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Home Alone [Paradise] [Part 6] [PiE/NEETpone #50]

By punki
Created: 2020-12-18 12:44:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >Christ, she's really done a number in here. One bowl smashed, sauce and spaghetti everywhere. Good thing you put on your lazy-clothes before coming back downstairs to deal with this.
  2. >Real shame, looks like she was really excited about this. She's really tried her best on this. That sauce is damn good, and Paradise always cooks spaghetti dead-right. Not too soft, not raw, always just spot on.
  3. >[Weeping Internally]
  4. >If you were still in your teens you would have considered trying to salvage this from the floor by picking the chunks of porcelain out of it. It's not like your kitchen floor is carpeted or something. You guys have tiles and tiles tend to be pretty clean as a general rule of thumb.
  5. >Good ol' [spoiler]45 minute[/spoiler] rule.
  6. >Grabbing the bin, you start scooping chunks of bowl and sketti up and dropping them into the trash, unable to prevent yourself from sighing in shame at the loss of the spagoot.
  7. >Oh well, there’s always the pizza, some smashed meatballs and what's left of the sauce in the pot on the stove will make a bomb-ass dip.
  8. >After you straighten the kitchen tops up, the rest the clean up actually goes pretty quickly.
  9. >There's nowhere near as much mess as it looks like as soon as you get the majority of the stuff up.
  10. >With a quick wash of the floor, a wipe down of the cupboards and counter, and five minutes of your life later you're all done.
  11. >Just like it never happened.
  12. >Grabbing your two pizza boxes on the way out of the kitchen, you put them down on your livingroom table and stick your USB stick of totally legally acquired movies that you absolutely did not download from a torrent site into your TV.
  13. >[spoiler]TV loicenses are for the weak, get cucked government.[/spoiler]
  14. >Scrolling through the list, you flop down on the couch and find it: Super Troopers.
  15. >Ever since showing her this movie, she's been in love with how stupid it is, and admittedly, it's grown on you a hell of a lot too.
  16. >She even liked that shitty sequel they did a few years ago, but you don't have the heart to tell her how bad of a movie it is. She was just happy to see her favourite characters all come back to do another movie.
  17. >As long as it makes her happy, it makes you happy though.
  18. "Paradise! Movie's set up!"
  19. >"Coming!"
  20. >Hearing the tippatappa of hooves above your head, you assume your usual position on the couch in preperation for the incoming tiny pony who will no doubt be assuming *her* usual position where she likes to sort of shuffle between you and the couch to cuddle up to you.
  21. >It's pretty comfy.
  22. >Here she comes.
  23. >Oh god, shes got her koala onesie on. You're going to die of heatstroke tonight it seems.
  24. >"I'm ready! Watch out Anon, I'm coming in for a landing."
  25. >With a little wing flutter she hops up onto the couch over the arm of the chair and gently lands with a soft pomf in a makeshift nest between you and the couch.
  26. >She really reminds you of a bird sometimes when you see how she likes to relax on the couch with a mound of pillows or something else soft to lay on. Funny that. Maybe it's a wing-thing.
  27. "We gud?"
  28. >"We guuuud."
  29. *click*
  30. >As the opening scene starts the pair of you start tucking into dinner, you haven't eaten anything since breakfast. [spoiler]You could practically eat a horse![/spoiler]
  31. >"How's your day been anyways Anon?"
  32. "It was pretty alright, had a couple of slightly chewy customers but all-in-all it was pretty great. Got paid, and got a free dinner out of it, so what's not to like? New boss seems like an alright bloke too. Doesn't take shit from anybody, though. How'd yours go?"
  33. >"It was going pretty alright until.. Y-y'know.. Got a little bit overwhelmed with things. I wanted to get it all ready for you coming home and just f-frazzled myself I think.."
  34. "Hey, it's all good. Don't worry about it."
  35. >Seeing her facial expression change to one of sort-of.. Confusion..? She continues.
  36. >"I-I'm not worried about it.. I.. I dunno how to explain. I guess I just wanted to do something nice **for you**, a-and messing it up really.. Well.. Sucked. You do so much for me, and I just wanted to repay you for that somehow.. I feel really useless sometimes when I can't always do as much as you as quickly as you can.. I'unno. It's weird."
  37. "What do you mean? You do plenty. Besides, we don't do stuff for each other like it's a contest. We're a team. You're definitely not useless, Para."
  38. >Shifting a little in her spot, she wiggles into a more comfortable position, causing you to end up in that sorta not-quite-laying-down but not-quite-sitting position and rests her head on your chest while she twiddles her front hooves together.
  39. >She looks almost.. Nervous..?
  40. >"N-no! I mean.. Yes, but no, I know.. I-uh.. Gaah.. I just wanted to do something special, I guess. I know we do everything as a unit and stuff, but like.. I mean more in a mental sorta way, I guess?"
  41. "Mental sorta way? Is that why you had a spaghetti bowl on your head? Telapathic dinner? I gotta admit, a little unconventional, but I could definitely get behind that kind of creativity."
  42. >"N.. No.. really, I'm serious.. I-I know my anxiety problems and shakiness can be a lot to deal with sometimes, and y-you give me a lot of support and you're super patient with me.. You've given me more support and patience than anyone has ever given me with this stuff.. I k-know I don't say it much, but I really appreciate just having you in my life, Anon.. I uh.. I lo.. I dunno. I'm not good with words.. I dunno how to say what I mean. I just figured dinner together would be nice after a hard day at work, and I.. I dunno.. I wanted me to be able to something that makes your life that bit better like you make mine or something.."
  43. "Like I said before though, you already *do* make my life better. We're best friends, homie. That's what I'm here for. I've always got your back, and I know you've got mine too. We're practically a kick up the flank away from drunkenly getting matching "we ride 2gether, we die 2gether" tattoos or something. I get it man, really. I do."
  44. >"Y-y'do?"
  45. "I think so, yeah. But really, don't sweat it. You don't have to do anything to prove you care, I already know you do."
  46. >"I.. I know I don't have to do anything, it's actually kinda sorta why I *want* to.. I want to because well.. y'know.. I.. I.. I feel different around you I guess. In a good way. I don't know what it is, and I don't really know how to word it.. Saying "I care about you" doesn't seem like enough. It's strange. I haven't felt it before meeting you so I can't.. I cannot into words.."
  47. >Huh..?

Change of Pace [PART 1] [NEETpone #10]

by punki

Change of Pace [PART 2] [ENDING] [NEETpone/PiE]

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Paradise Makes A Friend [O/S] [NEETpone/PiE]

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Home Alone [Paradise] [Part 1] [PiE/NEETpone #50]

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Home Alone [Paradise] [Part 2] [PiE/NEETpone #50]

by punki