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Minimizer Bra (Rarity, Spike, Big Breasts)

By Trixter
Created: 2020-12-18 03:55:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be a somewhat older Spike.
  2. >By the time you got through your painful teenage years and grew into a descent sized drake, you had given up any hope of ever winning Rarity's heart.
  3. >But then life decided to screw with you and you had become embroiled in a plot that involved Prince Blueblood, a clan of ninja's, the fate of all Equestria, and, most importantly, a kidnapped Rarity.
  4. >Using all the book smarts that your adopted sister had drilled into you over the years, you had unraveled the clues.
  5. >Utilizing all the wilderness survival skills that you had picked up from Fluttershy and Zecora you had tracked your enemies.
  6. >And relying upon your draconic strength and royal training you had kicked some serious ass and saved the day!
  7. >By the time it was all over, you had also won the undying devotion of a certain pale fashionista.
  8. >In the peaceful days that followed your love had blossomed and you eventually proposed marriage.
  9. >To your utter delight, she had accepted!
  10. >Now it is your wedding night.
  11. >The fancy Manehatten hotel you're staying at could be a hovel for all you care.
  12. >All that matters is the beauty that is 'freshining up' in the master bathroom as you eagerly wait on the bed.
  13. >She opens the door and comes out clad only in a risque set of lacy white lingerie, complete with stockings and garter belt.
  14. >The look on her face is not exactly what you were hoping for, though.
  15. >She looks apprehensive.
  16. >"Spike," she hesitates, "there's something I need to tell you before we continue. I wanted to mention it before but I wasn't sure how to approach it and before I knew it we'd gotten here and..."
  17. >She pauses to take a deep breath.
  18. >"You know I go through an elaborate beauty regimen. You've seen me without all my makeup."
  19. "And like I said," you interupt, "I still think you're the most beautiful creature in all Equestria."
  20. >She smiles and blushes a little, "And that's one of the reasons I love you so. Well there's one more, er, cosmetic enhancement that I partake in that I don't think you know about."
  21. >The gorgeous woman looks down at her chest.
  22. >Puzzled you follow her gaze to the perky set of c-cups sitting on her torso.
  23. "Uh, you wear a padded bra?" you ask.
  24. >"What? No!" she hotly denies.
  25. "Okay, okay! What then? You can tell me."
  26. >She sighs, "Perhaps it would just be easier to show you."
  27. >Your new wife reaches behind her back and works the hooks holding her bra closed.
  28. >The garment comes undone and she begins to wriggle out of it.
  29. >Slipping the shoulder straps down her arms, you sit, enraptured, as one of your dearest fantasies comes true.
  30. >The cups of her satin brassiere slide down, revealing her creamy breasts.
  31. >And then, to your utter confusion, they keep revealing even more of your love's fulsome orbs.
  32. >It seems like some sort of illusion as greater amounts of breast-flesh spill forth from the regular sized bra-cups.
  33. >The straps on Rarity's bra are almost down to her elbows and the lacy material has yet to reveal her nipples.
  34. >Finally, with one last shrug, your wife pulls away her confounding foundation garment and fully exposes her chest to you.
  35. >For a few moments you can only sit there in shock.
  36. >Before you stands a lady who looks like your dear-one, but whos proportions are all wrong.
  37. >Jutting forth from your lady-love's chest are some of the largest tits you've ever seen!
  38. >Her boobs aren't quite as big as Celestia's, but then, Rarity doesn't have as big a frame as the princess either.
  39. >The tops of each ta-ta gently slope out from a few inches below her collar bone.
  40. >The bottom of each fat, rounded pillow rests comfortably below her sternum.
  41. >You gulp as you finally get to behold her pale pink nipples, each one a demure point accenting Rarity's surprisingly erotic funbags.
  42. >After drinking in the unbelievable sight you gradually realize your wife is talking to you.
  43. >"...and so I simply couldn't go to my first fashion week with such an imbalanced silhouette. Fortunately my mother knew a spell caster who worked with me on my, um, 'minimizer bra', which I'll have you know is very popular with a certain range of clientele."
  44. >Ending her rant, Rarity looks away from you. "I didn't mean to deceive you. You- you're not upset or disappointed are you?"
  45. >Oh geez, she looks like she's about to cry, and you can tell from years of experience that these are real tears threatening your darling's eyes.
  46. >Wanting to reassure her, you motion for Rarity to come to you.
  47. >You almost have a heart attack as her every step causes her massive melons to jiggle and shimmy like two giant puddings.
  48. >She finally reaches you and you reach and you hold her gaze.
  49. "I'm not upset Rarity. Shining Armor told me once that every lady has her secrets and as long as she's not cheating on you or bankrupting you she's entitled to them. Honestly, I'm just glad you didn't suddenly turn into a changeling or something."
  50. A sudden terrible thought occurs to you, "You're, um, not a changeling, are you?"
  51. >Rarity giggles, "No Spike, I'm not a changeling." Then she gets serious again, "So you are okay with this? You can get around the fact that your wife has a ridiculously sized bosom that she wishes to keep from everyone except you?"
  52. >You stare hard at the woman in front of you.
  53. >After all these years, you've gotten used to her dramatic nature and feel like you can read her pretty well.
  54. >But after saying that with such a sincere face, you honestly have no idea if she's serious or if she's just messing with you.
  55. >Still, you've always found it works best to just roll with it.
  56. "My dear," you say as you pull her into a cushiony embrace, "I think I'll be just fine with that."
  58. Boss end.

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