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/FlutterRape/ 2: Operation Beauty

By BlondieAnon
Created: 2020-10-22 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-09 17:43:46
Expiry: Never

  1. >Floored by the revelation of seeing Anon and Rainbow Dash together in such a scandalous manner, you retreat to your home to sulk
  2. >You weren't not jealous of Dash being such good friends of his
  3. >And of getting to enjoy his yogurt
  4. >You're happy for her, truly
  5. >But you wanted to be the pony in his arms
  6. >You wanted to gulp down his yogurt every morning
  7. >Every night
  8. >And sometimes at lunch time too because he produces so much
  9. >And now...
  10. >Now she gets to taste his REAL yogurt!
  11. >Not just the manufactured product but the real deal too!
  12. >You've seen him do it once
  13. >He made a mess
  14. >He didn't even notice that you were peeking through his window
  15. >Not that you wanted to
  16. >You just wanted to visit him since he was new to Ponyville
  17. >That beautiful, terrifying explosion burned itself into your memory
  18. >Now Rainbow Dash gets to see that excessive display of need...
  19. >It's not fair!
  20. >Fluttershy, you slug, you were too slow!
  21. >No offense to slugs, of course
  22. >But wait
  23. >Just because they looked at each other like that
  24. >And he carried her like that
  25. >Doesn't mean they ARE like that
  26. >Right?
  27. >Your heart lifts off the soil of defeat
  28. >You just have to tell Anon that you love him!
  29. >But how?
  30. >Mr. Iguana gave you some information but not enough
  31. >You don't want to come off so strong as to just tell him out of the blue, either
  32. >Maybe Rarity would know?
  33. >She deals with a lot of attention from stallions from all over
  34. >You get the feeling she might understand you perfectly
  35. >Your mood elated and your loins lit anew, you fly straight to Rarity's parlor
  36. >A lot of the clothing Anon has was made by her
  37. >Which means she must have measured him too!
  38. >You fly even faster, spurred on by what secrets she may impart upon you
  39. >Not so fast that you might sprain your wing
  40. >If you did that, you might end up in the hospital
  41. >You stick your landing and follow into a light trot, yards away from Rarity's front door
  42. >After running a hoof through your mane to fix any stray hair you muster your courage and walk in
  43. >Upon entering, you can hear Rarity singing
  44. >She always does that when she's happy
  45. >Though it's more a series of "la"s rather than anything truly lyrical
  46. >Not that you would ever judge her
  47. "Rarity, good morning. I, um, I need your help with something very important."
  48. >You do your best to sound serious but your marshmallowy soft voice doesn't carry the tone so well
  49. >Rarity hears you and stops, turning away from her magically-guided needle
  50. >It looks like she's trying out a new spring design
  51. >"Good morning, Fluttershy! What brings you here today?"
  52. >You can't help but smile as you speak
  53. "I-I have a request."
  54. >She must know that this is important if you ask her so boldly
  55. >"Mmm?"
  56. >She doesn't seem like she's taking it anymore seriously
  57. "I... have a crush on someone. And I would like to find the right way to tell him."
  58. >Rarity lets out one of her most dramatic gasps
  59. >She always was a real thespian
  60. >"Well don't leave me hanging, darling! Tell me who it is! It's not Big Mac, is it? He's such a stoic stallion, I just can't get a read on him. Or perhaps is it that nice boy that's been working with the mayor? Or--"
  61. >You beam, shaking your head
  62. "Oh no, none of those, though they are nice. It's someone we both know!"
  63. >She gasps even harder
  64. >"Oh well that doesn't narrow it down! Tell me, I might die if you don't!"
  65. >Feeling emboldened by your friend's support, you puff out your chest
  66. "Rarity, I am in love with Anonymous."
  67. >Just like that, you'd think that you froze time
  68. >Rarity is in mid gasp when she hears you
  69. >She's...
  70. >She's not moving
  71. "R-Rarity? Are you ok?"
  72. >You reach out and nudge her shoulder with the tip of your hoof
  73. >She shakes her head and blinks hard multiple times
  74. >"I-I'm sorry, darling, I just thought you said that... Anonymous?"
  75. >You nod with a warm smile
  76. "I did."
  77. >She tries her best to, but she shrinks back
  78. >Her smile is still there but it's one of concern
  79. >"The... the human we know as Anonymous?"
  80. "Oh, absolutely!"
  81. >"The Anonymous that kept making horse puns when he first showed up?"
  82. "The very one and the same! He's so funny."
  83. >You can see that gears are turning in Rarity's head
  84. >"T... the Anonymous that Rainbow Dash, of all people, hangs out with?"
  85. >You hang your head, immediately thinking of how they looked together
  86. "Yes, Rarity... the very one and the same."
