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/flaremare/ My Little Futa: Trixie The Wish Granter

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2020-10-22 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-09 17:42:51
Expiry: Never

  1. >Everything hurts
  2. >Your head
  3. >Your everything else
  4. >Especially your everything else
  5. >"Anonymous!"
  6. >Someone's calling your name
  7. >You grumble out something
  8. >"Anonymous, open your eyes already!"
  9. >You do
  10. >It's bright out
  11. >The first thing you recall is that you're in Equestria
  12. >...
  13. >The ONLY thing you recall is that you're in Equestria
  14. >You struggle to sit up
  15. >At least you were on some comfy grass
  16. >A blue pony with a wispy light blue mane is glaring at you
  17. >"Anonymous! Trixie was worried that the show was a little... well, never you mind. You're fine. You're welcome that Trixie has found you."
  18. >You scratch your head, trying to recall what the hell
  19. >"Anonymous?"
  20. >The pony's face turns to that of complete horror
  21. >"D-don't pretend like you're hurt or something! You're fine!"
  22. >Sure but you definitely feel stiff all over
  23. "Sorry, I'm just... I don't know. Feels like I've been smashed by a boulder or something."
  24. >"Trixie performed a medical check while you were sleeping, you're fine."
  25. >She says quicker than you can understand her
  26. >"Now, let's get up and get going, quick! Once the sun goes down we have to set up camp again! Or have you forgotten?"
  27. >You feel a little awkward
  28. "I... I kinda have, yes."
  29. >You don't know what else to say
  30. "So... I take it that you're Trixie?"
  31. >She scoffs, patting her chest with one of her front hoofs
  32. >"You mean the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie? Why yes. Yes I am. Trixie knew you couldn't forget the important details."
  33. >Not like her saying her name a dozen times didn't give it away
  34. "So... uh, Trixie. Mind telling me what happened here?"
  35. >You look down a yourself and see that you're at least wearing some good clothing
  36. >All of it looks custom tailored to fit your body
  37. >You even have a nice pair of boots
  38. >Evidently green is your color
  39. >"Easy. Trixie advised you against using a certain type of magic but you persisted. You tried to cast it anyway and here we are. You flew for miles but Trixie followed you, cart in tow! Absolutely nothing could get in the way of my great and powerful legs!"
  40. >She hops onto her hind legs, posing and galloping against the air to emphasize her words
  41. >You aren't trying to look but evidently Trixie is a male
  42. >Very obviously a male, going by her loose pair of blue orbs hanging down from between her legs
  43. "Uh..."
  44. >You're caught a little by surprise to the point of not knowing where to focus your attention
  45. "Magic... you say?"
  46. >"Yes. As my apprentice, Trixie has felt the need to teach you some basic elemental magic. But... maybe it is too much for you. You are only a human."
  47. >Yeah, that sounds about right
  48. >You certainly aren't a pony like her
  49. "Alrighty then..."
  50. >You stumble to your feet and realize that you really are just that much taller than her
  51. >She fills her cheeks with air and scowls at you
  52. "Something... up?"
  53. >"You know how much Trixie hates you towering over her!"
  54. >You glance around, as if you have any other option
  55. "I'm... sorry?"
  56. >You look down at your legs
  57. "I'm kinda as tall as I am."
  58. >She sighs
  59. >"Yes, Trixie knows... we can't all be the right size."
  60. >Ow, that hurt
  61. >She turns around and begins to walk off
  62. >You can't help but glance at her again
  63. >She still has the pair of orbs that seem a little too tightly nestled between her legs
  64. >But she's female too
  65. >Even though you don't remember much of anything, you certainly don't remember ponies having both male and female parts
  66. >What little you remembering amounts to
  67. >You follow her, keeping a few steps behind
  68. "So... uh... Trixie? Where are we going?"
  69. >"To our next show, obviously."
  70. >She answers as if it's the most natural thing in the world
  71. >She's heading toward what looks like some old, rickety gypsy wagon
  72. >It even has the same shade of blue of her body for roof and curtains
  73. "Right... right. Where would that be again?"
  74. >There's no way the wagon would ever fit you
  75. >Are you sure you've been traveling with her?
  76. >"The rock farm. Obviously. Not the best paying but the poor saps do buy baubles without hesitation..."
  77. >She sounds giddy at the last part
  78. "Obviously..."
  79. >You aren't completely sold but you don't know enough to claim that she's a liar
  80. "Well... sorry, I guess. But I'm kinda not really sure what to say to this all. I guess... treat me like a newbie until I recall things?"
  81. >Trixie gives a theatrical sigh
  82. >"If you insist... Trixie will make you her junior apprentice once more. Once you relearn some of your mediocre skills, Trixie will make you her full apprentice again. But no whining!"
  83. >You casually salute, eyes glued to her hind end
  84. "You got it... ma'am..."
  85. >Trixie stops and spins to face you quicker than you can react
  86. >Her blue face is bright red
  87. >"Trixie has eyes in the back of her head, stop staring at Trixie's crystal balls!"
  88. >Startled, you jump back and avert your eyes from her
  89. "S... sorry. Again."
  90. >She sighs, turning around again
  91. >But she has a bit of an obvious sway of her hips this time
  92. >"Trixie will have to teach you self control all over again... come, Anonymous!"
  93. >Despite your size advantage, Trixie is the one who pulls her cart
  94. >Makes sense, given you wouldn't even know how to pull it along without bending over and walking backwards
  95. >Or pushing it and not being able to see in front of you
  96. >So instead you walk by her side
  97. "So... Trixie."
  98. >"Ah ah ah! Master Trixie. I am, of course, a master in magic, and you strive to be my apprentice."
  99. >You can't help but hear how smug she sounds with that
  100. "Right... what sort of magic could I do?"
  101. >She shrugs and scoffs, as if it doesn't even warrant an explanation
  102. >"Card tricks, hat tricks... very simple things with those dexterous fingers. Things any magically apt filly could do, and has done."
  103. "...including the finger tricks?"
  104. >She glares at you
  105. "Right, sorry."
  106. >You continue walking down the beautiful, yet lonely road with the Great and Powerful Trixie
  107. >She explains a lot to you about her exploits to the point of bragging
  108. >But you are legitimately impressed
  109. >She keeps going between being a Master and Mistress and Paragon of magic almost interchangeably
  110. >You really can't give her any points for being modest
  111. >After a few hours, the sun does begin to go down, painting the blue sky orange
  112. >Trixie suddenly squats down, relieving herself of the wagon's weight
  113. >She arches her back to stretch, her hind end up in the air
  114. >Her tail flickering up a few times to reveal herself doesn't help
  115. >Butt you avert your eyes before she can get on you for staring
  116. >"We've lost a lot of progress thanks to your mishap... so you can gather the firewood. Trixie will gather the sleeping bag and other supplies."
  117. "You got it."
  118. >Without thinking too hard on it, you wander off to find whatever branches are loose on the ground or easy to yank off of a tree
  119. >Did she mention sleeping bag, singular?
  120. >You really can't bring yourself to recall anything else so... maybe you share one?
  121. >Or you didn't even warrant one?
  122. >Whatever the situation, you return with a bundle of dried branches and twigs
  123. >Trixie has already set up a small circle of stones and a tea kettle that looks big enough for even you-sized amounts of tea
  124. >"Finally! It is wise to not wander these woods alone. Last time you did, Trixie fought off a horde of diamond dogs for your sake!"
  125. >You haven't the foggiest what those even are but you do respect her for having saved your hide
  126. "Sure... thanks, by the way, even if I can't remember it."
  127. >Trixie chuckles while raising a hoof to her mouth
  128. >"Oh do not worry, Anonymous. Trixie would not let her apprentice lose his life due to an unfortunate accident!"
  129. >That's good for you then
  130. >You really must've been some sort of goober to let you blast yourself so hard you lost all memory
  131. >If Trixie never found you, who knows what would be happening
  132. >You kneel down and set up cross pattern of twigs, using the most dried first and setting aside the rest for later
  133. "Alright... so, do we have any tinder?"
  134. >Trixie looks at you like you spoke another language
  135. "Uh... well... I mean, we're gonna need more than just twigs to start a fire, right?"
  136. >The blank stare on her face lasts for a few more seconds before she snaps to
  137. >"Oh! Wait, we don't need that! Stand back, junior apprentice, and watch Trixie be all great and powerful!"
  138. >She hops onto her hind hooves and pushes her front legs up into the air
  139. >Her horn begins to glow with brilliant blue light
  140. >The sticks begin to come to life!
