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Momlestia Archive #5

By Delight
Created: 2025-01-13 16:58:18
Updated: 2025-01-13 18:29:02
Expiry: Never

  1. These are from thread 57 to 74
  3. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  5. The White Devil
  8. >You're anon, and boy are you a fuckin' mess.
  9. >Poorer than dirt, drunker than ten stepdads put together, and more depressed than an emo kid in 2004.
  10. >How in the fucking fuck have you not died already is a mystery, between having more DUIs than a sergeant major who served in Nam. And being constantly in and out of jail due to bar fights and general drunken stupidity.
  11. > It's a mystery that the great Sherlock homes wouldn't be able to solve.
  12. >And on top of that, your parents dropped you off at some rather, unsavory, uncle's house.
  13. >You haven't talked about that shit at all. And you probably never will.
  14. >The world is fucked, it's been spit-roasted by the leaders of the world, spit-roasted in their big club, and you're not in it.
  16. >So there you are, slouching in some nearly broken swivel chair with a tube monitor bathing you in blue light.
  17. >Waiting for the day that you die or go blind.
  18. >No wonder why Nietzsche said that God was dead, it's evident that he is if he's not interfering with your routinely faux orgasm.
  19. >Some old porn video was playing on the screen, some Russian chick sitting on some old man's face.
  20. >His steel-grey hair was all that was visible from her stripped blue panty-clad ass.
  21. >Yes, you're a degenerate, but that does not matter.
  22. >All that matters now is climaxing to the image of some 'exotic' porn, and that shouldn't be too difficult. You could already feel the pressure build within your phallus and your heart rate drastically increase.
  24. >Eventually, you manage to finish your daily routine and ejaculate in your hand.
  25. >Your muscles relax as if they were being held down by large lead weights.
  26. >Your breathing almost stops as almost every muscle, excluding the heart and cardiovascular system, relaxes.
  27. >A clear, translucent substance rushes out of your penis and covers your fingers. Which happened to be firmly wrapped around your shlong.
  28. >You wipe away the semen using your shirt, granted your methods were crude and self-taught, just saliva and a shirt. But it got the job done.
  29. >Except you can never tell someone which hand you masturbate with.
  31. >But now I was spent, and deeply alone, in a pitch black room with an old computer from the early-mid nineties.
  32. >With no one around for probably a few miles.
  33. >Life is cruel.
  34. >My room was a heap of shit to put it in a crass manner.
  35. >Trash, dust, grime, bits of broken drywall, a few shards of glass, the occasional fork or spoon, and even clothing were scattered all over the floor.
  36. >The room resembled more of a household reenactment of Passchendaele than a place where someone should sleep.
  37. >There is no one to blame but myself, but I still insisted on God being responsible for my low energy caused by low testosterone. And the holes in my walls from a serious and crippling deficiency of self-control.
  38. >This is what happens when someone grows up homeless and without parents.
  39. >Their only parental figures are violent felons, old veterans, leathery bikers, and ragged junkies.
  40. >You get a pathetic waste of flesh and bone.
  41. >Lord can only imagine the horrors that would've been caused had one of the other several billion sperm cells succeeded.
  43. >I laid down upon my filthy mattress not long after, my energy having been all spent on that single moment of clarity.
  44. >Another night of distress and terrors awaited.
  45. >Another night of remembering, him.
  46. >Another night wishing I would go to sleep and not wake up.
  48. >Another night remembering the loss of innocence and chastity.
  50. >Fear. Fear is all that I feel while staring at my old man, this isn't natural, there is no sense in it, no sense at all.
  51. >The thick smell of alcohol and tobacco, wrapped in a tight cocoon of lust and sweat, floated around in the stuffy air.
  52. >The sound of his heavy breathing and the broken radiator is piercing my ears like a hot knife through a strip of melting butter.
  53. >The carpet is hard and pointy, like sticky blood-soaked daggers tearing through my skin.
  54. >The walls are covered by a plain dark green wallpaper, with massive holes, stains, and splotches of acrid mold decorating the horrid design.
  55. >This whole place reeked of poverty and misery, only surpassed by the African 'houses' built from driftwood and rusted sheets of corrugated steel.
  56. >Not that it will make a difference, this damn hive of sin and pure madness is only good as temporary shelter. No more, no less.
  58. >My heart is pounding against its tough skeletal cage with the fervor of a rabid jack rabbit on cocaine.
  59. > It's not clear if I am even capable of breathing from the sheer power and ferocity of the adrenaline rush.
  60. >Though I am breathing, since I survived, but that doesn't mean it was easy or enjoyable.
  61. >The fear is scarring my mind and burning my eyes.
  62. >The anxiety makes my heart go from pounding like a jackhammer to quaking like earthly tremors.
  63. >My guts are tightening up like a hangman's noose as a pit deeper than the abyssal zone forms in my stomach.
  65. >This is it, my sacred chastity is about to be brutally and mercilessly stripped away from me by a raving madman with an insatiable libido.
  66. >A raving madman I believe to be my father, a man that I look up to and believe in.
  68. >The man who is about to rape me.
  70. >The light from the hallway, which is illuminated by the television in the living room and a few lights, does its job at exposing the man in front of me.
  71. >A bald man, somewhere between thirty-two and fifty-four, is standing in the doorway.
  72. >His body is covered in various tattoos that range from black drawings of an old East Asian war long forgotten. To sculptures of life in the brutal habits of prison, an environment so rough and fatal that it would rival the olden sands of Korea.
  73. >He is completely naked, even his watch is gone, which is especially alarming since his watch is almost as important as his underwear. To him, at least.
  74. >So he is completely naked like he is about to diddle someone, and diddle them hard.
  75. >His imperfect jewelry and stone pole hang from his groin with freedom only matched by the theoretical United States of America.
  76. >The maddeningly harsh stench of cheap liquor and even cheaper tobacco is so strong that it rivals his libido.
  78. >That night is something that would be forever burned into my memory.
  79. >He violated me in such a brutal fashion, that I nearly bled to death, from the sheer brutality of the sadistic sodomy.
  80. >Deep purple and black bruises were littered all over my frail and feeble frame, scarcely broken up by red welts from leather and blood from redder bite marks.
  81. >I remember that I contracted blood poisoning from when he broke a table leg off deep within my colon. The ensuing blood loss and infection nearly wiped my existence on this planet.
  82. >The many cuts from his maniacal slashes at me from his old Kabar. Why did he need to use such a tool on me in the first place is a mystery.
  83. >The disgust I felt as he slowly and methodically violated my body. The pain from him 'punishing me', it was all so sickening. I had never felt more ashamed and violated than on that horrible day.
  85. >Another nightmare
  86. >Another fucking nightmare!
  88. >My blood was boiling, my brain deep frying, and nerves fraying with a hot blade. A bottle of carbonated emotions accumulated over a few decades was going to burst.
  89. >The breakdown hit me with the force of a piledriver on steroids and methamphetamine.
  90. >My hands and whole body shook violently as tremors wracked me with the force of a truck.
  91. >Tears gushed out of my dull and lifeless orbs, as I felt bile rise upwards through my throat.
  92. >A giant red-hot lead block was strapped to my blackened heart with barbed wire, it tore and burned at the fleshy organ. As it weighed it down and dragged it to the deep pit in my stomach.
  93. >Hot and immensely caustic light green bile flew out of my mouth and splattered all over the floor. A lengthy session of vomiting ensued immediately afterward, my body trying to end its suffering.
  94. >My torn and burned heart of darkness quaked within the stranglehold of my anguish.
  95. >I could barely breathe as my body was too focused on sobbing and vomiting and simply suffering to care otherwise.
  97. >The emotional and complete mental breakdown seemed to go on forever.
  98. >Years of pure, unadulterated suffering dealt by the hands of whom I trusted.
  99. >Scarred, abused, violated, neglected, and finally abandoned.
  100. >No parents, no family, no help from society, a sheep with a coat of wool that was as black as the void of space or the abyssal zone.
  101. >A black sheep with barely enough fiat money to survive in an anguished state.
  102. >It felt like my agony would never end, and that I would die a small feeble old man with no family nor friends, with hardly a dime to his name.
  103. >But that would change when I heard the sound of knocking on my door.
  105. >She slowly trots over to my bed, her eyes following my every movement as she does.
  106. >She stops just within a few feet of my bed.
  107. >The majestic being looks upon me with immense sadness, clearly distraught by the environment I live in, but also my rough and ruined appearance.
  109. >"Anonymous? What happened to you?" She asked, her voice losing its pep and whatever positive emotion it once had.
  110. >I sighed, the rush of air sounding more like the dying breath of an old chain smoker with tuberculosis. Then a sound that any healthy young man could produce.
  111. >"Life, that's what, life and my lack of any level of competence in handling my emotions."
  113. >She doesn't seem to take that as a valid answer, her look hardening a bit before slowly dissipating back to an exhausted face.
  114. >"Anon, I know that isn't the answer. I know that there is more, much more, that you seem to be hiding."
  115. >I sat still, not moving any of my tense muscles.
  116. >Except for the vascular muscles which I have no control over.
  117. >Her sigh mirrors mine, except it is not as dull and lifeless as mine.
  118. >Her's is one of defeat, mine is one of death, the death of my soul.
  119. >"Anonymous, you know already that you don't have to hide anything from me. That you could tell me anything"
  120. >"Even the most horrid things imaginable, and I won't judge you for it." I still don't move a muscle.
  122. >"Anon, if this is about your fathe-"
  123. >"Don't talk about that bas-bastard! D-don't even mention a fa-father around me! Y-you know what that, bastard, di-did to me!" My voice breaks down rather quickly, even the immense anger coursing through my veins can prevent it.
  124. >I can barely choke back the tears. It's all so much.
  125. >She watched as I gradually began to break down mentally and emotionally. My cold apathetic 'no fucks given' persona shattered like a bull in a china shop.
  126. >Even as my psyche shatters, I can tell that my suffering is making her suffer as well.
  128. >"Oh anon..." She quietly cooed, taking a few steps toward me, her wings starting to unfurl.
  129. >I know what she is going to do.
  130. >"S-sta-stay ba-acu-back!" I barely choked out.
  132. >She sat down on her haunches, right in front of me.
  133. >Her luscious, beautiful figure for all to see, her beauty only matched by Cleopatra contrasted heavily with my ravaged self.
  134. >She gently grabs me with her forelegs, much to my dismay. But my struggles are weak and futile, she has the strength of Paul Bunion.
  135. >I protest as she pulls me to her chest, but my vain protests are no more effective than my previous struggling.
  136. >I shook like a leaf in her arms. Fear, pain, sorrow, and anger compiled into one big cocktail of human shit and suffering.
  138. >Her pristine white coat feels like the ass of a baby to put it crassly. Immensely soft and smooth, smooth like a fine marble countertop and soft as a winter jacket liner.
  139. >Her fur is also warm, very warm. The only way I can describe it is like a freshly washed blanket straight out of the dryer.
  140. >There is also a sense of security being held by her, as there will not be any more pain in suffering while you're being held by her.
  141. >After all, there are few people or things in this world or even outer space that can or would challenge her.
  142. >And that's not even mentioning the wings that she wrapped around me as well.
  144. >The wings are simply heavenly like no other. Even warmer and softer than her fur, it only maintained the warmth.
  145. >They pushed me ever closer to her, strengthening her hold and squashing any attempts, or even desire to, escape.
  146. >Oh God, the feeling. It finally feels like someone actually cares about me, as if there is a God who doesn't seek to make me suffer.
  147. >A gentle and motherly protection and warmth, a 'no one will hurt me again' vibe.
  148. >I felt something for once that wasn't pure suffering, I felt loved.
  149. >Like I finally have someone who cares, someone who loves unconditionally, someone who will prop me up and make sure I won't fall back down.
  151. >A mother. I have a mother.
  153. >But that didn't stop my breakdown though.
  155. >"I-It hurt! I-I, hic, scre-sceamed bu-but no one, hic, hea-heard me!" I struggled to keep my emotions in control, "I-I a-am no-not a, hic, a lai-lair, hic!"
  156. >I sobbed into her chest, she thankfully took off her jewelry beforehand. My pain is triple what it was before, as I'm finally breaking down. After decades of this madness.
  157. >"Errg-Motherfucker! I fucking hate you! Huuu, Fuck you!" I screamed, my shouts are muffled by her fur. And they only sought to make her hold me tighter.
  159. >"Bitch! You fuc-fucking ruined my lif-life! Huuu! Erghm-bitc-bitch!" My wails start to die down, as the fur begins to gain ground in the battle of sound. "Youu fu-fuucked!"
  160. >"Damnit! I don-don-huu-'t even wanna look huu, hic!" I screamed, but that is the last of my screams.
  162. @@@
  165. "Heh. Look at you. What type of Mother lusts after her son's sandwich this way?"
  166. >Mom turns her head, unable to look you in the eye.
  167. >"N-no! D-don't say that please! It's not like that!"
  168. "Oh? Isn't it?"
  169. >You grab her chin, and forcefully turn her to you, gently slapping her in the face with your pastrami.
  170. >WHACK.
  171. >"Ah!"
  172. "Look at the hunger in your eyes. Hah! You really want my bologna, don't you?"
  173. >"Anon, no...! We're Son, and Mother! We can't!"
  174. >WHUK
  175. >Another meaty slap.
  176. "If you're sweet to me, I'll give you some Mayo. Extra creamy."
  177. >"S-so warm!"
  178. "I know how you like my Submarine, mom."
  179. >Mom has hearts in her eyes. It's weird how ponies can do that.
  180. "Open up Momma. Here comes some ham for your toasted buns."
  181. >"Shove it in! Don't worry about me son!"
  182. "That's what I like to hear mom."
  183. >You take your meat, and jam it in.
  184. >"AAHN~!"
  185. "Mmmnn. yeah."
  186. >Suddenly Luna enters the kitchen, with a questioning look on her face.
  187. >"What in tartarus name are you two do=OH MOON HELP ME YOU'RE HAVING SEX."
  189. What did you think they were doing?
  191. @@@
  194. >It's 7 in the morning, and it's time to wake up and go to work.
  195. >You are Anon, and... and why do you smell pancakes?
  196. >You go downstairs to investigate the mysterious home invader, wondering why in the world they made pancakes.
  197. >"Good morning, sweetheart!"
  198. >Jesus take the wheel.
  199. >In the middle of your kitchen stands none other than Princess fucking Celestia.
  200. >Glad not in her royal regalia; but rather an apron hanging loosely from her neck, and one of your oven mitts stuck firmly on her horn.
  201. >"Did you sleep well? I know you're usually in a rush to get to work on time, so Mommy made you breakfast."
  202. >Her horn glows (you presume it does; you can't see it under the oven mitt) and a pancake hovers off of the skillet and into the air.
  203. >Celestia must have used some kind of mold, because the pancake is very clearly her cutie mark.
  204. "Why," you whisper in despair, already regretting waking up, "are you doing this?"
  205. >Celestia giggles and trots over to you.
  206. >When she gets within reach, she leans down and nuzzles your cheek.
  207. >"Because I love you, Anonymous."
  208. >She loves you.
  209. >The mare that you've had... maybe two conversations with.
  210. >Where does she get of-
  211. >Your thoughts are interrupted with a peck on the cheek.
  212. >"Eat up, sunshine. You want to grow up to be big and strong, right?"
  214. ...
  216. "You know, I'd be pissed right no-"
  217. >"LANGUAGE, young man."
  218. *sighs* "Sorry. I'd be ticked off right now, but these pancakes are just incredible. How'd you make them so light and fluffy and delicious?"
  219. >"Oh, Sunshine, it's nothing more than an old family recipe, fresh ingredients and a big cup of [spoilers]Mother's Love!"[/spoilers]
  221. ...
  223. >"Anon?"
  224. >Celestia's head pokes in through your bedroom door.
  225. >The room itself is bigger than your house was, and easily ten times as expensive.
  226. >"Honey, can I come in?"
  227. >You weren't sleeping, so sure.
  228. "It's your castle."
  229. >This forced adoption thing is bullshit.
  230. >Celestia (aka "mom") nudges the door open with her muzzle and walks in, pillow and blanket in her magical grip.
  231. >"Mommy couldn't sleep. Can I sleep here with you?"
  232. >You were fucking KIDNAPPED off the street.
  233. >This crazy horse wants to sle-you know what?
  234. >Fine.
  235. >Whatever.
  236. "Go right ahead."
  237. >Celestia wastes no time, diving nose-first under the covers and swims up to the surface, where her nose barely avoids booping your own.
  238. >Her pillow plops down next to your own, and her blanket covers you both.
  239. >She wraps her hooves around your shoulders and pulls herself close.
  240. >"Goodnight, Anonymous," she coos, nuzzling your neck, "I love you."
  242. @@@
  245. >you are now imagining the princess(es) trying to understand human holidays
  247. >"Alright, Luna, if we're to have our very own ehh, 'Thanksgiving', we should try to make it authentic as possible for Anonymous."
  248. >'Agreed.'
  249. >"So, what do we know about thanksgiving?"
  250. >'We believe it to be a feast shared in the spirit of thanks, Sister.'
  251. >"Hmm..feast..thanks. Makes sense, what else?"
  252. >'We also seem to recall Nephew reminiscing how the Cowboys of Dallas and the Lions of Detroit always hold court on that day.'
  253. >"Feasts? Beasts? Oh my."
  254. >'..It is also possible that the pilgrims died for the sins of all humans but we may have gotten that mixed with another tale our Nephew has relayed.'
  255. >"Stars above, Lulu, how did Anonymous survive it?"
  256. >'The agent 'Tryptophan' supposedly calmed the masses for 24 hours before an event named 'Black Friday'.'
  257. >"I'm going to hug the everloving fuck out of that boy when he gets home..braving such ferocities like that."
  259. ...
  261. >"Luna, if we don't find all the eggs before dawn, The Easter Bunny is going to sneak down the chimney and add another day to the year!"
  262. >'Nephew! Quickly, make haste for the shelter!'
  263. >"Anonymous, sweetheart, no matter what happens, I want you to stay in there until July 4th, when Saint Duke rises to chew bubblegum and kick ass."
  265. @@@
  268. >"Anon! What are you doing?!"
  269. >It should be obvious. You're chopping fresh vegetables.
  270. "I'm making lunch."
  271. >"Nonono! You should know better than to play with knives on your own! You could seriously get hurt!"
  272. >Her magic surrounds the knife and firmly lifts it out of your hand.
  273. "What am I going to eat now?"
  274. >"Mommy will cook for you, go and play while you wait."
  275. >She starts chopping vegetables where you left off.
  276. >Try to tell her what you were making before she interrupted you.
  277. "I was ma-"
  278. >"Hush now, mommy's busy."
  280. ...
  282. >Celestia then enfolds you in her radiant magic. Gently lifting you up away behind her. Levitating you into the living room.
  283. >The golden magic around you is full of loving magic. Smothering your entire body. Making your head swoon from the affection within it.
  284. >A second two later you find yourself in a padded enclosure. With a blue, short fence surrounding you.
  285. "I hope you don't mind; I need my sweetest, bestest boy to play safely whilst mommy is occupied with dindins~"
  286. >You hear her say from the kitchen as you take in your soundings. Childish toys and games lay strewn about.
  287. >With a sigh you pick-up the Gameboy and wait for dinner to arrive. Figuring it would be better than trying to “escape”. Knowing exactly how hormonal and into character Celestia gets when she’s like this. Treating you like a baby colt, rather than the human teen you are.
  288. >That, and last time you tried going against mommy. You ended up with a very sore rump. Then again, she had warned you several times back then. But you still didn’t believe her when she said she was going to spank you. Least of all with a paddle.
  289. >And so, you ended up getting paddled until you were helplessly begging and crying. And only after being forced to tell her that you were going to be an obedient, good boy. Did she finally stop. Tossing the paddle away and placing your crying face over her chest. Snuggling into you and intimately caressing your red bum for an hour straight. All the while telling you just how important and special you were to her.
  290. >With a shudder you did your best to suppress the recent memory. Focusing instead on the Gameboy in your hands.
  291. ---
  292. >15 minutes later you see Celestia near you. Walking and levitating a dinner plate, and a highchair besides herself.
  293. “Give mommy a second sweetums~” she happily states as she turns to adjust the highchair. Loosening the straps and opening the feeding tray.
  294. >And whilst working on the highchair, she flicks and holds her tail high in your direction. Fully uncovering herself. Then she playfully gyrates her posterior sideways like an excited schoolfilly. Humming a light-hearted song throughout, before eventually turning back towards you.
  296. “There we are. Now up you go my little prince. Time for numnums~”
  297. >You really didn’t want to sit in the humiliating highchair again. But before you got the chance to protest. Her magic was already around you. Lilting you up from the playpen.
  298. “Now now, no fuzzing or struggling anon. Settle down,” she warmly says. Yet there was a clear, inescapable warning in her tone. Your mind flashing back to the long spanking sessions.
  299. >Not wanting to risk anything, or another sore hiney for that matter. You instead relax and let her strap you down, into the highchair. Fastening various locking belts around your legs, arms and waist. Then pinning and locking your chest in with the plastic tray.
  300. “There we are. All safe and secure. Just how mommy likes you~”
  301. >”M-mommy! I c-can eat by myself you kno—”
  302. “None of that now my little anon. Mommy knows what you need. And what’s best for you.”
  303. >And with that, she levitates a batch of freshly made pancakes over. Placing the plate down on your feeding tray.
  304. >Without saying anything, she cuts the pancakes into bite sized pieces. Then she skewers and lifts a piece up with a fork, guiding it into her own mouth. Chewing whilst coyly smiling at you.
  305. >After a couple of seconds of chewing, she leans in whilst simultaneously placing a hoof on your chin. Opening and holding your mouth wide.
  306. >You try to close your mouth in reflex. But her magic is helping to keep it ajar.
  307. >Then she presses her mouth against yours. And the instant she does. You feel her push the pre-chewed pancakes into your mouth with her tongue. Sloppily rolling the mixture around. Purposefully trying to meet with your tongue multiple times.
  308. >And after half a minute, Celestia abruptly parts from your mouth. Panting from the effort she carefully closes your mouth with her magic. And with her lingering hoof on your face, she begins to lovingly stroke your hair.
  309. “T-there we go my love,” Celestia breathily tells you.” Go ahead and swallow for mommy like a good boy~.”
  310. >Feeling the heat on your face you look down on the tray and swallow. Tasting mommy’s saliva as you do.
  311. “Yes. Such a very, very good boy~” Celestia immediately praises. "And once we are all finished here. Someone’s definitely getting a nice, long bath with mommy. Oh, don’t look so embarrassed anon. I know you love it when I *clean* and *rub* oils all over your beautiful body. No need to be shy~.” She mischievously laughs whilst reaching for another helping of pancakes. Sticking her tongue out and sensuously pushing the sticky, syrupy portion into her mouth.
  312. >Chewing and gazing hungrily into your eyes for a moment. Before proceeding to hold your mouth open with her magic again. Leaning in to meet her lips with yours.
  314. ---
  316. Next day comes sissy outfits, teat sucking and diapers. With passionate, loving sex as a reward for being a good boy for mommy.
  318. @@@
  321. >"Sister, I don't think this is a very good idea."
  322. >Celestia -- or MOM, as she insists on being called -- laughs good-naturedly at "AUNTIE" Luna and pats her on the back somewhat condescendingly.
  323. >"Lulu, everypony has to learn about the pegasi and the parasprites at some point in their lives."
  324. >She leans forward and nuzzles your face, and the gesture of affection feels better than you really want to admit.
  325. >"And my little Anonymous here is no exception. What if he gets a marefriend some da-"
  326. >Celestia freezes, and a look of dawning horror spreads across her face.
  327. >"O-Or maybe he... maybe he, uh... n-needs to know what they're called in case the teacher asks him at school."
  328. >Celestia sits down on her rump and pulls you against her soft chest tuft.
  329. >She smells like vanilla.
  330. >"You don't need a m-marefriend, do you?" she asks, sounding panicked, "You won't let some skank take you away from me, will you?"
  331. "Celestia, I'm twenty-eight."
  332. >Celestia barks out a slightly hysterical laugh, not even bothering you chastise you for not calling her your mother.
  333. >"Twenty-eight! Two-hundred-eighty! It's all the same when you're as old as I am, my sunshine, and you're my precious little foal!"
  334. >Oh, boy.
  335. >She puts her hooves on your shoulders and spins you around until the back of your head is nestled against her chest, and her hind legs wrap around your lap.
  336. >"Luna! Luna, let's start the lesson! Why don't you turn around?"
  337. >Luna whimpers, but does as she's told.
  338. >>"Sister, please. This isn't how it was taught back in our day."
  339. >Celestia waves a hoof dismissively.
  340. >"Luna, back in our day, we read textbooks that used euphemisms and metaphors. This will be much more educational for Anonymous here."
  341. >Celestia's horn lights up and Luna yelps as her tail is suddenly tugged to the side.
  342. >"Now as you can see, sunshine," she says, magically swatting away Luna's hooves as she tries to cover herself up, "That is what's called the 'vulva'."
  343. >Poor Luna.
  345. @@@
  348. >you’re young, hairless in Canterlot castle and Bipedal so you must be Anon!
  349. >except you aren’t actually a Green faceless man in a suit
  350. >you look like the presumably male person reading this greentext
  351. >anyways none of that’s important
  352. >because what’s more important is that you’re buried under a shitton of soft warm horsemom
  353. >you wish you could say that this amount of horse on top of you is what woke you up but if that was the case you’d most likely never have gotten any sleep in your entire life
  354. >no what woke you up this time was the fact she decided to flap her wings and rub her neck all over your face
  355. >the worst part is that it’s currently 6 Am, you’ve been cuddled by her since 8pm and you can fully expect to be Cuddled by your aunt the minute the clock strikes 8am
  356. >see raising and lowering celestial bodies takes a lot out of a pony
  357. >especially if they have to follow it up with a whole day of legislating
  358. >so both are pretty damn quick to hit the hay when their shifts are over
  359. >this wouldn’t be so bad if your Mom and aunt weren’t massive cuddlebugs in both sense of the word
  360. >and seeing as their schedules conflicted by default that meant you were receiving the brunt of their affection
  361. >which means tha you spend most of the day in bed
  362. >it’s not that bad, they usually let up when you need to use the restroom and you usually bring a book but it can be frustrating
  363. >just yesterday Aunt Luna spent the entire day with her Plot pushed right up against your face
  364. >as you stare up at the ceiling still a bit delirious a blue mane covers your eyes as a new weight falls onto the bed
  365. >guess it would be a long night after all
  367. @@@
  370. >Overtime Celestia becomes more and more focused on Twilight as she shows more and more magical potential
  371. >It’s not that she doesn’t love Anon more than Twilight
  372. >It’s just she has more in common and more Aspirations for Twilight than Anon
  373. >This gets to the point where Celestia spends most of her day with Twilight gushing over all her accomplishments
  374. >Even when she’s excited for anon he can always tell it’s mostly a well intentioned effort so he doesn’t feel bad
  375. >Luna immediately picks up on this and realizes where this could lead and decides to teach Anon herself
  376. >anon has magical potential like all life but no easy way to channel it like through a Horn
  377. >this seems like a big problem at first but Luna figures out two very important things
  378. >one he’s an even more voracious reader of theory than Twilight
  379. >two, for a kid he does remarkably well with the horror stories she reads him behind her sister’s back
  380. >from that point on, Luna now takes Anon down to the castle dungeon several times a week to experiment in Ceremonial Magic, Alchemy, Demonology and Necromancy
  381. >real Crowley type shit with robes, chalk and everything
  382. >things that were less appreciated due it’s unpredictability and the general Unicorn Hegemony over the Magickal arts
  383. >the fact that Luna was quite into them pre NMM and Celestia was not certainly didn’t help their reputation any
  384. >the fact that Celestia allowed their study to dwindle to a trickle after she banished Luna Really didn’t help
  385. >Now Luna’s plan is to both show the validity and positive applications of these arts, and hopefully allow Anon to feel legitimately good at something
  387. >It is midnight in Canterlot
  388. >night court has just ended several hours ago and the second largest city in Equestria stands as still as one of the statues in the garden
  389. >long shadows creep throughout the castle as a soft wind rustles the curtains of your room revealing the light of your Aunt’s stars for a brief instance
  390. >you are in bed jittering
  391. >the slightest sound could set you off
  392. > but you were by no means afraid
  393. >if anything you were extremely excited
  394. >tonight was the night your Aunt Luna was finally going to teach you magic
  395. >you were so excited when she told you last week after your Mom forgot to come to your Piano recital
  396. >probably because of Twilight
  397. >honestly that pissed you off because she was the one who made you do it in the first place
  398. >the worst part is that it wasn’t the first time
  399. >or even the second
  400. >it’s not like Mom didn’t love you
  401. >she loved you a lot
  402. >it’s just that she liked Twilight better
  403. >Your mom was really into magic
  404. >Like really into magic
  405. >which is probably why she tended to take Unicorn’s on as her students rather than Pegasi or earth ponies
  406. >She was always coming up with new spells
  407. >new tricks like the time she made butterflies come out of your birthday cake
  408. >while at first it was freaking awesome to have a Mom who could pull dragons out of hats
  409. >you sorta realized that she might want a kid that she can do the same with
  410. >you look at your hands partially illuminated by the moonlight and wiggle them but as usual nothing comes out
  411. >you sigh why would it work now
  412. >you had mixed feelings on Twilight Sparkle
  413. >at first she was fun to play with
  414. >but then she got weird.
  415. >like she’d swing between way too touchy feely at one point
  416. >and then really arrogant and anti social
  417. >at first you tried to deal with those swings but now you mostly just avoid her to the best of your ability
  418. >still when Luna whispered that promise into your ear after the obligatory trip to Donut Joe’s and one of the Horror theatre shows Mom didn’t let you watch
  419. >well you were quite literally over the moon
  420. >to be fair at first you were a bit hesitant…
  421. >maybe it was a trick to make you feel better
  422. >but the fact that Aunt Luna of all people said not to tell Celestia until she gave you the okay meant it was totally legit
  423. >also probably really fun
  424. >you hear hoofsteps and a knock
  425. >your little body instinctively jolts out of bed as your little hands almost push a hole into your cloud mattress
  426. >normally you’d associate this with the Night Guard telling you there was a potential security threat which usually turned out to be an especially large and ornery Raccoon
  428. >but the blue glow that was slowly and softly opening your door confirmed all your suspicions
  429. >”AUNT LUNA!”
  430. >you give in a mix between a whisper and a shout but she raises a hoof to her mouth in a shushing motion causing her black cloak to billow
  431. >”Aunt Luna”
  432. >you say awkwardly shoving off the covers as your bare feet hit the cold stone floor of your room, as you were too excited to put on your sandals
  433. >”The one and only.”
  434. >she whispers back as her left foreleg pulls you in for a hug before levitating a cloak over your Pajama laden form
  435. >not only that but she even briefly picked you up to slip your sandals on
  436. >”What did we tell you about not wearing your shoes on the floor?”
  437. >her voice is a bit stern but there is still an undercurrent of excitement
  438. >you moan and roll your head back
  439. >”I’ll catch a cold.”
  440. >you grumble out as she gently puts one of her hooves to your face
  441. >”Especially since you have no fur, my dear Nightsong, if we were in your position we could not bare to be in such a drafty old castle.”
  442. >with that she instinctively pulls you under her robe and into her tuft
  443. >unlike yours it’s more of a shawl or cloak, though there seems to be gold embroidery on it black fabric
  444. >she keeps you in the embrace for a good couple seconds before letting you go
  445. >she uses her telekinesis to slowly creak the door open a bit wider to accommodate both of you her head poised towards the end of the hallway at a careful but quick trot
  446. >you walk a bit faster your footsteps making a light pitter patter on the masonry as you try to catch up to her
  447. >”Aunt Luna?” you whisper still afraid to raise your voice above a pinprick
  448. >”Yes dear?”
  449. >”Why are we wearing dresses?”
  450. >she gives a slight huff as you pass rows of portraits, her horn giving a pale glow that just barely illuminates them
  451. >”These are not dresses… these are robes.”
  452. >you stop, gather your thoughts and rephrase your question as you begin to go down the long spiral staircase leading to the dungeons
  453. >”Ok, so why are we wearing robes?”
  454. >Luna turns to you this time less exasperated
  455. >”It’s tradition.”
  456. >your face goes a bit sour at the word
  457. >As a prince tradition tended to mean boring ceremonies, uncomfortable outfits really really strict rules on how you got to eat
  458. >you would definitely deal with all of that and more if it meant you could use magic but you wouldn’t be happy about it
  459. >”Is this gonna be like the annual Summer Sun Luncheon?”
  460. >that was something you knew your aunt despised almost as much as you did
  461. >her response was a laugh though muffled by her own hoof as she stopped so as not to faceplant and fall several hundred feet down a flight of stairs
  462. >”Nothing of the sort, our dearest.”
  464. >”So what will we be doing then?” You ask, fears relieved and giddy with anticipation
  465. >even though she’s walking in front of you, you can tell a smirk is forming on her face
  466. >”Nightsong, do you remember the production we saw last month, Professor Mordred?”
  467. >you pause and your body lurches forward forcing Luna to once again catch you with her magic
  468. >Images of Candelabras, chalk circles, beakers and spiderwebs dance through your mind as you think back to the play
  469. >Professor Mordred was a series of plays about a Pegasi Occultist, usually either played by Screaming Ham or Macabre Masquerade , who used the spirits of the dead and various elementals to fight all sorts of crazy monsters
  470. >last time he thought an Unicorn vampire possessed by the elder being Thrakerzod of them many angles
  471. >Professor Mordred was probably your favorite character of all time
  472. >you even had all the books
  473. >you even got to meet Macabre Masquerade behind the scenes after a performance of Howl of the Wolf Pony
  474. >he was super nice and even signed your poster!
  475. >anyways
  476. >Professor Mordred was your favorite character of all time not only because of the cool adventures he got to go on
  477. >but also because he did magic without being a Unicorn
  478. >so even though you weren’t a pony it allowed you to pretend to be him so much easier
  479. >”You mean I’m gonna be like him for real?!”
  480. >it is now your turn to cover your mouth as you realize the certain jump in volume though Aunt Luna merely chuckles good naturedly
  481. >besides, by the time the sound got anywhere close to your Mom’s room it was probably barely recognizable as your voice
  482. >Luna simply nods as the two of you stop in front of a great stone door flanked by two leering gargoyles and blazing green torches
  483. >the dungeon
  484. >you stopped a bit as this was usually the point you would stop at
  485. >you only went in there once and that was when you were really little on accident
  486. >it was super scary back then, just knowing something so old and dark could be inside your own home
  487. >the rumors at school didn’t help any
  488. >the colts at school said they heard that it was filled with the severed heads of criminals, or that Grogar himself was chained down there as some kind of half living corpse, or that a race of cannibal mole ponies
  489. >one filly said her dad said it was filled with something called “As best toes” and “Fireglass” that could kill you if you breathed it
  490. >that last one gave you more pause then the rest
  491. >walking corpses and severed heads were scary but choking to death sounded even worse
  492. >and even if he wasn’t down there, for someone as nice as your mom to imprison people down here for life they must have been serious bad news
  493. >and to top it off your Mom said you were absolutely not to go in there
  494. .>Your aunt puts her right hoof down more forcefully on an ornate tyle as the stone doors begin to ponderously swing inwards, a blast of stale air hit your face
  496. >your body freezes up a bit more as Luna began to slowly step into the abyssal blackness
  497. >you wait to see if she looks back at you but she doesn’t simply illuminating a little more of the void
  498. >you ball up your fists and reason that after the doors been opened it’s better to be in there with her then out there with whatever might come out and rush headfirst into the darkness trying desperately to step into the pale blue light surrounding Luna
  499. >rows of barely visible iron barred cells seem to hold endless flailing hooves waiting to grab you
  500. >the ceiling could hold hundreds of crawling winged menaces ready to pounce
  501. >heck you wouldn’t even be surprised if your own shadow would come to life and try to attack you
  502. >you just make it into your Aunt’s bubble of safety as it begins to dim
  503. >she bows her head the light spell ending as she prepares another
  504. >then with some mumbled words a candle lights
  505. >then a few more
  506. >and more
  507. >and more
  508. >a wave of yellow and orange light spreads out from around you as the entire area becomes illuminated
  509. >the structure itself is much more cavern like compared to the square dank, prison you always imagined
  510. >Stalactites and Stalactmites litter the floor like the teeth of some huge fist
  511. >some are so big they touch each other making bizarre natural pillars twice the size of those in the main hall
  512. >each with an accompanying candelabra
  513. >if this wasn’t a place of torture and death your first thought would be that it’s actually kinda beautiful
  514. >in a dark and weird way of course
  515. >not only that but there’s a massive wooden bookshelf
  516. > anatomical skeletons some from species you didn’t even recognize
  517. > tables filled with flasks and beakers
  518. > there were even a few mechanical contraptions that seemed oddly astronomical in nature to be somewhere so deep underground
  519. >Luna levitates the hood off of her head and begins to canter up to the table clearly excited to show you all of this
  520. >”Welcome Nephew to our laboratory.”
  521. >you take stock of some of the nearby busts and skeletons
  522. >”You mean your laboratory right Aunt Luna?”
  523. >she obviously meant hers
  524. >she was just speaking old timey
  525. >your aunt gives an even bigger smile
  526. >”For once my dear nephew that was not the royal we.”
  527. >WAIT
  531. >or maybe his assistant Bell Tolls, but you weren’t a hunchwither
  532. >not that the actor playing him was either
  533. >your aunt stops and turns to you her smile almost as big as yours
  534. >”So what are we going to do first?”
  536. @@@
  539. >Anon grows into a fine young stallion.
  540. >Unfortunately this means that quite a few royal dignitaries want their little girl to marry Prince Anonymous.
  541. >Due to Celestia not liking this but also being a grown mare she has decided to handle this is a mature manner.
  542. >By nitpicking any possible suitors into an early grave.
  543. >'Sorry, Sunshine- but her mane was unkempt. If she cannot even take care of her hair, then how can she take care of you while you are sick?'
  544. >'Terrible posture. Her back was so stiff that the breeze could snap it in two. You know what they say about uptight mares, right Anonymous?'
  545. >'Adorned to the teeth in fine cloth and jewelry. A gold-diggers, I am certain.'
  546. >'Crooked molars? Do you want your future children to have crooked molars, Sunshine?'
  547. >'A lawyer? Why not simply marry one of the devil's locked away in Tartarus? At least then you will have something to speak with them about.'
  549. >-And then came her worst nightmare.
  550. >Little Miss 'ChecksAllTheBoxes', herself. . .
  551. >Rarity.
  553. >Clean, well-spoken, perfect health, genes, perfect posture, a well-off business-owner. .
  554. >The list goes on, and Celestia is left sputtering while trying to find a flaw.
  555. >Any flaw.
  556. >There is only one card she can play now, but does she dare fall so low?
  558. >You bet your ass, she does.
  560. "-but honey, she's a kiss-less virgin."
  561. >"So am I, Mother."
  564. @@@
  567. Even monsters have loved ones, sometimes they become monsters for those loved ones.
  569. >be kidanon
  570. >your mom is Empress Daybreaker
  571. >though sometimes she doesn't feel like you're mom
  572. >she wasn't always your mom
  573. >though she was always nice to you since you first met her as a little kid
  574. >back then she was named Princess Celestia
  575. >anyways you used to have a mom who was human like you
  576. >you loved her a lot
  577. >she was nice or at least you thought she was nice
  578. >then she sold you to Miss Rarity
  579. >she was sad about it but she still did it
  580. >she was less nice
  581. >she hurt you
  582. >a lot
  583. >there was also a lot of leather
  584. >and beatings
  585. >you still had panic attacks once in a while
  586. >especially around white unicorn mares
  587. >it wasn't fun
  588. >anyways Celestia found out about the transaction one day
  589. >actually through Luna
  590. >it had been about a year
  591. >at first she was kinda scary and it was weird seeing Miss Rarity so scared
  592. >then she set on fire
  593. >then everything was on fire
  594. >including Miss Rarity
  595. >even though she was really mean to you, it was still horrifying to see her melt in front of your eyes
  596. >but the weird thing was, even though everything else wasn't on fire
  597. >you weren't
  598. >it was even weirder when Daybreaker came up to you
  599. >you thought she was going to eat you
  600. >but she hugged you
  601. >for like a good 20 minutes
  602. >you wanted to shy away, mares made you nervous but she wouldn't let you
  603. >she would just pull you in closer
  604. >it could have been a trick
  605. >Miss rarity would act like this often
  606. >eventually you just gave up even though your heart was pounding as she nuzzled you
  607. >then she asked you where your mommy was
  608. >at first you were really excited you were going back home to Mommy and everything would be normal again
  609. >even daybreaker was smiling.. but she didn't stop being on fire
  610. >when you got to your house daybreaker opened the door
  611. >she didn't knock
  612. >you heard yelling
  613. >your mom sounded afraid
  614. >Daybreaker sounded angry
  615. >afterwards there was screaming
  616. >and your house was on fire
  617. >you put two and two together and realized what she just did to your mom
  618. >for once in your life you weren't scared
  619. >you weren't sad
  620. >you were angry
  621. >She killed your mommy!
  622. >when she came out of the house you balled up your little fists and began to pound on her
  623. >you didn't care if she killed you
  624. >you just wanted to hurt the Mare that hurt your mommy
  625. >but she didn't
  626. >she just sort of stood there and took it
  627. >when you ran out of energy she wrapped a wing around you and told you these words
  628. >"It's shame your love was wasted on such an awful creature."
  629. >now she sounded sad
  630. >you tried to push her wing off but you were too tired
  631. >you passed out then and didn't remember much
  632. >when you woke up you were pressed against her in bed
  633. >Princess Luna was there too, looking upset but not at you
  634. >you asked her to let you go from Daybreaker's embrace
  635. >but she just apologized and looked away
  636. >she said Daybreaker was your new mom now and she couldn't do anything about it
  637. >you begged her some more but she wouldn't let up
  639. >then Daybreaker woke up
  640. >and tried to comfort you
  641. >cue more futile hits
  642. >she just shushed you and pulled you close
  643. >on one hand getting all these hugs were nice
  644. >and she was always nice to you even when you were mad at her
  645. >on the other you had a reason
  646. to be mad at her
  647. >you still kinda are
  648. >eventually you excepted your lot
  649. >Celestia never went back to her old self
  650. >she wasn't really evil
  651. >she didn't hurt ponies that didn't deserve it
  652. >and she still did plenty of good things
  653. >but her punishments were
  654. >Intense
  655. >like public execution intense
  656. >she was also making Alicorns like crazy
  657. >ponies she apparently deemed as likeminded to her cause of "forcing harmony onto Equestria"
  658. >that and almost everyone was scared of her
  660. @@@
  663. >The bedchamber doors to Celestia's room creak open and you eye her sleeping form. It was so early that the first rays of sunlight had yet to crest the horizon and the room was still bathed in a soft, blue glow.
  664. >The familiar, heavy scent of the motherly mare is as much an open invitation as any.
  665. >You quietly shuffle over to the edge of the bed and hop on, crawling over to her sleepy face and mustering the courage to ask the embarrassing question you'd spent the last hour contemplating.
  666. "" You whisper, "Mom...are you awake?"
  667. >Celestia blinks her droopy eyes and rubs them with a lazy hoof.
  668. >Once her gaze meets yours a tired smile steals across her face.
  669. >"Y-Yes dear, what is it?"
  670. >The mere sight of her angelic features looking up at you, full of heart stopping love makes you forget yourself.
  671. >You throw your arms around her neck and nuzzle into the bottom of her jaw.
  672. >It smells even better now.
  673. >You're far too embarrassed to even contemplate what you'd been up in bed thinking about for so long.
  674. >A warm hoof lays across your back and holds your against her furry, thudding bosom.
  675. >"Aww...sweetie. Mommy loves you too."
  676. >You stay like that for a moment, just hugging. Your breathing the only sounds to compete against the waking songbirds.
  677. >She brushes your hair and nuzzles your chin. Hot breath moistens your cheek.
  678. >It was less than fresh, but somehow it makes the whole situation feel that much more real and intimate.
  679. >"Was there something else?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
  680. "Um...n-no." You lie.
  681. >Your beautiful mom fixes you with a look and a playful smirk that said you better fess up.
  682. "It's just. It's embarrassing--"
  683. >"--Honey, nothing is too embarrassing to tell your mom. Even if you are a big strong man, and I'm only a pony I promise you can talk to me about anything."
  684. >She runs a hoof across her mouth and curls her lips between her teeth.
  685. >"It'll be our secret, ok?"
  686. >You breathe out in relief, pushing yourself off her enough to look her in the eye.
  687. "O-ok well. I've been feeling...f-funny around this gaurdmare. Sh-she's so nice to me! And I wanna hug her and-and stuff, and maybe kiss her!"
  688. >You blurt, now beet red from confession.
  689. >Celestia quirks a brow and her smile grows.
  690. >"Oh, is my young man starting to like mares now?" She snickers, clearly excited at your sudden maturation.
  692. "N-No! She's just super nice to me and always gets my frisbee back when it goes over the garden wall."
  693. >Celestial rolls fully on her side, her hooves tucked neatly in front of her.
  694. >"Does she have pretty eyes?"
  695. "Mooom!"
  696. >"Does she make you feel funny when she smiles at you?"
  697. "Well, kinda I guess."
  698. >"It makes you want to kiss her, hmm?"
  699. >You just blush and sink into her bedsheets.
  700. >That's answer enough for her.
  701. >"And I suppose you came to me for advice on how to kiss a mare, is that right?"
  702. >She pulls the sheets off your shoulders, snickering at your embarrassment.
  703. "Who else am I supposed to ask!" You blurt.
  704. >"Aww...c'mere."
  705. >You resist her affection at first but her magic and hooves easily overcome you.
  706. >You find yourself pulled into her hot chest once more. Her lurid scent acts like an anesthesia, relaxing you.
  707. >She holds you until you hug back.
  708. >"It's ok, dear. This is perfectly normal for you to be feeling this way around mares...even your own mother."
  709. >You blush harder.
  710. >She noticed your boner.
  711. >But she doesn't torment you further.
  712. >"Now, mommy has a little while before she needs to raise the sun." She looks at you, nuzzling your nose affectionately, "I can teach you how to show a mare you like her, if you'd like me to that is."
  713. >She winks in a way that makes your breath catch in your throat, "A little secret lesson, just your old mother, nopony else to worry about."
  715. ...
  718. Option 1: wholesome with momlestia
  719. Option 2: lewd and wholesome with momlestia
  720. Option 3: lewd and lewder with momlestia
  721. Option 4: lewd with gaurd mare
  723. ...
  725. >You clam up for a moment.
  726. >Part of you found this whole situation incredibly embarrassing and just wanted to hide under the covers.
  727. >But another part, a much bigger, more mature part wanted to open pandora's box and confront the icky lovey-dovey subject head on.
  728. >And a little, tiny fraction of you was hoping that your mother would let you practice said grossness with her.
  729. >That tiny fraction was growing by the second.
  730. "O-Ok!" You stutter.
  731. >"Oh goodie! My handsome young son is ready for his next big step! This is so exciting!" Her voice cracks as she squees, clearly the grogginess of the morning was still clinging to her.
  732. >A genuine ear splitting grin adorns her face, making the bags under her eyes all the cuter.
  733. "Ok mom, geez, can we just do the lesson already..." You pout at her coddling.
  734. >"I'm sorry sweetie, of course."
  735. >She composes herself.
  736. >"First thing's first, you have to confess your feelings. Go to her when you're by yourselves and can speak privately, just be honest and tell her how she makes you feel."
  737. "But what if she finds it funny, o-or dumb?"
  738. >"Aww...honey, most mares are very kind. I know it would mean a lot to her, she's not going to tease you I promise."
  739. >For some reason you were spilling your guts to your mom.
  740. >She'd always exuded a comforting and safe aura, only now, her sleepy form was absolutely radiating safety and security.
  741. >So much so that you feel as if you don't have a single secret to hide from her.
  742. "Heh, ok."
  743. >Celestia nods approvingly.
  744. >"Now listen to her very closely and look her in the eye. Focus on how beautiful she is and all the mushy things you want to do together...she'll sense it and it'll fill her with joy! She'll know at once if she loves you back, and that's when you'll get your answer."
  745. >You furrow your brow.
  746. "And if she doesn't love me back?"
  747. >"If what you told me had any truth to it, I'm sure that won't be an issue."
  748. >Her confidence washes away any uncertainty you had.
  749. "How will she answer though?"
  750. >Your mom wiggles her eyebrows at you in a way that makes you squirm.
  751. >"That's the fun part, sweetie."
  753. >You gulp nervously, unable to tear your eyes away from hers.
  754. >For the briefest moment something different flashed behind them.
  755. >Something you hadn't seen in your mother before.
  756. >It was virile, youthful excitement. It was good. You wanted to see more of it.
  757. >Your smile grows.
  758. >"Now. Why don't we practice. Just pretend I'm...who is it you like?"
  759. "Gleaming Shield"
  760. >"Just pretend I'm gleaming shield and you're about to tell me how you feel. I'll pretend I'm her. Alright?"
  761. "Heheh! Ok."
  762. >This was going to be fun.
  763. >Celestia flicks her bangs over in a way to mimic her well-known guard's characteristic style. She looks away, whistling wistfully.
  764. "Heheh! Hey!"
  765. >She looks at you and feigns surprise.
  766. >"Oh! Well hello, Anon! What brings you here today? Is there something you wanted to tell me?"
  767. >You try your best to stifle your giggle at the cartoonish display.
  768. "I wanted to tell you that, that I..." You compose yourself, "...I like you a lot Gleaming Shield."
  769. >Her eyes widen and she parts her mouth in shock.
  770. >"Anon I...I didn't know you felt that way about me." She bats her eyes.
  771. >Again, that look.
  772. >The one that gave you butterflies in your stomach.
  773. >Suddenly, you forget about Gleaming and remember the other mare you loved.
  774. >The one you loved more than anything in the world.
  775. >Your eyes settle on hers and you notice her breath warm your face.
  776. >You start to remember all the nights spent together, cuddled up reading your favorite book. All the times she took off work to spend with you. How she used to play with you all the time until you callously decided you were "too cool" for it.
  777. >Overwhelmed with admiration, love, and remorse, you speak from the heart.
  778. "I love you so much. I love your beauty, I love your warmth, I love how you always know just what I need and how to make me feel better. When I'm with you I feel like there's nothing in the world that can hurt me, and I love you for that."
  779. >Celestia's eyes tear up a bit upon hearing that.
  780. >Her breathing grows heavier and she pauses before responding.
  781. >"Anon, you mean the world to me and I wouldn't have it any other way." She brings a hoof to your cheek.
  782. >Her smile somehow told you she knew your confession wasn't in roleplay anymore.
  783. >That smile draws you in. Her breaths acts as a homing beacon.
  784. >She abruptly licks her lips, as if remembering this was a lesson.
  785. >Her hoof pauses your closure until you remember to lick yours as well.
  786. >Your mom puckers up and closes her eyes.
  788. >Yours stay open all the way.
  789. >Your lips touch down on hers and immediately sink into them like two fat marshmallows.
  790. >Your cock grows erect and darkens your night shorts with a healthy release of precum, while the rest of your body flushes as if you were standing in front of an open oven.
  791. >Her breath exits her nostrils right in front of yours and you have no choice but to breathe it in.
  792. >It only exacerbates the intimacy and forces your mind to the plethora of other sensory overloads you had at the moment.
  793. >You suck on her lips a little, but with hers being so much larger you form an imperfect seal as you keep yours centered on hers.
  794. >The result is a cliché squeak and pop as you pull away...with a healthy taste of her mouth now in yours.
  795. >You reflexively swallow before you get a chance to realize what you've done.
  796. >Celestia opens her eyes, affixing you with a soft gaze that you couldn't have evaded from across the room.
  797. >"That was very sweet of you, darling. I didn't know you felt so strongly about me in that way."
  798. >Her voice was dripping with dangerous sweetness like honey.
  799. >"I suppose the next step in any confession would be...consummation."
  800. >Her eyes dart to the tent in your trousers.
  801. "Consm-what?"
  802. >Your mother's smile grows and she readjusts her position on the bed.
  803. >"Let me show you, sweetie."
  805. ...
  807. option 1: mommy licky
  808. option 2: mommy suck
  809. option 3: mom swipes her tail aside and lets you lance her musky, sticky, mature mare folds
  811. @@@
  814. Anyone interested in a Nightmare/Daybreaker mom story that's actually dark and comfy at the same time? Like some stories treat is as a joke, others just have them act super evil cold, confident and calculating to the point where it's less like corruption and more just an entirely different pony. For example Luna became NMM because she wanted recognition and love that she felt was denied to her, so that would be her prime motivation. She wouldn't be rational, she wouldn't be calm or calculating and ignoring criticism she'd demand to the be the center of attention at all times and having a son to love her unconditionally would work towards that. But she wouldn't just abuse and ignore him, because deep down she wants love. Instead she'd most likely care about him in her own deeply messed up way, trying to get him dependent solely on her, making him fear and resent other ponies just so that he'll never leave her and always be her adoring sweet little colt who comes to her for comfort. Daybreaker is more difficult but I could entirely see her going apeshit over mistreatment of anon and other foals or just general cruelty and becoming a deadly mama bear who is always on the verge of smothering anon and any other foal with all of that overbearing love.
  816. ...
  818. Posting because inspiration struck and short greens are always nice, if people are interested I'll make an alt daybreaker
  819. >your boy, your precious sweet little nightsong
  820. >for somepony.. someone so roughed up he sleeps so peacefully
  821. >it was his bedtime after all
  822. >what would have been mid day to spite your accursed sister
  823. >you give his head a soft kiss as you levitate off your armor and inspect the bruises you had found from the beatings you had ‘rescued him from’
  824. >in truth like most negative experiences with ponies you had engineered it yourself, through a mix of propaganda, bribes and overall ‘poor’ staff choices
  825. >you nuzzle at a particularly nasty hoofmark on his arm and sigh softly as he begins to squirm and mumble
  826. >it pained you so much that you had to do this to him
  827. >it truly broke your heart seeing him like this, and it felt even worse lying to him
  828. >but you knew it was necessary
  829. >if you didn’t he might stop loving you
  830. >he might stop appreciating you
  831. >he might get too careless and let other ponies do to him what they did to you back when you were weak
  832. >truth be told though publicly everypony said they adored and feared you in equal measure
  833. >you never felt it was true enough
  834. >like they were lying
  835. >and so you had to force them even harder to recognize just how much you did for them
  836. >anon was different, he was perhaps the one creature in all of Equestria who truly loved you
  837. >who enjoyed spending time with you
  838. >who rushed to you for comfort instead of away
  839. >oh how good that felt, to have him run and bury his face into your tuft
  840. >hearing his sobs slowly calm as you held him close with your wings
  841. >at first the ‘incidents’ were entirely unplanned, a skinned knee, a harsh comment, resentment by the ignorant plebians who for some reason could still not appreciate your rule
  842. >but that feeling
  843. >that.. that love
  844. >you needed it
  845. >you needed to be his rock even more than he needed to have one
  846. >and you wanted him in your harbor at all times
  847. >was it selfish?
  848. >perhaps
  849. >but you could always convince yourself if it was for his own good
  850. >if ponies, didn’t love you? How would they feel about him?
  851. >you wrap your wing around him tighter causing him in discomfort as you shush him
  852. >no you were the only one who could love him
  853. >and the only one he should love
  855. @@@
  858. >You are Sunset Shimmer.
  859. >Princess Celestia just told you about Starswirl's unfinished spell.
  860. "So, you're saying there is a spell that can change your fate?"
  861. >She looks at you briefly before responding.
  862. >"There is. But, it was left unfinished for a reason. Even the great Starswirl the Bearded couldn't complete that spell before he disappeared."
  863. >That look in her eyes though... she knows more than she's letting on.
  864. >Time to try buttering her up and get some more info.
  865. "Starswirl may have been great, but he couldn't possibly compare to you Princess."
  866. >She stops and stares at you.
  867. "Surely you would know something he didn't about the spell. If anypony could finish it, it would be you."
  868. >"And why would I ever want to change my fate my little pony? I have everything I could ever want."
  869. >"Mommy!"
  870. >A childish shout comes from just outside the room.
  871. >Her adopted son practically runs in.
  872. >"Speaking of which. Anon, you know what I told you about shouting and interrupting."
  873. >"To not to?"
  874. >"Yes."
  875. >"I'm sorry Mommy, but Twilight is here."
  876. >Ah yes, Twilight Sparkle.
  877. >The young mare that was able to hatch the dragon egg at her entrance exam.
  878. >News that a mere filly could pass such a task reached even your advanced classes.
  879. >She even managed to land a spot as Celestia's personal student like you had.
  880. >"Oh my, is it that time already? I'm sorry Sunset, but our time is over now. I'll see you tomorrow then for your next lesson."
  881. "Of course my Princess."
  882. >You nod to her.
  883. "My Prince."
  884. >Noding to him as well.
  885. >It's at that time you notice his face blush slightly and he looks away from you before muttering something and leaving as well.
  886. >Hmmm...
  887. >Seems he's embarrassed by your words.
  888. >Or maybe he"s finally getting old enough that mares are catching his eye.
  889. >You might be able to use that.
  890. >There may be more than one way to change your fate after all.
  892. @@@
  895. Dearest Mother
  897. The war effort against the Griffon Kingdom continues to proceed as planned. As I write this, my view from my command tent is enveloped with the sight of yet another major metropolis falling to the might of my forces. However there were some desertion in the ranks as those who did not believe in our glory chose to flee despite not losing a single man. I can say, with pride or shame I am not sure; that the only troops we’ve lost were due to decimation. Per your instructions, I have not sacked Griffonstone, Mount Feathers, or the capital. Those honors ,as with all things belong solely to you and my dearest Aunt. These hooked nose heathens will no longer undermine our great nation after the campaign has concluded. Soon my force with March to the designated points and await your and Aunt glorious arrival. I will write again once we are in position.
  899. Your beloved Son
  900. General Anon: the Green Death
  902. > Such a good boy. MAID! Fetch my war uniform and wake Luna. I think it’s time to end this frivolous campaign.
  904. ...
  906. > My such devastation, the scorched earth, the dead trees, the dead littering the streets. Luna, have you ever seen such horror?
  907. > Nay Sister. It would appear my beloved nephew may be losing his touch.
  908. > Yes, there no rivers of magma. No shrines to Equestria’s glory, no crazed survivors praying to the sun and moon for forgiveness. I dare say I’d rate this a 6 on the devastation scale.
  909. > Indeed. Luna, do you fancy a moonlight walk?
  910. > What have you in mind dear sister?
  911. > Could you run along ahead and catch up with my sweet boy? I’m afraid he maybe coming down with something. I mean this level of conquest is fair beneath his standard.
  912. > I shall endeavor to reach him before the dawn.
  913. > Luna by that time I’ll have already arrived. You know how I like my entrances.
  914. > Yes you were always partial to war with a flair.
  915. > If you can even call this a war.
  916. > Nevertheless, the riches we’ll receive in fealty will cover the costs of this minor scuffle. Now I’m off!
  917. > May the night cover your approach Luna
  918. > It always has
  920. ...
  922. >*flosh* Nephew
  923. Heh, only my Aunt would be so brazen to enter my private quarters unannounced during wartime
  924. > Did thou not think we were an assassin? You’d given me your back.
  925. My dearest Aunt I would only ever give my back to those I know would not harm me. Not to mention I heard you coming up the wall.
  927. I’ve watched you since infancy, I know what to listen for.
  928. > Then we shall endeavor do create new techniques!
  929. You may, but you have a tell dear aunt.
  930. > And that is?!
  931. Your breath
  932. > N-N-Nephew?!!! This is indecent!! Unhand me!!
  933. No Luna, I have missed you these many nights away from your touch, from your bed
  934. > Nephew this is hardly the time. Your mother approaches an will appear upon the dawn.
  935. The moon is high and the night is clear. Plenty of time to...catch up.
  936. > We swore to put away such tenderness. Your mother would not approve.
  937. She won’t find out. Come, my bed is so clips~
  939. Mhhmmm Luna, you’re up?
  940. > Yes, I expect your mother to appear within the hour.
  941. Don’t suppose I can pull you back to bed...
  942. > As tempting as that may be your mother will assuredly catch in the throws of passion we’re I not to meet her on the horizon.
  943. How many ships did she bring this time?
  944. > A token show of force. Your troops were more than enough to trounce the Griffons. We are more the final nail in the coffin.
  945. That right?
  946. > Your mother is here more to negotiate the terms of the Griffons becoming a vassal of Equestria rather than more conquest. She feels you’ve made the scale of our might quite clear.
  947. I aim to please.
  948. > And please you did. For the most part.
  949. Care to critique my deeds?
  950. > Your mother and I feel as though you spent more time building forts than salting the lands.
  951. Well I thought once we rule the parts I didn’t raze could become farmland.
  952. > As if we don’t have enough.
  953. Equestria’s population is ever growing
  954. > So it is.
  955. I suppose I should prepare as well then. Mother would be cross were I not to meet her as well.
  956. > *gasp* Anonymous I said no...
  957. Can I not at least hold my lover?
  958. > It usually leads to something else.
  959. I am not above romantic gestures, every now and again.
  960. > I would prefer more frequent shows of affection were our trysts not at risk of being exposed.
  961. We will tell her when the time is right.
  962. > She is not as accepting of the old ways as I. You will encounter resistance.
  963. I see...
  964. > Though it pains me to do so I must depart from your embrace. Behold the sun rises.
  966. Geez mom, compensating for something?
  967. > You know your mother’s pension for the extravagant.
  968. Yes she just loves her Zeppelins
  969. > She still wonders why you prefer to march your troops.
  970. Military life is not about comfort. A soldier on their feet is easier to move than one sitting down. Besides they rest when enough when we stop for the night.
  971. > Your troops may mutiny if pushed to hard.
  972. I tell all my men that they may challenge an order at anytime. If they feel they can lead better than me they are more than welcome to meet me in the circle.
  973. > So you can kill them?
  974. If it comes to that yes. But I am not heartless. If their argument Is sound. There is no cowardice in my army. Well not anymore.
  975. > Your mother regaled me on your...disciplinary actions.
  976. Twas brutal, but required to maintain moral. These months away from home have been tiresome indeed.
  977. > I see
  978. But I suppose it does help when they see their General lead the charge in every Sortie. RIGHT MEN?!
  980. * Uproarious shouts erupt from the numerious army.*
  982. > Such bravado, you make your aunt proud.
  983. I’m sure the view of the Zeppelins added to their cheer.
  984. > We must end out chat for now, I will go on ahead and meet your mother. We will summon you when we are ready to receive you.
  985. Shall I send my personal guard to escort you?
  986. >.......
  987. Of course, forgive my overprotectiveness
  988. >Hmph
  990. @@@
  993. >your mother is crying, your mother, the grown mare she is crying
  994. >not because of something serious, that you understood, but because you accidentally slip that you never did like cake and you only ate it because your mom liked it
  995. >it was at a point where your aunt decided not to intervene
  996. >she wipes her tears with her hoof
  997. "Where did I go wrong my sunshine, I never raised you to be such a stallion. Not in this kingdom!"
  998. >you roll your eyes
  999. "Oh for- mom it's just cake. I'm sorry, I didn't know you would cry over a cake!"
  1000. >she gasped
  1001. >damn it, you realize your mistake soon as you said it
  1002. >you didn't know she could be more sad with the state she was.
  1003. "J-just a cake?"
  1004. >more tears
  1005. >it's going to be a long day
  1007. "Auntieee... please talk sense into mother. You're the only pony I know that can deal with her. Mom is blowing this out of proportion. She locked herself into the room..."
  1008. >Your aunt is doing her usual thing, putting lavender into the sconce.
  1009. >she chose to stay out of it because it was a matter between 'mother and son'
  1010. >bullshit you know she's saying that to stay out of it.
  1011. "You should have watched your words my dear nephew. You know how she is with her sweets."
  1012. >You follow her as she putting more lavenders, still ignoring your plea.
  1013. "Auntie please?"
  1014. >pouty face activated
  1015. >Auntie looks at you with conflicted eyes. She sighs.
  1016. "We heard your plea, we shall discuss it with her. However, do not-"
  1017. >there's a low rumbling
  1018. >it's your mother and her personal chef with her secretary, Quick Quill
  1019. >she looked annoyed, probably because she's awake when it was her time off
  1020. >she has her 'royal canterlot face'
  1021. >whatnow.parchment
  1022. "Anonymous."
  1023. >Something was up, she only calls your full name when you're in trouble.
  1024. "Follow me."
  1025. >you enter your mother's studies, there 's a couch and a chair next to it
  1026. >Your mother sits on the couch and beckons you to sit while Quick Quill
  1027. >then you remembered
  1028. "Hey quick quill, what did you do before becoming a secretary again?"
  1030. @@@
  1033. >when you're totally a big boy but you sleep better sharing a bed with your Aunt and having her count sheep with you as she calls you her lamb.
  1035. >your look out the window to see the sun being raised up just as you finish your work for the negotiation with the dragons
  1036. >it was a new dragon lord that you met as a child, Ember was the name, you think
  1037. >it might be wrong
  1038. >Was it the dragons you were negotiating with?
  1039. >no amount of caffein was going to keep you up today
  1040. >your body is heavy but sleeping in the morning never was easy
  1041. >not without her
  1042. >you're 25 now damn it
  1043. >just a little, it wouldn't hurt for a nap before the day starts
  1044. >you knock the door softly
  1045. "Come in, dear nephew."
  1046. >has it been that much of a routine that she knew it was you?
  1047. >auntie luna smiles, she always does despite her fatigue
  1048. "Another sleepless night, an 'all-nighter' as you say."
  1049. >your aunt gives a smile that woul dcool any heated mind. She scoots over to make space for you.
  1050. "Yeah, do you mind auntie?"
  1051. >she cups your cheek with her hoof
  1052. "Of course not, my little lamb. You will never be unwelcomed in our presence."
  1053. >you smiled tiredly
  1054. "Thanks auntie. You're the best."
  1055. >it's so soft
  1056. >the bed that is, not her flank, though she never minded when you rested your head upon her flank.
  1057. >better than any pillows you'd say
  1058. >you don't know when you drifted to sleep, maybe on the 75th sheep but you remember what she said to you before sleeping
  1059. "Sleep tight my little lamb."
  1060. >a voice soft as satin and sweeter than any cakes
  1061. >you never got tired of her voice
  1062. >maybe you should ask mother to work in the evening court instead
  1064. @@@
  1067. >Word to your mother Sunshine
  1069. >You head out with Mom, your cousin and Aunt Luna to a festival your sister Summer told you about.
