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Garbage assortiment

By natekiggers
Created: 2024-12-17 08:40:31
Updated: 2025-01-18 05:47:18
Expiry: Never

  2. All the awful one-shot shitposts that I write go there, those aren't particularly exciting even for my standards because I didn't intend to write fully fleshed-out greens out of them.
  3. One of reasons I'm pasting them is for The other one is because I heard the tracks from Once Upon a Time Life in a video about my non-MLP interests (haven't heard them since May 2017 at the latest, when the faggots who run the channel have dropped it from the broadcast. Oh well, I didn't watch talmudvision back then much and I don't watch it at all now). So I remembered that I wrote a OUaTL crossover one-shot so like any retard with a massive ego I decided to make paste out of it as well among with making the horsewords creator's life a bit easier. I probably will update the paste once in a half of a year, once a sufficient amount of them piles up.
  4. Blogpost over.//
  6. The OUaTL crossover. I really need a fully fleshed-out green out of that. (21 September 2024)
  7. >Be Anon#6095
  8. >You're one of the many of your kind that is currently running through a tube into a giant man's arm
  9. >After going all the way through the tube
  10. >All the way under the giant's epidermis, you drop into a red tunnel, fully prepared for any beatdown
  11. >You're met by many panicking red mares carrying bubbles of oxygen on their backs throughout the tunnel
  12. >You and your squad follow the mares to the diseased areas of the giant's body
  13. >After some way throughout the labyrintine tunnels, you face an another kind of equines, but they are brown with green, punk-styled manes and tails, wearing dark purple outfits and spiky collars on various parts of their bodies
  14. >One of them drew various graffiti on the tunnel's walls
  15. >Two of them were currently beating up the red mare with "B+" written on her flank, keeping her pinned as the red blood cell mare tried to cover her head up
  16. >"N-noooo! My oxygen... p-please stop..." sniffs the red mare, while one of the cancerous equines pop an another bubble with their weight
  17. >Infuriated by such cruelty to the cute and innocent workhorse, you immediately decide to step into the action
  18. >"Uh? Just who the hell are yo-" you kick one cancer equine in its jaw with all of your legs' might
  19. >You knock another one down, stepping on its skull, and then deliver a mighty punch to the last of the violent trio, incapacitating it as well
  20. >The red mare still lays on the ground, crying and whimpering in pain and fear
  21. >You sit against the tunnel wall, trying to console the trembing red pony
  22. "Shhh, it's okay. They won't hurt you anymore." you say softly, gently picking her up into your embrace
  23. >The mare still failed to contain her tears, trembling in your arms
  24. "It's okay. You are safe now." you reassure her, patting her massive head and wiping the tears away from her face
  25. >"P-promise?" asks the red mare, snuggling up tighter against you
  26. "Absolutely."
  27. >She puts her head on your left shoulder, her tears slowly ceasing to run, a sign of her calming down
  28. >Eventually she ceases trembling, enjoying your embrace as you caress her barrel
  29. >She lefts a peck on your cheek, causing you to blush profusedly
  30. >"Ahem."
  31. >The sudden throat clearing sound startles you
  32. >You see many other ponies, including many red ones carrying bubbles and "components" of the body being queued up in the tunnel
  33. >"Clear the path, will you?" asked one of the white, blue armoured mares with a protection helmet on her head
  34. >There are frog-like robots on three wheels standing alongside with the white mares
  35. >They clamped their mouths waiting to absorb the bodies of the cancer equines
  36. >You quickly get back up on your legs, helping your damsel in distress pick up the intact oxygen bubbles throughout the place
  38. DIAPERku jobs (24 September 2024)
  39. >"HEY YOU, yeah you! Horse thing! You look pretty strong, let's fiiiiiiiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"
  40. >Goku held his bruised forearm, screaming in pain after Rarity have landed a hit on him
  41. >But the Saiyan refused to faint
  42. >"Y-yeah, you're indeed very strong!" said Goku, transforming into Super Saiyan 1
  43. >The warrior charged into Rarity, only for her to kick him in the gut, causing the alien cough blood
  44. >"Are you done yet, ruffian? I don't have all day." said Rarity
  45. >"I am pleased by how strong you are, horse thing. I feel so waku waku!" said Goku, transforming into Super Saiyan Blue
  46. >Rarity stood in front of the bipedal warrior, whom is now enveloped in blue aura
  47. >The Saiyan charged at the white mare yet again
  48. >The mare crouched and grabbed the multiversal buster's legs, throwing him up into the sky
  49. >"D-damn!" cussed Goku, but soon he had regained the sense of his temper again, his hair turning silver
  50. >He landed on the ground, trying to hit the unicorn
  51. >She dodged his fists while simulteniously trying to land a punch on the Saiyan herself, which he also have all evaded
  52. >Soon, Goku flied up into the air, making a characteristic gesture with his hands
  53. >"Ka... me..." he began to charge his signature ki attack, blue light appearing inbetween his palms
  54. >Rarity still looked entirely unimpressed, glaring boredly at the Saiyan
  55. >"ha... me..." the warrior contained the expanding ball of ki inbetween his palms, changing his posture
  56. >"HA!" proclaimed the spiky-haired alien, shooting the blast of ki at the mare
  57. >The purple-maned unicorn simply punched he attack back into space
  58. >"No! It can't be!" exclaimed the shocked warrior
  59. >Soon, the mare have levitated herself in front of the Saiyan with her magic, delivering a mighty gut punch that had send him flying
  60. >She then lowered herself back to the ground in an elegant manner, typical of the feminine mare
  61. >"Hmpf. Even Sweetie Belle fights better." scoffed Rarity as she went back to Ponyville
  62. >The Saiyan landed on his back, coughing blood
  63. >"Bejita... tasukete..." said the Saiyan in a weak, husky voice before he lost consciousness, his hair turning black as he reverted into his base form
  65. (23 October 2024)
  66. >>41566615
  67. >To be honest, I don't think Fluttershy would want to share a bed with yo-
  69. >"Care to join me in the bed, Anon?"
