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Flower Trio gangrape

By natekiggers
Created: 2025-01-02 12:20:08
Updated: 2025-01-02 14:18:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day fuckery in horse land
  2. >You're walking through the streets of Ponyville in a sunny spring day
  3. >Enjoying the first warm days after winter
  4. >It's your first spring here, you got there back in autumn
  5. >The townsfolk seems to act differently from the way they did in winter
  6. >You thought a lot of ponies would be really happy for spring
  7. >But the mares are acting the way they didn't use to
  8. >Most of them would get visibly nervous as you approach them
  9. >It's not like they saw you as a threat
  10. >Well, aside from a certain trio
  11. >When you got dropped back there, you literally did just appear in the middle of the town
  12. >Those mares just panicked and screamed, causing everyone else to panic as well
  13. >Until Twilight teleported there, took you and teleported away, together with you
  14. >She understood that you got scared as much as the ponies did
  15. >And asking you a bunch of questions
  16. >Bringing the peace to the town, she said that you're harmless and you don't know how did you got there
  17. >You still were nervous, but the public believed Twilight's words
  18. >Maybe because of their sense of smell, you know that the horses back on Earth did have a better sense of smell than humans do
  19. >The pony society accepted you easily
  20. >You still think the reason they believe you're harmless is because you had a fearful smell back then, and now you have a friendly one
  21. >Even though they didn't make it apparent of their sense of smell being more acute
  22. >At least to you
  23. >But now, you hear many whispers and whimpers, see many flushed expressions, the eye contacts being avoided
  24. >The lips being bit
  25. >Speaking of the aforementioned trio, after the day you got there they still were nervous and fearful of you, and generally avoided you whenever they met you
  26. >As days passed, they had an easier time to suppress their nervousness
  27. >But you still could notice the visible shaking, the blushes, the bitten lips
  28. >You don't think you've ever talked besides a simple 'sorry' when you bumped into one
  29. >Being met with a sheepish smile
  30. >You're walking towards their flower stall, already being full of their flowers for sale
  31. >You see the trio of mares in there
  32. >They notice you, hiding under the stall
  33. >Mere seconds later, they appear in front of you
  34. >Their expressions are completely different, you don't think you've ever saw them having those
  35. >There's also that smell
  36. >You smelled it a lot today, but it was faint, somewhere from far away
  37. >The florist trio's expressions have an uncharacteristic confidence and seduction, with lidded eyes and easy smiles, lighting their faces up
  38. >"Why hello, Mr. Scary Handsome Monkey. Mind telling us what are you doing here in this time of the day? Shouldn't you be at home, waiting for the night so you could hunt for innocent ponies?"
  39. >Said the creamy one with a rose and pink mane, her voice also sounding more confident
  40. >Without a hint of stuttering, more typical of her whenever she talked with you
  41. >You realize that her sisters have surrounded
  42. >You have nowhere to go
  43. >Welp
  44. >You try to escape the circle
  45. >They only slowly walk towards you
  46. >The pink, green-maned one, named Daisy rears and grabs you from the behind
  47. >You struggle from her embrace
  48. >You try to scream, but her forehoof muffles you
  49. >"I thought you were much stronger... you're actually so weak. And yet we thought you were a strong predator, that would hunt for us ponies."
  50. >Daisy whispers into your ear
  51. >You continue to struggle to no avail
  52. >You realize that it's vainless
  53. >They're just way too strong with their earth pony muscles
  54. >"He's already surrendering... you're the prey now, our little Anon."
  55. >Said the rose one with a blond mane with a lily in it
  56. >Lily Valley
  57. >And the creamy one is Roseluck
  58. >Their cutie marks are kind of a give away about their names
  59. >"Hold him, Daisy. I'm going to get the potion."
  60. >Roseluck trots towards a certain shelf
  61. >Are they trying to poison you?