  1070. >You're not big on the festival itself, but she was going to be working one of the food trucks which meant there would be some different food to try.
  1071. >Maybe the ostrich burger guy would be there.
  1072. >After you all got there you started to scan the trucks for your sister.
  1073. >You quickly found her.
  1074. >You only know two people that have that kind of hair, so it made it easy.
  1075. >Mom and you wait in her line and eventually get a chance to order.
  1076. >Summer smiles when she sees you.
  1077. >A warm natural smile and not a forced one she needs to give the customers.
  1078. >Each of you order and mom gives a pretty good tip into the tip jar for her.
  1079. "So when are you done for the day so we can take in the festival?"
  1080. >"I have another few hours till I can leave. Maybe after 5 unless there's a rush. I'll text you when I'm done and we can all meet up."
  1081. >"Sounds like a plan honey. We need to go catch up with Aunt Luna now. Love you."
  1082. >"Mooom!"
  1083. >She says with a whine of embarrassment.
  1085. @@@
  1088. >The dark side leads to many abilities that some would deem unnatural. Like the lack of a gag reflex. Arent you the least bit curious our prince?
  1090. >Your childhood friend and Sunset just turned evil because of some crazy magic bullshit.
  1091. >And they are walking slowly at you until your back is literally pressed against the wall.
  1092. >Twilight keeps coming towards you until she rests her hand on your chest.
  1093. >"You know Anon, I've always had a crush on you. But I was always to shy and afraid to ruin our friendship to say anything."
  1094. >"And you've been my forbidden fruit ever since I got here. In my world, Celestia never had a son. Something I could never have but now I can just take!"
  1095. >You swallow so hard you think you made that over exaggerated sound like in a cartoon.
  1096. >"I know you've always been a mama's boy Anon. How about I make you call me Mommy tonight?"
  1097. >"I'd be happy to make him scream it Twi."
  1098. >Damnit erection, not now!
  1100. >Sex is literally their kryptonite.
  1101. >Once they have sex with Anon, they revert back to their normal selves.
  1102. >Which means for Twilight, a shy apologetic girl who remembers everything she did and said and is simply embarrassed at the thought.
  1103. >Sunset is surprisingly the same, only with her rep as a villian she is concerned how this will make others see her so she is very remorseful of her actions and wants to do everything for Anon so he forgives her, like carrying his bookbag or getting his lunch.
  1104. >This only gives him a bit of a reprieve until their evil/lustful sides come out again.
  1105. >He at most gets a day, sometimes he fucks them at night, they return to normal, and they are evil again by morning.
  1106. >Celestia is torn about it all.
  1107. >She is happy Anon and Twilight are finally together and also likes that she is calling her Mom, even when evil.
  1108. >Sunset added to the mix does complicate things.
  1109. >She isn't one to talk though, after all the experimenting she did in college with Chrysalis.
  1110. >No matter what she is glad Anon has a girl, or two, who are looking out for him and have access to powerful magic.
  1111. >She also thinks how nice it would be to have grandchildren.
  1113. ...
  1115. >"...Really, Sister? The 8th year super senior and the slut of science hall?"
  1116. >"THOSE are your choices for breeding stock?"
  1117. >"Oh, we knew a steady diet of cake and overexposure to sunlight would take it's mental toll sooner than later.."
  1119. @@@
  1122. >You are Ms. Celestia, a single mother relaxing in bed and catching up on some reading after another taxing day
  1123. >the house was tidy, your son has been bathed and tucked in, now it was just you, your silky pajamas, some red wine, and a murder mystery novel
  1124. >a couple of hours and a glass or two of wine later you bookmark your page and set the book aside, needing some shuteye yourself
  1125. >just as you get comfortable and are about to doze off you are snapped out of it when your bedroom door creaks open ever so slightly
  1126. >turning towards the doorway you instantly recognize the silhouette of your 5-year-old son
  1127. >you can faintly hear his hiccups and sniffles, a telltale sign he had been crying
  1128. >"Anonymous?"
  1129. >no answer
  1130. >"Anonymous, honey?"
  1131. >rather than answer he gingerly shuffles further into the room towards you
  1132. >when he stops by the side of your bed a familiar smell hits your nostrils
  1133. >you turn on the lamp on your nightstand and as the room illuminates you see your son standing beside your bed, his eyes cast down at the floor, his lower lip quivering and tears streaming down his cheeks
  1134. >you notice a large stain on his pajamas from the lower portion of his stomach down to his knees
  1135. >"Oh sweetheart, did you have another accident?"
  1136. >he sheepishly nods his head and through his sniffling he’s able to choke out a meek “Uh-huh,” his eyes still not meeting hers
  1137. >you swing your legs over the side of the bed so you’re facing him and coo sympathetically, pulling him into a tight hug and planting a kiss on top of his moppy head of hair
  1138. >you rub his back and can feel his shoulders hitch with each whimper
  1139. >"Shh, Nonny, baby, it’s alright, accidents happen," you soothe in a hushed voice.
  1140. >he presses his face deeper into your chest and you continue to hold him for a few more moments, slowly rocking him and murmuring words of comfort until his whimpers and hiccups have quieted some
  1141. >"Let's get you out of these icky jammies and then we can sleep together in Mommy’s bed."
  1143. >releasing him from your hug you stand up and reach out to take his hand before starting towards the bathroom across the hall
  1144. >you can feel Anonymous pressing himself against your side
  1145. >You had admit, this hallway was a little spooky in the middle of the night, the tree branches outside could cast some mean-looking shadows whenever there was a full moon
  1146. >you squint when you turn on the bathroom light and you have Anonymous follow you to the toilet
  1147. >you kneel down in front of him and begin to peel off his soaked pajama bottoms, followed by his shirt
  1148. >"Try to go pee-pee, just to make sure you’re all done," you say lifting up the toilet lid and patting the seat
  1149. >he obediently climbs onto the toilet while you put his soiled jams into the hamper and fetch a container of wet wipes from the cabinet
  1150. >after hearing him let out a small trickle into the bowl he slides off the toilet and you kneel in front of him once more, wet wipe in hand
  1151. >you can feel him tremble as it makes contact with his skin
  1152. >you hum softly as you wipe down his crotch, thighs, and bottom, making sure to get every nook and cranny
  1153. >once you felt you were thorough enough you noticed his face was still stained with tears and his nose was a bit runny
  1154. >you toss the wet wipes into the garbage and lead him over to the sink and run a washcloth under some lukewarm water
  1155. >gripping him under his armpits you heft up the naked little boy to sit him on the counter and begin gently wiping his face with the cloth
  1157. >he squirms a little at first but quickly begins to relax into your loving ministrations and stares up at you with glassy dazed eyes
  1158. >you stroke at his hair and smile warmly as you wipe away the crusted snot from around his little nose, never breaking eye contact
  1159. >"There's my big handsome boy..." you whisper once his face is clear of any tear streaks or mucus.
  1160. >after helping him wash his hands and washing your own he reaches his arms out to you with a pouty look, wanting to be held
  1161. >you gather Anonymous in your arms and kiss his cheek as he buries his face into the crook of your neck
  1162. >normally you would make the trek down the hall to his room for a fresh pair of pajamas or undies but you were both just too exhausted for that right now
  1163. >you opted to leave him bottomless and after carefully prying his arms from around your neck you set him down on the edge of your bed while you fished out one of the old graphic t-shirts you sometimes wore to bed, though for Nonny it fit more like a nightgown
  1164. >"Arms up, honey."
  1165. >he sluggishly lifts his arms and allows you to drape the impromptu sleepwear onto him
  1166. >you pull back the covers and help your son climb into bed before following suit
  1167. >once you’re both situated under the covers he presses himself into your side and rests his head on your chest, eyes already closing and his thumb firmly lodged in his mouth
  1168. >you wrap a protective arm around him, rubbing his back and letting your steady breathing and gentle heartbeat lull him into a peaceful sleep
  1169. >"I love you, sweetheart. Mommy will be right here if you wake up."
  1170. >realizing he’s already out like a light you place a soft kiss on his head
  1171. >the last thing you hear before drifting off is a blissful sigh escape your little boy's lips
  1173. @@@
  1176. >"Thanks again for coming in to help me pack stuff up sunshine."
  1177. "Don't worry about it mom. Which binders do you need?"
  1178. >"Probably all of them. They say that we'll be closed until at least the end of the month, but it could be longer."
  1179. "Alright."
  1180. >You start getting her binders and putting them into the box you brought.
  1181. >"Better to have and not need than need and not have."
  1182. >You can't help but chuckle, you were wondering when she might say that.
  1183. "So how many teachers have plans to teach remotely anyway?"
  1184. >"Probably five. No one really planned for this shutdown to happen."
  1185. "Will you be stuck helping them come up with something?"
  1186. >"Probably. Aunt Luna and Cadance would probably help too for her school districts if they need it."
  1187. >Cadance probably has her hands full with her schools too.
  1188. >"Luckily we are fortunate enough to be able to work from home."
  1189. >Aunt Luna said walking into mom's office and pumping some hand sanitizer from her desk and rubs her hands together.
  1190. >"We've had those laptops and VPN connections for a while but never really needed to use them like this."
  1191. >"Easy on the sanitizer Luna, I still need it until I'm done in here."
  1192. >They've both been extra careful because of this virus going around, and you can't blame them.
  1193. >The schools were decided to be closed for two weeks at least to try and contain the spread and encouraged to teach remotely if possible.
  1194. >Miss Raven walked in at that time too.
  1195. >"And it is with a heavy heart that I stay at home and occasionally check my emails as well while getting paid and watching Neigh-Flix."
  1196. >She takes a few pumps of mom's sanitizer too.
  1197. >"Raven!"
  1198. >Wonder how self induced quarantine will play out?
  1199. >People have been going nuts for toilet paper for some reason.
  1200. >Hopefully all this worry is for nothing.
  1201. >But just I'm case...
  1202. >You look at mom, Aunt Luna, and Miss Raven laughing together.
  1203. >You just hope nothing happens to them.
  1204. >Better safe then sorry after all.
  1205. >It'll be an interesting few weeks at least anyway.
  1207. @@@
  1210. > You don’t want to escort us to the Gala? That’s fine Sunshine, I’m sure our guard will protect against the MANY sex maniacs that wish to soil our purity. Right Luna?
  1211. > We are now sure sister, we have heard rumors about band of ZIGGERS attacking underdefended carriages and assailing the voluptuous and extremely fertile women inside.
  1212. > Oh no not ZIGGERS Luna! Aren’t those the villains with 14inch genitalia?
  1213. > Oh it gets worse sister. They actually have two horrid violators of monstrous length down there
  1214. > TWO?! That would tear our front and backsides to shreds! We’d never be able to sit properly ever again!
  1215. > Moreover they are not quick with their violations. They can take hours, even all night if they like their victims enough.
  1216. > All night?! Luna, surely you jest.
  1217. > I wish I were dead sister and they always roam in packs. So imagine being forced to submit to a whole group of them for hours, maybe even days! Days of constant torment. Our minds would surely break from the stress.
  1218. > I don’t think I’d last Luna.
  1219. > That’s not even the worst part sister. It is said that their ‘emissions’ are quite large in volume and super virile. Pregnancies usually produce 3-4 babies per term.
  1220. > What horror! To be so violently attacked and left horribly pregnant and pooping their vile seed for weeks after.
  1221. > Yes, it appears our fate is a grim one. But come sister, we shall face our fate with courage and dignity.
  1223. > Aww such a sweet boy protecting us
  1225. @@@
  1228. "Mom, you ready yet?"
  1229. >"Almost. Just finishing getting into my costume."
  1230. "I dont know what's harder to believe, that we went spoiler free all this time for the new movie or that my mom is cosplaying to a movie."
  1231. >"Oh hush. Well, what do you think?"
  1232. >Your mom says coming into the living room.
  1233. "I'm sure you loo- WHAT THE FUCK!?"
  1234. >"I'll take it that means your old mom's still got it. So do you think there will be a Mandalorian reference at all?"
  1235. "I would be surprised at all, I mean the series is really good and- No I mean dont change the subject! Why are you dressed like that?"
  1236. >"Just showing my love of the series. Why shouldn't I dress up?"
  1237. "People dress up for premieres, not a showing a week after the premier. Second, it's December and cold out. You'll freeze your... it's too cold. And lastly you're my mom dressed like that. I won't lie that you have kept yourself in great shape and Aunt Luna too compared to others."
  1238. >"Thank you dear."
  1239. "You're welcome, but still you shouldn't dress like that."
  1240. >"Oh dont be such a prude."
  1241. >Your aunt comes in with her car keys in hand.
  1242. >"You two ready for the movie? I'm so glad we cam get assigned seating now... what are you wearing?"
  1243. "Finally. Someone else to talk sense into her."
  1244. >"Tia... that wouldn't happen to be my slave Leia costume would it?"
  1245. >"...maybe."
  1246. >"So that's why I couldn't find it to wear today!"
  1247. "Wait, what?"
  1248. >"Please let me borrow it today, I can't find mine."
  1249. >"No, gove it!"
  1250. "Stop it you two. No one is going to a movie in a metal bikini in December."
  1251. >"But my Darth Vader one would look weird."
  1252. >"Then wear the Kilo Ren one you bought before the first sequel came out."
  1253. >"I bet on the wrong horse when I bought that, I'll admit getting that was a mistake."
  1254. "NO ONE IS DRESSING UP! Go get changed into REGULAR clothes and we might be able to make the movie if we hurry."
  1255. >With a sigh, your mom walks off to change.
  1256. >Since when were you supposed to be the adult in this house?
  1258. @@@
  1261. "There she is mom."
  1262. >You whisper poking your head out over a snowbank.
  1263. >"Don't worry, I see her."
  1264. >Your mom whispers back to you.
  1265. >The two of you are looking at your Aunt Luna walking and looking all around her.
  1266. >"Anonymous? Tia? Now where did those two go?"
  1267. "Now?"
  1268. >You ask her while holding a snowball in your gloved hand.
  1269. >"Not yet, not yet. Wait till she gets closer."
  1270. >She answers holding her own in her magical glow.
  1271. >Aunt Luna continues to walk slowly towards your shared position.
  1272. >"Honestly, 'Come out and play in the snow with us.' He says. 'The weather team put together a great snow for us.' She said. Well, where are they I say!"
  1273. >She yells out as she gets closer.
  1274. "Now?"
  1275. >"Now."
  1276. >Standing up you start throwing the snowballs you have in your arms at your aunt one by one as tour mother effortlessly throws her stash of snowballs with her magic.
  1277. >Her attention focuses on the movement to her side and she looks just un time for the first wave of snowballs to reach her.
  1278. >"What the fu-"
  1279. >But she is cut off by snow hitting her muzzle.
  1280. >She recovers from the shock and quickly moves to shield herself with her wing.
  1281. >Her irritation gives way to happiness as she begins to laugh with each ball that hits.
  1282. >With a thought, she starts to gather snow herself in her magic and starts to pack it together and returns fire.
  1283. >"An ambush Anonymous? I thought you were better than that."
  1284. >"It was actually my idea Lulu."
  1285. >Your morning continued like that for some time, at least until Miss Raven came out to remind you of your royal duties.
  1286. >You'll all just pick up after lunch then.
  1288. @@@
  1291. >You walk into the throne room to go see mom.
  1292. >Maybe grab some lunch together or something.
  1293. >Oh hey, Twilight's here and... who is that?
  1294. >She looks familiar.
  1295. >"Prince Anonymous, it's good to see you again."
  1296. "Hi Twilight. How many times do I need to remind you that you don't need to say 'Prince' everytime?"
  1297. >"At least once more."
  1298. >She says with a smile.
  1299. >At this point you notice the yellow mare looking you up and down with her mouth slightly open.
  1300. >"Where are my manners? This is my friend Sunset Shimmer. She was in a parallel dimension for a..."
  1301. >Twi gets that look on her face like she said something she wasn't supposed to.
  1302. >"Sunset Shimmer was on a very special assignment for me and has been for some time. She only just returned."
  1303. >Mom says in the way you know she's lying, but you don't want to press her on it right now.
  1304. >Just then you realize why she looked familiar.
  1305. >She was the older student of mom's before Twilight.
  1306. >Little full of herself from what you remember, but to be fair so would anyone who was a personal student of the princess.
  1307. >"P-prince Anonymous, I'm sorry for anything I may have done to upset you all those years ago."
  1308. >Well it seems like she's a lot more humble now at least.
  1309. "It's fine, but thank you for the apology. So, you're back from your assignment."
  1310. >"Actually, I'm just back to visit and do some research."
  1311. >"Yeah! She's an... uh- ambassador! That's right, an ambassador to a parallel world."
  1312. >Twilight adds in her usual not really needed style.
  1313. "I see. So what kind of parallel world is this anyway? A kind of mirror world where everyone evil and opposite of how they normally are?"
  1314. >Twi and Sunset are looking at eachother.
  1315. >"Well... there is a mirror, but it is a world of..."
  1316. >Twilight starts but pauses.
  1317. >"Humans. Like you."
  1318. >Sunset finishes.
  1319. >You feel your eyes go wide.
  1320. "W-what?"
  1321. >"A world full of humans. Just like you."
  1322. >Your mom says with a hint of sadness in her voice.
  1323. >"And if you want to go and be with others like you then I won't stop you."
  1325. ...
  1327. >after a long talk with Celestia, Anon goes through the portal to check the place out and prove that she's not just his last resort by coming back
  1328. >he turns into a pony on the other side and is picked up by animal control
  1330. ...
  1332. >Decide to go through the portal with your mom and maybe a few other ponies.
  1333. >Your mom and the other ponies turn human, Sunset is surprised you stay the same human you were before.
  1334. >You are surprised to say the least when you see your mom as a human.
  1335. >Even if you weren't there when she came through the mirror you would have known her instantly no matter how she looked.
  1336. >But imagine your surprise when the principal of the high school is this world's counterpart to your mom.
  1337. >She apparently never got married or had a kid of her own, so you don't have a parallel you in this world from everyone's best guess.
  1338. >You also notice this world's Celestia has taken a liking to you after discovering how your mom took you in and adopted you.
  1339. >Also Sunset seems to be friends with this world's Elements of Harmony as well.
  1340. >This day has been weird to say the least.
  1342. @@@
  1344. MT88
  1347. >You fucked up. Pretty bad actually.
  1348. >It's been a few days and even though she still talks to you, you know it's a cold, disappointing tone, even though it sounds like her normal voice.
  1349. >You feel like absolute shit. And rightly so.
  1350. >You forgot her birthday.
  1351. >Again.
  1352. >Like, 3 years in a row now.
  1353. >You remember it right up until a few days before, and then something happens that it slips your mind.
  1354. >First it was the vacation you, aunt Luna and mom had taken together.
  1355. >To be fair, Luna copped it too for not remembering until you all came back. 5 days after it had passed.
  1356. >Then last year you and the guys went to a midnight game release and ended up staying up all night playing it, and slept all day, waking up in the evening.
  1357. >This time however, you had a part time job, you forgot to take time off on her birthday and ended up doing a double shift.
  1358. >You were dead tired and ending up sleeping most of the next day.
  1359. >So yeah, here you are.
  1360. >Mom only talking to you when it's necessary and with none of her usual pep that she always speaks with.
  1361. >No small talk like she usually does.
  1362. >Even Aunt Luna is laying low, she mouths words to you when mom is in the same room.
  1363. >Usually though, it's just 'good luck'. Before she scurries off somewhere.
  1365. >You try to break the awkwardness by telling her about your day, like you always do.
  1366. >Enthusiastically you retell something funny that happened, and even Luna chuckled at.
  1367. >But not mom. She just nodded her head and answers "Yes, quite interesting."
  1368. >Luna pitches in with something that happened in the staff room, and got a warmer response from mom.
  1369. >Luna shoots a look that says 'I'm trying, but it's not working.'
  1370. >You shoot her a look back that says, 'I know, thanks aunty. I'll keep trying.'
  1371. >After everyone is finished with dinner, you clear the plates and ask if anyone would like some dessert.
  1372. >"Yes, please." Luna answers, "Delicious cake is always the best thing after a stressful day at work."
  1373. >As cringy and as obvious as that sounded, bless aunty for always having your back.
  1374. >Mom always had a cake in the fridge, it was her go-to comfort food.
  1375. >This is sure to be a winner. She'd never refuse cake!
  1376. >"No thank you. I think I shall just have a bath and head to bed." Mom says.
  1377. >"Good night Lulu. Goodnight son."
  1378. >Oh, you're worse off than you thought. She's always called you sunshine, even when introducing you to others.
  1379. >You and Luna watch mom leave the dining room and hear her bedroom door close before Luna snaps her head back at you.
  1380. >Her face plastered with a look that screams. 'Holy shit, you're in deep shit.'
  1381. >Luna whisper-shouts to you with a hand over her mouth.
  1382. >"Anon, the last time I saw her this angry was when I forgot to buy the cake that time."
  1383. >'That time' referred to when Luna was tasked with buying groceries because mom had an important weekend long meeting with the other principals in the state.
  1384. >She came home stressed out, tired and wanting cake and when she realised there was none, she almost lost it.
  1385. >It didn't help that it was past 9 PM and most stores had already closed.
  1386. >You helped Luna bake cookies and make a pancake stacked cake in an attempt to satiate her.
  1388. >Luckily it did, but mom still woke Luna up and made her go to the store and buy a cake right when they opened.
  1389. >That was one of the few times you had seen her eat cake for breakfast.
  1390. >And as soon as she had cake, she stopped being angry. The change was almost instant.
  1391. >Back to the present.
  1392. "I know aunty. Maybe I should talk to her?"
  1393. >"NO!" She whisper shouts again.
  1394. >"Your mother will NOT accept an apology without some kind of tribute."
  1395. >Which was true, under most circumstances all you usually did was apologise whole-heartedly, hug her and she'd forgive you.
  1396. >This will require an offering.
  1397. >You begin patting your chin thinking.
  1398. >Should you make a cake? Or a gift?
  1399. >Definitely something that showed her that you really care about her.
  1400. >Your lips start to curl as you think.
  1401. >Then it hits you.
  1402. "Ah!" An idea hits you.
  1403. >Luna shuffles in her seat closer to you, eager to hear your idea.
  1404. "Didn't mom say there was that new restaurant she wanted to try?"
  1405. >Luna thinks for a second but struggles to recall.
  1406. "You know, the one with the stage?"
  1407. >"Anon, you know she doesn't like to sing. How will that appease her?"
  1408. "Don't worry aunty. I think I have an idea."
  1409. >Luna looks at you worriedly again, but decides to trust you know what you're doing.
  1411. >You worked the last few days and it's finally the weekend.
  1412. >Time to enact Operation:make-mom-happy.
  1413. >You didn't tell mom that you weren't working, she just thinks you're at work still.
  1414. >Luna took mom out to the restaurant using the excuse she heard the ribs were amazing or something.
  1415. >Mom wasn't convinced but when Luna told her it was her treat, she was on board.
  1416. >"Sister, do try to enjoy tonight." Luna says picking up her martini.
  1417. >"I know Lulu." Celestia sighs. "It's just... oh nevermind. Maybe I'm just over-reacting."
  1418. >She slumps onto the table.
  1419. >"Tell me, what's wrong." Luna asks rubbing her back.
  1420. >After a little while Celestia sips her red wine and begins to let loose.
  1421. >"He probably hates me Lulu." She begins to tear up.
  1422. >"Who? Anon?" Lulu asks rubbing her back more.
  1423. >Celestia nods before collapsing onto the table. "I know he forgot my birthday. At first I was angry but now, it's not even about that." She sniffles.
  1424. >"I mean, I realised that it's not about my birthday."
  1425. >"Then what is it about sister?"
  1426. >"Anon is growing up Lulu." Celestia starts to tear up.
  1427. >"He's growing up and soon he won't need me. Or Us."
  1428. >Luna is also taken aback by the implications, yet still does her best to comfort mom.
  1429. >"Sister, Anon is a good boy. A fine man. We...You have raised him well. I doubt very much he would just abandon us."
  1430. >"I know Lulu, it's just..." Celestia wipes her tears and blows her nose. "I have been dreading this day since he was born. And I even tried to stop it from happening."
  1431. >She takes another drink.
  1432. >"But I can't stop him growing up, and I tried to act convince myself that I'd be alright if -WHEN he leaves."
  1433. >She wipes her tears again, before crying.
  1434. >"But I can't handle it!" She starts to cry.
  1435. >The music from the karaoke is just loud enough that no-one can hear mom making a blubbering mess of herself.
  1436. >One song ends and another starts as Luna does all she can to comfort Celestia.
  1438. >After a few minutes of crying, she gets it out of her system and apologises to Luna.
  1439. >The song ends and the restaurant goes dark.
  1440. >Luna and Celestia pay it no mind as they sip their drinks, not paying attention to the manager on the microphone.
  1441. >"Next up we have someone who's never done this before so please give them a big round of applause."
  1442. >Luna and Celestia automatically applause.
  1443. "Thank you.There's a very special woman here tonight."
  1444. >The crowd roars with applause and encouragement.
  1445. "And I honestly don't deserve her, but am thankful everyday of my life to have her."
  1446. >A few 'woo's' echo.
  1447. "I missed her birthday..."
  1448. >Boo's and uh-oh's float through the crowd.
  1449. "But I wanted to tell her I love her and she's everything to me."
  1450. >The crowd swoons with awww's
  1451. "She's always told me she loves my singing, so I apologise if I'm bad." You get a few laughs from the audience, but you don't care.
  1452. >"I love her always. She is, of course, my mother!"
  1453. >The light above the table turns on, revealing them to the applause and cheering of the whole restaurant.
  1454. >There you are, wearing the best suit Rarity could make on such short notice, looking your absolute best.
  1455. >Mom looks you in the eyes with her confused teary eyes.
  1456. >The music starts.
  1457. >The crowd gives you a standing ovation.
  1458. >Your heart is racing like crazy.
  1459. >Other restaurant goers are patting your arms, chest, back as you pass them on the way to the table.
  1460. >You get a few looks from some girls and their mothers like they want you to sing more.
  1461. "Happy Birthday mama. I love you." You say just loud enough for only her to hear when you reach the table.
  1462. >"Ofcourse I love you Sunshine." She says through choked-back tears.
  1463. >The whole restaurants erupts into applause that lasts minutes.
  1464. >She throws her arms around you and pulls you into the most comfortable hug you've ever had.
  1465. >For good measure Luna jumps in too.
  1466. >"Please forgi-" She tries to apologise but you stop her.
  1468. "You don't ever need to apologise for being my mom." You embrace her tightly.
  1469. >You all sit down and share a late birthday dinner.
  1470. >You paid for everything ofcourse, and it was like everything was back to normal.
  1471. >Mom laughed and joked, and was back to herself.
  1472. >She even guiltily asked if she could try the cake, to which you ordered one of every cake just so she could enjoy them all.
  1473. >You all enjoyed the night chatting and joking that you hadn't even noticed you were the last table there when the started closing up.
  1474. >The manager and staff let it slide this time considering the performance you gave.
  1475. >Your family was small, but it was certainly as big as it needed to be.
  1477. >~Fin
  1479. @@@
  1482. > Be flurry heart, daughter of shinning armor and princess cadance. Future ruler of the crystal empire and best babysitter in equestria.
  1483. > You mom, the now former best babysitter, though it was a good idea for you to follow in her hoofsteps.
  1484. > And she was right its been a few years since you started and you've garnered a good reputation for yourself with equestrias parent.
  1485. > Being able to take care of both colts and fillies with great success. And having no trouble with the different kids of the three pony races.
  1486. > But today was probably going to be your most important job yet, taking care of the royal sisters little colt.
  1487. > Well colt was not quite accurate, yes he was a male infant but apparently the two sisters where bless by faust herself to carry a holy infant that was in the likeness of her race.
  1488. > Or so the priest and holy stallions say.
  1489. > You dont really care all that much you just know that the infant is a bit different from what your used to.
  1490. > Still you've been able to successfully take care of many types of infants so.
  1491. > What could go wrong?
  1493. > Arriving at the castle, you are greated by two guards at the door that salute you and let you in.
  1494. > You walk threw the halls and arrive at the main chambers.
  1495. > Sitting there on their thrown was your aunts Celestia and Luna, both looking as regal as ever.
  1496. > You walk towards them and bow, before hearing celestia giggle.
  1497. > “”Now now flurry you know that you dont have to do that with me.””
  1498. > “”We are both princesses after all we can treat each other casually.””
  1499. > She comes down from her seat to great and give you a winghug.
  1500. > “”Its been a while hasent it.”'
  1501. > “”Yes celestia, i'm sorry that i've not been able to visit you two so often, my work and responsibility where keeping me preoccupied””
  1502. > Luna comes down from her thrown herself to great you too
  1503. > “”That is quite alright flurry, we all have responsibilities that need addressing, its only natural that we cant see each other all the time.””
  1504. > “”Lucky for us and you we now have a reason for you to visit more often. Though sadly today we will not be able to speak for long we have some important diplomatic meting to attend.””
  1505. > “A yes thats why you called me, dont worry you've called the right person for the job, I promise your little one will be in good hoof.””
  1506. > Celestia speaks up at this “”Oh we have no doupt about that, its jusst you do know that he's not the.....usual colt correct?””
  1507. > “”Yes i've read your letters, and i'm still coffident that I can take care of him.”” You say puffing out your chest a little in a proud and confident way.””
  1508. > “”Alright then let us show you where he is””
  1509. > Following the two royal sisters to the room you could not help but feel a bit nervous.....Still it must be nothing.
  1511. >Arriving at the young ones room you are greeted by the usual baby room, crib.changing stand,toy chest ect.
  1512. So far everything seems normal, Celestia slowly walks towards the crib to look inside then looks back at you with a small smile and motions for you.
  1513. She whispers “”Hes still asleep, you can come closer””
  1514. Carefully walking like her you approach the crib and curiously peek inside before your eyes go wide.
  1515. Inside was a small...being,It looked like a weird mix of a Minotaur and ape just without any fur and a fair bit cuter.
  1516. >From what you've read about, it does look like what faust was said to look like just smaller and a bit chubbier, obviously an infant.
  1517. > Taking your time to properly look at him you can see its been dress in dark navy blue pajamas that displays a pattern of stars on it, you smile and roll your eyes at this knowing that Luna was the one that probably had it commission like this.
  1518. > Luna came closer to look at him two then whispered to you. “”We will be gone for the entire day but if all goes well we should be back by the sundown.””
  1519. > “I assume you know what to do?””
  1520. > “”Of course auntie, he may be a bit different but i'm confident my experience with other foals will help me properly take care of him””
  1521. >Celestia comes to you two. “”Ah well that's good to hear, I dont doupt your going to do a good job. “”
  1522. > “”Now all is cloths are in that dresser over there, diapers are in the changing table and milk is in the kitchen, just ask the staff for it if your having trouble finding it.””
  1523. > Luna quietly pipes up “” We position two guards near the door, if anything happens you can inform them.””
  1524. > Following the two bigger alicorns out of the room you gently close the door and follow them as they go towards the top most balcony's to wave them off.
  1526. > You are.......Well your not sure, right now your waking from the comfortable dark place that is sometimes full of colors.
  1527. > Opening your eyes you are greeted by your room and protective barrier.
  1528. > Letting out a few noises and a yawn you look around. You cant really see all that well honestly but its nice to see the blurry blobs of colors everywhere.
  1529. > A few moments and you faintly hear something coming, “”Oh must be spawnfeeder 1, she usually comes to you when you wake up.
  1530. > Moving your head towards where she usually comes into focus you are shock to see its not her usual fully white color but a mix of whitish pink.
  1531. > “”Uh strange is she ok? Maybe this is feeder 2? But why is she like this and not her more usual blue?
  1532. > As the blob comes closser and more into focus you see that its none of those two. No its....similar but not quite like them. At the revelation that this is a stranger you mind goes blank. You cant help but stare taking in the details that you can. She is like the others but not quite like them, she is much smaller than them and does not seem to have the pretty wavy things on their tops.
  1533. > After a short staring contess you mind comes back to you and you start to panic. “” Where is spawnfeeder1and 2? Did something happen? Why is this was so strange and lame looking? Why is she sweating? Why is everything starting to get colder? I just want to feel my protectors warms. Why is...Why is.........
  1535. > After waving off your aunts you started to walk back towards the young ones room to check on him before getting something to eat from the kitchen. Getting closer you hear the faint sound of some babbling gibberish.
  1536. > “”Oh he must be awake””
  1537. > Entering the room you slowly get closer to the crib and stop he is indeed awake and staring strait at you.
  1538. > You notice that his eyes are a strange, very bright, blue. This takes you by surprise since that shade of blue is not usually a nomal eye color, especially not that type of slightly glowing blue. You notice that he too is staring at you unmoving, you stare back...........Ok this is a bit creepy you have to admit, you start to feel a bit of sweat on your forehead.
  1539. > “”Wait what are you doing flurry? He may be a bit strange but this is still just a young foal ,no need to....””
  1540. >Suddenly your ears are assaulted by a very loud screech....yep hes crying darn its loud. Going to need a way to stop this quickly.
  1541. >“”You bring your head closer to him “”Hey its ok little guy im here to take care of you little......gosh darn what was his name again? Was it written in the letter? Did celestia or Luna tell you?””
  1542. > Being distracted by your tough's you dont notice your long hair draping down onto the cribs mattress.
  1544. > Emotion unstable! Commence alerting screech and water duck dispensers.
  1545. > You let that go one for a bit, you see the whitish pink nonmother recoile a bit but then she puts her face closer to you and start speaking. This was going to make you cry even louder but then her nonwavy thing from her head got into your barrier. And touch your leg a bit.
  1546. > You dont know what those words mean or where they came from but “”HOLY SHIT IT WAS SOFT!””
  1547. > You stop your crying and look at it for a bit sure it was not like your mothers but this was somehow softer for some reason, maybe the fact that it was not wavy made it more smooth? No matter YOU-MUST-TOUCH-IT!
  1548. > A few moments after speaking to it the young one stop crying.
  1549. > “”Eh you still got it, you knew your soft angelic voice can relax any misbehaving foal.
  1550. No one can resi.......
  1551. > Suddenly your face was pulled strait into the covers of the crib.
  1552. > “”What just happened?””
  1553. > Looking to the side you can see the young holding on to one of your locks of mane and seems to be feeling/petting it........
  1554. > “”D-did he just pull you into the crib? You knew a few eath pony foals who were strong but never strong enough to actually overpower you.
  1555. > This newborn just pulled you casually into the crib to pet your mane....
  1556. > What have you gotten yourself into?
  1558. @@@
  1561. >"I could be doing so much more as her Dark Sith, Auntie.."
  1562. >"Yet I am relegated to conquering such weak star systems."
  1563. >'Yes, we understand her latest acquisition was the 'Baskin-Robbins' galaxy.'
  1564. >"And it was just my luck that the Haagen-Dazs and Coldstone systems were nearby as well.."
  1565. >"Infact I am sent upon so many of these missions that she fitted my lightsaber with a spoon attachment at one end."
  1566. >Darth Vadernon's holophone buzzes on the table
  1567. >"Oh for hutt's sake..."
  1568. >He activates it's holoscreen
  1569. >"Yes, my mother?"
  1570. >["..My son, we have received good intel pertaining to the whereabouts of the rebel base and their jedi scum allies.."]
  1571. >"..I am listening."
  1572. >["Go to the Nabisco system, an-"]
  1573. >"Oops, A-Auntie's starcruiser is entering an asteroid field, you know how these things get terrible reception *ksssht* you're breaking up, mother, bye bye, kisses."
  1575. >[sun rises without your mom]
  1576. >Zzzz..
  1577. >[Touch the thermostat]
  1578. >ZZZz..ngh..*sigh*..Zzzz
  1579. >[Record over her boring korean soaps]
  1580. >Zzzz wha-..nggh..Zzzzz
  1581. >[Eat the last slice of cake]
  1584. @@@
  1587. >"Anonymous, my sunshine, your Aunt is feeling a little under the weather, would you like to go see the new Wonder Woman with me?"
  1588. >'Sure thing, mom. I hope Auntie feels better, too.'
  1589. >"As do I, now I think I should tell you, I plan to go in some light cosplay, nothing too showy."
  1590. >'I can dig it. So, what're you wearing? Just the tiara an-..anddddd...damn, mom..'
  1591. >"I know, I unsightly tummy pudge ruins it all doesn't it?"
  1593. >"Anyway, I don't want us to be late because I'm too vain, let's get a move on."
  1594. >The movie runs a little longer than you thought and you end up falling asleep towards the end
  1595. >Wake up being carried by your wonder mommy
  1597. @@@
  1600. Great mom's turned into lolies and are now forcing us to participate in a tea party.
  1601. What do?
  1603. ...
  1605. >Call your childhood friend, who just happens to be your mother's favorite student, over to help.
  1606. >If anyone can undo their magic mishap than it would be her.
  1607. >Unfortunately, Twilight brought that one ex-cult leader with her.
  1608. >You've been wary of here since she switched mom and Aunt Luna's cutie marks with eachother.
  1609. >She is certainly powerful, but she is socially awkward and uses too much power in almost everything she does.
  1610. >It's like if she uses a sledge hammer to crack open an egg, it gets the job done... but it is very messy to say the least.
  1611. >While you are explaining what happened to Twilight, mom and Aunt Luna decided to start running around and not listening to anyone.
  1612. >Seems they don't have their adult memories since they don't know you or Twi.
  1613. >Twilight is getting a little frustrated because she is running around after them trying to contain their magic so they don't destroy the castle with any magical surges.
  1614. >She makes a comment wondering how their mother handled them when they were young.
  1615. >Starlight must have heard this and without you knowing, decided she already knew what needed to be done without talking with anyone else.
  1616. >She opened up a time portal spell and apparently brought their mother through it.
  1617. >You didn't know who it was at first, since you never met her, but the two foals recognized her immediately and called out 'Mommy!' together.
  1618. >So that's your grandma...
  1619. >Wish this meeting was under better circumstances.
  1621. @@@
  1624. >Celestia is a single mother trying to get back into the dating scene
  1625. >she's mostly doing it for anon, after all, he needs a good strong father figure that he can look up to
  1626. >lil anon disagrees, he likes things the way they are
  1627. >just him, mommy, and auntie
  1628. >he doesn't need or want a daddy, some strange man coming into his home and stealing his mommy away from him
  1629. >anon proceeds to drive away every single man Celestia brings home by being as much a creepy little hell child as he can whenever her back is turned
  1630. >saying really creepy cryptic shit, like repeating numbers that turn out to be future dates, in a really disturbing monotone voice
  1631. >dismembering his toys and leaving them in strange positions that resemble some kind of satanic blood ritual
  1632. >drawing disturbing pictures featuring Celestia's boyfriends meeting really grizzly ends
  1633. >singing macabre songs in his cutesy little child voice
  1634. >every boyfriend bugs out cuz no MILF pussy is worth this shit
  1635. >Celestia cries and cuddles anon, and for a few weeks things are back to normal
  1636. >until Celestia decides to give another go
  1638. >"Howdy do, Neighbor! Names Discord! Just thought I'd stop by and bring you this Quiche!"
  1639. >Anon's deadpan stare goes from him to the dish
  1640. >"Funny, they call it a 'housewarming', but I am definitely picking up a chill from yo-"
  1641. >SLAM
  1642. >"Alright, good talk!..Tell your mother I said hi~"
  1643. >The door opens back up with surprising quickness
  1644. >'-Fuck you just say about my mom, dude?'
  1646. @@@
  1648. AfterHours
  1651. >You shift in place from side to side, trying to keep your feet from hurting so much.
  1652. >You have been staning in line for a very very long time.
  1653. >But it has all been worth it, because your're finally at the front of the line.
  1654. >Now you just need to wait your turn until you can see him.
  1655. >From what you've been told, he can do almost anything.
  1656. >Maybe he would be able to help you.
  1657. >"Next."
  1658. >You smile and walk up to a woman dressed like... you think they are called elves.
  1659. >"Are you here by yourself?"
  1660. >She looks behind you like she's trying to find something.
  1661. "Yes ma'am, I am."
  1662. >She seems to sigh and points to her right.
  1663. >An older man dressed all in red with a white beard waves at you.
  1664. >Santa Claus!
  1665. >"Alright then, you can go sit on Sanat's lap."
  1666. >You smile and start walking towards him.
  1667. >"Ho ho ho, and how are you doing today son?"
  1668. >You gulp and try to keep yourself composed like Mommy taught you to.
  1669. "I'm good Mr. Claus, sir. And yourslef?"
  1670. >He looks rather surprised at your response.
  1671. >"Well well well, you are a very polite young man aren't you. Seems like someone is definetly going to be on my nice list. Now come sit on my lap and tell me what you want for Christmas."
  1672. >You smile even brighter than before and nod, walking up to him.
  1673. >"Now son, what's your name?"
  1674. "My name is Anon, Mr. Claus sir."
  1675. >"Oh please, just call me Santa."
  1676. >He says with a laugh.
  1677. "Alright, Santa."
  1678. >"Now then, what would you like for Christmas Anon?"
  1679. "Well Santa, I'm not sure if you can do this or not. I've tried everything here but no one seems to be able to help me. But from what everpo- I mean, everyone here has told me, you can do pretty much anything."
  1680. >He loks nervious right now for some reason.
  1681. >"Well... uhm... I can do many things others can't. What is it exactly you had in mind?"
  1682. "Can you please take me home?"
  1683. >"I- ah... sorry, but are you lost?"
  1684. >He looks at the woman who brought you to him and she shrugs.
  1685. "Yes Santa, I am lost. I'm far from home and I would very much like to get back."
  1687. >He looks shocked.
  1688. >"Son... where is your mommy or daddy?"
  1689. "My Mommy is back home in Canterlot, that's where I want to go back to. And I don't have a daddy, but I do have an Auntie."
  1690. >"Canterlot?"
  1691. >He says sounding surprised.
  1692. "Yes sir, it's in Equestria."
  1693. >"Equestria? Well, where are you living now?"
  1694. "I live in an orphanage sir. I'm very far from my home and no one knows how to get me back. You're the only person here with magic, you're the only person I can think of that might be able to help me"
  1695. >His eyes move from side to side.
  1696. >"Uhm, Anon... that's a bretty big..."
  1697. "I don't care if I don't get any other presents. Please... I just want to go home."
  1698. >You look up at him with hope in your eyes.
  1699. >"I-I'll see what I can do. But that might be too much, even for Santa Claus."
  1700. >You deflate a little at his answer, even though you half expected him to say no.
  1701. "Thank you anyway sir, I would appreciate anything you could do. But, if you can't do that for me..."
  1702. >You reach into your coat and take out an envelope and hand it to him.
  1703. "Could you please give this to my Mommy for me instead? I just want her to know I'm alright. She's probably worried about me."
  1704. >He looks unsure but takes your letter and examines the writing on the envelope.
  1705. >He's probably used to kids writing English and not Equish.
  1706. >"Uh hey kid, why don't you take a candy cane and go stand with my elf for a while and I'll see what I can do with this letter."
  1707. >You nod and get up from his lap to grab a candy cane.
  1708. >You noticed the woman from earlier go over to Santa.
  1709. >"Something's wrong with that kid, I don't know what but we better call the cops to pick him up and look into it."
  1710. >You over hear Santa whisperer to her.
  1711. >So him too...
  1712. >Looks like no one can or will help you.
  1713. >You take a candy cane and walk away before they can make you stay.
  1714. >"Hey kid wait!"
  1715. >You hear the woman call to you, but you continue walking.
  1717. >You think she's trying to follow you, but you manage to weave between other people easier than her and you leave the mall without being stopped.
  1718. >It's only a few minutes to the bus stop, hopefully you won't need to wait long for the bus to arrive.
  1719. >Even though you doubt you'll be missed, you don't want to stay away from the orphanage longer than you need to be.
  1720. >Luckily the bus doesn't take too long to arrive.
  1721. >Really would be nice if you had a watch to help you know what time it is.
  1722. >The door opens and you see it's the same driver that dropped you off earlier.
  1723. >"Well hey there sonny. Didn't think I'd see you again tonight. Hope on board."
  1724. >You get in and start going through your pockets for coins.
  1725. >"Ah forget it, it's almost Christmas. Besides, bus is empty anyway. This ride is on me."
  1726. "Thank you sir!"
  1727. >You say smiling.
  1728. >"You're welcome young man."
  1729. >You decide to sit down close to the front of the bus so you can get off easier.
  1730. >Once you're seated, the bus starts to move.
  1731. >"So did you tell Santa what you wanted for Christmas yet?"
  1732. >The old driver calls from the front.
  1733. "Yes sir, but I don't think he can give it to me."
  1734. >"Why not? Were you naughty?"
  1735. "I don't think so sir. But other kids pick on me a lot, so maybe I have been and don't know it."
  1736. >"I don't think that's the case. Why don't you think he'll give you what you want?"
  1737. >He asks with concern in his voice.
  1738. "Because I wanted to go home to be with my family."
  1739. >There is a pause after you tell him that, and all you can hear is the bus driving differen the road.
  1740. >"If I'm not mistaken, there's an orphanage not far from one of the stops on this route... that wouldn't happen to be your stop would it?"
  1741. "Yes sir, it is."
  1742. >Another long pause hangs in the air.
  1743. >"I'm sorry son... I know you might not believe me, but it does get better."
  1744. "What do you mean?"
  1746. >"I grew up without parents for a while too and had to stay at an orphanage myself. And believe me, things do get better. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow, but someday it will get better."
  1747. "Thank you."
  1748. >You respond not really knowing what else to say.
  1749. >The rest of the ride is spent in silence until your stop.
  1750. >You pull the cord near the window, making a singing noise, and the bus pulls over to the curb.
  1751. >The driver watches as you leave.
  1752. >"Hey kid, hang in there. Things'll get better someday."
  1753. >He says as you exit.
  1754. "Thank you sir."
  1755. >"Merry Christmas."
  1756. >He says with a smile and a wave before the doors close.
  1757. >The bus drives off, leaving you alone.
  1758. "Happy Hearthswarming..."
  1759. >Better get going.
  1760. >As you are walking, you try to remember all the good times Mommy, Auntie Luna, Cousin Cadance, and yourself had during the holidays.
  1761. >How mommy made your Hearthswarming doll and put it with hers and Auntie's above the fire place.
  1762. >How you got to open the first present because you were the youngest.
  1763. >You wonder how they're doing back home.
  1764. >It's been over half a year since you ended up here.
  1765. >Lost in thought you found yourself outside the orphanage.
  1766. >You walk along outside until you find the window leading to your shared room.
  1767. >Carefully, you open the window and climb in.
  1768. >Your roommate isn't in yet.
  1769. >All the adults and kids think you stay in your room most of the time anyway so it is easier to just leave through the window than listen to the other children mock you as you walk the halls.
  1770. >You take your hat, coat, and shoes off and place them at the foot of your bed.
  1771. >Your stomach starts to rumble, signaling you should get dinner.
  1772. >Based on the time on your clock, everyone should still be eating.
  1773. >It would probably be best to wait a little longer before going to get something yourself.
  1774. >So you sit on your bed and wait.
  1775. >Might as well listen to the radio.
  1776. >You don't have much here, but the clock next to your bed does have a radio.
  1778. >You don't have much here, but the clock next to your bed does have a radio.
  1779. >You turn it on and just like everyday for the last month, there is Christmas music on.
  1780. "I'll be home for Christmas..."
  1781. >The words hit you hard and you start to get that all too familiar feeling.
  1782. >You've lost count since you came here because of how many times it's happened.
  1783. >You close you eyes, bring your knees up against your chest and bury your face in your crossed arms and start to cry.
  1784. "If only in my... dreams..."
  1786. >"Anonymous."
  1787. >A familiar voice calls out to you.
  1788. >You look around the room but can't see who just said your name.
  1789. >Something feels off though, but you can't put your finger on it.
  1790. >It's almost like some details of the room are wrong.
  1791. >"Anonymous."
  1792. >The voice calls out again more clearly than the last.
  1793. >This time, a small white light starts to form in front of you.
  1794. >You bring your legs down from your chest and begin to crawl on your bed towards the light.
  1795. >Instictively, your hand moves to cover your eyes as they readjust to the brightness.
  1796. >The light grows until it is about as large as you are.
  1797. >A figure can be seen inside of it.
  1798. >It's...
  1799. >Your eyes widen and a smile instantly appears on your face.
  1800. >"Anonymous!"
  1801. >As fast as you can, you get up and run to the light and jump into it.
  1802. "AUNT LUNA!"
  1803. >You cry as you wrap you arms around your aunt's neck.
  1804. >"Anony- Ooof."
  1805. >She is cut off due to your surprise hug and is tackled to the floor.
  1806. "Aunt Luna! You're here! You're really here!"
  1807. >"Anon... ymous... you were having... a nightmare."
  1808. >She manages to say while trying to breath as you continue to hug her neck.
  1809. >What?
  1810. >You loosen your hold on her and look around the room.
  1811. >It's your room.
  1812. >In the castle!
  1813. >Looking down, you see Aunt Luna on the floor.
  1814. >You must have really tackled her.
  1815. "Oh shit! I'm sorry Aunt Luna."
  1816. >You bend down and start helping her up.
  1817. >"It is alright my nightsong. If it were me in your situation, I would have most likely done the same thing."
  1818. >She explains as you both sit on your bed.
  1819. >It was just a nightmare.
  1820. >A bad dream of your life from a long time ago.
  1821. "So... how much did you see?"
  1822. >"I was alerted to your nightmare a short while ago. I saw from you running away and then walking to the, 'bus' I believe you called it. I attempted to enter your dream but could only view it until the very end."
  1823. >A sigh escapes your lips.
  1824. "Probably because it wasn't really a dream, so much as a memory."
  1826. >She drapes a wing around your back, resting it on your shoulder.
  1827. >"Memories work differently than dreams. A dream can be guided in a direction and possibly even controlled by the dreamer. However, a memory is more akin to a book. No matter how many times you read it or how badly you want something else to happen, it will always end and play out exactly the same way."
  1828. >You think back to the first time you dreamed when you got home.
  1829. >It was more of a memory of your years away than a dream, which would explain why Aunt Luna couldn't do much to help you.
  1830. "I guess that makes sense then."
  1831. >You look at your phone on your night stand and see you were only asleep for about an hour.
  1832. >Not to mention you feel bad that you dragged her away from whatever official business she was doing to try and stop your nightmare.
  1833. "I'm sorry you had to come here to try and help me. I know you're probably busy with night court or watching over other ponies dreams."
  1834. >"I would not worry about that if I were you. There are a select few for whom I would drop everything and rush to their aid. And you, my dear nephew, are one of them."
  1835. >She looks at you and smiles while lightly touching your nose with a wingtip.
  1836. >A smile forms on your face and a chuckle escapes your lips.
  1837. "Thanks."
  1838. >You really missed this feeling.
  1839. >The feeling like you mattered and were loved.
  1840. >Without even thinking about it, you lean in and hug her.
  1841. >She gladly accepts and wraps her wings around you.
  1842. >The two of you hold your embrace for about a minute until you start to pull away.
  1843. >"Will you be alright or would you like me to stay until you fall asleep?"
  1844. "I should be fine. Thanks though."
  1845. >With a nod and a smile she stands up and starts to walk away.
  1846. "Oh hey, while you're here, that dream got me thinking. What would you like for Hearthswarming? And any idea what mom wants? I keep asking, but she just says 'anything is fine.' And that really makes it hard to shop for her."
  1848. >She stops and looks like she is deep in thought.
  1849. >"Your mother has always been hard to get gifts for."
  1850. "Yeah, what do you get the princess who can move the sun? I mean she can have anything she wants. You too for that matter."
  1851. >"I personally would be more than satisfied with my nephew being home for Hearthswarming."
  1852. >You chuckle again.
  1853. "Sorry to ruin the surprise, but you got that. Anything else?"
  1854. >She thinks for a moment.
  1855. >"What about something you make us?"
  1856. >You immediately think of hand made gifts you gave them years ago.
  1857. "I'm not some kid. I want to give you something good. You know, something you want."
  1858. >"And what if I want something you make me? A drawing, painting, or even a treat from the kitchen."
  1859. "Okay, I mean if that's what you really want."
  1860. >"It is."
  1861. >She strides back to your bedside.
  1862. "Anything in particular for a treat?"
  1863. >"Some rum balls would be nice and festive. Cake of course for your mother."
  1864. >She kisses your cheek.
  1865. >"Sleep well my nightsong."
  1866. "Night Aunt Luna."
  1867. >She walks to your door and turns as she leaves the room.
  1868. >"If you really want, you could always make me copies of some of your music."
  1869. "I'll include some Boston for you."
  1870. >You respond, mentioning one of her favorite bands.
  1871. >"Thank you my dear."
  1872. >She says with a smile as she continues on her way.
  1873. >You lay down in bed and try to get comfortable.
  1874. >At least you have some ideas to work with.
  1875. >Just hope you have enough time and they like what you can make them.
  1876. >But that's for another day, because you really need to get some more sleep.
  1878. @@@
  1881. But who would make an attempt on the prince’s life
  1882. >I'm sorry Anon. Queen's orders.
  1884. ...
  1886. Since she said 'Queen' I think we can narrow it down to Freddie 'Merks A lot' Mercury or Chrysalis.
  1887. Mom has since taken the necessary precautions to teach her son self defense should he be attacked while alone.
  1888. >"This is fucking siiiiiiiiick."
  1889. >'I thought you might have that reaction, but you've a long way to go before you yourself become a formidable magic user, Anonymous.'
  1890. >'Your telekinesis is about on par for a beginner, but your telepathy and telepathic defenses are especially weak.'
  1891. >'You'd be easy pickings for even a novice chaos or corruption magic user, as I'll now demonstrate~'
  1892. >"Demonstrate? How?-"
  1893. >Mom's horn lights up and Anon's body goes rigid as he salutes with one hand and grabs himself with another
  1895. >"See? I hope this makes you take your lessons with your Aunt and I a bit more seriously."
  1896. >"My Princely handsome boy..he has such potential, but he racka' disciprine~"
  1897. >"Learn under me, my son."
  1898. >'You mean learn from you, right?'
  1899. >"I know what I said, Anonymous."
  1901. @@@
  1904. >"Did you know....humans. That, the very first day...can NOT be found among any of your historic tomes?"
  1905. >"It was NOT recorded in any part of "your" history."
  1906. >"No. The first day was made for ME. By HER."
  1907. >"You things-, shitting PEONS."
  1908. >"You sicken me beyond reason I AM OF HER AND FROM HER."
  1909. >Celestia's son and first angel, Anonymous, delivers his speech to none in particular as he balances perfectly atop the very strings and fabric of reality
  1910. >"..I can't wait for you to do yourselves in. Free will was a gift; all life is a gift and you squander it with glee."
  1911. >"You live so debauched and without shame that she proclaimed their were 7-, SEVEN things thou shalt not engage in."
  1912. >An ear splitting roar breaks his sermon
  1913. >That's his horn
  1914. >"Oh dear. No doubt Mother will want an explanation for my "harsh words" against her 'creations'."
  1915. >He stifles a laugh
  1916. >"Yes, humans...even I can be in trouble."
  1918. @@@
  1921. >Hey girls! You all ready for the companie’s annual winter getaway?
  1922. >Uh actually Twi, I don’t think y’all allowed to go with us.
  1923. > what do you mean?! I work here too!
  1924. >Darling it’s for employees that worked here continuously for more than one year.
  1925. >BUT BUT
  1926. > Trust me egghead you wouldn’t enjoy it anyways. It’s all trust exercises this, department evaluations this, Face down ass up on Anon’s bed that.
  1927. >WHAT?!
  1928. >She means we have to keep Anon’s bed warm continually silly billy!
  1929. > You guys even have to do it during the getaway?
  1930. > Ummm it’s......we’re all under contract Twilight. It’s not like we enjoy the long, hot, sweaty, nights
  1931. >Yea Twi it’s a lot of work you kno? And that Anon never seems to run out of energy.
  1932. >For sleeping?
  1933. > O-of course darling! He’s a very active sleeper! It’s all I can do to make him stop moving so I can rest.
  1934. > Wow girls, I didn’t know you girls had it so bad. Maybe I should right a letter to the BBB?
  1936. > But Rarity just sa-
  1937. > What Pinkie means is its long and hard work but we all satisfied and fulfilled when it’s over.
  1938. >Well if you’re all sure.
  1940. @@@
  1943. "Look Anon, that's a friend of mommy's. Velvet?"
  1944. >Your old friend turns around, sees you and smiles.
  1945. >"Tia? Oh how are you?"
  1946. >You feel Anon hide behind your leg because of his shyness like he normally does when meeting new people.
  1947. >Looking at Velvet it seems her little one is shy too.
  1948. >She buried her head into her mother's neck after Velvet turned around.
  1949. "Are you all settled and moved in yet? I didn't want to bother you while you're still unpacking."
  1950. >"Oh we're just about unpacked now. Just a few boxes left is all."
  1951. >She was a friend of yours for years and you both became teachers together.
  1952. >She moved away when her husband got a promotion a few years back but they are back now.
  1953. >"And this little one must be Anonymous."
  1954. >Looking down you see Anon move his head from behind your leg you look at her.
  1955. >"Hi."
  1956. >He says before quickly moving back behind you.
  1957. >You both giggle.
  1958. >"Why hello Anonymous. And this little one is Twilight Sparkle. Can you say 'hello' Twilight."
  1959. >Twilight looks briefly at you and Anon before turning back into her mother's neck to hide.
  1960. >"Mmm-mmm."
  1961. >"Please honey, for mommy?"
  1962. >"Mmm-mmm."
  1963. >Anon pokes his head out again.
  1964. >"Hi Twilight. I'm Anon."
  1965. >The little girl looks up again.
  1966. >"Hello."
  1967. >"Well that was a lot easier than it normally is with her."
  1968. "Anon seems to have that effect on people. So, do you have a teaching job lined up yet? I could ask the principal at Canterlot High and see if we could get you in there."
  1969. >"Thanks, but I actually have something over at Crystal Prep."
  1970. "Crystal Prep, how prestigious. But it isn't that far away. Maybe you would be up for some playdates on the weekends."
  1971. >"That would be lovely. Would you like to have Anonymous come over and play with you every once in a while sweetie?"
  1972. >"Okay."
  1973. "Would you like that too sunshine?"
  1974. >"Yes."
  1975. "Well I'll let you get back to your shopping. Give me a call when you finish unpacking and we can plan a playdate. Can you say bye Anon?"
  1976. >"Bye."
  1977. >He waves.
  1978. >"Bye-bye."
  1979. >Twilight waves back.
  1981. ...
  1983. >"Twilight, dear, do you by chance have a change of clothes in your backpack?"
  1984. >'..N-No, sorry. I'll just sleep in these if that's fine.'
  1985. >"Hmm..I think Luna and myself may be a bit..full figured for any of our clothes to fit you."
  1986. >"Anonymous, sunshine?"
  1987. "Huh?" Anon calls from his room down the hall
  1988. >"Anonymous, is it alright if Twilight borrows a pair of shorts and a shirt to sleep in?"
  1989. "Uh I guess yeah, I'm kind of in the middle of a match but she can dig through the drawers or take her chance in the closet."
  1990. >Mom smiled
  1991. >"His room is the last door on the right, Twilight. Don't be shy."
  1992. >'T-Thank you Princes-, Principal Celestia, ma'am..'
  1993. >"Celestia' is quite fine, dear. We'll....we'll figure this all out at some point, but for now, our house is your house."
  1994. >Mom hugs her gently and ushers her off in the direction of Anon's room
  1995. "..Ah you fuckin' bastard..camping ass lil beetch.."
  1996. >Twilight knocks lightly before nudging his door open a bit more to poke her head in
  1997. >'H-Hi, Anonymous. So, you said the drawers or the closet?'
  1998. "Yep."
  1999. >'Oh ok I-I'll just..[oh god the smell of a male..]'
  2000. "Huh?"
  2001. >'Nothing! Heh, guess I'm just being a little picky..m-maybe you want to pick something for me to wear?'
  2002. >Anon rolls his eyes as a continue screen comes up
  2003. >He stretches at the foot of his bed where he'd been sitting
  2004. "Uh, sure."
  2005. >Anon rummages through a drawer and pulls out a pair of CHS p.e. shorts and a faded 'Dark Sabbath' t-shirt
  2006. "Here you go. It's not Shanel or Buitton but it's what I got."
  2007. >'Thank you, Anonymous..'
  2008. "Yep, no prob."
  2009. >'W-Would it be ok if I stayed and watched you..uh..w-what ARE you doing?'
  2010. "..Are video games not a thing at your house?"
  2011. >'Stars above, I don't think anywhere in Equus ha-, aahhh haha, I mean, yeah, s-sure!'
  2012. >'I..I'm always video my house.'
  2013. "K.."
  2014. "Well, yeah, sure, I guess. Just don't be like my mom; every 5 seconds 'Anonymous, you missed a guy' 'Sunshine, was that important?' 'Sweetie, let me get the chaotic diamonds.'"
  2017. >"I-I'm quite alright just watching you~.."
  2018. "What?"
  2019. >"W-Watching you play that is!"
  2020. "Hah..heard you the first time, goof."
  2021. >"I didn't mean-..A-Anonymous, w-would you say no if I asked for a hug?"
  2022. "..I uh..I don't know what happened Twilight, but I know my mom, my aunt and I are going to try to help you, so..yeah, sure."
  2023. >"Thank you.."
  2024. >Twilight immediately glomps Anon
  2025. "Eaasy there, cowbo-..fuck it."
  2026. >Anon hugs her back, hard
  2027. "..Mom said you were sleeping in the library on fucking books, jesus."
  2028. "D-Don't think I', trying to get you at a vulnerable point, Twilight, but I can definitely empathiz- are you touching my dick?"
  2030. @@@
  2033. >"So you were dreamwalking in on me?"
  2034. >'YES, I was! What sort of loving mother would I be if I didn't occasionally invade the sanctity of your dreams?'
  2035. >"..And that's the only one you saw?"
  2036. >'Well, no, there was that ghastly one involving mutant elements of harmony..'
  2037. >"Gah..those damn spicy hayfries give me weird dreams."
  2038. >'A-And I did see one or two where it was just you and I..'
  2039. >"Oh god, you saw the date one?"
  2040. >Mom stifles a laugh
  2041. >'Anonymous, 'you're so cute you make my pee pee hard' is a perfectly acceptable compliment for your mother, don't be shy.'
  2043. @@@
  2046. Meanwhile, on a spirited outing with the royal family
  2047. "Ah jeez..MA! MA! Lookit' this friggin' thing over hea'!"
  2048. ", this things fucked up."
  2049. >'Stahs above..jeezus, sweethaht, it''- Anonymous, sunshine, what is it?"
  2050. "Well, friggin', I's gotta be like some kinda' whale or somethin'?"
  2051. >'I'm not sure, sweetie, I mean it looks like more of just the head a' somethin'...'
  2052. "Fuarkin' A..that is some weahd' shit we're seein' right hea', ma'..."
  2053. >'Here fishy, fishy~..Anon, gimme a piece a cake.'
  2054. "Ma, like, if that friggin' things sick, I don't think cake is gonna help.."
  2055. >'Oh? You da weahd' fish docta' now or somethin? Gimme the cake..'
  2056. >She drops a handful of cake near the floundering creature, who does nothing
  2058. >Anon chuckles
  2059. "Hehe..raspberry sucks."
  2060. "Ehh, Auntie, bring us around the uh, poart' side over there..I got a feelin' ma' is gonna go back for that cake."
  2063. @@@
  2066. >"Luna, I think Anonymous is getting to an age where he's curious about women."
  2067. >'Oh? What makes you think so? Could our darling Gallahad of a Nephew be approaching manhood so swif-'
  2068. >"Luna, look at me and then go look in the mirror."
  2069. >Auntie looks up from her coffee & paper
  2070. >Mom's figure is covered in sharpie graffiti
  2071. >'Anonz boobiez', 'Anonz mommy', 'Anons mommys hair', 'Anonz butt'
  2072. >"..Just got off the phone with their customer service folks, it's non-toxic know, at your leisure.."
  2073. >Auntie pulls open her robe and glances down at her chest
  2074. >'Anonz loonar playgrown', 'Anonz qut auntie'
  2075. >"I'm glad he's learning some penmanship and possessive's, though- also, I just found out saliva washes this right off."
  2076. >"Anonymous? Sweetheart, you can come out of your room now~ Mommy and Auntie need your help with something."
  2078. @@@
  2081. >"Anonymous, please, if you can't be mature about this then we'll have no choice but to limit it to strictly at-home."
  2082. >'Mom, I was j-'
  2083. >"Just about to keep giving me that slackjawed thousand yard stare, I know."
  2084. >"..Anonymous, you're much, much more than just my son..and I hope I'm much, much more to you than just a mother."
  2085. >'Mom, stop, I was just going to-'
  2086. >"I WANT us be more than a means to an end; I want you and I to.."
  2087. >'..Mom, I was just going to tell you you forgot to put your bra back on.'
  2088. >"Huh?-Ohmyword!"
  2089. >'Yeah, see? They have an effect on you when you first see em'..'
  2091. ...
  2093. >At celestia's discretion anon gets called for counseling sessions every once in a while with celestia
  2094. >In reality anon gets called in for what celestia calls "milkies time"
  2095. >Anon gets really embarassed by the name but cant deny her mommys big milkie breasts that need to drained
  2097. @@@
  2100. >"Anon, brah, like, we almost never see you outside of school, bro, sup?"
  2101. >'Ah..same shit different day really..why do you ask?'
  2102. >"No reason, brah, just, like..we don't hang out a lot or nothing, just wonderin.."
  2103. >'It's my old lady, man, shit.'
  2104. >"Ahhh, haha, mom's, right?"
  2105. >'Ha, see, I knew someone else would understand.'
  2106. >"I get it, dude, mines always on the warpath about me not cleaning my room or something."
  2107. >'It's such a bother, god, it's like "YES, MOM, I'll pick up my underwear off your bedroom floor right now if it's such an emergency."..Jesus.'
  2108. >"Hahah, w-what?"
  2109. >Anon's phone begins ringing
  2110. >'Fuckin' A...speak of the devil, right? I gotta take this bro, sorry- Hii mama~'
  2111. >Anon makes a talk talk motion with one hand, rolling his eyes before waving to his classmates; taking his leave
  2112. >"S-See ya round, Anon!"
  2113. >Anon turns back waving
  2114. >"Mom, stop, I was just bs'ing with some of the guys-, see? That was them saying bye right now."