  70. >You stare at the yellow pegasus, surprised at the sudden suggestion
  71. >You've never really expected the invitation from the quiet mare to sleep together with her
  72. >"You just look so lonely when you're alone on my sofa like that, and it's cold too. I can make you feel warmer."
  73. >You couldn't resist such an offer from such a mare
  74. >She looks at you with her tired, beautiful eyes, waiting for your answer
  75. >It looks like her big pony eyes could read your soul
  76. >You eagerly accept her offer, and she smiles happily, leading you to her bedroom
  77. >She climbs up on her bed and lays on her side, lifting the covers up for you
  78. >You lay on the bed, facing her, as she shifts to cuddle you, wrapping her hoof around you
  79. >You reciprocate, your hand sinking down the lush, golden fur
  80. >"You're so soft and warm." she says, feeling you caress her barrel
  81. >It feels incredible to touch her, to feel her warm mare body
  82. >You begin to doze off, the sensations of physical contact with the kind mare lulling you
  83. >"Sweet dreams, Anon. And..."
  84. >"I love you." she says softly, nuzzling you, before falling asleep as well, feeling you softly pet her barrel
  86. RGRE shitposts about my totally not autistic fetish fixation
  87. (18 November 2024)
  88. >Amethyst Star never expected to have an alien dropped right at her hooves
  89. >He had no magic, but was susceptible to it
  90. >He was really handsome and tall, as much as the Princesses
  91. >She really needed to have him
  92. >So she asked him out
  93. >To her own surprise, he agreed
  94. >She couldn't be more happier at this point
  95. >But once she bedded him, he even more pleasant than she thought
  96. >Since those "humies" had no magic, she could bounce on him as much as she wanted
  97. >Of course, he was still weaker than a mare with his weaker muscles and a lack of magic resistance
  98. >Just like any colt is much weaker than a mare at something
  99. >But despite his size, he was weaker than her on every way
  100. >It turned her on
  101. >She milked him dry, and then without any issues, reloaded his balls with magic any time he would erupt inside her quivering marehood
  102. >Fucking him for hours
  103. >Until she got tired
  104. >That stallion would satisfy all of her kinks later on
  105. >He was the ideal husband, the one she was waiting for
  106. >Amethyst became the happiest being in Equestria when she learned out that the ape colt impregnated her
  107. >She eagerly anticipated the future life with her human, and the numerous foals she has with him
  109. Himbo Anon (20 November 2024)
  110. >You got dropped into a land of magical ponies
  111. >And you're not too happy with that
  112. >The gender roles are reversed here, and the females are really, really sexist
  113. >They keep treating you like a retarded child
  114. >Well, not like you were a poster boy (hehe) of masculinity, your arms were on a rather skinny side
  115. >You lacked the physique of a truly manly man in general
  116. >Well, there is magic and potions and shit, maybe that could be fixed
  117. >The stallions themselves were rather wimpy
  118. >The mares are just waiting for a true Chad to fuck them well
  119. >There is a zebra potioneer in the forest, maybe she knows about such a potion
  120. >She does know, and she keeps winking at you suggestively while she brews you the potion
  121. >She gives you the flask filled with a red liquid and sultrily says that it will be ready in forty eight hours, as long as you keep it in a dry place
  122. >Two days pass, and you drink the liquid
  123. >You muscles expand, making you look like He-Man
  124. >Time to slay some pussy
  125. >You stroll through the town, the mares gazing at you, eyes wide and drooling
  126. >Suddenly you fall on your knees, and you couldn't get up
  127. >This wasn't supposed to happen
  128. >In front of you is a creamy earth mare and a torquoise unicorn, standing next to each other
  129. >You could feel an aura of powerful lust coming out of them
  130. >Distorting their facial expressions as both of them drooled on the ground, their faces being red as a beet
  131. >They were drooling from both of their ends, and you could smell the arousal coming from them
  132. >"Hi there, Nonny! Looking super sexy and slutty today! What's that? Hungry for something? Tell me what you want~" the creamy mare says with a seductive inflection, swaying her candy marked flanks
  133. >The torquoise one lets out an animalistic grunt
  134. >"Fuckable little bitch! Gonna tear those hips apart! Look at that pussylicking mouth!"