  62. >You kept teling it to yourself that you shouldn't take drinks from unfamiliar people
  63. >But what if they're trying to force one into your mouth
  64. >The florish trio used to be scared of you, so they're now trying to kill you, to save the village from a predator as they believe
  65. >You try to struggle again
  66. >But Daisy holds you so tight
  67. >"Shhh, shhh, we're not going to kill you. You're going to love it what we are going to do with you, handsome~"
  68. >Daisy whispers into your ear
  69. >Roseluck comes back with a vial full of some red liquid
  70. >How did they get a potion anyway
  71. >No way those three scaredy-cats came to Zecora through a dangerous forest
  72. >Maybe they've asked the CMCs to brew them in exchange for free stuff
  73. >The flowers count as food too
  74. >Applejack's little sister was apparently pretty skilled at making potions
  75. >Or maybe it was them that went to Zecora and brought the potion to the florists
  76. >That other trio thought the Everfree Forest was some sort of playground for them
  77. >Roseluck opens the vial, and moves towards your mouth
  78. >"Drink it. It's the instant semen regeneration potion. You're going to need it."
  79. >Roseluck quietly says
  80. >The vial bumps into your lips as she tries to force it into you
  81. >Her other forehoof slips under your pants
  82. >You feel it on your penis
  83. >As she rubs you, you open your mouth in surprise
  84. >The potion proceeds to flow into you
  85. >You really don't have a choice
  86. >You drink the red liquid
  87. >It's somewhat sticky
  88. >You blush, feeling shameful of your own submissiveness
  89. >Daisy pets you on the head
  90. >"So obedient already. Drink it, sweetie. Drink it all."
  91. >The pink mare gently whispers, kissing you on the cheek
  92. >Lily shoves her face under her sister's tail
  93. >Licking her from the behind
  94. >Roseluck moans, her breath caressing your face
  95. >You dick grows hard at the feeling of her hoof rubbing it and the sounds of her moaning
  96. >You empty the vial
  97. >"Ohhh, mmm, Lily, couldn't you wait?"
  98. >Lily pulls her face from Roseluck's behind
  99. >"Sorry Rose, you just looked so delectable right now. I couldn't resist."
  100. >Lily giggles, wiping Roseluck's pussy juice from her mouth
  101. >She sultrily looks at you, licking it from her hoof
  102. >Roseluck puts the empty vial on the stand
  103. >"You realize how hard it is to not to have a colt, to only have your sisters' pussies and a cold sex toy to share with them? Instead of a warm, pulsating cock? They're all taken and we only have you..."
  104. >Roseluck sighs
  105. >Daisy keeps pecking you on the cheek, running her forehoof on your chest, fondling you in her tight embrace
  106. >"So dangerous, so tall, so handsome. Driving us crazy with your scent."
  107. >The creamy mare runs her forehoof on your cheek
  108. >Kissing you passionately on the lips
  109. >However, it's a short one
  110. >"Say, did you have a girlfriend back in your home world?"
  111. >Daisy shifts her hoof away from from your mouth, allowing you to speak
  112. "N-no..."
  113. >Truth be told, you never had any success with starting a relationship with a woman
  114. >Roseluck smiles at your answer
  115. >But are you really going to be violated by three incestous mares that used to be scared shitless of you?
  116. >This is apparently going to be your first time
  117. >"Is it because you're too weak and thus unable to catch a prey yourself?"
  118. >She sensually moans as Lily gives her an another lick
  119. >Your dick twitches underneath her hoof
  120. >"Or maybe you humies are just that weak in general, maybe you didn't have a girlfriend because of something else? But you look so pretty to us..."
  121. >Daisy says, licking your cheek
  122. >"So salty..."
  123. >She moans, tasting your salty skin
  124. >"Why shouldn't we see for ourselves what kind of a colt you are in the bed?"
  125. >The green-maned mare starts to tear your shirt apart
  126. >Exposing your bare skin
  127. >Roseluck does the same with your pants
  128. >You're now completely naked, your body exposed to your rapists to ogle all over
  129. >Your brand new clothes, courtesy of Rarity, are now completely useless and broken beyond repair
  130. >"You don't need all that pesky clothing anymore, no need to hide your body from us."