  2115. >Anon still has to console and reassure a very possessive mom & auntie that they're the most important women in his life
  2117. @@@
  2119. Kirko Bangz
  2122. >This is gonna be so much fun!
  2123. >You giggle to yourself, as you adjust your moustache in the mirror.
  2124. >"By the moon--What in tartarus are you doing sister??"
  2125. >Luna stands in the doorway to your bedroom, eye lowered in curious annoyance.
  2126. "Shh! Keep it down! I'm gonna play a joke on Anon!"
  2127. >"A joke?"
  2128. >Satisfied with how the phony facial hair looks, you put on your top hat, and glasses.
  2129. >"Hey! Those are my reading glasses!"
  2130. "I'm just borrowing them for a moment. Calm down!"
  2131. >Luna grumbles trotting up next to you.
  2132. >"You still haven't told me what joke you're going to play on Nephew Anonymous."
  2133. >Stifling your laughter, you take a deep breath.
  2134. "Anon is out in Canterlot at the Juice Bar. I'm going to go there disguised as a Stallion, and pretend to "Spit the game" as the colts, and Fillies say."
  2135. >"Yikes, and oldpilled."
  2136. "What did you say?"
  2137. >Luna smiles through cringe.
  2138. >"N-nothing. Do you really think this is gonna work? I think Anon is smart enough to see it's just his adoptive mother in a suit with and fake moustache."
  2139. >You wave a hoof at her, brushing off her comment.
  2140. "This disguise is foolproof. Anon will think I'm a totally different pony!"
  2141. >"Uh-huh..."
  2142. >You give a little twirl in the mirror.
  2143. "How do I look?"
  2144. >"Let's see. A seven foot tall alicorn princess, dressed in a suit, and brown fedora with a moustache that's about to fall off at any moment. Absolutely ridiculous."
  2145. "Oh phooey on you, fun police."
  2146. >You canter out of the room, with Luna in tow, as you head for the front gate, the guards saluting you on the way.
  2147. >Obviously it's Luna they're saluting. Right now, you're not Celestia. You are-
  2148. >"What are you gonna call this new persona of yours anyway?"
  2149. >You tip your Fedora in Luna's direction.
  2150. "So glad you asked! I am--"
  2151. >You pose, standing on your hind legs.
  2152. "THE JEFF!"
  2153. >"Oof."
  2154. >You gigglesnort, galloping off into the city, to find your son.
  2155. >Luna watches from the drawbridge, brow furrowed.
  2157. >It's not even Five minutes before you get to the bar, "Mike Litoris Juice" bar.
  2158. >Wait a tic. Mike Lit-
  2159. "Oh! There he is!"
  2160. >You see your son sitting at the counter sipping from a brightly colored glass, leaning on his forearms.
  2161. "Okay Celestia. Show time! This will be, as the youngsters say: "E-Been"."
  2162. >You straighten yourself out, and saunter up to the counter, sitting next to your son, who glances your way briefly, before going back to his drink.
  2163. >How should you start things off?
  2164. "Hello!"
  2165. >NO! Your voice! Deepen it!
  2166. "A-A-AHEM! I mean-[Hello there, youngster]."
  2167. >Anon looks left, and right at first.
  2168. >He then looks at you, pointing to himself.
  2169. >"Are you talking to me?"
  2170. "[Why yes, Yes I am, fellow youth.]"
  2171. >He scratches the back of his head.
  2172. >"Oh...Uh...Hi."
  2173. "PFFFT-"
  2174. >You immediately suppress your laughter. He's totally fooled! Your disguise is impenetrable! Luna didn't know what she was talking about!
  2175. >"Are you okay?"
  2176. "[O-oh! Yes! I am! How about yourself, fellow youth?]"
  2177. >"Can't complain."
  2178. >He goes back to his Juice.
  2179. "{So Comrade youngster, What is that drink you are "Sippin" on my Home-me"]"
  2180. >How can they talk like this?
  2181. >Anon curls an eyebrow at your hip-hop slang.
  2182. >"Uhm...This is "Mike Hunt's Nectar". It's pretty good. A little salty though."
  2183. >You nod.
  2184. ""
  2185. >"Right...."
  2186. >Okay Celestia. Time to ruse Anon!
  2187. >You look around, and lean in close.
  2188. "[Say, you want to go into the bathroom, and "knock the boots together"?]"
  2189. >His eyes widen in surprise.
  2190. >"Excuse me?!"
  2191. >He's so about to freak out!
  2192. >You grin slyly.
  2193. ""
  2194. >Anon scrunches his face up, like he just ate a lemon at first, then he looks around the Bar, and leans in close to you.
  2195. >"F-for real?"
  2197. "[Yes! Let's go find a stall, and "get in it" as the young Zebras say!]"
  2198. >He blushes. seemingly shrinking into himself.
  2199. >"I-it's get it in. a-and okay. Let's go..."
  2200. >Huh.
  2201. >He gets off his stool, grabbing you by the foreleg, taking you to the Stallions restroom.
  2202. "W-wait! Are you serious??"
  2203. >He looks back at you, with a lustful grin.
  2204. >"Of course! I need a good release, and I can see you need one too. Why else would you proposition me like that?"
  2205. "I-I was just Joke-"
  2206. >Your words fall on deaf ears, as he shoves you into an unoccupied stall, where you see various writings on the walls.
  2207. >For a taste of the night Come to Canterlot Castle at midnight -Luna
  2208. >There's going to be a serious discussion with her about this later.
  2209. >Anon pushes you onto the toilet seat, closing and locking the stall door behind him.
  2210. "H-hold on a moment. I think we're going too fast-"
  2211. >"Are you backing out now?"
  2212. "W-well no, but-"
  2214. >"Killer, bend over and drop em."
  2215. >Drop what? You heard the youth say, "Drop it like it is hot", but drop what exactly? You're starting to panic.
  2216. >You gulp, slowly turning around.
  2217. >"Geez.. Here, let me help you-"
  2218. >He grabs you by the waist, and undoes your pants, pulling them down partway. Just enough to have a view of your exposed puckerhole.
  2219. "O-Oh dear! Anon! Wait!"
  2220. >He takes your flanks in his hands, pressing his face into your bottom.
  2222. >You can feel his bumpy tongue swirl, and trail circles around your anus, sending shivers down your spine. Your legs wobble, and you struggle to keep your wings from shooting outward.
  2223. >"You like that,huh? I thought you would."
  2224. >What sort of depravity has your child been getting into when you weren't looking?!
  2225. "N-nggh..Ah~!"
  2226. >"Look at your butthole pulsate. It's begging me to put something inside it."
  2227. >Such foul talk! You can't believe your ears!
  2228. "UUUOOOH!"
  2229. >Anon buries two fingers into your rump unexpectantly, nearly making you buck in surprise.
  2231. @@@
  2234. >Anon wonders why he hasn't seen his father if he's the only human in Equestria
  2235. >"Oh sunshine, your father was just like an exact copy of you, he even had your sense of humor ...but then one day he disapeared, I don't blame him he must had a reason, so please don't hate him"
  2236. >Anon grew up resenting him anyways
  2237. >Anon finds a strange contraption in mother's artifact room
  2238. >He sees a flash of fire and lands on top of some bushes
  2239. >"Hey this sent me all the way to the courtyard... but it seems diferent"
  2240. >"Anonymous creature! state thy name!"
  2241. >"Mom what do you mean? Its me your son, did you lose some weight since last morning?"
  2242. >"I have no children and they wouldn't be so rude as to comment on a maidens weight!"
  2243. What to do?
  2245. @@@
  2248. >Anonymous goes under for a small operation
  2249. >Wisdom teeth/appendix removal/Hangnail
  2250. >Has all the nurses fawning over him
  2251. >"Poor dear, he hasn't stopped going on about his mother and aunt since he woke."
  2252. >All they're able to decipher is mom this, auntie that
  2253. >He's actually telling them the dreams he had about them while on the anesthetic
  2254. >"My mom's tits, man......they're like...fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.."
  2255. >"An-..And my aunt..godddddddddddd she's so cuuuuuuuuuuute.."
  2256. >Doctor tells them Anonymous should be on a diet of mostly liquid/fluid the next day or two
  2257. >'Oh he will get his fill of fluids from us, Dr. Yes, he shall...'
  2258. >'Sister, say it with me- flewwwids...fluuuuidsszzah..'
  2259. "Luna, put the respirator back on Anonymous."
  2260. >'Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mashk..'
  2262. @@@
  2265. >Wallflower Forgetmenot has her eyes on Anon
  2266. >Doesn't know the extent of his relationship with his mother & aunt
  2267. >Just that he's close to them
  2268. >Confronts the pair in the hall while Anon's acting as his mom's aide
  2269. "Skidaddle skidoodle, yall gonna forget shit!"
  2270. >Kablam.intro
  2271. >The two look dumbfounded as Wallflower grins triumphantly
  2272. >Now Anon is hers to mold into the perfect boyfri-
  2273. >'Pardon me, Miss, are you perhaps a student here? You don't look old enough to be faculty.'
  2274. "A-Anonymous, I..."
  2275. >'Uhh, not you, whoever you are. I was talking to her.'
  2276. >Mom blushes
  2277. >"Ohohoho~ S-Stop it, you..." She says twirling a lock of hair
  2278. >Wallflower angrily repeats the memory erasure ritual and each time it's the same
  2279. >'Do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I have to walk by again?'
  2280. "FUCK YOU!"
  2281. >'How bout we play army? I lie down my arms and you blow the fuck out of me.'
  2282. "WORK, DAMNIT, WORK!!!!"
  2283. >'So I just need some milk for this cereal and then I ran into you...'
  2285. @@@
  2287. HerdAnon
  2290. >tfw even if she didn't throw you aside for twilight she'd hate you for being useless just like your real mom does
  2292. >Be Celestia.
  2293. >You're doing some paperwork.
  2294. >As you're working you notice your son Anon peeking through the door.
  2295. >You've been somewhat worried about him lately.
  2296. >He's been shy and skittish around you lately.
  2297. >Avoiding eye contact, short while talking, hiding in his room when possible.
  2298. >Even at dinner, when he's normally talkative, he's now quite and barely eats.
  2299. >His grades have gotten better, but if the trade was him becoming this, you'll take poorer grades.
  2300. >You take off your reading glasses and look up at your son causing him to jump and hide away.
  2301. “It's alright Sunshine, I'm free right now.”
  2302. >You say using your magic to open the door.
  2303. >You're really busy actually, but your son comes before snobby nobles trying to get into the royal funds.
  2304. >He slowly walks in keeping his eyes on the ground, as if he looked at you it'd make you angry.
  2305. >You really need to get to the bottom of this.
  2306. >He goes to sit in the chair across from you but your magic stops him.
  2307. “Oh no you don't.”
  2308. >You say playfully as you hop out of the chair you were doing paperwork in, to sit on the couch off to the side.
  2309. >After you're good and comfortable you place him next to you.
  2310. “Now, what is it you want to talk about dear?”
  2311. >”Nothing, I was just checking on you.” He says still looking down.
  2312. >It can never be easy can it?
  2313. “Anonymous dear, what have I said about lying?”
  2314. >You say forcing a stern voice.
  2315. >You hate to be stern with him, especially right now, but sometimes that's the only way to get through some topics.
  2316. >”That it gets nowhere and the only ones who get through life lying is filthy nobles." He says looking ashamed.
  2317. >Okay, maybe you shouldn't have said that last bit, but still.
  2318. “That's right, now what's the matter?”
  2320. >He fiddles with his hands for a bit before finally looking at you.
  2321. >”Do you ever wish you didn't take me in?” He ask his eyes full of sadness.
  2322. >You're caught off guard by the question and can't help but recoil.
  2323. “Of course not, why would I ever wish something like that?”
  2324. >”It's just, I can't do magic, I'm no good at politics, I can't cook, I'm useless.” He says looking ashamed of himself.
  2325. “Oh Sunshine, you're not-"
  2326. >”But I am!” He yells, tears forming in his eyes. “I'm completely useless, not like Twilight, I'm not even a pony! I'm just some ugly alien ap-"
  2327. >You slap him with the back of your wing making him stop his rant.
  2328. “Is that really what you think? That I wouldn't love you because you're not a pony?”
  2329. >You ask, now a very real stern look on your face.
  2330. >He nods, again looking at the floor.
  2331. “Do you not love me?”
  2332. >”Yes, you're my mommy!”
  2333. “But I'm not a human, just some weird ugly alien pony.”
  2334. >”No you're not! You're beautiful!”
  2335. >You can't help but smile at the complement but you quickly regain your stern composure.
  2336. “If a older human showed up and wanted to take you in, would you love them more than me?”
  2337. >“Of course not!” He says hugging onto your side and staring directly into your eyes. “I love you and you're my only mommy! I'd never abandon you.”
  2338. “And you're my only Sunshine, I'd never throw you away or stop loving you.”
  2339. >”But Twilight-" You cut him off by wrapping your wing around his back.
  2340. “Twilight isn't to replace you, she's a very gifted unicorn that I couldn't let go to waste, I do care for her, but not enough to replace you, my dear.”
  2341. >Hearing this he nuzzles into your side.
  2342. >”I'm sorry for doubting you mommy.” He says muffled through your fur.
  2343. >You can't help but giggle at his silliness.
  2345. “And I'm sorry for making you feel as though you were replaced. Now, how’s about you help me finish up some paperwork work and then we'll go pester chef Sweet Frosting for some cake?”
  2346. >He moves your wing to make a cocoon with a peek hole to see out of.
  2347. “Okay!”
  2348. >Again you giggle.
  2349. >Your Sunshine is back to his normal glow.
  2351. "Alright, sweetheart, now wash up before bed, okay?"
  2352. >Anonymous, now practically beaming with happiness, hops off the couch and runs out of the room.
  2353. >You hold your smile just long enough for you to hear the door slam shut, and then you let it fall.
  2354. "Oh, thank goodness he's gone."
  2355. >You sigh and massage your head with one of your wings.
  2356. "Does he have any idea how annoying he gets when behaves like that?"
  2357. >You get up and walk over to your desk, already feeling a headache coming on; Anonymous will probably be in an affectionate mood tomorrow, and you're going to have to put up with him hugging you.
  2358. >In PUBLIC, no less.
  2359. >In front of the nobles and everything.
  2360. >It really is the worst.
  2361. >You can feel your annoyance building steadily, and you know that it will turn into a solid bout of legitimate anger unless you do something about it.
  2362. >Talk to somepony you actually like.
  2363. "Maybe I'll go see if Twilight is still awake."
  2364. >Despite yourself, you feel a smile begin to tug at the corners of your mouth.
  2365. "Maybe she's up for some cuddling in front of the fireplace."
  2366. >Your annoyance bleeds away as you start looking for books from your personal office library to bring to your student to read.
  2367. "Oh, and she's advancing so fast in her studies! Maybe I should reward her with a little treat; a book that only I have a copy of!"
  2368. >Anonymous is quickly forgotten as you plan out your remaining evening with your most faithful student.
  2370. @@@
  2373. His Aunt likes to get creative since she isn't as straight forward as mom at times
  2374. >"..*coughNEPHEW*.."
  2375. >'Uh, bless you, Auntie?'
  2376. >"Oh! Ha ha! We did not see you there, nightsong!"
  2377. >'..Auntie, I was already sitting here when you came in for breakfast.'
  2378. >"Yes, the weather IS rather nice, isn't it? Nice enough to hold a party even."
  2379. >"A party within our pantaloons."
  2380. >'You don't wear pantaloons..'
  2383. @@@
  2386. The two get a holo-transmission from Mom
  2387. >"Anonymous, my sunshine, I trust you and your Aunt are following the construction of our new death station closely?"
  2388. >'Yes, My Master...bu-..n-nevermind.'
  2389. >"Speak, my son, you needn't hide your feelings from me."
  2390. >'..You have some frosting on your robe.'
  2391. >"I DO? Oh, stars above, where?!"
  2392. >'Mother, please do not lick it off-..and you did."
  2393. "Ohohoh~ Just as in our youth, our darling sister has gotten more of her plate on her clothing than in her mouth."
  2394. >Mom's hooded cloak flies off as she jumps up
  2395. >"ANONYMOUS, FORCE BOOP YOUR AUNT RIGHT NO-,..oh bantha shit!"
  2396. >Mom tries to block the transmission cam with a hoof but you see her wild bed hair and natural beauty just the same
  2399. @@@
  2402. >Be Celestia.
  2403. >You are currently holding your son back with your magic.
  2404. >”Auntie, I am -so- sorry! I wasn't aiming for him, I promise!”
  2405. >”Don't play coy~” Anon whispers in a sultry voice while staring at you with magic induced hearts in his eyes. “You can feel -true- love Cadence, you just helped me feel it~”
  2406. >Cadence looks more uncomfortable as he says this, while trying his best to reach out for you.
  2407. >You were pulled away from day court by a frantic Cadence telling you that she had messed up and did something to Anon she didn't mean to.
  2408. >After demanding to know where he was and her telling you licked in your room you quickly teleported there to find your son rushing you.
  2409. >Luckily you were able to stop him with some levitation magic and soon Cadence teleported her way here.
  2410. >So now here you are with your love struck son levitating in your grasp as Cadence yelps off apologies.
  2411. >”I really didn't mean for this Celestia! It was a mist-"
  2412. “Fix, him.”
  2413. >You say trying to stay as calm as possible.
  2414. >”I was just trying to play a prank, I didn't think I charged the spell this much, I thought he'd just be really cuddly and-" You cut her off not wanting to hear excuses.
  2415. “Fix him Cadence! I can't have him like this-"
  2416. >You say motioning towards Anon who is now making kissy faces towards you.
  2417. “-during day court!”
  2418. >”Oh, there's nothing to fix you beautiful thing~” He says as he does a slow twirl in your magic. “Besides, you know what they say, raise them how you like them~”
  2419. >”Okay, just hold him still and DON'T let him hug or kiss you!” Cadence says charging her horn and aiming it toward Anonymous.
  2420. >You do as you're told and tighten your telekinetic grasp on him so he can't move.
  2421. >”Oh! So forceful, Nonny likes~”
  2422. >”No he doesn't, that's just the magic talking!” Cadence says as she finishes charging the spell.
  2423. >As she let's loose the beam there's a bright flash causing you to close your eyes.
  2425. >As you start to open them you hear Anon groan in pain.
  2426. >Quickly you release him from your magic causing him to fall to the ground.
  2427. >You rush to his side as he holds his eyes shut tightly and rubs his head.
  2428. “Sunshine, are you alright!?”
  2429. >He groans a bit as he cracks his eyes open a bit to look at you.
  2430. >As he does you notice the slightest bit of pink in them, but you don't have any time to react as he launches forward and places his lips to yours causing you to flinch and close your eyes.
  2431. >As they do you feel the magic take effect and slowly wear down your resolve to push your son away.
  2432. >You try to push him back but can't find the strength in your hooves.
  2433. >You try to use your magic but can't think clearly enough to do so.
  2434. >Finally you try to pull away and succeed.
  2435. >As you do you find yourself looking into his eyes.
  2436. >His deep, beautiful eyes.
  2437. >You try your best to look away but your body doesn't let you.
  2438. >You try to remember why you were trying to look away in the first place, but can't.
  2439. >The only thing you can think about is him.
  2440. >Even as you hear the telltale sign of a changeling dropping their disguise you can't do anything but think of him.
  2441. >”Stop fighting it Celestia, let your body give in.” A voice you know as Chrysalis whispers to your ear.
  2442. >As if she released you from something you dart your lips towards your sunshine’s, no longer caring what is right or wrong, only caring about him exploring your mouth as you explore his.
  2443. >His hands dig through your hair as you use your wings to pull him closer.
  2444. >Soon you allow yourself to be pushed the ground as his hands trail down your back and one rub your sensitive wing joints as another trails lower to play with your teats.
  2445. >You are forced to break the kiss as you moan in pleasure as he pinches and teases your teat.
  2446. >”You like that~?” He whispers in your ear. “You like your Sunshine playing with your teats like he would his lover~?”
  2447. “Y-Yes, more~”
  2449. >Your pleas are encouraged by you utilizing whatever magic you can to remove his pants for him, revealing his fully erect member.
  2450. >”As you wish, my love~” He says aiming himself.
  2452. >Be Luna.
  2453. >Twilight, Chrysalis, and you are watching as your love magic induced sister and nephew rut on the floor.
  2454. >Kind of hot but also a fun weekly pass time normally you and Chrysalis do.
  2455. >Twilight just caught you sneaking Chrysalis in his room to cast the spell and wouldn't leave you alone unless you let her ‘Make sure what you were saying is true'.
  2456. >Honestly you're pretty sure she just wanted to watch too.
  2457. >”S-So they don't remember this?” Twilight ask with a deep red blush to her cheeks.
  2458. >”Nope.” Chrysalis says through a mouthful of popcorn.
  2459. >”And you do this because?” Twilight ask still staring at the seen before her as Anon aggressively pounds into your sister.
  2460. >”I do it for the excess love in the air.” She says before swallowing a bit of popcorn. “She's just a freak.”
  2461. >She says nudging her head toward you.
  2462. “A thousand years does things to a mare Twilight, and I'd rather do this than even think of getting even touched by the pansies my sister calls ‘The guard'.”
  2463. >You say stealing a bit of Chrysalis’s popcorn earning you a glare you easily just ignore.
  2464. “Besides, it does them good. If we didn't do this for them they'd be prude -and- pent up, and let me tell you this, my sister is horrible to deal with while she's pent up.”
  2465. >Twilight thinks on this for a bit before nodding and grabbing some of Chrysalis’s popcorn too.
  2466. >Chrysalis lets out a exaggerated sigh before teleporting you both a bag of your own popcorn.
  2468. Behold my drunk boredom.
  2470. @@@
  2473. Pamper them how?
  2475. A good son wouldn't stop there how about cooking for mom and auntie and making them their favorite foods and desserts they love by serving it to them in the morning with breakfast in bed and after a hard day work, putting your love into each dish for them to enjoy. But If you were to pamper and/or take care of mom and auntie to show your appreciation to them you have to remember their both princesses and anything they want they get it, If you need to show your appreciation in any way show it by loving them, they love each other and you, but physically they're both starved, Being alone for a thousand years has done damage to both sisters, but as "loved" as they are by their subjects only care to see them happy and successful, but if they were down and sad in any way, they’d feel sorry offering little more than a remark or wish for them to get better and continue on with their lives, As a son who knows and cares for mom and auntie and love them in that their happiness is truly tide to your own, and if their upset or sad in any way you won’t rest until their happy again, being a son who loves them unconditionally who accepts them for who they are and being determined on fulfilling all of their wants and needs what ever that might be, such as giving them a much needed message to help them unwind while they do paper work late at night, Letting them tale their worries away for you to listen and console them telling them that things are going to get better with you there with them and be better by cuddling them until their problem goes away, falling a sleep cuddling her listening to the sound her heartbeat and feeling the warmth radiating from her body, while slowly falling asleep each others embrace with her knowing that shes loved.
  2477. @@@
  2480. >Cinch has what Celestia would call 'Perfect Genetics'.
  2481. >Basically she's a lie.
  2482. >Her gens are so fucked it makes a mut say damn.
  2483. >The only thing she has going for her is she doesn't have a slow metabolic rate.
  2484. >But even that doesn't help because instead of help her because it's too fast.
  2485. >She isn't the brightest despite the smug aura she puts on.
  2486. >She has little to no muscle.
  2487. >If she were able to find a partner, they'd probably have more fun fucking a hallway.
  2488. >But even with all the shit wrong with her she still insists she is 'Perfect'.
  2489. >That's why she insists on surrounding herself with people who actually do have hope down the line.
  2490. >That's why she wants Anon.
  2491. >She believes that'd she's the perfect match for him despite all her issues.
  2492. >Celestia has to protect Anon from Cinch and her horribly fucked lineage.
  2493. >If they had a child it'd basically throw all of Celestia's family's work out the window.
  2495. @@@
  2498. >"What're you in for?"
  2499. >'Aggravated assault.'
  2500. >"..Weak."
  2501. >'I didn't know it was a contest.'
  2502. >"Yeah, certainly not when I'm here for GTA, felony evading with injuries, possession, shit, I even put the hurt on my mom for trying to call the pigs on me.."
  2503. >"So you just stay down there on your own fucking bunk, ma--!"
  2504. >Anonymous yanks his cellmate off the top bunk in a headlock
  2505. >'I'm IN here for putting the man who harassed my mother into a coma..'
  2506. >'They BEGGED me to show remorse at my sentencing. 'Show the judge you can empathize, sweetheart, please.'
  2507. >'Now everytime I see her, it's through a fucking glass divider.'
  2508. >His celly's turning blue and clawing at Anon's forearms
  2509. >'Now imagine my delight when my new cellmate tells me he's a woman beating faggot..'
  2510. >He releases him
  2511. >'I'm a woman. You still wanna put hands on me?'
  2512. >His cellmate sniffs, pulls his tattered shirt up over his shoulder and climbs back up to his bunk
  2513. >'You want to hold any more contests let me know, ok?'
  2515. @@@
  2518. >People see a literal goddess with an amazing body and a perfect rack following Anon around
  2519. >"Well, shit, I guess he's taken."
  2520. >Those who realize that Celestia is Anon's mother rather than his lover are often intimidated by Celestia's behaviour, which comes off as unintentionally aggressive
  2521. >"I just want what's best for you, Anon," Celestia will say as you watch your departing date walk away from your house, "I don't know why asking your girlfriend if she has any STD's is unreasonable."
  2522. >Anon will just sigh miserably, and Celestia will make him feel better with some (platonic or non-platonic, depending on how one wants the story to go) cuddles.
  2523. >"I wish I could say I've had my face trapped in breasts that didn't belong to my own mother... or that I've never fallen asleep while laying on my mom's chest."
  2525. @@@
  2528. >Humans are mythological in Equestria, like a dragon on earth.
  2529. >Which is exactly why Celestia took him in, if he were allowed to live with a regular pony there'd be the risk of him being kidnapped and sold on the blackmarket.
  2530. >Why?
  2531. >In mythology, should you make a human happy anything in the immediate area's injuries will be healed.
  2532. >As minor a power this may sound, it could be corrupted and used for evil.
  2533. >Should Chrysalis have raised him or tricked him into believing she was a loved one, the changelings could be unstoppable.
  2534. >As strange as the myth is, it's true.
  2535. >Celestia didn't believe it herself until she witnessed a elderly noble with trouble seeing jump up for joy at his sight seemingly becoming perfect as she played with Anon.
  2536. >Celestia has to play it off and act like she has no idea of this to avoid other creatures figuring it out.
  2537. >As much as she wishes to use his ability to better everyone's lifes, she doesn't want to risk villains finding out.
  2538. >Although, this doesn't stop Celestia from playing with Anon in the hospital or guard barracks.
  2540. @@@
  2543. >Implying she'd do that to her son, All she wants is the perfect submissive women for her son to dominant, even if she has to get rid of that strong girl attitude herself to do it.
  2544. >Implying hes that stupid to just stand there and watch and not take charge taking mom by surprise from behind letting his girlfriend see first hand what hes capable of, and what mom was preparing her for.
  2545. >Implying Anon doesn't use her well before hes mother got to her and well after the fact, not having to retain his nonexistent wizard powers.
  2546. >Implying mom would use anything bigger then her son's member to his girlfriend keeping her coming back for her son's D.
  2547. >Implying Anon wouldn't take revenge on hes mother for what she did, putting to use all the things he learned from her and using them agents her making her regret her decision, will Anon using years of experience knowing every weak spot on her until she's nothing but a drooling mess.
  2548. >Implying Anon wouldn't come to his senses and realize that no other women can compare or meat the standers his mother set for him and know the only women he ever needs in hes life is her.
  2550. @@@
  2553. >Celestia sniffles, barely holding back tears as she prods your unresponsive, unconscious body.
  2554. >"P-Please, my sunshine, wake up."
  2555. >Luna watches and sighs, resigned; it's time to pry her away from her son
  2556. >It's been so long that Luna has doubts that Anon will ever wake up, but she dare not take away what little hope her sister has
  2557. >"Do it for mommy..."
  2558. >>"Come on, sister," coos Luna, wrapping a wing around Celestia's withers and gently pulling her away, "It's time for day court."
  2560. ...
  2562. >You wake with a start.
  2563. >Gasping for breath, you flail around in your sweat-soaked sheets.
  2564. >For an impossibly long moment, you feel disorientated; your racing heart does little to help calm you down.
  2565. >Finally, after remembering that you have magic, you escape your sheets and stand up on all four (trembling) hooves.
  2566. >Was...
  2567. >Was it all just a dream?
  2568. >Oh, Stars and Void, please let it have been a dream!
  2569. >You shamble over to your ornate bedroom door and open it with just a pinch of magic, and it swings open silently on well-oiled hinges
  2570. >Still, even the muffled -bang- of the door hitting the wall is like a canon-blast in the dark, empty hallway.
  2571. >You race down the hall - not very far, since you put your Sunshine's room as close to yours as possible - and halt in front of the door.
  2572. >Much like how your bedroom door is etched with images of the sun, and your sister's bedroom door has the color and design that is distinctly a night-time motif, your son's door has its own special design.
  2573. >It is a childish drawing - well, an etching - of a bipedal stick-figure hugging two quadruped stick-figures. Each one has a flowing mane and a crown, and hearts surround all three creatures.
  2574. >To nopony's surprise, this was designed by Anon himself.
  2575. >And in all your life, it is the most beautiful piece of art you've ever seen.
  2576. >Slowly, quietly, filled with trepidation, you nudge the door open.
  2577. >The dim light of the hallway spills into your son's bedroom and across his bed, giving you a sliver of moonlight to see.
  2578. >Anon lays peacefully under the covers, eyes closed and still.
  2579. >You frantically stare at his chest, desperately looking for the tell-tale rise and fall of his chest.
  2580. >...
  2581. >It's there.
  2582. >You nudge the door open just a little bit more - just enough for you to fit inside - and tip-hoof over to the side of his bed.
  2583. >You hate the idea of waking your beloved hoo-man, but you need to know.
  2584. "Anon?"
  2585. >You nudge his face with your muzzle.
  2586. "Anon, sweetie, wake up."
  2588. >You nearly weep when you see your son's face screw up in irritation and his eyes flutter open.
  2589. >"M-Mommy?"
  2590. >You nuzzle him fiercely, going to so far as to crawl on top of him, over the covers.
  2591. >Anonymous looks tired and confused, but alive.
  2592. >And AWAKE.
  2593. >"Mommy, what are you doing?"
  2594. "Mommy had a nightmare, sweetie," you coo, "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"
  2595. >It's a line you've heard many many times from your son, and you've never once turned him down.
  2596. >With your sister on the prowl, protecting everypony (but especially her nephew), 'nightmare' usually meant that Anon was lonely and wanted a cuddle from you.
  2597. >Anon yawns enormously, giving you a peek at his two missing front teeth; the doctors assured your panicking self that, after scanning the bones in his head, larger teeth would eventually sprout to replace the two that fell out.
  2598. >"Okay," he says sleepily, already drifting off to dreamland.
  2599. >He clumsily paws at the covers next to him, and you eagerly crawl into bed with your beloved son.
  2600. >As soon as you're in place under the blankets, you wrap your hooves around him and pull him into your tuft.
  2601. >None of those hussies in the maid registry dare make a move as long as he has your scent on him.
  2602. >After a moment of deliberation, you extend a wing and wrap it around him from the outside.
  2603. "Night night, Anon," you whisper, kissing him on the forehead, "I'll see you in the morning."
  2604. >The unintelligible mumble you get in return is a balm on your aching heart and frayed nerves.
  2605. >He's still here.
  2606. >It was all just an awful dream.
  2607. >...
  2608. >You're going to have a VERY long talk with Luna tomorrow about why she let that damn thing slip into your head in the first place.
  2610. @@@
  2613. >Auntie Luna patrolling Anon's dreamscape
  2614. I'd hate to be a monster who stumbled into that particular dream.
  2616. ...
  2618. >You are Luna, and you feel like a certain somepony is thinking about plucking your wings.
  2619. >It's not your fault your adopted nephew's mind is structured differently than a pony's is!
  2620. >He gets weird dreams, and nothing works the way it should be working, and sometimes it takes a bit more effort than usual to sort things out and make all the bad dreams go away.
  2621. >...and your nephew is a growing colt - er, BOY now, you know.
  2622. >And sometimes his dreams get a little bit lewd.
  2623. >Aaaaaand sometimes you might maybe stick around and watch.
  2624. >J-Just to make sure those dreams don't turn into nightmares, of course!
  2625. >And if that unique dreamscape of Anon's just so happens to drag you in and put you in the role of the mare he's rutting, then you can't be held responsible for falling behind a teeny bit in your duties and allowing the occasional nightmare slip into your sister's head.
  2626. >You mean, you've gotta change your sheets all by yourself since the maids would NEVER let you live it down if they had to wash all the marecum out of them, and that means you have to stealthily wander the halls until you find a washboard and bucket.
  2627. >100% not even your fault.
  2628. >Stop looking at you like that.
  2630. ...
  2632. >Anon has a dream where his Aunt is just a regular pony at a childrens petting zoo and he feeds her hay
  2634. ...
  2636. >Luna wakes up, sweating, and has to replace her mattress
  2637. >"What matter of foul deviancies doth play with my mind?"
  2638. >Turns out Luna just really like getting petted
  2640. ...
  2642. >Big-cat like spaghetti Aunt always trying find a reason for Anonymous to pet her
  2644. ...
  2646. >Anon wants a pet
  2647. >Luna tells Celestia that she'll take care of it without actually buying Anon a dog or a cat
  2648. >Celestia walks in on Luna rolling on her back with fake paws on her hooves and fake ears perched on her head while Anon giggles and rubs her belly
  2649. >Celestia would have thought it were cute if not for the blush on her sister's face or the quiet dripping noise she can hear
  2651. @@@
  2654. >Mom get's jealous when she sees Anonymous petting, preening or otherwise lavishing affections on his Aunt
  2655. >"If you both don't stop, I'm getting the hose."
  2656. >"..I mean t-the water hose!"
  2658. ...
  2660. >Anon preens Luna's wings in public
  2661. >Celestia is immediately jealous
  2663. ...
  2665. >Goddamn mothering instinct is strong as fuck in these technicolor llama's
  2666. >...It's a sick racecar bed, though
  2667. >Jammies are a nice touch, too, I like the material
  2668. >Still, this is fuckin' gay
  2669. >Whatever I'll try it out for a night, week, month..
  2671. ...
  2673. >You are Anon, and it appears as though you have been kidnapped.
  2674. >Well, legally you have been "adopted", but there isn't much difference when the end result is that your grown-ass self has been unwillingly relocated from your home waaaay down in Ponyville and all the way over to Canterlot.
  2675. >Thing is, though, your new mother is Princess Celestia herself, and so you doubt that you can really go to court (or the police, for that matter) and contest this thing.
  2676. >So, despite the fact that you are 26...
  2677. >Despite the fact that you have a house that you pay bills for...
  2678. >Despite how you have a job that you work at for 7-9 hours every day that you have to wake up early to go to...
  2679. > are now "Prince Anonymous", and you are apparently the beloved son of royalty.
  2680. >You tried to argue your case with Princess Celestia, but all she did was hug you and tell you that you look adorable when you pout.
  2681. >You DIDN'T pout, dammit!
  2682. >Did NOT.
  2683. "Celestia, pl-"
  2684. >A wing gently boops you on the nose.
  2685. >"Now now, Sunshine," chides Celestia lightly, "It's not proper for children to address their parents by their first names."
  2686. >Jesus, take the wheel.
  2687. "Alright, fine."
  2688. >FUCK.
  2689. "MOTHER," you say irritably, "I need to be at work in about 4 hours. My job - and my HOUSE - are about 800 miles to the south, and I REALLY need this job if I want to pay the bills."
  2690. >You motion vaguely out the window and ignore the way she's staring adoringly at you.
  2691. "So please. PLEASE. Just let me go home, and once my shift is over we can talk about this, alright?"
  2692. >Celestia leans forward (you would have leaned back to avoid her if your back was not already against a wall) and nuzzles you.
  2693. >"Nonsense, Sunshine," she purrs, "Your job is to be mommy's good boy, okay?"
  2694. >God dammit, this would be a lot more adorable if you hadn't been stolen from your bed just a few hours ago!
  2695. >Ugh, and you GUESS this racecar bed is pretty comfortable.
  2696. >You are Anon, and you have conflicting feelings about this.
  2698. ...
  2700. >It has it's moments
  2701. >Whenever all the other Princess mom's get together, they bring their sons and leave you all in the same room because 'you should make friends'
  2703. >'Yeah, I uh, I know the feel-'
  2706. ...
  2708. >...oh, no.
  2709. >Is this yak retarded?
  2710. >Does royalty make a habit of adopting retarded creatures?
  2711. >Do ponies think you're retarded too?!
  2712. >This is the worst playdate ever.
  2714. ...
  2716. >Anon sits in his 'play room'
  2717. >It's all soft muted colors, building blocks, and safety scissors
  2718. >"Fuckin A', if we start singing about the teddy bear picnic this will be just like kindergarten.."
  2719. >'Language, young man!'
  2720. >'..And if you wanted a sing along, all you had to do was ask.'
  2721. >"WHAT-, NO."
  2722. >'Luna, get his Raffi albums, would you?'
  2725. ...
  2727. >"Auntie" Luna very badly wants to /ss/, even if it is only by technicality
  2728. >"Anonymous, do you want your aunt to help you take a bath?"
  2730. @@@
  2733. >"MMmm!"
  2734. >You hoist Anon up in your magic and bring him up towards your face.
  2735. >As usual, Anon laughs and is generally delighted to be carried around by magic
  2736. "What is it, lil' guy?"
  2737. >"Mmmmah!"
  2738. >Mmmmmmarmalade?
  2739. >Does Anon want marmalade?
  2740. >Is he hungry?
  2741. >"Mama!"
  2742. >...
  2743. >Oh, no.
  2744. >Anon... did he just imprint on you?!
  2745. >Celestia is going to kill you!
  2746. >You gently lower Anon back onto his pillow so that you don't accidentally hurt him during your freak-out.
  2747. >Does this mean you're him mom now?
  2748. >Because you're too young to be a mother!
  2749. >Oh, Celestia will refuse to take him back b-because now he has your scent on him!
  2750. >Alicorns are like birds, right?!
  2751. >"Mama?"
  2753. >
  2755. @@@
  2757. HerdAnon
  2760. >Be Raven Inkwell.
  2761. >You're CEO Celestia's secretary.
  2762. >She decided to bring her son with her to work and a few of the office's staff decided he was interesting enough to talk Celestia into leaving him with them.
  2763. >By a few you mean basically the whole office.
  2764. >The office full of sexually deprived women in their 30s.
  2765. >The office getting rather touchy feely with Anon.
  2766. >As much as you like a bit of SS you'd rather you not get fired for letting your boss's son be drained by a pack of hungry she-wolf like women, which is why you buzz for Celestia to come out for a bit.
  2767. >The door soon opens and walks over to you.
  2768. >”What's the issue Inkwell?” She ask holding a piece of paperwork.
  2769. >Probably stocks.
  2770. “I think you should get your son ma'am, the ladies are getting rather… touchy with him.”
  2771. >You say pointing over to the pack.
  2772. >Celestia looks over for a bit before giggling.
  2773. >”Oh Inkwell, they're just feeling his gains. Him, his aunt, and I have started working out a bit more. He's quite fit for his age. Here, feel mine.” She says holding out her arm.
  2774. >Giving it a squeeze you find it hard with muscle under the suit.
  2775. “Ah, that is very good ma'am. But do you not find it strange a pack of older women are so interested in talking to a young boy?”
  2776. >”Normally yes, but not my sunshine.” She says with a bit of pride. “He really knows how to use his tongue after all, I did train him.”
  2777. >What!?
  2778. “E-Excuse me ma'am?”
  2779. >”What?” She says tilting her head. “I taught him to negotiate and talk business. What did you think I meant?”
  2780. >You can't help but blush and feel a little ashamed.
  2781. >Of course that's what she meant.
  2782. “Nothing ma'am.”
  2783. >She waves it off.
  2785. >”Oh think nothing of it. Luna and I have taught Anonymous a lot of things. How to dress, cook, clean, talk, screw.” She says counting with her fingers. “You know what they say, raise them how you like them.”
  2786. >The thing that stuck out to you was screw, but you don't let your mind go to the gutters.
  2787. “You taught him to build things?”
  2788. >She looks at you before shaking her head.
  2789. >”No, Luna and I are no good at construction.” She says sadly. “Taught him to fuck good though.”
  2790. >Your jaw drops.
  2791. >”Mhmm.” She says closing her eyes and allowing a sly smile sneak to her face. “The boy's gotten good at it too. When he's using his tongue and fingers he'll hit -all- the right spots to make you go mad.”
  2792. >She tightly grips the top of your chair as she closes her eyes continuing her story.
  2793. >”How he spells your name with his tongue, how he makes such a cute lewd little face while he glances up to look you in the eye~ Me and Luna can barely handle him sometimes.” Her hand moves over to your shoulder and she leans down to your height. “And trust me, for his age he's definitely not lacking anything.”
  2794. >She brings her lips to your ear.
  2795. >”His dick will drive you wild, and I'm sure those big bad ladies are making the poor boy all hot and bothered~” She whispers in a sultry voice. “How about you and I help him relax~?”
  2796. >Your head nods on it's own as you seem to go on auto pilot.
  2797. >”Good girl.” She whispers before standing back up. “Anon Sunshine, could you come to the office with me for a bit?” She calls seemingly back to her normal self.
  2798. >”Aww~” The other ladies cry.
  2799. >”Don't worry girls, you will all get your turn to talk to him, I'm sure he'll just -love- to continue you girls conversation in the privacy of your offices.”
  2801. >The room goes quite for a bit before a few write down something on some notepads and hand it to Anon, so that they continue their ‘conversation’.
  2802. Moral of the office has Increased.
  2803. >You soon find Celestia’s arm wrapped around you as she drags you to her office her son following behind you.
  2805. >She pulls you into the office and the door quickly closes.
  2806. >”Now miss Inkwell, you want to prep him, or should he prep you?” She says pulling you to sit on the couch with her.
  2807. >As you shake off the shock you look towards Anonymous.
  2808. >He's not as tall as you, and not nearly as tall as his mother, but that is due to his age.
  2809. >This reminds you of what you're doing here.
  2810. >This is completely wrong!
  2811. >You should get up, walk out that door, and call the police.
  2812. >As kind as Celestia is, this is wrong, he's just a boy.
  2813. >You think more on it and start thinking of what will happen.
  2814. >Anonymous will be taken away by authorities, his mother will be prosecuted, then what?
  2815. >His aunt was in on it, and you're almost positive they have no family to take Anon in.
  2816. >He'll most likely be taken to a foster home.
  2817. >You've heard quite a few horror stories about those, and after Celestia and Luna get out they'd probably never be able to find him.
  2818. >You couldn't take him in as you'd have no job to pay for yourself or him, that and you'd be involved in the case.
  2819. >You'd ruin his life.
  2820. >Is this -really- that bad?
  2821. >Sure, by a social standpoint this is abuse, but Anon doesn't look scared or hurt, quite the opposite actually, he looks excited.
  2822. >Taking a glance to his groin you can tell he's -extremely- excited.
  2823. >Is this wrong?
  2824. >As a mother she's taking care of her son.
  2825. >It's a lot better than him going and having sex with the std infected whores that most boys do.
  2826. >As for the future, when he does get a wife he'll know what to do.
  2827. >Honestly, she's just doing what's best for him!
  2828. >She's like a teacher if anything, preparing him for his life.
  2830. >A-And you're just going to help teach him.
  2831. >Yeah that's it! You're teaching him too!
  2832. >With you're internal turmoil over you look to answer Celestia.
  2833. “You said he made a cute face when he did you right?”
  2834. >She chuckles before nodding to Anon.
  2835. >”FBI open up!” A voice screams before the wall blows up and agents slam through the window.
  2836. >You're pulled off the couch and cuffed.
  2837. >Bad End.
  2839. @@@
  2841. HerdAnon
  2844. >Be Luna.
  2845. >You're currently trotting, and occasionally doing a long jump propelled by your wings, around the castle as your young nephew screams with joy riding atop your back.
  2846. >"Higher auntie, higher!" He cries out as you flap your wings.
  2847. >You do just that getting another happy yelp, it's like a song to your ears.
  2848. >You really do love him.
  2849. >The boy is a innocent little soul, one that's happiness could brighten up even your night.
  2850. >If not for you and your sister he probably wouldn't get too much attention.
  2851. >Running a country is a 24/7 job, but with you and Celestia working together it's much easier.
  2852. >So that's why whenever when ever you or her get a break you make sure to utilize every possible second of it making his world bright, and letting him make yours just as bright.
  2853. >You remember finding him.
  2854. >You and your sister were exploring the forest nearby when your heard crying of what you both believed to be a foal somewhere in the forest.
  2855. >Neither of you could just leave a foal there, so you both rushed towards the cries.
  2856. >When you finally found where the cries were, it was surrounded by timber wolfs.
  2857. >Fighting them off Celestia and you were surprised to find the source wasn't the foal you were expecting but a baby.
  2858. >He was scratched up by the forest, he looked malnourished, and there was no creatures around that could be it's parents.
  2859. >So it was decided Celestia and you would take him back to the castle to nurse him back to health and release him when he was strong enough to survive on his own.
  2860. >This was before you knew it could be as intelligent as a pony of course.
  2861. >But still, this didn't change the love and care you put into nursing him to health.
  2862. >But you do have to admit, when you both found out, the connection seemed to get deeper.
  2864. >Soon after your sister decided it would only be proper to adopt him officially, and become his mother.
  2865. >A few years later, here you are carrying him around on your back just to hear his joy.
  2866. >Although, you still do feel a bit empty, even with Anon.
  2867. >Just like the ponies, he sleeps through your nights.
  2868. >He does try to stay up, but sister keeps him up all day.
  2869. >Even now, he begins to yawn tired already even as you just barely began to play.
  2870. >If only sister would give you just a hour more of your night you could show him more of it's beauty!
  2871. >He's your nephew!
  2872. >You took care of him just as much as her, but just like she refuses when you plead for your ponies, she refuses when you plead for your nephew.
  2873. >"Auntie?" Anon's voice says knocking you out of your thoughts.
  2874. "What is it my dear Nightsong?"
  2875. >You say looking back towards him.
  2876. >"I love you!" He says hugging you and nuzzling your face.
  2877. >You give him a few nuzzles back closing your eyes.
  2878. >But then the sound of a flash and magic causes you to open your eyes to see a smiling unicorn guard mare.
  2879. >"I apologize my princess, but that was far too cute to let go to waste. Here." She says levitating a photo of Anon and you a few seconds ago.
  2880. >You can't help but smile.
  2881. "Thank you most loyal guard. We will cherish this always."
  2882. >You soon placed a preservation spell on it, so it wouldn't rot away through time.
  2884. >1003 years later.
  2886. >As you stare at the photo as teardrops fall from your eyes as you remember the past.
  2887. >All the time you lost with him, all for greed and envy.
  2888. >Celestia told you he still loved you, and stared up at the moon every night he could just to see a memory of you.
  2889. >He kept the photo you now hold by his bedside, even to his final breath.
  2890. >He still loved you, even after you left him.
  2891. >You pushed for more and she told you her workload got a bit tougher then, but she still found time for him growing up.
  2892. >When he got old enough he even picked up your nightcourt.
  2893. >He kept your cutie mark despite many wishing otherwise after Nightmare Moon.
  2894. >He was insulted for doing such, but refused to cave in.
  2895. >He still loved you, you were his aunt, and he, your night song.
  2897. @@@
  2899. HerdAnon
  2902. >Be Luna.
  2903. >You're currently laying on your belly as your young nephew Anon happily hums a song.
  2904. >You were preening your wings when he came in and became curious.
  2905. >At first he was worried you were hurting yourself, but after a hug and some explaining of pegasus and alicorn wings he calmed down.
  2906. >You showed him a few of your feathers and how crooked and messed up they were before pulling them out.
  2907. >He took a interest in the preening and asked if he could help.
  2908. >At first you were wary of allowing him to take care of your wings for you, as the act was seen as intimate when done by a stallion on a mare.
  2909. >But the thoughts of another doing such a tedious job whilst you relaxed was too tempting.
  2910. >How such a act became known as intimate in the first place you've no idea, you and Celestia used to preen each other all the time.
  2911. >But no, the bonding experience was made lewd yet a mare and stallion have the gall to hold hooves in public and call it ‘normal’.
  2912. >Degenerates.
  2913. >But you digress.
  2914. >You instead focus on the blissful feeling you're nephew searching through your wings for any uncomfortable feathers to remove.
  2915. >The small agile hands feel magnificent as they gently pull loose the feathers, much better than you doing it yourself.
  2916. >You don't know if it's just the thought of someone you trust taking care of you or the fact your wings are just sprawled out being cared for that makes this so blissful to you, but either way, you may have to get Anon to do this more often.
  2917. >Looking back at him, you see he seems to enjoy preening you judging by his smile as he hums.
  2918. >The thing that confuses you is the lack of feathers on the ground say for the few small strays.
  2919. >”Done!” He chirps happily.
  2920. >You were about to sigh sadly to know your blissful wing-care was already over, but before you could two small hands began rubbing up and down your spine nearly turning you to a pool of pony princess jello with how well it works your muscles.
  2922. >”Does that feel good auntie? I normally do this for mommy when she has a rough day but you seemed really tense.” He says as he works out years of stress with each rub and push.
  2923. “Oh yes nephew, auntie really needs this~”
  2924. >You practically purr as the rubbing continues.
  2925. >What'd you do today to earn this kind of treatment?
  2926. >Whatever it is, you want to do it more.
  2927. >A lot better than a thousand years of sleeping on moon rocks.
  2928. >After a few more minutes of moans and groans as your stress is rubbed away, you are eventually completely relaxed, and your nephew stops to lay down with you.
  2929. >”I love you auntie.” He says nuzzling his way under your wing.
  2930. “I love you too dearest nephew.”
  2931. >You say as you move your wing to pull him close as you start to pass out.
  2933. >Be Celestia looking through a magic peephole.
  2934. >When you heard moaning outside you thought you were going to get a show to make you warm in the loins, instead you got one to make your warm in the chest.
  2935. >You feel ripped off.
  2937. @@@
  2940. >"Anonymous, baby, would you please get me a beverage from the concession stand?"
  2941. >'Beverage'? Coming right up, Dude.'
  2942. >"Hush, you. I'll be right here setting up our towel and umbrella."
  2943. >There's a helluva' line at the aforementioned concession stand but with every order filled you're that much closer to cold drinks and time with mom
  2944. >You make your purchase and turn to leave but find your path blocked
  2945. >Some guys are mulling around waving to someone in the distance
  2946. "M-Me? Him?"
  2947. 'She's obviously waving at me!'
  2948. >You step to the side trying to see around their group
  2949. >Mom's looking over in your direction on her phone
  2950. >Then your shorts start buzzing and 'Nasty' by Janet Jackson plays
  2951. >'Uh, moshi-moshi, Anonymous desu?'
  2952. >"Oh, I'm sorry, I must've di-..Ahaa~ Very funny, young man.."
  2953. >'What's up, mom, I'm coming back with our drinks right now.'
  2954. >"Alright, that's why I called. I lost sight of you after this gaggle of skinnyfat party boys thought I was waving at them when I was trying to see where you were."
  2955. >'On my way.' You say hanging up
  2956. >'Scuse me, fellas, I think she was waving at me, though.'
  2957. >The meeting of dadbod's parts and you see mom smiling as you walk towards her
  2958. >"..You'll never get like that will you, sweetheart?"
  2959. >'Nah. Well, I mean, I might listen to more classic rock at some point and take a liking to cargo shorts, but..'
  2960. >"Good. *mwah* That's as manly as I want my darling boy to be."
  2961. >"..It also wouldn't hurt if you spent more time on the yard now and then."
  2962. >'I'll spend more time in YOUR yard now and then..'
  2964. @@@
  2967. >Celestia carries you around with her everywhere
  2968. >Sometimes she carries you with her teeth
  2969. >Sometimes you ride on her back (she's gotten into the habit of bucking when you do this)
  2970. >When the two of you sit down for a meeting, she makes sure you're tucked in between her forelegs with your back against her thick, soft chest tuft
  2971. >Every so often, Celestia will absent-mindedly nuzzle the top of your head with her chin
  2972. >Once in a while, she'll push her head down and knock you over onto her legs, and then she'll gently rest her head on your (comparatively small) lap
  2973. >During this time, it's not uncommon for Celestia to sneak in kisses
  2975. @@@
  2978. >"That's correct, Twilight. The path to Middle Ear-.."
  2979. >"Anonymous, sunshine, no, not right now, baby, mommy needs the map to show Twilight something."
  2980. >Anon smiles up at his mom and resumes rolling around his hotwheels carts
  2981. >"I'm sorry, Twilight. As I was saying, you'll need somepony fluent in Elvi-.."
  2982. >"Oh my word you silly, silly boy, there CAN'T be a traffic jam on mommy's hoof right now!"
  2983. >Anonymous giggles as his mother's magic aura envelopes him, and he comes to be seated upon her back
  2984. >"You get the idea, Twilight. Ring, elves, stuff."
  2985. >'B-But Princess, I-'
  2986. >"Mothers work is never done, my faithful student! Ta-ta~"
  2988. @@@
  2991. > we must cast off the shackles of Oppression. No longer should we have to ask to use the lavatories. Why should we endure the burdens of carrying our own number two pencils. Should not be overseers provides such supplies themselves? And the tremendous weight of our textbooks everyday we're forced to carry upon of young and supple bodies. Subjugating us more and more each day to the tyranny of the rainbow haired succubus and unblinking eye of the astral haired demoness. Should not the spaces of parking be free to all? Why do only the powers that be have the authority to utilize the space while our speeders and transports suffer in harsh environment. Join under me my brethren and we shall wipe out all the oppression wipe out all the harsh rules of our overseers. Wipe..........hello mother, auntie, and Cadence
  2993. @@@
  2996. >Im sorry mom and auntie Luna. But its that time in my life where i should start dating.
  2997. Its that whore Sunset isnt it
  2998. > Mom please...
  3000. Your mother is right. What can she give you that you're mother an I cant?
  3001. >Auntie Luna its not like that.
  3003. She flash her saggy tits at you, is that?! Ill have you know that my tits are as perky as they were in college an have doubled in size with milk since ive had you. Milk youre still not drinking young man!
  3004. >Mother!
  3006. Verily sister! And i have you know Anon my bottom has retained it supple shape through the regors of time. Unless that thing youre infatuated with. Who may i remind was dating MR. SENTRY!
  3007. >Auntie Luna not you too.
  3009. You know what? Luna, get the magazines I think Anon needs to see who's more worthy of his..... Teenage hormones.
  3012. @@@
  3015. >What happens to Auntie when she misses too much sleep
  3016. >"Morning, Auntie."
  3017. >'Nephew..'
  3018. >"..Auntie, far be it from me to tell you how to do your duties, but it seems you're spreading yourself a little thin as of recent."
  3019. >"I just worry is all.."
  3020. >'N-Nonsense, dear Nephew, thou needn't-'
  3021. >"I worry you're not getting enough of this dick."
  3022. >'..Come again?'
  3023. >"Oh, you will. I promise."
  3024. >'Nightsong, a-art thou being serious?'
  3025. >"Serious as pancakes."
  3026. >'Oh, I-..pardon?'
  3027. >Aunt Luna blinks rapidly and shakes her head
  3028. >"..I just said 'good morning', Auntie."
  3029. >"You alright? You look a little tired.."
  3031. @@@
  3034. >"Alright, mom, that's enough."
  3035. >"C'mon, pack it in, time to call it a night."
  3036. >'They *hic*- THey *hic*- They SUCK, Anonymo-, Amonymou- *hic*, sunshine..'
  3037. >"I know, I know, I'll give them a talking to in the morning, let's go-, uppsie daisy.."
  3038. >Mom throws the bottle down
  3039. >'..What're you lookin at?'
  3040. >'You're all a bunch of buckin' know why?'
  3041. >"Mom, damnit, no, c'mon, no Scarface.."
  3042. >'They- *hic* They're afraid to be what they wanna be, sweetheart..they need ponies like me, s-so they can point their buckin' hoofseses..'
  3043. >'-..And say "That's the bad princess..".'
  3045. >"Aaand scene. Alright, now to be-"
  3046. >'No no no no *hic*..leave me here on the tile..ooooh it's nice and cool..and close to the ground.'
  3047. Night, mom, auntie
  3049. @@@
  3052. > Sister we have a problem. Anon has gone Rogue.
  3053. Rogue? Impossible.
  3054. > I'm afraid it's true. He's not on any cameras. All his all his teachers after homeroom has marked him absent.
  3055. Have you checked the break room?
  3056. > we've checked it twice, nothing.
  3057. Have you checked his usuals?
  3058. > Teachers Lounge empty. Auditorium empty. Secret room above the auditorium empty. Your..... mommy son room empty.
  3059. This is highly unlike him.
  3060. > it gets worse sister he has removed... his GPS tracker chastity belt.
  3061. ...... Dispatch the Rainbow Six.
  3062. > but sister they are all still in class.
  3063. Adam could not have removed his chastity belt on his own. Which leads me to believe he's been taken and there's only one group ambitious enough to attempt something like this.
  3064. >The CPA.
  3065. Exactly with that belt removed I have no doubt that Miss cinch will extract as much of his essence as she can. No doubt she'll utilize her shadowbolts to entice my poor boy.
  3066. > I'll make the preparations for a raid.
  3067. We are at Defcon 1
  3069. @@@
  3072. >"Sister, I understand casting a spell on us and turning each of us human so that Anonymous doesn't feel alone."
  3073. "I'm sensing a but."
  3074. >"BUT, why do I seem so much younger than you?"
  3075. "Humans must age differently than alicorns do. That or the spell determined you are my little sister and acted accordingly."
  3076. >"Perhaps, but then why are you naked?"
  3077. "I don't have any clothes that will fit. Besides, I'm normally naked anyway. I doubt anypony will notice."
  3078. >"Mom? Aunt Luna? You two in... here?"
  3079. "Hello sunshine."
  3080. >"Hello moonbeam."
  3081. >"I'm not seeing things right now am I? You two are humans right now right?"
  3082. "You aren't seeing things honey. We did this so you wouldn't feel so alone."
  3083. >"You two did this for me? That's really sweet and it means a lot to me that you cared enough for me to do this. But I'm never alone with you two around. Pony or human, you're still my family."
  3084. >He says and wraps you both in a hug.
  3085. >Luna only goes up to his chest in her current form.
  3086. >"By the way mom, why are you naked?"
  3087. >"Nopony will notice my plot."
  3088. >That little cunt.
  3090. @@@
  3093. >"You have to survive my boot camp if you want a chance to date my boy."
  3094. >"Which one of you THOTS actually believe you have a shot at winning my precious sunshine's heart?"
  3096. ...
  3098. >Idk mom these new recruits seem like the most limps wristed,flower dress wearing, twinkle toed pansys, ive ever seen.
  3099. I know Commander Anon its almost as if they dont want to be best of the best. The top women in Equestria. 3rd to your Aunt and I of course. And thus having exclusive acces to your private chambers.
  3100. >Oh well i guess its another night with Ms.inkwell.
  3101. Commander Anon may i remind you fraternizing with my personal staff is forbidden.
  3103. ...
  3105. >As my Son's consort you may be required to enter hostel territory you pull him out of dangerous situations. So in order to get you ready for such a happenstance youll be jumping out of this plane! Now i know that you lilly livered tadpoles have never even made paper airplances youll be jumping with a 10 year vet. He'll show you everything you need to do.
  3106. Princeds Celestia thats a dog!!
  3107. >Watch your mouth private! Officer Mcgruff has pulled Commander Anon out of the fire more times than youve taken shits in your honey scented diapers! Theres no one more qualified.
  3108. Princess Celestia where are our parachutes?
  3109. >Does Officer Mcgruff have one?
  3110. Well no bu--
  3111. >Then why should you? Being my son's consort take guile. It takes guts! And sometimes you gotta Jump into the fire with nothing but your panties and squirt gun!
  3112. Princess THIS IS INSANE! How are we gonna survive the fall???
  3113. >Improvise!! now GO GO GO GO
  3115. ...
  3117. >Well lookie lookie seems you girls manage to make it out of that free fall with little to no injuries. Lucky that giant cushion happen to be there.
  3118. I think I wet myself.
  3119. >Well thats good! Its keep you cool for the next part of your training.
  3120. Nnnnext part?
  3121. >Of course private. Now stand up straight you daisy picking southern bells. As youll all may now. Commander Anon is constantly bombarded by whores and slut the surrounding countries call daughters. As my darling son's consort you will be required from time to time to protect Anon's virtue. So youll be fighting eachother with these weapons.
  3122. that blood on those helmets?
  3123. >Maybe but that doesnt matter.SUIT UP!!
  3125. ...
  3127. Dear god i dont wanna see the woman that makes it through Celestia's boot camp.
  3129. ...
  3131. Commander Anon ive been assigned to protect you
  3132. >Holy shit.
  3133. Is there are problem Sir?
  3134. >No its just....your hot.
  3135. Incorrect sir, due to the near freezing temperature against the current weight and insulation of my gear. I would best describe my current sensation as comfortable.
  3136. >No i mean usually the women that make it through my mother's "boot camp" are built like shit brick houses.
  3137. I do Not understand what you mean Sir. However if you imply what i think you do. Rest assured that i can carry my gear plus you at full sprint if necessary.
  3138. >No I mean to say youre beautiful.
  3139. My complexion adds to my camo as we are in an artic environment sir.
  3140. >No just.....ok. Im glad to have you here. Todays assignment is easy. Were traveling to northern equestria to confirm citings of Yak encroachment. We are not engaging enemy forces.
  3141. Understood
  3142. >Good then lets get moving were burning daylight.
  3143. Covering your six sir.
  3144. >For god sakes we having even left the base! What kind of training did my mother put you through?
  3145. ........
  3146. >Ensign?
  3147. First rule of Princess Celestia's training. Do not talk about Princess Celestia's training.
  3148. >Hey are you alright?
  3149. Second rule of Princess Celestia's training....
  3150. >I think i need to have a word with mother
  3152. @@@
  3155. > All ponies, and in fact all species on Equestria, developed specialized organs to deal with the immense amount of magic native to Equestria
  3156. > In unicorns this ends up as horns that let them cast spells, in pegasi it ends up as wings that let them fly, etc
  3157. > Humans, since they normally live on Earth, which has little to no magic, never developed anything to deal with magic
  3158. > So when kid Anon showed up in Equestria due to some magical mishap at Celestia's School For Talented Unicorns, he quickly fell sick because his body couldn't cope with the ambient magic
  3159. > And while this lead to a few weeks of Celestia and her most trusted doctors fussing over Anon, he did make a full recovery
  3160. > In fact, Anon made more than a full recovery
  3161. > To survive in Equestria, Anon's body adapted to its magic rich environment - more specifically, his brain adapted
  3162. > And while Anon can now control/effect magic with his mind, becoming effectively a psychic/psionic/whatever, there's a lot of accidents, since he obviously didn't grow up learning how to use magic
  3163. > In fact, he lacks even a lot of the unconscious control that most unicorns have by biological instinct
  3164. > Which is where Celestia, feeling responsible for Anon arriving in Equestria, decides that she would be best suited to teaching him how to control his newly found magical ability
  3166. @@@
  3169. >"'Too old for a bikini.' She said! 'How about a one piece?' She said! 'IT'LL COMPLIMENT YOUR BODY MORE!' SHE SAID!"
  3170. "Uh, mom?"
  3171. >"Yes sunshine?"
  3172. "Are you alright? You seem kinda... intense."
  3173. >"I'll be alright. Once I find that Rainbow Dash and prove her wrong for trying to say I would look better in a one piece than a bikini when I tried to buy one at the shop in the mall."
  3174. "Mom, can't you just let this slide? I mean you are an adult aft-"
  3175. >"THERE SHE IS!"
  3176. "Mom, please don't."
  3177. >"Why hello girls. Fancy seeing you here."
  3178. >She says as cheerful as can be while also pushing her chest out to flaunt at Rainbow and her friends.
  3179. >You notice many are trying to look away, some are blushing and Sunset and Twilight are just staring at her breasts.
  3180. >"Too old indeed."
  3181. >She whispers to you.
  3182. >"Well we must be off, you girls enjoy your day at the beach."
  3183. >Before you leave you mouth 'I'm sorry' to them.
  3184. >You notice most of the girls looking at mom's ass as she walks away.
  3185. >"Nice."
  3186. >You hear Sunset say.
  3188. ...
  3190. >"Rainbow Dash?"
  3191. >'Yes. Overheard the little trollup saying I couldn't fill out a bathing suit if it was inflated..'
  3192. >"Rainbow 'Flat Earth' Dash, mom?"
  3193. >'They don't look saggy, do they, sweetheart?"
  3194. >'Mom, it's Rainbow 'Carpenters Dream' Dash, there's no difference between the side profile of her and a 10 yr old boy.'
  3195. >"..So, yes, no?"
  3196. >'They're great, mom, what I was trying to say was-'
  3197. >"Well, how great? Tell me specifically..~"
  3198. >'..Can we have one outing to the beach/amusement park/movies that doesn't involve me telling you how great your breasts are, mom.'
  3199. >"Awww, but I like those parts. You're so good with words..makes me wonder why you're barely pulling a B in English, too."
  3201. @@@
  3204. >"School? On the weekend? During Summer?"
  3205. >'We're just going to be using the gym, sweetheart, very low chance of that precious head of yours having to do any work.'
  3206. >"Ouch. Mom, I was playing but you had to go and be serious..m-muh heart.."
  3207. >'Oh stop, you. Anyway, your Aunt arrived a little before us so I figure she's ready for some light sparring to start off.'
  3208. >"..If she's already here, why'd I see her car in the garage back home?"
  3209. >'She jogged here. Silly girl, I keep telling her she's catching up with me in age and she's got to learn to acclimate..'
  3210. >"She JOGGED here? Damn.."
  3211. >'I'm going to get changed, sunshine, don't keep your Aunt waiting.'
  3212. >"Alright, alright.."
  3213. "Ah, Dearest Nephew!"
  3214. >Anon immediately tries to avert his stare
  3215. "Thou hast no reason to avert thine eyes. Gaze upon our 'heavenly body'."
  3216. >"W-Working up a sweat already, huh?"
  3217. "This phallic punching bag has bore our relentless onslaught for sometime before you and your mother arrived."
  3218. >"God I wish that bag were me..-*ahem* I mean um, uh..I coughed- that was allergies.."
