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Gryphanon - [RGRE] Trophy Husband

By rmp
Created: 2020-12-18 08:17:28
Expiry: Never

  1. Author: Gryphanon
  2. Pastebin URL: LKsmUwd5.html
  3. Date: Jan 13th, 2015
  5. ---------
  7. Day trophy husband in Equestria
  9. >Be anon
  10. >Be lucky enough to be married to the pony supermodel Fleur De Lis
  11. >Her income meant you didn't have to get a job, but sitting around all day was something you couldn't do
  12. >So when not making sure your house looks great you are either at the gym or at your hobby of a job.
  13. >All that time in the gym has really paid off and you look and feel amazing
  14. >Be Saturday
  15. >You and Fleur are browsing the city center bazaar; you never really liked shopping but she loves it so you do it for her.
  16. >That and when you both get home the afternoon delight makes it all worth it.
  17. >Tugging at your shirt that tightly hugs your torso, you swear every time Fleur gets you clothes she gets is a size small.
  18. >You and her pass through the eating area.
  19. >As soon as both of you appear out of ear shot two mares seated at a table turn their conversation to you.
  20. "eugh, there goes Fleur again parading around her trophy husband like she does every Saturday. What. A. Bitch."
  21. >"You have to admit if you had a husband like that you'd show him off too."
  22. "Well duh, I would who wouldn't? It's just that she does it EVERY Saturday, I'm getting real tired of it."
  23. >"Yeah, it is a bit excessive to do this every Saturday, she even gets him in those sexy tight clothes. I bet she even rides his dick whenever she wants"
  24. "Yeah yeah don't remind me"
  27. Day Trophy husband Mk.II in Equestria
  29. >You are anon, Husband to the famous pony supermodel Fleur De Leis
  30. >It is after your morning job and you are in the gym you normally go to work out in
  31. >They love you there, something about how ever since you began working out there business has boomed for them
  32. >Must be becuase of your uncommon appearance
  33. >Waiting for the bench press you see a mare stack the weights, good for her for being so str-
  34. >She can't push it up so you rush over and pull it up off of her.
  35. >After stuttering something about not being fresh so she wasn't at max she leaves
  36. >Before you sit down you notice a huge wet spot on the bench, ponies sweat alot in the gym, but you always hate it when they don't clean up after themselves.
  37. >You stack on some wieght and begin your sets, ihoof on and world off you don't notice the pair of mares staring at you and chatting.
  38. "Damn Spring Breeze look at him go"
  39. >"Yeah, look at all that wieght he is just plowing through. I wonder how well it helps in the bedroom"
  40. "Mmm, I'd give him some weight to plow through" accentuated with a shake of her plot
  41. >"I hope you won't just hog him all to yourself, I'd want in on that action"
  42. "I hear Fleur already got to him first though, but there's no reason to not to share a guy like him, right?"
  43. >"I don't know, she might be reluctant to just pass around a peice of dick like that."
  46. Day Trophy husband in Equestria Mk.III
  48. >You are Anon and you are married to the widely known pony supermodel Fleur De Leis
  49. >Today you were attending a summer time gala hosted by one of Fleur's associates.
  50. >Fancy parties really weren't your thing, but you felt you had to accompany her to make sure she stayed safe and had good company
  51. >Also it seemed proper for you as a couple to be there
  52. >Judging by the other couples meandering around the courtyard it was the right move
  53. >You've been approached by many couples in fact, but they just all seemed odd.
  54. >The stallions seemed nervous and the mares seemed almost confrontational.
  55. >That and every time you met and left a couple Fleur would squeeze you in a little tighter, well tighter for a pony you guess.
  56. >Must be the fancy atmosphere has everyone on edge in case they do something wrong.
  57. >As the night wore on and dinner came and went you Fleur started getting all cuddly and kissy with you
  58. >Not that you didn't like it, but out in public it made you a little self conscious.
  59. >Then again if it was any indication of what was to come later that night, that self consciousness could easily be ignored.
  60. >When Fleur came in for another hug after the plates had been cleared away, you failed to see her bat her eyes at a pair of mares sitting at a table across the patio
  61. >"Oooooo she's doing it again! I aughttah go over there and ruin her dress"
  62. "Yeah, but what about her man? That won't do well to make you look better than her"
  63. >"At least it will get her back for dinner. Every fucking time she even touched him she made sure we saw it."