  135. >The unicorn then levitates you to their house
  136. >You struggled and squirmed, to no avail
  137. >They overpowered you with ease
  138. >You didn't want it, you were going to be with one to do the slaying, you couldn't let them corrupt you
  139. >Any sign of your resistance faltered as soon as one of them placed her hot, wet cunt on your dick
  140. >And soon, you were the one getting fucked
  141. >You lost count how many times you came inside of their quivering marepussies
  142. >They kept going at it for hours, the domeering degradation and loving praise switching each other in their talking
  143. >Enjoying you
  144. >Kissing you
  145. >Draining you with their mouths, ponuts and pussies
  146. >You were still shivering from all the orgasms as you were falling asleep with them, your face buried into the creamy one's candy smelling chest fluff, while the unicorn spooned you
  147. >Being subjugated by mares doesn't sound bad at all
  149. Rainbowshine just wants a househusband (20 November 2024)
  150. >Rainbowshine wanted to live a simple life of a simple pegasus mare with her stay at home husband
  151. >But there wasn't much stallions around
  152. >Except for the monkeigh
  153. >He was attractive for sure
  154. >Especially with those small, foal-like eyes
  155. >Rainbowshine felt her heart flutter everytime she saw him
  156. >And he smells nice
  157. >Would've been nice to take him to her home in Cloudsdale, up high on the clouds
  158. >Even though it felt like a pipe dream, and he can't walk on the clouds without a spell or a potion
  159. >But she could try at least once, right?
  160. >She couldn't let any other mare have him for herself
  161. >So she asked the monkeigh out, and he agreed
  162. >Turns he always wanted to be on the clouds, and that monkeighs' long-time dream was to reach them
  163. >So she grabbed him and took him to Cloudsdale
  164. >To her bed, where she made love to him, popping his cherry
  165. >He wasn't reluctant to live a househusband life on the clouds, given that walking out of her house would result in his death
  166. >In fact, he was very much comfortable to stay at her home, waiting for her to come back from her job at the weather factory
  167. >Soon, she moved his stuff to her house, and asked Zecora to brew some potions just in case they would go for a walk outside
  168. >The violet pegasus lives her dream, coming back from weather factory to her house where a warm meal was waiting for her, made for her by her monkeigh husband
  169. >And a night of loving sex, as she rubbed her belly on his own, riding him
  170. >Cuddling him to sleep afterwards
  171. >Life is good
  173. Medley REALLY likes DYELs (22 November 2024)
  174. >Sprinkle Medley really wanted to have the alien monkey stallion that dropped in Ponyville
  175. >He appeared to be tall, as much as the Sisters
  176. >Standing on four, he would intimidate her, if he wasn't so cute
  177. >And fragile
  178. >His arms were thin and weak
  179. >He struggled with a lot of weights
  180. >She helped him carry them
  181. >When he thanked her, she felt warmth in her chest
  182. >He's so cute, so vulnerable
  183. >Wouldn't survive a day outside of a pony town
  184. >He's what she ever wanted in a colt
  185. >She needed to have him now
  186. >It's the middle of summer, and the windows are open wide
  187. >She quietly flies into the bedroom one
  188. >Carefully lifting him from the bed
  189. >Flying up the sky, carrying him to Cloudsdale where she resides
  190. >Placing him on her own bed
  191. >He looks so precious to her
  192. >She would defend her stallion from the dangers at all costs
  193. >He shifts and wakes up, finding himself in an unfamiliar environment
  194. >But he wouldn't scream or anything
  195. "Sprinkle?"
  196. >As an answer, the torquoise pegasus passionately kissed her captured colt in the lips
  197. >"Yes. That's me."
  198. >He still wouldn't struggle at all
  199. >In fact, his neither regions got hard
  200. >What a slut
  201. >She couldn't handle her own arousal anymore
  202. >She tore his clothes apart and took him inside of her
  203. >Fucking him nice and rough
  204. >And he enjoyed it all, like the slut he is
  205. >Crying her in name in pleasure, encouraging her
  206. >A typical stallion would scream rape, but not him
  207. >Her weak little humie, her property
  208. >He was going to sire a foal this night, making her a mother
  209. >It all took ten, maybe fifteen minutes, but those minutes were the best of Sprinkle's life
  210. >Until she had a violent orgasm on his cumming cock
  211. >In the morning, after a nice sleep in each other's arms, she told her monkeigh colt that he shouldn't ever attempt to go outside, kissing him on the cheek
  212. >She came back home from her workplace, being greeted with a nice meal, lovingly prepared by her colt
  213. >And a nice hard cock in the bed, waiting for more of her tight marepussy
  214. >She's happy to live the life of her dreams, being the protector of her cute, fragile monkeigh
  215. >To be his strong, loving pegasus wife
  216. >He's hers, and hers only
  217. >After a passionate evening, she presses his face into her big fluff
  218. >He falls asleep together with her, sniffing her petrichor scent
  220. (23 November 2024)
  221. >Blossomforth haven't really expected the alien colt to ask her to train him in contortionism
  222. >Well, he was cute and he was asking her to spend time with her, even if he just saw flexibleness impressive
  223. >As many do
  224. >But he wanted to be flexible with her, right?