  87. >Rarity looks at you
  88. >"Are you feeling alright, honey?"
  89. >You shake your head
  90. "I am not, Rarity... not at all. I have reason to believe that my time is limited to let him know how I really feel, before... some other mare does it..."
  91. >Rarity stifles a laugh
  92. >She sees that you don't react and regains her composure
  93. >"Fluttershy... I will not say that you can or can't love someone."
  94. >You feel like she wants to say 'but' after
  95. >She doesn't speak for a moment
  96. >"...sooo... why don't we... see if we can spruce you up a little? He's painfully talkative when he's here, and you know how I enjoy a little idle gossip, so I think I may have some insider information that would really make you stand out in his... unique... unique... SO VERY UNIQUE eyes."
  97. >She gives you her best smile
  98. >That lifts your spirit immensely!
  99. >You hug her tight in a flash, nuzzling your face against hers
  100. "Oh Rarity, thank you! With you helping me, I know that love will prevail!"
  101. >Rarity gives you a peculiar, funny laugh and pats you on the back
  102. >"Well you know what they say about having the devil's luck, darling..."
  103. >Operation Dollop did not work so well
  104. >But Operation Beauty will!
  106. >You were feeling golden
  107. >After this morning, and on the way to work, you could feel that something... changed
  108. >Not that you or Dash brought it up, or said anything
  109. >But you got a certain feeling
  110. >Especially when she lingered a second longer than usual before getting out of your arms
  111. >She acted like it everything was normal
  112. >She called you a pussy because you are what you eat
  113. >You were going to call her a big chicken but she flew off before you got the chance
  114. >You haven't quite seen her fly that fast before
  115. >All the same, the hospital's most valuable employee was here and ready to get busy
  116. >Going in, you see your supervisor waiting for you
  117. >A tired, old mare by the name of Home Remedy
  118. >"Well good morning Anon. Full of energy and seeing rainbows, are we?"
  119. >She looks and sounds like she's 100% done with your shit
  120. >Usually because she is, at least in the mornings before she gets her coffee
  121. "That's one way to put it. What's on the docket for today?"
  122. >The old workhorse looks over you, always quick to mention if your uniform is dirty or too wrinkled
  123. >"Since you're channeling your inner Pinkie Pie, I should mention that our Miss Pie threw a party last evening and some pony thought it would be a smart idea to eat a dozen cupcakes."
  124. >You shrug
  125. "Is that bad?"
  126. >"With three times the icing."
  127. >You grimace
  128. "Oh. Nice."
  129. >"I'm glad you think so. She was in room 122. Once you're done with that, come find me and we can get rid of some emptied containers and dispose of a few other things."
  130. >You give the most casual of salutes
  131. "Sounds like a plan. Let me go grab my stuff and I'll get to it."
  132. >You head to the locker and equipment room
  133. >It's a dirty job but pony messes are so much less worse than human messes
  134. >"Oh, and Anonymous?"
  135. >Like a PSX model, you stop in mid-step and pivot to face her
  136. >The old mare gives you a grin
  137. >"I get that you're young and have a marefriend... but can you at least wait until after work to smell like that?"
  138. >Your face erupts into a deep red
  139. "Wh-huh? Me? No, I..."
  140. >You look down
  141. >The only thing wrong with your uniform is a blue feather that must've come off of Dash's wings
  142. >Remedy lifts and shakes her front right hoof
  143. >You check it and see a small, dark smear on the inside of your sleeve
  144. "Oh-aw come on! Dammit..."
  145. >She chuckles at your reaction
  146. >She's as serious as she needs to be, you'll give her that
  147. >"Don't worry, you'll smell like icing before today is done."
  148. >The old bat sounds amused
  149. "Yeah... thanks, Homey..."
  150. >Fucking Rainbow Dash
  151. >You head to the locker room
  152. >You give the spot a small sniff when you're alone
  153. >Smells like your soap
  154. >Or more like your soap smells like her
  155. >God damn it
  156. >You only just now realize that you haven't brought your basket with you either
  157. >No lunch for Anonymous
  158. "I'm gonna get her back for this..."
  159. >You grumble to yourself
  160. >She did the right thing
  161. >Nothing really has changed between you and her
  162. >You contemplate tossing the feather that was stuck to you but you rethink it
  163. >If, or when, you get a hat, you'll put it in the brim or something
  164. >You could always just pluck a better one from her hide later, too
  165. >Maybe you can find an excuse to take her somewhere for dinner one of these days
  166. >Just because
  168. >You flew away from Anonymous as quickly as you could
  169. >You were completely trapped in his tempo!