  131. >Lily says, ceasing from kissing Roseluck down there for a moment
  132. >"W-we were wondering why do you need to mmmh~! T-to hide your body from us. Are you that ashamed of it? But you're cute a-and you smell so good~"
  133. >The creamy mare moans, licking your torso
  134. >"That's right. A colt should always have his body ready for his mare to fuck."
  135. >Daisy coos, locking her lips on yours
  136. >Giving you a similarly short, yet passionate kiss that Roseluck did before
  137. >Roseluck shifts her gaze down to your erect member
  138. >Sniffing your scent
  139. >Her tail flags, letting Lily assault her private regions
  140. >She quivers at her sister's kisses and licks, instinctually thrusting her plot against her mouth
  141. >Moaning in pleasure
  142. >"It's quite weird... it's smaller but it smells so good~..."
  143. >Roseluck comments on your erect member
  144. >She leans to give it a nice, long lick
  145. >You shudder in Daisy's embrace, moaning in delight from the creamy mare's licks
  146. >Daisy peppers your face with more pecks
  147. >Roseluck gingerly pulls your foreskin down with her prehensile pony lips
  148. >Giving your head an another sensual lick
  149. >"Mmm, you're so tasty. You're perfect for us."
  150. >Roseluck says before engulfing your shaft with her warm mouth
  151. >You cry out in pleasure
  152. >You can now see the string of marejuice dropping from Lily's posterior
  153. >Your mind may still not like it, but your body absolutely does
  154. >Your dick is hard as diamonds
  155. >All the signs of your resistance have been completely waned, as you've been letting the mares to kiss you and suck your dick
  156. >You're completely submissive to their will, while your own is being shattered
  157. >Driven to worship these mares
  158. >Their big, lovable eyes
  159. >Their soft coats and brushable manes
  160. >Their prehensile lips, locked on yours
  161. >Their strong bodies
  162. >Their voluptuous, fertile plots
  163. >You're the prey here, and they're the pack of predators that have successfully hunted you
  164. >Sharing you between each other
  165. >You shudder, feeling Roseluck moan on your cock
  166. >She pulls it out of her mouth
  167. >Giving you a last kiss on the balls
  168. >With an animalistic moan, she says
  169. >"G-girls, I want him NOW."
  170. >Lily stops eating her sister, pulling her face out of her rear
  171. >Your cock twitches at the sight of her pussy juice-covered face
  172. >She looks back at you with a seductive expression
  173. >You're being laid on the ground
  174. >You don't try to resist at all
  175. >They would force you to submit anyway
  176. >"Good boy."
  177. >Daisy's warm phrase deals an another mighty punch on the last remains of you will
  178. >It's probably the phrase that finally broke you
  179. >You'd hear them call you like that again
  180. >It feels really good to submit to them
  181. >Just mere minutes before, you tried to struggle
  182. >But you're hard, ready for them to take you
  183. >Moaning as they caress you with their strong, yet gentle and loving hooves
  184. >Lily lays beside of you, leaning to kiss you
  185. >You lick the marepussy drool off her muzzle, moaning as you taste it
  186. >It tastes like rose water
  187. >The blonde mare locks her lips with yours, her broad tongue invading your mouth
  188. >It playfully wrestles with you, defeating you without much effort
  189. >Her tongue explores every inch of your soft mouth
  190. >Giving you a faint taste of rose water mixed with her saliva
  191. >You moan into her mouth, enjoying more of her tongue and Roseluck's pussy juice
  192. >She moans back, shivering as she feels her creamy sister rub her pussy
  193. >She breaks out of the kiss, the string of saliva connecting your mouths
  194. >Rose hovers over your erect cock
  195. >Her juices leaking all over it
  196. >You grunt, feeling her warm, sticky liquids on your member