  225. >Colts didn't really care much to ask her teach them to be as flexible
  226. >The white pegasus agreed to train him
  227. >And soon enough, as he started to make progress, copying her with his monkey body, the initially professional relationship took a steamy turn
  228. >As they used the mindbending positions for sex
  229. >He fucked her as she took various positions, presenting herself to him
  230. >She fucked him, taking various positions on her alien, milking him dry
  231. >It was like those "top x positions that will blow his mind and destroy his penis" articles from his home world
  232. >Except while she did blew his mind, his dick was still functional
  233. >So she could fuck her hooman some more
  234. >And start a family of contortionists with him, carrying her knowledge to her fillies
  235. >The colt approached her by himself, it is really stupid to not take him for herself
  236. >After all, there's still so many poses he could learn himself so she fuck him in those positions
  238. I really need to write more about Autumn "Based" Blaze, she was pretty fun to write. (15 December 2024)
  239. >Autumn Blaze was even more excited than usual from getting this relatively hairless, bipedal monkey out of the jungle
  240. >She always have suspected that there's life far away on the stars
  241. >Even if he didn't actually know how did he got there, much to her dismay
  242. >She still found the "hooman" absolutely cute and kept him for herself
  243. >Eventually laying him and getting pregnant with his offspring
  244. >But he proved to be an even more pleasant surprise
  245. >Not just because he was fun to be around, contributing to many of the plays she wrote for the opera
  246. >Or because he was quickly adapting to the kirin customs
  247. >A kirin stallion can only go so far before he gets exhausted from cumming so much, having spent his precious life energy
  248. >The kirin stallions weren't significally larger than mares, since the physical strength wasn't that much useful for a species specialized in magic and fire
  249. >Sex takes a lot of life energy from the stallions, needed to power their own gestating offspring so they would be born healthy
  250. >Which wasn't of much an issue for the mares on the other hoof as the life energy costs for cumming were MUCH smaller
  251. >Due to that, the only way a stallion could magically compete with a mare is celibacy
  252. >But her human?
  253. >It was weird, he had no magic, he was physically weaker than her, and he wasn't immune to fire unlike any kirin
  254. >Triple helplessness, and she loved it, she could do whatever she wanted to him
  255. >He's a perfect colt for her
  256. >But what she loved even more is that he's eager to please
  257. >She could fuck him silly for hours, magically reloading his balls after an each orgasm
  258. >The average stallion would be dead at the point she's done with her human
  259. >While he still felt exhausted and weak by the aforementioned point, by the next evening he was still down for more bed fun
  260. >He was giving so much of his life energy to his foal, that it began to power up the kirin mare's own life energy, making her withstand her pregnancy easier
  261. >Autumn is absolutely exhilarated, pacing and dancing around her alien hubby just like when she wasn't pregnant
  262. >Anticipating her strong, healthy baby she's going give birth to
  264. Boom boom, Lucky wants you in her room and if you, don't, she's going to bring you there. (19 December 2024)
  265. >You thought it wouldn't go the way it did
  266. >You heard that apparently all the ponies go to bed past midnight, no matter what
  267. >Except that was wrong
  268. >When you went outside, there indeed were no ponies hanging out on the streets
  269. >You thought you would have your v-card intact without any horny colonizers in sight
  270. >So you would enjoy the sights of your town during night in peace
  271. >But whomever spreading the rumours about ponies universally sleeping during the night was blantantly wrong
  272. >Shortly after, there's a mare landing in front of you, dressed in a short, small tuxedo with a pink bowtie on her neck, and black socks on both pairs of her hooves
  273. >The bat-like one, complete with leathery wings, long fangs protruding from her mouth, and slit pupils
  274. >Even though the actual bats don't have slit pupils, but whom was bothered by that anyway
  275. >You think you saw this kind of pony a bunch of times, during early mornings and late evenings
  276. >She was really friendly to you, introducing herself and engaging in small talk with you
  277. >But you tried to avoid chatting much with her, trying to leave her presence
  278. >She just followed you, and a moment later she picked you up and took you to her room
  279. >Proceeeing to take your precious v-card away from you
  280. >Riding you with a wild abandon for the entire night
  281. >Until the sun shined again and both yours and your mare lover's tired bodies fell asleep after an hours-long steamy, kinky interspecies sex
  282. >You wake up in the middle of the day
  283. >The mare is still sleeping beside of you, cuddling you
  284. >Her light blue barrel gently, steadily rising up and down in her sleep, her wing is resting on your chest
  285. >Her mane, of a darker shade of blue, pleasantly brushes against your cheek as she shifts in her sleep
  286. >She's so adorable
  287. >And sexy, too
  288. >Prettier and better than any human woman there is
  289. >You gently carres her barrel, running your hand down to her voluptuous, dice marked flanks
  290. >She yawns, waking up from her slumber
  291. >Her pink-gradiently-turning-blue-towards-the-top eyes are half-lid, gazing groggily at you
  292. >You've never saw that kind of eyes before
  293. >Probably something genetic
  294. >"Hmmm? Baby, it's the middle of the day. You must sleep."