  3219. "How curious of you to mention as much, Nephew~ We could stand to be on the other end of a phallic beating this time around.."
  3221. @@@
  3224. >You are Anon, son of the Biker Queen Celestia.
  3225. >You never got into the whole biker gang thing and wanted a normal life like all the other kids.
  3226. >You just want to go to school, get a decent job, and have some friends.
  3227. >At first your mom thought it was just a phase and you would grow out of it.
  3228. >But when she realised you didn't want the biker life she eventually caved and let you go to a regular school a town over where no one knew you or your family.
  3229. >It was great, no one judge you based on your mother's lifestyle or past.
  3230. >A cute girl with red and yellow hair has even shown interest in you.
  3231. >It lasted only a few days though.
  3232. >Everyone at school was called in for an assembly and was surprised to find out the principal suddenly retired.
  3233. >You however were more surprised by the replacement.
  3234. >Your mother walked out in a business suit and looked incredibly professional.
  3235. >You've never seen her like this, and no one seemed to notice she was anything but a prim and proper upstanding citizen.
  3236. >You know she had to use some connection or threat to get the old principal to leave and that she was picked to be the new principal despite having no prior school experience.
  3237. >Also, your aunt came out dressed similarly and she's the new vice principal, is that even a thing?
  3238. >When you get home, your mom gets into her normal clothes and explains how she appreciates you wanting a normal life but needs to make sure you're safe.
  3239. >So her gang took over the school and is now a good part of the staff.
  3240. >The doorbell rings and you open it to find the cute girl with the red and yellow hair dressed similarly to your mom.
  3241. >"You've already met Sunset. She's from a neighboring chapter and will be your protection while at school and also after. She will take care of you."
  3242. >Sunset winks at you.
  3243. >"Real good care of you."
  3244. >All you wanted was a normal teenage life.
  3246. @@@
  3249. >"A-Anonymous, sunshine, I was hoping to catch you before you came to my office for lunch."
  3250. >'Why? What's up?'
  3251. >"Um, WELL, sweetheart, do you remember when 'Twilight' arrived here?"
  3252. >'...No..NO, NO!'
  3253. >"Anonymous, please, don't be upset-"
  3255. >"The statue's magical properties have yet to fully reveal the extent of it's power. I'm afraid that while we run tests, it will remain 'in use' for any traveler from their side."
  3256. >Anonymous just shakes his head and sighs
  3257. >'Well, where is it...which one came through this time..'
  3258. "BOOP BAPPY!!!"
  3259. >'Mom, you've got 3 seconds to send it back.'
  3260. >"Anonymous, my wonderful son, please un-"
  3261. >'2.'
  3262. >"This is NOT up for debate, Anonymo-"
  3263. >'1.'
  3264. "BOOPA BAPPA!!"
  3266. @@@
  3269. >"Okay, there she is. Now, you remember what to do?"
  3270. "Mmhmm!"
  3271. >You nod excitedly, being careful not to spill the water from the cup you're holding.
  3272. >"Alright sunshine, mommy will be right over here watching and waiting for you to be done."
  3273. "Then we get ice cream?"
  3274. >"Then we can get ice cream, yes sweetie."
  3275. >She says bending down and kissing your forehead.
  3276. >Mommy walks over to a table farther away and watches you with a smile.
  3277. >You start walking and are very careful not to spill the water, it doesn't take long to get to Auntie Luna.
  3278. >Her eyes are closed and you can hear her softly snoring like she does on the couch during the day at home.
  3279. >You smile as you throw the cup of water into her.
  3281. >She screams and jumps out of the chair she was sleeping on.
  3282. >You start laughing.
  3283. >"WHAT THE FU-"
  3284. >She stops when she notices you giggling next to her chair.
  3285. >Anonymous, moonbeam, sweetie..."
  3286. >She says gritting her teeth and rubbing her arms trying to keep warm.
  3287. >"Is there a reason you threw very, VERY cold water into your Auntie Luna?"
  3288. "Mommy said you forgot you shower this morning. So she said I should give you one."
  3289. >"Did she now? And why is it so cold?"
  3290. "Mommy said you like cold showers."
  3291. >Auntie Luna stopped looking at you and has started looking around the pool at the tables.
  3292. >She sees Mommy sitting at the table and laughing hard.
  3293. >Mommy must have thought of something really funny.
  3294. >"Excuse me sweetie, I need to take care of something."
  3295. >She starts walking towards Mommy.
  3296. >Mommy is too busy laughing to notice Auntie Luna walking over.
  3297. >Auntie Luna picks her up in a hug and starts going to the pool.
  3298. >"No Luna! What kind of example are you setting for Anon?"
  3299. >"Really!?"
  3300. >Mommy got thrown into the pool.
  3301. >That's silly so you start laughing again.
  3302. >A lifeguard blows his whistle.
  3303. >"Ooh, someone's in trouble."
  3304. >Mommy says.
  3305. >"Oh shut up!"
  3307. ...
  3309. >"Pssst..Auntie!..."
  3310. >"Mommy putted hot sauce all over your slice of pizza but I changeded them and gave HER the hot one!"
  3311. >'Ah, our sweet faithful to his Auntie.'
  3312. >"That's what mommy gets for always finishing my choco unicorn crunch!"
  3314. @@@
  3317. >Eww whos that...ugly... Green guy?
  3318. Oh, you didnt know? The Celestia's son.
  3319. >That green giant fell put of Celestia's crotch?!
  3320. He's certainly a giant in some places~
  3321. >God dammit Silver is there any guy you wouldnt sleep with!
  3322. I dont know...ask your dad
  3323. >Seriuosly?!
  3324. What? He gave you the yacht all week didnt he?
  3325. >That was you?!
  3326. Youre welcome Tiara~
  3327. >God youre such a whore.
  3328. And youre a kissless virgin.
  3329. >Nu uh! I totally hooked up with guys!
  3330. You're weeb shit dating sims dount count.
  3331. >You swore you wouldnt tal-
  3332. Look Nun you need to get yourself a man and the principal's son is the ultimate street cred.
  3333. >But he's not even cute!
  3334. Bitch take ypu weeb goggles off. He's the hottest thing walking. Ans guess what. He's a virgin like you.
  3335. >Bullshit
  3336. Look, he has to be. My sources tell me Celestia and Luna keep a very close eye on him. Any girl that tries to get close enough gets transferred to another school.
  3337. >So why would I want to
  3338. To be a legend girl~ Think about it. Anon's V-card is legendary. You get that. The whole towns gonna know your name.
  3339. >And whats in it for you? Why you trying to hook me up with Anon
  3340. That's for me to know. C'mon Diamond please? For me?
  3341. >Well, I guess I could do worse than him.
  3342. Attagirl~
  3344. ...
  3346. Um hey.
  3347. > hello. I'm sorry do we know each other?
  3348. No I just started here.
  3349. > Oh you're a freshman. Well then let me be the first to say welcome to Canterlot High.
  3350. Hey thanks. I'm Diamond Tiara by the way.
  3351. > Nice to meet you Miss tiara. I'm Anonymous celestial Skies. Hey, is that a katawa Shoujo backpack?
  3352. You know about Katawa shoujo?! Oh . My. God!
  3353. >Hanaka is best girl
  3354. As if! Lily is so much better!
  3355. > Oh you poor poor girl. I see I'm going to have to educate you how about this Friday at 5pm we go to that Applebee's down the street.
  3356. Tch. Is that your ham fisted attempted at asking me out?
  3357. > No I'm simply going to educate you and I like their wings.
  3358. Fine I'll be there and I'll be the one educating you!
  3360. ...
  3362. Not so fast!
  3363. >Ohhhh crappppppp.
  3365. My sweet sweet boy you know fraternizing the female student body is strictly forbidden by her majesty the Principal Celestia~
  3366. > Fluttershy come on, this is getting ridiculous now!
  3368. Who the hell is that?!
  3369. >Stay behind me ok? That's Fluttershy she's part of the Mane 6. Six Uniquely talented students in school who Celestia has given VERY specific orders.
  3370. What orders?
  3372. To keep filthy bottom-feeding trollops like you from laying hands on Her dear sweet boy.
  3373. > In exchange for my virtue right? I'll tell you like I told my mother. I'm not a prize to be won!
  3374. Of course not my lovely Green Man. You are a station, a badge of honor to be bethroved to only the loveliest of Maidens Cantorlot High has to offer.
  3375. > So thats your game huh?
  3376. My dear anonymous. If you will not come with me willingly. I have ways of changing your mind~
  3377. >Oh shit! Tiara cover your ears!!
  3378. Youre.....going... Too LOVE ME!!!!!
  3379. >Pocket sand bitch!
  3380. Ahhhhhhh my eyes!!!!
  3381. >Cmon Tiara run!!!
  3383. @@@
  3404. ...
  3406. >This restaurant doesn't have placemats you can draw on
  3407. >Infact this place doesn't have crayons at all!
  3408. >Or a playplace..
  3409. >Kids menu..
  3410. >Tv, pizza buffet, ice cream bar..
  3411. >But mom said you'd like it if you gave it a chance
  3412. >Said you're becoming a big boy now and you wouldn't grow up strong on just tendies and juice
  3413. >She said soon you'd be carrying HER around!
  3414. >Silly mama
  3415. >She keeps trying to play footsie with you and pretend it's not her
  3416. >You took a few sips of her fruity grown up drink in exchange for some of your double fudge dessert brownie
  3417. >It's not bad either!
  3418. >Like a Hi-See but kinda sour
  3419. >You don't remember much after that except waking up in mommy's arms being put down in bed
  3420. >She kissed your forehead and told you she fun on your date
  3421. >That was a date? You took MOM on a DATE?
  3422. >And she said she looked forward to many more when you grew up
  3423. >You smile and sleepily mumble you had fun and that you love her, too, before closing your eyes and drifting to sleep
  3424. >..It's a good thing you didn't sing the milky song
  3426. @@@
  3429. >"Fancy seeing you here, Prince Charming."
  3430. >'H-Hey. What's up, Coach Spitfire?'
  3431. >"No need for formalities, we're off campus. Cel, Luna, would you mind if I borrowed these capable hands for a moment?"
  3432. >"It'd make up for all the lollygagging this one does when he needs to be improving that mile time."
  3433. "Be our guest, Ms. Spitfire, just return him in one piece."
  3434. >"No promises."
  3435. >Anon returns later chuckling
  3436. "Something funny happen, Anonymous?"
  3437. >'No, it's just she's a lot different off the job, really talkative infact. Kept telling me she regrets not settling down after her service.'
  3438. "I've always told that woman she needs a good man..just not mine."
  3439. >'At ease there, mom.'
  3440. "Well! Now you can get your Aunt and myself oiled up."
  3441. >'Shoot, do we have anymore? Coach Spitfire wanted me to be really thorough.'
  3442. "Ahahah~..Well, I know one faculty member who might find me waiting for a chat first thing monday morning."
  3444. @@@
  3447. >You're Anon, and you're also just relaxing poolside on your family vacation.
  3448. >A drink being placed on the table next to you gets your attention.
  3449. >"One pina colada. And if a cop or the staff ask, it's a virgin."
  3450. "And if I ask?"
  3451. >"Then it's a double."
  3452. "Thanks Aunt Chryssie."
  3453. >You say lifting your glass to toast hers.
  3454. >Aunt Chrysalis isn't your aunt by blood, but by that cool she is best friends with your mom and actual aunt for years kinda way.
  3455. >She sits next to you as you start drinking your typical vacation drink.
  3456. >Oh man that's strong, she wasn't kidding when she said it was a double.
  3457. >You're not complaining, but wow.
  3458. >"You okay there champ? Want Auntie Chryssie to get the little baby some milk?"
  3459. >She says in a mock tone.
  3460. "Shut up. I was just expecting it to be smoother than this is all."
  3461. >You lean back in your chair and close your eyes.
  3462. "Okay, now I'm relaxed."
  3463. >"Anon!"
  3464. >You look to who was calling your name and see mom and Aunt Luna waving at you from the top of a water slide.
  3465. >You wave back but decide not to call out.
  3466. >"Well, I'm glad they're having fun."
  3467. "Me too. They could use the break."
  3468. >That's when you notice a group of guys walking your way.
  3469. >They've been eyeing Aunt Chryssie up for a while and probably are going to make their move now.
  3470. >"Hey good looking. How about you and my friends and I-"
  3471. >"Sorry, not interested."
  3472. >She cuts him off.
  3473. >"Come on baby, don't be like that."
  3474. >He continues.
  3475. >"Yeah, we got a whole bunch of drinks back in our room but no one to share it with."
  3476. >"Sounds to me like you can have fun with eachother then."
  3477. >She says smiling.
  3478. >"What did she say?"
  3479. "She said she wasn't interested."
  3480. >The college age guys now look at your high school frame and start to snicker.
  3481. >"This kid your little brother or something?"
  3482. >She gets up and walks over to you without even looking at them and proceeds to sit on your lap, wrapping her arms around you.
  3483. >"Actually little boys, this is my man."
  3485. >She looks them over again.
  3486. >"And judging by those tents in your swimtrunks I'm giving you, he's a lot more man than any of you."
  3487. >One of the guys takes obvious issue with her statement.
  3488. >"What was that?"
  3489. >"I said you have a small dick little boy. While my MAN on the other hand has got a cock..."
  3490. >She puts one hand on the tip of her mouth and moves her other hand to the back of her head.
  3491. >She pulls her hands away while maintaining the length she measured and holds it up to them.
  3492. >"This big. Now run along boys, I think there's some internet porn calling your names."
  3493. >She waves them off with her hand.
  3494. >"The other two for our fourway will be here soon and I dont want to keep them waiting."
  3495. >"What are you talking about?"
  3496. >One asks puzzled.
  3497. >"Are you two having fun with out us?"
  3498. >They turn and see your mom and aunt walking towards you.
  3499. >"I'm afraid this is a private party. I'll have to insist you leave."
  3500. >Aunt Luna states.
  3501. >They don't hesitate this time and start to walk away muttering to themselves.
  3502. >Mom is looking at Aunt Chrysalis sitting on your lap.
  3503. >"I hope you don't mind Celest, but I borrowed your son to help to help get rid of some pests."
  3504. >"Not at all. You two want to go on the slide now?"
  3505. "Can I finish my drink first?"
  3506. >"Is it a virgin or real one?"
  3507. >Aunt Luna says.
  3508. >"Yes."
  3509. >"Well let us know if you want a real one."
  3511. @@@
  3514. >Mom sends you to Aunt Chryssy's for the summer to work at her company, where she manufactures and distributes toys
  3515. >What she didn't know is they're adult toys
  3517. >You're just as clueless as your mother is, to your aunt's toy manufacturing company
  3518. >That is until she asks you to help her with creating a new toy design, one modeled after yourself
  3519. >Later it becomes a number one best seller in Canterlot
  3520. >With the success of sales Aunt Chryssy later, let's Luna and Celestia know just how much she appreciates them for letting her have you there to help her with the success of her business
  3521. >Sending both mother and aunt Luna a modeled dildo of their beloved son/nephew's dong as a token of her appreciation with them recognizing it almost immediately upon seeing it
  3522. >They don't know if they should be happy for her success or angry that she used you and that random women everywhere are pleasuring themselves to what is essentially their son/nephew
  3523. >A son/nephew which belongs to them and only them, even if it is just a copy of his junk
  3525. @@@
  3528. "Damn air conditioning. Of course it decides to die on one of the hottest days of the year."
  3529. >"Probably over worked."
  3530. >Your assistant Raven says.
  3531. >Like you, her outfit is not fully fitting the school dress code.
  3532. >But you're the principal, it's hot, and the kids are on summer break.
  3533. >So fuck it.
  3534. "Let's just get this last bit taken care of so we can leave. The maintenance crew should be here tomorrow to fix the ac unit."
  3535. >"Knock knock."
  3536. >You hear your son call from the door to your office.
  3537. "Anon? What are you doing here?"
  3538. >"Aunt Luna said the air died here. so I stopped at the custard shop down the street to pick up some treats to keep everyone cool."
  3539. >He says displaying a paper bag.
  3540. >Reaching in he starts to bring out its contents.
  3541. >"One birthday cake flavor for mom, and a turtle sundae for Miss Raven."
  3542. >"Oh thank you. You didn't need to."
  3543. "She's right sunshine. You didn't need to do this for us."
  3544. >"Don't worry about it. Now if you'll both excuse me, I need to deliver this chocolate brownie to Aunt Luna. I'll be back in a bit."
  3545. >He says with a wave.
  3546. >You smile at his thoughtfulness.
  3547. >You notice Raven smile as she watches him leave.
  3548. >She was a senior when he was a freshman.
  3549. >Not that much of an age gap, but still there's a stigma of her being in her 20s and him still in high school.
  3550. >Hmmmm...
  3551. >Maybe when he turns 18 you'll let her date him.
  3553. @@@
  3556. Mom! The A/C guy doesn't know shit and he won't be here until 2 hours from now. We might as well do this ourselves.
  3557. >Are you a registered technician anon?
  3558. Are you sweating through your bra?
  3559. >*gasp* anonomous!
  3560. I'm going to the roof of this school and fix this busted ac myself!
  3561. >You get back here mister!
  3562. I'm going to save this school!
  3563. >You head outside of the school. You remember seeing a flight of metal stairs that lead to the roof.
  3564. It's in the back of the school. Ah, but it's locked off by a gate.
  3565. >You think, ponder on how to get over this ordeal.
  3566. >You have an idea
  3567. >You get OVER the ordeal.
  3568. >You head up the stairs, and you start hearing faculty staff heading your way to stop you.
  3569. I'm going to fix the fucking ac if it kills me, or at the very least expel me
  3571. ...
  3573. >kyah~ we must stop my son from fixing the ac and I must do so only in bra and panties!
  3574. lel, man, this harem protag high school that anon goes to
  3576. ...
  3578. >As you arrive to the roof, you cannot believe your eyes
  3579. i-Is that?
  3580. >You do a double take
  3581. >Is it heat stroke, the trick of the light?
  3582. >You walk closer and see that there's already somebody up here with you
  3583. hey!
  3584. >You yelled at the figure, and it turns around
  3585. >AAAHHH, you scared me bro. You almost made me spill my daiquiri
  3586. wtf
  3587. >Don't "wtf" me. What are you doing here?
  3588. What are YOU doing HERE!?!
  3590. ...
  3592. >You take a better look at the mystery pony person whatever the fuck you want her to be
  3593. >She's wearing sunglasses. Similar to the one's mom likes to wear when she likes to take the "cool" car out for a spin
  3594. >She has a rainbow color mane, but it's not like Rainbow dashes colors. It's tied up in a ponytail, going through her cap.
  3595. >The cap says "top kek"
  3596. >what? I never knew that hat can actually exist in real life. Must be custom
  3597. What are you doing here?
  3598. >Me? naaaaaaaaah, you see. My ac broke down, so what I did is that I found all the fans I had and daisy chained them together to cool my place.
  3599. >Then when I wanted to make myself a refreshing beverage, I had to plug in my slushy machine, but the grid didn't like that.
  3601. >You still stand there, just taking it all in.
  3602. >How is this person, that looks so much like your mom, get up here?
  3603. >The gate wasn't even broken into
  3604. >Why am I still listening to this bs story
  3605. >She keeps going, and going, and going
  3606. >are the other faculty staff still looking for me?
  3608. >So I came up here, borrowing this sweet machine here, and now you came
  3609. >ANONYMOUS!
  3610. goddammit
  3612. ...
  3614. >So, now it's your turn. Why are you crashing my one horse show?
  3615. I just.. wanted to... see if I can fix the ac
  3616. >You? Are you a registered technician?
  3617. n-No
  3619. >who's that!?
  3620. >You gulp and a flush of heat runs through your face. You feel like just putting the world on pause at this very moment and disappear.
  3621. >How are you suppose to play this off? How do you explain that there is an odd lookalike up here on the roof, leeching off the ac unit
  3622. >YO
  3623. oh no
  3624. >excuse me?
  3625. >hey! Is this your boi?
  3626. >And who the hell are you?
  3627. mom said hell, she's extra pissed
  3628. >The chick turns to you
  3629. >Bruh, come over here so that I can show this harlot
  3630. >You come hither and once you came over to the edge, this is now just eerie
  3632. ...
  3634. >Is this some sort of test?
  3635. >Is God playing a joke?
  3636. >To your left, on the roof, is the person that's using the school's ac and power to have a lone beach party on the roof.
  3637. >And below you is your mom
  3638. >You keep switching between the 2
  3639. >No way
  3641. >This jerk that's causing us problems looks just like mom if she would wear fucking dude bro chad gear
  3643. >anonymous, do you know this person?
  3644. uuuuuuuhhh
  3645. >Hey lady, I don't know who you are or what you're after, but me and this manlet are having a g r a n d ol' time
  3646. >As I would have you know, I'm his mother
  3647. >As soon as she said those words, the doppelganger froze.
  3648. >She then turned to me with a wide eyed open expression
  3649. >duuuuude, why didn't you tell me?
  3650. >You're just having an out of body experience, It's like your mom is arguing with herself
  3651. >Oh, sorry misssssss
  3652. >Call me Celestia
  3653. >That name sounds familiar, are you the principal of this place?
  3654. >Why yes I am, but before we get off topic, may I ask you to please leave the premises before I call the authorities.
  3655. >Mom is laying down the law
  3657. >Well Celestia, I would have YOU know that I'm not leaving until I get my rug back.
  3658. >*rug, did I miss something from the story?*
  3659. >You see miss, It really put the room together, and I'm not leaving until the deal is done.
  3660. >you see your mom flabergausted
  3662. @@@
  3665. >One thing that many ponies don't know is that the princesses have a get together once a month.
  3666. >It is under the guise of a royal summit, but it is just a chance to let their hair down and not have to wear their crowns all the time.
  3667. >You only know because your mom let's you hang out with them.
  3668. >This time Twilight brought a TV and game system with her from the other side of the mirror.
  3669. >Watching them all play play a party game was fun.
  3671. >Looks like a bad turn of events for Aunt Luna.
  3672. >"You brash upstart! I will see to it that your night is filled with terrors beyond your comprehension!"
  3673. "Come on Aunt Luna, it's just a game."
  3674. >"A game I was winning till this trollope stole my hard earned stars."
  3675. >Mom and Cadance chuckle while Twilight looks a little uneasy at what she has done.
  3677. @@@
  3680. >*CraAKK*
  3681. >*Siiip*
  3682. >"Ahhh...yep. Now's a good a time as any.."
  3683. >"Fire up the ol' Colt Cadet and tackle this crabgrass.."
  3685. >'..No.'
  3687. >Pebbles and other lawn litter pelt Anon's window
  3688. >'MOM, PLEASE, IT'S NOT EVEN 7 YET.'
  3696. @@@
  3699. >"Mom, is that even a real division? 'Snacks and cuddles'?"
  3700. >'Oh? Does my handsome little intern want to get promoted to 'snugglebug' already?'
  3702. ...
  3704. >You had doubts when SunnyCo's address was listed as '1 Royal Throne Way, Canterlot Palace, Equestria'
  3705. >Even moreso when your mother simultaneously played the part of the receptionist and another 'applicant' waiting in the lobby
  3706. >"Hmm. Dressed to impress and then some.."
  3707. >The 'receptionist' looks up
  3708. >"*Ahem*" MA'AM, SIR, WE'VE STRICT RULES AGAINST FRATERNIZATION ON THE CLOCK SO PLE-..Ah, Mr. Anonymous, she'll see you now."
  3709. >'..Mom, seriousl-'
  3710. >"Just through those doors, and do be prompt, she's a 10:15 pre-lunch lunch."
  3712. @@@
  3715. >Equestria was not always the friendliest of places.
  3716. >Bandits killed and pillaged at least once a week to one of the small towns throughout the Kingdom.
  3717. >Celestia and Luna along with the guards did all they could to keep their subjects safe and keep the peace in the kingdom.
  3718. >Then they found Anon, a human, a creature of legend to the ponies.
  3719. >They took the baby in and raised him as their own.
  3720. >When he grew older he, not knowing the hardships of the world beyond the castle, asked to become a guard so he could protect his family.
  3721. >The two sisters knew how dangerous the life of a guard was and wanted to protect him from harm.
  3722. >So they devised a plan to end the wars and pillaging once and for all so that he could live his dream and protect them.
  3723. >They would hunt down and make examples out of any who committed a major crime.
  3724. >It started small and took time but it worked.
  3725. >Major threats left Equestria and ventured farther from the reach of the sisters.
  3726. >Griffons, more vicious bipedal creatures, and even dragons wanted nothing to do with Equestria because it wasn't worth the risk of gaining the ire of the Alicorns.
  3727. >Peace had been achieved for all ponies.
  3728. >But when Anon came of age and said he still wanted to be captain of the guard, they had him trained by the hardest and bravest soldiers still in their ranks.
  3729. >Ones who knew war and death.
  3730. >It was hard but Anon made it through and also learned of what his mother and aunt did for Equestria and in turn him.
  3731. >Live for peace, but train for war.
  3732. >He wanted to maintain the happy lives all the ponies had come to know, while being ready to stop any threat that could challenge his families happiness.
  3734. @@@
  3737. Greetings Price Anon
  3738. >Rarity? What are you doing here?
  3739. I'm sorry Prince Anon but I'm not who you think i am. I am your guardian angel. The gods I've heard your continuous woes. And thus I have been dispatched to help you see the error of your ways.
  3740. >Woes? What are you talking about?
  3741. Recently you've been feeling as though you've been a burden on not only on your mother but everyone in the castle. And in your darkest moments you wished you wished you were never born. I'm here to show you what life would be like if you never existed.
  3742. >But why? Why would the Gods send Aid to someone like me?
  3743. Your life holds more importance than you could possibly imagine. I'm simply here to show you a glimpse of how important. Come with me we have much to see.
  3744. > so wait before we go, if you're my guardian angel, why do you look like Rarity?
  3745. I simply chose the form most pleasing to you.
  3746. > Well then why don't you have Rarity's cow tits
  3747. Look dude I don't get paid by the hour can we just get this over with?
  3748. >Fine...
  3750. @@@
  3752. AfterHours
  3755. -Cadance-
  3756. >You are the Princess of Love, and you are still trying to get used to that title.
  3757. >But more importantly you're also doing one of your favorite things in the world.
  3758. >Foalsitting your little cousin.
  3759. >You enjoyed foalsitting but there were a few children you really looked forward to watching.
  3760. >Anon was one of them, and later tonight you would watch Twilight who happened to be one of the others.
  3761. >You're reading Anon a book of opposites.
  3762. "Now let's look at the next page."
  3763. >Using your magic you flip the page in the book and quickly read it to yourself before turning it to show Anon the pictures.
  3764. "The dog jumped OVER the log."
  3765. >You tell him while duplicating the motion from the book with your wing.
  3766. >"Over!"
  3767. >He says copying your example with his hand.
  3768. >You can't help but beam at his innocent exuberance.
  3769. "Yes, that's right! O-ver."
  3770. >You giggle and point to the next page.
  3771. "The cat crawls UNDER the table."
  3772. >Again, you mimic the action with your wing for him to see.
  3773. >"Under!"
  3774. >He copies you again with his hand.
  3775. "Oh very good! Un-der. Now what's next?"
  3776. >Flipping the page, you quickly read the few words and look at the pictures trying to think of how to act it out for him.
  3777. "The mouse is SMALL."
  3778. >This one you demonstrate by putting the tips of your wings close together.
  3779. >"Small!"
  3780. >He once again mimics your example with his hands.
  3781. "Yes, sm-all. And now, the bear is BIG. Oh my goodness he is so big isn't he?"
  3782. >Your wings stretch out as far as they can to emphasize something large.
  3783. >"Oh my goodness!"
  3784. >He says with his hands stretched out this time.
  3785. "No, no, no. BIG."
  3786. >You tell him again and stretch your wings.
  3787. >"Big! Oh my goodness!"
  3788. >So... he just learned a new favorite phrase.
  3790. >Looking at the clock on the wall, you notice Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna will be done with their meetings with the nobles soon.
  3791. >That is definitely not something you are looking forwar to in your future.
  3792. >But a princess must meet and interact with her subjects after all.
  3793. >You don't want to think of your days being filled with meeting after meeting.
  3794. >There has to be more to life and being a princess than that.
  3795. >You look down to Anon and realise your aunts do have something more.
  3796. >A family.
  3797. >It might be a nice treat to surprise them with Anon when they get out.
  3798. "Want to go surprise your mommy and auntie?"
  3800. -Celestia-
  3801. >Praise the sun are you glad that the noble's meeting is done with.
  3802. >Though you try your best to make sure every voice in Equestria can be heard, you just wish some ponies knew their voices weren't always wanted or welcome.
  3803. >They may be a noble, but they still need to pay taxes just like everypony else.
  3804. >A fact this last noble couldn't get through his head.
  3805. >"Is everything alright my sister?"
  3806. >Luna asks breaking you from your thoughts.
  3807. "Hmm? Oh yes, just grateful to be out of that meeting is all."
  3808. >"As am I. We may need to correct the definition of 'Dense' to include our dear Mr. Skinflint."
  3809. >You chuckle and the two of you continue to walk.
  3810. >Passing the windows, you catch a look at your reflection.
  3811. >Is it just the way the windows are designed, or do you look bigger?
  3812. >You slow down and look closer into your reflection.
  3813. >Luna slows as well and looks puzzled at you.
  3814. >"Is something the matter?"
  3815. "Luna, have I put on some weight?"
  3816. >You can feel her roll her eyes as she let's out a louder than it should be sigh.
  3817. >"I'm not sure. You see, I normally do not look to thoughougly at my sister's body."
  3818. "I'm being serious."
  3819. >"As am I."
  3820. "Is my flank or belly too big?"
  3821. >"Please! I do not wish to look at your flank. Why the sudden interest in your size?"
  3823. "I think I've been stress eating too much lately. I get worried about Anon being away from me most of the day, then I sit down with a cake and before I know it the entire thing is gone."
  3824. >She puts a hoof on your shoulder.
  3825. >"He is in good care and you know that. But I know how you feel. I worry for him as well."
  3826. >She looks up at a stained glass window of the two of you when you were younger.
  3827. >"We know all to well the feeling of growing up and being different than everypony else. The looks, the names... the threats that were made against us, all because we were different."
  3828. >You think back to those days and remember how hard they were.
  3829. >Even if you were called every name they could think of, had rocks and sticks thrown at you, or went to bed hungry, you still had your sister by your side.
  3830. "He's alone though. We always had eachother growing up. He's the only one of his kind."
  3831. >"True, but he does have us. He will also never go to bed with only hunger filling his belly. He will never need to worry about being attacked for being different, because we will protect him. We will be there for him and give him what we needed when we were young. And he will grow into a fine and wise ruler, like his mother."
  3832. >You smile at her words and lean into her, draping your wings around her in a hug.
  3833. >She returns your hug and leans into you as well.
  3834. >"Now that you mention it, you do seem a fair amount larger than before."
  3835. "Luna!"
  3836. >You cry out, breaking away from your embrace.
  3837. >"Did you or did you not ask my opinion?"
  3838. "Really?"
  3839. >"Please be at ease, it was only in jest. Besides, I do not believe anypony else would notice or dare say anything if they did."
  3840. "That doesn't make me feel better."
  3841. >"MOMMY'S HERE!"
  3842. >You hear from the end of the hall and your heart soars.
  3843. >Turning towards your son's voice, you see him running at you with Cadance slightly behind him.
  3844. >There's a reason you call him your sunshine, because that sight just brightened up your day just like he does your life.
  3846. >He finishes running to you, stopping just before you.
  3847. >"Hi mommy!"
  3848. >You smile at him and bend down to kiss and nuzzle his cheek.
  3849. "Hello my little ray of sunshine."
  3850. >"Anon is small!"
  3851. >He says putting his hane close together.
  3852. "Yes you are sweetie. But I'm sure you'll have a growth spurt soon."
  3853. >"No greeting for your favorite aunt?"
  3854. >He looks up at your sister and beams at her.
  3855. >"Hi Auntie Luna."
  3856. >He waves at her.
  3857. >She leans down and wraps a wing around him and kisses his cheek.
  3858. >"And hello to you as well my sweet nightsong."
  3859. >"Hello Aunt Celestia, Aunt Luna."
  3860. >Cadance bows slightly while greeting you.
  3861. >"Hello dear Cadenza."
  3862. "As usual, I trust everything was well while we were away."
  3863. >"Of course, we played, he napped, had snacks, and we even read books. Anonymous?"
  3864. >He turns to look at her.
  3865. >"Do you want to show mommy what you learned today?"
  3866. >She asks with a smile.
  3867. >He gets excited and starts smiling too.
  3868. >He looks up at you as if deep in thought for a moment.
  3869. >He then stretches out his arms as wide as he can.
  3870. >"Mommy is big!"
  3871. >Your eyes go wide.
  3872. >What?
  3873. >"Oh my goodness."
  3874. >You are about to say something but are interrupted by your sister laughing the hardest you can remember in the last several hundred years.
  3875. >You need to confuse yourself.
  3876. "Cadance... dear... what exactly were you teaching him?"
  3878. @@@
  3881. >"Hmm."
  3882. >"...I wonder how Anonymous's trip with his Aunt is going about now.."
  3883. >"Ah, they're fine. Luna's mature enough to reel him in should anything happen."
  3884. >"I'm not even worried, really, I just miss him.."
  3885. >Meanwhile
  3887. >'TALK SHIT, GET SLIT.'
  3888. >Anon & his Aunt zoom away from the crime sc-, place of no particular importance
  3890. >Come sit with me Anon.
  3891. Aunt... No, LUNA you behavior this entire roadtrip has been inexcusable!
  3892. >Hmm?
  3893. You ran over a dear!, Beat a masked woman have to death!, Ran a car full of mares off the road, KILLED a woman!, And im not even gift shop incident!
  3894. >MmmHmmm
  3895. Youre brass, violent, and overall a brutish woman,And AND
  3896. >Annnnndddddd?
  3897. I have never been more turned on in my life
  3898. >Oh?
  3899. This has got to be the most fun ive ever had in my life.
  3900. >And its not even over. But thats for the morrow, Come to bed Nephew
  3901. The beds not the only thing im going to come in tonight~
  3902. >MMmmmmmmmmmm
  3904. @@@
  3907. >Anon chops off Discords left paw and puts it over his hand as a gauntlet
  3908. >Snaps the fingers
  3909. >Turns Discord into windsock
  3910. >Roach queen and CRRRYSTALS look apprehensive
  3911. >"N-Nighty, he's YOUR nephew.."
  3912. >Auntie knows any sort of authoritative posturing wont end well
  3913. >Decides to bluff and do it anyway
  3914. >'Y-Yes, a good show, Nephew, but that amalgamation of hotdog parts was but foal's play in comparison to o-our might.'
  3915. >Anon doesn't back down and is fastening Discord's horns to his armor
  3916. >Chrysalis mouths '..Fuuck..'
  3917. >'If thou shalt not listen to reason, w-we are left with no choice!'
  3918. >Anon reaches forward with his chaos gauntlet
  3919. "Relent, Auntie."
  3920. >'WE-, WE ARE THE NIGHT!'
  3921. "A boop from me would overtake you in a euphoric haze comparable to a lifetime of boops."
  3922. >'P-Proud, strong, m-mare of the night...'
  3924. @@@
  3927. >"Good night, Anonymous; you Prince of Mane, you King of Neigh England.."
  3928. >Anon stirs momentarily as a burp makes it's way out and he slumps forward falling off the chair
  3929. >'..I men to do that..'
  3930. >His mother's already magic'd him in her grasp as he comes to rest, laid across her back
  3931. >"You'll sleep in your room tonight..maybe your Aunt and I can make you a better fort tomorrow."
  3932. >'Zzzz..wha bouh my othr bed..zzz'
  3933. >"Anonymous you silly boy, it's a kiddie pool filled with more of your own sweat than tequila at this point."
  3934. >"Besides, your racecar bed is upstairs, wouldn't you rather sleep in the radmobile?"
  3935. >'..Mhmm.'
  3936. >"All right, well here are. The red phoenix firebird with the spoiler and 'I heart hot moms' bumper sticker."
  3937. >His mother's magic aura gently places him in bed, tucking him in
  3938. >'..wha do i owe ya?..'
  3939. >"The ride was gratis, sunshine. Knowing you'll sleep safe and sound is payment enough for me."
  3940. >'G'nigh mom..I luh you..'
  3941. >"Good night, Anonymous, I love you too."
  3942. >'Nhhh..I luh you more..'
  3943. >"Mmm I love you moooore..timesinfinity!"
  3944. >'..Zzz..damnit.'
  3946. @@@
  3949. >Anon hates the Grand Galloping Galla.
  3950. >Not because it is boring or because he is forced to mingle with ponies who just want things from him or his family.
  3951. >Those reasons still make it suck but it isn't the main reason.
  3952. >His mom cuts loose and wants to have fun, which he would be all for normally but not when it could hurt her reputation.
  3953. >Everyone in the castle knows the princesses love pranks, and they try to prank eachother and some guests to help spice up the night.
  3954. >Anon, who tries to be a laid back easy going prince has to rein in his mom and aunt and is forced to be the serious one for a change.
  3955. >He thought he could take a break because Twilight was with his mom, and Twilight above all others would not let her do something stupid.
  3957. >"How nice to see you Prince Anonymous. Splendid Galla as per usual."
  3958. "Thank you ambassador, but I can't take the credit for-"
  3959. >A loud crash and glass shattering cuts you off.
  3960. >"There are frogs everywhere!"
  3961. >A voice calls from the room the crash came from.
  3962. >Goddamnit.
  3963. >"My word. Is everything alright over there."
  3964. "If you'll excuse me. I believe there is something I need to attend to."
  3965. >You're going to kill them.
  3967. @@@
  3970. >"You're sure you'll be okay here by yourself?"
  3971. "We go through this every year. Yes I'll be alright."
  3972. >You are Anon, and summer vacation is coming to an end.
  3973. >Since your mom is the principal and your aunt is vice principal that leaves you in a unique situation.
  3974. >The school staff has to go back about 2 weeks before the students.
  3975. >Which means you have the house to yourself.
  3976. "I'll probably just relax here. Play a game, take a nap, or go out later."
  3977. >"Ah to be young again. Come on Tia, let's leave him to his 'busy' day."
  3978. >They both give you a kiss and start to leave.
  3979. >"Bye bye sweetheart. See you later."
  3980. "Bye."
  3981. >You day with a wave.
  3982. >They close and lock the door.
  3983. >You listen for the car to start.
  3984. >As you hear it pull out the driveway you walk to the window and look as it drives towards school.
  3985. >Once they are out of sight you pull your phone out of your pocket and start dialing.
  3986. "Hey babe. I got the house to myself for the day. Want to come over?"
  3988. @@@
  3991. >Mom trust Cadence.
  3992. >Cadence isn't married or dating Shining yet.
  3993. >Walks in on her giving him instructions.
  3994. >"Now make sure you really hit those sensitive side- oh that's the spot~"
  3995. >Celestia stares wide eyed at Cadence who looks over and notice's her shocked look.
  3996. >"What?" She ask confused at Celestia's look, as Anon stops humping Cadence as he notices his mother.
  3997. "W-What!? What do you mean what!? You were supposed to be WATCHING my son, and PROTECTING him from nobles and other ponies that want to abuse him for his status! Not, not, fucking him!"
  3998. >Cadence looks at Celestia unamused.
  3999. >"Auntie, I'm the princess of love. Sexual intercourse is under that jurisdiction. So what princess of love would I be if I let poor Anon go on uneducated in the subject?"
  4000. >It's at this that Celestia's mind crashes.
  4001. >Cadence looks back at Anon.
  4002. >"So, why'd you stop?"
  4004. ...
  4006. >Anon absentmindedly goes back to plowing his cousin as his mother remains frozen with several kanji appearing around her
  4007. >He shakes his head as blue lines develop on his forehead
  4008. >"...How bothersome."
  4010. ...
  4012. >This is it, isn't it
  4013. >Jealousy
  4014. >Buck the fuck up, Tia, you can't be there 24/7
  4015. >And at the very least it's with somepony who loves him and whom he loves in return
  4016. >It could be wors-
  4018. >'..You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..'
  4022. @@@
  4025. >Okay, lets do this
  4026. >Sitting in your chair and nervously shuffling the papers on your news desk, you get ready to start the broadcast.
  4027. >Hearing the countdown begin you look over yourself for any imperfections.
  4028. >At two on the countdown you look up at the cameras and begin after the instrumental intro.
  4029. "Good morning /mlp/ welcome back to Anon6, I'm your host Anon, here with the latest news."
  4030. "A nice early Monday morning today in the Momlestia thread!"
  4031. "We are off to a great start with cuckholdry, namecalling and a little bit of STRIPED baiting as the main talking points."
  4032. "As for other news today we have... Uh..."
  4033. >Going through your papers trying to look like you're doing something you begin to loudly sweat.
  4034. >They all have crude drawings of genitals and the occasional smear of feces.
  4035. >Shit.
  4036. >Turning to your co anchor Anon, who is currently playing switch, you cough to get his attention.
  4037. >Pulling his hand out of his ass, he looks at you with a vacant stare.
  4038. "So, Anon, what does the forecast look like today? What can we expect in these coming hours?"
  4040. @@@
  4043. >"C-Can't you like, just stay in your office doing Principal stuff?"
  4044. >'Oh my, is that backsass?'
  4045. >"Mom, st-"
  4046. >'Anonymous Celestial-Skies, my office NOW.'
  4047. >Passing students smirk and chuckle at the scene
  4048. >'..Shut up, damnit.'
  4049. >"Language, young man."
  4050. >"..You must still have some rambunctiousness left in you from your summer of videogames and buddy cop action-comedies."
  4051. >"Thankfully, as a mother and an educator, I know just what you need.."
  4052. >"I'm gonna reschedule your 1st period class so you can sleep in more often."
  4053. >"My growing boy needs his full 8 hours."
  4055. @@@
  4058. Ok Aunt, After much MUCH deliberation I've decided to relent and agree you take you as my bride.
  4059. >Finally embracing the old ways nephew?
  4060. Well i figured that there are worse, booksmelling candidates that I could chose from. And i believe you're the only woman that's not trying to sire my child out of personal gain. Not to mention you do have some serious birthing hips
  4061. >You silver tongued devil~.Flattery will get you everywhere~
  4062. You make it easy.So...shall we?
  4063. >Oh I'm afraid its not that simple Nephew. I'm not some common wench. If you wish to court me....and lay devastation to my futile, untouched valley~ Then a show of valor is in order.
  4064. Um ok sure what do I have to do?
  4065. >Oh goody! I've not sent a man on a quest in centuries. Now there 3 things I wish for you to accomplish. a test of valor, a test of intellect, and a test of virtue.
  4066. You're just making do this because you're bored aren't you?
  4067. >Don't ruin my fun. Now for you're first test. There's a Dragon hoard at the summit of Hop-Top Volcano. In that hoard there's an item of great importance. A dragon egg. Bring that to me and your test is complete.
  4068. Hot-Top Volcano?
  4069. > The locals are not very imaginative
  4070. *Sigh* If it pleases you my dear Aunt. I will set out immediately
  4071. >Make haste dear Nephew, my soils aches to be plowed
  4073. No
  4074. >Hmmm?
  4075. We’re not doing this mom
  4076. >Mom? Well aren’t you precious. I’m not your momma. But I may just add you to my hoard anyway you cute green gem you~
  4077. How many white wavy haired dragons do you know?
  4078. >Oh fine, begrudge your mother a little fun
  4079. Look can I just have the egg Luna sent me here for?
  4080. >Oh no little man. You’re on a quest to lay the dragon and get her egg. I can’t simply give it to you
  4081. Mom I’m not gonna fight....wait.... did you say lay?
  4082. >No I said slay.
  4083. I friggen heard you! No I’m not gonna participate in your weirdness again.
  4084. >Oh so you can lay siege to my loins when we’re home but not on a giant volcano? And I thought I was a prude
  4085. Mom, you are a 10 story reptile from the Cretaceous Era and I’m a 6”5 man with a 10 inch cock. How would we even do ANYTHING. Hell your cloaca is big enough from me to crawl through
  4086. > Ooooo that’s something we haven’t tried yet~
  4087. No we’re not doing that just give me the egg.
  4088. > Oh c’mon sunshine. If you can’t. Do this with me, how can you handle Luna?
  4089. Luna is a kissless virgin and we both know that. Look just give me the egg
  4090. > in order to receive the egg you must travel a road no but you has traveled
  4091. Oh god mom you didn’t.
  4092. >I did~
  4093. Ok FINE but you better not pee on me
  4094. >Take your shoes off dear. Mud is the last thing I want in there.
  4096. @@@
  4099. >Celestia has always had a nice mature body, something that life almost cruelly denied Luna.
  4100. >It is why people never batted an eye when she was pushing a stroller around when she was about twenty, because she looked thirty.
  4101. >Luna however kept looking like a grade schooler all throughout highschool.
  4102. >Anon inherited his mother's mature looks and everyone thinks he's much older than he really is.
  4103. >On family vacations others viewed them as a single mother and her kids, who up until Anon was ten Luna was thought to be the older sister.
  4104. >Then for the next few years Anon was mistaken for the older brother, until his next growth spurt and he was thought to be Celestia's partner.
  4105. >It went to a whole new level when they all went out and the server asked Luna is she was driving her mom and dad crazy or not while gesturing to Celestia and Anon.
  4106. >That lead to some interesting role play when they got back to the hotel.
  4108. @@@
  4111. >"What do you think of my Halloween costume this year Anon?"
  4112. "I think Aunt Luna is going to be pissed when she sees it. She said she wanted to wear something incredibly similar to your costume."
  4113. >"Really now? I had no idea. Well you know what they say, you snooze you loose. She should have started making her outfit before the first of the month."
  4114. >Your aunt's ears must have been burning because she decided to walk into the living room at that moment.
  4115. >"Anonymous, I want your opinion on some details for my Halloween costume this... year."
  4116. >She starts talking but stops when she sees your mom dressed up.
  4117. >"Hi Lulu."
  4118. >She says with a wave and a smile.
  4119. >"I see. If you two will excuse me."
  4120. >She calmly says as she turns and walks towards her room.
  4121. >You hear her door close.
  4123. >You hear her yell, the walls and door only mildly muffling her yell.
  4124. "You still haven't forgiven her for stealing your April O'Neil costume when you were younger have you?"
  4125. >"Nope."
  4127. @@@
  4130. >You want to transfer to the badlands? Can I ask why soldier?
  4131. ...........
  4132. > Soldier, are you insinuating that my mother THE PRINCESS, is somehow an unreasonable ruler?
  4133. ...............
  4134. >Princess Celestia has released several publications on the benefits of the box. Publications that are mandatory for personnel like yourself to read and know backwards and forwards. And since we’re having this conversation I’m guessing you don’t.
  4135. ............
  4136. >I hope you are aware that such language would be considered treasonous under my illustrious mother’s administration.
  4137. !!!!!!!!!!!
  4138. >I’m glad you have had a change of heart solider. I hate to see such good stock like you be added my evenings rather gruesome activities.
  4139. ............
  4140. >Great! Now that this little conversation is over you may return to your post
  4142. @@@
  4145. >Sorry Pinkie, security check. Gonna I have to check those
  4146. Anon! Those are my funbags! You can’t see them out here!
  4147. >Well if you’re gonna be that way you’re going into the back room with me for a more...thorough search.
  4148. O.ohhh~
  4149. >C’mon lets go. I have to get into every nook and cranny and it could take a while.
  4150. As long as I can prove my innocence ~
  4152. Anon I may be hiding stuff. Search me too search me too
  4153. >Shut up Twilight, guards detain her shes being suspicious.
  4154. What!? Wait I was joking!
  4155. > Hold her for the entire 48 internment limit
  4156. Anon!!!!
  4158. Annnnonn~ Aren’t you gonna frisk me~?
  4159. >On my way Pinkie
  4161. @@@
  4164. >Going back in time and finding out your mother was a total hoebag.
  4165. >Have to become her boyfriend to make sure YOU are the one she becomes pregnant with.
  4166. >Don’t know who your father is because it’s just something she refused to talk about.
  4167. >Celestia cleans up her act and stops whoring around because she finally met a guy that loves her for her doesn’t just want sex.
  4168. >Genuinely falls in love with you.
  4169. >Thiswasnttpartoftheplan.jpeg
  4170. >Celestia now follows you like a lost puppy
  4171. >Seek aid from aunt Luna
  4172. >Luna’s in jail for 1000 hours for (insert crime here)
  4173. >Celestia tries harder and harder to get into your pants.
  4174. > Wants that jolly green giant.
  4175. >Reluctant to bed her becuase she’s your future mom, even if she is smoking hot.
  4176. >Celestia starts to think you aren’t attracted to her because of her past
  4177. >Heartshattered.exe
  4178. >Goes to drink her issues away
  4179. >Takes some guy home she can’t remember
  4180. >Hotsex.limewire
  4181. >Two weeks later she’s pregnant
  4182. >She doesn’t realize YOU brought her home that night.
  4183. >She freaks and disappears becuase she thinks you’ll never forgive her.
  4184. >Never see her again.
  4185. >Forced to return to own time.
  4187. @@@
  4190. >Anon as a child is adopted shortly after the three tribes have been united.
  4191. >The two sisters love him and find nothing wrong with him being a human, especially since they are alicorns and were shunned by each of the three tribes previously so they know what loneliness is like at such a young age.
  4192. >The other tribes don't see it that way.
  4193. >They will put up with the two new alicorns but not some abomination that one calls a son.
  4194. >They storm the castle demanding they step down or the child will die.
  4195. >In a one on one fight Luna or Celestia could handle any one opponent, but the mob has numbers on their side and it only takes one to attack the defenseless Anon.
  4196. >A much younger Starswirl realizes this and a moment before Anon is killed blasts him with a spell and is gone.
  4197. >The mob is placated and leave while the sisters are furious at who they thought was a trusted ally.
  4198. >He explains that nothing could stop the mob shy of the human dying, but he did the next best thing and flung him into the future.
  4199. >He explains they should spend this time seeing seeds and tales of humans being mystical creatures and nothing to be feared.
  4200. >Thousands of years later humans are a legend and something to revier.
  4201. >One day a young Anon finally appears in the current world.
  4202. >An instant for him, but thousands of years to everyone else.
  4203. >Will Celestia be able to be the mother she was or will she have mellowed and changed enough over time to the point Anon doesn't even recognize her anymore?
  4205. @@@
  4208. "Look Anon, that's a friend of mommy's. Velvet?"
  4209. >Your old friend turns around, sees you and smiles.
  4210. >"Tia? Oh how are you?"
  4211. >You feel Anon hide behind your leg because of his shyness like he normally does when meeting new people.
  4212. >Looking at Velvet it seems her little one is shy too.
  4213. >She buried her head into her mother's neck after Velvet turned around.
  4214. "Are you all settled and moved in yet? I didn't want to bother you while you're still unpacking."
  4215. >"Oh we're just about unpacked now. Just a few boxes left is all."
  4216. >She was a friend of yours for years and you both became teachers together.
  4217. >She moved away when her husband got a promotion a few years back but they are back now.
  4218. >"And this little one must be Anonymous."
  4219. >Looking down you see Anon move his head from behind your leg you look at her.
  4220. >"Hi."
  4221. >He says before quickly moving back behind you.
  4222. >You both giggle.
  4223. >"Why hello Anonymous. And this little one is Twilight Sparkle. Can you say 'hello' Twilight."
  4224. >Twilight looks briefly at you and Anon before turning back into her mother's neck to hide.
  4225. >"Mmm-mmm."
  4226. >"Please honey, for mommy?"
  4227. >"Mmm-mmm."
  4228. >Anon pokes his head out again.
  4229. >"Hi Twilight. I'm Anon."
  4230. >The little girl looks up again.
  4231. >"Hello."
  4232. >"Well that was a lot easier than it normally is with her."
  4233. "Anon seems to have that effect on people. So, do you have a teaching job lined up yet? I could ask the principal at Canterlot High and see if we could get you in there."
  4234. >"Thanks, but I actually have something over at Crystal Prep."
  4235. "Crystal Prep, how prestigious. But it isn't that far away. Maybe you would be up for some playdates on the weekends."
  4236. >"That would be lovely. Would you like to have Anonymous come over and play with you every once in a while sweetie?"
  4237. >"Okay."
  4238. "Would you like that too sunshine?"
  4239. >"Yes."
  4240. "Well I'll let you get back to your shopping. Give me a call when you finish unpacking and we can plan a playdate. Can you say bye Anon?"
  4241. >"Bye."
  4242. >He waves.
  4243. >"Bye-bye."
  4244. >Twilight waves back.
  4246. @@@
  4249. >"Happy Valentine's Day Sunshine, I made this cake with my love."
  4250. "Why are you naked mom?"
  4251. >"Just eat the fucking cake hon."
  4253. ...
  4255. >Irises and pupils aren't round
  4256. >Fangs
  4257. >No problem being nude around you
  4258. >REALLY wants you to eat the cake, most likely laced with something
  4259. >No doubt, it's your succubus neighbor
  4260. >The one currently feuding with your mother over some aggressively trimmed hedges
  4262. ...
  4264. >Chrysalis and Celestia always hated each other ever since they were in high school.
  4265. >The two try to piss each other off constantly over the years, and somehow they managed to be next door neighbors.
  4266. >Supposedly, Chrysalis turned over a new leaf and become friends with Celestia ever since Anon was born.
  4267. >In reality, Chrysalis has waited until Celestia's little sunshine is older and take his innocence and she can't do anything about it.
  4269. ...
  4271. >Mom may have fallen for it, But Aunt Luna can see clear through her bullshit
  4272. >And while Anon can tell she's up to some kind of mischief, Luna's already pieced together what Chrysalis' plan was, which puts her in a tough place
  4273. >If she gives her nephew a detailed warning, he might think "Hey! My hot neighbor wants to bang me, so why not!?"
  4274. >If she's too vague, it might give his neighbor a certain air of mystique that might drive him towards her
  4275. >And if she warns Celestia at all, she'll just look like a loon to her
  4277. ...
  4279. >The only thing Luna can do is to take her dear sweet nephew for herself to save him from their evil neighbor.
  4281. @@@
  4284. >Chrysalis and Celestia always hated each other ever since they were in high school.
  4285. >The two try to piss each other off constantly over the years, and somehow they managed to be next door neighbors.
  4286. >Supposedly, Chrysalis turned over a new leaf and become friends with Celestia ever since Anon was born.
  4287. >In reality, Chrysalis has waited until Celestia's little sunshine is older and take his innocence and she can't do anything about it.
  4289. ...
  4291. Not having nerdy high school friend Chrysalis grow up into a hot gamer nerd like Luna.
  4292. >She feels guys in general are all fakes because they ignored her at best and ridiculed or made fun of her most of the time for being a nerd in school.
  4293. >The only positive attention she got was commenting on her huge tits, she ended up putting out thinking they would stick around and be her friends but none ever did.
  4294. >Her only friends were Celestia and Luna and they accepted her at face value and even gamed with her.
  4295. >Fast forward a few years after college, they are all still really close, all work at Canterlot High together, and ended up as neighbors.
  4296. >They all still game, only Anon is there now too.
  4297. >Chrysalis is called Aunt Crysalis or Aunty Chryssy by Anon when he's growing up.
  4298. >Anon is the only male she is not an asshole to and actually treats him well, because of her past experiences with guys.
  4299. >She overhears him defending her against guys from school, either calling her an ice queen or that they want to fuck her.
  4300. >She didn't think she could love home any more than she already did until that moment.
  4301. >She now realizes she is falling for the only guy who ever really treated her like a person instead of a walking pair of tits.
  4302. >Unfortunately she is the son of one of her best friend and half her age.
  4304. @@@
  4307. >'Oh buck me sideways'
  4308. >Be Shining Light Royal Guardsmare of the highest caliber.
  4309. >At least that's what you tell yourself, you're really just above a new recruit.
  4310. >That explains why you have the joy of patrolling the fashion district.
  4311. >'Oh joy, oh rapture' the one place you don't want to be.
  4312. >It's just a reminder of how rich all the nobles are and how they get to go to fancy parties while you save up bits to get drunk on cider when you have leave.
  4313. >But TODAY
  4314. >Some how the Prince himself, Celestia's adopted son, the next in line for the throne, the biggest fatherbucker you have ever seen in your life, is on patrol with you.
  4315. >Be you a few hours ago.
  4316. >"Sir, you wanted to see me?" You nervously say to the the Captain of the Guard, Sir Shining Armor.
  4317. >It's funny you have the same first name, same coat color and everyone knows he has a little sister, so you have been mistaken for her on occasion.
  4318. >But this bucker is not your brother, and normally you don't see someone at his station it must be important if he has hoof picked you for a job.
  4319. >"Shining Light, is it?" He calmly asks from his plush seat at his desk.
  4320. >"Yes ma-, sir, I am she." you nervously ask, talking to a stallion was hard enough, but that he's your bucking bosses bosses boss, that's unf, not fair.
  4321. >"You are being temporarily assigned a partner for today, and you will patrol this route," as he levitated a map to you. "You will not deviate from this route for any reason, you will do this for your shift then bring your partner back, unharmed, if you fail at this task there will not be enough left of you to bury."
  4322. >"Sir this is, the shopping district, nothing ever happens there," you begin to read the map. "It's the safest place in Canterlot, outside the Palace itself. What's going on?" you ask the captain.
  4324. @@@
  4327. >She's been kissing you goodnight every night since you were an infant
  4328. >You never gave it much though as a child, but as a teenager, it became gross and weird, and just another way Mom was being uncool.
  4329. >Eventually, however, your feelings began to soften, recognizing that your sweet mother was simply conveying her love to you in one of the most simplest forms.
  4330. >The absolute least you could do was be a good son and let her plant a smooch on your cheek before you hit the hay.
  4331. >One night, as you lie awake, doing the math in your head to figure out when Mom is coming back from her trip, a thought dawns on you.
  4332. >You can't fall asleep without her kissing you anymore.
  4333. "...She Pavlov'd me!"
  4335. ...
  4337. >"Soon he'll be unable to take a single step without NEEDING us, WANTING us~, Luna"
  4338. >'Ohohoh, delightfully devilish, Sister.'
  4339. >[ffwd to All grow'd up Anon]
  4341. >"Of course you can, sunshine, mommy will keep you safe..all according to keikaku ahaha.."
  4342. >What was that, mommy?
  4343. >"N-nothing my sweetheart, I sneezed..[/spoiler:lit]
  4345. @@@
  4348. >Skies-Celestiani, Anonymous
  4349. >Charges: Compulsive Exhibition, Vulgarity, Unlawful Decrees, Engaging in Sex acts in view of minors, Impersonation of a foreign delegate, Petty theft, Public Sugar Intoxication, Operating a Royal Carriage under the influence, and Not saying 'thank you' to the Barn Mart cashier
  4350. >"My only son. My perfect WONDERFUL've really done a number on your old lady's nerves.."
  4351. >'Ma, I'm a Mob Prince, this is all par for the course ya know? T-These things have a way of taking care of themselves.'
  4352. >"Idiota! I raised you to have manners! The next time I hear about you not saying 'please' or 'thank you', you're gonna STAY in time-out, you got that?"
  4353. >'Y-Yes, ma'am..'
  4354. >"God help you, ya Aunt wanted to come down here with her hairbrush and turn you over her knee- hand to god."
  4355. >"..Now give Sun Sun a kiss, she missed you."
  4357. @@@
  4360. >It’s not fair.
  4361. >Be Jamba Juice. Wagecuck, unhappily single, and budding collector of cats.
  4362. >Your boss sent you to work “Celest-Fest.” On your day off, no less.
  4363. >Gotta love these 90 hour weeks for pocket change.
  4364. >Celest-Fest. Right.
  4365. >It’s just a glorified wank event for fanpones of the princess.
  4366. > You frown at the numerous cosplayers in all their sweaty, gross glory, as they pass by, gracing you with their fine cheese scent, and tortilla chip dust encrusted hooves.
  4367. >You sigh.
  4368. >Why is this happening to you? You just planned to have a quiet evening, crying into your pillow after furious clopping. Just four more months until your next off day.
  4369. >You sigh, leaning on your hoof.
  4370. >”Look! Look! The prince is here!”
  4371. “Prince?”
  4372. >You see a tall two-legged creature trying to wave down frantic cosplayers trying to touch him with their filthy hooves.
  4373. >Why is he even here? Looking for an easy lay? He can do better than these neckmanes.
  4374. >A Kirin glares at you, before walking away with her nose turned up.
  4375. >And yet...
  4376. >A part of you wishes he’d look at you...
  4377. “Stop it Jamba. Those are filly dreams!”
  4379. @@@
  4382. >'Woah, did somepony mistake me for a carriage scale?'
  4383. >'I guess part of the royal prerogative is going back for seconds, thirds, fourths, and fifths, huh?'
  4384. >'Why hello again, Princess Tons of fun, round as the sun.'
  4385. Mom why'd you even get a talking scale
  4387. ...
  4389. "Come on mom, that thing has gotta be defective."
  4390. >"I wouldn't say that. Clearly it can tell she has been eating too much cake."
  4391. >"Oh really? Then let's see you come over here and try it Luna."
  4392. >"Gladly."
  4393. >She steps on the scale without removing her shoes or crown like mom did.
  4394. >The scale determines a new user is standing on it and starts up again.
  4395. >"Now be prepared to eat crow along with your cake."
  4396. >"Hello there, you must be the princess of the 'full' moon."
  4397. >You try to suppress a snicker as your mom just starts laughing at her.
  4398. >Aunt Luna looks fairly annoyed.
  4399. >"Obviously it is because I kept my regalia on."
  4400. >She gets off the scale and takes her ebony crown, shoes and neck piece off.
  4401. >"There, much better. Now you shall see-"
  4402. >"Whoa there, maybe lay off the moon pies princess."
  4403. >Your mom just starts laughing even harder at this point.
  4404. "See? What did I tell you detective. And now to help you two feel better I'll try it."
  4405. >Aunt Luna gets off in a huff still upset at the scale.
  4406. "Now let's all have a good laugh and-"
  4407. >"My my, looks like somepony's been working out. And it shows in all the right places."
  4408. >The room is silent.
  4409. "Okay, clearly I dont weigh the same as you two and it must think I'm a normal pony."
  4410. >"You can step on me all day my prince."
  4411. >The room is again silent.
  4412. >Silence again fills the room.
  4413. "Is this thing hitting on me?"
  4414. >"Luna, I think we should pay the magical scale vendor a visit. It is one thing to make light of us, but it is unforgivable to use their product to flirt with my son!"
  4415. >"Agreed."
  4417. @@@
  4420. >”....”
  4421. “.....”
  4422. >”Go ahead! I’m readyyyy~ Aaahhh~!”
  4423. >You can only stare in stunned silence, as Anon, adopted prince, fueled by raging hormones is standing on a stool in front of sister...
  4424. >Pants dangling at his ankles, erection nearly on the tip of your siblings tongue.
  4425. “...Is there something I should know about this?”
  4426. >Anon starts to sweat.
  4427. >”Sunshine made something special, yummy for me to try, but only if I close my eyes and guess the flavor!”
  4428. >She squees.
  4429. >”Ooohohoo! I’m so excited!”
  4430. >Your eyes lower in annoyance.
  4431. >Really? Teenagers are so-
  4432. “Perhaps...we should test this concoction first. If it turns out to be harmful we cannot have the current ruler sidelined~”
  4434. @@@
  4437. "Anon, I'm really, I, I can't even describe how angry I am with you right now."
  4438. >Be Anon
  4439. >Be adopted son of Celestia, not Princess, but Principal.
  4440. >After your shit show of a home life you were placed in the foster system.
  4441. >Apparently parents who use you as an ashtray/punching bag/servant don't make for good role models.
  4442. >Celestia was the fifth home you were placed in.
  4443. >The first just wanted to get the money.
  4444. >The next wanted a new toy to play with.
  4445. >The less said about number three the better.
  4446. >Four was convicted of drug crimes.
  4447. >And her, she's, dammit, I'm in love.
  4448. >It's not right, she's supposed to be a mother to me, but I'm 17 now, turning 18 soon. I'll be out of the system and for nearly a decade I raised myself.
  4449. >Sure I get into fights and stuff. And I'm not the nicest guy to be around, but I think I did a decent job.
  4450. >I'm no doing drugs, I haven't gotten anyone pregnant and I'm not in a gang.
  4451. >So I don't need a mother, but Celestia she keeps trying, bless her heart.
  4452. >Her sister kept a wary eye on me, and still does when I'm in school, seeing as she is the vice-principal and has less "official" responsibilities.
  4453. >"Well maybe Flash Sentry shouldn't have been saying all that stuff about you."
  4454. "You used your magic to put him through a wall."
  4455. >OH and did I forget to mention that after a bunch of magical shit that happens in this school, one of which left you with some major magic power.
  4456. >Apparently this amulet grants magical power and corrupts the mind.
  4457. >Took those weird girls to pry it off me, apparently not fast enough as I still have magic.
  4458. >"I just don't." staying your tongue before you embarrass yourself.
  4459. "You don't what sunshine?"
  4460. >"I don't like them talking about you like that."
  4461. "Like what?"
  4462. >"The things they want to do to you, have you do to them and it makes me so angry." you shout as the objects in the room float off the ground.
  4463. "Sunshine, you're losing control again."
  4465. >You release the magical hold on everything in the room that wasn't your chair or Celestia's.
  4466. "Why do the hormonal ramblings of other teenage boys bother you so much?"
  4467. >You mutter under your breathe your response.
  4468. "Anon, you know better than to mumble, if you are going to speak, say it loud and say it proud."
  4469. >"Because you're mine and I don't want to share."
  4470. >"I'm selfish, you're the first woman in my life who hasn't looked at me in disgust, anger or as a means to get a quick pay out."
  4471. >"Because if we had never met like this I would do everything I could to have you forever."
  4472. >"But you have me, and I can't have you now."
  4473. >"It hurts to hear them talk about you in ways that I dream about, and knowing if I said anything they would take me away from you."
  4474. "Anon, I had no idea."
  4475. >"I know because I try to hide it and it's so frustrating to know that the best thing that's ever happened to me is someone I can never truly express how much I love."
  4476. >"I'm your son, by law, even if in my heart I know different, I love you dammit. And I can't do this."
  4477. >I slump into my chair after ranting like a lunatic, about wanting to fuck my own mother.
  4478. >"God I'm such a wreck."
  4479. >A pair of toned, slender wrap around my chest.
  4480. "Sunshine, I love you, but not the way you love me. I love my little Sunshine, he's so smart, he's so caring, he protects people when there's danger."