  197. >Her clit winks, making contact with your head
  198. >"Oh my sweet Celestia, I want to fuck him so hard~"
  199. >Roseluck lustfully moans, slowly lowering herself on your dick
  200. >You cry out in pleasure, feeling her tight, silky warmth envelop you
  201. >She gazes at you, seductively licking her hoof
  202. >Covered in Lily's juices
  203. >Moaning, tasting it while slowly impaling herself on you
  204. >"We all do, Rose. He's such a perfect colt~"
  205. >Daisy coos
  206. >You see Roseluck's crotchboobs bouncing while she rides you
  207. >It's the last thing you see before Daisy lowers her posterior on you
  208. >The string of mare lust covers your face just before your vision is completely obscured by her plot
  209. >You start licking her pussy, eliciting a gasp and a cute moan from the pink mare
  210. >She rides your face, your tongue licking her aroused cunt
  211. >She leans to kiss Rose
  212. >Making out with her, while they both moaned into each other's mouths
  213. >They moaned lustfully as they broke out of the kiss
  214. >The fragrance, a mix of estrus and her natural smell of her namesake flowers, fills your nostrils and your mind
  215. >Her juice tastes like daisy tea, fitting for such a pony
  216. >Rose's tight orifice grips tightly around you, tugging on your cock
  217. >You hear her moaning sensual whilst her flower quivers around you, muffled by Daisy's ass on your face
  218. >You feel heavy, wet warmth being smeared on your legs
  219. >Lily rode on your leg, humping them
  220. >Smearing her wetness over it
  221. >She moans, hugging and kissing her sister
  222. >Roseluck releases your cock from her carnal embrace, spinning to face Lily
  223. >In just a moment, she engulfs your length again, rubbing her winking clit against her sister's marehood
  224. >Gripping on you tighter han ever
  225. >She bounced on you harder as well
  226. >The pleasure of being fucked by her tight flower was mixed with the mild pain from her flanks slapping against your hips
  227. >Producing obsecene sounds mixed with collective moaning
  228. >You kissed and licked on Daisy's own cunt and ponut
  229. >It was getting hard to breathe under the mare
  230. >She was suffocating you with her butt
  231. >She lifts herself, allowing you to breathe
  232. >Before sitting on you again
  233. >You moan into her aroused cooch
  234. >She shudders in pleasure
  235. >You kiss her hard, winking clit
  236. >Unleashing more licks on her orifice
  237. >The mares moaned as they used your body
  238. >The playful, sensual giggling and the words of degradation fill the air
  239. >Calling you their slut, their toy
  240. >Their tamed little human
  241. >Nopony came to get them off of you, despite the act being public
  242. >Not that you mind it at all at this point
  243. >In fact, that's a good thing
  244. >These three ponies have completely shattered your will to resist
  245. >You're happy to offer your body for the trio of cute mares to play and please themselves on
  246. >Roseluck's fertile marehood twitches even harder around you
  247. >Forming a seal around your hard length
  248. >Trying to drain your balls
  249. >It's clear that she's getting closer to her orgasm, her moaning becoming long and loud
  250. >So were you, the pressure in groin building up rapidly
  251. >You moan louder into Daisy's pretty flower
  252. >Kissing her even more desperately
  253. >Inserting your tongue into her marepussy
  254. >Rose bounces on you even harder, trying to send you over the edge
  255. >"Come on, handsome, polinate my ahhh, m-my flower!~"
  256. >The creamy mare says, facing you from her shoulder, moaning loudly in ecstasy
  257. >Her cunt clamps tightly around your shaft asshe cums
  258. >Coating your dick in her nectar
  259. >Wailing in primal pleasure, slamming her rose-marked plot harder on your hips