  295. >The mare quietly coos, closing her eyes, going back to sleep
  296. >You close your eyes as well, falling asleep as you enjoy the feeling of the pony's silky, warm fur against your skin
  297. >Whomever spreading the false conceptions about ponies not also being active at night likely knew what they were doing
  298. >And you are thankful to them
  300. Kirin Cuddles (23 December 2024)
  301. >Get in Equestria
  302. >Since you're autistic, you didn't have any success in making friends
  303. >But you got bored
  304. >The loneliness isn't as fun here as much back on Earth
  305. >And it's also winter, and it's so cold in your lonely bed
  306. >So you began offering a free room in your house for free stay for travellers
  307. >There's a response sooner than you've expected
  308. >Hearing the door being knocked, you open it, being met by a kirin
  309. >Creamish white with an auburn mane
  310. >Quite chatty, after asking about the room, she explained everything how did she get here before introducing herself at the end of a particularly impressive monologue
  311. >Some people would call it a verbal diarrhea, but because of the kirin mare's charisma you wouldn't ever call it that way
  312. >She stayed at the room you've offered to her, and because of her talkative and inquisitive nature you've chatted a lot
  313. >About your interests, about almost anything
  314. >As days passed, your relationship has been getting closer
  315. >She's been getting the signs of your loneliness
  316. >And one day, she approached, confessing that she felt that she found a "kindred spirit"
  317. >Moreover, she confessed that she loves you
  318. >You've never felt this happy, being held by your adorable roommate in a such high regard
  319. >That you're romantically loved by a incredibly pretty and beautiful being
  320. >Spending many cold nights together with her
  321. >You're shivering from how cool it is in your home, and the wintery cold outside, combined with a blizzard makes it only worse
  322. >You feel absolutely cold, and now you have to go to bed after preparing and putting the logs into the fireplace
  323. >Don't have to worry about matches anymore when your girlfriend could set the logs on fire
  324. >You lay in the bed, and your mare joins you
  325. >Cuddling you, wrapping her tail around your body
  326. >You feel that she's getting herself a bit warmer, sharing a sufficient amount of warmth with you
  327. >You doze off together with your kirin lover, your body relaxing on the soft sheets, feeling Autumn's pleasant warmth
  329. (23 December 2024)
  330. >Be (You)rself
  331. >Sit on a bench during a warm spring day
  332. >A blue unicorn mare joins you
  333. >Have been having those since some time
  334. >They've overthrown the old governments worldwide, replacing them with their own colonial government
  335. >And arriving to the conquered planet en masse
  336. >You don't mind, life is much better than it used to be and they're absolutely cute
  337. >And hot
  338. >You feel kinda nervous when so close to one
  339. >She just smiles warmly
  340. >Her teeth is snow white, and that blue and white mane reminds you of toothpaste
  341. >"Hi. I'm Minuette. What's your name?"
  342. "A... Anon." you reply
  343. >She could feel your tension, as you look away, blushing
  344. >She places her forehooves on your hips
  345. >"Come on, don't be shy. Look into my eyes." Minuette softly coos
  346. >You oblige, locking your gaze with hers
  347. >Her gaze actually puts you at ease
  348. >You keep staring into her blue eyes
  349. >You can't look away at this point
  350. >As you look longer, you notice how beautiful she is
  351. >She smells really nice too
  352. >She doesn't break her own gaze away from you either
  353. >You touch her forehooves, enjoying the feeling of her silky fur
  354. >"Good boy." she coos
  355. >The phrase makes you feel really good
  356. >She's been more of her body on top of you, making you shift into a position between sitting and lying
  357. >"Such a good boy... human colts love it when mares look at them."
  358. >Her voice sounds seductive
  359. >She still doesn't break her loving gaze
  360. >Slowly crawling on top of you
  361. >"Mmm, such a sweet boy you are, handsome."
  362. >Her affectionate encouragement awakens something under your pants
  363. >She notices it, blushing and kissing you, finally breaking the stare as she puts on a public display of romantic affection
  365. Sequel to the Lucky Roll oneshot from above (25 December 2024)
  366. "Honey, I'm home!"