  141. >They dance in the air before they start to strike each other
  142. >Again and again
  143. >And again
  144. >She squints and stares hard at a pair of twigs, rubbing them together
  145. >At most a wisp of smoke is visible
  146. >You wait in stunned silence until one of the twigs snap
  147. >You carefully glance up from the sticks to Trixie
  148. >Her glare tells you to not look at her
  149. >And to not say a single word
  150. >Three more failed attempts later and she starts a dwindling smoking cinder made from broken down twigs, friction-born sawdust and something resembling actual heat
  151. >You quickly drop down and pluck some dead and dried leaves off of one of the branches
  152. >Crumbling them up in your hands you blow and feed the wanna-be flame
  153. >Trixie lowers herself to all fours, giving you an incredulous look
  154. >"What are you even doing...?"
  155. >After a few minutes, something resembling a real fire starts
  156. >Enough where you don't need to baby it at least
  157. >You nod to yourself, smiling at her
  158. "Hey, check that out! I remember basic fire stuff!"
  159. >You're as impressed with yourself as you are confused
  160. >Trixie huffs, scrunching her face
  161. >"Yes, well... Trixie commends you for finishing what Trixie started."
  162. >She stomps off while you shrug and keep to the fire
  163. >Soon after, Trixie has you pour the kettle full of water from a barrel strapped to the back of her wagon
  164. >Four large pony-sized barrels, all sloshing with water
  165. >It's impressive for her to haul those around with the wagon
  166. >You set the kettle over the fire
  167. >And see her on a sleeping bag
  168. >Obviously it isn't even half as big as you
  169. >You can't help but frown as she lays on it
  170. >She notices and raises an eyebrow
  171. >"Sleeping bag?"
  172. >You nod
  173. >She shrugs
  174. >"Trixie has not seen yours in a while... you must have blown it up during the blast..."
  175. >She sounds so dismissive of it
  176. "Oh... well damn..."
  177. >Trixie watches you work, casually barking out orders and reprimanding you for not doing things in her order
  178. >Some of the steps in her order don't even make sense
  179. >Eventually, you do make do make a nice kettle of tea
  180. >She at least has two mugs, but the second one looks dusty like it was never used before
  181. >You can't help but feel neglected through all of this
  182. >While waiting for the tea to cool, you listen to Trixie's stories of importance and greatness
  183. >Of trials overcome and fans made
  184. >Of fortunes gained and spent
  185. >You aren't included in any of her stories at all
  186. "Hey, uh... Paragon Trixie?"
  187. >Trixie giggles when she hears you call her that
  188. >"Mmmyes, Anonymous?"
  189. >You can't help but stare at her body
  190. >Not necessarily just her face
  191. "Don't you have any stories that include... me?"
  192. >She spends a few seconds in thought before shaking her head
  193. >"No, I'm afraid I don't. You were never one for the public eye, you see."
  194. >You visibly deflate at the news of that
  195. >Sensing this, Trixie pats her sleeping bag
  196. >"Worry not, Anonymous. Come, sit on Trixie's sleeping bag. You may be her pillow tonight."
  197. >For some reason that makes you laugh
  198. "Sure."
  199. >You grab hold of your mug and swap sides, sitting on the edge of her sleeping bag
  200. >Without hesitation, she shifts to lay on her back, smiling as if she's content and that all's right in the world
  201. >With her head occupying your right thigh and lap, you're pretty much stuck now
  202. >At least there's a tree to your back
  203. >"Anonymous."
  204. "Yes?"
  205. >She lets out a soft sigh, nuzzling your leg
  206. >"Trixie is glad that you are ok."
  207. >You do smile at that
  208. "Thanks. I'm glad I didn't screw up your wagon or do anything to you too."
  209. >With her laying on her back, she's completely open to any viewing
  210. >Including her crystal balls
  211. >You find yourself glancing at them again
  212. >You even see something above them
  213. >A growing little pink something
  214. >You quickly glance away
  215. >"Anonymous..."
  216. >She sounds like she knows you've been staring
  217. >Again
  218. "Y...yeah?"
  219. >"The sun has gone down... if you wish, Trixie will let you make a wish."
  220. >A wish?
  221. "A... wish?"
  222. >She gives you a sultry giggle
  223. >"That's correct... merely gaze into my crystal balls. Trixie will know exactly what you would want. Trixie may even let you have what you want. Such is the great and powerful magic of Trixie."
  224. >As she speaks, you notice that the bright pink length from before is starting to poke out more and thicken
  225. >"And... every apprentice needs a wand to cast spells, do they not? You may use Trixie's..."
  227. >There's no one around for miles, that you're aware of
  228. >Trixie smiles at you, her wand growing until it reaches her chest
  229. >You can't help but stare hard at it
  230. >"You are amazed, are you not...?"
  231. "Well... I certainly have never seen something like that before..."
  232. >"Not that you remember..."
  233. >Her tail swishes from side to side
  234. >She is very happy with herself, you know that for sure
  235. >Without asking yourself if you should, you grab Trixi's wand
  236. >It's very warm
  237. >Trixie shakes under you, giggling
  238. >"That is it, Anonymous... Trixie loves such attention. Do not be ashamed of it."
  239. >You squeeze the stem of her wand, dragging your hand up to the tip
  240. >It reflexively flowers open into a flat, pink flare
  241. >Your apparent mentor chokes on air, her hind legs shaking
  242. >You feel like if you say anything that you'll break whatever spell you're under
  243. >You have to be under one, otherwise you wouldn't be doing this
  244. >Right?
  245. >You slide your hand back down, leaning over until your fingers touch her sheath
  246. >Your attention goes again to her crystal balls
  247. >Glancing from Trixie's face to what's been on your mind all day, you reach to grasp onto one of them
  248. >The texture is slightly furry
  249. >Warm
  250. >Hefty
  251. >You squeeze it like you would a tomato, barely moving your fingers but feeling just how firm it is
  252. >Trixie gasps, her right hind leg kicking out
  253. >"T-that's it, Anonymous..."
  254. >You lean back to your original position, your fingers sliding from the base to the tip of her wand
  255. >The tip throbs and flares before retracting
  256. >A glob of clear goo oozes out
  257. >You don't remember much but you know when a dick is excited
  258. >You do have one, after all
  259. >And it is quite excited as well
  260. >"Tri--er... Madam Trixie..."
  261. >"Anonymous... Trixie missed you so... so very much..."
  262. >Her voice is full of love
  263. >Did you really do this sort of thing before?
  264. >Or is she just that happy that you're ok?
  265. >You start to stroke her wand
  266. >Slow and at a comfortable rate
  267. >Trixie had long since closed her eyes, completely immersed in the pleasure
  268. >The way her body twitches, she has absolutely no qualms about being so open
  269. "Making a wish... I gotta think real hard about this one, huh..."
  270. >You smirk at how strongly you're able to affect her
  271. >She begins to speak but you squeeze her wand right under the flaring meat
  272. >She gurgles out a cry, her hind legs flutter kicking in the air
  273. "What could I wish for..."
  274. >You start to stroke her faster, taking a more firm grip of her wand
  275. >It's a wand she's given you, after all
  276. >A wand for you to make your wishes come true
  277. >And hers
  278. >Any good apprentice would want to make his mentor proud
  279. >She neighs when you pick up the pace
  280. "Wishing... wishing..."
  281. >Her wand throbs hard, turning from spongy and firm to something you might mistake for solid oak
  282. "I... wish...!"
  283. >After a dozen quick strokes, you grab hold of her wand right under the flare and hold down hard!
  284. >Strangling the wand does the trick
  285. >Trixie cries out with a whinny, her flare blooming
  286. >She sprays once, twice, four, five times
  287. >You're a little astonished at the velocity of it
  288. >It flies over Trixie's head, well over your lap and noisily splatters onto the nearby grass
  289. >Until it doesn't
  290. >Trixie grunts with each pulse, gritting her teeth
  291. >Having lost the initial velocity, the wand's magic splashes onto her face, making her grunt even harder
  292. >The rest of it spurts and drools onto her chest
  293. >The blue unicorn goes limp
  294. >Except her wand
  295. >It remains hard as iron
  296. "Well... I made my wish. Am I supposed to tell you what it is?"
  297. >Trixie doesn't respond
  298. >Despite having made a mess by giving herself a facial, she seems like she's just knocked out
  299. "Uh... madam Trixie...?"
  300. >Wait, is she really out, just like that?
  301. >You're not sure if you should feel proud or not
  302. >At least you made your wish
  303. >You want to remember who you were so you can be her full apprentice again
  305. >You wake up before your mentor
  306. >You didn't expect to fall asleep while sitting but you did
  307. >It's very early out, but the sun is out
  308. >Just barely
  309. >Bringing your arms up, you realize that your wand-stroking hand is absolutely covered in dried magic
  310. >Remembering last night, you check out where Trixie shot
  311. >Even hours after, you can tell that she was incredibly backed up
  312. "Madam Trixie, it's morning time. Time to get..."
  313. >You look down and trail off
  314. >Her face is a complete mess
  315. >Her chest too
  316. >Her wand had retracted fully back into it's sheath but the sign of explosion is impossible to overlook
  317. >How could she ever walk into a town or see a pony, looking like this?!