  260. >Your dick erupts, sending white ropes into her ovulating, fertile womb
  261. >Impregnating her
  262. >Covering her walls with your virile semen
  263. >You jolt your hips into one of your violators, moaning loudly into Daisy's pretty holes
  264. >She thrusts herself faster, smearing her juices all over your face
  265. >You desperately lick her rock hard clit, winking on your face
  266. >You hear Rose's muffled wailing, her pussy trying to turn your balls into raisins
  267. >After a dozen seconds, your orgasms waver
  268. >Rose sits still on your dick for a while, relishing in the afterglow
  269. >"It's my turn now, Rose." Lily said
  270. >Roseluck reluctantly lifts herself from your member
  271. >You still feel horny, like you didn't just cum at all
  272. >You feel your erection being enveloped again, by Lily's flower
  273. >She moans loudly, feeling you inside of her
  274. >She hilts you inside of her, fucking you just as hard as her sister did
  275. >You groan into Daisy's marehood, feeling Lily take you
  276. >You drunk yourself on the pink mare's phermones
  277. >Huffing them when she lets you to take a breath
  278. >Drinking her own nectar eagerly
  279. >She moans louder and louder with each passing minute, riding your face to her orgasm
  280. >You try to lick her depths, inserting your tongue inside her
  281. >The blond mare bounces harder on you
  282. >Her strong, lily-marked earth pony flanks slap loudly against your hips
  283. >The lustful words of degradation and praise escape the mares' mouths
  284. >Lily's cooch quivers around you as she seals herself on you
  285. >Tightening more and more with each thrust she makes
  286. >Daisy leans, making out with Lily
  287. >Lily groans into her mouth, enjoying her sister engage in a lewd kiss with her
  288. >They moan in pleasure, exploring each other's mouths
  289. >Their broad tongues wrestling playfully
  290. >The green-maned mare breaks out of the kiss
  291. >The drool of string connecting each sister's tongue
  292. >Lily plants a few kisses on Daisy's face
  293. >Before their minds focus on dominating you, placing their hooves on your torso
  294. >Lily feels her climax coming close
  295. >And so does Daisy, thrusting on your face even faster than before
  296. >Making you ardently glug her nectar, leaking in your mouth while she uses you
  297. >"I-I'm cumming! G-give me your foals now, sweet colt!~"
  298. >Lily exclaims, her horny cooch clasping hard around you
  299. >She ejaculates on you, unleashing her sticky, warm marecum on your dick
  300. >Another orgasm takes your body over, making you how into Daisy and deliver an another portion of your dense cum inside Lily
  301. >You instinctually jolt your hips, your cumming cock pressing against her womb
  302. >Daisy cums in your mouth
  303. >Filling your stomach with her namesake flower tea-flavoured essence
  304. >The mares wail in euphoria, thrusting hard onto your penis and against your face
  305. >Lily's flower is wrapped so tightly around you
  306. >Preventing any cum from leaking out of her perfect little flower, as it was being pollinated
  307. >Draining you, milking you out of all of your semen
  308. >Another dozen of seconds, and seemingly an hour-long orgasm falters
  309. >Daisy squirts right into your accepting mouth
  310. >In the warm of the shared afterglow, both mares sit still on their places
  311. >The pink mare's juices keep leaking all over your face
  312. >At this point, there's no place on it that hasn't been throughly marked by her warm, sweet nectar
  313. >Sighing in ecstasy, Lily frees your member, raising herself from you
  314. >Daisy also raises herself from your face
  315. >Allowing you to take a deep breath from being nearly suffocated by her ass
  316. >Her forehoof scoops all of her cum from your soaked face
  317. >Putting into your mouth
  318. >You eagerly lick it all over from her hoof
  319. >"Good boy."