  367. >You announce your arrival at home, coming back from the grocery store
  368. >Undressing and placing the bags full of food in the kitchen, beginning to sort it all in the freezer and the shelves
  369. >Your thestral wife trots from the bedroom, where she has been surfing through the late-night programmes
  370. >It's Hearth's Warming, the day of foundation of Equestria
  371. >Basically pony Christmas, celebrated around the winter solstice as well, just before New Year
  372. >Ever since the takeover it basically replaced Christmas on official level, and it's celebrated across all of New Equestria
  373. >It's all over the television, all the channels are full of various holiday movies, both pony and human filmed before and after the invasion
  374. >It's snowing outside, the pegasi make sure your town is blanketed in snow by every Hearth's Warming
  375. >Lucky Roll, your beloved bap spouse, arrives at the kitchen
  376. >You bought many fruits for her
  377. >Oranges, bananas, apples, and many others
  378. >But most importantly mangoes
  379. >Lucky, just like every bat pony, loves fruits and mangoes the most out of them
  380. >Her blue-and-pink eyes capture the sight of the mangoes, eliciting a characteristic excited screech from her
  381. >"Eeeeee! Thank you thank you thank you! You're the best hubby in the world!"
  382. >Lucky flies to you, hugging and smooching you as you put the mangoes in the fruitbowl
  383. "Leave some for me! I know you also have our foal to feed, but I like mangoes too."
  384. >You tell her, kissing her on the cheek
  385. >When you married, the government mandated a house for both of you
  386. >She's on her eighth month, not enough for the mandatory vacation from her workplace yet, but she takes the chance to relax at the holidays
  387. >You stay at home, preparing dinner when she came back in the morning, like a good human husband you needed to be for your mare
  388. >Buying the groceries is your prerogative
  389. >After you're done with your lunch, you sit together with Lucky on the bed
  390. >She lays on her back, exposing her pregnant belly to you
  391. >"Rub my tummy, Anon."
  392. >You oblige, running your hand on her stomach, through her soft blue fur
  393. >Feeling the foal gently kick
  394. >Lucky closes her eyes in euphoria, enjoying the affection you give to her
  395. >"Good boy."
  396. >This phrase sends a pleasant pulse to your brain
  397. >She knows that praising you makes you happy
  398. >She often praises you during the times of bedroom fun
  399. >Encouraging your obedience
  400. >You're happy to submit to her, it's what a good husband needs to do to his mare wife
  401. >You lay beside her, still rubbing her tummy
  402. >Whispering sweet nothings to her
  403. >She rolls on her side, opening her eyes, and you run your hand on her back, from under her wing to her dice-marked flanks
  404. >She wraps her hoof around you, pulling you into a cuddle
  405. >"You're my perfect, precious husband, Anon. I love you so much."
  406. >She locks her lips with yours, kissing you passionately while the television sounds melt into background noise for your ears
  408. (28 December 2024)
  409. >Fluttershy became enraptured with alien male
  410. >He called himself a human, and was pretty tall and graceful
  411. >He was a real handsome, more than any stallion in her eyes
  412. >The shy pegasus realized that she needed him right now, before any other mare could have him
  413. >So she decided to sway him with her virtue of kindness
  414. >Like a good mare should
  415. >Helping him around, like explaining many things about the pony culture, he needed only to ask
  416. >Or helping him walk to his home during winter
  417. >He eagerly accepted all the help she have provided to him
  418. >She couldn't refuse his payback of helping her around the cottage and with the animals in the sanctuary
  419. >Besides, she could keep an eye more on him
  420. >And getting a chance her human crush more
  421. >One day, she finally got the courage to confess her feelings to him
  422. >To her own surprise, he kissed her face all over, confessing his own love to her
  423. >And that night, the yellow mare took him to her bed
  424. >Riding him fervently, keeping him pinned as she enjoyed his length deep inside her
  425. >He moaned and begged for more
  426. >Sometimes she thought that she's being manipulative to him
  427. >But he clearly enjoyed his position
  428. >She knew that there's species where males are the dominant sex, unlike ponies
  429. >Like the majority of apes, and he said that males are the ones running everything in his society
  430. >Since that night, she would fuck him everyday, pinning him to her bed
  431. >And he never refused, in fact he was only eager to lay underneath her, to spread his legs for her
  432. >She could show him how strong she can be, and he appreciates it
  433. >He changed her life, making her more confident
  434. >He was also eager for some postcoital cuddling too, which she could never refuse
  436. (You) get MARED by Spitfire (30 December 2024)
  437. >There is something that needed to be done about mares raping and taking all the human men
  438. >You couldn't walk a day outside with a mare attempting to seduce or flirt with you
  439. >No man could run from a horny mare going mad from her estrus due to their superior speed and strength
  440. >At least you didn't get raped
  441. >Yet
  442. >You were one of the organizers of the project of a walled, all-human city
  443. >A city where men could live in peace, without fear of being raped by a colonizer
  444. >Except once you got in with the rest, the dry weather persisted
  445. >Resulting in the death of the city's self-sufficient farming
  446. >And the water supply was coming to its end
  447. >One evening, the ponies raided the city
  448. >Pegasi and thestrals flied into the city quickly, over the walls
  449. >Despite all the guards
  450. >Unicorns and kirins teleported in, appearing all over of the populated fortress you've ruled
  451. >The mares already had their "battle suits" on, consisting of various lacy or latex, seductive clothing
  452. >Tall socks, panties, garter belts, corsets, you name them
  453. >This wasn't supposed to happen, you had all the guards staying alert on their orders!