  4481. "I know it's not the same kind, but I hope it's enough."
  4482. >"I love you mom." I whisper as I take her hand in mine.
  4483. >"It's not fair." I whimper as tears streak down my face.
  4484. "Life is never fair. But it can be made good."
  4485. >For a few minutes the room is silent.
  4486. "I heard a rumor that someone has quite a number of girls eyeing him."
  4487. >"Mooooom, Stooop."
  4488. "What about Fluttershy, she's really nice. Or maybe Sunset, she's been your friend since day one."
  4489. >The door slams open in loud, moment ruining noise.
  4491. "SISTER, I have secured the tickets. What is it that you are doing to Anon?"
  4492. >Celestia stood up and glared at her sister.
  4493. "We were having a moment, thank you."
  4494. >Turning back to me
  4495. "Sunshine how about you go to lunch, I'll have you serve your detentions with Ms. Harshwinny, cleaning up the gym equipment for the week."
  4496. >"Yeah, sure anything you say mom."
  4497. "Maybe ask out that Moondancer she plays those dice games you like."
  4498. >"Nooooo." you whine as you run out of the room.
  4499. >She tries so hard to be a good mother and it's my past that's messed me up, so the least I can do is be better.
  4500. "Hey Anon, you like seeing your mom's fat a---"
  4501. >Some teen says as he walks past you in the hall before being thrown by an invisible force into a trash can.
  4502. >"Ehh, I can try."
  4504. @@@
  4507. >Be Anon, dejected at your adoptive mom not feeling the same for you as you do for her.
  4508. >You just finished your first day of detention and are heading back to your mom's office down the empty halls to wait for everyone to carpool home.
  4510. >That sounded like mom.
  4511. >You look and think it came from the ladies room to just passed.
  4512. >Two kids come running out grinning ear to ear.
  4513. >"Tell me you got it!"
  4514. >"Yup, the principal in all her glory. And if she doesn't want us to post it online then she'll need to do everything we say."
  4515. >"Nice. Now send me the pic so we have a copy."
  4516. >They did what!?
  4517. >You use your magic to grab their ankles causing them to trip and fall.
  4518. >You then use it to hold them down so they can't get away.
  4519. >When they fell, the one with the phone dropped it and it skidded in front of you.
  4520. >You bend down and pick it up.
  4521. >"Hey asshole! That's mine, hands off!"
  4522. >You look at the screen and see your mom in a bathroom stall and can see-
  4523. >You start to blush at the image.
  4524. >"You deaf kid? Give that back. Why can't I move anyway?"
  4525. "Shut the fuck up before I break your jaw."
  4526. >The bathroom door flies open and your mom comes out, whipping her head from side to side looking down the hallway.
  4527. >"There you are! Anon?"
  4528. >She looks at the two on the ground and then to you.
  4529. "Don't worry mom. I got it, and it sounds like this is the only one."
  4530. >"Thank god. I'm calling Luna and getting her over here now to help deal with these two. If you're lucky you'll just be expelled."
  4531. >She gets her phone out and starts to call.
  4532. >While she's distracted you look back at the phone.
  4533. >You could delete it and make sure she's protected.
  4534. >Or you could leave it for evidence to be used against them.
  4535. >Or you could quick send it to yourself and then delete it from his phone so that only you have it.
  4536. >What should you do?
  4538. @@@
  4541. >Mmmm sunshine, did I ever tell you about how I met your dad?
  4542. Uhh, I need to g-
  4543. >Shush, indulge your mother. It was my first year in college. I was sitting in the pavilion when there was this flash of light. Next thing I know I’m on my back with my legs in the air and there’s this rather rugged looking man on top of me.
  4544. Um I really should go..
  4545. > I was so flustered, I never had a man be so forward with me.
  4546. Mom I really gotta go
  4547. >Hush you I’m almost done. So after apologizing profusely he helped me up an the rest is history.
  4548. Gr-great story mom
  4549. > Unfortunately once I became with you he disappeared. But I’ll always remember his smell and leather jacket.
  4550. Leather Jacket?
  4551. > Yep, and it looked. Just. Like. Yours.
  4552. Weird huh?
  4553. >Yes weird.
  4554. .......
  4555. >.....
  4556. Well I should g-
  4557. > Where were you last week?
  4559. @@@
  4562. >"Hello dear Anonymous, whatever are you doing here in my room at this hour?"
  4563. "Um, you asked me to come here."
  4564. >"Yes, of course. How could I have forgotten? Since you are here, would you like a glass of champagne?"
  4565. "O...kay... also why are you just wearing that?"
  4566. >"I accidentally spilled a glass of champagne on myself and had to take off my shirt... and pants."
  4567. >She leans in and hands you the glass.
  4568. >Just as you are about to grab it though, she loses her grip and it spills all over you.
  4569. >"My word! How clumsy of me. You should get out of those clothes immediately before it stains."
  4570. "Yeah, good thinking."
  4571. >You take off your shirt and start to walk out the door.
  4572. >"Where are you going?"
  4573. "To the laundry room. No use just taking it off if it'll just stain it. Is your stuff there too? I'll bring it back up if it's done."
  4574. >"Oh... alright... thank you."
  4575. >Once you get to the laundry room you see your mom in her underwear next to the washer watching you as you enter.
  4576. "Hey mom, got frosting on your clothes again? I swear you and Aunt Luna are such clutzes."
  4578. ...
  4580. >Oblivious harem mc anon
  4581. >"Hey, can you two quiet down out there?"
  4582. >"How am I supposed to masturbate in peace if you're both moaning my name from your bedrooms!"
  4584. @@@
  4587. >Go ahead
  4588. >No c'mon
  4589. >Luna, hush
  4590. >Go on, may the bravest among you step forward and take your free courtesy shot
  4591. >Well, what's the matter?
  4592. >You were talking all that shit from way over there and now magically you DON'T want to "Put your air horse ones in that bitches fat smug ass?"
  4593. >Pfft..
  4594. >Fucking pathetic
  4595. >The fuck are you doing staring at my son?
  4596. >What? You think Anonymous is going to step in?
  4597. >You think my son is some fucking Captain Save-a-ho?
  4598. >Let me tell you all something right now, ok?
  4599. >Anonymous is mine. And Luna's
  4600. >That is my reason for drawing breath on this Earth; do you understand me?
  4601. >My son is the most important man in my life
  4602. >MY. Life.
  4603. >Did you get that?
  4604. >Good
  4605. >.....
  4606. >I'm sorry are you new to this? That means we're done, you can leave
  4608. @@@
  4611. >You used to love going to comic conventions.
  4612. >You also loved that your mom and aunt went with you and were into it as much if not more than you.
  4613. >And you even liked that you all went in costumes together.
  4614. >That is, until you got older and noticed all the looks they got.
  4615. >The three of you could barely make it down an isle without at least one person asking to get their photo.
  4616. >Then there were the people who just stared at them or the ones who made off color comments at them.
  4617. >They thought because they dressed up then they were whores.
  4618. >You almost got into a fist fight with a guy over what he said to them, luckily he got ejected by security before you did anything to get you arrested.
  4619. >You can't really blame mom and Aunt Luna though, they work hard to stay in shape and they deserve to relax and have some fun.
  4620. >They once told you that dressing up was a nice escape from their school life too, and so long as they wore masks or wigs when they cosplay no one else seemed to notice.
  4621. >Who are you to take away from their fun.
  4622. >"Anonymous?"
  4623. "Yeah Aunt Luna?"
  4624. >What do you think of my Black Cat costume?"
  4625. "I like it, really good attention to the details like in the gloves. What's mom going as this time?
  4626. >"She's going as Captain Marvel because of all the hype the new movie is getting."
  4627. "Okay, is she going as the movie version then?"
  4628. >"Oh no, she said she wanted to go as the Warbird version."
  4629. "Of course she did."
  4631. @@@
  4634. >"Well, if this isn't an ill fated meeting. One with some fortuitous implications for us, I should add."
  4635. >"The Young Master out by his lonesome while Columbusquestria is in a WAR?"
  4636. >Little Anon's hands crackle with sparks and electricity as his eyes begin to glow orange
  4637. >"And he's ripe with vigors and salts, no less! HA!"
  4638. >'Oooh, easy there, Up Chuck, he looks like a fighter.'
  4639. >"Doesn't bother me none, Gilded Cage..he'll only be taken in tired and exhausted."
  4640. >Anon pulls out what looks like a kind of mouth harp music box
  4641. >"..-Shit on toast, don't let him use tha-!!"
  4642. >'What? What'd he do?'
  4643. >"H-..He called his mother."
  4645. @@@
  4648. >Sunset Shimmer is a few years older than Twilight, who in turn is a little older than Anon.
  4649. >Sunset saw Anon as a means to an end and a way to advance her standings in Canterlot, not to mention with Celestia herself.
  4650. >She spends time with him and plays games with him.
  4651. >Anon, being the son of the princess is very sheltered and gladly accepts the attention from a pony that is not family, staff, or a guard.
  4652. >She makes him feel normal and not like a prince.
  4653. >He slowly develops a crush for her.
  4654. >She makes her power grab and goes through the mirror.
  4655. >Celestia feels betrayed but doesn't want to hurt her son by telling him what Sunset did, so she just tells him she left to travel the world or is on a secret mission for her.
  4656. >Anon feeling lonely again tries to make friends with his mother's new student, Twilight Sparkle.
  4657. >But Twilight, unlike Sunset, does not want to spend time with Anon.
  4658. >Especially once she discovered he couldn't do any magic at all.
  4659. >She made it perfectly clear to him that she just wants to learn magic from the princess and doesn't have time for his childish games.
  4660. >Anon stops trying to be friends with her once it's clear she isn't interested and he even begins to question his own self worth.
  4661. >Years later, Twilight realizes she was horrible to Anon like she was to everyone else in her early years before making friends and wants to make it up to Anon but he wants nothing to do with her.
  4662. >The mirror opens and Sunset who has also changed her ways returns to apologize and to see if there is anyway Celestia can forgive her for her past actions.
  4663. >Anon never forgot about her and is happy to have her back.
  4664. >Celestia can't decide what to do.
  4665. >Should she push her son towards Twilight, who was never unfaithful to her and has made an effort repent her old actions towards him.
  4666. >Or should she push him towards his first crush whom he still has feelings for, but has betrayed her trust even though she has changed her ways.
  4667. >What is a mother to do?
  4669. @@@
  4672. >You are walking down the halls of the castle near your mother's room when you hear the most beautiful singing you've ever heard.
  4673. >Like a sailor at sea being drawn by a siren you decide to follow it.
  4674. >It draws you closer to your mother's room.
  4675. >You open the doors and follow the almost hypnotic melody inside.
  4676. >The sound of running water can also greets your ears.
  4677. >Like a moth to the flame you continue.
  4678. >You look into her master bathroom and can see your mother singing in the shower.
  4679. >You pull your head back out with a blush.
  4680. >You should probably give her some privacy and let her finish.
  4681. >But that singing is so beautiful.
  4682. >She has sung to you before, but when you were much younger.
  4683. >Once she told you she wasn't confident in her singing and didn't think she was good at it.
  4684. >You walk over to her bed and sit down on the edge.
  4685. >Closing your eyes, you let the song wash over you like the waves of the ocean.
  4686. >And for the briefest of moments, everything is gone except that song.
  4687. >There is no worry about taxes, nobels demands, diplomatic meetings, or even during about what the next threat Equestria might face could be.
  4688. >The is just that song.
  4689. >And it is a perfect moment.
  4690. >It reminds you of when you were younger and were cuddled up against her as she sang you to sleep.
  4691. >The words stop as does the water and humming takes its place.
  4692. >She walks out with a towel around her head and a another around her tail.
  4693. >"Anon? Sunshine is everything alright?"
  4694. "Yeah, everything's fine mom."
  4695. >She moves to sit down next to you, dripping water as she walks over.
  4696. >"So what's going on then?"
  4697. >She asks as you feel the bed depress next to you as she sits down.
  4698. "Well, honestly it's because I heard something and wanted to investigate. I heard you singing mom. It was beautiful."
  4699. >She turns away and blushes.
  4700. >"You heard that? I'm sorry, I didn't think I was being that loud."
  4701. "No, don't be sorry. It was amazing! I loved it really. And honestly I wish you sang more."
  4703. @@@
  4706. >Mom gets really sick and has to stay in bed all day
  4707. >She asks if you can do some of the things she was supposed to do today
  4708. >Just things like cutting ribbons and unveiling new art
  4709. >And attend to a teaparty over at Sugarcube Corner
  4710. >Simple things like that
  4711. >The more difficult things like political meetings and stuff will be left in the hooves of experienced ponies
  4712. >Can you do that for her?
  4714. ...
  4716. >Anon does things for mother.
  4717. >Anon also goes to political meetings with foreign nations.
  4718. >It was a time when the Griffons were on the brink of war with Equestria.
  4719. >It was also Wednesday, which meant Anon indulged himself on roasted chicken and rice.
  4720. >Griffons are also like Pigeons and can't process rice
  4721. >Anon for all intents and purposed showed up to a political meeting eating the corpse of a bird on top of poison.
  4722. >Negotiations were very smooth and the Griffons were highly agreeable.
  4723. >Mom has Anon scheduled to speak with the minotaurs on Saturday.
  4724. >Steak is served on the weekend and Anon likes his rare.
  4726. @@@
  4729. >"Twilight, what're you doing? You're getting hoofprints all over the wall."
  4731. ...
  4733. >Dismissing Twilight's idea while secretly planning to use to seduce her son first.
  4735. ...
  4737. >"That's positively foalish, Twilight."
  4738. >"Do you really believe my son; a Prince of Equestria would be swain by such a primitive, developmentally challenged approach?"
  4739. >"Infact, I want you to go home and rethink your life to this point. Go. Shoo."
  4740. >With Twilight gone, mom shifts her thoughts to other more pressing matters
  4741. >She faces the wall
  4742. >"..Alright, now how'd she do this?..Do I -..d-do I front flip towards the wall or..backwards walk..?"
  4744. ...
  4746. >A confused Anon happens upon the scene
  4747. >Thinks his mom must be shadow boxing
  4748. >'That's a vicious left hook, ma, keep it up.'
  4749. >Later it's Aunt Luna who witnesses the sight
  4752. @@@
  4755. "Your reign of terror ends now Mi Amore! Never again will you harm my tiny citizens."
  4756. >"My reign of terror? You were the one that- Oof!"
  4757. >You quickly silence her by putting a little more weight onto her and you can't help but smirk at her predicament.
  4758. >A cracking and breaking sound gets your attention.
  4759. "Uh-oh..."
  4760. >"Was that?"
  4761. >It seems she noticed it too.
  4762. >"Mom? Cadance? Where are you?"
  4763. >Anon calls from the hallway.
  4764. >Oh no!
  4765. >"We need to get up! Now!"
  4766. "Do you really think I don't know that!?"
  4767. >You struggle to get up while flapping your wings.
  4768. >"Mom? Have you seen my O&O miniatures? I need to give Shining Armor back his town set he lent me for my last campaign and I can't find them..."
  4769. >Your 8 year old son walks in on you and Cadance ruffhousing.
  4770. "Hello sunshine..."
  4771. >"Oh good you found the village set. Shining it's in here!"
  4772. >"Alright buddy, you found them."
  4773. >Shining walks in and stops in his tracks upon seeing you.
  4774. "Hello Captain Armor."
  4775. >"My miniatures!"
  4776. >He levitates the bits of broken house into his hoofs.
  4777. >"Maybe I could fix it if I glue it fast!"
  4778. >He runs out of the room, leaving Anon, Cadance, and yourself in silence.
  4779. >"So are you two playing giant monsters with his miniatures too?"
  4780. >"... Yes."
  4781. >"Cool! Can I play too?"
  4783. ...
  4785. >"You see, sunshine, every now and again princesses and cousin-princesses have to just let loose in some um..eccentric ways, is all.."
  4786. >'..So you guys DO have my micromachines and hotwheels?'
  4788. ...
  4790. >Cadence and Celestia look at each other.
  4791. >Cadence blushes and bites her lip while glancing over at her "cousin"
  4792. >"S-Sure thing, Ano-"
  4793. >>"ABSOLUTELY NOT!"
  4795. @@@
  4798. >"You haven't SEEN 'mad' yet, mister, now get back in bed and cuddle me like you mean it."<div class="like-perk-cnt">💢</div>
  4800. ...
  4802. >"I swear to christ, Anon, if your head isn't between mommy's tiddies in ten seconds, I'm going to bring your aunt in here and sandwich you between us."
  4803. >"And I know for a FACT that she sleeps in the nude."
  4805. ...
  4807. >Anon's out on the playground with other boys
  4808. >Mom sits on the nearby benches with the other mom's
  4809. >"Celestia, really though, Anonymous is so polite and well behaved, how'd you do it?"
  4810. >'Girls, please, there's no secret. I grant Anonymous so much leeway and so many freedoms because he's already a good boy to begin with-..did Anon and that other boy just push each other?'
  4811. >One of the mom's looks out towards the jungle gym
  4812. >"Flash, honey? You two play nic-"
  4815. ...
  4817. >"Anonymous, sweetheart, what caused that little snit just now?"
  4818. >Anon looks down and shrugs
  4819. >"..Baby, are you pent up?"
  4820. >His gaze shoots back up to meet his mothers
  4821. >'N-No! I'm fine..he said you were pretty is all an' I got jealous..'
  4822. >Mom hugs him tight against her chest
  4823. >"My sweet handsome, slightly possessive, boy. You're still pent up though, aren't you?~"
  4824. >'M-Mom..'
  4825. >"Hush, it's no trouble at all, I've already told you it's my duty as a mother and it's a joy.."
  4826. >"Girls, if you'll excuse us. Sweetheart? Grab mommy's purse, it has the lotion."
  4828. @@@
  4831. >the old threads of celestia taking her motherly role very seriously
  4832. >anon's reluctance to accept the momlove
  4833. I want to go back and start again.
  4835. ...
  4837. >Celestia just up and decides that Anon is her foal
  4838. >Sees some need in him that he cannot see
  4839. >Or so she says
  4840. >Anon, meanwhile, is 27 years old
  4841. >He has a job down in Ponyville
  4842. >A house
  4843. >A mortgage
  4844. >A few friends he goes out drinking with every Friday
  4845. >A nice old mare who he plays horse-canasta with every Tuesday afternoon over tea
  4846. >Generally just a regular adult
  4847. >Anon is kind of unnerved by Celestia's interest in him
  4849. ...
  4851. >Upon his arrival in Equestria, he's given a tour of Canterlot Palace and brought before the two sisters
  4852. >Notices Luna blushing holding little booties in her mouth
  4853. >Celestia hugs him and tells him he's safe now and he doesn't have to tell her what happened
  4854. >There'd better not be any eggs around here..
  4856. ...
  4858. >Twilight squirms in her seat.
  4859. >"Anon, I'm really sorry about this. I've read through the history books-"
  4860. >Yeah, well, what else is new.
  4861. >"-and this sort of behaviour is documented. This just sorta happens once a century or so. When you live this long and see all these ponies die, you apparently get..."
  4862. >Twilight glances over to Celestia, who is in the corner talking excitedly to Luna about 'baby pictures'.
  4863. >"...eccentric."
  4864. >Well, fuck.
  4865. "Is there really nothing you can do about this? Twilight, I have a job. I have house payments to make!"
  4866. >Twilight grins sheepishly.
  4867. >"Well, Celestia wouldn't let her son go into debt, would she?"
  4868. >You point a finger at the purple mare.
  4869. "Twilight, don't you dare play along with th-"
  4870. >You're unexpectedly wrapped up in a big hug from behind.
  4871. >You flail in surprise and jerk your head back, and your head comes in contact with a very soft and plush chest tuft.
  4872. >You're held tight in two strong, white forelegs.
  4873. >>"She certainly wouldn't let her foal go into debt!"
  4874. >Celestia nuzzles the top of your head aggressively.
  4876. >Twilight just grins, apparently finding this hilarious.
  4877. >You feel a very light bap on the top of your head as Celestia's muzzle retreats.
  4878. >>"Now now, Anon," she chastises, "That's no way to talk to your sister."
  4879. >Twilight's grin immediately drops as Luna scoops HER up in a hug from behind.
  4880. >You had seen the blue alicorn sneaking up on Twilight, but you weren't about to warn her after that crap she just pulled on you.
  4881. >This counts as harmless sibling rivalry, right?
  4882. >The muzzle is back on top of your head, and you swear you just felt her sniffing your hair.
  4883. >>"Now, let's get some lunch into you."
  4884. >...
  4885. >Maybe this won't be so bad.
  4886. >Who are you to turn down food fit for royalty?
  4888. ...
  4890. >Food fit for royalty
  4891. >"I can't wait for Le Tendies Au Grat-..Sunbutt, this is a can of spaghetti-o's."
  4892. >'Ooh, does mommy's hungwy wittle colt prefer the abc' variety?'
  4894. ...
  4896. >The only reason Anon can put up with this treatment is because Twilight is directly across from him in a high chair, fighting against Luna as she's fed shitty canned spaghetti-like food
  4898. @@@
  4901. >Be Anon, adopted son of Celestia
  4902. >Be somewhere in your 20s
  4903. >You spend most of your time in your rooms, reading or writing.
  4904. >Sometimes you spend time with your friends in the castle, but more and more of them have begun addressing you as "Princes Anonymous" instead of plain old "Anon".
  4905. >Something happened in the past between you and your mother, but you don't know what it was.
  4906. >Maybe you failed a number of academic tests where her various personal students passed.
  4907. >Maybe she thought you were something more than you were, and that love between the two of you - built from when you were first found here as a young, young child - was based on something that just wasn't real.
  4908. >...maybe you are, by your nature, just a disappointment.
  4909. >The nagging doubts gnaw at your stomach every time you see her, and you can never figure out what you did wrong.
  4910. >Things have changed so much from when you were a child.
  4911. >You used to go for walks with your mom, down in the royal gardens.
  4912. >You'd hide behind the hedges and she'd pretend to come and find you, even though she obviously knew where you were the entire time.
  4913. >She started becoming annoyed when you did that, and so you stopped, confused at what had changed.
  4914. >She's stopped going for walks with you.
  4915. >Sometimes you see her going for walks in the gardens all by herself, but you think she's just stopped going for walks in general.
  4916. >You used to chase each other in the halls, much to the annoyance of the maids and butlers.
  4917. >She'd slow down so that you had a chance to either run away or catch up with her, but that came to a stop when she began chastising you for running in the halls.
  4918. >Sunday mornings began when she's come wake you up in the morning, but now you often find her sleeping in or drinking her coffee in the dining halls.
  4919. >The look she gives you before the coffee has a chance to wake her up is... haunting
  4920. >You wish you knew what you were doing wrong, so that you could stop it.
  4921. >You're afraid to ask her what it is.
  4923. @@@
  4926. >Good night kiss
  4927. >"Sweet dreams, my sunshine"
  4929. ...
  4931. >Celestia makes a point of tucking Anon into bed and kissing him goodnight regularly
  4932. >She makes sure Anon goes to bed at 2000 and rise at 0600 every day
  4933. >She makes sure Anon brushes his teeth and washes his face after eating
  4934. >She makes sure Anon has his three squares
  4935. >She makes sure Anon gets a cute note or doodle in his lunch bag a couple of times a week at least
  4936. >She makes sure Anon gets her patented smiley pancakes every /sun/day for breakfast
  4937. >Anon feels a twinge of embarrassment, but Celestia is so damn sweet and cute that he accepts it
  4938. "Mom, I am a human adult. I can stay up late if I want to."
  4939. >"Anonymous, you may be a man, but you are on my time whether you like it or not."
  4940. >Anon grumbles and Celestia promptly hugs him and whispers into his ear
  4941. >"I simply want you to be well-rested and have as much time with me as you can manage, dear."
  4942. >Anon sighs and surrenders
  4943. "Alright, mom."
  4944. >"Wonderful!"
  4945. >Celestia gives Anon a peck on his lips and it makes his peepee stiff
  4946. >Having Celestia as your mom is sometimes confusing, but rewarding
  4948. ...
  4950. >Anon sighs and surrenders
  4951. As a good son ought to.
  4952. >"You win, mom, I'm your cuddlemonster tonight."
  4953. >'Yaay~ Just like when you were my little man of the house.'
  4955. @@@
  4958. >"...Ma, it looks like they're already fucking up."
  4959. >'Mhmm, don't care; retired now.'
  4961. ...
  4963. >Sombra ransacks a seemingly abandoned Canterlot Palace
  4964. >"Ah, The two sisters and their impudent welp; gone! Looks like they had half a brain between them after all, ahaha!"
  4965. >One of Sombra's zombie guards turns towards the door
  4966. >In walks Anonymous
  4967. >'Hey, don't mind me, I'll be outta' your hair real forgot the clicker for the garage.'
  4968. >Anon jovially strides past the confused Sombra and his minions
  4969. >He jingles his keys and smacks the door frame on his way out
  4970. >'Alright dude, knock yourself out, we'll be back on monday and the neighbors are picking up the mail. See ya.'
  4971. "I-I'm sorry, what? Coming 'back'?"
  4972. >'Yeah, coming back. You got the memo about our timeshare vacation, right? You'd get the palace for the weekend and we'd get ...where are you living right now?'
  4973. >"I was recently conjured from remnants of my own horn."
  4974. >Anon brings a hand to his forehead
  4975. >'For fucks sake, mom.. "You'll be staying in scenic Sombra's Horn" isn't a peninsula, an inlet or a damn BAY! IT'S A LITERAL HORN!'
  4976. >"Yes, yes, fine print and all. Now, am I allowed to move the furniture around in here? The Pone Shui is really throwing my crystals out of alignment."
  4978. @@@
  4981. >You hear giggling from outside in the garden.
  4982. >Aunt Luna was watering the plants and mom was sneaking up on her.
  4983. >She found her old super soaker from years ago and decided to try it out.
  4984. >All three of you used to run around the garden all day on those hot summer days spraying eachother to try and keep cool.
  4985. >Miss Raven always had to keep the important documents inside so they wouldn't get wet from any of you.
  4986. >It was a simpler time when you didn't have to worry.
  4987. >You watch them and those memories wash over you like the water washing over each of them while they play.
  4988. >Aunt Luna has a bit of an advantage with the hose, but mom has a water gun that she can use with her magic so it can get close while she is a safe distance away.
  4989. >"Do you plan to just observe us nightsong?"
  4990. >"Come on sunshine, the water's fine."
  4991. "No, no. I'm fine over here, in my dry clothes."
  4992. >You notice a sly grin on both of there faces.
  4993. >They have something planned, but what could-
  4994. >Where is mom's super soaker?
  4995. >You quickly turn around and are greeted with a water gun right in your face that starts spraying you with freezing cold water.
  4996. >Mom always cheated by putting ice cubes in the water tank of the gun.
  4997. >You wait for the water to stop before turning around.
  4998. >You look at the two who are still smiling.
  4999. >Your old water gun is levitated to you in a gold glow.
  5000. >"I found yours too sweetheart."
  5001. >...
  5002. >Fuck it, you're clothes aren't getting any drier.
  5003. "Oh you two are so going to get it!"
  5005. @@@
  5008. >Celestia wants to mother the next generation of super alicorns to rule the universe.
  5009. >Tries to do the princest, reasoning that the only way to create a super alicorn is to lay with another of her kind
  5010. >Luna tells Celestia to stop being racist and fuck herself.
  5011. >Celestia takes Luna's advice to heart and creates a r63 clone of herself.
  5012. >Knocks herself up.
  5013. >Celestia's semen merges with her own egg.
  5014. >Too dense. A violent implosion leads to a wormhole in Celestia's uterus.
  5015. >Back on Namek, Goku is battling Frieza.
  5016. >The planet is desolated and both beings have achieved maximum erection.
  5017. >"You can't win, Frieza. No matter how much you beat me down, I will always get up stronger than before. Give up!"
  5018. >"Shut up, you damned dirt ape! Super Saiyans are a myth. I am the most powerful being in the universe. I will show you."
  5019. >A black orb grows on the end of Freezer's wiping hand.
  5020. >"I will wipe out you cursed Saiyans once and for all!"
  5021. >Before Mr. Hammer Pants can do anything, Freezer fires the plot device on him.
  5022. >Plot device rips the multiverse a new asshole that vores Goku.
  5023. >The wormhole in Celestia's vagina and the one SUCCing Goku merge.
  5024. >Goku is propelled like a bullet from a railgun out of Celestia's snatch.
  5025. >Crashes through every wall in the castle and falls squarely in Canterlot.
  5026. >Energy of impact levels city and kills tens of thousands.
  5027. >Goku gets up and brushes himself off.
  5028. >Enter horse mom who is happy and treats Goku like her own foal.
  5029. >Goku resolves to fight Frieza again.
  5030. >Celly is sad but supportive.
  5031. >Spends 20 episodes doing strength training by bench-pressing Celestia's ass.
  5032. >At the end of Goku's training, he catalyzes another vagina wormhole with his Super Saiyan semen.
  5033. >Gets unbirthed.
  5034. >Back in the past just before Freezer releases the ultimate blue-ball on Goku.
  5035. >New and improved Sun Goku punches his way through the fucking fabric of reality next to Freezer.
  5036. >Hits Frieza so hard that his dead ancestors feel the pain.
  5037. >Freezer crumples into heap and dies.
  5039. @@@
  5042. >You've made a terrible mistake.
  5043. >You told Sunset about your maybe kinda crush on your childhood best friend.
  5044. >And well... your only friend outside of family till recently.
  5045. >Both of your moms were friends and teachers together.
  5046. >They both kept in touch after you mom got that job at Crystal Prep and you both had plenty of play dates growing up.
  5047. >The two of you got along well too.
  5048. >He was like a member of your family and you his.
  5049. >But after the friendship games and you transferred here, you saw a lot more of him.
  5050. >And honestly you enjoyed it.
  5051. >Then the girls started to talk about crushes and when your turn cam up you mumbled his name until Sunset made you say it clearly.
  5052. >You felt good for a split second because none of the girls except you had the boy's phone number they liked in their phone but you.
  5053. >Until Sunset wrestled your phone out of your hands and started to text him.
  5054. "Sunset! What do you think you're doing?"
  5055. >"Getting you and your crush out on a date this Friday night."
  5056. "WHAT!? No no no no no no no!"
  5057. >"How about 'Hey want to go see a movie this Friday?' And send."
  5058. "No no! Unsend. Unsend!"
  5059. >You finally manage to get your phone back, but the damage is done.
  5060. >"Relax, what are you so worried about?"
  5061. "What if he doesn't like me that way?"
  5062. >The girls look at each other and th then to you.
  5063. >"Seriously?"
  5064. >Pinkie says.
  5065. >"We all see how he cares about you sugar cube. I'd be surprised if he didn't feel the same."
  5066. "But what if he doesn't? What if this ruins our friendship? What if he never wants to see or speak to me again? What if-"
  5067. >Your phone vibrates and alerts you to a new message.
  5068. "Sure. Have something in mind or just want to watch something here?"
  5069. >You look up from your phone to the girls.
  5070. "He said yes! Well technically he said 'sure' but it's still a positive response. Oh shoot! What am I going to wear?"
  5072. @@@
  5075. >"Anon? Sweetheart, are you awake?"
  5076. "Well I am now. What do you two want?"
  5077. >"We were simply on our way to take advantage of the day after Easter candy sale and wanted to know if you would like to accompany us?"
  5078. "It's the middle of the night. The stores aren't even open yet."
  5079. >"A minor detail at best compared to the savings we could have."
  5080. >Your aunt responds.
  5081. "You two are serious?"
  5082. >"I'm not hearing a 'no' though."
  5083. >Your mom says in a sing song voice.
  5084. >You just roll over and pull the blanket tighter against you.
  5085. "No. I'll take my chances during regular business hours."
  5086. >"Suite yourself sunshine."
  5087. >Your mom kisses your head and readjust your blanket a bit.
  5088. >"Why does he think there is always so little left by the time he gets to the store?"
  5090. @@@
  5093. >Look at this little trollope.
  5094. >The nerve of her and her family.
  5095. >They dare suggest marrying off your dear night song to their family.
  5096. >The royal family will gain nothing form this union while they get practically everything.
  5097. >"Um... your majesty? Can I ask why I've been summoned here today?"
  5098. >Oh, that's right.
  5099. >You've just been sitting here staring at her and stroking your attack flamingo for almost five minutes.
  5100. >Might as well get this over with.
  5101. "So... your family thinks it would be best if you were to wed Prince Anonymous."
  5102. >"Oh yes! I know this union would form a strong alliance to help strengthen Equestria."
  5103. >You can't help but scoff at her.
  5104. >A point that is not lost on her.
  5105. >"Is something funny my princess?"
  5106. "Why yes. The thought that your family could offer anything to help strengthen Equestria. Let alone match what the royal family would be losing."
  5107. >"Well... we can.. our- my family can-"
  5108. "His family can move the very heavens for him. Can your family do that?"
  5109. >"We- I... um."
  5110. >You step down from the throne to stand tall before her.
  5111. "My sister and I are some of the most powerful beings in this world. Don't ever think your family could contribute anything to help strengthen Equestria. The crown is not inclined to acquiesce your proposal."
  5112. >She looks confused and stands meekly before you.
  5113. "That means no. Now I trust you know the way out, if not I can have the guard escort you out."
  5115. @@@
  5118. >be Princess Celestia
  5119. >my sister has begun a coup again
  5120. >Many batpony and pony sympathisers bleed out below my chair
  5121. >My guards watch for any more threats to come in
  5122. >I just take a bite from my pomegranate and watch the show
  5123. >Luna comes through with an explosion of magic
  5124. >She seems to be smiling
  5125. >A swarm of ponies go in, a clash of spears, swords, and screams of painful deaths.
  5126. >All of them now dead or wounded
  5127. >Now just left the both of us alone
  5128. "you dont have the elements of harmony this time sister"
  5129. >I look and took another bite
  5130. >"Is this what you've brought for me?"
  5131. >I stand up, she looks into my eyes
  5132. >With a swift dash to her, I raise my horn to fire a powerful beam of energy
  5133. >She dodges, we fight to the death
  5134. >after a long battle, the castle nearly crumbled
  5135. >the area in flames, ponies running for their lives
  5136. >I lay wounded with a blown off leg, blood seeped out to the royal carpet.
  5137. >Luna stands over me, an eye gouged out.
  5138. "Well dear sister, shall we?"
  5139. >I look at her with a smile
  5140. >Yes please, send me for a thousand years, I've lost this one.
  5141. >I say so dramatically
  5142. "A thousand years then, see you soon sister"
  5143. >"Until next time, Luna, we shall have a roaring old time"
  5144. "That indeed"
  5145. >The elements of harmony appear on her back.
  5146. >The spell to send was cast, and just like that I was back
  5147. >I missed you, my moon, it has been so long.
  5148. >Luna had you for a thousand years, now it's my turn.
  5149. >And go mad
  5150. >"Ahahahahahahhahaahhahahaahahahahahahahahahhhahahhahhahhhhhhaahhaahahhahhhhhahhhhahhhahhahhhahahhhhhhahahhahahhhhhahhahhhhahahhhhahhhhahhhhahhahhhhhhhhhhhaaahhahahahahahahhaaahaah
  5152. @@@
  5155. >Luna and Tia wanted to go to the Con in town but didn't think they could go with Anon.
  5156. >You told them you would go with, after all Anon loves his 'Aunty' Chryssi.
  5157. >And you love him too for that matter.
  5158. >You got him a little suit so he could cosplay too as a little federal.
  5159. >He doesn't know who Coleson is so no point trying to teach him.
  5160. >Tia went as the goddess from Kid Icarus, Luna as Black Cat, and you went as r63 Loki.
  5161. >But just because you all dressed up, every guy thinks it was for them so they keep hitting on all of you.
  5162. >Little Anon has come to all your defense more times than you can count.
  5163. >Tia doesn't know how lucky she is to have him.
  5164. >He treats all of you so well.
  5165. >If only he was about 10 years older and not your best friend's son.
  5167. @@@
  5170. >"Oh, honey, it's just one afternoon."
  5171. >"You can miss a few hours of playing 'Super Melee Smashers,' or whatever it's called, with your online friends to help me out."
  5172. >"You just need to show her around town, you know, bring her to all of the places kids your age like to go."
  5173. >"She's the daughter of an old college friend of mine, so you'd be doing me a huge favor."
  5174. >"Thanks, Sunshine. I knew I could count on you!"
  5176. ...
  5178. >You are out at the mall with Fleur, trying to show her around.
  5179. "So... your name is Fleur?"
  5180. >"Oui."
  5181. >She answers nor looking up from her phone.
  5182. >So much for small talk.
  5183. >Probably should ask her a non yes or no question.
  5184. "So, where do you go to school?"
  5185. >"Crystal Prep. My mother said she knew the principal at a different school and could get me in, but it's a public school. So I told her that I wouldn't go to a place like that and she needed to send me to a real school."
  5186. >Bitch you what?
  5187. >It takes all your self control to not tell her off.
  5188. >She kinda sounds like the kinda person Twilight tells you are at Crystal Prep.
  5189. "You know Canterlot High isn't really that bad."
  5190. >"Where? Oh, that was the school mama mentioned. How did you know it?"
  5191. "My mom is the principal there, so I just assumed that was where you meant."
  5192. >"I see. If she is the principal then she must make okay money. Why doesn't she send you somewhere better?"
  5193. "Okay, wow. I'm supposed to be nice to you but damn you are making it hard. Twilight told me there were people with bad attitudes at your school but seriously? Do you have no social skills?"
  5194. >"Twilight? That old substitute teacher at Crystal Prep? Why would she talk to you?"
  5195. "Not Velvet, her daughter."
  5196. >"Oh, you mean the lonely girl with no friends who sat in the library all the time. She probably says things like that because she wants to play the victim to make herself feel better. Like how your mother couldn't make it at a real school but thinks she's a big deal at her little one."
  5197. "You know what we're done here. I don't care who your mom is. Your attitude is shit and I'm over it. I don't have time for a shallow cunt who thinks she's better than everyone."
  5198. >"How dare you, you rude little poor boy."
  5200. ...
  5202. "Goddamnit shut the fuck up with the poor talk. I'm not poor! You think you're hot shit because your family spends money on whatever you want and you have some looks. Well guess what? Looks fade, and when yours go I wonder how many people will want to be around you because of your horrible personality."
  5203. >You feel yourself shaking angrily.
  5204. >Looking around you see you gathered a few people looking at the two of you.
  5205. >Quite a few are from school.
  5206. >This is going to be a fun morning tomorrow.
  5207. >Can't wait to hear how many saw your 'ow the edge' moment after she insulted your mom and childhood friend.
  5209. ...
  5211. >No ones ever spoken to Fluer like that before
  5212. > That boy is rude and....dumb.... and POOR!
  5213. > So why are her panties freaking SOAKED
  5215. @@@
  5218. >"Mother, do you know that I also enjoy hearing them offer praise to you?"
  5219. >"I do. Every night I listen."
  5220. >"A great many of them believe me to be walking among them; and many children think I'm always beneath their beds."
  5221. >"And I am."
  5222. >'Do not test me, my son.'
  5223. >"Or? I'll go to Hell? You'll continually choose them over me? YOU'LL ENABLE THEM TO MOCK YOUR WORD AND MAKE PERVERSIONS OF YOUR GIFTS TO THEM?"
  5224. >'They know not what they do-'
  5225. >"You know it physically pains me to hear that drivel so I'll thank you to only speak truth around me."
  5226. >'I love you, my son.'
  5227. >"But like all true loves, one day it withered on the vine~"
  5228. >'I pray you will not always be this way.'
  5230. @@@
  5233. >"A-Anonymous!" Mom calls out in a hushed tone
  5234. >"..Sunshine, I..I need your help with something. Get the broom."
  5235. >You oblige with a subtle eye roll
  5236. >"She's just been sitting in my throne all morning; stone cold silent, not a peep.."
  5237. >'20 years on the throne..not a pe-'
  5238. >"Anonymous, hush, this is serious."
  5239. >'Alright, alright, I got this.'
  5240. >You snap your fingers and clap a few times earning yourself the unknown kirin's attention
  5241. >"HEY. Shoo. Go on, scat." You say stomping once or twice before it bolts out of your mother's throne and out into the palace gardens
  5242. >"Bam. Day saved. Just run the lint brush over it and you're good, mom."
  5243. >'Mmmm, my handsome, strong man. Thank you, sweetheart.'
  5244. >Just then Twilight bursts into the room
  5245. "P-Princess, the Kirin Ambassador, s-she's gone!"
  5246. >Kirin?
  5247. >She must mean the neckbeardy mutes
  5248. >Likely the one you just chased out with a broom into the hedge maze
  5249. >'*Ahem* Mom, think fast.' You whisper
  5250. >Mom smiles and relaxes her concerned expression
  5251. >"Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student, I have a task for you that is of the utmost importance, go to the Palace Topiary and..."
  5252. keep her and auntie company overnight, we're kind of off to a slow start
  5254. @@@
  5257. >"Hold, girl. Hooold." Mom commands
  5258. >"He'll be out soon. I've made sure of it."
  5259. >Even Aunt Luna didn't want to know how mom could consistently make charges disappear
  5260. >Sun Sun paces, tugging on the leash and whimpering
  5261. >The trio stand in the parking lot of the Canterlot County Sheriff's Detention Facility
  5262. >Soon the automatic doors open as Anonymous exits, straightening his suit as he does so
  5263. >'N-Nephew! Dearest, we are over here!'
  5264. "Hey heeey~ There are my favorite girls."
  5265. >Mom let's go of Sun Sun's leash
  5266. >She's bolting towards Anon whose began to kneel with arms open
  5267. "Ahaha, I knew my special girl was gonna be happy to s-"
  5268. >Sun Sun's bullrush has Anon on his back as she goes for the throat
  5269. "E-Easy, baby, I-I m-missed you t-too..."
  5270. >She isn't relenting as Mom & Auntie come into view
  5271. >"Do you know how upset she was when you didn't come home, Anonymous?"
  5272. "M-Mom, she's..can't breathe."
  5273. >"Have you ever tried restraining her when she's like this? She dragged your Aunt and I across the parking lot a few times over."
  5274. "Need..breathe, p-please.."
  5275. >"Soon, sweetheart. Did you also know she howls when you're not around?"
  5276. >"Parked herself right. Out. Side. Your bedroom door eeeevery night, howling up a storm."
  5277. >Sun Sun begins to let up, whimpering and licking Anon's face
  5278. >"Are you going to disappoint her or us like this ever again, young man?"
  5279. >Anon sits up right catching his breath
  5280. "N-No, mom, auntie..I'll never make you worry again.."
  5281. >The two wait for their hugs and kisses
  5282. "I'll never disappoint you again either, baby..daddy's so sorry."
  5283. >Sun Sun nuzzles Anon still whimpering but clearly happy
  5284. "Mhmmm, I know, I know, I missed you too, gorgeous."
  5285. >"*AHEM* ANONYMOUS."
  5286. >'Lucky mutt...' Aunt Luna huffs
  5288. @@@
  5291. >"Infernal lollygagging vacuous brained vermin!" Captain Hook-non bellows
  5292. >"How's the Roger to set sail and abandon these wretched brats if we can't even rai-"
  5293. >Tick tock tick tock tick tock
  5295. >'W-w-w-w-what be the emergency, cap'n?'
  5296. >"-DON'T YOU HEAR IT, MAN?!..That malevolent sod brained lizard is back to finish what he started!"
  5298. >Tick tock tick tock tick tock
  5299. >"M-MUMMY, AUNTIE, IT'S HERE!"
  5300. >Mombeard slowly saunters up to the deck from her quarters below
  5301. >She yawns as her horn ignites, buttoning up her tattered and bloody commodore's jacket
  5302. "Climb down from there, me sunshine...I've weathered onslaught's from countless a King's navy..there be no menace I can't handle.."
  5304. "Nonsense." She says, deck mop in her magic grasp as she approaches the side of the boat
  5305. "Go on..shoo. Ye'll not be harming my son today nor any other day, now scat."
  5306. >The croc takes a few lazy snaps at the mop before being discouraged by a direct hit or two to it's snout
  5307. >The ticking and tocking growing quieter as it lazes away
  5309. "Stow that, Mr. Spike..I believe my son needs a moment to get-"
  5311. >'Nightmarish Peghoof Luna' clambers up the stairs to the main deck
  5312. >"Ah, Dearest Auntie, t-the incident has passed without loss, Mother was able to fend off the saurian brigand."
  5315. @@@
  5318. >Mom, Aunt Luna, and you were all out trying to enjoy your much needed vacation.
  5319. >But it wasn't planned that well.
  5320. >They both wanted to do their own things, and that meant everyone had to be dragged along to what the other wanted.
  5321. >And you were all exhausted after a few days of non stop 'fun'.
  5322. >Mom's head was nodding and her eyes were closing.
  5323. >To be fair, so were yours too.
  5324. >But at least you weren't sitting next to a pony.
  5325. >And there it is...
  5326. >She's asleep and resting her head on the pony next to her.
  5327. >You can't help but smile as she brings out a camera to take a picture.
  5328. >This will be something she tells her great grand children about.
  5329. >Might as well give her another story to tell them.
  5330. >You walk over to the smiling pony that just took a selfie, who seems to not have noticed your approach.
  5331. "Would you like me to take one too?"
  5332. >She wide eyed looks up at you while not daring to move and wake your mother.
  5333. >"Yes."
  5334. >She quietly whispers.
  5335. >You take the camera from her hoof and take a picture of the two of them.
  5336. >Returning the camera you gently shake your mother awake.
  5337. >"Wha- sunshine? What's going on?"
  5338. "We're just finishing up Aunt Luna's to do item, then we're off to do mine."
  5339. >You explain as you take out the list of things to do and start writing on it.
  5340. >"And what's that?"
  5341. "Go back to the hotel and take a nap. We all can use the rest."
  5343. @@@
  5346. I kind of like the idea of S1 Luna/reformed Luna being close to Anon's age.
  5347. Canonically, when NMM got rainbow blasted; she reverted to what looked like a filly/teenaged version of herself.
  5349. >'Hahaha, you keep calling me 'Nephew' but my names Anon!'
  5350. >"Poke fun at your elders not, young stallion! Though a filly we may be, we are not above dispensing discipl-"
  5351. >'My mom says you're ticklish, is that true?'
  5352. >"SISTER, YOU FIEND!"
  5354. @@@
  5357. >It's summer, and that means summer vacation.
  5358. >And it just wouldn't be summer vacation without a grill by the pool.
  5359. >You dig through the shed until you find it.
  5360. >Well, not really 'find' it so much as see it past other crap that got stored in here over the winter.
  5361. >Slowly you start the tedious task of emptying the shed one big awkward thing at a time.
  5362. >It sucks, and your body is going to hurt like fuck later.
  5363. >But you can always just soak in, or relax by, the pool afterwards.
  5364. >You think it would be nice to invite some people over for a barbecue and pool party.
  5365. >Maybe Cadance and Shining are free?
  5366. >If Shining comes you could always invite Twilight, Aunt Velvet and Uncle Nightlight too.
  5367. >After all they have been practically family since you were a kid.
  5368. >You finally reach the grill and start to wheel it out.
  5369. >Now just to find the perfect spot for it.
  5370. >Not to close to the pool or too far either.
  5371. >You position it and take a few steps back to make sure it is good.
  5372. "Maybe a little to the left."
  5373. >One quick adjustment later, everything seems to be in order.
  5374. >You look over at the pile of stuff in front of the shed.
  5375. "Oh yeah... gotta put that shit back."
  5376. >You let out a sigh and trudge over to the pile.
  5377. >You are hot and sweaty already.
  5378. >Looking down you see dirt and dust on your shirt.
  5379. >Might as well take it off to keep it from getting worse.
  5380. >You take it off and wipe your forehead with a clean part of your shirt before throwing it onto the grass and starting to put everything back away.
  5381. >Hopefully in a better way than you found it.
  5382. >For how much Aunt Luna loves games and tetris she isn't really good at stacking and organizing things.
  5383. >You are so going to enjoy jumping into that cool pool after this is done.
  5384. >"Anon?"
  5385. >Twilight?
  5386. >What's she doing here?
  5387. "Out here Twilight!"
  5388. >You call out as you keep moving things into the shed.
  5389. >"Hey, I tried calling and texting to see if you wanted to hang out with me and the- where's your shirt?"
  5390. >She says a little flustered at your appearance.
  5392. "It got dirty so I took it off. Plus I'm really hot right now."
  5393. "Yeah you are."
  5394. "What was that?"
  5395. >"Nothing!"
  5396. >She says far to quickly.
  5397. >"Twilight? Did you find him?"
  5398. >Your mom asks from around the house.
  5399. "We're out back mom!"
  5400. >You answer for her.
  5401. >"There you are. What are you doing?"
  5402. "Oh you know. It's just not summer without the grill and the pool."
  5403. >"Well, you're not wrong."
  5404. >Your mom agrees.
  5405. "Speaking of, how about a cookout and pool party Friday night? We could even see if Cadance, Shining, Twilight and her family are free?"
  5406. >You say motioning over to your childhood friend.
  5407. >"I don't see why not. Would you and your parents want to come over Friday?"
  5408. >"Yes! I mean- I'll have to check but I think it's fine."
  5409. >"So what were you saying earlier Twilight? Sorry we got kinda sidetracked."
  5410. >"Hmm? Earlier? Right, did you want to hang out with me and the girls at the mall or someplace?"
  5411. "Yeah sure, let me just finish up here and grab a quick shower then we can head out. Okay if I borrow the car mom?"
  5412. >"Of course. Could you swing by the store and get some charcoal for the grill on your way home sunshine?"
  5413. "Sure mom."
  5414. >"Come on Twilight, let's go inside and get a cool drink ready for when he's done."
  5415. "See you two in a minute."
  5416. >"Y-you too."
  5418. ...
  5420. >Velvet, still hungry for grandbabies, and Cadance, who believes you two were destined to be together since the first time she babysat Twilight, conspire to finally make it happen
  5421. >First step, finally get you to see Twilight as a woman instead your old childhood friend
  5422. >And a great way to do that is with a new skimpy, little bikini for your backyard get-together
  5424. ...
  5426. >Your mom and Cadance tried to get you to buy and wear a WAY too revealing swimsuit.
  5427. >Your friends did too though so you're not sure how you feel about that.
  5428. >In the end you decided to just go with the one you got for the beach a little while ago.
  5429. >It's good, but you think you might have put on a little weight over the winter... and maybe spring.
  5430. >Hopefully Anon won't be able to tell.
  5431. >Cadance said it was fine and she had a backup idea as well since you vetoed the swimsuit idea she had, which you didn't like the sound of.
  5432. >You're in the car ride to Anon's with your suit under your clothes.
  5433. >Cadance said taking off your clothes by the pool would help entice him and get you used to taking off your clothes in front of him.
  5434. >You blushed at the thought for a good hour after she first told you that.
  5435. >"And here we are."
  5436. >Your dad says as he pulls into Aunt Celestia's driveway.
  5437. >Is it wrong to think of your childhood friend's mom as your aunt especially if you want that childhood friend to be more than a friend and then his mom would be-
  5438. >"Hey Twilly."
  5439. >Your brother calls you.
  5440. >"You're the only one still in the car. You coming or what?"
  5441. "Right- yes! Coming!"
  5442. >You say as you fiddle with the seatbelt.
  5443. >Once you walk around the house you see Anon already in his swimsuit at the grill getting it ready.
  5444. >Aunt Luna is putting speakers around the backyard for some "tunes" as she likes to call them.
  5445. >And Aunt Celestia is putting up tiki torches which will be used when everyone is relaxing around the fire pit.
  5446. >"Hey guys! Glad you all could make it. Feel free to hop in the pool while I get things ready here."
  5447. >He calls out to everyone.
  5448. >Your family puts their things down and starts to take off their street clothes.
  5449. >You find a chair near Anon and start to undress as well.
  5450. >Cadance was for some reason very close.
  5451. >You take your glasses off as before your shirt and place them on the chair.
  5452. >As you finish taking your shirt off you hear a crunching noise.
  5454. >"Oh no. Twilight, I'm sorry but I think I broke your glasses. I didn't see them there."
  5455. >Cadance says in what sounds like a fake apology.
  5456. "My glasses! I can't see without them. I didn't even think to bring my spare set."
  5457. >"Oh sweetie I'm sorry."
  5458. >You hear Aunt Celestia say from behind you.
  5459. >"Why don't you go soak in the pool to try and take your mind off it for now."
  5460. >You aren't completely blind without your glasses, and were able to make out Cadance, your mom, and Aunt Celestia all smiling at eachother forsome reason.
  5461. >"Anon, honey, can you please stay with Twilight and help her around. Her glasses broke and she can't see a thing."
  5462. >"Sure thing mom. Hey Shining, mind taking over the grill for me?"
  5463. >"Of course."
  5464. >A warm hand reaches out to take yours.
  5465. >"Come on Twi, I got ya. This way to the pool."
  5466. >You look back and can make out their smiling faces and them all giving you thumbs up.
  5467. >"Dont worry about your glasses. Today I'll be your seeing-eye-Anon. Just let me know if you need anything."
  5468. >Maybe this isn't that bad after all.
  5470. @@@
  5473. "Come on, Mom."
  5474. "You can't turn her away."
  5475. "Aunt Chryssy needs your help."
  5476. "You know how tough it is for an ex-convict to find work after release."
  5477. "Oh, don't try to give me that 'we can't hire felons' nonsense."
  5478. "We ALL know about Janitor Discord's record."
  5479. "He shouldn't be allowed anywhere a school, and you know why."
  5480. "She just needs something to help her get back on her feet."
  5481. "And when you really think about it, mail fraud is a victimless crime, and 10 years is a stiffer sentence than necessary."
  5482. "I mean, how else is she going to start paying towards her hundred-thousand dollar fine?"
  5484. ...
  5486. "Now I want you to know there will be no room for ANY questionable activity here, are we clear?"
  5487. >"Of course not."
  5488. "The court system was hesitant to let me hire you because we're friends. They thought I might falsify documents because of our history together. So they even warned me that they might take action against ME if YOU stepped out of line."
  5489. >"I understand, and thank you."
  5490. "You should also know that Anon advocated for you every day until I agreed. So on top of Luna and I, don't let him down."
  5491. >She looks a little surprised but relaxes into a smile.
  5492. >"Well when you put it that way, I promise to be on my best behavior."
  5493. "So you were not until I asked you not to let Anon down. Do I mean nothing?"
  5494. >"Well, compared to him? No."
  5495. >She says with a smile and a laugh.
  5496. >You laugh as well, it's good to see her happy again.
  5497. >Maybe this time will be different.
  5499. Later on Anon gets into a fist fight with another kid. The other kid found out about Chrysalis's history and threatened to make false accusations against her that could land her back in jail if she didn't do sexual favors for him.
  5501. @@@
  5504. >"Oh my, were you about to put this note into my sons locker?"
  5505. >"Miss, I should say I'm quite concerned with this 'interest' you've suddenly got in my son."
  5506. >"..I wouldn't be doing my job as an educator or a mother if I didn't read it."
  5507. >"-You're not going anywhere, stay put."
  5508. >"..'Anonymous...blah blah..think any girls at the school are cute..blah blah..'"
  5509. >"..What's this? 'Really think your mother and aunt have possessive tendencies and boundary issues'.."
  5510. >"I have those *issues* because my son is my reason for drawing breath; Anonymous is the most important person in my life."
  5511. >Mom scoffs as she throws the crumpled note down
  5512. >"Count yourself lucky you had this encounter with me and not Vice Principal Luna."
  5514. @@@
  5517. Have something I wrote 9 months ago. I'm not sure if there have been any other pieces of green that were something other than "every female ever thirsts for my self ins- I mean, Anon's cock for no reason."
  5519. “Rise and shine, little sunbeam!”
  5520. >Celestia's signature golden glow enveloped the curtains of her own bedroom as she drew them open.
  5521. >Only a little light streamed in, for the sky was completely covered in thick, gray clouds.
  5522. >Raindrops spattered on the stone of the balcony outside the window.
  5523. >”Mmmh. 'sit mrgnon lrdy?”
  5524. >Her little sunbeam pulled his tiny hands from beneath the covers and rubbed his sleepy little eyes.
  5525. “I already let you sleep in since it's raining, so don't ask for five more minutes!”
  5526. >Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop.
  5527. >She made sure to thump her hooves as loud as she could.
  5528. >She wouldn't want to risk scaring her dearest with unexpected contact, after all.
  5529. “Now pull those covers off and get dressed! We have a busy day ahead of us.”
  5530. >Celestia lifted her forehooves onto the bed she shared with her little bundle of joy.
  5531. >She planted a quick peck of a kiss on his cheek.
  5532. >A swat aimed at where her head was was his response.
  5533. >But she was faster than him, and had already pressed her lips on the side of his neck.
  5534. >”No fair!”
  5535. >He squirmed and wriggled and swatted.
  5536. >Yet despite his best efforts, Celestia and her merciless kisses were always one step ahead.
  5537. >His other cheek wasn't spared, nor was his forehead, nor his temples.
  5538. “I'm going to keep going until you get up.”
  5539. >She was quite sure he couldn't pick up how soft and giggly her voice was.
  5540. >She simply couldn't use her harsh and commanding tone on him, no matter how hard she tried.
  5542. ***
  5544. >”What's that?”
  5545. >Anon waddled back from his trip to the bathroom and stopped in his tracks as he saw the odd cloth and metal contraption Celestia had strapped to herself.
  5546. “It's just a little something Twilight thought of. Here, let me show you what it's for.”
  5547. >Her horn lit up in gold and a giggling Anon floated off the floor.
  5548. >”Hee! Fly-hee-hee-ing!”
  5549. >A wide smile found its way to Celestia's face she plopped her little sunbeam onto the saddle on her back.
  5550. “How does it feel? Are you comfortable?”
  5551. >She felt him shift his weight backwards and forwards and from side to side.
  5552. >Though she couldn't see what was going on, the saddle was a vast improvement to at least her.
  5553. >It spread his weight over a larger area.
  5554. >And was soft and padded.
  5555. >”Yes!”
  5556. >A tiny hand ruffled the mane on the back of her neck.
  5557. “How about we go show it to everpony else?”
  5558. >She craned her head as far to the side as she could, and was just barely able to see Anon's beaming face.
  5559. >”Let's show it to Luna first! She'll like it!”
  5560. “I'm sure she will. She should be in the dining hall.”
  5562. >Celestia moved a single hoof forward.
  5563. >The weight on her back shifted a little.
  5564. “Just grab on to me if you feel unsteady.”
  5565. >She took another step, this time a little faster.
  5566. >A single hand touched the side of her neck.
  5567. “I'm going to walk now. Hold on!”
  5568. >The weight of her dearest bobbed and swayed on her back in rhythm with her hoofsteps as she headed down the corridor that led from her room to the dining hall.
  5569. >The touch on her neck remained light.
  5570. >”It's a lot easier to stay on with this.”
  5571. “I'll go a little faster now.”
  5572. >She took to a light canter.
  5573. >Sway-sway, from side to side and back and forth.
  5574. >Another hand landed on her neck, but its touch was as light as that of the others.
  5575. >”Heee! I'm so high! And so fast!”
  5576. >His voice was light and full of wonder.
  5577. “That's enough for now. We'll test it in a gallop and in flight outside tomorrow, when it isn't raining.”
  5578. >The thuds of her hooves slowed in pace until she was back to a steady walk.
  5579. >”Aww.”
  5581. ***
  5583. >”What is this?”
  5584. >Luna's tone was dead serious, but her lips had curled to a smile as soon as she saw Celestia and Anon come in.
  5585. >”My dear sister, being ridden by none other than her own son!”
  5586. “Oh, hush!”
  5587. >Celestia swatted at air with a hoof.
  5588. >The dual meaning of Luna's words was not lost on her.
  5589. >”Lookie, Luna! I'm up here!”
  5590. >Anon shifted very slightly in the saddle as he waved at his aunt.
  5591. “Twilight thought it'd be a good idea for him to see my everyday duties so she came up with this.”
  5592. >Celestia came to a halt in front of her sister.
  5593. >She pressed her cheek onto Luna's dark and silky smooth one for a short second, then turned sideways.
  5594. >”My, aren't you tall!”
  5595. >The light of Celestia's day reached out to pet his aunt's head.
  5596. >”I'm gonna do this every day when I grow up!”
  5597. >”Hehe. You already do it every day, don't you?”
  5598. >Luna's horn lit up with magic, and the weight on Celestia's back disappeared for a second.
  5599. >”Mwah!”
  5600. >Little sunbeam rubbed his cheek to get rid of what his aunt's sloppy kiss left behind.
  5601. >”But then I can do it when I want to instead of just when you let me.”
  5603. ***
  5605. >”...and I'm sure we can reach an agreement on how to split the advertising income from the Equestrian Games this and-”
  5606. >A hand patted Celestia's mane.
  5607. >”Mom, what does 'magnanimous' mean? It says here...”
  5608. >Promptly ignoring the ponies walking with her, she craned her neck and looked at the book her little sunbeam presented.
  5609. >”...that Rarity is the most 'magnanimous' of them all.”
  5610. “In that context, it means that Rarity is the most generous of them all. It also means that she is unselfish and noble, and helps others out of the joy of helping.”
  5611. >She used her magic to give him a light push so he leaned towards her head, and nuzzled his cheek.
  5612. “You are also a most magnanimous little thing, and some would do well to learn of your example.”
  5613. >Two little arms wrapped around her neck after she let go of her magic.
  5614. >”Hee!”
  5615. >She felt something soft and warm rub itself on the back of her neck.
  5616. >He didn't have a muzzle, but the gesture warmed her heart nevertheless.
  5618. >Celestia's heart jumped to her throat as she felt a sudden shift on her back and something slumped against her neck.
  5619. >”Mom, I'm tired. Is it naptime yet?”
  5620. >Hearing the words her little sunbeam mumbled made her let out a sigh of relief.
  5621. “Yes. I'll take you to bed.”
  5622. >She offered an apologetic smile to the nobles around her, then turned around in place.
  5623. >Little hands reached around her neck and something soft pressed itself into her mane.
  5624. >”Mmh. 's wrm.”
  5625. >She'd barely had time to take a single step when her little sunbeam's breathing slowed down and became deeper.
  5626. >His hands relaxed their grip.
  5627. >But he stayed upright.
  5628. “Oh my.”
  5629. >She hadn't guessed it would be so taxing on him.
  5631. And that's all I have.
  5633. @@@
  5636. >"My Princess? The festivities are set to begin once you've lit the torch."
  5637. >'Oh, of course, thank didn't by chance see my son or know where he's seated do you?'
  5638. >"The Prince and his Aunt are seated in the booth just above the tunnel we'll be exi-"
  5639. >'Anonymous? Yoo hoo, sweetheart?'
  5640. >'*Ahem* Everypony, may I kindly ask you turn to your neighbor and check to see if he's my son.'
  5641. >'He's a handsome boy, a little on the shy side, about this tall, loves his mommy...equestria's only human?'
  5642. "MOM WE'RE UP HERE."
  5644. @@@
  5647. >It signified the beginning of a new era
  5648. >A newcomer at the table of life
  5649. >Another pair of hoov-, hands; molding the very structures and tenets of this worlds beliefs and ways
  5651. >"Anonymous, do you plan to use your abilities for anything 'good' in the near future?"
  5652. >"..You've been making it rain dildo's over Twilight's for 3 days now."
  5653. >"Your Aunt and I respect your wishes and your ehh, freedom of expression..all we're saying is it'd make us very happy if perhaps you..stopped making it rain dildos."
  5654. >'Mmmmm..I'll think about it.'
  5655. >"*mwah* Thank you, that's all we ask."
  5657. @@@
  5660. >"H-hey Anon! There you are!"
  5661. "Oh hey Twilight, Sunset, and... do I know you?"
  5662. >You say pointing at the other girl.
  5663. >"Starlight."
  5664. >She says extending her hand to you.
  5665. >Which you take and give a firm handshake to, because your mother raised you to be a goddamn gentleman.
  5666. "Anon, Nice to meet you. Great party by the way Sunset."
  5667. >"You should thank her. Starlight here brought a bunch of bits with her when she came from Equestria."
  5668. "Well tha-"
  5669. >"Anon!"
  5670. >Twilight interrupts.
  5671. "Oh, yeah Twilight? Everything okay? Your face seems red."
  5672. >"I'm fine, I'm the best I've ever felt actually. And because of the 'liquid courage' Sunset gave me, I'm finally able to tell you something."
  5673. "Okay."
  5674. >Your childhood friend leans in closer to you.
  5675. >"You're... cute and I really like you."
  5676. >Her face gets even redder after she says that.
  5677. >"I can't believe I finally said it! I feel so alive!"
  5678. >You smile and hug her.
  5679. >You always thought she had a crush on you, but she always was studying or something.
  5680. "You're cute too Twi, and I like you too. But Mom and Aunt Velvet would never forgive me if something happened to you. So let's get you inside and lay down."
  5681. >She smiles ear to ear.
  5682. >"I'm going to get laid!"
  5683. >"You go girl!"
  5684. >You think that was Rainbow.
  5685. >You pick up Twilight in your arms and she seems to really enjoy it.
  5686. "Would you mind if I put her on your bed Sunset?"
  5687. >"No, that's fine."
  5688. >She says with a smile.
  5689. "By the way, how much 'liquid courage' did you give her?"
  5690. >"About one Zima."
  5692. ...
  5694. >She passes out before Anon even put it in.
  5695. > Goddammit Twilight I practically gift wrapped him for you!!!
  5697. @@@
  5700. Any ideas over the summer for greens? one shots?
  5701. >"..'Then he...approached...her with...the confidence of a man..not a boy'.."
  5702. >Celestia fans herself slightly
  5703. >"Mhmm.."
  5704. >"..'Mother', he said huskil-..huskily?'"
  5705. >Mom touches the intercom button on her desk
  5706. >"Luna? Luna, are you in your office?"
  5707. >Auntie answers back
  5708. >'We are, yes.'
  5709. >"I need your advice on something..and it's a bit delicate."
  5710. >'Sister, for the last time, its called a thesaurus; use it.'
  5711. >"Luna, this is important, I need a good synonym for 'huskily!'"
  5712. >'Uhhh, you are breaking up, Sister. KKKHHHHHHH- going through a tunnel, sorry, bye.'