  318. >Trixie loudly yawns, smacking her lips
  319. >Some of her magic landed on her lips too
  320. >"Mmm... is it morning, truly... five more minutes, my..."
  321. >She peeks out from mostly closed eyes
  322. >Then her eyes open wide
  323. >She stares at you like you're an alien, then at herself
  324. >The absolute state of herself is enough to tell the whole story
  325. >She scrambles to her front, trying to do the best to ignore her matted fur and magic-stained face
  326. >"G-good morning, Anonymous! What are you doing, visiting Trixie when she is... uh.... busy?"
  327. >You give her a queer look
  328. >You didn't wish for her to lose her memory, did you?
  329. "Madam Trixie... I'm... aren't I your apprentice?"
  330. >She looks at you like you're an idiot
  331. >Then it hits her
  332. >"Oh...oh! OH! Yes, yes you are! Junior apprentice, that is. Trixie... Trixie is still... very... very..."
  333. >She swoons, lightheaded
  334. >"Very very very tired. Last night..."
  335. >She clears her throat, shivering all over
  336. >"A-a wish! Trixie granted you a wish... you did actually have a wish to make, right?"
  337. "Well... yeah. Of course I did."
  338. >"Trixie is astonished at your gu--er--genuine desire to learn."
  339. >She smiles at you
  340. >"It will come true, Trixie will promise you!"
  341. >You smile back
  342. "Well alright!"
  343. >You feel pretty good, despite having not been able to share her enjoyment
  344. "So... now that it's morning. What do we do?"
  345. >She looks like a hot mess, but she looks like she could not be happier
  346. >"Now..."
  347. >She looks down at herself
  348. >She really did release more than enough magic to make her chest look downright obscene
  349. >"Trixie must... wash up. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Then we may have breakfast. After, we pack up and keep going. The Rock Farm awaits!"
  350. >She stumbles to her hooves, yawning again
  351. >For being a paragon of magic, she really just doesn't seem like she puts a ton of effort into any morning mantras or cantrips
  352. >Maybe unicorns just do it as easily as you can breath
  353. >"Anonymous. If you would, Trixie would appreciate a second pair of hooves to help... clean up.
  354. "I don't have hooves, Madam Trixie."
  355. >"Yes, whatever those are."
  356. "Hands."
  357. >"Mmm... what wondrous hands, too..."
  358. >Due to how she's acting, she should really be used to this by now
  359. >You've done this before, haven't you?
  360. >Using the wagon's water supply, you wash your mentor
  361. >While she seems happy to lecture you on the importance of wishes and of apprenticeship, she's even happier to just stand there while you wash and scrub her face, chest, and everywhere else
  362. >Including her crystal balls
  363. >Though you don't intend to focus too much on them, you end up spending entire minutes caressing and stroking them
  364. >Trixie didn't seem to mind at least
  365. >In fact, she hadn't said a single thing since your hands went from her chest to her belly and further
  366. >She hadn't reprimanded you so... there was no problem
  367. "Madam Trixie... are you alright?"
  368. >She shudders, snorting
  369. >"Y-yes. Yes, of course. Just... you know. Trixie will not mind you, you do not mind Trixie."
  370. >Well if she doesn't mind, you certainly won't
  371. >After a few more minutes of dedicated attention, the Great and Powerful Trixie is now the Wet and Clean Trixie
  372. >You back away once you finish, admiring your work
  373. >No one can tell that she blasted herself with enough magic to cause a star storm
  374. >Except you
  375. >You didn't get a chance for breakfast, once you and Trixie packed up for the morning
  376. >'it's too late for that, we need to stay on schedule!' was her excuse
  377. >But she didn't really have a watch or something on her
  378. >She didn't really explain where your next stop would be, either, so you can't be in that big of a rush
  379. >All the same, you do as she says
  380. >Walking beside her, you spend the morning listening to her lectures and hearing of examples of her sleight of hoof tricks
  381. >When asked to take a deck of cards out of the wagon through the side window, you found that you were... pretty apt at playing with the cards
  382. >Splitting and cutting the deck, finding ways to stack it and count the cards by paying attention to subtle textures on the back of them
  383. >Not true magic, but still tricky business
  384. >Even Trixie was surprised at how you took to it like a fish in water
  385. >Maybe it's true that you were her apprentice, how else would you have the muscle memory?
  386. >Trixie slows down, once the sun is highest in the sky
  387. >"Now Anonymous... let's take a small break and have lunch."
  388. "Lunch... I could go for some, for sure. What's on the menu?"
  389. >Giving you a bit of a weary glare, she dips her head into her shack on wheels and produces...
  390. >A pair of heavy peanut butter bars
  391. >And only those
  392. >You are thankful for what you got, but...
  393. "Madam Trixie... is this really all we should have for lunch? We gotta make sure that we're pumped up for our show, we can't just skim by on next to nothing. Right?"
  394. >Trixie winces at your complaint
  395. >"Yes, well... it cost a lot of bits to get the wheels on this thing fixed. Neither you nor Trixie are accomplished wagon-wheel-makers, so we must make do until our next big payday."
  396. >Is that so?
  397. >Even as calm and as measured that she is, she scarfs down the bar as if she were half-starved
  398. >You really don't feel all that hungry
  399. >You've surely eaten better than this recently
  400. >You shrug and brake your half in bar, keeping the side that has her teeth prints for yourself
  401. "Madam Trixie, please take a portion of mine."
  402. >She looks at your offering, then you
  403. >Her face turns flustered and a bright red blush glows to the surface of her skin
  404. >"W-what is this?! Trixie will not be bribed, Anonymous, you should know this!"
  405. >You shrug and hold out the bar, unswayed
  406. "Please, allow me to give you something in return for saving me. I can't do too much but I can be less of a drain on you, right? Besides, tonight when I grab tonight's wood I can look around a bit, see if I can find something extra so we can have dinner too."
  407. >Your words strike a chord with her
  408. >"Anonymous..."
  409. >She inhales and nods, doing her best to maintain her legendary poise
  410. >"Very well. Trixie will accept this."
  411. >She daintily takes your bar... before turning her head away from you and scarfing it down
  412. >Not as quickly as her bar, but it's still gone in mere moments
  413. >You break your half into two quarters and put one side in your pocket while eating the other segment
  414. "There we go. My Great and Illustrious mentor needs all she can to really knock every pony off their feet, right?"
  415. >"Right..."
  416. >After a slightly extended rest, you set back on the trail
  417. >Last night stuck pretty hard with you
  418. >You really don't recall ever doing something like that
  419. "Madam Trixie... how long have I been your apprentice?"
  420. >You aren't exactly in a position to claim that she she may be lying to you
  421. >But
  422. >She shrugs, nonchalant as can be
  423. >"Trixie does not recall how long. But it has been a while."
  424. >That's cold
  425. >Well that question was a bust
  426. "Alright... well... how many times have I... been allowed to make a wish?"
  427. >That makes her jump
  428. >Her hind end sways for a few steps before returning to normal
  429. >"T-that is... a-a-a very special ceremony... Trixie believed that you needed a wish, and Trixie knows you wished for your memory back."
  430. >She's good
  431. "You're... half right."
  432. >"Oh? Are you telling me that Trixie's ability to grant wishes is starting to fail her?"
  433. >She sounds amused
  434. "No, not at all! I can't begin to imagine the power you gained from... er... that..."
  435. >It sounds silly as hell to imagine doing that somehow bolstered her magical capacity but you don't know how things do or don't work with magic
  436. "But... if you already know, then you know that I wished to remember who I was. So I can become your full apprentice again. That's all."
  437. >Trixie slows her pace, turning her head away from you
  438. >"T... that is a very powerful wish..."
  439. "Sure is. And until it's granted, it'll be my main wish."
  440. >She quickly answers you, quick to change the conversation
  441. >"Main wish? Do you think you should get multiple wishes?!"
  442. >She picks up her pace again
  443. "Well... sure. I think, if I do well enough, I should be able to make a lot of wishes."
  444. >She can't see but you're smiling at her
  445. >You meant it, of course
  446. >But due to the insistent phrasing, it only really means one physical, hands-on thing
  447. >The entire day was spent walking, with short breaks in between
  448. >It's hard to imagine you've spend entire weeks or months or even longer doing this with her
  449. >Your boots are nice but they really did not have so much wear and tear on them when you first were woken up
  450. >In fact, they looked almost new
  451. >As before, Trixie finds a clearing to set up camp, and you're sent off to gather wood
  452. >You do, but you also manage to find a few berry bushes
  453. >You even find a few wild carrots!
  454. >Foraging really isn't as tough as you thought
  455. >You return with a bundle of wood in your arms and at least a dozen oddly shaped carrots dangling from your fingers
  456. >Trixie looks at you with an astonished, slackjawed gape
  457. >"Anonymous?! Where did you find those?"