  454. >They're likely already being raped as you speak, letting the city being overrun with ponies
  455. >You can't do anything but to protect your v-card yourself
  456. >You hear the glass being smashed into pieces, your window being broken
  457. >In that room, you see a yellow pegasus with a fire-like mane and tail, dressed in sultry clothing
  458. >She pounces on you, overpowering you
  459. >A moment later, you're being forced to eat her out, her hoof pressing your head into her warm cunt
  460. >"Who's a good human slut?" she asks, moving her hips against your face
  461. >You don't have a choice but to comply with anything she forces you to, she's just too strong
  462. >Such as licking her pussy, kissing it all over
  463. >Your mind doesn't like it but you're not sure about it, giving how hard you're trying to satisfy her
  464. >Your cock pulsates as you worship her marehood
  465. >You eagerly drink her essence, your shattered will dying
  466. >She tears your clothing off, pinning you to the bed
  467. >Bouncing on you like mad
  468. >Degrading you, calling you a whore for pony pussy while you moan
  469. >You can't handle it anymore, you love it, you love your violator and her fertile orifice
  470. >She breaks you, destroying the last remains of your will, making you beg
  471. >Finally, you scream in intense pleasure, shooting white ropes into her maregasming cooch, impregnating her
  472. >After that night, you become her obedient husband, that she would take to her own house
  473. >Parading you around on a leash there
  474. >Bouncing on your stick every evening
  475. >You can't believe you went from one of the most fervent anti-species mixing activist to to yet an another man, submitting to the mare
  476. >Not that you mind
  477. >Being a mare's human husband is much better
  479. Flower Trio Gangrape's more consensual alternative (1 January 2025)
  480. >Be Anonymous
  481. >It's a warm spring day
  482. >You were getting ready for it for a long time
  483. >Your targets are entering estrus about this time
  484. >The florist trio
  485. >When you got into magical alien horse land, you were scared shitlessly of each other
  486. >Starting up a panic in the town
  487. >Eventually with some effort from the Purple Pony Princess, the townsfolk calmed down and stopped thinking of you as a threat
  488. >The trio apologized to you
  489. >Shortly after, you started hanging out with them
  490. >As a human, you had no cutie mark, the detrimental factor at getting a job here
  491. >However, many ponies have perceived that you were fine enough with doing menial work
  492. >Besides, that was considered "the perfect work for any colt"
  493. >You feel in love with the trio, and have had various sexual fantasies involving them
  494. >So many nights were spend fantasizing about kinky sex with the sisters
  495. >You walk through the town, towards their flower stall
  496. >As you approach, Roseluck is already outside of it
  497. >"Why hello there, Ano-"
  498. >You kneel, leaning to lock your lips with hers
  499. >Your tongue invades her mouth, exploring it
  500. >Her tongue is broader, and she pushes you out of her mouth
  501. >Invading yours, wrestling with your tongue
  502. >She breaks out of the kiss
  503. >"My my, you're sure an eager colt, aren't you, Nonny?~"
  504. >Roseluck stares sultrily at you, holding your head with her forehoof
  505. >"You really do crave our bodies, don't you, big boy?"