  64. "Totally rude and crass"
  65. >"And yet she lands a trophy husband that good"
  66. "Look at the way She's putting the moves on him, totally gonna ride that dick tonight"
  67. >"Shut up"
  70. Day Trophy Husband in Equestria Mk. IV
  72. >Be Anon, the love and husband of the fabulous pony supermodel Fleur De Leis.
  73. >Tonight was a night at the Orchestra; Fleur had surprised you with the tickets.
  74. >It was a pleasant surprise, you occasionally enjoyed classical music and it was an excuse to wear a suit.
  75. >The first part of the Concert was nice; Rachmaneinoff and the Johoof Bach pieces were especially nice.
  76. >Right now though it was the intermission and the bar was open.
  77. >Fleur was off in the restrooms freshening herself up and you were in a seat cooling off with a nice beer.
  78. >It wasn’t long until some strange mare came up and made sure you noticed her sitting beside you.
  79. >”So, I’ve never seen something like you, tell me about yourself” she asked leaning slightly in towards you.
  80. >She seemed nice enough, so you continue to make idle chit-chat.
  81. >She had a horrible sense of humor; she kept laughing at stuff you said that really wasn’t funny.
  82. >Suddenly a stallion comes tromping up looking really annoyed, cheeks slightly puffed, and red in the face.
  83. >He starts bitching at the mare about “chatting up another piece of dick” and “is he not good enough”
  84. >You just chose to ignore them and continue sipping at you r beer
  85. >That is until you look over to the restroom and get a glassful of the mare’s beer in your face and all over your suit.
  86. >Wouldn’t have been a problem any other night, but it got all over your suit. Your suit.
  87. >Calmly turning around you see the stallion looking all smug, until you rise and put on your ass whooping face.
  88. >Before he can run you have him by the collar of his shirt and left back leg.
  89. >He screams and squirms around as you carry him towards the door.
  90. >You kick the door open and sling him outside.
  92. >”Honey, I think we should go” Fleur says, apparently finishing up when you were busy with the stallion.
  93. >Looking around you just notice the bar area has gone dead silent and a lot of the mares are furiously blushing.
  94. >Yeah, that may have been too much of a scene; even all those mares seem embarrassed for you.
  95. >You apologize, grab your coat, and head out the door with Fleur.
  96. >Feeling sorry that you essentially wasted half of the tickets you make sure Fleur knows you’re sorry.
  97. >Thankfully she is very understanding; she wanted to head home earlier anyway
  98. >She wanted some “other entertainment” she added with a wink.
  99. >Hell yeah, things turned out better than expected.
  101. Back at the Bar
  102. >The two mares sitting in a booth watched slack-jawed as Fleur’s husband just THREW out sunflower’s coltfriend.
  103. >Just wordlessly picked him up, carried him to the door, kicked said door open, and threw him.
  104. >Holy shit that was hot, the burning in your face and elsewhere had them going.
  105. >They made sure Fleur and her husband had left before starting the conversation.
  106. “Holy shit Mistdancer did you see that?”
  107. >”Yeah, he just did that.”
  108. “I wonder what he’s like in bed”
  109. >”Probably just as savage and strong”
  110. “Oh, why does Fleur get to have him all to herself? I’m sure there’s enough of him to go around”
  111. >”I don’t know, but you know the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.”
  112. “MMMmmmm, I wouldn’t mind finding that out for myself”
  115. Day Trophy husband in Equestria Mk. V
  117. >You are Anon, the ever faithful Husband to the charming pony supermodel Fleur De Leis
  118. >Today was another relaxing weekend day and Fleur insisted that day be spent at the beach.
  119. >You couldn't agree more, the beach was a great idea for a relaxing day.
  120. >Being the "homesteader" you normally are all the necessities were braught; umbrella, large cooler, chairs, towels, and even a small grill and charcoal.
  121. >Being still a bit too early to fire the grill up you decieded to go and build a sandcastle.
  122. >Fleur seemed to be asleep sunbathing on her towel so you let her be.
  123. >After finding a perfect spot and getting to work your castle is almost crushed by a mare running to catch a hoofball.
  124. >At least she didn’t give you a sand shower.