  458. >You calmly set down the entire pile, fishing out the carrots from the branches
  459. >You present them, as well as presenting the handfuls of berries you found
  460. >They look kinda like strawberries, but they're more rounded
  461. "Well... I guess when I was grabbing branches I saw the bush. And I saw a few rabbits run away and found the carrots a few dozen steps away. So I grabbed maybe a third of what was there for us. I made sure I picked the fully grown ones and nothing that was premature or might've tasted funny."
  462. >You haven't the foggiest clue where you picked up this information but you trusted it
  463. >Trixie goes from looking at you to looking at the bounty before her
  464. >"This is... we will have a feast tonight!"
  465. "Well hold on, gotta clean the carrots at least!"
  466. >So you do
  467. >Trixie seems to be quite happy, prancing from campfire to water barrel and back
  468. >Even her awkward firestarting went by faster than usual
  469. >Before you know it, you have chopped berry and carrot soup bubbling in the kettle
  470. >And just like last night, there's still only one sleeping bag
  471. >This time, you were allowed to lay on it, on your side
  472. >You watch the fire, even when Trixie lays right in front of you, also on her side
  473. >"Anonymous... you truly are amazing."
  474. "Eh? Why's that?"
  475. >She chuckles
  476. >"Great and powerful as Trixie may be, to find so much food so quickly? Trixie forgot just how skilled you were. You really did learn well from them..."
  477. >Them?
  478. "Who, 'them'?"
  479. >Acting as if she said something she shouldn't have, she sputters out an excuse
  480. >"W-well, never you mind who. Money well spent to train you! Incredibly so. Surely."
  481. >After downing half of the soup, both of you lay on the sleeping bag
  482. >Your legs are on the grass but at least your torso and head is given some cushioning
  483. >You find yourself petting Trixie's side, your hand slowly, carefully stroking until your hand is resting on her hind leg
  484. >She could tell, obviously, and gently laughs
  485. >"My, Anonymous, you are affectionate..."
  486. "I...I guess I am, Madam Trixie."
  487. >You glance down at her
  488. >You see the pink of her wand starting to reveal itself once more
  489. "I suppose...I'm attracted to you. Whether or not I said I was before, I am and now I'm not afraid to show it."
  490. >Her wand continues to grow from her sheath
  491. >"Anonymous... Trixie will be honest. She knew. Or, she thought you did. She... hoped so."
  492. >She sounds downright bashful
  493. "Well... did I not make it clear even once before? I can't have been that... spineless."
  494. >Trixie giggles uncomfortably
  495. >"No no no, you were quite... upfront. But the others kept trying to..."
  496. >She trails off, sighing
  497. "The others? What others? Who would stop me from liking you the way I do, outside of some stickler about how an apprentice can't adore his master?"
  498. >She giggles more
  499. >"Jealous mares that just do not have apprentices of their own, that's who."
  500. >She scoots back against you, her lower leg raising up
  501. >"Make a wish Anonymous... you've earned one..."
  502. "Gladly."
  503. >Your hand slides over her side and down her belly until you take hold of her wand
  504. >You gently squeeze it, feeling it grow in your hand
  505. >Trixie sighs, shivering from your fingers undulating against her fleshy, spongy wand
  506. >You relax against her, letting your hand work it's own magic
  507. >Quicker than last time, her wand is at full mast, stopping at her chest
  508. "Great and Beautiful Trixie..."
  509. >Trixie turns her head, looking at you with a flustered, surprised face
  510. >"W-what did you just call me?"
  511. >Taking the chance, you kiss her
  512. >You stroke her wand as you do, feeling it throb and pulse twice as fast compared to seconds before
  513. >She returns the kiss after minor hesitation, pushing her head up to meet your advance
  514. >It doesn't last long, sadly
  515. >After only a minute of stroking her wand and kissing her, she nearly goes into a panic
  516. >"A-Anonymous, w-wait!"
  517. >You can see her face contort into a shameful display but continue
  518. >Without aiming her wand away, she blasts off, spraying pure liquid magic
  519. >The first rope sprays her face
  520. >As does the second
  521. >The third goes into her open mouth while the fourth and fifth globs that squirt out land on one of her front legs and gather on the sleeping bag
  522. >Completely stunned, she remains there, eyes closed and face thoroughly glazed
  523. >Stunned to the point of looking like a statue
  524. >You chuckle and kiss her again, poking your tongue into her mouth to taste her magic
  525. >It's very warm
  526. >Very thick
  527. >The portion that is quickly staining her sleeping bag is far more slimy but what you manage to taste is far more jelly-like
  528. >She lets out a wavering whimper when she realizes what's happening and attempts to kiss you with her eyes closed
  529. >After some fumbling, your lips meet proper
  530. >She pushes her magic against your tongue with her own, shuddering and breathing hard through her nose the entire time
  531. >She hasn't softened at all
  532. >And you haven't stopped stroking her wand either
  533. >When you break the kiss, you audibly gulp
  534. "My mentor... make my wishes come true."
  535. >You resume stroking her wand throughout the night until you doze off with her length in your hand
  536. >When you go to sleep, you have a dream
  537. >A dream of Trixie being chased by a group of angry ponies
  538. >In that dream, you came to her aid and managed to turn the group away
  539. >Was this the first time you met her?
  540. >It must have been
  541. >From the first time you met her, you made an effort to see every show she had, buy whatever she was peddling, and always asked her to show you more magical tricks
  542. >You knew a unicorn or two
  543. >But neither of them were so masterful and theatrical
  544. >You made a new wish that night
  545. >You wished that you could be more than merely Trixie's apprentice
  547. >Morning comes once more
  548. >You wake up before Trixie, again
  549. >Partially because you can't smell anything but thick, lewd mare
  550. >Trixie's taste is still in your mouth too
  551. >Not that you mind
  552. >She ended up falling asleep on her back again
  553. >Her face, leg, and neck is absolutely coated in dried magic too
  554. >The sight is truly magical
  555. >Your hand is coated and filthy, as well
  556. >As is the sleeping bag...
  557. >She really is great and powerful to leave such a mess behind
  558. >How did she deal with these before?
  559. >You nudge her awake
  560. "Madam Trixie... morning time."
  561. >After enough nudging, she yawns hard
  562. >Almost as if last night is the first thing that comes to her mind, she covers her face with her hooves
  563. >"Anonymous..."
  564. "Yes, Madam Trixie?"
  565. >"...must we get up so early? The rock farm may wait..."
  566. >Had she ever honestly put off a show like this before?
  567. >You aren't in a position to argue
  568. >You kinda don't want to get up either
  569. "Of course."
  570. >You hug her, resting your head on her side
  571. >The magic-coated hand of yours slides down, caressing one of her magic balls
  572. >She twitches every other stroke, but does open her legs for your ease of access
  573. >With your eyes closed, you spend the morning listening to Trixie's breathing
  574. >Despite the mild excitement your hand brings, she's managed to keep a stable breathing rate
  575. >You really don't ever remember doing this
  576. >If you did, nothing would ever make you forget this feeling of wholeness
  577. >If you did, she surely wouldn't have been so surprised
  578. >Just what was your relationship before?
  579. "Madam Trixie."
  580. >You whisper to her after what feels like hours of stroking and petting her
  581. >Her wand had poked out halfway from it's home, but you didn't want to make the morning too exciting or physically taxing
  582. >Or messy
  583. >"Mmm..."
  584. "Were we like this before I lost my memory? If not... what stopped us?"
  585. >She inhales for a long time, then exhales
  586. >"We were not... but we should have been. You were never given the chance to adore Trixie so. Others were jealous or did not understand what you saw. But Trixie knew that one day you would confront her with such strong emotions."
  587. >What could have stopped you from doing what was right?
  588. >It didn't answer much in the way of what happened before the blast that muddled your memory, but it doesn't really matter
  589. >You made your intentions clearly known
  590. >She accepted them too
  591. >She must've granted a wish you had before
  592. >Or maybe losing your memory was your wish being granted, in a way
  593. >After much longer, you give her a tight squeeze
  594. "Madam Trixie... if we don't get up, it will be that much more difficult to clean you up."
  595. >"Mmm... let them see."
  596. "It's all over the sleeping bag too..."
  597. >That makes her eyes open wide
  598. >" aren't joking, are you..."
  599. "Not at all. See for yourself."
  600. >Her scream was terrible enough to cause every bird in the forest to take flight and flee
  601. >After mourning her sleeping bag, she submitted herself to another bath by you
  602. >You had stripped down, needing one as well
  603. >It didn't help that you needed to clean your arms
  604. >As with yesterday, you spend plenty of time focusing over every part of her
  605. >When scrubbing and cleaning her face, you just couldn't escape her gazing into your eyes
  606. >She never said anything, and neither did you, but the way she looked at you...
