls
>Her fluffy rump brushing against them
>She gazes upon you with a mix of seduction and excitement
>Riding you quite fast
>Moaning in pleasure as she takes you for herself
>Claiming you
"Ahhh! Autumn!"
>You moan, enjoying being taken like that
>Being dominated by this mare
>"That's it, Nonny. Moan for your Mistress."
>Autumn hisses in pleasure, bouncing on you
>Her quivering pussy tightening around you
>The pleasure is insane
>It's even better than you thought
>Especially if you're being taken by cute and sexy kirin mare like this
>"Ahhh! That's it! Hǎo dàng fù! Good slut!~"
>Autumn sensually moans, enjoying taking you
>Her degradation and prasing make you sink into an another level of lust and ecstasy
>"Piàoliang nánhái~! Pretty boy!"
>She puts her cloven hooves on your chest
>"Come on handsome, tell your Mistress how much you enjoy it."
>She only goes harder on you
>Her crotchteats bounce
>Her twitching cunt suckles on your dick, draining your balls
>It feels like heaven
>Your moans increase in length and loudness
>And so do hers
>You sink your fingers deep into Autumn's flanks, squeezing them
>Encouraging her
>"Mmm, babe~! It feels so amazing to fuck you like this!"
>The kirin lustfully exclaims
>Her pace increases in speed
>"Come on, say it. Say it for me."
>Her pussy forms a seal around your length
>You groan, your hips slightly jolting
"Yes! Please, fuck me, Mistress! Fuck me harder!"
>You're completely lost in submissive lust
>Your mare is your whole world
>"It's so cute when you beg like this!~"
>Her mind is clouded in primal euphoria
>She's riding you harder and harder
>"Ràng wǒ huáiyùn! Impregnate me! That's it, my fragile colt! Cum in Mommy!~"
>You caress her flanks and her scaly back, feeling the pressure growing in your groin
>Her marehood twitches like mad
>She covers your cock in her sticky, warm love juice
>Cumming on your crotch
>The combination of her orgasming cooch and her calling herself 'Mommy' finally sends you over the edge
>You fill her tight, fertile garden with your semen
>Your hips jolt, your head presses against her cervix
>Delivering more of your virile cum into Autumn's eager womb
>Painting her walls white
>Whilst they are clenched tight around you
>Making sure every single drop of your cum flows into your kirin lover's pussy
>You both wail each other's names in pleasure
>Her cunt twitches around you as she keeps cumming
>Still clenched tightly around you
>Your orgasms die down
>Autumn gazes at you with a mix of love and lustful satisfaction
>Breathing heavily in the afterglow
>Leaning down to you
>Kissing you again
>Her lips lock with yours, and then she inserts her smooth tongue into your mouth
>Teasing your own
>Wrestling with it, dancing around
>She pulls out, but doesn't break the kiss yet
>Suckling on your lips, she inserts her tongue again
>Taking your own for an another round of the sensual dance
>And then she repeats this throughout the process of this long, messy kiss
>Before finally breaking it, the multiple strings of shared drool connecting your faces
>You wish to look at this gorgeous mare indefinitely
>Her golden eyes pierce your soul, filling it with love
"I love you, Autumn. I love you so much."
>She gasps, trembling in overexcitement
>She showers your face with kisses
>"Really? Even for that nirik stuff and that I just took you to quench my heat and my chattiness and..."
"Really. For everything. I will always love you for what you are."
>Tears form in her eyes
>"Oh, you can't even imagine what it means for a lonely mare like me that never had a colt."
>She showers you in more of her pecks, the tears of happiness running down her fluffy cheeks
>You try to kiss her wet face while she frantically peppers you with pecks
>"I knew that you're special for me since the moment I saved you. The moment when you trembled in fear and I had to comfort you... you looked just so cute and loveable back then. There are no reasons to deny your cuteness, Anon. It's the truth. And you're really, really handsome too."
>Autumn vented it all out to you
>To be fair, you wouldn't deny her call you cute anymore
>Especially when she's so cute herself
>And so good in the bed
>And now it's your duty to submit to your mare as a good husband in her society
>"I always, always, always will love you, my love."