  5714. @@@
  5717. > Hello young prince. It’s quite late to be on the roads isn’t it? I see, so you’re making for the Peaks of Peril. If you’re heading for the village it will be more than a day’s journey without a guide. Fortunately I know a short cut that will cut your time in half. But alas, the path is hidden after dark. Come, stay the night in my cabin. It’s the only safe shelter after dark in these parts. Besides, I have stew boiling. Surely after such a long trek from Cantorlot you much be tired. And whatever provisions you have will pale in comparison to my stew. Please dear Prince, no compensation is necessary, I like having company. And who could say they came to Prince’s aid in his time of need? I kid I kid! But please, allow me to show you to my chateau. It won’t compare to the castle. But I’m sure the amenities will be more than satisfactory.
  5719. ...
  5721. > Celestia I know you’re upset but this is taking it to far!
  5722. > Nonsense Luna, since you’re so keen of convincing my son to go on “Journeys of self discovery” I figured you’d like to have a journey yourself.
  5724. > It’s not deserted, there’s food, water and shelter.
  5725. > How long do you intend to keep me here?
  5726. > Until Anon comes home.
  5727. > Sister you cannot be serious!
  5728. > As serious as the Nor’easter that will be here by sundown.
  5730. > Of course not Luna, there will be a regiment nearby to assure your survival.
  5732. > Well you can’t assure my boy’s safety can you?
  5733. > I can’t preform my duties stuck on an island!
  5734. > Nonsense, you can raise the moon from anywhere.
  5735. > Celestia I can’t understand how you could do this to me, your sister.
  5736. > Didn’t you once put me on the wrong train to Cantorlot? And I had to pawn my regalia to get back from Yakistan because I had no money?
  5737. > This is hardly the same!
  5738. > You’re right, you won’t be needing this.
  5739. > MY REGALIA
  5740. > Unless you’re gonna pawn it at the monkey pawn shop for a boat, I doubt you’ll need it.
  5742. ...
  5744. > “ What a amazing morning, isn’t it my prince?
  5745. “Autumn we discussed this.”
  5746. > “Oh right! It’s just Anon now. Since you know, we’re on such intimate terms now~.”
  5747. ........
  5748. > “I kid I kid! No need to be so touchy.”
  5749. “I really wish you wouldn’t kid like that. I’m not a prude but, time and place you know?”
  5750. > “Yes yes I know, you’re on a quest to discover your true self and it’s super serious. But what confuses me is why you need to travel to the village.”
  5751. “The village is just my first stop, I have multiple places I want to visit”
  5752. > “Mayhaps you want this humble Kirin to accompany you on your journey? I fancy myself a bard you know. Ohhh there once was a Zerba named Zecora the Striped-“
  5753. “Autumn please! I get it.”
  5754. > “I’m also well versed with both local and foreign flora and fauna”
  5755. “You don’t have to sell yourself to me. You’re more than welcome to come along if you’d like.”
  5756. > Oh? Need me to keep your sleeping bag warm?
  5757. Provided you knock it off with the innuendo.
  5758. > “ No promises~”
  5759. “Ok funnybones which way do we go”
  5760. > “Simple, just follow the sway of my hips”
  5761. Autumn....
  5763. ...
  5765. > “General, I want sweeping patrols from here to Ponyville.”
  5766. Thy will be done your majesty!
  5767. “ Spymaster, I want intel on every sighting of my son, what trains he’s boarded, what checkpoints he passed and any border crossings he came to. If he so much as wiped his ass I want to know what bathroom he used and the ply of the toilet paper.”
  5768. “ I’ll even find out which hand he used”
  5769. > “ Excellent, you're both dismissed. I need to be alone”
  5770. > As Celestia’s council left her to her thoughts, she found herself staring out towards the countryside.
  5771. > The cool fall breeze did little to relax her as she contemplated what would process her sweet boy to not only abandon his duties, but her as well. Without so much as a word.
  5772. > Surely she could’ve helped with any issue he may have had.
  5773. > No doubt the prodding from his Aunt emboldened his resolve to do whatever is was he set out to accomplish.
  5774. > Sure he’d disappear for a night or two while on one of his benders but this was different.
  5775. > His personal weapons were gone but he left his royal regalia.
  5776. > He didn’t want to be found so easily, that much is clear.
  5777. > Surely he had not come to hate her.
  5778. > Celestia shook that train of thought from her mind.
  5779. > Her son loved her, surely.
  5780. > Yes she was hard on him from time to time but that’s what a good mother would do.
  5781. > Right?
  5782. > She turned from the view and made and crossed her war room to the entrance.
  5783. > The large door inform of her was polished to a mirror sheen.
  5784. > It had been a while since she saw herself.
  5785. > Her gloves hand patted her face as she made note of the harshness of her brow. And the frown that she admitted had become somewhat permanent as of late.
  5786. > The Griffin Nation had been testing her patience with their constant tariffs and treats of kicking out her dignitaries over what amounted to trivial disagreements.
  5787. > She slumped against the door and let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
  5788. > Relaxation would not come today.
  5790. @@@
  5793. >Celestia and Luna are having a typical sibling squabble and Anon gets involved as they ask him to pick sides.
  5794. >He refuses because they are acting like children which only fuels the fire for their disagreement.
  5795. >Their mini fued rolls over into the next day when they are all supposed to meet Twilight and her friends.
  5796. >Starlight comes along, being the teacher's pet to Twilight that she is to Celestia.
  5797. >Some of the fued is visible to the girls and Anon is forced to explain the situation and how he refused to take sides in their childish argument.
  5798. >This gives Starlight an idea, a better one than when she switched their cutie marks.
  5799. >She ran off to hastily write a summoning scroll and mix in some powerful time magic as well.
  5800. >Starlight is rather pleased with herself when she returns to the group with the princess's mother on tow.
  5801. >They all are stunned speechless by her presence.
  5802. >Starlight quickly explains who she is and why she did it.
  5803. >"Explain Your selves."
  5804. >Their mother says sternly.
  5805. >"Mother..."
  5806. >Celestia says with tears in her eyes.
  5807. >"Mother? So she's my grandmother?"
  5808. >"Grandmother?"
  5809. >She responds looking at Anon.
  5810. >"Explain your selves!"
  5812. ...
  5814. >"..You told on us to our MOTHER?"
  5815. >'And a good thing she did! I'm owed a veritable backlog of birthday presents, cookies, knitted sweaters, spanki-'
  5816. >"Not now, Anonymous."
  5818. ...
  5820. >"You brought our mother here?"
  5821. "It seemed like the easiest way to solve this. Even the prince said they were acting childish."
  5822. >"So you respond by ripping her through time?"
  5823. "It's fine. I can just put her back right after they make up."
  5824. >"Actually... according to the history books, their mother disappeared one day and never returned."
  5825. "Wait, what?"
  5826. >"You mean you're the reason my mom and aunt lost their mom, the last of their family, and had to grow up as orphans on the streets?"
  5827. "Unintentionally yes, but I had the best intentions. And look how well they turned out though."
  5829. @@@
  5832. >"Princess, might I suggest instead of push-up's, you do push-away's?"
  5833. >"Like, push-away that next plate of cake?"
  5834. >"..I'll have you know I'm water resistant to a depth of 150 meters." The scale says from halfway in the toilet
  5835. >'See, ma? I told you that smart scale was a bad idea, just like that self parking carriage that thought you were a neighsian driver.'
  5837. >"Blasted machine!"
  5838. >"Nephew! Settle this feud once and for all!"
  5839. >"This nefarious 'Alexa' beast claims to not be able to make sense of our words!"
  5840. >[I'm sorry, "Playeth the classics of Buch and Hoofthoven" is not a valid command, please speak more clearly.]
  5843. @@@
  5846. >"Guess who I found in the basement?~"
  5847. >Any curiosity Anonymous had quickly vanishes from his face when he sees their guest
  5848. >'..Huh. I thought I blocked that mirror thing with a bunch of old hearthswarming decorations.'
  5849. >"I know! Isn't it wonderful Twilight survived, though?"
  5850. >"Why one moment I'm down there scrapbooking and then I hear 'Help! This tinsel is suffocating me!'"
  5851. >"And wouldn't you know it, it's's one of the Twilights!"
  5852. >'Yes, how wonderful, now when the princess one isn't sucking up to you or being weird around me, I'll have this one to deal with.'
  5853. >"Splendid! I knew you two would become fast friends."
  5854. >'Do you have that 'oblivious to sarcasm' charm on right now?'
  5855. >"What? I haven't the foggiest notion what you could be referring to my sweetheart."
  5856. >'You are getting such a boop for this later, mo- Twilight, stay out of my room.'
  5858. @@@
  5861. Mom, Auntie. I know how much you 2 love your "sister time"
  5862. But I have class in the morning, YOU guys have school too!
  5863. >We both understand anon, we'll put our festivities on hold
  5864. Thanks
  5865. >Have sweet dreams and vanquish your enemies of the night dear nephew!
  5866. Glad it worked out
  5867. >
  5868. >*Droning music*
  5869. what?
  5870. >I'll endure the exile
  5871. But they promised...
  5872. >The darkness of night falls around my soul
  5873. >And the hunter within loses control!
  5875. @@@
  5878. Mom. why?! you promised me last night
  5879. >anon, we did what you asked, we postponed our "sister time"
  5880. No, no, you kept me up through the whole night with your noise
  5881. >Noise?
  5882. >I think dear nephew meant our melodies
  5883. >Oh! well why didn't you say so son?
  5884. No more music in the night
  5885. >Ok, cross my hear, hope to fly, stick cake in my mouth
  5886. >we will let you have your rest for the night
  5887. Thank goodness
  5888. >
  5889. >
  5890. >
  5891. What's that smell?
  5892. 4am?! The sun is just rising, WHAT COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE-
  5896. @@@
  5899. > Anon! Anon! He’s our man! If he can’t do it no one can!!
  5900. Girls, serious. Every morning?
  5901. > Yep, by royal decree we are too cheer you on every morning on the way to school.
  5902. > Plus, you know, college credit.
  5903. > Shhhh he didn’t need to know that!
  5904. Any chance I could get some personal cheering behind the bleachers?
  5905. > Sorry Anon, we can’t cheer you on while you jack off. It’s in our contract.
  5906. *sigh* thanks mom.
  5907. > Oh don’t thank her, this was passed down by the lunar court.
  5908. Guess that also means I can’t fuck any of you.
  5909. > That was stipulation came from day court.
  5910. Of course it did.
  5911. > Okay! Fromthe top girls!
  5912. At least use your inside voices
  5914. @@@
  5917. "You're sure you want to do this?"
  5918. >"Uh-huh."
  5919. >The little Prince responds.
  5920. "But wouldn't the royal kitchen be a better choice? I could even ask Pinkie Pie to help us, you remember her right?"
  5921. >"No, I want to do this myself. But no pony let's me bake or cook in the kitchen at the castle."
  5922. >You are looking at his determination and sigh.
  5923. "Alright, but I'll be here to help and put it into the oven and take it out for you."
  5924. >"Okay!"
  5925. >He says grinning from ear to ear.
  5926. >Prince Anonymous, or just Anon as he likes you to call him, was over for his weekly schooling you devised for him.
  5927. >Today you gave him a test and you promised him that if he got a perfect score on it you would give him a prize of whatever he wanted.
  5928. >You were surprised when he wanted to bake a cake.
  5929. >Especially since you... admittedly were not the best at cooking.
  5930. >That's why you have Spike after all.
  5931. >You're just here to make sure he doesn't hurt and or kill himself.
  5933. >It's about time to pick Anon up from Twilight's.
  5934. >You teleport into her castle's main entrance where they normally meet you, but no pony is there.
  5935. >"Now just CAREFULLY put the top layer of icing on."
  5936. >What is this now?
  5937. >You follow the voices into her kitchen.
  5938. "Hello? Twilight? Anon?"
  5939. >"Mommy! I made you a cake!"
  5940. "Really? All by yourself?"
  5941. >"Well... more or less, yes."
  5942. >You look and see a cake that he obviously made himself... or Twilight is still as bad a cook without Spike as you remember.
  5943. "Why thank you Sunshine. Twilight, would you like to have some cake with us?"
  5944. >She let's out a sigh.
  5945. >"That sounds great Princess Celestia."
  5947. >Not allowed to bake or cook at home
  5948. >"Gosh, so ONE time the kitchen was full of coltlumbian nationals and cocaine and all of a sudden I'm never allowed to use the kitchen again?"
  5949. >"I mean, 1. I was clearly going to cut you in, mom-"
  5950. >'Anonymous.'
  5951. >"Hushing up now. L-Love you."
  5953. @@@
  5956. >Celestia is a single mother trying to get back into the dating scene
  5957. >she's mostly doing it for anon, after all, he needs a good strong father figure that he can look up to
  5958. >lil anon disagrees, he likes things the way they are
  5959. >just him, mommy, and auntie
  5960. >he doesn't need or want a daddy, some strange man coming into his home and stealing his mommy away from him
  5961. >anon proceeds to drive away every single man Celestia brings home by being as much a creepy little hell child as he can whenever her back is turned
  5962. >saying really creepy cryptic shit, like repeating numbers that turn out to be future dates, in a really disturbing monotone voice
  5963. >dismembering his toys and leaving them in strange positions that resemble some kind of satanic blood ritual
  5964. >drawing disturbing pictures featuring Celestia's boyfriends meeting really grizzly ends
  5965. >singing macabre songs in his cutesy little child voice
  5966. >every boyfriend bugs out cuz no MILF pussy is worth this shit
  5967. >Celestia cries and cuddles anon, and for a few weeks things are back to normal
  5968. >until Celestia decides to give it another go
  5970. ...
  5972. >Mom's date arrives at their house
  5973. >Is about to knock when the door opens
  5974. >"Hi, shyguy247."
  5975. >"Haha, you're right, I'm not PrincipalSingle111; that's my mother."
  5976. >"Anyway, let me tell you what's going to happen: Your date? You don't have one anymore."
  5977. >"No, I mean, the reservation for two is still there, you just physically have no date for it; you aren't taking my mother."
  5978. >"You aren't taking her out, you aren't taking her to your cheapass family restaurant, you aren't going to BS your way into her pants, and certainly not her heart, you aren't taking *shit*."
  5979. >"We clear?"
  5980. >"Super! Don't be late now, I hear Dennie's can only hold those booths for so long!"
  5981. >'Anonymous, sweetie, who was at the door?'
  5983. @@@
  5986. >Summer
  5987. >big sister
  5988. >cool popular girl at school, fun troublemaker who loves to pull pranks, much to mom's chagrin
  5989. >because of her popularity you are protected despite being something of an autist nerd
  5990. >not dumb just doesn't really apply herself at schoolwork, probably has dreams of going into music, uses you as a human cheat sheet in return for various favors
  5991. >very protective of you, this was great when you were little and you were convinced there was something living in your closet, but now that you're entering puberty it's just gotten annoying
  5992. >feels the need to vet every girl you interact with, if she doesn't like them then they just start staying away from you, end of story
  5993. >knows it's wrong to touch herself while sniffing your dirty clothes, but can't help herself
  5995. Cousin Artemis
  5996. >younger cousin, just entering puberty
  5997. >awkward and shy, doesn't have too many friends, but always lights up when around you
  5998. >you both share the same nerd interests
  5999. >you make her feel funny feelings she can't explain
  6001. ...
  6003. >"Summer, honey... we need to talk sweetie."
  6004. >Oh no, that can't be good.
  6005. "C-coming mom."
  6006. >Mom and Aunt Luna are sitting at the dining room table.
  6007. >This really can't be good now.
  6008. "Hey, what's- what's going on."
  6009. >"Summer, we've become... aware that you've been sniffing Anon's clothes."
  6010. >"Frequently."
  6011. >Oh god!
  6012. >You sit down and feel the color drain from your face.
  6013. >You honestly think you might faint right now.
  6014. >"Sweetie, it's okay. We still love you, but we are concerned."
  6015. >Mom says putting her hand on yours.
  6016. "God, I'm sorry mom."
  6017. >Tears start to form on your eyes.
  6018. >This is so embarrassing.
  6019. "It- it just smells so good! I couldn't help it. I'm so so sorry! I'm a freak!"
  6020. >"Oh honey, we're here for you. But please tell me, you haven't eaten any of them yet have you?"
  6021. >Wait what?
  6022. "W-what? Eaten... his clothes?"
  6023. >"No dear, the pods."
  6024. "The... pods?"
  6025. >"Tide pods sweetie. There's a trend where kids eat tide pods as a challenge and post it online."
  6026. >"We thought you were really enjoying the smell of freshly washed laundry recently and were trying to ease your way into trying to eat a pod."
  6027. >"You need to know it may smell nice, but it could kill you. That stuff is basically poison."
  6028. >You just stare at them.
  6029. >That's what this is about?
  6030. >Not that you're a pervert who wants her own brother, but tide pods?
  6031. "No, no mom. I haven't eaten any."
  6032. >Both of them sigh in relief.
  6033. >"Thank God! I was so worried about you."
  6034. >"Just please promise us that you will not try to eat any."
  6035. "I, I promise. Can I go back to my room?"
  6036. >"Of course. Thank you for being honest with us. We can always tell if you're lying to us."
  6037. >You get up and start walking back to your room.
  6038. >"Hey Summer, you okay?"
  6039. >Shit!
  6040. >Anon.
  6041. "H-hey bro."
  6042. >"You're looking really pale. You feeling okay?"
  6043. >He puts his hand on your forehead.
  6044. >"You're soaked in sweat! What's going on?"
  6045. "It's fine, it's fine. I just need to lay down for a bit."
  6046. >"Okay, but let me know if you need anything."
  6047. "How about, how about a hug?"
  6049. @@@
  6052. > my dear anonymous, I know your love for your mother is deep asthe ocean but cant you see my love for you. The mere sight of you makes my womanhood flutter. That brief tryst we shared at the gala the previous evening has been cemented in my mind and is my most cherished memoriy.If you were to only ask, I would drop to my knees again and pleasure you in every way you desire.Please, I Bed you, run away with me.In my country you’ll be treated much better I promise. You will know of no hardship. And I will satisfy you in anyway I possibly can be mine my darling anonymous. I will wait for you at the castle entrance until the morning.
  6054. >Love ( insert foreign royal female here)
  6056. What you reading mom?
  6057. > Oh never you mind Sunshine. Just some junk mail. Now get back to licking.
  6058. Mom I’ve been at this for hours. Aren’t you done yet?
  6059. > You’ll know when I’m done sweetheart. You’ll know
  6061. @@@
  6064. >"Hello, how may I-..Oh, Twilight, dear, please, not this early in the day..."
  6065. >"For the last time, Anonymous is NOT a Prince here."
  6067. ...
  6069. "He is not a prince here... yet."
  6070. >"What are you talking about?"
  6071. "Well, I just happen to be a trans dimensional princess. A fairly wealthy princess at that if I do say so myself. That was even before I found out how much humans value gold. In those standards, I could be one of the richest 'people' in the world."
  6072. >"I am very happy for you. But that still doesn't answer what you mean by 'yet.'"
  6073. "I only meant that he isn't a prince but that if he were to marry a princess, which I am, then he would be a prince. A very financially secure prince as well."
  6074. >"Twilight, it almost sounds like you want to buy my son."
  6075. "What? No. I would just make sure he is happy and wouldn't want for anything. And as the mother of the prince, you would also be taken care of by the crown as well."
  6076. >She sighs, but looks like she is at least listening.
  6077. >You take a gold bit from your pocket and place it on the desk.
  6078. "Equestria, which I'm one of the princesses of, has an almost infinite number of gold and gems at its disposal. And Anon could be a prince of it."
  6079. >"I don't care about money. I just want someone to make him happy."
  6080. "And I can. I just need the chance to prove it."
  6081. >"I can't force my son to go on a date or marry anyone. That is up to him to decide. Have you tried asking him yourself?"
  6082. "I could have done that? That would have saved so much time."
  6084. @@@
  6087. >"..I hope this works this time."
  6088. >"*Ahem* Princess, if you're seeing this; good. It's me, Sunset.."
  6089. >"I'm going on year 1,297 of limbo in this eternal high school dimension..I know I left Equestria under less than pleasant circumstances, but..I could really use your guid-"
  6090. >'..What the fuck? How did you get on my teamspeak?'
  6091. >"O-Oh my gosh, is somepony there?! Are you getting me?"
  6092. >'What the fuck...MOOOOM!...Momma, did you pay the internet this month?'
  6093. >[Yes, my sunshine. Celestia singsong's from the next room]
  6094. >'..Weak. I'll just reboot, I guess.'
  6095. >"Anonymous, is that you?! ANON, NO WAIT, DON'T UNPL-"*KSSSSSSHHHH*
  6096. >The screen goes snowy with static before darkening instantly
  6097. >'That's like the 10th time this week..the fuck is up with horse comcast..'
  6099. @@@
  6102. >"Fluttershy, dearest, hush, we'll be fine!"
  6103. >"Not only did we assist Rainbow with her ehh..studying, but we don't have to return these outfits until 5!"
  6104. >'..I-I'm not so sure impersonating the princesses is a good idea, though.'
  6105. >"Calm yourself, darling, I can assure with some light roleplaying we'll be in the clear and headed for the Prince's snuggle chambers."
  6106. >"It's fairly simple, really..all we'll have to do is..."
  6107. >A short while later
  6108. >'Princess Celestia' trots into the palace foyer
  6109. >" me..I also like cake and c-cake related items?"
  6110. "Ah, good morning your Majesty!" A guard quips
  6111. >The 'Princess' is soon followed by her 'Sister'
  6112. >'*Ahem*..ME THINKS THIS DAY TO BE ENTIRELY TOO BRIGHT..darling..'
  6113. "And to you as well, Princess Luna!" The same guard says
  6114. "I'll inform the Young Master of your arrival, he'll undoubtedly want to commence with the royal grooming immediately."
  6115. >[Dear Penthouse forums, darling...]
  6117. @@@
  6120. >"..And upon closer inspection, the big bad wolf realized he was not at all in a house of brick, but an oven made of bricks!"
  6121. >"His fate sealed as his porcine executioners heaped more kindling on the flames, it was only then did he realize the error of his ways..."
  6122. >"Thou shalt not be a blowhard!" Auntie exclaims and raspberry's Anon's belly
  6123. >Pulling away, she plants a chaste kiss on his forehead
  6124. >"We shall dream with your shortly, precious nephew."
  6125. >Twilight stands in the door way as Luna exits, trotting close behind her
  6126. >'..THAT was the Prince's bedtime story?!'
  6127. >"Yes, twas quite tame compared to the one about the ugly duckling whom exacted revenge on his tormentors."
  6128. >'How old is Anon anyway?'
  6129. >"Our Nephew is 7."
  6130. >'And he LIKES stories like that?'
  6131. >"Well..his first bedtime stories were actually instances in war and battle I recalled."
  6132. >"Oh it was so adorable..he'd put on his serious face and tell us he wanted to rip and tear like we."
  6134. ...
  6136. "You ever hear of the story of the mouse, the lion and the thorn?"
  6137. >The patrolling guard nods
  6138. "There you go then. In case you see that assassin again."
  6139. >The guard looks at you with a tilted head
  6140. >"You do know that story is about how the mouse becomes friends with the lion after he removes the thorn from the lions paw, correct?"
  6141. >You look back at him confused
  6142. "No it's not, the lion kills the mouse with the thorn."
  6143. >"Who told you that, Prince?"
  6144. "My aunt."
  6145. >He turns his gaze from you and nods
  6146. >"That actually explains a lot."
  6148. ...
  6150. "You ever hear of the story of the mouse, the lion and the thorn?"
  6151. >The patrolling guard nods
  6152. "There you go then. In case you see that assassin again."
  6153. >The guard looks at you with a tilted head
  6154. >"You do know that story is about how the mouse becomes friends with the lion after he removes the thorn from the lions paw, correct?"
  6155. >You look back at him confused
  6156. "No it's not, the lion kills the mouse with the thorn."
  6157. >"Who told you that, Prince?"
  6158. "My aunt."
  6159. >He turns his gaze from you and nods
  6160. >"That actually explains a lot."
  6162. @@@
  6165. >"Gentlemen, fellow mad scientists...and my handsome sunshine~"
  6166. >"I want to thank you all for being present for this most momentous occasion! The revealing of our top secret plans for world domination!"
  6167. >"While Preparations A thru F have been utter failures, I believe we can all feel good about Preparation H on the whole, an-"
  6168. >Anonymous doubles over in his chair, covering his mouth
  6169. >"..Anonymous, again, what is so funny everytime I say that?"
  6170. >'N-No, mom, I agree..Preparation H DOES feel good..on the 'hole'.'
  6171. >She shakes her head
  6172. >"You and your Aunt both, mister..coming down with the giggles everytime I'm trying to be serious.."
  6173. >'I'll uh *ahem* Ok, totally serious now, I got all the chuckles out. Please, continue, mom.'
  6174. >"Thank you. Now, the revealing of Preparation H is merely the beginning!"
  6175. >"In order to bring our plan to fruition, we shall require the right tool for the job.."
  6176. >"I present to you, The Applicator! The very weapon we will utilize for-"
  6177. >'Oh god, mom, you shaped it like a giant dick?'
  6178. >Mom huffs a sigh
  6179. >"Anonymous, really? The elongated barrel is for maximum range and the vein-, I mean tubes and wires on it are for the hydraulic and pneumatic workings."
  6180. >'And the ball-'
  6181. >"That's obviously where the machines fuel supply is. There's nothing suggestive about it at all, you and your Aunt just have dirty minds."
  6182. >Anon laughs before sighing
  6183. >'Alright, mom, I'm sold. It's clearly something you've invested a lot in and I'm glad to be a part of it.'
  6184. >Mom smiles and blows him a kiss from across the table
  6185. >"Thank you, Anonymous. Alright, bring in the protective cover for The Applicator."
  6186. >*RiiiP*
  6187. >'..Mom, tell me they aren't bringing in a giant fucking Durex to slide over that thing.'
  6189. @@@
  6192. >"T-There he ish! *hic* There's mommy's handsome designated driver and cuddle chauffeur~ *hic*"
  6193. >'Hi, mom, Twilight. Well c'mon, all ashore whats goin' ashore.'
  6194. >Twilight walks out of tavern no problem
  6195. >You're down one princess mom though
  6196. >Her hooves.exe clearly don't want to work
  6197. >"Anonymoussss carry mee I donwannamagicnstufff...ZzZzz.."
  6198. >'..Twilight, how much did she drink?'
  6199. "Uhh, heh, she had a shirley trottle, a few cups of tea_____, and she polished off a bottle of sparkling spring water."
  6200. >Anon looks at his mom in amazement
  6201. >'..That's my old lady; a real champ.'
  6202. >"Shweetie...hold my hoof..i'll get losht if you don't..ZzzZ..H-HUH WHAT? THAT'S MY CAKE, LUNA!...ZzzZ.."
  6203. >'I know, I know..Twilight would you put her in the backseat, please?'
  6204. "Aaaand done." Twilight quips
  6205. >'Nice, thanks. Welp', with her out like a light we should be able to get home without her making me stop for the greasiest possible fast food..'
  6206. >Anon hears a snort and a sniff from the backseat
  6207. >"Zzz..number 9 large..2 45's..Zzz.."
  6208. "..Oh horseapples now I'm hungry, too.."
  6209. >'Twiggles..'
  6211. @@@
  6214. >"Before I give the floor over to my son, I'm going to make some things very clear."
  6215. >"Don't romanticize his crimes. What Anonymous did was stupid, childish, and could've gotten him a lot more time than what he received."
  6216. >"Don't think he's giving you pointers to be more assertive or a 'badass'. This actually qualifies as fulfilling the terms of his community service and as such, he's here to warn of the ills and consequences his choices wrought."
  6217. >"Do not have prolonged eye contact with him. He's from an environment where this is a clear challenge to his authority. He's also on informal probation, so he may not think twice before acting on that challenge."
  6218. >'M-Mama..I'm RIGHT here c'mon-'
  6219. >"Anonymous, I'm still talking."
  6220. >"..Also, do not divulge any personal information to him or allow yourself to end up in his debt."
  6221. >She scans the room and notices a few nervous looks and jittery bodies
  6222. >"..If you've already done so, please speak up now, there'll be no disciplinary action taken; we only want to ensure your safety."
  6223. >She turns around to face Anon who's sitting at the teacher's desk behind her
  6224. >"Anonymous?"
  6225. >'..Search me, mother~'
  6226. >"I don't think that'll be necessary. Would one among you like to do me a favor and go to the office for Security Officer Bicep-"
  6227. >'NO! Jesus!...fine, here..'
  6228. >Anon empties his pockets of a couple cell phones and wallets
  6229. >"You might have gotten a hug, Anonymous, but your selfishness and will to do wrong have robbed you of that. How ironic."
  6230. >'Ahh you'll love me again as soon as you step out of the room' He says rolling his eyes
  6231. >"I'll turn the floor over to you now, son." She said patting his shoulder before walking to the back of the room
  6233. ...
  6235. >"..This wasn't what I meant when I said 'Clean up for court', Anonymous."
  6236. >Anon smiles
  6237. >" were always complaining about my hair"
  6239. @@@
  6242. >"So I heard Miss Spitfire is out today."
  6243. >"Yeah, but they must have found a sub because we still have class."
  6244. >"Wonder who it is."
  6245. >You don't say anything and keep walking.
  6246. >The school only has a few people who can sub in the same day.
  6247. >You just hope it isn't-
  6248. >"Alright everybody, let's all get into the pool!"
  6249. >Mom yells while blowing her whistle.
  6250. >Of course it's her.
  6251. >You don't mind her as a teacher and she's extremely knowledgeable of all subjects.
  6252. >The problem is that most guys just keep staring at her at best and talk about wanting to fuck her at worst.
  6253. >It doesn't help that she doesn't keep gym clothes in the office because she rarely subs for it.
  6254. >Which means she has to use a spare girl's uniform, and even the biggest uniform for a high schooler is too small for her.
  6255. >So now you get to see your mom in a high school swimsuit.
  6256. >There will be a therapy session regarding this later, you just know it.
  6257. >"Now class, as you may have already gathered, Miss Spitfire is out today so I will be covering her class today. Any questions? No? Good. We'll start with just getting warmed up and used to the water before we start some laps."
  6258. >She again blows her whistle.
  6259. >She also is scanning the students and sees you.
  6260. >Like she has since you've been a student and seen her in a professional setting, she blinks a little longer than normal at you.
  6261. >It was mom and Aunt Luna's way of saying hi to you at school without embarrassing you by drawing too much attention to yourselves.
  6262. >You still cant help but smile and slowly blink back in acknowledgement.
  6263. >"Hey Anon, think your mom would give me mouth to mouth if I pretend to drown?"
  6264. >Flash jokes.
  6265. "No, I think she'd just hope it was really happening and do the world a favor and let you drown."
  6267. @@@
  6270. >"Project Well Manicured Backyard is in effect.."
  6271. >"..T-Trajectory: aim for flowerbed; avoid roses."
  6272. >"Wind speed: unaccounted for."
  6273. >"Alright, 3 mississippi's.."
  6274. >"..1 mississippi..."
  6275. >"..2 mississippi.."
  6276. >"THR!-" Oh shit, it's his mom!
  6277. >Abort! Abort!
  6278. >Twilight hangs onto the swingset's chain as she's dragged back and forth before coming to a gentle grinding stop in the dirt
  6279. >Mom pokes her head over the fence
  6280. >'Twilight, dear, is everything alright? I heard a bit of a ruckus.'
  6281. >"Never better!" She chirps, trying to hide How To Win Over Boys and Spying For Dummies
  6283. @@@
  6286. >Anon then gets sent to Ponyville and has to free his aunt from an evil spell. He is then appointed to become the Prince of Friendship.
  6288. ...
  6290. >AU where Twilight went to Moondancer's get together instead
  6291. >Mom's a little disheartened her supposed protoge didn't think enough to even send a scroll
  6292. >Spies Anon
  6293. >"..Anonymous, would you like to try learning magic?"
  6295. ...
  6297. >"Magic's fuckin' raw."
  6298. >'Anonymous, while your abilities grow in leaps and bounds I think it's important that we start with your telepathic and telekinetic defenses.'
  6299. >'You wont always be able to solve problems or best a foe with your clairvoyance, speed, strength and other abilities.'
  6300. >'As you are now, you stand especially vulnerable to chaos and corruption magic.'
  6301. >"Mom, please, I can lift mountains with my little finger, I can go to the end of time and back; I HAVE PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWA-"
  6302. >Mom's horn lights up and zaps Anon
  6304. >'See? Now, your mental defenses are going to be a bit harder to enact, but once you get them down it'll be second nature.'
  6305. >"H-How did you-!..I ..I mean.."
  6306. >'Focus, Anonymous. You should definitely be able to sense a change within.'
  6308. >'Oh hush, the worst I would've done is made you sing 'itsy bitsy spider' or volunteer to lead a public tour of the palace.'
  6310. @@@
  6313. > ANON STOP IM SORRY !
  6318. ...
  6320. > ThoU should’ve put more effort into researching the costume sister. May-haps you could’ve avoided the my nephew’s resizing of your rectum~
  6321. Shouldn’t we help Ms.Luna?
  6322. > Neh light of Twi, our dear sister brought this fate upon herself. Besides, as one would avoid the sharks of a feeding frenzy, so should you avoid Anon once he begins his ministrations. Lest you wish to join her Celestia in her agony.
  6323. R-really?
  6324. > ‘Twas a rhetorical statement. Thou are not ready for such punishment
  6327. > But I got the costumes just right!
  6329. > R-really Anon?’
  6330. No Twilight, I’m gonna make you watch
  6332. @@@
  6335. > *Sniff* Nephew. Our Dear sister is having one of her semi-Millennia crisis again and declared herself queen. She locked me in my tower until I admit I stole some random thing I didn’t even know she owns. She then took my throne and put it in storage, AGAIN. Pray, stay with me awhile. It’s so lonely up here.
  6337. ...
  6339. All right I’ll go talk to her Aunt Luna. She’s just mad because her Sunny D screwdrivers weren’t a big hit at the party last night.
  6340. > But you were drinking them all night
  6341. Yea because they were freaking delicious! But I guess no one appreciated them enough so bam,Day breaker.
  6342. > Its just not fair Anon. When I pulled this after everyone forgot my birthday 200 years ago I was immediately hit with the elementals of harmony. Why is no one zapping her?!
  6343. Probably because purple spreg doesn’t want to be seen as a traitor. Just relax this’ll blow over in about a Millennium. And besides, I DID come see you that day. We went to the movies and saw Scanners remember?
  6344. > Yes That was quite an evening. Oh Newphew, you always know what to say.
  6345. Who’s my moo pie?
  6346. > *giggle* me!
  6347. That’s my Auntie, just relax and I’ll be back after I have a chat with mom ok?
  6348. > Ah! Bring some Moonpies when you return. I fear leaving the tower may cause Celestia anger.
  6350. ...
  6352. Hey! MOM!
  6353. > Hmmm?
  6354. Down here!
  6355. > Ahhh my Handsome Son has returned to me once more~
  6356. Mom I’m gonna need to to focus on me.
  6357. > But sweetie you are always in my sights~
  6358. Without glassing the Foxtrot’s Mansion.
  6359. > Oh boo! Begrudge your mother at little fun. That home was an eyesore on the Cantorlot landscape and you know it.
  6360. Yes Foxttrot the 3rd’s pension for Postmodernist textual reframing was a bit hard on the eye at times but we need to have a talk.
  6361. > About what sunshine? Oh, have you decided to take a bride? I hear Twilight is very fertile~
  6362. Yeah about as fertile as a dumpster fire
  6363. > What was that?
  6364. Nothing, OK look mom I know you enjoy glassing those who sleight you but please. Luna is getting worried and frankly… I am as well
  6365. > But I thought you loved my rampaging.
  6366. I do, it’s freaking awesome. But not at the expense of Luna’s happiness.
  6367. > But what about my happiness?
  6368. Mom I know this is a about sunny delight screwdrivers.
  6369. >They were supposed to usher in a new age of libation!
  6370. And they will! It’s just that the commoner is not ready for your...elegant tastes.
  6371. > Perhaps you’re right but we will have to continue this conversation another time. I spy one of the nobles who poured my drink into a nearby plant at the party.
  6372. At least try to not glass the entire block this time!
  6373. > *mwah* No promises sweetie.
  6375. ...
  6377. > So she has decided to persist?
  6378. I’m afraid so Auntie.
  6379. > Ow! carful Anon, my feet are sensitive from my regalia.
  6380. Oh sorry.
  6381. >So what are we going to do now?
  6382. Well we can’t leave her alone. Otherwise by the time she calms down it won’t be a kingdom left the rule.
  6383. > And it seems as though my dear sister was quite literal when she says I could not leave the tower.
  6384. Meaning?
  6385. > Every time Open my bedroom door it there is quite literally a brick wall in place of a hallway.
  6386. Really?
  6387. >And it appears it only affects me as I’ve seen you and the servants phase through it.
  6388. Have you tried leaving through the balcony?
  6389. >Alas, whenever I expand my wings my body seems to feel 100 times heavier.
  6390. So she’s thought of everything. I’m guessing teleporting is right out as well?
  6391. > Yes.
  6392. Well at least you could languish in comfort.
  6393. > The one silver lining in all of this.
  6394. I guess it couldn’t hurt to take another crack at mother.
  6395. > It has been five years already, has it not?
  6396. Five years, Three months, four days, 13 hours, and six minutes exactly.
  6397. > So what exactly is she doing now?
  6398. Well I made it offhand comment on how much I love chicken so she’s currently attempting to forcibly Annex Griffin-stone
  6399. > Honestly, she couldn’t simply by a few slaves?
  6400. You know how she is when she gets a thought in her head.
  6401. > Well can’t say those hooked nose birds didn’t have it coming
  6402. Aunt Luna!
  6403. > I wouldn’t be saying it if it wasn’t true.
  6404. Attempted Economical sabotage aside. I suppose I should return to mother. Otherwise she’ll start to wonder where I am.
  6405. >Very well nephew, return soon.
  6407. @@@
  6410. >You are sitting in your livingroom playing video games with Sunset.
  6411. >She's got that stream so you'd think she was tired of games, but she loves them.
  6412. >She was interested when you told her about your old games your mom and aunt had when they were younger and gave to you.
  6413. >You were playing level or die rules while playing and it was your turn to play, which gave her plenty of time to look at your collection.
  6414. >"I can't believe you have some of these, let alone what good condition they're in. You have NES games with the box and the instructions to them. Do you know how much these are worth?"
  6415. "I know that Mega Man and Bubble Bobble 2 are a few hundred each."
  6416. >"This entire collection is a few grand in just the NES stuff. And they just gave them to you?"
  6417. "Yeah, they knew I wasn't going to turn them in and sell them. Okay, I hit the warp pipe, your turn."
  6418. >You pause the game and hand the controller over to her.
  6419. >She starts it up and you hear the door to your mom's room open.
  6420. >"Well, what do you think?"
  6421. >You both look up to see her walk into the livingroom in a princess dress and crown.
  6423. >Mom chuckles into her hand.
  6424. >"Thank you Miss Shimmer, but just Principal Celestia will do."
  6425. >She jokes.
  6426. "You look good mom."
  6427. >"Thank you sunshine. I got it and a few other things from the Halloween store. The entire store is at least half off."
  6428. >She does a few twirls and poses so you can see how it fits on her.
  6429. >"I think I pull it off well enough. Sunset does too it seems."
  6430. >Pointing to your friend whose jaw is still hung open.
  6431. >"You two keep playing, I'm going to go change into another one and see how it fits. Luna might be coming in too to show off her haul."
  6432. "Okay mom."
  6433. >You look over at Sunset who just watched her leave and sits there for a minute.
  6434. "Hey you okay?"
  6435. >"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. Just thinking about something."
  6436. "Okay."
  6437. >She continues to just sit there.
  6438. "You know its still your turn right?"
  6440. >"What? Oh, I'm sorry. Here you can take my turn, I'm kinda lost in thought."
  6441. "What about? Did you want to be a princess for Halloween? We can probably hit the store and see what they have left."
  6442. >"No- but actually that does sound fun. I was thinking about home. My real home in Equestria."
  6443. >You heard some stories from her before and some of the girls after all the incidents that have happened at the school, but not a lot of details.
  6444. >"In my world, your mother is a princess. A real princess. Like castle and servants and everything."
  6445. "Wow, that sounds cool. So is my grandma queen? Is it like the royal family here? Where is she the princess, like a little kingdom or something?"
  6446. >"Actually... she's the Princess of Equestria, like ALL of Equestria... the whole world. She raises the sun and controls the very heavens themselves. As for your grandma, was her name Faust?"
  6447. >You nod.
  6448. >"Unfortunately most of her stories have been lost to time, but she was known as 'The Creator' in what little texts remain."
  6449. >That is a lot to take in.
  6450. "So what about Aunt Luna and me?"
  6451. >"Well... Princess Luna was... away when I left and came here. But Princess Twilight said she returned while I was away and she has taken over her duties again as Peincess of the Night and Stars."
  6452. "That sounds cool."
  6453. >"And as for you..."
  6454. >She looks a little apprehensive.
  6455. >"I never heard of your counterpart there."
  6456. >Your face deflates at the news.
  6457. "Oh, okay. Would have been nice to be a prince, but that's cool with everything else anyway."
  6458. >You'd be lying if you said you weren't bummed.
  6459. >She must realize this and puts a hand on your shoulder.
  6460. >"Would... would you want to see it?"
  6461. "What do you mean?"
  6462. >"I can take you there. I just need to write Princess Twilight and let her know to get the portal ready and we could go."
  6463. >You smile despite yourself.
  6464. "What about my mom and Aunt Luna?"
  6465. >She thinks for a moment.
  6466. >"Well, would they want to come too?"
  6467. "Really? Can they do that?"
  6469. >"I don't see why not. Rainbow and Twilight went over with me. The three of you should be fine."
  6470. >This really sounds amazing.
  6471. >You wish you knew about this over summer vacation so they didn't have to worry about school and work.
  6472. "Well let's see if they want to go first, but I would love to myself."
  6473. >"Great! I'll write Princess Twilight when I get home and see when things work for everyone."
  6475. @@@
  6478. > *kzzt* General Anon, This is Shimmer I’ve reached the infiltration point.*kzzt*
  6479. *Kzzt*Good work Shimmer, I see age hasn’t slowed you down.*kzzt*
  6480. >*kzzt* I’m still in my 20s sir *kzzt*
  6481. *kzzt* Nevertheless let’s get down to business. Approximately 48 hours ago we were contacted by a Yakistani Engineer wishing to the defect. Her name is Yona Go Cavitch and claims to have Intel on the Yak’s military maneuvers and top-secret blueprints on a weapon they are developing. She gave us the coordinates of the compound where said weapon as well as she is housed As a show of good faith but will only tell us everything if we get her out of there.Your mission, is to infiltrate the compound, ascertain the Legitimacy Of her claims, and if true; secure her escape.*kzzt*
  6482. >*kzzt* got it *kzzt*
  6483. *kzzt* Bear in mind Shimmer this is a black ops omega level mission. So you will be operating solo, if you are captured there will be no rescue. No one knows you’re there and Equestria will disavow you if you fail.*kzzt*
  6484. > *kzzt* Omega? Does Twilight even know we’re here? *Kzzt*
  6485. *kzzt* No, she doesn’t know. Twilight and I do not see Eye to eye. So while she’s trying to foster peace with the Yaks we’re going to get as much Intel that we can on them while the region is destabilized. So you see why you can’t fail as it will look terribly on her as well as Equestria.*kzzt*
  6486. > * kzzt* Yes sir *kzzt*
  6487. *kzzt* From this moment forward We will be using codenames. From now on you will refer to me as Incognito.*kzzt*
  6488. > *kzzt* And my name sir*kzzt*
  6489. *kzzt*.......Nude Sun.......*kzzt*
  6490. > * kzzt* Got it, Nude Sun commencing operation Sun Screen NOW *kzzt*
  6492. @@@
  6495. >"..Alright..*ahem* log: day three thousa-..oh, I don't even know anymore."
  6496. >"I'm broadcasting from my cabin here in eternal summer camp hell, please, PLEASE, if anyone..or anypony picks this up, please for the love of Celestia, get. Me. Out of here."
  6497. >[Meanwhile in a very posh living room in a very nice palace in a very horsey universe..]
  6498. >'Hey, Shiny, McFlurry, hold on a sec, I think I'm getting a video message; you guys chill in the spawn for a sec.'
  6499. >"A-ANON?!"
  6500. >'Do I know you? How'd you get my xbolt account?'
  6501. >"Anonymous, please, you have to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say. I need you to get the princess and tell her Sunset-"
  6502. >'Ok, which one, my mom, my aunt, peetzer, or purple dork?'
  6503. >"W-What? How many are there now?"
  6504. >'Well me personally I only choose to recognize my mom, aunt and cousin...I think Twilight just 'identifies' as a Princess.'
  6505. >"Well just please get me one of them now!"
  6506. >'Uhhh, yeah maybe, I'm kind of about to start a match now and my team is killin' at Colt of Duty, I'll leave a message for my mom though.'
  6508. >'Alright I'm back. McFlurry, put your proximity mines outside those two doors; Shiny, hold your smoke until I say go..'
  6510. @@@
  6513. >"..Is that the Royal Chariot out there?"
  6514. >"It is, I believe Her Highness and the Young Master are returning from their day out."
  6515. >"Hmm..He certainly looks excite-..wait, is he clawing at the windows?"
  6516. >" they stopped for spicy thai hayfries..that always gives her gas."
  6517. >As the chariot lands, Anon falls out the door and begins immediately gasping for fresh air
  6519. >Mom follows close behind, stepping over him with a little git in her step
  6520. >'Oh, hush, it wasn't thaat bad..such a drama king.'
  6522. >'*Urp*..Ooh..s-sweetheart, get mommy the pepto..I don't think that 7 layer enchirito is through with me..'
  6524. @@@
  6527. >"Ma, watch.."
  6528. >Anon reaches through the kitchen doorway into the dining room and jingles the keys hanging on the wall
  6530. >Sun Sun initially reacts with a curious head tilt before yawning and lying back down
  6531. >"SUN SUN, THEY'RE GOING TO GET ME AND MA!" Anon says pretending to get dragged into the next room
  6532. >[Sun Sun groan]
  6533. >He shakes his head "Alright, mom, keep watching.."
  6534. >"..Sun Sun, they're getting your food."
  6535. >[GRRRRRRRRRR]
  6538. >Anon laughs before getting down on her level and hugging her
  6539. >"Haha, it's ok, I got it all back, you big goof."
  6541. @@@
  6544. ”Uhhh. Auntie?”
  6545. >”I’ve told you, Anon. Just call me Luna.”
  6546. “Uh... I need you to help me. It’s Celestia, she... wants to see me.”
  6547. >”Oh. Well, yes, I know my sister has a proclivity to be a little strict, but there’s nothing to be afraid of. Just grin and bear it.”
  6548. “You don’t understand, moonhorse. She’s... well... let’s just say her stomach isn’t on her side today. Holy mom, I could hear her from halfway across the castle.”
  6549. >”Believe me, Anon. I’ve had to deal with that side of her far longer than you. Just take your telling off and be done with i-“
  6550. “She ate dairy.”
  6551. >Luna’s confidence is shattered in that moment.
  6552. >Her face falls, eyes widening to twice the size.
  6553. >”Oh, dear.”
  6554. “Yeah.”
  6555. >”I’m sorry, Anon. I really am.”
  6556. >”THERE you are! We need to have a little talk, mister!”
  6557. “Wait! No!”
  6558. >It’s too late, though; despite your best efforts mom pulls you away from Luna’s room with a powerful tug of magic.
  6559. >Luna gives you one parting look that suggests she’s truly sorry for what you’re about to endure.
  6560. >There’s nothing she can do, though. There’s nothing anyone can do.
  6561. >The guards have probably all evacuated the castle by now. If they have any sense, that is.
  6563. >”Now!”
  6564. >Celestia slams and locks the door to your room behind you.
  6565. >You quickly notice the window is also bolted shut.
  6566. >Of course it fucking is.
  6567. >”I am not a happy pony, Anon.”
  6568. >You can see she’s fidgeting in place, sat on your bed; it’s the demeanour she always adopts when she’s got stomach problems.
  6569. >She leans over to one side, moving all of her weight to just one ass cheek, and without a shred of hesitation lets a loud trumpet-like fart sound off.
  6570. >She settles back into place with a sigh.
  6571. “Mooom. C’mon! That’s disgusting!”
  6572. >”Excuse me. Mommy’s just experiencing a little tummy trouble. I think that cheesecake is coming back to bite me in the-“
  6573. >*frrrrpt*
  6574. >”Rump.”
  6575. “M-Maybe you shouldn’t eat it, then?”
  6576. >”I’m allowed a treat once in a while, am I not? In fact, after finding what I found in your room today, Anon, I felt so ashamed I went and treated myself to a double jalapeño cheese burrito!”
  6577. >Oh, no...
  6578. >”...and I was STILL feeling so ashamed that I followed it up with another!”
  6579. >Her body rocks forward again, brow furrowed and eyes rolling back as she strains out another audibly wet expulsion.
  6580. >She uses her hoof to waft the air away from her flanks but you feel this isn’t going to do much.
  6581. >” want to know what I found?”
  6582. “Uh... okay?”
  6583. >”This!”
  6584. >She brings forward the rubber synthetic horsepussy you thought you’d hidden discreetly under your bed.
  6585. >”Don’t you even try to worm your way out of it, dear. I gave it a taste so I know it’s yours!”
  6586. >You can barely pay attention. You’re too worried about the thick cloud of fart-gas heading your way.
  6587. >For a moment you consider holding your breath, but it would be an utterly fruitless attempt.
  6588. “Could we, Uh, maybe open the window?”
  6589. >She cocks her head.
  6590. >”Why? It’s not too warm in here, is it?”
  6592. @@@
  6595. >So today has been weird.
  6596. >Like 11 of 10 weird.
  6597. >Your childhood friend showed up at school out of the blue, or you think it's her anyway.
  6598. >It looks like her, it sounds like, it sure as hell is awkward as her.
  6599. >She even has a little purple dog for fucks sake.
  6600. >But she doesn't wear glasses or remember you.
  6601. >Your mom she remembers, so your already low self esteem took a hit there.
  6602. >Mom thought you should keep an eye on her while she tried to call Uncle Night and Aunt Velvet.
  6603. >You even tried calling Twilight's cell phone but it went to voicemail.
  6604. >"This stuff is amazing! All the information at the push of a hoof!"
  6605. >She says typing away at the keyboard.
  6606. >Spike bumps into her leg, she looks down and he wiggles his paw at her.
  6607. >"Oh, right! Hand, not hoof. That's better."
  6608. >As you said, weird fucking day.
  6609. >You don't know how things could get weirder, unless this turns out to not be Twilight and Spike and it's some alien doppelganger or something.
  6610. >"These clothes feel so weird. I want to just take them off."
  6611. >She says lifting her skirt and-
  6612. >Those are her panties!
  6613. >You quickly turn away from her, feeling your face flush with what you saw.
  6614. >The day just keeps getting weirder.
  6616. >Just what has gotten into Twilight?!
  6617. >You just saw her flash your son in the other room.
  6618. >It's like she got hit in the head.
  6619. >Or more like she's going to get a hit on the head.
  6620. >You always hoped they would get together, but this new attitude of hers...
  6622. @@@
  6625. > You know Sunshine, when you forced me, kicking and screaming into retirement I thought Cantorlot would fall into ruin without my leadership. But I haven’t heard a peep for the last six months.
  6627. *Distant screams*
  6629. Uuuhhh yea totally mom. I told you.
  6630. > Well you were right. With my only responsibility is being to raise and lower the sun now, I have so much more time to just enjoy the scenery around me and spend time with my big man.
  6632. *Distant explosions*
  6633. > What was that?
  6634. Probably just a truck backfiring mom relax.
  6635. > mmm you’re right. I guess dealing with all of Equestria’s woes have left me a little skittish.
  6636. Yep yep that exactly.
  6638. *A firetruck on fire flies by*
  6639. > Ok that was NOT normal. I’m going to go check on things
  6640. Mom NO, lay back down. Whatever that was is not your issue anymore. You’re retired.
  6641. > But sunshine. Surely I can at least pop by the Castle and check the map.
  6642. Nope.
  6643. >But I live there!
  6644. And I’m not letting go home right now! You need to enjoy your free time!
  6645. > But-
  6646. Mom if I have to tie your wings and ring your horn and drag you on a boat that I will sail out to the middle of the biggest lake in Equestria to get you to stay put I will.
  6647. >Oh you want to have THAT kind of fun with mommy? Shall I start calling you Oedipus?~
  6648. Mom I swear
  6649. > Ok sweetie I’ll stop teasing. But that boat ride DOES seem like fun.
  6650. Great we’ll stay on the lake all weekend.
  6651. > What fun! Lets stop by the shops for supplies.
  6652. Uhh let go to the ones by the lake
  6653. *Distant building collapses*
  6656. @@@
  6659. > Greeting Prince Anonymous. Isn’t this years gala just wonderful?
  6660. Ok, what’s your game Twilight?
  6661. > Pardon?
  6662. You’re acting weird. I’ve never seen you speak this eloquently before. So out with it. Because I already told you I’m not interested.
  6663. > Oh, well yes I can see how my new demeanor might be a little offputting to you. But I can assure you my prince that I have matured sand moved on from the Juvenile infatuation on my youth.
  6664. O-oh?
  6665. > yes, after your numerous rejections, restraining orders, and the time you tied me up and shipped me to the badlands I begin to look in word and discovered my affections for you a were little more than a schoolyard crush. And after self reflection I was able to move past it.
  6666. I....see
  6667. > Yes I do apologize for all the discomfort I caused you and hope that we may move forward in a more civilized manner.
  6668. Y-yea
  6669. > Well, I won’t keep you. I’m sure there are other dignitaries that need your attention.
  6670. N-no ther-
  6671. > If you will excuse me.
  6672. ... Wow. I guess she really has moved on.
  6674. > Who has moved on Sunshine?
  6675. GAH MOM!
  6676. > Oh sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.
  6677. It’s cool it’s just… Twilight seems so different now
  6678. > Yes it would appear my most faithful student has finally come into her own since ascending to Alicorn status.
  6679. Yea
  6680. > Something wrong Sunshine?
  6681. Well she’s not chasing me anymore and begging for a date. She didn’t even smell like bugs and shame. Twilight actually smelled… Really good.
  6682. > Oh is my little man finally coming around a little too late?
  6683. I wouldn’t say all that mom. It’s just that she spent so much time chasing me. And now that she’s not it feels weird, and wrong
  6684. > Wrong?
  6685. I don’t know I think I better go talk to her.
  6687. @@@
  6690. Mom, c'mon, that snuggie needs to go in the laundry, it's been almost 2 weeks
  6691. >"Anonymous; my son of simple mind, THIS is who I am now *squawk*!"
  6692. I knew this retirement thing was a dumb idea.-Mom, no, you're 'roosting' on your damn throne, not in Philomena's cage.
  6693. >"Then how will I get food and water?"
  6694. Oh I really don't like where this is headed..probably going to have to put newspaper on the floor everywhere..
  6695. >"Anonymous, my molt has begun."
  6696. >[immediate incineration]
  6697. >Mom's now a pile of ashes, a crown and some hoofslippers
  6698. Not again damnit..
  6699. >You get the dust buster and start collecting mom
  6700. ..So, for the time being, as a pile of ashes, mom..did you want googly eyes or sunglasses?
  6701. >"..Sunglasses, please..and tell the maids my throne is not 'dusty', it's me and not to vacuum me up."
  6703. @@@
  6706. >"..Goddamn kids on the fuckin' lawn..stupid 'holiday'.."
  6708. >"Look, we're proud followers of Celestianism in this household, so we're really not interested in any reading material."
  6709. >'Dad, that's Twilight and Spike.'
  6710. >"Well, hi that's Twilight and Spike, I'm dad."
  6711. >"Ha HAAA!.."
  6712. >'Just..just come in you guys, I'll tell my mom you're here.'
  6713. >" guys wanna see something cool?"
  6714. >'My mom says don't encourage him..'
  6715. >"Awww get a load of General NoFun..he used to love my 'infinite fire wall-shadow'."
  6716. >'-Now it just throws his equilibrium off and gives him motion sickness.'
  6717. >"I AIN'T OLD, MAN!"
  6718. >'I know, dad, I, you want me to put on Columbo while I take them to mom?'
  6719. >"Yeah and turn down the thermostat, I'm not paying to heat the whole block over here.."
  6721. @@@
  6724. >"Cuauhtenonymous, my son, what have you brought me this day?"
  6725. >'Treasures, for she who treasures me, of course.'
  6726. >The Aztec Prince places a tray of bracelets and rings at his mother's throne
  6727. >Many are strewn with human bones and teeth
  6728. >'Treasures forged from the bones and armor of the cumskin invaders, mother.'
  6729. >"My sunshine~ My very reason for drawing breath..they'll look wonderful on me."
  6730. >She begins to put them on her hands and fingers
  6731. >"No, mother." He says caressing her leg
  6732. >"They aren't for your hands and fingers."
  6733. >"My wonderful god sent son; do you wish to begin your worship of the royal extremities so early in the day?~"
  6735. @@@
  6738. >"You're suspending this mornings mass, Your Holiness?"
  6739. >'..Do we really need one *every* morning, Monsignor Flash?'
  6740. >"My Heavenly Mother truly is a forgiving God, is she not?"
  6741. >"Would she not want the people to enjoy their day, free from potential worry? I mean basically everythings a sin.."
  6742. >"You enjoying that lobster tail? Gluttony. You'd like to sleep in? Sloth. I could go on forever with this stuff."
  6743. >'Y-You must give SOME sort of word or address to the people this morning, they've already filled the plaza!'
  6744. >"Worry not, I am, if anything, a Pope very much capable of improvising."
  6745. >Pope Nonymous I walks out onto the veranda to give his blessing to the crowd
  6746. >"Mass is suspended this morning, my children; instead My Heavenly Mother is keeping in stride with the times and implementing new measures for her word to reach the people in a manner they're more used to."
  6747. >Pope Nonymous I throws some west side signs and folds his arms
  6748. >"Stay litty and be woke to one another. Party on dudes."
  6749. >The crowd roars with applause
  6750. >[St. Zyzz pose]
  6751. >"What'd I tell you, Monsignor Flash? You worry too mu-"
  6752. >["Pope Nonymous I, report to the office of Her In The Highest."]
  6753. >"Oh goddamnit.."
  6754. >["NOW."]
  6756. @@@
  6759. > mYou’re not allowed to go visit your aunt Chrysalis this anymore
  6761. >Chrysalis was awkward as a high schooler, into goth and nerd stuff she never really fit in with any group or klique.
  6762. >The only people she hung out with apart from her parents was Luna who she gamed with, both table top and the video kind, and her sister Celestia who while popular in school still took time for Luna and her nerdy friend's interests.
  6763. >The only other interaction she had with others was the lingering looks she got because of her large chest.
  6764. >She made the mistake of putting out for the first few guys who showed interest in her, only for them to dump her after they got in her pants.
  6765. >Her high school life got worse because she was now also labeled as being easy.
  6766. >The only ones who didn't shunt her more were Celestia and Luna, which strengthened her bond with them so that she saw them as family.
  6767. >She turned bitter and cold to everyone else as a defense mechanism to all others.
  6768. >They went to college together and she grew out of her awkward braces and achne phase, turned into an easy 9 or 10 and everyone wanted to get with her on campus.
  6769. >She ignored them knowing they were only after her for her body and because they thought she was hot.
  6770. >She wanted to stay with her friends who were with her the whole time and accepted her as she was.
  6771. >She became an acting and theater teacher at Canterlot High so she could be closer to her friends too.
  6772. >The only male she isn't cold to is Anon, who like his family, knows and accepts her as she truly is and she doesn't need to put on a fake face for him.
  6773. >They get together at least once a week to play games or just hang out.
  6774. >She overheard him defending her to a group of students who were commenting about her and what they would like to do to her.
  6775. >She loves him more than anything and would do anything for him.
  6777. @@@
  6780. >You are woken up by the sound of metal hitting metal.
  6781. >It didn't help that your room was the closed to the basement where the exercise equipment is.
  6782. >Tossing on a fuzzy pair of pajama pants you head down the stairs.
  6783. >You see your aunt loading up weights to one of the machines.
  6784. >"Oh nightsong, I didn't mean to wake you."
  6785. "You didn't, but the weights did."
  6786. >"Sorry."
  6787. "So why are you exercising now? I thought you and mom did that at the school gym after school."
  6788. >"Not enough students and teachers were using the program. So we are limiting it to once a week. But we still like to work out once every day or so."
  6789. >Footsteps are heard coming down the stairs.
  6790. >"Well good morning sunshine. Are you going to be joining us this morning?"
  6791. >You didn't plan on it.
  6792. >You just wanted to stay in bed and sleep a little more before bed.
  6793. >It isn't even 6 am yet.
  6794. >But they have been trying hard to stay in shape and could use some encouragement.
  6795. "Yeah, maybe just this time."
  6797. ...
  6803. @@@
  6806. >"Celestia, my esteemed former pupil!"
  6807. >'Master Starswirl, so glad you could make it.'
  6808. >"Ha, as if I'd pass on the chance to further the education of Equestria's best and brightest. Now where is this new student?"
  6809. >'He'll be down momentarily, my son wanted to make a good impression when I told him who'd be his teacher.'
  6810. >"Y-Your son? You have a son?! A-And I'M to instruct him in the arts and applications of magic?!"
  6811. >'Oh you're almost as excited as he is, wonderful!'
  6812. "Hello, mother. Master Jedi."
  6813. >Anonymous descends down the stairs in jedi robes with a wrapping-paper tube lightsaber
  6814. >'There's my enthused little padawan~'
  6815. "..I-I'm going to get a real lightsaber when I show I can be responsible with the dummy one, right mom?"
  6816. >'Yes, my sunshine.'
  6817. >"Celestia, is this some kind of ruse?"
  6818. "I can assure you this is no joke, Master Jedi. I'm deathly serious about mastering the force and shit."
  6819. >"CELESTIA."
  6820. >'Well I'll be showing myself out now as it looks like there's a lot for you two to cover, good luck!'
  6822. @@@
  6825. "It's fine if you want to look at my regalia, I'll be getting them back shortly anyway."
  6826. >"I don't think you realise the situation you're in. We're going to need to research and investigate these, and you for some time."
  6827. >He proceeds to place your crown in a box and close the lid.
  6828. >While he does that and the other is reading your tail with some machine.
  6829. >You move your head from side to side trying to find Anon.
  6830. >You tracked him to this dimension when he disappeared, which is probably where he came from judging on how they all look.
  6831. >There he is!
  6832. "Well, this has been an entertaining diversion but I really must be going now."
  6833. >"As I said earlier, you are NOT going anywhere."
  6834. "And as I said, I really must be going. And I'm taking my things back with me."
  6835. >With a thought you teleport your regalia out of the containers they placed them into and back onto yourself.
  6836. >They seem legitimately surprised and check the boxes, only to find them empty.
  6837. >The looks on their faces.
  6838. >If you had more time you would enjoy playing pranks on them.
  6839. >But for now you have more important things to do.
  6840. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find my son. He must be very scared to have been separated from me this long. I do hope he was treated well."
  6841. >You take flight, leaving them stunned beneath you as you fly.
  6842. >Somepony aims their arm at you, but before they cam do whatever they are planning you teleport away and closer to Anon.
  6844. @@@
  6847. >You already walked around the castle, almost all the staff has been sent home.
  6848. >Just mom, Aunt Luna and yourself mainly.
  6849. >You were able to use enough funds to allow ponies to stay inside without worrying about loosing their jobs or businesses.
  6850. >Financal security is important, but you need to male sure their mental health is talen care of too.
  6851. >Turns out ponies are very, VERY, social creatures.
  6852. >Most families and herds were alright.
  6853. >But Mom and Aunt Luna needed more than just the three of you.
  6854. >Walking into her study you see her at her desk.
  6855. >"And they all lived... happily... every... after."
  6856. >You notice a lot of balloons around with names you recognize attached to them.
  6857. "Mom?"
  6858. >"Oh sunshine! There you are! Look Twilight, Anon is here. Look Anon, Twilight is here."
  6859. >She says looking from you to the purple balloon.
  6860. >And she got the balloons out, and is writing friend-fiction.
  6861. "Hey mom, I was about to get dinner started. How about you come with me to the kitchen and we can find something for us all to eat."
  6862. >"Enough for all of us?"
  6863. >She gestures to her room of "friends" that are floating.
  6864. "I was thinking just the family for now. Spike said he would get Twilight and the rest something at her castle. Next time though."
  6865. >"Alright. I'll be back then."
  6866. >Her and Aunt Luna just need some interaction every few hours or else they get a little... you know.
  6867. >Least it isn't as bad as when Aunt Luna took all the plants inside and dressed them us as guards and the animals as nobels.
  6868. >Though you did have a hard time telling most of the animals behavior apart from that of a traditional Canterlot nobel.
  6870. @@@
  6873. >grab turbo and ram my cock down her throat, causing her gag but pushing through her reflex almost making her want to throw up.
  6874. Repeatedly face fuck her not giving her a chance to get air in.
  6875. “Heh...try... not to... choke on your... aspirations there..?”
  6876. >you tease as you pick up pace with your thrusts.
  6877. >long have you known twilight wanted to have you. Long has she aspired to be your girlfriend.
  6878. >you’re getting close but twilights going blue in the face.
  6879. >she’s been slapping her hand against your thigh for a bit now but she’s slamming them harder. She must be tapping out.
  6880. >you pull still hard, and she hunches forward coughing and taking in as much air as she can.
  6881. >she looks up at you with tears in her eyes, and a look of anger and resentment, or perhaps it’s disappointment she couldn’t make you finish.
  6882. “Bad form sparkle.” You say moving away from her towards mom, but not breaking eye contact.
  6883. >you caress your mother’s cheek down to her chin; lifting it up. Mom knows the cue and locks eyes with twilight.
  6884. >she smirks and licks her lips before slowly swallowing your member.
  6885. >slowly you disappear in her mouth, mom doesn’t even react anymore when she reaches your base.
  6886. >twilight just stares in amazement, realising she’s a failure, and has much to learn.
  6887. >then you feel it, moms signature move; with you balls deep, she opens her mouth a little more and her tongue begins to massage your balls.
  6888. “Aaaaah yeah mom, that’s it. Paying attention sparkle?!”
  6889. >she just nods quietly taking it all in.
  6890. >mom begins to work your rod, not taking her eyes off the purple girl.
  6891. >twilight, wanting to learn crawls closer and tries to suckle on your balls but mom stops her, wagging her finger at her.
  6892. >in no time at all you’re ready to burst “mmmm mom i’m about to-“
  6893. >she pulls off you and asks “so twilight, do you think you deserve this?”