  607. >You were under her spell completely
  608. >When dried and cleaned, you did manage to cheer her up about the sleeping bag
  609. >You'd just have to boil and clean it
  610. >The scent may linger but it's not like anyone else would ever use it
  611. >Best of all, there was some leftover soup from last night to have
  612. >You shared the kettle without hesitation
  613. >Compared to yesterday, she didn't seem so ravenously hungry
  614. >If anything, it was proof that you weren't traveling with her before
  615. >If you did, surely she wouldn't have eaten so much so quickly
  616. >What were you, if not her apprentice?
  617. >It wasn't like you could ever learn unicorn magic either
  618. >With everything packed up, once more you resume your journey
  619. >After goofing around, you realized that you could juggle
  620. >Or that you had an uncanny proficiency in it
  621. >Trixie was just as surprised, asking if you could juggle other items, or more than a trio of stones
  622. >You had no clue, so you catered to her whims
  623. >By lunch time, you had proven that four stones was your max
  624. >"That is indeed a glorious skill, Anonymous! Trixie is not surprised such hands can do so well."
  625. >You chuck the stones away, taking a flamboyant bow
  626. >You had a sense for theatrics, but nothing so refined as her
  627. "Maybe I was a circus clown in another life, huh?"
  628. >There isn't much of the kettle-made carrot soup left but it is finally finished off
  629. >You offered to go foraging for a bit but The Great and Professional Trixie told you that the rock farm was of the utmost importance
  630. >A tiny bit different from the sentiment she shared earlier in the morning but oh well
  631. >You noticed that the longer you traveled, the less sparse the forest got
  632. >The trail remained consistent, but boulders and small ravines started to outnumber the trees and soon even the grass was beginning to thin out
  633. >By evening time, you were in a completely different environment
  634. >There wasn't a single tree or shrub around
  635. >Which was good because you could see from every direction
  636. >But was bad because you didn't think ahead enough to grab any sort of stock of firewood
  637. >Trixie didn't seem to mind, since she had a trio of lanterns that she pulled out and turned on
  638. >It made a nice little barrier of light around the wagon but hardly had the brilliance or warmth of a single fire
  639. "Madam Trixie... just how much do you have in there?"
  640. >You hadn't ever made an effort to go investigate but it wasn't yours to poke around in either
  641. >Her face is less than confident
  642. >"Trixie must be honest... it is rather vacant as if these last few weeks..."
  643. >Given everything else that had or hadn't been adding up, you decide to take the bolder route
  644. >You've been bold so far with her
  645. "Madam Trixie... was I ever really your apprentice? This hasn't added up since the first night. If I were your apprentice, I know I wouldn't have let you stick to mere peanut butter rations. I know I would've done more, brought more to the table."
  646. >You say this, painfully aware of how you didn't stock any form of firewood
  647. >Trixie, still in the wagon, mutters something
  648. "Come again?"
  649. >You hear her shuffling around
  650. >"Enter Trixie's wagon, Anonymous. We must speak."
  651. >How the hell are you supposed to do that?
  652. >Not only would you not even fit through the door but you're pretty sure you'd cause something to break if your entire weight went onto it
  653. >Compared to ponies, you were a giant
  654. >A moderate giant, anyway
  655. >But you do so
  656. >By popping your head into the wagon via opened window
  657. >The inside is indeed sparse
  658. >Plenty of trick items and other tools of the trade
  659. >But no real comfortable items
  660. >No furniture
  661. >The glassware is dusty and doesn't seem like it had been touched in who knew how long
  662. >Trixie is sitting on an old, beat up cushion
  663. >With the lanterns outside, it's near impossible to make out any fine details
  664. >It's kinda spooky, truth be told
  665. >"Trixie... may have not been genuine with you, Anonymous."
  666. >You had a feeling
  667. "In what ways?"
  668. >"Trixie... never had an apprentice by the name of Anonymous. But she had a fan. One true fan that brought all six of his friends to every one of her shows. He had always been the most excited, and had given out only the most fabulous of gifts and tips. Indeed, he was, in no small part, what had made Trixie so popular. For a time."
  669. >She sounds sad
  670. >Given you can't even see her expression or reach in to touch her, you feel like she's miles away
  671. >"Then, one day, Trixie asks for two volunteers. Of course, Trixie's biggest fan hollered and shouted for the chance. He even brought up one of his friends, a fellow unicorn."
  672. >She chuckled, smug despite her otherwise solemn words
  673. >"And the other unicorn was so... suspect. She claimed that Trixie had no clue of how to use magic, and claimed that her trick would never work. The trick, such as it was, was to zap the first volunteer and turn him invisible. The second volunteer, of course, was to be there as a witness, to still feel but not see the first!"
  674. >Trixie let out a heavy sigh
  675. >"It worked... but Trixie did not anticipate the difficulty of turning the first volunteer back. The unicorn got angry with Trixie and we fought. The audience thought it was all a part of the show so of course Trixie played her role well!"
  676. >You smile at that
  677. >Trixie always had such an uncanny sense of timing and flourish for even the most basic of tricks, to help warm everyone up to the more impressive things
  678. >"Of course... between two unicorns fighting, the first volunteer was almost forgotten about. Both Trixie's and the other unicorn's magic hit the first volunteer at the same time. Not only did it render his visible... but he was blasted away, further and faster than Trixie had ever seen before. The second volunteer, the unicorn, cast some sort of spell on him as he flew away, promising that he not be harmed on his landing."
  679. >You think you're getting the rest of the picture
  680. >"From there... the crowd turned on Trixie. Especially the six friends he had always brought to her shows. From there, misfortune after misfortune befell Trixie. Until one day... she found her fan. There he was, as fine as the last day she saw him. And as soon as he spoke, she found herself... lying. Of course, she had no intention to. But Trixie had not been able to help herself. She knew this fan wanted to travel with Trixie and be a part of her shows so... she gave him what he wished for."
  681. >Some of the details were still blank slates in your mind
  682. >But now that she mentioned it, you did have a group of six ponies you'd drag to her shows
  683. >You even spent weeks and weeks practicing some old tricks you knew about from your home, in hopes of impressing her enough to add you to her shows
  684. "...oh."
  685. >Trixie sniffles
  686. >The sleeping bag glows in her blue aura and is pushed against the door of the wagon
  687. >"Please take Trixie's sleeping bag for tonight... Trixie wishes to be alone tonight."
  688. "Madam Trixie, I..."
  689. >"Please, Anonymous. Allow Trixie to speak for longer and she may not be able to perform tomorrow..."
  690. >You want her to come out
  691. >You want to tell her that it's alright
  692. >You want to at least spend the night with her curled up to you
  693. "...very well. Tomorrow let's both give them a show worth remembering, alright?"
  694. >You don't get an answer
  695. >That night, you sleep alone
  696. >There was no wind, but you still felt cold
  697. >There was no chance to make a wish, but you still had one
  698. >You wished that you could make tomorrow's show the best she's ever had
  700. >You woke up earlier than yesterday
  701. >Mostly because you just didn't have a real source of warmth
  702. >There was no magician to cuddle anyway
  703. >You practiced a few tricks and nibbled a bit on the peanut butter bar
  704. >You didn't want to eat all of it, you had an idea of how you could use it for today's show
  705. >Even if you were never really her apprentice, you still would want to put on a show with her
  706. >You aren't really sure of where to go, anyway
  707. >You don't even know who those supposed six friends are, if she really was referring to you
  708. >Maybe it was a test
  709. >You went through every single possibility while patrolling around the camp site
  710. >Not that there were any risks to keep track of, but you couldn't just sit there
  711. >Trixie woke up on her own, stumbling out of her wagon with her trademark warble of a yawn
  712. >Compared to the character she puts on during a show, she's really... normal
  713. >She stops in mid-yawn when she sees you
  714. >"Anonymous! You're still here!"
  715. >You look at Trixie, more surprised at how she seems surprised
  716. >For some profane reason you also notice that she has a bit of a morning wand waggling under her belly
  717. >"A-Anonymous! Trixie is speaking to you!"
  718. >She stamps her hoof down, flustered that despite her words from last night, you still seem just as... attracted to her
  719. "Sorry, bad habit..."
  720. >You look around at the sparse, rocky scenery
  721. "And... yeah. Of course I'm still here, Madam Trixie. I'm not going anywhere that you aren't."
  722. >Your simple, true words make her look at you like you have brain damage
  723. >"Trixie... does value your help greatly. It is vastly less lonely to travel the land with you."
  724. "Then allow me to travel with you."
  725. >Her wand pulses, thickening from your words
  726. >Despite it, she averts her eyes
  727. >"Let us put on a show for today and head back to Ponyville. There Trixie will restock and we shall settle the topic once you are among friends and can think clearly."
  728. >You chuckle, watching her wand bounce from her heartbeat
  729. "Right... thinking clearly."