  320. >She praises you, petting you with her hoof, now soaked in your saliva
  321. >Then, she hovers over your still erect member, powered by the magical viagra
  322. >You sigh while she sits on your cock
  323. >Roseluck takes her place on your face
  324. >Your vision is obscured again by the faceful of mare plot
  325. >Her powerful rose smell enters your nostrils
  326. >She's riding your mouth, your tongue alternating between her pussy and ponut
  327. >Giving you an another taste of her delectable, rose water-flavoured fluids
  328. >She groans in pleasure, feeling your tongue inside of her orifice
  329. >Her hard, winking clit
  330. >Daisy fucks you just as mercilessly as her sisters did before
  331. >Bouncing on you wildly, slapping her voluptuous flanks on you
  332. >Delivering mild pain to you, obscured by even more pleasure
  333. >The sisters giggle in delight, enjoying their dominance over you
  334. >Another words of wanton lust escaping their mouths, prasing your obedience
  335. >Then they lock each other lips
  336. >Kissing each other, moaning and groaning into their mouths
  337. >They explore each other's mouths, engaging in a passionate, lustful kiss
  338. >As they break the kiss, they focus on you again
  339. >Roseluck rides your face harder, more of her sticky nectar getting into your mouth
  340. >Daisy tugs tighter on you with her quivering, twitching pussy
  341. >Moaning and squealing in pleasure, enjoying your cock inside her
  342. >Driving you closer to an another orgasm with her cute and sexy sounds, muffled by Roseluck's rear on your face
  343. >The creamy mare rides your face harder, driving herself to her second climax
  344. >She wails loudky, squirting her mare juices into your welcoming mouth
  345. >You drink it all, kissing her cumming flower
  346. >Prolonging her ecstasy
  347. >She ceases cumming, staying on your face for some time
  348. >She raises herself from you, allowing you to take a breath
  349. >Lily then proceeds to take her place
  350. >Lowering her plot on you
  351. >Riding your face as well
  352. >She moans, feeling you kiss her hard clitl
  353. >Peppering the kisses all over her pussy and ponut
  354. >She rides your face, rubbing her private parts against you
  355. >Daisy grips you tighter, her pussy forming a pink, meaty seal
  356. >She lets out a long, loud moan
  357. >Indicating how much in pleasure she is
  358. >Her quivering flower drives you even closer to edge
  359. >Lily rides your face harder
  360. >Daisy is moaning non-stop, fucking you hard
  361. >"Ohhh yes!~ Impregnate me, stud!"
  362. >The pink mare's muffled moans finally deliver an another blow to the dam
  363. >Her twitching, squirting, maregasming flower coating your fuckstick is an another one
  364. >The dam breaks after such a devastating blow
  365. >You pollinate your violator's eager flower
  366. >Fill her womb, impregnating her as she told you
  367. >Lily cries out in her pleasure, also unleashing her marecum in your mouth
  368. >She wildly orgasms on your face, sliding on you
  369. >Her powerful scent of the namesake flowers, and her cum, tasting that like of honey and raspberry, overtakes your mind
  370. >Overloading your senses whilst you mindlessly cum into Daisy
  371. >The sisters scream in intense pleasure, enjoying your body
  372. >What is an another dozen seconds of an orgasm, feels like stretching into hours
  373. >Of pleasing the mares' pussies while simultaneously cumming your brains out yourself
  374. >The orgasms die down, leaving both your and your violators' bodies
  375. >After basking in their afterglows long enough, they raise themselves up
  376. >Lily scoops the cum from your face, a mix of her and Rose's juices
  377. >Making you lick it all
  378. >You moan softly into her hoof, fervently consuming their lust
  379. >"Mmm, I'd like you to see us claim your body."
  380. >Roseluck speaks, hovering her plot above you again, ready to take your ready, erect pole for an another round
  381. "Oh yeees!~" you moan, seeing the earth mare slide down on you
  382. >"My, my, he's singing a different tune now. Aren't you, colt?"
  383. >Rose said, sliding down on you
  384. >After being finished with you, having an another load of your cum inside her, Lily takes her own turn
  385. >And after Lily, it's Daisy's turn to ride you
  386. >They fucked you like this until evening, taking turns after each other
  387. >Using you their mouths, their anuses, and of course, their pussies
  388. >Claiming you as their broken, tamed prey
  389. >Made to serve your mares' bodies
  390. >When they were finally done, they took you to their home
  391. >Cuddling you to sleep on their bed
  392. >Rose laid herself on you, while Lily and Daisy snuggled to you from your sides
  393. >Their warm, silky coats making you fall asleep almost instantly in their embrace
  394. >You were going to be married to them soon, and become a father of their foals
  395. >A fate that you couldn't believe that you even tried to avoid
  397. The End.

(You)r wife wakes you up (FSx(You), smut)

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Gentle Evening (FSx(You))

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Something Better (FSx(You), smut, gentle maredom)

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The Light in the Void (FSgothx(You), smut, maredom)

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Teacher's Pet (Cheerileex(You), maredom, underage)

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