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>”Are you sure you’re ready Princess?”
>Twilight asked warily, yet she has a trusting at the same time.
>Given everything that happened recently it is still surprising that she would trust you so fully.
>It’s welcoming.
“I am.”
>You said as you examined yourself and steeled your nerve.
>You have had Luna test casting you into human form before, and Anon’s previous critiques have helped perfect your form.
>You stand in the garden and take a deep breath.
“I’m ready.”
>Your sister steps forward.
>”Based on Twilight’s calculations and research, we should be able to open a portal manually to Anon’s home world. This will help you find anything close to him.” >She magics a gem before you.
>You reach out with your hand and take it.
>”Simply grasp it in your hand and think of what you need. The magic should do the rest.”
>You test it by thinking of Anon.
>It gleams in your grasp and an image is displayed of him reading in the library with Philomina.
>”And even though you may appear human, your magic powers are still as formidable as ever. Hopefully you will not need them though.”
>Deciding to test this as well, you release your grip on the gem.
>With a mere thought, you levitate it above your hand before floating it back down.
>”Sunset has said that humans covet gold greatly. This bag of bits should be more than you should ever need.”
>Twilight says as she levitates a bag of bits before you.
>You take it and place it in the saddle bag at your side.
>”I’ve also studied Starswirl’s previous works, this will allow you to turn a mirror into a portal back home.”
>She holds a scroll out before you as well.
>You retrieve the scroll and place it in the bag as well.
>The royal tailors have definitely done their job today.
>From Anon’s description along with Twilight’s memories of the human world you have what you believe to be a rather flattering wardrobe.
“Twilight… I said some truly hurtful and unforgivable things to you before.”
>You look down at your former student.
>She looks up at you with the eyes you remember first seeing all those years ago.
>Her eyes look upon you with wonder and awe.
“I am sorry Twilight Sparkle.”
>You crouch down and wrap your arms around your former protégé.
>You feel her press against you in a deep embrace.
>She says with tears in her eyes.
>”I’m sure our dear nephew would not mind us borrowing this.”
>Your sister holds up your son’s phone.
>You wonder how she took it from him, but decide against asking for now.
>Twilight determined having a piece of his original world would help act as a conductor for opening the portal early.
>Your sister and former student close their eyes and concentrate.
>You witness as two of the most powerful magicians in the world focus on a task.
>This must be like what others see when you raise the sun each morn.
>A few paces away from you, you notice the ground starts to glow.
>That must be the place.
>With any luck, you’ll be back within the hour.
>You start walking toward the light, ready for the unknown.
>You know you don’t need to do this.
>But you owe it to your son to do this regardless.
>As you walk into the light, you close your eyes and a loud ringing in your ears is all you can hear.
>Soon enough, the ringing dissipates and an alien noise replaces it.
>You think it may belong to carriages, only louder.
>The fragrant smell of the royal flowers is replaced with rotting garbage.
>Your sister’s beautiful moon is now hidden by buildings and clouds.
>Street lights as well as those from buildings eliminate the night.
>Taking stock of your location, you determine you are in an alleyway.
>You feel horrible that this is where Anon was all those years ago when he was a baby and again when he was ten.
>Alone and scared.
>This is no place for a child to grow up on their own.
>You also feel an enormous sense of pride, knowing how he was able to survive alone here and turn out like he did.
>You assess the situation and make sure you have everything you came with.
>Twilight’s scroll, bag of bits, Luna’s gem, and Anon’s keys you took earlier.
>This will get you everything you need.
>Walking out of the alley, you are amazed.
>This city looks almost like Manehattan or Las Pegasus.
>Large buildings, vast cityscape, hustling and bustling, and everypony seems to be active well into the night.
>You find yourself smirking at that last part and think of how Luna would love that.
>You are so caught up taking in the sights that you barely notice two men walking up to you.
>”Damn baby you look good.”
>”What say you come back to our place?”
>”Yeah, we got some good shit. We know how to treat you right and make you feel good.”
>One says while looking you up and down.
>This is different from how Twilight or Luna examined your body when you first transformed.
>And judging by how Anon was embarrassed seeing you, it seems these two definitely have more carnal intentions in mind.
“I highly doubt that.”
>”What was that?”
“I have business I need to attend to, and don’t have time for distractions that aren’t worth my time and that I have no intention of indulging in. Please leave.”
>You say, trying to be civil with them.
>”Oh, will you look at miss high and mighty here.”
>”Yeah, we tried being nice and asking, now we just got to take what we want.”
>The one looks at your hand and sees the gem.
>”Starting with that huge rock.”
>He immediately reaches out for your hand.