  730. >Though you offered to give Trixie another bath, she regretfully declined
  731. >Probably because you both knew that with your washing tendencies, you would cause her to make a mess
  732. >You still don't see what the problem would be, anyway
  733. >Out of the four water barrels she has strapped up on the back of her wagon, one is maybe halfway emptied
  734. >While water was no issue, food was
  735. >Hopefully with you around, you could find a way for payments to be less in bits and more in grains or something
  736. >You could go for some oatmeal, personally
  737. >With nothing to do but roll up her sleeping bag and collect the mostly-emptied lanterns, you set out earlier than usual
  738. >Good thing too because the path went from smooth to covered in jagged rocks and mouse-sized mountains
  739. >Trixie didn't seem to mind, though the wagon wheels were getting caught on a lot of obstructions
  740. "Madam Trixie... is this the usual path to the rock farm?"
  741. >Grunting with effort, she steps carefully
  742. >"Of... course it is! Trixie has always taken this route. It is hardly entertaining, but the show must go on, Anonymous!"
  743. >Of course
  744. >But there isn't much you can do... except...
  745. >You get behind the wagon, between the
  746. strapped water barrels, and start to push
  747. >You could hear Trixie bark out some sort of proclamation of not needing help but you weren't about to let her convince you to just watch her strain
  748. >After a few minutes of pushing despite her complaints, she went quiet
  749. >Good
  750. >You've had enough of watching her scrape by
  751. >It's one of the reasons why you bought so many of her baubles and tonics
  752. >Some of them tasted pretty good, but offered nothing to you outside of flavored seltzer water
  753. >Others could wilt a flower in seconds and tasted like sour apple piss
  754. >They weren't all winners
  755. >"Anonymous, just a bit closer! The rock farm awaits!"
  756. >Peeking over from the side of the wagon you see your destination
  757. >A silo, a windmill, and a cottage fit for ponies
  758. >All surrounded by a wooden fence that has seen better days
  759. "Are you sure this is the place?"
  760. >You call out from behind the wagon
  761. >You can't help but notice that there are trees around the land
  762. >Which means you can stock up on firewood, if nothing else
  763. >"Trixie knows these ponies, they love... entertainment!"
  764. >After setting up the wagon in front of the cottage, Trixie shouts at the top of her lungs
  765. >"Gather 'round, every pony, for Trixie, the great and magnificent, has arrived!"
  766. >You have no clue how she trills her Rs but she seems to take great joy in it
  767. >After a few moments, a pair of ponies step out
  768. >Both of them look to be on the older side; one brown stallion and a grey mare
  769. >They both seem pretty... sleepy?
  770. >The brown one at least has some killer sideburns
  771. >He appraises the wagon, nodding to himself
  772. >"Once more, you visit us with parlor sleights and tricks. We have heard of your ill deed in Ponyville from naught other than our own Pinkamena."
  773. >The way this guy speaks is... really familiar
  774. >You step around, having finished a drink from one of the water barrels
  775. "Wait a minute... Pinkie Pie's from this rock far?"
  776. >The stern stallion looks you over before his eyebrows spike up
  777. >"Unimaginable... you are he!"
  778. "I am!"
  779. >You sound just as surprised as him
  780. "...who am I supposed to be again?"
  781. >"Thou art naught but Pinkamena's friend. I have seen you here before."
  782. >He sighs
  783. >"Just as easily muddled then as you are now, it seems."
  784. >You continue speaking without a thought
  785. "Pinkie must've said something like Trixie zapped me to dust or something, right? Well she didn't. Obviously, she didn't, I'm right here. What she did was... part of her latest trick."
  786. >Trixie gives you a queer look but doesn't stop you
  787. >"Yet another trick, is it... very well. Explain it."
  788. "Well..."
  789. >You scratch your head
  790. "She turned me invisible first. The fight she had with Twilight wasn't staged, but she knew what she was doing. Trixie too. So they played off each other and shot me off like a rocket to really freak the crowd out... the only thing is since I couldn't just pop back and tell everyone I was ok, they thought it was serious. We're still working out the details. But as you can see, I am at least unharmed!"
  791. >Wait a second
  792. >Twilight?
  793. >Was she the one fighting Trixie up on the stage?
  794. >Well obviously she was
  795. >You're not sure of what just happened but like that, the event came flooding back, like realizing the combination on a safe after forgetting it for so long
  796. >Trixie stays silent, quietly nodding along
  797. >"T... this is true. Trixie apologizes greatly for making you believe that something befell Pinkie's friend."
  798. >The old horse looks you over, as if examining your story by virtue of your physical wellbeing
  799. >Indeed, your clothing was a little more rough around the edges and your boots were freshly scuffed with days' worth of traveling
  800. >Eventually, he nods
  801. >"Very well. Stage magician, you have my apologies for believing you a devil worshiper."
  802. >You glance at Trixie
  803. >She glances at you
  804. >"O-of course... Trixie... knows... how important it is to not be one of those?"
  805. >The mare finally speaks up, happy to see the situation resolved
  806. >"Shall I retrieve our daughters for thine showing?"
  807. >Trixie, still taken aback by the situation, nods
  808. >"O-oh, of course! Trixie shall entertain all ages through feats and mastery of otherworldly creativity!"
  809. >Neither of them seem to particularly be excited
  810. >They merely nod and walk off
  811. >Once they're out of hearing range, you glare at Trixie
  812. "I thought you said you've been here before?"
  813. >"Trixie has, but there were others here too to get accolades from!"
  814. "Like who? Those guys look like they don't know fun from a pebble stuck in my boot!"
  815. >"Trixie does not discriminate but don't be so honest until after we're clear from the property!"
  817. >While alone, you and Trixie set up the stage area, along with a few other props
  818. >There is minor discussion over some tricks but for the most part you've seen most of Trixie's shows to the point of knowing most of her key gimmicks and shticks
  819. >But she doesn't know anything about yours
  820. >Hell, you don't know anything about what you could contribute
  821. >But you have a few ideas
  822. >While not exactly cheating, you do grab a nearby brown rock and set it close to the stage area when she isn't watching
  823. >You got something fun planned
  824. >Soon after, the two ponies that left are now back as five
  825. >You almost recognize the three younger ones
  826. >One, with a blank gaze and a flat voice raises a hoof at you
  827. >"Pinkie Pie said you died."
  828. >Without thinking, you point back at her
  829. "I lived, babe! Such a feat was only possible through the Great and Powerful Trixie's abilities!"
  830. >Trixie is a little surprised at how naturally you spring into action
  831. >She's one for a quick wit and sharp tongue, but you've watched her so much and worked on your own flavor that you're sure to impress
  832. >Even if you weren't impressing anyone, you sure wouldn't show it
  833. "But, of course, who am I to upstage the Mysterious and Beautiful Trixie? Give it up for Trixie, the All-Skilled and Glorious!"
  834. >Though the small gathering is lukewarm at best, they indeed clap their hooves together for her
  835. >Trixie goes through her normal routine, speaking of how she has recently taken up to fortune reading and future telling
  836. >When she mentions having made wishes come true, she blushes for a moment and looks at you
  837. >Ever the paragon, she weaves the last few days into her tall tales, of how you managed to find carrots in a desert, find dry firewood in a marsh, and even foretell the future and defy fate
  838. >Given very few know what a human can and can't do, you back up her claims with various poses, noises and the occasional muscular flex
  839. >When she finishes her mystifying tales, she actually steps back
  840. >For you to take center stage!
  841. >"And now, the Mysterious and Enigmatic man known only as Anonymous-in our world, anyway-will show you true strength and wonder!"
  842. >The quintet clap for you as you take to the stage
  843. >Having skillfully arranged a series of rocks, you 'randomly' pluck them out of the ground while discussing what humans eat
  844. >Of course, humans eat anything
  845. >Including dirt
  846. >Wood
  847. >The very rocks, themselves!
  848. >Even hardened steel and manmade vehicles that fly through the sky!
  849. >You do mention a magical condition known as Pica, so you technically aren't wrong at all
  850. >You begin to juggle the four sizable stones while telling stories of wit, guile and dexterity that only a human possesses
  851. >While you don't notice it, Trixie ends up watching from the front of the stage, a sixth member of your audience
  852. >You really aren't sure of what you're doing or what you're even really saying but the momentum keeps you charging forward at a somewhat coherent rate that occasionally stops
  853. >To mention a focused detail worth hanging onto
  854. >After 'tiring', you mention how that you think you need a snack
  855. >You end up with your stones in both hands, putting both handfuls into your pockets
  856. >And then you bring it out
  857. >The peanut butter bar, shaped just enough to look like the brown rock from a distance
  858. "And you know what's weirdest about being human?"
  859. >Given the slightly stale nature of the peanut butter bar bit, it audibly cracks as you bite into it, jerking your hand to make it a clear snap
  860. "You don't even know when you're eating something unusual..."
  861. >The entire crowd reacts
  862. >Trixie, herself, gasps at the sleight
  863. >You didn't really tell her that you were planning this, after all
  864. >"Anonymous, you didn't?!"
  865. >The old grey mare nearly faints!