  6894. >twilight nods quickly.
  6895. >mom’s hand strokes you slowly as she contemplates sharing the prize.
  6897. >”p-please, even just a taste, I w-want it.”
  6898. >mom looks up at you, thinking.
  6899. >she sucks your tip, again not breaking eyes with twilight.
  6900. >she runs her tongue around your head, flicking your tip and bringing you to orgasm.
  6901. >she plunged down to your base again as you cum. Audibly swallowing your first shot while watching twi’s reaction.
  6902. >whilst you’re still shooting off, she moved back to your tip, milking the rest of you with her hand into her mouth.
  6903. >she finally lets go if you when you shiver from over stimulation.
  6906. >twilight just sits there disappointed, she wanted it but knew she had no claim to the prize, so looks away in shame.
  6907. >mom cups her cheek and as she looks up at her mom mashed her lips with twi’s, tonguing her with your cum flowing into the girls mouth.
  6908. >you watch the hot pash as mom continues to slide globs of your spunk into the nerds mouth, and her pushing it back into moms mouth.
  6909. > after a minute of exchanges, their combined saliva has thickened it up nicely, and Celestia opens her mouth to show you.
  6910. > she kneel above twilight before taking her face with both hands, positioning her just under hand. Twilight instinctively opens her mouth wide.
  6911. >mom lets half your cum drip into twilights mouth, and motions her towards you.
  6912. >before you, both open their mouths wide to show you before they both swallow.
  6913. >mom swallows it all in one gulp while twilight takes a few to get it all down.
  6914. >they open their mouths again to show its all gone.
  6915. >”my son, do you think she deserves a second chance? Or should I expel her?”
  6916. >looking at twilight, who has a pleading look on her face, you stroke your chin in thought.
  6917. “Did you like that taste sparkle?” She nods
  6918. “Good, savour it because your punishment will be 6 months of watching me fucking everyone EXCEPT you.”
  6919. >twilight lowers her head, but nods.
  6920. >”I... I understand. T-thank you for not ex-expelling me.”
  6922. @@@
  6925. >Take Sunset up on the offer of visiting her world with humans like you.
  6926. >You stay human as you walk through the mirror but mom, aunt Luna and anyone else changes from oiny into human.
  6927. >You just keep looking at mom, so that's what she looks like as a human.
  6928. >She looks at you and hugs you.
  6929. >It feels different than it usually does
  6930. >Not better or worse, just different.
  6931. >Find Sunset and her friends, who are human versions of the elements of harmony.
  6932. >Also another woman comes out and looks a lot like, no she looks exactly like mom.
  6933. >She looks at mom and then to you.
  6934. >Sunset looks a little worried and starts to explain things to her.
  6936. ...
  6938. >Exchange Son summer program
  6939. >Human!Anon: "Huh...a world with magic? Neat."
  6940. >PrinceOfEquestria!Anon: "...B-Boobs.."
  6942. ...
  6944. >You stare at the large mirror before you.
  6945. >It seemed odd, crazy even.
  6946. >An entire world of thing like you?
  6947. >That is of course if what Sunset said was true.
  6948. "So there are things like me through there?"
  6949. >"People. And yes, there are people like you there."
  6950. >You look hesitantly at the portal.
  6951. >"I'll go first your highness. Just to show you it's safe."
  6952. >The fire haired unicorn says and walks through the mirror.
  6953. >Twilight also steps forward.
  6954. >"I've been there myself several times. This is perfectly safe and we'll be right with you."
  6955. >Your mother also places a wing on your shoulder.
  6956. >"I'm nervous too. It'll be my first time through in a very long while. I wonder how that world has changed."
  6957. >You take a deep breath and walk towards the mirror.
  6958. >The closer you get the more the glass looks like water.
  6959. >You hold your breath and walk into it while closing your eyes.
  6960. >Even then, you can tell a very bright light is all around you.
  6961. >In less than a second you feel your foot land on solid ground.
  6962. >You open your eyes as you feel your balance shift.
  6963. >Must be from the portal, your head is spinning a little.
  6964. >A hand grabs your arm to steady you.
  6965. >A hand!?
  6966. >You look at it and follow up to a person with fire colored hair smiling at you.
  6967. >"Careful there Prince Anonymous, those portals can give you a case of the wobbles something fierce."
  6968. >You hear a weird noise and see a purple person walk through the mirror.
  6969. >Or at this point a statue it seems.
  6970. >"Hey Twilight, nice to see you as a human again."
  6971. "Twilight?"
  6972. >She looks at you and she looks you up and down.
  6973. >"Anon, you don't look like you changed at all."
  6974. "Should I have?"
  6975. >The portal makes another noise and out walks a taller person with flowing celestial mane.
  6976. "Mom..."
  6977. >You say shocked.
  6979. @@@
  6982. > Ywn be forcibly ridden by a tomboy that’s stronger than you.
  6984. > Fuck you’re big, where you been keeping this hog you slut. Probably wanted to fuck my teammates huh? Maybe my friends too? Pfft probably, especially Rarity. She’d jump at the chance to bang the principal’s brat. Too bad, I’m claiming this v-card AND the title. Mmmfffgh, so fucking thick. I might get addicted to this. You liked that huh? This tight cunt taking your meat on daily basis. Heh, shake your head all you want, your cock has been throbbing inside me for some time now. Maybe you want to cum? Probably, couldn’t blame you though. I don’t let just anyone pound this cunt. Matter of fact your the first. Well, first guy anyway. Don’t you feel special? First guy to slam the top athlete of Cantorlot High. Mmm did you hips just buck? I knew you’d give in. Go ahead, thrust your hip up more. I’m not gonna move till you do. Mmmmm, exactly. You know this dick is mine now. Yea, keep rocking like that you slut. I knew you liked it. You’ll never feel a grip on your cock this good again. Oh f-f-f-fuckkkk maybe this isn’t your first time. Almost makes wanna let go of your wrists. Maybe I will. Let you grab my hips and really slam it hard. Or maybe you’d flip me over? Take some revenge on me for forcing you? I can put my legs behind my head you know? Oh f-fgod! That twitch almost made me cum you bastard. Keep doing that I may just become strictly dicky. No more chicks for me. Just bounce on this cock whenever I need to get off. Speaking of bouncing I gotta wrap this up stud. Practice starts soon. Go get ready. I’m about to make that dick explode
  6986. ...
  6988. >"Feckless girl, doesn't she know anything sent via the school's wi-fi is screened by an admin?"
  6989. >"..Yeugh..a veritable cornucopia of run-on sentences and awful punctuation, and these descriptions, does she only know of sex from korean flipbooks?"
  6990. >"..'The penis that killed a waterbuffalo in his home country!'..Indeed."
  6991. >"Sister, I know you are upset about this but in the larger scheme of things, they are just the misguided ramblings of a horny teenage gi-, no, gun down, now."
  6992. >'Luna I'll be using the silencer and it'll take place off school grounds.'
  6993. >"Sister, no."
  6995. @@@
  6998. >Neigh Orleans, a port city in southern Equestria, early 1700's
  6999. >Plague from the old world brought by settler and sailor alike ravages the town as it's unsanitary conditions only quicken the spread
  7000. >Anonyme' Soleil Lioncourt, a young nobleman, pushes open the gates of a crumbling estate
  7001. >"A-Allo! You there!"
  7002. >A woman waves frantically from the homes doorway
  7003. >"Monsieur! M-Monsieur, are you the doctor I have sent for? Please, my sister, s-she needs help urgently."
  7004. >Anonyme' nods and offers a gentle smile as he puts a hand on her shoulder and begins towards the home's entrance with the multicolor-haired woman
  7005. >'Oui, Madame, I am this aforementioned medical professional you ave' sent need only invite me into your home and I will administer my treatment to your ill sister.'
  7006. >"Yes of course, f-forgive my manners, I am Celestia Sainte-Ciels..please, come in."
  7007. >His eyes light up and his smile widens as he steps over the threshold
  7008. >'Now, the patient?'
  7009. >"My sister, Luna is in the next room, if you'll please follow me."
  7010. >'But of course, Madame Celestia.'
  7011. >Fangs bared, he follows close behind
  7012. >Someone once told him "It's easy to live forever, what's not easy is living with yourself forever."
  7013. >These two women of a certain age should be fine life companions, he hopes.
  7014. >It's quite the package, in his eyes; a meal and two beautiful women..
  7015. >All this muddy and dirty slave and whore blood does not constitute a healthy diet for the immortal young man on the go
  7016. >Perhaps..'maman' and 'tata' are skilled cooks, he thinks..
  7018. just an idea til I realized I don't know any french and it'd be bothersome if it were inconsistent
  7020. @@@
  7023. > Anon has always lived in the lap of luxury thanks to his moms status and influence.
  7024. >This has made him an entitled prick. So to teach him some humility and responsibility Celestia gives her son an entry level job at her company.
  7025. >She also makes him take the bus an train to work.
  7026. > “Until you can prove to me you can survive without me you’ll get no more money!”
  7027. > So here Anon is, on a crowded train on his way to his first day at work.
  7028. > However some of his new coworkers have spotted him and the wheels of conspiracy have already begun to turn.
  7029. > How will our brave hero claw his way up the corporate ladder?
  7030. > Will he be able to withstand the hungry eyes of his coworkers looking for status and the unknown environment of office politics?
  7032. What do you guys think of the premise? I think it has promise
  7034. ...
  7036. >“ This is complete crap” Anon thought to himself as he stood in front of the massive skyscraper that was the HQ of Equestria Industries.
  7037. > He scratched at his itchy suit he had to dig out of his closet. Uncomfortable with the fact that he has now one of the common rabble.
  7038. > How could his mother do this to him?
  7039. > Surely he wasn’t as bad as she made it seem.
  7040. > I mean yea, he wrecked his Lambo for the 3rd time but hey! That deer had it coming!
  7041. > “ It is unseemly to scratch one’s self in public. Are you a monkey?” A voice said from behind.
  7042. > Anon whirled around only to be met with the harden glare of Ms.Harshwhinny.
  7043. > Her purple suit an Karen haircut seemed to glow in the morning light.
  7044. > He tried to return her glare but her stare seemed to cut him down, making feel smaller than he already did
  7045. > “ Honestly, if you can’t make yourself look presentable for your mothers sake you may as well go home” Harshwhinny snapped.
  7046. > Before Anon could retort she had him by the throat. Adjusting tie and straightening his collar with a practiced hand.
  7047. > “ There, now you look good enough to be denied an interview.” She quipped.
  7048. > The audacity of this woman! Doesn’t she know who he is?!
  7050. > But before he could tell this walking headache where she could stuff it a long black limo pulls up in front of them both.
  7051. > Out steps Celestia herself accompanied by her Luna who seemed to be preoccupied with a phone call.
  7052. > “Mom thank god tell give this cunt her walking papers! She extremely rude doesn’t seem to know her better.” Anon barked.
  7053. > However his complaint was seemingly ignored by his mother as she an Harshwhinny carried on in pleasantries.
  7054. > Anon began to raise his voice but was quickly cut off.
  7055. > “ Young man! That is not way to speak to or about your superior! This is your first so I’ll let it slide this once. But one more remark like that and your out! Understood?! Celestia shouted at Anon.
  7056. > Anon was stunned, dumbfounded. His mother had never spoken to him like that before.
  7057. > He turn to Luna for support but she merely turned her nose up and turned her back to continue her conversation.
  7058. > His eyes returned to Celestia’s only to be meet with a stern, unflinching glare.
  7059. > Anon dropped his head in defeat, not knowing what else to do.
  7060. > “ Pick your head up! Are you a child being scolded?! Is that how you respond to reprimand?! Ms.Celestia I reallly don’t think this is going to work. I think I’ll have to find another, more competent employee.” Harshwhinny said with a huff.
  7061. >“ No no let’s give him chance. After all he hasn’t even entered the building yet.” Celestia responds.
  7062. >
  7064. @@@
  7067. >Anon & Luna speak only in game references
  7068. >"Nephew, all your base are belongeth to us."
  7070. >Mom just looks on shaking her head
  7071. "I knew I should've gotten an actual sitter for him instead of leaving the job to another child.."
  7072. >'From downtown!.....No good!'
  7074. ...
  7076. >boomanon and luna spend more time on the sega then flurry
  7077. >someone made the mistake of putting sonic 3 in
  7078. >they're both going full retard in the vs mode
  7079. >luna's out for motherfucking _blood_ on the time attack scores
  7080. >anon decides it's time to change games, before half of equestria gets an earful of "ye royal canterlot voice" about beating your time scores, scaring the shit out of flurry
  7081. >pulls out the saturn
  7082. >"Anonymous, I've not finished thoroughly thrashing your scores on the-
  7083. >sees nights into dreams
  7084. >eyes go wide
  7085. >knees weak
  7086. >she scoops up flurry, cuddling her in her chest fluff, and curls up in front of the screen
  7087. >"the cpu's have been doubled" she whispers, as she loads a fresh save file.
  7088. >luna's status as a 90s weeb remains firm.
  7090. @@@
  7093. >You are Sunset, sitting with tour gal pals at the mall.
  7094. >Twilights been going on this rant about Celestia's son for a while.
  7095. >Turns out they were childhood friends... and that this Celestia has a son.
  7096. >"So after all of us agree to go to the movies, I'll need each of you to discreetly say that something has come up and you need to cancel for this Friday night. This will make what was supposed to be a group evening at the movies and dinner tjay was not a date will become a date night with Anon and myself!"
  7097. >Turns out she's had a crush on him for years and has been the only guy apart from her immediate family she cam talk to.
  7098. "Twilight, don't you think you're overthinking this a bit?"
  7099. >"What do you mean?"
  7100. >"Darling, I think she has a point. Have you just tried talking with him about how you feel?"
  7101. >"Honesty is tje best policy in my opinion sugercube."
  7102. >"What!? Nonononono- I could never do that. What if he says no or that he doesn't like me like that? It would ruin what we have! He's my oldest amd best friend that isn't family or you girls. If he doesn't like me then what will happen to us? No! The best thing is to ease him into a situation where it's like a date and gage his reaction."
  7103. "But... didn't you spend the day at his house last weekend? Just the two of you?"
  7104. >"Yeah, you even told us his principal Celestia was out with vice principal Luna. You had the house to yourselves!"
  7105. >"And?"
  7106. >"That was a date just the two of you!"
  7107. >"That y wasn't a date, it was just friends hanging out. We just watched movies together on the couch and ate snacks."
  7108. "Sure sounds like a date to me."
  7110. @@@
  7113. >Young Anon gets hurt either by running in the castle, not watching where he's going, or other childish things. Celestia sees him hurt and questions how well a Castle is to raise a child in and starts baby proofing everything in sight.
  7115. >A foreign dignitary who either is ignorant of Anon's existence or never bothered to learn about the royal family visits the castle. Is nice to Celestia and possibly even Luna, but is rude to all others when they are not around. This mainly happens to the staff until Anon witnesses it and confronts them about how the staff is being treated. Without knowing who Anon is, the dignitary insults him until either Anon identifies himself or Celestia comes by.
  7117. >Young Anon was all ready for a camping trip or some even in the garden with Celestia. Celestia agreed previous and either got the dates wrong or forgot there was a heavy rain scheduled for that time. As Anon is ready to go it becomes clear the plans need to be cancelled. Celestia decides to have whatever was planned happen inside the castle for him as a way to try and make it up to him.
  7119. >A royal pillow fight is under way and that means magically launched pillows are flying through the castle halls, ambushes from around corners and even elaborate traps. All in the castle are welcome to attend and participate.
  7121. >Anon invites the orphanage to attend the grand galloping gala as his guests. As the children run wild at the party and or just being little kids, nobles witness the scene and make a point to very loudly complain about it without knowing the prince wanted to make sure the kids got a little happiness.
  7123. >Anon wanting to see what it's like to not be treated like royalty all the time convinces Twilight to cast a spell on him so he is either transformed, becomes invisible, or is just unrecognizable. He walks with her and is discovers what life is like when you aren't the crown prince of the land.
  7125. @@@
  7128. >Celestia's adopts Anon to settle some political affairs with the nobles, and too uses him as a pawn
  7129. >Anon and Celestia spend time together
  7130. >She has to maintain a public image of a loving mother, after all
  7131. >She learns about Anon and shares a few carefully selected details about her life in return
  7132. >Prods her sister to give Anon nightmares once or twice a week to encourage him to agree to her offers to sleep in her bed that night; an offer made and accepted loudly in front of a pair of particularly gossipy guardmares
  7133. >Anon's only lived with her for a month and already everyone in Canterlot knows how much Celestia cares for her beloved son
  7134. >Now the nobles will fuck off about her having an heir for when she never dies before he does
  7135. >All according to ching-chong word for plan
  7136. >...until it all backfires one morning
  7137. >Celestia wakes up to a familiar weight cuddling into her chest
  7138. >Half-asleep and operating on instinct alone, Celestia wraps her wings around Anon and pulls him deeper into her safe embrace and then leans down to nuzzle his head
  7139. >Goes so far as to begin grooming his hair with her mouth before she wakes up just enough to realize what she's doing
  7140. >Dawning realization that her feelings for Anon have gone from careful pretending to absolutely genuine
  7142. @@@
  7145. >You love mom but you know you're a pawn in a bigger game.
  7146. >It's her face.
  7147. >in public outings and around nobles she's the most wonderful mom.
  7148. >But she always has this face.
  7149. >A look that even twilight just passes off
  7150. >You see it though.
  7151. >It's how she just stares at you in silence
  7152. >only to turn away not wanting to be caught.
  7153. >But you're going to change that she won't hide anymore.
  7154. >Catching her outside of the throne room.
  7155. >It's a rare opportunity and with so many ponies here you'll take your chances.
  7156. "Hey,um mom do you want to have lunch with me and Luna later."
  7157. >A glimpse of a glare that froze your blood
  7158. >Her face before was so tranquil like in deep sleep
  7159. >"I'm sorry anonymous but I'm busy maybe some other time."
  7160. 'With that she gone, probably back to the throne room.'
  7161. >Left alone your mind wonders, with that idea shot down you don't know any other ways to get her willingly going.
  7162. >only reasonable thing to do is bother Luna.
  7163. >As you reach her room the guards faces instantly light up as they see you.
  7164. >"hello prince anon, lemme guess you've come to visit and give us leave.
  7165. "Yes and no sorry my dudes."moving past them to the door.
  7166. >You gently open the door
  7167. >her room was a deep purple color and the bed was empty.
  7168. >And her couch her balcony door was open, so you quietly tipped over to the door.
  7169. >On her balcony she turns to you.
  7170. >and she looks terrible
  7171. "Christ you're normally not up this early."
  7172. >she grunts and moves to the couch clearly annoyed.
  7173. >"What did she say is she coming or not?"
  7174. 'Oh heck oh frick'
  7175. "She said maybe next time so that was better than normal."
  7176. >"ugh forget it lets just go don't worry kiddo I'll talk to her later."
  7178. @@@
  7181. >School has been weird for a while.
  7182. >Which in turn has been making mom's and your life more difficult.
  7183. >Turns out Sunset is a magical horse girl and turned into a demon who almost destroyed the school.
  7184. >And the Twilight that helped stop her and turned her good was not your childhood friend.
  7185. >The lack of glasses kinda gave it away since she wasn't bumping into things and you know for a fact she refuses to use contacts.
  7186. >She has this thing about touching her eyes to out them in.
  7187. >She doesn't even like putting eye drops in her eyes.
  7188. >Then there were those singers who tried to take over the school and not Twilight helped again.
  7189. >And now you have the Friendship Games happening.
  7190. >The Twilight you know came off the bus and you got to hang out with her and Cadance for a while which was always fun.
  7191. >But then... well more magic happened you guess, because Twilight is flying right now.
  7192. >She just told off and magiced her teacher and she just turned to you.
  7193. >She floats down to the ground and hovers just above it, staring at you.
  7194. >You try thinking of all the things you may have done to her that she is holding over tour head she could be pissed about.
  7195. >You really don't want to get blasted with magic.
  7196. >"You know Anon, I've been studying and devoting all my time to school for years. Even when we were younger and you tried to get me to hang out. I always wanted to study."
  7197. >She says without any hint of emotion.
  7198. >"You asked me every day and I always said the same thing, 'not today, I'm busy studying.' Then you asked me almost every day. Then every weekend. Then every other weekend. Until one day, you just stopped asking at all."
  7199. >The entire school yard is eerily quiet.
  7201. >"I dedicated every moment to school and what did it get me? Scorn and ridicule from everyone at my prestigious school. I was mocked relentlessly by staff and students alike. The only time I felt happy or safe from that was when our families hung out together. You never made me feel that way. You, Aunt Celestia, and Aunt Luna were always kind and welcoming to me... unlike them."
  7202. >She says glaring at her schoolmates.
  7203. >"I realise now what a complete and utter fool I was for ignoring you and thinking I should only live for academics. I know now that I was always missing something, and you were always trying to give it to me despite my blindness to it. If you're still willing... do you... do you want to hang out this weekend?"
  7204. >She asks you looking hopeful at you.
  7205. >You remember asking to hang out all the time, and how you got tired of her rejecting you all the time.
  7206. >You finally stopped out of frustration.
  7207. >Even mom knew how frustrated you were.
  7208. >Aunt Velvet always apologized for Twilight and thanked me for asking her evertime.
  7209. >Things are different now, but maybe you could try again.
  7210. "Sure Twilight. That sounds great."
  7211. >She smiles and tears are forming in her eyes.
  7212. >She leans in and hugs you.
  7213. >"Thank you..."
  7214. >You hear her say while sniffiling.
  7215. >"Thank you."
  7216. >You see the magic around her fade and she turns back to how you remember her looking.
  7217. >You just hold her as she cries into your shoulder.
  7218. >She's been holding all this in for a while it seems.
  7220. >You are Celestia.
  7221. >Twilight went kinda crazy there but talking with Anon seemed to help.
  7222. >You were too far away and couldn't hear everything.
  7223. >But it looks like he helped calm her down.
  7224. >She is hugging him now.
  7225. >Maybe if you play your cards right your son might finally get a girlfriend.
  7226. >You can't help but smile at the thought.
  7227. >"So does this mean we don't need to do amything?"
  7228. >You overhear Sunset and her friends say to eachother.
  7230. @@@
  7233. "So Miss Raven told me I have some interesting items on my itinerary today. You wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that would you mom?"
  7234. >"'Interesting?' Now sunshine, when was the last time I did anything interesting."
  7235. "So you wouldn't have had anything to do with scheduling Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash all to come to the castle for a congratulatory dinner with the Prince of Equestria as a special thanks for saving the world several times over?"
  7236. >"Don't you want to thank them properly for saving everypony?"
  7237. "I do, and have. But they haven't saved the world recently. Well, not within the last week or anything."
  7238. >"It is still nice to thank them properly."
  7239. "Uh-huh, and the restaurant we are set to dine at has been reserved fully so it will be only the seven of us."
  7240. >"We don't want autograph seekers to interrupt your meal."
  7241. "Very considerate. And the fact that it is the most romantic restaurant in Canterlot has nothing to do with anything?"
  7242. >"They were the only ones willing to accommodate such a request."
  7243. "And this also has nothing to do with the specialty meal of the restaurant has been known to give mares 'Heat like' symptoms?"
  7244. >"Does it? Hiw does a place like that stay in business?"
  7245. "And this recent order allowing herding to allow up to seven?"
  7246. >"Just a coincidence. Those poor couples looking to add more love to their lives and find happiness."
  7247. "Mom, just tell me what's going on."
  7248. >You see her nervously fidget from goof to hoof, silently debating if she should talk.
  7249. >You know that look.
  7250. >It's the same as when she ate half your birthday cake when you were 10.
  7251. >"Alright! Fine!"
  7252. >She finally relents.
  7253. >"They are decorated heroes and the most eligible bachelorettes in the land, even if they have their quirks they can't get a stallion to be intrested in them and you get along so well with all of them. Foreign dignitaries are practically demanding to have their children betrothed to you. And I would love some grandfoals!"
  7255. @@@
  7258. > Sup sexy, I see you’re here without your escort.
  7259. > Sweetheart don’t speak to Duchess Fleur-de-lis like that. You know how she gets when you use those honied words of yours.
  7260. > Iiiits quite aright my Princess. I know the prince’s propensity for wooing the women of court and I assure you I won’t fall for such flattery.
  7261. Again.
  7262. > Prince Anonymous please, The whispers that will begin due to your loose tongue
  7263. You weren’t complaining when this loose tongue was thrashing about deep inside your —
  7265. > I beg your pardon sir! Prince anonymous surely you don’t think it’s appropriate to speak to a lady in such a manner?
  7266. Beat it blue Toupee. Unless you wish for me to embrace your mistress again.
  7267. > Such insult! Princess Celestia surely you will not allow him to address me with such vulgarity!
  7269. > I’m sorry but this is clearly a dispute between gentleman and I will not interfere.
  7271. @@@
  7274. >As a Prince, Anon has many suitors
  7275. >most of whom are only interested in the status and wealth he would confer to them
  7276. >some of whom even plan to have other lovers due to antipathy towards his human form
  7277. >even the nicer mares are at least largely motivated by a desire to be a Princess
  7278. >Anon is incredibly cautious around mares because of this
  7279. >but then he meets her
  7280. >specifically when she bumped into him and apologized profusely
  7281. >the guards were ready to arrest her
  7282. >he called them off and had a good laugh over it
  7283. >she offered him a muffin as thanks
  7284. >both of them were blushing profusely the whole time
  7285. >it was quite literally love at first sight
  7286. >but would Canterlot accept this cross eyed commoner into the upper echelons of Nobility?
  7288. @@@
  7291. "Celestia really I'm fine. I feel much better than yesterday really. I bet i could run a Marathon."
  7292. >You flash Celestia your best smile but it doesn't look like she's buying it, a bead of sweat trickles down your forehead
  7293. >The large and imposing alicorn gives you an inquisitive look before trotting up close and placing a large wing to your forehead
  7294. >"hmmm Anonymous you wouldn't be lying to me would you?
  7295. "What me? N-"
  7296. >You turn from the princess and cough roughly into the sheets, it feels like you're getting a wire brush pulled through your throat
  7297. >Gasping and coughing you slowly gain your composure, sweating harder as your eyes burn
  7298. "Never. I'd never lie."
  7299. >You're screwed, Celestia has kept you in a guilded cage since you came down with a fever
  7300. >The fear was you had caught a pony virus that could be mutating inside of you
  7301. >Celestia was the only pony able to visit you and she has been rather odd since you got sick
  7302. >Not like the royal mare you first met but more loving and gentle, she must be really worried about you
  7303. >"Really Anonymous I don't know why you're so eager to leave. You have everything you could want here at your finger tips. Is it me, am I being too much?"
  7304. >The ruler of Equestria frowns, looking like a filly that just got all her candy stolen
  7305. "N-no you have been great really i just...isnt this all a bit much? I don't really think i deserve all of this."
  7306. >"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself Anonymous, you are a guest in my fair lands and I will do the upmost to care for you er provide you with the best care at my disposal."
  7307. >She flushes just a little but it stands out on her white face, you try to enjoy seeing such a powerful pony look rather sheepish but your coughing starts up once more
  7308. >You reach for a cup of water on the night stand but a heavy hoof presses you back down
  7309. >"Please, allow me. I don't want you to strain yourself."
  7310. >She floats the glass to you as her soft feathery wing caresses and slowly tilts your head up, bringing the cool glass to your lips
  7311. >Drinking too deeply some spills over onto your night shirt, Celestia giggles and takes the cup from your lips and gently dabs the water from your cheek
  7312. >"Rather greedy arn't you little one?"
  7313. "I'm not little I'm a fully grown human I was just really thirsty is all. I can drink my own water thank you."
  7314. >She gently pats your chest as her wing lays you back down
  7315. >Your attempt at saving face only seemed to make her giggle more
  7316. >"Forgive me for laughing Anonymous, I'm sure you're very mature. When you're as old as I even somepony one hundred years old is rather like a child to me. Some times I can't help but see my little ponies more as my children."
  7317. >Celestia's smile melts your heart a little as she looks down at you, it makes you feel odd rather small but at the same time like you're the only person in the world
  7319. @@@
  7322. >You hate going to the beach.
  7323. >You don't mind the heat, sun, sand, or dirty fish water.
  7324. >You just can't stand tour mom and aunt getting constantly hit on by horny-
  7325. >"Hey ladies, how bout you come over here and have a good time?"
  7326. "How about you go fuck yourself!"
  7327. >"Sunshine, as much as I love when you defend our honor, why don't you lay down on the towel and I can get your back."
  7328. "Alright, i don't want to end up with a burn like Aunt Luna."
  7329. >"Tia, did you bring the SPF 150?"
  7330. >"Yes Luna. It's in the bag."
  7331. >"You mean the one in the sun?"
  7332. >You look and see the bag barely in the sun a foot away from the umbrella shade.
  7333. "I think you'll live."
  7334. >"Nightsong, my favorite nephew, can you be a dear and get your Aunty Luna's sunscreen for her."
  7335. >A passing guy checks her put as he passes.
  7336. >"Hey baby, I'll put some lotion on you if you'd like."
  7337. "Hey assh-"
  7338. >"Please, I can tale care of this myself. Now get fucked you welp and leave us alone!"
  7339. >You love your family.
  7341. @@@
  7344. >you are currently reading a book on the balcony of Canterlot castle
  7345. >it's somewhere between Daring Do and Bonfire of the Vaneighties in terms of fanciness
  7346. >anyways you're having a lovely time when suddenly you feel yourself lifted out of the beach chair which was perfectly positioned to flex your superiority over the peasants
  7347. >your mom gave you and your aunt such a hard time about using that word
  7348. >your skin had a slight tingling sensation to it, as your vision began to be clouded by a blur of blue and yellow magic
  7349. >yep, this could only mean one thing
  7350. >before you could even put down your book you feel yourself yanked up even higher and flung backwards at Mach 4
  7351. >up one of the stairways
  7352. >through the kitchen
  7353. >and up through a vent that lead into the armory
  7354. >you couldn't see very well but you knew where you could just tell where you were going and who had you in their grasp
  7355. >with a final even more violent tug you are sucked into a darkened room with the doors violently slamming in front of you
  7356. >your body slows down as you are gently lowered down into a pile of pillows and blankets with two sleepy forms looking at you with tired half lidded smiles
  7357. >"Sunshine there you are!"
  7358. >trills your horse mom as she levitates you underneath one of her wings
  7359. >"Dost thou think we could commence our nap without thee Nephew?"
  7360. >she scooches up to you putting her head on top of yours as her tuft mashes against you
  7361. >Celestia begins wiggling cutely giving a few wing flaps before you are soon covered in kisses
  7362. >and ushered off to sleep by their warmth and the slow rhythmic beating of their hearts.
  7364. @@@
  7367. >You are Anon, fresh off a diplomatic trip to the Crystal Empire.
  7368. >Visting your cousin is always fun, but there is no place like home.
  7369. >You just want to go back to your room and collapse into bed.
  7370. >But you should stop by to see your mother before you pass out to let her know you're back.
  7371. >There are no staff walking the halls and you see only the minimum amount of guards.
  7372. >And you're pretty sure you hear a baby crying.
  7373. >"Prince Anonymous! Thank the sun it's you!"
  7374. >A tired and disheveled Miss Raven spots you as she walks from the kitchen bottles?
  7375. "Miss Raven, what's happening?"
  7376. >"No time to explain! Much easier to see it."
  7377. >She gets behind youa and pushes you towards your mother's room.
  7378. >The crying noise gets louder as you get closer and you can tell it's a baby.
  7379. >You also hear more than one baby crying now.
  7380. >The door opens and you see your mother, also looking worn out, but with some foals at her feet.
  7381. >Wait a minute, those foals look familiar.
  7382. >Oh no!
  7383. >"What is it now- oh Sunshine, it's you."
  7384. >She says with a smile.
  7385. "Mom, what's going on? And is that-"
  7386. >"Yes, it's Twilight, Aunt Luna, and Rarity. And as for what is going on, it seems Twilight's student wanted to show off a new time spell she was working on."
  7387. "And judging by thos or went as well as all her others did. Okay, how can I help?"
  7388. >"Sunshine, I know you just got back bit can you watch them and give us a break for a few minutes? Raven and I have been at this for hours."
  7389. "And where is the one who caused this now?"
  7390. >"In the library, trying to piece together a counterspell."
  7391. >Miss Raven answers.
  7392. "Okay, I'll take over for a bit. You two catch a break."
  7393. >You say trying to mask your own fatigue.
  7394. >"Oh thank you! We'll just be a few minutes."
  7395. >She says with happiness in her eyes as the two leave the room.
  7396. >You quickly make a pillow fort for Luna, who quickly stops crying and crawls inside, tale off your coat and place it in front of Rarity which she picks up and starts to play with, and pick up Twilight and start rocking her in your arms.
  7397. >Each thing seems to stop their own reason for crying.
  7398. >Aunt Luna just wanted a quiet dark place to be, Rarity still likes clothes, and Twilight... just wants to be held by you.
  7399. >She smiles and seems content in your arms.
  7400. >You hope she doesn't ever this when she gets bigger or this becomes a thing for her.
  7402. @@@
  7405. >Be Celestia, you are eating your breakfast while Luna is busy giving your son Anon his daily mash carrots. He really loves those.
  7406. Sayest ah dearest nephew
  7407. >You see little Anon oblige her request with a squeaky. ""Bwaaaaaah"".
  7408. >By Faust that's cute.
  7409. Good boy
  7410. >Luna says as encouragement. Smiling to yourself, you go back to finishing your breakfast and start reading the newspaper.
  7411. >A couple minutes passes, your sister is busying herself with Anon until....
  7412. >Silence
  7413. >Concern by her sudden stop you take your eyes off the paper to see her face in a shock state, mouth agape. You can hear little Anon giggling from what he thinks is his aunts ""funny face""
  7414. >Moving from your chair you get closer to see what's going on. You get to your sister and follow her eyes. You finally understand what got her so shocked.
  7415. >The tip of young Anon's nose,
  7417. >was orange.
  7419. @@@
  7422. >Be Princess Flurry heart, a few months ago you were captured by some crazy cult and due to some weird ritual you are now pregnant with some kind of eldrich holy being.
  7423. >Turns out he can telepatically talk with you and he's actually nice. He helped you escape.
  7424. >He's also really knowledgeable for someone that's not even born yet.
  7425. >All this to say, things are not so bad. Though you will admit he can be a bit annoying at times. >Especially since you got out.
  7427. >Hey flurry, I'm feeling hungry.
  7429. >Speaking of
  7431. >You mind getting some of those patty bread things
  7433. Hayburgers? Anon, I ate that yesterday.
  7435. >Come on I could hear from in here how hard you were stuffing your face. They are obviously really good right?
  7437. Well, yeah but I can't just eat those. Its not healty. I'm a Princess remember, I need to keep my figure.
  7439. >Are you not pregnant with me right now? It's not like eating a few burgers will make you fat.
  7440. >Besides, I think your body might need some iron or whatever minerals were in those.
  7442. First of all I'm using a spell to make me look normal can't have the people know I'm pregnant. Second, I already had a big breakfast this morning and that should be enough for you too.
  7444. >But
  7446. I said no! Anon.
  7448. >You continue your walk threw the market place, waving at the citizen that notice you. Until a VERY noisy rumble is produced by your belly.
  7449. >Loud enough for a few poniesTo turn and look at where the noise came from.
  7451. >I did warn you
  7453. >Blushing profusely you run to the nearest alley way to hide from the shame.
  7454. >After a moment a familiar voice is heard
  7456. >Soooooooooo about those burgers.....
  7458. ........... Fine.
  7460. @@@
  7463. >"Ah, the cereal aisle..time to get my handsome boy's break-of-dawn sugar coated hyperactive inducing brand name cereal.."
  7464. >"..'Space Rings'..'Cap'n Munchalot'..'Canter-O's'..Blast it all, which kind did he want again?"
  7465. >Mother pulls out her phone and dials Anonymous
  7466. >"Sweetie? Hi, yes, I'm here right now; which one was it again?"
  7467. >"'Sugar Frosted Spoonfuls'? Alright I'm looking.."
  7468. >"..Anonymous, hon' I'm not seeing it. Was there perhaps a different one you had in mind?"
  7469. >"ANONY- Sunshine, I just *told* you they don't have it. BECAUSE MOMMY DOESN'T WORK HERE SHE CAN'T JUST GO INTO THERE BACK STOCK ROOM."
  7470. >Heads turn in the aisle as Mother's flames attract attention
  7471. >"YOUNG MAN ONE BOX OF TOOTH DECAYING SUGAR IS AS GOOD AS THE NEX-..Oh, nevermind, sweetie, I found a box."
  7472. >"W-Well thank you, sunshine..mommy's sorry she yelled, too..mhmm, love you too, see you soon-..what?"
  7473. >"A box for Sun Sun, too?"
  7475. >[More concerned stares]
  7476. >"..Sweetheart no, hush, you're not in trouble, it's cute you want to share but what does mommy always tell you? Sun Sun can't have too much people food."
  7477. >"Ok..I love you too, I know you're sorry, it's alright. *mwah* There's a kiss for you to feel better, bye bye sunshine."
  7478. >Mother hangs up and tucks her phone back in her purse
  7479. >She looks up to people still staring
  7481. >"Peons..."
  7483. @@@
  7486. You’re going to have to do something
  7487. Mom can keep doing the things she does.
  7488. Walking the school in that tight pant suit.
  7489. The way her butt jiggles ever so slightly when she’s walks is enough to drive you…men mad.
  7490. You try to tell her she needs to dress warm conservatively to which she just laughs at you while exclaiming “Sunshine, I’m already completely covered up. If I put on anymore layers I’ll be walking around like Luna during her ‘Victorian’ phase.”
  7491. And what exactly is wrong with that?!
  7492. Does she…..Does she like being a cocktease?!
  7493. No not your mother.
  7494. She’s merely lost her way is all.
  7495. She need a reality check.
  7496. Yea that’s it.
  7497. And who better to give it to her than her own son?
  7498. Gonna have to get her when she’s alone.
  7499. Tune her up a bit.
  7500. Tear some of her clothes off.
  7501. Call her a slut.
  7502. Maybe slap her tits and ass around a but for good measure.
  7503. Gonna have to wear a mask so she doesn’t recognize you.
  7504. She usually the last one to leave after school right?
  7505. Good, you can get her in her office. No one will be able to hear.
  7506. You wish you didn’t have to go to such desperate measures to ensure your mother’s purity.
  7507. This is for the greater good.
  7509. @@@
  7513. >you are Anon
  7514. >you are only [Redacted years old}
  7515. >you are lying on the floor
  7516. >Everything hurt
  7517. >Mommy's and Daddy's were supposed to make bad things go away
  7518. >but yours just hurt you
  7519. >you must have been bad
  7520. >but how could you be so bad all the time?
  7521. >you knew though that if you got up you'd be better
  7522. >even if it would be even harder it was better than getting hurt
  7523. >you try to get up once mom and dad left but unlike the other times
  7524. >it feels very hard to get up
  7525. >you kick your legs trying to get them to move but they don't respond
  7526. >you flail your arms
  7527. >you'd scream but you knew the only other people in the house probably wouldn't help so you'd do this yourself
  7528. >still
  7529. >everything felt so... cold
  7530. >cold was better than hurt
  7531. >but it was still scary
  7532. >and it was like your whole body slowly began to stop working
  7533. >you clench your eyes harder as even that effort takes a lot out of you
  7534. >when you do
  7535. >they feel so heavy
  7536. >like you can't open them
  7537. >maybe you should rest
  7538. >you slowly feel the weird cold tiredness overtake you
  7539. >"mommy"
  7540. >you whisper
  7541. >not really to your mother in particular
  7542. >more like the archetype of one
  7543. >you focus in on that archetype as everything begins to fade beyond blackness
  7544. >then you feel warm
  7545. >your eyes feel lighter
  7546. >your body aches but it no longer hurts
  7547. >you squirm a bit
  7548. >rather than ratty carpet you feel soft sheets
  7549. >and something somehow softer
  7550. >something fuzzy
  7551. >your eyes shoot open
  7552. >you are next to a large white mass
  7553. >a mass that is seemingly shifting and breathing
  7554. >you try and get up and investigate but you see a wing come towards you and gently pull you towards the mass
  7555. >it was a bit scary but something about this place made you feel calm.. safe.. warm
  7556. >feelings you rarely felt
  7557. >the wing lifts up as a face meets yours
  7558. >It's a very pretty horse
  7559. >except her face is much more delicate and emotive
  7560. >she's smiling at you
  7561. >a smile of pure love and affection mixed with concern
  7562. >"M-mommy?" you weakly choke out
  7563. >you don't know why but it seemed right
  7564. >she nods her eyes looking a bit watery
  7565. >you weakly grab onto her big soft neck
  7566. >she closes her eyes, presses your muzzle against your face and breaths on you
  7567. >you don't know how you got there, what species she was, or even her name
  7568. >but one thing you were certain of
  7569. >this was your mommy
  7571. @@@
  7574. Posting because they don't have a bin and this thread needs life.
  7575. >"How many time to I have to tell you to go to bed"
  7576. "B-But mummy I had a bad dre-"
  7577. >"I don't care about this excuses now go to your room this instant and leave me alone!"
  7578. >Wiping away his tears Anon sniffs.
  7579. "Who's that colt in your bed?"
  7580. >"I won't ask you again, Anon. Now you go to your room this instant or you don't get any dinner tomorrow."
  7581. Meanwhile in Luna's chambers
  7582. >"It's okay, dear Anon, you're safe with me. Do you want to tell me about your bad dream? Don't worry about my sister, she's just... stressed. You can always count on me to protect you."
  7583. >"A-auntie luna... why is mommy being so mean? Who is that man in her bed?"
  7584. >"Hush now little one and don't concern yourself with such things."
  7585. "But-"
  7586. >"I think I know a certain young prince that would like his aunty to tell him a bedtime story."
  7587. "Yeah!"
  7588. >Anon's stomach chose that moment to let out a loud grumble.
  7589. >"Are you hungry? D-Did my sister not feed you today?"
  7590. >Anon shook his head nervously, knowing that usually if he asked for food he'd get an annoyed glare and a lecture about what a burden he was.
  7591. >"Unbelievable... Never fear, we shall go to the kitchens and have the chefs prepare you whatever your heart desires."
  7592. "Even ice cream?"
  7593. >"Yes, yes of course, dear one, especially ice cream and after that you shall spend the night in my chambers."
  7594. >"Like a sleep over?"
  7595. >Luna chuckled and nuzzled her nephew affectionately.
  7596. >"Exactly," said Luna before adding in a soft whisper as if talking to herself, "at least there you'll be safe."
  7597. "Huh?"
  7598. >"Nothing, dear, now lets get you some ice cream."
  7600. @@@
  7603. Prepare for a lot of occult terminology
  7604. >”First our apprentice we shall get you a familiar spirit, so that you may begin the great work!”
  7605. >you scratch your chin trying to remember what that meant
  7606. >wait Suture String from Tales from the Hayloft had a familiar
  7607. >he was a black cat that talked
  7608. I’m getting a pet?
  7609. >today could not get any better
  7610. >Luna let out a hearty chuckle and rubbed your hair with her hoof
  7611. >”Not exactly…. Think of them more as… a servant or partner.”
  7612. >ok so it wasn’t a pet
  7613. >it was more like you’d have your own Magic Miss Inkwell
  7614. >wait, assistants needed to be paid
  7615. >you remember mom saying that good help required a lot of bits
  7616. >you doubt your allowance would be enough
  7617. >what if they quit in the middle of a wizard duel
  7618. Do I have to pay them?
  7619. >this prompts another laugh from your aunt
  7620. > aunt trots over to a circle of candles surrounding a large black box
  7621. >you take that as a no
  7622. >that or Aunt Luna will take care of it
  7623. “Before we start this ritual, we must ask you a question. Do you know how magic truly works?”
  7624. >you know this one
  7625. Yeah, you fire up your horn and stuff happens.
  7626. >your aunt scoffs
  7627. >”But what of Pegasi and earth Ponies, do they not posses magic as well?”
  7628. >that gives you a pause
  7629. >”Surely without magic, a pegasus’s wings would not be able to lift them off the ground, and if all it took twas a hoof to help the harvest Unicorns and Pegasi would merely throw their hoof trimmings into their gardens.”
  7630. >that.. that made sense
  7631. >afterall last month you tried making wings for yourself to fly
  7632. >they were the same size as Pegasus wings and you even used real feathers
  7633. >but no matter how hard you flapped you didn’t take off
  7634. So how come mom says only Unicorns and Alicorns can do magic?
  7635. >”Because, our horns channel the energy into a single point. Like a firehose. Yet I would hardly call what most Unicorns do today true Magick.”
  7636. >her tone carries a hint of disappointment and disgust
  7637. >”Tis not but brute force, and illusion. No what we shall show you tonight is the ability to rewrite the very fabric of space and time.”
  7638. >she floats something over to you in her blue aura
  7639. >in front of your face was a perfectly ordinary banana
  7640. >she always liked Bananas
  7641. >”Would you hold it for a moment?”
  7642. >you grab it with a fair bit of caution
  7644. >though it feels like a normal banana
  7645. >”Nothing to be afraid of dear Nephew, go ahead squeeze it.”
  7646. >you follow her orders and give it a light squeeze
  7647. >yep, it feels like a regular almost ripe banana
  7648. >she cleared her throat
  7649. >then blue symbols started to encircle it
  7651. >the symbols whirled about not touching the banana
  7652. >at first it seemed like nothing was happening
  7653. >but then it felt harder
  7654. >a lot harder
  7655. >it wasn’t in one spot though
  7656. >it was seemingly happening all at once
  7657. >at least from the outside
  7658. >not only that but it was turning a darker yellow and losing any traces of green or brown
  7659. >the Banana was turning into gold!
  7660. >you drop it in shock and gasp
  7661. >then you curse yourself
  7663. >you just dropped something made of gold,
  7664. >your aunt was going to be so mad at you!
  7665. >however instead of a scolding she just gave a small laugh
  7666. “Tis quite alright Nightsong.”
  7667. >your body untensed
  7668. “But tell me, did it feel heavier then it did before?”
  7669. >you tenantively pick up the golden banana and shake it around in your hands
  7670. >the candelight reflecting off it in bright star like dots
  7671. “No… it doesn’t.”
  7672. >”That is because I have not added anything, merely restructured it.”
  7673. >”You see dear nightsong, this world of solid objects is not truly solid, all matter is at it’s root energy and all energy is simply a form of information on one substance. To the Haybrews it is Neighfesh, to the Sphinxes it is the Ka, to the Kirins Chi . The true magus merely rearranges said information.”
  7674. >that sounded cool but you didn’t really understand
  7675. >your aunt picked up on this after a minute of silence
  7676. >”Here’s an example, dog and god are different words.”
  7677. “Uh-huh”
  7678. >”But do you add or subtract any letters?”
  7679. “No, you just move the letters around.”
  7680. >”Magic works exactly the same way.”
  7681. >no wonder they were called spells
  7682. >”All one needs for magic is to know how to speak the language of the universe and to have a tool to rearrange it.”
  7684. >”This is where the familiar shall come in. Like a secretary you shall dictate your will to them and they shall write it out.”
  7685. > like mom dictating to Raven
  7686. >you stop looking at the Banana and watch as your aunt approaches the black box
  7687. >it is a coffin
  7688. >surrounded by a circle of flour
  7689. >inside looks like a cutie mark drawn with the same flour but not touching the edges
  7690. >and on top of the coffin gleaming in the candlelight is a single golden ring
  7691. >”This ring shall be your key to controlling your familiar, and indeed your magic.”
  7692. >you instinctively rush out to grab it but a hoof stops you
  7693. >”Patience nephew, it has not been charged, first the spirit must be bound. Right now it does not yet have power.”
  7694. >you stop
  7695. “So how do we get it to work?”
  7696. >”This time we have done most of the work ourself, seeing as it is your first time. Right now all you must do is repeat after me, and concentrate.”
  7697. >you nod
  7698. >”Also when I say my name, you say yours.”
  7699. >ok don’t say you’re Luna
  7700. >with that she begins
  7701. >”Oh lady of the great earth!”
  7702. “Oh lady of the great earth!”
  7703. >your voice is more hesitant than hers
  7704. >already candles are starting to flicker
  7705. >”you who holds the key to the gates of Irkalla.”
  7706. “you who hold the key to the gates of Irkalla”
  7707. >”I Luna daughter of Faustina, command thee in the name of the great Yam Kadmon, the primordial Mare!”
  7708. “I Anonymous son of Celestia adjure thee in the name of the great goddess Yam Kadmon, the primordial mare!”
  7709. >there is now a wind in this chamber somehow
  7710. >your knees start to quake but you can’t stop now
  7711. >you’re too close dammit
  7712. >”I command you by the names of Shu and Tefnut who shall pierce thy withers.”
  7713. “I command you by the names of Shu and Tefnut who shall pierce thy withers.”
  7714. >”If you do not capitulate!”
  7715. “If you do not capitulate”
  7716. >the draft is now practically a whirlwind centering around the circle as all the candles in the room begin to go out
  7717. >”Release the spirit of Zener Card so that he may service us.”
  7718. “Release the spirit of Zener Card so that he may service us.”
  7719. >the coffin is now starting to glow an eerie green which illuminates part of the room
  7720. >everything feels a lot colder now
  7721. >”And bind his true name Zurvas Katsh.”
  7722. “And bind his name Zurvas Katsh”
  7723. >”To the ring which I have consecrated.”
  7724. >you fight back a stammer as the glow begins to coalesces above the coffin taking on a vaguely equine shape
  7725. “To the ring which I have consecrated.”
  7726. >”To Eleleth prince of the Pleroma!”
  7727. “To Eleleth Prince of the Pleroma.”
  7729. >the glowing mist gains more defined features
  7730. >it looks more like a stallion than a mare
  7731. >his muzzle boxy
  7732. >he has a beard
  7733. >you think he’s an earth pony because he doesn’t have wings
  7734. >but a Turban is covering the top of his head so you can’t see if he has a horn
  7735. >”So that he may be an instrument of our will!”
  7736. “So that he may be an instrument of our will”
  7737. >the figure gains even more clarity
  7738. >he’s extremely thin
  7739. >if you ignored the hole glowing, translucent vapor and blank glowing eyes you wouldn’t think he was dead
  7740. >but he sure looked like he hadn’t eaten in a long time
  7741. >his cheeks are gaunt and bony
  7742. >his spine visible on his haunches
  7743. >your breath leaves your throat for a bit as you stare at the apparition
  7744. >he remains perfectly still before you
  7745. >not even a twitch of his ears
  7746. >you walk around the circle to get a glimpse of him, but he turns with you
  7747. >though it seems less like he’s moving on his own and more like he’s connected to you via pivot
  7748. >your aunt’s aura encircles the ring and brings it towards your finger
  7749. >it hovers before you expectantly
  7750. >on it is one band of hieroglyphics
  7751. >the kind you saw when you went to the Mummy exhibit with Mom and Twilight
  7752. >above it is a blue band of wedges and arrows
  7753. >on top of it is a green jewel
  7754. >this is it
  7756. >you’re finally gonna be like Dr. Mordred
  7757. >you haven’t been this excited and scared in your life
  7758. >but more importantly you were shocked
  7759. >was your Mom lying to you this whole time
  7760. >did she know?
  7761. >your entire life she told you that only Unicorns could do magic and that Ghosts and spirits weren’t real
  7762. >but here was one right in front of you
  7763. >soon to be at your beck and call
  7764. >what about other stuff, Werewolves? Walking Mummies? Curses? Seeing the future? Was that real too?
  7765. >why would she do that?
  7766. >you guessed maybe the ghosts aren’t real thing was meant to assuage your fears
  7767. >but your mom never said that Bad guys weren’t real either
  7768. >just that they weren’t in the castle
  7769. >your aunt senses your trepidation
  7770. >”Go ahead Nightsong, put it on.”
  7771. >you hesitantly slip it on to your ring finger
  7772. >you flex your hand watching it sparkle in the quickly returning candlelight
  7773. >you flex your hand
  7774. >you don’t feel different
  7775. >”Repeat after me again.”
  7776. >you feel you’re going to be doing this a lot
  7777. >”I bid thee Zener card, as thy master, by the 50 names of Yam Kadmon”
  7778. “I bid thee Zener card, as thy master, by the 50 names of Yam Kadmon”
  7779. >”You may breach the circle”
  7780. “You may breach the circle.”
  7781. >”And return to my ring till I need thy services.”
  7782. “And return to my ring till I need thy services.”
  7783. >the ghost floats towards you and you can’t help but stumble back at the sight
  7784. >you fall on your butt as he goes into the ring with a quiet zap
  7785. >your heart slows down as the rings glow starts to lessen
  7786. >”On no occasion must you take this ring off.”
  7787. “Why not Auntie?”
  7788. >”This will be the source of your power as a magician.”
  7789. >”Both the library and the executor of every spell you shall learn.”
  7790. >”It must grow used to your signature over time, lest someone take it and use it against you.”
  7791. “Use it against me? Who would do that?”
  7792. >”Any magician worth their weight in Hay knows to be alert at all times, and indeed any unknown magician could be a potential threat. With all the regulations your mother has imposed only the insane, the unsavory or the very studious now turn to these ancient arts.”
  7793. ”O-ok. But why would she ban them?”
  7794. >”Fear, dearest nephew, fear and regret. But that is a story for another night.”
  7795. >you spend the night mostly just letting Zener card in and out of the ring and telling him to do stuff
  7796. >not big stuff but it’s still pretty cool to have your very own ghost to do your bidding
  7797. >he only speaks when you tell him to say stuff
  7798. >though you aren’t sure if you wanna do that much
  7799. >his voice is a eerie crackly whisper that makes your hair stand on end
  7800. >Aunt Luna says you will get used to it over time
  7801. >she also told you these lessons would happen every weekend night
  7802. >and that you couldn’t tell mom
  7803. >for both your sakes
  7804. >somehow you managed to fall asleep that night
  7806. >It is morning in Canterlot
  7807. >you wake up late but seeing as it’s a weekend that’s ok
  7808. >you rub your eyes
  7809. >you immediately check your hand to see if the ring is still there
  7810. >it is, that wasn’t a dream
  7811. >you jump for joy a bit throwing off your sheets cheering
  7812. >”I see someone’s excited to wake up.”
  7813. >you freeze
  7814. >standing in the doorway is your mother
  7815. >that gentle smile plastered on her face with just the slightest hint of bemusement
  7816. >her smile fades as you continue to stare at her frozen
  7817. >”Is everything alright sunshine?”
  7818. “Yeah.. I uhhh, just had a bad dream something happened to you.”
  7819. >good lie
  7820. >it was also one Aunt Luna would back you up on
  7821. >you rush up to hug her as she drapes a wing over your body
  7822. >”Aaaw sweetie I’m okay, I swear your aunt seems to have fallen behind on her quota lately.”
  7823. >she looks over at the moon themed tapestry in the moon, a reminder of your aunt
  7824. >”Now that that’s settled let’s go get some breakfast.”
  7825. “Yeah.”
  7826. >you walk with her out of the room wing still draped over your pajama clad body
  7827. ”Sorry if I kept you waiting mom.”
  7828. >”It’s fine sweetheart, if I didn’t have to raise the sun every morning I’d do the same too.”
  7829. > Mom didn’t actually move the sun
  7830. >she told you herself
  7831. >she physically turned the world which was in tidal lock with the sun
  7832. >if she didn’t do this she said Equis would end up like Venus or Mercury
  7833. >when you learned about what Mercury and Venus were like you had nightmares for weeks
  7834. >and it made the idea of anything happening to your mom even scarier
  7835. >”So how was your recital?”
  7836. “It was great Mom! I went up after Nimble Hooves, and played Tchacoltsky’s seventh.”
  7837. >you threw up your arms
  7838. >”It must have been quite the show.”
  7839. “Yeah everypony in the audience was super excited, Misses Contralto said my finger’s make me a natural!”
  7840. >”Well keep it up, we don’t want that natural talent going to waste do we.”
  7841. “No mom.”
  7842. >you believe her excitement but it still stung she spent the day with Twilight
  7843. “So what did you do yesterday.”
  7844. >”Oh it was marvelous I taught Twilight a fruit ripening spell from one of Starswirl’s diaries-“
  7845. >You zone out as she gushes
  7846. >at first it was cool hearing it but it got old
  7847. >besides you sort a didn’t care about learning stuff you could never use
  7848. >it’d be like if Miss Contralto talked about all the boring details of how she learned to do flying tricks
  7849. >part of you desperately wanted to tell her about last night
  7850. >that you too had started your path in magic
  7851. >but you couldn’t
  7852. >you had promised Aunt Luna you wouldn’t even though you weren’t exactly sure why
  7853. >you finally make it to the table after your mom finishes all of Twilight’s exploits
  7855. >something about flowers
  7856. >seated at the table are your aunt
  7857. >Spike in his high chair
  7858. >and the purple devil herself
  7859. >Twilight Sparkle
  7860. >she seemed to be sleeping over more and more as time went on
  7861. >at this point she practically lived here
  7862. >”Greetings Nephew!”
  7863. >says your aunt
  7864. >”Morning Auntie, Morning Twilight.”
  7865. >Twilight doesn’t respond
  7866. >”How did you sleep?”
  7867. >Aunt Luna gives you a very noticeable wink
  7868. “Great!”
  7869. >Celestia looks over to Twilight who is currently inhaling her large plate of Pancakes
  7870. >there’s a reason other foals call her Twiggy Piggy
  7871. >”Twilight dear can you show Anon and Luna what I taught you yesterday?”
  7872. >Twi gives you a smug grin
  7873. >her face is covered in whipped cream, chocolate sauce and syrup
  7874. >though there’s another dimension to it
  7875. >like she’s also trying to impress you
  7876. >”Of course Princess!”
  7877. >”I’d be honored.”
  7878. >that’s another thing
  7879. >she always calls mom Princess
  7880. >when Sunset Shimmer was here she just called her Celestia
  7881. >what happened to her anyways?
  7882. >not that it mattered
  7883. >she wasn’t very nice to you anyways
  7884. >Twilight squints her eyes and lifts up a very green banana
  7885. >you see her grunt and squint her eyes as it turns all the way from icky green to a nice delicious looking yellow
  7886. >”Marvelous Twilight!”
  7887. >your mother croons
  7888. >her eyes closing from sheer pride
  7889. >you give a polite smile
  7890. >your aunt does the same
  7891. >Twilight herself looks very proud of her accomplishment
  7892. >you just grab your fork and slowly begin to eat the Pancakes the royal kitchen prepared
  7893. >”Sunshine, later today Twilight and I are going to the Castle Library to learn more about healing spells, and the Diamond dog migration, would you like to come?”
  7894. “No thanks mom. I was uhhh, planning to see some friends today.”
  7895. >”Alright dear. But I just want you to know you’re more than welcome to join us.”
  7896. >As nice as it was for Mom to invite you to these private lessons
  7897. >you knew that they were really for Twilight
  7898. >your mom just invited you because she felt bad
  7899. >though you bet your comic book collection that she never asked Twilight to come to any event you participated in
  7901. @@@
  7904. >You're Anon, and you're also just relaxing poolside on your family vacation.
  7905. >A drink being placed on the table next to you gets your attention.
  7906. >"One pina colada. And if a cop or the staff ask, it's a virgin."
  7907. "And if I ask?"
  7908. >"Then it's a double."
  7909. "Thanks Aunt Chryssie."
  7910. >You say lifting your glass to toast hers.
  7911. >Aunt Chrysalis isn't your aunt by blood, but by that cool she is best friends with your mom and actual aunt for years kinda way.
  7912. >She sits next to you as you start drinking your typical vacation drink.
  7913. >Oh man that's strong, she wasn't kidding when she said it was a double.
  7914. >You're not complaining, but wow.
  7915. >"You okay there champ? Want Auntie Chryssie to get the little baby some milk?"
  7916. >She says in a mock tone.
  7917. "Shut up. I was just expecting it to be smoother than this is all."
  7918. >You lean back in your chair and close your eyes.
  7919. "Okay, now I'm relaxed."
  7920. >"Anon!"
  7921. >You look to who was calling your name and see mom and Aunt Luna waving at you from the top of a water slide.
  7922. >You wave back but decide not to call out.
  7923. >"Well, I'm glad they're having fun."
  7924. "Me too. They could use the break."
  7925. >That's when you notice a group of guys walking your way.
  7926. >They've been eyeing Aunt Chryssie up for a while and probably are going to make their move now.
  7927. >"Hey good looking. How about you and my friends and I-"
  7928. >"Sorry, not interested."
  7929. >She cuts him off.
  7930. >"Come on baby, don't be like that."
  7931. >He continues.
  7932. >"Yeah, we got a whole bunch of drinks back in our room but no one to share it with."
  7933. >"Sounds to me like you can have fun with eachother then."
  7934. >She says smiling.
  7935. >"What did she say?"
  7936. "She said she wasn't interested."
  7937. >The college age guys now look at your high school frame and start to snicker.
  7938. >"This kid your little brother or something?"
  7939. >She gets up and walks over to you without even looking at them and proceeds to sit on your lap, wrapping her arms around you.
  7940. >"Actually little boys, this is my man."
  7942. >She looks them over again.
  7943. >"And judging by those tents in your swimtrunks I'm giving you, he's a lot more man than any of you."
  7944. >One of the guys takes obvious issue with her statement.
  7945. >"What was that?"
  7946. >"I said you have a small dick little boy. While my MAN on the other hand has got a cock..."
  7947. >She puts one hand on the tip of her mouth and moves her other hand to the back of her head.
  7948. >She pulls her hands away while maintaining the length she measured and holds it up to them.
  7949. >"This big. Now run along boys, I think there's some internet porn calling your names."
  7950. >She waves them off with her hand.
  7951. >"The other two for our fourway will be here soon and I dont want to keep them waiting."
  7952. >"What are you talking about?"
  7953. >One asks puzzled.
  7954. >"Are you two having fun with out us?"
  7955. >They turn and see your mom and aunt walking towards you.
  7956. >"I'm afraid this is a private party. I'll have to insist you leave."
  7957. >Aunt Luna states.
  7958. >They don't hesitate this time and start to walk away muttering to themselves.
  7959. >Mom is looking at Aunt Chrysalis sitting on your lap.
  7960. >"I hope you don't mind Celest, but I borrowed your son to help to help get rid of some pests."
  7961. >"Not at all. You two want to go on the slide now?"
  7962. "Can I finish my drink first?"
  7963. >"Is it a virgin or real one?"
  7964. >Aunt Luna says.
  7965. >"Yes."
  7966. >"Well let us know if you want a real one."
  7968. @@@
  7971. If any villain has foresight they know to stay the fuck away from anon. Take this ejemplo with Cosmos
  7972. >You are Celestia
  7973. >and you are very very, very pissed
  7974. >all you can feel right now is a burning hot rage fueled by an ocean of bone chilling sadness
  7975. >this.. this pathetic worm which was now snivelling for mercy at your hooves
  7976. >this despicable being had made you torture your own son to Death
  7977. >WITH A SMILE
  7978. >he died in fear and agony
  7979. >and not only were you unable to protect him but you betrayed him
  7980. >every mother's worst nightmare
  7981. >and despite your vast power there was no way to bring your sweet sweet sunshine back
  7982. >even if you did no apology would be good enough
  7983. >you look at the snivelling tigerlike Draconequus robbed of most of her power begging at your feet
  7984. >"Please I'm sorry I won't do it again! You're a good guy! Good guys don't do this!"
  7985. >you grin but it is devoid of pleasure
  7986. >your teeth feel sharper
  7987. You're right... a good guy wouldn't act that way
  7988. >her expression calms a bit, you see her catch her breath cartoonishly
  7989. But I'm not acting as a good guy am I?.... I'm acting as a mother. And sometimes when a mother loses a child she can get... irrational
  7990. >she freezes again
  7991. >you see that last little bit of hope fade from her slit pupils
  7992. >her fear her suffering is a balm on your nerves
  7993. >you know it will never truly make the pain go away
  7994. >but it's a welcome distraction
  7995. >"S-so you're going to kill me?"
  7996. >you chuckle
  7997. >no you laugh
  7998. My dear little creature.. what kind of mother would I be if I sent you to my son, without softening you up for him.
  7999. >she's panicked now
  8000. >she's trying to snap her fingers making small changes but none of it's coordinated
  8001. >a thin coat of cake covers the floor
  8002. >she gives a weak smile hoping that this would maybe lighten your mood a bit
  8003. >you casually burn it as you levitate the Bewitching Bell towards her
  8004. I always wondered how much a body with absolutely no magic could heal.
  8005. >she tries to scream but it's too late
  8006. >she's sucked dry of her power
  8007. >a withered husk
  8008. >completely at your mercy
  8009. >she weakly tries to crawl away
  8010. >you stomp on her paw with a red hot hoof eliciting a scream of pain pinning her to the ground
  8011. I'm going to be merciful, you wanted Discord you can have him.
  8012. >you take your eyes off her turn to Discord who is currently hugging onto Fluttershy
  8013. >she's distraught, he looks stunned
  8014. Discord, rape her!
  8015. >"What?"
  8016. You heard what I said.
  8017. >he takes his head and turns it all the way around
  8018. >"You sure about this, don't you want me to turn her into a mouse and throw her into a box of kittens, or how about we make it so she hears a really annoy-"
  8019. DISCORD!
  8020. >he shuts up
  8021. Make it painful.
  8022. >he nods nervously and poofs with a snap Cosmos in tow
  8023. >Twilight approaches you she looks afraid
  8024. >"Princess Celestia... I-I'm so sorry about anon."