  125. >She looks down seeming to just notice you.
  126. “Sorry about that, ball just got away a bit.” She says almost in a pose.
  127. >”Its fine you didn’t mess it up any” you respond.
  128. “I’m Wind Whistler by the way, but you can call me Windy” extending her hoof
  129. >You grab her hoof and give it a firm shake, Papa always said make sure you have a firm handshake when introducing yourself “Anon”
  130. “You wanna throw it around with us?” she asks holding the ball out towards you
  131. >Why not, your castle wasn’t shaping up to be the best looking one.
  132. >You grab the ball, “Go long”
  133. >She and her two other friend go about 25ft away from you and all make really over pronounced jumping motions.
  134. >Wtf? You guess they want a fast one then, so you sling it.
  135. >Unfortunately Windy’s light blue friend doesn’t react in time and takes the ball hard to the chest.
  136. >It must have hurt a lot, but she takes it like a champ. You wonder why she’s acting so tough.
  137. >They were friendly enough, and seemed eager to impress you.
  138. >You continue to play with them for a while and lose track of time.
  140. >The sun starting to sink and your hunger remind you that it’s probably time to get back to your tent area.
  141. >You tell Windy you need to get back to your stuff and that they can come too for something to eat.
  142. >Getting back to your area saw Fleur already setting up the grill, damn she’s wonderful.
  143. >She looks up when she hears you approaching “Hey honey” and sees the mares behind you “Who’s your friends”
  144. >”We threw some hoofball on the beach, and they seemed friendly enough so I invited them to eat.”
  145. “Hi” Windy finally says, staring at Fleur
  146. >”That’s fine, they can join us.” Fleur states with a smile “Come here, I’ve barely seen you all day”
  147. >Waling over you give her a big hug, which she pulls out of and kisses you.
  148. >She kissed you pretty deeply in fact, it was nice but with company there you blushed a bit, PDAs where never your thing.
  149. >She hugs you again, and what you don’t see is her looking over at Windy, a coy smile on her face and winking ever so slightly.
  151. >You are Windy
  152. >And you are Pissed
  153. >It takes a lot to suppress you rage with Fleur’s stupid smile and wink
  154. >You know that look, it’s the ‘He’s all mine’ look
  155. >Fuck, you wanna get out of there so bad, but you don’t wanna seem like an asshole in front of Anon.
  156. >It’s been almost all day and you’re sure you were gaining ground with him
  157. >All it would have taken was a bit longer and like 2 beers at the bar this evening.
  158. >Now with his main Girl here all she’s gonna do is vag block you.
  159. >Fuck this.
  162. Trophy Husband Mk. VI
  164. >You are Anon, the caring husband of ever so admirable pony model Fleur De Leis.
  165. >Because of your wonderful relationship you were able to score tickets to a cruise Fleur had won.
  166. >Never been on a cruise before, should be wonderfully fun
  167. >Shows, bars, fine dining, weight room, the sights, and judging by her hints a little bit of motion in the ocean.
  168. >The cabin room was very nice; artfully furnished and rather spacious with a king sized bed.
  169. >First order of business, relax a bit on the deck with your wife.
  170. >Sun’s out guns out, sky’s out thighs out. Sunglasses on, yeah they mirin’
  171. >Help Fleur into a deck seat and wordlessly rub her down with sunscreen
  172. >”mmm, practicing for tonight?” she almost purrs
  173. >You smirk a bit at that, holding back the aww yeah and in a feat of total control keep your boner suppressed
  174. “Yeah, though don’t expect it to be just your back”
  175. >Later you are dressed pretty well, white shorts and a polo and Fleur in a nice summer dress
  176. >You are attending the dinner and a show tonight; you make sure to pull the chair out for Fleur.
  177. >All throughout the show she keep giving you the look and tapping your leg with her hoof
  178. >You two couldn’t get back to your room fast enough
  179. >The next day you are feeling like a million bucks, thoroughly relaxed and headed to breakfast
  180. >Pulling the chair out for Fleur you make sure her mimosa is filled first, and she is comfortable.
  181. >You take a flower out of the arrangement in the center of the table and put it in her hair.
  182. >”Thanks babe, I’m sure I look wonderful now.”
  183. >Laughing you two kiss.