  866. >Two of the three younger ponies look at you like you're crazy
  867. >The third, the one who mentioned Pinkie Pie, silently stares
  868. >You can almost see a tear slide down her face
  869. "I mean... could you imagine just eating something like a rock and not even knowing it?"
  870. >You take another loud, crunchy bite out of it
  871. >It's a nice little way to have a meager brunch at least
  872. >The second bite really drives the point home to the crowd
  873. >"Anonymous, your teeth will crumble!"
  874. >Trixie really seems concerned about you
  875. >Her tone is so genuine that even the other ponies look at her like this wasn't a part of the show
  876. >And, indeed it wasn't part of her show
  877. >By the time you finish the bar, you've gone into how you once ate a wagon wheel, pointing to one of the wagon wheels on Trixie's wagon
  878. >Indeed, it did look new as well
  879. "So really... I think it's best that I've always gotten paid in food instead of bits. They're the same to me anyway, right?"
  880. >You bow, beckoning Trixie to the stage once more
  881. >She seems taken aback by the entire affair, but she recovers beautifully, expressing how much you've eaten her out of hearth and home since the last trick that had thought to be your fatal end
  882. >By the end of it, you're working off of each other, adding little sleights and tricks between the dual exposition
  883. >After another juggling act, minus the brown rock, you bring one of the rocks up to your mouth
  884. "And to cap it off, should I have another snack...?"
  885. >The stonefaced pony shouts, pointing at you
  887. >You chuckle and set the rocks down
  888. "You miss that one rock, huh..."
  889. >You groan as if your stomach hurts
  890. "Oh man, you shouldn't have said that now. I think..."
  891. >"Anonymous, you shouldn't have!?"
  892. >Trixie still isn't in on it
  893. >You turn around and double over, loudly coughing
  894. >You also manage to slide the brown rock out of your pocket and into your mouth
  895. >In a dramatic reveal, you spin around with the rock in your mouth!
  896. >You look at it as if it came out of nowhere and pluck it from between your lips
  897. "Man... it still tastes good too."
  898. >You set it down at the front of the rock line
  899. >While the group is low energy, they're audibly ecstatic
  900. >Trixie, herself, is baffled
  901. >When the show is officially finished, Trixie bites your hand and drags you to behind the wagon
  902. >"What did you do, you could have broken every tooth in that mouth!"
  903. "Shh, I'll explain it later."
  904. >"Trixie will not have you break your teeth for amusement!"
  905. "Relax, it's fine!"
  906. >The hushed argument dies down when one of the younger three ponies trots around
  907. >"Excuse me."
  908. >It's that stone-faced one again
  909. >"It was very polite of you to cough up Clayton. I asked father and he said he was thoroughly happy with what he could only describe as 'jolly witchcraft'."
  910. >Not the terminology you'd use but alright
  911. >"We don't have a lot of money. The rocks have been brittle this season, and more are left brittle due to how much you made them crack up at your jokes. Would food be acceptable instead."
  912. >You're not sure if she made a joke or not
  913. >You glance at Trixie
  914. >She was short on food
  915. >"O-oh! Ah, um... yes. Trixie will accept any food you wish to give! Please, give as much as you can, Anonymous might eat my wagon wheel again!"
  916. "It's true, I'm a lot taller than her. I might do it."
  917. >The monotone pone looks over you again
  918. >"Pinkie Pie didn't tell me you could eat rocks. Don't eat any more, you can have real food instead."
  919. >She leaves as abruptly as she appeared
  920. >She did have a little bounce in her step
  921. >Maybe it was because that brown rock actually had some relation to her
  922. >Good thinking on hacking it back up
  923. >Trixie looks at you as if she couldn't believe it
  924. >"They're... going to pay us! With food! And you ate a rock!?"
  925. "Shhh, let's wait until we leave their property, right?"
  926. >For a show pony that's traveled throughout all of Equestria, it must have been a really good trick to surprise even her
  928. >You spend the rest of the day talking with the family
  929. >Or at least Maud Pie, the pony that just didn't seem to know how to enunciate beyond a dull roar
  930. >Evidently the six ponies you were friends with were searching all over Equestria for you
  931. >Given how you are, the description didn't have to be all that detailed to pin you down
  932. >Trixie didn't say all too much during that
  933. >She looked guilty
  934. >You stuck to your story, making it out to be one big misunderstanding
  935. >It's hard to know for sure if she believed you
  936. >But she did believe that you ate a rock and coughed it up in one piece
  937. >By the end of it all, you felt that much more comfortable about things
  938. >A lot of details were still missing from your head, but you remembered enough to be happy with the affair of things
  939. >On top of being given a half dozen freshly baked loaves of bread and enough stone soup to fill Trixie's kettle, you were paid with a heavy bag of oats and cornmeal
  940. >The variety was maybe a little lacking but it was enough to almost make Trixie faint on the spot
  941. >You think it had something to do with your pica talk
  942. >You weren't sure but you heard what could only be Maud's mother whispering to Trixie about how she shouldn't let such a creature feast on her wagon of all things
  943. >As long as it got you more food, you were fine with playing up the 'hungry monster' aspect
  944. >By the time you left, the sun was already on it's way down
  945. >A few hours away and it was time to set up camp again
  946. >With firewood obtained from a few dead trees near their land, you had enough to start an actual fire with!
  947. >There were more than enough rocks laying around for God's sake to make a fire pit with
  948. >Despite all of the good fortune and stocked pantry, Trixie didn't seem all that talkative with you
  949. >You were sitting together at least
  950. >Sharing a loaf of bread, you nudge into her
  951. "Bit for your thoughts, Madam Trixie?"
  952. >She smiles at you but she doesn't seem too excited
  953. >"Anonymous... you really were fantastic back there. To even use that bar ration I gave you. Did you really go so long without food for that one trick?"
  954. >You shrug
  955. "To be honest? I was hoping I could use it as bait to capture an animal or something. But it never panned out. I was just thinking that I could really get more use out of it as a tool or something to haggle with if push came to shove."
  956. >You nudge her again, this time tapping the side of her snout with your portion of the bread
  957. "I turned a fraction of a full bar into all of this. Come on, I've had to impress you now, right?"
  958. >Trixie inhales, grinning at you
  959. >"Very well. Trixie approves of your wily ways. She is very proud of your quick thinking."
  960. >She watches your face shift
  961. >"...did you not want Trixie's praise?"
  962. >You feel so happy you could cry
  963. "Madam Trixie... I really wanted to impress you for a long time. I never wanted to upstage you or anything, but I did want you to see what I could do and... I guess win your approval."
  964. >She gives a haughty chuckle
  965. >"And indeed you have won it quite gracefully! Even Trixie was completely at a loss for your unique talents and stories. Trixie would be quite confident in saying that no pony in Equestria could see through your shroud of mystery."
  966. >Though she's happy, she sighs, leaning against you
  967. >"Your friends seek you, Anonymous... Trixie's scheme went too far, and now you are seen as among the dead. Trixie can not fathom the heartache they feel..."
  968. >You shrug away the thought
  969. "What's to worry about? We go back to Ponyville, we let them know... and all's good, right? We can even put on a show for them, show them just how much I've learned while traveling with you."
  970. >You put your arm over her
  971. "You could even find a way to consider it... an extravagant play, to abscond."
  972. >Trixie looks at you with a shocked expression
  973. >You've been surprising her left and right today
  974. >She shifts, rubbing her underside against the smooth ground
  975. >"...Perhaps Trixie has granted a very serious wish without realizing it..."
  976. >You shrug and nod
  977. "Maybe. But Madam Trixie..."
  978. >You smile at her
  979. "Perhaps I could grant you a wish as well, as a way to thank you for all that you've done for me?"
  980. >The Great and Powerful Trixie is the Stunned and Silent Trixie
  981. >But you can see her wand start to poke out from under her
  982. >Given how bright the fire is, seeing the pink against her blue is impossible to not notice
  983. >"Trixie... T-Trixie offers you... a trade, Anonymous."
  984. >She stammers but tries to save face by turning her nose up at you
  985. >Her wand flares and pulses hard, oozing a bead of magic that's quite reflective in the fire's light
  986. >"A... a wish for a wish? Not between master and apprentice... but... perhaps as partners?"
  987. >Your only answer is a kiss on her lips and a hand on her wand
  988. >Her back to the fire, she mounts your lap, using her magic to slide down your pants
  989. >"Anonymous... give Trixie a real show."
  990. >As she rests her weight on your lap, your wand slides into her
  991. >Your imagination couldn't prepare you for her sweltering heat
  992. >Her wand was always hot to the touch but this was another realm entirely
  993. >Reaching down to grasp her crystal balls, you watch the tip of her wand throb and bloom
  994. >With it right between your two faces, you grasp hold of it and push it towards her mouth
  995. "Trixie... would you like to share dessert with me?"