  8025. >you snort ignoring her and going over to the body of your mangled son
  8026. OUT!
  8027. >tears of flame lick your cheeks
  8029. >the remaining ponies scamper away
  8030. >you give a single roar of anguish in your royal canterlot voice shattering the windows as a fire begins to engulf the room
  8031. >over a thousand years worth of art burned away in the inferno
  8032. >you look down to your son or what was his body
  8033. >despite the blazing heat of the room he's still so cold
  8034. >his body begins to glow
  8035. >wounds healing
  8036. >a look of agony and terror morphing into one of tranquil slumber
  8037. >burn marks fading away
  8038. >if it wasn't for his still chest, you'd have thought your little boy was merely asleep
  8039. >you couldn't bring him back but at least you could make it seem like he died in peace
  8040. >one lie to make it a bit easier as you begin to rock the body in your hooves
  8041. you are my sunshine... my only sunshine
  8043. decades later
  8044. >Canterlot is a ghost town
  8045. >what was once the heart of Equestria is now a necropolis dedicated to one boy
  8046. >built by the power of a terrified populace and one mother's sorrow
  8047. >an eerie red sky hangs over the deserted streets
  8048. >Celestia had driven everypony away who was not mourning, mourning was mandatory
  8049. >the first couple months it was just one long funeral dirge after another
  8050. >but the populace couldn't take it forever
  8051. >some revolted, some left
  8052. >Celestia was unbothered by this
  8053. >as far as she was concerned she had lost the only thing that matters
  8054. >the area is avoided, if anypony is spotted by Celestia, she will chase them out
  8055. >though this is only in this moments when she breaks from her constant mourning
  8056. >rumors also abound of undead and necromantic experiments
  8057. >this is supported by the odd inequine moaning and the fact that less than savoury researchers have been invited there in mass
  8058. >a search party is sent by Luna from the new capital of Manehattan to put a stop to this
  8060. Are you a bad enough pony to retake Canterlot and put Celestia out of her misery?
  8062. @@@
  8065. >Most would call Anon... weird at times where even with his protective mother can't deny that Anon has strange... Habits and qurks. He's only 15 yet he seems to know nearly most of the ancient and new laws of the land, He's lazier than a dragon on a hot rock with gold in its claws. However, at random times, he's more active than Clesetia seeing a free cake, twilight with a new book, When somebody says rainbow dash is slow and Twilight Again where theirs a new test appointed, he's more active than that all combined.
  8067. >Be Anon, the son of the princess (empress) of Equestria. And have the most blessed and bullshit life you can think of.
  8069. >When i was around 13 I learned that my Mother Celestia and Aunt Luna had made a magical seal/deal with the tree of harmony for help that they can't interfere with just in case they became possed, lazy, or corrupted... ok kinda of a good call there to have help. But that leads to my situation the tree of harmony wiped out their memories and the deal had been made.
  8071. >Where do I fit into this mess? I the fix... Kinda so here's what happen I was found in the wild and Celestia took pity on me and adopted me, and time went by, until nightmare night and unlike the present timeline Twilight was not sent to ponyvill which lead to the main 6 not being friends and Nightmare night took over, And before I could be well... anything the elements of harmony and cause of human nature natural free will and chaos I was sent back in time just a month before nightmare night.
  8073. >That event started it took me around 3 months how to stop nightmare night, I figured out that there were supposed to be new ponies of harmony by going through the place and twilight library, and guess whose butt mark fit the pic? twilight I was the one to suggest sending twilight to ponevill and they gave me back my Aunt and my mother's sister YAY!!!!!!!
  8075. >After that whole incident and I have shot back only a day before nightmare night and the tree of harmony showed me my mother's repressed/sealed memories of that deal. So have that day I kinda became Equestias' last line of defense, for all sorts of reasons... Cake tax day was the most horrible idea, my mother's, ever done and the worst timeline I have seen and I have seen Equestria BURNED TO THE GROUND!
  8077. >After a while i found out 3 BIG things that have to happen before I'm thrown back 1 Equestria need to be doomed with no chance to be saved before I'm thrown, 2 Laws need to be country destroying Short and medium-term, and 3 is rare but it does happen, keeping the main culture of Equestria base on 9 things Love, Happiness, Kindness, laughter, loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Magic, And Stability when those 9 are fucked with I'm called and I will do anything to keep those 9 values here as long as I live.
  8079. >Yeah these are my stories on my adventures of keeping Equestria Healthy, Happy, stable, and alive... It's hard to be a prince.
  8081. @@@
  8084. >You are Luna Faustina, formerly Luna Faustina Tepes
  8085. >events occurred that made you want to drop any and all connections to that name
  8086. >yet there was one connection you were quite happy to keep
  8087. >name your infant son Anonacard, who was sleepily groping around your body with his little hands
  8088. >right now he's under your left wing as he snuggles up into your side
  8089. >completely engulfed in your protective darkness, oddly enough unlike most foals... and from those few you've seen babies he seems to prefer it to the light
  8090. >not that this bothered you
  8091. >you hear a few quiet whines, he rarely ever cries
  8092. >and he seems to be much more developed at least in terms of cognition and movement than most children his age
  8093. >must be feeding time
  8094. >you shift to your side and expose your teats
  8095. >sometimes you wish you had arms to hold him as human women did but you grab him in your aura to make sure he still feels safe and secure
  8096. >he coos as he sees them before beginning to suckle sending a wave of pleasure through your body
  8097. >the ache in your teats subsiding as the life flows from you to him
  8098. >though his umbilical chord is gone you still nourish him directly
  8099. >you are still connected
  8100. >you feel a slight nick causing you to wince
  8101. >already his teeth are sharp
  8102. >must be human's predatory ancestory or the small remnants of the fangs primates used in threat displays
  8103. >that was all
  8104. >he was your perfectly healthy sweet little star
  8105. >and you would always love him
  8107. @@@
  8110. >Big villain attacked and Celestia and Luna had to combine their powers to stop it.
  8111. >Fusion gave them twice the power, speed, agility ect.
  8112. >But it also made her twice as
  8113. motherly,affectionate and weirdly more fluffy
  8114. >Also she calls you nightsun now. Seems like your pet name also fused.
  8115. >Lucky for you it only lasts a few days or so.
  8116. >You are not sure you could survive this amount of intense mothering.
  8118. >Twice as motherly, and cuddly
  8119. >Wants to cuddle and dote on you every waking moment
  8120. >Refuses to let you out of her sight
  8121. >Frets over any injury
  8122. >Tucks you in as an adult before getting in herself
  8124. @@@
  8127. >Flurry heart is indestructible
  8128. >actually indestructible
  8129. >you found this out the hard way when she climbed inside a working gas oven
  8130. >now usually the enchanted fire would burn any living organism to a crisp
  8131. >but not your sister
  8132. >when she got out she was crying
  8133. >but she looked at most a bit sunburned
  8134. >eventually your dad found out when she fell off the castle
  8135. >200 stories down
  8136. >and was fine
  8137. >completely fine
  8138. >whenever mom is out you and dad have a grand old time playing with her
  8139. >using her as basketball
  8140. >or a bowling ball
  8141. >letting her ride in the carriage without a seatbelt
  8142. >pulling said carriage without a seatbelt
  8143. >using her for something resembling falconry in which she somehow managed to wrangle creatures as big as bears
  8144. >somehow you all clean this up before mom gets back
  8146. @@@
  8149. We have so many ideas of Anon raising Luna and Celestia in a more mundane world, what about the other way around. Mostly for calmer slice of life stuff without "nohooves"
  8151. >Luna and Celestia aren't Alicorns just two very tall Unicorns/Pegasus
  8152. >Luna's talent is atronomy, Celestia's sun is a metaphor for brightening other's lives somehow
  8153. >maybe a minor position in politics
  8154. >Live in a decently large house, mom and you sleep on the bottom floor, for the most part Luna gets the top
  8155. >she has a bunch of telescopes and stuff up there, it's also really dark and she's up late
  8156. >Mane 6 are older than Anon, know him through Celestia
  8157. >or they're all imaginary besides Twilight who's Celestia's aid or something
  8158. >either way she's over a lot
  8159. >series, and the few good fan works and comics are stories mom and aunt Luna tell little anon
  8160. >with the elements being a neat way of teaching him to be a good person
  8161. >NMM is really just that when Anon was really young Luna had a falling out with Celestia, and an alcohol problem
  8162. >basically a taller delta vee
  8163. >Blueblood is a an egrergore of every bad date Celestia ever had
  8164. >Trixie is based on someone Luna personally detests at the University/Lab she works at
  8165. >Discord was inspired by a surrealist statue that anon used to be afraid of but started to find funny
  8166. >which explains his reformation as time went on
  8167. >Cadance and Shining are family friends
  8168. >Shining is teaching anon how to play O&O and Sombra is the boss
  8169. >Queen Chrysalis was created when he heard someone say Cadance experienced "Identity theft" and got confused
  8170. >Luna's dream powers come from the fact that irl she's up late and is usually available in case Anon had a nightmare and needs comfort
  8172. @@@
  8175. >You are Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria, and mother of the best little colt in the world.
  8176. >Even if he isn't a colt per say.
  8177. >You're both eating your breakfast, while your sister is having her equivalent of dinner.
  8178. >Anon just finished taking a big bite of the pancakes you made and has an odd look on his face.
  8179. "Do you need to use the potty?"
  8180. >"Are the pancakes your mother made bad?"
  8181. >You shoot Luna a dirty look.
  8182. >"No, just thinking. You call me sunshine right mommy?"
  8183. >He asks.
  8184. "Yes, it's a nickname I call you. Do you not like it?"
  8185. >"No, I like it. And Aunt Luna, you call me nightsong."
  8186. >"Of course, sweetest of names for the sweetest nephew ever."
  8187. >He giggles at her praises.
  8188. >"I was wondering why you don't call me moonshine."
  8189. >This causes you to slightly gag from surprise while chewing, causing you to cough.
  8190. >"Are you okay mommy?"
  8191. "I'll be fine."
  8192. >"Don't you like the nickname nightsong?"
  8193. >"No, I like it. But if mommy says sunshine and it is just sun and shine, you could call me moonshine for moon and shine."
  8194. >You can think of a few good reasons.
  8195. >"It does make sense. I will occasionally switch things up, as the youths say, and call you moonshine."
  8196. "Well, I'm not so sure."
  8197. >"Why not?"
  8198. >"Because your mother is being a stick in the mud again MOONSHINE."
  8199. >She says with a grin.
  8200. "Luna... a word."
  8201. >You say and get up before she has a chance to object.
  8202. >She wisely follows behind and you stop in the hallway right outside the room.
  8203. "You know you can't call him that."
  8204. >You whisper to her so Anon doesn't hear.
  8205. >"Because you're jealous?"
  8206. >She responds, luckily whispering as well.
  8207. "No! Because it is a terrible name."
  8208. >"Oh please. He is your sunshine because he lights up your life like the sun lights up your day. Just as he is MY moonshine now because he lights up my life like the light from the moon does my night."
  8209. "You can't possibly be that dense or stupid."
  8210. >Wait, she actually could be that dense and stupid.
  8211. "Do you know what moonshine is?"
  8212. >"Yes, the light shining from the moon at night. I think it's beautiful."
  8213. "Luna! It's the name of alcohol made by hillponies! It is illegal and has made ponies go blind!"
  8214. >You whisper yell at her.
  8215. >She giggles.
  8216. >"Oh sister, that was a good one."
  8217. >You just look at her like she's an idiot.
  8218. >Because she is.
  8219. >"You are joking right?"
  8220. >You continue to glare at her.
  8221. >"You're not joking are you?"
  8222. "No."
  8223. >"Oh dear, that is a terrible name!"
  8224. "You think!?"
  8225. >"I can't call him that! What if some ponyratzi heard me call him that? I need to tell him it was a mistake."
  8226. >You both walk back and sit down.
  8227. >"So... nightsong."
  8228. >"I thought I was your moonshine."
  8229. >"Yes, about that. I think it is unfair to use a variation of your mother's name for you. So it may be best to return to your original nickname."
  8230. >Your sister and you both watch him.
  8231. >Hoping he would take the excuse.
  8232. >"Okay."
  8233. >He replies and takes another bite of pancakes.
  8234. >Both of you give a sigh of relief.
  8235. >Life would be so much easier if your sister wasn't an idiot.
  8237. @@@
  8240. >Moonie is split off and for better or worse
  8241. >despite big talk the worst she is a brat who occasionally tries to pick on you
  8242. >interestingly enough while Celestia geniunely makes an effort to be a good parent to Moonie
  8243. >Luna fucking hates her
  8244. >and is just waiting for the opportunity to be allowed to kill her
  8245. >Celestia is somehow oblivious to this
  8246. >even when Luna drags Moonie down to the dungeon for "bonding time"
  8247. >and there's screaming
  8248. >and the sound of scampering hooves and attempted torture
  8249. >apparently when Luna realized that she was separated from NMM she could be as vindictive and murderous as she liked without having a relapse
  8250. >luckily for Moonie Luna isn't that good at killing her even if she tries her damndest to make her have an "unhappy accident"
  8251. >at worst both of them just end up in conveniently adjacent Hospital beds unable to speak and glaring up a storm
  8253. @@@
  8256. >"Sister, I don't think this is a very good idea."
  8257. >Celestia -- or MOM, as she insists on being called -- laughs good-naturedly at "AUNTIE" Luna and pats her on the back somewhat condescendingly.
  8258. >"Lulu, everypony has to learn about the pegasi and the parasprites at some point in their lives."
  8259. >She leans forward and nuzzles your face, and the gesture of affection feels better than you really want to admit.
  8260. >"And my little Anonymous here is no exception. What if he gets a marefriend some da-"
  8261. >Celestia freezes, and a look of dawning horror spreads across her face.
  8262. >"O-Or maybe he... maybe he, uh... n-needs to know what they're called in case the teacher asks him at school."
  8263. >Celestia sits down on her rump and pulls you against her soft chest tuft.
  8264. >She smells like vanilla.
  8265. >"You don't need a m-marefriend, do you?" she asks, sounding panicked, "You won't let some skank take you away from me, will you?"
  8266. "Celestia, I'm twenty-eight."
  8267. >Celestia barks out a slightly hysterical laugh, not even bothering you chastise you for not calling her your mother.
  8268. >"Twenty-eight! Two-hundred-eighty! It's all the same when you're as old as I am, my sunshine, and you're my precious little foal!"
  8269. >Oh, boy.
  8270. >She puts her hooves on your shoulders and spins you around until the back of your head is nestled against her chest, and her hind legs wrap around your lap.
  8271. >"Luna! Luna, let's start the lesson! Why don't you turn around?"
  8272. >Luna whimpers, but does as she's told.
  8273. >>"Sister, please. This isn't how it was taught back in our day."
  8274. >Celestia waves a hoof dismissively.
  8275. >"Luna, back in our day, we read textbooks that used euphemisms and metaphors. This will be much more educational for Anonymous here."
  8276. >Celestia's horn lights up and Luna yelps as her tail is suddenly tugged to the side.
  8277. >"Now as you can see, sunshine," she says, magically swatting away Luna's hooves as she tries to cover herself up, "That is what's called the 'vulva'."
  8278. >Poor Luna.
  8280. >Celestia ignores her sister's growing discomfort and continues.
  8281. >"Beyond these vulva lips lies the entrance to a mare's, erm, baby room."
  8282. >Her magic gently parts Luna's pussy lips, revealing the trembling mare's vaginal walls.
  8283. >Luna's love nectar slowly trickled out of her exposed vagina.
  8284. >"Placing your weenie inside will not only make the both of you feel really good, but it will also give the lucky mare a beautiful foal to love and raise."
  8285. >Celestia's gentle motherly voice began to wake you up downstairs. At this rate, you were going to cream your pants well before the lesson ended.
  8286. >Her yellow magic gently grabs Luna's protruding asshole.
  8287. >She cries out with surprise. Her body begins to tremble from the constant pleasure.
  8288. >"And this is a mare's-"
  8289. "Asshole?"
  8290. >"LANGUANGE young man!"
  8291. >Cadence's shouting catches you off-guard.
  8292. >You slowly look up to see an angry Mommy staring back at you.
  8293. >Swearing was one of the few things Celestia would not tolerate in her presence.
  8294. >You hastily toss out an apology to avoid her motherly wrath.
  8295. "Sorry."
  8296. >"Sorry~?"
  8297. >She raises an eyebrow. You forgot one very important word in your apology.
  8298. "Sorry, M-Mommy."
  8299. >The word makes you blush. You're a grown man for crying out loud!
  8300. >"That's better."
  8301. >She smiles at you and resumes the lesson.
  8302. >"As I was saying, this is a mare's ponunt. It's not every stallion's cup of tea, but some mares simple go WILD when you play with it."
  8303. >She gives her sister's asshole another good squeeze. Luna's mewls of pleasure only serve to fuel your growing erection.
  8304. >"S-Sister *MMMPH*, pleeeeease!"
  8305. >Luna was quickly reaching her breaking point.
  8306. >"Let's *UNF* end the lesson now!"
  8307. >Luna's desperate pleas fall on deaf ears as Celestia moves onto the coup de grace: her clitoris.
  8308. >You couldn't help but feel bad for Luna. The poor princess could barely stand now.
  8309. >Celesta's magic gently caresses her sister's throbbing blue clit.
  8310. >Luna's moans become more and more erotic.
  8311. >"And this, is what we call a marebean."
  8312. >Luna squeals from the pressure being placed on her clit.
  8313. >"Playing with this will make a mare feel better than giving her all of the cuddles in Equestria!"
  8314. >She gives her sister one last squeeze.
  8315. >"Isn't that right, dear sister?"
  8316. >Luna screams as her eyes roll into the back of her head. The pleasure officially was too much to bear.
  8317. >Her quivering pussy squirts all over the shining white tiles. Some of her love juices flew far enough to land on your lap.
  8318. >The mare's shaking body collapses onto the ground. The orgasm sends her into a raging mewl of pleasure.
  8319. >You quickly cup your hands over your mouth to hold back a moan of your own.
  8320. >"And this my dear Anonymous, concludes our lesson for today."
  8321. >She fetches a blanket and places it over her sister.
  8322. >You swear you see a trickle of love juice running down Celestia's thighs.
  8323. >She notices your staring and smiles warmly.
  8324. >"If you wish for a more hoofs-on lesson, then please join me in my chambers later this evening."
  8326. @@@
  8328.>You are Prince Anonymous, or just Anon to your friends.
  8329. >Living with your wife Twilight in her castle in Ponyville.
  8330. >You are confident in yourself to move into her castle from the one you grew up in in Canterlot.
  8331. >They say best friends make the best partners and you couldn't ask for a better friend or partner than her.
  8332. >You grew up practically together as you mother taught her in the castle.
  8333. >Walking through the castle after a long day, you know exactly where to find your wife.
  8334. >Turning into the library, you see her sitting on her favorite chair with Spike by her side writing on a scroll.
  8335. >She as always is engrossed in her book.
  8336. >The look of her content in her reading brings a smile to your face.
  8337. >You stand in the doorway admiring the view.
  8338. >Eventually, Spike looks up and nudges her after seeing you.
  8339. >She looks at him annoyed until he points towards you.
  8340. >Her face changes immediately as she takes note of you, going from mild irritation to heartfelt joy.
  8341. >That smile melts your heart every time.
  8342. >Her horn glows and she teleports next to you.
  8343. "Hey love."
  8344. >"Hello."
  8345. >You lean down as she stretched up to meet eachother in a kiss.
  8346. "Rough day?"
  8347. >You ask, already knowing the answer.
  8348. >"Ugh, how'd you know?"
  8349. >She asks while walking back to her chair with you by her side.
  8350. "Husband's intuition."
  8351. >A sly grin comes to her face.
  8352. >"Well handsome, I know something else my husband can do."
  8353. >"Aaaand that's my cue to leave."
  8354. >Spike says as he stands up and walks away.
  8355. >"I'm going to see if the new Power Pony comic came in yet."
  8356. "Bye bud."
  8357. >As he leaves, you feel a magic grip grab you by your shirt collar and pull you downward.
  8358. >"Now... where were we?"
  8359. >You sigh.
  8360. "You know we can't."
  8361. >"UGH! I know, I know! But it doesn't mean I don't want to."
  8362. "I know, I do too. But we have to be careful so long as we still have our castle-guest."
  8363. >She throws her head up and looks towards the ceiling while groaning.
  8364. >"Anon, darling, sweetie, I love you. You know that, and I love your mom too. But she has been here for almost a month. And she may be the Princess of the Sun and Equestria... but YOUR Princess is getting antsy."
  8365. "Are you giving me an ultimatum to get rid of my mother or no sex?"
  8366. >"We've not been having sex because she just 'happens' to be there whenever we get close to it. I'm just saying that one of these days I'm going to snap and teleport your elaborate clothes off your cute human body and take what I need and want from you, regardless of any pony around at the time."
  8367. "Is that a threat honey?"
  8368. >"No, a promise."
  8369. >She says and leans up to kiss you again.
  8370. "You know she gets lonely in that big castle ever since I moved out."
  8371. >"That was years ago. As I said, I love her, but she needs to get over it."
  8372. >She says as she sits back down in her chair.
  8373. "And how would you feel if we had a kid and they wanted to move out and be with their very special somepony?"
  8375. >"Simple, they won't have a very special somepony and will stay here with us forever. That was where your mother got it wrong."
  8376. >You lean down and kiss her horn.
  8377. >Its as close as you cam get to giving her a forehead kiss you cam get without hurting yourself.
  8378. >Every Hearthswarming it's the same thing.
  8379. >Mom shows up because she is sad about you being gone.
  8380. >Aunt Luna at least stays in Canterlot, but does come by once a day too to see you.
  8381. >"There's my favorite son and daughter."
  8382. >Your mother says as she enters the room.
  8383. >Despite Twilight being angry with her moments ago, she loves the thought of being considered her daughter.
  8384. "Hey mom."
  8385. >You hug her around her neck and she kisses your cheek.
  8386. >"I made dinner. I know how much you've been working Twilight and I know how much my little ray of sunshine likes it, so I made breakfast for dinner for everyone."
  8387. >Your mom says with a satisfied smile.
  8388. >She did make an amazing breakfast.
  8389. >"Thanks Princess Celestia. That sounds nice. It's been rough since all the official duties have been piling up and needing attention."
  8390. "Even Miss Raven has been sending letters via Spike about some stuff back in Canterlot."
  8391. >You gesture to the ever growing pile of scrolls in the library.
  8392. >"Oh that can wait, this is the holiday ."
  8393. >"It's past new years."
  8394. >"What was that Twilight?"
  8395. >"Oh nothing!"
  8396. >You hear trumpets blare from outside, signaling Aunt Luna is arriving.
  8397. >Because why not...
  8398. >Looking out the window, you see her black chariot landing in front of the castle.
  8399. "She's a little early today."
  8400. >With a loud crack of space and time bending to the will of magic, she teleports herself into the library.
  8401. >"Come sister, it is time to leave. Hello my night song, Twilight."
  8402. >She says as trying to push your mother out the door.
  8403. >"Leave? Luna, what are you talking about?"
  8404. >"You have been here almost a moon, are imposing on the hospitality of your son and his wife, if the dream visions I see from them are any indication then they need some quality alone time, and your secretary has sworn to make me do your work if you do bot return. So return we shall!"
  8405. >"Now hold on a momen-"
  8406. >But your mom is cut off by another loud crack of magic.
  8407. >You see your aunt mare-handle your mom into the carriage and take off.
  8408. "Well, that I guess takes care of-"
  8409. >Now you hear a loud cracking noise and see you are in your bedroom.
  8410. "That."
  8411. >You see a look of lust in Twilight's eyes.
  8412. >"You have five seconds to take those clothes off before I rip them off you."
  8413. >Knowing she will, you start to undress.
  8414. >"One, two, FIVE!"
  8415. >Her purple magic envelops your clothes and she tears them off you in one fluid motion.
  8416. >This isn't that bad actually.
  8417. >You got your mom out of the castle earlier than last year, you're about to get some much needed action, but too bad you're going to miss your mom's breakfast dinner.
  8418. >You really loved how she made her pancakes.
  8420. @@@
  8423. "I'm so excited that you asked me to partake in this princess magical conference Proncess Celestia! It's my first time attending one since I became a princess myself."
  8424. >"I know, now this will be a little different than your other magical interactions you've been a part of in the past."
  8425. >Your mentor says as she leads you into her private chambers.
  8426. >Dont freak out Twilight.
  8427. >Just a life long dream come true.
  8428. >Inside are Princess Luna and Cadance standing around a cauldron and wearing some witchy looking attire.
  8429. >You then see Princess Celestia's husband laying in bed resting.
  8430. >You've seen him grow older while you were Princess Celestia's student and now he is very old, in fact it probably won't be that long until he passes.
  8431. >"So Twilight, we called you here to assist with an important tradition. Also, please put this on."
  8432. >She says while handing you a witchy dress as well.
  8433. >"As you know, my husband Prince Anonymous is growing very old and he will not live forever naturally like us."
  8434. >Princess Celestia says solemnly and you nod in acknowledge.
  8435. >"So every few decades we get together and make sure that he does."
  8436. >She explains.
  8437. >"The costumes are a bit much, but it makes my brother in law happy so that makes me happy as well."
  8438. >Princess Luna explains.
  8439. >"I've only been a part of one of these before, but it is easy."
  8440. >Cadance explains.
  8441. >"Luna and I will be taking the lead on the spell, all you and Cadance need to do is add you magic to the cauldron."
  8442. "Oh, alright."
  8443. >You agree without thinking about it and just start to let your magic flow into the already magic filled cauldron.
  8444. >Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have their horns glow and the mixture of magic inside swirls around while Cadance adds her own to mix with yours.
  8445. >Before long you can tell the magic is about to reach critical mass but you trust you teacher with your-
  8446. >A deafening explosion erupts and a shockwave expands outward and passes through the walls of the room.
  8447. >You were knocked down and stood up slowly while looking around.
  8448. "Is, is everyone alright?"
  8449. >"More than alright Twilight, it worked!"
  8450. >Worked, what worked?
  8451. >You look over and see everypony looking at the bed Prince Anonymous was- why does he look different?
  8452. >"Every few decades we cast an age reversal and memory spell. It is detailed and it needs alicorn magic to do it."
  8453. "The age reversal I get, kind of, but what's this about a memory spell?"
  8454. >"If the populous knew we had a way to stop death in the land, everypony would be breaking down the castle doors to make sure they would get it. True we are playing goddesses, but we technically are. So we modify everypinies memories to change the history of Equestria so that Prince Anonymous is not my sister's husband, but her son."
  8455. >"And when he gets old, he becomes her husband again. That was the last time I helped her."
  8456. >Cadance adds to Princess Luna's explanation.
  8457. "That is ridiculous, I would have known about this. The history books would mention this!"
  8459. >"Those are changed too"
  8460. >Prince Anonymous says in a much younger voice than you're used to.
  8461. >"It is a privilege of the Princesses. We allow those chosen to remain young and alive with us forever. Cadence will be able to do this with Shining Armor if she so wishes."
  8462. >"I will, but maybe to his late teen years or so. Not as young as Anon is now."
  8463. "So why is he this young? Was it because I put too much magic into the spell?"
  8464. >"No, it worked perfectly. Honestly, Celestia has some kinky fetishes."
  8465. >"Now don't act like you don't enjoy it little man."
  8466. >"I never said that. You make too much fun for me to refuse."
  8467. "What about you Princess Luna? What do you get out of this?"
  8468. >"I get to see my sister and her husband happy. Plus she is willing to share him so I get to indulge and be the fun aunt and have some special aunty time with my dear nephew. You could as well if you ask I'm sure."
  8469. >What?
  8470. >Could you really?
  8471. >With Princess Celestia's husband?
  8472. >Or right now... her son?
  8473. >"What do you say sunshine? Do you want your Aunty Twilight to watch you from time to time?"
  8474. >Princess Celestia says almost sensing your thoughts.
  8475. >Oh mare... you did not expect this when you got up this morning.
  8477. >You walk out of the royal bed chambers after removing the costume they asked you to wear.
  8478. >They even let you keep it, so that's a nice bonus.
  8479. >Spike is still patiently waiting for you down the hall.
  8480. >He smiles as he sees you approach.
  8481. >"So, how'd the Princess Magical Conference, or whatever it was go?"
  8482. "Oh! It was... it was fine. Spike, do you remember Prince Anonymous?"
  8483. >"What are you talking about Twilight? Everypony remembers Prince Anon. He even played with me while you had your private lessons with Princess Celestia."
  8484. >He did play with Spike, but it was more like a father playing with a child.
  8485. "Do you remember how tall he was?"
  8486. >His face scrunched at the question.
  8487. >"Gee, I dont know... maybe about your height."
  8488. >He answers while moving his hand to be about your height.
  8489. >"Did he get a growth spurt or something?"
  8490. >Everyponies memories were changed!
  8491. >You immediately teleport to the castle library.
  8492. >You go running to the section dedicated to the royal family.
  8493. >"Why hello there- oh my, as I live and breath is that you Twilight? Why I haven't seen you in years. Did you always have those wings?"
  8494. >The old librarian asks you as you shower the shelves for the book you're seeking.
  8495. "Not now Mrs. Bookdrop! I'm researching!"
  8496. >"Oh-ho my, same old Twilight. I wonder where that lizard that followed her around is?"
  8497. >Ignoring the old librarian you finally find it.
  8498. >You pull out the book and look towards the back and see the picture of Princess Celestia and Prince Anonymous, but he is smaller and looks like you just saw him in the bedroom.
  8499. >Flipping the pages you see him about pony size instead of full grown alicorn size.
  8500. >Looking back to the wedding date you see it is instead a birthday celebration for the young prince.
  8501. >They did it, and you were a part of it.
  8502. >What other secrets have they kept or changed in Equestria?
  8504. @@@
  8507. >*drip* *drip* *drip* *drip*
  8508. >You groan and rub your eyes open.
  8509. >Everything felt so wet, but you don't remember going for a swim before blacking out.
  8510. >You look down and find yourself laying in a pile of garbage on the curb.
  8511. >Rain continues to fall on the cobblestone streets of...wait a minute, this street does not look familiar. At all.
  8512. >Granted, the fog that was rolling in made it difficult to even SEE the street, but you knew what little you COULD see was not familiar.
  8513. >You immediately spring to your feet as panic begins to overtake you.
  8514. >Dude where's your car?! Where did your neighborhood go?! Is this some kind of drunken prank set up by your buddies?!
  8515. >Your legs are slow to respond, but you force them to carry your wobbling frame down the sidewalk.
  8516. >Calm down Anon, there's no reason to panic. Just find a diner or something and use their payphone to call a ride home.
  8517. >Suddenly you see some kind of horse-drawn carriage approach from the fog, their hooves clopping along the road in a steady rhythm.
  8518. >You frantically search for a garbage can, a car, SOMETHING to hide behind.
  8519. >Alas, there's nothing in the immediate vicinity that can hide your tall green ass. Shit!
  8520. >The carriage stops right in front of you and its passenger door swings open.
  8521. >You cover your eyes as a blinding light emanates from within.
  8522. >A very tall horse-like creature emerges from the carriage and trots within feet of you.
  8523. >Holy shit this creature is taller than you! There's no way you can fight your way past something so big.
  8524. >The animal had four long legs, massive bird-like wings, glowing white featureless eyes, a horn that could cleanly impale you, and a mane that shimmered and pulsed as if it were alive.
  8525. >It lowers its head until it can stare into your eyes with its own.
  8526. >"Oh my! Are you alright?!" The horse's gentle voice caresses your ears like a warm spring breeze.
  8527. "Say what?" You're now more confused than afraid.
  8528. >"You poor thing, out in the rain all alone! You'll catch cold this way!" Her sweet motherly tone was oddly comforting, yet confusing all the same.
  8529. >This equine 'monster' was becoming less scary by the minute.
  8530. >What the fuck is going on? Why was this creature so concerned with a nobody like you?
  8531. "S-Stay away! Please don't hurt me! I have no money, j-just leave me alone!"
  8532. >You stumble backwards until your back hits the wall of a building, yet you continue to recoil from her.
  8533. >This has to be some kind of hallucination. How much did you fucking drink last night?!
  8534. >"It's okay little one. I will not harm you." The horse takes a few steps closer towards you.
  8535. >That's what people always say right before they hurt you.
  8537. @@@
  8540. "You know, I'd be pissed right no-"
  8541. >"LANGUAGE, young man."
  8542. *sighs* "Sorry. I'd be ticked off right now, but these pancakes are just incredible. How'd you make them so light and fluffy and delicious?"
  8543. >"Oh, Sunshine, it's nothing more than an old family recipe, fresh ingredients and a big cup of [spoilers]Mother's Love!"[/spoilers]
  8545. ...
  8547. >"Anon?"
  8548. >Celestia's head pokes in through your bedroom door.
  8549. >The room itself is bigger than your house was, and easily ten times as expensive.
  8550. >"Honey, can I come in?"
  8551. >You weren't sleeping, so sure.
  8552. "It's your castle."
  8553. >This forced adoption thing is bullshit.
  8554. >Celestia (aka "mom") nudges the door open with her muzzle and walks in, pillow and blanket in her magical grip.
  8555. >"Mommy couldn't sleep. Can I sleep here with you?"
  8556. >You were fucking KIDNAPPED off the street.
  8557. >This crazy horse wants to sle-you know what?
  8558. >Fine.
  8559. >Whatever.
  8560. "Go right ahead."
  8561. >Celestia wastes no time, diving nose-first under the covers and swims up to the surface, where her nose barely avoids booping your own.
  8562. >Her pillow plops down next to your own, and her blanket covers you both.
  8563. >She wraps her hooves around your shoulders and pulls herself close.
  8564. >"Goodnight, Anonymous," she coos, nuzzling your neck, "I love you."
  8566. @@@
  8569. >you are now imagining the princess(es) trying to understand human holidays
  8571. >"Alright, Luna, if we're to have our very own ehh, 'Thanksgiving', we should try to make it authentic as possible for Anonymous."
  8572. >'Agreed.'
  8573. >"So, what do we know about thanksgiving?"
  8574. >'We believe it to be a feast shared in the spirit of thanks, Sister.'
  8575. >"Hmm..feast..thanks. Makes sense, what else?"
  8576. >'We also seem to recall Nephew reminiscing how the Cowboys of Dallas and the Lions of Detroit always hold court on that day.'
  8577. >"Feasts? Beasts? Oh my."
  8578. >'..It is also possible that the pilgrims died for the sins of all humans but we may have gotten that mixed with another tale our Nephew has relayed.'
  8579. >"Stars above, Lulu, how did Anonymous survive it?"
  8580. >'The agent 'Tryptophan' supposedly calmed the masses for 24 hours before an event named 'Black Friday'.'
  8581. >"I'm going to hug the everloving fuck out of that boy when he gets home..braving such ferocities like that."
  8583. @@@
  8586. "You know, I'd be pissed right no-"
  8587. >"LANGUAGE, young man."
  8588. *sighs* "Sorry. I'd be ticked off right now, but these pancakes are just incredible. How'd you make them so light and fluffy and delicious?"
  8589. >"Oh, Sunshine, it's nothing more than an old family recipe, fresh ingredients and a big cup of [spoilers]Mother's Love!"[/spoilers]
  8591. ...
  8593. >"Anon?"
  8594. >Celestia's head pokes in through your bedroom door.
  8595. >The room itself is bigger than your house was, and easily ten times as expensive.
  8596. >"Honey, can I come in?"
  8597. >You weren't sleeping, so sure.
  8598. "It's your castle."
  8599. >This forced adoption thing is bullshit.
  8600. >Celestia (aka "mom") nudges the door open with her muzzle and walks in, pillow and blanket in her magical grip.
  8601. >"Mommy couldn't sleep. Can I sleep here with you?"
  8602. >You were fucking KIDNAPPED off the street.
  8603. >This crazy horse wants to sle-you know what?
  8604. >Fine.
  8605. >Whatever.
  8606. "Go right ahead."
  8607. >Celestia wastes no time, diving nose-first under the covers and swims up to the surface, where her nose barely avoids booping your own.
  8608. >Her pillow plops down next to your own, and her blanket covers you both.
  8609. >She wraps her hooves around your shoulders and pulls herself close.
  8610. >"Goodnight, Anonymous," she coos, nuzzling your neck, "I love you."
  8612. @@@
  8615. >you are now imagining the princess(es) trying to understand human holidays
  8617. >"Alright, Luna, if we're to have our very own ehh, 'Thanksgiving', we should try to make it authentic as possible for Anonymous."
  8618. >'Agreed.'
  8619. >"So, what do we know about thanksgiving?"
  8620. >'We believe it to be a feast shared in the spirit of thanks, Sister.'
  8621. >"Hmm..feast..thanks. Makes sense, what else?"
  8622. >'We also seem to recall Nephew reminiscing how the Cowboys of Dallas and the Lions of Detroit always hold court on that day.'
  8623. >"Feasts? Beasts? Oh my."
  8624. >'..It is also possible that the pilgrims died for the sins of all humans but we may have gotten that mixed with another tale our Nephew has relayed.'
  8625. >"Stars above, Lulu, how did Anonymous survive it?"
  8626. >'The agent 'Tryptophan' supposedly calmed the masses for 24 hours before an event named 'Black Friday'.'
  8627. >"I'm going to hug the everloving fuck out of that boy when he gets home..braving such ferocities like that."
  8629. @@@
  8632. >It started as a joke at first. She'd constantly ask you things like
  8633. "Did you get enough to eat?"
  8634. "How did you sleep last night"
  8635. "Are you having a good day?"
  8636. >Eventually you rolled your eyes and answered, "Yes mom"
  8637. >It seems that answer only made things worse
  8638. >She instead became much more...doting. >Constantly hovering around you, brushing you with with her wings occasionally. She even started giving you the nickname Sunshine.
  8639. >Then one day while eating breakfast, she popped the question
  8640. "Do you know what I see every time I look at you, Sunshine?"
  8641. >"Hmm? No, what?"
  8642. "I see a little colt who needs his mommy"
  8643. >Now (You), being an obvious mommyfag, feel slightly surprised when she says this. So being a faggot you try to play it cool.
  8644. >"Uhhh, like what do you mean? Cause I'm young or something?
  8645. >She gets up from the table and slowly approaches you with a smile
  8646. "I mean you just look so cute and small. Every time I see you I just want to-"
  8647. >She comes right to your face and places a light kiss on your forehead
  8648. "kiss you <3"
  8649. >You feel your heart race, this is the first time she's ever done that
  8650. "You know..."
  8651. >She brings her muzzle close to your ear and whispers
  8652. "If you want, I can be your mommy~"
  8653. >Her warm breath tickles you ear and you let out a slight gasp
  8654. >"I guess...if that's okay with you... m-mommy"
  8656. ...
  8658. "Sweetie, it's bath time!"
  8659. >You hear Celestia call you from the bathroom
  8660. >It's been about a month since >>41060589
  8661. >Life in Equestria is certainly different now. You were adopted by Celestia and made royalty
  8662. >You're also now legally considered a colt, so no leaving the castle without a chaperone
  8663. >Oh yeah, and you live in the castle with Celestia now as her 'little prince'
  8664. rejoice ye mommyfags!
  8665. "Come on, sweetie~ You don't want the water to get cold, do you?"
  8666. >You get your ass up from whatever it was you were doing and head for the bathroom
  8667. >You find Celestia already inside the huge tub
  8668. >The water is pink tinted with a generous amount of bubbles on the surface
  8669. >She levitates a washcloth and a big bar of soap
  8670. "Take off your clothes baby and come sit in the tub next to Mommy"
  8671. >You remove your shirt and underwear, revealing your naked body, and slip into the water
  8672. >The temperature is just the right amount, warmth seeping deep into your body and relaxing you
  8673. >Celestia pulls you into her, getting you pressed against her barrel as she wraps her hooves against your chest
  8674. "Relax, baby... let me wash you"
  8675. >She lathers up the washcloth with soap using her magic and gently runs the cloth along your body
  8676. >She starts with your arms, working her way towards your shoulders, back, then chest and sides
  8677. >You let out a childish yelp when she runs the cloth against your sides
  8678. "Aww~ Is my little prince ticklish?"
  8679. >You don't have to see her face to know she's wearing a sweetly smug smile
  8680. >She presses you firmly against her, ensuring you've no escape before she commences her assault
  8681. >She lightly traces circles along your belly, inciting squeals as you try in vain to pull away
  8682. >She whispers sweetly into your ear
  8683. "Ah,ah, ah~ No getting away from mommy. We have to get you all clean, my little angel."
  8684. >The washcloth traces across your nipples, running in slow, delicate circles
  8685. >You melt back into your caretaker, letting out gentle moans
  8686. "That's it, be good for mommy..."
  8688. >She slides the cloth up to graze against your sensitive neck, and gently washes inside your ears
  8689. >After getting them all clean, she gives them each a long lick
  8690. "Now we have to get your little feet"
  8691. >"W-wait-"
  8692. >It's no use, the cloth floats above your feet before sinking into the water and scrubbing against your soles
  8693. >"AAAH!"
  8694. >She mercilessly scrubs against your feet, softened and sensitive in the warm water
  8695. >You twist and writhe in her hold, but to no avail, quickly turning into a giggling mess
  8696. "You have such a cute laugh, my little Sunshine. It makes mommy want to keep tickling you"
  8697. >You're about to beg for mercy, but she stops her ticklish assault before you speak
  8698. "All done, baby. See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"
  8699. >She nuzzles into your hair and plants a kiss on top
  8700. "Now let mommy get your legs"
  8701. >She runs the cloth slowly up along your calves, then gently up your inner thigh
  8702. >The gentle teasing causes you to become slowly erect as you let out a weak gasp
  8703. "What's this?"
  8704. >She brushes against your penis and you let out a moan
  8705. "Tch tch tch, naughty little foal~ Getting like this in the bath with mommy."
  8706. >She pulls the cloth away and moves it down to gently scrub against your rear
  8707. "Mommy's going to have to punish you after your bath~"
  8708. >After teasing against your backdoor, she lets the cloth go of her magic as it sinks into the tub
  8709. "There we go, all clean~ Now, let's finish washing your hair before we get you out of the tub, okay?"
  8711. >After she finishes with your hair, she helps you out of the tub along with her
  8712. >Her horn lights, and a wave of magic wipes down your body, pulling all the water down to soak the bathmat
  8713. "There we go, now go get dressed in your pajamas. Mommy needs a few extra minutes."
  8714. >She gives you a kiss and turns to nuzzle your butt towards the door
  8715. >You scamper off to her bedroom to get ready for bed
  8716. >Opening up the dresser, you put on your silky pj's and climb into the enormously large bed
  8717. >The sheets are silky and cool, imbued with the scent of vanilla cashmere
  8718. >A few moments later, Celestia comes back in with her coat and mane dry and soft
  8719. "Already making yourself comfy?"
  8720. >She gives you a warm, loving smile
  8721. "I have a surprise for you, little one. Close your eyes, and no peeking~"
  8722. >She sticks her tongue out at you while she waits for you to cover your eyes
  8723. >You hear the dresser drawer open and her magic ruffling around some clothing
  8724. >After over a minute, she speaks
  8725. "Alright, you can open your eyes now"
  8726. >You open them to see her dressed in pink socks and garters over her lacy panties, with a matching nursing bra covering her teats, and a silk tailbow to complete the outfit
  8727. >Her warm smile becomes more smug
  8728. "Does my little colt like seeing mommy like this?"
  8729. >She slowly makes a full rotation, allowing you to see her from all angles. Her plump ass and teats filling out her lingerie
  8730. >Finishing her little show, she saunters her way over to the bed before joining you in it
  8731. >After pulling down the covers and stepping in, she lays down on her side, leaving her soft belly and teats exposed to you
  8732. "Come here and snuggle with mommy"
  8733. >You crawl up to her, but she places a wing gently to your chest
  8734. "Ah ah, little one. The other way."
  8735. >She motions towards her teats and you instinctively swallow
  8736. >You crawl down and nuzzle your face next to her teats
  8737. >Breathing in, you catch the scent of her coat. It smells like vanilla frosting.
  8738. >She uses her magic to pull down the bra covering on the teat closest to your mouth
  8739. "Go on, sweetie."
  8741. >Without needing any further encouragement, you close your eyes and press your lips against her pert nipple
  8742. >Suckling against it, you feel a rush of warm creamy milk steadily flow into your mouth
  8743. >The warm, sweet liquid tastes like strawberries, and you greedily gulp down her milk
  8744. >The wonderful ambrosia flows down your throat and into your stomach, filling you with a sweet, hazy relaxation
  8745. >As you drink, it almost feels as if the milk goes from filling your stomach to pooling into your brain
  8746. >The more you suckle, the more a warm pleasurable relaxation starts to fill the gaps in your mind
  8747. >Soon, your whole body feels so relaxed that you can't even move a single muscle, leaving you effectively paralyzed
  8748. >You feel too weak to keep suckling and your mouth falls against her nipple
  8749. >Not even able to open your eyes, your milk-soaked brain can barely register anything happening around you
  8750. >You try to say something, but you can only manage to let out a small whine
  8751. >You feel yourself being pulled from her teat and reoriented towards her
  8752. >"It's alright, mommy's got you. I'm not going anywhere."
  8753. >You feel her soft breath on your face as she whispers
  8754. >You let out a weak little whimper as she places light kisses all over your face
  8755. "You look so sweet like this, little one~"
  8756. >She then places a longer, deep kiss on your lips
  8757. >Pulling you closer, she presses your face up against her chest fluff and wraps her wings around you, cocooning you in soft bliss
  8758. >You're so relaxed in this state, you almost don't notice what happens next
  8759. >You feel your pajama bottoms being pulled off you, before feeling something soft replacing them
  8760. >Your mind has trouble processing this new sensation cradling between your legs
  8761. "Mommy doesn't want you to make a mess in your pajamas"
  8762. >As you faintly begin to realize what it is you're wearing, you start to feel a pleasant sensation deep inside you
  8763. >Like a tingling sensation dripping from your stomach into you groin
  8764. >But even as the hot, intense tingling swells inside you, you can't seem to get an erection
  8765. >The complete relaxation of your body prevents you from doing anything but experience the pleasure still steadily pooling inside
  8766. >You let out a fussed cry, muffled by her warm chest
  8767. "Shhhh, mommy will make it all better"
  8768. >The warm tingling pleasure fills your prostate like creating pulsing waves of pleasure
  8769. >It feels like a stream slowly filling you up, up, up deep inside
  8770. >In your relaxed state, the urge to cum feels different, almost feeling as if it could just leak out of you
  8771. >All you can do is babble incoherently into her chest fluff
  8772. >Sensing your distress, she soothingly encourages you
  8773. "It's okay, shhhhhh. You can do it, little one~ Leak for mommy"
  8775. >Her encouragement acts as like a trigger, feeling like a dam has crumbled away inside you
  8776. >You let out a drawn out moan as cum leaks out of your flaccid penis in a slow, trickling stream
  8777. >It feels like you're pissing cum, as you ride the mind melting orgasm along with it
  8778. >The intensity doesn't wane as your cum streams out, it feels like your entire being is dripping out of your cock
  8779. >After several intense minutes, all your cum has been drained out into the plush padding between your legs
  8780. >Like your cum, every single thought in your mind has been absolutely drained, leaving only complete and utter relaxation
  8781. >Seeing you recovering from your orgasm, she lovingly whispers to you
  8782. >"I'm so proud of you, you did such a good job for me"
  8783. >You feel her soft wings around you tighten as they tenderly stroke your back
  8784. >You both stay like this for a few moments before she speaks up again
  8785. >"Anon, I don't think you'll ever know how happy you've truly made me, or how special you are to me"
  8786. >She kisses your forehead
  8787. >"I love you, Sunshine. More than anything."
  8788. >Those are the last words you hear before drifting off into the most peaceful sleep you've ever had
  8789. >You could even say you slept like a baby YEEEAAAAHHHH DUH NUH NUH NUH
  8791. @@@
  8794. >"What do you mean you're leaving?"
  8795. >You look to Celestia in confusion as she gives you a pained smile
  8796. "I'm sorry Anon. It's just a short trip across Equestria to meet with the other kingdoms, only for a few days then I'll be back."
  8797. >You give her a big hug
  8798. >"I'll miss you..."
  8799. >She gives you a warm nuzzle
  8800. "I'll miss you too, little one."
  8801. You hold her tightly in a hug and she wraps her wings around you
  8802. "You will have everything you need here, just ask a guard or Auntie Luna if you need any help with something."
  8803. >She gently pulls away
  8804. "I also have a parting gift for you."
  8805. >She blushes, averting her haze a bit to levitate pink bow-wrapped box towards you
  8806. "It's for while I am away."
  8807. >You reach for it to unwrap and open the box
  8808. >To your surprise, it's a pacifier.
  8809. >You gaze at it, confusion evident on your face
  8810. >"Uhh...this is..."
  8811. "Not what you're used to, I know."
  8812. >She levitates it out and towards you
  8813. "But this is special, I promise. Now, say ahhh~"
  8814. >You open your mouth slightly, allowing her to place it in
  8815. >She teases it against you lips and she gasps slightly
  8816. "Now try suckling it"
  8817. >You do as she says and are surprised to feel something come out of it
  8818. >Amazingly, it tastes just like her warm milk
  8819. "Mmmm~, it's enchantment is connected to my teat, so now a part of me will always be here for you
  8820. "Use it whenever you're feeling like you need mommy, and it'll be like we're together."
  8821. "Mommy will feel you nursing on her no matter how far apart we are. Ah~"
  8822. >She closes her eyes and sighs while you continues to drink and suckle
  8823. >Not to long after your sucking do you hear a familiar squishing sound coming from Celestia's rear
  8824. >She quickly pulls it from your mouth with before placing it back in the box
  8825. "Just try to use it sparingly please, I wouldn't want to have to explain why I'm winking during a meeting."
  8827. >She departed later that day, so you spent it doing your usual thing
  8828. >The day was uneventful, and ended without anything spectacular
  8829. >Dinner was quiet with Aunt Luna
  8830. >She was just so stoic and proper, and wasn't nearly as warm and affectionate as Celestia
  8831. >You realize that the air felt cold without her
  8832. >It's as if she radiated the sun's own warmth around her
  8833. >You finish your dinner before preparing for bed
  8834. >tfw no mommy to give you bath time or read a story for you
  8835. >You almost thought of asking Luna, but quickly reject the idea
  8836. >She'd probably read aloud with her 'Royal' voice
  8837. >You get in the giant bed, much more spacious now that you're sleeping in it alone
  8838. >It felt wrong
  8839. >You hadn't slept alone in so long, you forgot how cold and quiet it feels
  8840. >Not hearing the sound of her heartbeat, her breathing, the shifting of the covers
  8841. >Not feeling her soft coat, her kisses, her wings wrapped around you
  8842. >Come on Anon, it hasn't even been a full day stop being such a hopeless mommyfag
  8843. >You close your eyes and cuddle against her pillow
  8844. >It smells like her
  8845. >You spend a while laying in bed trying to sleep but it just doesn't work
  8846. >No matter how hard you try you can't get comfortable
  8847. >Then you look over at the pink box on the nightstand, the pacifier inside
  8848. >Remembering her words, you take it out and hold it, transfixed
  8849. >Such a simple design
  8850. >You tongue it gently, tracing circles on the outer edge, before lapping at it
  8851. >Wow, even the rubber nipple tastes just like her
  8852. >You place it into your mouth and begin to slowly suckle
  8853. >Within a few seconds, a steady stream of creamy strawberry milk flows from the opening of the rubber nipple
  8854. >You drink down the milk greedily, letting out a moan
  8855. >The milk already putting your body into a state of relaxation
  8856. >You close your eyes, hugging the pillow tighter and breathe into it deeply
  8857. >It almost feels like your holding onto Mommy, suckling her milk
  8858. >You feel the milky slowly milk clearing out the thoughts in your head
  8859. >Getting so hard to think
  8860. >Just need to keep drinking
  8861. >'Need...more...'
  8862. >Your mind fogs into blissful oblivion
  8863. >'Need...mommy...'
  8864. >It's the last thought that enters your lax mind before you fall asleep
  8866. >It's been a few days since she left
  8867. >You weren't addicted, you could stop any time you wanted
  8868. >You just didn't want to stop right now
  8869. >You started finding yourself sucking on it randomly throughout the days
  8870. >Then you started skipping meals in favor of drinking her milk
  8871. >And when you weren't thirsty, you would idly lick and lap at it
  8872. >Didn't she say something about not using it all the time?
  8873. >You tongue around the nipple lazily
  8874. >....Eh, you're sure it'll be fine, she'll be coming home soon anyways
  8875. >Then you won't need to use it anymore
  8876. >Until then, maybe another drink wouldn't hurt...
  8878. >She's back
  8879. >A guard arrived to inform you that her carriage just landed
  8880. >Finally, it had been nearly a week without her. You couldn't wait to see her
  8881. >You walk into the main hall, eagerly waiting for her arrival
  8882. >You hear the clopping of many hoof steps outside the door before it opens
  8883. >Celestia enters the room with her retinue of guards
  8884. >Her eyes immediately find yours
  8885. "Hello Sunshine."
  8886. >Uh oh
  8887. >She only spoke like that when she was upset about something
  8888. >Her voice and manner was oddly controlled, much like when she has to deal with a frustrating noble
  8889. >You walk up to her, slightly hesitant, and give her a big hug
  8890. >"Hi mom, how was your trip?"
  8891. >She lets out a small chuckle
  8892. "Oh it was very interesting, dear."
  8893. "In fact, I'd love to tell you all about private."
  8894. >She doesn't wait for you to answer before pushing you forward into the back hall towards the bedrooms
  8895. >You feel nervous, did something bad happen?
  8896. >As you walk, you can feel her stare burning into you from behind
  8897. >You reach the door to her bedroom
  8898. >Once you both enter, you hear her shut the door gently behind you
  8899. >You gather the courage to turn and ask her what's wrong
  8900. >"Hey mom, I..."
  8901. >You stop when you see her face
  8902. >Her restrained expression of control has completely given way to a half lidded, lustful gaze
  8903. "You naughty..."
  8904. >She stalks slowly towards, eyes fixed entirely on yours
  8905. "Little..."
  8906. >You stumble back, hitting the bed and she pushes you onto it
  8907. "Boy."
  8908. >You're flipped over, face pressed into one of the soft pillows before having your pants yanked off
  8909. >Celestia mounts you from behind and tuts into your ear
  8910. "I thought I told you to use that pacifier *sparingly*.
  8911. >oh shit oh god oh fuck
  8912. >"I'm sorry mommy, I didn't-"
  8913. "You're sorry?"
  8914. >She pulls herself off of you, and you hear the sound of a drawer opening and shutting
  8915. "But sweetie, I haven't even started..."
  8916. >You feel something soft brush against your bottom
  8917. "Your pun~ ish~ ment~"
  8919. *smack*
  8920. >The impact of the plush paddle against your rear is gentle, but solid enough to leave it feeling pleasantly warm and tingly
  8921. >You let out a light whimper when you feel her smack your rear again
  8922. *smack*
  8923. "Do you know how worked up you made me throughout the entire trip?"
  8924. *smack*
  8925. >She brushes the paddle against your ass before each smack, lightly tickling before she strikes
  8926. >"Uhhh-I'm sorr-"
  8927. "I'm not finished"
  8928. >Your apology is muffled by a pair of panties entering your mouth
  8929. >They're thoroughly soaked in her warm sugary syrup, the taste is beyond heavenly
  8930. *smack*
  8931. >"Mmmf!"
  8932. "You made mommy so embarrassed during her meeting"
  8933. *smack*
  8934. "I had to focus very very hard to hold back from cumming in front of everypony"
  8935. *smack*
  8936. "And when I couldn't hold it any longer, I had to use magic to force it all back"
  8937. *smack*
  8938. "I could feel you the entire time, hours on end"
  8939. *smack*
  8940. "Suckling"
  8941. *smack*
  8942. "Licking"
  8943. *smack*
  8944. "Making mommy so hot and needy"
  8945. *smack*
  8946. >You hear her openly panting behind you
  8947. "Making me so wet for you"
  8948. *smack*
  8949. "Do you think it's okay to tease mommy like that?
  8950. >"Mmmf~"
  8951. >She pulls the panties from your mouth
  8952. "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. What did you say?"
  8953. *smack*
  8954. >"Mmm! N-noooo..."
  8955. "No? It's not very nice, is it?"
  8956. *smack*
  8957. "No, mommy"
  8958. "Do you think mommy likes having to punish her little boy?"
  8959. >"...yes?"
  8960. *SMACK*
  8961. >"Uff, I mean no!"
  8962. "Do you have something you want to tell me now?"
  8963. >"I'm sorry mommy"
  8964. >She stops her assault on your ass, the buzzing sensation leaving you aroused
  8965. "Good boy"
  8966. >Climbing up over you, she kisses and licks up along your back
  8967. "Mommy accepts your apology"
  8968. >Her lips reach your neck, and you shudder
  8969. "But your punishment is far from over"
  8970. >She whispers into your ear, giving gentle nibbles and licks
  8971. "Mommy is going to make certain you get your just desserts"
  8972. "Every."
  8973. "Last."
  8974. "Bite~"
  8976. >She moves her way back down, placing gentles kisses and licks until she reaches your ass again
  8977. >"You know, you have such a cute little butt"
  8978. >She kisses one of your reddened cheeks
  8979. "Mommy didn't hurt you when she spanked you, did she?"
  8980. >You hear genuine concern in her voice. Did she think those gentle spanks actually did any harm?
  8981. >"No, they didn't really hurt."
  8982. >You feel her breathe out slightly in relief
  8983. "Good. I don't want to hurt you, sweetie"
  8984. >She nuzzles your ass, causing you to giggle from the ticklish sensation
  8985. "Oh, is my little boy ticklish here?"
  8986. >She licks your other cheek, earning another laugh
  8987. "Oh you are~"
  8988. >She kisses, licks, and nibbles all over your cheeks
  8989. >You can't help but squirm from the sensation
  8990. "You have such a cute laugh too"
  8991. >She places a kiss closer to the center
  8992. "But right now, I think I'd rather hear your moans"
  8993. >Then you feel a long lick against your hole
  8994. >Her wide tongue runs in between your ass against your entrance
  8995. >You tense and release a loud groan, feet splaying into the sheets
  8996. >She laps at your entrance with a muffled giggle, purring into your ass
  8997. >You struggle to remain still as you indulge in her loving licks
  8998. >You can't stop the moans from escaping your lips, giving her exactly what she wants
  8999. >While you were aroused at first, your cock is now throbbing between your legs
  9000. >Celestia pulls away with a loud "pwah", before letting out a quiet laugh
  9001. "My, you're so sensitive there~"
  9002. >She places one last kiss there before you feel her magic grip you
  9003. "I wonder how sensitive you are inside?"
  9004. >You feel her magic circle around your rim before slowly penetrating inside
  9005. >Your eyes roll back and you let out a quiet whimper as the magic traces against your prostate in smooth circular motions
  9006. "You sound so delightful, let me see that beautiful face of yours"
  9007. >She flips you over to lay on your back, her magic still playing inside your ass
  9008. "Oh sweetie, you look so helpless like this~"
  9009. >You pant at the intense sensation assaulting your prostate
  9010. "Now, let's see how *you* like having your nipples teased"
  9012. >She leans over your chest, pulling off your shirt, then places her lips around one of your nipples
  9013. >She sucks and swirls her tongues around one, while using magic to pull and rub the other
  9014. >The combined assault against your ass and nipples leaves you a panting, moaning, squirming mess
  9015. >You can't help but thrash around, unable to handle the stimulation
  9016. >Your cock is now starting to leak precum
  9017. >You idly thrust your hips up, humping the air in futility
  9018. >She glances towards your cock before pulling off your nipple, quickly replacing it with her magic
  9019. >She moves herself down to place her head between your legs
  9020. >Studying your cock as it throbs and leaks in the air, she blows on it
  9021. "So needy~"
  9022. >She places a kiss on the tip
  9023. "Do you want mommy to take care of this?"
  9024. >You look into her eyes with desperate need
  9025. >"Yes!"
  9026. "Tch tch tch~ That's no way to answer"
  9027. >She laps at your balls and swirls her tongue around them
  9028. "Yes what? What's the magic word?"
  9029. >She gives you a very smug smile waiting for you to respond
  9030. >"Yes, please"
  9031. >The smile turns into a grin before she speaks again
  9032. "Tell me, sweetie"
  9033. >She exhales warm breath between your legs
  9034. "Whose cock is this?"
  9035. >You look at her in confusion
  9036. >...mine?"
  9037. >She gives a mischievous grin as she spreads out her wings
  9038. "Wrong answer~"
  9039. >Her wings suddenly dive down onto your naked body
  9040. >Soft fluffy feathers trace and dance over your sensitive skin, attacking and tickling your most sensitive spots
  9041. >You yelp and laugh loudly as the feathers assault your senses without mercy
  9042. >Only when you start having trouble catching your breath does she stop
  9043. >Hovering her wings over you threateningly
  9044. "I'll ask again. Whose cock is this?"
  9045. >"...It's yours, Mommy"
  9046. >She smiles and brings her wings back to her sides
  9047. "That's right, it's mommy's cock"
  9048. >She opens her mouth right over it, letting you see how wet and warm it is inside
  9049. "All mine~"
  9050. >Then she plunges her mouth all the way down onto your cock, hilting it deep inside her throat
  9052. >You let out a loud pleasured yell as the tight walls of her throat conform around your cock
  9053. >As soon as she hilted you inside her, she started swallowing over and over
  9054. >The milking motion of her throat, combined with the magic still teasing at your nipples and prostate, leave you gasping
  9055. >Struggling to hold on while the intense sensations wrack through your body, you grip the sheets and wrap your legs around her neck
  9056. >The only sounds that carry over your own are the lewd, wet gulping sounds of her constant swallowing
  9057. >Her tongue slips out to lap at your balls in rhythm with the milking motions
  9058. >You can feel the cum welling up inside, ready to burst and pour into her waiting throat
  9059. >She gently pulls you head with her magic to meet your gaze
  9060. >Her eyes lock onto yours as she swallows, milking your glans
  9061. >Your own gaze is unfocused, your jaw slack as your mind tries to keep up with your body
  9062. >You can't hold on anymore, you let out a groan as you... cum?
  9063. >A powerful dry orgasm washes over you as Celestia places a magical barrier inside your prostate, keeping all your cum locked inside
  9064. >Her eyes narrow as she looks at you, you're pretty sure she'd be smiling if her mouth wasn't full
  9065. >Your urge to cum still sits at its peak, but she continues to work your cock, trying to pull more orgasms out of you
  9066. >Dry orgasms hit you in waves as she continues working diligently to stir you into a frenzy
  9067. >It isn't long before you begin to beg and plead her to let you cum
  9068. >And when the next orgasm hits you, she does
  9069. >You throw your head back and release a deep guttural cry, tightening your legs around her head as you cum
  9070. >Thick ropes of semen pour down her throat, as magic pulses your prostate and each swallow draws out more and more of your load
  9071. >Even when every last bit of cum has been emptied from your balls, she still continues swallowing
  9072. >The motion against your sensitive head lights your nerves with burning electricity
  9073. >You scream for her to stop, but you can't form words and only garbled cries leave your mouth
  9074. >She doesn't stop, not until your body seizes in the throes of another orgasm
  9075. >Your limbs shake, and your vision clouds in white pulsing light
  9076. >Every thought escapes your mind as some sort of fluid squirts out of your cock
  9077. >She sucks it down greedily, before finally relenting and pulling herself off with a loud wet *plop*
  9078. >She places one last kiss on your thoroughly drained cock
  9079. "That's one~"
  9081. @@@
  9084. >”You can call me “mommy” if you want”
  9085. >Your immediate instinct is to reject her offer, but then you get a devious idea
  9086. “Okay... mommy”
  9087. >She adjusts herself slightly, her head and neck effectively cradling your head as her impossibly soft wings and chest embrace the rest of your body
  9088. >She sighs nearly imperceptibly
  9089. >You turn around in the embrace, your face rubbing against her soft, fuzzy neck
  9090. “You’re s-so... ‘soft’ and ‘warm’, mommy...”
  9091. >You wrap your arms delicately around her neck, your hands meeting at the top of her withers where they brush her coat idly
  9092. >You feel her heartbeat increase in speed, and her breaths become very slightly heavier
  9093. >”T-thank you. I... I would hope so, haha...”
  9094. >You take a deep breath after burying your face into her coat, the calming aroma of whatever shampoo she washed with filling your lungs and, to your surprise, relaxing your muscles even further
  9095. “Mmmm... you smell really good, mommy”
  9096. >Her breath hitches, and her heart beats much faster now
  9097. >”I... umm...”
  9098. >A smile stretches across your lips as you prepare to send it home
  9099. >You sigh deeply and wistfully into her coat
  9100. “I love you, mommy...”
  9101. >For the next minute, the only thing you hear is her breathing and her heart beating wildly in her chest
  9102. >When the silence is broken, you get exactly what you were hoping for
  9103. >She wraps her forehooves around you and tightens the embrace with her wings, her head lowering until her cheek brushes affectionately against yours
  9104. >”Oh, mommy loves you, too~! Mommy will always be here whenever you need her, okay? Whatever you need, whatever you want; mommy will take care of it all!”
  9105. >She can’t stop a few adorable and excited giggles from leaving her mouth as everything she wanted out of this becomes a reality
  9106. >Your devious smile quickly becomes genuine as the happiness you feel for her overrides any other feeling
  9107. >Tears of joy welling up in your eyes, you decide that this was the best course of action, and eagerly await the places that it will go
  9109. @@@
  9112. >”Don’t worry, sweetie. Mommy’s not going anywhere, okay?”
  9113. >She smiles reassuringly at you, then extends a wing to hook around your back and gently pull you against her
  9114. >The warmth her soft, gorgeous body emits nearly puts you to sleep again instantly
  9115. >She tucks your head safely under her chin, then uses her magic to pull the blanket comfortably over the both of you
  9116. >That, combined with the delicate embrace of her wing and the sheer softness of her body makes you never want to move again
  9117. >She softly chuckles a single time under her breath before heaving a relaxed sigh
  9118. >”You can stay here and lay with mommy some more, if you’d like”
  9119. >You smile tiredly and nod, the gesture causing your face to rub her fluffy chest and the top of your head to caress her chin
  9120. “Yes... please”
  9121. >With that, she smiles gratefully down at you for a moment before closing her eyes and shutting off the light with a quick spell
  9122. >Her duties could wait a while
  9124. @@@
  9127. > ~~Mom~~ Celestia asks you to snuggle in her new hoodie for "just for a moment"
  9128. >she never got to carry you like your human mother did and can't help but feel like she's missed out
  9129. nothing a little alicorn magic can't fix, but you don't need to know that yet
  9130. >then she magics away your clothes before teleporting to Day Court
  9131. >only options now are to stay put or give the nobles and diplomats a free show they are likely not prepared for
  9132. >want to be outraged with Sunbutt, but can't get over how damned comfy it is in here
  9133. >end up falling asleep right there in front of everyone with Mom nuzzling you and humming a lullaby
  9135. >one ambassador lets curiosity get the better of them and asks what's moving inside "Her Worship's divine raiment"
  9136. >eyes full of mischief, she asks them if they'd like to see for themselves
  9137. >the diplomat, not wanting to offend, pulls down the zipper and finds themselves face-to-face with a bemused/half-awake Anon
  9138. >"Now, let's not be getting nosy, bub."
  9140. @@@

Momlestia archive

by Delight

Momlestia threads

by Delight