>His reaction time isn’t that impressive, and even in this new form you still react at the speed of thought, and his entire body is engulfed in a golden aura.
>He is frozen in place with his arm reaching out for you, only his eyes can move.
>You know that look, it is one of panic.
>No pony alive would ever dare try to do what he just did.
>In Equestria, everypony knows who you are.
>Everypony also knows what you are capable of as well.
>Based on Anon’s description of this world, there is no magic.
>That means these two are most likely wondering what is happening.
>”Johnny? The fuck is going on?”
>The other asks looking from him to you in a panic.
>You notice him reach behind his back and you decide to stop him too before he does something else.
>Again, with a mere thought, he is held in your magic as well.
“As I said, I have business I need to attend to. Please excuse me.”
>You say dismissively with a wave of your hand, causing them to careen into the nearby building.
>You honestly didn’t intend to have them hit the building with that much force.
>You could clearly hear the impact as well as some cracks from their bodies.
>Guess you’ll have to make a note for if you need to use magic again in this world.
>You seem to be a little overpowered here.
>Looking down at the gem still in your hand, you concentrate on Anon’s home here.
>An image appears in the crystal and it seems to try pointing in a direction.
>But, you also have another idea in mind.
>You think of Anon’s birth mother.
>Soon, the image of where Anon stayed disappears and a woman takes its place.
>The gem starts to point the way in a slightly different direction.
>You do have some questions for her after all.
>Perhaps a sidetrack wouldn’t be the worst thing right now.
>You have been walking for some time, using the gem to guide you.
>This city is large and you try to take it in as you walk.
>It isn't as large as Manehatten, but the buildings do keep reminding you of the architecture there.
>The streets are busy and ponyless carriages travel quickly down the center of it while some are parked on the sides of the street.
>Luckily, on your walk, you didn't encounter any others like the two you had to dispatch when you got here.
>That isn't to say others haven't been looking at you.
>One even kept his eyes on you instead of where he was going and walked into a garbage bin.
>As if you needed any further evidence that this temporary form garnered attention from those here.
>You're also reminded of how alien this form is and how hard it is to walk.
>All that time practicing in your room paid off, even with your sister's teasing, you haven't fallen yet.
>But you are starting to wonder how far you are from Anon's birth mother.
>Just because you haven't fallen yet doesn't mean you won't if this takes a while longer.
"It'd be nice if Luna put a distance marker in this thing or something."
>You comment to yourself while looking at the gem.
>As if responding to your thoughts, the image of her gets smaller and you see an overhead view of the city.
>There's even a marker depicting where you are.
"Touche Luna... touche."
>You smile and chuckle.
>That is just like her to give you an item and forget to mention all of its features.
>Well now, that does seem like a bit of a ways away.
>It would be really nice if you could fly there or even teleport.
>You make a note to increase public transportation in heavily earth pony populated areas.
>A thought hits you.
>While you may not have your wings, you do have your magic.
>You stop walking and look from side to side.
>Convinced no one is watching you, you walk into the nearest alleyway.
>Once in the alley and away from prying eyes, you envision a place closer to her based on the map you saw.
>Using your magic you look ahead at that area, confirming no pony is around there and that you won't be teleporting into anything.
>You see everything as clear as if it were right in front of you, down to the tiniest detail of the trash on the ground in the space you soon want to be.
>Once you find the optimum location to teleport to, you close your eyes and concentrate.
>With a loud crack, you warp space and time to your whim and when you open your eyes again you are where you envisioned.
>Holding the gem again you think of his mother, and you see she is much closer to you now than before.
>That shaved off a great deal of time in your journey.
>Now she is practically around the corner at this point.
>You had often thought about what you would say to Anon's mother if you ever met her.
>Asking her how dare her for abandoning the best thing to ever happen to you?
>Maybe she didn't do it on purpose.
>What if it was an accident or beyond her control and she wants him back?
>Could you honestly say you would give him back to her?
>But Anon isn't some... thing that can be passed back and forth by others.
>As much as you hate to admit it, he is an adult now.
>And with that, it is no longer your place to make decisions for him.
>She can't demand he be returned, just as you can't make him stay with you.
>He is your son, and he can make his own choices if it even comes to that.
>You owe it to Anon and yourself to talk to her at the very least.
>She deserves that as well.
>You will let Anon know what you did and he can make up his own mind as to how he wants to proceed.
>Steadying your resolve you start walking towards her again.
>She is walking to one of those parked ponyless carriages.
>She is fumbling with something in her hand.
>"Come on you stupid! Finally!"
>She says to herself without looking up.
"Excuse me."