  996. >She devours the tip of her own wand, letting out a long, wailing moan that makes her entire body shiver
  997. >You share the affection, tasting the side of Trixie's great and powerful wand, as well as the tip of her tongue
  998. >Upon contact, your tongues intertwine and fight over the flat, blooming arena of her wand's flaring cap
  999. >Huffing and breathing, trying to sync up, intensifies as she rocks on your lap
  1000. >Though the obscene noises of wish granting, Trixie pulls her mouth away from her wand
  1001. >"Anonymous, this is... Trixie can't handle...!"
  1002. >You reach out and grab her by the mane, pulling her into another kiss with her wand in between
  1003. >Your other arm wraps around her, anchoring her to your coupling with the strength a unicorn could never hope to match
  1004. >Not that she would dare escape such life-altering ceremony
  1005. >Unable to hold on any longer, Trixie erupts, thick, warm magic spraying your face and hers
  1006. >You lean forward, tasting her thickest magic, and immediately pull her own head toward yours
  1007. >You watch her eyes roll up into her head as she sprays down her own throat
  1008. >With her obscene face and her taste on your tongue, your own magic floods her body
  1009. >That very moment, you wished for the Great and Powerful Trixie to be yours, to hold close and to journey all of Equestria with
  1010. >You get the feeling that Trixie may have wished for the very same thing
  1012. >You feel something on you
  1013. >A little groggy and with a particularly unique taste in your mouth, you look down the source of the weighted comfort
  1014. >It's Trixie
  1015. >And she looks... rough
  1016. >The fur all around her face is matted and obviously out of place
  1017. >It almost feels like she's a little stuck to you, too
  1018. >But she looks so relaxed
  1019. >You're quite content as well
  1020. >Fondling her without touching yourself for days was borderline insanity
  1021. >You had always fantasized about this day but now that it happened... you're at a complete loss
  1022. >What do you do?
  1023. >What do you say?
  1024. >You've been told a lot of mixed stories about what might happen if you were to ever... do what you did
  1025. >But you can't help but get excited at the idea of there being consequences
  1026. >You drag your less dirtied hand up to Trixie's face, stroking her down to her shoulder
  1027. >"Mmm..."
  1028. >She leans into your hand
  1029. >Has she been awake?
  1030. >You've just been staring at her like a dork
  1031. >Shit
  1032. "...Madam Trixie, are we awake?"
  1033. >She inhales and nods slowly
  1034. >"Indeed I am, Lord Anonymous."
  1035. >Lord?
  1036. "Did I win a title?"
  1037. >Refusing to open her eyes, she nods twice as much
  1038. >"Indeed you did. The Great and Powerful Trixie does not love common stallions. Indeed, you aren't a stallion at all."
  1039. >She peeks at you with one of her eyes opening
  1040. >"The title suits you. You'll need to get used to it if we're to become partners."
  1041. >Another dream come true
  1042. >She truly is great
  1043. >You want to celebrate... but with her hind end still on your lap
  1044. >...
  1045. >Maybe you can still celebrate
  1046. "Madam Trixie..."
  1047. >"Mmm Lord Anonymous?"
  1048. "Something tells me you have another wish to make."
  1049. >The way she gyrates against your lap, it's true
  1050. >"As skilled as I, when it comes to reading minds... we do not have a show coming up. And we have food..."
  1051. "Let the wishing begin."
  1053. >Over the course of the following seven days, you and Trixie are inseparable
  1054. >With each new show, no matter how small, you use your experiences from the previous show to build up your own mystique and lore
  1055. >The Man Who Fell From The Sky was a mysterious title Trixie advertised you as, finding a new world of novelty to attract customers
  1056. >By the end of the seven days, the wagon was chock full of supplies!
  1057. >Not much was needed, of course, between one man and one mare
  1058. >But it was enough to last an entire month
  1059. >The profiteering turned Trixie into the happiest mare
  1060. >You knew that sometimes it was hard for her to get by, and she was terrified of genuine labor or back breaking work
  1061. >To be fair, you were too
  1062. >Eventually, you make it back to Ponyville
  1063. >A lot of the ponies are hesitant to give Trixie a warm welcome
  1064. >Until they see you
  1065. >Evidently you were a pretty common face
  1066. >You even meet with your six friends again!
  1067. >They were all in various forms of anger, relief, surprise and excitement
  1068. >But all had some form of negative reaction to Trixie
  1069. >Though it was difficult, the two of you had far more experience bouncing off of each other so you managed to weave a very... Trixie-esque story that even convinced Twilight that she thought it was a little too convenient that she had the reflexes and wits to save your life
  1070. >By the end of the story telling, you and Trixie had piled on so many compliments that Twilight offered to launch you into the sky again whenever you felt the need
  1071. >You generously thanked her
  1072. >But asked her not to
  1073. >Despite your home being in Ponyville, you traveled with Trixie
  1074. >The way you saw it, your home was her home
  1075. >Which means whenever a vacation was needed and familiar faces were required, there would be a house to return to
  1076. >Trixie argued that her home was wherever you were, and her wagon
  1077. >Which wasn't wrong
  1078. >But you mentioned that a stationary home would be preferable for starting a family
  1080. >Ten months later
  1081. >You've started taking bits as payments and tips rather than food
  1082. >Mostly because the wagon became so stocked full of utensils, trick items and various types of food that it became downright impractical to hoard so much
  1083. >The wagon got a few upgrades as well
  1084. >A pair of straps were made for you to pull with, with the weight on your shoulders
  1085. >A comparment was added at the very top, along with a few steps on the corner of the wagon, for you to stash spare clothing and a single, larger sleeping bag
  1086. >It was big enough to fit four ponies, but also big enough to fit one Anon and one Trixie
  1087. >With how much her belly had grown, you were more than happy to take to pulling the wagon while she walked at your side
  1088. >Of course, you never missed a night of wish making, and granting
  1089. >It became almost a full blown tradition to wash her every morning
  1090. >After all, the Great and Motherly Trixie demanded that much more adoration and worship
  1091. >Once more, you stride into Ponyville
  1092. >And once more, Trixie acts as the hype gatherer and announcer
  1093. >"And might I add, has put a pair of fillies in my belly! And to believe that he even ate a rock!"
  1094. >More than half of Ponyville showed up
  1095. >The rock eating feat became a cornerstone of your mythos
  1096. >Whenever someone brought a larger, actual rock for you to devour you'd shirk away citing the near mythical Maud Pie for striking a deal with you to not devour any innocent rocks
  1097. >Not many people knew if she was even real but the fun was in how you constantly twisted the timeline of events and how details were replaced or rearranged
  1098. >"But enough of me, here is! The Great! The Myterious! Loooord Anonymous!"
  1099. >You vault over the wagon from the back, making use of a springboard that had been installed on the side of the wagon
  1100. >You really weren't an acrobat but ponies were notoriously easy to impress
  1101. >You had since changed up your attire
  1102. >Your entire outfit was made of the same pattern of Trixie's own cape
  1103. >You even had your own cloak
  1104. >Human-sized apparel isn't cheap so you hardly wear it
  1105. "Ponyville, my home! Once I was but a common man, but through the feats, adventures, and treasure found with my Great and Powerful Paragon of Pure Magical, Magnificent Might, I return once more!"
  1106. >You have a fanclub of a handful of colts that hoot and holler the loudest
  1107. >You overheard one say that he was just jealous that you had a mare like Trixie
  1108. >One of the ponies, a new face, raises up his hoof
  1109. >"Hey, what are ye a lord of? Y'got any land or somethin'?"
  1110. >The entire show comes to a stop
  1111. >You glance and Trixie and she glances at you for a fraction of a second
  1112. >For the entire duration of your travels you've never actually had to explain that bit
  1113. >Lord really isn't the same as Madam either since it usually leads to being the lord of something like a castle
  1114. "Well..."
  1115. >The gears of your mind are a well-lubricated machine
  1116. >Trixie's magic helped keep things buttery smooth
  1117. "I suppose it is time that I face the music, and admit my past. I am indeed a lord, from my own land! I have traveled to Equestria, just for the honor of amazing you!"
  1118. >"Wut's the name o' yer land then, guy?"
  1119. >He sounds more curious than mocking
  1120. >The crowd go from facing him to facing you
  1121. "The land I am from. The land I am a lord in! Is known as Dee Znuts!"
  1122. >The crowd collectively gasps and cheers
  1123. >Yet another notch to your lore
  1124. >These ponies are really easy to impress
  1125. >But Trixie saw the true value in you
  1126. >Just as you saw the creativity, guile, and showmareship in her
  1127. >Together, you may hitch the wagon up and become an important fabric of Ponyville's entertainment
  1128. >Together, you may seem like a normal couple that have their hands and hooves full with parenting
  1129. >And together, you may even seem a little odd due to just how you always have Trixie's great and powerful scent on you, and she always has your scent on her
  1130. >But the show will always go on
  1131. >Because no matter how smart or dim a pony may be, they'll always be in need of a good story

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon