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Rarity's Glimpse of the Future (CHS Bimbo)

By Trixter
Created: 2020-12-18 03:51:39
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Rarity! Hey, Rar-i-tyyyyyyyy! Oh, there you are."
  2. >"Yes, here I am. Is there any particular reason you were making enough noise to arouse the neighborhood?"
  3. >"Hee hee. You said arouse."
  4. >"Sweetie Belle focus! What do you want?"
  5. >"Oh right! I need a new bra."
  6. >"A new bra? But mother told me that she just bought you some new brassieres a few weeks ago."
  7. >"Yup. But they don't fit anymore. I mean, I don't even like wearing the dumb things but mom is all, 'You have to wear a bra or you'll be flopping around all over the place'. Anyways, she said to to see you."
  8. >"Ugh, that does sound like something mother would say. Very well, off with your shirt."
  9. >"Oh my! You weren't kidding. You are positively spilling out of that top. Here, let's get that off of you."
  10. >"Oof! Thanks sis, that feels a lot better."
  11. >"I should think so. Now let's see what we're working with. Hmm..."
  12. >"Well, am I bigger? Am I?"
  13. >"Oh, uh, y-yes you certainly are. Ah, ha ha haa. You just wait here. I think I have bra that will fit."
  14. >"Here you are Sweetie."
  15. >"Gee thanks. Whoa! A D-cup. That's so totally awesome!"
  16. >"Yes. Totally... awesome."
  17. >"Man, I thought bra's were all really uncomfortable but this thing rocks. It like I have two big hands holding my tits up. And look how far out they go. I can't even see my feet any more!"
  18. >"Erm, yes well, I'm sure you'll get used to it."
  19. >"Wait'll Diamond Tiara and the rest see this. They'll just die!"
  20. >"Now, now. It's not good to boast."
  21. >"But I'm the biggest girl in my class, ya know?"
  22. >"Are you? But I thought for certain that there was another girl... No, no, I must be mistaken. In any case let's get you a demi-cup that you can wear with your low-cut dresses."
  23. >"Oh yeah, most of those don't fit anymore either."
  24. >"What? Why?"
  25. >"My butt got too bi-iiig!"
  26. >"Turn around. Good heavens. I was so focused on your front that I neglected your backside. You're just busting out all over, aren't you?"
  27. >"Uh-huh. Soon I'll be as big as you!"
  28. >"-Gurk!-"
  29. >"You ok Rarity?"
  30. >"Yes... P-perfectly fine. I think I just had a premonition, is all."
  31. >"Hee hee, that's a funny word. Premanamission. Ooo, if I get as big as you, then we can totally share outfits. Won't that be awesome?"
  32. >"Sh- share outfits...?"
  33. >"Say this bra's pretty comfy, but when I lift my arms up it kind of pinches around my boobs. Can you loosen it up a bit?"
  34. >"What? Oh, yes let me see... No, I'm afraid that's as far as the shoulder straps go on this model."
  35. >"Aw, that's ok. I'm sure I won't be wearing it for too long anyways. Double-D's here I come!"
  36. >"I, um, need to sit down for a minute."
  37. >"You ok, sis?"
  38. >"Nothing to worry about, Sweetie. Just thinking about the future."
  39. >"Gee, you're so smart. I don't think I'll ever be as smart as you."
  40. >"(That's alright, I'm sure you'll have other assets at your disposal.)"
  41. >"What was that, sis?"
  42. >"Ahem. I said, let's go see about getting you some proper dresses to show of those sweet little curves of yours, shall we?"
  43. >"Yaaaay!"

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