>She reacts immediately and turns around to look at you, holding out the bit of metal in her hand and pointing it at you.
>"Hey now, I don't have any money, or a phone, and I don't want any trouble."
>A hint of panic in her eyes.
>You say with a wave of your hand.
"I'm just here to talk about your son."
>She pulls her hand back a little and sighs.
>"Ugh, what did he do now? Just tell me what he did and I'll make sure he makes it up to you."
>She says almost automatically.
>It seems like she has done this many times before.
>But why would she talk to Anon about something he did.
"I'm sorry, but I think you might be a little confused."
>She turns and starts to put he hand near the door of the vehicle.
>"You said this was about my son right?"
>She says with a bit of frustration.
>There seems to be a misunderstanding going on.
"I don't believe were talking about the same person."
>"Look lady, it's been a long day. I only have the one son so if you can't say what he did or describe him then you better get walking, cuz you got the wrong kid and I got better things to be doing."
>She says clearly loosing patience with this whole encounter.
"I'm talking about the son that was left in an alley 20 years ago."
>She stops immediately.
>You stand silently looking at the back of her head for some time.
"Are you alright?"
>Finally, she slowly turns around to look at you again.
>Her eyes are wide and her face looks like it has lost some color.
>"H-how do you know about that?"
>She looks like she's seen a ghost.
"I was the one who found him. And I have some questions for you."
>With a stretch and a yawn you momentarily stop your studying.
"Still with me Philomena?"
>Your mother's phoenix squawks when her name is mentioned, flies from the back of the chair she was perched on and onto your shoulder.
>She nuzzles your cheek and chirps affectionately.
>Never gonna get tired of that.
"What say we take a break and find mom or Aunt Luna? All this reading by candle light is hurting my eyes and I could go for stretching my legs."
>You stand up slower than you normally would, just so she doesn't fall off.
>Despite the fact she never has yet, you still are a little more cautious when she uses you as a perch.
>Even when you were a kid she always stayed on when you ran around, but you're trying to be polite.
>You use a bookmark to mark your place and bring the book with you.
>Not sure how long you'll be away and don't want Mrs. Night Oil to think you left it there.
>Partly you don't want her to put it away, but mainly you don't want her to think you were being lazy and just left it there.
>You have an image as prince to uphold after all once again.
"Sun went down. Time really flies when you're having fun huh?"
>You whisper more to yourself than to Philomena, but she agrees just the same.
>The older unicorn librarian is at her desk sorting returned books.
>Her ears swivel when she hears you coming and she looks up at you with a warm smile.
>"Your majesty."
>She stops what she was doing and stands.
"Mrs. Night Oil."
>You greet her back with a smile as well.
"I hope I haven't kept you if the library was supposed to be closed."
>"Of course not my prince. You still have almost an hour before that. And I would have gotten you if it necessary."
"Well, good thing you don't need to hunt me down then. Just this tonight."
>You say, handing her your book.
>She takes it in her magic and checks it out.
>"'The History of Hippogriffs.' I didn't know you could read Hippogriff, Prince Anonymous."
>Was it?
"It's something I picked up when I was younger. I'm just glad I can still read it."
>"I know what you mean. I learned Prench as a filly and without a chance to use it I only know basic words and phrases now. Maybe I should brush up on it in some down time."
>She says the last bit mainly for herself.
"I think that would be great, if it's someone like you then I'm sure it would come back easily. Have a good rest of your night Mrs. Night Oil."
>"And you as well my prince."
>She says with a bow and genuine smile.
>Once you are outside the library doors, you are greeted by your night guard.
>An ever alert bat pony your Aunt personally picked for you because of his record.
>He's as good a guy as you could ask for, but you still feel weird having a security team hovering close by day and night.
>"My prince."
>He says with a bow of his head.
"Swing Shift. I hope you weren't bored waiting for me to finish my studies."
>"Fear not, while there are those that revel in excitement I personally believe a quiet night is a good night."
>You chuckle and nod at his words and can see why Aunt Luna picked him.
>He stays close behind you as you walk to the throne room.
>It isn't that far, but it give you time to think about what Mrs. Night Oil said.
>Your mother told you that when you were first learning to read, write, and talk that she cast a spell called Allspeak on you.
>It allowed you to understand and communicate in any language you heard or read.
>It's so natural to you that you don't even think about it unless it's brought up that you're doing it.
>There was a time you were accompanying your mother at a diplomatic event before you disappeared.
>She decided to take you with her to help prepare you for the future.
>A group of griffins were trying to secure mining rights in Equestria and needed permission from her to allow it.
>They were griffins from an area surrounding Griffinstone and did not speak Equestrian so they brought a translator with them.
>Being so young you don't remember much details about the meeting.
>But you do remember one of them, a higher ranking member it would seem, taking offense to you being there.
>"What is that thing, and why is it here?"
>He asked the translator.
>"That is the prince of Equestria."
>The translator replied.
>Everyone in their group, including the translator, laughed.
>"I thought the horse brought a pet monkey with her."
>The one said with a laugh again which the others joined once more.
>You looked up at your mother looking confused, but she just kept looking ahead normally.
>"May I ask, what is so funny?"
>"We are just happy this meeting is going so well and it will profit both of our nations."
>The translator said as if he was prepared for it.
"But mommy..."
>You start to whisper to her.
>"I know my sunshine. All in due time."
>She whispers back while hugging you.
>The translator looked back at the rest of his group.
>"I told her we are happy the deal is going well and not that we were laughing at the animal she brought."
>He told them.
>"I always say, if you're going to talk freely or insult somegriffin then make sure they can't understand you."
>The one smug griffin said.
>"I believe I've heard all that needs to be said and I have reached my decision."
>Your mother says confidently.
>The griffin party becomes alert at her words.
>"I am denying your request for mining in Equestria."
>"She said 'No!'"
>The translator looks shocked and quickly tells the others what she said.
>"But why? We have the paperwork and this meeting was just a formality!"
>The no longer smug one said.
>"The reason, since you're asking..."
>Your mother says to them while pausing to allow them to react to her.
>They look wide eyed at her and seems to be shocked.
>"Y-you speak Mountain Griffin?"
>One says as he sounds scared.
>"I do, and I believe you now know why there will be no deal."
>They looked at eachother.
>"As you said, 'if you're going to talk freely or insult somepony then make sure they can't understand you.' You clearly didn't make sure. And now you can return home and explain how your request was denied because you all insulted the Prince of Equestria."
>They sit silently looking at eachother before turning back to your mother and you.
>"Please, if I may-"
>The translator says.
>"You may not. Perhaps I was not clear before. This meeting is over, there will not be any deal, and you are no longer welcome here. Now, return immediately to Griffinstone."
>They looked defeated as they left the room.
>Your mother explained later the reason you could understand them along with her.
>The Allspeak spell even stayed with you when you ended up on earth which helped out in more than a few ways.
>You return from the memory and you are in front of the throne room.
>Two additional batponies are stationed at the door which means Aunt Luna is inside.
>They come to attention and greet you.
>"Prince Anonymous, sir."
>They say before opening the doors for you.
"Thank you both, as you were."
>You reply, knowing Aunt Luna's guards are more formal.
>The doors close behind you once you enter.
>As you are walking, you notice that the throne sits empty.
>Scanning the room, you see the entire room is empty as well.
>Philomena notices your uneasiness and perks up on your shoulder.
>Swing Shift takes note of this shortly after her and goes on alert as well.
>"My prince, something is wrong."
"Yeah, you're telling me. Where is everyone?"
>The door on the far side of the throne room opens and your Aunt walks in with her assistant Miss Writingdesk.
>"And with you covering for Princess Celestia for an undetermined amount of time, I have cleared your morning in the event you will need to raise the sun as well."
>Miss Writingdesk says while reading from her clipboard.
>Apart from her slightly darker coat, she looks just like her sister Miss Raven.
>They stop when they see you and look surprised.
>"Nightsong! We thought you were studying in the library."
>She says and lowers her head to you as you hug her neck.
"I was, but I'm calling it an early night and wanted to check on you and mom. I was also worried because you had guards out front but you weren't here. Everything alright?"
>"Why yes, I just needed to assist your mother with something quickly is all."
>She says, trying to reassure you.
"If it was quick, why do you need to cover for her for an undetermined amount of time then?"
>Aunt Luna looks panicked now.
>"An excellent question... Writingdesk here will be able to explain that for you."
>She looks down to her asssitant.
>"I will?"
>She says with a face that reads she was just thrown under the bus.
>"Well, uh... CAW-CAW! What was that? Sounded like a delivery bird. I better go check and sign for whatever it brought."
>She says and leaves the room.
>"So much for loyalty."
>Aunt Luna says.
"Swing Shift, why don't you take a break. I'll be fine here for now."
>Reading the room, he bows and walks out as well.
>She then looks at the bird on your shoulder.
>"And YOU were supposed to keep him distracted."
>She says pointing a hoof at the phoenix.
>Philomena looks from side to side while squawking quietly before flying off your shoulder and out the window.
>"Incompetence, I'm surrounded by incompetence."
>She says shaking her head.
"Aunt Luna. Where's mom?"
by Delight
by Delight