>Autumn peppered your face with an another series of kisses
>Before landing an passionate one on your lips
>Short, yet long enough for you to enjoy it
>Her chevrons glow blue
>You feel tingling in your balls
>Soon, they feel full again
>Like if you didn't just cum
>Your member grows hard
>Standing proud and ready for your lover after slipping out of her cunt
>"I guess we can celebrate that now, bǎobèi. Babe."
>She kisses you on the lips, before standing on the bed, her drooling pussy winking in excitement and arousal
>"You're going to absolutely love this position."
>Her magic lifts your legs
>Spreading them, your ass being slightly lifted from the mattress
>She takes hold of your legs with her forehooves
>Sandwiching your hips between hers
>Her hindhooves stand on the mattress
>She impales herself on your length
>You gasp in pleasure
>In a single thrust, your entire length is inside of Autumn
>You grunt in pleasure as she took you hard
>Her winking clit brushing against your erection
>Her voluptous flanks make obscene slaps against your hips
>She's definitely fucking you harder than the last time
>Being thrilled and aroused from having you in this position
>Gazing sultrily upon you
>"You know, I was planning on punishing you for denying me so much. You didn't even share the bed with me. I was going to fuck you so hard, your hips would get demolished. But I wouldn't even let you cum until I told you so. But when I took you, you made such a cute gasp, I've decided to not actually punish you. You were already a good enough boy. And that I could let you cum and then refill you as much as I want. But I bet you'd love being fucked yet denied to cum until Mommy told you to. Right, sweet boy?"
>Autumn giggles, riding you hard
>Her pussy twitches, quivers and clenches around you
>She moans louder in ecstasy
>She's absolutely drunk on the control she has over you
>You cry her name out in pleasure
>Your shaft is hard as diamonds, stretching your lover's warm, winking cooch
>"Mmm~ that's a good slave."
>The verbal degradation adds to your pleasure
>To the lustful mist, clouding your mind
>"Who's a good humie for Mommy?~"
>Your kirin lover asks, moaning sensually
>It feels even better when she gets so much pleasure from having sex with you
"I-I am! Please fuck me Mommy, fuck me, fuck me harder~..."
>Autumn wails in her primal ecstasy from hearing your begging, and from feeling your cock in her winking coochie
>"Beg me more! You're just so cute and sexy when you beg like this! Please, I beg you!"
>She tells you in a mix of excitement and extreme arousal
>You obilge, begging her more
>Chanting those words like your life depends on it
>Her pace is frantic, her teats bounce hard
>"Ahhh! I'm going to cum!~"
>Autumn annouced as her tight marehood clenched around you
>Ejaculating on your cock and your crotch
>You almost immediately began to fill her womb with more of your seed
>Her clit winks frantically
>You wail in shared primal ecstasy
>The bed creaks under the pressure since she's still standing on it
>The seconds stretch into hours, feeling like forever as you both cum your brains out
>Her kirin pussy quivers madly around you
>Draining your cum to the last drop in your balls
>Most of it going into her fertile, accepting womb
>Finally, the heavenly feeling starts to falter
>Giving way in your bodies and your minds to the pleasant afterglow
>She releases your legs and your dick, the loads of mixed cum leaking onto the sheets
>She lays on top of you, kissing you yet again
>Prolonging the intimacy
>Her mane teases your skin as she messily kisses you, like the last time
>You wrap your arms around her fluffy and scaly barrel
>She's finally done kissing you
>"Mmm, you did so well tonight, my love. Even when we're going to do that many times, I will never forget this night."
>Autumn said, pecking you on the nose
>You share the loving gaze
>Taking time to enjoy her huge, golden eyes
>She yawns
>Shifting to lay her head on the pillow, her magic turning the lamp off
>She puts one of her forehooves on your chest
>You turn to face her
"Good night, my beloved, cute mare."
>You say to your lover as you close your eyes
>"Good night, handsome."