  184. >Unaware of the looks you are getting from behind the flower arrangement at another table.
  186. >You are Fallbreeze, a young Pegasus with her 2 best girlfriends on what should be a wonderful vacation cruise.
  187. >Sitting at a breakfast table, you star at a pattern in the table cloth
  188. >Seriously contemplating whether or not it’s too early to start drinking
  189. >You don’t bother to talk as your friends’ gossip on.
  190. “Look at Him, totally at her feet”
  191. >”She makes him do everything, doesn’t she have any shame?”
  192. “What does she do to get a man take care of her so much?”
  193. >”I don’t know but look at him; tall, muscular, caring, able to wrap you in those strong arms and ju-
  194. “The perfect trophy husband?”
  195. >”yeah… I wonder how long he can last”
  196. “The amount of times she probably makes him do it? I’d say up to a minute even”
  197. >Now is your time to speak up
  198. “No”
  199. >Your friends look at you
  200. >”How would you know?”
  201. “Their room is right next to mine, believe me, it’s more than a minute”
  202. >You hold back tears as memories flash across your eyes and the sounds of last night fill your ears
  203. “It’s – It’s more than a minute”
  204. >You need a drink.
  207. Trophy Husband Mk. VII
  209. >You are Anon, the wonderful husband to the magnanimous pony super model Fleur de Leis
  210. >Currently enjoying wandering around the mall with her, she loved going out and you do what you can to make her happy
  211. >Lunch time rolls around and a stop at the food court is in order
  212. >Normally you let her pick the food as you go off to use the restroom and wash your hands
  213. >You sneak a glace behind you and see she goes to the Chinese food line, fuck yeah you love Chinese food.
  214. >A quick piss and a hand washing later you casually walk out of the restroom to find where your wife sat
  215. >A crowd nearby grabs your attention when you don’t spot her on your first scan
  216. >They are hooting and hollering like a bunch of high-schoolers watching a fight
  217. >Wait a minute, watching a fight, you can’t see Fleur, uh oh.
  218. >A surge of worry, panic and strength go through you as you effortlessly push through the crowd
  219. >Fleur and another mare are fuming at each other and it is hard to hear what they say over the crowd
  220. >All you can hear is “Smash her face in!, Fight! Fuck her up!”
  221. >Damn savages, wanting to see females get hurt like that.
  222. >Quickly you get between the two and grab hold of Fleur.
  223. >The other mare lunges in, intent to get a cheap shot in while Fleur is being held
  224. >You shoot your arm out and perfectly stiff arm her in the throat, effectively stone walling her attempt.
  225. >The crowd breaks up as you walk with Fleur away from the food court and to a nearby park
  226. >It takes a bit, but with Fleur sitting in your lap while you gently stroke her you are able to calm her down
  227. >You hate to see her so upset
  228. >She is visibly calmer and you both realize that you left your lunch in there
  229. >Heading home and stopping off at a street vendor you two cheered up again
  230. >She thanked you for helping her with that situation
  231. >But said she was still a bit tense and needed a way to “relive” more of it, Hell yeah you love this mare.
  234. Trophy Husband Mk. VIII
  236. You are Anon
  237. >The non-casual husband to the graceful pony supermodel Fleur de Leis
  238. >Today was a good day in more ways than one
  239. >First off you played basketball with some of your mates and fucked around and got a triple double
  240. >But now you and your wife are sitting in a stadium to watching a rousing game of pugby
  241. >It was exactly like rugby from back on earth, just with a P at the front; well that and only mares were playing.
  242. >Weird because it’s usually a rough sport
  243. >Maybe it’s like one of those novelty sports like lingerie football from back on earth.
  244. >Then again lots of mares in the stadium with a few stallions that stuck to them like glue.
  245. >Those guys need to calm down, it’s not like anyone is gonna attack their girls.
  246. >Suddenly one of those kiss-cams comes on the jumbo-tron and starts moving around the stadium.
  247. >It stops on a few couples and the stallions blush heavily and try to disappear by sinking lower in their seats
  248. >Sheesh what babies, man up and kiss your gals.
  249. >Then it settles on you and Fleur.
  250. >You look over at her with a huge grin and her at you with a small smile and a look that says “you sure?”