  506. >There's that smell that was coming from behind of her, now getting stronger
  507. >You see her tail flagging, the sticky string hanging from her behind
  508. >Her sisters come out of the stall, standing beside you
  509. >Having the same seductive expressions on their cute faces
  510. >Lily takes you for an another kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth
  511. >Your dick pulsates in your pants, enjoying the contact with the mares
  512. >Soon enough, you're forced to drink a potion, and then your clothing are nothing but rugs
  513. >You're being pinned down to the ground by their powerful earth pony hooves
  514. >Roseluck impales herself on your member, taking you for an intense ride, while Daisy sits pn your face
  515. >Roseluck tribbed and made out with Lily as she fucked you, her tight, silky pussy tugging tightly on you
  516. >You couldn't do anyhing but moan into marepussy, as the trio said the words of encouragement, degradation and praise
  517. >As one came, it was the turn for the other one
  518. >They took turns sitting and riding you, while the viagra potion kept you hard, instantly replenishing your semen after each orgasm
  519. >They fucked you relentlessly with each of their holes, until they got tired from all the sex, their heat being queched for a while
  520. >They took you to their home at the evening where they lewded you some more
  521. >The next morning, you woke up already being lusted after by the sisters
  522. >And in the following months, their bellies started getting bigger
  523. >You couldn't complain at all
  524. >This is the life you asked for
  525. >Being surrounded by loving mare wives
  527. Bon Bon (sexually) ambushes you (11 January 2025)
  528. >You've been suspecting that you're being watched in the new world
  529. >No way they were going to just let you go and live there, despite being a rather curious alien creature
  530. >The town's local confectioner was giving you strange looks all the time
  531. >Well, there are two of them
  532. >The pink one either thinks you're the most innocent creature in the world
  533. >Or maybe she's confident in her cartoon pony strength and because of that she could easily handle you
  534. >The other, creamy-white one was the one giving you suspecting looks, narrowing her eyes before saying hello
  535. >Not that you could blame her, even though you wished no harm on anypony
  536. >But you feel that she was pursuiting you
  537. >You would see each other a lot in various places
  538. >You could feel her stare behind your back anywhere in the town
  539. >You could often notice the bushes rustling in the evenings when you come back to home after a day at work
  540. >It's especially weird when the weather is calm, something being completely controlled and regulated here
  541. >When you come home, you see her
  542. >The confectioner, also known as Bon Bon
  543. >Within seconds, your clothes are being teared apart, and she forces you to eat her out, pressing her plot on your face
  544. >You can't do anything but to submit and lick her until she cums in your mouth
  545. >Then, she keeps you pinned to the mattress, bouncing on your cock
  546. >Teasing you, telling you that she have neutralized you by making you her slut
  547. >Emphasizing each lewd word with gripping on you with her tight pussy
  548. >Slamming her strong earth pony flanks on your hips
  549. >You don't attempt to even hide the fact that you're enjoying the act of being used by the mare
  550. >Who turned out to be an undercover agent monitoring you every day
  551. >You groan with each of her thrusts, kissing her on her fuzzy cheeks, moaning her name in pleasure
  552. >She reciprocates, pecking you back
  553. >Milking you, using your cock for her pleasure
  554. >You cum into her maregasming pussy, filling her accepting womb with your virile seed
  555. >After the orgasm, she leaves you, telling you that she's going to be there tomorrow at the exact same time
  556. >You couldn't wait for Bonnie, or Agent Sweetie Drops as she was actually named, to use you again
  558. A Milky green. Mods were REALLY slow on the uptake with that one thread (aside from a janny who was deleting the naughtier pics), but unfortunately this green was the last post in that thread. It was fun while it lasted. (14 January 2025)
  559. >You're lying on the bed, with Milky being impaled on your member
  560. >Her tight marepussy is suckling hard on you, quivering around your penis
  561. >The yellow mare moans with an each thrust, enjoying you
  562. >The pleasure is overwheling you
  563. >You can barely think straight with her marehood being clenched tight around you
  564. >And her pace is so perfect
  565. >Her flanks are quietly slapping on your hips, her two-toned tail gently caressing your full balls, patiently waiting for an orgasm when they could release the virile semen into the mare
  566. >Her large crotchboobs are lying on your chest
  567. >The milk is leaking out of both of her erect nipples
  568. >You feel the urge to suckle on them again
  569. >Your gaze alternates between her lustful expression, her face blushing while her tongue is lolling out, to her teats
  570. >The sensual moans escape her mouth, indicating how much she enjoys fucking you
  571. >You groan, drooling at the sight of her milk leaking down her boobs, leaving white trails on their path
  572. >You drink her delectable ambrosia just before sex, and now you're thirsty for it again
  573. >"Mmm~ there, there."
  574. >She notices your hungry gaze, putting one of her giant mare teats into your mouth, holding it with her forehoof
  575. >It's big enough to reach your mouth from her crotch
  576. >"That's a good boy, keep drinking Mommy's tasty milk~"
  577. >You moan as you suckle on her teat, caressing it with your palms
  578. >Your mare's delectable fluid is filling your mouth
  579. >The pleasure, combined with the feeling of her aroused, winking pussy around your dick, and her warm milk filling your stomach, giving your taste buds a nice threat
  580. >The sounds of her moans, enjoying your cock inside her and your mouth stimulating her nipple
  581. >It all feels simply incredible
  582. >It's like torture of pleasure, feeling it go on for minutes to count
  583. >You both wail in shared ecstasy, enjoying the pleasure you're giving to each other

(You)r wife wakes you up (FSx(You), smut)

by natekiggers

Gentle Evening (FSx(You))

by natekiggers

Something Better (FSx(You), smut, gentle maredom)

by natekiggers

The Light in the Void (FSgothx(You), smut, maredom)

by natekiggers

Teacher's Pet (Cheerileex(You), maredom, underage)

by natekiggers