  170. >How could you, Rainbow Dash, Equestria's best and fastest flier, fall for a dweeb like that?
  171. >Granted, you weren't a Wonderbolt
  172. >And you spent most of your days hanging out with him rather than training
  173. >And maybe you did use his soap bars to wash and pleasure yourself a few times too often for it to be merely a prank
  174. >But you didn't mean anything by all of that!
  175. >Despite all of your acrobatic, aeronautical rage, you are still trapped in an Anonymous-shaped cage
  176. >How did he even DO all that he did, anyway?
  177. >What type of world did he come from where that's even a thing?
  178. >...Would he do it again if you worded it like a dare?
  179. >Your wings cause you to scream through the air and cut clouds in half
  180. >Someone had very specific weather plans for today but it's not like they couldn't just move them back in place when you were done tearing up the scenery
  181. >You eventually stop, hooves setting down on someone's roof
  182. >Of course it's the roof of Anon's house
  183. >You've found yourself coming here more and more, even when he isn't home
  184. >You know it inside and out, better than any other building in Ponyville
  185. >You're kinda jealous that he gets the house of a celebrity just for being big
  186. >But he wouldn't be able to do anything in a normal pony-sized home either
  187. >You silently stew while watching over Ponyville like a gargoyle
  188. >How did he find out about the soap anyway?
  189. >Speaking of soap, your eyes go wide
  190. >You and him were so busy that he didn't bring his lunch!
  191. >You always bothered him at lunch
  192. >Partially to steal half of it for yourself
  193. >It wasn't any sort of romantic nonsense because you never once asked if you could
  194. >You just took it and laughed at him for getting all butthurt to begin with
  195. >You couldn't do that if he didn't have his lunch
  196. "Dang it... it's not fair."
  197. >You mumble to yourself and fly in through one of his windows
  198. >You know exactly what he brings every day, so you make exactly what he does
  199. >Maybe not so well because you only have hooves and he has hands with worm-looking fingers
  200. >But if he complains, you'll buck his head off and use it to go bowling
  201. >Or drag him up onto a cloud and show him how to really blast off
  202. >Despite making a large mess, you make twice the normal amount of food
  203. >A full helping for him
  204. >And a full helping for yourself
  205. >And two jars of yogurt, of course
  206. >Your favorite type and his favorite, so you can distract him with it when he asks why you broke into his home and made him lunch
  207. "Guy should be thanking me..."
  208. >You grumble while looking at your half-assed attempts
  209. >The sandwiches look terrible
  210. >The butter you used looks chunky and unevenly spread
  211. >You didn't mean to but you even managed to crack one of the jars by fumbling it too much
  212. >Is this really the best you could do?
  213. >You fight back the urge to let your eyes tear up
  214. >If he doesn't like it, tough, you can eat twice as much today
  215. >You stuff it into his basket, having made sure that it was emptied out before
  216. >Biting down on the handles, you hop out to the windows and fly off
  217. >Far more slower than usual, to make sure you don't make things look worse
  218. >He better be thankful for this!
  220. >You pose as well as you can for Rarity while she takes your measurements
  221. >You can't help but get excited at the idea of leaving the parlor looking like Anon's dream come true
  222. >You don't have a single clue of what it would look like but Rarity knows best
  223. >"So... Fluttershy..."
  224. >Rarity speaks up like she's expecting something
  225. "O-oh. Um... yes, Rarity?"
  226. >She dramatically sighs, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world
  227. >"Don't play coy, tell me why you like him!"
  228. >Your face reddens almost immediately
  229. "Ooh! Well... I know he's friendly to a lot of animals. Ever since he got his home, a lot less animals have been getting lost from their homes."
  230. >Rarity gives you a queer look
  231. >"Are you telling me a squirrel forgets what tree he hides his nuts in?"
  232. >You shake your head, giggling
  233. "No, of course not! But a lot of animals go out to explore during the spring for food after hibernating for a long time. Having a house that big gives them a landmark to go by!"
  234. >She nods, not convinced
  235. >"I suppose that helps but that sounds like you should be thankful for the house, not him."
  236. "But wait, there's more!"
  237. >"Of course there is..."
  238. "He's spread out a lot of seeds for birds too. He even put together a nice looking bird feeder where over a dozen of them can eat at once without having to go digging or scraping around!"
  239. >It didn't look the most professional, but it took a very special talent and sense of kindness to make it
  240. "He even works at the hospital! His entire job is helping people! I bet his cutie mark is something adorable like a blanket. Or, or something even better like big heart. He's really big so you know his heart is really big too."
  241. >Rarity more listens to you than anything else
  242. >You feel so happy when you gush about him
  243. "And that's not all that's big, too! He--"
  244. >You stop yourself, scrunching your face
  245. >You look at Rarity from the corner of her eye
  246. >She looks at you with an expression of pure shock
  247. >Neither of you move or break eye contact
  248. >Rarity breaks the silence, coughing
  249. >"Yes, well... you aren't wrong. That doesn't make it right to say, I'll have you know!"
  250. >She blushes, focusing on her work
  251. >"But sister you are not wrong..."
  252. >You awkwardly laugh, unable to help from smiling
  253. >"Well... I suppose under his... roguish personality is a very kind man. And I, for one, am glad that you see that. Celestia knows not many would."
  254. >You take that as a compliment
  255. "I'm glad you think so, Rarity! I always like to think that I could see the best in everyone."
  256. >You absent-mindedly smile, thinking of how swimmingly everything has been going
  257. >Maybe there's been a small setback, but everything is going to go better from here on out!
  258. "Oh, Rarity! I must say that his yogurt is delicious too. It's so thick it's hard to believe he can make so much of it effortlessly!"
  259. >Rarity's thread snaps
  260. >The needle she was using flies off, piercing the parlor wall and flying into who knows where
  261. >You force yourself to look dead ahead
  262. >You saw a glimpse of Rarity's face
  263. >"E...excuse me... Fluttershy... darling... WHAT?"
  265. >You spent far too much time cleaning up the cupcake mess
  266. >Sick, sugary smell aside, it wasn't all that terrible
  267. >You've handled far worse at this point
  268. >You also managed to listen to your gut and avoided tasting any of it
  269. >It was, after all, mostly cupcake icing
  270. >After long enough, the room was spotless
  271. >The sugary scent still lingered but you had opened all windows to help vent it
  272. >Equestria didn't have all that much in the way of hard cleaning supplies but it largely wasn't required for this type of stuff
  273. >Lunchtime came sooner than expected, not that you minded
  274. >The work was mind numbing stuff if it wasn't unusual
  275. "Wonder what Dash is up to..."
  276. >Going up to the roof, you take a seat where you usually do
  277. >Once she sees that you didn't bring your stuff, she'll probably call you gay and buzz off
  278. >At least you thought she'd do that
  279. >You lay down and close your eyes, sighing
  280. >Maybe you could use the time to take a nap
  281. >"Incoming!"
  282. >Hey, that sounds like Dash right now
  283. >Wait
  284. >You open your eyes just to see her dropping out of the sky like a lead weight
  285. >"Catch the basket!"
  286. >What basket?
  287. >Something smashes into your face, knocking you flat if you weren't already flat on your back
  288. >Rainbow Dash lands on your chest
  289. >"Oh hey, the basket's ok... Anon, I got your lunch!
  290. >You do not respond to her
  291. >"Hey... you alright?"
  293. >You spent a good time of the morning speaking with Rarity while she worked on you
  294. >You are quite happy to talk to her about Anon and how wonderful you think he is but you get the sneaking suspicion that she just does not share your enthusiasm
  295. >Half of the comments you make cause her to look at you sorta funny too
  296. >You still do not know why Rarity lost her first needle
  297. >You certainly hope nopony gets hurt
  298. >Rarity steps back, wiping nonexistent sweat off of her brow
  299. >"Well Fluttershy... it was certainly more work to listen to you than it was to work on you. But it is done! Even an... well, if Anonymous can resist you, it's a fake!"
  300. >She magics a mirror over to hover around you
  301. >Silky tubesocks that go from your flanks to a few inches above your hooves
  302. >A hoodie that fits like a dream and covers your front legs, though one sleeve is actually longer than the other so it looks a little messy
  303. >And even a pair of big, cola-bottle glasses
  304. >The lens are thick but you can look through them
  305. >Apparently a lot of ponies wear glasses who don't need glasses
  306. "Oh wow, Rarity. I look..."
  307. >"Like a... what was the word, a 'neat'? Anonymous has mentioned this 'neat fashion' time and time again but it sounds so... homely. But I suppose with how he turned my nose up at my sensible choices, this may be our silver bullet."
  308. >She doesn't look particularly proud but you think it is some of her best work yet!
  309. >There are convenient holes for your wings to fit through, and even a little pocket under you!
  310. >And a hood!
  311. >That's probably why it's called a hoodie