>Nine years have passed since then
>The reason of the anomaly have been long found out
>Apparently, Twilight Sparkle, the high-ranking Equestrian official and a national heroine, was doing some experiments on teleportation with some of her friends
>Prior to Incognito's arrival to the Peaks of Peril, she was teleporting there among with the ponies she was using the remote teleporation-while-teleporting spell, and it did something that led to some kind of connection between the dimensions, leaving a "point" where she teleported back then
>She also left those points when she teleported into the other places during the same day
>Leaving to some humans getting warped into various places on Equus, including some villages in the Kirin Lands and localities in Equestria
>By the time Rain Shine et al. have contacted the Equestrian government, there already were a few dozens of humans in Equestria
>All men, paradoxically enough
>There was a correlation, all of them were thinking about horses a lot during the proceeding day
>And Twilight's mind was focused on pony evolution during that day
>Twilight have already been dealing with the fallout, engineering an another "point" of interdimensional contact but in a such way that it's controllable, making a portal of sorts
>While also closing the "points" where humans get on Equus
>Eventually, she opens to a portal to Earth
>However, only a minority of humans went back
>All the men in your village have decided to stay
>Besides, they were also starting families with their hostesses
>The humans that went back to Earth didn't have anything on Equus
>Twilight have decided that it's not really the time to introduce Equestria to the humanity, so those that returned to Earth swore to keep everyone else in the dark about where they truly were
>To the rest of humanity, they were missing, trying to survive somewhere on Earth
>And those that didn't return are legally dead
>Maybe some autistic, intelligent investigator could find some weird inconsistencies, leading them to something, but they wouldn't get proof of interdimensional contact anyway
>Maybe one day they will introduce Equus to Earth
>And you're going to give your home planet a visit together with your wife, Autumn Blaze
>Though your sudden legal resurrection is going to be a pain
>You've married Autumn a couple of months after that fateful night
>Nine months later, she gave birth to a filly
>Apparently the kirins have their gestation peroids lasting the same as horses on Earth
>And that at a first thought, kirins and humans are incompatible
>But it turns out that they very much are, and the offspring inherits their mother's species
>Autumn was even more excited than usual when she learned out that she's pregnant
>Making her Crazy Beaming Grin™ before she nuzzles and kisses you, pacing, pouncing and jumping around cutely
>Dancing and singing happily in her melodic voice
>She really is adorable, and both of her daughters have inherited her adorableness, inquisitiveness, and chattiness
>The mini-Autumns, just as charismatic and easily excited
>You've learned the Chi- Kirindarin language
>Autumn taught it to you
>However you still usually spoke in English to each other
>Your daughters are just as fluent in English, or Ponish as their mother is from hearing you talk in it a lot
>She gave birth to the younger daughter a couple years after the older one
>They're currently playing outside with Incognito's and Redacted's own children
>Turning into little niriks, as they get mad at something
>Giggling playfully
>Your older daughter comes into the house, to the smell of food from the kitchen
>You and Autumn are quite at work here
>"Mom, how was I made?"
>Apparently, your daughter isn't really here to ask when the food is going to be ready
>Not the first time she gives you that question
>As she gets older, her horn growing in a similiar manner to her mother's, the initially tender scales hardening and the mane growing longer (still not enough to form a fluff on her chest), her mother answers in such a way that's slightly more true to reality
>But she's still way too young to really know
>"Well Winter, when your mama kirin and papa humie have realized that they love each other so much, they've decided to light their own rainbows so they made it to rain. And that's how we made you. You're our little rainbow, lighting up the sky."
>Autumn concluded, hugging her daughter
>"But mom, you said a stork brought me to you!"
>"But how we did make you before it brought you to us? That's right!"
>She's really witty, isn't she
>You could listen to her joyful voice indefinitely
>Would be nice to make an another cute daughter together with her
>To have her pin you down to the bed and have her way with you
>To have her tight, warm pussy milk your balls
>Your filly notices your disfocused, dreamy gaze
>"Dad, why are you so quiet? What's on your mind?"
>She pulls you back from your daydream
"N-nothing, sweetheart."
>You pick your daughter up and give her a loving hug
>As you let her go, she trots back outside
>Autumn smiles lovingly, placing her forehooves on your shoulders
>She gives you a passionate kiss
>Her lips locking with yours for a pretty long time
>As she breaks the kiss, she lovingly gazes upon you
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers
by natekiggers