  251. >An eyebrow twitch is your response; give daddy some sugar.
  252. >She gives you a light, almost formal peck on the cheek and the crowd cheers a bit.
  253. >Nope
  254. >You pull her back in and lock lips with a deep passionate kiss.
  255. >The crowd whistles and cheers, maybe it was a bit too much putting Fleur on display like that.
  256. >Turning your attention back to the game field where the players are starting to take the field;
  257. >You don’t notice Fleur flash a huge smile and give the equivalent of thumbs up on screen.
  258. >The crowd cheers and whistles some more, Jeeze the game hasn’t restarted yet and already they are fired up.
  260. >Be Mahogany, the hard working carpenter mare at the pugby game with your friends.
  261. >And holy shit, the kiss cam stopped on That bitch and her clam-jammer of a husband!
  262. >You remember when he came into your shop looking for a large night stand.
  263. >His stature, his voice, his scent
  264. >It was almost intoxicating, and you definitely wanted to jump on that dick.
  265. >Just be friendly and casually ask him out right before he leaves.
  266. >He browsed around for a bit all the while you tagged along and eyed him up
  267. >He finally chose a table, you insisted you help, well you wanted to show off what those gym session had done.
  268. >But he picked it up no problem, mmm you like em strong.
  269. >Right after he purchased it, SHE came in and you heard those dreadful words
  270. >”Hey honey, were you able to find what you wanted?”
  271. >Damn it, that fine piece of dick was already taken.
  272. >You stare daggers at her, and she just smiles back.
  273. >She fucking knows what you had on your mind
  274. >And as if to rub it in she walked up to him and kissed him right there ending with a hug.
  275. >Never breaking eye contact with you she speaks up
  276. >”I’m getting worn out honey, lets head home. I need to relax”
  277. >emphasis on the relax
  278. >And now here she was showing him off once again
  279. >Fuck her
  282. Trophy Husband Mk.IX Christmas Edition
  284. Be Anon
  285. >the ravishingly handsome husbando to the near perfect pony model Fleur De Lies
  286. >and right now you are attending a lovely hearthswarming eve ball (you like to think of it as a christmas party)
  287. >on top of that everyone gets to dress up
  288. >Fleur wanted to go as a reindeer, you shot that idea down before it was off the ground
  289. >Took you long enough to be comfortable getting it on with horses, lets not push it just yet
  290. >besides that tigress attack on your zebfrica safari really didn't help, but you digress. that story is for another day
  291. >So instead you explained your Christmas Holiday experience and who santa klaus was.
  292. >what he did and where he lived with mrs klaus.
  293. >she loved it and that is how you got matching red outfits that even you were impressed with how they turned out
  294. >It must have been unusual fashion though, judging by all the glares you were getting from other mares
  295. >good thing you talked her out of that reindeer idea, there are like 4 other couples like that
  296. >It was a fun party, socialize a bit, drink a bit (gotta love them peppermint schnapps)
  297. >she was very close and lovey-dovey, must have been the holiday spirit.
  298. >as you leave the party pulls you a bit closer "so santa, you going to give me a present when we get home"
  299. >a quick peck on the cheek and a soft bat with her tail is provided to ensure you understand what she means
  300. >as if she needed to
  301. >Seems like tonight is going to be a not very silent one
  303. Be Cloudburst
  304. >And be annoyed, very annoyed
  305. >you went to this chirstmas dress up ball with your husband Monsoon in costume
  306. >Costumes that he assured you no one else would be wearing, that you would stand out as unique and the best
  307. >a reindeer and ice spirit, practically the same one 3 other couples were wearing
  308. >Not only were they similar, they were better than the ones you and Monsoon had on
  309. >and by Celestia he would not shut up about how they "stole" his costume idea and how he wears it better
  310. >ugly costume with husband naggin in ear, at least you can get hammered off the peppermint schnapps
  311. >Taking another drink you look up and see THEM
  312. >Ug, Fleur and her "perfect" husband in matching outfits
  313. >Glare daggers at them, its all you can really do in public
  314. >she looks back and sees you, thats right im staring
  315. >she smirks, pulls him in for a quick kiss on the cheek, then picks up a peppermint stick and gives it a long lick
  316. >all while not breaking eye contact with you
  317. >yeah she's gonna get some tonight

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