  312. >You smile with a squee when the mirror rotates around your face
  313. >Your hair is the same but you can't help but believe that it's best natural
  314. >It is a very natural, low-energy design
  315. >Rarity saunters off, happy with herself
  316. >"Well... best of luck to you, sweetie. I, however... I need to do something drastic to erase the image of Anonymous getting excited out of my head."
  317. >You swoon at the sound of that
  318. >If Anonymous really does love your new look, you can tell him that you love him!
  319. >Then you can go out on a date!
  320. >Then he can offer you his yogurt!
  321. >Both flavors!
  322. >Giddy as can be, you prance in place and strut out of Rarity's parlor
  323. >The purposefully long sleeve is a little weird, and you worry that it may get a little dirty soon with some basic walking so you decide to fly directly to the hospital as soon as you are back outside
  324. >The glasses make it a little harder to fly than you first thought, but at least the skies are clear
  325. >You feel remarkably warm with your new outfit on too
  326. >Maybe you can keep wearing these things, even after you use it to attract Anonymous!
  327. >When you reach the hospital roof, you hear Anonymous and Rainbow Dash arguing like before
  328. >"Aw man, the jar is cracked..."
  329. >"I tried to be careful with it but it's a dumb size..."
  330. >"You're a dumb size."
  331. >"You're the one who's too big!"
  332. >"You didn't say anything of the sort this morning!"
  333. >"Ah--wha!? You take that back!"
  334. >Oh, it sounds like they're good friends like always
  335. >You appear before them, landing as gracefully as you can
  336. >Strutting around a few steps, you stop in front Anonymous
  337. >Who has... Rainbow Dash sitting in his lap, between his legs
  338. >Your cheeks flush red at the sight
  339. >You want that to be you
  340. >At least Anon seems happy!
  341. >The surprised look on his face really says it all
  342. >You know it's a good surprised look too
  343. >You've seen bad surprised looks
  344. >"Anon, I have very wonderful, important news!"
  345. >"Fluttershy, what's with this goofy outfit? Are you undercover?"
  346. >Anon is speechless
  347. >"That's... that's definitely an outfit. What's so important that it requires you to dress up like... uh... that?"
  348. >Your wings flap a few times as you work up the courage to finally admit it
  349. "Anon, ever since you came to Equestria, I've wanted to be friends with you. But after thinking really hard on it, and really checking, I've come to a realization. I love you and, and, and I would like to be your marefriend so I can make you as happy as you make me."
  350. >You smile as widely as you can
  351. >You can feel all sorts of butterflies in your stomach
  352. >And elsewhere
  353. >The look on your friend and your romantic interest is one of mutual shock
  354. >Fluttershy, you are so bold sometimes!
  355. >Rainbow Dash speaks first
  356. >"Y-you're kidding... right?"
  357. >You shake your head with a giggle, disheveling the glasses on your face
  358. "Oh my, not at all Rainbow Dash! Anon has been on my mind for so long now that I can hardly contain myself!"
  359. >Dash looks at you, then up at Anon
  360. >"Y-you... you aren't buying this, are ya!?"
  361. >Anon tries to clear his throat, tugging at the collar of his scrub top
  362. >He smells so sweet too
  363. >You knew that he always had a sweet scent but today is especially good!
  364. >"I... I, uh... y-you too...?"
  365. >'You too'?
  366. >As in 'I love you too, Fluttershy'?
  367. >As in 'I would like you to be my marefriend'?!
  368. >Your eyes dilate from behind your painfully thick glasses
  369. >Unable to contain yourself, you let out your most cherished, victorious cry!
  370. >You've been told that it sounds like air slowly escaping a balloon but you think it just makes you that much more unique
  371. >Without wanting to risk losing control of yourself then and there, you take to the sky
  372. "He said 'you too'! I'll stop by your home after work!"
  373. >You giggle uncontrollably as you leave the scene
  374. >Anonymous looks positively stunned
  375. >Rainbow Dash does too, but you think she might have eaten something wrong because she looked like something was really gross to her
  376. >But you did it!
  377. >And he returns your feelings!
  378. >Rarity, you're a genius!
  379. >Operation Beauty couldn't have gone better!
  382. Operation Beauty: STUNNING SUCCESS
  383. Outfits obtained: 1
  384. Celebratory orgasms had: 20
  385. Friends alienated: 2
  386. Hearts Captured: 1
  387. Human Friends Made: 1
  388. Human Dicks Sucked: N/A
  389. Rank: Stallion Stunning Succubus

/bootleg/ Jacky Part One

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Two

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Three

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Four

by BlondieAnon

/bootleg/ Jacky Part Five

by BlondieAnon